A W A R D ● W I N N I N G jmillers.com 934-6200 Gulf Breeze ● Pensacola ● Destin 50 ¢ April 10, 2008 Ryan Roose shows the robot GB Middle, High he built for Science page4A Olympiad competition. top state in Both the Gulf Breeze Middle and High Schools will Community Life Center pets Science Olympiad compete at are blessed. nationals in new for the schools, there are the next level. Although his Washington, BY FRANKLIN HAYES some newcomers to the team machine suffered a mechanical PAG E D.C. Gulf Breeze News 1D
[email protected] who are excited to prove their failure and his team placed 16th, worth against the nation’s very Roose is optimistic that his con- Whether it’s building func- best. traption can still be a dangerous ■ Surfers tional robots or identi- Like the infamous Dr. competitor. rescue fying samples of Frankenstein, Ryan Roose “If that hadn't happened, pair from igneous rock, Gulf toiled in his garage, combin- we would have won first or Breeze high and middle ing parts from defunct second place,” Roose said in Gulf school students are up machines to build the compet- reference to the Robot ■ Beach Ball to the challenge and itive robot he used in state Ramble event, where partici- is April 25 their talents are taking competition last month. A pants design and build them to compete among power window motor was robots to perform simple the nation’s best in used for torque and a rubber tasks. Science Olympiad. window cleaner was incorpo- Roose added that through Students from both rated to pick up index cards.