Medical JOUR
RHODE ISLAND M EDICAL J ournaL FORGING A NEW FRONTIER IN 3D PRINTING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC See Q&A with Dr. Albert S. Woo, page 83 JUNE 2020 VOLUME 103 • NUMBER 5 ISSN 2327-2228 PATIENT CARE QUALITY OUTCOMES FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS MOST WITH COVERYS. Quality outcomes for better patient care are more easily achieved when distractions are reduced. At Coverys, we illuminate unforeseen risks so you can focus on patient satisfaction and reduce exposure to malpractice claims. As a premier provider of medical liability insurance, Coverys’ data insights and risk recommendations will help you provide optimal healthcare outcomes that you can see clearly. Very clearly. Visit for more information or call 800.225.6168. Medical Liability Insurance • Business Analytics • Risk Management • Education COPYRIGHTED. Insurance products issued by ProSelect® Insurance Company and Preferred Professional Insurance Company® RHODE ISLAND M EDICAL J OURNAL Preventing, Testing, Managing, and Treating Hepatitis C LYNN E. TAYLOR, MD, FAASLD, FACP GUEST EDITOR 19 Introduction Lynn E. Taylor, MD The Second Biggest Infectious Disease Killer in the U.S.: Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Steps Towards its Elimination in Rhode Island and Beyond LYNN E. TAYLOR, MD, FAASLD, FACP 22 Public Health Approaches Toward Eliminating Hepatitis C Virus in Rhode Island Matthew MURPHY, MD, MPH; KathariNE HOWE, MPH; THEODORE MARAK, MPH; THOMAS BertraND, MPH; MICHAELA MAYNARD, MPH, MSN, NP-C; COLLEEN DALEY NDOYE; RAYNALD JOSEPH; JERRY FINGERUT, MD; PHILIP A. CHAN, MD, MS 26 Liver Ultrasound Elastography: Review of Techniques and Clinical Applications ADIB R. KARAM, MD; MICHAEL D. BELAND, MD 30 Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma in a Patient with Hepatitis C: A Cautionary Tale SOUMITRI BARUA, AB, MD’21; SoPHIE SPRECHT-WALSH, LPN; ZOE WEISS, MD; JAMES N.
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