It's Formfit Week Dinnerware
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to Idaho Falls Tuesday’ of last week to spend a few days with Her daughter, Daphne Todd, vfcho is a special nurse at the L.D.S. -hos pital, -Wednesday was Daphne’s’ birthday. Mr, and Mrs. Rupe Bammert motored to Butte Thursday. Mrs. Bammert had a medical check-up. Gordon Williamson, Jr., had the misfortune_to have C a motor fall on his foot last Wednesday. Three toes were broken including the little toe-which-was -badly mash ed. Jeanene Rush was rushed to Barrett hospital late last Thurs day night by the Wilsons. She had had an attack of appendicitis but the doctors decided not to operate. Monte Kent and Shorty Raddatz Ellen May Guild will meet Fires don’t burn well in wet were Lima callers from Monida weather! Thursday at 7:30 p. m., at the last Wednesday. home of May Cantrell in the Phil Mr. and Mrs. Art Kelso and lips apartment No.' 5. Everybody family have moved to Texas.’They Armstead Notes. Victor G. Westergard, son of is welcome. i had been here since last summer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Westergard, with the Cities Service oil drilling Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dye and Ter outfit. ry went to visit their mine Sat had an emergency appendectomy The Order of Rainbow for girls Word has been received that urday. They found plenty of enow at Barrett hospital Monday night. will at 7:30 toiiight. AH Mas up there. He is reported recovering nicely. Dorothy Colson is out of the Idaho ter Masons and Eastern Stars are Falls Sacred Heart hospital and Sophia Guyaz and Mrs. Rand invited to attend. is staying with Mrs. Morris Tav- entertained Mrs. Adelaide MKchell Maurice Loveridge, Jr., has been enner in Dubois. Her condition is and Mrs. Dell Bradley at dinner admitted to Ft. Harrison hospital reported to be fair. Thursday evening and drove to tor treatment. The Bond Local of the Farmers Visitors at the H. R. Foster Dillon later. Union will hold their regular home from Tuesday, till Satur meeting Friday evening at 8 Chair seat cushions at Tribune; Mrs. Mary B. Emerick and Mrs. day of last week were Mr. and o’clock, in the Nelson school house. Mrs. Lloyd Foster and Diane of Stella Bierrum of the College Art The entertainment committee will Great Falls. department and^Mrs. Olivia Pat See our score pads and consist of Miss Oakel Nelson, Mr. Mrs. Maude Foster was taken ton, training school art instructor, playing cards for bridge, pinochle and Mrs. Boyd Kioenig and Mr. to'the Barrett hospital last Fri were in Helena Saturday to attend and canasta. Tribune. ' and Mrs. Bud Ferris. day bv Mrs. Earl Peterson and the organization meeting of the Mrs. Helen Kennedy. Montana Art Education associa Last Thursday the Lima high tion. St. Rose Junior Guild will meet school seniors were guests of New Shipment . Thursday night, at 8 o’clock at Western Montana College of Edu the home of Mrs. John Carr, 1030 cation, Mrs. Helen Roby has been dis So. Pacific with »Mrs. John Dow- The Junior-Senior banquet of missed from the Butte Community COLORED DENIMS dall and Mrs. Philip Malesich as the Lima high school is to be held hospital. co-hostesses. on Mav 8 and is to be served by 1-Piece, 2-Piece, 8 -P ie c e the adult class of the Lima Com Dresses munity church. Skirts - Pedal Pushers POLARIS NEWS DR. L M. JENNINGS • Mrs. Laura Judge MARRIAGE LICENSES JANTZEN T-SHIRTS Chiropodist The card party sponsored by the Polaris school mothers held at the Albert Ruhlman, 55, Dillon and Hazel Young, 49, Dillon. Foot Specialist school house Saturday evening was HAZEL'S well-attended. There were five “ Now that you’ve mastered the difference betweenHarold left andReid, 21, Melrose and Style A Beauty Shop Dorothy Sorenson, 19, Dillon. tables of pinochle in the play and right, I’m giving you a job that requires a little more skill!” ANDRUS HOTEL BUM. 406 Medical Arts Bldg., in two tables of canasta. Prizes were A wnntad inthe TribuneBets results. Butte, will be at the Andrus won by Mrs. Frank Marchesseau who got high in pinochle for ladies children entering school for the Hotel in Dillon all day Fri and by John Judge , who was high day, April 24th. 'Please call score for men. Mrs. Earl Tash got Lima News. first time this September! Mrs. Pythian Sisters sewing club met Smith, Beaverhead county school hotel on that day for an first prize in canasta and Mrs. Ar nold Paddock got low. last Friday afternoon at Rita Sel- nurse, would like a thorough medi appointment. Children will vidge’s with Mrs. Selby as co cal check-up made on your chil Know Montana . .. be examined free of charge. Violin, guitar banjo stringa. hostess. Cards were enjoyed and dren and any necessary shots at tended to before next fall. Now Tribune. delicious refreshments were serv ed at the end of the afternoon. would be a good time before BROADWATER COUNTY’S POTATO Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW everyone gets busy with summer will hold its regular meeting activities. INDUSTRY DATES BACK TO 1865 Thursday evening at the Masonic Miss Claire Empey returned —by Grace Ilolliuvay, Townsend Star. Hall at 8 o’clock. There will be from college for the week end to initiation of new members. Visit Big potatoes from small eyes. That was the case with Broad ing members are always welcome. water county’s original potato crop, a crop that today is unex ,Lima Home Demonstration Club celled in Montana. Too, the Russetts grown in this county are It’s Formfit Weekheld its regular-meeting April 15 tops in the U. S. market. at the home of Norma Merrell BRING YOUR CARS The first potato seed was brought to the county by Mr. and with Jean Kelso and Ruth Berthle- Mrs. Patrick Gurnett in 1865. The couple came from Omaha, son as co-hostesses. There were TRUCKS - TRACTORS Neb., traveling across the plains in a covered wagon. They start •Ccome let our skilled fitters show 10 members present. Mrs. Lura ed the’ trip in 1864 and arrived in Virginia City four months later, Penwell gave the lesson on "Coun . to Davis Motor Co. for spending the winter there. you the happy way to a ty Government.” The next meet complete repair and main ing will be held at Mary Rose’s tenance service! In the spring of -1865 .they set out for the Missouri valley, on May 20 at 2 p. m. We hope to which they were told held great promise. There was a big gold have the Dell club as our guests. rush on to Old Diamond City in the valley and the farm land Sweetheart of a Figure Tune-Up was rich and plentiful. On May 11, 12 and 13 the Lima Home Demonstration Club is go Overhaul In passing through Boulder valley they got a chance to buy I t ’s Formfit Week in our corset department» time to ing to have a dressmaking work Lubrication a sack o r potatoes. Supplies were scarce in those days and $80 shop to be held in the little room Wash Job for the sack was a reasonable price. It was bought from John discover the happy way to a lovelier figure. Delightful^ of the Lima Community church. Body Repair A. Flaherty, whose home at Cold Springs was a stopping place how our trained fitters make nothing o f your figure Anyone interested is invited to Body Painting in the early days. come. The hours will be from 10 Radiator Repair After reaching their destination, Mrs. Gurnett carefully problems! J oyou s, how they fit you in the Life Bra, to about 4:00 so bring a lunch. peeled the potatoes, saved the eyes and used them as the first Coffee will be furnished. Bring a m seed to grow potatoes in Broadwater county. Girdle or Foundation exactly right for you! B lissfu l, pattern with set-in sleeves, cotton the freedom-giving way these comfortable Formfit crea- or rayon material, shears, match Davis Motor Company S ing thread, thimble, pins, findings ANACONDA COPPER MINING COMPANY tions make the most o f your charms! Styles, fabrics,’ for the pattern, such as zippers, PHONE 504 elastics to flatter every figure. so stop in today. buttons, snaps, etc. Mrs. Penwell Union Oil Company "W ork lor a Greater and More Prosperous Montana” has kindly consented to be our in Gas and Oil Thli U a project that should Include all Montanans. structor. Attention mothers who will have D innerw are S-A-L-E I )» Discontinued patterns of Vernon Ware, Salem China, California Fruit, Windward and Santa Monica dinnerware . ALL AT CLOSE-OUT PRICES! Here is your chance to obtain one of these attractive patterns, reduced to less than plain white china! HURRY, THEY W ONT LAST LONG! 16-Pc. Sets: Four cups and saucers, four 4-inch plates, four 8-inch plates. 35-Pc. Sets: Six cups and saucers, six 4-inch plates, six 8-inch plates, six fruits, platter, vegetable bowl, sugar ana creamer. * t 53-Pc. Sets: Eight cups and saucers, eight 4-inch plates, eight 8-inch plates, eight fruits, eight soup dishes, platter, vegetable bowl, sugar and creamer. 16-Pc. Windward, A95 82-Pc. California Manor Q95 85-Pc. Parsley, 35-Pc. Cherry Blossom j A95 regular $7.49 .............. Ht regular $15.95................ ** regular $15.95-------.........9”regular $16.95_______ 1" 35-Pc. Windward, 35-Pc. Bryn Mawr, Q05 53-Pc.