Quantum Dynamics – Quick View Concepts of primary interest: The Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation Probability Density and Mixed States Selection Rules Transition Rates: The Golden Rule Sample Problem Discussions: Tools of the Trade Appendix: Classical E-M Radiation POSSIBLE ADDITIONS: After qualitative section, do the two state system, and then first and second order transitions (follow Fitzpatrick). Chain together the dipole rules to get l = 2,0,-2 and m = -2, -2, … , 2. ??Where do we get magnetic rules? Look at the canonical momentum and the Asquared term. Schrödinger, Erwin (1887-1961) Austrian physicist who invented wave mechanics in 1926. Wave mechanics was a formulation of quantum mechanics independent of Heisenberg's matrix mechanics. Like matrix mechanics, wave mechanics mathematically described the behavior of electrons and atoms. The central equation of wave mechanics is now known as the Schrödinger equation. Solutions to the equation provide probability densities and energy levels of systems. The time-dependent form of the equation describes the dynamics of quantum systems. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Schroedinger.html © 1996-2006 Eric W. Weisstein www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Schrodinger.html Quantum Dynamics: A Qualitative Introduction Introductory quantum mechanics focuses on time-independent problems leaving Contact:
[email protected] dynamics to be discussed in the second term. Energy eigenstates are characterized by probability density distributions that are time-independent (static). There are examples of time-dependent behavior that are by demonstrated by rather simple introductory problems. In the case of a particle in an infinite well with the range [ 0 < x < a], the mixed state below exhibits time-dependence.