A New Philology: from Norm-Bound Practice to Practice-Bound Norm in Kannada Intellectual History
A New Philology: From Norm-bound Practice to Practice-bound Norm in Kannada Intellectual History Sheldon Pollock A number of regional languages in premodern South Asia possess philological traditions—whereby I refer to commentarial work as well as grammatical, metrical, rhetorical, and related disciplines—that constitute a vast, important, and scarcely examined domain. The Tamil embodiment of this tradition, thanks to the work of François Gros and scholars like him—though there are few like him—has actually been reasonably well served. For the history of Kannada philology, however, the situation is radically different. Modern scholarship written in Kannada itself is stunning; men such as R. Narasimhachar, D. L. Narasimhachar, B. M. Srikantia, M. V. Seetha Ramiah, M. Timmappaya, and M. G. Pai, and most recently T. V. Venkatachala Sastry, are the equal of any known to me from elsewhere, scholars endowed with authentic philological sensibilities, deep historical understanding, and keen critical intelligence. But almost nothing on the subject has been written outside of Kannada. Faced with what is virtually a blank slate for western readers, I aim here to present some brief reflections on several of the principal texts and persons of early Kannada philology; on what I believe was a crucial, but rarely noted conceptual revolution with great consequences for the history of consciousness and culture in South Asia, and to which that philology contributed importantly; and on the significance of all this intellectual activity for the political sphere of premodern Karnataka. I. The Kaviràjamàrga (c. 850) had already gone some way in establishing the groundwork for a systematic reflection on and disciplinary organization of literary Kannada.1 The philologization we find in the Màrga, which was to develop uninterruptedly for another four centuries or more, is not only precocious but, with respect to its relationship with other literary cultures of southern India, both autonomous and uncommon.
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