BIBLIOGRAPHY Chapter 1: "A Conflagration Of

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BIBLIOGRAPHY Chapter 1: Bibliography - “The 23rd Cycle:Learning to live with a stormy star” Dr. Sten Odenwald ©2000 B I B L I O G R A P H Y Chapter 1: "A Conflagration of Storms" Allen, Joe. 1990. 1989 solar activity and its consequences at Earth and in space. Seventh Symposium on Single Event Effects Conference. April 24-25, 1990. Los Angeles. Broad, William. 1989. Space shuttle problem could cut flight short", The New York Times, March 15, 1989 p. A16. Boston Globe Staff. Quebec blackout halts power for 3 million. The Boston Globe. March 14, 1989 p.6. Curran, Peggy. 1989. Hydro blames sun for power failure. The Montreal Gazette. March 14, 1989 p.1. ------ 1989. Hydro execs start post-mortem on huge blackout. The Montreal Gazette. March 15, 1989 A3. Fairbanks Daily News Staff. 1989. Solar flare possibly the biggest ever recorded. The Fairbanks Daily News, March 12, 1989 p. E10. ------ 1989. Solar storm sets night skies afire. The Fairbanks Daily News. March 14, 1989 p.3. Fisher, Lawrence. 1997. Failure of AT&T satellite will alter deal with Loral. The New York Times. January 18, 1997 p. 36. Johnson, Jason. 1997. Power failure throws stadium for a loop. The Boston Herald. January 13, 1997 p. 7. Kappenman, John. 1990. Bracing for the geomagnetic storms. IEEE Spectrum. March 1990. P. 27-32. 1 Bibliography - “The 23rd Cycle:Learning to live with a stormy star” Dr. Sten Odenwald ©2000 Los Angeles Times Staff. 1997. AT&T working to regain link with satellite: Telecom Telstar 401 is part of communications business to be sold to Loral for $712.5 million. The Los Angeles Times. January 15, 1997 p1. Montreal Gazette Staff. 1989. 11-hour power failure stopped the presses. The Montreal Gazette. March 12, 1989 p. A3. ------ 1989. Hydros export clients lend a hand with power. The Montreal Gazette. March 14, 1989 A3. New York Times Staff. 1989. Large solar flare erupts anew", The New York Times, March 13, 1989 p.1. Orlando Sentinel Staff. 1997. AT&T moves signals after satellite halts broadcast. The Orlando Sentinel. January 12, 1997 p.A22. Perera, Judith. 1989. March flares mark solar unrest. New Scientist, 25 March 1989. Rinehart, Steve. 1989. Light Show amazes, worries, Lower 48 watchers", The Anchorage Daily News, March 15, 1989 p.B11. Showstack, Randy. 1998. Upcoming solar maximum could affect wide range of technologies. EOS Transactions. 79:601 Toronto Star Staff. 1989. Huge storms on Sun linked to blackout that crippled Quebec", Toronto Star, March 13 1989 p. A3 Vestner, Charlie. 1998. The sky's the limit:In the 21st century satellites will connect the globe. Individual Investor. June 1998,. pp. 56-64. 2 Bibliography - “The 23rd Cycle:Learning to live with a stormy star” Dr. Sten Odenwald ©2000 Chapter 2: "Dancing in the Light" Anselmo, Joseph, Solar storm eyed as satellite killer. Aviation Week and Space Technology, January 27, 1997, p. 61. Bone, Neil. 1996. The aurora: Sun-earth interactions. 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June 1997, p. 36. 3 Bibliography - “The 23rd Cycle:Learning to live with a stormy star” Dr. Sten Odenwald ©2000 Roylance, Frank. 1997. Tracking a solar storm from cradle to grave. The Baltimore Sun. January 23, 1997 p.1. Savage, Candace. 1994. Aurora: The Mysterious Northern Lights, San Francisco:Sierra Club Books, pp. 37-38. Sawyer, Kathy. 1997. Earth takes a one-two punch from a solar magnetic cloud. The Washington Post. January 23, 1997 p.1. Sheldon, Robert. 1998. On the Physical Origin and Prediction of Killer Electron Storms. Journal of Geophysical Research, (Submitted). Summary at: Reply to Referees at: Thomsen, Michell and Borovsky, Joe, Reaction of magnetosphere to Jan10-11 event, as Seen by 3 MPA Instruments at Geosynchronous Orbit. www- Walker, Matt. 1998. Flirting with disaster: The ever-shrinking microchip is increasingly vulnerable to an invisible enemy. New Scientist, November 7, 1998. Chapter 3: "Hello is anyone there? Adams, W.G. 1881. Magnetic disturbances, auroras and earth currents. Nature. 25:66. American Journal of Science and Arts Staff. Aurora borealis (of November 17, 1848). American Journal of Science and Arts. 12:442. Barrett, W. 1886. Earth-Currents and Aurora. Nature. 34:408. Bernard, Fredrick. 1837. Aurora Borealis of November 14, 1837. American Journal of Science and Arts. 34:286 4 Bibliography - “The 23rd Cycle:Learning to live with a stormy star” Dr. Sten Odenwald ©2000 Boss, Lewis. 1941. The aurora of September 18-19, 1941. Popular Astronomy,. 49:504. Boston Globe Staff. 1892. Tide of light: Telegraphic communication suffers some. The Boston Globe, February 14, 1892, p. 2. (The Great Aurora of February 1892). -------1940. US hit by magnetic storm: Wires, cable, radio crippled for hours. The Boston Globe March 25, 1940. P. 1. ------ 1946. Aurora borealis flash startles hub area. Boston Globe, July 27, 1946 p.1 Chester, Charles. 1848. On the electric telegraph of Prof. Morse. Journal of American Science and Arts. 5: 55. Chicago Daily News. 1958. Aurora puts on display in northern sky. Chicago Daily Tribune. February 11, 1958 p.4. Chicago Tribune Staff. 1946. Chicagoans see sky alight with aurora display. The Chicago Tribune July 27, 1946, p. 5 Dietrich, William et al. 1942. Auroral burst supreme. Sky and Telescope. 1:14. (Great Aurora of 1941) Fahie, John 1974. A history of electric telegrapy to the year 1837. New York:Arno Press. 1974. Henry, Joseph. 1847. On the induction of atmospheric electricity on the wires of the electrical telegraph. Journal of American Science and Arts. 3:25. Herrick, E. 1849. Aurora borealis of November 17, 1848. American Journal of Science and Arts. 7:127, 7:293. ------ 1860. The great auroral exhibition of August 28th to September 4th, 1859. American Journal of Science and Artst. 28:385-408, 29: 92-97. Herron, Edward. 1969. Miracle of the air waves: A history of radio. New York:Messner, 5 Bibliography - “The 23rd Cycle:Learning to live with a stormy star” Dr. Sten Odenwald ©2000 1969p. 68. Highton, Edward. 1852. The Electric Telegraph: It's History and Progress. London, p.144. Lefroy, J. 1852. Second report on observations of the aurora borealis, 1850-1851. The American Journal of Science and Arts. 14:155. Leinbach, Harold. 1956. February sunspots and a red aurora. Sky and Telescope. 15:329. London Times Staff. 1903. Telegraph disturbance in France. London Times, November 2, 1903 p. 6. ------ 1921. Sunspots and Earth storms. London Times, May 19, 1921 p.7. (May 1921 Great Aurora) ------1926. U.S. wireless reception experiments: partial success", London Times, January 28, 1926 p. 13. Nature Staff. 1938. The aurora of January 25. Nature. 141: 232. New York Times Staff. 1882. A storm of electricity: Telegraph wires useless for several hours. New York Times, November 18, 1882 . p. 1. ------ 1903. Northern lights display: Telegraph and cable lines suffer by electrical disturbance. New York Times, November 1, 1903. P. 1. ------ 1903. Made the wires deadly. New York Times. November 1, 1903. p. 6. ------ 1917. Wires held up: Earth currents put them out of commission for hours. The New York Times. August 9, 1917 p.8. ------ 1937. Sunspots predict radio disturbances. The New York Times April 5, 1937, p.15. ------ 1937. Magnetic storm worst in century. The New York Times April 29, 1937, p. 23. ------ 1937. Aurora borealis hits wire services:Current from magnetic pole causes record interference in Canada. The New York Times. April 29, 1937 p.23. 6 Bibliography - “The 23rd Cycle:Learning to live with a stormy star” Dr. Sten Odenwald ©2000 ------ 1938. Aurora borealis startles Europe: People flee in fear, call firemen. The New York Times, January 26, 1938, p. 25. ----- 1940. Sunspot tornado disrupts cables, phones and telegraphs for hours: Electrical disturbance plays havoc with the short-wave, 1,000,000 Easter messages, and police and press teletypes. The New York Times, March 25, 1940 p. 1. ------ 1941. Northern lights soon: Unexpected sunspots may cause magnetic storms. The New York Times. September 18, 1941 p. 1. ------ 1941. Aurora borealis gives city a show as sun spots disorganize radio. The New York Times. September 19, 1941 p. 25. ------ 1941. Sunspots add some radio spice", The New York Times. September 20, 1941 p.41. ------ 1946. Sun spots block radio messages: Magnetic storm is sweeping the Earth due to intensify for 12 more days . New York Times February 3, 1946 p. 26. ------ 1956. Rare aurora glimpsed: Northern lights with red arc seen in Alaska.
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