If You Don't Register RED BANK REGISTER You Cannot Vote .VOLUME LXXV, NO. 12. RED BANK, N, J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1952 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. 'Skywatch* Folding, New Building to Be Erected at Broad St. and Reckless PI. Rosk Hashana Jacobsen Warns County Girls Ride to London SEA BRIGHT — Councilman Services Begin Nells Jacobfcn, commander of On Oil Truck, Astonish British the local "Operation Skywatch" V. S, Air Force-Clvit Defense Tomorrow Night ground observation corps, this SHRE\VSBURY-"Our grand en- week repeated previous warnings try into London was on the back ot Rabbi Hershon's that his .post may have to cease an oil truck," writes Miss Carlotta operations because of a lack of Council Fails Nileg of Sycamore ave., one of two Annual Message volunteer plane spotters. county girls who are bicycling "We just can't go on without i through the British Isles this To Register Readers assistance," he said, "And despite To Continue summer. generous co-operation' by The In a letter to her parents, Miss The Rosh Hashana services will Bed Bank Register in'telling of Jllcs wrote that she and her com- begin at 6 p. m. tomorrow night for our plight, and Washington warn- Rent Controls ianion, Miss Suzanne Schenck of local Hebrews and a fitting pro- ings that in war we would be License of Bob Cook's 12 River rd., Fair Haven, collect- gram has been arranged by Rabbi on » likely 'attack route,' we quite a crowd the evening ot Arthur H. Hershon of Congrega- have had no public response to heir arrival in London, when they tion Bnai Israel. The sermon to our plea for help. What more Tavern Suspended for Iropped off an oil truck which had be given by Rabbi Hershon at 11 can we do?" iven them a lift. 8 Days for Violations "Why for a minute I thought we The government has instructed might have to make a speech or "Skywatch" patrols to stay on Despite a statement by Mayor do some tricks or something," duty at coastal posts 24 hours Katharine Elkus White that it rota Miss Niles. "In getting off dally. But Sea Bright has been would be "my pleasure" to hear a ho truck I caught the seat of my able to keep Its post in operation resolution for the extension of rent eans on a spigot and was suspend- only a few hours dally, and that The property at the southwest high, fronting on Broad st. and every respect and will As to how soon the Broad * controls no such resolution was !d for a. minute dangling like a largely through the personal serv- corner of Reckless pi. and Broad will be devoted to retail business structed as near flre-proof as mod- forthcoming from members of the ices of Mr. Jacobsen. Reckless corporation can begin con borough council Monday night. st. on which is located the present with stores on the ground'floor, SO ern specifications provide. It will structlon, depends entirely upon Presbyterian church and manse, feet in depth. Beyond this 80-foot be a steel and concrete structure It was the last meeting: of the Later at the Hotel Grosvenor, what arrangement can be made mayor and council before expira- vhere they were to meet friends of and which was purchased a few depth, the structure will be three and solid masonry will be featured with tho former owners, and work months ago by the Broad & Reck- stories high fronting 100 feet on throughout. tion of federal rent controls Sept. Miss Schenck's family, and still is being rushed on the new edifice 30. Before the matter was dropped, ted In their rough and rather soil- Auchincloss Says less corporation, is to be the site Reckless pi, and 54 feet In depth. Mr, Kcllenyl has introduced these id cycling clothes, Miss Niles wrote of a new commercial and profes- Both second and third floors aro drawings with the modern trend for the Presbyterians on Tower council heard a number of argu Hill, as they are anxious to get into ments both for and against cxtcn hat they again collected a friendly sional building, accarding to plans to be provided with elevators as of architecture and yet Hie exterior ut curious crowd. No U. S. Erosion drawn by Bernard Kcllenyl of 17 well as stair service. The second appearance of the building will not their new quarters. sion of the controls. Those in favor of a resolution to extend the con- "We walked blithely up to the Linden pi., and accepted this week and third floor plans show 48 single be severe. The new owners of their property desk to call their rooms and there room offices and the architect has are also anxious to begin work on trols were for the most part apart- by the owners. The huildlng will be open on ment occupants. was a positive gasp of astonisn- Money Is on Tap The building will have a frontage plans so drawn that a tenant can three sides which will permit plenty this new, beautiful building which ment," she wrote. "Everyone was of 130 feet on Broad st. and 180 have a single suite of two rooms of light and ventilation. There will will be a great asset to Red Bank's Among those who voiced objec mincing around In their diamond So Sea Bright Asks feet on Reckless pi., and provision or they can be arranged for a four be plenty of entrances and exits in fast-growing commercial district. tions were Rolston Watoibury, R. iaras and satin straplesses and we will bo made for parking of ap- or five room suite. The third story all parts of the building to the The architect's drawing showing Thomas Bowers, and Philip J. looked as If we'd been under a • State to Allow It proximately 50 cars on the prem- will be devoted exclusively for stairways and elevators, as well as the exterior of the new structure Bowers. The latter, who is man- stone for the past few years. We ises. medical practitioners or specialists. to the store rear ground floor en- Is on display in tho business office ager ot Shrewsbury Manor apart- caused quite a commotion when w«> A Maintenance Fund 'The building will be two stories The building will be modern in trances. of the Register. ments, pointed out that in the ris- got our saddlebags and ourselves ing cost of living, rents have not SKA BRIGHT—Rep, James C. fouled up In the revolving door. gone up with everything else. He Quite a crowd collected and it was Auchincloss of Rumson («.—3d stated if rent controls arc dropped ail I could do to keep from hiding Babbl Arthur H. Hershon Dlst.) says he knows of no federal Red Cross Needs Army Aviation Center to Move Bartender Wins the rents in his apartments will be behind the drapes." money available for building sea raised under 15 per cent. He pre- o'clock Saturday morning Is en- walls. He suggests the borough dicted similiar hikes In other places Miss Niles said that Miss titled "The Early Gifts of God to turn to the state for such funds. Blood Donors To Airport in Wall Township Workmen's Suit and that there would be no goug Schenck'3 friends were somewhat Man." A- complete schedule of A letter from the congressman, ing by apartment owners withoul nonplussed when they Joined th* services follows Rabbi Hershon's saying this, was read at Monday LEONARDO — The .Red Cross Raymond Kelly of Main st., Bd- controls. girls In the lobby and were even annual message to readers of The night's meeting of the mayor and bloodmobllo will be atjthe Leon- FORT MONMOUH—Monmouth cations problems in which aircraft ford, recovered a $2,475 award in more embarrassed when the curi- ardo grade school, Hosford ave., county'airport will be headquarters are included. a Workmen's Compensation bureau After a* hearing against Rober ous crowd followed them down the Register entitled, "lA There Be council. Mr. Auchincloss was re- Cook, owner of Bob Cook's tavern, Light," which Is presented here- plying to a borough communication next Monday between' noon and for the recently activated Signal In the course of weekly demon- case last week before Judge Harrry street as they left the hotel. Corps Aviation Center beginning strations conducted by the Army S. Medinets, deputy director, Shrewsbury ave., for violations o with. asking what help the government 5:30 p. m. Blood donors may make the borough ordinance requiring "I heard one woman say "They're might give In combatting ocean appointments through the county Oct. 1, post officials announced to- Aviation unit students at the Sig-against Dcmpsoy'a bar and grill, the onus who were written up In nal school witness problems in air- highway 35, Middletown township. taverns to close at 2 a. m., council "Let There Be IJght" erosion here. Red Cross chapter headquarters by day. In addition the Army Avia- suspended the tavern's license fo the paper yesterday,'" the Shrews- In accordance with an old tradi- Hope had been expressed by calling Red Bank £3443. tion unit which has been based at to-ground communications, wire The basis for Mr. Kelly's claim bury girl wrote, "and as we wers laying over hilly terrain, missions was for injuries he suffered while an eight-day period beginning yes- tion, the Jewish New Year cele- Mayor Qeqrge H, Krauss and the Mrs. Morris D, Ferris, Jr., who Red Bank airport since 1944, will terday.
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