Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Subject 82-42 by Ronald T. Jones Ronald T. Jones, Lori Thompson - Motor Vehicle Accident. On June 8, 2018 at approximately 21:16 hours Vermont State Police Troopers, Essex Rescue and Jericho-Underhill Fire Department were dispatched to a two vehicle, head-on motor vehicle crash on Vermont Route 15 at the intersection of River Road. Preliminary investigation determined that vehicle #1 was entering onto Route 15 from River Road and was attempted to proceed Westbound. While negotiating to turn, vehicle #1 went too wide and made contact with a curb on the north side of the road with the passenger side front wheel/tire. This event caused vehicle #1 to deflect back across the east bound lane, into the West bound lane, and into the path of vehicle #2. Both vehicles sustained significant damage and were considered to be total losses. Operator #1 and his front seat passenger, his 13 year old son Christopher Jones, were transported by Essex Rescue to UVM Medical Center to receive treatment for their injuries. Operator #2 was checked at the scene and declined transport/ further treatment. While investigating the crash the troopers learned that operator #1 had consumed alcohol prior to the crash and it was believed was a factor in the crash. Operator #1 was processed for DWI at UVM Medical Center. The investigation is active and no criminal charges or Vermont Civil Violation Complaints have been filed/issued as of this writing. An updated press release will be issued at a later date at the conclusion of this investigation. On July 23, 2018, Mr. Jones (through his attorney) was issued a citation to appear in Chittenden Superior Court, Criminal Division, on August 28, 2018 to answer the charge of Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol and Cruelty to a Child. No mug shot is available at this time. MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH CASE#:18A102574 RANK/TROOPER FULL NAME: Sergeant Michael Kamerling STATION: Williston CONTACT#: (802) 878-7111 DATE/TIME: 06/08/2018 @ 2116 hours STREET: Vermont Route 15 at the intersection of River Road TOWN: Jericho WEATHER: Clear ROAD CONDITIONS: Dry asphalt. VEHICLE #1 OPERATOR: Ronald T. Jones AGE: 49 SEAT BELT? No CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Jericho VEHICLE YEAR: 2011 VEHICLE MAKE: Mitsubishi VEHICLE MODEL: Gallant DAMAGE TO VEHICLE #1: Heavy front end damage- vehicle totaled INJURIES: fractured nose, cuts and lacerations- was transported to and admitted at UVM Medical to be evaluated for possible more serious injuries. HOSPITAL: UVM Medical Center, Burlington. VEHICLE #2 OPERATOR: Lori Thompson AGE: 55 SEAT BELT? Yes CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Underhill, Vt VEHICLE YEAR: 2003 VEHICLE MAKE: Honda VEHICLE MODEL: Pilot DAMAGE TO VEHICLE #2: Heavy front end damage- vehicle totaled INJURIES: minor injuries - was checked at the scene by Essex Rescue but not transported. HOSPITAL: (IDENTIFY) Relevant Address(es): Uvm, VT 05405 (Set as Local) Essex, VT 05452 (Set as Local) Jericho, VT 05465 (Set as Local) Underhill, VT 05489 (Set as Local) Burlington, VT 05401 (Set as Local) Subject 82-42 by Ronald T. Jones. Executive Office of the Governor. Office of the Chief Inspector General. Office of Investigations. Date: September 8, 2000 Case Number: 200004030001. I. Introduction: On April 3, 2000, the Office of the Chief Inspector General, Executive Office of the Governor, received a complaint from Ken Kopczynski, Legislative Assistant, Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc., Tallahassee, Florida alleging that Clayton Mark HODGES, Executive Director, Correctional Privatization Commission (CPC) may have violated the provisions of Florida State Statute (FSS) 957 (Correctional Privatization Commission Act) when HODGES took an honorarium from Management & Training Corporation (M&TC), a bidder to the CPC. Additionally, Kopczynski alleged that Ronald T. JONES, formerly employed by the CPC, violated the provisions of FSS 957 in that JONES accepted employment with the Corrections Corporation of America within two years after leaving his employment with the CPC. II. Allegations: It is alleged that Clayton Mark HODGES violated the provisions of Florida State Statute (FSS) 957 (Correctional Privatization Commission Act) when HODGES took an honorarium from Management & Training Corporation (M&TC), a bidder to the CPC. It is alleged that Ronald T. JONES violated the provisions of FSS 957 in that Jones accepted employment with the Corrections Corporation of America within two years after leaving his employment with the CPC. Ill. Investigative Findings: It was unsubstantiated that HODGES violated the provisions of FSS 957 by accepting an honorarium from the M&TC. It is substantiated that HODGES violated the provisions of FSS 112.3149 (6) in that he failed to report the receipt of the honorarium related expenses within the prescribed time. It is substantiated that Ronald T. JONES violated the provisions of FSS 957 in that JONES accepted employment with the Corrections Corporation of America within two years after leaving his employment with the CPC. Report of Investigation 200004030001. IV. OTHER FINDINGS. During the course of this investigation, it was noted that the procurement and travel practices of the CPC did not contain sufficient checks and balances to ensure proper accountability. The CPC did not currently have dedicated legal support. FSS 957 does not have any enforcement mechanism. It was noted that during the course of this investigation, Ken Kopczynski reported the possible conflict of interest to the Ethics Commission. On May 17, 2000, Investigator Keith Russell, called and informed this investigator that investigation number 00-15 was initiated by the Ethics Commission regarding Kopczynski�s concerns. V. Program Recommendations: The Department of Management Services (DMS) should exercise oversight over the CPC. DMS may also wish to consider providing dedicated legal support to the CPC. The DMS Inspector General�s Office may wish to consider a review of the procurement and travel practices of the CPC. This review would focus on the apparent lack of checks and balances in the approval process for travel and procurement. Prepared By: Jeffrey W. Kelly Date: 8 September 2000. Executive Office of the Governor. Office of the Chief Inspector General. Office of Investigations. Report of Investigation. Agent: Jeffrey W. Kelly Date: August 25, 2000. I. Introduction. On April 3, 2000, the Office of the Chief Inspector General, Executive Office of the Governor, received a complaint from Ken Kopczynski, Legislative Assistant, Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc., Tallahassee, Florida alleging that Clayton Mark HODGES, Executive Director, Correctional Privatization Commission (CPC) may have violated the provisions of Florida State Statute (FSS) 957 (Correctional Privatization Commission Act) when HODGES took an honorarium from Management & Training Corporation (M&TC), a bidder to the CPC. Additionally, Kopczynski alleged that Ronald T. JONES, formerly employed by the CPC, violated the provisions of FSS 957 in that JONES accepted employment with the Corrections Corporation of America within two years after leaving his employment with the CPC. ALLEGATIONS: 1. It is alleged that Clayton Mark HODGES violated the provisions of Florida State Statute (FSS) 957 (Correctional Privatization Commission Act) and FSS 112.3149 (Solicitation and disclosure of honoraria) when Hodges took an honorarium from Management & Training Corporation (M&TC), a bidder to the CPC. 2. It is alleged that Ronald T. JONES violated the provisions of FSS 957 in that Jones accepted employment with the Corrections Corporation of America within two years after leaving his employment with the CPC. II. FINDINGS. Allegation 1: Clayton Mark HODGES violated the provisions of FSS 957 and FSS 112.3149 in that HODGES accepted an honorarium from the Management & Training Corporation (M&TC). Based on the information obtained via personal interviews and the review of pertinent documentation it was unsubstantiated that HODGES violated the provisions of FSS 957 by accepting an honorarium from the M&TC. Report of Investigation. Case Number: 200003210005. It is not substantiated that HODGES violated the provisions of FSS 112.3149 (6) in that he failed to report the receipt of the honorarium related expenses within the prescribed time. Kopczynski reported that HODGES violated the provisions of FSS 957 during May 17 - 23, 1997, when HODGES went to Hawaii and met with management and staff of the M&TC (Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 31 and 32). The M&TC is a registered lobbyist corporation within the State of Florida (Exhibits 4, 5, and 6) and had previously bid on several contracts initiated by the CPC (Exhibit 7). M&TC did not receive the contracts. HODGES did not make any claim to the State of Florida for travel related expenses for this particular trip, although he did report it as time worked (Exhibits 8, 9 and 10). A Senior Vice President for M&TC advised that his company had paid for HODGES� travel, lodging, and food expenses for the trip. The Senior Vice President was not sure of the exact breakdown of the expenses, but thought that the amount of $1,800.00 was a little high as he believed that it may have been less than $1,800.00 (Exhibit 32). HODGES was required to file a Statement of Financial Interests (Form 1) and an Annual Disclosure of Gifts From Governmental Entities and Direct Supported Organizations and Honorarium Event Related Expenses (Form 10) no later than July 1, 1998 (Exhibit 12). On June 24, 1997, HODGES filed the required forms but did not list that he received the honorarium related expenses (Exhibits 13 and 14). On August 4, 1997, HODGES hand delivered an amended Annual Disclosure of Gifts From Governmental Entities and Direct Supported Organizations and Honorarium Event Related Expenses (Form 10) reflecting he received an estimated $1,800.00 in honorarium expenses (Exhibits 11, 15 and 16). Hodges missed the filing date of July 1, 1998, but filed within the 60- day grace period, even though he was not sent a reminder memorandum (Exhibits 28 and 29). Allegation 2: It is alleged that Ronald T. JONES violated the provisions of FSS 957 in that JONES accepted employment with the Corrections Corporation of America within two years after leaving his employment with the CPC. Based upon the information obtained via personal interviews and a review of the pertinent documentation it is determined that this allegation is substantiated. JONES was employed as an Operations and Management Consultant for the CPC. JONES left the CPC in June 1998 for employment with the State of Ohio. JONES subsequently left the employment with the State of Ohio in April 1999 and obtained employment with the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), within a year of leaving employment with the CPC (Exhibits 17 and 18). On June 23, 1997, JONES received information regarding dual employment and the pertinent code of ethics restrictions. Therefore, he should have been aware of the prohibitions of employment with the CPC and the possible conflicts of interest. Report of Investigation. Case Number: 200003210005. (Exhibit 19). The CCA operates two correctional facilities under contract with the CPC and operate a Juvenile Offender Correction Center under contract with the Department of Juvenile Justice (Exhibits 20, 21 and 22). JONES� duties at the CCA do not entail any management or supervisory responsibility over the Florida facilities since his duties include gathering statistical information for the corporation (Exhibit 30). III. OTHER FINDINGS. During the course of this investigation, it was noted that the procurement and travel practices of the CPC did not contain sufficient checks and balances to ensure proper accountability. HODGES approved his own travel authorization and vouchers for reimbursement of travel expenses and vouchers for reimbursement of expenses other than travel (Exhibits 23, 24, 25 and 26). HODGES� procurement practices, because he allows the potential bidders to review the draft Request For Proposals may result in no bid protests, but makes the contracts susceptible to collusion among bidders. The CPC does not currently have dedicated legal support. HODGES stated that when he started the CPC he obtained legal assistance from DMS, then later hired a legal advisor. Subsequently, the legal advisor left the CPC and currently the CPC plans to coordinate legal issues with the DMS General Counsel. The CPC needs dedicated legal support to review procurement issues and provide guidance to ensure there is no breach of the procurement procedures. The legal support is also needed to provide the CPC Executive Director guidance on other issues, such as potential conflicts of interest. FSS 957 does not have any enforcement mechanism. While the statute lists prohibited activities, such as the post employment restriction, the statute does not provide for any remedies of situations where the statute is not followed. The Ethics Commission has not been charged with resolving violations. HODGES performed contract work with the City of Youngstown, Ohio, and utilized materials, such as a contract monitor manual, which was generated as a result of the CPC expending funds. HODGES claimed all the materials were public records (Exhibit 27). HODGES� actions may have violated the Conflict of Interest Statutes. Report of Investigation. Case Number: 200003210005. IV. Program Recommendations. The Department of Management Services (DMS) should exercise oversight over the CPC especially in the areas of travel authorization and procurement. This oversight would ensure integrity and efficiency by having subject matter experts involved in these areas. DMS may wish to consider providing dedicated legal support to the CPC. The DMS Inspector General�s Office may wish to consider a review of the procurement and travel practices of the CPC. This review would focus on the apparent lack of checks and balances in the approval process for travel and procurement. Byrd’s Office Explores Constitutionality of Sen. Clinton Serving as Secretary of State. President-elect , left, stands with Secretary of State-designate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., center, and National Security Adviser-designate Ret. Marine Gen. James Jones, right, at a news conference in Chicago, Dec. 1, 2008. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) ( - The Senate’s senior member and staunchest constitutional advocate on the Democratic side of the aisle, of West Virginia, is exploring whether Sen. (D-N.Y.) is eligible to become secretary of state in the Obama administration. The question of eligibility arises from Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution. It says that no can be appointed to a civil office that benefited from a salary increase during the time that House or Senate member served. On Jan. 4, 2008, President Bush signed an raising the salaries of cabinet secretaries from $186,600 to $191,300, a cost of living adjustment. Constitutional scholars who spoke to agreed this issue is a valid one in the confirmation process of Clinton, who President-elect Barack Obama announced Monday would be his nominee for secretary of state. However, they disagreed on whether the matter can be resolved by simply reducing the pay for the job back to the pre-2008 level. While there is legal precedent to allow members of Congress to accept these jobs – which came to be known as the “Saxbe fix” – Byrd has opposed the constitutionality of that remedy in the past. In 1973, President nominated Ohio Sen. William Saxbe as attorney general shortly after firing top Justice Department officials at the height of the , including Attorney General . Saxbe was a senator in 1969 when Congress voted to increase pay for cabinet secretaries. The matter was resolved when Congress voted to lower the attorney general’s salary to pre-1969 levels, and the Senate confirmed Saxbe over the objection of Byrd and others who challenged it on constitutional grounds. The Constitution was “so clear that it can’t be waived,” Byrd said in a Washington Post story at that time. “In my judgment, the bill itself shouldn’t be passed. We should not delude the American people into thinking a way can be found around the constitutional obstacle.” The issue is buzzing on the blogosphere, from legal blog to the liberal Daily Kos. Byrd’s spokeswoman Jenny Thalheimer told that the senator is not prepared to comment on the matter, but she said the staff is “doing research” on the matter and asserted that the constitutional clause potentially rendering Clinton ineligible “is not that obscure.” The clause, referred to as the “Emoluments Clause” – emoluments meaning salary – says: “No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.” Constitutional scholars agree that the clause’s intent was to prevent corruption – to prevent congressmen from establishing an office or raising the salary of an office and then accepting to occupy that office and reap its enhanced financial benefits. Still, others argue that the “Saxbe fix” is no fix at all, because the constitutional clause was also intended to limit the size of the federal bureaucracy. Further, some contend, adjusting the salary does not change the clear language in the Constitution. Whether that matters to the Senate often depends on the political circumstances, said John F. O’Conner, a Washington attorney who wrote a Hofstra Law Review article on the “Emoluments Clause.” “It usually depends on political considerations,” O’Connor told “There is a long tradition of sartorial courtesy. Lloyd Bentson flew through. But Saxbe met with hostility because it happened after the .” Clinton had no role in the 2008 executive order, nor did she play any role in the enabling legislation enacted in 1992 with President George H.W. Bush’s signature that allowed the president to award cost of living adjustments. Nonetheless, O’Connor said, the constitutional language addresses a raise that occurs while members of Congress are serving their terms in office, whether or not they voted on it. Thus, since Clinton started her second term in 2007, she would not be eligible for a cabinet-level position until 2013, skeptics of the “Saxbe fix” say. “While Senate confirmation is not the only avenue to contest the constitutionality of the Clinton nomination, courts have been reluctant to recognize in lawsuits based on the “Emoluments Clause,” O’Connor said. When Alabama Sen. was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court, after having voted to increase the pension of federal judges, the issue came up. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge to the Black nomination, because it ruled the petitioner had no standing in the 1937 case of . The standing precedent was upheld in the case of McClure v. Carter , later McClure v. Reagan in 1981. Still, a legal challenge against Clinton’s authority to take administrative action is possible, said Ilya Shapiro, senior fellow in constitutional studies at the libertarian Cato Institute. “There is a plausible way that a denial of a passport or other administrative actions by the State Department could be subject to legal challenge,” Shapiro told Though the precedent was named for Saxbe, it was first used in 1909, when President nominated Pennsylvania Sen. Philander Knox to be secretary of state. The Senate voted to approve the nomination with the caveat of rolling back the secretary’s salary. The same waiver was used when President nominated Maine Sen. for secretary of state in 1980. President reportedly opted not to use the “Saxbe fix” to nominate Utah Sen. to the Supreme Court in 1987 after the failed nomination of . He chose . Applying the clause to Clinton’s nomination could be construed as a “hyper-technical” reading of the Constitution, said Joseph Postell, assistant director of the Center for American Studies at the conservative Heritage Foundation, but, he added, “that said – the language is clear.” The Saxbe fix would be adequate in this case, Postell said. But he said it should not go unaddressed. Gentherm Inc. THRM (U.S.: Nasdaq) Currently, Jaymi Wilson is VP-Strategy, Marketing & Communications at Gentherm, Inc. Ms. Wilson received an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Eastern Michigan University. News Gentherm Inc. THRM. 06/11/21 Press Release Press Release 06/02/21 Press Release Press Release 05/18/21 Press Release Press Release 04/29/21 Press Release Press Release 04/08/21 Press Release Press Release 04/07/21 Press Release Press Release. All Company Executives Gentherm Inc. Notes & Data Providers. 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Cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrency quotes are updated in real-time. Sources: CoinDesk (Bitcoin), Kraken (all other cryptocurrencies) Calendars and Economy: 'Actual' numbers are added to the table after economic reports are released. Source: Kantar Media. Subject 82-42 by Ronald T. Jones. Date Occurred: 10/25/10 Location Occurred: Outside of 638 26th Avenue South Circumstances: During the evening hours of Saturday, September 25, 2010, Latedra Everett (TeTe), was gunned down in the 600 block of 26th Ave S, while dropping off friend. Justin D. Green. Date Occurred: 10/01/09 Location Occurred: 2100 Hampton Drive North Circumstances: The victim was shot and killed during a home invasion robbery to his residence at 2100 Hampton Drive North. Clifford Brown. Date Occurred: 05/20/09 Location Occurred: 4300 Dartmouth Avenue North Circumstances: The victim was shot and killed inside a red pick-up truck in the 4300 block of Dartmouth Avenue North. Carmen Tungate. Date Occurred: 01/22/09 Location Occurred: 2400 Highland Street South Circumstances: The victim was shot and killed while driving his white work van southbound in the 2400 block of Highland Street South. Willie Calhoun. Date Occurred: 08/21/08 Location Occurred: 1201 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street South Circumstances: On 08/21/08, Willie Calhoun was found shot to death at 1201 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street South after a dispute with an unknown subject. Cyril M. Obinka. Date Occurred: 05/02/08 Location Occurred: 5420 26 Street South Circumstances: On 05/02/08, Cyril M. Obinka was shot to death inside his Yellow Cab at 5420 26th Street South. The motive is unknown. William Hobson. Date Occurred: 04/22/08 Location Occurred: 610 4th Street North Circumstances: On 04/22/08, William Hobson’s body was located inside a motel room at 610 4th Street North. The cause of death was blunt trauma. The motive is unknown. Jabar McNair. Date Occurred: 02/21/08 Location Occurred: 4500 5 Avenue South Circumstances: On 02/21/08, the body of Jabar McNair was found inside a vehicle at 958 58th Street North. Mr. McNair was shot to death and partially burned. The homicide is believed to have occurred in the 4500 block of 5th Avenue South on 02/20/08. Mishell S. McDaniel. Date Occurred: 02/21/08 Location Occurred: 4500 5 Avenue South Circumstances: On 02/21/08, the body of Mishell S. McDaniel found inside a vehicle at 958 58th Street North. Ms. McDaniel was shot to death and partially burned. The homicide is believed to have occurred in the 4500 block of 5th Avenue South on 02/20/08. Keith W. Sovey. Date Occurred: 02/06/08 Location Occurred: 4445 17th Avenue South Circumstances: On 01/20/08, Keith W. Sovey was shot to death during a home invasion robbery at 4445 17th Avenue South. Benjamin S. Philyor. Date Occurred: 10/11/07 Location Occurred: 2581 Langdon Avenue South Circumstances: 2581 Langdon Avenue South. Miguel Bell. Date Occurred: 09/22/07 Location Occurred: 2534 21st Street South Circumstances: On 09/22/07, Miguel Bell was found shot to death behind 2534 21st Street South. Mandy M. Sampson. Date Occurred: 09/19/07 Location Occurred: 776 ½ 16th Avenue South Circumstances: On 9/19/07, Mandy M. Sampson was shot to death at 776 ½ 16th Avenue South during an attempted home invasion robbery. Charles L. Cummings. Date Occurred: 09/15/07 Location Occurred: 400 block of 8th Street North Circumstances: On 09/15/07, Charles L. Cummings was found murdered in the 400 block of 8th Street North. This occurred under the overpass of I-375. Alfonso J. Williams. Date Occurred: 09/06/07 Location Occurred: 1700 block of 47th Street South Circumstances: On 9/6/07, Alfonso J. Williams was shot to death in the 1700 block of 47th Street South during a drive-by shooting. Amuel Murph. Date Occurred: 07/12/07 Location Occurred: 1409 28th Avenue South Circumstances: On 07/12/07, Amuel Murph was shot to death at 1409 28th Avenue South. This occurred in front of the victim’s residence. Charles E. Williams. Date Occurred: 04/14/07 Location Occurred: 2700 block of 20th Street South Circumstances: On 04/14/07, Charles E. Williams was shot to death in the 2700 block of 20th Street South. Tracey L. Walker. Date Occurred: 04/03/07 Location Occurred: 3635 6th Street South Circumstances: On 04/03/07, Tracey L. Walker was shot to death at 3635 6th Street South during a retaliation shooting. Tony D. Calloway. Date Occurred: 08/18/06 Location Occurred: Yarmouth Avenue South and 46th Street Circumstances: On 08/18/06, Tony D. Calloway was shot to death near Yarmouth Avenue South and 46th Street South during a drug transaction. Douglas H. Cuff. Date Occurred: 07/19/06 Location Occurred: 1409 12th Street South Circumstances: On 07/19/06, Douglas H. Cuff was found stabbed to death near 1409 12th Street South. Vondarrial M. Jones. Date Occurred: 06/24/06 Location Occurred: 18th Avenue South and Russell Street Circumstances: On 06/24/06, Vondarrial M. Jones was shot to death near 18th Avenue South and Russell Street South. Ronald T. Williams. Date Occurred: 05/14/06 Location Occurred: 6340 17th Street South Circumstances: On 05/14/06, Ronald T. Williams was shot to death at his residence during a home invasion robbery. This occurred at 6340 17th Street South.