Lok Sabha Debates

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Lok Sabha Debates )LIWK6HULHV9RO,,1R 7XHVGD\-XQH -\DLVWKD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 6HFRQG6HVVLRQ )LIWK/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5H CONTENTS No, 7, Tuesday. J tm I l97JUyaistha //, 1893 (Saka) Columns Oral Answer* to Ouestions— •Starred Questions Nos 181 to 187, 189, 195, 197 and 198. 1—33 Written Answers to Ouestions— Starred O p tio n s Nos 190 to 194, 196 and 199 to 210 35—48 Unstarred Ouestions Nos 895 to 900, 902, 901, 905 to 917, 939 to 948 and 951 to 996 49—149 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Racmt Incidents of Robherv h trains In Bihar . 149-60 Statement re-Nomendatures of Ministries— Shri Wat Bahadur 161—-62 Message from RaWa Sabha 162 Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill « passed by Kaivft Sabhn 162 Business Advisorv Committee— 162 First report —adopted Gold Control (Amendment) Bill —Introduc ' 163 Statement re Oold Control (Amendment) ^taancc— 163 Shri K P Gane»h Railway Budget 1071-72—General Discussion .. 163-252 „ 164-67 Sbrf P*it* |>Han •• 167-71 SHH WMuiH Mfehra ShH Wrender Rao •• 171—75 Shri v TmnW Sin** .. 175—78 Sbrt niwrrwiiiio Aft»lpurkar - 178-82 Shri PnmVanwar • 18 Shri *hbmn*h Shwrb •• 184-H9 Shri fr r>onai •• 189—40 Shri Titendro Prasad • 190—W Shri CbaudHiy •• m-** «wi p. Natiksfmba *«<My ________ "* ____________ •• 196—9# •The «)cn + marked abov* the canie of a Member indicate! that the questions *•* actually asked on the floor of the House by fh*t Member. * *' / Columns Shr i T. D. Kamble ... 198—202 Shri R. C. Vikal ... 203—07 Shri Ram Bhagali Paswan .. 207—09 Shri Y. S Mahajan 209—11 Shri M. C. Daga . • 211—14 s£ri f>. t>. Dcsai . 214-15 Shri Yamua Prasad Mandal ... 215—IS Shri Narain Chand Parashar ... 2W-21 Shri B. K. Daschowdhury 221—24 Shri S. K. Sarkar ... 224*-27 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu ... 227***31 &hri Hanumanthaiya 231—52 LOK SABHA DEBATE 1 2 LOK SABHA will be taken up by March 31st, next year* This was announced by Mr. N*tyda, Ijt Tuesday , June l f 1971IJyaistha 11, view of this, will the Minister say how soon 1893 (Saka) the actual work will be taken in fond with regard to the scheme for the dispersal of the density of traffic in Calcutta. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven o f the SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA : My nega­ Clock. tive answer does not actually mean that I am negativing the intention of my hon. [Mr, Speaker in the Chair ] friend. The way he asked the question attracted that ‘No’ answer. The Soviet team have recommended this system. So ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS far as Railway Board and Adrainisfcrattaa is concerned, they have accepted that raoonv Constrnction of Dispersal Line from meodation. They are undertaking consulta­ Dum Dam to Prittcep Ghat tions between Railway Administgatiaa and Planning Commission. As far as approval *181. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : Will of the idea is concerned, this has been <&ne. the Minister of RAILWAYS (RAIL I am sorry I am not able to fix any data MANTRI) be pleased to state . or time-limit. I will be goiog to Calcutta shortly and I welcome my hon. friend Mr. (a) whether according to the experts, Jyotirmoy Bosu to assist me. the Dum-Dum-Princcp Ghat dispersal line could be completed at half the estimated SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU : So, your cost within two years ; predecessor Mr. Nanda had no authority to (b) whether the dispersal line is all the say so. more necessary to facilitate construction of underground Railway ; and SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA : I don’t (c) if so, what steps, if any, are being contradict my predecessor. In fact, he is taken in this regard ? one of the most earnest men that we have ever had in the Ministry. Things are THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS moving in that direction. (RAIL MANTRI) (SHRI HANUMAN­ THAIYA) : (a) No, Sir, SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: In this (b) No, Sir. Book demands for Grants, Railways, on (c) Does not arise. page 115, there is an item, item No. 14 Hot Calcutta. It says about techncMXttnomfe SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: The feasibility study. Regarding final allocations, chaotic traffic in Calcutta Is the cause of we find the amount of Rs, 69,33,060 oft the social tension in the city. This matter item 1 and Rs. 12,96,000 on Item 2, Is It has been pending for the last 23 years. In meant for any work or for contfouhtg the January, Mr. GuUari Lai Nanda said that perpetual processes of survey and! acquire* the Soviet team of experts on underground ment of knowledge by the Railways ? railway system formally submitted a Rs. 120 crore project. Mr. Nanda made a categori­ SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA ; Thai is cal asoxraiKe in April, 1970 stating that hardly A question. Cakwtta will have an underground railway construction on its Sttt pba«* SHRI % K, DAfCW W »#A$y; I* {ft 3 Ora l Answers JUNE 1, 1971 Oral Answers 4 a very Important question. In view of the SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHARY : The enormous traffic problem in Calcutta, the hon. Minister has mixed up both the things matter has been debated several times... together. One is the suburban dispersal line white the other is the underground or MR. SPEAKER : I am not going to elevated railway. allow any preambles. SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA : It is the SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY : I hon. Member who has mixed up both the am- coining to that. There are two things things. under discussion. One is the suburban dispersal line, which was sanctioned, and for which an amount of Rs. 33 crores or so was MR. SPEAKER : Let not the hon. sanctioned in the earlier budget. With your Member quarrel now. permission, 1 would like to quote one line from the statement of the predecessor of the SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Is the present Railway Minister. He said : Railway Ministry of the opinion that the '"There will be no postponement of proposed underground or elevated railway, the targets now laid down for com­ whatever it is, which the Soviet experts have pleting the final location survey of the recommended is something which can be suburban dispersal line.” counterpoised with the Dum Dum-Princep Ghat dispersal line ? If I am not mistaken .. I would like to know from the hon. Minister what has happened to the suburban dis­ SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA • I think persal line, and whether the final location that that is also covered .. survey has been completed. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : Let me MR. SPEAKER: The question was ‘No’, ‘No’, and yet the hon Member is still complete my question first. making supplementaries out of these ‘Noes’. Is it not a fact that the proposal of the SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHARY : This Soviet experts is for an underground line is about the suburban dispersal line. The runningfrom north to south and from east to two things under discussion are the suburban west within the city itself, whereas the Dum dispersal line and the underground or ele­ Dum-Princep Ghat dispersal line is only vated railway or whatever else that might meant to bring the commuters from the out­ be. I would like to know from the hon. skirts of Calcutta on the north up to the office Minister the decision about the underground area ? How are the two counterpoised with line and also about the suburban dispersal each other ? Why should acceptance of line which is very important. the one load to the giving up of the other one ? SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA: As the hon. Member has correctly mentioned, so SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA : The re­ far as the dispersal line is concerned, the commendations so far as this is concerned, question has been vetoed. It is a question are as follows. Construction of mass rapid of the underground or mass transport system transit system extending from Dum Dum in and the technical survey thereof. Govern* the north to Tollygunge to the south is re­ ment can reaph a final decision about the commended. The intra-city passengers who tirae-taMe of construction only after the constitute the bulk of the city traffic will get project report is received. That is the maximum benifit. The proposed mass situation at present. rapid transit system will serve even more effectively than the suburban dis SHRI B, K. DASCHOWDHARY : Pro­ persal line the function of dispersal of ject report for what ? For the underground commuters to the CBD area. When I railway or the suburban dispersal line ? go to Calcutta, I shall examine that problem. MR. SPEAKER: Order, order. lam SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : That «a* not going to allow arguments during the an intra-city transport plan, thatktfc* gm t ywpiww tfouTj i^ptur, ntif m&Sffa—^ flJrMptfy_f t'fliWr 9 9* B y 4 5 Ora l Answers JYAISTHA U, 1893 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 whe ther the hon. Minister has familiarised statement is laid on the 'Table of the himself with the topography of Calcutta House. to understand the problem... Statement MR. SPEAKER : He is going there shortly. (a) Yes, Sir. (b) The Committee of Technical Expects, SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : The Dum which had been set up to work out and Dum-Princep Ghat line has nothing to do advice Government on a suitable indigenous vith intra-city transport. It is intended to design of a scooter and programme of its bring people from the outskirts on the north production in the proposed puhlic sector up to the Dalhousie office area by a line project, had come to the conclusion that no along the al;gnment which already exists m indigenously developed design of a scooter the old port commissioners’ railway along was readily available in the country, and this track.
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