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•• , " , ~ 4 f EXOTIC PEST PLANT COUNCIL'S 1991 LIST OF FLORIDA'S MOST INVASIVE SPECIESI,2 - Dec. 1991 DEFINITIONS USED IN CATEGORlZING THE SPECIES) Calcaory I-Sped.. thai are w1dc:spreod in Florida and have an established potential to invade and disrupt Dative planl communities. Calccory II-Species that are localized but have. rapidly expandlnc population. or that have shown a potential to Invade and disrupt native vegelation in other areas, or in other countries with cUmates .ImUar 10 that of Florida, Calelory III-Sped.. that are able to become estabUshed and spread locally Into undlsturbed native vegetatlon. sometimes formlnl dense stands. e.lelOr, lV-Species that are widespread and can Conn dense. monotypic populations. but prlma.rily on disturbed sites such as roatlsldes. 8Rricuitunl lands and canal embankments. SPECIES Mill COMMON NAME CATEGORY ~ precatorius (rosary pea) 1 c,,51!arina eauisetifolia (Australian pine) I CASuarina glauca (suckering Australian pine) I Colubrina asiatica (lather leaf) I Dioscorea bulbifera (air potato) I Iasminum dichotomum (Gold Coast jasmine) I Lantana camara (lantana) I Lonjce@ japonica (Japanese honeysuckle) I Me!aleuca aujnguenervia (melaleuca) I Neyraudja reynaudiana (Burma reed; cane grass) I Pueraria montana (sP. lobata) (kudzu) I Rhodomyr1us tomentosus (downy rose-mYr1le) I Sapium sebiferum (popcorn tree; Chinese tallow tree) I Schinus terebinthifolius (nrazilian pepper) I 1=14 IThis list does not include aquatic weeds. For a list of aquatic pesl species, see the Deparlment of Nalural Resources' prohibited list of Aqualic Plants under 16C-52, F.A.C., Bureau of Aquatic Plant Management, Tallahassee 32310. Phone 904-488-5631. • lUst prepared by the EPPC Com!"iuee on Invasive Specie. (Chairman: Daniel F. Austin, Departme'V"'f Biological Sciences, Florida AtlanUc University, B~alon, FL 33431; Members: Arm Buckley, 6192 SW 2nd Sireet, Plantation, FL 333 t 7; David Hall, KBN, 1034 NW 57th Street, Gainesville, FL 32605; Theodore O. Hendrickson. I 112 NE 2nd Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301-1167; Ronald Hofstetter, Department of Biology, University of Miami, Coml Gables, FL 33124-91 I 8; Suzanne Koplur, Dep.rtment of Biotogical Science., Florida International University. University Park, Miami, FL 33t99; Joe Maguire, Dade County DERM, I II NW FIrst Sinet. Suit~310. Miami, FL 33128; Mark McM8hon, 933 NW lOOth Strce~iami, FL 33150; George f>uig, PBS 8t J, 8600 NW 36th Street, Miami, FL 33 I 66; Don C. Schmitz, Bureau of Aquatic Plant Management. DNR,Jn.novation park, Collins Building, 2051 East Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32310; Daniel B. Ward, Department of Botany, 220 Bartram Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; Richard P. Wunderlin, Department of Biological Seiences. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 ) Categories adapted from Whiteoker, L. D. and R. F. Doren. 1989. Exolic Planl Species Managemenl Strategies and List of Exotic Species in Prioritized Categories for Everglades National Park. U,S. Department of the 'nterior, Nntional Park Service, Research/Resources Management Report SEll · 89/04. Southeast Region.1 Office, Atlanta, GA 30303. 2 t pp. , 2 CATEGORY • Acacia auriculifonnis (earleaf acacia) II Albizhrlebbeck (woman's tongue) II Ardisia elliptiea (" A. humilis) (shoebutton ardisia) II rawarina cunninghamiana (Austmlian pine) II Cestrum diurnum (day jasmine) II Eugenia uninom (Surinam cherry) II ~ allissima (banyan Iree) II ~ elastica (India rubber Iree) II ~ rnierocama (Iaurellig) II Flacourtia indica (governor's plum) II Flueggea virosa (flueggea) II Imperata brasiliensis (cogon grass) II Imperata cylindrica (cogon grass) II Iasminum sambac {Arabian jasmine) II Leucaena leucoccphala (lead tree) II Ligustrum sinense (p'rivet) II Lvgodium japonieum (Japanese climbing fern) II Lygodium mierophyllum (Old World climbing fern) II Macfadyena unguis-cali (cal's claw) II Mimosa pjgm (catclaw mimosa) II Nephrolepis multinora (Asian sword fern) II Oeceoclades maculala (ground orchid) II Pennisetum pumureum (Napier grass) II Scaevola taccada var. sericea (scaevola; half-nower) II , . - Scheffiera actinpphylla (= Brassaia actinophylla) (scheffiera) II ." Tectaria incisa (incised halberd fern) II Triphasia trifoliala (lime berry) II 11=27 Adenanthera pavonina (red sandlewood) III Agave sisalana (sisal hemp) III Antigonon leptopus (coral vine) III Asystasia gangetiea (Ganges primrose) ill Bauhinia variegata (orchid tree) III Bischolia javanica (bischolia) ill Calophyllum calaba {mast wood; Alexandrian laurel} ill Cereus undatus (night-blooming cereus) ill Crvotostegia grandiflora (Palay rubber vine) ill Cupaniopsis anacardioides {carrot wood) ill Epipremnum pinnatum cv. 'Aureum' (pothos) ill fu.l§ benjamina (weeping lig) ill Hibiscus tiliaceus (mahoe) ill Manilkara zaoota (sapodilla) ill Melinis minutinora (molasses grass) ill Merremia tuberosa (wood rose) III Murraya oanieulata (orange-jasmine) ill 2m!! rulioogon (red rice) DI Paederia foetida (skunk vine) UI Paspalum notatum (Bahia grass) UI Pittosoorum pentandrum (pittosporum) III Pouteria campechiana (canistel) ill Psidium guajava (guava) III Psidium Iillomle (= £. callieianum) (strawberry guava) III 3 : . , -- CATEGORY Rboeo spalhacea (- R. discolor) (oysler planl) m Sansevjeria hvacinlhoides (= 5.,.lrifasciala) (bowslring hemp) m Solanum lorvum (Iurkey berry) m Svngonjum podophvllum (arrowhead vine) m Syzygjum cuminj Uambolan: lava plum) m Svzygium jambos (rose apple) ill Tennjnalia!2lappa (Iropical almond) m Tbesoesia populnea (seaside mahoe) m Wedelia lrilobala (wedelia) m 1II-33 Achyranlhes irul.ig (chaff-nower) N Brachjaria mulica (Para grass) N Cassia coluleoides (';Senna pendula) (climbing cassia) N Calharanlhus ~ (Madagascar periwinkle) N Cynodon daclylon (Bermuda grass) N Daclyloclenjum aegyplium (crowfool grass) N Eremochloa ophiuroides (cenlipede grass) N Eucalyptus camaldulensjs (Murray red gum) N Furcraea cabuva (Cenlral American sisal) N Hyparrhenia.l:l!fu Uaragua) N Indigofera spjcala (creeping indigo) N Kalanchoe pjnnala (life planl) N Mucuna pruriens (cow itch) N Nephrolepis hirsuluta cv. 'superba' (petticoat fern) N Panicum maximum (Guinea grass) N Rhynchelytrum repens (Nalal grass) N Ricinus communjs (caslor bean) N ROllboellia cochinchinensis (- &. exallala) (ilch grass) N Russelia egujselifonnis (firecracker planl) IV Selaginella wiJIdenovii (peacock fern) N Sesbanja emerus 1:: S. exallala) (bequiJIa) N Solanum djDhyllum (solanum) N Spathodea caropanutala (African tulip tree) N Spermacoce verticiJIala (sensu Herndon, not Wunderlin) . • (spermacoce) N Sporobolus jacguemontii (smut grass) N Stenotaphrum secundatum (51. Augustine grass) N Urena ~ (Caesar's weed) N Zebrina pendula (zebrina) N IV~28 TOTAL 102 .