Prepared by the ad hoc working group on HEXABROMOCYCLODODECANE Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

April 2011

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee


Executive summary ...... 3 1. Introduction ...... 4 1.1 Chemical identity of the proposed substance ...... 4 1.2. Conclusions of the Review Committee regarding Annex E information ...... 6 1.3. Data sources ...... 6 1.4. Status of the chemical under international conventions ...... 8 1.5. Any national or regional control actions taken ...... 8 2. Summary information relevant to the risk management evaluation ...... 9 2.1. Identification of possible control measures ...... 9 2.2. Efficacy and efficiency of possible control measures in meeting risk reduction goals ...... 10 2.3. Information on alternatives (products and processes) where relevant ...... 11 2.3.1 Production of high impact (HIPS) plastic ...... 1313 2.3.2 Production of flame retarded textile back-coating ...... 13 2.3.3 Production of flame retarded expanded and extruded polystyrene (EPS/XPS) ...... 13 2.4. Summary of information on impacts on society of implementing possible control measures...... 15 2.4.1. Health, including public, environmental and occupational health ...... 15 2.4.2 Biota (biodiversity) ...... 16 2.4.3 Economic aspects, including costs and benefits for producers and consumers and the distribution of costs and benefits ...... 16 2.5. Other considerations ...... 18 3. Synthesis of information ...... 1918 3.1 Summary of risk profile information ...... 1918 3.2 Summary of risk management evaluation information ...... 19 3.3 Suggested risk management measures ...... 2019 4. Concluding statement ...... 20 References ...... 21


Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

Executive summary 1. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD; also HBCDD) was proposed as a POPs candidate by Norway in 2008. In 2010, the 6th meeting of the POPs Review Committee decided that HBCD is likely, as a result of its long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and environmental effects, such that global action is warranted. 2. HBCD was considered by the Executive Body of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) to meet the criteria for POPs as defined under the POPs protocol. HBCD is included as part of the brominated flame retardants group in the List of Substances for Priority Action of The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the OSPAR Convention). Also the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) has included HBCD in the list of priority hazardous substances. 3. HBCD is produced in China, Europe, Japan, and the USA. The current known annual production is approximately 23,000 tonnes per year (9,000 to 10,000 tonnes in China, 13,426 tonnes in Europe and the US). The main share of the market volume is used in Europe although there is uncertainty regarding more recent use with available information suggesting that use of HBCD may be rising (ECHA 2008a). 4. HBCD has been on the world market since the 1960s. It is used as a flame retardant additive, with the intent of delaying ignition and slowing subsequent fire growth during the service life of vehicles, buildings or articles, as well as while materials are stored. The main uses of HBCD are in flame-retarded expanded (EPS) and extruded (XPS) polystyrene foam insulation, with smaller scale use in textile applications and electric and electronic appliances (high impact polystyrene/HIPS). In textiles HBCD is used in back-coatings for upholstery and other interior textiles, including automotive applications. The volumes of HBCD flame retarded articles imported and exported globally is generally unknown. 5. Release of HBCD into the environment may occur during all stages of its life cycle; production and manufacturing, processing, transportation, use, handling, storage or containment, point-source discharges, migratory releases from manufactured product usage and from disposal of the substance or products containing the substance. The European industry has since 2008 taken actions to substantially reduce HBCD emissions from HBCD production and first line use. 6. Emissions of HBCD can be reduced in production of HBCD, in processes where HBCD or articles containing HBCD are used, and during the waste management phase. Emission control techniques at the production sites alone will not be efficient in solving the problem HBCD is posing for the environment and health, since there are diffuse emissions and releases to the water reserves and sewage systems from products containing HBCD. Wastes containing HBCD represent a large source of releases and increasing amounts of HBCD-containing wastes in landfills and other locations could be a long-term source of HBCD emissions. Wastes containing HBCD include production wastes, insulation boards, building and renovation wastes, and from other less-commonly used applications such as electrical and electronic products and textiles. The process of remodelling and demolition of buildings suggests that HBCD emissions are likely to continue in the future from the installed amount of materials containing HBCD. 7. A number of alternative chemical fire retardants are available to replace HBCD in high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) and textile back-coating. However, there appear to be no drop-in chemical alternatives for flame-retarded EPS/XPS products in all regions. In the USA an alternative chemical flame retardant is used in the production of EPS, but not in Europe. 8. Many Some countries have set standards for building materials with regards to their contribution to fire. Consequently, inherently flammable materials must be treated with a flame retardant to meet certain fire performance criteria, which are required in the country regulations for a specific use. In someHowever, in other countries HBCD has effectively already been phased out. In those countries the fire safety regulations do not require the treatment with a flame retardant. The same level of fire safety is achieved by alternative means that are technically feasible and also commercially available. HBCD phase-out could include flame retardant substitution, resin/material substitution and product redesign. 9. HBCD is an intentionally produced industrial chemical. Under the Convention, the most adequate control measure is listing in Annex A. To allow for certain time-limited critical uses of HBCD a specific exemption for use of HBCD, could be given together with detailed conditions for HBCD production and uses. Stockpiles and waste containing HBCD would be subject to the waste provisions in Article 6.


Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

1. Introduction 10. On June 18th 2008, Norway, as a Party to the Stockholm Convention, submitted a proposal to list the brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD; also HBCDD) as a possible Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) under Annex A of the Convention (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.5/INF/16). 1.1 Chemical identity of the proposed substance 11. Commercial HBCD is a white solid substance. Producers and importers have provided information on this substance under two different names; hexabromocyclododecane (EC Number 247-148-4, CAS number 25637-99-4) and 1,2,5,6,9,10-hexabromocyclododecane (EC Number 221-695-9, CAS number 3194-55-6). The structural formula of HBCD is a cyclic ring structure with Br-atoms attached (Table 1). The molecular formula of the compound is C12H18Br6 and its molecular weight is 641 g/mol. Depending on the manufacturer and the production method used, technical HBCD consists of 70-95 % γ-HBCD and 3-30 % of α- and β-HBCD (European Commission 2008; Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) 2008). Each of these stereoisomers has its own specific CAS number i.e. α-HBCD, CAS No: 134237-50-6; β-HBCD, CAS No: 134237-51-7; γ-HBCD, CAS No: 134237-52-8. Two other stereoisomers, δ- HBCD and ε–HBCD have also been found in technical HBCD in low concentrations. Further information pertaining to the chemical identity of HBCD is listed in Table 2 and may be found in the supplementary information to the Risk Profile on HBCD (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/INF/25). Table 1. Information pertaining to the chemical identity of HBCD Chemical structure

Structural formula of HBCD1:

1Structural formula for 1,2,5,6,9,10- HBCD, i.e., CAS no 3194-55-6. Note that CAS no 25637-99-4 is also used for this substance, although not correct from a chemical point of view as this number does not specify the positions of the atoms. As additional information, the structures and CAS numbers for the diastereomers making up 1,2,5,6,9,10-HBCD are given below, although these diastereomers always occur as mixtures in the technical product.

Chiral components of commercial HBCD: Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br

gamma-HBCD alpha-HBCD beta-HBCD CAS No: 134237-52-8 CAS No: 134237-50-6 CAS No: 134237-51-7


Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

Table 2. Chemical identity Chemical identity

Chemical Name: Hexabromocyclododecane and 1,2,5,6,9,10 -hexabromocyclododecane

EC Number: 247-148-4; 221-695-9

CAS Number: 25637-99-4; 3194-55-6

IUPAC Name: Hexabromocyclododecane

Molecular Formula: C12H18Br6

Molecular Weight: 641.7

Trade names/ other Cyclododecane, hexabromo; HBCD; Bromkal 73-6CD; Nikkafainon CG 1; Pyroguard F 800; synonyms: Pyroguard SR 103; Pyroguard SR 103A; Pyrovatex 3887; Great Lakes CD-75P™; Great Lakes CD-75; Great Lakes CD75XF; Great Lakes CD75PC (compacted); Dead Sea Bromine

Group Ground FR 1206 I-LM; Dead Sea Bromine Group Standard FR 1206 I-LM; Dead Sea Bromine Group Compacted FR 1206 I-CM.

Stereoisomers and Depending on the producer, technical grade HBCD consists of approximately 70-95% γ- purity of commercial HBCD and 3-30 % of α- and β-HBCD due to its production method (European Commission, products: 2008). Each of these has specific CAS numbers. Two other stereoisomers, δ-HBCD and ε– HBCD have also been found by Heeb et al. (2005) in commercial HBCD in concentrations of

0.5 % and 0.3 %, respectively. These impurities are regarded as achiral at present. According to the same authors, 1,2,5,6,9,10-HBCD has six stereogenic centers and therefore, in theory, 16 stereoisomers could be formed.

12. HBCD has been on the world market since the 1960s. Production has been reported in China, Europe, Japan, and the USA. The current known annual production is approximately 23,000 tonnes per year (9,000 to 10,000 tonnes in China, 13,426 tonnes by the BSEF member companies in Europe and the US). Japanese production data is not available. No information on production in other countries or by non-BSEF member companies was received. 13. Based on responses from Parties and Observers, it appears that the main consumption and use of HBCD takes place in Europe. According to the global demand reported by the industry in 2001, more than half of the market volume (9,500 of 16,500 tonnes) was used in Europe. Total global demand for HBCD increased over 28% by 2002 to 21,447 tonnes, and rose again slightly in 2003 to 21,951 tonnes (BSEF 2006). In the US the sum of manufactured and imported HBCD is reported to lie between 4,540 to 22,900 tons in 2005 (US EPA 2008). The total volume of HBCD used in the EU was estimated to be about 11,580 tonnes in 2006. The demand of HBCD within the EU is bigger than the production there and the net import to the EU was expected to have been around 6,000 tonnes in 2006 (ECHA 2008a). The authorities in Japan have reported the sum of domestic production and import of HBCD to be 2,844 tonnes in 2008 and 2,613 tonnes in 2009. Several other national authorities report an import of HBCD as a pure compound or in products; Canada (100-1,000 tonnes), Australia (<100 tonnes), Poland (500 tonnes imported from China annually), Romania (185 tonnes), and Ukraine (BSEF 2011, UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2). Available information suggests that use of HBCD may be rising (ECHA 2008a). There is also evidence that HBCD may be replacing some polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants (notably the commercial decabromodiphenyl ether formulation) (Environment Canada 2010a). 14. HBCD is used as an additive flame retardant, with the intent of delaying ignition and slowing subsequent fire growth during the service life of vehicles, buildings or articles, as well as while materials are stored (BSEF 2010, see UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2 for overview). The main uses of HBCD globally are in flame-retarded expanded (EPS)1 and extruded (XPS)2 polystyrene foam insulation (more than 95% in Europe), while the use in textile applications3 and electric and electronic appliances (high impact polystyrene/HIPS)4 is of a smaller scale (BSEF 2011,

1 0.5-0.7 % HBCD w/w 2 0.8-2% HBCD w/w 3 10-15% HBCD w/w 4 1-7 % HBCD w/w 5

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2 and references therein e.g. ECHA 2008a, US EPA report, OECD 2007, INE- SEMARNAT 2004, Lowell Center For Sustainable Production (LCSP 2006), BSEF 2010). The use of HBCD in insulation boards started in the 1980s. HBCD is used in textile back-coating in upholstery furniture and other interior textiles, including automotive applications (Japan 2011, LCSP 2006). Some other minor uses have also been reported by KEMI (2006). 15. Based on the responses from the Parties and Observers and ECHA (2009), the volumes of import and export of HBCD in flame retarded articles is generally unknown. Polystyrene foams and textiles are usually tailor made for the local market, and the main share of the production is for local consumption, and not exported (SWEREA 2010, BSEF 2011). 1.2. Conclusions of the Review Committee regarding Annex E information 16. At its sixth meeting in October 2010, the POPs Review Committee evaluated the draft risk profile for HBCD in accordance with Annex E (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13) and adopted this (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2). The POPRC decided that, “in accordance with paragraph 7 (a) of Article 8 of the Convention, hexabromocyclododecane is likely, as a result of its long range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and environmental effects such that global action is warranted”. The Committee also decided to establish an ad hoc working group to prepare a risk management evaluation that includes an analysis of possible control measures for hexabromocyclododecane in accordance with Annex F to the Convention for consideration at its next meeting. 1.3. Data sources 17. This risk management evaluation was developed using Annex F information submitted by Parties and observers, including the industry using and producing HBCD. 18. Sixteen Parties and country Observers submitted information (Brazil, Burundi, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Japan, Nigeria, Norway, Mauritius, Romania, and Sweden). Five non- governmental Observers submitted information – Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF), PlasticsEurope/Exiba, Instituto do Meio Ambiente (IMA) Brazil, Extruded Polystyrene Foam Association (XPSA) and Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) as well as the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN). All submissions are available on the Convention web site. 19. Brazil reported it does not produce HBCD, and noted the lack of information on emissions and use. In general HBCD is used in electronic equipment, automotive and textiles production. Brazil also provided extensive information on alternatives to HBCD and HBCD containing products. 20. Burundi reported it does not produce HBCD. Burundi highlighted the lacking of capacity for monitoring and control of chemicals and waste, and noted the need for capacity-building in emergency services, environmentally sound destruction and recycling technologies. 21. Ecuador reported that HBCD is imported into the country only in articles, not as a substance. 22. Canada reported that HBCD is used in flame-retarded PS foams and textiles. In Canada HBCD is used in PS foams in lower concentrations (0.5-1%) than in Europe. Canada also noted the potential for brominated dioxin and furan emissions related to uncontrolled burning of HBCD containing articles. HBCD has been monitored across Canada in landfill leachate since 2009, with varying detection frequency. HBCD has also been monitored in surface water, sediment, air, aquatic biota and wildlife, since 2008. HBCD has been detected in human blood, breast milk, dust and ambient air. 23. China provided information on production of HBCD in the country and supported emission control, improved waste management and HBCD substitution as potential control measures. China also noted that the risks of alternatives to the environment and human health were not yet addressed. 24. Costa Rica and Mauritius reported no production. Costa Rica also noted the lack of information on HBCD use in the country impeding the identification of alternative products. 25. The Czech Republic reported on its ambient air monitoring activities. HBCD isomers were released in the air during storage, manipulation of the mixture and during the PS production process in 2010. The concentrations inside and outside the production facility were hundreds of ng/m3. HBCD was not found in human milk, but in 10% of the liposuction samples. Czech Republic also pointed out that there is no information on import and export of HBCD in the EU. 26. Finland submitted information on emissions and emission control measure effectiveness at a recently closed EPS production facility. The results confirm the need to address production waste (HBCD packages) and emissions to air,


Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee sediment and waste water (from polystyrene beads). 11 % of the EPS produced in the country is flame retarded with HBCD. Fire safety regulations do not require use of flame retardant in insulation boards. 27. Germany noted that the use of EPS/XPS insulation boards without flame-retardant is not allowed according to the German fire safety regulations and that there is currently no drop-in chemical substitute for HBCD in this use. Germany expressed the need for a time limited exemption for HBCD use in EPS/XPS production. They also noted the presence of alternative insulation materials to EPS/XPS and that product redesign is technically feasible. 28. Japan reported use of HBCD in XPS, EPS, automotive textiles, and curtain/blind production. In new car-models HBCD fabrics are not used anymore, but the demand for fabric used in older models will continue for some time. XPS, as well as curtain and blinds producers are working towards reducing or eliminating HBCD use, but no available chemical alternatives have been identified. In Japan, EPS waste is collected and recycled as fuel, i.e. RPF (Refuse Paper and Plastic Fuel), and other products in effective recycling systems. 29. Nigeria reported no production, but use of HBCD in EPS, XPS, HIPS and polypropylene fibre. Nigeria provided information on alternatives to HBCD in certain uses and supported substitution of HBCD with sustainable flame retardants, use of product stewardship programs to minimize emissions, and introduction of regulations to promote search for the alternatives. Nigeria also stressed the importance of ensuring the safety of the alternative chemicals and building laboratory capacity for chemical measurements. 30. Norway has prepared a risk management exploration proposal to the UNECE CLRTAP POPs Task Force on HBCD (Exploration of management options for Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD). Fire regulations allow use of EPS/XPS insulation boards without flame retardants in Norway if thermal barriers are used. The Norwegian producers provide EPS without flame retardants to the Norwegian market. The imported HBCD, approximately 22 t per year, is exported to the EU in EPS. There are no other registered uses of HBCD in Norway. Alternatives other than HBCD are used for textiles and furniture. There is no information on amounts of HBCD in imported products and articles. Norway stressed the importance of releases from waste, especially insulation materials. HBCD has been found in the environment both close to EPS production sites and in the remote regions in the Norwegian Arctic. 31. Romania reported use of HBCD in EPS and XPS production. The annual use from 2009 was 134 tonnes for EPS and 50 tonnes for XPS production. With regards to the waste management implications, Romania noted milling and recycling of polystyrene waste. 32. Sweden expressed the need to achieve fire safety without flame retardants by use of alternative materials and product designs, due to the inherent hazardous properties of many flame retardants, and highlighted that alternative solutions are also available. HBCD use in insulation materials is very small in Sweden as fire safety standards do not require EPX/XPS to be flame retarded. HBCD is being monitored by Swedish contaminant monitoring programmes in marine biota, human milk and ambient air. Due to negligible domestic use, the Swedish environmental levels are heavily dependent on HBCD control measures in other countries. 33. Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF) submitted information on production and uses of HBCD, noting that the only production facility in Europe had reduced its total HBCD emissions to the environment to less than 2 kg a year. BSEF was also concerned over the effects of potential HBCD restrictions on the market and producers, and expressed the industry commitment to continue research to find a chemical alternative to HBCD. 34. Plastics Europe/Exiba, representing the HBCD users in the PS industry, reported that HBCD is used in 0.7% content in EPS and an average of 2% in XPS. Plastics Europe/Exiba also highlighted the successful emission reductions programmes (VECAP/SECURE) in 2006-2009, where potential emissions from first line users were reduced by 85 %. To ensure smooth transition once an alternative is available, the industry intends to apply for REACH authorization for the use of HBCD in polystyrene in Europe, before the EU chemicals policy ban takes effect in 2015 (see para 40). 35. IPEN highlighted the need to ban HBCD to reduce the levels in the environment and noted the availability of alternative materials and techniques to replace EPS/XPS. Elimination of flame retardant use in applications where no fire hazard exists could be a starting point (underground applications, non-combustible surfaces, thermal barriers). IPEN also noted the wide availability of chemical and non-chemical alternative flame retardants for use in insulation noting that the chemical substitutes also may have hazardous properties. Special attention should be paid to waste containing HBCD and emissions from burning HBCD containing materials. 36. The North American XPS Industry (XPSA and CPIA) noted that the U.S. and Canadian building codes contain provisions to limit ignition and burning and that insulation is important to reduce CO2 emissions. The use of a flame- retardant such as HBCD was reported necessary for XPS to meet the U.S. requirements of ASTM C-578 and achieve the International Building Code and International Residential Code class A designation for flame spread and smoke development per ASTM E-84. Use of a flame-retardant such as HBCD also enables XPS to meet the requirements of CAN/ULC S701 and CAN/ULC S102.2, of the 2005 National Building Code of Canada for foamed plastics in non- combustible construction. The HBCD concentration in XPS produced in the US and Canada is lower than in Europe, on 7

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee average 0.8% by weight. XPSA and CPIA noted that in production of flame retarded XPS, HBCD releases are possible during transfer from the original packaging to the feeder at the start of the process, in disposal of packaging materials, and during process upsets. 1.4. Status of the chemical under international conventions 37. HBCD is included as part of the brominated flame retardants group in the List of Substances for Priority Action of The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the OSPAR Convention). The OSPAR Convention is made up of representatives of the Governments of 15 Contracting Parties and the European Commission. Also the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) has included HBCD in the list of priority hazardous substances. 38. In December 2009, HBCD was considered by the Executive Body of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) based on a technical review (ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2009/7) to meet the criteria for POPs as defined under the POPs protocol. In 2010 the possible management options for HBCD were assessed to give a basis for later negotiations. The negotiations are expected to be initiated in December 2011. 1.5. Any national or regional control actions taken 39. Many countries have set standards for building materials with regards to their contribution to fire. Consequently, inherently flammable materials must beare often treated with a flame retardant to meet certain fire performance criteria, which is required in the country regulations for a specific use. Fire protection requirements for certain articles are laid down in acts, ordinances and regulations as well as in standards. In the legislation, the requirements are normally specified in general terms. To demonstrate that the requirements are met, there are prescribed verifiable criteria, which standardisation bodies such as ISO, CEN and UL often have helped to develop (KEMI 2006). 40. In Europe fire test methods have been harmonised and classification of reaction to fire performance for construction products, excluding floorings, are based on four fire test methods: the non-combustibility test EN ISO 1182, the gross calorific potential test EN ISO 1716, the single burning item (SBI) test EN 13823, and the ignitability test EN ISO 11925-2. Building products are divided into seven classes on the basis of their reaction-to-fire properties. (SWEREA 2010). In the U.S. there are numerous regulations and standards that apply to insulation used for the building industry. These regulations and standards may exist at the national, state, county, or municipal level (LSCP 2006). 41. There are requirements in some countries regarding the use of flame retardants in PS foam for insulation. Fire safety regulations require that flame retardant must be used in Austria, Canada, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland in all building applications, irrespective of the use. Moreover, flame retardants are used in EPS stored to reduce fire risk for in warehouses with the intent of delaying ignition and slowing subsequent fire growthcontaining EPS before use in buildings/packaging. Fire regulations and international standards govern the fire safety of polymer applications, but they do not require the use of a certain flame retardant. In Denmark and Iceland flame retarded EPS is required for use in buildings. In Italy, Portugal and UK flame retarded PS foams are generally used according to the industry. Flame-retarded PS foam may be used in some building applications in Finland, Norway, and Sweden, although it is not required. In Sweden, the industry has voluntarily withdrawn HBCD containing products from the market, which is possible because alternative construction techniques can be used, even with EPS applications. 42. The EU’s Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) (2002/96/EC) requires the removal of plastics containing brominated flame retardants and of printed circuit boards from electrical and electronic equipment prior to recovery and recycling. 43. HBCD has been identified by the EU as a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC), meeting the criteria of a PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic) substance pursuant to Article 57(d) in the REACH regulation (ECHA 2008b). In February 2011 HBCD was included in the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) list of substances subject to authorisation under REACH. Taking effect in 2015, HBCD can no longer be used without authorisation. A proposal on classification and labelling of HBCD as a possible reproductive toxic substance was made within the EU (Proposal for Harmonised Classification and Labelling, Based on the CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, Annex VI, Part 2 Substance Name: Hexabromocyclododecane Version 2, Sep. 2009) (KEMI 2009). The EU risk assessment committee (RAC) is of the opinion that HBCD should be classified as suspected to damage fertility or the unborn child (Repr.2 HR361), and may cause harm to breast-fed children (Lact. H362) (RAC 2010). 44. In Ukraine HBCD is registered on the hazardous chemical list based on health effects. 45. In Japan HBCD has been designated as a Monitoring Chemical Substance because of its persistence and high bio-accumulation under the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc. (commonly referred to as the Chemical Substances Control Law "CSCL"). In September 2010, Japanese Ministers of 8

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

Health, Labour and Welfare, and of Economy, Trade and Industry and of the Environment instructed persons operating the business of manufacturing or importing HBCD to conduct an Avian Reproduction Test (OECD Test Guideline 206) and to report the results thereof by the end of March 2014 under CSCL. 46. In the USA, the EPA anticipates proposing a significant new use rule (SNUR) under section 5(a)(2) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for the use of HBCD in consumer textiles. Such a proposal would indicate that EPA believes such use would constitute a significant new use. The SNUR would require persons who intend to manufacture, import, or process HBCD for the designated significant new use to notify EPA at least 90 days before commencing such use. The required notification would provide the EPA with the opportunity to evaluate the intended use and, if necessary, to prohibit or limit that activity before it occurs. 47. A proposal for a national ban of HBCD is currently under consideration by the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment (Norway 2011). Canada is currently undertaking a risk assessment of HBCD and will be considering control measures when that assessment has been completed, which is expected in 2011.

2. Summary information relevant to the risk management evaluation 48. HBCD may be released to air, water, soil and sediment. Release of HBCD or other by-product POPs into the environment may occur during production and manufacturing, processing, transportation, use, handling, storage or containment, point-source discharges, combustion, migratory releases from manufactured product usage and from disposal and incineration of the substance or products containing the substance. In Canada, HBCD has been known to be discharged into various tributaries, watersheds, rivers and lakes resulting in increased levels in sediments, surrounding soils and biota (Environment Canada 2010b). 49. Releases of HBCD to the environment from HBCD production have been considered small in the EU, with only one production facility. In the EU it was estimated that about 3 kg a year are released from the workplace plus a further 2 kg to air and 0.1 kg to waste water. The estimated releases of HBCD to the environment during the manufacture and formulation of HBCD containing products were 41 kg to air, 60 kg to waste water and 35 kg to surface water per year in the EU RAR (ECHA 2008a). The release of HBCD from products during end use is appears to be small, however estimated releases of HBCD during the consumer use of products are highly uncertain (ECHA 2008a). Some dust containing HBCD will be released during the installation of EPS or XPS insulation and ultimately during the refurbishment or demolition of buildings containing these products. The estimated annual release to the environment was 530 kg to air, 1,140 kg to waste water and 560 kg to surface water. According to the EU RAR, the end use releases to waste water and surface water are dominated by textile coatings. The use of HBCD in textiles is believed to have fallen substantially in recent years. The quantities of waste products sent for disposal are uncertain and it was also noted that estimated releases of HBCD during the consumer use of products are highly uncertain (ECHA 2008a). Comment [X1]: Moved above 50. Releases from waste disposal are difficult to estimate because of the long lifetime of XPS and EPS once installed in buildings (potentially up to 100 years) combined with an increasing trend towards the recycling of electrical equipment. Solid waste containing HBCD may be scrap materials generated during processing operations, particulates released through aging and wear of end products, and disposal of products at the end of service life. Products and materials in landfill sites will be subject to weathering, releasing HBCD particulates primarily to soil, and to a lesser extent, to water and air (Environment Canada 2010b). In addition, thermal treatment of EPS and XPS at temperatures of 140-160 C alters the stereoisomer patterns of HBCD thus potentially altering environmental fate (Heeb et al., 2010), Finally, combustion of HBCD may release polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PBDD) and dibenzofurans (PBDF) even in state of the art municipal solid waste incineration facilities (APME, NCM 2004). 51. HBCD phase-out could include flame retardant substitution, resin/material substitution and product redesign (LCSP 2006). In addition, re-evaluating fire-safety requirements e.g. in applications where fire hazard is absent (such as underground applications) or otherwise eliminated would reduce the need for flame-retarded insulation materials. Emissions of HBCD can be reduced in processes where HBCD or articles containing HBCD are used, and during the waste management phase. In Sweden, the industry has voluntarily withdrawn HBCD containing products from the market, which is possible because alternative construction techniques can be used. 2.1. Identification of possible control measures 52. The objective of the Stockholm Convention (Article 1) is to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants. Under the Convention this may be achieved by listing HBCD in Annex A, with or without specific exemptions, possibly accompanied with detailed actions for production and certain uses of HBCD. 53. In the Annex F process, a number of HBCD uses have been identified by Parties and Observers. For many of the uses alternatives are already available and currently used in many countries. These uses include production of high impact polystyrene (HIPS) plastic and production of flame retarded textile back-coating. Alternative chemical flame 9

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee retardants to HBCD in production of flame retarded expanded polystyrene are being developed and used in some regions, but they are not suitable for all the European production processes. Also, their health, safety, and Comment [X2]: For clarity, it might be good here environmental properties may not be well known. However, alternative insulation materials and technical solutions to to simply clearly state which production processes EPS/XPS are already widely used as well as alternative construction methods. These uses and the potential substitutes do not seem to be suitable. will be further described in section 2.3. below. 54. Emission reduction measures and use of best practices would be required in the production and manufacture for potential specific exemptions and exempted uses in order to reduce HBCD releases to the environment from these exempted uses. Significant reduction in estimated total emissions from production and first line users has been reported by the industry in Europe following voluntary measures. 55. In accordance with Article 6(1)(d)(ii), HBCD containing products (EPS, XPS, HIPS, textiles) should be managed in an environmentally sound manner and disposed of in such a way that their POPs content is destroyed. This will require separation of HBCD containing articles from others upon becoming waste, and the prevention of inappropriate waste management practices leading to recycling of the POP content.

2.2. Efficacy and efficiency of possible control measures in meeting risk reduction goals 56. Listing HBCD in Annex A of the Convention without exemptions would effectively reduce the releases of HBCD. This would require either introducing alternative building techniques or insulation material to achieve fire safety in construction, or the industry phasing in an alternative to HBCD. 57. Based on the submissions from Parties and Observers, there is currently a need for flame retarded insulation materials due to country-specific fire safety requirements in some countries. However, the safety requirements do not identify any specific flame retardant substances or groups of flame retardant substances that have to be used. Although manufacturers have noted that there is no viable chemical replacement to HBCD yet available commercially for flame retarded EPS and XPS production in Europe, some countries have already implemented updated fire safety standards, product redesign and the use of inherently fire-resistant materials which can replace the need for HBCD. Some countries have already phased out HBCD in the absence of a substitute chemical flame retardant indicating that there are alternative materials and techniques available on the market already. However, no viable replacement to HBCD is yet available commercially for flame retarded EPS and XPS production. 58. Emission control techniques at the production sites alone will not be sufficient to solve the problem HBCD is posing to the environment and to health, since the diffuse emissions and releases to the water reserves and sewage systems from the use and machining of products containing HBCD, as well as releases when becoming waste also is of significant concern. 59. In addition to listing HBCD in Annex A, waste management measures for materials in use should be introduced to ensure environmentally sound management of HBCD containing insulation materials, plastics, and textiles at the end-of-life stage. This would require identifying materials in which HBCD has been added when buildings are renovated or dismantled to facilitate destruction of the POP content in the waste and to prevent inappropriate management practices leading to recycling or landfilling the POP content. Recycling of HBCD can be significant. According to the Swiss substance-flow analysis, the proportion of HBCD recycled is higher than for material containing other brominated flame retardants, and the recycling percentage of HBCD used in EPS insulation was expected to rise from 30% in 2005 to 60% in 2010 (Geopartner 2007). In the EU in 2007, the share of EPS with flame retardant was 60% of the total EPS demand, and the share of XPS with flame retardant 92% of the total XPS demand (PlasticsEurope/Exiba 2011). In two Swiss studies on electronic and electrical appliances, vehicles and building materials, HBCD was found in 2% and 6% of the studied plastic component samples (BUWAL 2004, BFR 2010 - 486 and 214 samples respectively). Another recent Swiss WEEE study, however, did not find HBCD in any of the 53 samples analysed (EMPA 2010). 60. Recycled products containing HBCD, including EPS and XPS boards, are potential sources of emissions in the same way as virgin products. Recycling operations for recovery of metals or plastics in electronic products and vehicles are potential sources as well. In controlled waste streams parts containing HBCD could be sorted out, but this will not always be technically feasible in the waste stream. Use of labelling of products or parts of products could be a valuable help in the process to identify and separate HBCD-containing elements at the end of life (KEMI 2006). 61. EPS has an estimated service life of approximately 30-100 years and collecting and recycling used EPS may be hindered due to difficulties in separating EPS containing HBCD from others. HBCD-freeSome EPS can be recycled and used for the manufacture of bricks where the polystyrene is gasified and leaves a cavity in the center of the brick. In this process HBCD is destroyed. However, it is difficult to separate the HBCD treated PS and HIPS from their HBCD- Comment [X3]: It is likely that certain products used between certain years likely contain HBCD. free counterparts. This greatly complicates the separation of recyclable materials and may indicate the need for special These should be treated as POPs-containing as a treatment based on market knowledge and year of manufacture. precaution if technical separation is not feasible. 10

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62. Controlled incineration is one way to dispose of PS foam containing HBCD (CEFIC 2011, ECHA 2008a). The flame retardant decomposes in the incineration plant process. In a one co-combustion study in a high temperature pilot facility (>900°C), the foam added substantially to the Br content in the incinerator, but did not appear to add significantly to the overall hazard of raw gas or emissions (APME). Experimental evidence confirms that under some conditions HBCD and products containing HBCD form and may release polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PBDD) and dibenzofurans (PBDF) during burning, even in state of the art municipal solid waste incineration facilities (APME, NCM 2004). However, PBDDs and PBDFs formed from HBCD waste will likely be destroyed by the very high operating temperatures and controlled operating conditions employed in state of the art incinerators. The incineration efficiency and the operating conditions of the flue gas treatment systems are of great importance to the resulting emissions of dioxins (NCM 2004). Hence, there is potential for the release of these substances from uncontrolled burns and accidental fires, pyrolysis/gasification plants, recycling processes, and from incinerators that are not functioning well (Weber and Kuch 2003). Desmet et al. (2005) also documented the formation of bromophenols, known precursors of polybrominated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans, during combustion of flame-retarded extruded polystyrene containing HBCD. Bromophenol formation seemed to be inherent to the flame retardant mechanism of HBCD. The study did not investigate the formation of brominated dioxins and furans but noted that it was highly probable that various brominated dioxin isomers would be formed from bromophenols. 63. State of the art incineration with energy recovery is expected tomay be more widely available in the coming years, hence diverting HBCD containing materials from landfill. However, currently in many countries landfilling is the most common way of waste disposal, leading to HBCD- containing waste accumulating in the landfills. 2.3. Information on alternatives (products and processes) where relevant 64. The POPRC has agreed that HBCD is a POP due to its long-range environmental transport and significant adverse human health and environmental effects such that global action is warranted (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2). The target or aim of any risk reduction strategy for HBCD should be to reduce and eliminate emissions and releases taking into consideration the indicative list in Annex F including technical feasibility of possible control measures and alternatives, the risk and benefits of the substances and their continued production and use. In considering any strategy for a reduction in such risks, it is important to consider the availability of substitutes in the sectors of concern. In this regard, the replacement of HBCD by another chemical or non-chemical alternative needs to take account of factors such as:  technical feasibility (practicability of applying an alternative technology that currently exists or is expected to be developed in the foreseeable future)  costs, including environmental and health costs  risk (safety of the alternatives)  availability and accessibility 65. A discussion of the availability and suitability of substitutes of HBCD is provided below. 66. There are technically feasible and commercially available alternatives to different uses of HBCD on the market. , although not for EPS production in Europe. Thesey include flame retardant substitution, resin/material substitution and product redesign. Several of them are halogen-free and are therefore considered to be better alternatives for the environment and health in the evaluations done (ECHA 2009, SWEREA 2010, KLIF 2010) (Table 3). However, their other risks may not have been fully studied. According to manufacturers, chemical alternatives to HBCD are lacking for EPS production in Europe.


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Table 3. Summary table of technically feasible and commercially available halogen-free alternatives to the use of Comment [X4]: At COP5, the Secretariat HBCD (based on SWEREA 2010). presented results from the POPs Free Project which included recognition of Paxymer as a producer of Polymer Applications Alternative chemicals Alternative material and non-halogenated flame retardants. I believe their materials product redesign system is currently designed for polyolefins, but it might be worth if for the Secretariat to contact them HIPS Housings of Arylphosphates such as: Alloys of PPE/HIPS5 treated to ask about the feasibility of substituting for various electronic with halogen free flame HBCD uses. Resorcinol bis (biphenyl products retardant alternatives phosphate) Wiring parts Bis phenol A bis (biphenyl phosphate) Polymeric biphenyl phosphate Diphenyl cresyl phosphate Triphenyl phosphate EPS Insulation of No halogen free ‘drop in’ EPS and XPS without FRs, foundation, walls replacement chemicals using thermal barriers & and ceilings commercially available at Phenolic foams XPS present for all production Ground deck, processes and regions Blankets (fiber batts or rolls) parking deck etc. that may contain rock wool, fiber glass, cellulose or polyurethane foam Polyester batts Loose fills that may contain rock wool, fiber glass, cellulose or polyurethane foam 6 Textile back Protective Intumescent systems that Comment [X5]: This is a summary table of coatings clothing contain: possible alternatives. Opinions about economic feasibility are in a different section. a dehydrating component, such as Carpets ammoniumpolyphosphate Curtains (APP) a charring component, such as pentaerythritol (PER) Upholstered fabrics a gas source, often a nitrogen component such as melamine


Interior in public transportation

Other technical textiles

5 PPE/HIPS: alloy of polyphenylene ether and high impact polystyrene 6 Economical viability has been questioned (BSEF 2011). 12

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2.3.1 Production of high impact polystyrene (HIPS) plastic 67. A number of alternative fire retardants are available to replace HBCD in HIPS (Table 3). They are all required to be used at considerably higher loadings (ECHA 2009). Deca-BDE has been widely used in HIPS and also in electronic wire insulation but may not be suitable for use as a substitute for HBCD due to concerns about its impact on human health and the environment as well as debromination to components of PentaBDE and OctaBDE. In the EU, the introduction of the RoHS Directive phased out the use of Deca-BDE. In the US the industry is voluntarily withdrawing Deca-BDE from most uses by 2013. Other chemicals that can be used as alternatives to HBCD in HIPS include both halogenated flame retardants used in conjunction with antimony trioxide (ATO) and halogen-free organic aryl phosphorus compounds. Halogenated flame retardants may also increase the toxicity of the emissions from fire (Dioxin 2010). Nevertheless, since HBCD is not widely used in HIPS, it may be reasonable to assume that the alternative flame retardants on the market are technically and economically feasible. 68. In electrical products HIPS can be replaced by various alternative materials, including blends of polycarbonate / acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (PC/ABS), polystyrene / polyphenylene ether (PS/PPE) and polyphenylene ether / high impact polystyrene (PPE/HIPS) without flame retardants or with the use of non-halogenated flame retardants (Brazil 2011, DEPA 2010) . These co-polymer blends have higher impact strength and are more resistant to burning because they form an insulating char foam surface when heated (DEPA 2010). 2.3.2 Production of flame retarded textile back-coating 69. The typical concentration of HBCD in textile applications is high compared to other applications, 6 to 15% in a polymer (CEFIC/EFRA 2006). Several chemicals may be used as drop-in alternatives for HBCD in textile applications. For textile backing, chemical alternatives to HBCD include deca-BDE, chlorinated paraffins and ammonium polyphosphates (ECHA 2009). Concerns about Deca-BDE is not readily biodegradable, and has low bioaccumulation potential in the environmentare described above. Long chain chloroparaffins are reproductive toxicants to humans, show chronic toxicity with effects on liver and kidneys, and are potential carcinogens (ECHA 2009). Ammonium polyphosphate has neither CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, and Reprotoxic) nor PBT (Persistency, Bioaccumulation, and Toxicity) properties. [UBA (2003a) Leitfaden zur Anwendung umweltverträglicher Stoffe für die Hersteller und gewerblichen Anwender gewässerrelevanter Chemischer Produkte, TEIL 3, Produktspezifische Strategie, Additive in Kunststoffen, Umweltbundesamt, Februar 2003] 70. It is important to note, that flame-retardant use in textiles can be avoided if the material is non flammable, such as wool. It can also be used as barrier materials in furniture (Norway 2011). 71. According to the submission from Japan HBCD has been replaced in fabrics used in new car models. However, the demand for fabrics that contain HBCD will continue for some time as such fabrics continue to be used in older models (Japan 2010). Comment [X6]: There is no good reason given why the newer, safer alternatives cannot be used in 2.3.3 Production of flame retarded expanded and extruded polystyrene (EPS/XPS) older cars. In addition, it is highly doubtful that older models will require fabric replacement anyway. 72. According to the European industry there are currently no commercially or technically viable drop-in chemical alternatives to HBCD as a flame retardant in polystyrene foam in Europe due to utilization of a specific production process. This is because alternative chemical flame retardants impair the structure and properties of the foam, making it unsuitable for use (ECHA 2009, BSEF 2011). However, alternative halogenated flame retardants are commercially Comment [X7]: The actual reason appears to be a available in the USA for EPS, where the production process used is different. The polystyrene industry is in the process production process-related issue described in the of finding a chemicaln alternative to HBCD jointly with flame-retardant producers. In April 2011 Great Lakes paragraph. Solutions announced investing in a facility to produce a brominated polymeric flame retardant suitable for EPS and XPS. Little is known about the environmental and health properties of these substances. According to the HBCD industry, fire performance, foam properties, toxicity, and environmental profile are characteristics affecting their selection of chemical alternatives to HBCD. (BSEF 2011). The HBCD industry has highlighted the main challenges in the search for alternative flame retardants as the following (BSEF 2011): Fire performance of the products with the flame retardant over the complete service life, which needs to meet existing stringent regulations in the relevant countries Fit to produce foams without undermining the foam properties. In addition, once found and approved for fire safety and other regulatory requirements, an alternative will have to be transitioned throughout the complex PS insulation foam market Consumer safety for the end product, which needs to be similar to HBCD in PS foams 73.72. Environmental profile, which needs to be superior to HBCD. Fit to produce foams without increasing safety risks for workers. 13

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74.73. There are also alternative insulation materials available on the market that meet the fire-safety requirements in many countries facilitating HBCD phase-out for this application. Alternative insulation materials to EPS/ XPS are available for all uses, with the exception of some demanding XPS use in moist or freeze/thaw sensitive applications in North America (XPSA/CPIA 2011). These alternative insulation systems have different characteristics to XPS and EPS and may be less appropriate for some specific use scenarios or may incorporate different environmental issues such as increased energy costs during transportation (ECHA 2009). Alternatives to HBCD 75.74. Brominated chemicals other than HBCD are commercially available as flame retardants for use in EPS applications in North America. These are tetrabromocyclooctane and dibromoethyldibromo-cyclohexane (LSCP 2006, BSEF 2011). There are also concerns about the environmental or health properties of these substances:  Tetrabromocyclooctane is structurally related to tetrabromocyclohexane which was identified in modelling studies as structurally similar to known Arctic contaminants and/or have partitioning properties that suggest that it is a potential Arctic contaminant.  Dibromoethyldibromo-cyclohexane is found in beluga whales in the Arctic; modelling studies identify it as likely to be persistent and bioaccumulative; and it was found to be a strong androgen agonist and mutagenic to mammalian cells in vitro. 76.75. The Japanese EPS industry is aiming at replacing HBCD in the production processes by the end of 2012 and also the industry producing XPS is working towards reduction in HBCD use by reconsidering HBCD content but also the need for HBCD in the product (Japan 2011). Interestingly, the European industry appears to use higher amounts of HBCD than North American producers to meet the fire safety requirements. 77.76. The first consideration would be to eliminate use of HBCD and other flame retardants in cases where no fire hazard exists. These uses include placement of insulation between two non-combustible wall surfaces such as stone or concrete and uses where insulation is placed between building foundations and soil. These design changes could be implemented by the end-product manufacturer (LCSP 2006). 78.77. Another strategy would be to apply the flame retardancy function through the use of fire resistant coverings or coatings that act as thermal barriers. Thermal barriers are fire resistant coverings or coatings that separate the insulation material from the building interior. These include: gypsum board, gypsum or cement plasters, perlite board, spray- applied cellulose, mineral fiber, or gypsum coatings, and selected types of plywood. All these materials are currently in common use in domestic and commercial building construction (LCSP 2006, SWEREA 2010). Thermal barriers are subject to country-specific building code requirements (SWEREA 2010). 79.78. By using thermal barriers it is possible to fulfil fire safety requirements in most of the uses in construction and buildings with EPS and XPS without a fire retardant. This has been reported to be an available alternative on the market by Finland, Norway, Sweden and Spain. The national fire safety requirements are achieved by the building codes specifying the different uses of insulation products in buildings and construction, through the use of thermal barriers and hence the use of flame retardant is not required to achieve fire safety even when using EPS/XPS. Alternatives to EPS/XPS 80.79. Flame retarded expanded and extruded polystyrene foam (EPS and XPS) used for building insulation can also be replaced by alternative materials. This is a more complex approach than simple flame retardant substitution because it has a greater effect on overall product cost and performance. This change could be implemented by the polymer processor/compounder or the end-product manufacturer (LCSP 2006). 81.80. Types of alternative insulating materials include polyisocyanurate foams, and phenolic foams: a. Polyisocyanurate foams include modified urethane foams that utilize chemical flame retardants such as tris monochloropropyl phosphate (TCMPP) and tris chloroethyl phosphate (TCEP). TCMPP is poorly characterized toxicologically but in the TCEP manufacturing process ethylene oxide (a carcinogen) is used, it appears to be a reproductive toxicant, is found in the Arctic indicating long- range transport, and is considered a carcinogen by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. Due to the chlorinated and brominated flame retardants used in the manufacture of polyisocyanurate insulation products, these cannot be considered to be preferable alternatives because of their health effects (LCSP 2006). b. Phenolic foams are in use in roofing, cavity board, external wall board, and floor insulation. They are mostly used to bind glass fiber to make insulation products. One concern over their use is that formaldehyde, a human carcinogen, is used for making phenolic resins monomer. Formaldehyde is listed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a known human carcinogen 14

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(Morose 2006). This has to be considered at the production sites, using available emission control techniques and safety restrictions securing the workers. c. Blanket insulation is as much a technical alternative as an alternative material. It is usually made of fiber glass or rock wool and can be fitted between studs, joists, and beams. It is available in widths suited to standard spacings between wall studs or floor joists. Continuous rolls can be hand cut and trimmed to fit various spaces. The blankets are available with or without vapour retardant facings. Batts with special flame resistant facing are available where the insulation will be left exposed. d. Fiberglass is a synthetic vitreous fiber. Loose-fill insulation is typically blown into place or spray- applied by special equipment. It can be used to fill existing wall cavities and for irregularly shaped areas. e. Reflective insulation systems include foils, films, or papers that are fitted between studs, joists, and beams and commonly used to prevent downward heat flow in roof applications. Common materials include foil-faced paper, foil-faced polyethylene bubbles, foil-faced plastic film, and foil-faced cardboard. f. Other commonly used insulation materials include polyester batts and sheep wool which can be fitted between studs, joists, and beams. 82.81. Technical alternatives to HBCD containing EPS/ XPS include: blown-in or spray-applied insulation materials such as rock wool, fiber glass, cellulose, or polyurethane foam. Loose-fill cellulose insulation is commonly manufactured from recycled newsprint, cardboard, or other forms of waste paper. The blown-in loose-fill insulation can provide additional resistance to air infiltration if the insulation is sufficiently dense. Loose-fill insulation can also be poured in place by using materials such as vermiculite or perlite. These materials are produced by expanding naturally occurring minerals in a furnace (LCSP 2006). 83.82. When alternative building insulation materials or EPS and XPS without flame retardants are used the necessary flame protection can be provided by use of a thermal barrier. Thermal barriers are fire resistant coverings or coatings that separate the insulation material from the building interior. Thermal barriers can be used to increase the fire retardant performance for various types of insulation. Thermal barriers are subject to current building code requirements. Commonly used thermal barriers include: gypsum board, gypsum or cement plasters, perlite board, spray-applied cellulose, mineral fiber, or gypsum coatings, and select plywood’s. By using thermal barriers it is possible to fulfil fire safety requirements in most of the uses in construction and building applications using EPS and XPS without a flame retardant. This has been reported to be an available alternative on the market by Norway, Sweden and Spain (SWEREA 2010). 84.83. Fiberglass, glass wool, and mineral wool are considered synthetic vitreous fibers. They also may have occupational health effects. When these fibers are suspended in air they can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and parts of the lung. Animal studies show that repeatedly breathing air containing synthetic vitreous fibers can lead to inflammation and fibrosis of the lung. (ATSDR 2004). Protective clothing and equipment (face masks, goggles, gloves etc.) is available and used by construction workers to avoid irritations from contact and breathing in the fibres. This will only be of importance in the working environment, since the fibrous material is built inside the wall, foundation and ceilings in the buildings and constructions. 2.4. Summary of information on impacts on society of implementing possible control measures 85.84. As the persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties of HBCD as well as its potential for long-range transboundary transport were shown in the risk profile agreed by the POPRC of the Stockholm Convention, a positive impact on globally sustainable development from an elimination of HBCD is to be expected. If production and use of HBCD with persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties is not managed, and were to continue or increase, then levels in the environment including in humans and animals will likely continue to rise, even in locations distant from production and use. 2.4.1. Health, including public, environmental and occupational health 86.85. A positive impact on human health and on the environment can be expected from reduction or elimination control measures on HBCD on a global scale, especially in relation to blood levels. In humans HBCD is found in blood, plasma, breast milk, and adipose tissue. The main sources of exposure presently known are contaminated food and dust. Imposing control measures would likely ensure that the levels of HBCD in agricultural products like farmed (and wild) fish, milk/milk products and various meat products level off. In the short term, the most positive effect would be anticipated to be on the indoor environment; with HBCD levels in dust being completely eliminated or dramatically reduced as a consequence of a ban. A positive outcome of this would be reduced exposure to humans, particularly children, who have been shown to ingest more dust than adults (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2). 15

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87.86. Though information on the human toxicity of HBCD is to a great extent lacking, embryos and infants have been identified as vulnerable groups that could be at risk (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2, RAC 2010), particularly due to the observed neuroendocrine and developmental toxicity of HBCD observed in animal studies. Phase-out or elimination of HBCD would also be particularly beneficial to Arctic indigenous peoples who depend on traditional native foods and therefore are at much greater risk of exposure than other communities. The particular risks posed by POPs to Arctic ecosystems and indigenous communities are acknowledged in the preamble to the Stockholm Convention. 88.87. In developing countries, electrical and electronic appliances containing HBCD and other toxic substances are often recycled under conditions which result in a relatively high release of HBCD to the environment and contamination of the sites (Zhang et al., 2009), and exposure of workers (Tue et al., 2010). Open burning and dump sites are common destinations for HBCD-containing articles and electronic wastes (Malarvannan et al., 2009, Polder et al., 2008). 89.88. HBCD and other brominated flame retardants (BFRs) may also increase fire toxicity and lower survival by augmenting the release of carbon monoxide and soot and production of halogenated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (see Dioxin (2010). The prevalence of certain kinds of cancer in fire fighters may be linked to an elevated exposure to brominated and chlorinated dioxins and furans and this warrants further attention. The overall fire safety benefit of regulations requiring flame retardants has been questioned since they can increase the release of toxic gases and soot which are the cause of most fire deaths and injuries (DiGangi et al 2010, Stec & Hull 2010). Combustion of materials containing HBCD or other halogenated flame retardants during accidental fires and burning flame-retarded waste increases the toxicity of fire effluents by increasing the release of carbon monoxide, acid gases such as bromide, and brominated and chlorinated dioxins and furans (Shaw et al 2010). An overall reduction of flame-retarded materials may therefore lead to a smaller risk of health problems for the general public and fire fighters, if fire safety can be achieved by other means.

2.4.2 Biota (biodiversity) 90.89. A positive impact on biota from a ban of HBCD can be expected. The scientific literature has identified that HBCD is very toxic to aquatic organisms. In avian species, data from recent studies report effects such as reduced eggshell thickness, growth and survival. Further indications for concern come from recent preliminary data obtained with captive American kestrels which suggest a risk for reproductive and developmental effects also in wild birds in remote regions (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.6/13/Add.2). 2.4.3 Economic aspects, including costs and benefits for producers and consumers and the distribution of costs and benefits 90. Economically feasible alternative materials and techniques exist for current HBCD uses. Since EPS and XPS insulation boards are most often covered by other materials in buildings and constructions, using thermal barriers for flame retardancy will not represent an extra cost, since they are common materials and relatively cheap. EPS and XPS without flame retardants are commercially and technically feasible alternatives today and do not represent a higher cost to the manufacturer. The market in Scandinavia is dominated by polystyrene boards without flame retardants. This is accomplished by fire safety regulations not requiring treatment with a flame retardant, acquiring the same level of protection through other means and relies to a lesser extent on flame retardants (SWEREA 2010). In this region, only producers manufacturing EPS and XPS for export, like in Norway, will be affected by a ban on HBCD. Comment [X8]: Moved to the top of the section 91. The cost for developing countries of a phase out of HBCD uses should be limited, as the majority of the HBCD use takes place in Europe. According to BSEF, a ban of HBCD in the absence of a drop-in chemical alternative would severely harm the EPS and XPS industry in Europe due to the use of a production process in Europe which is not used in the US and drastically impact the economics also for non-HBCD containing PS foam. In addition, specialized waste Comment [X9]: Non-HBCD containing PS foam management and disposal related to HBCD (buildings and articles) could be costly for both developed and developing is beyond the scope of the HBCD Risk Management countries. According to information from XPSA and CPIA a ban of HBCD would prevent the use of XPS products Evaluation. containing the substance, end the current practices of the XPS industry in the US and Canada, andcould cause difficulties since for many applications XPS is the only product recommended and accepted by current building codes. The recent progress in finding a polymeric chemical alternative, although brominated, may alleviate these concerns along with the possibility of updated fire safety codes. Finally, specialized waste management and disposal related to HBCD (buildings and articles) could be costly in countries where the substance has been used.. 92. Emission reduction measures and use of best practices would be required in the production for potential specific exemptions and use therein to reduce HBCD releases to the environment from these uses. European HBCD and polystyrene manufacturers have in 2006 initiated emission reduction programmes, which are targeted at eliminating emissions from first line users of HBCD (Self-Enforced Control of Use to Reduce Emissions (SECURE) and Voluntary Emissions Control Action Programme (VECAP)). Most of the European PS foam industry implements those risk 16

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee reduction measures (EBFRIP 2009a). Implementing best practices in handling reduced the total potential releases from 2,017 kg/year in 2008 to 309 kg/year in 2009 in the survey of member companies. The costs of emission reduction programmes initiated by European HBCD and polystyrene manufacturers are highly dependent on the company operations (BSEF 2011). Also the Japanese curtain and blind industry has developed a coagulation-sedimentation method in the dyeing process to reduce HBCD emissions to water (Japan 2011). 93. In accordance with Article 6(1)(d)(ii), HBCD containing products (EPS, XPS, HIPS, textiles) should be managed in an environmentally sound manner and disposed of in such a way that their POPs content is destroyed or irreversibly transformed so that they do not exhibit the characteristics of POPs. This will require separation of HBCD containing articles from others upon becoming waste and the prevention of inappropriate waste management practices leading to recycling of the POP content. 94. For drop-in chemical substitutes, two main types of costs have to be considered concerning the switch from one flame retardant to another (SWEREA 2010); a. The switching cost, which is the cost of reformulation, in other words the cost of the development work or equipment change. Manufacturing and processing facilities may need to invest in new equipment in order to shift to alternative flame retardants. This cost is difficult to estimate, and usually contains the cost of those research and development endeavours which did not succeed in finding an efficient flame retardant alternative. This is a cost which is generated at the beginning of a product life cycle. b. The operating cost which reflects the price of the flame retardant (raw) material cost. In addition, daily operation costs may be different for the new process steps required to manufacture other flame retardant chemicals. To ensure economic viability, flame retardants must be easy to process and cost- effective for what most of the time high-volume manufacturing conditions are necessary. The costs of manufacturing are heavily dependent on the costs of raw materials, but the degree of this dependency varies among the flame retardants. 95. Following thisIn absence of the updated fire safety standards and techniques that do not require addition of chemical flame retardants, the PS foam industry must adapt to the new flame retardant alternatives. In spite of those costs mentioned above, movement to alternatives already exists implying that the costs are acceptable and not critical, although not yet fully known. 96. A ban on HBCD can have consequences for EPS and XPS producers in relation to the workforce in this sector (Plastics Europe/Exiba 2011, XPSA/CPIA 2011). In 2003 the EPS sector group and the European XPS producers in Europe initiated projects to find alternatives to HBCD for use in EPS and XPS and to share the costs connected with the development of new alternatives with the flame retardant producers (HBCD industry working group 2009). At this time HBCD was undergoing risk assessment under the Existing Substance Regulation (EC) 793/93 in the EU, and the manufacturers of EPS and XPS were highly concerned about the outcome of the environmental profiling, the future regulatory situation and the resulting impact on producers and users (HBCD Industry Working Group 2009). The HBCD industry working group reported to the UNECE/CLRTAP process in 2010 that current estimations from the two projects underway were that a chemicaln alternative would be available on the market in 5-10 years. This included the registration of the chemical alternatives under REACH in the EU. 97. In North America the major brominated flame retardant manufacturers (Albemarle, Chemtura Corporation and ICL-IP) have formed alliances with other companies (forming the North American Flame Retardant Alliance (NAFRA) under the umbrella of ACC) to promote and defend a broad range of flame retardants. The three companies have inorganic phosphor based flame retardants in their portfolio in addition to the brominated flame retardants. Other brominated flame retardants for use in EPS are already on the United States market as alternatives to HBCD (LCSP 2006). They are however not applicable to the European industry which uses different processes for manufacture of EPS and XPS. However, there is a recent announcement by Great Lakes Solutions on preparations to start production of a directly applicable chemical alternative to HBCD. 98.97. EPS and XPS insulation boards are most often covered by other materials in buildings and constructions. Using thermal barriers will not represent an extra cost, since thermal barriers used are common materials and relatively cheap. EPS and XPS without flame retardants are commercially and technically feasible alternatives today and do not represent a higher cost to the manufacturer. The market in Scandinavia is dominated by polystyrene boards without flame retardants. This is accomplished by fire safety regulations not requiring treatment with a flame retardant, acquiring the same level of protection through other means and relies to a lesser extent on flame retardants (SWEREA 2010). In this region, only producers manufacturing EPS and XPS for export, like in Norway, will be affected by a ban on HBCD. Comment [X10]: Moved to the top of the section


Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

99.98. Consequences for the elimination of HBCD through legislation will influence markets in various ways. For regions where HBCD is largely phased out (e.g. Scandinavia and most developing country regions) the cost of HBCD elimination will be low. There will be greater impact in markets with a substantial production and use of HBCD flame retarded EPS insulation boards (Europe), but to a lesser extent markets that arein the US which is less dependent on HBCD due to use of other processes of EPS manufacture using other brominated flame retardants (the US). As there are currently no known chemical alternatives for XPS, HBCD elimination will affect production of flame retarded XPS in all regions, unless a suitable alternative can be phased in in a timely manner. The ongoing initiatives in the Comment [X11]: This statement ignores the polystyrene foam sector to find alternatives for use of HBCD (North America and Europe) are accomplished by sharing substantial number of alternative materials and the costs and investments in voluntary projects between the flame retardant producers and the polystyrene foam redesign possibilities shown in Table 3. manufacturers (HBCD Industry working group 2009). Table 3 indicates that there are a large number of alternative materials and product redesign alternatives for EPS and XPS. For regions where HBCD is largely phased out (Scandinavia) the cost will be low. Conclusively, the cost implications for producers are considered to be low to moderate, and a switch to other flame retardants, alternative materials, and design solutions will stimulate some producers (KLIF 2010). 100.99. Increase in cost for manufacturers of HIPS and textile coatings is expected to be low since substitutes are already in use. For the EU, the total incremental costs at the production level of replacing the HBCD in HIPS in all EEE have been estimated in the range of 1-10 million €/year if HBCD is replaced with other brominated flame retardants and 5-25 million €/year if the HIPS/HBCD is replaced by copolymers with non-halogenated flame retardants. The costs may decrease over the years as a result of a larger market for the alternatives (DEPA 2010). 101.100. In controlled burning of waste, the control measures and application of BAT/BEP to address other by-products from incineration reduce by-product emissions of HBCD and brominated dioxins and furans. There are no extra costs involved for the industry. 102.101. Flame-retardants that are either more expensive per kg or require more flame retardant per unit polymer mass (or volume) to meet the fire safety standards will increase the raw material costs. Large differences between flame retardant chemicals’ prices do not necessarily have any impact on relatively expensive end products (SWEREA 2010). When used as an additive in PS foams, HBCD total content by weight varies between 0.5% (EPS) and 2.0% (XPS) (XPSA/CPIA 2011, CEFIC 2011). 103.102. In several countries in the EU the fire safety requirements are performance based. HBCD or any other flame retardant are not required to fulfil the fire safety regulations, but if non-flame retarded EPS/XPS boards are used the fire-safety requirements call for structural applications where the fire-safety is achieved with non- combustible barrier material. In some countries lining of walls and roofs needs flame retarded polystyrene foam if used. Usually other insulation materials are used for this purpose. In a few European countries only special applications require polystyrene foam to be treated with a high performance flame retardant. In other countries retarded EPS and XPS is used due to storage and insurance reasons and not due to the fire safety regulations. Several countries have stringent fire safety requirements on the insulation boards themselves used in buildings and constructions and in those countries EPS and XPS currently have to be treated with a flame retardant such as HBCD. 104.103. For several countries the use of EPS and XPS without flame retardants will require an adjustment of policies and a change in the way of implementation of fire safety standards. This will take time, and costs are considered to be lowmoderate. In the EU there are already initiatives to harmonize the fire safety regulation Comment [X12]: It seems the costs would be standards, and HBCD is on the indicative list of hazardous substances that should be avoided for use for fire protection low. As the paragraph above indicates, “EPS and in buildings and constructions. This would also be an important drive to change the fire regulations, from classifying XPS insulation boards are most often covered by other materials in buildings and constructions. Using the building materials as components of the construction elements, to classifying the construction elements themselves. thermal barriers will not represent an extra cost, (KLIF 2010). since thermal barriers used are common materials and relatively cheap. EPS and XPS without flame 2.5. Other considerations retardants are commercially and technically feasible alternatives today and do not represent a higher cost 105.104. For more information about industry innovations regarding HBCD alternatives please see the to the manufacturer.” following websites: Comment [X13]: Perhaps a website describing http://chemtura.investorhq.businesswire.com/press-release/company-news/chemtura-corporation-first-sign-license- the Scandinavian system of standards + materials + agreement-dow-chemical-company-po barriers would be appropriate here as well. 106.105. The industry voluntary actions to reduce emissions of HBCD in Europe are described at:  http://www.bsef.com/our-substances/hbcd/voluntary-emissions-reduction-programme-vecap-and-secure  http://www.vecap.info/ 107.106. More information about product redesign and fire safety is available at: www.sp.se/en/index/services/greenflame. The Green Flame is a voluntary system for simultaneously assessing products, in relation to environment and health quality, when involved in fires. It is open for all kinds of different 18

Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee products and will create incentives for manufacturers who design products that perform better than the standards applicable to them. The intention is that the Green Flame system will provide competitive advantages to the companies that possess the competence and determination to develop consumer products that represent a major improvement in fire safety and environmental quality. 108.107. HBCD monitoring information is available from Europe, North America and Asia. To follow the effectiveness of the potential actions, HBCD should be added to the existing POP monitoring activities. 3. Synthesis of information 3.1 Summary of risk profile information 109.108. The commercially available brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is lipophilic, has a high affinity to particulate matter and low water solubility. Depending on the manufacturer and the production method used, technical HBCD consists of 70-95% γ-HBCD and 3-30 % of α- and β-HBCD. HBCD is used as a flame retardant additive in polystyrene and textile products. Its main use is in the production of expanded and extruded polystyrene (EPS and XPS). It is also used in the production of high impact polystyrene (HIPS) and as a textile coating. HBCD is reported to be produced in the United States of America, Europe, and Asia. Approximately half of the market volume is used in Europe. 110.109. In biota, HBCD has been found to bioconcentrate, bioaccumulate and to biomagnify at higher trophic levels. High concentrations have been identified in Europe and Japan and in coastal waters of south China, near production sites of HBCD, manufacturing sites of products containing HBCD and waste disposal sites including those whose processes include either recycling, landfilling or incineration. 111.110. HBCD is persistent in the air and is subject to long-range transport. HBCD is found to be widespread in remote regions such as the Arctic, where concentrations in the atmosphere and top predators are elevated. 112.111. HBCD is very toxic to aquatic organisms. In mammals, studies have shown reproductive, developmental and behavioural effects. Recent advances in the knowledge of HBCD-induced toxicity includes a better understanding of the potential of HBCD to interfere with the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, its potential ability to disrupt normal development, and to affect the central nervous system. 113.112. In humans HBCD is found in blood, plasma and adipose tissue. Human breast milk data from the 1970s to 2000 show that HBCD levels have increased since HBCD was commercially introduced as a brominated flame retardant in the 1980s. 3.2 Summary of risk management evaluation information 114.113. HBCD is produced in China, Europe, Japan, and the USA. The known current annual production is approximately 23,000 tonnes per year (9,000 to 10,000 tonnes in China, 13,426 tonnes by the BSEF companies in Europe and the US, Japan not known). The main share of the market volume is used in Europe. HBCD has been on the world market since the 1960s. It is used as a flame retardant additive, with the intent of delaying ignition and slowing subsequent fire growth during the service life of vehicles, buildings or articles, as well as while materials are stored. The main uses of HBCD globally are in flame-retarded expanded (EPS) and extruded (XPS) polystyrene foam insulation, while the use in textile applications and electric and electronic appliances (HIPS) is of a smaller scale. The use of HBCD in insulation boards started in the 1980s. In textiles HBCD is used in back-coating used for upholstery furniture and other interior textiles, including automotive applications. 115.114. A number of alternative fire retardants are available to replace HBCD in HIPS and textile back-coating. However, there are no drop-in chemical alternatives for certain flame-retarded EPS/XPS production in Europe. In some countries there is a need for flame retarded insulation materials due to the country-specific fire safety requirements. In some countries HBCD has effectively already been phased out. In those countries the fire safety regulations do not require treatment with a flame retardant, and the same level of fire safety is achieved by other alternatives, that are technically feasible and also commercially available. HBCD phase-out could include flame retardant substitution, resin/material substitution and product redesign. Emissions of HBCD can be reduced in the processes where HBCD or articles containing HBCD are used, and during the waste management phase. 116.115. HBCD may be released to air, water, soil and sediment during all stages of its life cycle; production and manufacturing, processing, transportation, use, handling, storage or containment, point-source discharges, migratory releases from manufactured product usage and from disposal of the substance or products containing the substance. European producers and manufacturers have successfully taken measures to reduce emissions from production and first line use. Emission control techniques at the production sites will not prevent HBCD emissions, since there are diffuse emissions and releases to the water reserves and sewage systems from products containing HBCD during use or upon becoming waste.


Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

116. HBCD is an intentionally produced industrial chemical. Under the Stockholm Convention, the most adequate control measure is listing in Annex A. To allow for certain time-limited critical uses of HBCD, a specific exemption for use of HBCD could be given together with a description of the conditions for production and these uses. Requests for specific exemptions should include the following information as described in the POPRC Alternatives Guidance Document [UNEP/POPS/POPRC.5/10/Add.1]  A description of the functionality and use of HBCD;  An explanation of why the exemption is technically or scientifically necessary and why potential alternatives are not technically or scientifically viable. This should include how the proposed use is distinct from other examples of alternatives for similar uses. If known, an assessment of what is in the research pipeline for alternatives should be provided;  A description of potential alternative processes, products, materials or systems that eliminate the need for HBCD. The research should have a broader focus than simply chemical substitutes, and include alternative processes and products;  A list of sources researched, which could include research and government institutions, relevant technical journals, patent searches, equivalent end-users, non-governmental organizations familiar with HBCD and its end uses, and indigenous groups with traditional knowledge that may have alternative solutions;  If possible a substitution plan should be provided, including steps that need to be taken to develop a viable substitute. Wastes containing HBCD are a concern because they will represent a large source of releases and because increasing amounts of HBCD-containing wastes in landfills and other locations could be a long-term source of HBCD emissions. Wastes containing HBCD include production wastes, insulation boards, building and renovation wastes, and from other less-commonly used applications such as electrical and electronic products and textiles. The process of remodelling and demolition of buildings leads to concerns that installed building materials containing HBCD will continue emissions in the future, unless properly managed by future generations. Combustion and incineration may also lead to the release of brominated dioxins and furans, as well as altering the stereoisomer patterns of HBCD thus potentially altering environmental fate Stockpiles and waste containing HBCD would be subject to the provisions in Article 6. 3.3 Suggested risk management measures 117. Listing HBCD in Annex A of the Convention would prohibit the manufacture, use, import and export of HBCD (except as allowed under the Convention for environmentally sound disposal) and could be linked with specific exemptions that specify deadlines for the eventual elimination of remaining HBCD manufacturing and use. Such listing could also be coupled to other decisions that would describe in more detail such uses of HBCD and appropriate conditions for their manufacturing and use. When assessing whether specific exemptions would be appropriate, among other considerations identified in Annex F to the Convention, factors such as exposure; production volume; and societal costs and the ubiquitous contamination of humans, the environment and possible impact on future generations should be considered. 118. The suggested control measure is that HBCD be listed in Annex A, with or without specific exemptions, and if with exemptions accompanied with detailed conditions for HBCD uses and justifications as outlined in the POPRC Alternatives Guidance. 119. Listing of HBCD in Annex A would be consistent with the POPs properties of this intentionally produced substance. Such a listing would send a clear signal that production and use of HBCD must be phased out. Such a listing may have implications for countries in light of ongoing uses where alternative substances or alternative methods need to be phased in. Stockpiles and waste containing HBCD would be subject to the provisions in Article 6. 4. Concluding statement 120. Having decided that hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is likely, as a result of long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse effects on human health and/or the environment such that global action is warranted; 121. Having prepared a risk management evaluation and considered the management options; 122. The Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee recommends, in accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 8 of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention to consider listing and specifying the related control measures of hexabromocyclododecane and 1,2,5,6,9,10 -hexabromocyclododecane in Annex A as described above.


Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

References Formats for submitting information specified in Annex F of the Convention pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention are available for review on the Stockholm Convention website: www.pops.int/poprc Brazil 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Burundi 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Canada 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Colombia 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, March 2011. China 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Costa Rica 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Czech Republic 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Ecuador 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Finland 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Germany 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Japan 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, March 2011. Nigeria 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Norway 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Mauritius 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Romania 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Sweden 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. [BSEF] 2011. Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF). Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. PlasticsEurope/Exiba 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. Instituto do Meio Ambiente (IMA) Brazil 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. [XPSA/CPIA] Extruded Polystyrene Foam Association (XPSA) and Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA). Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011. [IPEN] International POPs Elimination Network 2011. Format for submitting pursuant to Article 8 of the Stockholm Convention the information specified in Annex F of the Convention, January 2011.


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