
Dynamics of the 5 eV optical absorption in SiO2 T. E. Tsai, J. M. Jewell, and J. S. Sanghera

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 62, 3396 (1993); doi: 10.1063/1.109028 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.109028 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/62/26?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing

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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:56:30 Dynamics of the 5 eW optical absorption in SO2 glass T. E. Tsai,‘) J. M. Jewell, and J. S. Sanghera Code 5605, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 (Received 14 December 1992; accepted for publication 9 April 1993) The optical absorption at 5 eV in SiO, glass was observed, using laser calorimetry, to change reversibly depending on the intensity of UV . The generation and bleaching of an absorption band at 5 eV by two- and one- absorption processes, respectively, can explain these reversible changes. This observation supports the structural model of unrelaxed deficiency center for the 5 eV absorption band in silica.

The 5 eV band is the most well known optical absorp- Optical transmission measurements of tion of SiO, glass in the region. both the high and low absorption states at 5 eV were mea- When induced by ion irradiation, its bandwidth is approx- sured using a UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer (Model Cary imately 0.5 eV and was attributed to the oxygen deficient- 2400, Varian) . center (ODC) .I The 5 eV optical absorption of the ODC Figure 1 shows the typical absorption coefficient deter- was termed Bza band by Tohmon et al. ’ and shown to have mined calorimetrically of a high OH containing silica, Su- a strong emission band at 4.42 eV and a weak one at 2.74 prasil 2, as a function of KrF excimer laser fluence at eV. However, the structural origin of this absorption band various laser pulse and repetition rates. The ab- in SiO, is not yet understood. Imai et al3 showed that two sorption coefficient at 5 eV for an average pulse of types of ODC exist in synthetic silica glass. Tohmon et al. 50 mJ (~25 mJ/cm’) and repetition rate of 40 Hz in- proposed’ that it is due to the ground-to-triplet transition creases from about 0.02 cm-’ with laser fluence and sub- at ODC. Skuja et aZ.4 proposed a twofold coordinated Si sequently exhibits saturation at about 0.045 cm ‘-l. At the for the absorption band. saturated state, there is no change in absorption coefficient In agreement with the calculation of G’Reilly and even when the repetition rate is increased from 40 to 160 Robertson,’ a semiempirical calculation recently carried Hz. However, when the average laser pulse energy is de- out by Dianov et aL6 shows two types of ODC defects: creased from 50 to 20 mJ, the absorption coefficient at 5 eV relaxed =Si-Si= with Si-Si bond length of 2.7 8, and decreases with laser fluence and then exhibits saturation at unrelaxed rSi-Si= with bond length 4.25 A. The one with bond length of 4.25 A (unrelaxed ODC) has optical absorption at 5 eV. This result is in agreement with the two types of ODC reported by Imai et aZ.3 In this letter we report for the tlrst time the observation of a reversible change in the 5 eV absorption band in silica using laser calorimetry and optical transmission measurements. This provides additional experimental evidence supporting the unrelaxed ODC model for the 5 eV absorption in silica. Synthetic silica rods 4 mm in diameter and approxi- mately 23 mm in length containing 1200 ppm OH (Supra- sil 2) and <5 ppm OH (Suprasil W) manufactured by Heraeus Amersil were placed lengthwise in the direction of fluence (106,J/cm2) an unfocused beam (3 mm in diameter) of a multigas ex- timer laser (Model MEG 103 MSC, Lambda Physik) with O.lC--. KrF (A=248 nm, 5 eV) as the lasing medium. A differ- 22 ON ential thermocouple was placed on the side face of the glass Q 30 nlJ c _ rods to measure the temperature (T) change of the sample ‘; I .Yp in which only the central portion of 3 mm in diameter was B 0.05 exposed to the 5 eV . The incident laser power 3 (10-200 mW) was determined independently using a py- :, ‘0.i= roelectric joulemeter (Molectron Model 525). The absorp- z tion coefficient, p, at 248 nm was calculated from the heat- 2 ing rate (dT/dt) of the sample according to the technique 0.00 1 ---;-----I 1 2 described by Hass et al.’ and Jewell et aL8 The typical er- 4 Fluence (10smJ./cm2) ror in the absorption coefficient is estimated to be about l 0.003 cm-‘. FIG. 1. The absorption coefficient at 5 eV for (a) Suprasil 2 and (b) Suprasil W at room temperature vs KrF laser fluence for various pulse energies and repetition rates. The line is drawn as an aid to the eye. a)Als~ with Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Typical error is estimated to be about *0.003 cm-‘.

This article3396 is copyrighted Appl. Phys. as indicated Lett. 62 in(26), the 28 article. June Reuse1993 of AIP0003-6951/93/263396-03$06.00 content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.0 1993 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 3396 to IP: On: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:56:30 0.30 -- I (a) Si E’ +z < ; 0.06 :_::::::-

g % i 0.04 Suprosil 2 suprasilw

4 Low Abs. State 3 0.02 0.00 -I.-L-..- 5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 E 8 Energy (N)

0.00 I I I ! 0 25 50 75 100 0.133 Average Pulse Energy (mJ) E 0.114 > - 0.095 FIG. 2. Saturated absorption coefficient of Suprasil 2 and W vs average f 8 O.Q76 laser pulse energy from Figs. 1 (a) and (b). Solid lines are arbitrary u drawn to aid the eye. d 0.057 Q .r 0.038 al about 0.025 cm- I. Clearly, the absorption coefficient at 5 2 0.019 s eV varies with the laser pulse energy and not with the laser s 0.000 0 repetition rate, as demonstrated in Fig. 1 (a). Similar re- - sults are also observed in a low OH-containing silica, Su- -“.019M----l 5.25 6.50 Enerqy (d) prasil W as shown in Fig. 1 (b) for a repetition rate of 160 Hz. Thus, irrespective of the OH concentration in silica, the absorption coefficient at 5 eV depends reversibly on the FIG. 3. (a) The optical absorption spectra of unirradiated Suprasil 2 average laser pulse energy and is independent of the repe- (dotted line) and at high and low absorption states, and (b) the difference absorption spectrum of the high and low absorption states of (a). The tition rate. It is to be noted that the absorption coefficient solid line in (b) is a least squares fit to the data. The absorption band at shows an initial spiking at laser repetition rates of 160 Hz 3.8 eV, assigned either as peroxy linkage (-O-O-) or Cl, are from Refs. 13 when the average pulse energy is increased [see Figs. 1 (a) and 14, respectively. and 1 (b)]. The origin of this phenomenon is unknown but likely is related to some form of perturbation from equilib- coefficient at 5 eV is due to the formation of , which rium subsequently relaxing. has an absorption band at 4.8 eV (Ref. 9 ) can be ruled out The saturated absorption coefficients, &, of Suprasil because no 4.8 eV absorption band is observed in Suprasil 2 and W [i.e., plateau regions in Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b), 2 even when irradiated with 7.9 eV photons,” and photons respectively] are shown as a function of laser pulse energy of energy greater than 5.1 eV are required to dissociated 0s in Fig. 2. It demonstrates that &at increases linearly with to form an ozone.8’1’ (The induced absorption of 0.0 15/cm laser pulse energy. To understand the origin of the reversible change in for the 4.8 eV absorption band reported by Devine et al, I2 the absorption coefficient at 5 eV with laser pulse energy, in oxygen-containing Suprasil W irradiated with 5 eV pho- absorption spectroscopy was performed at different absorp- tons is one order of magnitude smaller than the change we tion saturation states. The optical absorption spectra of a report here.) Since Suprasil is stoichiometric silica and has Suprasil 2 at high and low saturated absorption states are photoluminescence bands excited by 6.4 eV (Ref. 13) and shown in Fig. 3 along with that of the unirradiated sample. by 7.8 eV (Ref. 14) similar to that of ODC, we then as- It is to be noted that the absorption coefficient measured in signed the induced 5 eV band to ODC. this optical transmission method is higher than those Since our sample is nonuniformly irradiated, local shown in Figs. 1 and 2 measured by laser calorimetry be- stress can build up.15 The ~2 eV absorption width ob- cause only the nonradiative part of the absorption mea- served can then be attributed to the stress induced broad- sured in transmission method is detected in calorimetry ening [The Bza band observed in as-sputtered SiOZ film has measurement. These two saturation states were prepared width )l eV as reported by Hickmott,i6 which is in con- by subsequently irradiating the sample with KrF laser trast to the ~0.5 eV width observed in ion (uniformly) pulse energy of 55 and 17 mJ/cm’. The difference spec- irradiated silica.‘7] Notice that the bleaching of the ODC trum for the two saturation states is shown in Fig. 3 (b). results in the appearance of an absorption band centered at The solid line in Fig. 3 (b) is a least-squares fit to the 3.8 eV, which can be associated with a peroxy linkage difference spectrum. The figure demonstrates clearly that (-O-O-) defect center18 or Cl,.” This, to the best of our the variation in the absorption coefficient at 5 eV measured knowledge, is the first report on the observation of 3.8 eV calorimetrically is due to the change in the intensity of the absorption band in Suprasil. Comparing the width reported 5 eV optical absorption band. for peroxy linkage” or Cl’ (Ref. 19) in silica, similar The possibility that part of this changein absorption stress-inducedbroadening as that observedon the 5 eV This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: 3397 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 62, No. 26, 28 1993 On: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:56:30 Tsai, Jewell, and Sanghera 3397 band can also be noticed for this 3.8 eV band due to non- the relaxed ODC is likely not involved since thermal en- uniform irradiation in our sample. ergy of the sample during measurements ( z 300 K) is only Our observation that &, is independent of the laser about 0.025 eV. Nor can the model of two coordinated Si repetition rate suggests that ODC generated by atomic of Skuja et a1.4 satisfactorily explain the reversible movement following the absorption of high power UV light change in the 5 eV absorption band. We thus conclude that is stable. Indeed, no change in 5 eV absorption coefficient the ODC we observed is unrelaxed ODC [ODC(II)] re- have been observed on all the samples measured overnight. ported by Imai et aL3 Since the band gap of silica is approximately 9 eV In summary, we have found that the optical absorption (Ref. 5) and therefore the generation of ODC via the dis- at 5 eV in high purity SiO, glass can be changed reversibly sociation of an Si-0 bond requires the absorption of at by high intensity UV laser light. This is due to the gener- least two 5 eV photons, we suggest that the generation of ation and bleaching of an optical absorption band centered these ODCs is through a two-photon absorption process. at 5 eV by two- and one-photon absorption processes, re- This is consistent with the report*’ that the initial absorp- spectively. Consistent with previously reports,*‘~** no Si E’ tion coefficient at 5 eV increases linearly with laser pulse was generated in this one 5 eV photon bleaching processes. energy. The result of Fig. 2 that &, , which is proportional Likely, the dissociation of the dative bond [O--+0 (net- to the concentration of ODC at saturation state, increases work)], formed by the displaced oxygen from the SiO, linearly with average laser pulse energy then implies that glass network, is responsible for the one-photon bleaching the bleaching of ODC involves the absorption of one 5 eV phenomenon. More works are in progress to help under- photon. This is in contrast to the bleaching of 5 eV absorp- stand the transient phenomena observed and will be re- tion band to generate Si E’ center by two-photon absorption ported in future publication. processes reported by Arai et aZ.*l It is also consistent with our observation that the concentrations of the Si E’ center at high and low absorption states, estimated from the ab- sorption band at 5.85 eV from the spectra in Fig. 3(a), are ‘G. W. Arnold, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-20, 220 (1973). ‘R. Tohmon, H. Mizuno, Y. Ohki, K. Sasagane, K. Nagasawa, and Y. approximately the same. Thus, in these one-photon bleach- Hama, Phys. Rev. B 39, 1337 (1989). ings of the 5 eV absorption band, no Si E’ centers are 3H. Imai, K. Arai, H. Imagawa, H. Hosono, and Y. Abe, Phys. Rev. B generated, which is in contrast to the reports of Tsai et al. 22 38 , 12772 (1988). 4L. N. Skuja, A. N. Streletsky, and A. B. 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This article3398 is copyrighted Appl. asPhys. indicated Lett., Vol.in the 62, article. No. 26, Reuse 26 June of AIP 1993 content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.Tsai, Jewell, and Sanghera Downloaded 3390 to IP: On: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:56:30