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Provided by RERO DOC Digital Library Published in Physical Review Letters 94, issue 037403, 1-4, 2005 1 which should be used for any reference to this work

Optical Sidebands of Electronic Intersubband Absorption in Strongly Polar Semiconductor Heterostructures

Z. Wang,1 K. Reimann,1 M. Woerner,1,* T. Elsaesser,1 D. Hofstetter,2 J. Hwang,3 W. J. Schaff,3 and L. F. Eastman3 1Max-Born-Institut fu¨r Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie, 12489 Berlin, Germany 2University of Neuchaˆtel, Institute of Physics, 2000 Neuchaˆtel, Switzerland 3Cornell University, 415 Phillips Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA

We present the first evidence for a distinct optical phonon progression in the linear and nonlinear intersubband absorption spectra of electrons in a GaN=Al0:8Ga0:2N heterostructure. Femtosecond two- color pump-probe experiments in the midinfrared reveal spectral holes on different vibronic transitions separated by the LO-phonon . These features wash out with a decay time of 80 fs due to spectral diffusion. The remaining nonlinear transmission changes decay with a time constant of 380 fs. All results observed are described by the independent boson model.

The optical line shapes of electronic transitions in con- tions between quantized conduction subbands [15]), al- densed matter reflect the ultrafast dynamics of the elemen- though first theoretical studies predict such polaronic sig- tary excitations to which the electrons are coupled. Of natures [16]. particular interest for a broad range of phenomena is the Because of their strong electron-phonon coupling, coupling between electrons and nuclear motions, i.e., local nanostructures made from strongly polar materials like vibrational modes and/or . group-III nitrides are promising systems for the occurrence (i) Coupling to underdamped nuclear motions gives rise of IS phonon sidebands. Because they have large con- to spectrally distinct sidebands in electronic spectra [1]. In duction band discontinuities and thus allow IS transitions , such an interaction with intramolecular modes at short , GaN=AlGaN multiple wells underlies the vibronic structure of electronic absorption have received much interest. Intersubband absorption in and emission bands, which are additionally broadened by such quantum wells has been observed in the spectral dephasing and spectral diffusion processes originating range up to the telecommunication of from a coupling to (overdamped) motions of the fluctuating 1:55 m [17–19]. Recently, IS absorption was also surroundings [2,3]. In crystalline with much more observed in GaN=AlGaN-based high-electron-mobility delocalized electronic wave functions and phonon modes, transistors [20]. phonon sidebands of electronic transitions have been ob- In this Letter we show for the first time that linear and served mainly for interband spectra of impurities [1], for particularly nonlinear IS absorption spectra of electrons in quantum-dot-like structures [4–8], and through coherent a GaN=AlGaN heterostructure show a distinct vibrational phonon oscillations modulating the optical reflectivity progression due to strong polar coupling to optical pho- [9,10]. nons. In femtosecond two-color pump-probe experiments (ii) Electron-phonon coupling strongly influences the in the midinfrared we observe during the temporal overlap nonequilibrium dynamics of electrons, both in the of pump and probe pulses sharp spectral holes on different quantum-kinetic [11] and in the incoherent scattering re- vibronic transitions spectrally separated by the LO-phonon gimes [12]. Such phenomena occur on femtosecond to frequency. These spectral features wash out after excitation picosecond time scales and have been investigated exten- with a decay time of 80 fs due to spectral diffusion. The sively by ultrafast nonlinear . nonlinear transmission spectrum decays by IS scattering So far, the majority of investigations of electron-phonon with a time constant of 380 fs. coupling focused on interband transitions in solids. The We investigate a prism-shaped sample [Fig. 1(a)], which influence of electron-phonon coupling on intraband tran- was grown on a c-face sapphire substrate using molecular sitions was mainly studied in the context of polaron phys- beam epitaxy. The layer sequence is 20 nm AlN, 1:2 m ics [13,14]. Intraband transitions provide direct access to GaN, 13 nm Al0:8Ga0:2N, and finally 2 nm GaN as a contact the nonequilibrium dynamics of electrons. Theoretical layer. All layers are nominally undoped. For reflection, a studies suggest a prominent role of electron-phonon cou- gold layer was sputtered onto the contact layer. In this pling for the line shape of intraband (free-carrier) absorp- sample, a large piezoelectric field is present at the hetero- tion and emission. So far, clear experimental signatures interface due to the lattice mismatch and the hexagonal of electron-phonon coupling are missing for the line shape crystal structure. The piezoelectric field together with the of intersubband (IS) transitions (dipole-allowed transi- heterointerface result in a deep triangular well shown in 2

LO Phonon Coordinate

n = 2 ν = 1 ν = 0 0 T / ∆ 0.01 n = 1 ν = 1 ν = 0

τ decay = 380 fs

0.00 Change of Transmission

012 Delay Time (ps)

FIG. 2 (color online). Time transients from two-color midin- frared pump-probe experiments for detection of Edet 258 meV (circles: resonant to  0 transitions) and Edet 337 meV (diamonds:  1). The transmission change of the GaN=AlGaN sample is plotted as a function of the delay FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Cross section through the prism- between pump and probe. The pump pulse at 355 meV is shaped sample. (b) Self-consistent calculation of the triangular resonant to the vibronic transition between jn 1; 0i and potential well and the probability densities of the two lowest jn 2; 1i in the harmonic potential surfaces of the coupled electron subbands n 1 and n 2 near the GaN=Al0:8Ga0:2N electron–LO-phonon system shown in the upper right corner. interface. (c) Measured (symbols) and calculated ( line) absorption spectrum. The broad absorption band is due to transitions of electrons from the n 1 to the n 2 subband measurements the pump pulse is spectrally located at in the triangular potential well shown in (b). Epump 355 meV [dashed line in Fig. 3(a)], i.e., in the high energy wing of the structureless absorption band. Fig. 1(b) together with the calculated probability densities In Fig. 2 we present transients for two prominent detec- of the two lowest electron subbands n 1 and n 2 [20]. tion , Edet 258 meV (circles) and Edet The stationary IS absorption spectrum (symbols) measured 337 meV (diamonds). The transmission change T=T0 at a temperature of 300 K is plotted in Fig. 1(c). The broad T T0=T0 is plotted as a function of the delay tD be- absorption band is due to transitions of electrons from the tween pump and probe (T, T0: transmission with and n 1 to the n 2 subband. The solid line is the result of without excitation, respectively). the theory, which is described later. At the maximum of the linear absorption band the signal In our time-resolved experiments, electrons are excited (circles) rises within the time resolution and decays sub- from the n 1 to the n 2 subband by bandwidth-limited sequently with a time constant of decay 380 fs.Fora 100 fs pump pulses, having different center frequencies detection frequency 20 meV below the pump pulse the within the IS absorption band. The nonlinear response in a signal (diamonds) of similar amplitude shows first a fast broad spectral range is measured by independently tunable decay with a decay time of 80 fs followed by a slow decay weak 50 fs probe pulses. Pump and probe pulses at a 1 kHz with the same time constant decay 380 fs as at the repetition rate are derived from the output of two synchro- maximum. The amplitude ratio of the two slowly decaying nized optical parametric amplifiers by difference fre- components is similar to that of the linear absorption quency mixing in 1 mm and 0.5 mm thick GaSe crystals, [Fig. 1(c)] at Edet. respectively [21]. After interaction with the sample, the Transient IS spectra are shown in Fig. 3. Around tD 0 probe pulses are spectrally dispersed in a monochromator we observe two pronounced peaks of nonlinear transmis- (3 meV resolution) and detected by a cooled InSb detector. sion (spectral holes) separated by the energy of the GaN The coupling to the IS dipole moment is maximized using longitudinal optical phonon h! LO 92 meV: one is red- p-polarized pulses and the prism geometry shown in shifted relative to the pump pulse by 20 meV, and the Fig. 1(a). second coincides spectrally with the maximum of the We performed an extensive series of time-resolved ex- linear absorption band. At tD 100 fs, these spectral fea- periments with pump and probe pulses at different frequen- tures are nearly washed out. For tD 200 fs, the transient cies within the IS absorption band. The most interesting spectrum has a constant shape with an amplitude decaying spectral combinations are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. In these with decay 380 fs [22]. 3

Wavelength (µm) These vibronic states, consisting of strongly coupled elec- 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 trons and LO phonons, couple less strongly to other ele- mentary excitations. The coupling to these other (a) 0 fs elementary excitations is the cause of the dephasing of 0.01 the vibronic transitions.

0 An analytically solvable model for such phenomena is the independent boson model (IBM), mainly applied to T / ∆ 0.00 molecular systems [7,24–26]. The IBM accounts for both 100 fs linear and nonlinear optical properties of systems with 0.01 strong electron-phonon coupling from a phenomenological

point of view. It describes the relevant elementary excita- tions as a thermal bath of harmonic oscillators coupling (b) linearly but with arbitrary strength to the electronic system 0.00 under consideration. The IBM allows for a quantitative 450 fs 0.005 analysis of frequency-resolved nonlinear transmission ex-

Change of Transmission periments [27,28], in particular, during the temporal over- lap of femtosecond pump and probe pulses. (c) Using the formalism of [28], we analyze our experi- 0.000 ments considering an electronic two-level system strongly 250 300 350 coupled to both a prominent phonon mode causing the Energy (meV) experimentally observed sidebands and to a continuum of oscillators, representing all other scattering mechanisms, FIG. 3 (color online). Measured (symbols) [22] and calculated e.g., carrier-carrier scattering and disorder scattering. This (solid line) transient spectra from two-color pump-probe experi- continuum of oscillators is equivalent to one strongly over- ments for different delays between pump and probe. (a) The spectrum of the 100 fs pump pulse (dashed line) is shown for damped oscillator, the so-called Brownian oscillator [25]. comparison. (c) After spectral diffusion the nonlinear transmis- The corresponding combined line shape function gt is sion spectrum has the shape of the sum of the linear absorption given by spectrum (dashed line) and the Stokes-shifted gain spectrum 2 (dotted line). D gt ‰N 1ei!LOt 1Nei!LOt 1Š 2 2k T  Three experimental findings are important to note: B L t 1 eti 1 et: (1) h 2  (i) For all measured spectral combinations of Epump and Edet we observe a rise of IS bleaching within the time The first term is due to the strong polar coupling of the IS resolution of our experiment (50 fs) and a bleaching transition to the LO phonon in GaN (h! LO 92 meV) amplitude depending strongly on Edet [cf. Fig. 3(a)]. with a coupling strength characterized by the dimension- (ii) For pump energies higher than E 275 meV, pump pless oscillator displacement D, which is proportional to a redshifted line shape of the nonlinear transmission oc- . N 0:03 is the thermal population of LO phonons at curs relative to the center frequency of the pump pulse for TL 300 K. The second and third term stem from the tD 0. (iii) For fixed Epump and Edet data measured with coupling of the IS transition to the Brownian oscillator different pump intensities show transients having an iden- [25]. This coupling allows one to describe simultaneously tical shape with an amplitude depending almost linearly on the experimentally observed phenomena of electronic de- the excitation density. phasing, spectral diffusion, and the time-dependent Stokes Now, we discuss the role of electron-phonon coupling shift [3]. It is characterized by the reorganization parameter in the linear and nonlinear IS absorption of the strongly , which is a measure for the integrated displacement of polar GaN=Al0:8Ga0:2N heterostructure. A rough estimate the continuum of oscillators, and by the correlation time of the intrasubband electron-LO-phonon scattering rate 1, which describes the time scale on which spectral according to Fermi’s golden rule gives the very high value diffusion occurs. gt allows the calculation of both linear 14 1 of  !LO 2  10 s [23] with the dimensionless and nonlinear response functions [3,29]. To give two ex- Fro¨hlich coupling constant 0:5 [12], even higher amples,R the absorption spectrum A! is proportional to 1 than the phonon angular frequency !LO 1:40  Ref! 0 exp‰i! !12t gtŠdtRg, and the gain spec- 14 1 1 10 s . Because of this strong coupling neither pure trum is proportional to Ref! 0 exp‰i! !12t  electrons nor pure phonons are appropriate . g tŠdtg. !12 is the transition frequency of the uncoupled Instead, combined quasiparticles (intersubband polarons), electronic IS transition. which lead to a sequence of vibronic states (see inset of This model accounts for both the linear absorption spec- Fig. 2), are a better description for the underlying physics. trum and the full set of nonlinear pump-probe data with the 4 following parameters: D 0:85, h 35 meV, 1 We thank I. Waldmu¨ller and A. Knorr for valuable 80 fs, h! 12 225 meV, and the lifetime of carriers in discussions. We acknowledge financial support by the the n 2 subband T1 380 fs (measured value). The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. calculated spectra are in good agreement with all our experimental results [see, e.g., the solid lines in Figs. 1(c) and 3]. 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