Identification of Candidate Sites for a Near Surface Repository for Radioactive Waste
LT0600028 IDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE SITES FOR A NEAR SURFACE REPOSITORY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE LNIUS. 2OO4 Radioactive Waste Management Agency Geological Survey of Lithuania Institute of Geology and Geography Lithuanian Energy Institute IDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE SITES FOR A NEAR SURFACE REPOSITORY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT Vilnius, Lithuania, 2004 UDK[621.039.7:504.5](047J)(474.5) Identification of candidate sites for a near surface repository for radioactive waste: report/ J. Adomaitis, R. Baubinas, G. Budvytis ... et al.; Eds. S. Motiejunas, J. Satkunas, J. Mazeika; Radioactive Waste Management Agency, Geological Survey of Lithuania, Institute of Geology and Geography, Lithuanian Energy Institute. -Vilnius: Geological Survey of Lithuania, 2004. - 144 p.: iliustr. CONTRIBUTORS CHAPTER 1 (Dainius Janenas, dr. Stasys Motiejunas, RATA; dr. Jonas Adomaitis, LEI) CHAPTER 2 (prof., dr. habil. Povilas Po§kas, dr. Jonas Adomaitis, LEI; dr. Stasys Motiejunas, Liudmila Penkova, RATA) CHAPTER 3 (Algirdas Vaidotas, RATA; dr. Jonas Adomaitis, LEI) CHAPTER 4 (dr. Jonas Adomaitis, prof., dr. habil. Povilas PosTcas, Grazvydas Budvytis, LEI; Algirdas Vaidotas, dr. Stasys Motiejunas, RATA) CHAPTERS PARAGRAPH 5.1 (dr. Rtfardas Baubinas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, dr. Julius Taminskas, GGI) PARAGRAPH 5.2 (dr. Jurga Lazauskiene, dr. Rimante Guobyte, LGT; dr. Vita Dginyte, GGI) CHAPTER 6 PARAGRAPH 6.1 (dr. RiCardas Baubinas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, dr. Julius Taminskas, GGI) PARAGRAPH 6.2 (Jolanta Cyziene, dr. Rimante Guobyte, Daina Radzeviciene, LGT) PARAGRAPH 6.3 (dr. Julius Taminskas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, GGI) CHAPTER 7 PARAGRAPH 7.1.1 (dr. Ridardas Baubinas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, GGI) PARAGRAPH 7.1.2 (dr. Jurga Lazauskiene, dr. Rimante Guobyte, Daina Radzeviciene, LGT) PARAGRAPH 7.2.1 (dr.
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