Light for the Line, THE SOOTH AFRICAN CHURCH RAILWAY MISSION MAGAZINE. X u . FiXLIX , Qi’ahtkklv. APRIL, 1923. 2j- per annum. ‘2/6 p o s t f k e e , South Hfncan (Xburcb 1Railwa\> iTIMssion. Office of the Mission: Diocesan Office, Grahamstown. STAFF. The Rev. Canon R. Thomely Jones, M.A. P.O. Box 133, Grahamstown. Reverend C. W. Stenson-Stenson.... —. Poste Restante, Bulawayo. Reverend A. C. Hobson, M.A. S. Augustine’s Vicarage, Kimberley. Reverend E. D . Smith The Parsonage, Naauwpoort. Reverend G. H . Thom e Alicedale. Miss M. Porter St. Monica’s Home, Queenstown. Miss Norah Short .... 2, Cuyler Crescent, Port Elizabeth. Miss J. Batcham .... .... .... .... 78, Douglas Street, Bloemfontein. Reverend E. Herbert .... .... .... Watervai Boven, Transvaal. Native Catechist: David Mjezu. Hon. Editor and Children’s Secretary: Miss Muriel Blundell, Box 133, Grahamstown. London Office: South African Room, Church House, Westminster, S.W. JJpn. Secretary in England: Miss Mary B. Attlee, Westcott, Twyford, Winchester, 2 LIGHT FOR THE LINE. LIGHT FOR THE LINE. till it was possible to get other workers out, and when that time came the old ones were Subscriptions, 2/- per annum, 2/6 post all worked out and had to be relieved: in free, can be paid to the Editor or to any of consequence- of this, those who took their the Mission Staff or Local Agents, or sent to the Diocesan Office, P.O. Box 133/ Grahams* places aré now, all in a buncfy, unfortunately, tow n . at the end of their term of service. Miss Local Agents are asked to send names and Porter sailed in January, but it is a pleasure new addresses of any removals from their list, to know that her going is only for a rest or change in numbers required, to the Editor, Box 133, Grahamstown, also to apply at once and that she hopes to come back about Sep to the Editor if the Magazines do not reach tember to carry on the good work she has them du ly.
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