BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 16/2013 Monday 28 January 2013

1 Contents

The sections which appear in today’s Business Bulletin are in bold

Section A: Today’s Business - Meetings of Committees - Meeting of the Parliament Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament Section C: Future Meetings of Committees Section D: Oral Questions - Questions selected for First Minister’s Questions - Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer Section F: Motions and Amendments Section G: Bills - New Bills introduced - New amendments to Bills - Members’ Bills proposals Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published Section I: Petitions – new public petitions Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 January 2013 Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 23 January 2013 Tuesday 29 January 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection – Beth Nicoll and Stevie Low, pupils at St. Machar Academy, Aberdeen followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Ministerial Statement: 2nd Report on Policies and Proposals (RPP2) followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Bill (for text of motion S4M-05479 see Section F) followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.30 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business - S4M-05252 James Dornan: Make Young People Your Business (for text of motion see Section F)

Wednesday 30 January 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Rural Affairs and the Environment; Justice and the Law Officers (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 24 January 2013) followed by Party Debate: Cost of Living followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

3 followed by Members’ Business - S4M-05112 Joan McAlpine: South of Scotland Television (for text of motion see Section F)

Thursday 31 January 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 24 January 2013)

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business - S4M-04971 : Work Not Play (for text of motion see Section F)

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Debate: Child Benefit followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 5 February 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 6 February 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Health and Wellbeing followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Budget (Scotland) (No.2) Bill

4 followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 7 February 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 January 2013 Section C – Future Committee Meetings

This section includes the agendas of the forthcoming committee meetings and outlines proposed future business, which may be subject to change. Committees have the right to take items in private and this will be notified as far in advance as possible.

Many committees include details of their future business on their webpages, which can be accessed at:

Health and Sport Committee 29 January 2013 3rd Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 9.45 am in Committee Room 2 1. Access to new medicines evidence session The Committee will take evidence, in round-table format, from— Andy Carver, Prevention and Care Adviser, British Heart Foundation Scotland; Professor David Newby, British Heart Foundation Chair of Cardiology and Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Lothian and University of Edinburgh; Keith AA Fox, Duke of Edinburgh British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology, University of Edinburgh; Ian Mackersie, Secretary, and Len Woodward, Treasurer, aHUSUK; Professor Tim Goodship, Professor of Renal Medicine, Newcastle University; Nancy Greig, Network Development Officer, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland, (the ALLIANCE); George Grindlay, Angus Long Term Conditions Support Groups, Lead Facilitator of ALTCSG and Non-Executive Director, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE); and then from— Alastair Kent, Chair, Rare Disease UK; Professor Peter Hillmen, Consultant Haematologist, St James University Hospital, Leeds, and Lesley Loeliger, Founder and Chairman, PNH Scotland, PNH Alliance; Dr Mark Eldon Roberts, Consultant Neurologist, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust; Joan Fletcher, Family Support Officer, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (UK); Marion Ferguson, Ivacaftor Patient Interest Group.


2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments— General Pharmaceutical Council (Amendment of Miscellaneous Provisions) Rules Order of Council 2012 SI 2012/3171 Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 (SSI 2013/4) 3. European priorities: The Committee will consider its European priorities.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 5 February, the Committee expects to take evidence on health inequalities; the Committee will also consider Petition PE1384 regarding speech and language therapists. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Education and Culture Committee 29 January 2013 3rd Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 6 1. Inquiry into decision making on whether to take children into care: The Committee will take evidence from— Kit Wyeth, Head of Children’s Hearings Team, Tom McNamara, Team Leader, Children’s Hearings Team, and Hazel Crawford, Programme Manager, Children’s Hearings Reform, Scottish Government. 2. Inquiry into decision making on whether to take children into care: The Committee will consider a note from the clerk. 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 5 February, the Committee will take oral evidence on the Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Justice Committee 29 January 2013 3rd Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1 1. Decisions on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 6 and 7 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] from— Kenny MacAskill, Cabinet Secretary for Justice; Nigel Graham, Policy Adviser, Criminal Law and Licensing Division, and Craig McGuffie, Principal Legal Officer, Solicitors Criminal Justice, Police and Fire Division, Scottish Government. 3. Subordinate legislation: Kenny MacAskill (Cabinet Secretary for Justice) to move— S4M-05457—That the Justice Committee recommends that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] be approved. 4. Prison visits: Committee members will report back from their recent prison visits. 5. Inquiry into purposeful activity in prison: The Committee will take evidence from— Colin McConnell, Chief Executive, Scottish Prison Service. 6. European Commission Work Programme: The Committee will consider its approach to scrutiny of the European Commission’s Work Programme 2013. 7. Work programme: The Committee will consider its work programme.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 5 February, the Committee expects to take oral evidence on its inquiry into purposeful activity in prisons and to consider subordinate legislation.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Subordinate Legislation Committee 29 January 2013 4th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.30 am in Committee Room 4 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 8 in private. 2. Instruments subject to affirmative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Local Government Finance (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft].


3. Instruments subject to negative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/8); Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/9). 4. Instruments not subject to any parliamentary procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (Scotland) Order 2013 (SSI 2013/3). 5. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the delegated powers provisions in this Bill at Stage 1. 6. Public Service Pensions Bill (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will consider the powers to make subordinate legislation conferred on Scottish Ministers in the Public Service Pensions Bill (UK Parliament legislation). 7. Scottish Law Commission reports: The Committee will consider the evidence given by the Convener to the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee on this issue. 8. Annual reports: The Committee will receive an update on issues raised recently with the Scottish Government.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 5 February, the Committee expects to consider subordinate legislation. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Finance Committee 30 January 2013 4th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 3 1. Budget (Scotland) (No.2) Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2. 2. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— David Melhuish, Director, Scottish Property Federation; Michael Levack, Chief Executive, Scottish Building Federation; Philip Hogg, Chief Executive, Homes for Scotland. 3. Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Financial Memorandum of the Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill from— Michael Cross, Deputy Director, Colleges and Adult Learning, Gavin Gray, Bill Team Leader, Colleges and Adult Learning, Tracey Slaven, Deputy Director, Higher Education and Learner Support Division, and Scott MacKay, Finance Business Partner, Education and Lifelong Learning, Scottish Government.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 6 February, the Committee will continue to take evidence on its Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Bill.


For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Public Audit Committee 30 January 2013 2nd Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 5 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private. 2. Section 23 report - Prescribing in general practice in Scotland: The Committee will take evidence on the Auditor General for Scotland’s report entitled "Prescribing in general practice in Scotland" from— Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland; Barbara Hurst, Director, and Tricia Meldrum, Portfolio Manager, Performance Audit Group, Audit Scotland. 3. Section 23 report - Health inequalities in Scotland: The Committee will take evidence on the joint Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "Health inequalities in Scotland" from— Professor Graham Watt, Norie-Miller Professor (General Practice and Primary Care), , and Coordinator of GPs at the Deep End; Dr Susan Langridge, GP, Possilpark Health Centre; Dr Peter Cawston, GP, Drumchapel Health Centre; Elaine Egglestone, Health Visitor, Govanhill Health Centre; and then from— Dr Linda de Caestecker, Director of Public Health, and Dr Anne Scoular, Consultant in Public Health, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health. 4. Section 23 report - NHS financial performance 2011/12: The Committee will consider correspondence from the Scottish Government and the Auditor General for Scotland on the Auditor General for Scotland’s report entitled "NHS financial performance 2011/12". 5. Consideration of approach - Prescribing in general practice in Scotland: The Committee will consider its approach to the Auditor General for Scotland’s report entitled "Prescribing in general practice in Scotland", and take evidence from— Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland; Barbara Hurst, Director, and Tricia Meldrum, Portfolio Manager, Performance Audit Group, Audit Scotland. 6. Consideration of evidence - Health inequalities in Scotland: The Committee will consider the evidence received at agenda item 3, and take evidence from— Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland; Barbara Hurst, Director, and Phil Grigor, Project Manager, Performance Audit Group, Audit Scotland.


7. Scotland Act 2012: The Committee will consider its approach to reporting on the audit arrangements for the Scottish rate of income tax powers arising from the Scotland Act 2012.

Proposed future business At its next meeting it is expected that the Committee will take evidence on reports recently published by the Auditor General for Scotland. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee 30 January 2013 4th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 4 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 and any future items on the Business in the Parliament 2013 event in private. 2. Inquiry into Underemployment in Scotland: The Committee will take evidence from— Kenny Richmond, Economics Director, Scottish Enterprise; Gerry Higgins, Chief Executive, Community Enterprise in Scotland; Jackie Brierton, MD/Policy Director, Women’s Enterprise Scotland; Garry Clark, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Scottish Chambers of Commerce. 3. Business in the Parliament 2013: The Committee will consider a paper by the clerk. 4. Inquiry into Underemployment in Scotland (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence heard.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 6 February, the Committee will continue to take evidence on its inquiry into Underemployment in Scotland.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee 30 January 2013 4th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2 1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—


Marketing of Bananas (Scotland) Regulations 2012 SSI/2012/349; Shetland Islands Regulated Fishery (Scotland) Order 2012 SSI/2012/348. 2. The Scottish Government’s 2020 Challange for Scotland’s Biodiversity: The Committee will take evidence in roundtable format from— Andrew Midgeley, Senior Policy Officer, Scottish Land and Estates Ltd; Dr Maggie Keegan, National Planning Co-ordinator, Scottish Wildlife Trust; Dr Paul Walton, Head of Conservation Policy, RSPB; Matt Shardlow, Chief Executive, Buglife; Dr Adam Smith, Director Scotland, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust; Dr Alison Hestor, Head of Theme, Safeguarding Natural Capital, James Hutton Institute; Deborah Long, Conservation Manager, Plantlife; Jonathan Hall, Director of Policy and Regions, NFUS; Professor Des Thompson, Principal Adviser on Biodiversity, Scottish Natural Heritage; Davy McCracken, Team Leader, Sustainable Ecosystems, SRUC. 3. Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider a draft Stage 1 report.

Proposed future business For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Local Government and Regeneration Committee 30 January 2013 3rd Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.45 am in Committee Room 1 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments— Local Government Pension Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/347), Non-Domestic Rate (Scotland) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/352), Non-Domestic Rates (Levying) (Scotland) (No. 3) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/353). 3. Public services reform and local government: strand 3 - developing new ways of delivering services: The Committee will take evidence from— Sir John Arbuthnott, President, The Royal Society of Edinburgh; Robert Black, Former Auditor General for Scotland. 4. Delivery of regeneration in Scotland: The Committee will consider a list of candidates for the post of adviser in connection with its forthcoming inquiry on the delivery of regeneration in Scotland.

Proposed future business The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 6 February.


For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee 31 January 2013 2nd Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 6 1. Declaration of interests: Mark Griffin will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5 and 6 in private. 3. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether its consideration of a paper on the Hybrid Bills process, its review of parliamentary reform and a paper on its inquiry into Post-Legislative Scrutiny should be taken in private at future meetings. 4. Scottish Law Commission Bills: The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk. 5. Local Motions: The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk. 6. Committee substitutes: The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk. 7. Cross-Party Group complaints procedures (in private): The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk. 8. Scotland Act 2012 (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report and draft Standing Order rule changes.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 28 February, the Committee expects to consider an issues paper on Interests of Members of the Act 2006, a paper on the Hybrid Bills process, a draft report on Scottish Law Commission Bills and a paper on its inquiry into Post-Legislative Scrutiny. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 January 2013 Section E – Written questions lodged on 25 January 2013

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an "R".

S4W-12527 : To ask the Scottish Government when it will reconvene the expert panel that it set up in 2007 to recommend measures to improve the energy performance of houses and buildings and what its (a) remit and (b) timetable will be.

S4W-12529 Ken Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Government what support it provides to holocaust education programmes.

S4W-12530 Ken Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to raise awareness in schools of holocaust memorial day.

S4W-12531 Ken Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Government what action it has taken to provide schools with reliable information about the holocaust.

S4W-12532 Ken Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Government what steps it has taken to help provide schools with first-hand accounts of the holocaust through survivor stories.

S4W-12533 Ken Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to provide school pupils with the opportunity to visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum.

S4W-12573 Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Government how many students applied for, but did not obtain, college places in 2012-13, broken down by institution.

S4W-12574 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government how many (a) fatal and (b) serious road accidents heavy goods vehicles have been involved in in the North East Scotland parliamentary region, in each of the last five years.

S4W-12575 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government how many road traffic collisions there have been in (a) Aberdeen and (b) Aberdeenshire in each of the last five years.

S4W-12576 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government how many dentists were practising in Grampian in each of the last five years.

S4W-12577 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government how many nurses there have been in NHS Grampian in each of the last five years.


S4W-12578 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government how many new business start-ups there were in (a) Aberdeen and (b) Aberdeenshire in each of the last five years.

S4W-12579 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on how many construction workers were employed in (a) Aberdeen and (b) Aberdeenshire in each of the last five years.

S4W-12580 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on how many construction companies were registered in (a) Aberdeen and (b) Aberdeenshire in each of the last five years.

S4W-12581 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government what funding it has allocated to alcohol support services in (a) Aberdeen and (b) Aberdeenshire in each of the last five years.

S4W-12582 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government what funding it has allocated to mental health services in (a) Aberdeen and (b) Aberdeenshire in each of the last five years.

S4W-12583 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government whether there have been changes to the original timescale for the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route.

S4W-12584 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government when it will announce whether it has secured the funding for the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route under the non-profit distributing funding mechanism.


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 January 2013 Section F – Motions and Amendments

Motions and amendments are normally printed the day after they are lodged. If an amendment is lodged to a motion then the original motion will appear alongside the amendment, along with any support lodged that day, in this section.

Each Monday, this section also contains all motions and amendments lodged the previous week that are still live and any motions and amendments that have been lodged for debate in the coming week. A motion or amendment is live if it has not been debated, withdrawn or otherwise deleted from the list.

Where a motion or amendment has been withdrawn, it is indicated in this section the day after it has been withdrawn. Support for motions and amendments received after they are lodged is shown at the end of this section the day after such support is received.

Motions and amendments can be published with various symbols:

 Asterisks before the motion or amendment number indicate a motion or amendment published for the first time;

 Asterisks also identify alterations to the text of a motion or amendment made since it was first published;

 A hash symbol identifies motions eligible for debate at Members’ Business;

 A diamond symbol identifies motions lodged for Members’ Business that have not yet attracted the required cross-party support;

 An "R", identifies motions or amendments in which the Member who lodged it has a registrable interest.

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments not scheduled for debate and which are over six weeks old.

A search facility is also available on the Scottish Parliament web site at

Any questions in relation to this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk, for which contact details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


New and altered motions and amendments

*S4M-05486 Elaine Smith: RMT, 20th Anniversary of Privatisation—That the Parliament recognises the week beginning 21 January 2013 as the 20th anniversary of railway privatisation; welcomes calls from rail unions to use this opportunity to consider renationalisation; understands that the privatisation of the railway caused ticket prices to increase and services to decrease and that commuters are paying among the highest rail fares in Europe; encourages debate on railway renationalisation, and commends the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) for its continued work on this issue.

Supported by: Patrick Harvie*

*S4M-05485 Hugh Henry: Ofcom Should Think Again—That the Parliament understands with concern that Ofcom has failed to address adequately the dangers to the Royal Mail’s provision of the universal service obligation; believes that the regulator has allowed delivery competition to be introduced without putting in place any safeguards to ensure that, in the event of losing a substantial amount of such work, the Royal Mail is still able to fund the universal service; understands that Ofcom has not placed an obligation on competitors to meet the Royal Mail’s delivery standards or to publish details of delivery performance in a manner accessible to customers and the public, and believes that Ofcom should reconsider its position and guarantee that the Royal Mail is not subjected to unfair competition in delivery provision.

Supported by: Kenneth Gibson*, Graeme Pearson*, *

*S4M-05484 Hugh Henry: Condemning the Cut to Criminal Injuries Compensation—That the Parliament condemns what it understands is a £50 million cut in the levels of criminal injuries compensation; believes that this will affect 90% of the victims of serious crime; understands that compensation will be denied to victims who have bones broken or receive facial scarring through assaults; regrets any loss of earnings payments being removed from the families of homicide victims; believes that these cuts are unfair and unnecessary, and hopes that there will be a more humane attitude in order to restore justice to the victims of crime.

Supported by: Patrick Harvie*, David Stewart*, Iain Gray*, Hanzala Malik*

*S4M-05483 Kenneth Gibson: The Company They Keep—That the Parliament notes with concern reports that the opposition media in Kazakhstan, which has been under what it considers the dictatorial rule of Nursultan Nazarbayev since 1991, endured unprecedented governmental pressure last year, with radio stations, newspapers and periodicals critical of the regime forced to close, prompting Freedom House to rank Kazakhstan as the 175th most free country out of 197 in its report, Freedom of the Press 2012: Breakthroughs and Pushback in the Middle East; in view of this, regrets what it considers to be the intimate relationship that the former Labour prime minister, Tony Blair, has nurtured with what is considered the authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan; notes that the Financial Times reported on 21 October 2011 that Mr Blair had ―added Kazakhstan to his roster of oil-rich clients, advising the


authoritarian Central Asian regime on economic reforms and how to present a better face to the west‖; understands that, less than two months later, on 16 December 2011, 15 people were killed in a violent police crackdown at a protest for higher wages in Kazakhstan’s oil-rich Mangystau region; further understands that, on 24 April 2012, the BBC reported that Mr Blair had agreed to appear in a Kazakhstani Government "promotional video", which Human Rights Watch subsequently described as giving a ―sanitised image of this repressive country‖; understands that some reports have indicated that Mr Blair’s contract with the Kazakhstani Government may be worth as much as £16 million over two years; considers that other prominent Labour Party figures have also been linked with what is considered the undemocratic regime in Kazakhstan, including the former European commissioner and Labour peer, Peter Mandelson, and the former director of communications and strategy, Alastair Campbell, and believes, therefore, that the comment of the deputy leader of the Labour Party in Scotland, MP, that "There is a majority Government—in effect, a dictatorship in the Scottish Parliament" at an absolute minimum, highly imprudent in relation to the democratically elected Scottish Parliament in light of the close links that very prominent figures associated with his party, including the Labour Party’s longest-serving prime minister and leaders of the New Labour project, appear to have developed with what it sees as Kazakhstan’s dictatorial regime.

Supported by: Bill Walker*, Kevin Stewart*, Chic Brodie*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*

*S4M-05482 Roderick Campbell: Beam Me Up—That the Parliament notes the recent scientific breakthrough by Dr Tomas Cizmar of the University of St Andrews and Dr Oto Brzobohaty and Professor Pavel Zemanek of the Institute of Scientific Instruments in the Czech Republic in creating a "tractor beam"; understands that the beam presently works on a microscopic level and is capable of exerting a reverse force on matter when interacting with light in certain parameters; further understands that this will be the first time that a beam of light has been used to attract, rather than repel, solid objects; notes that work on this sort of project has been ongoing since the 1970s but this most recent breakthrough is the first successful exercise of the technology in practice; appreciates that it is some time before the means will be available to go star trekking across the universe and that the technology available is not quite of the same scale as that used by Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise, but hopes that this discovery can be used in a practical, cost-effective way in the near future.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn*, Mike MacKenzie*, Annabelle Ewing*, Bill Walker*, Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*

*S4M-05481 Nigel Don: Kincardineshire Builder Scoops Top Industry Award— That the Parliament congratulates the Laurencekirk-based building firm, Peterkin Homes Ltd, which has scooped what is considered a prestigious Master Builder of the Year Award, taking the New Homes in Scotland prize; notes that this is the fourth time that Peterkin Homes Ltd has won the regional award in the last 10 years; believes that the Master Builder of the Year Awards, a nationwide search by the Federation of Master Builders to find the best builders in the UK, is unique because nominations must come from a satisfied client and builders are judged on their technical ability as well as their customer service skills; understands that Peterkin


Homes Ltd was chosen by the region’s judges to win the New Homes prize and will now go through to compete in the national finals, and notes that the national winners of the 11th Master Builder of the Year Awards will be announced by the architect and TV presenter, George Clarke, who will present what it considers the coveted accolades at a ceremony at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel in London on 20 March 2013.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn*, Mike MacKenzie*, Kenneth Gibson*, Stuart McMillan*, Joan McAlpine*, Annabelle Ewing*, Kevin Stewart*, Alex Johnstone*, Rob Gibson*

*S4M-05480 Tavish Scott: Frankie’s Fish and Chips Wins Multiple Awards— That the Parliament congratulates Frankie’s Fish and Chips, Brae in Shetland, on winning multiple awards at the 2013 National Fish and Chip Awards in London on 24 January 2013; notes that Frankie’s won the Staff Training and Development Award, the From Field to Frier Award, the Amanda Seafood Challenge and the Young Fish Frier of the Year award, which went to Carlyn Kearney, and was runner-up in the Good Catch Award; commends all the staff at Frankie’s Fish and Chips for their hard work and dedication, and hopes that this win will attract even more people to Brae to sample the award-winning fish and chips and see some of the best fish friers in the UK in action.

Supported by: John Finnie*, Jamie McGrigor*, Jamie Hepburn*, Patrick Harvie*, Liam McArthur*, Annabelle Ewing*, Anne McTaggart*, Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*, Alison Johnstone*

*S4M-05479 Kenny MacAskill: Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Bill—That the Parliament agrees that the Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Bill be passed.

Supported by: *

*S4M-05478 Colin Keir: South Queensferry Lifeboat Busiest in Scotland —That the Parliament notes the vital service that the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) performs, saving 140,000 lives at sea since its foundation in 1824; considers that the RNLI Queensferry Lifeboat Station has had a landmark year with the move to its state-of-the-art lifeboat station at Hawes Pier and the delivery of the latest Atlantic 85 lifeboat, Jimmie Cairncross; understands that statistics show that the station is the busiest in Scotland for the second consecutive year; recognises the dedication of the 14-strong crew of volunteers, who are on call 24 hours a day and who spent over 350 hours at sea in 2012 for a variety of calls, and applauds the efforts of the crew who, in 2012 alone, rescued 163 people.

Supported by: Angus MacDonald*, Alex Johnstone*, Kenneth Gibson*, Aileen McLeod*, Jamie Hepburn*, Mike MacKenzie*, Annabelle Ewing*, Roderick Campbell*, Bill Walker*, Hugh Henry*, Gordon MacDonald*, Kevin Stewart*, *, Dennis Robertson*, Chic Brodie*, Bruce Crawford*, Rob Gibson*, Richard Lyle*, Alison Johnstone*


*S4M-05477 Bob Doris: Julie Love Nominated as Evening Times Scotswoman of the Year—That the Parliament congratulates Julie Love, a resident of Maryhill, on being nominated for the Evening Times Scotswoman of the Year award; understands that the nomination recognises her successful campaign to extend the power of the Lord Advocate to direct fatal accident inquiries into the deaths of Scots overseas and that the Scottish Government has agreed to introduce such legislation in this parliamentary session; notes that Ms Love was also nominated for her establishment of Death Abroad, You’re Not Alone, a group that campaigns to improve the support on offer to families who experience bereavement overseas, following the death of her son, Colin, in Venezuela in 2009; pays tribute also to the achievements of the other nominees, Katherine Grainger, Isabel McCue, Erin McNeill, Blanche Nicolson and Lisa Stephenson, and applauds the Evening Times on its 50th year running the awards.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn*, Chic Brodie*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*

S4M-05476 Kenneth Gibson: Childhood Asthma Admissions Decline after Smoking Ban—That the Parliament notes a recent study published in the journal, Paediatrics, which highlighted that the number of childhood asthma admissions has significantly dropped since the implementation of the smoking ban; understands that, before the introduction of the ban on smoking in public places in 2002, asthma admissions were rising by more than 2% per year and that the study indicated that, within the first year of the anti-smoking legislation, admissions decreased by 12%; notes comments by Professor Christopher Millett, the lead researcher of the study, in which he welcomed changes in public behaviour, stating that "people are adopting smoke-free homes when these smoke-free laws are introduced and this is because they see the benefits of smoke-free laws in public places such as restaurants and they increasingly want to adopt them in their home"; commends the success of anti- smoking laws, and looks forward to further anti-smoking measures being introduced in the years ahead.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Annabelle Ewing*, Stuart McMillan*, Chic Brodie*, Bill Walker*, Richard Simpson*, Roderick Campbell*, Anne McTaggart*, Angus MacDonald*, Mike MacKenzie*, Stewart Maxwell*, John Mason*, Rob Gibson*, Hanzala Malik*, *, John Finnie*, Joan McAlpine*, Jamie Hepburn*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05475 Mike MacKenzie: Rona Wilkie’s Year as BBC Scotland’s Young Traditional Musician—That the Parliament congratulates Rona Wilkie on what it considers her successful time as BBC Scotland’s Young Traditional Musician of the Year 2012; notes that Rona will be performing her new composition, Ceangailte (Connected), at the Mitchell Theatre in Glasgow on 27 January 2013; understands that this work draws on many aspects of her diverse expertise; notes that Rona and her Norwegian music partner, Marit Falt, will release their debut album, Turas, in March 2013; considers that Rona is a great ambassador and a credit to Oban, Argyll and Bute and to Scotland, and wishes her every success for the future.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, John Wilson, Richard Lyle, Annabelle Ewing, Jamie McGrigor, , Bill Walker*, Anne McTaggart*, Roderick Campbell*,


Angus MacDonald*, Adam Ingram*, Stuart McMillan*, Bob Doris*, Jackie Baillie*, John Finnie*, Joan McAlpine*, Jamie Hepburn*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05474 Jayne Baxter: City Farms and Gardens, More than Just Growing— That the Parliament welcomes the work being done by the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens in partnership with Trellis and the Community Land Advisory Service to promote, represent and support community-managed farms and gardens across Scotland; recognises the diversity in size and type of the projects they support and that projects are shaped to reflect the community in which they are situated; pays tribute to the work and energy of what it understands is the more than 12,500 Scots involved in such projects every year across over 500 community, therapeutic and allotment garden projects; celebrates what it considers to be the huge benefits for health, learning, the environment, social enterprise and for children, families and volunteering; considers that other key benefits of such projects are regeneration and social inclusion for traditionally hard-to-reach groups; encourages people across Scotland to get involved in community farming and growing; applauds the ongoing work of the Federation of City Farms and Gardens, Trellis and the Community Land Advisory Service in supporting communities to come together to grow, and wishes community farm and garden projects across Scotland, such as the Community Gardens in Burntisland, every success in the future.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Dennis Robertson, Mary Scanlon, Helen Eadie, Alex Fergusson, Graeme Dey, Elaine Murray, Patrick Harvie, Dave Thompson, Nigel Don, John Mason, Hanzala Malik, Mike MacKenzie, Kenneth Gibson, Duncan McNeil, Alison Johnstone, Richard Lyle, John Wilson, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Aileen McLeod*, Anne McTaggart*, Richard Simpson*, Liam McArthur*, Angus MacDonald*, Stuart McMillan*, Claudia Beamish*, Jackie Baillie*, Jamie Hepburn*, Kevin Stewart*, Lewis Macdonald*

S4M-05473 Dennis Robertson: Huntly, One of Scotland’s Creative Places—That the Parliament congratulates Huntly in Aberdeenshire on being named one of Scotland’s most creative places at an awards ceremony run by Creative Scotland; understands that the ceremony celebrated communities with a strong cultural life; welcomes Huntly’s initiative, The Town is The Venue, which uses its streets as a studio, gallery and open-air performance space, and welcomes the Creative Places initiative, which has awarded three towns a cash prize to invest in local culture.

Supported by: Nanette Milne, Stuart McMillan, Jean Urquhart, Annabelle Ewing, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, Helen Eadie, Nigel Don, Mike MacKenzie, Hanzala Malik, Adam Ingram, Bob Doris, Alison McInnes, Richard Lyle, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart*, Maureen Watt*, Angus MacDonald*, Alex Johnstone*, Joan McAlpine*, Jamie Hepburn*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05472 Bob Doris: Congratulations to Royston at Work Graduates—That the Parliament congratulates the 11 young adults who were the first group to graduate from the Royston at Work project at a ceremony held in the Millburn Centre in Royston; notes that graduates were commended at the ceremony for their achievements by both the Minister for Youth Employment, Angela Constance, and the award-winning actor, Paul Brannigan; welcomes the success of the project, which involves personal development and team activities, college training and work


placements over a six-month period; applauds the help that the project has provided to graduates in improving their skills and self-confidence, gaining qualifications and enhancing their opportunity to move into paid employment; welcomes also the £152,000 grant from the Big Lottery’s Our Place fund and £15,600 from the Glasgow Regeneration Agency; appreciates the efforts of key partners, including North Glasgow College, Toonspeak and Royston Youth Action; acknowledges the central role of the Rosemount Development Trust directors and staff in committing to this vital project; pays particular tribute to the course leader, Nicola Connelly, for what it considers her sheer drive in developing and delivering the course, and wishes the 11 graduates and their families every success for the future.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Dennis Robertson, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Colin Beattie, Roderick Campbell*, Angus MacDonald*, Mike MacKenzie*, Joan McAlpine*, Jamie Hepburn*, Rob Gibson*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05471 Jamie Hepburn: Whitelees Primary School and IF Scotland Campaign—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign in Scotland on 23 January 2013; understands that the campaign is being coordinated by a coalition of different organisations including the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF), Oxfam, Islamic Relief, the Scotland Malawi Partnership and Christian Aid, and is designed to call on the UK Government to use its presidency of the G8 organisation to take action on the root causes of the hunger crisis in the poorest countries; understands that the campaign specifically calls on the G8 to tackle what they have defined as "the four big ifs" to ensure that there is enough food for everyone on the planet and to tackle global hunger; is delighted that Whitelees Primary School in Cumbernauld took part in the launch event when the school’s own band, The School of Rock, performed in front of a crowd of around 200 people gathered at the event and sang its own song, If You, If We, If Everyone, which deals with the themes of the campaign; recognises that this follows similar efforts by Whitelees Primary School, which previously recorded its own song about fair trade with the assistance of Cumbernauld College and sold copies to raise funds for SCIAF; congratulates Whitelees Primary School and its head teacher, Ann Kay, on their continued approach to encouraging interest in global citizenship, and wishes the school and the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign all the best in their efforts.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Stuart McMillan, Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Anne McTaggart, Bob Doris, Gil Paterson, Hanzala Malik, Roderick Campbell, Rob Gibson, , Chic Brodie, Nigel Don, Mike MacKenzie, John Mason, John Wilson, Colin Beattie, Angus MacDonald*, Jackie Baillie*, Joan McAlpine*

S4M-05470 Stuart McMillan: Congratulations to Wemyss Bay Primary School— That the Parliament congratulates Wemyss Bay Primary School in Inverclyde on receiving an excellent report from Education Scotland; welcomes the key strengths of the school that were highlighted in the report, including having very courteous and confident children who enjoy learning and staff teamwork that supports children in their learning; understands that the staff review their teaching approaches in order to continuously improve children’s learning experiences, and recognises the headteacher’s leadership in developing and promoting high-quality learning.


Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Roderick Campbell, Annabelle Ewing, Adam Ingram, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Richard Lyle, Bob Doris, Rob Gibson, Stewart Stevenson, Mike MacKenzie, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Joan McAlpine*, Duncan McNeil*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05469 Dennis Robertson: Big Lottery Funding in Aberdeenshire West— That the Parliament congratulates Aboyne Primary School, Alford Academy and Banchory Academy on their awards totalling £5,410 from the Big Lottery Fund’s 2014 Communities programme; understands that the funds will be used to promote sport and physical activity as well as bringing together communities; supports Banchory Academy in using its £1,610 grant for a new extracurricular dance club to engage more young people in physical activity; praises Alford Academy’s use of its £2,000 grant to fund girls’ sporting facilities, equipment and volunteer training; welcomes Aboyne Primary School’s proposal to run a series of dance taster sessions for all of the pupils in the Aboyne Cluster with its £1,800, and believes that all three of these projects will have a positive impact on their youth and communities.

Supported by: Stuart McMillan, Nanette Milne, Annabelle Ewing, Adam Ingram, Jamie Hepburn, Anne McTaggart, Bob Doris, Richard Lyle, Stewart Stevenson, Mike MacKenzie, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Maureen Watt*, Alex Johnstone*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05468 Dennis Robertson: Scottish Women’s Convention—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Women’s Convention on the organisation of the Young Women’s Event in Glasgow on 8 December 2012; notes that the event was organised by and for young women on the issues that matter for women in Scotland today; supports the guest speakers and organisations, and believes in the future work of this organisation in supporting and encouraging young women.

Supported by: Stuart McMillan, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Drew Smith, Anne McTaggart, Annabelle Ewing, Adam Ingram, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Bob Doris, Richard Lyle, Stewart Stevenson, Mike MacKenzie, Christina McKelvie, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Jackie Baillie*, Joan McAlpine*, Alex Johnstone*, Bruce Crawford*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05467 James Kelly: Blantyre Soccer Academy Launches New Disability Football Club—That the Parliament notes that Blantyre Soccer Academy, a football club and charitable organisation formed in 1987, is set to open a brand new disability football club on 3 March 2013, which it understands will be open to players of all abilities aged from five to 16; acknowledges that Blantyre Soccer Academy was recently recognised with what it considers the prestigious Community Club Quality Mark and Disability Award at the Scottish Football Association’s south west region presentation at Hampden Park; understands that, since its inception, the academy has been run solely by volunteer coaches and administrative staff and that over 190 young boys and girls currently attend the academy and enjoy what it considers positive living, nutrition and exercise through football; congratulates all those involved with Blantyre Soccer Academy who, it considers, work very hard to ensure that local young people have access to sporting opportunities and are able to learn more about team work and social engagement and responsibility, and believes that the academy is an asset for the whole community.


Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Bruce Crawford, Dennis Robertson, Jamie Hepburn, Richard Lyle, Bob Doris, Hanzala Malik, Stewart Stevenson, Nigel Don, Mike MacKenzie, Colin Beattie*, Stuart McMillan*, Jackie Baillie*, John Finnie*

S4M-05466 Willie Coffey: Congratulations to Kilmarnock—That the Parliament congratulates Kilmarnock and East Ayrshire on winning Creative Scotland’s 2013 Creative Place award for places with fewer than 100,000 residents; considers that this award was fully deserved, recognising Kilmarnock’s vibrant arts and music scene, which sees events of various genres such as the Kilmarnock Edition Festival and the Summer Symphony take place throughout the year; understands that Kilmarnock overcame strong competition from the other shortlisted places in its category, and wishes Kilmarnock all the best in using the £150,000 prize money to further expand its arts and music scene in future years.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Roderick Campbell, Annabelle Ewing, Stuart McMillan, Angus MacDonald, Adam Ingram, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Bob Doris, Rob Gibson, Stewart Stevenson, Jean Urquhart, Mike MacKenzie, Kenneth Gibson, John Wilson, Colin Beattie, Alex Johnstone*, Joan McAlpine*

S4M-05465♦ James Dornan: The Cedar Network—That the Parliament commends the work done by third sector organisations, including the Cedar Network, in assisting women and young people who are affected by domestic abuse; notes that a branch of the Cedar Network has been established in Glasgow, adding to the network in Scotland; considers the work that it does with women and children, through group work and support, to be hugely important in their recovery from domestic abuse; notes its close working relationship with a number of third sector and statutory organisations such as the Castlemilk Domestic Abuse Project; considers that the inclusion of trained facilitators from a wide range of statutory and voluntary agencies helps to foster a multi-agency support network that is crucial to the success of the project; highlights research conducted by Nancy Lombard, a lecturer in social policy at Glasgow Caledonian University, on young people’s attitudes toward violence, which suggests that engaging young people in discussions on violence will help challenge gendered perceptions of violence, and considers this move toward education on violence and support for women and children to be key in helping to break cycles of domestic abuse.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Dennis Robertson, Mark McDonald*, Liam McArthur*, Annabelle Ewing*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*, Kenneth Gibson*, Chic Brodie*, Rob Gibson*, Richard Lyle*

S4M-05464 Graeme Dey: Big Lottery Fund Grants for Angus—That the Parliament notes that several grants, amounting to £7,638, have been awarded by the Big Lottery Fund to schools and youth projects in Angus; notes that Woodlands Primary School in Carnoustie has received £890, Northmuir Primary School in Kirriemuir has received £962, and Arbroath High School, Hayshead Primary School and the CAFÉ Project in Arbroath have received £1,835, £2,000 and £1,951 respectively, and wishes them all every success with the projects and activities that these grants will fund.


Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Annabelle Ewing, George Adam, Dennis Robertson, Anne McTaggart, Rob Gibson, Stuart McMillan, Stewart Stevenson, Adam Ingram, Chic Brodie, Nigel Don, Mike MacKenzie, Bob Doris, Richard Lyle, Colin Beattie, Nanette Milne, Roderick Campbell*, Angus MacDonald*, Alex Johnstone*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05463 Mike MacKenzie: Creative Orkney—That the Parliament congratulates Orkney on being a runner-up in Creative Scotland’s 2013 Creative Place award for places with fewer than 100,000 residents; notes that the winner was announced on 23 January 2013 at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews; considers it an achievement to be shortlisted for the award, along with East Lothian and the winner, Kilmarnock and surrounding area, for its wide involvement of the whole community as well as the track record of its existing plans, and wishes Orkney and its creative community all the best for 2013 and beyond.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Jamie McGrigor, David Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Bob Doris, Rob Gibson, Liam McArthur, Bill Walker, Mary Scanlon, Dennis Robertson, Gil Paterson, Willie Coffey, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram, Jamie Hepburn, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Jean Urquhart, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Angus MacDonald*, John Finnie*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05462 Jean Urquhart: Faroese Withdrawal from Herring International Management Plan—That the Parliament expresses its concern at the Faroe Islands’ withdrawal from international sharing arrangements for the Atlanto-Scandian herring stock; understands that this withdrawal will result in the Faroe Islands setting its own unilateral quota for the species and that the Faroe Islands has previously withdrawn from international stock management plans for mackerel, which has since led to mackerel being removed by the Marine Conservation Society from its list of fish suitable to eat; considers the future of sustainable fisheries to lie in internationally agreed stock management plans and not in unilateral action, and supports the calls of the Scottish fishing industry, which continues to fish sustainably, for sanctions to be imposed unless all concerned parties can reach an agreed management plan.

Supported by: Graeme Dey, Bill Walker, Dennis Robertson, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, John Finnie, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05461 Graeme Dey: Funding Boost for Camera Obscura—That the Parliament notes the recent award of £20,000 to Kirriemuir’s Camera Obscura attraction, which is run by the National Trust for Scotland; understands that this funding forms part of the Thrive to Survive cultural heritage scheme set up by Angus Council and will be used for the upkeep and promotion of the attraction; further understands that the attraction, situated on Kirrie Hill, is one of only three such camera obscuras in Scotland; notes that it was gifted to the town by Peter Pan creator, JM Barrie, in 1930, and welcomes what it sees as this boost to enticing more visitors to the attraction and to other National Trust for Scotland heritage sites in the Angus area.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Jamie McGrigor, Bob Doris, Stewart Stevenson, Stuart McMillan, Chic Brodie, Nanette Milne, Mike MacKenzie, Alex Johnstone, Jean


Urquhart, Adam Ingram, Dennis Robertson, Colin Keir, Gil Paterson, Roderick Campbell, Jamie Hepburn, Richard Lyle, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Angus MacDonald*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05460 Bob Doris: Users of Adult Day Centres Must Have a Say in their Future—That the Parliament understands that Glasgow City Council has refused to facilitate a meeting for the 520 users of the city’s seven day centres for adults with learning disabilities despite plans to close three of the centres, which will see 320 service users denied a place and potentially isolate the 200 most vulnerable people in the remaining four centres; considers that the ability of service users and families to meet and discuss the future of these services is a fundamental right and that, as a matter of urgency, the council must ensure that such a meeting takes place; believes that the refusal to allow service users and their families to participate in the development of plans demonstrates a flawed consultation process that is designed only to affirm pre-determined closure plans, and contends that the process should be restarted and should involve real engagement with those with the greatest stake in the future of the day centres.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Dennis Robertson, Christina McKelvie*, Chic Brodie*, Joan McAlpine*, Richard Lyle*, Kenneth Gibson*, Rob Gibson*

S4M-05459 Bob Doris: Assistance for Services Coping with UK Benefit Cuts— That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Government on announcing the provision of an extra £5.4 million to agencies helping those facing the brunt of UK benefit cuts; understands that this new package of funding will support the provision of frontline advice and support to people across Scotland, with £300,000 injected into services such as those provided by Citizens Advice Scotland, a £1.7 million fund to directly support advice services and a further £3.4 million to help organisations seeking to mitigate the impact of welfare reform; considers that tax credit changes alone will see over 100,000 households in Scotland suffer a budget reduction, 88% of whom are couples with children who will find themselves on average to be £700 a year worse off, and understands that the pace, scale and impact of the UK Government’s benefits changes are a real cause for concern and that the impact of these cuts will extend across Scottish society, with vulnerable groups, women and working families the most likely to suffer.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Dennis Robertson, George Adam*, Roderick Campbell*, Angus MacDonald*, Kenneth Gibson*, Mike MacKenzie*, John Mason*, Joan McAlpine*, Annabelle Ewing*, Christina McKelvie*, Kevin Stewart*, Bruce Crawford*, Chic Brodie*, Rob Gibson*, Richard Lyle*

*S4M-05459.1 Drew Smith: Assistance for Services Coping with UK Benefit Cuts—As an amendment to motion S4M-05459 in the name of Bob Doris (Assistance for Services Coping with UK Benefit Cuts), after "welfare reform;" insert "understands with regret that these services had to wait 18 months longer than the rest of the UK to receive this assistance;"

Supported by: Jackie Baillie*, *, Iain Gray*, Richard Simpson*, Anne McTaggart*, Hugh Henry*, Hanzala Malik*, Patricia Ferguson*


S4M-05457 Kenny MacAskill: Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft]—That the Justice Committee recommends that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: Roseanna Cunningham

S4M-05456 Bill Walker: Christmas Story Raises Funds for African Children— That the Parliament commends Joan Newbigging on her voluntary work with Educate the Kids, a charity founded in 1998, which, it understands, believes that education is the key to ensuring that children in Africa have their needs met and their rights upheld; understands that Ms Newbigging volunteered to work for three months at a school in Kenya and has recently published a book, The Christmas Child, which has so far raised £240 for Educate the Kids, and wishes Educate the Kids and Ms Newbigging further success.

Supported by: David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Richard Lyle, Dave Thompson, Mike MacKenzie, Dennis Robertson

S4M-05455 Patricia Ferguson: Royston at Work Project—That the Parliament recognises the Royston at Work project, which aims to provide opportunities for young people and give them the skills and experience to help them into employment; congratulates the first 11 trainees to graduate from the project; notes that, while studying at North Glasgow College in order to gain important qualifications, they have been involved in a diverse range of activities such as progressing to a Duke of Edinburgh Award and volunteering with Forestry Commission Scotland; believes them to be an inspiration to other young people in their community; praises the Rosemount Development Trust and its directors and staff, particularly Maureen Flynn and Sharon Ross for their encouragement; also praises Nicola Connelly, who leads the course and whose enthusiasm is clearly communicated; welcomes the contribution to the graduation ceremony by the award-winning actor, Paul Brannigan, which it believes was excellent; notes the support received from the Big Lottery’s Our Place fund and the Glasgow Regeneration Agency; further notes the involvement of Toonspeak and Royston Youth Action, and looks forward to what it sees as this important training programme continuing to make a difference to the lives and opportunities available to young people in Royston.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Iain Gray, Hanzala Malik, Colin Beattie, Margaret McCulloch, Drew Smith, Richard Lyle, Annabelle Ewing, Anne McTaggart, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Kenneth Gibson, Nigel Don

S4M-05454 Neil Findlay: The Great Payroll Scandal—That the Parliament welcomes the report, The Great Payroll Scandal, which has been published by the construction workers’ union, UCATT; acknowledges the report’s claim that many companies in that sector engage workers on false self-employed contracts, which give them all of the attributes of being an employee but none of the rights; notes that the report suggests that companies are profiteering through such arrangements by avoiding having to pay national insurance contributions, holiday or sick pay or make pension arrangements; believes that this can lead to so-called self-employed workers being sacked with no protection in law, and calls on Scotland’s construction firms,


public sector bodies and the Scottish and UK governments to engage with UCATT and other unions to ensure that this issue is addressed at every level.

Supported by: Drew Smith, Iain Gray, David Stewart, Richard Lyle, Anne McTaggart, Hugh Henry, Jean Urquhart, Richard Simpson, Jackie Baillie, Patricia Ferguson, Patrick Harvie, John Finnie, Claudia Beamish, Jamie Hepburn, Mark Griffin, Sarah Boyack, Elaine Murray, Elaine Smith*

S4M-05453 Joan McAlpine: Congratulations to Hightae Primary School—That the Parliament congratulates Hightae Primary School near Lockerbie on, it understands, becoming the first school in Scotland to receive excellent reports in all five ratings categories under new guidelines that take into account the introduction of the Curriculum for Excellence; understands that the inspection report describes the pupils as being articulate and high-achievers, and welcomes that the report pays tribute to the outstanding leadership of the head teacher, Mrs Judith Jardine, and the teamwork shown by the school’s staff.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Stuart McMillan, Jim Hume, Aileen McLeod, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram, Chic Brodie, Colin Beattie, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Bob Doris

S4M-05451 Angus MacDonald: Support Scotland’s Responsible Mackerel Fishing Industry—That the Parliament considers that the Marine Conservation Society’s reported claim that mackerel is no longer a sustainable choice of fish is deeply flawed; believes that mackerel is being fished sustainably by Scotland’s fishing industry; understands that, in line with scientific advice, the EU and Norway have agreed to make a 15% reduction in their mackerel catches to safeguard the future of stocks; considers that this was necessary due to irresponsible behaviour in recent years by the fleets of Iceland and the Faroe Islands, which, it believes, have overfished their quota by a factor of 10, the equivalent of the whole of the EU’s mackerel quota; believes that such action by those countries is clearly unsustainable and that, while the stock is currently at sustainable levels, it would, in time, become unsustainable due to their overfishing; calls on the market to differentiate between mackerel caught by Scotland’s vessels and that caught by irresponsible fleets; welcomes what it sees as the commitment by all of the main retailers that continue to stock mackerel caught by Scotland’s fleet; calls on everyone in Scotland to support the fishing industry, especially at a time when what is considered the irresponsible actions of other country’s fishermen poses a real threat to the livelihoods of those working in it, and, with sensible proposals, would welcome the return of Iceland and the Faroe Islands to the negotiating table at the earliest opportunity.

Supported by: Chic Brodie, Annabelle Ewing, Colin Beattie, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Christine Grahame, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram, Gordon MacDonald, Joan McAlpine, Jamie McGrigor, Bruce Crawford, Bill Walker, Rob Gibson, Aileen McLeod, Mike MacKenzie, Jean Urquhart, Graeme Dey, David Torrance, Dave Thompson, Alex Fergusson, Jamie Hepburn, Mary Scanlon, Gil Paterson, Christina McKelvie, George Adam, Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05450# Sarah Boyack: Enough Food for Everyone IF Scotland Plays its Part—That the Parliament notes the recent figures from the Food and Agriculture


Organization of the United Nations suggesting that 870 million people, or one in eight, were affected by chronic undernourishment in the period 2010 to 2012; welcomes the campaign, Enough Food for Everyone IF, which was launched on 23 January 2013; understands that this has the support of nearly 100 organisations across the UK; notes that a number of these bodies are also members of the Network of International Development Organisations in Scotland, which recently organised the Scotland v Poverty Exhibition that travelled to various venues around the country, including the Lothians, to draw attention to Scotland’s response to global poverty and hunger; understands that the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign calls on the UK Government to meet its promise of spending 0.7% of national income on overseas aid and to use its presidency of the G8 in 2013 to push for global action to tackle tax dodging by multinational companies, end land grabs affecting poor farmers in developing countries and introduce greater transparency by companies and governments in order to enable citizens to hold the powerful to account and ensure that resources are used to help poor people; understands that the campaign has also launched a Scottish manifesto that argues that the country can play its part in ensuring that there is enough food for everyone if it supports the Climate Justice Fund, actively supports fair and ethical trading through its procurement processes, contributes to the global debate on land rights, invests in global citizenship education and audits the impact of Scotland’s public and private sector on developing countries, and hopes that the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign is a success.

Supported by: Richard Simpson, John Finnie, Christine Grahame, Alison McInnes, Richard Lyle, Hanzala Malik, Drew Smith, Anne McTaggart, Hugh Henry, Malcolm Chisholm, Mike MacKenzie, Jean Urquhart, Neil Findlay, Alison Johnstone, Jackie Baillie, Patricia Ferguson, John Pentland, Patrick Harvie, Margaret McCulloch, Claudia Beamish, Jamie Hepburn, Rob Gibson, Mark Griffin, Elaine Murray, John Mason, Stuart McMillan*, Bruce Crawford*

S4M-05449 Kevin Stewart: Street Begging—That the Parliament notes concern at suggestions that local bye-laws could be used to ban non-aggressive begging; considers that those forced to beg often do so as a result of significant underlying problems and that such laws could drive those begging further from the help that they need, and calls on any local authority considering action to reduce begging to work with the appropriate charities to devise an action plan that tackles the roots of the problem rather than stigmatising the worst-off in society.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Patrick Harvie, David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Richard Lyle, Adam Ingram, Chic Brodie, Annabelle Ewing, Dave Thompson, John Mason, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Jean Urquhart, Gil Paterson, Christina McKelvie

S4M-05448 Kevin Stewart: Congratulations to Adrian Watson—That the Parliament congratulates Chief Superintendent Adrian Watson on his appointment as the local police commander for Aberdeen; notes that he joined Grampian Police in 1986, was seconded to both the Scottish Business Crime Centre and the Scottish Government, is the current match commander for Aberdeen FC and is a burgess of Aberdeen, and wishes Chief Superintendent Watson all the best in this, the latest role in what is considered his distinguished career.


Supported by: Roderick Campbell, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Richard Lyle, Adam Ingram, Chic Brodie, Colin Beattie, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05447 Liam McArthur: Citizens Advice Scotland’s Report, Advice in Detail: Energy—That the Parliament welcomes the Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) report, Advice in Detail: Energy, assessing the types of issues that its clients required advice about, including problems with household energy bills; notes with concern the findings that by 2011-12 the average household energy bill was double what it had been eight years previously and that it is set to rise beyond £1,500 by 2015; supports the call by CAS for better targeted help to be provided for those having problems meeting these dramatic increases; understands in particular that many customers in Orkney, with one of the highest levels of fuel poverty anywhere in the country, have seen their bills rise by much more than the headline figures announced by the power companies in the autumn; believes that fuel poverty, which affects one third of Scottish households, remains far too high; understands that the Scottish CAB Service helped nearly 7,400 people with 9,500 different energy issues in 2011-12, and congratulates all those working for the service on what it considers the invaluable support and advice that they provide to some of the most vulnerable people in the community.

Supported by: Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, Christine Grahame, Alison McInnes, Roderick Campbell, Bruce Crawford, Jim Hume, Annabelle Ewing, Dennis Robertson, Mike MacKenzie, Malcolm Chisholm, Jean Urquhart, Patrick Harvie, Jackie Baillie, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Anne McTaggart, Sarah Boyack, Elaine Murray

S4M-05446 Tavish Scott: Record Year for Shetland Fish—That the Parliament understands that, in 2011, the value of fish landed in Shetland increased to a new record of over £90 million; believes that the figures, which were released by the NAFC Marine Centre in Scalloway, show an increase in value that follows the general upward trend over the last decade and that the value of fish landed has more than quadrupled since 2000; understands that pelagic fish accounted for around 78% of the fish weight landed in Shetland in 2011 and 68% of the value, that the figures for whitefish were 19% and 27% and that for shellfish they were 2% and 3%; believes that, in 2011, just under 25% of all fish in Scotland and 15% for the UK was landed in Shetland and that more fish were landed in Shetland’s ports than in any other port in the UK except Peterhead; notes that finfish landings in Shetland were higher than in England, Wales and Northern Ireland combined and that Shetland’s fishing vessels accounted for one fifth of all fish landed by vessels from Scotland and more than one tenth of that of UK vessels, and believes that these figures demonstrate the important role that Shetland’s fishing industry, and the waters around Shetland, play in both a Scottish and a UK context.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor, Mary Scanlon, Mike MacKenzie, Graeme Dey, Colin Beattie, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Jean Urquhart, Gil Paterson

S4M-05445 Liam McArthur: In Praise of Primula Scotica—That the Parliament considers that Primula Scotica, or Scottish primrose, is as an iconic feature of the


landscape of the north of Scotland, most notably in Orkney; believes that this species faces many challenges, but that it remains a symbol of Scotland’s resilient ecosystem; commends Plantlife Scotland for championing Scottish primrose and what are considered other important species; welcomes the production by Plantlife Scotland of new guides for landowners and land managers looking to protect this and other varieties of flora, and wishes it well in its efforts to promote its work, including an event in the Parliament on 24 January 2013.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, John Mason, Bill Walker, Colin Beattie, Stewart Stevenson, David Stewart, Roderick Campbell, Rob Gibson, Fiona McLeod, Willie Coffey, Jayne Baxter, Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald, Claudia Beamish, Jim Hume, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Patricia Ferguson, Adam Ingram, Colin Keir, Jamie McGrigor, Christine Grahame, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, Dave Thompson, Bruce Crawford, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray

S4M-05443 Bruce Crawford: World Scotch Pie Championships—That the Parliament notes the success of the Stirlingshire butcher, Cameron Skinner, at the recent 14th World Scotch Pie Championships; understands that his company, T&R Skinner, which has won similar awards in previous years, plays an integral part in village life in Kippen and has served the area for three generations; believes that the championships, which are presented by the Scotch Pie Club, aim to highlight the high-quality artisan pastry products that bakers and butchers can create, and congratulates Cameron and his staff on winning top awards at gold and diamond level for their steak and scotch pies.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, John Lamont, Adam Ingram, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Bob Doris, Hanzala Malik, Roderick Campbell, Murdo Fraser, Aileen McLeod, Graeme Dey, Rob Gibson, Stewart Stevenson, Mike MacKenzie, Nigel Don, John Wilson, Colin Beattie, Bill Walker*, Angus MacDonald*, Alex Johnstone*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05442 Roderick Campbell: Against the Death Penalty—That the Parliament is deeply concerned by reports from Indonesia that a UK citizen, Lindsay Sandiford, has been sentenced to death by firing squad for drug trafficking; accepts that, although drug trafficking is a serious offence, no person should ever be killed as a punishment for their crime, and adds its voice to what it believes are the many others urging the UK Government to do all that it can to prevent the Indonesian authorities from carrying out the sentence.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Jackie Baillie, Gil Paterson, John Finnie, Bill Kidd, Patricia Ferguson, Joan McAlpine, Dennis Robertson, Hugh Henry, Jean Urquhart, Anne McTaggart, Iain Gray, Colin Beattie, Stewart Stevenson, Patrick Harvie, Malcolm Chisholm, Bob Doris, Rob Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Christina McKelvie, Adam Ingram, Colin Keir, Richard Lyle, Christine Grahame, Jamie Hepburn, Claudia Beamish, Dave Thompson

S4M-05441 Nigel Don: Indian Republic Day—That the Parliament congratulates India on its 64th Republic Day; understands that, to mark the importance of the occasion, every year a grand parade is held in the capital, New Delhi, from the Raisina Hill near the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the President’s Palace, along the Rajpath,


past India Gate; notes that, prior to its commencement, the Prime Minister lays a floral wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti, a memorial to unknown soldiers at the India Gate at one end of the Rajpath, and believes that every country has a right to self- governance if that is the will of its people.

Supported by: Bruce Crawford, Annabelle Ewing, Joan McAlpine, Kevin Stewart, Bill Kidd, Roderick Campbell, John Finnie, Bob Doris, Rob Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Jim Eadie, Dennis Robertson, Adam Ingram, Christine Grahame, Stuart McMillan, Jamie Hepburn, Dave Thompson

S4M-05440 Dennis Robertson: Welcoming Police Scotland’s Local Commanders—That the Parliament welcomes the appointment of the 14 local commanders for the Police Force of Scotland; believes that they will be both recognisable and visible in communities across the country; congratulates Chief Superintendent Mark McLaren on being appointed as the local commander for Aberdeenshire; notes his long service with Grampian Police, which he joined as a cadet in 1983, and supports the new force, the local commanders and their staff in their efforts to reduce crime.

Supported by: John Finnie, Roderick Campbell, Annabelle Ewing, Anne McTaggart, Kenneth Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Bill Walker, Colin Beattie, Stewart Stevenson, Bill Kidd, Bob Doris, Rob Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Stuart McMillan, Richard Lyle, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, George Adam

S4M-05440.1 Mary Scanlon: Welcoming Police Scotland’s Local Commanders—As an amendment to motion S4M-05440 in the name of Dennis Robertson (Welcoming Police Scotland’s Local Commanders), after "Aberdeenshire" insert "and Moray, as Mr McLaren will be the local commander for both his current division in Grampian Police and the current Moray division".

Supported by: Bill Walker, John Lamont, Dennis Robertson, John Finnie, Jackson Carlaw, Margaret Mitchell, Jamie McGrigor, Anne McTaggart, Jamie Hepburn

S4M-05439 Christine Grahame: Watch the Birdie—That the Parliament commends the RSPB for its Big Garden Birdwatch, which takes place on 26 and 27 January 2013 and involves a simple count of the birds in people’s garden or local park over a one-hour period; notes that the findings should be reported to the RSPB using the form on its website; understands that this may be the world’s largest wildlife survey, and, apart from providing invaluable data, notes that people can access tips on encouraging birdlife into their gardens and parks.

Supported by: Colin Beattie, Annabelle Ewing, Chic Brodie, Nanette Milne, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram, Richard Simpson, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Bruce Crawford, Joan McAlpine, Jamie McGrigor, Stuart McMillan, David Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Kenneth Gibson, Dennis Robertson, Mary Scanlon, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Gil Paterson, Bob Doris, John Mason

S4M-05438 Bill Kidd: Discriminatory Banking Practices—That the Parliament deplores the policy decision that it understands has been taken by HBOS Lloyds Banking Group to refuse to offer Scottish children the same higher interest savings


accounts offered through its subsidiaries to children in the rest of the UK; understands that a Kids’ Regular Saver account with Halifax offers a 6% interest rate, compared with a Bank of Scotland Young Saver account that offers an interest rate of only 2%; believes that Scottish Halifax customers can service and close their Halifax accounts at Bank of Scotland branches yet are unable to open new accounts because they do not live near a Halifax branch; questions the rationale behind what it sees as the group’s decision to limit young customers’ access to products that will more greatly benefit their futures on the basis of where they live; believes that, while Halifax and Bank of Scotland are now reported to be independently operated, HBOS Lloyds Banking Group should be held responsible for positioning its subsidiaries to offer competing products with"region-restricted" access, and calls on HBOS Lloyds Banking Group to ensure that children in Scotland are entitled to products of equal value to those available to children in the rest of the UK.

Supported by: John Wilson, Joan McAlpine, Roderick Campbell, Graeme Dey, Annabelle Ewing, John Mason, Kevin Stewart, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, John Finnie, Jean Urquhart, Rob Gibson, Colin Beattie, Bill Walker, Bob Doris, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Colin Keir, Richard Lyle, Christine Grahame, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, Bruce Crawford, Stuart McMillan

S4M-05437 Colin Beattie: £398,128 for a Sure Start—That the Parliament congratulates Midlothian Sure Start on receiving a £398,128 Investing in Communities 2 - Supporting 21st Century Life grant from the Big Lottery Fund; understands that Midlothian Sure Start’s Promoting Resilience project aims to support dads to be, dads and grandparents to improve their family relationships and resilience through a range of interventions; notes that such interventions include classes on baby massage, brain developments in babies and babies and play; understands that, over three years, the project will support 170 dads to be, 90 dads and 90 grandparents across Midlothian, and wishes all the dads to be, dads, grandparents and the team at Midlothian Sure Start success in their programme.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Stuart McMillan, Dennis Robertson, Annabelle Ewing*, Bill Walker*, Anne McTaggart*, Angus MacDonald*, Kenneth Gibson*, Rob Gibson*, Bob Doris*, Mike MacKenzie*, Adam Ingram*, Joan McAlpine*, Hanzala Malik*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-05436 Colin Beattie: £10,000 for Play Time—That the Parliament congratulates the Midlothian Association of Play on securing £10,000 from the Big Lottery Communities and Family Fund; understands that the grant will deliver a number of community play schemes, hosting up to 230 children, and that these will take place in Woodburn, Mayfield and Gorebridge during the Easter and Summer holidays in 2013; further understands that the grant will pay for a sessional co- ordinator, sessional playworkers and transport and recruitment costs; applauds the Scottish Government on contributing £4.5 million over the next three years to the Communities and Family Fund, which, it understands, will also receive £1.5 million from the Big Lottery Fund, and wishes Midlothian Association of Play continued success in implementing its play schemes.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Joan McAlpine, Kevin Stewart, George Adam, Adam Ingram, Rob Gibson, Bob Doris, Roderick Campbell, Annabelle


Ewing, Bill Kidd, Bill Walker, Stewart Stevenson, Jim Eadie, Richard Lyle, Chic Brodie, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance

S4M-05435 Christina McKelvie: Improving the Lives of Refugees in Scotland after the Referendum: An Appraisal of the Options—That the Parliament welcomes the report, Improving the Lives of Refugees in Scotland after the Referendum: An Appraisal of the Options, which was published by the Scottish Refugee Council at its recent annual general meeting; notes that the report sets out the Scottish Refugee Council’s key principles for a fair and humane refugee protection system; believes that the Scottish Refugee Council, as a charity, does not feel that it has a role in the political debate on the merits or otherwise of the current constitutional settlement or independence for Scotland, but considers that the debate on Scotland’s future does provide the Scottish Refugee Council with an opportunity to put forward its vision for a fair and just asylum system that offers a safe country of refuge and allows it to set the tone of debate on this issue, which, it believes, can help to show the world the civic-mindedness of Scots and the responsibility that Scotland takes as a nation.

Supported by: John Finnie, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram, Joan McAlpine, Stuart McMillan, Bruce Crawford, Richard Lyle, Dennis Robertson, Annabelle Ewing, Chic Brodie, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Jean Urquhart, David Torrance, Patrick Harvie, Kevin Stewart, Dave Thompson, Aileen McLeod, Gil Paterson, Bob Doris, John Mason

S4M-05434 Alison Johnstone: Gift Voucher Protection—That the Parliament expresses its concern that there are no regulations covering the validity of gift vouchers with which retailers have to comply; considers that this causes distress to consumers when firms go into administration; welcomes the decision by HMV’s administrators, Deloitte, to accept HMV gift vouchers; understands that the retail gift voucher system in the UK is thought to be worth up to £46 million a year, and calls on the UK Government to consider how regulations can be brought in to fully protect consumers who buy vouchers.

Supported by: Patrick Harvie, John Finnie, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Jackie Baillie, Richard Lyle, Christine Grahame, Gordon MacDonald, Bill Walker, Dennis Robertson, Chic Brodie, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, Graeme Dey, Kevin Stewart, Gil Paterson

S4M-05434.1 Kezia Dugdale: Gift Voucher Protection—As an amendment to motion S4M-05434 in the name of Alison Johnstone (Gift Voucher Protection), leave out from "calls" to end, and insert "supports Labour MPs at Westminster, including the Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs, who lobbied HMV and Deloitte to reverse the original decision, which, it understands, could have resulted in the loss of over £100 million for consumers with vouchers that would have been worthless, in continuing to call for UK ministers to look at how consumers can be better protected by law when companies go into administration, including by honouring gift cards and vouchers."

Supported by: Hanzala Malik, Iain Gray, Jackie Baillie, , Neil Findlay, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Sarah Boyack, Elaine Murray


S4M-05433 Hanzala Malik: Congratulations to St Andrew’s School—That the Parliament congratulates St Andrew’s RC Secondary in Carntyne, which is located in what is considered to be one of the most deprived areas of Scotland, on being given an outstanding inspection report by Education Scotland; notes that the school was awarded three excellent and two very good ratings by inspectors; welcomes the report on St Andrew’s School, which it understands serves some of the poorest postcodes in the UK, such as Easterhouse, Cranhill, Ruchazie and Shettleston, and congratulates the school on its achievement.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Dennis Robertson, Bob Doris, Christina McKelvie, Bill Kidd, Patricia Ferguson, Annabelle Ewing, Jamie McGrigor, Anne McTaggart, Hugh Henry, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Bill Walker, Stewart Stevenson, Jim Eadie, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05431 Alison Johnstone: Welcoming Pedal on Parliament 2—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of Pedal on Parliament 2; notes that the event, which is scheduled to take place on 18 May 2013, aims to promote an eight-point manifesto that includes calls for proper funding for cycling, safer speeds where people live, work and play, the integration of cycling into local transport strategies and a strategic and joined-up programme of road-user training; believes that around 3,000 cyclists participated in the inaugural event in 2012 by cycling from the Meadows to the Parliament to call for greater investment in cycling in order to make it a realistic choice for everyone from eight to 80; considers that such investment would have health, environmental, social and economic benefits; believes that increasing investment in cycling must be a priority for the Scottish Government, and looks forward to welcoming what it sees as this inspirational and well-supported grassroots campaign to the Parliament.

Supported by: Patrick Harvie, Tavish Scott, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Jayne Baxter, John Wilson, Jean Urquhart, Neil Findlay, John Finnie

S4M-05425 Bill Walker: EU Co-equal Successor States—That the Parliament welcomes the opinion of Professor David Scheffer, the Harvard and Oxford-educated American international lawyer and academic, that both Scotland and the rest of the UK will become ―co-equal successor states‖ to the EU in the event of Scotland regaining independence; considers the contributions of such leading authorities as Professor Scheffer, whose posts have included Special Advisor to Madeleine Albright at the United Nations, first US Ambassador-at-large for War Crimes Issues under Bill Clinton’s administration and lecturer at North Western University School of Law, to be extremely valuable in helping the Scottish electorate reach an informed decision in the run-up to the independence referendum; hopes that the professor’s contribution will both reassure and be welcomed by those who are concerned about whether or not Scotland would have to reapply to join the EU after independence, and considers the main threat to Scotland’s continuing membership of the EU to come from Westminster, where factions of MPs on both the Conservative and Labour benches are reported to be pressing their leaders for an in-out EU referendum for the UK.

Supported by: Richard Lyle, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, John Mason, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Jim Eadie, Colin Keir, Christine Grahame, Dave Thompson, Stuart McMillan*, Willie Coffey*, Mike MacKenzie*, John Finnie*


S4M-05423 Jean Urquhart: Crofting Connections—That the Parliament notes the launch of Crofting Connections 2013-15 at Plockton High School on 18 January 2013; understands that Crofting Connections is a project designed to educate people aged 5 to 16 in remote, rural communities about crofting; further understands that phase one of Crofting Connections, which ran from 2009 to 2012, educated over 2,500 pupils from 59 schools across the Highlands and Islands; believes that, with the average crofter over the age of 55, it is vital for the sector to encourage young people to consider the crofting lifestyle; considers the continuation of crofting to be pivotal for the economic, cultural and agricultural future of the Highlands and Islands, and wishes all of those who continue to contribute to its success all the best for phase two of the project.

Supported by: Chic Brodie, Jamie McGrigor, Mark McDonald, Hugh Henry, Liam McArthur, Bill Walker, Rob Gibson, Bill Kidd, Roderick Campbell, David Torrance, Angus MacDonald, Dennis Robertson, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, John Finnie, Bruce Crawford, Kevin Stewart, Mary Scanlon, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Dave Thompson

S4M-05422 Hanzala Malik: Real Efforts of Keeping Democracy Alive in Pakistan—That the Parliament acknowledges with satisfaction reports that the government of Pakistan has reached an amicable resolution of the country’s recent political impasse; hopes that this augurs well for the promotion of participatory democracy and that the elections that are due to be held in 2013 are conducted in a free, fair and transparent manner, and believes that this is yet another victory for democracy for the people of Pakistan.

S4M-05421 Jenny Marra: Mental Health Services for Deaf Children and Young People—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of the Helping Hand campaign by the National Deaf Children’s Society, the Scottish Council on Deafness and its Deaf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services group, which highlights increasing concern around the mental health of Scotland’s deaf children and young people; notes the concern that 40% of Scotland’s reported 3,500 deaf children experience mental health problems compared to 25% of other children; understands that, although deaf children are in need of specialist mental health provision, Scotland currently has none; further understands that other parts of the UK have well developed provision of specialist child and adolescent mental health services for deaf children; calls on the Scottish Government to build on the model that it has already developed for the provision of a specialist Scotland-wide mental health service for deaf adults based at St John’s hospital in Livingston and set up a specialist child and adolescent mental health service for deaf children and young people; understands that the campaign will be exhibited in the Parliament from 5 to 7 February 2013, and encourages all members to visit the exhibition stand and pledge their support.

Supported by: Hanzala Malik, Patricia Ferguson, Mark Griffin, Jackie Baillie, Malcolm Chisholm, Iain Gray, Alison Johnstone, Anne McTaggart, Neil Findlay, Mary Fee, Hugh Henry, Duncan McNeil, Jayne Baxter, Claudia Beamish, James Kelly, Drew Smith, Alison McInnes

S4M-05420 Bill Kidd: Julie’s Wilderness Project—That the Parliament applauds the activist and adventurer, Julie McElroy, who is set to hold her third annual outdoor


weekend challenge; notes that Julie, who is 26 and has cerebral palsy, established this event in order to offer disabled people between the ages of 18 and 25 a chance to enjoy Scotland’s countryside; understands that the 2013 trip, which will take place in the autumn, will find the group camping at Ben Lomond and that Julie will encourage participants to complete the Discovery level of the John Muir Award, which is an environmental award scheme that encourages people of all backgrounds to connect and also enjoy and care for wild places; notes that, in 2011, Julie completed the John Muir Conserver Award, the highest level of the scheme, and was honoured as a Scotswoman of the Year 2011 finalist in recognition of her many wilderness trips and challenges that aim to encourage disabled people to explore the natural world; commends the project on what it considers its contribution to the spirit of 2013 as the Year of Natural Scotland, and wishes Julie and this year’s participants a wonderful and successful trip.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Joan McAlpine, Stuart McMillan, Chic Brodie, Mark McDonald, Alison Johnstone, Annabelle Ewing, Anne McTaggart, Bill Walker, Roderick Campbell, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Bob Doris, John Wilson, Adam Ingram, Jackie Baillie, David Torrance, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Colin Keir, Maureen Watt*

S4M-05419 Graeme Dey: Scots Scotch Pie Success—That the Parliament notes Scotland’s success at the Scotch Pie World Championships, where the overall winner of the sausage roll category was MacDonald Brothers of Pitlochry, with gold medals awarded to the JM Bakery of Carnoustie and Alex Mitchell Butchers of Glenrothes, and further recognises that the butcher, DH Robertson of Arbroath, secured a bronze medal for its beef bourguignon pies.

Supported by: Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Murdo Fraser, Mark McDonald, Annabelle Ewing, Jamie McGrigor, Joan McAlpine, Alex Johnstone, Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Adam Ingram, Gordon MacDonald, Bill Walker, Roderick Campbell, Kevin Stewart, Bill Kidd, David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Maureen Watt, Mike MacKenzie, Bob Doris, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Christine Grahame

S4M-05418 Kevin Stewart: Charlie House Appeal, Care, Support and Respite— That the Parliament congratulates the organisers of the Charlie House Appeal for what it considers to be its successful launch at the Marcliffe Hotel and Spa, Aberdeen on 18 January 2013; understands that the aim of the Charlie House Appeal is to raise funds to secure appropriate respite care in the north east for disabled children and young people with complex medical needs; calls on public sector bodies to do all that they can to support what it considers this ambitious project, and wishes the Charlie House Appeal all the best in its endeavours.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Dennis Robertson, Nanette Milne, Joan McAlpine, Mark McDonald, George Adam, Annabelle Ewing, Rob Gibson, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Chic Brodie, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, David Torrance, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Hugh Henry, Colin Beattie, Bob Doris, Alison McInnes, Maureen Watt*


S4M-05417 Kevin Stewart: ACSEF, Building on Success—That the Parliament notes the publication of the five-year economic action plan for Aberdeen city and Aberdeenshire, Building on Success, by Aberdeen City and Shire Economic Forum (ACSEF); hails the cooperation between local businesses, Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire councils, Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce, Skills Development Scotland, Visit Scotland and academic institutions that it considers has helped boost Aberdeen’s economy; notes that the plan sets out a number of projects covering infrastructure and connectivity, skills and intellectual capital and company growth and inward investment; hopes that this plan will lead to continued sustainable growth and help cement the north east’s place in the global economy, and wishes the ACSEF partners all the best for the future.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Nanette Milne, Joan McAlpine, Bill Walker, Graeme Dey, Mark McDonald, Annabelle Ewing, George Adam, Rob Gibson, Stuart McMillan, Anne McTaggart, Adam Ingram, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Chic Brodie, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, David Torrance, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Colin Keir, Maureen Watt*

S4M-05416 Stewart Maxwell: Holocaust Memorial Day 2013—That the Parliament notes that 27 January 2013 marks Holocaust Memorial Day, the 68th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and an opportunity for schools, colleges, faith groups and communities across Scotland to remember the six million men, women and children murdered by the Nazi regime in occupied Europe; further notes that the theme of Holocaust Memorial Day 2013 is Communities Together: Build A Bridge; values the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Lessons from Auschwitz Project, which gives two post-16 students from every school and college in Scotland the opportunity to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau; applauds Beth Nicoll and Stevie Low, two students from St Machar Academy in Aberdeen, who took part in the project and who will deliver the Parliament’s Time for Reflection message on 29 January 2013; celebrates the Holocaust survivors who have enriched Scotland as a nation, and re-commits to ensuring that racism, sectarianism and bigotry are never allowed to go unchallenged in Scotland.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Alex Fergusson, Annabelle Ewing, Chic Brodie, Murdo Fraser, Ken Macintosh, John Finnie, Stuart McMillan, Jamie McGrigor, Liam McArthur, Patricia Ferguson, Margaret Mitchell, Rob Gibson, Bill Walker, John Lamont, Kenneth Gibson, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Margaret McCulloch, Joan McAlpine, Aileen McLeod, Rhoda Grant, Kevin Stewart, Hugh Henry, Bill Kidd, John Mason, Richard Lyle, Maureen Watt, Jim Eadie, Michael McMahon, Graeme Dey, Hanzala Malik, Angus MacDonald, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Simpson, Bob Doris, Tavish Scott, Drew Smith, Jackson Carlaw, Jackie Baillie, David Torrance, Jean Urquhart, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, Elaine Smith, Anne McTaggart, Annabel Goldie, Colin Keir, Alison McInnes, Christine Grahame, Jayne Baxter, Lewis Macdonald, Dave Thompson, Kezia Dugdale

S4M-05415 Margaret McDougall: Save the University Marine Biological Station Millport—That the Parliament notes with concern that the University Marine Biological Station Millport, which is an institute of the University of London, is under threat of having its funding removed; understands that the station has been used by


Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Napier, Heriot-Watt and West of Scotland universities and that, in 2012, 533 Scottish university students and 521 English university students used the facility; further understands that it provides 30 quality jobs to residents on the Isle of Cumbrae; believes that the loss of this station could cost the local economy up to £2 million and have an impact on school provision and other public services; welcomes the 10,000 strong petition that was presented to the Scottish Government; urges the First Minister to consider this petition, and calls on the Scottish Government to work with others in education, industry and statutory bodies to ensure that the University Marine Biological Station Millport remains open.

Supported by: Neil Findlay, Anne McTaggart, Bill Walker, Elaine Murray, Hanzala Malik, Richard Simpson, Margaret McCulloch, Rhoda Grant, Hugh Henry, Annabel Goldie, Jackson Carlaw, Margaret Mitchell, Jayne Baxter

S4M-05414 Sandra White: Oscar Nomination for 5 Broken Cameras—That the Parliament congratulates Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi on having their documentary, 5 Broken Cameras, nominated for an Academy Award; notes the achievement in itself of being nominated for the Best Feature-length Documentary; commends Emad Burnat on what it considers his bravery while recording this raw account of life in the Palestinian town of Bil’in; appreciates the continuing struggle of those Palestinian communities who are defenceless against the expansion of the Israeli state, which it considers often unlawfully evicts communities from their ancestral homes; welcomes continued Palestinian/Israeli collaborations, such as between Mr Burnat and Mr Davidi, in order to one day bring a peaceful resolution to this region, and wishes the film every success at the Oscars on 24 February 2013 at the 85th Academy Awards.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Hugh Henry, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Chic Brodie, Kevin Stewart, John Finnie, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, David Torrance, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Bob Doris, Christine Grahame

S4M-05413 Sandra White: Trade School Glasgow—That the Parliament commends the work of Trade School Glasgow, an alternative learning space established by Social Care Ideas Factory, a membership organisation that pioneers different ideas and opportunities to connect social care in communities; understands that Trade School Glasgow is the first of its kind in Scotland and the first in the world to focus its classes on practical subjects on and around social care and community development; believes that the second term of Trade School Glasgow will start at the end of January 2013 and will offer a variety of classes ranging from Speak with Confidence to Social Networking and Social Media Without Fear, which aim to build stronger and more involved communities in Glasgow; hopes that the success of Trade School Glasgow will act as an incentive to other communities to introduce a similar model, and wishes all those involved the best of success.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Joan McAlpine, Annabelle Ewing, Kenneth Gibson, Dennis Robertson, Mark McDonald, Stuart McMillan, Hanzala Malik, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Chic Brodie, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Hugh Henry, Colin Beattie, Bob Doris, Colin Keir


S4M-05412 Bruce Crawford: Good Luck to Real Food Café, Tyndrum—That the Parliament congratulates the Real Food Café in Tyndrum on being nominated as Best Independent Foodservice Outlet Serving Fish and Chips in the 2013 National Fish and Chip Awards; notes that what it considers this fine establishment was also the winner of three Great Taste of Britain Awards in 2012 for its raisin and seed flapjack, gluten-free chocolate brownie and its fruitcake; praises the owners and staff on this achievement, and hopes that the Real Food Café can go on and win the big prize when the overall winner from the final three chippies is chosen in a ceremony in London on 24 January 2013.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, George Adam, Graeme Dey, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, Jamie McGrigor, Gordon MacDonald, Hanzala Malik, Angus MacDonald, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Chic Brodie, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Murdo Fraser, Roderick Campbell, Stuart McMillan, Richard Simpson, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Colin Keir, Margaret McCulloch, Maureen Watt*

S4M-05411 Roderick Campbell: Chillilicious Student Partnership—That the Parliament welcomes the partnership between the Ceres-based food company, Chillilicious, and Spud Henderson from Anstruther and Mayumi Sekiguchi from Newburgh, who are students at the Scottish Rural University College Elmwood Campus; understands that the students will carry out a 12-week product development work placement as part of their Higher National Certificate (HNC) course in Professional Cookery; understands that they will work with Chillilicious to develop new product ideas and use travel sponsorships to help with their HNC course; notes that Spud previously won a Cook Off competition with Chillilicious in 2012; hopes that this will allow the students to complete their course and gain related employment; praises the link that has been established between the Elmwood Campus and food business in the area, and hopes that all of the parties involved can grow from strength to strength.

Supported by: Bill Kidd, Bob Doris, Joan McAlpine, Richard Lyle, Angus MacDonald, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Stuart McMillan, Kevin Stewart, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Colin Keir, Maureen Watt*

S4M-05410 David Torrance: Congratulating Penumbra Kirkcaldy—That the Parliament congratulates Penumbra on 10 years of mental health support for young people in Fife; understands that the charity’s Kirkcaldy branch provides community support to young people aged 12 to 21 by talking about mental health at their schools and youth organisations as well as offering one-to-one referrals to those facing difficulties such as bullying, low self-esteem or social isolation; believes that Penumbra’s approach of preserving mental health through early intervention, be it through individual support or generally raising awareness for mental wellbeing with young people, has helped thousands in past years; considers the work of Penumbra’s staff and volunteers to be vitally important to young people’s development and the prevention of serious mental health issues, and hopes that they will be able to continue what it considers their exceptional work for many more years to come.


Supported by: Bill Kidd, Bill Walker, Joan McAlpine, Angus MacDonald, Dennis Robertson, Rob Gibson, Annabelle Ewing, Jackie Baillie, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Simpson, Adam Ingram, Murdo Fraser, Stuart McMillan, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart

S4M-05409 Jackie Baillie: Cervical Cancer Prevention Week—That the Parliament notes that 20 to 27 January 2013 is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, which aims to help raise awareness of cervical cancer and how it can be prevented; understands that, although all women aged 20 to 60 are invited to a free cervical screening test every three years, many, particularly those from disadvantaged areas, never arrange an appointment; recognises that the NHS offers free HPV immunisation and urges women to attend for cervical screening; understands that 2,851 women in the UK were diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2010 and that, in the same year, 936 died from the condition, and commends the European Cervical Cancer Association on launching Cervical Cancer Prevention Week.

Supported by: Nanette Milne, Drew Smith, Dennis Robertson, Patricia Ferguson, James Kelly, Christina McKelvie, Graeme Dey, John Finnie, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, Jamie McGrigor, Hugh Henry, Angus MacDonald, Hanzala Malik, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Malcolm Chisholm, Margaret Mitchell, Kenneth Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Claudia Beamish, Liam McArthur, Alison Johnstone, Mary Fee, Stuart McMillan, Siobhan McMahon, Margaret McCulloch, Rhoda Grant, Maureen Watt, Richard Simpson, Jackson Carlaw, Sarah Boyack, Jean Urquhart, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Aileen McLeod, Anne McTaggart, Annabel Goldie, Jayne Baxter

S4M-05408 Jackie Baillie: Viking Project Unveiled—That the Parliament welcomes the archaeological project, Hidden Heritage of a Landscape: Vengeful Vikings and Reckless Rustlers, between Arrochar and Tarbet, which aims to learn how the Vikings used the isthmus between Loch Lomond and Loch Long to advance their exploits in 1263; notes that volunteers from the area are being sought to help with researching place names, surveying the landscape using geophysics equipment and excavating specific historical features; understands that a conference, Hidden Heritage, will be held in 2014 to display the volunteers’ work and disseminate the findings of their research, and encourages everyone to consider volunteering.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Patricia Ferguson, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, Jamie McGrigor, Angus MacDonald, Hanzala Malik, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Chic Brodie, Kenneth Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Rhoda Grant, Bruce Crawford, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Annabel Goldie, Margaret McCulloch, Stuart McMillan

S4M-05406 Margaret Mitchell: Project Linus UK—That the Parliament acknowledges the ongoing work of Project Linus UK, which is a volunteer-run, non- profit organisation that aims to provide a sense of security and comfort to children up to 18-years-old who are seriously ill, traumatised or otherwise in need through donating gifts of new homemade blankets and quilts that have been created by volunteer blanket makers; congratulates Project Linus UK on producing and donating 285,530 items across the UK since April 2000, with over 5,000 donated in Scotland in 2012; commends the efforts of its Lanarkshire branch, which, in 2012, made and


donated 972 items that were not only distributed to individuals but to a wide variety of organisations, including Hamilton Social Work, the Princess Royal Neonatal Unit at Wishaw General Hospital and the Lanarkshire-based charity, Circle; believes that these quilts and blankets are an enormous source of comfort for those who receive them, and wishes the volunteers at the Lanarkshire branch of Project Linus UK, those who donate materials for making the quilts and Linus volunteers across Scotland the best for 2013.

Supported by: Bill Kidd, Jamie McGrigor, Dennis Robertson, Alison Johnstone, Alex Johnstone, Christina McKelvie, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Jackie Baillie, Kenneth Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Anne McTaggart, Murdo Fraser, Maureen Watt, Richard Simpson, Jackson Carlaw, Bruce Crawford, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Annabel Goldie, Stuart McMillan

S4M-05405# Bob Doris: Electrical Safety in the Private Rented Sector—That the Parliament is committed to raising housing standards in the private rented sector (PRS), particularly with regard to electrical safety; understands that tenants in the PRS in Glasgow and across Scotland are more at risk of electric shock than those in other tenures; believes that this is due to a number of factors, including poor maintenance and a lack of knowledge among landlords of their responsibilities; considers that this issue will be exacerbated if PRS tenure continues to grow without any changes to sector governance; commends the work of the Electrical Safety Council and other organisations in educating tenants and landlords about electrical safety, and, in order to protect tenants against death and injury through electric shock or fire and improve electrical safety in PRS homes, welcomes the continuation of the dialogue between the Scottish Government and the PRS, including that in relation to the forthcoming Housing Bill.

Supported by: Bill Kidd, George Adam, Dennis Robertson, John Mason, Graeme Dey, Christina McKelvie, John Finnie, Richard Lyle, Stuart McMillan, Gordon MacDonald, Roderick Campbell, Angus MacDonald, Annabelle Ewing, Chic Brodie, Mike MacKenzie, Drew Smith, Adam Ingram, Hanzala Malik, Maureen Watt, Jean Urquhart, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, Sarah Boyack, Colin Keir

S4M-05404# Jamie McGrigor: The Clyde Fishery—That the Parliament notes the presentation given in Committee Room 5 on 17 January 2013 on the history of the Clyde Fishery from 1950 by the past chairman of the Clyde Fishermen’s Association, Mr Kenneth MacNab, of Tarbert in Argyll and Bute; notes that the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, , who was in attendance along with other members, staff, government officials and senior officers of Marine Scotland, described Mr MacNab’s knowledge as ―invaluable‖; notes that Mr MacNab drew on his first-hand experience of fishing the Clyde waters for over 40 years and set out a range of concerns regarding the future of the fishing sector in that area, and considers that local practical knowledge, combined with scientific evidence, can help achieve sustainable fisheries and fishing communities in the Clyde estuary and elsewhere on the west coast.

Supported by: Alex Johnstone, Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, John Lamont, Murdo Fraser, Bill Walker, Claudia Beamish, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Richard Lyle, Angus


MacDonald, Mary Scanlon, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Kevin Stewart, Margaret Mitchell, Jackson Carlaw, Jamie Hepburn, Annabel Goldie, Stuart McMillan

S4M-05252# James Dornan: Make Young People Your Business— That the Parliament welcomes the Skills Development Scotland campaign, Make Young People Your Business; notes that the campaign highlights that only 25% of businesses in Scotland have recruited young people straight from school, college or university in the last two to three years; considers that there is a false perception that young people who come straight from education are not ready for the workplace and that this perception makes it harder for young people to gain work experience; further considers that this perception flies in the face of research, with the majority of those taking on young people finding them ready for the workplace, demonstrated in the UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey 2011, which noted that 68% of businesses found that school leavers were ready for work and 82% of further education college leavers and 86% of university leavers were ready for work; highlights the website at, which helps ensure that employers in Glasgow and across the country are aware of the financial support and assistance available to them, and welcomes efforts to encourage employers to help young people build their skills base by looking favourably on Scotland’s young people and the fresh talent that they bring with them.

S4M-05219# Dave Thompson: Prohibit Cold Calling for Property Maintenance and Repairs—That the Parliament welcomes the campaign by the Scottish branch of the Trading Standards Institute (TSI) that seeks to introduce legislation to prohibit cold calling for the purposes of property maintenance and repairs on the grounds of community safety; notes that TSI Scotland has stated that the practice is ―one of the most disturbing and socially significant issues‖ faced by trading standards officers; condemns rogue cold calling, which, it believes, often targets vulnerable citizens *in the Highlands and Islands and across the country; notes that such activity can be part of serious and organised crime networks; welcomes the backing for this campaign from Citizens Advice Scotland, Neighbourhood Watch, the Scottish Business Crime Centre and others, and notes calls for the Scottish Government to meet TSI Scotland to discuss its campaign.

Supported by: Brian Adam, Graeme Dey, John Mason, Linda Fabiani, Bill Kidd, Chic Brodie, Rob Gibson, Hanzala Malik, Angus MacDonald, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Joan McAlpine, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Adam Ingram, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Sandra White, Nigel Don, John Finnie, Jamie Hepburn, Dennis Robertson, Jean Urquhart, Annabelle Ewing, Helen Eadie, Margaret McDougall, Gil Paterson, Mark McDonald, John Wilson*

S4M-05112# Joan McAlpine: South of Scotland Television—That the Parliament notes the decision of Maria Miller, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, not to block the renewal of Channel 3 television licences in 2014; understands and welcomes that this means that STV will continue to hold the licences for central Scotland and Grampian; expresses concern that ITV, which holds the Channel 3 licence for the former Border Television area, has limited public service content obligations; understands that local news in the Borders and Dumfries and Galloway comes mainly from Gateshead; notes that recent Ofcom research reports


dissatisfaction in the area with the ITV local coverage; welcomes Ms Miller’s acknowledgement of the deficiencies in ITV’s local and Scottish news coverage in the Border Television region in her letter to Ofcom of 16 November 2012; further welcomes Ms Miller’s request that Ofcom work with ITV plc. to find a solution, and would welcome real choice for viewers across the south of Scotland.

S4M-04971# Drew Smith: Work Not Play—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of the Musicians’ Union’s Work Not Play campaign; understands that this campaign aims to highlight the growing trend of professional musicians in Glasgow and across Scotland who are expected to work for no fee; notes that this builds on the work done by the Musicians’ Union in respect of the London 2012 Olympics, which highlighted that the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games had offered many professional musicians unpaid gigs; considers that in an era of illegal downloading, live performance revenue is incredibly important; believes that many people seem to think that music and entertainment are a hobby rather than a career and are unaware of the years of training and hard work that it takes to become a professional performer; further understands that the campaign website,, is available for musicians to post such experiences, and notes that the Twitter hashtag, #WorkNotPlayMU, is also available.

Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

S4M-05458 Users of Adult Day Centres Must Have a Say in their Future (lodged on 24 January 2013) Chic Brodie, Dennis Robertson, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Stuart McMillan

S4M-05403 Review of Section 7 of the Code of Conduct (lodged on 17 January 2013) Helen Eadie

S4M-05402 Review of Cross-Party Groups (lodged on 17 January 2013) Helen Eadie

S4M-05401 Big Lottery Funding for Greenlees Nursery (lodged on 17 January 2013) Bob Doris, Sarah Boyack, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, John Pentland

S4M-05400 Glasgow Labour Councillors’ Misconduct with Public Money (lodged on 17 January 2013) Ruth Davidson, Mike MacKenzie, Stuart McMillan, Annabelle Ewing, David Torrance, Chic Brodie, Adam Ingram, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Colin Keir, Dennis Robertson

S4M-05399 A Scottish Defence Policy Rooted in Scottish Priorities (lodged on 17 January 2013) Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Angus MacDonald, Adam Ingram, Jean Urquhart, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Colin Keir, David Torrance, Dave Thompson

S4M-05398 60th Anniversary of the Sinking of the MV Princess Victoria (lodged on 17 January 2013) Angus MacDonald, Bruce Crawford, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Annabel Goldie, Colin Keir


S4M-05397 Votes at 16 (lodged on 17 January 2013) Richard Lyle, Mark McDonald, Bob Doris, David Torrance, Adam Ingram, Aileen McLeod, Jean Urquhart, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Dave Thompson

S4M-05396 Congratulating WRVS (lodged on 17 January 2013) Richard Simpson, Siobhan McMahon, Rhoda Grant, Jean Urquhart, Bruce Crawford, Gil Paterson, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Alison McInnes, Dave Thompson

S4M-05395 Make Amazon Pay its Fair Share (lodged on 17 January 2013) Drew Smith, Elaine Smith, John Mason, Kezia Dugdale, Sarah Boyack, Jamie Hepburn, Elaine Murray

S4M-05392 Changing Life for the Better (lodged on 17 January 2013) Mark McDonald, Bob Doris, Adam Ingram, Bruce Crawford, Jamie Hepburn, Colin Beattie, Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05390 Lanarkshire Support Group for People with MS (lodged on 16 January 2013) Elaine Smith, Siobhan McMahon, Margaret McCulloch, Bruce Crawford, Nigel Don

S4M-05389 Vikings! (lodged on 16 January 2013) Jamie McGrigor, Rhoda Grant, Bruce Crawford, Nigel Don

S4M-05388 Big Lottery Fund Grant for Angus Barnardo’s (lodged on 16 January 2013) Bob Doris, Colin Keir, Nigel Don

S4M-05386 Kingsbarns Whisky Distillery (lodged on 17 January 2013) Adam Ingram, Bruce Crawford, Nigel Don

S4M-05385 The Parliament’s Legitimacy (lodged on 16 January 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-05384 Congratulations to St Bride’s Church (lodged on 16 January 2013) Drew Smith, Siobhan McMahon, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05383 Paul McGinley Awarded Ryder Cup Captaincy (lodged on 16 January 2013) Siobhan McMahon, Bruce Crawford, Hugh Henry, Nigel Don

S4M-05382 40th Anniversary of Eastwood Park Theatre (lodged on 16 January 2013) Graeme Dey, Bruce Crawford, Nigel Don

S4M-05381 The Invisible College is a Visible Success (lodged on 16 January 2013) Jamie McGrigor, Drew Smith, Rhoda Grant, Bruce Crawford, Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05380 St Margaret’s Hospice Report, Top of the League (lodged on 15 January 2013) Kevin Stewart, Nigel Don


S4M-05379 CWU’s Close the Loophole Campaign (lodged on 15 January 2013) Drew Smith, Angus MacDonald, Richard Baker, John Mason, Siobhan McMahon, Rhoda Grant, Hugh Henry

S4M-05376 Mandatory Reconsideration and DWP Appeals (lodged on 15 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05375 RNIB’s PIP Campaign (lodged on 15 January 2013) Dave Thompson, Nigel Don

S4M-05374 Scotland’s Most Successful Women’s Football Club (lodged on 15 January 2013) Jamie McGrigor, Drew Smith, Siobhan McMahon, Margaret McCulloch, Kezia Dugdale, Bruce Crawford, Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05373 Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre (lodged on 15 January 2013) Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan*, Joan McAlpine*

S4M-05372 Falkland House School Autism Accreditation (lodged on 15 January 2013) Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05371 Gordon Strachan (lodged on 15 January 2013) Nigel Don

S4M-05370 2013 Salmon Fishing Season Opens on the River Tay (lodged on 15 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05367 Your Future in Energy (lodged on 15 January 2013) Lewis Macdonald, Rhoda Grant, Nigel Don

S4M-05366 40th Anniversary of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (lodged on 15 January 2013) Bill Kidd, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05365 Theatre Nemo’s Robin Corbett Award (lodged on 14 January 2013) Bill Kidd, Linda Fabiani, Nigel Don

S4M-05364 Scotland v Poverty Exhibition by NIDOS (lodged on 14 January 2013) Margaret McCulloch, Rhoda Grant, John Finnie, Elaine Murray, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05360 Abronhill Primary School Awarded Healthy Eating Initiative Award 2012 (lodged on 14 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05359 Bring the QE2 Home (lodged on 14 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05357 Glasgow Tramway Hosts 2015 Turner Prize (lodged on 14 January 2013) Margaret McCulloch, Nigel Don

S4M-05356 Celebrating National Braille Week (lodged on 14 January 2013) Nigel Don

S4M-05355 Leading Tourist Attraction Leading Energy Reduction (lodged on 14 January 2013) Nigel Don


S4M-05354 Steven Spalding and the Silver City Surfers (lodged on 11 January 2013) Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05353 Surviving Poverty, the Impact of Lone Parenthood in Scotland (lodged on 11 January 2013) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05352 City of Edinburgh Basketball Club (lodged on 11 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05351 London’s National Theatre Comes to Bo’ness (lodged on 11 January 2013) Nigel Don

S4M-05350 Retail in Scotland (lodged on 11 January 2013) Jamie McGrigor, Rhoda Grant, Gavin Brown, Nigel Don

S4M-05349 Arctic Youth Jazz Orchestra Returns for Fife Jazz Festival (lodged on 11 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05347 Congratulating Andres Pinero-Ruiz (lodged on 10 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell, Nigel Don

S4M-05346 Postcode Lottery for People with Multiple Sclerosis (lodged on 10 January 2013) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05343 Woodlands Primary and Nursery School Achieves UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award (lodged on 10 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05340 Significant Connection between Lead Exposure and Criminal Activity (lodged on 10 January 2013) Mark Griffin

S4M-05339 Congratulations to Calderside Nursery Centre, Blantyre (lodged on 10 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05338 Retailers’ Commitment to Scotch Lamb (lodged on 10 January 2013) Rhoda Grant, John Finnie, Patrick Harvie, Graeme Dey, Aileen McLeod, Dennis Robertson, Colin Beattie, Joan McAlpine, John Mason, Kevin Stewart, Adam Ingram, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, Bruce Crawford, Annabelle Ewing, Anne McTaggart, Dave Thompson, Roderick Campbell, John Wilson, Gil Paterson, Murdo Fraser, Bill Kidd, Jean Urquhart, Bill Walker, Stewart Stevenson, Fiona McLeod, Angus MacDonald, Claudia Beamish, Jim Eadie, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Christine Grahame, Chic Brodie, David Torrance, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05337 Wildlife Tourism on the Galloway Kite Trail (lodged on 10 January 2013) Elaine Murray

S4M-05334 Green Schools in Gaza (lodged on 09 January 2013) John Mason

S4M-05333 Stirling Knights Basketball Club (lodged on 09 January 2013) Mark McDonald


S4M-05332 Eradicating Misogyny from Indian Institutions (lodged on 09 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05331 Right to Roam 10th Anniversary (lodged on 09 January 2013) Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05329 St Anthony’s Primary Fundraises for Wild Hearts (lodged on 09 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05326 Funding for Kayak Trail (lodged on 09 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05325 Westerton Male Voice Choir (lodged on 09 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05324 Trinity High School, a Champion for Change (lodged on 09 January 2013) Elaine Murray, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05322 The Hunter Foundation, Tackling Child Poverty (lodged on 09 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05318 Safer Social Networking for Children (lodged on 08 January 2013) Jackson Carlaw, Margaret McDougall, Rhoda Grant, Lewis Macdonald, Nigel Don

S4M-05317 The Prince’s Trust Scotland’s Get Into Construction Course (lodged on 08 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05316 Protecting Scotland’s Coastline (lodged on 08 January 2013) Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05311 2013 Centenary of the Carnegie UK Trust (lodged on 08 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05309 The 2020 Vision, Bad for Scotland (lodged on 07 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05306 Expert Working Group on Welfare (lodged on 07 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05305 Jimmy Halliday (lodged on 07 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell, Angus MacDonald

S4M-05304 Queensferry’s Loony Dook (lodged on 07 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05303 Healing Artwork Unveiled in Falkirk Woodland (lodged on 04 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*


S4M-05302 120 Years of Informing Scotland’s Agricultural Industry (lodged on 04 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05300 RNLI Heroes (lodged on 03 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05299 2013, The Year of The Higgs Boson (lodged on 03 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05298 Glasgow Warriors Win 1872 Cup in Style (lodged on 03 January 2013) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05297 Sighthill Stone Circle (lodged on 03 January 2013) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05296 Acting Up for North Glasgow (lodged on 21 December 2012) Nigel Don

S4M-05293 50th Anniversary of the Prestwick Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society (lodged on 21 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05292 Queen Margaret University Wins Awards for Knowledge Exchange (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05290 Commending Linnvale and St Eunan’s Primary Schools for Tackling Sectarianism (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05289 Tackling Domestic Abuse in Scotland (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05288 Recognising the Impact of Huntington’s Disease (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05287 Hillsborough, a Step Closer to Truth and Justice (lodged on 21 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05285 Remember the Braer Disaster (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05283 Nigg Jobs Expansion Welcomed (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05278 Managing Boarding Out (lodged on 20 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05277 Christian History of Dumbarton Rock (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05274 Outcome of the 2012 EU Fisheries Talks (lodged on 20 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05272 East Kilbride’s Calderglen School Marks Another First in Scotland (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell


S4M-05270 Save University Marine Biological Station Millport (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05268 Scoring Goals in Walking Football (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05267 Centenary of NFU Scotland (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05266 Arctic Convoy Medal (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05265 Welcoming The Postcode Penalty Report from Citizens Advice Scotland (lodged on 19 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05263 Arctic Convoy Medal at Last (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05262 Anti-polio Campaign in Pakistan Suspended (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05260 The Leprosy Mission Scotland (lodged on 19 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05258 Big Concert Event of the Year at Creative Scotland’s 2012 Award Ceremony (lodged on 18 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05257 Housing Benefit and Employment for Young People (lodged on 18 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05253 Milngavie Anchor Boys (lodged on 18 December 2012) Nigel Don

S4M-05252 Make Young People Your Business (lodged on 18 December 2012) Malcolm Chisholm*

S4M-05251 Clydebank Schools Unite against Sectarianism (lodged on 18 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05249 Glasgow 2014 Ambassadors for Success (lodged on 18 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05248 Combat Stress (lodged on 18 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05244 Ainslie Henderson, International Animation Award Winner (lodged on 18 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05238 Shetland’s Emily Shaw, Scotland’s Young Ambassador (lodged on 18 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*


S4M-05235 Launch of MV Hallaig (lodged on 18 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05234 Shetland’s MSYP Emily Shaw is New UK Young Ambassador (lodged on 17 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05233 Largs Housing and Dementia Day Care Centre (lodged on 17 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05231 Congratulations to the Countryside Alliance Award Nominees (lodged on 17 December 2012) Jamie McGrigor, Colin Keir, Nigel Don

S4M-05230 Respect My Dying Wish Campaign Success (lodged on 17 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell, Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05226 Closure of Clyde Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (lodged on 17 December 2012) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-05218 Street Stuff (lodged on 14 December 2012) Murdo Fraser*, Gavin Brown*

S4M-05216 Julie Fowlis (lodged on 14 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05212 Seabird Action Plan (lodged on 13 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05209 ScotRail and Wi-fi (lodged on 13 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05206 Scottish Government Must Address Concerns about Unconventional Gas (lodged on 13 December 2012) Hugh Henry, Rhoda Grant

S4M-05191 Ardardan Team Honoured at Business Awards (lodged on 12 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05190 The One (lodged on 12 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05189 Hospital Discharge Pack for Carers (lodged on 12 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05188 Day Centre Reform in Glasgow (lodged on 12 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05180 Shetland Baby Born on Coastguard Helicopter at 1,000 Feet (lodged on 11 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05167 University of the West of Scotland, Dumfries Campus (lodged on 10 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05161 Rosneath Peninsula Creative Place Awards (lodged on 10 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*


S4M-05160 Congratulations to Lily Kennedy (lodged on 10 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05159 Arrochar’s Hidden Heritage (lodged on 10 December 2012) Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05158 Cardross Jeweller Crowned Designer of The Year (lodged on 10 December 2012) Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05152 Lessons from Orgreave (lodged on 10 December 2012) Patrick Harvie

S4M-05149 Orkney Roots and Shoots Award (lodged on 07 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05129 The Impact of Cancer on Children’s Primary School Education (lodged on 06 December 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05126 Islesburgh House Hostel, The Best Hostel in the World (lodged on 05 December 2012) Rhoda Grant, Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05121 Heriot-Watt University, Contributing to Local and National Economies (lodged on 05 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05119 Best Hostel in the World (lodged on 05 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05115 Moray Firth Radio, Best Small Radio Station in Scotland (lodged on 05 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05112 South of Scotland Television (lodged on 05 December 2012) Elaine Murray

S4M-05111 Scotch Whisky: From Grain to Glass Exhibition (lodged on 05 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05097 Happy 195th Anniversary (lodged on 04 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05096 Congratulations to Restart Orkney (lodged on 04 December 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-05048 The Right to Choose (lodged on 29 November 2012) Alison Johnstone

S4M-05046 Saltire Scholarships (lodged on 29 November 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05043 Congratulations to Adele and Elissa Mitchell (lodged on 28 November 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-05008 Suicide Prevention Programme (lodged on 27 November 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-04971 Work Not Play (lodged on 26 November 2012) Richard Simpson


S4M-04951 Congratulations to Glasgow Credit Union (lodged on 23 November 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-04931 Under-25s Entitlement to Housing Benefit (lodged on 21 November 2012) Rhoda Grant

S4M-04917 The International Network of Street Papers Innovates to Combat Poverty (lodged on 21 November 2012) Stuart McMillan*

S4M-04729 Congratulations to Cramond Playgroup (lodged on 07 November 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04726 St Mary’s Primary School Lottery Success (lodged on 07 November 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04677 Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (lodged on 05 November 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04623 Clinical Standards for Cardiac Rehabilitation (lodged on 30 October 2012) Claudia Beamish, Siobhan McMahon, Hugh Henry, Lewis Macdonald, Alison Johnstone, Drew Smith, Kenneth Gibson, Willie Rennie

S4M-04551 Congratulations to Aberdeen Airport (lodged on 24 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04550 Book Week Scotland Free Book, My Favourite Place (lodged on 24 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04549 Living Wage Week (lodged on 24 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04515 Cairnie Fruit Farm FARMA Nomination (lodged on 22 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04479 Tibet’s Flame of Truth (lodged on 15 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04475 It’s Ireland’s Oil (lodged on 12 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04474 Victim Support Scotland - North Ayrshire (lodged on 12 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04471 Skin Scanners (lodged on 12 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04470 Glasgow 2014, Scotland’s Time To Shine (lodged on 12 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04469 Getting Active with the Big Lottery Fund (lodged on 12 October 2012) Jim Eadie


S4M-04465 East Renfrewshire Volunteers Week (lodged on 11 October 2012) Jim Eadie

S4M-04464 Parliament Supports Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day (lodged on 11 October 2012) Jim Eadie


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 January 2013 Section G – Bills

Proposals for Members’ Bills

A member seeking to introduce a Member’s Bill must first lodge a draft proposal, together with a consultation document (or a statement of reasons why consultation is not considered necessary). Subsequently, the member may lodge a final proposal, in broadly similar terms to the draft, accompanied by a summary of consultation responses (or the statement of reasons). The member secures the right to introduce a Bill to give effect to the proposal if the final proposal secures, within one month, the support of at least 18 other members from at least half the political parties or groups represented in the Parliamentary Bureau, and provided no indication is given that the Scottish Government or UK Government is planning equivalent legislation.

All current proposals (together with associated documents) are available on the Scottish Parliament website at: Current Final Proposals Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Where a proposal has secured the necessary level of cross-party support, the supporters’ names are shown in bold. Sandra White: Proposed Responsible Parking (Scotland) Bill (2)—Proposal for a Bill to allow freedom of movement for all pedestrians by restricting parking at dropped kerbs, on pavements and double parking. (lodged 24 January 2013)

Supported by: Christine Grahame*

The proposal was accompanied by a statement of reasons, which may be viewed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) or on the website page referred to above.


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 January 2013 Section H – New Documents

Committee Reports

The following report is published on 28 January 2013— Local Government and Regeneration Committee, 3rd Report, 2013 (Session 4): Stage 1 Report on the High Hedges (Scotland) Bill (SP Paper 256)

For further information on accessing committee reports, please contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for contact details or access general committee webpage)


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 January 2013 Section J – Progress of Legislation

For further information on the progress of Bills and subordinate legislation, contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for details).

Bills in Progress A list of all Bills in progress can be accessed via the Scottish Parliament website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill’s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics.

As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. a Government, Committee or Member’s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is three sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Thursday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is four days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for Stage 2, when the deadline is 12 noon.

A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2.

Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders.

Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day.

(G) = Government Bill; (M) = Member’s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.

Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)) 30 January


Budget (Scotland) (No.2) Bill (G) Stage 2 (Finance Committee) 30 January

Forth Road Bridge Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)) 16 January

Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 16 January

High Hedges (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 ( lead committee (Local Government and Regeneration)) 23 January

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (Subordinate Legislation Committee) 29 January Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Finance)) 30 January

The National Trust for Scotland (Governance etc.) Bill (P) Introduced 7 January

Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, Finance Committee) 30 January Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Education and Culture)) 5 February

Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Bill (G) Stage 3 (debate, meeting of Parliament) 29 January

Water Resources (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 completed 23 January Stage 3 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Subordinate legislation in progress (date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative instruments

Lead committee to report by 3 February 2013

Council Tax (Variation for Unoccupied Dwellings) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 [draft] (10 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Lead committee to report by 4 March 2013

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] (15 January 2013) (Justice)


Lead committee to report by 5 March 2013

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Transfer of Children to Scotland – Effect of Orders made in England and Wales or Northern Ireland) Regulations 2013 [draft] (16 January 2013) (Education and Culture)

Lead committee to report by 12 March 2013

Local Government Finance (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] (23 January 2013) (Parliament)

Negative Instruments

Members should note that the deadline for the lead committee to report by is an administrative deadline. Lead committees normally report on negative instruments only after considering a motion recommending annulment of the instrument. Where Members have queries in relation to this deadline, they should contact the clerks to the Subordinate Legislation Committee.

Subject to annulment by 3 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 28 January 2013

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Child Protection Emergency Measures) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/334) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture)

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rights of Audience of the Principal Reporter) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/335) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture)

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Safeguarders: Further Provision) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/336) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture)

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Appeals against Dismissal by SCRA) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/337) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture)

Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/338) (10 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Council Tax (Exempt Dwellings) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 (SSI 2012/339) (10 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 5 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 28 January 2013

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) (Amendment) (No. 2) 2012


(SSI 2012/341) (12 December 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 7 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 4 February 2013

M9/A90/M90 Trunk Road (Humbie Rail Bridge to M9 Junction 1a) (Variable Speed Limits and Actively Managed Hard Shoulder) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/343) (14 December 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

M9/A9 Trunk Road (Newbridge to Winchburgh) (Variable Speed Limits and Actively Managed Hard Shoulder) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/344) (14 December 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Subject to annulment by 19 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 11 February 2013

Local Government Pension Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/347) (17 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Shetland Islands Regulated Fishery (Scotland) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/348) (17 December 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Marketing of Bananas (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/349) (17 December 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 21 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 18 February 2013

Scottish Administration (Offices) Order 2012 (SI 2012/3073) (19 December 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 22 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 18 February 2013

Non-Domestic Rate (Scotland) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/352) (20 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Non-Domestic Rates (Levying) (Scotland) (No. 3) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/353) (20 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 23 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 18 February 2013

Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/354) (21 December 2012) (Education and Culture)


Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/355) (21 December 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 24 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 18 February 2013

General Pharmaceutical Council (Amendment of Miscellaneous Provisions) Rules Order of Council 2012 (SI 2012/3171) (7 January 2013) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 28 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 18 February 2013

Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 (SSI 2013/4) (11 January 2013) (Health and Sport)

Plant Health (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 (SSI 2013/5) (11 January 2013) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 3 March 2013 Lead committee to report by 25 February 2013

Restriction of Liberty Order etc. (Scotland) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/6) (14 January 2013) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 5 March 2013 Lead committee to report by 25 February 2013

Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Assistance to Registered Social Landlords and Other Persons) (Grants) Amendment Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/7) (16 January 2013) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Subject to annulment by 7 March 2013 Lead committee to report by 4 March 2013

Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/8) (18 January 2013) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/9) (18 January 2013) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 12 March 2013 Lead committee to report by 4 March 2013

Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/12) (23 January 2013) (Local Government and Regeneration)


Other documents

Lead committee to report by 27 March 2013

Public Services Reform (Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland etc.) Order 2013 [draft] (SG 2013/4) (18 January 2013) (Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments)

Public Services Reform (Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland etc.) Order 2013 - Explanatory Document [draft] (SG 2013/5) (18 January 2013) (Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments)

Lead committee to report by 2 April 2013

Public Services Reform (Functions of the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] (SG 2013/12) (24 January 2013) (Health and Sport)

Public Services Reform (Functions of the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service) (Scotland) Order 2013 – Explanatory Document [draft] (SG 2013/13) (24 January 2013) (Health and Sport)


Contacts for Further Information All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX Web site: General Enquiries 5000 Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199 Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187 Legislation Team 5277 Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU) 6124 Committee web sites at: Economy, Energy and Tourism 5214 Contact Education and Culture 5222 Contact Equal Opportunities 5408 Contact European and External Relations 5226 Contact Finance 5451 Contact Health and Sport 5410 Contact Infrastructure and Capital Investment 5229 Contact Justice 5047 Contact Local Government and Regeneration 5223 Contact Public Audit 5236 Contact Public Petitions 5254 Contact Referendum (Scotland) Bill Committee 6124 Contact Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment 5242 Contact Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 5179 Contact Subordinate Legislation 5175 Contact Welfare Reform 5320 Contact

Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Parliamentary Bureau

The Conveners Group

Scottish Commission for Public Audit

MSP Details


Members who would like a printed copy of the Business Bulletin to be forwarded to them should contact Document Supply by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (x85360)

Published in Edinburgh by APS Group Scotland

All documents are available on For information on the Scottish Parliament contact the Scottish Parliament website at: Public Information on: Telephone: 0131 348 5000 Textphone: 0800 092 7100 For details of documents available to Email: [email protected] order in hard copy format, please contact: APS Scottish Parliament Publications on 0131 629 9941.

Printed in Scotland by APS Group Scotland ISBN 978-1-78307-253-8