Collabro The Unauthorized Story

John L. Cummings, Ed.D. The Phenomenon Called

This work is neither authorized nor approved by Collabro, Each appearance on Britain’s was better than the Syco, Sony or any of their respective representatives. This one before. They practiced, improved, and honed their solos book is solely a Collaborator’s attempt to communicate his and harmonies to such an extent their final performance was impressions of this musical phenomenon that has arrived on declared “perfection”. They impressed the judges that even the global music scene. recognized their determination and talent and verbalized that their performance demonstrated their determi- I became aware of Collabro as I was browsing through You- nation to win the competition. Tube videos. I happened across audition videos for Britain’s Got Talent. I watched several and finally viewed this group named Collabro. Their rendition of “Stars” caught my atten- tion. I watched it several times and became more enticed with their vocals, their harmonies, and the confidence they exhibited. Each time I listened to their audition and subse- quent videos and recordings, I was able to hear vocals that I It is the totality of Collabro that attracts their fans, aka Col- had not previously heard. I found the newness I heard each laborators. I have attempted to capture the aura of Collabro time I listened to them as the factor which drew me back to through video but do not believe I have captured their real es- listen again and again. sence. Therefore, I have taken to the written word to interpret what I experience when I attempted to communicate in I watched the interviews they posted on YouTube and was im- video. Their charisma melts hearts, brings individuals to mediately drawn to their humility, their honestly, and their na- tears, and instills in those who come in contact with their cha- ivety, which emerged in their accounts in their recent book risma a desire for more. “Our Story”. These neophytes rose to national and interna- tional fame in a short period of time. Each went from an un- I will attempt to decode Collabro and their charisma in the fol- known individual with a love for musical theatre to national lowing pages. and international personae.

1 Section 1 share their gift with others in various venues in the United Hello. We are Collabro Kingdom and on the continent. Performing in front of audiences was not a foreign experience to any of the young men. Whether performing in a band, sing- It is rare that five solo performers would opt to become one of ing in a musical production or local group, or busking on the five rather than the ONE. The love of musical theatre is the uni- streets, all five of these young men had been smitten by musi- fying force that brought these five men together. Their desire cal theatre, yet enjoying eclectic genres of music. to express themselves through musical theatre is the impetus to give up the solo spotlight and merge their talents into what All in all, it was the love of musical theatre that drew these five is now known as Collabro. While each had been involved in young men together. A vision of forming a musical theatre boy local theatre to some degree, some of the boys were recog- band to entertain groups was the initial goal of group’s foun- nized for their talent and took advantage of opportunities to ders - Jamie Lambert and Matt Pagan. A casting call went out via social media inviting those interested in being part of a boy band focused on musical theatre was posted. One eve- ning, above a pub in , aspiring candidates arrived to “try out”. In addition to Jamie and Matt, Michael and Tom ar- rived and eventually Richard was invited to join the new ven- ture.

They sang many songs but their rendition “Stars” from Les Misérables stood out as the one which solidified each per- son’s position in the group. Now that they had formed a group and developed their unique sound, what would they do? How would they get their name out there? What name? They came up with Collabro......

Britain’s Got Talent would be accepting tapes of various groups to vie for the title. Collabro made a demo and sent it in. They were invited to try out and so they did. The introduc-

2 tion, “Hello, we are Collabro” will be etched in the mind and of every Collaborator as the beginning of the whirlwind.

Follow the link above and view Collabro’s initial audition for Britian’s Got Talent.

You can easily see the incredulity in Simon Cowell’s reaction to the group’s short life span and ’s smirk to what she perceives as Matt’ naive response to why they could win the competition. The disbelief is soon dispelled when Richard Hadfield opens his mouth and begins to sing followed by Matt, Jamie, Michael, and Tom.

“You’ve reduced me to tears”, “Bloody Brilliant”, “It was an ab- solutely brilliant audition”, “It was absolutely fantastic”, “You achieved that in a month? That’s astonishing” were com- ments echoed by the judges following Collabro’s audition.

Little does anyone realize that Matt’s response of “Natural Chemistry” is the solid foundation upon which Collabro’s cha- risma is based. Their natural chemistry clicked above the pub at their first meeting and again at the audition. The longer they interact with one another, rehearse, and deepen their friend- ship the stronger their performances are. The group’s cha- risma is demonstrated subtly among the members but it flows contagiously to those who experience them visually and audi- bly.

3 Michael, Richard, Jamie, Matt, Thomas

The five young men who comprise Collabro, while unique, have transferred their personal family experience into their possess many of the same values that are key ingredients to working relationships. Their ability to do such is yet another their charisma. All five of them are sons of parents who sup- sign of their maturity. Maturity does not have to be dull or bor- ported and encouraged their music careers. Each young man ing. Maturity has its fun side and so do each of the member of comes from extended families and experienced love and ac- this group. ceptance through their formative years. The members of Col- labro are solidly grounded in their beliefs and values. Because they were born of loving parents they are able to show and ex- press their love easily to others.

This love they experienced and share is easily heard in and ex- perienced through their music. They are passionate when they sing. Simon Cowell said “you have steel in your eyes when you sing”. The “steel” to which Mr. Cowell referred is an- other basal element in the formation of their charisma.

Their focus was set forth when Richard reacted to some of their friends and family and made it clear that their “sound” is what they want to produce. Their “sound” is Collabro. Their “sound” is intentional and it is this intentionality that contrib- utes to their success.

Family plays an important part in the lives of each member of Collabro. This familial environment of love and respect defines the relationship that each member has for one another. They

4 (3) There is an appreciation for and understanding of the strug- gles that each experienced to attain his goal. (4) They share the common passion of musical theatre. (5) They are not afraid to demonstrate a fraternal love and support for one an- other. (6) Each attribute contributes to the “sound” they make. (7) Each member is confident to be himself. Each characteris- tic is a key ingredient to the Collabro charisma.

The work ethic of each of these young men is admirable. While each waited for his big opportunity, he took on work in order to live until the one chance in a million came to him. Who would have thought the “one chance” would come in the form of a social media announcement and an audition over a London pub. None of them were afraid of work. None of them had positions that brought tremendous adulation. But work they did. Even during the competition, a couple of the boys continued to work their job and commuting back and forth to London for rehearsals and BGT competition. These qualities did not happen by chance. As previously men- Among the band members there are unique and immediate tioned, each young man had a loving supportive family that characteristics that catches your attention. (1) Each member believed in them, encouraged them, facilitated their musical is confident in his ability to sing and sing well. (2) There is a careers with full knowledge that it would not be an easy road. perceived respect for one another personally and musically. Little did the parents and siblings know that they, too, would

5 be valuable assets to Collabro’s success and charisma. The In the video, the group looks at Jamie as he starts the song. It parents have assumed a positive role with their sons but also is this action that signifies respect and support for the individ- with those who follow their sons. They are actively engaged ual. This sign of respect has been a hallmark of the group with Collabro. They have made themselves available to the from the beginning and cited by Collaborators as integral to Collaborators worldwide through social media. There has the groups allure or charisma. As the song proceeds, each been healthy exchanges among the parents and Collabora- members “scopes out” the entire audience throughout the en- tors solidifying the bond between both groups. tire venue. At times, the viewer senses the performer makes eye contact with a member of the audience. The behaviors Richard, Michael, Matt, Tom, and Jamie are chronologically cited are not unique to this one video. If you view enough vid- young. When you watch them perform, you are not aware that eos you are able to experience the same in all of them. These they are in their early to mid-twenties. They exude confidence gestures speak to the esteem Collabro has for its Collabora- and professionalism beyond their years. Their youth and ma- tors. turity attracts a multi-generational fan base. The accessibility of each member of the band with their Col- Tom J. Redgrave mentioned their “squeaky clean” persona laborators through social media demonstrates the gratitude that the Collaborators have enshrined the five. He assured us these young men have for their supporters. Prior to each tour that each member of the group is human and made mistakes performance, these young men met with their collaborators in the past, none of which were fatal. Collaborators have and had pictures taken with them. The men have always been placed these five men on pedestals. The Collaborators desire available to their fans and have taken selfies with thousands to have each of the men as personal friends. Collaborators of their collaborators. love each member of Collabro, not just their sound but the men themselves.

Collabro has created a connection with each Collaborator. While performing, an individual sitting in the audience would assume the song being sung was just for them. When you study this video, you can understand how that occurs and the group establishes a personal connection with the audience members.

6 From the moment they were crowned as the winners of Brit- The neophytes took their first independent steps as represen- ain’s Got Talent, the lives of these men were transformed. tatives of Sony and the in Hong Kong com- They were ripped from their obscure lives and jobs and thrust memorating Hong Kong’s 10th Anniversary return to China by into the spotlight via myriad appearances, interviews, and the the United Kingdom. Prior to their China visit, they released recording studio. They signed a contract with Syco. Within the an album update adding four new tracks to their original al- first three months, their debut album was released and at- bum Stars. tained the status as the number 1 selling album in the UK by the end of the first week. They seemed to be omnipresent all Throughout the metamorphosis from obscurity to a prominent over the United Kingdom. They released several music videos place on the global musical scene, these young men have re- of various music genres and tained their same personal posted them on and Twitter. qualities. They remember and cherish from whence they The culmination of their relation- came while acknowledging ship with Britain’s Got Talent the important role their Col- took place at the Palladium in laborators play in their ongo- London when they appeared at ing success. the Royal Variety Performance. This performance was one part Even throughout their na- of the prize for winning Britain’s tional tour during which they Got Talent”. It was at the Palla- performed to over 50,000 dium where they performed for people, they honed who they Prince William and Princess Cath- are and created a more en- erine, the Duke and Duchess of dearing persona to which Cambridge. At the conclusion of new individuals joined the es- this monumental and unforgetta- teemed rank of Collaborator. ble event in the life of the win- In the next chapter we will ners of Britain’s Got Talent 2014 look at their tour and share that Collabro took its first breath moments that are truly Col- as an independent, global, musi- labro. cal force.

7 Goosebumps, Tears and Awe

8 At the end of January 2015, Collabro, Lucy Kay, and Philippa The visual contact, the look and smiles between and among Hanna went on a tour throughout the United Kingdom. In the members, a touch of reassurance from one member to an- most, if not all, the venues were sold out. All in all, these other are the intimate qualities that are communicated to the young artists performed before more than 50K individuals. audience in the band’s vocals, harmonies and solos.

They received rave reviews from music critics and audience One music critic while the band was on tour cited the fact that members alike. Goosebumps and tears were cited most often Collabro does not sing their selections, they perform the as audience responses to the performances. Awe was added songs. This unique dimension to their performance solidifies when speaking about the harmonies and vocals heard by the connection between the band and the audience. Their abil- those in attendance. Traditional media and social media ity to perform draws the audience into a the same dimension agreed on the impact of a Collabro experience. If you read all as an actor playing a role in a musical. In one of the many in- of the “reviews” you are able to extract those elements that terviews in which Collabro participated after their victory, Tho- contribute to Collabro’s charisma. The group selfie is one ex- mas J. Redford talked about each song within a musical is a ample of a key element that has a deeper meaning than what story unto itself. The dynamism between Collabro and the is on the surface. The fact that the audience is chronicled as audience forms a generative environment within which each part of Collabro’s tour experience signifies their importance to participant gives and receives energy to and from the other. the band. The goosebumps and tears experienced by audience mem- The fans have been a significant part of Collabro since their bers as Collabro performs proves that the connection be- inception. On the semi-final performance of Britain’s Got Tal- tween the band and the audience is occurring. The quality of ent, Richard cited the Collaborators as an important factor to the band’s performance increases in proportion to the degree the boys. The fan’s status grows in importance as the band’s of participation the audience experiences as the song is per- fame increases. formed. The emotional audience response affirms the young men’s vocal talent and to effectively use their acting ability. Thanks to Roxanne Henley for posting this video on YouTube contributing to the body of evidence that demonstrates the The audience response to Collabro’s performances testifies to place of Collaborators in the life of Collabro. This video gives their ability to sing, act, and communicate their passion to evidence of the bond among and between the band members those who are listening. Is it any wonder they have created a through their banter back and forth. title wave within the music community?

9 Collabro: A Family Affair

In their book, “Our Story”, each member of Collabro com- Pug, participates in com- mented on the important role family played in his individual municating with the formation and success. The supportive and loving family in band’s followers through which each member was raised, although different, promoted social media. the same values. The families have opted Born and raised in different locations throughout the United to share their lives with Kingdom, these men have more in common than musical thea- the Collaborators. This tre. It is evident in each story that the parents encouraged picture of Tom and his and facilitated diverse experiences for their son. While the Col- brother Gabriel is one ex- laborators know these young men as successful and talented, ample of the families’ each member of Collabro experienced life and its difficulties openness. This level of in eking out a living, working at a job they found less than sat- communication creates isfying, and the disillusionment and frustration of not being an additional level of ap- able to break into the West End. They were not deterred from preciating the Collabro. Jamie’s their passionate desire for musical theatre and discovered an sister, @CayteeLambert, has as- alternate route to perform, act, and touch the heart and soul sumed a prominent role in sup- of others. port of her brother and the band. This beautiful young The family of each Collaborator has assumed woman is Jamie’s younger sis- an active posture in their son’s success. ter whom he cites as his best The parents and some siblings opt to be- friend in the book. Caytee and come cheerleaders for the band and are in- her mother are pictured here be- fluential with the Collaborators through so- fore on of the many concerts cial media. Even @PeggyCollabro, Jamie’s they attended while Jamie was

10 on tour. @CayteeLambert also participates in Collabro The immediate support sys- through social media. l tem for Collabro is strong and they are the first Collabo- Richard Hadfield’s mother, Diana, is also active in supporting rators. They have graciously her son’s dream. She, too, attended several Collabro perform- allowed the international com- ances. Richard’s brother, James, is a Rugby player for his munity of Collaborators into school and was in the school’s dramatic performance of their lives by communicating Sweeney Todd. Richard surprised James by attending one of via social media, responding his performances. These is obviously a close bond between to tweets and postings on the two brothers. Mrs. Hadfield has accomplished the feat Facebook. This unconditional that only parents can seem to master - bi-location. openness to all Collaborators Michael Auger’s nephew, William, made his debut appearance is a unique factor that sepa- supporting his doting uncle and his mates. William has posed rates Collabro from other mu- with Jamie, Richard, and Matt. When the group was crowned sical groups. the winners of Britain’s Got Talent, Michael made it known The love and support that surrounds Collabro from family, nu- that he would use his portion of the winnings to spoil his new clear and global, play a critical role in the charisma that is Col- nephew. labro. Matt’s group introduction at the first audition, “Hi, we In addition to Collabro’s nu- are Collabro”, tells more than their merely a name. Matt an- clear family supporting the nounced to all of Britain that Collabro is a way of living, a group, their significant oth- brotherhood of gifted men who inspires others by singing and- ers have played an active thereby touching the hearts and souls of listeners. It validates role. These young laCdies his response that Collabro’s natural chemistry will be the fac- provide emotional and psy- tor that decides the contest winner in their favor. chological support for their specific boyfriend as well as the entire group. Their pres- ence has proved an invalu- able part in Collabro’s success. They, too, communicate with the Collaborators via social media.

11 A Collaboration of Musical Talent

The sound which Collabro has elected to perfect for its listen- The group’s professional- ers is one that is dynamic and undergoes constant develop- ism is evident in every ment and improvement. The musical arrangements feature performance. However, multiple solo performances and parts that enhance and com- Jamie related the story of plete the overall rendition. A soloist will perform his part and their final appearance on then support another member’s solo or a duet. There is no Britain’s Got Talent in one “leader” as each contributes equally to the arrangements. which his voice was not Their music is a collaboration of talent, respect and fraternity quite what it should have among the members. been. The group quickly made adjustments to the d n selection that worked with Jamie’s voice. We know the end result of their musical knowledge and flexibility.

The Collabro collaboration has become their quality that distinguishes them from other groups and individual per- formers. The collaboration is more pronounced because of their ability to act out the songs they sing. During their recent tour, the set was not ostentatious taking away from the music performed. The audience members experienced the music on The musical support can be a lengthy harmony or back- many emotional levels free from distractions. ground sound or a sung word to emphasize lyrics sung by the soloist. Their arrangements are likened to a well oiled ma- The flawless unification of their voices prepares the heart and chine in which each part contributes to the quality of the soul to experience the fullness that is Collabro. The solos and whole. harmonies evoke within the listener an openness to experi-

12 ence the fullness of the Collabro’s allure. The individual’s affec- fixed on their original goal. In fact, they continue to hone their tive response to Collabro signifies the degree to which their giftedness. They take nothing for granted. performance is effective. When an individual’s respone is united with that of other listeners, the Collabro charisma is The 50K+ spectators who were privileged to attend one of the fully realized. concerts were emotionally moved. Thomas J. Redgrave in one of the many interviews likened songs from musical pro- ductions to mini-scenes. Collabro’s gift is to translate lyrics and melody into a dramatic presentation through which the In one of Simon Cowell’s many critiques of performers, he audience participates in story performed visually and audibly. told Britain’s Got Talent contestant Sam Kelly that perfect si- The viewer senses the love and passion Collabro injects in lence with a large audience signifies that you “nailed it”. The everything they do and reacts with positive affirmation. The audience reaction at the Royal Variety Performance to Col- love and passion for musical theatre when combined with the labro’s performance of desire to perform re- Say Something indi- ven sults in the perfect cates that Collabro genre for these young nailed their song. men to share their gift- Michael Auger stated edness globally. Their that their greatest de- trip to Hong Kong im- sire was to continue to mediately following the create music that Royal Variety Perform- evoked audience reac- ance attests to their tion experienced dur- magnetism even if you ing the competition. do not speak English. The multitude of stand- Their upcoming Japa- ing ovations through- nese performances out their recent tour confirm that quality mu- throughout the United sic transcends lan- Kingdom testifies to guage and culture. the fact that the Col- labro has remained

13 To Know Them is to Love Them

Collabro transforms the listener and transports him/her to a The variety and dif- more profound dimension. Their effectiveness is proportional ferences among to the degree the listener opens him/herself to being trans- those who follow formed and transported. Collabro add to the richness of their work. They have transformed multi-generations of humanity. Their trans-generational appeal speaks to the quality and need for this musical expression.

The listener is presented with a unique experience no matter how many times a song is heard. There are always new dimen- sions being revealed. An individual is not able to appreciate the full extent of their musical genius by listening to a song . Those who have been attracted to Collabro, their sound, and their charisma span all age ranges, all genders, all nationali- The musical versatility demonstrated by Collabro is evident ties, and all levels of society. Hailey and Heaven, pictured when multiple versions of the same song is heard. It is easy to above, are from Tacoma, Washington while Gharie, pictured hear the different parts being sung by different members of on the next column, is from Manilla, The Philippines. Each re- the group. In one version, Michael may sing a particular part sponse is due to his/her unique and personal encounter. in a song while in another rendition, Matt or Tom may pick up

14 that part. This flexibility shows the depth of their musical abil- acting with the public. A misinterpreted word or facial expres- ity and their knowledge of one another. It demonstrates their sion can be disastrous for the group. knowledge of every part of a song and their versatility to sing different parts. Their followers are attracted to the members collectively and individually. The young men respond positively to the adula- tion of the Collaborators. I have been impressed with their ese communications via Twitter with their followers. There is an genuine knowledge of the fans contributing to their appeal.

These creative five young men have risen to the demands of stardom. Thomas, a self-admitted introvert, has definitely stepped out of his comfort zone and opened himself to the adoring Collaborators. In kind, his entire family participate in his success and the group’s popularity. Not unlike the other Collabro members, Thomas loves his siblings Bethany, Gab- riel and Ben (I hope I did not omit any of his siblings) who walked onto the global stage via social media.

We, Collaborators, have n been introduced to those who are part of Collabro’s lives. Roxlene Henley seems to have a special connection with Richard. He introduced her to us during an interview when he named her as the In addition to their vocal and acting abilities, these young woman he thought to be the have have shown themselves to be extremely professional. most beautiful in the world. Thrown abruptly into the spotlight, each young man conducts Thomas followed and himself as if he has been in the limelight all his life. Jamie com- named his girlfriend as the mented that he had to learn to be “on” all the time when inter- most beautiful.

15 Matt, in response to the question “What did you want to do They support other-centered causes. Jamie writes a maga- when you were a child?”, announced to the world he wanted zine column. They are socially conscience and active. to eat crayons, an activity I’m sure his mother discouraged. From the crayon eater to the kitchen salesman, Matt pursued They have responded well to the demands placed upon them both Rugby and music. An early picture of him shows him due to their fame and success. Even the most extroverted indi- holding a trumpet, although we have yet to hear him play a vidual would tire of constantly being “on” with little to no pri- note. vate time. Richard, in a pre-performance video for Britian’s Got Talent, stated that winning the contest would allow them Michael, on the other hand, had loftier aspirations than Matt. to make Collabro their full-time career and do what they al- He announced his childhood desire was to be a fireman. His ways wanted to do. job at the petrol station is somewhat related with fireman. They drive trucks propelled by engines that require petrol. They accomplished that goal and now face the daily demands This is the closest Michael was to achieving his younger aspi- of the business. The glamour and fame does not portray the ration. hard work behind the scene. Their sound, success, and allure is the result of practice, honing, rewriting the “script” with little Jamie is multi-talented. He is fluent in Spanish and spent time time for oneself. teaching English to native Spanish speakers. Locally, he devel- oped a following performing at various venues during his teen- We who follow Collabro are grateful for their dedication to age years. The transition from hospital employee to a global their career, their music, their family and friends, and to us. singing was actively pursued. They have acknowledged their success is the result of their fan support. All we can do is continue to support them and Richard enjoyed playing Rugby and was quite accomplished. thank them for transforming our lives by their presence and However, an injury keeps him from playing more regularly. He music. truly excels in the performing arts. In between sporadic jobs, he would busking (a term I had never heard before I encoun- tered Collabro) to earn money. He was a member of a local music group and perfected his vocal talent through lessons with the group’s director.

All members of Collabro are highly educated and well rounded young men. None of the young men is egocentric.

16 The Audience Reaction to Collabro’s Music

Throughout their career various Collabo- That just blew me away. So awe- rators shared their renditions of various some! - Amber Grant numbers. The following comments are from those who viewed the videos on I can't get enough of your music. YouTube. Some are pre-concert com- Just keep me feeling all that you ments while others refer to numbers are singing. I am in tears every from the concert. time but they are good tears. - Nellie van der Meer WOW - I get chills listening to these guys!!! This is my favourite song from This is probably the closest to Les Miserable!!! - James Duncan seeing them in person that I'll ever get. Thanks for posting. OH WOW i'm in tears right now :'( I love Here in the USA we appreciate these guys so much & your vids are so all the video's we can see. The clear & close Well Done you! When i got boys are beyond awesome. - my camera out to take some pics i got Julia Glass told to put it away :( I can honestly say you're my favourite person right now for getting these wonder- Thank you for sharing! A very different performance of Col- ful videos, the best i've seen of Collabro & i've seen a few tee- labro! We are getting to know them better!!!!!! Great work, Rox hee!! & they are from Birmingham :) so now i can relive that anne! - Adriana from Perth magical night Thank You xxxx - eco Debs Thank you for posting this. Love to hear them banter back and This video is awesome. I hope collabro adds I Dreamed A forth. You can tell they are enjoying this experience. What joy. Dream to their next album it's beautiful. Thank you for sharing - Kathy Stankoven such beauty - Patricia Harman

17 A Most beautiful rendition of this lovely ballad, with strong har- group. There were too many to include all in this unauthorized monies and happy background photos, far superior to (One Di- volume. You can see for yourself that they are genuinely ap- rection) in my opinion? - Clive Mainwaring Over the Rainbow) plauded and appreciated for their gift to the music world.

I AM A 76 YEAR OLD GREAT GRANDFATHER AND I CAN Even though they are down to earth young men there is a SAY THIS IS THE ABVSOLUTE BEST RENDITION OF THIS sense of awe when their fans meet them. It becomes for both BEAUTIFUL SONG.- Edward McKiernan (Over the Rainbow) a memorable event. These moment are cherished in the heart and soul of the artist and devotée. The Collaborators clamour Richard has a wonderful voice with a great range - surprised to be “followed” and “DM” on Twitter. There is a bond created not to have heard of him in the past. The harmonies in their when introductions are made, bonds that appear to be long CD star are excellent and some very unexpected. - Michael lived. It makes no difference whether the introduction is an in- McLaughlin

OUTSTANDING!! I love these guys!! - Sarah Troub

I have got very emotional again! Just like Jamie does!! - Pam Davey just seen them at blackpool absolutely amazing singers and gorgeous to - Susan Nurdin

Super! Just LOVE these boys! And you too as it seems :-) Great compilations and beautiful music. THANKS for sharing! - Eva Henriksson

I'm American and honestly upset it took me this long to hear of you guys! - Alex Scoras

Michael is a beautiful young man, much like Prince Charming, dividual to the group or an individual to a group member. and he has a beautiful voice.- Patricia Harman Each Collaborator is welcomed gratefully and warmly. The These comments represent a small percentage of those sub- same depth of personal interaction that they portray during mitted on the 35,300 pages of YouTube videos about this their performances and their interviews.

18 19 The Face of Collabro


If a picture communicates a thousand words, Chapter 8 is semi-final performance, they worked diligently to achieve per- rife with words that capture the Face of Collabro. As previous fection, and they did. In reaction to their final performance, stated in this work, these young men have been influenced Simon Cowell noted the improvement from the first time they by many individuals from their parents, their voice teachers, sang Stars by stating the first time he heard them sing, it was their school teachers, as well as the myriad experiences that but the final version demonstrated an improvement and a de- helped to shape them. We, as Collaborators, are participants sire to win the competition. in their ongoing metamorphosis. Their transformation from the initial appearance on Britain’s Got Talent to their tour per- Success is never fully achieved. It is a goal after which enter- formances has been incredible. Their tour exposed them as tainers strive. They rehearse long hours to capture their best truly professional. at that very moment. They are fully aware there is much more they can do to improve. They strive to produce songs that The quality of their performances was a staircase above their are generative, dynamic, and life giving. final performance on Britain’s Got Talent. Their tour was the culmination of this period in their budding career. There is We are privileged to participate in this transformational proc- more to be accomplished. With each album, song, and per- ess. Our active participation as Collaborators spurs these formance listeners will experience an improved Collabro dedi- young men to stretch and extend themselves - to become cated to producing the most perfect sound they are able to more than they are. We are also the Faces of Collabro. produce. As Thomas stated in the video cameo before their

25 It Takes a Globe

There are many basic ingredients that, when blended to- Kingdom. Going national and ultimately global were decisions gether, contribute to a performer’s success. Discovering that redirected the group’s target and energies. The televised these ingredients and the perfect mixture are critical for any audition on Britain’s Got Talent redefined the group. Michael artist. The process is ever more critical for a group of five. Auger stated that the audition was their introduction to Brit- ain. Little did they realize how viral their performance would Alesha, after Collabro’s audition, was shocked that they were go worldwide and they were introduced to the planet. able to achieve so much is so little time. The chemistry among all five band members was so perfectly combined they What did the audition for Britain’s Got Talent reveal about Col- were able to create beautiful harmonies, solos and an overall labro’s potential success? What are the ingredients in the Col- sound. labro Recipe that catapulted them onto the world stage?

The formation of a cohesive group takes time and effort. For the members of Collabro the more they interacted with one an- other and discussed their hopes and dreams the birthing proc- ess of this musical phenomenon began. The altered individual professional vision quickly morphed into a group vision. They abandoned their efforts to go it alone and formed a musical fraternity through which their talents could be shared with the world.

These five individuals originally wanted to perform to small groups. Their vision expanded when they opted to send their demo tape to Britain’s Got Talent. They now set their target from entertaining audiences on cruise ships or small corpo- rate gigs to becoming a household word across the United

26 The Road Chosen

The Ingredients ual or group is confronted with Loving and supportive family several hurdles the road to their Vocally talented young men success can take longer. Individuals who share a dream and goal In the case of Individuals who desire to entertain Collabro, an ob- Young men who have agreed on the sound they want to server would as- share with the audience sess their chal- lenges to be An obsession for perfection minimal. It it easy to say that A knowledge of music and key changing the key ingredients to a successful career were there from the beginning. They make their fans believe the production of A love of people their product to be easy, without hurdles, a smooth road. How- ever, we are not naive to believe that. I surmise they have had Affability their external and internal hurdles to overcome. Sense of humor The young men hone their God-given gift and create a sound An openness to direction and criticism that penetrates to the source of the listener’s being. As the lis- tener opens up to Collabro’s sound, the experience is en- A dedication to and an appreciation of their fans hanced by involving the other senses. When all the senses are fully involved, the listener is transported to a more profound The mere existence of these ingredients does not guarantee a dimension of being. unique sound or professional success. The degree to which these ingredients are blended together is a determining factor in an individual or group’s success. The lack of one ingredient establishes a road block or hurdle to overcome. If an individ-

27 The fully involved listener is capable of visualizing the scene A line in Les Misérables states that to love someone is to see before him/her and feeling the emotions transmitted through the face of God. We can amend that metaphor to state that to the sound. Collabro has honed its skill so sharply to captivate experience Collabro completely is to hear the voice of the Ulti- the listener and place him/her in the scene on stage. During mate Creator fulfilling humanity’s deepest desire. their tour, Collabro invited the audience to join them in a vari- ety of musical experiences. In conclusion, Collabro’s charisma flows from who the young men themselves, the many who influence their character, and their incredible ability to blend the ingredients thoroughly into a transformative sound.