Naoh Scarification and Stratification Improve Germination of Iris Lactea
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HORTSCIENCE 41(3):773–774. 2006. for 0 (control), 10, 20, 30, and 40 d and then transferred to germinate in growth chamber. I. lactea seeds without NaOH treatment were NaOH Scarification and Stratification surface sterilized and sown in petri dishes and put under 7 °C for 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 d in Improve Germination of the same way and transferred to germinate in above growth chamber. Iris lactea var. chinensis Seed Germination methods. Protocols by Hollo- way (1987) and Morgan (1990) were followed. Y.C. Sun, Y.J. Zhang,1 and K. Wang Seeds were sown in 12-cm petri dishes that Department of Grassland Science, China Agricultural University, 2 Yuan Ming contained 100g quartz sand and 30 mL sterile Yuan Xilu, Beijing, 100094 P.R. China water. Petri dishes were put in the growth chamber at 30 °C for 8 h (day) and 20 °C for X.J. Qiu 16 h (night) in darkness. Each treatment had 4 University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 3401 replications with 50 seeds per replication. The petri dish was opened to add 2 to 3 mL sterile Experiment Station, Ona, FL 33865 water to keep proper moisture every 7 d. On Abstract. Iris lactea seed is characterized mainly by physiological dormancy. Two experi- the day 28, the number of germinated seeds ments were conducted to investigate the effect of NaOH treatment and stratification on (radicle >2 mm) was recorded. Iris seed germination. In Experiment 1, seeds were treated with 14.38 M NaOH for 0 to 28 Statistical analysis. Collected data on hours. In Experiment 2, NaOH treated and nontreated seeds were stratified under 7 °C and germination were analyzed with ANOVA. moistened condition for 0 to 40 days. As results, NaOH treatment for 20 hours effectively Multiple comparison was done when treat- removed seedcoat and improved germination percentage from 0% to 56% compared to ment effects were significant. Significance control (0 hours). However, germination percentage started to decrease after 20 hours. was declared at P <0.05. Stratification for 40 days further improved germination percentage of NaOH treated seeds to >80%, but did not affected seeds without NaOH treatment. Results demonstrate Results and Discussion that combination of NaOH treatment and stratification is an effective practice to break Iris seed dormancy and improve germination percentage. Experiment 1. As the time of seed immer- sion in NaOH solution increased, the seedcoat Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch.) tion of NaOH treatment and stratification on was gradually decayed. After 20 h of treatment, Koidz., a native herbaceous perennial, is seed germination of Iris lactea. the seedcoat was almost decayed and the en- preferably used in gardening and vegetation dosperm was exposed (Fig. 1). Treatment had regeneration for its beautiful and easy planting Materials and Methods a significant effect on germination within 12 h traits and high tolerance of drought, salt, cold (Fig. 2). The germination percentage reached and trampling (Liu et al., 1998; Xu, 1989; Plant material. Iris lactea seeds were col- the maximum (56%) at 20 h and started to Xu et al., 2003). Its seed germination pattern lected from wild stands growing in the suburb decline afterward. Blumenthal et al. (1986) is similar to other Iris species and hybrids of Beijing in September 2003. Capsules were found the resistance of the integument at the which dormancy persists for several months air dried for 10 d to release seeds and seeds micropylar area was the main factor preventing (Randolph and Cox, 1943; Stoltz, 1968). By were stored in paper bags at room temperature germination in Iris species. Xu et al. (1990) examining structure and measuring mechanical (about 20 °C) for 10 d before experiment. and Lee et al. (2002) showed that removing of strength of seedcoat in the micropylar area of Experiment 1: Effect of NaOH.150 g Seeds testa and excising the endosperm of micropyle the Iris seed, Blumenthal et al. (1986) found were immersed in 32 °C 500 mL 14.38 M area in I. lacteaandI. sanguineapromoted seed that the main cause for I. lorteti dormancy was NaOH solution, placed in a growth chamber at germination to >80% at 20 d after sowing. All the mechanical resistance of the integument. a constant temperature of 32 °C for 28 h, and these demonstrated that seedcoat played an Excised Iris embryos grew in vitro showed stirred every 30 min. During the period, about important role in Iris seed dormancy. Using the embryos’ absorbing ability of water was 500 seeds were taken out every 4 h, washed NaOH solution to break seed dormancy was low (Stoltz, 1971), and the growth potential under tap water for 10 min with a little force reported in the seed of Zoysia japonica (Han increased while growth regulators were added to peel off the decayed seedcoat, and washed et al., 1996); and 1% (m/m) KOH used in the in agar nutrient medium (Stoltz, 1977). It in sterile water for another 5 min. Seeds were seed of Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (Chi- was confirmed that the dormancy was mainly then dried in air and surface sterilized by im- ang and Park, 1994). Scanning by the electron caused by physiological dormancy that the mersion for 30 min in a solution containing microscopy revealed that the wax on the cu- –4 -4 embryo was low growth potential and could 2.94 M H2O2, 10 M CuSO4 and 5.1 × 10 M ticular surface of the seedcoat was reduced in not overcome mechanical restrain of covering Na ascorbate and then rinsed five times with thickness. In preparing experiment, seeds were layers (Baskin and Baskin, 2003). Blumenthal a large volume of sterile distilled water (Blu- conglutinated with each other and seedcoat et al. (1986) and Wu et al. (1998) also found menthal et al., 1986) and then transferred to did not decay when put into the concentrated that the outer integument of I. lorteti and I. germinate in growth chamber. H2SO4 (98% concentration). However, when confuse seeds contained a compound toxic to Experiment 2: Effect of NaOH and strati- put into the NaOH solution, the germination the germinated embryo. A method to improve fi cation. Seeds were immersed seed germination was used to cut off the integu- in 14.38 M NaOH solution for ment at the micropylar area (Blumenthal et al., 20 h and then washed, dried and 1986; Lee et al., 2002; Xu et al., 1990), but surface sterilized as in Expt. 1. seed was rigid and the micropylar area was not The treated seeds were sown in easy to recognize. Therefore, a better method of 12-cm petri dishes containing improving Iris seed germination percentage is 100g quartz sand (about 0.70 mm needed. The objective of the present study was in size) and 26 mL sterile water. to investigate the effectiveness of a combina- Petri dishes were kept in 7 °C Received for publication 19 Dec. 2005. Accepted Fig. 1. Seed of Iris lacteavar. chinen- for publication 25 Jan. 2006. sis (the left was intact seed while 1Corresponding author; e-mail zhangying the right is treated with 14.38 M [email protected]. NaOH for 20 h.) 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