The Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages
Wxhmmmi^ W^^^^&smMo^^vm^, >-«%9\9 *^ »*• THE LIVES OF THE POPES VOL. V. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries Iittp:// Area of regal or imperial influence, and sometimes of rule, i.e., the area north of the Po, and west of the dotted line from the Po, which runs between Mutina and Bononia, Arctium, Perugia and on to Populonia. The part coloured yellow on the Map. Area of papal influence or rule, i.e., the area included between the above dotted line, and another starting between Ancona and Firmum and going round Camerinum nnd Assisium to Sora and Terracina. The part coloured blue on the Map. Area of influence or rule of the Lombard and other petty princes, i.e., the area between the last mentioned dotted line and another between the rivers Trinius and Lao. The part coloured red on the Map Area of Greek influence or rule, i.e., the area south of the line from the Trinius to the Lao. The part coloured green on the Map. Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily, were in the hands of the Saracens during most of this period THE LIVES OF THE POPES IN THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES REV. HORACE K. MANN " De gente Anglorum, qui maxime familiares Apostolicse Sedis semper existunt" {Gesta AM. Fontanel. A.D. 747-752, ap. M.G. SS. II. 289). HEAD MASTER OF ST. CUTHBERT's GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NE\VCASTLE-ON-TYNE CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF HISTORY OF SPAIN THE POPES IN THE DAYS OF FEUDAL ANARCHY FoRMosus TO Damasus II.
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