If You Don't Register RED BANK REGISTER You Cannot Vote .VOLUME LXXV, NO. 12. RED BANK, N, J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1952 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. 'Skywatch* Folding, New Building to Be Erected at Broad St. and Reckless PI. Rosk Hashana Jacobsen Warns County Girls Ride to London SEA BRIGHT — Councilman Services Begin Nells Jacobfcn, commander of On Oil Truck, Astonish British the local "Operation Skywatch" V. S, Air Force-Clvit Defense Tomorrow Night ground observation corps, this SHRE\VSBURY-"Our grand en- week repeated previous warnings try into London was on the back ot Rabbi Hershon's that his .post may have to cease an oil truck," writes Miss Carlotta operations because of a lack of Council Fails Nileg of Sycamore ave., one of two Annual Message volunteer plane spotters. county girls who are bicycling "We just can't go on without i through the British Isles this To Register Readers assistance," he said, "And despite To Continue summer. generous co-operation' by The In a letter to her parents, Miss The Rosh Hashana services will Bed Bank Register in'telling of Jllcs wrote that she and her com- begin at 6 p. m. tomorrow night for our plight, and Washington warn- Rent Controls ianion, Miss Suzanne Schenck of local Hebrews and a fitting pro- ings that in war we would be License of Bob Cook's 12 River rd., Fair Haven, collect- gram has been arranged by Rabbi on » likely 'attack route,' we quite a crowd the evening ot Arthur H. Hershon of Congrega- have had no public response to heir arrival in London, when they tion Bnai Israel. The sermon to our plea for help. What more Tavern Suspended for Iropped off an oil truck which had be given by Rabbi Hershon at 11 can we do?" iven them a lift. 8 Days for Violations "Why for a minute I thought we The government has instructed might have to make a speech or "Skywatch" patrols to stay on Despite a statement by Mayor do some tricks or something," duty at coastal posts 24 hours Katharine Elkus White that it rota Miss Niles. "In getting off dally. But Sea Bright has been would be "my pleasure" to hear a ho truck I caught the seat of my able to keep Its post in operation resolution for the extension of rent eans on a spigot and was suspend- only a few hours dally, and that The property at the southwest high, fronting on Broad st. and every respect and will As to how soon the Broad * controls no such resolution was !d for a. minute dangling like a largely through the personal serv- corner of Reckless pi. and Broad will be devoted to retail business structed as near flre-proof as mod- forthcoming from members of the ices of Mr. Jacobsen. Reckless corporation can begin con borough council Monday night. st. on which is located the present with stores on the ground'floor, SO ern specifications provide. It will structlon, depends entirely upon Presbyterian church and manse, feet in depth. Beyond this 80-foot be a steel and concrete structure It was the last meeting: of the Later at the Hotel Grosvenor, what arrangement can be made mayor and council before expira- vhere they were to meet friends of and which was purchased a few depth, the structure will be three and solid masonry will be featured with tho former owners, and work months ago by the Broad & Reck- stories high fronting 100 feet on throughout. tion of federal rent controls Sept. Miss Schenck's family, and still is being rushed on the new edifice 30. Before the matter was dropped, ted In their rough and rather soil- Auchincloss Says less corporation, is to be the site Reckless pi, and 54 feet In depth. Mr, Kcllenyl has introduced these id cycling clothes, Miss Niles wrote of a new commercial and profes- Both second and third floors aro drawings with the modern trend for the Presbyterians on Tower council heard a number of argu Hill, as they are anxious to get into ments both for and against cxtcn hat they again collected a friendly sional building, accarding to plans to be provided with elevators as of architecture and yet Hie exterior ut curious crowd. No U. S. Erosion drawn by Bernard Kcllenyl of 17 well as stair service. The second appearance of the building will not their new quarters. sion of the controls. Those in favor of a resolution to extend the con- "We walked blithely up to the Linden pi., and accepted this week and third floor plans show 48 single be severe. The new owners of their property desk to call their rooms and there room offices and the architect has are also anxious to begin work on trols were for the most part apart- by the owners. The huildlng will be open on ment occupants. was a positive gasp of astonisn- Money Is on Tap The building will have a frontage plans so drawn that a tenant can three sides which will permit plenty this new, beautiful building which ment," she wrote. "Everyone was of 130 feet on Broad st. and 180 have a single suite of two rooms of light and ventilation. There will will be a great asset to Red Bank's Among those who voiced objec mincing around In their diamond So Sea Bright Asks feet on Reckless pi., and provision or they can be arranged for a four be plenty of entrances and exits in fast-growing commercial district. tions were Rolston Watoibury, R. iaras and satin straplesses and we will bo made for parking of ap- or five room suite. The third story all parts of the building to the The architect's drawing showing Thomas Bowers, and Philip J. looked as If we'd been under a • State to Allow It proximately 50 cars on the prem- will be devoted exclusively for stairways and elevators, as well as the exterior of the new structure Bowers. The latter, who is man- stone for the past few years. We ises. medical practitioners or specialists. to the store rear ground floor en- Is on display in tho business office ager ot Shrewsbury Manor apart- caused quite a commotion when w«> A Maintenance Fund 'The building will be two stories The building will be modern in trances. of the Register. ments, pointed out that in the ris- got our saddlebags and ourselves ing cost of living, rents have not SKA BRIGHT—Rep, James C. fouled up In the revolving door. gone up with everything else. He Quite a crowd collected and it was Auchincloss of Rumson («.—3d stated if rent controls arc dropped ail I could do to keep from hiding Babbl Arthur H. Hershon Dlst.) says he knows of no federal Red Cross Needs Army Aviation Center to Move Bartender Wins the rents in his apartments will be behind the drapes." money available for building sea raised under 15 per cent. He pre- o'clock Saturday morning Is en- walls. He suggests the borough dicted similiar hikes In other places Miss Niles said that Miss titled "The Early Gifts of God to turn to the state for such funds. Blood Donors To Airport in Wall Township Workmen's Suit and that there would be no goug Schenck'3 friends were somewhat Man." A- complete schedule of A letter from the congressman, ing by apartment owners withoul nonplussed when they Joined th* services follows Rabbi Hershon's saying this, was read at Monday LEONARDO — The .Red Cross Raymond Kelly of Main st., Bd- controls. girls In the lobby and were even annual message to readers of The night's meeting of the mayor and bloodmobllo will be atjthe Leon- FORT MONMOUH—Monmouth cations problems in which aircraft ford, recovered a $2,475 award in more embarrassed when the curi- ardo grade school, Hosford ave., county'airport will be headquarters are included. a Workmen's Compensation bureau After a* hearing against Rober ous crowd followed them down the Register entitled, "lA There Be council. Mr. Auchincloss was re- Cook, owner of Bob Cook's tavern, Light," which Is presented here- plying to a borough communication next Monday between' noon and for the recently activated Signal In the course of weekly demon- case last week before Judge Harrry street as they left the hotel. Corps Aviation Center beginning strations conducted by the Army S. Medinets, deputy director, Shrewsbury ave., for violations o with. asking what help the government 5:30 p. m. Blood donors may make the borough ordinance requiring "I heard one woman say "They're might give In combatting ocean appointments through the county Oct. 1, post officials announced to- Aviation unit students at the Sig-against Dcmpsoy'a bar and grill, the onus who were written up In nal school witness problems in air- highway 35, Middletown township. taverns to close at 2 a. m., council "Let There Be IJght" erosion here. Red Cross chapter headquarters by day. In addition the Army Avia- suspended the tavern's license fo the paper yesterday,'" the Shrews- In accordance with an old tradi- Hope had been expressed by calling Red Bank £3443. tion unit which has been based at to-ground communications, wire The basis for Mr. Kelly's claim bury girl wrote, "and as we wers laying over hilly terrain, missions was for injuries he suffered while an eight-day period beginning yes- tion, the Jewish New Year cele- Mayor Qeqrge H, Krauss and the Mrs. Morris D, Ferris, Jr., who Red Bank airport since 1944, will terday. walking down the street flash bulbs brates the birthday of Creation. On transfer Its personnel and equip- In aerial supply and message drops employed as a bartender at Demp- went off and" it seems a newspaper counclimen in August that Wash- is in charge of publicity for the soy's last Dec. 15, He testified that this day God hovered over the dark- ington money might be had not blood donor program of the county ment to the Monmouth county field and pickups. Tho* violations are alleged to havi photographer took us both." ness and chaos of the abyss and at about the same time. Another assignment handled by pursuant to Mr. Dempsey's instruc- occurred May 9, June 23 and June The girls will be In Paris this inserted His mighty fiat—''Let there only to expand sea barriers here chapter said yesterday, "The Ko- tions he attempted to close the bar 30, State Sen. Richard R. Stout, be light." but also to pay back at least part rean war has caused more than The aviation center was .organ- the unit involves flying aerial pho- week and plan to sail from Mar- tography students on missions close- at 7 p. m. A man refused to leave representing the defendent, plcade seilles aboard a freighter next This is just a legendary chronol- of $27,000 the borough appropriat- 110,000 casualties, and the draft ized July 1 to meet the growing the bar, however, and Insisted upon ed for this year's construction of a law is drawing from 30,000 to 50,- needs for aircraft In modern mili- ly approximating combat condi- guilty to the June 30 violation bul Wednesday. After touching at a ogy, but It is sound psychology. It tions. With the ever-present reali- being served more drinks. Kelly In- pointed out he thought that slnci number of Spanish ports they ex- voices the mood of the world. Once 'South Beach sea wall. That wall 000 boys Into the Armed forces tary cdmmunlcatlone, electronics formed him that If he refused to the other two occurred prior t more, as in legendary ancient times, was financed on a share basis by every month. Any of those boys and photographic missions tor the zation that they may soon be per- pect to arrive in the United States forming the some missions over leave he would have to call police. the renewal of the tavern license about Oct. IS. Miss Schenck, who, it Is a world of chaos. Behold its the state, county and borough, may need your blood. Signal Corps. Present plans call After Kelly entered the phone ruined cities, the broken homes, the for the assignment ot six aircraft Korea, there is an air of careful he didn't think they should be con- 1J 23, Is the daughter of Mr. and starving millions all over. the Ask for Conference '"Even after the blood commit- attention to details on the part of booth to notify ths police he was sidered on the grounds that an, Mrs. Grandin Schenck of Fair Ha- ment to Korea is filled, every ounce to the center, including two Cessna struck across the face with an world; the hatred between nations, Mr. Auchincloss' letter was ac- both plane crews and students dur- complaints should have been pre- ven. Miss Niles, who Is 19, la tht croeds and races. Oh. this is not a of Red Cross blood is used in-,a ^M^^Mfe^. MQ> and ing; these operations. empty glass by the stranger. Mr. sided when the license came u; daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jona- world any more. It Is chaos; We companied by a communication he vital way, and is vitally needed. go s.nd utility helicopter, Kelly testified he was taken to the for renewal. ' than H. Niles of this place. sometimes wish that God Himself wrote Gov. Alfred E, Driscoll in Last winter a quarter of a million Aircraft assigneid d to ththo unit, Riverview hospital, where he was would miraculously intervene on Mar., 1951, suggesting a way in treated and remained there for However, after council Inslste dollars worth of measle serum, which Is primarily a training or- on hearing all three charges, Pa- this legendary birthday of creation, which he felt the state might meet gamma globulin made from out- ganization for communications and three days. His Injuries consisted, sweeping away the chaotic debris Us .serious-erosion problem. Coun- A Sub-Division of cerebral concussion) lacerations trolman. Albert B. Newman testi- of tho old ruined civilization, and dated blood.- plasma, -was distrib- photographic .personnel,- are five L-. fied that on'May"^ the bar was Schwartz Named cil "dfiTnot ask'for a reading of the uted free. Over 60,000 units was 19's and LC-126 and an H-13 heli- of the left side of the face, a frac- frlve us a chance to begin again. congressman's letter to'the gover- tured of the nose with'a deform- still open at 2:07- a. m> and that That would be a New Year in a distributed in New Jersey, which copter. •-•','• •': there were persons drinking at tht bright new world. nor. Instead, It will ask Mr. Auch- Plan Protested ity and a sprain' of the left knee. saved New Jersey mothers the ex- The center, presently located here RUMSON — A petition contain- bar. He testified he told Cook ti Senior Appraiser incloss, now vacationing at home pense of $40,000. <, will establish a complete, operating This Is. a genuine wish In the bebween 'congress sessions, If he ing the signatures of 12 residents Cox & Walburg, attorneys for close and h« complied, CHICAGO—ThB directory of sen- hearts of all men, but it Is a pathet- "The Red Cross supplied the division consisting of a supply and Patrolman Emerson Williams, ic one. It will not come to pass. will come in and talk over his plans of Flshhawk lane, protesting the Dempsey's, contested Mr. Kelly's ior residential appraisers for 1952,' Houston Research Center in Texas engineering branch and a methods proposed sub-division of a piece of right to any recovery for the In- who reported the latter two vio- published here recently, carries tht God works through us, and we have with the councilmen. with the gamma globulin being and equipment branch on the main prroveo n to be poor instruments. In Nothing was heard from the property on' that street was read juries he suffered and raised as a lations testified that on June 23 ame ot Joseph P. Schwartz, 31 used experimentally in the treat- floor of Its hangar at the airport. by Albert A. Kerr, Jr., borough defense that Mr. Kelly had been the tavern was open, and persons thhe coming months there will be state in response to a letter sent ment of polio. It supplied the Sioux The second floor will house execu- tosslyn ct., Little Silver. the tame Inaptitude' of statesmen, in August asking that additional clerk, at last Thursday night's drinking* and was Intoxicated, and were drinking as late as 2:30. He the same selfishness of the power- City and Utah research centers as tive offices, a plans and policy di- meeting of the mayor and council. that as a result of which the In- added Mr. Cook closed the estab- money be provided to put some well. The effectiveness of, the ex- vision, procedure and doctrine lishment when requested to do so. ful, the same disappointments in 2,700 tons of cap stones on the re- ' The petition was referred to the juries he suffered wore brought National parliaments and interna- periments is unknown yet, but any branch, engineering and develop- planning board for a hearing. about by his own negligence. Var- In regard to the June 30 violation, tional assemblies. Men will walk cently built South Beach sea wall, hope of curing this dread disease ment and a technical information ious witnesses testified. Judge Med- Patrolman Williams said he found wearily, tragically, almost hope' as. recommended by Borough En- It was announced by Mayor is a great thing." branch, Francis J. Nary that the office of incnts' opinion was that there was the tavern open at 2:30 and about lessly, in the fear of a third World gineer O, Walcott Morris. no evidence to indicate that Mr, 15 persons drinking at the bar. War, which will spell destruction. The situation is this: When tho A weather station will be oper- the borough clerk will be open ated by the center in co-operation Kelly was intoxicated, but showed He said he returned at 3:30 a. m. The date will change, but the world South Beach project was approved, from 7 until 9 p. m., Sept. 23 and to find the bar still open and will be just as clumsy, or clumsier, with the Evans laboratory meteor- Sept. 24 in addition to the regular rather that he had been injured by than ever. the state agreed to put up a maxi- a stranger while in the employ of about 12 persons still drinking. mum $50,000 as its 50 per cent of Trial Date Fixed logical branch. Also to be installed, hours for the registration of voters Asked by Mr. Stout what they Yet, then la a certain consola- on an experimental basis, aro a for the general election. The spe-Dempsey's and that all injuries he tion in history. When you know the estimated cost. Contractor suffered wera compensable. The were drinking and if he had in- Thomas Procter got the job at less control tower with complete radio cial registering periods were re- spected the drinks,'Patrolman Wil- the events of the past, you know facilities and a radio beacon. judge declared that Mr. Kelly was that others have faced the same than a $100,000 bid. But Sea Bright For Mrs. Johnston quested by the county board of disabled to the extent of IS per- liams said "I know beer when I weary, disappointing clumsiness in put In its maximum share, $27,000, FREEHOLD—Mrs. Anna Serra The center will work In close co- elections. cent. see it." Asked again If he had in- world affairs, and somehow sur- the top amount It would have paid Johnston, 22, charged with the operation with the Signal Corps Council confirmed the election of spected the drinks, Williams said vived. Tht prophets of Israel lived If It had cost $100,000. State and murder of her divorced husband, Engineering laboratories, the Sig- James Halllgan as a member of Mr. Kelly was represented by "I'm not a chemist, just a police in a world such as ours—chaotic, county money made up the differ- Malcolm K. F. Johnston, 26, Nut-nal Corps board and the Electronic the Oceanic Hook and Ladder com- William T. Wichman of the firm officer, but I know beer when I full of threatening storms. They ence in contract post. The borough swamp rd., River Plaza, pleaded Warfare center, on all communl- pany. of Wise & Wise. see It." turned to their people and told not guilty Friday before Judge J. them that the seed of world chaos, feels the state and county realized The motion for the suspension yea, even Individual chaos, is in the a savings from the low Procter bid Edward Knight. and now should be willing to pay John E. Toolan, Fair Haven, at- Mystic Lodge wsj introduced by Councilman 1 heart of man, and the health of l.u- Harry Malchow. Councilman Har- inanity is moral health! Moral for the cap stones. The added torney for Mrs. Johnston, opposed Cossacks Coming Here for health is complete adherence to old Williams abstained from voting cost atlll would be under the orlg- the Oct. 6 date set by the court Affair Oct. 18 apparently because he didn't feel faith and Its commandments, inal cash offers, It says. But the and Judge Knight changed the The prophets were right then, and borough already has paid the max- start of the trial to Oct. 27. Local Greek Church Benefit Mystic Brotherhood lodge 21, F. the penalty severe enough they are right to this day. The seed imum amount and says It shouldn't Mrs. Johnston, who nearly col- and A. M., will hold ladles' night Council received a petition from of chaos Is in the heart of every lapflcd in two previous court ap- borough patrolmen asking that the man, The source of all wars is a have to pay any more.. at Crystal Brook inn, Eatontown, question of a 15 per cent pay raise human sin. The source of persecu- pearances, was In the same condi- Oct. 18. Hopes for New Jetty tion again Friday. She is charged be placed on the ballot In the No- Joseph F. Schwarta tion is a human failure. The source - Indeed, the borough wants more This practice suffered a lapse for vember election. It was pointed out of bigotry is a human tragedy. The with fatally shooting Mr. Johnston many years in Red Bank although His senior membership was re- > source of prejudice is a human ca- 'than that, If possible. Mayor George In her apartment at 435 Spring ft., many of the Masonic lodges by Leon Reussllle, borough attor tastrophe. H, Krauss tald he thinks the state, Little Silver, Aug. 11. noy, that the petition was Incom- cently approved by tha board ot hereafter, will be responsible for throughout the state of Now Jer-plete In that It didn't contain the governors of the International so- If mankind would live and act In Not guilty pleas were also en- sey look forward to and enjoy this ciety, who require that senior res- accordance with the Judea-Chrte- maintaining this aea wall. Coun- tered by Hve young persona arrest- names of 20 per cent of borouuh tian teachings, this world of ours cilman Ralph W. Lawrence said he event. Mystic Brotherhood is re- voters. He added that by council's idential appraisers be men of recog- ed in a narcotics roundup in As- viving this pleasurable occasion by nized ability and experience In would have character and order, sham that opinion. The mayor bury Park July 31. Robert Shrop- next' meeting Oct. 6, there will bo ' The word "chaos" would have no said, he hopes the state will deoldo the popular demand of Its members. Insufficient time to have the ques- their Held. place tn our vocabulary: and God shire, 21, and Mary Lou Napolltano, James A. Stout, past master of to build a jetty out'from mid-South 18, both of Asbury Park, and Cora tion placed on the ballot. A professional organization for would agai1 n pronounce, "Lot there Mystic Brotherhood and chairman Independent appraisers of residen- bo llghtP . . Beach as the best way of protect- Maddockt, 18, West Belmar, were of the ladles' night committee, Mr. Reussllle said the only thing ing the wall, Ha said this also charged with unlawful sale and he could suggest would be for tial real estate, It numbers over ' An American poet once said that stated that he believes a program 7,500 members of whom about 1,700 llfo Is a long, God gives ua the would capture sand and Increase poasetslon. Joseph Suoarato, 26, has been arranged that will pro- council to aulhorlie Mrs. Amy words, but we must write the mu-the width of the ocean beach In New York, formerly of Asbury Shlnn, borough clerk, to certify th aro tn tha select senior classifica- sic, The wo.rds we (peak or writs this area.' Park, and Alan Moore, 19, of 20 vide an outstanding evening of petition when It does contain th tion which carries the professional 'arc handed down to us from an- Clarence st,, Long Branch, were pleasure, Dinner will be served at required number of signatures add- endorsement of the organisation. cient tlmos, The world we live In . But Borough Olerk Claronoe Ste- 7 p, m,, followed by a program of The approval' Is based on exper- vens said Mr, Morris plans to ask charged with unlawful possession ing he wasn't sure of the legality Is also an nnolont world, Human of narcotloi. entertainment. The danelng whloh ience, abllltly, knowledge of current society Is old, with old hablti and Borough Auditor Joseph Seaman will follow will bt to the mualo of of the move. real estate conditions, and ethical weaknesses i some are good and how mueh money the borough can "Miriam Harttey and her Royal es- Council took no notion on th- standards. some are bad but we need not hold matter after Mr. Reussllle polnte •pand for additional shore protec- corts." Mr. Schwartz has been In thi » on to the bad habits, The psalm- tion, The Idea hare Is Involved In There will ba novelty group out that In reality tho body had n ist put It IO beautifully: "Sing Un- the state's agreement to matoh Cox and Pitcher petition before It, appraisal field for 13 years and . to the Lord a Now Sons;." Let us dance contests, winners of which Counoll Introduced an ordlnanc haa served on tht appraisal commit- create a naw melody In life—mel- tundi, with municipality and coun- wilt raoalve prltei. Corsages for tee ot the Monmouth county Board ty, for naw barriers, Named to Office fixing a one hour parking limit oi ody of understanding—a melody of tht ladles and boutonnleres for tht West Front st. from Pearl st. ti of Realtors, and as housing chair- sympathy and companion—a mel- Whatever Mr, Morrla' plans are, mtmbtrs of tht Masonic fraternity man for the American Legion of ody or co-operation—all ot which LINOROBT—Chariot Cox was Morford pi, and they weren't outlined dourly, appointed secretary and Harry will also be a feature of tha eve- Monmouth county. Ht has alto would build a batter world, a more oounoll deolded to talk ovor with ning. Reservations are now com- Tht appointment of Leon Kayei joyful world and Pltohor treasurer of tha Llncroft- Tht General Platoff Don Cossack Tht Cossacks tang thtlr first con- of River at, to the unlng board oi served as a toe appraiser for the a iplrltually him, But first It wanta to sain a ohorui and danoari will give a oon- eert togetheg h r 23 yyean ago In thhe ing In rapidly to the committee, Veteran'a Administration. Ha li a healthy world, elaar understanding on mainten- Holmdel Klwanls olub at a matting adjustment to succeed Benjamlt In the system ot Creation, where last Thursday night of tht board cert In the River Street echool au- Cathedrad l In Pragug e I C In addition to Mr, Stout, other Crate who resigned earlier thl member ot tht Rid Bank real Ood la aolt Matter and Creator, tht ance reaponifblllty. Mr, Lawrence of directors after a regular dinner ditorium Baturday night, Stpt, 37, •lovaklalk , TTheh y wert exlloi from commlttet numbers are William T. eitatt firm ot Schwartz and Mack* laid ha wai sure that responsibility Tht entertainment will begin month wan confirmed by council Un. Whlta at. heart of man must bi attuned to mooting- at Community chapel hall thth t OoO n rivei r countrt y andd wera Vaughn, Jacob T, Zoldak, Jr., Refund of taxes to Mrs. Tommli all the blessings He apportioned to belonged to tha itata, hore, promptly at 8 o'olook,, The attrao- gathtrtd together by Nicholas Kos- Glonn A, Bruer, James T, Brogdon, Tha tocltty iponaon M ohtptirt us. and .Jfliet our ntedi In comrade- It was pointed out that In rtotnt tlon li being glvm for thi benefit Ralph A, Runyon and Richard T. Roosevelt of Little Bllver was au amp, with a ntw heart and a ntw iMr, Cox and Mr, Pltoher atiumed trukoffk , who left Ruiila in tht rov thorlMd after council received In cltlei throughout tht Unlttd talka aroalon offlolals. had Ilitad ot Bt, Nlonolaa Oraek Orthodox ltl TThuh s ttheh y begab n thi Olark. StaUs, Hawaii and Canada, where spirit. ' Sia Bright for a hlgh priority for the duties of Arthur Tumor,' teo- church. 81 Bridge avt,, which hat petition from Mrs, Roosevelt atal rotary-troaiurer, who died last muiloal wtjidorlngi, Ing she had paid the taxet In erro members meet monthly to tx« A In, bohalf of my people and my futuri work, Council now wanli month, a membership of approximately 300, ended when they wire InylttI d byy E, H. Bavlci Commended change Ideas on appralilng prob- family, I extend my bliailngi to to find out Just what that will mean most ot whom are displaced per- tht elty of Ban Franclaco'to sing lama, laarn tht latest mar kit the cntlrt Community for many About half tht olub attended a ions nildtng In this vicinity, happy and prosperoui years to In money It oan git and money It clambake of tht Ktyport and Bta- at ththt SaB n FranelaoFl a ExpositioXltl n IIn By Karlc's Cant. WirU Chief Frank Iteuthci* trends, keep track of changing oomt. Amon, may have to aptnd. Early confer- ton Island' olubt last Thursday Thli aeaion brlngi thi 14th an- IMS. They have been here ever construction costs, and dtvilop a inoai to aattla thaaa queatlona are broader knowledge of toonomla .Bohidult of iirvlon at Oongrtga- night at Ktyport, Appointed to a nlvtrtary tour of thi famous Plat. ilnct 1x0061 for two long oversea! , , ., M0 -h- ,. .... Quoted in 'Companion' tlon Bnal Iirail synagogue, River- now planned. nominating committee at tht matt- off Don Coaeaek Chorui and Dane- 0 ehangu anil appraisal regulations. tide ave, i ing here by Joieph Mendroi, pratl- en, an atUaotlon that U beoom- '"ou'rln"," .Heir ' AT^X «&" » iliy, Wriitiiiar inil fhurioir, •apt, II, American oltiiini, begin their sea- terout nglmintal tonga and gay, Arthur T, Vandirbllt. Ont portion lUttd .by Karnr Lyom, former lit* It t«d II, from 7 it* P, m, son early In Oetobir. and usually ptaaant dancii, Tht Coiiieki have ot the itiry U devoid to a itate- trlet deputy, Mr. Pidinin will it* *W U, Ayori,, eentludi thtlr teur with in lutir MW Fall dMljni. linrlitveiii 01(1 mint by frank W, Riuthtr, Rid lertuiR Cltrk. •omithlng muiloal for ivtryoni In P »ll tUftii iv«,, Aiayrr Nik.— tact his supportlnf gt«J frem Ik* oonoirl la Mew York oily, thl audlinii, lukv'i pellti thlif, local lod|*. Pace Two RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 President Truman asking him to erence between them?" the card to the Korean war is the key issue ending this useless and senseless 'regressive Party stop the fighting In Korea while isks Truman. WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH in this campaign and President slaughter." IT 18 NOT TRUE TO SAY "WE DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE* St. James Lists negotiations to end the war con- Mr. Stolborg said that 500 cards Truman has the power to end it demands War's End tinue, according to Sid Stolberg, UNLESS CHIROPRACTIC WAS INCLUDED "5w have already been given to party by a telephone call to Korea. If The family of the Aga Khan, Mos- Progressive Party canvassers campaign director of the Progress- workers in the two counties. "Be- 5 Solo 'Mr. Roberts' hroughout Ocean and Monmouth ive party. "Why must more blood tween now and election day we the Democratic party's claim 'o lem leader, claim* descent from DR. WARREN FOWLER * ASBURT PARK—"Mr. Roberts," :ounties will be out this week dis- be shed while the negotiators in Mend to reach at least 5,000 people • being a 'peace party' has any valld- Fatima, daughter ot the prophet PHONE Leland Hayw&rd'i famous stage ributing post cards addressed to Korea settle the last remaining diff- with these cards" he said. "An end|ity whatever, he must prove it by Mohammed. 803 BROAD ST. Chiropractor 6-SOM comedy which r»n for several years on Brodaway, will be presented In a single performance Thursday night, Oct. 2, at the St. James theater here, it wn« announced SMASH HIT! • RELIABLE this week by Walter Reade, The story of a Navy cargo ship operating in the rear areas of the • REPUTABLE Pacific during World War II, the comedy is making its farewell 1 American tour. The company In- ' •ETHICAL cludes a cast of more than 35 per- sons with Tod Andrews playing the title role. Mr, Hayward is produc- PRESCRIPTION ing the play. Henry Fonda was starred in the three-year Broad- way engagement. SERVICE Following closely on the recent ""performance of the Theater guild's -"Oklahoma" here, the presentation "of "Mr. Roberts" marks another • step in the program of Walter ' Reade theaters in bringing top- ! calibre stage attractions to this we Urea. Others will include: Mia k SPEEDY'S SPECIAL at all Liggett Soda Fountains ;siavenska-Fredcrie Franklin ballet 29' .Thursday, Oct. 30; Trapp family 6-Cup ALUMINUM .singers the week before Christmas, LIGGETT 'and a George Gershwin festival .'n LUNCHEON SPECIAL!, ; February. DRIP COFFEE MAKER • All seaU will be reserved for • the performance. Based on thJa Navy nurse, Is the only woman REG. 1.98 • ICED COFFEE with CREAM ;jln the cast—the girl watched In YOU CAN DEPEND ON ANY DRUG PRODUCT THAT BEARS THE NAME 6 ;;her room in the nurses' quarters • •by the entire ship's company C '•'•through telescopes. CELLULOSE SPONGES 4 for 19 5ky Leot<1 70c iiNew Ceramic Guild ,»u erette 17'PAPER NAPKINS so KAD TICCIICC Handi-Pak with J:Exliibits Work li'^W BAG I\HH I lOOUEO sun-visor clip,..., 100's •• NAVESINK - Members of the ;;new Navesink River Ceramic guild FACIAL TISSUES .400,21' ;; entered 24 exhibits In the recent ;;Navcslnk Arts and Crafts' show, lQc THUMB TACKS ,„..,, ;-staged at Navesink library. Guild —exhibits were staged by Mrs. B. S. C ( le —Kessler of Atlantic Highlands, u- * sisted hy Miss Irene Childress and 98 FOIL WRAP AIU,. so R. 59 GANASTA CARDS B : Miss Rhoda Southali. t Members also held a sale of both 00 M * greenware and finished products Self-Wringing 2-Cell METAL ; at the show. Two guild members, SAVE »10 REG. »14 ; Mrs. Holcombe Ward and Mrs. FLASHLIGHT ; Walter A. Rullman, representing CLO SPONGE MOP $ 95 j the Navesink PoHerst staged a sp« ; clal exhibit at the show. Guild Vacuumatic traction action. Buy 2; one for home & Now 4 j members showed various pieces « ; original ceramic works, portrai m CHLOROPHVL SHAMPOO Quick-squeeze hinge wringer. one for your car. Save * busts, animals and other decora- 20< each in this sale! • tive pieces. Replaceable mop head. ? Members exhibiting were Mr* C ALUMINUM Z Kesslcr, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Rullman, REG. $1.98 J Mr*. Claire Burnson, Mrs. Freder- REG ,oo NOW 5O : tck Eldrldge, Mrs. Walter Basch, '. Mrs. Harry Trent, Mrs. Robert (without batttrlti) PICNIC KIT > Dunne, Mrs, Arthur Sprague, Mrs, 1 Harold Rinehart, Mrs. James RoS- tertson, Mrs. S. J. Woodruff, Mrs 39c CONTAINS I George Dawson, Mrs. Mildred Llm- Unfinished Hardwood Cotton Twill ; Ing, Mrs. Frank Kenney, Min ; Childress and Miss Southa.il. PLASTIC 2 PINT VACUUM BOTTLE |5 Individuals -wishing to join th Colonial TV STOOL SPORT CAPS isruild, which meets monthly at th Hickory stretchers; interlock. \7^&L 2 PLASTIC PLATES Navesink library, may contact Mrs. PICTURE Basch. The next guild meeting wi ing rungs. Strong) |ffl be Wednesday, Oct. 1, at th WITH library. $1.98 FRAMES Urges Farmers Check KNIFE & FORK I 12x14 e Conservation Needs !2xl4x9y,",jze Looking ahead to the time whei BEAUTY 55 the local PMA community commit SPECIAL! teeman visits the farm each farm Destroys bad breath originating er of Monmouth county la urged t< Men's Rocket in the mouth! Use alter eatinj... be thinking about the most needei NE conservation needs of his farmani how he can best use assistance tARA N° COMB and FILE TV HASSOCKS COLGATE Chlorophyll provided by the Agricultural Con servation program. $ The suggestion comes from SUn CREAMS Good-grooming "tools".in TOOTH PASTE ley M. Orr of Freehold, chairman REG. 4••• ot the county Production and Mar- handy, leather- LARGE TUBE keting Administration committee. ette case. The community committeeman $ 98 t Helps check common gum disorders! • Helps — — will be prepared to go over the 1 farm with the fanner ts help de- Now 2 fight tooth decay when used after eating! fi|ANT TUB£ termine what is needed most to Both for conserve and build, up the produc- tivity of the land.' If each farmer will make a careful check while crops are on the land, or while 30c SMOKERS! Get These Specials! The only elastic they are being harvested, it will help him decide which conservation practices are most urgent. • Hole-in-Head! • Easy on the draw I Condition of growing crops, of ten BAUER & BLACK'S serves as an indication of the con- dition of the soil, Poor plant growth Distinctive blend of import- on sloping portions of fields, for "wnws telescoped / X J .ed and domestic tobaccos. Mellow! example, may Indicate that terraces BANKERS or contour farming are needed to Full-Size Perfecto reduce water run-off. REG. 79< EUSTIC STOCKINGS

Hialeah's Flamingo Stakes Is the 171'* oldest stakes race In winter. It Cool! Open-Toed! was first run at Tampa In 1926 and moved to Hialeah In 1029. SAVi Quick-Drying! Enameled Metal inconspicuous! DORN'S FOTO FUNNIES .J.StlPOM«ll White enameled can with red top and trim. Inner pail with ball handle. Sale priced^ $ Gooil Reading in POCKET BOOKS ||l REG. 1.29 "Minelt Pad" wipes away odor-forming baoterla... gives you longer protection from perspiration! Compltl; Unobf/dgtd B«if«S«//tr/ SUPER THE CARDINAL by Hfenry M.Robinson VAtUEl Jar of 5-DAY Underarm 35 PADS • QUESTIONS & ANSWERS from the Book of Knowledge...... 35C • GOLDEN ASS of APULEIUS, ribald classic translated...... 3$c DEODORANT PADS • Judgment on Deltchev by Eric Ambler • Shidow Riders ol the Yellowstone by L, Savage, Jr, Quicker, easier, daintier I Just-right amount of anti-per- • Southern Territory by Robert Tallant • The Captain by Russell Thacher " Special | splrant on'pad checks perspiration, ends odor. It's safe! "Coming In lit*, Wilton? Th. • The BlaokEytd Stranger by Charlotte' Armstrong EACH Itut you could do li hurry!" • The Bigger They Come by Erie Stanley Gardner Art you In • hurry? Wi'H not LIGGETT'S "GREINUG" COUPON UGGiYI'S "GREEN TAG" COUPON LIGGETT'S "GREEN TAG" COUPON UGGETT'S "GRFtN TAG" COUPON UCGIFI'S "GREEN TAG" COUPON w- i«,k,. i-.,.i, lit you worry) phont, ind witch II I I ill, icurry—to knp i diti, wi'ri SYMONDS INN IlKAY nicrs PUftl MIXTURI PROMPT, EXPERT mv«r liti—thit'i why wi riti. HOBART CEDAR CHEST I Dorn'i Photo Shop, IB Williei VANILLA EPSOM St. Rid Bink 4*2273. Com ASPIRINS RHUBARB & SODA mirelil A Portrait Photogriph 100* EXTRACT COMPOUND SALTS 4 Oi. SERVICE 2 Ot. 1 Lk. j •n. Cimtru, Supplies A Pin 19' Alw-iys tlif: finest lihtna lor thi Amitiur I Pro 14' I • Ili;vi;lif|itii{* • I' •/«/»> Vili illtr f/10/lt 29 V«l< iflir ViU tdir•/I9/II 11 V.K al•ful r •/10/Bff fiiilonil, Himi Movln. •1 •• I• •I.P RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 Page Three esses at the Highlands American Graduate Nurse Legion President Legion post home. Mrs. Scheele of Church Women GUITARS ELECTROLYSIS Belmar won the meeting prize. Unwanted Hair Removed Names New Aides* Baptists to Hear Plan Institute Forever BINDLEY BEACH—Mn. Wal- Committee chairmen were named FUEL OIL SAFELY • SCIENTIFICALLY ter E. Church of Bradley Beach, and plans for a leadership training Dr. S. L. Blanton Institute were made at the opening Mr. Stanley at president of the combined Ameri- c can Legion auxiliaries of Mon- MIDDLETOWN — Dr. Sankey L. fall meeting of the executive com- Vincent's Beauty Salon mouth county, named committee Blanton, president of Crozer theo- mittee of the United Church Wom- ANDERSON MUSIC 32 Llndin PI. RE I'lllO chairmen at the county meeting logical seminary at Chester, Pa., en of Red Bank, formerly called the Red .Bank United Council of 11 MOAD ST., RED BANK Air CondltlonBd far Your Comfort Friday. Members_of the auxiliary will deliver a sermon at the morn- 12- GAL of the Bradley Beach post were ing service Sunday at 11 o'clock at Church Women, recently at the hostesses. There were 65 members the Baptist church here. home of Mrs. Francis E. Swartz, present. president, in Fair Haven. Mrs. AMSPECIALI CASH1 PLAN0 . Samuel W. Hausman, a past presi- We Specialize in Children's Shoes Chairmen Include Mrs. William Buying oil is no different than buying groceries- Holden, Keyport, Americanism; dent, led devotions. Mrs. George Rtnear, Keyport, child Chairmen named were Mrs. buy where you get the most for your money. welfare; Mrs. Joan Danskln, Spring; Ralph Norton, World, Day of Lake, civil defense; Mrs, Alberta Prayer observances; Mrs. Arthur Janda, Union Beach, community H. Hershon, hospitality for for- service; Mrs, John Hoy, Long eign students; Mrs. Hausman, Branch, chairman, Mrs. John Feld- prayer group; Mrs. Frank Hewitt, HANCE & DAVIS Extra Supports man, Asbury Park and Mrs. George missions Institute; Mrs. William TEL. RE 6-0103 Cameron, Keansburg, constitution Wormley, Christian social rela- and by-laws; Mrs. Norman Lewis, tions; Mrs. Hubert M. Farrow, Sr., Protektiv Asbury Park, coupons; Mrs. Agnes social action committee; Mrs. Fred Rauschenberger, Highlands, educa- Dugan, Christian world relation!; tion of war orphans; Mrs. Ade>e Mrs. Fred Boyd, World Communi- ONE DAY! FRIDAY ONLY! Johnes, Union Beach, finance; Mrs. ty day; Mrs. H. G. Lindner, mem- Miss Lois 3. Inscoe E. A, Rodriguez, Highlands, Girls' bership; Mrs. Harold Hornberger, music, and Mrs. Boyd, literature. LONG BRANCH—Miss Lois J, State; Mrs. Helen. Woolford, Free- Inscoe, daughter of Mr,, and Mrs hold, Gold Star Mothers. The leadership training Institute Roy A. Inscoe of Forman st., Fair The additional fea- Mrs. Estelle Washington, Red will be hold Monday, Sept. 20, at Haven, was graduated last week Bank, hospital activities; Mrs. Hen- the Red Bank Baptist church, tures in these shoes from the school of nursing at Mon- ry Sadowski, Marlboro, hospitality; opening at 10 a. m., conducted by mouth Memorial hospital. She Is are added to help Mrs. Eva Schiller, Long Branch, a state team. Those attending are now on the staff of the hospital's children's feet junior activities; Miss Ruth Symon, requested to bring box lunches and polio division. Asbury Park, Induction center; dessert will be served. - should they require Mrs. Dale Otto, Atlantic Highlands, Mrs. Farrow, regional vice presi- SPECIAL ^#79 extra support. \ legislation; Mrs. Thomas White, dent, and Mrs. Swartz attended the Regular 5.00! Keyport, membership; Mrs. Martin Dr. Sankey L. Blanton state executive committee meeting Lincroft Church Weisner, Bradley Beach, music; held last week at Cathedral house, Mrs. Frank W. Bailey, Red Bank, Dean of the school of religion of Newark. , Plans Activities notional security; Mrs. Jack Haag, Wake Forest college between 1946 Belmar, newspaper contacts; Mrs. and 1950, Dr. Blanton is a graduate LTNCROFT—Tho annual horves Front lacing, side closing , made of Miss" Barker Honored home supper and bazar of the Com Lillian Brown, Asbury Park, Pan- of the college, Southern Baptist best quality figured coutil. Average to heavy American study; Mrs. Mortimer 12. theological seminary, Louisville, \l Bridal Shower munity church here will be held VanSauter, Fair Haven, chairman, Ky., and Andovcr Newton tlicologi- Wednesday, Oct. 15. The baza figure. Comes in flesh color only; 2 lengths, Mrs. Woolford and Mrs. Holden, cale school. A veteran of World ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS —Miss will begin at 2 p. m. and suppe INSIDI WIDOI IN Hill past president's dinner. War I service with the 30th Infan- anet Lynn Barker of 18 Wesley will be served after 5:30. 13 inch and 15 inch. ivo. was guest of honor at a bridal Harold Morgan and Charles Cox The a/16" to 1/8" Mrs. Rudolph Cherney, Union try in Franco, he also was a mem- hower Tuesday of last week given Beach, past president's parley; Mrs, ber of the occupation army. He are co-chairmen of an auction to wedge, according to y Miss Vivian Lathrop at her be held Saturday, Oct. 18. Harry jiie, docs not throw Marshall Jones, Red Bank, perma- has taught at DuPont Manual homo on Asbury ave. Miss Lath- the shoe off balance. nent history; Mrs. Wilma Carter, Training school, Louisville, and at Seylaz will be in charge of a hay- the high school there. Dr. Blanton op will bo an attendant at, the ride for somotlmc in November. MABEL LEWIS Shoppe IWM IIATHII COVNTIM MOAO STIll SHANK The last in all il» Manasquan, policy; Mrs. Rinear, marriage next month of Miss Bar- ranges is especially popples; Mrs. VanSauter, poppy is former pastor" of Beechmont ker to Leonard E. Hofman of Scc- Plans for these events were made 137-B BROAD ST. RED BANK Baptist church, Louisville; Calvary at. a recent meeting of the congre- built to accommodate posters; Mrs. Helen Lamb, Free- nd ave. the wedge, hold, poppy window displays; Mrs. Baptist church, New Haven, Conn., gation where Mrs. William Smack, Open Friday 'til 9 P. M. Free Parking in Rear Edson Hulsart, Bradley Beach, and First Baptist cfturch, Wilming- Decorations were In pastels, Mrs. Ada Woodward, Mrs. Ralph publicity; Mrs. Thomas Walling, ton, N. C. ... ifts were placedd beneatbth a ruf- Layton and Mrs. Charles Toop were fled umbrella. A buffet supper was hostesses. Others attending were Matawan, radio; Mrs. Marvin New- He has been active in many edu- served. • Guests wera Miss Carey man, Wanamassa, rehabilitation; cational and religious institutions ,Mrs. Floyd Lum, who resigned as Mortcnson, Miss Joan Mumford, secretary of tho Sunday-school, Mrs. Claire Cameron, Keansburg, and has served on the general Mrs. Allen Reed, Mrs. Leonard D. scholarship; Mrs. Joseph Uszynski, boards of the North Carolina and Mrs. Harold Willgorodt, Mr. and Hofman, Mrs. Solvoig Fridcn, Mrs. Mrs. H, Praul Clark, Mr. and Mrs, We will close 6 P. M. Friday TWO COMHITI UIT Bradley Beach, safety; Mrs. Van-Connecticut Baptist conventions Doris Mangrasso, Mrs. Gretcheri and as a trustee of Wake Forest Frank Braun, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. CHANOIS IN IVUT Sauter and Mrs./-Hoy, ways and Wolf, Mrs. Hattie Nelson, Mrs. Lil-Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stli- ANATOMIC Mil SIZI HUN means and hospitalized veterans. and Meredith colleges. lian Lathrop, Mrs. Gertrude Van- and all day Saturday George Scheele of Belmar, couni.y weH, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fields, For example, there is Middlesworth, Mrs. Clifford Barker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conover, Mrs. Legion chairman of Boys' Stat'oi Tw6 Dimwit H«*i one last model for and Miss Mario Ovens of Atlantic Seylaz, Mrs. John Mauser, Mrs. E. $•114 luthir hKl bite, announced a Boys' and Girls' State Highlands; Miss Joan Manser and for Heights >nd Arch silts 12!/2 to 1 and Widows Named Douglas Brandt, Francis J. Laub- special hard top-llftlng Heights In each slu another last model (or alumni meeting to be held tomor- Miss Dorothy Behrens, Highlands; meister and Herbert Kaul. hHl mitcriil. run, sizes l/ to 3. row night at the Bradley Beach Mrs. j Edward E. Bennett, Miss Zel- 2 home, to plan the annual freehold- da Bennett, Mrs. Hazel Woodward, ers day, Oct. 29. In Recent Wills Mrs. John Lentz and Mrs, Palmer SPEEDERS FINED ROSH HASHANA •rlnf Your Child In Today To B« Fitted With Department membership cita- FREEHOLD — In wills (lied for Bennett, Belford; Mrs. Walter tions were given to auxiliaries of probate last week in the office of Krompholz, Leonardo; Mrs.. Steven RUMSON — Five persons waived (Jewish New Year) the posts In Atlantic Highlands, Surrogate Dorman McFaddin, the Husth, Red Bank, and Mrs. George hearing here this 'week and paid *. Extra Support ...... , Belmar, Red Bank, Matawan, Un- following respective widows were Rudolph and Miss Lois Rudolph, Ones of $10 and $2 costs each on s, named to receive the estates of Elizabeth. charges of speeding. They Included ion Beach, Eatontown, Bradley Morris Josephs of Middletown, who Richard Weiss, New York city; If your doctor has advised any additional support we Beach, Spring Lake and Frederick Barth Grlmby, Brown pi., Red Dempsey of Asbury Park and Mi-died Aug. 23; Fred G. Brown of will carefully fill his prescription for these shoes. Sea Girt, who died Aug. 28; John Stilwell Pines Speeders, Bank; Wlllfnm Dlven, .Marlboro; chael J. Healy, Long Branch. Presi- Norman Cuttrell of Wall township, Wouters Gerrlt, Crcssklll, and Jo dents of the auxiliaries of Asbury Olhcr M.V. Violators seph Gallardo, Shrewsbury. Wil- J.Krfcfef Priced from 7.95 to 8.95 according to size. who died Aug. 4; J. Parker Hlck- Park, Long Branch and Bradley man,.,Jr.,. of Interlaken, who died liam DIFlore of Hartshornc lane, R E D B A N K. Beach were given courtesy cards- Aug. 30, and John L. Sullivan, Sr. COLT'S NECK—Magistrate Stan- Rumson, was fined $3 and $2 costs from the New Jersey Camp for o{ Bradley Beach, who died Aug. 1 ley Stllwell fined James A, Mac-tor parking In a restricted zone. Blind Children In acknowledgement Larcn of Elizabeth and John of contributions made to the Catherine Connors of Wayside Pringlo of Jersey City $13 each for WALTERS. THOMPSON who died June 24, willed her es-speeding when they appeared in, project. . ' : tate to hef husband. CHUJDHENIS FINE SHOES' A scrapbook containing newspa- Atlantic township, court hero Fri- Mary E. Farley of River Plaza, day night. per clippings of the meetings of who died Aug. 4/.willed her estate * JKrft/ef 35A MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK the county group was given to Mrs. Also fined $13 were Eugene Burg- . * C O t A N I iChcrney, junior past president. The' to her son-in-law and daughter, er of Bayonne for passing on a hill Look for the Little Yellow Awning Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Emmons. and Edward D. Davey for careless next meeting will be Oct. 10, with Frederick E. Mctzler of Holmdc members of Twinlight unit as, host- driving. Jerome Amend of Maple- township, who died Aug. 2,.willed wood paid $8 for not having reg- his estate to his children, Ethe istration in his possession. For not M. Clausen and Louise M. Booker. complying with a conditional 11-* Here's a quickie Eva Levine of Long Branch, who cense E. I. Sandburg of Union died Aug. 26, willed her clothing City also paid $8, and personal effects to a daughter, Passing on the right, or on a Cella Broussard. A grandson, James curve brought $8 fines to the fol- Duncan, and a granddaughter, Mar. lowing: Herman K. Carlton, Ozone J. YANKO llyn Broiusard, each will receive Park, L. 1.;' Bonnie McGhee, Free- Test your knowledge nf lop brands hi. men's and boys' apparel. Each of 1 $500. Her real estate goes to her hold; Fred Stewart, Bronx; Law- these names is associated with a, certain type of clothing. Score four points 30 BROAD ST. RED BANK husband, Morris ,Levlnc. The res rence Meltzcr, Union City; Joseph will be shared by the daughters, Senior, Brooklyn; William J. Ma- for each correct answer, Ninety or belter 2>uts you at the head of the class Mrs. Broussard and Elizabeth Dun honcy, Cortland, • N. Y.; Kenneth can. Lee Kesllnk, Bloorr.field; William for style and value. Eighty to ninety, pretty good. Seventy to eighty, fair. Be« Dorothea C, Mielke of Long E. Stalnback, Elizabeth; Rose A. Branch, who died Aug. 13, willed Toms, Murray Hill; Joseph Walor, low seventy, better brush up on your brands. Answers at the bottom of the $1 each to her sons, Henry W. andB.radley Beach, and Phil R. Wilson, page, but no pecking. Otto C. Mielke, and named him Nowark., to share in the sale of two lot* on West End ave. along with two JAILED FOR DRUNKENNESS daughters, AJice H. Mielke and El- sie E, Mielke. The two daughters Lawrence A.' Cahlll, who told po- will .share the property at 455 lice he has no homo, was sentenced 1. Alligator 14. Kalamazoo Casual Brighton ave, Alice Mielke will to from 30 to 45 days In the county receive all cash in banks. The resl jail Tuesday morning by Magis- will be shared by the two daugh- trate John V. Crowell on a charge 2. Beau Brummcll ters. of being drunk and disorderly. He 15. McGregor was arrested early Tuesday morn- Winter Coats Group life Insurance policies Ing at Monmouth and West sts. by 3. Botany 500 cover about 31 million people in Patrolmen Benjamin Glover and 16. Manhattan the United States. Raymond Sergeant. 4. Chips at an exceptional 17. Rumion Tweed 5. Donmoor low price,' 18. Scout-Tex 6. Duofold 19. Stetson 7. Hathaway 20. Swank 8. Hickok .00 21. Tam-O-Shanter 39 9. Hi-Llne 22. Valcuna • 10. Interwoven

Imported British Tweeds >n muttd 11. Jayaon 23. Vanity Town checks. Mints' ilzti. 12. Joshua Trent 24. Weldon Glama Paca vvHh Insulated linings inel storm wrlstUii. Solid colors. Mliiei1 13. Jockey 25. Witty Brother! slid. • One more quallon, WHal do all tlicse brands have in oommonf You'd Hounds Tooth Cheeks, 100% wool gutised it, Thcy'ro all here at Kridcl's, mhcro you van charge and take ninety and with 100% wool Interlining!. There'i no work, no worry, no bother for you days to pay, 1 Junior and mtiui iliei, If we do this for you. And you'll be surprised to learn how little It costs. If needed, we mike ANIWIRIl •'SoincrivlUe" t«xtur«d ffbrlei In repairs or rocover it low off?ov. 18-21 at the Haddon Hall ho- Jay Berger, director. ' - also is conducting a practice in JReussille's cl, Atlantic City. the offices of Dr. A. J. Pisanl, 275 Red Bank, N. J. TEL. RE 6-0103 The Wednesday morning general Spring at. Dr. DeVita. Is president 36 BROAD -iL RED BANIC easlon will be under the chairman- of the Monmouth County Medical ship of Mayor James T. Kirk of society. Tel. RE 6-2100 Elizabeth. Walter T. MargetU, Jr., Borough to Sell State Treasurer, will tell of the rganlzational operations ot tbe lew state bureau dealing with tax Foreclosed Lots Equalization and assessments, - He UNION BEACH—(Borough coun- GET A FRESH START tvill describe the steps which that cil last Thursday night heard bureau can take to aid municipali- Councilman Joseph Vlgne report TO FAMILIES OF AND ties with their equalization pro- that borough foreclosure of 65 par- grams and problems, cels of property has been com- pleted by Borough Attorney Jo- FOR FALL WITH Theodore C. Hock, Bloomneld tax seph MatUce, and the land can collector and chairman of. the now be offered for sale; League's Tax Study committee, will Mayor Joseph Scholer said the PERSONS IN MILITARY SERVICE LEON'S DRY CLEANING present a report on the work of his borough plans to sell the proper- group and outline the program ties as "soon as possible". to re- planned for the future. turn the land to.the tax roils. . At / In order lhat the County Clerk has the latest address of, all persons In a prc-convention statement, his request, council Instructed the Mr. Hock said it Is apparent that borough attorney to investigate in military service, who desire to vote at the general: election to be held property taxes in New Jersey have the status of 17 parcels of land continued their upward trend again marked, "unknown" in tax records. Nov,4, 1952, please fill in form and mail to " . ' ' . In 1052, An Increase of 19 per cent J Council, approved the purchase over the 1951 figure brings the to of $100 worth of equipment for tal amount of property taxes the Junior. Drum and Bugle corps J. RUSSELL. WOOLLEY, assessed in the state to an all-time of the fire department here. The See for yourself how high of $433,309,000, he^ estimated. Miss Webb makes her home with action followed an appeal for a County Clerk, Freehold, N.J., "Since 1946 the .total property ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. William contribution from Patrick O'Neill, Leon's dry cleaning can tax bill has Increased 58 per cent," Webb on Harrison ave.. Fair Ha-, chairman of the corps committee, Mr. Hock continued. "How much yen. In tests and examinations, which was referred to Joseph freshen up last year's higher can property taxes rise, and given by the above mentioned danc- Weber, borough auditor, who said what will be the effect on local bud- ing groups, Evvelyn reached the that a cash donation could not be Print All Entries fall wardrobe by tend- gets and local school budget*?" . Gold Medal and Bar standard made, but the borough could pur- When considering school costs, he (fourth grade). She was highly chase needed, equipment for' the ing in your clothes to- declared, it has been stated by the commended for her dancing by In- coups. The corps Hats 75 members, State School Aid commission- that structors, and gained special honors of whom 40 are uniformed. The day. You'll find that there is an urgent need for revenue In British Association Teachers of corps will take part In parades' at Philllpsburg''Saturday! : Sept. 27, from sources other than the prop- Dancing, theory examinations" In (Full Name' of Serviceman or Leon's better dry clean- erty tax to finance both the preB- London. and at Aabury Park Sunday, Sept. Woman) .28, ing really makes colors ent expenditures and the Inevitable Evelyn also holds various medals - Increases in.the future'. for competition dancing at, last Councilman, .. Joseph } Donnelly., year's International Festival of borough' representative, to the bayr and patterns sparklo The implications of the present (Military Rank) tax picture will be discussed by the Dancing In Edinburgh, Scotland, shore Regional Dog. Control .pro^ (Serial No.) (Date of Birth) again and the press speakers and, the members of a winning a gold medal-in the High- gram, said he will submit'a now panel to be named In the near fu- land championship. She was a dog ordinance for study. He said lasts longer, too. Get member of the Scottish Country the ordinance algo will be ' sub- ture. Danolng toam which won the City From the discussion at this' tax ; mitted to the f overnlng bodies, at (Present Military Address) in the Leon's Dry Clean- of Edinburgh trophy, which' in neighboring. municipalities' partici- Use two lines session a definite tax program and Scottish dance circles Is virtually policy for 1953 will be developed by pating In the program. : . • • • ing habit] the world's championship. - the delegates. Copies of this policy '. Miss Webb was also a prize win- are to be sent to Gov. DrUcolI and ner at the Scottish Games of New Liberty Grange , to members of the legislature. Jersey competition,' held recently In North Jersey. •, Improves Basement, CALL STILWELL FINES 15 MARLBORO—Liberty Grange- 99 1 met Sept. 8 at the Orange hall. (Home Address) Including City, Borough or Township CRAWFORD'S CORNER— Mag- SaleS Manager Added. The building committee reported istrate Stanley Stllwell Monday progress. on-the Improvements to RE 6-2800 night in Holmdel township court To. '3 Guys' Persprinc. the basement. Committee member? fined George N. Copeland of East Due to recent and; planned fu- .^va.;4Miij|j.^ki9ga4uriAg.f.thaiv^'4'j^ki4igfthi . Orange $21 for speeding and driv- ture expansion, Three GiiyaiTV) * free time;, taking rout;the1 .old-floor TODAY ing an unregistered vehicle. t;, Appliances. o^Eatontown and Point arid replacingreplacing' -(ty-Witt r ^drncrBtef- Iniormation furnished by Speeding brought a (13 flns to Pleasant has added a aalea'ahd ad- They also' reporp t planp s are beingg (Date) Donald' G. Smith of Maplewood. vertising manager In the person of made for replacingrli " theth ^ turwwetj Also fined. $13 was Garland.Alston John Allen of Asbury Park; •' Tho Booster Nighg t meetingg,, Whichhi " of Roselle for careless driving. . Mr. 'Allen Is well known to Mon- was planned fof r theth" lasltt mee'tlps'tl r Passing on the right resulted.'• In mouth- and' Ocean county, listeners i n SeptemberStb , i s postponetd d ..untitUl I $8 fines for: Morton Satlfer, Baat of radio station Wi.Lfc, • slnoi;vhe" the,:-, first,-;meeting -.in '• Octbber to Orange; Rlchard'Loo,Hud(on,'-I%oa- has -been-a,- dlsk-jockfey- onr;"iriioh, give th&:'comnilttaa -ttf*i-opT>qrtunl- Signature of Person noke, Va.; Peter P.' Eojewskl; popular programs as'•'The.Essiinger' ty" to replacevnh«»'staltt itMi pro- Forwarding Request SINCE 1912 Cranford;' Joseph WaliikiewiU, Bandwagon," "The. Platter Parade," ceed wlth'thelr.wprk-of.renovating Harrison; James A. Ryan, Lodl; "Tour Favorite Records," and many the hall,., .-,-_ . ] ,.! Alex Bondzio, Newark; Harold others. Mr. Allen has also had wide Election of a young lady:,to. rep-1 Cleaners Luiutderers • Rug Cleaners Cerbie, Jersey City; Thomas Mc- experience as a sales/niahager, pub-' resenttLiberty?grange -In tW'Po-' Gulre, Newark; Jerome Grossman, Heist and advertising, counsel In the 1 ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING IN FRONT OF PLANT 1 mona.Queen contest in-Npvember Newark; James A, Logie, Upper fields of radio,' television, newspap- resulted InijMarjorle Smith b'eln'cr Montclalr; Harold.R. Gaffney, Ho- ers and magazine*,-'' 64-76 WHITE ST. BED BANK g 1 selected, with Helen Loroni; as,al- boken, and Charles W. Kother ot ' Currentl Mi1 All^ ternate, Deputy George Ash was a Meliv, Wis. Currently Mi . All^n. Is .preparing : a sorles.'of contests of great In- guest; Mr.'Ash gave advice In terest to the public. One lj planned grange work for th« fair and was for children 6 to 13.years of age, vary, pleased with the progress be- MILLERTON RUGS SALE another contest will he for youngs- lnKma.de by his granges. Rev. Don- ten U to 18 years of age and ald McCabs gave an account of'the other contests are being arranged happenings at the Rural''Mlhtsteis conference at Rutgers' in June.- The1, for adults, .' . ,. 1 Numerous valuable prizes will be state, fair /commutes made a re awarded, and judging will be by port on tbe work of their commit- Get a jet-streamed Studebaker tee In planning their .fair' exhibit several local celebrities. .Fot com- TREMENDOUS SAVINGS plete details,'entrants will', be, re-They requested all • members land quired to visit 'Throe Ouyi"' either friends to .solicit and-bring In all at the Satontown or the Point their, best, vegetables, fruit arid and cut your driving costs! Pleasant store, • • ' , .• grain 'for/the collection. ' ON ROLL ENDS! In order lo make room for new merchandise, we rfre offering the following roll ends at terrific savings. OLD MONMOUTH Reg. SALE PRICE DOG TRAINING CLUB 9 xl2' Grey Twist $120 12'xl2'6" Beige F|oral (as is)i $170 $|QQ.OO HonmouHi Coupry't Leading 9x20' Beige Twist $220 $14Ooo Obiditnce Aftoelatlon 12x15' Heaviest All Wool Twist, Grey $299 ( 12 xl§': Rose Sculptured Wilton $279 &••'* ANNOUNCES 00 15xl5'6" All Wool Finest Sculptured Wilton Grey $535 *400 New 9xia'6" Turquoise Cotton Velvet $95 $6*500 CemmudtrV-SBluttan. „__ EACH AND EVERY PIECE BELOW ACTUAL COST! WUU aldawaU Una tod ebiom. vbeel dUc. option! it tilra cut, """* Classes Starting

. /••" Thurs. Eve., Sept. 25 HEAVIEST QUALITY According to Atl-Am«rlc*in. ALL WOOL TWIST BROADLOOM with K«nnel Club R.«f]tiia*it«jn't • Springy, durablt Twltt OUR SPECIAL • Mad* to Chlldrth'i Junior Group SALE PRICE Modernfold doors . Sell for mii', Vlnyt^tvmil, Biginncn • Advincid. ft. Widths; •95*; (letfi Mi ||V« in MtMilltri It it wit MM* Grty, CHAMPION rt*m ftrllvlni *y MVJH« htrmi WIVIIMK* YD. w*M *y lwM*l •***. lin«( "Mtt'trif Cinnamon ftM" tori »fi IMVIW* *•#< th«* dlvM* r«*mi Milly, qvltlily wi tttntmlitlly, > Vinyl HVltlnil tr» OiMMtllilint 111 Spend less for gas—less for Mtlly withid wMh IMI •«« willr.. • will CLOSING OUt All Wool Throw Rugs ml crath, •«•! «r fi««, Avillialt lit imny upkccp-wilh a Studebakei't ulwt (• mi«l any itlti ««h«mi, tt\t*4 It ALL FIBER RUGS Dlicoritfnutd Sampl«i A ytvr M§tt, it* tr ihtm ui tUty h TBAIWNO DIRBOTOIl in Mol>il(j,)s Run Ml itlilli, Get more for your money MR. KARL SCHMID R««. 11.9S • 1MB •n j(it/ii/ «nd glare-reducing tinted glaii-ot extra ceil, •it Ciuntlu by Frt«ho,ldMUO OVERHEAD DOOR' MILLERTON RUGS Inc. BAILLY BROTHERS WERNER'S GARAGE "A Trained Dog h A fl MONMOUTH ITRIIT ITATI HIGHWAY ROUTI U PRODUCTS CORP. Red liank't only eomplvie floor covering tpacfalty thop KID IANK, N. J, IILFOUD, N, J. tW IhMtwiburjr Av*. HID S4UI Dog" 180 BHOAD STREET RED BANK 6-S279 • II tun RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952

ng to Marshall, that the fair this School Offers 'ear: will be one of the greatest WaKTUp State Fair ver held. Practically aJI exhibition Jersey Central pace has been sold. For the first Lecture Series line, a two-hour ice show will be To a Man in the 1. Avoid the time and expense of conunnting To More Comfort KEYPORT—Harold A. Zantow, Opens Sunday resented each evening during the Gets Diesel Tug SWithoUt Nagging Btckach* personnel director of the Franklin TRENTON—Norman L. Marsha!!, week. "The Ice Varieties of 1952" Jersey Central Lines' "Liberty," Investment or Brokerage 2. Stop paying New York State Income Tax Vaning backache* loit of pep and energy, Baker- division of General Foods has been touring the fairs and Is first of four new l,600-horsepow;r headaches apd ditxlneis may be due to alow- corporation,, will conduct an eight secretary-manager of the New Jer- I down of kidney function. Doctora aay cood sey State Fair, which will open declared to be a remarkable presen- diesel tugboats being built for the Business who wants to 3. Enjoy pleasant working conditions "on Is very Important to good session lecture course on "Getting JliJ u Sunday and close the following - at Ion combining, as it does, music, railroad, joined Jersey Central's some everyday— "' Along With People on the Job' Sunday, has announced that two color, novelty, comedy, lavish co?- marine fleet in New York harbor at the high school here beginning politicians' days will be observed uming and ice skating talent, and Thursday. E. T. Moore, president, Wednesday! Octi 1. this year instead of the usual one. Maturing International stars on accepted the unit in special cere- We are looking for an experienced securities man to join the staff of our conve- monies near the Statue of Liberty. cause getting up nlghti or I requentpalsaget* The first will be held Governor's skates. niently located office in Asbury Park. This is a year-round office which receives Don't neglect your kidneys if these eondi. Jack Kochman's auto daredevils Delivery of the three other tugs, day next Thursday, on which occa- "Sandy Hook," "Sound Shore" and the full benefits of our membership in the New York Stock Exchange and other tlons bother you, Try Doan's Pilli-a mill sion the Republicans will have will be the opening attraction at diuretic. Used successfully by millions for the fair with a repeat show Mon- "Communipaw," will be completed leading exchanges. We would prefer to have a man who knows the Red Bank over BO years. It's amazing how many timea their day at the fair. The next day by mid-Spring, 1963. Doan's give happy relief from these dltcom* the Democrats will take over. day afternoon, when Children's area well; he will be given broad latitude in developing new business and in forts-help the IS mlleaof kidney tubes and Al- day for pupils and teachers of the The new tugboats are among the ters flush out waste. Get Doan's Fills todsyt Luncheon will be served at noon serving his present clients in the area. He will enjoy pleasant working conditions each day and during the afternoon schools of Mercer county will be most powerful and modern hut',' all the candidates will be intro- observed. Harness racing will start for service in and around New and have congenial companions in our organization. duced to the people in the grand Tuesday and continue until Friday York harbor. Bach has a length If you would like to arrange an interview in complete confidence, we invite stand. afternoon. Grange day will be ob of 110 feet, a beam of 25Vi feet an 1 For Comfort and Health served Wednesday with the. Grange a draft of 11 feet, and Is equipped you to write or telephone Robert E. McDonnell, our resident partner. Arrangements for the two days horse show tournament. Thursday with a two-way radio-telephone, Fabrico E-Z Fit are being made through John Daw- Is Governor's day. Friday is De permitting ship-to-shore communi- Evenings Call DC (-2014 son, chairman of the Mercer Coun- fense day and children's day for cation. A hinged mast, special bal- All Aluminum ty Republican committee, and Herb those attending schools outside of last tanks and other features will Holran, executive director of the Mercer county. Saturday will be enable the tugs to pass under low & Republican state committee, and Firemen's day with Irish Horan's Harlem river bridges. They Thorn Lord and James Farley, Hell Drivers here in the afternoon being constructed by the RTC Ship- E.Ubllih.d 1903 SCREENS representing the Democrats. Efforts and the big firemen's parade at building Corp. at Camden from are being made to bring the na- night followed by the final ics designs by Naval Architect Thorn Members New York Stock Exchange • FOR WOOD WINDOWS tional standard-bearers to Trenton show. Big car auto racing will be as D. Bowes of Philadelphia. during the fair. In addition both the closing day attraction. 1 PRESS PLAZA ASBURY PARK, N. J. •FOR METAL CASEMENTS partleA will have their senatorial The word "fiasco" comes from Flip On or Off-Inntantlu! congressional and local candidates The wlldflower Dutchman's- the Venetian Rlassblowcu. It Telephone: ASbury Park 2-8431 on hand. Breeches is a wild form of bleed meant "flask," although it means There is every indication, accord "failure" In English. Strtrm f tf ing heart. H'nod WlnlUwn irt furnhhea with new At- jiitubk H.nsiri Harold A. Zantow r ana Cliiurt L Channel. per* \ mlUlai tuy In* The program is jointly sponsored L slsllsllon a • < by the Keyport adult education pro- OUR PRESCRIPTION DE- I adjmlmcnl <• YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE L. a » y M»esr< gram and the Rutgers institute of AT htliM win*1.*. management and labor relation;. PARTMENT CARRIES A Sessions will be held Wednesday '{. Standard and evenings from 7:30 to 9. COMPLETE LINE OF Custom Siiei Mr. Zantow, who has had long experience in both teaching and LOW COST • LIGHTWEIGHT practicing good personnel relations, FRESH DRUGS AND BIO- NON.STAINING • EASILY INSTALLED will point out ways to get along SunRaqDruqs ins COFfrr NEED NO PAINTING with or supervise fellow workers, LOGICALS Installed or Removed tram the importance of communications Inside House in employee-employer relations, the BROAD ST. RED BANK • SEE YOUR LUMBER DEALER* principles of good morale on the -Free .Literature. Write Dipt. KR job, and the dual loyalties of work- , BOX OF V.SCOD LIVER OIL Q Specials for Thursday, Friday & Saturday TIERSHEYI FABRICO, Box 31, ers to both unions and employers. -Time Favorftw] The' lecture series Is open to resi- SITROUX HlfiH POTENCY CAPSUIES.IM'S V HAr...iSOrT CHOCOLATE North Bergen, N. J. dents of the Keyport area interest- CLEANSING11 Tempting Old-Fashioned ed in Improved labor-management TISSUES HIGH-POWERED^ KISSES relations. Registration can be com- pleted at the high school next Monday through Friday, Sept, 26, REG. S1.00 VALUE, ORAL or RECTAL . CHOCOLATE BUY DIRECT from 9 a. m, to 3 p. m. BINOCULARS * AMERICAN MADE! AND SAVE Earle Whitney, director of the * PRECISION BUILT! Adult education program, is work- WITCH HAZEL 17c * 1-POWER LENSES BY IPNMREIU A COMPLETE HOUSE OF FIX- HERSHEY! TURES FOR LESS THAN $20.00 ng with the state university's In- KARPAlf SSfVilui, FULL PINT AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. 1 stitute in providing the s"-'os. «. v.i,,. HILL PINT X'i CHOCOLATE FRONT OR REAR TISSUES Wild SYRUP Entrance Fixture Cow Disease Mllll DOANS PILLS Solid Copper visit G U. L. Approved Now Prevalent •is,., REGULAR 90c PACKAGE IB. ONLY TRENTON—With thousands o? FRESH $1.98 calves being born on the nation's FATHER JOHN'S 47c farms this fall, the American Foun- 59c FITCH" GOLDEN BROWN dation for Animal Health today i New Miracle^ MEDICINEurnitMaf.U, Wa« BOTTLE If* Bedroom Fixture alerted dairy owners to a serious Blue, Pink, White. SHAMPOO disease problem which may attack TINY Salted , OR U. L. the. mothers of these new calves. 'LIFEBUOY Approved $1.29 The disease, known as acct> nemla or "ketosis", frequently af- , BATH SIZE SOAP BATHROOM fects .15 per cent of the cows hi PRETZELS a herd. Cows of all ages are sus- Chrome bracket, opal ceptlle, but ketosis usually strikes Res* 35c ALCOHOL WILBUR clear flaia, pull chain, newly-fresh cows about six to eight IS? MIXING BOWL] SUCHARD weeks after they have calved, 1S0PR0PYL COMPOUND, PINT outlet U. L. Approved. Foundation authorities said. Top I0XZENMT CHOCOLATE producers in a herd are prime or DESSERT '•''«• targets for the disease. SHAVE 10c PKG. COTTON-TIP KITCHEN FLUORESCENT _ "Ketosis may appear in either a ••HtFRUIT Giant BARS mild form or a severe form," the CREAM APPLICATORS •Glenmint white. EACH Takes 32 watt Foundation reports. "In mild casss, bulb. U. L. App. the cow may go off feed and give, BOWL kONLY milk which has a peculiar, sweetish 29- 29 taste. Jn severe cases, sysmptom.; SHDOrfa $3.95 may vary from nervousness to de presalon and loss of weight. Milk Assortment of DINETTE FIXTURE production Is cut drastically. Choice el "As these symptoms can be con IMPORTED GLASS' fused with milk fever and plant LITT color. poisoning, veterinarians base their STIFF final diagnosis on chemical test" KITCHEN , If detected In time, early treatmen' FIGURINES $2.49 with Intravenous Injections and U. L. Approved by other means will usually pre- ALUMIHUM SCRUBBING SHEARS Breaiclaat Nook, vent death losses. per set Den, Play Room, FRENCH FRYER Dinette — Solid "There are three good preventive Braaa Trim. Red, measures. First, provide llber.i 1 WITH BASKET O A Green, Yellow. feedings of balanced rations, es- U. L. Approved < With Hsrd. pecially with cold weather comin" wood bad. on. Second, take every precaution 1 •urn ' $6.95 to keep cows from 'going ofT feed' f!*.*" '""" SI i Third, have clinical tests tnken at frequent Intervals in fresh an-J ABSORBENT" pregnant cows so any signs of kc- r Belmar Electric Co. tosis can be spotted early ant' i-S. ONK UK N .1. Ii, famous "WimilB" De Uu Box g^^ , Ct- U«-r 14x14 IN. SIZE NAPKINS NT c KmiPflHSlOOPlN1 " lh Vnciium-Pickid To SUy Fruh! Factory S< «u. HIGHER PRICED '11,21 "Personality" 40 ShMltl i 59 CIGARS PLASTIO" M Inv«lop«t< HASTI? Whttt ar Oroy 1 CIGARS BOX LAUNDRY Vtlliim. ^^^ MEASURING OF SPRINKLER Wllh .... that rlllkl SPOON Ac. (III unit ..HI. Lio« vuwTl 4 IW, on signature, car or furniture. Fait service! lUpaymtn, plant ar- Here It Is! Newest, Glamorous Accessory! Savi ranged to fil your In- /2 KKICE SALE comt,Takt6,12,,lorup M«»r $1.38 LADY ESTHER] to 20 month, to r>pay. >2.ooTUSSY tO-WindOW 4-Purpose RICH (.| AA CREAM CREAM $100 PEARL NOW ONLY HOKER Rttulir 11,68 Vilutl on Pure Imported Hand-Rolled DY ESTHIR| PAOI POWDIR UtumN$,$4$ SILK RIBBON with INDILIILI ASIURY PARK Choice of Assorted Colors I .LIMTIOK 910 Cookman Ave., 2nd. Floor mm & RAMSDUL Ivllfivi 't'tUi | Hrli thai k lilkPtr tl>kMihtlt,l*iiHi I PHONBi 2.10103-Aibury Pork ifli, to iM.lllt Ml IC 41**1 UMk •) •'•«• MRTHAMIOY " uum, Al-.o i« ill PHONIt rirfti Afflbty 44440 ummm.m THESE BIG SPECIALS NOW ON SALE AT ALL SUN RAY STORES THROUGHOUT PA., N. J., DEL.iVvin . M<»i <• * m(* UMHNwniyNM) MMM OPIN IATURDAYI UN1U IP, M. Page Six BED BANK BEGISTEB, SEPTEMBEB 18, Just 7 'Tomorrows* Left THE IMPATIENT. COP RED BANK REGISTER Time is like that. Tt just slips away, EVENTS OF YEARS 40-42 Broad Str.tt. Rid Bank. N. J. Editorial Views unnoticed. We all share a habit of uieauiiij' ESTABLISHED 1878 to do something important, in a day or so. Of Other Papers By John H. Cook and Henry Clay > FROM REQISTER FILES THOMAS IBVING BROWN, Fublliber Those days pass, the intention is still there, Fifty Yean Ago Twenty-Five Yean Ago ' JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor but the thing is left undone. Well, we say, WITHIN ONE FRAMEWORK Thieves broke into George Hen- The senior class ot 'Red Bank M. HAROLD KELLY, Business Manager "there's always tomorrow." But the "to- "The problem of ethic* in public drickson's store and the postofflce high school organized and elected W. HABRV PENN1NGTON, Plant Supb life is far from simple," says Henry at Fair Haven but did not getRobert Flader, president; Anna morrow" of Thursday, Sept. 25, will be jusi Steele Commager, American his- enough to pay them for thtlr trou- Marcellua, vice president^ Edna Member ol the AaiociaUd Press one daj\ too late. As of now, there's seven torian, In a challenging address .re- ble, The only cash they got wasClayton, aecretary, and Fenn Tht Aaancii'td Fr«» i> entitled i»clii«lvtl» to the nil printed in this newspaper a tew $1.50 from the postofflce, but they Strode, treasurer. for rrpubiication of nil tBe local ntw« printed In thii ntwt- left. Either you're registered on tiie 2oth days ago. "Moral standards do notdamaged goods at the Hendrickson Thomas Maskell of West Red paper, u well •< all AP newi diipatehea. or you can't vote. And if you're not regis- exist in a vacuum They are grocery store aggregating a loss of Bank was always interested In the- Member Audit Bureau of Circulation* a product of society, and they are approximately $300. aters and traveling shows from boy- tered and don't, vote, you've turned your a constant, at least within • the hood. He had been away from The Red Bank Remitter xtuinei no financial reipomlbllU Midas Washington, who was Ap- tlei for typographical error,, In ndverlliementa but ffill [•• back on American democracy. You've fallen framework of one generation." pointed dog catcher about a month' town for more than 20 years and print mat part ol an advertliement in which the typotfrapjl. To be considerably less compre- previous, gave up the job. He hadreturned to visit Mr. and Mrs. eal error uccuri. Ad'tr'iien will pleaae notify the Dianaje- down on your job as a citizen. And you've James Wplcott ot William st. He ment Immediately of an? error wblrb may occur, hensive than Dr. Commager but a caught 46 dogs, 18 of which had given up your privilege to share in free little more specific: The American been redeemed, The commission- had followed the theater since leav- This neff&pHPer naKumei no reepimeibUitle* for Government, as business' biggest ers passed his bill for $26 and said ing Red Bank and bad advanced to statcmenti of opinlont in lettera from Ita reader!. government. Gone is your right to complain that he should-have .caught and the position of theater manager single customer, Inevitably oper- with the Keith vaudeville circuit. Subscription Prirei in Advance. One rear 16.00 s if the government is giveu into hands you ates in this respect within a kilted several hundred dogs as aix months, Single copy, at counter, lj) centa. there were approximately that num- A cafeteria- was opened at St. don't trust. "framework" conditioned by busi- ber running at large in this section. James parochial school in the lliued V'rekly. entered m Second Clan Matter at the Pout, ness' own selling ethics. How good Richard Gledhill opened a wall- school basement by the CUholic office at rted Bank, N J., under the Act of March 8, 1879 Registration is such a simple thing. Yon are they? paper store In a part of Guyon's Daughters of America under the Poitmaslcr. and Subscriber* »» torwitrdinu Chang* tt( sddrait go to your town hall, tell your municipal Fortune magazine, in the last ar- piano store on Broad st. supervision ot Mrs. John J. Travers ' please ui* Postal Form 8S4T ticle of a notable series on selling, of Leroy pi., and assisted by Mrs. clerk you want to register, and write your The, grocery store of Edward takes up this question, The author O'Flaherty at Headden's Corner Joseph Lorenz of West Red Bank, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1952 name in a book. That's it. It takes a couple concludes that the trend Is upward The Red Bank police petitioned —toward rellinca on "sales Intel- was destroyed by lire. Mr. O'Fla- the mayor and council to set up a of minutes. Or, if you're in Freehold, yo>i herty, .who lived in the building, ligence," on discovering the custo- was at Red Bank at the time of pension plan for them. The matter can stop in at the courthouse and do the mer's needs and helping to fill the fire and did not hear of his loss Was to come before the voters at 43 More Days to Halloween them. He believes American busi- the fall election. same thing. So those who work during office until he returned to open the store Once ajiuin the Bed Hank Community ness has come a long way from the the following morning, Theodore Molloy, caretaker of the hours still can register, clerks of all munici- customer entertaining of., the "days Allen farm, between Red Bank and Chamber of Commerce has started arranj;!!- of Diamond Jim Brady," from the Three Red Bank boys left town 1 palities have set up a schedule of night to attend schools of higher educa- Llncroft, was losing a lot of chick- men Is for t lie annual Halloween pariuk , now they are still anaemic. Most days when a salesman "would have tion. They were James E. Weaver ens and was not sure whether it hours when you can collie In. The election eople don't go regularly to thea whole string of purchasing agents carnival and window painting contest of Front St., who went to Bllss'B was a four-legged skunk or wheth- board, co-operating, has .set aside 7-i) p. in., LETTERS FROM octor for check-ups. Their blood on his personal payroll," and when Electrical school at Washington, er it was a two-legged skunk. He Friday niglil, Oel. 3-]. As it lias in the. ^ould be tested at the bloodmobtlc sales were demanded In return for D. C; Archie Brown ot White st, set a trap - and soon found out Sept. 23-25, next, Tuesday through Thurs- OUR READERS islt if they could ever be per-orders. s, past, tlie Chamber will spearhead the event uaded to venture that far. There who went to Shoemaker's Dramatic where his chickens were going. He day, as times when night registrations will vould be no question of taking But the Fortune writer finds sell- college of Philadelphia, and Elwood trapped {our skunks, six ground- which is co-sponsored by locnl service clubs, 10 qu ing not yet purged ot all but reason hogs and four large rats. be accepted in most municipalities. It's up 'IRRESPONSIBLE' GUNNERS heir blood If ft showed anaemic, Curtis of Broad st., who went to firemen, policemen and businessmen. and if not, some soldier might re- and mutual service. Many golf Princeton college. The new bridge at- Newman to you to check with your municipal Belford, N. J.,gain one of the precious pints clubs would collapse, says he. If Lewis Lane, who conducted a Springs rd. over Swimming river, This will be the iifth such parade here Sept. 15, 1S52 necessary to him for life. company membership were with- was nearlng completion and clerk to see if that's the schedule in your Is the anaemia physical or per- drawn. The company hunting and meat market on Front st. until he and we hope it will enjoy the popularity To the Kdltor: was forced out of business by high Schenck S. Thompson, the contrac- community. laps mental? There still seems to fishing lodge furnishes "discreet" tor, thought that the new structure Residents' of this section are. e an attitude of fear or heslta- entertainment. Reciprocity selling rent and high price of meat, start- of other years, Last year, Deputy Chief greatly relieved that the Middle- lon about a donation of a pint of ed a wagon meat route through Red would be opened to the public be- Remember this: Once you're registered town township authorities are go->lood, Actually it hurts no more is disliked but by no means' ex- Bank, On Saturday nights. he fore the holidays. ; George Clayton described the night as "the ing to call a halt to gunning around tinct. And one great corporation's and make voting a habit you don't need to han a hay lever inoculation, and parked his wagon alongside of Ed- Mrs. Norman Schenck and (on quietest" he had experienced in his 25 years our homes and yards. cannot be bad for you because sales, force, he reports, maintains ward Haley's store on Shrewsbury Edgar of Honolulu, were, visiting register again, unless you change your ad- We have had too many frighten- Is endorsed by the National Med- an informal employment bureau to ave. Mrs. George Schenck of Holmdel. on the police department. Such a comment ing experiences caused by narrow cal association. place factory superintendents who dress. But unities of persons who haven'l escapes from being shot by the The Eagle Clothing company Mrs. Norman Schenck'-s husband certainly is proof enough that the parade- I have given blood three times are known to be favorable to that wat a clergyman tn Honolulu. She reckless shooting of gunners, flthln thB year, with no ill effects. corporation's products! stock was sold at auction and 1 carnival is worth all the time and money which for four straight years, by law, A shot was fired through the )n consideration ot the problem, merchandise brought $2,235. The came to the continent to enter her must coine off the books. Hundreds were window of one home.' The charge f the condition of anaemia The hard discipline of the prof- store occupied by the company was son at Princeton college. spent on it, In connection with that, we'd hit a bureau, A member of the hroughout the country Is so seri its test must hold these practices rented by Mrs. George F. Holmes John Eustace of Everett was on scratched this year, maybe yours. To be family could have been wounded >us. maybe a nation-wide survey like to mention that some of our civic- or Wiled. within certain bounds. And between to Jacob Kridel, who bought the a sailing trip to Hawaiian, islands sure your name still is on record, check hould be launched. rlvate businesses it is the stock- lease through the receiver. In the Pacific and San Francisco. minded people dig down to the tune of Another resident had the shock- Sincerely yours, olders', not the taxpayers>> money ing experience of having the charge Mrs. Morris Douw Ferris. A pretty wedding took place at The Highlands Yaeht club had $1,000 to help put on the show. They cer- with the county board at Freehold 8-194(1," of a gunner's eun strike the house hat is spent. A lush we'ek at a the Bed Bank Presbyterian church an enrollment of 83 members. - New unting lodge may be one thing members joining-during the sum- tainly merit the community's thanks. We extension 129. If it's off, you must put it at the side of the kitchen door. No IT'S A PLEASURE when Miss Mary Matilda Rue, children or other members ot the Long Branch, N. J. or the purchasing agent of Colos- daughter of Matthew Rue, became mer wereGeorge Eoppenberg, E. F. hope that Wednesday's meeting of the back. If you've moved, re-register. If you family happened to be near the Sept. 9. 1S52 lal Industries, Inc., and quite an- the bride of Dr. Elmer George Duffy,: Frank Frazer, /William door. ither for a procurement officer for Thompson, Charles LaRue, William parade committee is well attended and don't, you can't vote. , 'o the Editor: Wherry of Newark. Rev. S. Hi While working in his yard, with- The Shore Child Study Group le Air Force. But can the twoThompson, the poster, performed W|laon, Albert Weyer, EmanUel that their efforts are rewarded by another We of Monmouth can't be satisfied with out dreaming of danger of being rishes to thank you for your ex- •orlds do dally business with each the ceremony. Mrs. William Pin- Schwarti and Everett Johnson. shot, a neighbor was narrowly sellent coverage of our lectures and ther without affecting each other's successful Halloween. our voting record of recent years—77.2 per missed by a gunner's fire. The tard played the wedding march. Frank Donato of Allen st. had - charge cut branches near him and )oard meetings this past season, ' idea of ethics? three fig trees in full bearing, one cent of the total registered in 1948, a Presi- struck his garage. The unique service that our —The Christian Science Monitor. The Daughters of Liberty of Fair of which was 12 feet tall. Mr. Do- More often than It is pleasant croup performs in this community Haven had their annual outing dential year; 59 per cent last year, 45 per Is greatly aided by good publicity. when 30 members ot the lodge par- nato, who was a barber, was plan- to think about we have had gun- Now that our new season Is under FAITH IN THE HOME ning to open a shop in Rumson, A Great and Worthy Organization cent in 1947. We shouldn't be willing to shot rain down upon our house took of the feast. Mrs. Tlllie Mar- and yard. vay, our group looks forward to tin and Mlas Alice Worthley were George A. Hawkins had -a con- Volunteer workers soon will be contact- he continuance of your paper's With the series ot mild and not- tract to build two new houses in have it stand at the 84.4 per cent of 1910 We are of the belieef that we Ine co-operation. 3-mlld earthquakes this summer waitresses. are entitled to enjoy our homes and Wellington Emery, Augustus J«f- Fair Haven, one for Leonard Fleck- ing homes and business establishments seek* or the 76 per cent of 1919. Ours is a gov- premises without the danger of be- Very truly yours, is have had a chance to see how ensteln on Oak pi., and one, tor Alice C. Ducore, ur children react under violent cir- fery and Joe Mahoney, who termed Frank Aumack of Jersey City on ing funds for the Salvation Army. So great ernment of, by and for the people. And this ing shot by irresponsible gunners !orrespondlng Secretary, Shore iUmstances. themselves the "Jolly Three," gave who invade our property and gun Jhlld Study Group. Parker pi. : -' * and so well-known are the accomplishments government and our people face today what and shoot at our dooistep. There are lessons to be learned. a danee in Red Men's hall at that • • H place which was largely attended. Mrs,' Clara. Metzgar bought the of the Salyation Army that it hardly seems appears to be the biggest test in history. To We do not have the slightest teel- The children, under my direct property oh the south side of Front ing against hunting and real sports- Muslo was furnished by the band st. from Mary and Pettpr'v Lang, necessary to urge generous support of the make certain our nation can face tomorrow, men. Not one of us has asked that Know Your Government bservation, can be separated into which traveled on one of the river hunting be barred In the township. hose whose home conditioning had steamboats. which for many years was owned campaign. The Red Bank area has always with all its grave dangers, we must put in Our plea has been for protection ncluded a spiritual -faith—and- by Francis DePuyster Leonard. against- these irresponsible gunners •Be Properly Informed—Then Vo«e' hose whose parents had relied sole- Misses Elate and Anlce Phelan, This purchase gave Mrs. Metzgar given graciously to the Salvation Army ami power responsible, top-performing leaders. who were summering at Thomas three adjoining properties west of who Ignore all the rules of law and Two dates—Sept. 17 and 26—will y on a so-called, realist philosophy. Johnson's at Naveslnk, gave a par- we trust the same will be true in this year's That's a job for the voters. So stop waiting safety. We want them kept far ia important on this month's cal- Trinity church. . ' enough from our yards to enable From the latter group,, almost to ty at Andrew's hotel at that place fund-raising drive. The good deeds perform- for tomorrow. Register today; vote Nov. 4. us to move safely about our mdar for New Jersey voters who 'Child;'theycame to day-camp at which guests'were* present from Worthley's ..alley, which,extended premises without danger from their rtgaid themselves as working cit- Badly frightened, pale from loss of Red Bank, Naveslnk and Atlantic northward of West Front'at., was ed by the Salvation Army are ever-increas- gun fire. izens and plan to cast ballots at ileep, apprehensive—and said their Highlands. ' , paved for a distance of 120 feet at ing. With it, naturally, the need for money Respectfully yours, the big November election. Irst thought had been the atom Thomas M. Rosa, Augustus a cost ot 11,400. The alley was not Richard E. Luker. On Sept. IT the two major party bomb. Many had left the fear ot Schroeder and William Woodward a public st., but was used as a de- becomes progressively greater. May we America's Great Lost iandldates for U. S. Senator from their parents and, in some cases, were on a two-weeks yachting trip livery entrance for aeveral business BE: SCHOOL ADDITION New Jersey keynote their cam- had been more severely shaken by places. Those who. contributed rtspectfully suggest that you give even to Forked River and Barnegat. toward the coat were Cook * Oak- The taxpayer stands shocked when Sept. 8, 1952paigns by discussing the issue, he reaction of the adults to whom They spent most of their time fish- _ more than you have in years past? You To the Editor: "What's Ahead In Taxes," from hey had turned for reassurance ing in Barnegat bay. ' ' . ley, Frank M. Chambers, Harry G. Washington informs him the government he' same platform at a statewide Degenring, Pierre A. Proal and ' can be sure that 100 cents of every dollar I am writing this letter because ind confidence. Those parents were Edmund Wilson was taken sud- will need another 15 billions for defense. I read your article In the Sept. 1th on-partisan meeting In Newark. Joseph Hesse. you give will be used to help troubled The candidates are Sen. H. Alex- 0 blame. They had failed their denly ill with appendicitis and an As an individual, he knows this outlay will edition of the Red Bank Register children when they needed them, emergency operation saved hU life.. ' Fred Adams' bought ten acres neighbors. entitled "Harding Road Residents ander SmltH (Rep.) and Archibald between Mlddletown Village . and mean more self-sacrifice for him. More must Object to Location ol School Ad- S, Alexander (Dem.). The occasion Perhaps these mothers and fa-There were five doctors in attend- New Monmouth from Edward P< dition," will be the fall meeting of the herc would have been helped if ance, the local surgeons being Drs. Dangler for' $6,100, The property come oNit of his far-stretched Income in As your article statsd, this addi- board of directors of the New Jer- hey were able to tee and talk with Field and Warner of Red Bank and Dr. Klmball of Sea Bright. was originally part.of the-Green- taxes. And that's tough. But have you ever tion has been long awaited by stu-sey Taxpayers association. The he interested, unafraid group of wood'estate. Look Out for Children dents and parents alike. I was Inmeeting has been opened to both :hlldren whose nrst thought had Mr. and Mrs. George M. S. Goff heard anyone except persons involved in the graduating class of 1990 and I >een of God. One little girl of only of Washington st. were visiting 'Dahlia growers of this locality Brielle Police Chief George W. Legg, can understand the need for thecandidates for major addresses captured several prizes at the an- accidents, or their families, relatives or extra, room this addition will af- which are expected to set the tone three years remarked, "God shook friends at Boston and Worcester, nual exhibition ot the New Jersey chairman of public safety, Monmouth Coun- ford, And Red Bank, being an for the forthcoming campaigns. my bed and wall .last night When Mass, They returned home by way friends, express much shock over the aver- of Albany and the' Hudson river. Dahlia society at Atlantic City. ty Safety council, warns all motorists to ever-growing city, will most cer- To give their messages, widest 1 say my prayers tonight I'm go- Prizes were awarded to W. W. Ken- age mishap aB reported in your newspaper tainly need this extra room. circulation, the meeting itself has ng to* ask Him please not to do Miu Cornelia Aul, who was em-nedy & Sons, Alfred Griffiths, John be on the lookout for playing children. I know that Many people will again." ployed In New York city, was vUlt- or over the radio? No. This thing has hap- be quite angry with the "property been opened to the public on Invi- Kemp, James Kennedy and Carl And he urges all parents to impress upon worried" people on Harding Road, tations available .from the New A boy told me, "I just thought Ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Sehwenker. pened to somebody else. Besides, accidents hat God would want me to do,Joseph Aul of Branch ave. their children the responsibility of personal' Mr. Wise said he would seek a re-Jersey Taxpayers association (US Mr. and Mrs, Abram Kridel of are common. straining order to "prevent Irrep- E. State St., Trenton). In addition, .nd decided. He would want me to Mrs. Margaret A. Thompson, wid- Broad at, who were in partnership safety in walking, playing and crossing arable harm from being done to the program will be given wide stay put till It was over—and go ow of Daniel TV.' Thompson of Bor- with Albert' Grlnrod of Asbury property owners by Interfering You bet they are. Hundreds and thou- coverage In the press, by radio and and see It Toughie, my dog, wasden st., who had been sick aeveral Park, under the firm name of the streets. He notes Home 170,000 American with their rights and liberties." by telecast over WATV, from 9 scared." years and who had been confined Now let me ask you something. Grlnrod company, dealing In men's children were killed, crippled or hurt in sands of them every year. You have to add to 16 p. m. A brother and slater spoke ot how to her bed 17 months, succumbed clothing and, furnishings, sold their What about the "Irreparable harm" to htr ailments. She was in her traffic accidents last year. them up to understand that accidents, care- that will come to the students o Thus, everyone will have oppor- they all gathered In the living room interest to Mr. Grinrod, v-ho con- Rtd Bank, or any other city fo tunity, prior to voting, 'to learn the by jcandle light when the power 75th year and came to this country ducted the business under his own less, foolish, senseless accidents, really are that' matter, If people put th 'ailed after the biggest quake. The from Ireland when she was about management. ^'Children are not naturally cautions," stands of the rival candidates on ten years of age, America's great loss. In life snuffed out, in "looks" and "values" of their eve an Issue ot direct Importance to family said a simple prayer to- Pvt. Herbert E. Williams, Jr., of say's the chief. "They must be taught cau- so valuable properties before th gether and then went back to sleep. Garrett C. Heyer, age 78 years, a education and having the proper all people—the taxes they must pay Troop E of Cavalry of Red Bank, tion both at home and at school." And he torture of pain, in money, too. For exam- Along with knowing what they "The candles were so pretty—just lite-long resident of Holmdel twp., contested In a field of 116 teams of place to learn of the younger peo- ' ~ said the little ale- died at the home of his daughter, adds that adults, by their own habits, must ple, the National Safety Council which adds ple at their town? are voting for, it also Is Important ike Christmas!' ten men each In thi national ahoot- Thli argument hai been going that citizens make sure they will ;er. Mra. William Lloyd of Freneau. ing matches) at Camp Perry, Ohio. set them good examples. Further, he calls up such things, figures accidents cost Amer- on and will continue to go on un-be able to vote when, the time Herbert O.Todd ot Atlantic High- He proved he wai a chip oft tht Of course, there Is a moral—an lands, who had recently bought the for "complete mobilization of all our safety icans 7.9 billions every year, or some 21.1! til some persons get It through comos. obvious one. In the home where old blook when hit great,shooting their thick heads that education The rules are simple, To votJ, God had been habitually regarded Southall-Morrls tract at Belford, helped to win third place (or the forces" to prevent needless accidents. Com- millions every day. This amount includes Is a tar more important thing than was having the.property aurveyed New Jersey team, . • their petty grievances will ever be. the citizen in New Jcraey must be as an evcr-p>eient, all-powerful wages lost or due to persons killed or dis- 21 years ot age, have resided in Friend they found Him boside them Into 40 lota, each 50x160 feet, An old Dutch door. In tht home plete mobilization means just that—co-op- Yours truly, George Bennett ot Oceanic took abled, 2.0 billions; property damage in traf- A %C Richard C. Seldenzahl, the state for one year, In the coun in their time of need. For the of Mr. and Mrs, Htndrlok P, Gone- erative effort by everyone, law enforcement Red Bank High, Clan of 10S0, ty for five months, and be properly houaehotd dependent upon their a party on a beaoh plummlng trip ver, Pleasant' Valley aeotlon ot to Sandy Hook In' his launoh, In officers, parents, teachers, citizens and the fic accidents, 1,4 billions; property damaged registered, own resources, there was an evi- Holmdel, .wai told to Robert Bab- ' APPRECIATION Sept. 28 Is the deadline for reg-dent laok.. the party were Mra, Minnie Harvey, cock of Long Island for ,11,200. The children themselves. or production lost in occupational accidents, Mrs. James E. Bogle, Mrt, Etta N. J, BUND MEN'S ASSN. istration this year, Unleu he ha« door wa* oonetdired tht moat an- 1.3 billions; administrative and claim set- Certainly, lit this day and ageSmith, , Mra. H, II, Strykar, Graoa cient In Monmouth oounty, having Youngsters at play do forget to think 1060 Broad Street, voted In the last-four years and when aurprlaea bode over us con-Hauard, Eleanor VanNeat, Flora tlement costs of insurance, one billion; fire Newark, N, J remains properly registered, thi stantly, here la food for serious been made in Holland 360 years of safety. It's then that motorists have to proapeotlve voter must regttte Edmonston, Florence and Lottie previously, losses, 731 millions, medical and hospital To the Kdltor. BePt< "' "* thinking,—Isabella Buokley In ThoStryker and Horace Longttreet. be ready for

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LIBERAL TRADE-INS • EASY BUDGET TUMS. CALL FOR Mil HOMI PIMONSTRATION ""("' Britain's most talked-about sports car ""Here's how you save 254 Nothing cm umpire with thi thrill of driving thli unutienil M.O.-ltii uniqu« among iporti em. 1 HIM II • 1450 e.e. englno with in uniting powir output, 1 Ginger Ale or Sparkling Canddp luiptnilon lyium thit flattini ivcry rout bump, tuning that Dry Vyater, Thin buy $1 vyorth Onco you twitch to Canada Dry, you'll itay with It for lift. riipondi inituitljr, bnkii that itop iwlnly, imoothly. It'i tht of othtr groetrltt. - V. No other ginger alt hat the flavor, the iparklo, the purity of moit ftffloui iporti e»r In the world ind In lu prlct ring* no I fend tht 2 Canada Dry baltl* Canada Dry-thi ordinal pale dry gingtr alt. No other club othir CM em touch It—call In ind 11k for 1 trial run. cqpi-nlui a ifatement that you soda hai Bltnd+blllty.,, madt poiilblt by tho two Canada have nought $1 worth of gro< Dry Water excluilvei: "Flavor-Balanced Formula" and cerlei-together with name and "Pin-Point Carbonatlon," Enjoy Canada Dry today, and NEW T,D. SERIES addrtti to Canada Dry dlngtr save money, tool 'Ale, Int., Itx o), Now York 4o, N. V. Oat eonvtnlont refund MIDGET > blank at your favorite Here. < We'll mall you'2J< In «a.h, Offer llrrilto"d ono to a family. NECCHI SEWING CIRCLE MATTHEWS BROS. Ixplroi October SO, I Ml.', CANADA DRY 6 ifEBT FRONT ST. (Foot of Broad St.) Ntwmon Iprlngi, Rtd lank, Ntw Jartty U«.„.:,«. „„„„„„ OINOIRALi-CLUB SODA " *"' PHONE 6-5890 RED BANK RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 the rabbit* and raccoons ate them bout 25 different varieties of palm* ersey Crop Reporting service, la Bed Bank If • and the tries on Biscayne Key wore rowing in the park and through' ompared with last year'* 76,009 SHEBUAN'S for Miami's Handsome attacked by a disease. AM a further ut the Greater Miami area. larrel* and the 103,000-barrel crop • CURTAINS tarvested in 1950 in Mew Jersey, • DRAPERIES MATERNfTY discouragement the price of copra Among tbe Interesting palms to • SUP COVERS went down. >e seen in the p'ark is the gru-gru The crop will be marketed • LINENS SUPPORTS GABTEBBEETS alms a Credit to Later, the planters cold the Mi- >alm of Martinique, the trunk of through the American Cranberry • VENETIAN BUNDS UNGERIE ami Beach holdings to John E. Col- i-hlch is covered with long, needle- Exchange and the National Cran- For' lins, an early developer, who tried ike spines.- In Its native habitat berry assooiatlbn, both of which faop-at»Hom* Service our Red Bankers with equal lack of success, due to Is used to furnish a liquor, food have units in New Jersey. Pliant KB 8-264* the rabbits, to grow tropical fruits. and building materials. Others are TUCKER'S They Were Henry B. the Butia Capitata, from the fruits It Is estimated that lire destroys Sherman's . FOR MODERN However, some of the coconut Home Decorator* And Chas. Lum, Ezra palms survived, and are to be found >f which a delicious jelly is made; ver 160 million cubic feet of tlm- 189 B'WAY LONG BRANCH throughout the city today. the Pandanus, esteemed in its na- ier In the United States every year. 45 BROAD STREET REP BANK Osborn and E. T. Field Hugh Matheson, another early tive New Guinea for its fibers and NEON SIGNS developer, acquired the tBiscayne palatable seeds,, and lugar-produc MIAMI, FLA.—The thousand! of ing palms, which contribute an im- & MAINTENANCE Key holdings. iortant part to the diet 'of the coconut palm trees that ghade My father," sayi the late Mr. ieople of -India, Java, Malaya and Miami's beaches and adorn lt« Matheson's son, H. M. Matheson, Africa. streets and lawna are the reault prominent Miami attorney) "found COLD CATHODE LIGHTING of the efforts of two citizen* of a few surviving trees a"hd under- Among the varieties of palms Red Bank over 80 years ago. took to replant the grove in 1908. best known to the visitor to Miami, When Henry B, Lum and hla He put wire around the plants to besides the coconut, is the tall son, Charles H., of Red Bank came protect them from the animals and stately royal palm, which lines Bis- ROAD-AD SERVICE, Inc. to what is now Greater Miami In took other steps to preserve them. cayne boulevard; the cabbage palm 1870 they found the area principal- "Today the Biscayne Key grove —so named because of Its edible 45 S. MAIN ST. ASBURY PARK 1-1180 ly jungleland and swamp. li the largest grove of coconut heart resembling cabbage when However, they saw some native palms in continental United States," prepared for eating—native to the palms growing and the idea came The Matheson family gave a United States from Florida to to them that coconut palms would large part of the grove to Dade South Carolina, and the travellers also grow here. The price of topra county; of which Miami is the gov- palm.. —made from coconuts—was then ernment seat, for the establlshmen high, and had to be shipped Into of Crandon Park. This is the larg- Cranberry Harvest tbe country from distant ports.' est off-shore park along the east- NOTICE They went back to Red Bank and ern seaboard, embracing 1,000 acres. Starts on Jersey Bogs nterested two friends, Ezra Osborn It Is only about 15 minutes by auto and Elnathan T. Field, in a proj- TRENTON—Harvest of New Jer ect to set out plantations of coco- from Miami's main business dls- sey's cranberry crop is well unde nut trees in the area. They pur- trlct. The park Is completelyway this week on bogs In Burling- WE WILL BE CLOSED AT 6 P. M. chased more than 1,600 acres at 25 shaded by tht trees. ton, Ocean and Atlantic counties, cents an acre from the federal gov- Other varieties in the park grov according to the State Departmen are the Malay dwarf coconut in th of Agriculture. , FRIDAY, SEPT. 19, AND ALL DAY ernment, some at which is nowred, green and yellow varieties, an Lummus parkp, , Miami Beach, and a rare palm which produces a soli Picking, of the Early Black va- some on Biscayne Key. nutt. riety, which comprises more than SATURDAY, SEPT. 20, TO CELE. In 18S2, , with two 'shiploadp s of ."The Greater Miami area has one-half of the total group, bega coconutst , mulos and workersk , tthey more palm trees and more dlfferen last week. Harvest of Howes, Jer- BRATE THE HOLIDAY. returned to the area to start their varieties than any other In thi seys and other varieties will follow plantations. Because there ware Western Hemisphere, If not In th The crop this year developed un , O big dips of Breyers Ice Cream in a crisp, no good landing places and the world," according to Harold I der favorable conditions and thi vessels could not get close to shore Iioomts, superintendent of the Unl fruit is reported to be of good qua crunchy cone. Your choice of flavors, including Breyers they threw the coconuts, In bur- ed State Plant Introduction Garde ity and color. The labor siluatlo famous Banana Ice Cream made with fresh, luscious lap bags, overboard to let the tide In Miami. on the bogs remains, tight, accord- carry them in, and forced the mules In Fairchlld Tropical Garden, re- Ing to growers but most of them bananas. Don'f miss this super-duper treat. COLOREST COMPANY to go overboard so they could garded as "the show window" report that sufficient help is aval swim ashore. the Plant Introduction Garden, able. 13 BROAD ST. RED BANK However, the project was des- the Montgomery Palmetum, where Cranberry production has beei tined to fall. When the coconut about every known variety of palm estimated at 90,000 barrels (100 shoots came up at both the Miami tree can be seen, la all there arc Beach and Biscayne key plantings, pounds) this season by the Ne\


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Amaiing'new, exclusive RCA Victor TV system automatically screens out static, stop* up powtr, tunti best picture, best sound, Is on* of tho electronic marvels of America's most wanted teltvltlon. See these No Ml yo«r warranty, exciting new RCA Victor TV M. In Intl. sets today. Learn why. every year more people buy RCA Victor than any other television. tVW PAY THIS* DtAURS AM OIUVfRfNO MORI RGA VICTOR SITS THAN ANY OTHER MAKtl RED BANK EATONTOWN "LONG BRANCH ANDERSON'S MUSIC SHOP EATONTOWN RADIO A TV CO. ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO,, INC, II Broad Strut IT Miln Strait All Staraa ATLANTIC APPUANCI CO,, INC. FREEHOLD JANDON'S HARDWARE All Storti 1ST Broadway ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO., INC. BETTE U mM VOOEL'S DEPT. STORE SHO?S .W All Storaa t IN Broadway 41 Monmouth Strut HOME APPLIANCE STORE POINT PLEASANT A8BVRV VMUt 17 South Strait KEVrOBT POINT PLEASANT HARDWARE ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO,, INC. SSS Arnold Avanuo All Storts PETE'S, INC, LAKE CENTRAL RADIO*TELEVISION 44 Wail Front Strait it Miln Strati E3TELLES TELEVISION CENTER JERSEY TIRE CO, LAKEWOOl) 1301 Third Avanut AOID CHIDDAR CHIISI -TANTALIZINO fPICIf 1011 Main Slml ATLANTIC APPLIANCE CO., INC. TOMS RIVER NIESEN MUSIC CENTER All llorai Cookman A Grand Aw. J. W. FINLEY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STEINDACH COMPANY .11 Wiahlnilon Strial Cookman Avanuo SSS Saaond Strut HURLBURT'S BRADLEY BEACH 144 Saaond Strut SOS Main Stroll Delightful llttlo mack crackers with CUSTOM TIRE CO, WOLPIN'I FURNITURE HOUSE NIESEN MUSIC COMPANY ISM Mtln Slrirt SII'IIT Fiurlh Strait IS Wiahlniltn Stroot a zippy flavor that says Vmoro"— KlilCH.NEW JEIISEY, Ino,, NEWARK fl, N. J.—AmarleaU First RCA Dlttrlbutor and snys It with a flair. Why not be ONLY RCA Victor offers Direct-factory-lo You Service! ^KEEBLER tho first in your crowd to serve thorn? Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER 18,1952 New Parkway to Have 'Si Lanes WILLOW PARK 1 LITTLE SILVER


L. T. GRANDINETTI "What savings!" That's a favorite expression of our customers. Yes, we REd Bank 6-5214 lave you money if you need home repairs or home improvements. And, you'll find that our workmanship is better and the material that we use is let us give your clothes of the finest. Become one of the thousands of Monmouth Construction Company's customers who say, "what savings !" ' aNEW ATTIC CONVERSION ROOM ADDITION " Mr LOOK

REJUVENATION FOR WEARY WEARABLES— A night view of the "singing lane" border now undergoing tests by the Highway Auth- Don't worry (bout stretching ority for motorists' protection on the Garden State Parkway. Drivers will be afforded greater your budgot for new fall cloth... Cheek your wardrobe and lot ui safety at night because they will both "see" and "hear" the pavement edges. The strip (Iv. It • lift with thorough makes a loud resonant sound when the tires run on it. "Singing" lanes in the opinion of en- cltanlng and really-good pr.it- Ing. It't th« economy way to gineers will greatly reduce night accidents. good groopilng. ian Catholic neighbors that we are Holy Name Rally just as interested in their affairs Signal Corps Adds Make use of the hundreds of square Increase the value of your property a3 they are in ours." feet under your roof. Let us con- and add to its beauty. A new room PHONE Buses will be provided by the Invites Soldiers post to transport soldiers to As- 55 New Officers vert your attic into handsome, addition will do both and solve your FORT MONMOUTH—Maj Gen. bury Park. Catholic Chaplain FORT MONMOUTH—The Army bright living quarters. Free esti- problem of extra space. Call RE. 6-0203 Kirke B. Lawton, commanding (Maj.) Lawrence B. Ryan Is In added 55 new second lieutenants to general at Fort Monmouth, this charge of the arrangements. its fighting forces last week as mates. , today. '' •• - week invited Catholic military Chaplain Ryan pointed out that Officer Candidate department here personnel to attend the annual Holy "If there were Catholic personnel presented gold bars to members of Name parade and rally Sunday, at Fort Monmouth not associated class 11 In formal graduation ex As Little As SAVE 20?o Sept. 28, in Asbury Park, sponsored with the post Holy Name society, erclses. by Monmouth county Federation they may consider themselves Presentation of reserve commis- You'll Save More... on your Laundry of Holy Name Societies. members of the group by virtue sions brought the number of offi- In a letter to troops of the post, of their assignment here, and- cers graduated at the Signal Corps CASH & CARRY General Lawton said, "I would like should feel it a privilege to partici- Center to 862 since 0. C.S. was and Get the Best... $ to see our entire Catholic popula- pate." reactivated at Fort Monmouth Ia3t Per tion turn out for this event. Gen. Lawton also has accepted August. Five lieutenants were hon "Catholic priests and laymen of an invitation from the county fed- ored at the ceremony as distln DOWN Month the surrounding communities have eration ttf review the demonstration guish'ed graduates for having the at Monmouth Const. 5 always been most co-operative and from the official reviewing plat- highest marks on academic and DONALD'S DeLUXE LAUNDRY SERVICE helpful to all members of this form to be erected In front of Holy field standards. YEARS command. This is our opportunity Spirit church, Second ave., Asbury The five, who have the option of 44 Marion Street Red Bank to express this same attitude Park, The parade, which will start1applying for. regular Army com- PAYMENT TO PAY toward them, By accepting this at 2 o'clock, will cover a small missions, are John S. Cross of invitation, we can show our civil- section of the city and proceed to Udall, Kan.; Victor C. Densmore of the high school stadium for the Bau Gallle, Fla.; Clarence J. La- rally and benediction. Sonde of Worcester, Mass.; Ken- ROOM ADDITIONS PORCH ENCLOSURES ATTIC CONVERSIONS As In previous years, the Ocean neth E. Myers of Battlo Crcok, Fla., County Federation of Holy Name and Garland. C. Pugh of Hickory, ROOFING SIDING DORMERS Va. Societies will join in the religious CARPENTRY ELECTRICAL WORK HEATING • PLUMBING event, bringing together represen- Prior to graduation, a formal tatives from 40 area parish units. garrison review, in honor of the BUSIER THAN EVER? SO ARE OTHERS newly appointed officers, was held MAKLU COW WINS BATING at Colin Kelly field, Camp Wood, as LINCROFT —Royalist Gloria, a candidates of future classes passed registered Jersey cow owned by in review at the O. C. S. training Marlu farm of this place has been site. On regular schedule, classes rated a tested-dam by the Ameri- graduate every! two weeks/iwith (instruction (o. v can Jersey Cattle club. She wonSignal Corps commissions, earned )DONS CORNER the distinction for having three after 22 weeks of extensive techni- RED BANK 6'506fP offspring with official milk produc- cal and field training In communi- You'll SweTime tion records. The records were cations. . ,-•• ••>••• -r ?.-• "• made under one of the programs of official testing of the American Until the 18th Century, the spin- Jcrsoy Cattle club, -which has its ning and weaving of flax was one national headquarters in Columbus, of the most important of the do- Ohio. It Pays to Advertise m The Register not mestic Industries of Europe. loo

Seems everybody's busier these days. But here's a tip: You'll save yourself disappointment and the time it takes to call again, if you wait about 10 rings before you decide there's nobody home.

Of course, a prompt answer is important too. Saves missing important calls!

TVBNBATH that big broad bonnet is the When extra power is wanted in a hurry Jj reason for this headline. -the "reserves" swing into action- ROADMASHR It's a four-barreled automatic carbu- feeding extra fuel and extra air in an CUSTOM IUJILI I, retor-Airpower by name-which has a ever-thrifty mixture, which delivers the BUICK way of gulping in what the dictionary greatest horsepower in Buiok history. defines as "a sudden blast of wind" when extra power is needed. This is one of many distinctions that parking and slow-motion maneuvers, endear ROADMASTBRS to fine-car And the way this gorgeous performer owners. and still let you feel a* proud sense of can step out as this occurs is something command and a sure sense of control It's a oar as rioh in finish as it is in on the highway. you'll always remember, power-a oar of expansive room-rest- ful silence-level in gait-beautifully There's just one question we'd like to For ordinary driving, two barrels are responsive to your mood and will. ask: When are you going to come in and all you need - and two barrels are all enjoy the ride oTyour life? that are working. They give you an And it offers the effortless ease of Equlpmtnt, ttctuotlts, trim and modils m subject to extra thrifty flow of fuel for round' Power Steering* especially engineered thangt without notltt, *Opthn*l at txttt coit OH town cruising, , •by Buiok to save your strength in ROACMASTBR and SUPBR only,


NIW JIRSIY BILL TILIPHONI COMPANY WATCH THI TV KOTIALL OAMI OF THI WIIK IVIRY SATURDAY ON NIC TILIVIIION COLONY BUICK, INC. 163 to 169 Monmouth Strut Rl 6-2089 Rtd Bonk, N. J. RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 Paee Eleven pended under this law. Within 60 New Jer«y and mutt provide days after receiving a report of an he following minimum coverage: Kussell A. Pusey, C.W.O,, Know the Facts accident, regardless of fault, the 55,000 (or injuries or death sus- On Duty in Germany Director of the Division of Motor ilned by one perion. NOW ! WALLPAPER MAX BENOWITZ Vehicles must enforce such suspen- $10,000 for all personal injuriei or ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Chief About New Law sion unless he has received satis- eaths resulting from one accident. Warrant Officer Russell A. Pusey, Ask About Our New All forms of factory evidence that you were. In- $1,000 for property damage. whose wife, Sara Pusey, lives at Convenient Pay *lan ! WHEN YOU SEE Presented as a Public sured at the time of the accident or The law also provides that own- Life-Casualty-Fire that you have: rs of more than 25 cars may qual- 20 Eighth ave. here, Is on active Buy illp cover*, duperies, curtains 1. Been released from liability; or fy as aelf-insurers. In the case of service with the 2d Armored "Hell and Venetian blinda and pay (or them Service by The Register on Wheels" division In Germany. with LOW COST time payment! ar- ONE YOU THINK Insurance; 2. Been finally adjudicated not to ion-resident owners or operators, ranged through the Second National be liable: or .dequate Insurance written by a The armored outfit arrived In Bank ol Red Bank. The Division of Motor Vehicles, 3. Executed a duly acknowledged :ompany licensed to do business Europe to join lhe North Atlantic OF THE OTHER Real Estate / Department of Law and Public written agreement providing for n their state will be accepted. Pact army in July last year. Dur- Safety of the State of New Jersey, the payment of all claims, not ex- Remember these points; If. you 300 Blver Bond Bed Bank, N. J. has issued a folder entitled, "know ing World War II, the division was ceeding $11,000, resulting from the thhe firstfl Americai n Uniti _ to enter the Facts About Your New Secur- accident; or 1 Home Decorators BE 8-1871 ity Responsibility Law" which be- ,'.'!'Hie fa'ITr.n city of BcrTflnT"" KLARIN'S 4. Deposited security In an L I The warrant offlcer first entered comea effective April 1st next. amount sufficient to pay such e sure to answer all questions ac- by ancient Greeks to supernatural The Register is reprinting: same the registered owner, failure to curately, . powers. f> MADE 6, herewith for the benefit of Its read- comply with one of the provisions How About the Unsatisfied Claim ers so that they may become fully heretofore stated will result In sus- and Judgment Fund Law? *& REPAIRED acquainted with this law before it pension of the operator's 'driving II- That is a very Important law to becomes effective. •cense and suspension of the own- oil—and to every resident of New The article prepared by William er's registration license. If the forsey. You must not, however, J. Dearden, director of the Divi- owner was operating the car, both ionfuse it with the Security Re- Blon of Motor Vehicles, is as fol- driving and registration licenses ponsibillty Law. In the first place, lows: will be suspended. Suspension is It docs not become effective until automatic. It remains in force un- April 1, 1985—two years after your What Is the Safety Responsibility til one of the above requirements new Security Responsibility Law LawT has been met or one year has elapsed without court action for altes effect. It U an Act of the 1952 Legisla- damages being filed. Suspension of Beginning April 1. 1954, however, RED BANK SPRING SERVICE ture , to protect everyone In New registration applies to all cars f you are an Insured motor vehicle Jersey against owners or operators owned by the motorist. Under cer- jwner you will bo required to pay SHREWSBURY AVE. PHONE RE 6-1551 of motor vehicles who become in- tain circumstances, the motorist 1 into the Unsatisfied Claim.and volved in accidents and fail-to pay can be required to maintain proof udgment Fund when you register for the damage they cause. It also of future financial responsibility. 'our vehicle: if you are an unln- promotes street and highway safety The security requirements do not mred motor vehicle owner you must by facilitating the State's ability to apply, however, if tho owner fur my $3 Into the fund. In addition, remove habitual accident causers nishes proof that his car was legal Lhe Insurance companies must pay Complete from behind the wheel.. ly parked or was being operated i portion of their automobile Un- Remember, enforcement begins without his permission at the time ity Insurance premiums Into the automatically on April 1, 1983, of the accident. und. Thus, bv April 1, 1805, the Stale Whom Does It Affect? This law also •provides for reelp ;f New Jersey will have a sufficient rocal arrangements with other !und out of which to compensate It affects all motor vehicle own- states having a similar law. Under you for either physical or property ers and operators, including non- such an agreement, If a Now Jer-damage of $200 or more but not ELECTRICAL SERVICE residents (except vehicles owned by sey motorist Is Involved In an accl exceeding $11,000, If you arc hit by the United States, this state or Its political subdivisions, or any muni- dent in another stale having a aim a motorist who Is uninsured and cipality therein), when they become liar law, and his or her motoring therwiso financially irresponsible. Involved In an accident in New Jer-privileges are suspended In that In other words, for only $1 you are sey that results In a death, an in- state for failure to comply with its guaranteed just compensation for jury, or property damage to any law, they will also be suspended amages resulting from a motor ve- UMHK one person exceeding $100. In New Jersey. In Ihc sumo man- lcle accident if you carry the right ner, If a driver from another state kind of Insurance for the protection What Must You Do After An has an accident In New Jersey and of others. You Can Be In Your own Home By Winter Accident? falls to comply with the new Secur- If you do not cany the right kind REPLACE DULL Within 48 hours after a motor ity Responsibility Law, his or her if insurance to protect others, how- AND vehicle accident resulting In death motoring privileges will be sus- ever, thn Unsatisfied Claim and We'll Help You Plan or Injury, or property damage to an pended in both states. By the time Judgment Fund affords you no pro- extent of $100 or more, the opera- this law becomes effective in New tection for the $3 you must contrib- Aid In Financing tor of every car Involved must flic Jersey, on April 1, 1953, 40 other ute to It. Furthermore, If the fund BURNT OUT LAMPS states will have similar statutes in pays damages you caused to others, a complete and official report with operation. WITH tho ' Division of Motor Vehicles. you will not be permitted to own If you start the ball rolling now, you can New official report forms will be How Can You I'roU-ct Your Motor- or operate a motor vehicle until made available at convenient places, ing Privileges? ou havo reimbursed tho fund com- celebrate this Christmas in an attractive which will be announced before tho iletely, with interest. NEW G. E. BRIGHT LAMPS law becomee effective. In addition The law provides several wnys. Prior lo the time the Unsatisfied home of your own. You can use that to the above report. If personal In- After reporting an accident, this lalm and'Judgment Fund Law be- jury or death results from the ac- law does not apply to an owner or comes effective, you will receive money you're handing to the landlord cident the drivers of all cars in- operator of a motor vehicle under complete Information about how It every month to build a home of your own. PHONE RED BANK 6-0612 volved must report Immediately, any of the following conditions: will operate and how it affords In- cither orally or In writing, to the To the operator or owner if such sured motorist* and pedestrian)) local police department Or to the owner had in effect, at Hie time of living in New Jersey the moEl com- Visit our offices. We'll help you choose noaiest office of the State Police. tho accident, an automobile liability plete protection against the eco- your dream house from illustrations in ALLEN LLECTRIC SHOP Remember these requirements: policy with respect to the motof vs- nomic hardships that result from Each operator must report the •ac- hicle involved. motor vehicle accidents that has our plan books. We'll help you modify "Red Bank's Leading Electric Shop" ever been offered by any state. In cident, regardless of who U to To the operator, If not the floor plans to include your own ideas. 18 WHITE STREET — RED BANK blame. If the operator of a car in- owner of such motor vehicle, I .he meantime, do not be misled by volved is physically Incapable of there was in effect, at the time o naccurate and unfair interpreta- We'll advise on construction method and reporting, and is not the owner of the accident, an automobile liability tions of a law that was enacted such car, tho registered owner must pollcy'wlth respect to his operation solely to correct a grave public evil, easiest financing: terms. file the report. If there Is any ques- of motor vehicles not owned by without fear or favor. tion about the amount of property him. You can rely on the materials we recom- damage, ale a report and be on the To the operator or owner If the In Conclusion Doors — Windows — safe side. Failure to report an ac- liability of such operator or owner This statement is published pri- Stairs . . . constructed mend to last a housetime. Our fast truck cident, as heretofore outlined, is for damages, resulting from the ac marily to acquaint private passen- punishable by revocation or sus- cldent is, in' the judgment of thi ger car owners and operators with from fully seasoned delivery service will have these materials pension of both driving and regis- Director of the Division of Moto the principal provisions of the new lumber In our own mill on your building site as needed. No stor- tration privileges. Vehicles, covered by any other form Security Responsibility Law. It by skilled craftsmen of liability insurance policy or does not purport to set forth all . . . our d e HIR n s or age problem to worry about. No costly Can You Lose Your Motoring bond. statutory provisions or to discuss .yours. Stop In. See sam- delays for lack of materials. Stop in for Privileges? Insurance for resident owners am any of them in legal detail. Per- ples. Got estimates. Yes, both your operator's license operators must be issued by a com- sons needing or desiring more com- a friendly chat. Ask for Mr. Megaro or and registration plates can be sus- pany authorized to write ihsurano plete details should read the statute in full. Mr. Wright. William J. Dearden, Director. MYRON P. KOZICKY'S The Geneva Convention of 1949 says prisoners must be given decent housing, nourishing food Monmouth Lumber Co. and the right to communicate with GARDEN CENTER their families. 79 CENTRAL AVENUE KED BANK, N. J. (Opposite American Legion Home) HIGHWAY 35 EATONTOWN Make Spring Spectacular in Your Garden WITH IMPORTED Holland Bulbs So Easy to Grow, Ol oaWiied fn Sure to Bloom Next Spring! IADIIS' HOMI JOURNAL Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Crocus AND OTHIR KINDS Come In now and chooit your favoritoi, while our selections are complete Wo riavo FREE Entry Blanks for the big Photo Contest GABARDINE TULIPS the shoe with the At Lew M _ in Lett At 4C EA' of SO MAGIC SOLE .., you step on air. TOPCOATS LAWN SEEDS There's magic in the youthful New J«ney mixtures «$ rteommtndtd by Rutgtn feel of this shoe. It puts a new lilt University — in your step, which shows in your face. N. J. #1 In S fb. left 80c ptr 1b. N. J. #2 In S 1b. loft 90c per 1b. You gilde-oh, so, lightly-through N. J. #3 in 5 1b. left 85c ptr Tb. f hi M««l< lo!< Unroll)* flwli r«<" '«»> the day in the smartest shoes you'll find N. J. #4 In S tb. lots 85c ptr Tb. •n ilr, HvntfrWi •• liny iilli «••!• •» to keep you looking beautiful,,. These gabardine topcoats get aroundl They have the •try cuihlen Ihil moktl iHtw.lkl l«tl ALSO SCOTTS ft LOFTS MIXTURES «arp«t*d, that plllowi ytvt fo»l gmlly feeling fresh. At an easy price that has happy faculty of looking w«ll on men who cfr«<« In * •I »»»ry lit*. NOW lOOKINft ORDERS » gentle way with your budget, casual manner and also on men who prefer a dreuler* FOR appearance. We are featuring this heavy two-ply ill wool MIRION ILUI GRASS wonted gabardine, tough, durable . , . and imirtly tai- 1Q.95 lored. Cravanette processed. It sheds rein, and when pur- AAAA to D ehaied with the alUwool xlp-out Interlining It glvei com- FARM MANURE «***« IZZKfl TO 11 plete body protection fn all kinds of weather. A properly Mended mlxturo of Cow and Poultry Manurn 10 Tb. bog Rtg. 2.80 and I'tat Mosi, recommended With Interlining Wllhout Interlining at mi all organic firUllur INTRODUCTORY O ()0 for lawn* «nd irardtni! '65. •50. WIMi HOT OMIR m LARGE LAUREL CLUMPS ' at l FOOTCRAFT SHOES OTHIR NURSIRY STOCK AT ATTRACTIVE NICK 181 Broadway Long Dnuich "Pint Show ftr Women and Children Since IIM" —Opvn 1'rtday Eviwtiiiia *lll 9 P, ,V.- AVAILABLE AT THIS TIMK ..— SHOP FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P. M. PLANT NOW! 86 BROAD ST. TEL. 6-2873 RED BANK Pace Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 Wiclimann Revokes pawing the official land in front o( Holy Spirit lingerer's License Abbot to Address ihurch on route, Continuing north Since 1911 PHONE LITTLE SIVER—Magittrale Wil- n Main «t., the marchera will pro- Henry E. Starks liam Wichman last ttcek revoked eed west on Sunset ave., to the Qifts • Antiques Ihe license of Howard Ungerer, Jr., Holy Name Men tadlum. The following members MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — of 13 Carllle ter. for 60 daya after Rt. Rev. Charles V. Coriaton, lave been named aldei to the divi- Henry A. Starks, son of Mr. and J. H. WHITE finding him guilty on two careless O. 8.B., abbot of Saint Paul's Ab- i!on marshal: Stanley Thompson, Mrs. E. Akin Starks of Oakhill driving charges. He also paid 16 bey, Newton, will addresi member* Asbury Park; Emillo Grillo, Redrd., was recently promoted to the Newman Springs Road Decorative Consultant court costs. Ungererfaced cahrges of the 40 pariah units of the Mon- Bank; Charles Kautz, Eaton town; rank of Warrant officer with the signed by Harry GneUlaff and mouth and Ocean County Federa- Gerald J. Reilly, New Monmouth; U. S. Marine Corps, RED BANK Police Sgt. Charles Earle. the tions of Holy Name societies and fohn Nash, New Egypt; Dr. C. W, In other cases, Nellie Nadeau of their families at the annual rally iartlan, Point Pleasant; Joseph • i Roofing of all kinds * Complete warm air 91 Riverview ave. paid J7 and $3 at Asbury Park high school sta- ota, Brfldevflt; David Timidaiski, lieatiiif! sy for speeding. William Moore of 1 dium Sunday afternoon, Sept. 28. Farmindale; Harry Davies, Mon- Badminton lane, Sea Bright, paid mouth Beach; Joseph Tomalno, • Leaders, Gutters • • • Ductwork $10 and $3 for speeding. Clarence Long Branch, Edward Walsh, Un- Payne of Fort Hancock paid $10 m Beach; Benjamin Ptak, High- and $5 for careless driving. Martha lands; William Schreck, Spring Singleton of 122 John St., Long Lake; Leo Fortenbaoher, Manas- RED BANK N J Branch, paid $7 and $3 for careless quan; Howard Mack and Carl Pi- driving. sano, Asbury Park. John O'Honey of Manasquan la grand marshal of the parade. He will be assisted by Donald Ruddy, president of the icean county federation. This winter be Mr, Fahey announced the quar- ;erly meeting of the federation would be held Sunday eveing at BEGINNERS' SPECIAL Red Bank Catholic high school auditorium. A feature of this meet- ing will be an address by Thomas C. Madigan, Belmar lawyer, in which he will describe hia recent in your home and Isit to Ireland. Pictures taken by Mr. Madigan during his three- month tour of Europe will be hown. SAVE on fuel cost Committee chairmen will report on activities during the summer W. O. Henry A. Starks and the members will hear reports on the progress of the membership Warrant Officer Starks saw ac- C LEVE LAND campaign currently being conduct- tion during World War II as a Abbot Charts* V. Corlston ed in the respective parishes. captain, in the Marine Corps Re- A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., Ab serve and was released to active bot Corlston entered the Benedic- duty after the war. He partici- tine Order in 1936 and wan or- pated in landings at Guadalcanal, Toridheet Tinian and Saipan with the Second dained in 1911 in Frlbourg, Switzer- Legion Groups AUTOMATIC HEATING land. Following ordination, he con- Marine division. tinued his studies at Fribo'urg and He re-enlisted in the Marine in Rome. Returning to the United To Install Corps in 1947 as a staff sergeant. Slates, Father Coriston attendd Plans for joint installation o Since re-enlisting he has seen serv- Fordham university in New York officers of the auxiliary and officers ice at Guam, Shanghai, Parris Is- city and the Catholic University in land, S. C, and at Marine Corps With blustering snows outside—you can have balmy of Shrewsbury post 168, American school, Quantico, Va. He is pros Washington. During World Wa Legion, were made at an auxiliary summer weather inside ; : ; with TORIDHEET ON ARTHUR MURRAY IC, he served the Avmy Air Covpi meeting last Thursday at the pos cntly stationed at Camp Pcndk- as chaplain, returning to paiisl home on Riverside ave, Mrs. Har- ton, Occanside, Cal. Automatic Heating. . > DANCE LESSONS work after VJ Day In 1946. Th old Ely, retiring president,.said the following year, when the Llttl event will be held Monday at the Even on the coldest days your house will be uni- Flower Shrine at Newton,, which post home. County Holy Name formly heated. And you'll cut fuel bills too. Over, ,| Enroll today for more fun and popularity had been established by the Bene- dictine Fathers as ft mission, w.is Mrs. Walter Church of Bradley Beach, president of the county aux- Here Sunday and over users tell us they save up to 25% on fuel — offer good this month only erected as Saint Paul's Abbey, Fa- ther Coriston was elected and In iliary, will install the women. Dan- costs. Let us explain the iel Mancinl oC Matawan, coun'.y Harry Knillln, president of the stalled ae its (list abbot. An ou efficiency and economy of Yes, enroll now while you can save 20% on Afthur standing speaker, he has establish* commander, will Install the men.St. Jamus Holy Name society, will be host Sunday night to a meeting Murray's private 5 lesson introductory dance course. large numbers of private and grou Mrs, Thomas Hackett is chairman TORIDHEET. Equipment • v| retreats and is recognized as of arrangements. of the county federation of H Visit the studio-there's no obligation-and meet Name societies in Red Bank Cath" to fit every heating need' leader of horns and foreign mis- The auxiliary gave $100 to the our expert instructors. They do more than teach sions. legion for its rehabilitation pro- olic high school auditorium. and every fuel. See us today! the latest steps. They soon bring out your dormant gram, and a cash contribution to The local society mot last week Edward J. A. Fahey, presides! the Red Bank unit of the Salva- to prepare for the meeting and the personality,,, help you gain new popularity, You'll of the Monmouth county federa tion Army. annual Holy Name parade, whicl You* Home's Complete enjoy this course—you learn so much in these spe- lion, said that the rally would fol Delegates named lo attend coun- will be held In Asbury Park Sept. cial lessons. low the parade in which more thai ty meetings were Mrs. Frank w. 28. Eugene C. Carroll reported With Toridheet 8,000 members of parish Hoi: Bailey, president-elect; Mrs. Hack- that those Interested in joining a And you'll love our gay Student Parties, too, Name societies will participate. Th( ett, Mrs. Irving Rink, Mrs. Ernest local bowlln? team should contact where you dance with many interesting people. But rally will cloae with benediction o him. The Upper Morimoulh coun- the Blessed Sacrament. Msgr Boskcy, Mrs. Margaret Patterson don't pass up this chance for extra fun and popu- and Mrs. Otmar Phillips. Mrs. ty Holy Name league began play Thomas U. Reilly, spiritual directoi Mortimer E. VanSautcr will be :iFriday night at the Matawan-Key- larity, Come in or phone today and save! of the federation and vicar genera delegatc-at-largc. , port Recreation Center. of the Trenton diocese, will prcsldi Mr. Knlflln said the local society at the religious exercises. The next meeting will be Thurs- OIL DELIVERY, Inc. day, Oct. 9. will hold a dinner-dance Saturday, Frank Mahojiey, parade chal Oct. 18. Members of \ the society 3 HERBERT ST. . PHONE 6-0610 RED BANK ARTHUR MURRAY School oj D man, announced that the parade Indonesia has treasures of rub- last Sunday received Holy Com-' Consult Us About Your Heating Problems would start at 2 p. m. from Kings- ber, oil, sugar, spices, minerals and munlon at St. James church, loav-j RED BANK STUDIO ley st. and Fifth ave. Proceeding fibers which have barely been ing in the afternoon for .Williams- j 157 Broad Street • Red Bank 6-4406 south on King3ley st. to Second touched, say.i the National Geo to\vn where they participated in arc, west on Second five, to Main praphla lociety. the Crusnda for Feaca ceremonies.

Roundup WlCASTt OLD STOE Big Trade In On Old Stoves For New Nothing DOWB-3 Y.ar. To Pay! |**W Wl- CHWI New Jersey Natural Got new, "Cook from your Co. announced that, tor the NEW Qk% ChoW" oU-'outomoMc got duration of the Old Stove Roundup, the homeowner can •» are the next best thing get the mott liberal trade-in |W magic thot this reporter hot allowance tor her old ronae !*•§« in a month of meoWmtt., SSS in the history of the Got with one of mete auton Company. sot ranges in your kite' Now, every homemaker, no MI con do your cooking' tat < matter how thrift-eonsclous \up con ttodt \n our Mty «halr, from the U*H'steel krtchen'utVntn tW got ion she may be, can trade In her novtet, from anywhere. Youlwhlch is worth $\5, to Uimt old itove for a new, olUouto- \slmply ploce your meal in •ne\B*'l0!l *"*?. ^ys matlc got range at the mott loct set the dials* one terrific savings In yean, Trade W the best\ You can.own o new 4h^«$Q* «»• ^, «: Itoke off for fun. At the lust* ittt 'tm In at your nearest New Pictured above Is a brand Jersey Natural Gat Company, sey G Copy,^ oU-outooU-outomotlm c at your favorlt.; appliance Ju|t ^ fif th# *?n addition to this, you ««^* ^L%?WStw » Jfttfl?* PiHttt turn. .';_,.. .: \f llM f W~UI I>TXW££ S^STEV^ ««••1 *»«•*• net hov..to poY..ony "!^fc^? «^^'J^ jS ntw ^^.no^lt.XHUt* VI IWlB^J^^-ja ^ dowii;'ondVou"wlirnove»^IWnd of range thot t* everyl0utornotic'iasTon«esnaveojU;" "" m^mtiSSS^Sii!fS^ \ Kind of rang* thot \#t every automatic gos rongeshove oU_. #Jk..„ WJk. -^.MML* OU«*«,.ft«u^uB.«htehliJ.'K!?. •!*, SoMfoWN^a^ """" i«rtU continue for 60 Whtt«>o» «W_ ?'•..»*"»>* Natural Goi Compony, lodi way , . • on an olUouiomotl— e ftW ^M" iT.fiM Vet-Slree, pordnmi Wi8» Compony or ony OHrtJor*! ^™k;/JSJflnd in|( J Iff the pilot happenlioppensi to go out.. !u. LI , hit towndtolitown'dialtrr wilwilll givui. cliontit\»« m. , ufm.taint, eatiett•aiim*. "Wt ort giving tht molt lib-gai range." ttht b)flgMMIIt MMth)n g tt0 W( f n •rol trodfln oilowane* poi • Thiie got rongit are tne |ne# fh| e)reg| ^ groat blgLcncreui trode-ln ever en yeur.to-eeok-on rang,! in thi "" • Willloim olio i t 0 l ,,w, ,,.»... -y-fi.,, »,fl§ Mr, wiinarm oiw wig, TT«wfett, clMMit, <« «iJJ 1 1J eolorful ehuxk wogon toodtdjL lfoVt Thli moku Ir o World. Thiy will glvi libirol 0 1 Roundup or* »u y modem cooking equipment n to th# |)m|t W|W frN gifts or, ^;^,., amtu «««„,„/fradi.In oMponee . Up Y»>r houuwlft mov bt oblf to wllf wont to IN for htmlf oil the world. Juit skip, over to th« biovtlful rm ouromatfe your neoreif fl«i RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 Page Thirteen average wages after 1950 for people Baptists Plan who retire after mid-1952. New Fellowship S Payments Farm workers and household The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Dancing Special Program workers are covered by the social Meets Tomorrow May Be Surprise security law only if they are "reg- 117 Prospect Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. TeL Bed Bank 6-2310 Revt and Mrs. William D. Hack- ularly employed." The flrit foil meeting of the ett, missionaries of the American ASBURY PARK—"Your new so- A household worker In any pri CLASSES IN BALLET Women's Fellowship of the Red :lal security may be greater than vate home is covered by the law Baptist convention in Taunggyi, and other types of dancing for children from six year* up. Bank Baptist church will be held lurma, will visit the Red Bank efore the different groups. At the ind their families in old age andoffice at 601 Bangs ave. :orresponding secretary, and Mrs1. 1 o'clock service of worship, Rev. or their families in case of death,' John Green, treaiurer. Members of Mr. Hackett will deliver the ser- adds. Weinman Commands the Fellowship executive committee mon, He will be Introduced by the The other. day a farm worker will be hostesses at tomorrow's Rev. W. Clinton Power*, pastor of Raritan Legion Post session. 62 years old'told me that he sup- the church. posed he waa.too old to build up KEYPORT — George Weinman, lost Thursday the six circles of The Red Bank church adopted ,imich of ,'a retirement payment be- who last month was elected com the fellowship held Individual .his couple'as Its missionaries on fore he was 65. He felt a lot, bet- mander of Raritan post, American meetings at leaders' homes. Circle he field more than a year ago. ;er when I told him that his reg-Legion, will preside at his firs One met at the home of Mrs. Mel- Ince then the members have stu- iar cash .wages'of $150 & month meeting tonight. vln Edwards on West Front' St., led their work and contributed irlll mean" $37.50. each month for Other officers are J. B. Schanck, with Mrs. Cottrell in charge of toward Its support. The Hacketts ilm when he retires and $28,80 for Jr., vice commander; J. J. Kim- devotions. Chairmen named includ- are in charge, of the Pad Rural ils -vyife.' . • bio, vice commander; Ben Weikle, ed Mrs. William D. Sayre, co-lead- Christian Center in Taunggyi, Bur- vice commander; Ben Mlo'ne, fi- er; Mrs. Charles Schanck, secru- People who are, now approaching ma, This Is an Interesting Innova- •etlrement age may need 'less than nance officer; Arthur W. McFar. For tary-treasurer; MM. Edward Clay- tion In missionary work in that !t land, service officer; David Bea- ton, White Cross; Mrs. William wo. years' of Work covered by 'so- check-up Includes a. school,, an agricultural ial security to qualify for retire- man, chaplain; Lloyd Jackson, ser. Wlnn, program,' and Mrs. Dewey experiment station, a hospital and geant at arms; Paul Lannlng, his- Barr, ways and means. The next ment' payments. Under - the new a church. Their goal is to help the ocial security law, the amount of torian, and Harry Ross and Fred Convenience meeting will be Oct. 9 at the home people to. better health, Improved he payment may be figured on Kruser, trustees. on little feet of Mrs. W. Clinton Powers on farm practices, soil Improvement, Maple ave. home relationships as well as win- that grow at a\ Members of Circle Three met atning them to the Christian faith. the home of Mrs. Albert Newman Mrs. Haoltett, during their first gallop on Bast Bergen pi;, and made plans term of seven years In Burma, has to dress dolls for Indian children been working on a translation of for Christmas, and to make a the Bible Into the native tongue of You make your own banking hours Even Stride Rites layette for World Community day. the villagers. Under the direction Mrs. Frapcls Swartz led .devotions. of Dr. Frank Laubaoh, the world WANTED when you use our simple "Bank-By- ... with extra room Chairmen appointed were Mrs. amoua literary expert, they have for normal growth Edelmann, co-leader; Mrs. William developed a technique for reaching Mail" service. The special envelope, Graves, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. these people In their own language. ... are often outgrown Rollin Delatush, White Cross, and Rev. Hackett was born in Ran- provided without charge, serves as a Mrs. Charles Hammell, program, goon, Burma, the son of mission-, before they're outworn. The next meeting will be Oct. 9 at ary parents there: He Is a gradu- the home of Mrs. George Norman deposit and receipt. The receipt Won't you bring « ate of Drury college In Springfield, on Peters pi. Mrs. Swartz will Mo., and the Kennedy School of OPERATORS is forwarded to you immediately by your child in for our speak will speak on "The History Missions In Hartford, Conn. This of Old Hymns." , year of sabbatical leave Is being , return mail. Busy free size check-up? " Mrs. Edmund vom Steeg of Tow- spent In study at Cornell university er Hill ave., entertained members where ha Is working on his doctor housewives . . . If he doesn't need of Circle Four, and this group also of philosophy degree. new Stride Rites, planned to make a layette for Mrs. Hackett Is a native of Bel- LEARNERS men who work World Community day. They alao chertown, Mass., and a graduate of we'll gladly say so. made arrangements to sell plasti: Massachusetts State college, and all week ... all If he does, we'll bags. Chairmen named were Mm attended' the Kennedy School of Caroline Shaw, co-leader; Mrs, Missions, in Hartford,,Conn. TO WORK ON arc enjoying this fit him accurately Herbert Barber, secretary-treasur- er: Mrs. Adele Conover, program, service. Why not from our complete and Mrs1. Everett Brower, White Questions and Answers Cross. The Oct. 9 meeting will be join them? stock of sizes , held at the.home of Mrs. Dewey To Vets' Problems Williams on Conover pi., Middle- Q—i believe I am eligible for PARACHUTES and widths.. town township. twining under the new Korean GI PRICED FROM 4.25 TO 8.50, ACCORDING TO SIZE. Members of Circle Five, as a Bill, Can you tell me how to apply? fund raising project, will sel A—You can obtain an application DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. Christmas cards, writing paper and form at any VA office. Fill out the Both Single and Double Needle napkins. This project was planned first five sections completely—be at the meeting at Mrs. Albert sure to Include your program of Laehder's home on Hanee rd., Fair training—and send the- application Machines Haven. Mrs. Marshall Smith led along with a photostat copy of your devotions. Chairmen appointed discharge, to your VA Regional were Miss Dorothy Brown, co-lead- Office. If VA approves'the applica iiuer er; Mrs. John Green, secretary- tion, It will send you a* "Certificate treasurer; Mrs. Clarence Johnson For Education and Training", and Mrs. Eugene Magee, Jr., ways which you present at your school -*— SHOE CO .-—^ and-means; Mrs. Smith, devotions; when you enroll. Mrs. Kenneth Brower, social; Mrs. Q—I know that I may change the 18 BROAD STREET RED IANK Charles Miller, program; Mlsa Ella beneficiaries of my National Serv Davis,, remembrance, and Mrsic. e life Insurance at any time, bul SOUND EISNER CO. Thomas Brasch, Whit* Cross. Th may I also change the method o: Memher Federal Reserve System next meeting will be a "funny hat payment of the Insurance? sale at the home of Mrs. Magee, A—Yes. You may change any RED BANK, N. J. Meniber Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Jr., on-River rd., Fair Haven. previously selected optional settle Circle Six held a supper meet- ment to any other—and you may jiff'at--th* church In charge ol do so without the beneficiary's their" leader, Mrs, Cecil C, Ijedlard, knowledge or consent. Chairmen appointed . were Mrs, Q—When I went on active duty, Arnold Jensen, co-leader; Mrs. Jo*I made arrangements to pay a eph Dixon, secretary-treasurer; smaller amount on my house, which Packard Protects Your New-Car Investment! Mrs. Clement Pace and MrsI, bought with a GI loan. Mow that Thomas Maloney, program; Mrs. I've been released, I find that I am Arthur Ryerspn, White Cross; and unable to resume my, regular pay- Mrs. Betty Ritter and Miss Harriet ments. In fact, I can't pay back Francis, ways and means for No-the payments that accumulated vember and December. during my service. Can, anything be done to help me out? PACKARD'S ADVANCED CONTOUR The circle will hold a rummag sale Saturday, Oct. 4, at the Wes1.- A—Probably yes. It's possible side "Y." Those wishing to con-that the payments; may bet reduced tribute rummage may call Mrs, by extending the maturity of your Ledlard, and a circle member will loan. Talk the matter'over with pick it up, The group will also hold your lender. STYLING AND PUBLIC DEMAND a progressive dinnor Halloweei Q—During part of my Military party late in October. The Oct. service, I was a cadet at the U. S. meeting will be held at the horn Military Academy at West Point. of . Mrs. Leonard Earle on Huh'Do I count that, time in figuring bard ave., River,Plaza, out how much entitlement to train BRING RECORD RESALE VALUE Ing I have under the Korean GI HELD FOB GRAND JURY Bill? A—No. Tim* spent1'ts a cadel ' Another. Packard Ftnt— Harry Bland of William sU Fal or midshipman at*ny of the .serv Mvuttd CfNitwr Styling Haven, waived hearing for" thtice academies' does not count In Now Setting The New Trend grand jury .Monday morning anc computing entitlement to training was ordered held under 11,000 bai under the Korean GI Bill. In Automobile Deiignl on a charge of carrying a concealec get our weapon. Bland was arrested Sun Natural gas la less poisonous day night at the Bergen bar. Hothan manufactured gas because was charged with carrying- a .32 manufactured gas contains carbon NEW calibre revolver. ' , monoxide. ADDITIONAL REGISTRATION LOW Far the eaiiyaitleite....e. .e.f Minttiaiee whae arant miblunaa!** te« railtte»«••«•««r durinAM e the MONMOUTH COUNTY I6ARD 6fc ELECTIONS JAY J. HAT'lILD, tf N«|lta 34. UIHTOWM 25 7. 9 p, m, Investment la t nevf car. at medium-car cost hat won new 8tptt. 2888 . S4 25 Advanced Contour Styling And Big* IAVEN S.pt, 28 25 7.9 p.m. thousands of value-wjio buyers; A L S.pt, 84 „ , 7 • 9 0, m. • • latest reiorcfi In the Offi- TIRES I2S B lno S.pt, 18 0 • 19 Noon (I»k«n tt Court Car Luxury At Medium-Car Coat cial Used Car Guide ofi the • • Only Paikard altars you H»ai») National Automobile Dealers' Dependable . (ALSO) S.pt, 82 .84 25 » «.m.«9 p.m. Make It America's Greatest Motorcar bnvid Packard Power Brakes* Sept, 30 • an 7iao• 10 p.m. Association show that '51 loi/mttf steps with 40% Uujttl Kept, 28 • sin 7.9 p, m. Packard! bring up to hundttdt MARATHON); S.pt, 28 .80 J.» p.m. Buy! Packard's Higher Resale Value prtmrt,,, super.smooth Ultra* S.pt, 22 .84 7 • » p, m. «/ dolhri m»rt than other cars matlc*, the finest automatic drive S.pl, 2» • an 7.9 p. m. --Proved By Official Records Of Used- of comparable original costl' H.nt, Ull . an 7 • 9 p. m. ever built i . . plus Packsrd'i GOODYEAR st a • an j •» p. m. • O This hliher resale value mighty Thunderbolt Engine, th* Hlpt, 88.24.10 7 • » p.in. Car Sales—Protects The Future Of Now, with dependable ttapt. la. ia. 24. II 7« » p. m. Ii lh« result of America's In* world I blgktU-nmprtiuon tight, Htm, an .'24. an 7*1 p, m, four Investment, See, Drive And 'Option*! it ntti coit Marothani priced to low# N.pl, 811 • 2 t. • 9 P, m. Set Hew Much Packard Offers extra eoit while youn are Y Mtpi, an .2 T..I I. m. 'P. fl.pl, 211 • 2 PACKARD Per Juit A LlttU More Monty reeappedt BUKYSOKO lipi. l».l . 14. ai (ICAfllail OlerS'/Sr K:!.:i TImt and Pltci) ASK THS MAN WHO OWNS ONS •pt. ia •« j.» p.m. •Pl. ! a. I • 9 p. nil int. Til!5:i ».m. u nton B.84.II i p.m. S •pi. • 85 •P. • in P. nil RED BANK MOTORS, Inc. •P. It II. • 25 P. mi tp i • lift p, in. •pi. ii •• • It • It p.m. •pt, iaa. I . I) |i, m. •pi. in.i T . H », m, ••III, ft.l*.9t.ls 1. in it, m, 325 Maple Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. Telephone RE 6-3800 J • J |l. Rii Kill;..:,!:.. • M0 P.M. JPage Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 PTA Reception Signal Corps Artist Honored TELEVISION RADIO. & NOTICE For Teachers APPLIANCE More than 275 parent* attended SALES. SERVICE the opening fall meeting of River All Repairs done on Street Parent-Teacher association, Our Store Will Close Wednesday of last week at River Premiiei Street school auditorium. The event was a reception for the HAROLDS Friday at 6 P. M. and teachers' and ataff members of the school. RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP' William Paslcky, school princi- II Front Sfc, Bed Bank 6-87M pal, introduced the 32 faculty mem- Will Be Closed All Day bers of the new school, and the school's custodian, Harry Jngalls. Also Introduced by the principal were Henry DeLuca, art supervi- Saturday, Sept. 20th, sor; Miss Emma Jane Lafetra, mil; PAINT sic supervisor; Mrs. Leonard Todd, new art teacher at the school; ON ACCOUNT OF HOLIDAY Mrs. Helen Reedy, new guidance WHEN YOU SEE director at the school; James Ken- ney, Anthony Amondola, Walter ONE YOU THINK Litowlnsky and Charles Gripaldi, four new sixth grade teachers' at the school, and Dr. Herman O. OF THE OTHER SHERMAN'S Wiley who represented the school board. George Hill, center, of 201 Union ave., Long Branch, 45 BROAD ST. RED BANK Dr. Wiley discussed some of the shows fellow workert at Evant Signal laboratory his drawing KLARIN'S problems facing the board of edu- cation. He said that the way for from prize winning film strip which brought him second award a successful school program is through "complete co-operation and in two years from Freedoms Foundation. Looking on are Her- team work between the parents bert North of West Long Branch, left, chief of reproduction and the teachers." Mrs. Marie' Muy skens, faculty representative to the branch at Evant, and Ted Catetii of Little Silver, photo sec- P.T.A.1, reported a 100 per cent en- WHERE TO BUY rollment of all' parents of River tion chief. Hill, a former cartoonist on "Bugs Bunny" and Street school pupils. "Popeye" films, received the award at Bloomfield college Mrs. George Taylor, chairman, Tuesday. His picture-story entry in annual competition points CUSTOM PLANNED announced the following program: October, special meeting on state up freedom enjoyed in this country as opposed to other parts aid for education; November, an- of the world. nual bazar; December, Christmas program; January, civic responsi- bilities; February, founders' day; Genevfl March, child health; April, safety, Party on Her 5th Birthday and May, annual musical by the Court St. James Capt. end Mrs. Mitsuo Hagio of school pupils. Fort Hancock, formerly of 8th at., CUSTOM INSTALLED Volunteer workers are needed Belford, gave a party Sunday for- for the group's November bazar. Plans Card Party their daughter Mltzi who was five The date for the benefit will be Court St. James, Catholic Daugh- years old, named at the October meeting. ters of America, at their opening Those attending from Beltord When refreshments were served meeting last Thursday, made plans were Dennis O'Brien, Jacqueline, J H MOUNT CO. faculty members presiding at the to hold a card party tomorrow Kathleen and Barbara Anne Oau- tea tables were Mrs. Norman night at the Cypress inn on state ley, Rosemary Schanck, Raymond COR. MAPLE AVE. & WHITE ST. RED BANK 64330 Sauer, Mrs., Irene Lott, Mrs. Joan highway 35, Wanamassa. Proceeds and Pamela Stryke, Jane Runyon, also Mrs. William O'Brien, Mrs. Smith and Miss Bernadine F. will be used for the group's Blue Stewart, Cross service, which is missionary Robert Runyon, Mrs. Melvln Stryk-1 work. cr and Mrs. Marie Schanck, Miss Mary Kelly and Mr*. Ches- Other guests included James and October Bride-Elect ter 1* Forrar are chairmen. The William Stewart, Karen and Kathy party is open to the public. Ar- Maton, Maryanne Clbatti Terry, Tendered Shower rangements were also made for a Sharon and David Kelly, Get KEYPORT—Mrs. Michael Kerch- overed-dish supper for members, Brown, Mark Mlchtcr, Irma Car- HAVE YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING The Electric Shaver ner, Mrs. Charles Weber and Mrs, be held Thursday night,' Sept. los, Tito Armstrong, Casey, Sherry thai'» Better-Built for Frank Fleming entertained a show- In Red Bank Catholic high and Robert Campbell, Peter Lango, Better Shaves er last week for Miss Claire P. chool cafeteria. Mrs. Norhert Raymond Kelly, Sharon and Joyce ^eV^ • and, retestehosphate is equivalent to about a A reviewing stand will be set PHONE RED BANK 6-3767 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY Red Bank Long Branch Mrs. Charles Dunham, Mrs. Wil- ton of 4-10-2 fertilizer, says County up at Marine park on West Front liam Leonard, Mrs. Paul Kirk, Mrs. Agent M. A. Clark. If a grower at. The parade will start at Broad- Samuel Mauro, Mrs. Anthony Bock- supplements the four tons of man- way and Maple pi. and will pro- BOILERS - RADIATORS - FIXTURES - PIPE - VALVES us, Mrs. Carlcton H. Wharton, Mrs ure with 600 pounds of 20 per cent ceed north on Broadway to West Hewitt W. Wharton, Mrs. Gregory superphosphate and 2S0 pounds of Front st., east on West Front to AND FITTINGS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES Semanza, Mr.s. Florence Sapplo, a 60 per cent muriate of potash he Broad, south on Broad to Jackson Mrs. John Goetz, Mrs. Anthony has the equivalent of one ton of and east on Jackson to the high OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. Kahel, Mrs. Anthony Goetz, Misses a 4-10-10 fertilizer. This is a good school field. Josephine Granata, Florence Ragle general purpose mixture suitable and Marlon Weber, Keyport. for many crops. Another way to get this same ENROLL NOW amount to the acre is to broadcast four, or five tons of poultry man- FOR Women's Association ure over the surface of the ground and then apply 800 pounds of an To Hold Turkey Supper 0-14-7 fertilizer. This combination SHREWSBURY — Members O; equals about a ton of 4-8-4 fertili- FALL DANCING CLASSES- the Women's association of th< zer, also suitable for a variety of NOW IN SESSION Presbyterian church here will hold crops. a turkey supper in the churc Vegetable crops grown on soils dining room Saturday, Sept. 27, til which have received four or five 6 o'clock. Mrs. William Fluhr am tons of poultry manure alone with- Mrs. George Johanson are co out being reinforced with super- chairmen. phosphate or potash have gradual- They are being assisted by Mrs. ly year after year produced a de- Robert Maver, Mrs. Richard KraY' creased yield of poor quality. bill, Mrs. Lionel Williams, Jr., Mrs Chicken manure to be really ef- William Phlfer, Mrs. Byron Hardy fective muat receive the added Mrs. Ivan Kuhns and Miss Mar phosphorus and potash, garet Borden. Miss Ethel Rodgeci Boyi are able to male* pocket money is In charge of tickets. by selling The Regimen—Advertisement

I've Got My Wife Just Where I Want Her" Seen* from Jun« riettal reprinted from "DANCE" &Ugai!n«, the lowest-priced line in its field I AUK, 1052, "Mabel always,wanted h«r own home, but ncv«r com- plained because wt couldn't iwtng it. Meuure value by what you get (or what you pay... and it'i easy to BALLET TAP TOE ACROBATIC "Oiw lucky day I heard about Ih. R«d Bank Savings and tee why more people buy Chevrolet! thin any other car. JOHN TOLAND BATON PANTOMIME Loan mortgage plan. I want down there, and Mr. Ed For you get more with Chevrolet... fine quality features found In no Conover showed mt how my tavtngi could cover tht other low-priced car. And yet you pay less'... for Chevrolet Is the lowest- We arc now enrolling Mudonln far fill clauca at the Oorothy down paymtnt for tht house I wanted. Than they ar« Taltnd D»ncu Sludlon. There will he a wldo untl complots priced line in the low-price field. iflhMule covering all typci of dancing and carofully nepnritlnjj ranged a mortgage that I'm paying off lika rent. Todiy more and more people are looking for greater value In every- tft froupn with clitiici for beglnneri, nnd Intermodule or Ml- "I'va got Mabel In her own home, where the belongs, thing they buy. Come In and let us show you vineid itudonti, Doj« mil girli from three yenn accepted, thanki to the Red Bank Saving* and Loan," ' all the reasons why-ln automobllei-there's We uro membrra of National Aaaoclatlon linnet uncl At- /CHEVROLET no value like Chevrolet value. flllrted ArtUU, Uunco Mnilon of Amerlcn, Dtnpo Kducuton (CinlfftvtlfM *ltlmdtti •fu/im«!i! mtf Mm tthiltit»4 Tilt tlyitllitt Di IUM I-DNT MM, o( Ametlcn, • 1$ *»M'*ft' M tnlMllllf *l mtlirfaM RED BANK-SAVINGS •on Norn lur (Hiviemt THAN ANY OTHII «II DOROTHY TOLAND l A DANCE STUDIO 1lfc ^ McKIM-LAYTON CHEVROLET CO. 201 EAST BERGEN PL, RE 6-S2I? 10 iROAD *T., ,MD,»ANK '.NEW JERSEY* 29 MECHANIC STREET Phone Red Bank 6-3130 RED BANK RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 Page Fifteen MONEY LOANED Kiwanians Hear Tri-Co.lor Winner Home and School on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, Cameras, Binoculars, etc. Licensed md bonded by Stata of N. J. Gen. Petzing Club Tea Today Tuxedo Rental WE FAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD and SILVER The Red Bank Klwanii club, EATONTOWN —The Home and meeting Monday In the Molly School club will hold Its initial • Cutaways * Morning Suits Broadway Loan Co. Pitcher hotel, heard an address by meeting of the fall season at 3 p.m. • Whitt Dinner Jackeli • Stroller! 208 Broadway i Long Branch Brig/ Gen. Edwin B. Petzing, com- today with a get-acquainted tea in • MiilniKhl Blue Tuxe . . Your rugi and upholstery will ba der ono roof all the work now- dent. Activities for the year were be held at Philadelphia In Novem- being done in these four physical ber. Mrs. Andrew Meyer, Mrs. club has Invited the Tlnton Falls ready for use the same day. discussed and a rummage sale and the Oceanport P.T.A.'s to at- layouts with their 460 buildings. planned. The next meeting of the Jack Melsler and Mrs, Jules Al- The consolidation will Involve some tend the meeting, which will be held READ THE ANSWER IN league will be held next Wednes- pine were hostesses at the meet- In the school at 7:30 p. m. 4,600 civilian and 500 military day at tha church house with Mrs. ing, Guests included Mrs. Benja- A special display, showing jack- "The Spiritual Curts and Wonders of The-Divine Master, personnel. Charles H. Miller as hostess. Others min Ellis, Mrs. Harry Popplck, Mrs. Discussing the timetable for this Albert Goldman and Mrs, Harry ets of Mlts Betz'fi books, reprints present a,t last week's meeting were of magazine articles about h:r, and Jesils, The Great Naiarene" undertaking, Gen. Petzing stated 'Mrs. Cornelius Ackerson, Mrs. Ed- Saxon. The club will meet again that the design of the building radio scripts will be shown to mem- CALL which will bo tent to you absolutely FRM. ward Lockwood, Mrs. Norman next Thursday. ' bers at this afternoon's lea. ACME made It possible for construction Lookwoodj Mrs. Robert Cameron, National Kids' Day will be cele- The "barn dance" scheduled for Addreli • letter or card to I to be undertaken in sections or Mrs. Charles Silcox, iMrs. Merrill brated at the high school athletic increments and that th|s project field here Saturday, Sept.- 27, it Oct. 25 will be held at the Ameri- CARPET it UPHOLSTERY BIV. JOHN D'AMICO, Pl.D., N.S.tc, DIRECTOR H. Wallace, Mrs. Daniel A, Holmes, can legion hall on highway 35. RED BANK had been broken down into four .Mrs. LesUr C. Dick, Mrs. George was announced last week by Nor- separate increments. The funds for Dancing will be to tho music of THE SPIRITUAL-METAPHYSICAL CENTER Wostor, IMrs. Vincent Applegate man Scott, president of the Key- Stanley Mclntosh. the first and second Increments, and IMrs. Gordon D. Aid rich. port Khvanls clu'b. The observance CLEANING CO. OF RED BANK v totaling $13,750,000, have already Plans for the official visit Thurs- Is sponsored by Klwanls Interna- Club officers,' scheduled to attend 6-4255 been approved and allocated. Gen. day, Oct. 9, of Mrs. Mae Teeple, tlonal and the National Kids' Day this afternoon's meeting, Include Mrs. Harold Magathan, secretary; 10 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK, N. J. Petzing expressed the hope that state councilor of- th•- e Son- s and• foundation, Inc., North Hollywood, approval and allocation of funds Cal. "Plans for the fourth annual Mrs. James N. Wolcott, Jr., treas- Daughters of Liberty, and her staff urer; Mrs. Russell Anderson, pro- i"Miii"iiu ,.,n n 11 H 1.1 m i fnr the third and fourth sections were discussed at a meeting last celebration here are almost com- would be made in time to allow th rtildinli il all lurraiindinf Inrm • iltinWiontu Kait 3-7(9. 144, (75 0 In 1856—34 animals sent to" Indian- son of Mr, and Mrs. John H. Hyer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morris. Jill Miller, Nancy Ltndemann, Nan< ola, Tox, of Third it., has entered Rutgers iMrs. iMary Curtis and her ion cy Werner and Ann Stochl. university. George have moved to Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Simmons Earl Slgler observed his birth- last week attended performances day lait week at a family party »t PRISH PRIME FANCY PRISH SIRLOIN or of "Ouys .and Dolls," "The Male the Roaring 40 drive-In. Animal" Md "top Banana." -Mr, Fred Kroepke l« spending a va- PORK RIB YOUNG PORTBRHOUSI Simmons Is,mill superintendent of cation In New York state, He la Conover Lumber company. employed at Woodland farm. Wore than 40 members and Albert Wolchek of Burbanjc, Cal., BUTTS ROAST TURKEYS STEAKS guests of the Hebrew Women's In visiting relative* hire. 451 68k 57| 89k 1M« Ui. AT. OPEN HOUSE SALE ARMOUR'S Genuine Spring lONILISS Home Made Ooad Grade Sliced LIGS of VIAL COUNTRY VENETIAN CRAFTSMEN SHOP Every Day from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. BACON LAMB ROAST SAUSAGE IS THREE YEARS OLD In ordtr lo settle tht estate of the lite Mn. Williem t Morford, the txecutort hive deetdtd to offer for tile furnt* 55jL 78fb 79fb. 595, Three I'can Made »S'o Pleasant ture end various houiehold irdeln, Including rugs, Glen* 9RANULATID MOLLY PITCHIR MIDOLISIX WAYNI COUNTY By Your Gracious Reception and Generous Patronage wood combination kitchen nngt, pictures and picture COFFEE PRUNE JUICE APPLE SAUCE That We Would Like to Ernest Our Sincere Appreciation frimei, relltop deik, eloeki, electric Irons, veiei, kitchen SUGAR Mb, lag Rich Flitvor 2 JARS In a Material Way utemlli, R.C.A. radio, sectional booksaiei, badroom suite, 27« By llcilueiny Our Entire Stock dining room suite, Million Oek living room sat, brle>a«breo 75' 43' I-Ln. Bu qt. Bottle XT 107© TO and other Itemi too numarous to mention. During Our Anniversary Week, September 18 h S3 Merfetd Hemaitetd li loeoted en Kiypart-Atlanrlc Hlfh. TENDER LEAP 1 FOR "Dlmrlmlnatiny (lift* \nr Dlsvcrnhtff I'rople ' lands RMd, • quarter of • mile frem New Manmeuth Village TEA BAGS 48 49' aintwwc, Chlnaware, Lam\\s, fireplace /fytW/minit ami Allied (lifts, Center. , llroud St., tihrcwsbury-Ttl. lit! « Signed i Open Friday tlvcniuy RALPH .and HAROLD MOHFORD, MOLLY PITCHER SUPER MARKET We Pack , , . Ship . , . Deliver Eiecuten. LOW PRICES Mil DILIVIRY EXTRA SPECIALS 8 11-20 MONMOUTH IT. PHONI RID IANK MlOf Page Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952

Plenty of free parking space . RED BANK in Steinbach Company parking lot! STEI 6-4000 CJD JAJ> \ N V

Imported 1009b CHINESE CASHMERE COATS ...hand-detailed for a look of true luxury!

JUST 115 Ready to serve you on dur

NEW SECOND FLOOR These are the coats you've dreamed about... fabulously

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distinctive silhouettes include the deep-cuffed DRESSES GIRLS' SHOP model with set'in sleeve (pictured); and a COATS YOUNG DEB SHOP . seam-through sleeve style. Both with SUITS • BOYS' SHOP one button closing; in navy or MILLINERY LINENS nude; 8 to 16.

We know our friends are interested in the won-

derful things we've been doing ... and, frankly,

we're pretty anxious to show you! That's why

we're not waiting 'til everything is complete

before we 1st you see our new SECOND

FLOORI Because we want you to enjoy our

t expanded facilities as soon tas they're ready, COATS, Now on our ... and because our new MOVING STAIRWAY, NEW Second Floor the first in Monmouth County, is now in opera-

tion for your convenience, we have opened

loms of our beautiful Second Floor depart-

ments. More will be added soon (that's why

you still hear the hammers and saws) .. . and

we know you'll want to share with us the thrill

of watching the Shore's most beautiful new

floor become a reality!

• EJ. Jl III II I I Illl '1 gilllliMIIIIilllllllllll illlllllllllllllllltllillllltilllllli W-I'Llllliriilift MlllllliilMllllllllliBIIJIIIIIIlllllillllilBII •||!I||HI !!!l!!i|l|!l!i|l!l|||l!l|illll!lllllll>l

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The "Sweater Look" for Fall FOREVER YOUNG'S BRILLIANT ... more important than ever in CONTINENTAL COLLECTION new silhouettes, striking »pa'tterns!

Created especially for the This year, tha sweatar has outgrown its'limited rola woman who wears a half size I 17 98 In your casual wardrobe. With unusual color blend- ing ... expert styling, the designers have come up Imported Italian Pelt Handbags HUBERT DE GIVENCHY wtth sweaters you'll waar everywhere • • • with (almost) evarythingl Luxuriously lined with GRES genuine leather. SIMONBTTA VISCONTI Top to bottom!

a. Tilt lotwlnej wtth mock turtlenaclc. Oxford, balga, whlta, black, grain, purple, red. 34 to 40. 7.98* Thin art thi namas you'vi sun on drum tiggid at hun« 4.98 dredi of dollar*.,, but new, Fonvir Young brings author* b'. Ombra Sllpovor with baby collar and button* hid diitgni from thuo top diilgnin to Amirlea, and eloilng. Whlta, shading In ombra itrlpai to ox* ford or brown. 34 to 40. 4.98 Tha perfect llttli suit big ... In kttplng with products biautlful eontlmntal fiihloni at amaitngly low •hi iiaion'i tixtun Inttnit. The fait fa brio Amorlean prlon. You'll find fluid erapn, |awaMrlmmad e. Tht Middy Look with a nil tailor collar. White adgid with rad and navy. Waar It at an ovar. hn i toft luitn that addi a rich touch to my taffitai, and smart wood In ona and two.plici varttom . • t blouiatool 32 to 31. 8.98 coitumt, Black* brown or nivy. all vitally young and itylid for tha ilmdarlxlng flattary d. Intanla Patttrnid Sllpon with two-tene pattarn # avi'ry woman wanti. Slxu U'/i to 24'/i. In huthir ihadai of light and dark gray. Button * plui ux doling. 34 to 40. 5,98 Vlioenil'a nylon and wool blind that futurii WOJU7NVI DIUDMDS tuoldw detail . •. fUrlm to a irufful h»ra- IUNDBAOI, atriil rieor tnd Aibury Park Now on our NBW Iteond Floor Una. Purpli, im or navy. 14M to UK, IPORTIWBAB, Itrnt Floor and Aibury Park

Shop daily 4rom 9:30 'til 5:30—Xibury P«rk itera optn W»dn«idiy 411 ,9; Rtd Bink itert op«n Friday 'til ,9 If You Don't Register RED BANK REGISTER You Cannot Vote VOLUME LXXV, NO. 12. RED BANK, N. J., THUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1952 10c PER COPY SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 12. New Building Public Warned to Scouts to Assist in Registration Drive Action Against Finding Funds for Medical College Will Not Eliminate Be on Lookout for School Board Biggest Obstacle, Supporters State

TRENTON, (AP) — Advocate! Overcrowding Williamson Gang s Dismissed of a New Jersey medical and dental college are warming up their guns Middletown Township Ray E. Taylor Gives New Gym Would Not Salvation Army for another go at their biggest ob- Supervisor Pate Timely Advice to Constitute Nuisance, stacle—getting money. Campaign Is On Latest estimates indicate a thor- Explains Problem .Local Housewives According to Decision oughly modern and up-to-date in- The first report meeting for the stitution would cost in the neigh- borhood of $25,000,000 and it would FAIR VIEW The new cen- "A young man or woman con- A restraining order obtained last committees of the 1952 Salvation tralized school to be built In Mid- fidentially offering allegedly 'smug- •eek by residents of Harding rd. Army campaign fund will be held cost about $1,500,000 a year to dletown township will, within one gled' Imported English woolens or n the vicinity of Red Bank high between l' and 8:30 p. m., at 20 operate. There is now no medical year after completion be badly Irish lace might be one' of the chool against tlie board of cdu- Riverside avc, Monday, according or dental college in the state. overcrowded, Dr. Wylle Pate, BU- Williamson gang," warns Ray E. lation and Charles B, Hembling, to John Warren, Jr., general chair- The state medical and dental so- perlntendent, of schools, predicted Taylor, Executive Vice President ontractor, to prevent work on the man for the campaign. cieties are preparing a "grass Tuesday night at the first fall ot the Red Bank Community Cham- iddition to the high school was Tho campaign w as officially roots" campaign to whip up public meeting of the Fair View. Parent- ber of Commerce, For over 20 ismissed Monday by Superior launched Friday with a dinner at enthusiasm and favor for the Teacher associate. years members of this notorious lourt Judge Howard Ewart in the local Salvation Army home. project. 'rcnton. Faced with a record-breaking en- family have been swindling the Mayor Katharine Elkus White was They held a meeting at the atate rolltnent, the eemlentary schools in public with variations of the tale The suit, instituted by Edward guest speaker. She lauded the vork house this week for representatives the township are now operating 18 that they were able to obtain these V. Wise, Jr., attorney for the of the Salvation Army for the post of local medical and dental socie- rooms on a part-time schedule. imported materials at a ridiculously complainants,' asked for an In- 27 years In Northeastern Mon- ties, service clubs and other civic Fair View school is the most low price, but must now dispose of unction against construction uf mouth county. "Many times a year organizations and came away with crowded, with 242 pupils and a them at a sacrifice. he addition on grounds that the tho people of this area turn to approval for a citizens' committee staff of seven teachers, necessitat- Mr. Taylor staged it was high rymnasium was located too cloan the Salvation Army for aid," stated to push the medical-dental college ing a half-day session for all be- time that members 'of this gypsy > the sidewalk. The gymnasium, Mrs. White. "Only once a year docs Idea. ginners, Dr. Fate explained. It is band with an • "ould country" ork on which wjis started before tho Salvation Army turn to the Oddly enough, all the featured hoped the new 21-classroom school brogue, a family of about 50 mem- he restraining order was obtained, people for support. The budget for s|>eaker.i at the meeting were from for which voters last spring ap- bers, all engaged in similar activi- 3 to bo constructed approximately the Salvation Army is $28,495 and other states. In addition to their proved an expenditure of $562,000 ties, be put out of business. He re- 22 feet from the curb lino. T'.ie It Is attainable if »c will be a natural professional concern for the will be ready by October, but the ported that the National Better Harding rd. group contended thu'. friend in deed and do our part to level of medical treatment in New new building will relieve conditions Business Bureau, with which the tho gym should bo erected on the 3ce that tho objective Is reached." Jersey, they gave very realistic fi- only for a short time, according to Red Bank Chamber is affiliated, in etback line of houses on the south Mrs. White went on to state, "Of nancial reasons why other states enrollment estimates for succeeding its work to protect the public Mrs. Robert Badgley of Salem ^ane, Little Silver, president of the League of Women ilde of Harding rd. the many servicemen with whom are Interested In the establishment years which the' board of 'educa- against crooks and frauds, has ad- The restraining order was signed I have spoken, nothing but favor- of a medical-dental college here. tion has compiled. vised that the Williamsons have Voters, Red Bank region, presents Charles Parkell, senior patrol leader of troop 67, Red Bank, iy Judge Ewart Sept. 8. The order able praise was forthcoming re- swindled thousands in their roving with a package of flyers, while Robert Browne, pack IS, den 2, Little Silver, holds a registra- njoined work that had been start- garding the Salvation Army activi- 270 Learn Elsewhere But Harold Copeland, president over the country. The male mem- id and ordered the contractor and ties. In these days when the na- Dr. Alan Gregg, director of Medl- of the Middletown township board bers of the group spend their days tion sign. The presentation, of the flyers was the start of a "get out the vote campaign by he board of education to show tions of the world are geared [or cal Sclcncca of the Rockefeller of education, sees a solution to war It Is a comforting thought to offering aluminum spray paint jobs the scouts." The scouts, with the co-operation of the League of Women's voters, will distribute :ause at Trenton Sept. IS why Foundation in New York city, put this problem, he told parents at the to farm people for house and barn, he restraining order should not know that tho Salvation Army, as t this way: meeting, in the use of a federal a "paint" so cut with kerosene that 5,000 circulars explaining facts on registration, as a non-partisan project. > pltalltyi Mn, Arthur Barnat, IOOUI Residing with them la Mn. Bay* tha coming year will ba held tomor< and the following Monday, Tueiday, lai'a father, Jullui Boafflng, who Aislitlng tha chairman will be tabilahid, nyglinayflan i Mn, Donald Mllai, lull- row at 1 p. m, at the Willow Street Mn, nobort VanBrunt, Mrs, Wai- Wednesday and Thursday, i from 9 I* aetlm M an advliar, Mr, loaf- •ehool, according to Harold Lar a, m. until 0 p, m. for thu conve- But Maryland'i Dr. Griff hai UtTveUlve, and Mn, Donald Allan, pub- ring owned and operated a dllloa- laoe Bennett, Mrs, Jamon Butler other Ideaa. Ki laid Niw Bninj. licity, Mn, Murray Ntoholi It chair- taud, chairman of the pack com' Public Invited to Hear Weiler, and Mlu Elisabeth Sooworoft in nience of local realdenta wlihlng tinan and fancy grocery *tora at mlttce, to reglsti i'. , wlok it'll definitely Ihi but loot man of the merohtndlie commit* Maplewood for IS yean. oharge ot ticket sale*; Mn, Barney ilnco It wu cintraily locatid, away tea and Mn, Engtlbort Hronnar Mr, Lartaud haa urged that both State Civil Defcnie Official Egeland, Mri, Alfred nobblnn, Mm, The queitlon of rent control hire from poii I bio enemy attack, and chairman or tha memberihlp com- mothers «nd' fathers, attend the Arthur I, Lundv, Mri, Joiiph provided "unvaluabli opportune Prank and Mri, William Robblm, will dlicuxsed at tin locul gather' mlttia, STATS FAIR EXHIBITORS meeting, adding that only boya win LITTLB SILVER-Jty Birior, In Inviting local reildanti ai will ings and Mayor White, 14 cmpha< tie*" lor atudenu to binafil from Other omcui art Mn, William have at Unit ana parent nnien prliui Mian Melliaa Little, Mm, a working arrangimmt with Rut- Memban of tha Monmouth coun< dlreolor of thi looal Civil Defeme a* Intiroitid piopli from adjoining Pat Halltmi and Mr*, Joienii •lilng the dlattnct nird foil thi coiv Bahr, nnt vice president! Mn, Wll- tv ununit of the State Muscular Dys- can ba Included In plan for thi council, lodiy Inuid an Invitation tlnuntinn of controli In tyrd Dunk, gen unlverilty, Hum Lammori, icoond vloai pproiln - Initial fall program, towni, Mr. Birger mid that Mr, Drlicoll, publicity; Mr*. Carl Jaku- trophrophy Mioclatlon wililll bii among la Civil Defonii personnel of nir- Wcller'i lam will deal particularly beey, Mr.1, Pearl rtoienbtrg, MN, died the iliortuic of hiiuing In It'a a rndy turn bit the midleal dint! MM, Harry Kcin, thirrd vvloo ththth f eexhibitorxhibit ! at ththo StatSt e faifi r it Purpose of the meeting, accord' rounding' municipalities to attend thin area, ! prilldinti Mn. John nafferly, with looal phaaoa of Civil Dofsrui Carl Brunilda and Mn, Frederick collpgll n project will hi a warm toplp l Trenton, which open* Sunday, Th«y Ing to tho chairman, will ba to ti Monday'y s mtetlnii hire, hlghllflit 11, Vroom, flr,, ipaolal awardi, and "While working a hardship on a of conventiotin arounaound thi itati fourth vloe pmldinti Mri, John will participate In tha exhibit of tabllih a general plan for tha Out f hlh ill b tddrtu by opiratlom and thi co-ordination In Bvrnc truiureri Mri. Rlohtrd of whleh will bi an Mlu Little, Mn. Bgtland, Mri, few," iho laid, "the continuation of houii whin thi liglilatun mi«U tho itata aiaoclatlon. Mlu Helen program for tha oomlng year an Charlu I. Wilieerr,, ililitmt dlrea- thi aria and atati, Bruruldi, Mn, Jakubooy, Mn, John nnt oontroli would do the moit nixt yiar, Mi-Clovim, neordlng iioritiryi Dunne of Avon li oounty ohilrman, io rifliter tho namu ot boya who tor of the itite department of di> Thi mealing will begin at good for thi Urgent numbiri of Mn, Stanley Konittikl, eorrupond* wlih to become Cube and to re- d Mulvlhlll, Mn, nobirt Matthews, Ing ••oriury, and Mn. John J. finn, P m, It will be held hIn tithno looal Mn, Clifford Orlmmcr and Mn, piopti." regular thoia who wtra active lut Auitln D. Bolot, local O,D, o> tohool auditorium, Markham pi, Local Dimocrati art now engng- BAZAR AMD FOOD SAIJB Koiak, Jr., hlitorlan, The exieutlvi Net riiponiltll i ffor itir dibti In- year, Hinry Btadlir, daeoratloni, oommlttii ilio Ineludu Riv, Fran- rnd by my> will, livirly, _ ordlmlor, hu arraniid for thi With voluntion "badly midid" In id In priparatlom (or thi opining ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS-Wem. eli L, Nolan, patter et at. Agnii Patent! of all Fair Haven boy •rowing of two lound motion pic- most ihori oommunltlii, Mr. Ber- , , PUff towing Mublnn et looal hiadquartet'i In the Cavl- •n of thi Priibytirlan church will church i Mother Mary Longlni. botwien tha igti of I and Jl havi turn, Om will dial wl(h Momla gir iild hi hopei Ihi meeting will A>K fur tin llltl rlfniotiilfntlnn #m ton building on Monmouth it. Th« hold a naiar and feed sat* ftldav bean Invltid to attend whtlhtr o homblni whlli thi other will bt A •irvi ai a "recruiting program to l butinnhtlti, •>»> tinttnM om formal ctriniuniei, »t which Mayor and Raturday, Dipt. N and 311, In .* •chool principal, Mri, Nlcheli and not thalr boya ail already totlvi i wlili 4iil mnt'f, MM'I Uri, lrinmny manir twhnleolar Aim dulinr with thi awaken nildenta to ihi gnat mid HA Moaatuia u.-Adm- Whit* will npiak, will tiki placi the church room*. Thi tale li I•pen "* iiwaiii In Cub Moutini, aitlen'i hlttory. (or thtir leivleiit" urly In Oelobir, lond by ihi Udln' Aid «ol Page Two RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 18,1952 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST Eatontown Eatontown T1MQTHY R. HOUNIHAN Church school for all ages, is at Warren H. VanTuyl, minister, In: 9:45 a. m. Sunday worship service ites the public to attend meetings . Contractor and Builder is at 11. A nursery Is provided for ! this church, which are held Sun- the convenience of parents who days from 9:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING have small children. Senior young or worship. • The first hour is for SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES , , people meet at 6:30. ible study, the second-for preach- S ELM PLACE . TEX. BED BANK 6-llSftJ Beginning Sept. 24 we will have ig and Communion, At 7 p. m. a a 7:30 p. m. service every Wednes- ractice singing period is held, fol- day, Plans are being completed for wed at 7:30 p. m, by an open a varied program through the year. >rum discussion. Bible study is These plans will be altered, to in- eld Wcdnesdays'at 7:30 p. m. corporate suggestions from the This group of Christians conduct EVERY WEEK congregation whenever feasible. lervices on the basis ot New Testa- J. YANKO HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN METHODIST < PRESBYTERIAN The Junior Fellowship group met ment Scriptures alone, speaking Tuesday after school for their first here the Bible speaks and being 30 BROAD ST.- RED BANK Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank ' meeting of the year. This part of illent where the Bible is silent. Rev. William Hackett, a Baptist The service at 11 a. m. Sunday In the absence of Rev, Roger J. The concluding summer worship the youth program was received Undenominational, anyone desir- missionary who has been serving will he in observance of Youth Squire who will be attending the service at 9:40 a. nV will be held with enthusiasm last year. Plans ng to worship God in "spirit and in Burma, will deliver the sermon Sunday, with a spccinl program, New Jersey Annual Conference in next Sunday. Commencing Sept, 28 are to carry out a similar program ruth" will find the worship ac- at the 11 a. m. service. Rev, And "Rally for Conflict," directed by Ocean City, Rev, Leonard Jones two services will be held at }:30 throughout the fall; winter and cptable. Mrs. Hackett and a Burmese girl, the pastor, Rev. Harold Hornber- will occupy the pulpit at the 11 nd For his sermon topic next spring seasons for all children in The church' is located on rt. 35, Miss Mary Aye, will be guests of gcr. Leo Burnham, Robert Zell- a. m. Sunday service. Rev. Mr. Sunday,Rev.R . CharleChl s S. WebsteWbt r rades four, five and six, Mrs. Doris ust north of the business section. the church this week-end. They mann and Fred Page, Jr., will be Jones la from the New Brunswick has chosen "On Keeping Our Prom- ngelbeck, Mrs. John Darms and Theological seminary. Rev. Clinton will also address the church school. readers in a pantomime presenta- ises." Philip Roy will sing the Mrs. King Fujimoto are supervis- METHODIST The group will do graduate study tion explaining the place of youth Powers of the Red Bank Baptist tenor solo and Mrs. Warren Smock es. Tuesdays will be the regular it Cornell university this winter. in church life. " church -will be the guest preacher will preside at the organ console time of meeting. Fair Haven Church school meets at 8:45 a. There will be children's choir re- at the 8 p. m. chapel service. in the absence of William H. Craw- Monday evening three couples in Sunday-school, with classes for m., and Youth Fellowship at 7:30 hearsal Sunday at 9:15 a. m. Sun- There will be a baptism of chil- ford. Ushers for this service are he church met to lay preliminary hose of all ages, will be held Sun- p. m, Ushers will be G. Turman day school meets at 9:45*a. m, dren and infanta at the morning Thomas W. Osborn, Sr., in charge, lans for, organizing and super- lay at 9:45 a. m. Reeves, Charles Stephens, Albert Officers will be installed at a service Sopt. 28. Persons having assisted by Michael Daly, Regin- lsing a fellowship program for The service will be held at 11 VanNostrand and John Crawford. planning meeting of the Luther children to be presented for bap- ald Lyman, Thomas Osborn, Jr., he intermediate youth, The date a. m. with a guest speaker filling Flowers decorating the church League tomorrow night at the tism will please contact the min- and Hilton Smith, The welcoming m which this group will begin to he pulpit in' the absence of Rev. Sunday were from the garden of church at 7:30 p. m. ister before that Sunday. There committee will comprise James unction and the' time of meeting William B. iMagsam, pastor, who Miss Alma P. Thompson. Mrs, Harold Hornbergcr, Mission- will bt a reception of new mem- Stomber, assisted by Ralph Norton. .vill be announced later. at conference- Music by Mrs. The Women's Fellowship will ary society president, will attend era into the church Sunday morn- At 9:30 a. m. the initial session of Committees appointed to study Alma. Baker, organist, will include meet tomorrow night in the church, a national meeting of Women's ing, Sept. 28 at 11 o'clock, the church school will be held in he various needs for enlarging the "Mendelssohn," by Handel. The tvith Rev. and Mrs. Hackelt and Missionary societies Saturday at The Monmouth county W. C, T. U. Westminster house. A splendid hysical plant of the church have lenlor choir will, sing the anthem Miss Aye a* the speakers. The ex- the Bellcvue-Strafford hotel, Phila- .vill hold its annual meeting in the course In religious education will ubmitted their reports. These will 'Saved by Grace," by Stebblns. The •cutive committee of the group delphia. hapel Tuesday, Sept. 30, at 10 a. m. be presented, All new student* in now.be carefully studied and cor Junior choir and the youth choir nill serve refreshments. Thursday Sept. 25, Rev. Mr. The Woman's Society of Chris- the community are extended an in- elated preliminary, to obtaining a will also render selections, ian Service is chartering a bus to vitation to enroll. ough design and estimate of cost. Chancel choir rehearsal will be Hornbcrgei vill attend the fall con- CHAPEL OF HOLY COMMUNION held Wednesday, Sept. 24, at 7 vention of the Central Conference convey the women to attend Wom- Sunday at 3 p. m. a meeting of The church is planning to spon- p. m.; the board of Christian ed- of the New Jersey Synod at Holy an's day at the Annual conference the church officers and their wives ior a Boy Scout troop, In line with Fair Haven ucation will meet in the church Trinity Lutheran church, Elizn- at Ocean City. The bus will leave who have been placed In charge he advice of scout officials in the Service of morning prayer will office Thursday, Sept. 25, at S p. both. Highlight of the conference from front of the church at 7 a. of the "Parish Visitation" will be •Icinlty that there Is need for an- >e held Sunday morning at 11 m., and the 50-50 club ' will meet will be a report by Albert Lueders, m., Sept. 19, held In Westminster house, with other troop In Eatontown in ad