Portland Daily Press
DAILY PORTLAND ^ ^ ________ _____——I^^^■—————g—^——____________—_^___—_____PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862. VOL. 13. MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1874. PORTLAND, TERMS $8.00 PEHANNIMIN ADVANCt THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS PI K TO LEI. I cultivate EDUCATIONAL. KCTORY. REAL ESTATE. __WANTS._ THE my beds mostly with the spading Published the PRESS. every day (Sundays excerted) by fork, a strong, tempered steel instrument PORTLAND Booksellers and Stationers. for bile,—An elegant Wanted. To Let* with four flat PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., in MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 21, 1874 prongs. Setting this fork mid- HOVT,ftFO<Cia ,N*.01 Middle Street. ResidenceBrick House, well drained, very desirable BOA RD. Pleasant, Front Chamber, suit location. Western end ot the and Se- An reliable man to sell the able lor way between the T. 054 Cngren St. sunny city, ga* active, two persons. AIt*o, Table Boarders rows, drive it to the full At 108 Excuisoe St., Portland. COLLEGE MeGOWAN, hot and cold in win- wanted at BUSINESS bago, water every room, bay 4!) PLEASANT, St. depth, lift and dows, large brick fuiuaee, splendid cellar, wash trays American Horse and Cattle Spice _«el6d2w» THE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. throughly loosen the earth. Terms: Pc liars a Year in Eight advance. To admitted at any time when there are Book Binders, with bdt and cold water. to UPHAM & Between rows or Apply Portland and man To Leu Jwo two and a half feet mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- STUDENTSvacancies. All parties interested are invited to GARDINER, Real Estate No- 7 Exchange in vicinity.
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