P0019-10016 005 Environmental Impact Assessment Report Ignalina

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P0019-10016 005 Environmental Impact Assessment Report Ignalina INPP BUILDING 117/1 DECONTAMINATION AND DISMANTLING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT P0019-10016 005 Environmental Impact Assessment Report Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling Organizer of the Proposed State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant Economic Activity Developer of the EIA Report VT Nuclear Services Ltd Lithuanian Energy Institute Nuclear Engineering Laboratory 2009 VT Nuclear Services Ltd S/17-947.7.9/EIAR/EN LEI Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 EIA report July 24, 2009 Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling Page 3 of 185 ABBREVIATIONS ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable CEC Commission of the European Communities D&D Decontamination and Dismantling DP Decommissioning Project EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System ECCS PT Emergency Core Cooling System Pressurized Tank EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EOTC Electric Overhead Travelling Crane EU European Union FRMF Free Release Measurement Facility HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air, used in the context of HEPA Filter(s) I&C Instrumentation and Control IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency INPP Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant ISO International Organisation for Standardisation Landfill A repository for a short-lived very low level radioactive waste facility (Landfill) LEI Lithuanian Energy Institute LLW-SL Short-Lived Low Level Waste MADA Multi Attribute Decision Analysis MFU Mobile Filtration Unit RBMK Water-cooled, graphite-moderated, pressure-tube-type boiling-water power reactor (Russian abbreviation of “Reactor Bolshoy Moshchnosty Kanalny”) VT Nuclear Services Ltd S/17-947.7.9/EIAR/EN LEI Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 EIA report July 24, 2009 Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling Page 4 of 185 PPE Personal Protective Equipment RPE Respiratory Protective Equipment SPZ Sanitary Protection Zone TS Technical Specification VATESI The Lithuanian State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate VLLW Very Low Level Waste WAC Waste Acceptance Criteria VT Nuclear Services Ltd S/17-947.7.9/EIAR/EN LEI Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 EIA report July 24, 2009 Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Decontamination and Dismantling Page 5 of 185 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF AUTHORS 2 TABLE OF REVISIONS 2 ABBREVIATIONS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 INTRODUCTION 7 SUMMARY 8 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 11 1.1 ORGANIZER OF THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 11 1.2 DEVELOPERS OF THE EIA REPORT 11 1.3 NAME AND CONCEPT OF THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 11 1.4 STAGES OF THE ACTIVITY, THEIR SEQUENCE AND DURATION 12 1.5 DEMAND FOR RESOURCES AND MATERIALS 13 2 TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES 16 2.1 PRESENT LAYOUT 16 2.2 DECONTAMINATION AND DISMANTLING TECHNOLOGY 36 2.3 TRANSFER OF D&D MATERIALS 48 3 WASTE 50 3.1 NON-RADIOACTIVE WASTE 50 3.2 RADIOACTIVE WASTE 52 4 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ON THE 55 COMPONENTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1 WATER 57 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AIR (ATMOSPHERE) 62 4.3 SOIL 81 4.4 UNDERGROUND (GEOLOGY) 83 4.5 BIODIVERSITY 91 4.6 LANDSCAPE 98 4.7 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 99 4.8 CULTURAL HERITAGE 104 4.9 PUBLIC HEALTH 105 5 POTENTIAL IMPACT ON NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES 130 5.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES 130 5.2 POTENTIAL NON-RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT AND IMPACT MITIGATION 133 MEASURES 5.3 POTENTIAL RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT AND IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES 136 6 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 137 6.1 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS 137 6.2 “ZERO” ALTERNATIVES 137 VT Nuclear Services Ltd S/17-947.7.9/EIAR/EN LEI Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 EIA report July 24, 2009 Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Decontamination and Dismantling Page 6 of 185 6.3 LOCATION ALTERNATIVES 138 6.4 ALTERNATIVES OF TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS 139 6.5 FINAL SELECTED OPTION 141 7 MONITORING 142 7.1 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS 142 7.2 UPDATING OF THE INPP MONITORING PROGRAM DUE TO BUILDING 117/1 151 DECONTAMINATION AND DISMANTLING 8 RISK ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT 154 9 DESCRIPTION OF DIFFICULTIES 172 CONCLUSIONS OF THE RELEVANT PARTIES 173 PUBLIC INFORMING DOCUMENTS 175 REFERENCES 176 VT Nuclear Services Ltd S/17-947.7.9/EIAR/EN LEI Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 EIA report July 24, 2009 Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling Page 7 of 185 INTRODUCTION The only one nuclear power plant in Lithuania, i.e. Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) is situated in the Northeastern part of Lithuania close to the borders with Latvia and Belarus and on the shore of Lake Druksiai. It is approximately one hundred and twenty kilometers away from the capital city Vilnius. The power plant possesses two RBMK-type water cooled graphite-moderated pressure- tube reactors each of a design capacity of 1500 MW(e). They were commissioned (first grid connection) in 1983 and 1987, respectively. In accordance with the National Energy Strategy [1] adopted by the Lithuanian Parliament the first unit of INPP was shut down on December 31, 2004. The shutdown of the second unit is scheduled for the end of 2009. The Lithuanian Government by resolution “On State Enterprise Ignalina NPP First Unit Decommissioning Concept” [2] has approved an immediate dismantling concept for the decommissioning of the first power unit of INPP. According to the INPP Final Decommissioning Plan [3] the INPP decommissioning process is split into several decommissioning projects (DP). Each of these DP is a process covering a particular field of activity, defining scope of works and their specific and providing input for organization of specific activity, safety analysis and environmental impact assessment. In order to ensure that environmental impact assessment (EIA) is based on reliable and detailed information, what becomes available along with the progress in the particular DP, the EIA Program of INPP decommissioning [4] provides to develop EIA reports separately for each DP. Every EIA report of a subsequent DP shall take into account results of previous reports. Thus the overall environmental impact due to INPP decommissioning would be assessed and controlled on the basis of the latest information, and environmental impact mitigation measures would be adequate to the real situation. The proposed economic activity, to which the present Environment Impact Assessment is associated, concerns dismantling and decontamination of redundant equipment located in the INPP Building 117/1. The proposed economic activity is one of separate decommissioning projects performed in accordance with the INPP Final Decommissioning Plan [3]. The development of EIA Report for this proposed economic activity is stipulated by the EIA Program of INPP Decommissioning [4]. The objectives of an EIA are defined by the Article 4 of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Assessment of the Impact on the Environment of the Proposed Economic Activities [5] and shall be as follows: • To identify, characterize and assess potential direct and indirect impacts of the proposed economic activity on human beings, fauna and flora; soil, surface and entrails of the earth; air, water, climate, landscape and biodiversity; material assets and the immovable cultural heritage, and interaction among these factors; • To reduce or avoid negative impacts of the proposed economic activity on human beings and other components of the environment, referred to in the paragraph above; and • To determine if the proposed economic activity, by virtue of its nature and environmental impacts, may be allowed to be carried out at the chosen site. The EIA assessment content and structure follows the requirements of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Assessment of the Impact on the Environment of the Proposed Economic Activities [5] and the Regulations on Preparation of Environment Impact Assessment Program and Report [6]. VT Nuclear Services Ltd S/17-947.7.9/EIAR/EN LEI Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 EIA report July 24, 2009 Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling Page 8 of 185 SUMMARY The proposed economic activity is named as the “Ignalina NPP Building 117/1 Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling”. The proposed economic activity is a part of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) decommissioning activity. The Power of Unit 1 of INPP was shutdown on 31 December 2004. After shutdown, the high pressure part of the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) and the Helium Make-up Station, located in the Building 117/1, became redundant and were no longer needed for safety or operational purposes. The Building 117/1 is located in the Ignalina NPP industrial site adjacently to the main building of the Power Unit 1. The proposed economic activity will decontaminate and dismantle (D&D) the redundant systems located in the Building 117/1 together with the associated auxiliaries according to the most efficient strategy. The strategy to be developed under this proposed economic activity will aim, while complying with the safety goals and the legal Lithuanian requirements, at minimizing the overall cost for Building 117/1 dismantling, including storage/disposal costs. The total mass of elements to be dismantled is estimated to be about 957 000 kg. It is expected that approximately 98% of the mass of the dismantled elements will be appropriately size reduced and decontaminated to free release conditions, i.e., they will meet the values of the clearance levels as defined in the Republic of Lithuania normative document LAND 34-2008
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