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PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATT"llNKTS. CRISIS IN CHINA TOLD OF BY R U1 4 AH' ' Ji.iJ. iv. c Acni ami EYE-WITNESS- . j,n...P. ES WHO ARE NOW HER s'-- !' : if v.,1..'.- as, p

'JVsKfnf'nia; M Kaanumanu ft. Ol -- I A fromo o fanatical they will riion up almont That was done and the German troops AtlVliTMlC to our troops with iwonls. The Hoxers crossed the 15 llrinOnJllm His river and captured two jr'i:TKI!i"N -- Kaahuniann mmmvm mftWa have preyed upon the KUperatltlona of the Eye Shot Out guns. The English took one. and then Missionary's Wife lower classes and claim they are lnvul-- ni we trained our guns uoon our enemies ruU. They will jco amonjc these peop'.e and put them to fl.ght. We drove them For Victory Of and with a revolver loaded with blanks In Retreat Of out of the fort. We afterwards heard ACil R. Ilon.awpathta rrae-- A point the muzzles toward their own there were 8,000 In that fort behind the Tells Of The rmi i JLial attention given to breast. and fre. After each ehot they guns, but our allted troops drove them i'seeL. " r.sM.n?, will calmly remove from their mouth out by sheer pluck and bravery. It Ji':l . Allies. a bullet, and thus the awe-atrk-k- en crowds Allies. was all done In the night. We were are mad to believe they will become as told to reserve our fire as much as Flight. 0 Irvulnt-rable- , and so the recruiting Kes possible. Our ammunition was getting on. low, ; T I. and the men had but forty car- "Kverythlnar depends upon rt-lle- ex- tridges apiece." this X TROUBLE SURE IF pedition to TrklnR. If It results disas- GRAPHIC STORY OF The Lieutenant was modest in speak- it t . to trously to foreigners, friendly THE JOURNEY FROM King M ; U m.. I the the ing the part he took in gallant Viceroys morally bound to over the ; T"l. are turn night fight along - the river banks of the THE BOXERS GAIN t- their countrymen and make a stand A GERMAN OFFICER Pel-h- o, ana of the manner In which HONAN - TO HANKOW .rT(iAt.nnAITII.m- an.l nralnst the forelcners. The foreigners he received the wound which deprived by In- Wf irrtnlit anil AUk 8t. btllcve In staylrR their business him of the use of his left eye, and 1- ana 1 t . terests. they tiCKln to leave Shanghai - k.mr.- I to in. t to If which he now covers by using a colored I'W " the Chinese will commence lootln. Ttl 9i W. G. Mall and William A. Ramsay Interview With Lieutenant Von monccle. He had advanced with other "An amuslnii feature of the firing on brave Germans on the guns which were Mrs. Stokke's Account of Fear- Back in Their Honolulu the allied fleets off Taku Is that the Ger- Krohn of Imperial tearing the soldiers limb from limb. I Id IV rn., in man war vessel litis, which was pretty the Schrapnel was being fired. When with- ful Experiences in 10 M m. UX used up, M fumuy I to tU well was afterwards found to in a few yards as the troops were dash- Homes. htve been pelted with shells and project- German Navy. ing pell mell at the blazing batteries a o, B.10 Orient. i T. IHTMrRA.-"'fflc- Niiunu iles of all kinds of Oerman manufacture. bullet entered his eye lodging in the v TA W: P. tot M3; iltnco The Chinese are certainly well prepared skull behind the frontal bone. r.V.u.n offlro to W with the best ammunition." W. O. Hull ftnd William A. namnay. In that advance three Germans were ; to I J I to P. Rk Lieutenant von Krohn of the Imperial Many missionary men passing through I formerly of Honolulu but mora recently killed outright. In the entire night's navy Is In en route trans-Paclfl- o wATrniiounic-ofTi- co SCHOOLS OPEN ON TENTH. German Honolulu fight there were seven killed and twen from the Orienton the big A C 1 ve 4. nl nf fihunKhftl. rturnil on th torlc Unt In Germany. ty-fl- wounded out of the 400 Germans ' r, Kin . Alip; offl 4 from China to his home liners for their homes on the Mainland 1 rvrnlng; convlnrrj that th trouMrn In who took part. In the allied force sixty t In II I. m., 1 U I Rnl to Fall Tsrm for all the Island Public With an eye shot out by the Chinese man or.A , ..J. have told their stories of the trouble In HI lh Chlnrim Kmplr mak bualnna In ! Ti Wl troops, the Lieutenant bears the marks to of troubles .China, the brutality of the Boxers and the t away Classes Except Kona District. the list which Admiral (r-- unrrrtaln. They havo Wen of and tells a story of trouble- - Seymour had burdened upon Bufferings HO vivid the his shoul endured in fleeing from the VKTKHINARY EON. rrrm Honolulu ahout flvo montha and In On the 10th of September the public ders. After was they - ' if 'some times In the Flowery Kingdom, the fort taken wrath of the Celestials. is " V that time have re(oi both In IIonKkona schools throughout the Islands will held it for three days until a relieving omi-- mt. term, i The officer was a member of the. first 1,500 Now it Is a woman's turn. Here la the hI Kin Bini I commence the fall with the ex force of men of all nations came ttlM; und Hhanahal. They ha rcturne-- from -- U xl; rl't 1 or Mnt promptly ception of the district of Kona, Thl,re,,f 'orce whlch "ted from. Tien In to reinforce them. The greatest dif-- story of a brave little woman missionary war to no gey-ter- m r1. ii orttrr it th iNat of rlk will commence a little later. The newjTsf.i for Peking under Admiral' Acuity was to carry all the wounded who Is a passenger aboard the Doric. Rinri of thrlr Intrresta there until th begins - story of repulse of b,ch under auspicious clrcum- imour. 'ihe the that cases: "but were brought In arrived 'rom Ch,na and J wr ha been ttl"t. ' llf and ATHl-'Nt- stances, especially to teachers. bravely S. T It ' M A. ifllco, lo-- the little column which stood the not killed, despatches stat- - terday. Her husband. Rev. K. Stokke, t nub Ad-vrtl- er as the first . p. C7, Mr. Hall l laet avenln to an will begin , ir I m. to m.; TtU tar Their salaries at a higher; test of modern machine guns and rifles ed. The dead were burled where they had already gone ashore when Mrs. h 8hanu-hj- l y- - reporter thai when left figure than at any time heretofore and ln the han(i9 ce Chinese foreien-driile- d were killed. The force of Admiral Si stokke favored an Advertiser reporter mour Tien-Tsi- n on 26. MCNTIftti, the, furetfn authorltlea thr wero this fact alone should add largely to troops, is too well known for repetition, arrived at June wlth an Inerview aboard the steamer, - ft t . ftw Kt ltrttlxh "l- - their Interest in the school work. A ( in the forttaken there were found to tho arrival of except own words, Mrs- - Stokke is energetic, bright, . great many changes been made in the Lieutenant's be stored the finest of modern arms. an sin InUUn Hlkh, who will patrol the have The best rifles, cannon young lady, very very 4u, 0ti hmiM I ft. m. to 4 p. n. illr. wherein he describes the fatal march the finest for cere charming and city aaalnet any jwiexIMe attempt of the In the roster of principals and teachers field and siege, smokeless powder and alike. Kome have dropped, not a and the 'terrible trials which Admiral h Happy, notwithstanding the' ter-- -- M.iH cor. Chtn.-- aolillery to attack ben milllons of rounds of ammunition were ltnX Umith blil.. Fort iurrmtnilinn Seymour's force defended itself against Gov- - rlble hardships through which she has so ; few of the school ma'ams have married found, showing that the Chinese 4 olHi'a to They - lfnl 0ti. hour 1 th forelanera or th Iraatlona. since June, and new teachers will take and the heavy odds of fanatical Boxers ernmeiit had been secretly preparing recently passed.- Her happiness is never- - wrr to hat arrived on tha Itth. Mr. tor war or an HCft Hl'llt -I- 'Ml.nlolpM Intftl bold. 'and Imperial troops. outbreak for some time theless very natural and easily explained. I . " MnAonlQ dew as a com-typ- a i . . ... A . TO; Hall rlhes the .kh naacnllWnt nvw i Ms n f ya C4slrtrn Anlif 0t Tmpl; Tfl III Tne nr;tanla street school i iieif. is an oiticer ui iim oeiuian cruinvr arA ftafw of soldier, fully six feet In dis- - oriental ruences an era nf education that nus his lift .eye. Is not considered dis- - ctntly 'married, so that this trip across k.C. WAM, mi. o. K. WALL. and wearing- - an aspect which tends trlct which Is gratifying to the parents being n blah bs riled the i;rts there. With a force of abled for further naval service. He the great Pacific conres very near hnurs a. m, tn 4 p. m.; Ixive intl-irac- y. : tn than to encourage In the neighborhood. The new school nas Deen grantee a ruriough be - p: gt.i T-- l. CI. deter rather 409 mhi '.... a and oftlicrs the Lieutenant that thelr honeymoon jourtfey.- i.V' . . If. r.rt U accom may have d eye.-whic- w-a- Shanghai were u mudtd of ctinvenience and mission-speciali- st The Chinas of debarked from the war vessel below lhe reporter was Jooking-f-or completely destroyed, by . a preparing to evacuate the city, believing modation. A teacher's examination will attended Ml'SICIANS. occur on the 3rd and 4th of September Taku on the 10th of June to join Ad- to. prevent the oiher eye from arles with storlep to tell. He saw on the K4 VfSIC 8 iMf.-rf.- va 1:11. tlat the Blkha would butcher them, as miral Seymour's force. They went by being affected. When the medical pessenger' list the name. of the Rev. K. S. Sthixil for advanced certifi 4.n.mA-,.l- ., U- ' r.ll p''.;!i Tlen-Tsl- n. at thr lllsh AHnUJ - ...III Ll 1119LI. lrm Hrpt 3d; pupils Should In ii in rejoin . - m- tho flusslana did railway from Taku to Tien-Tsi- n. On rni.iiri.i iuuiifu lie ill Stokk- ran vml tf11 - whf r tn finit fur hours at onca, cates. the ship and enter active service again. we "Shanghai being the richest city on the afternoon of the 10th the column start- Mr. Stokke?" he Inquired of a young ccast." continued Mr. Llall, "was looked ed. The nearest railway station from lady standing at the rail gazing thought- 1N.4UIIANCB. i upon by Hoxers the beginning of Tien-Tsi- n fully towards Oahu's beautiful moun- "JWtTfAl. I. IKK INKURANCR CO the at BRYAN COULD was found demolished, and 18 NEW MEMBERS strugate. as a pretty good pl.ics to tains. "I am his wife," she replied. "My skv luiiK. the after that the troops had to march. husband has gone ashore." When asked I. a ItriKic, Honolulu. cupture, with brlaht prospects of loot. Ant. CARRY ISLANDS They marched until the Chinese had an ARE ELECTED to tell her story of flight from the Chinese, t Hut Shanghai also has Chinese monled opportunity to creep in behind them Mrs. Stokke gave an account of the ex- periences The" AIU'IIITKCTII. Interests, and they finally abandoned such an cut their communications with of herself and husband. and J. Y ClMwlCV of Honolulu Young Wo- story, though told simply and in answer "ni..r.r. rAflK. Archlteets However, if relief force n. Activities of the M,lra-if- art attack. tht , iirn-im- - fl, o itiMims 1-- Arlington me ranroau was aemoi- to many questions, brought out the brav- to Peking falls of Its object feays so a jaiK '"Mi. Ilom.li.ln, t. I.; sketch and new en route iu in lsh ln front of and bchlnd thm Their men's Christian ery of the little woman, together with iniaies furnished -- la summarily defeated-t- hn there Is the hardships and Indignities with which at short ao the JSoutll. communications were as completely cut up Tl. 3. p. o. boa m. to at Shanghai, and In the missionaries were forced to put iound be trouble off as if an ocean's breadth spanned during their fourteen days of flight from i fact all over Chin. At the beginning of ' TtRt) THAIN. Archltts.-Ba-lts CIIAI1LKSTON, South Carolina. the distance between the relief column Young the center of the province of Honan. - The Board of Directors of the American-Norwegia- n M lUoch, rort U the outbreak th foreign Consuls of August 6. Mr. J. T. Crawley of Hono- ar,d their base of supplies. For three "We belong to the . , . .Women's Christian Association met at Mission,' Mrs. Stokke, we Shanghai met and placed the city undr lulu. Hawaii. Is In Charleston for a e A, said "and had few days, studying the fertiilxer Indus--, laruugo the Association rooms yesterday morn- - j a mission established at a city called Ru- ENGINCCflfl. command of Admiral Seymour. There are Tlen-Tsl- n. Pro-er- al try In this section. Mr. Crawley is gen- - the opposing lines to eighteen new members, ning, In the central portion of the prov--Tr FCnl-Klertrlcia- ing and elected TTrM. NIC A na men-of-w- ar ILL CO., LTD. twenty-fou- r at anchor there Ince My i . manager of one of the largest ier visions began to get short. Admiral Mrs. Dillingham was appointed to fill of Honan. husband,, established and lioiUrmakers. new. Seymour, profiting by his expert plants In Honolulu and while .Kl hnt u timer 8eymur then made up hla mlnu to . ao v w here he will gather much Information 11IC VI 'a Vita W f n uii.ii iv It was the first mission founded in that ' erres In the north, said be would not rely ,.V . , retreat and repair his communications cant by the departure of Mrs. F. J. " .h,..a i cm ' ina a k ,im i v. w a- part of the country. The Chinese there V. K, CtC-stMnf- eyor w v a7 w nrr. ISiVK, 4.m gn and upon his ships, and ordered Sikhs In lia- - as ne moved back. Lowrie for the Coast. are exceedingly anti-forei- ln their i' rnr iear; efflcs new Mssoon atlon of his fertilizer works The plans for the ensuing year of w bll.. from Hongkong. As the city Is quite wall. I "The railroad was destroyed both in sentiments, and never before permitted Aia and Merrhai.l ma.: I'. o. physical work were discussed. It was a mission 40. cosmopolitan In government. It was at Mr. Crawley Is a South Carolinian. f d ,d printed on the establishment. . , of . . , .,there. Prlra taken for typawrUir.f. Spartanburg being his home. He left t anJ ' Lieutenant decided to circulate cards .... llrst dlfucull to get the Poweis to agree ago. von Krohn last night. We were ln a incoming steamers to the effect that a ou country. My IIIII.M the United States about ten years on husband, after ""l Wlll(K..r.nln..rt nl t allow ttrltlsh troops to enter. Uet- - start-year- s representative of the Assoclat would WQrk con8,derable rlgk idr Ma-y- the going to Honolulu, where for several desperate plight. On the 18th we hard and t0 of Tumplnc and Ruaar rt meet all steamers for the purpose of - ami lei Judgment, however, prevailed. In he held the position of chemist back on himselfi finally 8UCCeeded in gaining a fompleta pnwar plants; af that memorable retreat, guiding and otherwise assisting young m,sa,nnarv w T m lht ro-- lor l ne large , Wln a, Nprscksts block; Tsl. i:4. Xhanghal of the 1.t white population uar lactones. lie- content to save our own lives, let alone lady visitors who are strangers in Ho- - . . frvril with areat success In this ra- ' there wlth hlm aDout three are over I.IkiO volunteers. An Amer- -- T. there nacltv for more than six years. Durinz those In beleaguered Peking. We had niJ.w months. When were we married? Oh. M. Am. Hoo. C. R. I 11& LIUU vv Ail I.. TATtft. ican rifle company has been organised I ill? uviu lia ttn.ij never mind not interesting "liiti llydraull Kna1ner; XA the past few years he has been engaged been eight days out and our forces had meeting evening in the Associa- that; that's 1 this news public; I will go on tell "Is.. Honolulu. Tsl. IMS. nnsHtlng of eighty men under command In the fertiliser business which Is one' een much fighting. was a 7:30 for the and . . W ..Ll .U It terrible tion rooms at o'clock. The subject you our experiences. of Captain Haskell K - industriesl.l.. 01 me isianu. about .k. ie mi'i march. Just as we began to move back Is "The Merchant of Venice." All "Well, ' very my .1 1 r.n I seen by a reporter of the It wasn't long after anllinlaar. I. .1 ti.n..l In . ...,1.1a r ' liril ! cordially welcome CONTRACTU ftA ' we were day nen will be made and I were together ln Ru-nln- g ,,f .ii-h- Lt Kvenlng Post Mr. Crawley talked most attacked, the after the husband th. citv. .K,r.. ih. . . . 1 .. . m . l. . . . m . . The fall prospectus of tne loung began I- vk yu-- Im- - . that we to hear of the enmity of ' " the ran - muaaoit Th.- - hav inirreawnsijr ui me vuaiuuia me Taku forts were taken. Chinese M christian Association will take remters. I'apsrhangers ,',,r,'"'l . . t,le- of his country. the Chinese for the foreigners. They work neatly dona; a pya.em 01 alarms i.y anun uie men can . ., v perial troops coming from Peking were the place of the August number of Deratnre; all A H?J ,,,.: ut hated us not only because we were for- IV Ie calUd out quickly. In rase of a de- pifuiaiitii jiviiuiuiu, tic saiu, the Association Review, and will be is- - back or High hoot, d the ones who poured ln a galling fire we fur St., 40,000 1h comr-oBe- - 1 eigners but because were trying to ""Mil, fensive movement they are to retire; to wai about and chief- .... 3 In anntnmVtAn TVlA 1aO1l1oW ly of American, Chlnene, nuiives and upon us. We could not use the . rail- - Vie teach them the Christian religion. thi llrlttsh Consulate, where over l.i).Ot)0 . ... V...... of apw on t sail i Ho- ' ,....aAn so we to W "The Governor of the province of - uirinr round of ammunition and ",4Ur. " 'u,rl' road and went the river ln tj,e September,Pw autl-forei- 1. 1 an-- i of rules .i. 23th of ' ,Un - Is decidedly r miiiuer; ntll the Amerlcani meet-tnn- nan most in hla efTlce fitting; woo. I and machine guns h.v. Ln collertH 1'P. order to transport our wounded on The interest in the evangelical k "iimt brick, er to ds. bringing feelings and makes no secret of it, eith reel-- ar.l placed In nadlness. "an th! a. wnundpd u-f- r ines Waikikl Is on the increase, and "ixiiMing; shop, l'alaca Walk; h who have ln- - boat Th rnr. at er, lie nas issued proclamations against Wilder Avs., near Kewalo. "Th. Chinese Viceroys of the Yang-H- e ? 'aracters. feigners and encourages people provlnc.s so friendly with L..I ried along with us and placed in the t."?"- - the h.v. far been 1 I Honolulu "V' "5" the foreigners and have given tnelr prom-- Junks together with what ammunition longer than was anticipated. 13th July OPTICIAN...... , . ithlevlng. for Instance, v. as unknown. will meet "When the of arrived we had ". we had in reserve. The educational committee boen m dan?er of QUr ,lve9 for several rcorjccT toun you senate near Shanghai are quite a!Th 'J ''J ' ' .r,Uld tMt afternoon, and devotiona com--, cir; there B ai "What made It so difficult for us to this the and thinB;8 were beginning to look l H ana pajr. txtn'l wear other forelgn-drille- d Chlneso troops. i.he. an4 ?ne on riday evening 8 clock. iV(Ty.ks rumi.rof "? Tien-Tsi- rnittee at serious. was bemg at- - "l - itaaaM.. vmie av.a iHfTr from ' get back to n was we had Cur mls80n i What particularly mad. the people of i ',;,- - V.V " .7 that "leewiin oi wit? ttiu xuciwi, been . 1 .k o! n.' f t. tackedand had stoned several times; - - i ' . Imn't- - " wv Imnrnu.rl . k - 1 v very were not Monday " aul tl.in r r r li....t..i MllHltf... WM ill.. .k.HIR IV.ri iiui 1 ... I ...... 1 . a - - I little ammunition and will be held on next once one of the gates had been smashed may your eyes. ..li.li,l i!.!. win ruin wrr. adding to thea- - troops right along, . R,fttW prepared for a siege campaign. On tha Among the recent additions to the in and the angry mob which had been . r.. LLCAJ4. OPTICIAN, Ixvt th. iimt4 Kelgn Law," "To JH vil-The- se library are: "The of frequently other hand we had to attack the Moody" surrounding us was almost upon us when n . rrvder; Have and To Hold," "Life of : the prefect of the district sent us six ZV '.T" 7Anon llS'cl'. were few. ' lages we came across were and "Memorials of Robert M. icBur-ney- ." weli-drmc- Troops 'r soldiers. They were not much good but l.a.heNnVof T Chin"; " filled with Boxers, who bitterly opposed our were good no protec-- nnoKicm. R .n-.i- a deal better than i -- Tney W ere wun ' "nrnict.t.-ofB- ep- - ho... Ih. .hlrh the foreigner, eve . """"V. ""noiuiu. retreat. armed ca Queen St.. rltr misnemeanors uni occur, though s-- l- . tion at all. On the day I speak of we 1'nl.ia it ...f.ieiniiv modern rifles, smokeless powder, and SOCIETY-- 1 THE080PHICAL thought come. reed Co...... dom. Sometimes the natives would fcet't w Vi no iriina Thiv that the end had about im wwmiw cngag In fight. They - There was no help within many, many Is. poorer drunk and a K.n- fired at US from tho tons nf trees and ""NTWEM.-Laa- wher. they are that the class, f rally fuught miles except the almost useless native na negotiated; chancing all paper money with their fists. Ithe roofs of houses. On the 22d we Aloha Branch of Honolulu Making " h lalneaa Thy sr. their The do not pay atlen- -' soldiers supplied us by the prefect of the transactel. Itrthel St. Ntng-P- o i.atlves much started early in the night because we I - J Into silver and a to to bury It. tion to politics, though ye.r we Great Progress. district. ways this .uneknew' had to fight the Chinese forces Th steamers both are crowded with i "We asked the prefect for an' e.?ort AO interest Is being manifested in th along the river. At 4 o'clock In the The Aloha Branch of the Theosophlcal PINTS. these people. They believe there Is a po- . 1 i . , ...... me Cliy. e nulirn nn.t Mr - . . next military wtrr wiiim ,5t,v -- ent t ak. acknowMd. tency for good In burying the money at CrU nn' .....0 vun rccierv tun iiiiun iu uviu m bu.i-u.j- i tn escape If possible. The prefect liked 0"JJ.,!.'7:,ba,.3l Ciir.e-KU-- a 1l8ta"C.e of ab?".1 f.eV- - Interesting every Saturday 'He .'.triments, dtatrtct ef Koi.a, Nlng.I'o. ai at and meetings ua no better than did the furious mob, "What do 1 know about LI Hung T7.t " .V L evening in the Knights of Pythias hall. same he- - was reason native- - , . he-h0St- but at the time 'afraid that n, 'that the i Nu'ianu. llo-g.o- d,".?.,d..raV!?-lh.a- evening president leader. h-- j H. ram. north and at h,'! llt! Sunday the and might be held responsible for our lives - atswMb m 1 1 1 LIT. 1 LUl IIUIILia. 11 C - promised to remain In Canton, finally " "'in A. Marques, bad pleasure of an- - If we given-ove- to but American Money and Hawaii, soon learned that' regular, modern Dr. the were once the tender . . 1. aid he was ordered by Imperial mandate money . . . . . Ill'UIII. HS ' CI im ii. p...... IIICILICB J the mob. 'Twas on the 13th Qpsi silver is the only money ln use. .drilled army was w . v. .v. i . . . Rictxvrp. to proceed north, as he had been appoint- aurilllKlllK. viictiv rnaue iu 111c i . . v nKrMW'.,.. . j i juivt..i that the escort we demanded was Mr. Crawley said It was a rare thin us In our - . .. .. uiani.iiv, ; Of 8hen-S- I. iik . uaw .ui toiu-. 1 1 , iv. nru.n w innhllf...... it.. us. one f Ca-- ed Oovernor where most of piece ir ui a i j niuiii i.ic ih. jiiijnnj jia nted There was other s money n-a- d it" fee of American p.iper munlcatlons. w C ttlUlIK uf. . i . - - Weill. j In- r,ra tT i at Navy Tard fof ialo-- trout le has occurred. At Hongkong n n . n . Kill A n .. .1 . . I . . . V. I . . . . . i Iivri.. nitric; " missionary with us at the mission at that th. luk. me opiNivue or Aniuiia. uiiliiuim a guard " i uniiii;riiiiuii siae me river, noi tent-see- n volumes by Mr. W . Smith woman. prerect, fearing he tioif Purpoaws. he was received with of honor. ( U t Intn circulation th kmIvm .lehtv vnr. .n...... fri i. time a The ' "'-'hkU- rhin. any " Th. day before h. arrived at Shanghai bis bx.ked upon It with suspicion. , We"saw t would be held to account for harm f rnpl.l fir. pig pounder triumphal sending might come to us, gave us forty-tw- o f hlnes. friends erected a arch, Mr. Crawley said the climate In Ho--, by the guns Veersas if ready for action, Xary which k!",? r,,,',vr,, sta-- municipal XliSvtoZotwm ne in the We city t Ina " authorities ordered It T .ti-- . new which soldiers and started out of the Naval but th. nolulu- wn...... nt w onro. . " i n Tr,n-P"- rt.nrhtf v uia, ih.vJ eLLCTIIlLIL 1.17 HIT ULI"U tl0 Ru-nln- g. tl rt Slam. The runs taken down. They don't believe In him ii". ht l'. Another announcement ;0 in our sedan chairs which we . U f r aul.itln. . ... at alt. They received him as coolly as nr nc the ontac of a ew class u, from Han. m. He first v j.uhen " Kuwlth foreign c.eherouTthey - e pc sslM.. of th Consuls :nV'Vrr I . .,(- OI ineosopnicai biuu,, u.c were pracucaiiy onven 01 Non. said thev - - l ...- oui ti, - of ammunition - h,l moannlto. ihr ... .ia nnloro.l ' . . ' ' i.. " v.v. ' - beginners, who will meet at UltllllMM cslled upon him. They Ignored him. our numerous the city notwithstanding our escort of " was ,year round. Honolulu is a pushing city oflleers stepped forward and hailed - forty-tw- o sent with th .. -- m of the Misses Rice, on Bcre- soldiers. fol- -' nine, men mere , and a most delightful place live. He th-- and asksd If any the residence native The mob arounn to them of their' tania street, every Tuesday at :30 p. lowed us out. yelling and cursing and hiii-iNon- turnsnces m. cut. said it Is a city of newspapers, there officers could converse in a foreign! or finely mounted mencnn in.op m v runs. r All reports show a great increase us with stones and making all f it as to tn. two dallv American naoers. two tontrue. 6Uo-jijn-da latest models, l on In Honolulu on theosophlcal 0f against V I and It I beilev. that they have entered th rlally papers, arsw-- r ttrest threats us.' - Chinese one dal'T Porti tor they suddenly turned I belong- - " t'f theae will m mounts. hottest fights Ihey have ever partlclpat- and one pap-r- . us a jects. "We were forced to leave all our Kllre ripor. native ur"n tcrrlb! fire from euns and 4) Iing3 U - " l T J . behind us. hey- were stolen en 11. troops say xner neyrr f r tl tl'lnlf . mn ...... f rlflpa f ...... n en. en - , almost. , civil Whurf an.l th Tn. nie Mr...... anlnrtM eVrtrn ..v.,t-i- i iiu IIIM.U3 . i i . . . -,.- - nl ... 3 "'""ii- - , r,nnt th - irerienred such bot weather or hotter fire street railway Is now being built In Ho- - letn-- t. Th.- fire was so cl pro and so rmtipUrn Paconl. an eideriy man - - ' M.-rr- ilefore In their lives. That win at Tien- - nolulu. rplMrj? ( wns wonder tr who foucht in tne Italian army ttiiu.""s" ...... fea ..n... .c uiwi. 1 by no our Tsin. Tha Chines, ar. excellent shots mp frawbr will return tn Pn.irtm- - hrw i.iir mm w f !i- - wn denounced the assassin demolished and this time doubt ii.. . . fire they poured In on the Arn.rt- - will in an anarchist meeting mission is la ruina. The mob rushed Into Si . " 'arW I..4 . . . .. ird th. nnnf tor.lcht. and It a few djys tor from th frus nt first, andlof Humbert '1 TTk rnns wss galling one. The Chinese was ejected from J i InJary,V"" snelaltr at the a loaVe for Pan Francisco and sail for then rommi"rH tn siiorco th 'at New York, and th von Holt blocs stem to stand up well and they have be-- his adopted home in Hawaii. by picking oft the gunners by riffe fire. hall. (Continued on rage 9.)



Bicycle Repairs Gunsmithing Gas Engine Repairs from We are prepared to do anything in line of work. Sportsmen This work has been a specialty with us. We do anything this will Either Stationary, Marine or Automobile Gas mending a puncture lO mailing up a compieie wiieei. vur cuiiuvi find all our gun work of the highest grade and thoroughly satisfac- repaired and put in good shape. Enslnes overUul work is the very best possible. Every Job guaranteed. tory. Automobile Repairing Typewriter Repairing Light Machinery only place In city fitted to satisfactorily handle anything In Our work in this line Is so well and favorably known that it needs nc WC dCVOte The the ofUthi3ak?n5?PaIred' 6PeClal aUentl0D t0 a11 aellckt. ibis line 01 worn. further comment. wo:

Sewing Surveyors' Tapes Machines All Work Guaranteed. and Drawing Instru Repaired ments Repaired

o Die and Model Work Printing Press and Linotype Locksmithing Anything In this line neatly and promptly executed. REPAIRS. We are fitted to do anything in this line of work. Keys made, locks opened, etc., etc. Safe and Vault Repairs Lawn Mowers Kodak and Camera Repairing Locks cleaned, overhauled and put In troough repair. Cleaned, overhauled, repaired, sharpened and put in first class shape. All work in this line promptly gotten out

Telephone us and we will send for and deliver without extra charge your Typewriter. Gun, Bicycle or other article for Repairs. PEARSON & PO r CO. D 312 FORT STREET. TELEPHONE 565. Ramblers SEATTLE IS COLONEL "Domestic 77 Sewing 900 Ramblers RUHLEN'S NEXT POST Machines Ramblers 1900 Celebrated for ea of running a:: "MM durability;thebe m Will buy you a fine up-to-da- te RAMBLER BICY- machines t CLE. We on hJJl Ct& sell these the Installment plan for $5.00 more, easy terms. market; for salec We take old Wheels In exchange as part payment Jl and allow all Jiey are worth. $40 We have a number of second-han- d Wheels In lif stock now thai we can sell at very low prices. If you rant a cheap Wheel call and look at th em. or A NOVELTi W,e bftT a bl ""PP'y o' SUNDRIES, and also do the best repair In tna islands. work Carriage BabyWITH RUBBER TIRES

A line assortment of thesehave just arrived; ofierci E. 0. HALL LTD. he public at Wholesale Prices. k , .... w ..nairtM KING STREET, Next to Bulletin Office. rHE VOW HAMM-YOUN- G CO. LTD. "WSfiirm J Oil THE SQUARE THE ON THE SQUARE NEW FINE n Delightful Glass! IS expected that Colonel Ruhlen, quartermaster In charge of the United States NECKWEAR IT Army depot City, soon to to take charge of the FOOTWEAR in this will be ordered Seattle Tfctf KASH quartermaster's department at that port. By the Siam a telegram was re- OUR BOD A WATER Customers approve what we sell them. pure ceived from Washington announcing that Captain Slater of the Sixth Artillery, like the pure water we use, and the fruit flavors. Distributors of High stationed at Camp McKinley, had been assigned to relieve Colonel Ruhlen here Grade Wearables. and that he had been assigned to the charge of the quartermaster's depot In Seat- tle. ICE Colonel Ruhlen said last evening that ht had not yet received any definite or- OUR CREAM ders In regard to his new know when he should leave Hono- man station, so he did not U unsurpassed. Made from genuine cream and real fruit flavor. J.7TW.11nInT?erm,U a to dre" tasta and style without lulu some since you are un eclded wm fm . for Seattle. His work in Honolulu has been a sinecure for time feather wear, coma In and consult our "Refrigerator Llnef-- the rush, of troops to Manila ceased and th War Department began to send them in such large numbers directly across the Pacific to Japan. The importance of Stvlich Straws Seattle as a point of embarkation for troops ani supplies has increased as the situation in China has grown more serious, and it was necessary to have a com- Go., Cool Collars petent man in charge there, so Colonel Ruhlen received his summons to his new Honolulu Drug station. Gummer Shirts AT During the Spanish war, when troops by the thousand were being sent to Ma- Von tfolt Block. King Street. PRICES TO SUIT nila via Honolulu, this port was one of the most important in the Pacific as a de- Gorge Coats pot of supplies. Colonel Ruhlen was sent here early in the war and since he took Fancy Flannels cbaige of the depot Its work has been excellent. Nearly every transport that stepped here had to be coaled, supplied with fre3h water and man7 necessaries. Light Underwear The horse and mule transports that passed through here had to land their car- goes and give them a rest on shore, and this necessitated the establishment of cor- rals where the animals might bt kept. Coal came from Newcastle and from Na-nai- It'a not how much money a man pays for his clothes that makes him well and this was secured for tho transport service and stacked near the Naval araaaea. but It'a what he get for hi money. At the Kaah you always et tha dock. All this work came within Colonel Ruhlen's department and his was a ooat of the best for the least. busy office all during the early days of the war. Then with its conclusion and the sending period Golf of the volunteer troops back to the United States there was another hirts ot activity and still another when the new volunteer regiments began to come IN through to replace the State volunteers that had fought so splendidly through the Spanish war and the earlier days of the rebellion. The manifold duties of his position Colonel Ruhlen has discharged faithfully STRIPES COLORS and well, and he has succeeded in the midst of his hard and confining work In AND ALL "KASH" making hundreds of friends in Honolulu v.ho will regret his departure. is not THE It to Reduced V. TWO STORKS, TWO STOCKS, TWO TELEPHONES. every one who can fill a position of such a nature well and satisfy all who come PLAIDS 7?H P. O. Box, ESS. 9 and 78. In contact with him, but this Is what Colonel Ruhlen seems to have done. With the decrease in importance in the Honolulu depot his work here is finished and he EACH. t and 11 Hotel Street and Cor ner of Fort and Hotel Streets. is requisitioned for a more Important station. We also carry a fln W Colonel Ruhlen is a Major in the Regular establishment but during the Span-Is- h SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW. war was brevetted for meritorious services In connection with the quartermas- Jewelry. ter a department and is now a Lieutenant Colonel of volunteers. Captain Slater, who will replace Colonel Ruhlen in charge of the quartermas- ter's depot here, is a Captain of one of the batteries of the Sixth Artillery, station- Read the Advertiser, ed at Camp McKinley. It is expected that his appointment will be only temporary o. anc" St that an officer 'of the quartermaster's department will soon be sent out to re- ASADA - STREET- lieve him, that he may be again attached to his battery. HOTEL TOD PACIFIC COiniEECIAL ADVElSn33- - COUOLULU. AUGUST 28, 1CO0.

do, what hi higher nature delight In doing. Therefor h repudiates the claim of his selfish, aeir.lndulgent animal na APPEAL tur. whenever tbey opp the require- ICE PLANT II ments of love. It I In thla aplrlt that th mt rarnmt follower of Christ, of OtfuupdDirt all Paicifffc communion! the worlJ over, have C rem to th general agreement to nrac-- tlc total abstinence from Intoxicating 9 VOTERS beveragee. Testimony to thla agreement MOLOKA! ID haa bwn lately placed before th reader IT ICORPORATED. of th Advertiser by correspondents. A thorough tent of moderate drtnklna haa been mail and demonstrated to b in our age ant In th presence of existing man. Fort Street Progress Block? To Kill Liquor her and customs, a delusion and a anare. The Need of the Leper .J 4? Chance the ballot; Traffic. in me ec onu piare, w can uae our Settlement. best endeavors aa cltliens to curtail and annihilate tha traffic In death-deali- ng ber eragea. Wa boast of our form of govern- - merit; but do wa realise the grave respon. DPPORTUHITY rlhtlltlea which It Impoeea? reeponslblll SUPERIHTEHDEHT'S PUNS Uil'S ties which tha cttlsen can not eacapa with out being untrue to the civil compact Into whfrh he haa entered. The ballot In the hand of the American cttlsen la j a sacred Poor Live Makes Imperative Have Just Opened Christians to and for Ma atewardahlp Beef to, J. C. Hay Asks tiuat be muat give fe account to the Juuc of all the earth Refrigerator Scheme for the Act at the Polls and Ac Ij there not aomethlng akin to hypocrisy In thanking Ood for our existence under A LARGE C3;np!!sh Something. the government of a republic thanking Colony. STOCK OF Mlm for the power of participating: In government, general and kcal. and then "'"moil of Rev. J. lUsplelng thla same artrt f Ood. aa evi It la quite likely that a small ice (ii.. ' denced ty negiettlng to uae It or refusing ,. on H'irvl.iy Maht at the plant tvlll soon be purchased for the Filo Silk, Wash Silk, ti meet the dutlea which are Inseparable? some time , h on th K of "11a- - Through Congress Molokal aettlement. For ,f' A the action of the of J' the United fltatea In placing prohibitory past the necessity of such an establish i legislation within the reach of the peopli ment at the aettlement has been realix Pope Silk, Dresden Silk, t ll II 1 l"i e w IN'rr. of thla Territory, divine providence Reynolds. At the . . . . i . . . -- I haa ed bv Suoerlntendent rMiinlv. I I " uu unvi mi. given , i . . . k. . them the opportunity to rid the Isl- present time there Is no method at me and of may De coui- - '. - the cjrae everywhere inflicted by ttifinent whereov water I i. of thla young Ter- Royal Floss .1 the Hn'jor trarno. Shall thla opportunity eil or meats keDt for even a very Diiei Silk, the yardmaster of the t Pflxt'l? The native Hawaliana are p. rbxl. and an ice plant is badly neeu t waa Honolulu snni ana th chief sufferers. For a time their na- ed. Mr. Reynolds has been correspona C ROn RET COTTON. I .. . hi-- ene an Inoffensive tive legislators protected them against Ine for some time with manufacturers India Royal Silk, white ooLoann ,n t'ie public highway on an the saloon by special legislation. The na cf lee Dlants In an endeavor to ascer AND SHADED i i s t and eaten to be . f uion tive vote, properly Influenced, could bo tain at what price a small plant can jrt ffc.fi the a.salliint were turned against thla diabolic agency for obtained, and he hopes to lay his plans r'S liquor, ami some !. t V irii'irnce et ineir thrir destruction. For each public officer before the Hoard of Health at Knitting Silk, t,i I" inc-e- to the drink habit only capable and thoroughly trustworthy meeting In the near future. j, i i .r l wo quewon I trulni'. ir" men should b nominated. Temperance The meat question Is the most serious j e . . a-- super ' kI III "'I'"'" " ""' niiwoe men should to It that nominees are one that is now confronting the . -- Are we doing w " j ir" what net only possessed of general fitness, but intendent of the settlement. The Deet ,., ,j, ii mrrt th "atanic work of li possessed of convictions aa to the which has been furnlsiied to the set- ..f .r.i" iui'n beings Into drvmk- -' f.iormlty of the drink evil and the neces tlers for some time past past has b?en All the above Silk we carry;in stock in every - color , i i'.ilK- l rrlmlnala by the sity of combatting It powers f most Inferior quality, and It has - with all the the .,, t ,.f .h..!i.' liquors? Aa an Indl- of government. If temperance v"tra neg cost the Hoard an exorbitant sura. and shade. I y reinibllity for the bet so to d, will they have heeded the W here aume time ago the Hoard was si-- men women , i 'ti.ts ruin of and Scripture, "Aa we have therefore oppor obtaining beef at a cont of $1S per head tunity, let ua do good to all men, espe delivered at the settlement with a jlrivili"l tM hua been ehocked by dally to those who are of the household guarantee for twenty-fou- r hours, the .nt fiwi" the eTect that the pro-"i- ii of flth. price now asked Is $25 per head, and :ni'eror of China la hein Church memra not a few are being the Hoard must pay 7 for the transpor- y ,i- iy ei.ison'-- Ma enemlee In .power, dragged down to the abyss by the drink tation of every beast to the settlement f pn furnUi r Is tha same civilised world, hi.t.lt. Multitudes outside the church are and stand all the risk of Injury on . i;l, eith the spectacle of men and lit the horrible vortex and dally being board and loss when they are being I e .m-- 1 an I youth being slowly polsone swallowed up by It. Can any mm who swum from the steamer to the land- f,f imni atmg liuor, thai multltulea haa a particle of rompaaalon In his soul ing. As a consequence the cattle are niwrnm b ped to the spectacle or neglect to the opportunity to help costing the Board $32 a head, and many hr I'll use- i,, ii I t It js horri l sttnlfleance. Men use elect the best legislators at command In are so thin and poor that they are irrtn, "lutol'-atlii- llnuora" without order to secure th wisest laws concern less for food purposes when they have ft'ti that th equlvHlent la "poison. ing thla evil? The opportunty presented ben safely landed. i ii.iuir"-tuicu- m waa a poison In by the pending election of the flrat Terr! Some time ago the Board passed a iili srru were dipped In order to orlal legislature Is one of extraordinary resolution whereby tenders for furnish- the W'Hind rertalnlr fatal. Had Importance In Ita bearing upon the future ing the settlement with canned beef .:,Ma prr, eno nave na.i to ao wnn nf ll.iwail. It will be an opportunity for were asked, but up to the present time etnm their f"ll"W beings drunkards slf-rtkln- men to advance their selfish no bids have been received, hence no nl rrtmitiai. shot their vlotlma te death d. signs, and they will not Blight It. Will contract has been made for the pro- ii nififie arrows, their deed would good tltlxcn be eo,unlly alert, decided posed method of solving the problem. hrn merciful compared with the and vigorous In seeking the general good? There Is likewise considerable prejudice .. p.iimtig by ltotlcatlnj drinks. Will they do their duty as votera? And in the Islands generally against the v. n sii'l 'm- - n who are now promoters will they not shirk their duty if the pub idea of furnishing canned beef to the ns y er anolhrr of the use of elro-- lic wetfar demands of them service In settlers, and It Is likely that If the - ,, .eviTe Would Bhuddep St th- pt-Hl- ofTlres? Christianity, genuine and canned beef Is finally sent to the set ik''iff muing renlo or strychnine In hcriesf, makes Its possessors prompt and tlement It will constitute but a portion !' i.ff. or lemon i l.i glvsn t thelp fam- - enger to do good. It makes them public- - of the meat ration furnished, and fresh nr iheir gnet And yet, when once snrlted. It Is the only religion that ren- meat will also be allowed the settlers i I avnin and sg tin. and In tnatances ders a republic possible. Ita true posses- with the canned b' f as well. rnmlr. tlio effect tiefore their sors have) everywhere shown a readl-nes- a Hut at present, what with the beef on f nt the u of Intosicatlng drlnka h to "buy up opportunities" of benefit- hand and no prospect of bettering the i tte ifi no t hn of men and women, ting the public. They have paid the price supply, Mr. Reynolds has been hard put "iing men and nun l us. Is there any ex-- i In l.ibor of thought and conference. In to find a proper substitute for meat for for blindness Is not BUch bllnd-- " t'me and money ard action. The faith. his charges. Last week he revived an 131' a renal'y v sited upon those who ft.1 word sounds out Its admonition: "Ite old plan of furnishing the settlement oo Imvs shut their ryes srd Will not See? y" do rs of the word and not hearers only, with tlsh. The residents prefer fi.--h to t. ti;n'lnrs whlih Is seldom cured unt I ileln irg your own selves." Now la the meat when they can get it. and aided i i n, .I ighter, a brother, a father or tlmv fur action. by favorable weather several large OLID h n I hits be ii ruined. No tragedy In hauls were made off the settlement. The Auction Sale huii-i- f I more dreadful than th day Mr. Reynolds Wt the settlement EkVlCEABLE egr td.ition of a hum.tn bring, for this city. In one haul, 3.000 pounds OF riHsl KIDNEY FILLS S ILVERWARE. i ri or woinin, b Ihe drluk h ldt. Tbe OHO mimi cf fish were obtained. If fish cnuUl be ST0VE5 , - in I, the mind disorder- obtained such quantities at all times . I iUr ie l !' l. vlit'"rr t"''ilyi''d. aff'Mtlons there would b no dlJIitulty ubout the " ', f.tltli bsnuhe'l, conscience stupefied. Vh'Cu Is Better: - Tj Try in Eiperlcrat, or food supply of the settlement, but there I am showing a splendid arrany 0 m-i'i- Inn i ii ni 'it 'l, s If res'e t go'ie, are sometimes months when the condi Sterling Silverware In the many rmr-io- us "'iliiiss a toing of the past, this lifo Pio&t Bj a Homlula CItUeu's tion cf the ocean is such that it would mm 111 articles so essential te modern 'ili'iro, of a be Impossible to draw nets, so while and ovr the portals bet. Experience ? dinner service and household use. i f tfn bryond In.irlbed the appalling the fish furnish an agrrecable chanse of IN THE !. "Priinknr Is shall not Inherit the diet for the settlers, fish cannot be re- K I upon Jewelry made to order. ,: mt of tlod." And who can cnlou-- . Fomethtng new U an experlmeat lied to supply the place of fresh I meat. la m'iries lnn;ctl upon) parents, Must proTea to b represented Olaa Sugar Co,, Ltd. ' ihots and sisters, wive and helpless t 'illren, and tn rohbrry f home and U aucceaeful at hom or jox doubt 404J FOKT ST. i'e an. I cimreh of their dearest tras- - it GENERAL NEWS OF B I ART'S Tha manufacturer's statement Is not ON JEWELER. TIIK convincing proof of merit. SATURDAY, SEPT 1ST, ! ii... . m l .1 THE LOCAL SPORTS M.rrs .l..ea th. f...onn.lbim betnn" nui iu fBUwriemeoi wi irieum la. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. i must answer at the bar of Aimightv Now, supposing you bad a veak ' The Original Detroit Stoves I f r sueh destruction of men and .back. At my salesroon, 33 Queen street, Ho- responsibility Is In mom Makikis Were Winnera IN tiin The X lim, Of Schtng on. the Over 1,500,000 UiE. nolulu, I will sell Public Auction, by MMM J a variously dls-- , T at divided one, and VYfmi, j Mil, Tmi airerlmsnt rn It In casra. first Ag.iinst the Kakaako-- order of the treasurer, Mr. J. P. Cooke, LIMITED "Mitel different In tha You will read of many so-call- ed i 'i'. drlrihtnar men and women are itu the following certificates of stock In the fop their own downfall. Their cures. on Saturday. far-awa- y received, a new line of Olaa Sugar Co., unless t lit be, us, of persistent Inilulvence, In But they come from places. Just Ltd., the tenth OFFICERS: en-'- m assessment, due L 1900, delinquent "i" a of abundant warnlnaa and It's different when the endorsement The Maklkl team defeated Kakaako Table Cutlery and Silver Plated June EL P. Baldwin President sites, must not ba covered up or dl-- f comas from borne. July 31, 1900, with Interest thereon and J. B. Castle First Vice-Presid- ent on by score 11 2. The Ylce-PreaUe- ii,hed. They are often, and perhapa Saturday a of to Ware at new prices. Silver Ware, W. M. Alexander. Second at Always remember. points advertising expenses, is paid on or be i must esses, the principals In tha crlme Home Is the proof Makikls had the whip hand at all you paid a J. P. Cooke Treansne f muklnsT Hut endorsement that of the game, illiams. sylva and Koa as know, formerly fore the day and hour of sale. W. O. Smith .... Secretary themselves drunkards. barks erery box of Doan's Backache and Audits .!r become partitkers of their sin by rlgues especially diatinguishing them duty of 25 per cent; you can save Cert. Shares. -- Kidney Pills. Owing s.stln Hu m In ona way or another In j selves. to a printer's error the 168 J. Keakaliwa 5 if low n ward course encouraging tliem Mr. 1L S. Swlnton. of this city, lays: wrong team was given as winner in that now. See our new pattern, 207 W. L. Wilcox 60 u '" by or by nam- - t was long yesterday's Advertiser: this Is extreme 405 7 Iniiivtrants word "I a sufferer from backache. called "New Century." Look Chuck Tong Sugar Factors ii". Thiise who so do become accessor- - bavins bees afflicted with It for twelve ly regrettable, as the Maklkl nine won the 40ft U. J. Ordway S3 t t i game by i the crime, whether they se the years. Taking this as a symptom of their sterling bona fide balL Then ask for a sample of the 535 L. O. Keedlck 33 tmple at their own tAblra or at aooiul The following challenge has been Is t 589 Lee Kee 2 ...... I I m . . I I kidney and seeing Doan's .a I Bi. ...aa n i trouble, sued by Clarence W. Mat far lane, owner 83 Commission Merchants. Kidney Pills advertised as modern cleaner called 671 C A. Erickson :l::.:V of the good yacht La Paloma: 905-90- 8 C, O. Ballentyne 200 'i ailnsj ll'iuors. ocing gnoa ror complaints suca aa I hereby challenge any yacht or 922 C. Q. Ballentyne 50 Kvry government Is responsible for lis mine. 1 procured some of them at the yachts In Hawaiian waters to a race Bon Ami 960 A. W. Richardson 50 AGENTS FOR I Mitudrt toward this enormous evil i Holllster Drug Co.'s store. I found up against the La Paloma from Honolulu 1273 A. M. Webster .... 25 Hawaiian Commercial 4 Sugar Csx I body politic. It Is a generally si-- cup b $- -, 1293 . 25 Company, I' on taking them tbat they were doing to Lahalna for a to valued at Which Is the French for "good , A. W. Richardson Olaa Sugar fied truth, staled In the words of an encouraged the start to be made on the afternoon 1430 a. L. Williams 25 Haiku Sugar Company, ; e me good, and was thereby t olTb-- govrn- - - ("inenl man. that the of to keep on nntll now I am eured of the of Saturday, September 1, and the fin friend." This Is a matchless ar- 1549 W. K. Andrews .. 90 Pala Plantation Company. t "ht la to make It easy f.r Its subj.f's ish to take place on Monday, September ' 79 C. M. Marques ... 2 Nahlkn Sugar Company, h ' l backache. The merits of Doan's Back cleaning iln rlaht and hard fur them to 3d. tide for all surface and 100 W. H. Stone 6 Klhel Plantation Co., 1 wron- - Is .n ache Kidney Pills been strlklcfg- - r It t!ie duty of the Ilswun bare Any person or persona accepting this for polishing metals. It does the 687 J. L. Holt Hawaiian Sugar Company. J lovern ment t make it y fr its Hi- - ly shown In my case, and I recommend challenge must do so before 5 o'clock t 635 J. T. Crawley 7 Kahulul Railroad Company. ' t ns t- live, sfsrt from tha Infection and tbetn to Other SUfrerers." tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. combined work of all other prep- - 717 H. C. Austin 12 . . and f, rsw of the drink habit, and bard for tjoan's Backache Kidney Tills al-- (Signed): 881 H. C. Austin 6 H in- - works quick, contains "icm Hi lis aM'ooouu OeTerew ir ways have the picture of a leaf on the CLAIiENCE W. MACFAR.LANE. arations, 91011. C. Austin 6 Tbe California & Oriental Steamship Co. n are obliged to Honolulu, 27, 1900. 38 , ruin. Iiruanista l.'1 wrapper. In asking for Doan's Back- August no grit and warranted not to 1131 D. L. Akwai " st n'i"'ris as poison, and hideous skull A match has been arranged between 1133 M. D. Smith 60 I ache Kidney Pills ask for the kind bones pi. tures emphasise the peril of Nunea' Manulell and John Andrade's scratch. Contains no acid and 1136 K. E. Smith 21 in Why not !"!- - which cured Mr. Swlnton. and see three-eighth- 2 who tastes. should all ' that Walpahu, at s cf a mile, for 1355 Mrs. L. Miller .... a be mirked In the same way? Th the leaf Is on tbe wrapper. l"0 a side; forfeits have been posted. will not Injure the hands nor any 1393 Mrs. L. Miller 6 CAMPING tihe-- l la with a 12 Chinaman who found Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are The race will probably be made a fea ap- K. A. Miller " - opium la punished. t article to which It may be 'sold by all chemists and storekeepers ture of the Labor Day program. There J. P. COOKE. Treasurer. A HflTIN KNCIJ. CO no pane plied. VOLl'NTAItT at cents per box, six boxes 12.50, or win ie racing at Kaplolanl 20, 1900. SUPPLIES s ought to by next Saturday on account of the big Honolulu. August I'ly whatever can be done, will be mailed on receipt of price program BON AMI rapidly cleans win- I tie. Ability and accountability ar Drug Honolulu. arranged for the following . the Holllster Co, Monday. " iensurate-- All can set an etam;.le whntesala arenta tnr the) Hawaiian dows, mirrors, show cases and all IN OUR STORE you'll find scores aa t !' The Eva. Bonnie Dundee, and the JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. "' win perrectiy sais tor tniwi'i Myrtle, Sun- cores of articled narticularlT suited tor to follow, perfectly ( went to I'earl Harbor on articles of glass, brass, silver, 56282204 and sisters day. The Eva and Bonnie Dundee will tamping. '' Whst Is a perfectly safe aaample compete copper, marble, "f and under ealatlng eonaitions. DRIVING ASSOCIATION. In the big race on September nickel, tin, zinc, br .. 13th to is only one practice that la perfect-if.- I'earl Harbor and back. The oilcloth, woodwork, and all FOODS cf every sort In dlmlnutlTe fr-.t- Bonnie an that la total abstinence A Hundred Dollars Donated to the Dundee is liable to reverse her aaekages tin. glass, wood and stone last year's form with the Eva. as the ( '"mIi stln lltjuora aa beverages. It Labor Dmy Purses. painted and unpainted surfaces, oandy for packing, bandy lo eat Uttta ' v .utig beglna to drink, he former had clearly the best of it in her waste. f man never Sunday a spin Jewelry, filigree work and '. never Iwcnme a drunkard. If At a meeting of the Honolulu Driving with the latter yacht. a also ' 4 w itnin never tastea wine Of cham-- ", Association held last evening at the celluloid. Removes dirt, tar, pum-- or A MINISTER'S BASKETS for carrying hampers asui poieoned with alcohol was GOOD WORK. r sl.cihnllc? drink, she will never dU- - Hawaiian Hotel. It resolved that paint, Iflk stains, etc., from the and bags experience. home, S1D0 be donated aa purses for each of "I had a severe attack of bilious co'.lc, her psrents, blight her ie. got ? herself and make the appalling hu- -' the four harness races at Kaptolanl a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. hands. f f on Day. as follows: Cholera and Remedy, took a lrunkn daughter, alster, wila Park Iabor Diarrhoea -; ' 2 24 two doses and was says OF COURSE you don't buy the as.- I'H't'irr, Three minute class, 2:i0 class, entirely cured." yews,! ' ' 'class, and free-for-al- l. Twenty-fiv- e itev. a. A. i'ower. of Emporia. Kan. aerience, but it's of great value to n.t ,i.. not teach Ills disciples tof.tl ; ' "My neighbor knowing how to pack enable hi ire by sny precept, but He SO 'dollars waa Toted tf be given for the across the street was sick because ' three-eighth- s A one-ha- lf over to Insure safe arrival, no breakac,; tliem im.lee ins swae of love, as dash, for the for a week, had two or three bot !w,w is alx-furlo- Co, 10 loss whether transported 'Iscilinir principle governing ail their) mile dash. nd l'i for the tles of medicine from the doctor. He , DimondS. : evari us-- ". used them for three or four days with Tioontalna on pack saddle or carrta4 l ski action, tnal they tteiignt to tha loeker of our yacnt. ; t t,..ir f. iiaw being dread the The sentiment of the meeting was out relief, then called in another doctor, ' and TELEPHONE MAIN 199. j Day races who treated him for some days and LIMITED, iny cf h.rmm them. Animated thAt after Labor the held gave v. the great his under th auspices of the Association be him no relief, so discharged him. apostle declared v.-e- morn- - s,M,,n trophies, rather than for money. A I over to see him the next HOUSE FURNISHING ALWAYS READY TO i i' f"f '- MESSENGERS .,t msrke.i out mo.t rienrlv I nr. He - were In a ter t "i'sn lu by bive wrote :' committee of three was appointed to saiu bowels 4 GOODS, CROCKERY and ANSWER ALL CALLS. J titei lie .- Day rible fix. that thev had ben running off I St Qo. a n.. 111 confer with the IJibor committee I V. 1 W I Lewis .rVrti to Ma neighbor- m. Ia.m . V n I . .wl All. GLASSWARE. !.- - v- - regarding donation of $iOO toward tMa rather, that no man put a their Chamber-J- ? i The conslst-H- n I asked him if he had trted GO TO THE GROCERS, H k In his brother's way. an th prte fund. committee t ''eg Soule, McDon- - Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea King Street. Honolulu. .,f fuiing."' ed of Messrs. Shaw and j "Iiestrov not with Itemedy, and he said 'NV I went noma Tailoring Co. 111 it turn fur whom Christ died." alJ ana orousrnt mm my poiu' "" Honolulu Fort StreetJ 1 not to nor ip. eat flesh to drink mm one aoee; 101a 111 n w l,u"lrl FORT AND BERETAN IA BTS. Telephone 240. t. anything whereby thy Iterr Liebknecht. the socialist leader dose in fifteen or twenty mtnutea If he; 'imlii.th." The disciple of nf Oermany, is ueaii, ana there was a took no delivered FOR CLOTHING. i l did not End relief, but he mor. Tlie ADVERTISER Is The highest standard is found itt ' f'.nii ii free lmnn and not outpouring cf as rjiLT a sUv. tremendous Itrllners and wasentlrely cured For sale by 73 a guar Stanley & Co.'s celebrate? ' ns n. tot cent, Orders taken and satisfaction SDruance. from 130,0"0 i-- ih. eltv choice and net a result. Not lM th.m people Kenaon, Smlin & co., ia suoiesais r Kentucky whiskeys. " "l n ss anteed. New Goods. brands of what ba tl-a- to followed the coflln. agents. ' month. THE PACIFIC f;XttW EBOiAk AUYPBTIBSOxrnOKOHJLU AUGUST 28, IpOO.

' : - t i - i ".' I . i . - TUX PAU1K1U THE JAPANESE SOLDIER. STRUGGLING HARD TO -- v "No Uke H ihef Such dispatches as Jheseare becom- BUILD THb IDtWhY-ARC- Commercial" Advertiser ing common: "Great confusion yester- allied day attended, the advance of the NEW YORK, August 15. Louis' Wlnd- - Master s Eye9 BBOfl troops with the exception of the Japan- muller. one or tne most active memoere VAX.T23 B2XXTH - - EDITOR, lsk ' com-- - ' ese."" The exception getting ' ot the citizens' committee for perpetuat- -- : You master your, 1 , ui"V- - mon enough t6 become the rule, for ng the naval arch, more commonly call are of TCE8DAY wherever the .Japanese army is placed ed the "Dewey arcn," In Filth avenue at health, and if you, do not it shows a discipline, a readiness and a Madison Square; Is quoted as saying that . , public-interes- t every AT dash which might --well be the enyx X, in spite of waing attend to duty, the blame is THE will syil-be- . roadja..to . replace . .tne "Mr. ., . ' ; e.ffort,, The Democratic platform and the Germans themselves. stru.CT.Ure. Mr. Jap-- , present withone of s.one. located your blood Bryan's speeches are sure to keep the There are good reasons why the WiiidmuUerVhaa just "re'turned from Eu- 'fsU$ Filipino a foremost place war alive until after election. anese 'should take rope. , Heels' the chairman of is out order Hood's Sarr Should McKlnley then be chosen Presi- among the soldiers of the 'world." To entertainment. '., of , dent It Is likely that Agulnaldo will be begin .with they have a fanatical pa- , "The naval arch must be' built,"-- he said saparilla will purify it ' ' reverence emphatically, has now" become a ready to treat for peace on liberal triotism. No people their ;it ifie remedy troubles In- question of civic pride.'. True, the move- 'ft is specific for of terms. Otherwise he will stick for flag or sovereign more or will sacrifice ' mte began in consequence of the popular Shod, kidneys, bowels or liver, ment the k dependence providing Dem- honor or glory of the home-comin- w and get It a so much for the g courage enthusiasm over the of Ad- ooiise ocratic Congress as well as President commonwealth. Their under miral Dewey. Because of a certain oppo Blotches " SHy face used to be has been elected. . fire is of the kind that does not value sition, whfth, as we all know, was felt covered u?iih pimples &nd blotches and 1 420 Port Street. 1 life if there is a chance to win some toward making t..e monument solely in enniinuous hea.da.che. by laying down. In Admiral Dewey, it was decided suffered from The French are the only ones dis thing for Japan it honor of Sarsxparilla. quickly as of 1894-- 5 there was not a de- to name the arch in commemoration of Hood's removed the satisfied with Count von Waldersee the war an act was thought to commander of the allied forces but as serter or a straggler; not a soldier ran, the Navy. Such cause And my face is smooth. Have no were falling all be only a slight acknowledgement of the Special Offer Russia has accepted him the Gallic though his comrades past present courage of our com- more headaches." F, H. Seibert, thisWeek and protest may be looked upon as a bit of about him; and there was one typical manders at sea. Hammond, Ind. case where forty men attacked the ad "Nevertheless the eLb of enthusiasm leyards. France will Jail In with tne vance guard of the Chinese army, 5,000 has continued and subscriptions have be- rest though she may Indulge the pious strong, and held their ground until help come smaller and smaller. The last en- military tertainment given cn 'Dewey Day to Uaftaww hope that von Waldersee's arrived. expenses. wrecked coming is an inherited trait. In raise funds hardly met the One Half the reputation will be in Discipline New York go backward? Regular Price. campaigns. old days there were lords and vas- "But shall the beginning can we end in ut- - gave im- After such a Hood't Pill tni- liver Ills; the g sals In Japan and the vassals ter failure? Is such a course consistent and It Is again reported that bubonic plicit obedience to the lords. Now the with the record of this metropolis? That plague has claimed a victim In San common people in the army serve their is the question. It Is not necessary to We Give What we Advertise. Francisco. If the whole truth were officers in the same way. There is no say how much such an arch would en- would probably appear that thought of insubordination; the letter hance the architectural beauty of this known It say would re- the plague has been In San Francisco of the order is observed. Hence wnen a city, nor netd I that it goes as a ma- dound ten times over to our material ad- fo years and that cases of It have Japanese army moves it vantage. usually been listed as pneumonia. We chine. As such it is absolutely guided "Accordingly, the efforts to have an apprehend no more danger from the by one man and he a military expert exhibition of paintings, proposed last American Dry Goods present discovery than from former whose training has been had in the best spring, for the purpose of completing the Association ones, as the Coast metropolis Is too foreign schools. subscription fuurl, will be redoubled. Al- clean to harbor an epidemic. The Japanese soldier can march though I have not consulted with all the on rations than members of the ee on the un- further and smaller Is to soldier and is not impeded dertaking, I believe the plan exhibit ''"The man who killed King Humbert any other the American paintings at the Taris Ex- will not be executed, as in Italy capital by long baggage trains. For centuries pedition and other art collections as soon punishment has been abolished. As the Japanese have b;en' pedestrians, the exposition ends. I think that if a WMte SipWo, who got after the Prince of walking from place to place all over prcper appeal is made to the citizens of Wales, went Scot free. It is evident that the empire. You can hire a 'rickshaw this city, they will respond." the anarchists are having a much easier man who will draw you in his two-wheel- ed a trot; two of time of it than they deserve. Severe gig ten miles at RAILROAD DISASTER measures are best in dealing with these them together will make thirty miles. fqefl ol society, as Is proved by the long Meanwhile these coolies will subsist on NEAR GRANDRAPIDS period of Immunity, now nearly twenty a trifle of rice. It is no trouble at all OLD years, enjoyed by Russian royalties. a 'Japanese, soldier to pack three Aug. 13. f:r they GitAND RAPIDS. Mich.. 1 weeks' rations on his back, for The north bound Northland express, Cover consist of nothing but compressed rice city 4:05 a. m. While the Democrats promise free- day a which left this at and tea; to march all at j dom to the Filipinos nothing Is said and and then sound bound passenger train number 2, lope. due here at 6 a. m., collided in the dense about getting back what the Islands patriotism, courage, endurance. have cost. It must not be forgotten Given fog of the early morning at Pierson, disc ipline ana moimuy. modern a.in, twenty.nine mlle3 north uf Grand Ilap that we paid Spain $20,000,000 for the eoulpments. a imeuge, property which the Democrats want to and wariute ids. Seven persons were killed and nine . , 1 with the white -- I - .. .1 1 . . . Art AAA flail eagerness to be classed severely Injured, one of whom cannot In trying to keep its Inhabitants in or recover. . . . i i . i , . works out problems as sureiy Soap. . i .i staff that The dead: Letts, Chaiies M., Grand tier. xtir. iryun una ma intiius uic of Germany $120,-000,00- minutely as did that 0 and Rapids, conductor north Dound trait, ready, apparently, to throw away Moltke, we have with a simple turn of the wrist In the time of Von and No. 5; Groetveldt, Gilbert, Grand Rap i the Ideal army. Such Is the military ids, engineer No. 5; Fish, William H., (and naval) establishment of Japan and many Grand Rapids, engineer No. 2; Wood So reople are found destitute the world is now learning, what every house, Edward D., Grand Rapids, fire HAVEYOUTRIEDIT? every gold 1S94-9- 3 al- autumn In our Arctic fields observer of the war of has man No. 5; Boyle, Louis G., Grand the Government Is put to great ex- - that ways insisted upon, that the Japanese Rapids, fireman No. 2; Pierson, C, pas pense In relieving them. may now j It are capable of matching themselves Benger of Franklin, Ind.; Levan, Ralph, te necessary to give several hundred with the world's most boasted soldiery. passage son of Baggageman Levan, of Grand people free from Nome. There It will be wise for the Russians to let Rapids, was If you have, we know you will use be no way prevent who in the car with his It again. you not, seems to to rushes them alone; and a possible good result father. If have of Impecunious men to inhospitable pla- of the present concert of action before Mark, ces gold and com- Fatally injured: Blossom, where has been found Peking is that the Russians may find Grand Rapids, news agent; base of mon humanity demands that they shall It out in time. not be left there to die when failure skull fractured. TRY IT comes. Injured: Dennis, H. A., Grand Rap And you will surely use It again. 4 The statement that President Steyn Ids, passenger, cut on head, legs Jam- is confined In General De Wet's camp med, left shoulder hurt; Graves, Wm. And now comes Judge Robertson of under surveillance, needs the explana- M., Grand Rapids, colored, waiter on Maul, Jurist, editor and hotel-keepe- r, tion which the telegrams do not give. No. 5, compound fracture of right arm IT IS H'HACKFELD &CQ.Ltd who overrules Judge Wilcox as respects If true it may mean that Steyn actual- and badly cut; Ford, C. M., Grand questions Judge Hum- A high grade Toilet Soap to sell at a the libel law and ly tried to commit suicide as the re- Rapids, colored, porter No. 5, Injured low price, and absolutely harmless to HONOLULU. H.i; phreys right to call the Grand Jury ports of a fortnight ago said and that about legs and chest; Powers, David C, the skin. together. It never rains but it pours. he Is being protected from himself. We Grand Rapids, baggageman of No. 2, Ry the next mall we shall expect to can hardly suppose him a prisoner for scalp wound, throat cut, contusions on hear that Judge Little has sent a mitti- jMjlitleal or military reasons. limbs, both eyes closed; Poriff, Frank, Price Per Cake mus to Judge Robertson with the usual ( Traverse City, trainman, head badly Invocation at the end and the pol-do- g that Such a vessel as the new liner cut; Barnes, William, Grand Rapids, of war Is barking among all the dining car conductor, left of chest hurt, mNGTONi BLOCK outlying courts. ' vDeutschland could make the trip be- tween Honolulu and San Francisco In a head cut; Taylor, Harvey, Grand Rap ids, colored both lOcts..'" trifle over three days and a half. If waiter, hands lacerat Senator Hanna made a reputation as the Orient is well opened up we shall ed, arms cut; Hartsaw, W. G., passen ger, a speaker at the National Convention see such flyers and plenty of them. In- badly hurt about face and chest. and will try his luck on tne stump. deed some ships now building for the When the trains met, day was just Three Cakes For Hanna Is chiefly known to the masses North Pacific trade promise to ap dawning and the fog was so thick that In caricature and by showing himself proximate the Atlantic speed records. engineers could not see more than one In the flesh he does something to re- - hundred yards ahead. For Tidiness move a false Impression. The Repub- - According to the railway officials the to Good llcan chairman Is a very presentable j Ai Water. collision was the fault of Operatoi man, a type of the successful and clear-heade- d Editor Advertiser: Good water is a ne- Wells, stationed at Mill Creek, four Lace , Curtains American, and has been grossly ' cessity to every bipe-d- quadruped, as well miles north of this city. The trains I 25ct. maligned by the pencil as well as the aa to birds of the air. Many diseases are usually meet at Sand Lake, two miles pen of the enemy. communicated through drinking unclean south of Pierson. Have a good deal to do or stagnant water. This hardly needs An order was Issued discussion to prove It, as all the civilized that they meet at Woodstock, four With making a house tidy mwm The Eoers are tiring of the war and nations of the earth use boile-- water for miles north of Pierson. Later Operator are sharply criticising President Krue-ge- r the uso of marines as well aa soldiers. Wells was asked If the express had Looking. This is just what who, with $2,000,000 In his private How shall we of Honolulu get It? Firnt, passed his station yet. He answered surface water examined so skillfully by "no." He was told to counter- Our Lace Curtains will do- - car and with steam up In his locomo- - .1 . . . then Tlru rim. Tlnn.n..l mand tive. Is .waiting near the Portuguese i former orders and give orders to frontier: Krueger ,.nhK No. 5 to meet No. 2 II10II Is keeping the war ti.ttred. Dr. Wood, who accompanied Dr. at Sand Lake. FORT STREET. Infants' and Children's Ware. alive and also keeping out of It, while Pay In examining into the water sys- Similar orders were given to No. 2. the misguided burghers are seeing their tem of HoriKkong, proposed a similar Train No. 5 never got the order, having farm-hous- es go up In smoke as a burnt gravity system for the water of Nuuanu. already passed Mill Creek. They col- SEE BIG DISPLAY IN WINDOW. onenng 10 a cause. !J. S. Emerson. C.E.. after oarefullv sur lided therefore, while both were going lost It cannot be veying long before Krueger will have to start and levelling to ascertain the facts. at full speed. The forward cars were for Lourenzo Marques In 1S'j9, advised taking Manoa water as telescoped. The big mail dining after which an well as Nuuanu, and have a common res- and v peace may cars on No. 5 I be achieved. ervoir on Punchbowl hill crater. Evident- saved the Pullmans in IV1. c. ly the rear and the passenger on B co. i s there would be a saving expense in coaches JUFMFVTC AC niMirnnr such a system, as far as it would go. No. 2 were saved by three freight cars PHONE 157. Pumping artesian well water has solved which happened to be attached next YOU WILL. NEED FOR TOUR .A the difficulty the An Item In the latest budget of tele- for the present. But accord- engine. There were eleven cars on ing to the report of C. OFFICE grams about the frying of an egg on J. Lyons, the water Train No. 2 and ten on No. 5. Only six Washington of the artesian wells is gradually dimin- cars the pavement during a hot ishing. Hence it would remained on the track and the mid-Augu- be wise to use day of st, contains a state- surface water as far as it will go. engines were literally torn to pieces. ment, Is Our Whea Operator that of value to this city now worthy Superintendent of Water-wtr- ks Mills had discovered Desks WORTHINGTON, that modern street paving Is has drawn all that he could as his error he tried to stop express HENRY R. proposed. as far the at It appears that, when the culinary ex- appropriations would permit to reme- Pierson, but was half a minute too dy the shortage. Ye economy late. -- periment was made, the mercury out- t in the use The injured were brought to this city Chairs unco- side a drug store, of water should be practiced by us of Ho- and taken to the proprietor of nolulu. We have often been too lavish various hospitals. The which supplied the egg, stood at 120 In its use, suffering it to run through top dead were also brought here. The railroad- degrees fahrenhelt, layer -detectives Engineers and Builders but the asphalt of the soil Into the black which caught thieves at work - sand, Stools m I- I - fIf 1 m. mwI.aVmm I mA mm! i Aft pavement, at the same time, registered carries It to the ocean. It la said. at the scene of the disaster. llf J 15d 'degrees. Honolulu Mm Does It not follow, there- has another opportunity to IIUIIl I't fore, that asphalt, heated, have a park within the limits of the "The real reason of Fill till Will to such burnt Chinatown. May we the strained rela- Files Intensity and acting aa a radiator, not Improve tions between Roumania and Bul- must the chance which we may not have for garia, says a special And all ) aids of Furniture. greatly Increase the summer tempera-tar- e a generation to come? dispatch from of a city in. which Is Vienna, "is the recent discovery of a It laid? Is It PRO BONO PUBLICO. plot laid by the revolutions OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND not supposable that If Washington THE SPECIAL ATTENTION Queen had tee in Sofia to assassinate King Charles Wernicke AGENTS la called to the fact that e carry in stock at our 8et some other kind of pavement. Incapable V sugar house eervlc. PART OP HIS EAR GONE. iwumania wnue attending the re-qui- warehouse a large aaflortment of pumps for all Wnd. of of retaining solar heat, a temperature for King Humbert at Bucharest, Including vacuum pumps, air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, lepmnpj of 120. degrees In shadeless open ihe Bulgarian government Book Cases a complete stock of spare the air declines to molasses pumps, etc.. together with and prompt shlp-- would probably never be A Bandman Believes That it Was interfere with the revolutionary com- all sizes Careful attention given to all orders reached? If mittee." . CALL TS valvesfor we'admlt the reasonableness of this Bitten Off. COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMriNO view then we must regard suspi- "ESTrMATBs' FURNISHED FOR with Pallkapu. a native who plays cor- Gen- - OR POWER. cion any attempt to pave the hLIev,8,t,nS Joe Wheeler a PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY the streets of net In the Hawaiian band and is one of son of William J. Bryan, aged twelve a tropical city like Honolulu with 'as- the members of the original Quintette hung out of the headquarter's window' phalt or any, seventy-fiv- e Cook Sts. kindred substance. It is Club, lost a piece of his ear In a fight feet above the pavement OFFICK:Corner Fort tod Queen Sts WiREBOUSE: Corner Qneen and hot enough here now; let us not try to at his home in Honuakaha on c"neIn W toes in an mnwmm TELEPHONirE9S. any Saturday anel'nf the casing HONOLULU, H. I.. make It hotter by artificial means. night and he believes that it was bitten when General The Advertiser admits that some off. Three men ,e" rescHfd him. The boy was are under arrest at the fishing on the sidewalk with a piece QUEEN ST. strong pavement for the business dis Police Station charged with complicity or Iron attached to a long string. will be called for when traffic In In another In trict the affair. Pallkapu states that on moment he would have fallen AND SEE THB DISPLAY. creases. It ought to be durable, noise-es- s Saturday a crowd of men came to his and reasonably cool under the ver-Jc- al house. It was late but as he knew one sun. Judging by the experience of of them he Invited them In. They were CORKIB FOBT AMI Sydney The Honolulu Tobacco we believe that eiirAlvntn from the water front and were some- THE LONG LOOKED MERCHANT ST. J)locks are nearer the right thing than what under the influence of liquor.' Seattle" Ltd. B finythlng so far proposed. Set in the. After a time they began to quarrel. FOR Company, Jnanner described in recent Issue stepped a of He In between them and at per 'Aoitntfl' Irom New Yorli ;ihls paper they wear long and well, that moment the light was thrown over HAS ARRIVED Hat Received M nd cannot radiate enough heat to and extinguished. Some one fell on him Rainier Beer The World Renowned Brtnd of CIOAES 'lake any appreciable difference in the and a few moments later he felt blood EX IROQUOIS emperature. trickling down his neck and he found ' ' Before ever going Into asphalt or part of his ear was gone. He ' that was We Itumen contracts the Department of not certain whether it was bitten off or can now fill the long felt want. Russell, 1 Lillian jubllc Works would do well to look at had been cut off by a broken bottle he matter on the climatic side and see which was on the floor of his room but nt 1 bether It Is not possible, by adopting he reported the case to the police and PURITANOS. Sydney plan, to get the pavement several of the party were arrested and tbv THFJl i est suited to local conditions. held on the charge of mayhem. s7Z. i iiWWW L0VEJ0Y & CO., 19 Huuanu St. PHE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL APVEBTI8EB, HONOLTOJ, AUGUST 28, 1900.

-- ww wv wvw w VMIVfVfVfVfVVVIl turn. Our chief end is to God. love and glorify LOVE OF 1. thf. t,le1.true Nation, all will admit, ? harmon and Peace. This har-T-"' '3, soured only through love, through,, iiV.mi00!. Pacific Hardware Co., ,.., . . ooiv.n uu une siue lii6.liSI Ltd cannot be forced by 1 a decree of csnnot be obtained - ... r"..;.1 THE LORD r,r k.., j "j- iiirreI lorrauia LIMITED, ? or council. Like harmony in ThroLh VP"" f life' U com only ' love. There is no true iA'T!, unison or harmony apart tions from love. Na- We aro Sole Agents unite armies and navies against a for The Obligation 'S'nts are brigaded to- - Have in Stock Resting 1 and imnJ:u i .' amerent nat onalities fight ShOUv,der' but Tea union rvT thr 3 no Offer for Sale On All. form a their wealth to common capital, undertake com- mon enterprises together, pass through rJdS; reaP ,arg ofits togeth-e- r, " out nn ,.,oi Wilcox th ...... iove on ' Gibb SERMON AT CENTRAL UNION i " ' mutu love, is only truerf the uniting power. All union, all har- and mony apart from love i .. .. . NEW e '. 15 iove ?a tlMr - re to be bar-- ! Rev. P J. P. B Sewing Erdrmn Preached AUTOMATIC Machines vii .;riu.t i auoin li. As soon ROOFING, l0Vfc at fthTr hl 10 our - . At 1 a "Great Sji-da- y l K leaven- niif iiiiHt. Commar.dmcr.t" lv we know We are BUILDING PAPER, ; peace united in " 1 V " ! Wan.!, and harmony with Him. l Tffin : i m rt . ?. Morning. iornpr.h..nsive. Ive PRESERVATIVE PAINT, 1 is l .V Wfc,"rt wuey nave & ) Fear narrow. We are V . i tlio Wilcox Ui w iarh hp b.dden to fear Gud; to BOILER AND STACK rsiMup' imn 10 naim on on an tin5nnprT Him; stand in awe of PAINT. "Mt e and this, is due Ilim. But fear is! INSULATING i... COMPOUND, .,ml ,; Automatic in I , I I ',lml an,i n MnAutoti, text have eh.....-- f distant. There is no sens,. t in only Automatic Wnir Mac! 'VV::., e BRIDGE AND ROOF PAINT. I ' . . ,y u HrMWt -- ,urt,e, other than or our agents i , iVt' V , -- "?S,V3 ....triv ami iik ver: vs. m ioiJ. But I .. . - I A f . are fraud n m all these .... - .f I n.- - inv l1 i ; ,n? iciym l.or.J our (Joil on,. nul th-v- a Wr,!. Trust' .fa!tI'. are m.irmno mat H ju,t the same a & Vpw Aii'tnnmii, CJ - ... hoi. essential. tho Wilcox UU!n ,l!Hlt ,ove Lord thy u.r) are sewisn. Kach of these is du ;,,J, it m cheaper. God with all thv 11 soma personal necessity. heart ami with Ve all thy oul ana with all wcu oecausc we realize our own ir.i weak J REFINED thy min.l and with all thy strength." ness, powerlcssness. and mt SUGARS, This lommandmt-nt- , together with the cerndenoe in some- one oi,.,i.,i,...-- "fe'iij. ne nope wuoe ana Granulated. " " one following. in God tcauso we realize our own insig- "Thou shall love thy neigh-t- xr 7 nificance nad despair of success or vic- Pacific as thyself," sums up the old deca- tory single-hande- d. We PALNT OILS. Hardware logue are compelled to Company, and gives look to in a require-mtnt- s. Him for the word all Its final adjustment of Lucol and Linseed. Iiut these two go affairs. All these, you notice, spring LIMITED. further, eivlnz from some personal the positive Hide of Godly need and center in life, and call for ourselves. But love, how different' Its STEAM PIPE COVERING, at uve virtue. Given In this very form to very essence is unselfishness; thought- Household Israel centuries before Christ came. thv lessness of self, thoughtfulness of others Reed's Patent Elastic Sectional Department lt-f- t Love Is not receiving; Covering. ttrvvt. the without excuse for love is giving It Ik'M their is pouring out affec-t.o- neglect of God and His truth. But Israel the soul in sincere n was like men today. and expending the energies in tender They chafed under acts. Love is grander IXDURINF! retrain! and desired to free themselves and higher than -. rear, faith or hope Water-Dro- of numtttttttmttttnf tfliQtiiiii from commands of n bin.i., .1 in its objects One Cold Wafur f- rnay fear circumstances, Tal. - wught deliverance fn.m th. Va,' may have faith side and outside in white and col- of Kpypt. in law, may hope for an event; one ors. f eMralnt Then when God had can but ccm xo tnelr rescue love only a person. It is all inclu- and brought them sive. Bove Is the if I2S BJHKS "J. C. PFLUEGER AND "M. safely out of tdavery. they begin to mur- tenden.st, most unsel- - WATSON" mur and rebel i.f.i. most nivine or ail emotions. "God FILTER PRESS CLOTH, I against His commands. is And so it has leen century after cen- ive. Linen and Jute. tury O! if we p-- in the history of man. It seems to misunderstand God t us be Seek out a w 1 1 ... ,n natural to man to desire absolute lib- friend ho kn CEMENT, erty from any constraint. No doubt this and be brought into closer acquaintance LIME AND BRICKS W is Heavenly 1 baft rwtlTM 4 larit assortment of partly due to his Innate feeling of inde- with the Father Then tn pendence , 1 will not seem and freedom- Vv- -J a duty; only a nriviWe thf feeling de n down In M ,o...'"U.u,.uilS Lntil a man understands this obligation his life is J L Norton 1. I expression or not, that nothing aimless; until he realizes the vr " farth can bind him, no relationship it creates and until he ac- mie-- be - cepts & ht- God or the responsibility, his life fail- rossc Blackwell restrict his ure. is a Groceries jlife. He must and will live according to To love God supremely, and to live jthe dictates his every hour with cf own sou). power this love as the motive AGENTS FOR Removal Now this obligation rests upon u.s and of action, is the obligation restine we can not escape It. " ' e W It arises naturally ?T , 'dal SK lK"fore us ESTERN SUGAR Bicarbornate Cre"-lato- all Maj REFINING CO of enough. We are creatur,s-G- od r. us Soda, Wash Soda, our to accept the oMi-- 1 Fan Francico Cal He has made us. and by all the nation and to reach the ideal ,A Caustic (laws of heaven and earth we belong to Soda, jHIm. God created this n lautiful wi'iJ GOOD MEDICINE which we dwell. He g .'OR CHILDREN. green made the tower-lin- BALDWIN o Notio mountains; He spread out LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Dnn4-- mjr1l Thills-- . even hangine blue the Philadelphia, Pa. ouuuji '.cling bre.xe and made the exhilarating "Through the months of Jun. nd uiiiLcs vjuus. lHir breathe. The grand spreading July our baby was (tires, the brilliantly teethlne and . colored flowers the running off of the bowels tv - and i NRWPT.t. Th OFFICES ani SALESROOM Of ;Ir!cl""s fruh. are all the work of God s .- iirr. itvutdctw.ia i jjikcAii Jllioj CA-T- Corrugated Iron, ui. Bvomacn- says o. " Ridging, Etc., th OCEAKIC OAS (rtr'1 ,,s to ""Jy P. M. Holliday. Manufacturers of National Ca Avn these, and he has created n. in.. ui. iteming, ma. "His bowel, ! Shredder, New York. Cement Carbo-liniu- CO., LTD., have been removed likeness. In His own Image. v are His move rrora five to and m, to the tY. .. eignt times a day. Firebricks, children bearing I had a Ewa tore, in the new MAGOON;enly iather one great famiK-- oa i, bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, 9 no an i j Remedy Stockholm Tar, BUILDING, corner of MERCIIANT iK'cau,,e of m whim that house graveirrhoea In the PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANY, Buckets, and him tea-spoon- jdod made us. It was for a purpose He four drops In a ful San Francisco, Cal. and ALAKEA STREETS, and In our '"ated us that He might love us;' that of water, and he got better at Tubs, Tinplates, m'Kht kr",w H'm an,J loT ?tSe' Smith & Co.; Saucepans, Tea- new quarters we are able to ahow our I" IIin whalesale agents.Beoo. kettles, new tooda o!T to much better OHLANDT & CO., Etc., Etc. San Francisco, Cal. I WIFE MURDERER PUEO Call and be convinced that we mean HHackfeld & fito. Ltd. what we aajr. GUARDED AT HOSPITAL Lands jSoda Water Oceanic Gqs 2 Elecmc Co.. Ld. For In the Highest State Sale. of Perfection at oo

Lota In King Street Ti HUES 1 ct from tm Ill FREE to JLSOf a lot, formerly tnowa u tfe R; ill"' ""llcora premises. ! ; v V.vJi. SHOOT S f Twenty lots In ttanom Valley. ff-- CONCERT mo Vro- - tensoo, Smith & Co. lrf nerly ilontano's Tr ct, JS,(WO tat. LIMITED I gjT AM) HQTKL its, HTS. HONOLULU TONIGHT m r Four fcundred lots In Kalalsjil TtaQ rom 1204) o 250 a lot. 3Ctln P. at OaaIia HUSTACE & CO. the r :t LIMITltP -- ' DEALERS IN Fifty LIFE and New England lots In ireldo Tract. opDotC FIRE Wood and Coal. Uakee Island, tSO lot ' Bakery. AND BLACK SAND APIS Venty lot In Puunul UK r!ch wt will sen t Ui Tract, latzfl I, loweat market ILM a 1. A'iknts ron rrofewors MARTIN. Viv tt nn and CHARLES R. i3Tiriv-Mi--ir . 6mpr Ale, SarsapariDa vt ou Mnk Francisco, have been engaged to give n aipnonn, a Etc., anj Other aeries cf musical concerts . v . 'SAVED-FOM'l4T- Y- L Etc. r r," -- MOW -- dosto.v Arated Waters. Una! of th New England Bakery. ABL Tueidays. vp-- -- Pnmnmiif Thurdayi and Saturdays of aad PiK lilOUIUIJtG UUl each week, commenclr; TONIGHT. Order From ruouc invited. HARTFOftD ' 13 Jr No charge f.ir admission. murd,rer who now convalescing at the Queen's Hospital I For further particular apply " Hawaiian Soda Works, Pfr?'.l wounds which he inflicted upon himself after killing his wife, ta t Ti:r.ErnoNE tos. ?n "ng"'0rth yesterday visited man in an the and found him sitting SEATTLE BEER Invahd chair in a ward In which were several Japanese and natives surferln r9 K All (rder -- from various injuries. NC rl!irerJ Tromptly. AT E- nen the Dcnu skaHff . . . . . ctdppt TH- dow suzlmr wnn,,VV.f,,- ty,tr:i nl"e war,J.t ueo was racing an oi.cn win i -" sward without. His was tu Ach fu'UBR i : manacbjt,! l "imeBreen back rnd !I.C I Hawaii Shinoo Sha CRITERION ySJP?? Sner'ff- - He started and was visibly agitated vh n his SALOON. " D3ae OI tnilllngrworth's office. Pueo n.ih'-.- l thin ana careworn. . . His cheeks ui.ro vj i r.i.'t'-- . heiil nn A i v vnv..!xivvj auu n aa Ith uity Trial Ta fiMftaa . i ..:- - tdmiAf m neck enclrcied his neck and hid from sight the u ;r .sh '"-- TO Th publisher ef Hawaii Bhlnpx a"paiai "f,hK all food has been passed Eince the night K-.- .s- -i & IT - the nron it Ant rl. Iimh,...... vt,v, ou'"U41 jnienu iTieo mutterea some words m 11.1 v, i Company. the Territory of Hawaii. FRESH TmVtV aipicuity understood. Instead of speaking entirely FRUIT! hu -- - . thf.ueh.. . , , .the word. -- v v . ... v T. FOOA. Klltor. Reived by the S. s. ,i vlV j... "'" ui'jsi pari inruuga me necu em nicu ;.y C. KHIOZAWA. Proprietor. . rrowln8 down aa tfce dealing process goes on. As he ep k - he CONTRACTORS The hMpitalir? 8efmed t0 b1 endeavoring hard to make himself understood. Real Estate ! c! no ,1 or, i i.iiv in a. Buuti ume me sra.n win nave oeen entirely "lZr WlNG - .ueVwU haye to take bis food through the mouth as formerly. ' NOTHING RdltorUI and Trlntlna: Of3r near LUNG CO. T.,.- e LIKE K .1 Iact tnat the man blood enough to have caused his death Brokers. I H Kln King lot Tt atrt bride. King atreet. p. o Street, corner of Alakea. fVV, "uunu3 wnisn would have killed a man of ordinary physique, Hoi 07. t 19 L r Pf1 6aunt Pawing stror.g-- r every day. and isi able to take part onaiy affairs in which th.? hospital superln i'rescning Paic t! m Custom I of Vhi, tendent allows some 10 ,T f... IIousc Blanks WESY KING ST. ins: nr:3T. r.hp. ;. upon report of Deputy Sheriff Chllllngworth. will Of All r eua,r1 over Pueo LEYIRS & COOKE. KlnSa over hi hifl an in the future, as a charge of murder hangs OHIA WOOD FOR SALE. oppose lurv VJ: V . the invalid may soon be well enough to appear before a iJ' rt8t.. 'HrUri and IwaJara la LcmUr FOR . b trIed for hl3 llfe which he so miserably filled to end aaf SALE at rrevAnVhimif vf BaTd' wH1 a careful watch over him all times, In any BaUdlng MatarUla. Ofl m eav,nreewlse at and quantity. Apply to boViiv lor i the hospital and doing anything more to inflict j W. ACHI & CO- i4 rcrt r. HAWAIi h,mslf- - C - wn OAZETTE COMPANY. careful" 72, It seems a strange fate that Ms nek should be so i 10 'VVest King Street. ' fleaieo. only to suffer possibly In the hangman's noose in the end. I July 30, 190. HU

0 U PACIFIC OOMiiUUOIAIi ADVliliTlBBU: HONOLULU, V. k THE AUUUaTa7lvv , i j . checked In his career! , v , . er ' i that his light went out. His honor A HILEY: Telephone 398 smelt prevarication and taxed the hir- sute one five dollars and trimmings. Summer Abraham and Kealoha, two ,- - efficient 1KB P. 0. Box 441 til t 1 "W. XCVW r htI 'i r v. r w students of the lexicon of profanity, Proposition. were called upn to explain. They ITS. orated on the Beach road and the baby Well, now there's the palm trees which beautify that pleas- ant driveway are sadly blasted in con- sequence. Samples of the alleged ob- ICE QUESTION Bicycles None Setter, scene verbiage were given and ladies Stearns You I In court shifted about know vmrn" nervously in their it's a necessity iVES seats, while Hanrahan's face turned to the hue of a pickled cabbage and Chil-lingwor- th 52 !!? MILWAUKEE PUNCTURE PROOF TIRES, the Tires for Honolulu. agency ordered a big block of ice to XORGAN & "WRIGHT HACK TIRES; sole at . he brought into the amphitheatre. Two - dollars and costs apiece was what the bill up. footed The Oahu Ice 'sHonoluluCyclery Co., CXXXXXXJOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO Bailey IL.LETT & CRAY'S sugar circu are uch that prices should be fully main and Electric Co. LIMITED. lar of August 9 shows raws had tained, and perhaps on a smaller output until supplies cf raws become plentiful Hoffman & Markham. W declined during the week 1-- 16 A1ND KING STREET, again from new crops. Louisiana and III Telephone 3151 228 231 Blue. Postoffi, S, quotations for refined unchang- sugars I ce Box with domestic beet will be available ill (J ed. The decline was due to the reaction about the 1st of October, so that the time ; Change of European markets, which was felt to be bridged over by small supplies Is Program in the long. is 'well, however, to be sure Exchange. of not It GET THE BEST on the New York Portions oi a full supply ahead from thirty tc the circular are as follows: forty days; after that less care can be Monday and THE WEEK. Raws declined Re- taken; and it should be remembered taht unchanged. refiners will be called upon to make very fined heavy deliveries during September to meet Thursday NATIVE Roofing j STATISTICS ITT' SPECIAL CABLES. the requirements for preserving the enor t Ready six principal ports Receipts, Rock Cuba: The mous fruit crops. This demand may come r.cne; exports, 1,300; stock, lO.OuO tons, Evenings. STOOD THh TEST FOR 25 YEARS. at a time when the refiners cannot meet IT HAS against 49,000 tons last year. Europe: it promptly, unless buyers anticipate Slocks in Europe, 803,000 tons, against ST4- ,- their wants. Prices are unchanged, ex Ready Rock Roof Taint is the best for all kinds of roofs, smokestacks. ,000 tons last week and 1,002, SCO tons last cept in the case of some softs, for which HATS tilers, tc. (year. Total stocks of Europe and Amer- - list prices were 'adjusted. Shipments of lica, 903,400 tons, against 1,019, 7S7 tons last granulated are delayed two weeks. Softs week, and 1,342,203 tons last year at the can be delivered promptly, and are shad Water uneven and 1,011, 3:-- tons AGENTS FOR Sunshine Fame dates at ed ten points on Kof. 6, 7, 9 and 11 to 16. NcwSongs even date of August 1st last year. The Receipts for the week were 29,173 tons; In Heater deficiency of stock is 318.S03 tons, against meltings, 42,000. Stocks in United States .... S2S.430 a deficiency of tons last week, and and Cuba together, 130,400 tons, against All working. j 00,023 2Sth, water day and night without t he use of fire. Call and see it an excess of tons December 279,403 tons last year. AND IIt hy.-'.t- . Hamburg: 9,300 tons of raw beet su-- ! SUGAR IN WALL STREET. A week Styles gar shipped to America from Hamburg of narrow fluctuations in stock mainly be- SPECIALTIES. Alpine Cement, Canned Fruits, jand Bremen this week; 1,000 tons engage- tween $121 and $123. Very similar condi- ments; COO of refined shipped. Pet and Highland Cream?, tons tions and same manpulations at $127 to AT "Monterey Sand, RAWS. The influence of the important $129 before decline to $120. Several things DO NOT MISS THE Co. downward reaction in the European su- may occur to start the selling again be- Mortar Stains, Standard Biscuit gar markets early in the week was felt in low $121 to a new level at $113, the most our local markets to the extent of a de-jcli- ne likely being the. closing of refineries or T. Bags, of per pound in centrifugals cutting down of meltings from necessity t Murata's Paper and Paper fea-tui- Jand Sc per pound in Muscovados and for awhile. After October 1st new es linn X & other grades. Later, however, the foreign will be introduced in the trade with THE HATTER. Boltz Clymer Co's Cigars. ! recovering , good opening now sugar campaign ill, market rallied again, a the of the 1 part of their decline, and our market ot a disturbing nature, 118 Nuuanu. Tel. 814. shows more firmness, but without recov-- J SAN FRANCISCO, August 3. Market ering loss. whole sugar market Box Office open 9 a. m. P. O. Box 8(5. CO., Ltd its The qujet with very little demand. Prices un-i- s after TRADING bar-refine- HAWAIIAN in an abnormal condition. Whenever changed. Dry granulated bags, 5.70; rs' 130,000 532 FORT STREET, LOVE BUILDING. stocks run below tons the rf.is B R0. Honekonsr. bass. 5.02. Beet su- - sugar situation becomes interesting. Just gar will soon be in market. Jrow stocks are down to 119,53 tons, barely CUBA CROP. Cane Is generall)- - in sufficient for three weeks meltings at the good to excellent condition, except in 'PHONE 540. present rate. One of two things must A AAAAAAA AAAAA AAA parts of southeast Santiago, where, al- asaaiaaiAAA A A a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA therefore happen before long either in- though canes improved during the last creased supplies or a partial closing down week, especially young cane, and at Ca- of refineries. The latter is the more like- nes, more rain Is still needed and in north- ly, inasmuch as It-ca- n now be done with- west Santiago, where the cane is yielding out inconvenience to the country. Anoth- from less than 5 per cent to 7 per cent er week or two and refiners will have sugar. The prospects for a good crop iiM i caught up with contract deliveries; the yield are favorable In southwest Havana, jobbers will have a supply on hand eh fair northern Matanzas and Santa Clara, and Arrived: lor urgent requirements, and, if neces are improving in northeast Fuerto i'rin- - Just sary, new business can be met with some- cipe. The preparation of ground for fall t what reduced meltings. An adequate and winter planting continues in north airount of supplies depends now very er Matanzas and northern Santa Clara. much on the early and safe arrival of the Fall planting progresses in northeast San YOU WILL NEVER KNOW Tourists! Tourists! cargoes of sugar known to be on the way ta Clara; has begun in northeast Matan- Per Ex Diamond Head, schr. Tra&alt secret of a clean scalp until yon fiom Java, which shipments, however, up zas, and continues on an extensive scale and E. B. Sutton, vli.: Blasting Pow Pacheco's Dandruff Killer. Thli pitx tc July 31st, amount to some 42,000 tona in northwest Santa Clara. In northeast der. Giant Powder, Rice Bird Pnrdar aratlon has no equal as a scalp clean less than last year. Under these condi- Matanzas the lowlands now conserve suf Hats, Caps, Q. P. Caps, Fuse and Load It penetrates the scalp and keeps tti VIEWS ON tions there is scarcely any room for a de- ficient no more is de ed Cartridge; a large assortment ol roots healthy so the hair can grow, c HAWAIIAN an- moisture, and rain la guaranteed more efficick; cline in prices, unless Europe takes sired for the next eight or ten days. In Symour's Celebrated Scissors, Bheey-Shear-s, to be dip sugars Eu-ic- pe any article la tlJ other downward. But in northwest Santa Clara spring cane is Cane Knives, X-C-ut Raws, than other similar for prompt delivery, suitable for the growing well, and is being cultivated, and market. Butcher Knives, whitewash Bruins PACHECO'S Silk Fans world, are about as scarce as here, and there is an abundance of sprouts. Ia Paint and Varnish Brushes, Keroseas inci eased prices do not brin out supplies southwest Santa Clara cane grows rapid- Gasoline, Benzine and Turpentln. DANDRUFF KILLER ARE THE BEST SOUVENIRS to any extent. In this dilemma it is ly; is well along for the season; the in- TO TAKE HOME. more than likely that the production of dications are that in places where there Is for sale by all druggists and at W refined will be curtailed rather than fend was a deficiency of rainfall last year this Union Barber Shop. Telephone 6X prices up to, say, 5c pound, Also Agents for of raws per year's crop will be one-thi- rd greater than just before new and larger crop becomes last; cultivation of spring cane is com- PANSY COOKING STOVES. ''f available in October at much lower cost. pleted, and some fall cane was damaged The position being so abnormal requires bv strong winds. 1 LA.VI LAND WAIIE. Tongue IWAKAMI, close watching for results. summary Childish NEW YORK. This week's of GATE CITT WATER HOTEL STREET. REFINED. Buyers and refiners are still the statistical position shows stocks in F1LTKX. quite busy in receiving and delivering con- the United States and Cuba together of VICTOR SAFE ft LOCK CO. lisp our praise, for we t&kt t tract sugars for August and will remain 130.4W tons, against 143.7S" ton last week via-mill- s tures of the little ones that H so for two weeks longer. Very little new and 279.000 tons lust year, a decrease of Aermotor Windmills, the best business is being entered. The conditions 14,310 tons under last year. ever come to this country; bat In the memory. no eual. suggested the police patrol be Biins in the Little Folks and that above articles must be tola at doubled in that salubrious suburb on The Saturdays and Sundays. LOWEST BEDROCK PRICES. Plata and let us commemorate THE CURS cbarmlil Three Chinamen charged w ith having call and examine for yourself. . cardboard lust how opium in possession were the principals your child Is today. Don't wi. raiser. "Ah Sun, Ah Sal, in the curtain change may not W YTTYYTTT YYYYY Y YTTYYTTTTYT YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Ah See," yelled Ilanrahan in stentorian HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., Tomorrow's tones and as the three Celestials shuf- prove the Infant. fled aft his honor murmured "Ah ha!" NO. 207 FORT ST., were discharged and The two latter the OPPOSITE SPRECKELS' former fined $30. As he had no money a compromise of a month was effected ART Twenty-seve- n common or garden Kakaako Needs Police J.J.WILLIAMS STUDIO. Iver Johnston drunks included in which number were several of the old reliables, then re- New Books FORT STREET. U1GII GRADE IN EVERY RESPECT. Attention. sponded to the judge's conundrum. They were nearly all charmingly unan- imous on the matter of guilt and were Golden Rule Bazaar. disposed of with grace and expediency $35 and $40 JUDGE WILCOX'S WORDS at the customary ratio. S16 FORT STREET. CAFE Lewis Powell was the only demurrer; ORPHEUM Equal to any 50 wheel in the market. he argued that he couldn't have been intoxicated as he had only consumed "Tekla," "His Lordship's Leopard,' Fifty-fiv- e Cases Before the District four sterns all day. He said that he To Have and to Hold," "Red Pottage,1 told the officer who arrested him that "A Daughter of the Vine," "When Meal go was The Best Magistrate Yesterday he wanted to home and that he Knighthood Was in the Flower," "No. S --AND thereupon conducted to the station Men on Wheels,1 Morning. was John Street." "Three Pacific ycle o.f house. Evidently that Mr. Powell The Prisoners of Hope," with "Un Servici SOLE AGENTS. really, truly and abnormally inebriated The Best he was leavened Bread." "Senator North," "A Japanee, poured in in such chunks that In the CK. at Popular Prta Xhlers' Block. Fort Street Kanaka, son of a Mandarin finally convinced of the fact and "po- Gentlemen from Indiana,' "The Black (All of 'em booked for common drunks, Wolfs Breed." "For the Queen in South for nuisance or affray) nied up" two and costs. tr..l. mt AU Hours. A Is CUU i Each of 'em spinning a wondrous yarn of Jim Hunt was corralled for assault Africa," "Currlta, Countess of Albor rbl D'Hot2. innocence any old thing and battery on one Palekai, a native ooz," "The Voice of the People," "Rob- Hut Ilia Honor linds them guilty and Tournay" In of the House , woman. It appears that these two ert "Pursuit H they pay, pay, pay. lovers indulge in periodical luaus or boat." "Janice Meredith." "A Name to WING WO CHifUCO Great Variety of brutality and that whenever one of !ConJure Wilh," "Monsieur Beaucalre,1 The district court was crowded to them is arrested the complainant in the "Th AutobloirraDhr of a Grlzxly." "The capacity limit yesterday morning by j case inevitably admits that the blame End of an Era," "Deacon Bradbury.' bony Furniture, the friends, relatives and victims of was entirely his or hers as the case "In Cuba With Shatter." "Trooper Cigars and Tobaccos. some fifty odd might be. In Mr. Hunt is Stoves disdainers of the law of this instance 1809," "The Sign of the Cross," Em-- Chinese and Japanese Tea. the land. What space was left when said to have pulled his fiancee off the Crockery. Mattings, ! Dress Octavla." "With Kitchener to these had been accommodated was fill- - lanai by her hair, knelt on her stomach Vases, Camphorwood Trua I Hampton Roads." ed to overflowing with the regulars who and administered several punishing up- - Khartoum," "In Ratan Chairs. .... ;.. Player," VJ x iff .wj, t.V; attend court on Monday morning as per cuts. Deputy Sheriff Chillingworth "Ben Comee." "A Gentleman conscientiously as they do the Saturday-nigh-t stated that once in the dear dead days The Hero of a." Kill nnil Satins AND performance at the Orpheum. beyond recall Palekai cut Hunt's head ....OfAUK Interest in proceedings open with an ax fuggested that 110-2- the was well and SPECIAL SALE 12 Nuuanu Street sustained throughout the program and the present case was the aftermath of 2 1 the "house" did not disperse until the a return game between the parties. The OF last case had been disposed of and the defendant had a kick coming because un . ... fell. All per- TRIBUNE! :.. curtain the old features which the officers who ran him in did not WHE1 Ranges Ai: have become so dear to the Monday mit him to don a clean shirt. Judge Is the POPULAR morning audience were presented at Wilcox cited the precedent of officer repu- Japanese yesterday's matinee with customary Kelly w ho he said established his Co., eclat. Judge "Wilcox introduced several tation by conducting a man to the Whitman & new quips. Officer pos- police in an empty ce- STtt Farners' Boilers an3 Extra Castings for ail Stoves. Ilanrahan was if station attired XENT8 FORT sible more profoundly dignified than ment barrel. Six dollars and expenses usual, and collected tickets with a pre- was the cost of the calisthenics. Goods 75 possessing suaveness. and John Smith Bill Pele and A. Fernandez were FOR SALE. 7Tlcplfone charged with being drunk at Kakaako charged with affray. Fernandez said We must make'1 rooii. for JOHN NOTT, No. was at his old stand. that he was sitting in a hack when Pele BARBELS Cj our Holiday Good already AT A BARGAIN. 430 There has evidently been n stron v:ame along and pinched him; trouble CES1 , LEHIGH PORTLAND reaction from last week's comparative ensued and a policeman took a hand York. stagnation in the field of crime, and and pinched them both. The case was ordered. due to arrive from New judging charged CUMBERLAND COAU from the fiftyflve cases on the nolle prossed. Pele was then ALSO. Brewer. docket yesterday morning, Saturday w ith drunkenness and fined $5 and And to arrive ex-Hel- en i: evening must have been a live night in costs. THE In October: Honolulu. Drunkenness and affray A little brown man named Ilorlta NOW IS LEHIGH PORTLAND II were the favorite misdemeanors and on whose chin flourished a big black FIRE BRICK; classic TO BUY. AMERICAN (4 Kakaako was the scene of a beard was in trouble because hg rode TIME BARRELS OF FIRB Keadl Advertiser. goodly number of the brawls. an unilluminated bicycle to the danger COAL. the CUMBERLAND Judge "Wilcox came down more heav- of the casual wayfarer. Horita Inge- ily than usual on the affray people as niously explained that when arrested he is of opinion CO., the that clashes of this he was riding under the electric light C. BREWER & L"; kind are becoming far too common, ow- which was bo brilliant that it complete- CHIYA & CO ing to the weather, or something in the ly eclipsed his humble carbide burner air or some other reason. deceived policeman. He fol- ' eents a Month. The eminent and the Corner Nuuanu and . a fP11!' 75 jurist also Wens dwelt at some length on the lowed up this brilliant conceit with a Eindery. von no unruliness of the Kakaako community statement to the effect that he was Hotel Streets. Tel 93S. GAZETTE ' 2.

I; TTo J. CO, Kaulukou appointed under bond of HOPP 6 J. HOPP & CO $230. THE The Best at the Lowest I Guardianship of Kailikea, Keka ap- Hawaii Land Co. FIRST AMERICA!! BAQ Great Progress o FIGHT FOR pointed. . 3 Price at norrrs. ' In re Opfergelt minors, W. F. Allen THE $2,000. LIMITED. OF IjT. OF a. o the guardian charged with HAWAII, a. Guardianship of John D. Holt and Incorporated under the laws of thfl T3 James It. Holt, master's report confirm- puduc of Ci o ed, and John S. Walker, the guaruian, Capital Stock Hawaii. LIFE ordered to file a more complete report. $100,000. Fisher's Capital, paid up $55,000. Authorized Capital, $100,000.00 o HI Goats o Were Scarce. Subscribed Capital, 750,OOO.Qrv GENTS Messrs. Sidney Jordan, Arthur Jor- OFFICERS. i.aiu uuuauitai, OUU.UUU.UU Pianos dan, J. Penny, J. Cockburn, and W. Amimoto on Trial for W. C. AchI President & Managei a amall beginning Gartner went down to Nanakull gulch OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. v has frown on Saturday in quest of elusive M. K. Nakulna Vice-Preside- nt Ceell Brown the rlhff run the Preside! v not one me Murder. goat. The hunters report the "billys" J. Makalnal Mark P. Robinson Vice-PrMtit- M o-- Treasure! atanea TJ scarcer than ever, but came across piles W. O. Cooper GftahlM knwi md, iReclining Enoch Johnson Secretary EL of empty In- M. Boyd but lt J b rac had a shells that were in some Seeretan point stances two feet high. They think that Geo. L. Desha Audltoz Directors Cecil Brown. W. o. Comm. that of nf I1no THE OAThTa WITNESS the last party down that way must G. J. Waller, Mark P. Robinson aai la this or any have been accompanied by an ammuni- Bruce ninu ftctur4 o wagon. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Cartwright. oth. rouatry. aii mis ne o tion The party only secured sccomsllahed. practl I thirty-fou- r goats and nineteen hogs, Jonah Kumalae, DRAW EXCHANGE ON: wlthla the but notwithstanding sport, Anglo-Cal- t.kln. Chairs the lack of J. San Francisco The if as' plt ten yere. Not only Attorneys for Defense Object to they spent a very enjoyable time. Makalnal, nlan Bank, Limited. but tt has received the o J. W. Biplkane. Chicago The Merchants' Loan mmM hKft ,.t tilmontaIs from z Swearing of Japanese Other IT fcAVED HIS BABY. Trust Company. vocal 9 o of the srsateat n. the kind that art meant to rest 0 "My uaby wa The above Company buy, isew Tor J. & w. Sellgman ft Cobb and aianiBi mi i Q.eay In. "O Court News. terribly alck with the will lease, pany. r I riit vr produced. It diarrhoea," saya J. II. Doak, of Wil- or sell landa In all parts of th Ha- London Anglo-Callfornl- an Bank. iiiily u In leading C I In o liams, Oregon. "We were unable to waiian Islands; and also has houset !a Limited. t end coilgs every progress made yes- cure him with Paris Societe Generate. ., end M receive! Judging from the the doctor's assistance, the City of Honolulu for rent. Berlin AVI O who la and aa a resort we tried Chamber- Gebruder Meyer. t terday the trial of Amimoto, lat a Hamburg M. M. Warburg ft Co. rwrie wnrTrChicago lain's Colic. Cholc-- ant Diarrhoea Hongkong nillill ,.f thlbltsd. accused of murdering a fellow laborer Item- - -- y. I n. hap, to say It gave Im- and Yokohama Taa lull tof. at Kahuku last March, will last for mediate relief and complete cur.e." Chartered Bank of India, Australia an , Mil th Flhr Pianos, by THE BANK OF HAWAII. China. Web-;Mn- ... several layn. For sale Benson, t tilth & Co., Ltd., r-- kr Urn, and o wholesale Australia The Union Bank of Aas Btery CUrS o Pillows All yesterday nmrnlni? was taken up a&entn. tralia. Limited. Cnliasa Cuttase Of. 3 O In obtaining a lurv to trv the cafe. It LIMITED. Canada Bank of Montreal. ,nl Without an odor. Exchange bought ' and vsral other fine U-In- was A ai sold and Let a capital crime the defense A I I I I ters of Credit a. I 11 I illI I I Mill1 Issued on all parts of the o particularly careful in Its questions to U 1111 Incorporated Under the Law of world. th. jury. F. W. II ink y anl A. It. C j I H J ) 1 M ! II IJ I I Republic of Hawaii. INTEREST allowed on fixed deposits; 1 i-- I 3 f) o Atkinson appeared for Amimoto, and .ll I CAPITAL 1400,000.01 Three months, per cent; six months, o per cent; twelve months, 4 pet Mattresses v iy man who was called to the Jury J OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: cent. I) Mad hair, from the finest Chas M. -- ID O I Cooke punlfh- - Lose President O opinion In regard to capital to Landlubbers at P. y. jones JLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. G. IRWUl. i vice President LTD ment. anl saNo w ith reference to hi r t C. H. 3 1 coolie o m ii . 1 . t. I ...... Inlmnlii Cashlei X ex. tricKei. P. C. Atherton Assistant Cashier CO.. M.TwHant Street. to i us-- of stalling the victim w ith Directors Henry Portieres - HONOLULU, H. L ft a knife, amLfor preju-lle- against car- May, F. W. To make thu house look pretty - Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney. O rJ ing knives several Jurors were ex- ; Sailors From Ships in Port Fail to J. A. McCandleaa. HHtHffl t i SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS l. As n result it was not until ta THB P . Bow! With the Honolulu Solid the Accounts of Firms nnr. NEVADA NATIONAL j BANK Ol noon that n full Jury was obtained, and poratlons, Trusts, Individuals and will Jurymen for the Eleven. SAN FHANCISCO. the entire panel of j promptly and carefully attend to all Chiffoniers Used. business Of many term had been connected with banking en- varieties. of wit- trusted to It. DRAW Frequently the examination The cricket match at Makiki last Sell and Purchase For- EXCHANGE ON nesses was Interrupted for an argu- eign Exchange, Issue Letter of Credit SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na a. noo i raiuruay auernoon was Interesting admissibility of one-side- d, tlonal Bank of San TJ ment on the certain though somewhat the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Francisco. o FURNITURE and longest LONDON The Union Eank of Loncesv testimony, but the hottest home team defeating sixteen men of Ordinary and Term Deposits received (Ltd.) COVERING contest of the day was over the admis- the sea by the comfortable margin of and Interest allowed 2 7,2 in accordance NEW YORK o of testimony of L'meta, a Jap- runs. American Exchange Na- i An l trimmings to match. sion the with, roles and conditions printed In tional Bank. o 1.4 supposed to have been The team which the local dub put pass anese who books, copies of which may be CHICAGO o present at the time the murder was in the Held was by no means a strong had on application. Merchants' National Bank. ' PARIS Lyonnais. 1 , one despite somewhat easy victory Credit em f . . . 1 ...... n ... I I If nnkAV rH l. t M.1 t.k tllS the Judd Building, street. .it The seamen of Fort BERLIN Dresdener o out repaired furniture as good as sworn in the conventional oath. Bank. tlntr I course were sadly handicapped by want HONGKONG AND tm new. w .no Jury was excused and l'meta YOKOHAMA of practice: this however will be reme- Hongkong and ."anghal Banking O "Oiwas placed on the stand and questioned died by the time the return game Is Corporation. ' ga'a to the meaning i f an cath at great played, which Is expected to be next FOR SALE! NEW ZEALAND AND AUSRTAU- A- length. He proved to be a Chris- Saturday, as the members of the six- o nt Bank of New Zealand. F ' tJ.Hopp&Co o tian, but he seemed to have a clear Idea teen intend to avail themselves of the VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank Fountain of the rfe t if be told an untruth on practice net at Makiki tomorrow after- of British North America, the stand. Mr. Hankey tried to get at noon. hH leller. llf did not lelieve in th The mariners won the toss and elect- Transact o General Banking 5 Eictiango Business o LEADING FURNITURE Christian t'd. but it was hard to ascer- o what his belief was. whether he ed to bat but could do nothing against Deposits tain bowling Sin- Received. Loans mads sa DEALERS. o was a dlseiple- of Shlntoism or Iludd-hls- the of Hob Anderson and Bomds, Approved Security. Commercial ani --a or what. f the penalties if he clair; Neddrie showed good defence Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Kx Pens Cu should perjure himself h seemed to though only scoring 5 runs. Iiuck kept change Bought and Bokt. I- - lirnorant. and Mr. Hankey up his wicket for a considerable time COLLECTIONS o on the question of his PROMPTLY started at him but when he looked to be fairly "set" (10-2- 0 ACCOUNTED FOR. o tn-lle- PER CENT Tear) GOLD f In T) STYLE OK -- a hereaTter. Hut here Jule he cave a chance in the slips off Ander ?riT Tltn and Bethel Sts.5 Silliman lnte.iosed. ! BONpS. ALU pKing "I do not believe that it is necessary son which was smartly taKen iy bin i, i lair. Kelly and McDonald made thi J. HOPP & CO. J. HOPP & CO that the man should beleVP in the Rood I Interest Payable Smi-A- M hell." said he, "in order lively for the fielders until the form BlbHDT & UU, From $1 i to $6. that his testimony should be admitted. was tMiwIed by Sinclair and shortly af i Whether he elieves in the tire and terwards McDonald was unfortunately ISS 'ED BY Ii: WAT HUMAN IDKAL TENS brimstone kind, or what kind he does out. He seems run SAVINGS BANK anl believe In Is not material. The Honolulu Cricket Club opened to have nn understanding of the sane- -' r r.Ki:t;-.- t.rcicT cuuvn. tlty of an oath and I think he may be their Innings none too well. Gilbert be- H10UU sworn according to the usual method." ing clean bowled by Qualllse at 15 and Iflll Office at bank building on Merchant Hire the ended for the day. I'.e-for- e" Waldrun smartly caught by Holland 5 Street. in ti"i trjr thm. (t.tttsf jctlon the controversy over I'meta's tes- runs later. Hob Anderson then went in t.rant"ec. timony arose the policeman who had and hfgan scoring at once onlyto lose This local enterprise assures a fine tlrst learned of the crime and several 2'. Savings Deposits wili be received ani Iwen connect- Jordan at and Stanley at 3. The electric car service in the near future, other witnesses who had two Andersons 'then became associated in.erest allowed by this Bank at foot ed with th enrlier stages of the mat- to and one-ha- lf per cent per annum. ter were sworn and Amimoto was and placed the issue of the match be- which will be a benefit the entire G, shown to have been accused by the yond doubt. Hob, after scoring 37 skied community. hos deeeaseil his death of being his a ball which .was beautifully taken by These bonds are now for sale at the L Thrum asaltant. Quallise. Miles was dismissed without Printed copies of the Ruies and Regu- There was some question as to keep office of lations iiay be obtained on application. s orlng and made room for Sinclair. Honolulu, September 7, 1898. J. J. PLONSKT. ing the Jury together during the trial, 73 gave In rutiT sTnnnT. Mr. Atkinson expressing his willingness At I. W. Anderson a chance DISTRIBUTOR, to permit the separation of the Jury. slips which was accepted by tjuailise. Hut Attorney Ceneral Hole objected, uallise bowled well throughout and I T. OP II. and as a result, they were domiciled at his fielding was especially line, BISHOP & CO. Daily Delivery the Hawaiian Hotel for the night. j Following are the scores: (LIMITED.) Honolulu September 7, 1898. KSTATK MATT SKT-- i SUITS IN I'OIiT. !',:sN I'll No. 409 Fort St., Honolulu. II. I. Tel. 184. ti.i:i. ijualllse. c. f;illxTt: Ii. Anderson ' j THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK IN Itv stipulation iH'tHii'ii the parties in Ne.Mrie, t. Sinclair o Interest the foreclosure suit of Ilishop Fowler, b. Sinclair j KSTADLISHED IN 153. LIMITED vs. lickon. c. Jordan: b. It. Anderson .. 4, t'o. cll I'.rown et al., has been ' PALAMA Settled. Holland, c. ami b. It. Anderson and AMridKt; (catt.), v. I. W. Anderson, BISHOP & CO. 'ell llrown was the administrator 0 Subscribed Capital Ten 24,080,000 of the estate of the late Walter M. fJib-so- n. b. K. Anderson KALIHI agreed Walker, st. I. W. Anderson; b. It. and had to the sale to Paul Bankers j Neumann and W. H. I'aln of an undi- Anderson Paid Up Capital . Ten 18,000,000 T'.uck. c. b. H. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING vided two-third- s share of the real and Sinclair; Anderson personal proj.erty of (Sibson in the Is- Kankln, c. and b. It. Anderson ... AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Beserred Fond . . Ten 8.000,00 Bread, land of Iinal for a consideration of I.ticas, b. Sinclair Rolls, f.ia.mio n cash, and that Neumann Kelly, . Sinclair Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Young, st. 1). W. Anderson: b. K. Credit Issued, in all the and I'aln should assume liability for available HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. Cakes th payment of $7i.ihh, the amount of Anderson Principal Cit of the "World. or Pastrv the decree In the foreclosure suit. McDonald, run out INTEREST allowed after July 1st. INTEREST LOWED: In- McCready. b. Sinclair l'.y the stipulation the parties In 1898, on fixed deposits: 7 days notice On Fixed Deposi for 12 months, 4 pet V. nt Tiir. the ac Ferjruson. b. Sinclair 2 3 3 per 6 terest nifree that receiver's ' per cent: months cent; cent per annum. counts shoiiiil Ik- - approved, ap- f'turnett. not out 12 4 per the sale months 32 per cent; months C proved, and the rest of the property re- Kxtras 'J cent. On Fixed Deposit for months, 1 pet German Bakery leased and the decree satistled out of cent per annum. Ut the undivided two-thir- only. The sum Total On Fixed Deposit f S months, I per N!T W 1 1 IT i: LA l.on KMPLOTKO. of ::o.ihii s apportl ned among the par- liOWUXf. SI'MMAItY. JUHE1 ISH1ZUKA cent per annum. us follows: W. A v. ties To Irwin for AGENCY Of HEADQUARTERS FOR amount due nn ram h account and the Kuus j INTEREST ALLOWED BY THB erfe-- title to the ;ihson estate. 1'er j HEAD OFFICE AT YOKOHAMA. J. LHNDO. :."'.; to "laus Spreckel & on ac- U. W O. Wkt. HiN BANK, 2-- KEI LTD. j 10 Zono-Phon- es count of decree, $.'isT.: to tlie'.trustee, Anderson 23 s 13 2.S On Current D posit, 1 sen per day. Fort Street. $12.vi.'!.r.. II. 15. Sinclair H 12. 3. Vineyard Street On Fixed Deposit for 12 months, 1 per I'l.F.A srSTAINED. j HOXOLn.r CRICKET CUT.. ' cent per annum. ' col-- in by It. A. Jordan, b. McDonald The Eank buys and receives for I The ..;i nlmtenient filed the o. St. John 1. tjuallise Bs- - lection Bi:ls of Exchange, lssvea Waialu.i Agricultural Company In the filtert. Transact General Baaklng aad U. W. Waldron. c. Holland; l. Me Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit and trans 1111 mum case recently brousht by the Wahlawa iMinald change a general banking business. i th- - acts Sunar Company for partition of iU. Anderson, c. and 1. tjuallise certain lands In the Ahunuaa of I'na- - HEAD OFFICE TOKYO, JAPiS GO. W. I Stanley, c. Lucas; b. McIon Bank-Ne- laa, was sustained yesterday by Judge Branch of Yokohama Specie w aid Exchange on Rep-'Mi- o L IB Humphreys. The plea was Interposed t Jrsw Blig. Honolulu. H. A. W. Itottomley, not out NATIONAL BANK, Bill on the ground that the plaintiff had I FIRST I W. c. (Jaallise; 17 -- OS HAND FORT STREET. riot a clear undisputed Aiderson, t. lock.. YOKOHAMA. and title to the A 1 Miles, b. Hack named, al- leases and that there was II. IJ. Sinclair, b. tjuallise f C. BREWER & CO.L'D tin In Imperials. As-- "' ready a suit In the of Ties Circuit Court . Tarish. b. CJuallise 1." j brought by 15. F. Dillingham, WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. LTD. Queen Street, Honolulu, II. L litiir PHOTOGRAPHIC under F. H. S. lid. Club anJ Hand Hows. whom the plaintiff claimed for the Seymour, l. (Juallise " ' "My Hoys' specific rfirrnance of a contract by Extr and White Shirts, - PORTRAITS. w hose terms the defendant was given a Wm. G. Irwin.... President & Managei AGENTS OR i jtults. Caps and i right ji Total Vice-Pre- a Hat. to lease of the parties in the V r"'nt" Claus Spreckehi First Company, Ono-me- a I'riderwenr, IIoa and Hand land. This suit has proceeded so far i W. M. Glffard Second Vice-Pre- a Hawaiian Agricultural answers Sec'y Sugar Company. Honomu Sugar that have been riled. A. M. Whitney. Jr Treas. & Company, The plea whs sustained and the suit Geo. W. Ross Audito Company, Wallukr Sugar was dismissed. A. HARRLSiiN CO. . .rr --Tican Sugar Ccu Makee First Class Work Guaranteed ILL Company, Ookala Fu?ar Plantation.8ur 11 VR VA A CALL. T DEFEND KII. SUO. R FACTORS Company, HaleakP.V Rancti Com- LIMITED. ch. Mr. Davty does not wish his altieri pany, Kapapala R-n- Molokat u Kii Is having difficulty In obtaining AND accept work unless perfectly a lawyer Is Ranch. BEAVER LUKCH ROOMS. who willing to defend him. Planters' Line, Sar Anclsco Packets. , First. Judge Humphreys appointed W. Sawing, I'lanng, Turning, Etc Commission Agents. Boa-to- n j . . Charles Brewer ik Co.'u Line of t Proprietor. j A. Klnn.-- 'ri: as his attorney, und a day or Large stock of Moldings kept on hand. Packets. !" . 'pp. Wilder A Co. so later Mr. Kinney requested his re-- l AGENTS FOR THE Bosrd of Underwriters. lease on account of press of work. J. Agents Boston Kiln a specialty -- Philadelphia Board of Un- if I- laying, Agents or ft (Uss Lunchs Served j - Kaulukou was then appointed and Oceanic Steamship Company yesterday he. too, asked for release, Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. derwriters. r- . t Company. T.n. ftrt.1 Watef. niner and Attorney Strauss was appointed. Kawalahao St., Kewalo. Of San Fra"' .sco. CaL Standard Oil Ale or Milk. I 1 fr KII Is the nian who Is accuse.) of set- " 7 . m. n. to Id m. ting fire t eane at the Waialua plan- LJST OF OFFICERS. l'iiiiitB PpcUlty. tation. & ) . PMOTOCRAPHICCo.e m C. M. Cooke, President; George LIMITED. PLEADED NOT 5lILTY. wa m m MCCHESNEY & SON Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishoo. PSONS IN ART PMRRDin- - LIMITED CoL W. MOTT-SMIT- II Two Cir- and Secretary; F. BLOCK, defendants appeared In the Treasurer -- ERY. cuit Court plecded not guilty to 5F:ajiAe, Allen ana rort ei Allen. Auditor; P. C Jones, H. Water Corner Fort and Hotel Btreets ami Cr. G. R. Carter, Directors. charges against them. Thev were John Wholesale Grocers .n Dealer, m house. H Illy. wh was In- lv Mr. Alfr-- 1 Wlllla accused t carnal UohlAiTM .N'Ta In Ht. A ntlman ta known by th clothes tercourse with a young girl, and J. P. O.O.. leather and Shoe Findings. I HchiKil-roo- m H & CO., '""'Ira on h Are yours In style? Thy Hay ward, was week W. FOSTER an.t Vw1 .t mr m wars. who Indicted last h 'lnil are If you htve them made by for selling liquor at Waiklkl on Sun- - U.?.' A. t. Ami at tntnt days. Dr C. A.Peterson, Agents Honolulu Soap Works Cam- - j Gold and Silversmiths frcm 2 to i V. M. Tannary. j (10 IlOl CIIAf i I'KOIIATE ORDERS. sany. Honolulu, and EN- j Has ed his office st 29 Emms FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Estate of Queen Emma, accounts of G. Book and Job work in the highest art, GRAVING and DIAMOND-SETTIN- ;'.!. i street. HAWAIIAN OA. Merchant Tailor P.ruce Cartwright as trustee referred notice, at the GA- Guaranteed. 9-- 11 2-- executed at short All Goods and Work 01 Tuesdays and rrl-- Hours: A. M 4 P. M, 7 1P.M. - il office. HOTEL STREET- . 607 Merchant PtJ Cuardlanshlp of J. L. Ka'lani, J. L. Telephone 49S. MM ZETTE r in ir 0 TOE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEBT1BKB; HONOLULU, AUGUST 28, 1900.

have been chartered by Germany for transport service, and reports received here state that all or nearly all of the JUST steamers are to come to San Francisco ARRIVED m supplies to load for China. The vessels PER AUSTRALIA Vehicle and 2,447 Pacific are the Aschen, tons, at Bremen uly 26; Adria, 3,501 tons, at Hamburg Scrofula and July 16; Dresden, 2.866 tons, at Bremen July 12; Halle, 2,561 tons, at Bremen July 10; H. H. Meier, 3,260 tons, left The Baltimore July 16 for Weser: Rheln. last Invoice of Supply Co., Ltd. ,398 tons, at Bremen July 19: Strass- - burg, 5,000 tons (new), present wherea- Consumption bouts not .reported; Phoenix, 1,376 tons, sailed from Tampico; Sardinia. 2.269 tons, at Bremerhaven July 24; Batavia, European 6,510 tons, at Bremen, July 24; People tainted with scrof- ula very often develop con- VESSELS IN PORT. sumption. Anemia, running Foir The steamer Doric arrived yesterday of the ear, scaly eruptions, Goods Pleasure afternoon from the Orient. She left ARMY AND NAVY. Hongkong on the 7th instant, Amoy on OP UP -TO - DATE imperfect digestion, and to be shipped to us WE HAVE A NEW LINE the 8th, Shanghai on the 11th, Nagasaki a. S. Tug Iroquois, Pond, Midway Isl A. August 6. 14th, Kobe on 15th Yo- and, enlargement and breaking Ball-bearin- g, pneumatic tire, or Long Distance, with on the the and, U Under-th- BUGGIES with . S. transport Siam, Xigga, San Fran the-18th- down Old cushion tire. kohama on There were three cisco, August 25, for and Manila. of the glands of the Tariff, passengers for Honolulu and large cut-und- er a neck, of SURREYS Canopy extension top, rubber of steel tire; or MERCHANTMEN. are some the more among which comprises an , straight sill. through list for San Francisco. The eletkI1, t Doric docked at the Pacific Mail wharf (This list does not Include coaster. t prominent of scrofula sym- line ! or two spring; rubber or steel tire, canopy or Alice E. Cooke, Am. schr., PenhalloW, of f FIIAETONS Three 6 o'clock. She sails for the Coast at ptomsare I falling top. at Port Gamble, August 24. forerunners of con J' noon to-da- y. Several missionaries are f TRAPS Single or adjustable; two or four passenger; open or canopy way Aloha, Am. schr.. Frj'e, San Francisco, sumption. Thesf. conditions top. aboard on their home their August 1L ! Ladies' Golf Caoes tories appear elsewhere. Albert, An., bk., Griffiths, San Francisco, can be arrested, consumption The Australia will arrive from San August 10. Francisco the first thing tomorrow Andrew Welch, Am. bk., Drew, San Fran prevented and health re- morning. cisco, August 14. stored by the early use of Cricketine Flannels dig Bergman, New- -. For Business The Warrimoo Is due tomorrow from Bonanza, Am. bk., castle, June I. ' Colonies. Llewellyn, shp., Griffith, WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTMENT the Carnedd Br. Steamer Doric reports the Coptic de Hamburg, August 23 (for Seattle). Dunreggan, , Br. Dixon, London, Scoffs Emulsion Bagatele Boards , BUGGIES Rubber or steel tire; capony or falling top; side bar or tained ten days at Kobe on account of bk., r elliptic a case of plague aboard. It seems that August 8. spring. Dechmont, Br. bp., Alston, Newcastle, I ETC. , RUNABOUTS Canopy or falling top; patent spring; Happy Thought a Chinaman died on the Coptic under August 10. Your doctor will tc!! you so. gear. very suspicious circumstances. When B. B. Sutton, Am. sp., Carver, San Fran At all druggists ; sac. and ttjoo. '," BRAKES With or without tops; anti-hors- e motion; steel or rubber the vessel arrived at Kobe a specialist cisco, July 28. tires. was sent for who examined the case Esther Buhne, Am. schr., Salvesen, Eu SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. CARTS Single and two passen ger, speeding carts. and pronounced It bubonic plague. reka, August 26. The Coptic Is due to arrive here en Empire, bk., Knacke, Newcastle, Au E.W. Jordan, on September gust 3. route to San Francisco Emily F. Whitney, Pendleton, San Fran it is probable that she will be a cisco, August 7. Also a Full Line of week cr ten days late on account of the Edward May, Am. bk., flanson, San 10 Fort Street. plague case aboard. August 18. Single and double HARNESS, buggy and hack LAMPS, WHIPS, Francisco, To-da- y Enterprise, ROBES, RUGS, SUNSHADES, DUSTERS, etc. the Kinau sailsfor Hilo and Am. schr., San Francisco, way porte at noon, the Claudine leaves August 2ft. a prepared to put on new rub- RUBBER TIRES We are channels and ports 5 p. m., V. G F. S. Redfleld, Am. schr., Jorgenson, Port er for Maui at the B Island Realtv bers, or to Id c hannels. 18. 5 p. m., Gamble, August Hall departs for Nawiliwili at Cieneral Kairehlld. Am. hk Rov. TCew- - J and the Maui gets away for Paauhau, castle, August 4. Kukaiau, Ookala, Papaaloa and Lau Halcyon, Am. schr., Chas. Mellin, Eure- n pahoehoe at 5 p. m. ka, May SL Company, Island steamers Waialeale, Noeau, Halewood, Br. sp., Jackson, Newcatsle, August 1. y Ke Au Hou, Mikahala and Lehua left Holliswood, Am. bk.. Knight, Newcastle, on their regular run yesterday. August 4. With the Nicnenup input f Gasoline schooners Eclipse and Sur Htury Wilson, Am. schr., Johnson, Limited. prise sail today at 5 p. m. The Eclipse Gray's Harbor, August 15. goes to Lahaina, Kihei, Makena and Invincible, Am. sp., Mackenzie, Newcas- LIMITBI Kona ports while the Surprise leaves tle, August 24. Change in DAY BLOCK. BERETANIA STREET. James H. Bruce, Am. schr., Peterson, for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele, Hanape Aberdeen, May 25. F. J. LOWRET, President. pe, Makaweli, Waimea and Kekaha. J. to. Brown, Am. sp., Knight, Newcastle, a C. D. CHASE, Vice-Preside- nt The British ship Kilmory is now ly August 14. Tariff ARTHUR B. WOOD, Treasurer. ing at the railway wharf, having moved Klikitat, Am. bk., Cutler, Eureka, July 8. i Kilmory, Br. sp., Corrance, Liverpool, n J. A. GILMAN, Secretary. Co there from Brewer's wharf yesterday E. DOLE, Auditor. Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. expects to Eng., August 7. n P. American bark Holliswood Louisiana, Am. bk., lialcion, Newcastle, Comes a sweeping reduction In BUILDERS OF get away at the end of this week for June 22. q the price of all goods of American the Coast. Newsboy, Am. bktn., Mallestad, Tacoma, 4 manufacture. D OR Ship from Honolulu arriv July 25. Australia ? We have cut on every piece of NOTICE. VEHICLES ISLAND USE ed at Astoria on August 13. Philadelphia, Ger. sp., Wachter, Gesta- - Bark Nuuanu from Kahului arrived muende .August 4. 0 Jewelry and silverware in the We buyand sel r.alty, act as atnt 10. Republic, Br. sp., Davies, Newcastle, Au A house, and you will be surprised n appraisers, trustees, celvers and u- at Philadelphia on August gust 4. Ship Louisiana from this port ar- H at the great difference from for-- nderwriters. REPAIRING Reporter, Am. schr., Dahldorf, Gray's - rived at Victoria on August 11. Harbor, August IS. J mer prices. No fear of compari- given prompt and careful attention Bark C. D. Bryant sailed from San Sebastian Bach, Br. bk., Nagasaki, Feb- sons here, where quality and pat-- B Francisco for this port on the 13th ruary 17. 3. N. Castle, Am. bktn., Hubbard, San tern are considerations. I instant. full-size- ehase, 17. D. d e. Francisco, July What do you think of On August 12th James Rolph arrived Qt. I MANAGER SOLE AGENTS IOE Katherine. Am. bk.. Saunders. San solid teaspoons being re- - at San Francisco from Honolulu. The Francisco, July 12. sliver Wheel Co. brig Lurllne arrived there on the 11th, G. Wilder, Am. bktn., Jackson, San 0 duced to $8.00 a dozen, with en-- 4 Office 204 Judd Building. Rubber Tire Francisco, August 6. ar--B 19 days from Kahului. graving thrown In, and all a Telep ne. Main 111 UN The most durable Rubber-Tir- e Made. R. J. Taylor of the Kimball steamship Standard, Am. sp., Getchell, Tacoma, Au tides of silverware reduced in like gust 18. a controlling -- 12i;QueeiSt. Teletfcooe 47. Company has purchased a Woollahara, Br. bk., Williamson, New proportion. WE ARE PREPARED interest in the four-maste- d schooner castle, August 2. 4 These are by no means catch 2 Transit. prices, regular prices TO SUPPLY CONTRACTORS Schooner Robert Searles arrived at P but which Port Townsend from Kahului on the LETTER LIST. t will prevail here from now on, on 13th instant and the Charles E. Moody all the different lines of goods D WITH from this port on the day following. q from the States. M. S. Nlswander, the popular purser GENTLEMEN'S LIST 5 While reducing all our Amerl-- of the Doric, has many friends in Ho can goods we have not changed Many of went aboard Of unclaimed letters remaining in the nolulu. them g iue yuvcB uu any ui uui jnuruyeiiu Blue Stone last evening to 'talk over the Chinese pestofflce at Honolulu July 2C, 1900: matters. 4 potteries, glass and chlnaware, troubles and various other Aiken, W O Anderson, John and although the present cost is . . . The Annie Johnson sailed from San Alexander, Frank Arbenz, Will j Rock forty per cent more than former-- 4 DON'T FORGET Francisco for Hilo on August 14. Anderson, II Austin, C J (2) j PURPOSES Schooners W. F. Witzemann and Se- Bashford, Chas Brush, Mr ly, while out present very large EOR BUILDING rena Thayer arrived at Gray's Harbor Deleter, Mars Chas Bradley, W H 4 stock lasts we will Bell at the old that ichen ordering POMMERY CHAMPAGNE you from Honolulu on August 13. Schooner Bell, P J Brown, Hugh K rates. This is a very large saving Maria E. Smith and bark Sollde arriv- Beiss, Chas Burn, George to you, and we recommend Bcrse, Frank Bunker, John D that Also have Road Material for Bulldfel ed at Port Townsend on the 11th In- you maKe your purcnases rrom served xciih article at the same stant from this port. Campin, J W Cox, T B Road Beds, Foundations and Sldert-- are leing a superior Chapin, Chas E Curry, D these lines now, before an ad- - V. H. Nieman, chief engineer of the Clark, C D Clyne, Joseph F 4 vance becomes necessary. Bold 1p quantities to suit. Australia. Is not expected to arrive this cost as other champagnes, notwithstanding POM-MER- Y Everett. L M Feilding. Walter for trip with the old ferryboat. He is go Fagan, F Focke, M 5 B by ing east to be chief of the new steamer Gray, Chas W Gilmore, Chas L Estimates furnished is sold at a higher figure per case than other Sonoma. Nieman Is well known In Ho Henderson, E E nolulu, having a host of friends inhls Jesse, Mas I L Johnson, David city. wines, it is generally retailed at the same price. King, Mas William Kcziek, Chas poi inRl Captain Weisbarth. formerly of the King, Earl (2) Kuthe, Anton (2) mi jhoodoo schooner Norma, has chartered Lackey, Alex. Llctly, W I IWilHDN C0V&NY. the schooner Waialua and will continue to Call for it and see that no others are substituted. Matheson, Chas Moss, E A No. 8 Model Block, yjfflce Hours I in the Island business. The "Waialua Maltzan, Hans Munn, Fred A Metz, Case McAfe, Mr tn. i. muuMim,: is now being made ready for sea. The B Ltd, Norma will not be saved. Her pilikias Miller, Geo McKillop, John J CASTLE & COOKE, are pau loa. Yes! The pump will be Moltene, Chas FORT STREET. 0 saved. Nokes, N J Nonson, O HONOLULU. Captain Murray and his wife, of the ship Antlope, year Oconnal, P J which was here last C Commission Merchants for some time, and which is now at Ka- Ragsdale, N Roland, F M hului, are now in town, having arrived Richards, F R Rcblson, John D on the Claudine on Sunday. Riesen, Dr SUGAR FACTORS. The customs inspectors are tickled. Scaparone, C G Scule, A J They have a great Joke. The Joke is Schneider, Wilhelm Stevens, Harry on Inspector Winston. Inspectors Doyle Smith, Mas Barney Sydon, Edgar AGENTS FOR Co. and De Cew cast some loose hints Tobuner, Leon Townsend, S S The Ewa Plantation "cream-colore- d Agricultural Co, about suits" coming on Subon, Charley The Waialua the Australia for 'the customs men. The Kohala Sugar Co. Winston believed the hints and asked Van Liben Sils, Van Halsenborg, Mill Co. Justin Joseph The Waimea Sugar questions. He was informed by .the rm. TTnln, A OtIVmI tllTl! CO. wicked Doyle and De Cew that the Waterhome & Sis- Wingord, N J Works, 8t l We Show the Goods, They do the Res United States had decided to furnish ter Wickman, W A The Fulton Iron the customs officers of the new terri- Walker, A F Wingood. W J Removal Sale! Mo. torial acquisitions, Cuba, Hawaii and Wesley & Joe Woods, Geo A The Standard Oil Co. "cream-colore- Fast the , with d Bruer Wright, Jno The George F. Blake Steam WHY OUR NEW suits." Instead of garments blue. They Weismann, A Wright. C. L Weston's Centrifugals. seriously talked about "gold braid" Westbrook, J England Mutual Lift w which would have to be paid by OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWEL- The New for the Yarndly, J W urance Co. of Boston. . force at the rate of "one dotlar an RY, silver and silver plated ware, co. Inch." The was Zlegler, P . The Aetna Fire Insurance braid to adorn the sides clocks, watches and spectacles, will be of the trousers and so forth. Winston REGISTERED LETTERS Hartford, Conn. . ITi.it we have Just opened. Call now and get the best. is a tall man, six feet and one Inch. offered for the next thirty days at The Alliance Assurance Co. He turned pale as he contemplated his Block, Carl Newhatt, L P GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ion. long legs. Winston is on the lookout Guiseppe, B Rcssiter, John for the "cream-colore- d suits" on the Kostor, Jozef The Store we now occupy Is to be re- BOWERS' Australia. He doesn't like the Idea of PACKAGES. built, so the stock must go. K Isoshima, having to wear the dainty garments on wrc the dusty, dirty wharves. De Cew and Btard, J S Elackburner, Alfred Positively no goods charged during Doyle are laughing in their sleeves un- Blackle, James sale. mercifully. Gold the bands on the sleeves LADIES' WINDOW. KING STREET will be provided for every two years All accounts must be closed up by Patrol of service, according to Doyle De uncalled for up to July 2r,th, Cew. and letters the 10th of September. ABOVE RETHEL. The real suits blue, or rather the 1000: AGENC1- - material for them, is expected to- MANUFACTURING and REPAIR AND CONFIDENTIAL morrow. Butler, Miss Belle departments going In full blast as Chapman, Mrs Cruze, Mrs Henry 0. Box FLAMES IN 'S HOLD. Grace usual. Telephone 708. P. There is health indicated b, NEW YORK, August 13. The White Lllis, Miss Vic- Star liner Cymric, CnflTential Just arrived. Tiad a toria Reliable and fcor Smiling fact terrible experience while crossing the furnished on Short Notice for Atlantic. At noon on Sunday, August Fisher, Mrs C EL R. COUNTER. With oth, when the big vessel was nineteen Graham, Mrs Wm ofankindMS-almost'ai- w hours out from Queenstowjj, fire was Kay, Miss Nettie Kolmar, Mrs W A impossibility.-ssie- r J discovered among the cargo In the for- Kimball, Miss Bess- - (2) The Instruments Used In.... ward hold, and it raged thirty-si- x Sit Ktmble, Miss An-n- lo SHOP THE Purcbefrusedwith'an. hours, until midnight on Monday, when Lcrsen, Mrs Emily THE SILENT BARBER it was then reported to be under con- -- trol. Mitchell, Mrs Mary McDowal, Mrs Thoroughly Disinfected Before up'the-5t9tnach'$iv- thea!th Are Hold No. 1. where the fire is bclkved K Maclean, Mrs Liz- Using. Stables u aw to have originated, had been flooaed for Moore, Mrs zie JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, Prop. Club the purpose of Mutch, Mrs Nune checking the flames. The ARLINGTON HOTEU HOTEL IT. water leaked through into other com- Petzold, Mrs C LIMITED. RanierBeer partments aft. causing Its an ideal tonic . , heavy damage Smith, Mrs F W aid tbe Reneral merchandise stored LXAVfl TOUR ORDERS FO Beverage ft aids digestion. there The boat, however, Wolfe, Miss Ethel Wentz, Mrs John was not se- W hittle, Mrs J I S Telephone 477. riously injured. Poi Mgr Ycung Mrs. Willie Home Made CHAS. BELLINA, TEN GERMAN TRANSPORTS. (2) LOVEJOY & CO AT SAN FRANCISCO. August 14 There Zangenberg, Miss Dm I i Distributors. is a prospect of much business being Henrietta WOMEN'S EXCHANGE Reliable Horsw, lxprte done at this port by the German Gov- ernment as a PACKAGES. WfA Tnesdaji aad Fridays. . - result of the uprising In 111 Holtel BtrMl 'New Rigs, Talr Price. China. Already ten large steamers Smith, Mrs C Taylor, Amy May rlaom Mt


say all interior missions have been aban- - y AUTHOffllY, FASHION ATTENDED aonea, l mean that those missionaries WIERRV TO who could get away have done so. Many have no doubt lost their lives and many or may still be held practically prisoners In IT, kt iiwaii. DAMON RECEPTION their own missions, unable to secure help NtrTlCH or get news of their condition to their M t friends. We have a mission in Hongkong ar.d the work will still on In China, il GO pr ' : and as soon as it Is possible I .. ...i.. Hia reception Mr. and anl ilrs. Ovorge Howard, Mr. an-- i Mrs. have no f tendered to doubt that the destroyed or abandoned - ot me TOM - by! It. J. reen, Mr. Howland. Mr. Mrs. member f W. E. Bevkwlth last evening- and missions will b started ip again. -- L.UCI.. Mr. M?1 "W We the-State- f.ir the !inJ Mrs. U. resi- joW and Mrs II,' are going to tour s now H.. tru.'n Cornelia Damon at her Mint, Mlns Lampman, Dilllng doing evangelical K i AMI. Mr. Isaac work. Yes; I lec- .1. ti ani dence often ...... t Named on Thurston street, waa moat ham. ."Mr. Prouty, Mrs. Amy King, Mrs. ture and no doubt we will talk from the Chief of Board of fashionable and waa attended by Honor Aiipu, th Mltities Angus. Hr. Georg? platform and pulpit concerning China. i.KNUT r.. morKii. ArgiiH, Mr. Fred. Angus, ' Mf!" "My 400. Walter husband went to Mongolia four . th- - Territory lulu's The spacious residence was . ,r i.f Survey. Wall.' Dr. A. K. Wall, Dr. O. E. Wall. years ago; then he went, to China. I was crowded during the two hours of the Mrs. Wall. Mrs. J. P. Green, Mrs. May the first missionary woman ever to en- reception and was brilliantly lighted.: Wilcox, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. B. Pratt, Mr. ter the part of the country where our Oa-hu- 's and Mrs. W. W. Goodale, Mr. and Mrs. mission was situated at Uu-nln- g, prov- und decorated with the fairest of , V iTP'K. W. II. Hoor-!- Mr. and Mrs. D. Howard ince of Honan. Xo; I lear no marks or Auction Sale flowers and palms. , llltrhcoc-k- Mr. and Mrs. Georp Kenton, scars or bruises as souvenirs of flight icin the Xt- - WILL PlitTi HARBOR Mrs. by our r. Cornelia Damon, assisted i f .trit fr Mr. Atone. M". ond Mm. C. V. Wolfe, from Honan, but the memory of those OF I i,.,i. nrsi F"iii Mrs. 'Whitney, the guests In j Mihh Wolff. HlltchlrMop, t; days i. i in rtived Mr. Minea terrible will always remain with the drawing room, and Introduced therr. Afoiiic. Juduc and .Mm. 1 1 umpl-.- vs. Miss me. My husband could show you a bruise s ,f t; ,i m. li noun. to the guests of honor, Mr. I'ruzan, Ml.-- f'.ylnsion. Mis Korythe, or two, I guess; he received some pretty - ij.- - To b From for j tfu AllhriKlit. Mh' Suli:- Love, severe handling." Wines, ,i Post Absent Hcnclulu lils Mrn. I)ariion was attlr-- Mlw Liquors II ninit the and bri'le. . ." Mr. v.n 1 Mm. K. Sp-i!- llr.tr, Mr. an. I The missionaries 411 OIIOIO i i le. re-- 'l aboard the Doric are ,i i i' I l' P'l ill" a while iioii. iin Tiic ft a I Pev. S. I - n- - Three Months Importance ., the K. Stokke and wife. Miss L. i t ( , i n II n. u'm r i mi ro.,n, prottily ..rtiof, decorated K,T.:.t M. Sol-qul- f f ' ln.Mrs Mi)U.niUu Ty..inn. Kidwell and two maids, Mr. C. A. st voters. .;i.ns and ferns Interspersed with ; In' of the Work. - j,,,, Woodward. Miss .Mr . Wll- - and wife and Miss F. Carbin. Miss - y, and Cordials. i J. l.,;nUlful bunches of red car- I.-t- 'i M " v, S''i'' tuber nnl white Harti lUwIin. Miss Zoffir.an. Mrs. Kldwell's two maids are Japanese under I r I will r.:i.tions. On the hu.cl when; the lreze M I'aty. Mr. and Mrs. Van ValUen-- i her protection who are going to America f r im.' i':t ' I I' lly th Ki.irn on F.tturday Cup-- t ." "-- . Mii-- 7 bi Pi m. last tho valley near the rfsidonce swept Mr. .'.d Mrs. H it. Iiins, to be educated as missionaries. Mr. Sol- - i. I'-y- . i i .i 1 n J. F. Morry, commandant of the a band ..f nntlvo tnusir l.ina. M;". and Mr?. Karri-n- Mr. i.nd Xiry.. 'julst and his wife have been for seven Ii":-s- . i ' I ) I' G. Uoss. Mr. Krnest Mr. Donah! years in province Si Chuan, Hunoliilit Naval Station, received news iii. :ours d the of Ilav.uli-u- n J. the of labor i "li. r i). tc'?et a'rs i.r.-s-. .Mr. Pos-s- . i'.urljanl:. J ASM ma Pl'.lean MU3 ing for the American IJaptist Missionary WEDNESDAY,- - AUGUST 2 that hi had bwn apputnted president music. Craieful pnlriiS jlvlded a 1"I Mr. Mr. i.N1 . Mr. tcher, Campt.ell, HarrN, Union. They experienced no trouble In U N of the boiird to survey the harbor of tropical effect to the broaU lanais und Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Whitney, Mia P.uth leaving, but departed from the country ,vni.vi'. 10 M., I I ' 1 1 pretty background for AT A. H;,!?' ' I ' 'fti II II. Cuam, Lalron Islands. lis will kav formed a the Whitney, Master Guilford Whitney, Mr. at the order of their Consul. There were Mrs. C. Lyons, Lyons, Mrs. no In SI about (Atober l8t for Guam, to be ab- towns of the ladles. and J. Miss local difficulties Chuan or that I 9 el Davis, Dr. and Mrs. Hiram Bing- part of province from which Sol-iiu's- t1 n I'y o'clock nearly two hundred the the At the store of CAMARA & CO sent months port dur-l- Kyig-ha- swrrul at that guests had arrived. Ices, Ice cream ham, Mrs. Lydia Coan, Mr. Hiram came. 503 Fort street. I ajn Instructed tor i,n.t.v .v-- n tht the f.t the sittings of the Hoard. Miss Reynolds, Trof. and Mrs. W. and for of .. - ....i und dainty accompaniments were serv- the account the well knew. An uct of Congress, approved June D. Alexander, Judge and Mrs. W. F. wholesale liquor merchants. MESSRS. U ed during the entire evening. Mr. Dillingham, Orpheum L.uau. ! m I li.i.i' ' Frear. and Mrs. E. F. CAMARA & COMPANY, on account U th, provides for the Improvement of Following Is thf-- list of Invite 1 guests: Miss X.wton, Miss Dillingham. Mr. Wal- The change in the bill at the Orpheum their removal, to sell at Publics Aucttat tertaln harbors of the United States, Gov. and Mrs. 8. II. lKle, Gen. A. S. ter Dillingham, Mr. Harold Dillingham. to the highest bidder for cash. In LOTS "f Ilartwfll, the Mlssr llartwcll. Mr. and last night was well received, the thea- ill and among th appropriations for this Mr. C. II. Kluegel, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. " TO SUIT, a most choice and exceptte- - ,, I n Mr- - Miss Miss M tre being fairly crowded. The feature nil I i, in purposu was on for 10.0oo tor the im. ecdham. Xerdham. Pearson, Miss Graydon. Miss Hasforth, al quality of the best imported an4 . - 1 , Uu-im- ,ir- Warren of last night's performance was a A it M."iil" provmrnt of that at Section tt ,um"r",m; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. domestic WINES. LIQUORS. COR M Kv. and Mrs. Horace Jones, Mr. Mrs. T. Cooke, "luau" which was presented in good DIALS, etc.. etc., etc., my .1 i.f tha ami llurlHir bill t.rovldea 'mi"nin, Pierre and J. at salesroom. Km t'll. lUr Chainlx-rfal- n How- - fi.p Mr. an.l Mrs. W L. l ck ,.f lh maklnir i.f u iurv T,.nm un.l Mr. nn Mrs. John Watcrhouse, Mr. Per style. Hen Wise as the corner Merchant and Alakea streets, a .1 - Mr- - n1 Mr"- - Kmerson. Kev ry Mr. jonn Augrust 23, 1900, 10 ft, j.'inl ii. ' sUmatea for thes Improvements, andarJ- JoTh Ponl, Mr. liobert carried his part out in good or- Tuesday, at nu, t K K i this) survey Is to b male by the v'- - 1 r. ..u h air. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Nichols, Prof. consisting of v.Ines, brandies (Austra- o itl'n boardl"",1 "".!. der. Miss Bradley singing a Hawaiian e .Mrs. of which THptaln Merry Is api-olnt- I ' ' ir. ami j. a. iven"land Mrs. A. 15. Ingall3. Mrs. Elizabeth lian, California and French), port, sher- .4 in J- - N 11 - song took the house by storm. The ii r president. Its other memWrs are Cap-;V- y' V ,Ud!m;,n' 'lrv,n' iterhouse. Miss Pindar. Miss Water- - ry, Madiera, muscat, angelica, tolcstr. - songs ; m t.ili John r.id ll.'. corps of engineers of !v.- .nurews; ;.ir. t.an Annrews. r. fir use. Mr. George Waterhouse, Mr. end quartette rendered a few select claret of many kinds, champagne (Cal- i Yl - - .Mr. .1. Harvey. an'Act Ii ') rm ri V Jul-e- , i I'jI.Ui- thM d s Armstrrrg, t ri Jir. Mrs. Fred. Waterhouse, Dr. and Mrs. ifornia), grape syrups, cluge I. n,l."l f Work. t nlt. Htat. Army, ana Ueuten- Mr- Mr!- - - Unt Albert M. lle-ih- er. V. a. N. l' - r'1 ' Jor lan. Irnest Waterhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Henry brandy, blackberry brandy. Crow tU pro-- -- 1 r'- - AUtrusia nruee. M iss , ar- - Mr. cocktails, Chilean v.; I I'a ptawi Merry s orders are t.. 'r'!'. Waterhouse. Miss Xora Stureeon. cordial brandy, etc i.i'row, .miss iiurr, nr. ami .Mrs. Augur, Mr. ri Wnterhnncn Mrs tnv XV Cor Two thousand Americans are in Lon Goods on Monday dajr ee. to Guam on or ubut October don funds to get exhibition all on th United Mates Navy Ho-plt- al aril Mrs. Otis. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Par bet t, Mr. and Mrs. A. 15. Wood, Mr. and without amunable preceding sale. Hert-er- t home. Most of respectable i;r vl.TIl ci:i;tiki ship Hohue. The Soluce I expcted malie, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kwlng, Mrs Mrs. V.. Penner, Miss P.cnner, Mr. and them are llil-- n y. and well educated. Several hundred 'ATI h r from Guam ub ut the last of th'j KtK. Mr. 11. M. Whitney, Jr., Mr w () Atwater. Mr. and Mrs. A. K v. , are In the same fix at Paris. For particulars, inquire ot week, und from e shj will proceed J. Leadlrgham Dr. and Mrs. J. S. y t'ooke, MIfs Margaret M. Cooke, Mr. further - M Grew. Sir. Tarn MrCrew. and Mrs - Is- o M.ire Ir. Mrs. 15. Mr. and Mrs. nt f I'nl'l.- Instrur-- to Han Fran and Island for p nnd J. Atherton. WILL E. FISHER, Aucfc. it i -- oorer. .Mr. i.ioya conKiing. .Mr. - a i"li or so, r turning the Hrst Week it. !'. H. Atherton, Mr. Frank Atherton. r r th it sll tearh u.-nma-n, M In (ii.lT t n.aki tlei trip to Guam inn .ir. jioi ri .Mr. ana .Mrs. Miss Hart. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Damon, ; Mtllt, st Hi" corn and to t'hln.i. tie other men. bet s of J. A. Majjoon, Mr. nn. Mrs. J. A. Me. Mr. rind Mrs. F. W. Damon, Mr. and Mrs. t r -- rvli nn 1 on or th Hoard wi'.l In all lik- lihond meet 'C.ir M'v-s- . Miss Cartw-r'uht- Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Damon, the Misses Violet and Vera .Mrs. p. Myers. AT AUCTION i f A t ei h year 'aptalu at Guam. Captain lild-d- l ili. I. Mea.l, It. nil K. Diiinon. Douglas Daifr.on, Miss Campbell, NOTICE IS ilEREBY GIVEN THAT p'r-'s- I.Mr, - 1 (ii.'l Mrs. Deug'.as Mrl!ryi!r, Mr. Krn- . rt t'i. pepurtmrnt Is at i nt stationed at Manila, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Austin, Miss Austin, a meeting of ih? members of the Hui t Clark, Mr. Warn n. Mr. and Mrs. of Kahana will be held at the church hi rni rr : i.t i ly llcens and It Is uiii rstoii that lieutenant ..Mr. John Austin. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Is.- - llustace, Mr. Charley Hustace, In on 1st day of - Is like w In ''lail-- Vioke. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hrown, Mr. Kahana. Oahu. the AUG. n- Iteecher th Orient, THURSDAY. 30, r. lilt if th.lt they arn Hu-tai- e. 1908, to ons i.f th.; Vessel of th Jr.. Miss Mr. C. H. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. W. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. September, A. D. 1000, to consider and ,,.f. ii,i.ui4 or oflier com lur.d Mrs. Mr. W. K. It.jw-el- l, vote upon the proposition to authorize IJolert Pratt. , Hopper, Mr. 11. P.abbltt, Mrs. , Aslittlc s'lii.iilron. W. L. W. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. i in-- nn 1 He 11, In tli it they are Inning Captain Merry's nbsenc-- r the Mr. and Mrs. F. A. liacfer. Prof, r..l n P.leknell, Mr. J imes p.l. km Mr. the oHlcers of the hul, for and ! .1 .. tti , Mrs. M. M. S.ott, the Misses Scott. behalf of said hui and name, to Join .7 t.i 1'nrit duties llon.iiuiu station l. in command Joseph P.icknell, Miss Annie Ptcknc'.l. its At my salesroom, corner Merchant of l.l. utenant Commander Charles F. .Mr. I.fslle Hcott, Mr. und Mrs. Wray Tay- Mrs. Mary K. Hyde, Miss Cornelia 15. In with the plai: ... in the suit In Mr. Aslil.y. Mr. equity now pending In and Alakea streets, I will sell at au?" - 1 lor. Mrs. W. G. Circuit Court ( n- r flf t A 111 b Pond. I. H. N., i t the United Mates tu and ail Hvde. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Thrum, Mr. an'! the .Mr. H. S. Townsenil. .Mr. and Mrs. ;. Mr. Airs. David of the First Circuit between Mary E. I f Iro'umis, who returned fioin a , Mrs. William Thrum, and tion. II Ii tha fehof W. Mrs. Pi- - h.mi-o:i- Mr. an l Mrs. Foster et al., and P. Mendonca al.. ' surveying tour of several ut ainlth. Miss Thrum, Mr. Krne?t Thrum. J. et i h 1.1 f iniixli Miem to teach- - months Thrum. Midway Island. If. K. Walty. Mim Wait;.". Mr. Pie. I. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Thurston, Mr. and to cancel the lease of the pasture lands SIX WELL IUlOKKN MULES. f IT- '- It l iik. lv in.it I'.n.i iln M..rrv' iww Mnlth. Miss Wsll. Mr. Thomas Wal Mrs. H. K. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. of the hul, made by Makanul and oth- 1 r- - i ili 't m provided for d. tall will keep him away from lIon.-j-M- r- Arthur Wall, Mr. ar.l Mrs. Walter Prown. Pev. and Mrs. W. M. KInraid, ers to the said J. P. Mendonca. r iii b firw.U'I- - d t'i lh Fee lulu for about three months, or perhaps Wie.len, Mrs. l.uiness. Dr. 1 1 . Waldo Mr. Kinc.il. I. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hall. And further to authorize the said . 1 1 . 1 1 . f tt beforw the lona-er- Th,. nw hartM.r will s.mhi Ll-- ln.rgeis. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Williams. ,Miss Hall, Miss Florene Hall, Capt. and officers to Institute a suit on behalf of WILL E. FISHER, Aurtr. Dr. to f (fi cnmltis; term. an important calling place for Amerl-5'r- - nn1 Mrs. J. II.' Pis'ier. and Mr. Mrs. Andrew Fuller, Mr. George Fuller, said hul recover damages from said .Mr. . . .vir. P. Mendonca and Kaneohe Mii'.r.s. can Vessels There will In all likel.hood o,iu, u. i.a.i. iuyne. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. the Ranch t. .! a ti.ullng established r'l Mrs. K. H. Po'.-i.- Mr. and Mrs. iAlonzo Gartley. Mrs. Pelle Jones. Mrs. Company for waste in destroying the station there rg- er.tary. and a remit.ir naval jtiilshmotit Kr.owlton, Mr. and Mrs. J. ! !! - stamrenwal 1 Miss Kmilv Iadd. Mr. and forest lands belonging to Bald hui and AT AUCTION maintained, though n.t on so Iarg a irom. Dr. and Mrs. Pownian. Mr. .. X. Mrs. J. O. Carter, the Misses Carter. Mr. otherwise. j D. seal-- ! as Is proposed In Hawaii. The Campbell. Mr. C. P.. ITernenway. Miss Oliver Carter, Mrs. Acnes H. 15. Judd. JOHN HOLT. juration Notices, fact lhat Guam Is the only American 'H- - Mr. Wm. W. K. P.all, Mr. and Miss Judd, the Misses Judd, Mr. nnd Mrs. President. port between Honolulu and Manila,1 ' Thcmpson, Miss Knat-i-- . Miss A. F. JudJ, Mr. James Judd, Mr. Henry E. II. WODEHOUSE. SATURDAY, SEPT. 1ST, makes It nn Important place from a'Malone, Miss Gorton. MIm Mu.Ue. Mis Ji.dd. Mr. Allan Judd. Mrs. Maria Treasurer. Miss I'auMing. the Misses John-b- .r Mr. W. .1. S. KAPALI. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, I WlLL EEL& CSESSVENT strategetu iil iKlnt of Vlw. so tha har-- 1 Pates. Forbes, the Misses Forbes. NOTICE. ther will bo an Important one, and rrn M1" Morrison. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Fi rbes. Miss Mary Green. Mrs. Persis G. Secretary of the Hul Kahana. on needing th best of anchorage, con-- W Miss Ktansbury, Dr. nn I Mrs. F. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wlnne, the Mioses 6623 Pursuant to a decree signed by Hoa, Mr- - n'1 A- - J- - - . A. S. Humphreys, First Judge ot I'll Aft . iiuuh depends on the work of L"ir' ;lr! l""""- Winue.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Mr. ti iilfmii "iiin rson, .Mr. ann IT.--W- . Circuit Court of the Judical Cir- bJ4 OUilliULI UaAL LU. , th poiird' aprn.lnted to Survey inn ar.d Mrs. Hobron, Mts. Francis First no lulu is lioiiore'l by the choice of Cap Mrs. George Psrls. Mr. an I Mrs. H. L. Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dickey. NOTICE cuit, filed the 2nd day of August, A Efc.' tain Merry us tho president of the Krr, Mrs. Paris. Mi s Paris, Mr. and Judge Lyle A. Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. K. 1900, In a cause entitled William O. Hoard. Mrs. Kdwln Paris. Mrs. r W. Ashfor.l, O. White, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wells, Dr. Smith and S. W. Wilcox against W. tiL Mr. and Mrs. Axt-II- . Miss Jehu. MK arid Mrs. S. E. F.lsdiop. Mr. and Mrs. Jon- THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF Winchester, foreclosure proceeding, HSNN NAVE IH..F..N r.LI V'lh r. Mrs. Mc Wayne, Miss Halsten'1. athan Shaw, Mrs. Annls Montague Tur- the Ninth Precinct. Fifth District, will notice Is hereby given that the property stixa af this Mrs. Ijickland. Mr. A. P. Taylor, Mr. in r, Jiidjre anil Mrs. Tt. D. Hilliman, Ttev. hold a meeting Kauluwela school-hous- e herein described will be sold at tit m to at buyi- da sn4 taabl DR. GALBRAITH nrd Mrs. H.il.-t-.-i l. Mr. an.l Mrs. J P. Krdman. pey. and Mrs. K. B. Tur-- i. next Friday evening, August 31, front entrance to the Judiciary V ,.f i n nn-- Stur-tiv.ir.- ng (Aliiolanl Sat- mi a Coolie. I.t !.. F. M. Swsnry, Mr. Mrs. G. II. Car- r. Dr. and Mrs. P:ilir Frcar, Mr. t. at 7:C0 o'clock, or the purpose of nom- Hale), Honolulu, oa . 10 per pmt ui, ent (ll ter, Mr. nul Mrs. Gait. Mr. and Mrs. W. P v. and Mrs. Thwlng, Mr. Al- inating delegates to the district com- urday, the 1st day of September, A. IX Uilt, DENIES STATEMENT D. l Mr. 1900, 12 o'clock noon. The said :Vn. iurit 14 Wistervilt. Mr. ni Mrs. Prock. lan Waleott. Mr. Stokes. Mrs. I'. L. Wea-- mittee and to transact such other busi- at b. M tsar cor;--- w Ill. rant ftlV a t;d Mrs. M. Mt. Mr. Mrs. r.al.-- v. r, Mr. Mrs. Mr. ness as may come Is subject to confirmation by the l . J. and nnd P. L. Weaver, Jr., before them. iinpiriit i ictahef Mr. and Mrs. Thomns May. Mr. Mr. DE BOLT. 1 (!re, n. Pannlnrf. Alfred Castle, Mr. J. T. PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. Io'.h Connerte-- i Mrs. M. Williams, Lowrey, 55C3 194. !.t) rot With snil W. t.r.ihum. Mrs. nr.d Mrs. F. J. Lowrev, Mrs. Chairman. M It per cent (til ps Mi-s- .s All piece or prw.s ''b. I'lOpO-P- the Castle. Mr. P. P. Marx. Mr. 'Mr. Wm. French, Mrs. S. N. Castle, Mrs. First that certain a l..D.iot Nntmbr loth, il CoOpiT.ltivti srd Mrs. I.yl- -. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harriet CaMle Coleman, Mr. Northrup of land situate on Quarry street, c . W. A. iwiWKN, NOTICE. Kulaokahua, in Honolulu, Island o2 ws;iua jigr. Lt.t Iltxpitii!. Itimn, Mrs. K. K. Wilder. Miss Johnson. ('a?tle, Jliss Castl. Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Walt, r Jones. Mr. Robert j Mead, Mrs. Peek, Miss Peck, Dr. and Mrs. Oahu, containing an area of Lewers, Miss l. w ers, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-jf- J P. Andnws, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. square feet, more or less, and being tha Hutu., A l.--- - I same premises were conveyed NOTICE. days tw th" in rt r puMltdi- lir. ar.d Mrs. A. J..Iirby, Mr. n. ALL REPUBLICANS OF THE that ta - W. H. by deed of W. a. pi.iris r..r a n- w ro-n- ff h"- - re- Winchester id th rutivv First Precinct, Fourth District, are Foster, trustee, dated AugUBt 21. 18i a-- .y quested r I'Hol m 1'iilliaid by i:. If. May. The I.lt- - mnK t time or any condi- to meet at the Government and recorded In Liber 155, page 272, fr th (i'ai is ii r Co., under Nursery on King hi 1 r Wo had street, next Thursday hr PotitUd thlr-,,- r ""1 t,,t whs cn of the MISSIONARY'S WIFE tion". a hard enough time of it further described as being a portioa th.it the as It was on our trip from Hankow to evening, the 30th Instant, at 7:30 Royal (grant) No. 3564. to ISL mnt pf ;n pr cnt, or (.) moving spirt's In the sehem. and would o'clock, for the purpose of Organization, Patent II. ,. Honan when we went together to Dow, hi bmn wvld, tn ,,, d Th- - the and bounded and described t rint.i nt. Hawaiian Ku-nin- p, nomination of delegates, and Buch other I piyM- - the l.iy'v mission at but you can lmaRlno follows: tn Ht bi. A..-.elat..n- , business as may come before the meet- l"', st the cHm of the m-- OF jv.hat It was like coming back with per- - Beginning at a point on the mib--i ' THE rf TELLS FLIGHT ing. 7-- T'l t 'l'1'--Altir r- - " it1' ,.f I V Mil. I" Its sedition all nlo!u the wav and our lives side of Quarry street 200 10 feet frou T' .. : ...;.. t ,:. CECIL BROWN. Chairman. I'.4 u t."tiin4 the south side of Alapal street exten- I', C'l In. a 'l.ly ..u beat-Logs- , ,iili4 i, l... ,i,T t?.-- ' riiitural tlis.. nr. l forlt of the road sion, thence running by true ii,,a Vutfsr Cn., Ltd. l n 1 a .ruve i.f thw ni-i- ru e i tan f.r m hos- I und the means t.f transport;it:on. south 37 degrees 30 minutes west, ISA m. :i. ihj. -- ''nt pital, iinf ilr to the doet'.rs t in- - ls.-s- r (Continued from I'aK-- ' 1 Nobody wouid receive us alon the feet along the Portuguese Club prem- ils. ! . There was not one Mr.fc- l- house ises, thence south 62 degrees 20 inl2 tlii'own open to 60 ifaortfe s welcome us. Pvery man's east, feet along lot 611. thence Now imn-- i i.il ult'i In a et- - I y t It. and th I'ompound t!iou.inris, r.ibi hand ws aKainst us and all would gladly 37 degrees 30 minutes east, 120 feet, evad KTIMJ10TICE. . - Sale i on For its i io in.' 'iv.rTMr si.ii- s tn.,t ii ns they timid liy thele hands Ihav. put us to death rather than offer north 63 degrees SO mln .tes west, M I, forK-ttln- a ns I. and not to p'lt with stones us from the along Quarry street. 41 not the niovum spirit or ut all a iel r shelter inclement weather for feet ni.'itlnif nf th slock- - :n we left. He fore w abandoned the a single nl;ht or give us the least thine: Second All those certain lota, tracts, In th I'.foi.eraliv e i tan. Ilis 1. la n.ij-slo- n I, tier as th "blntse tised to post flarlnff which we needed. We were as we I pieces parcels of land I m-- t cursed or situate at et th rompany's follows: cUna upon ur salt s announcing tho passed the cities; we were stoned on nu- (near Makee Island) H...,i-m- Kr 1. 1 .'At Cheap Waiklkl la erid in at lay upon which they Intended to massa-ir- e I.dlt-.- r Advertiser; Will ou do ma merous occasions; we were always in dan- Honolulu, being lots 35, 36 and 37, Eefetoi kln us. Fortunately, wc managed to sjet ger. We could not put up at the inns; tract, containing an area of IS.ttt K.rJAH WOOD. Vf lmss ti corrert a s'.atem ou of the city without receiving any sc whl- - h spterrd In the of jrie;r they would not have us. The best that square feet, and a part of Royal ext- Ll4 srrstarr. rlons Injurlis. It Is simply wonderful how sheet-iro- n 1 ii.il - - We received from the kindest of the Chi- One Melting KETTLE ent No. 6667, Land Commission Awcrd ppr. U. artUI- In ifjeslloii we did It. Of course the soldiers which l.f.lllm s. "iKin't I.lka the nese was accommodations over tiisht in (new). 19x4 feet; also, one SUGAR No. 6931, and the same premises tfeeS lirln rorrposcd our body auard kept off the In one-ha- lf ORATOR'S NOTICE. heme," shlih, later on. states the the stabbs with the tattle. COOLER. In good condition; were conveyed to the said W. H. Win- furiated mob, but thn the Chinese were "At Sin Tun another missionary Joined barrel (130 pounds) Asphaltum. chester by the deed of W. C Achi, trus- rre.llenl fraternity of this city does ti rowintc stones us an tne time, it with favor upon n w at and our little party. Poen is his name. He Apply to tee, and C B. Halle, trustee, dated Kip, IlKltr.UT CIVKN T nt the Is ml we were by American-Norwegia- ' kk hospital ratio that not killed belongs also to the n IL 1897, and recorded In Liber 167, p&s bte.l t,t th rst.it- - of wliUh Ir. Oalhrslth th e alone, ly husband and I and also MOROFF & EPPERS, 1'ceaaed, lut of llono- - and others are proposing to establish. Mission. He received tho most brutal 44i. tha other missionary with us all re- treatment at the hands of the Chinese. Magoon Block. Iminedlitte payment This Is a irros misrepresentation in ceived many and The property will be sold by parctiCaV "V bruises painful hurts Ills own coolies cruelly stoned him and , every pnrtlcul.ir. I sm In no way of Castle A Cook. from the missiles hurled at us, but luck- during Terms cash, U. 8. gold coin. Deed! aft ''' It f. All tint onn"Ct"d with th- - of at one time the balance of the expense ' " amnunfa orsanliatlon ily none were of much consequence. of purchaser. V .... U- - - n. t- - - t I 11.1 Journey to Hankow a Chinese was about sny hospital schema whatsoever, nor " hen we to the next military PROGRAM OF RACES For further Information and fun par my do I vrn know names any rot city, to kill Poen when my husband Interfered N '.'I eltorney for lm the of of Jourr.) y of the abore property, apply , a of alout a clay and a half, our and saved his life. The Chinese was fu- tt the promoters of such a scheme with forty-tw- o offlco of WILLIAM O. estort of soldiers left us. These rious and seemed determined to run Boen th SMITH t.t.II'fl K .STATE, tha of na Kentleman who v ry -- Judd building, corner Fort and c-- soldiers ' ;'"''I'l'p acpiin had subjected us to all kind through with his spear. He had his AT ' n. Administrator. IntriMluead Mms'lf to ma, at which of Indmnltles, even going so far a to chant streets. lima ha remarked the committee had weapon poised for a wicked thrust when Dated: Honolulu, August 2, MM. threaten our lives. The cooites who car- - my husband saw his Intention In time selected mo for the position herein rled our chairs wrrre as savage as mentioned on account of my hospital the enough to snatch the spear from the Kapiolani JAMES A THOMPSON, I VfiTircr ret. and the whole lot acted ail the time grasp of the big brute. Boen was fortu- Park CommUalones. experience and thi msnsaement of as If nothing would suit them better 3 cirporallon medltal depart me tc, than nate in one thing, however, he was escap- OR I its, tt put us to death. My husband during ing with most of his belongings, whereas nTTAt.iON. rmsT at the same time reojeetlnr me to the Journey was brutally stoned suf- ' It V.l . and we were practically stripped of every- i' - l"T ... - furnish Mm with a ropy of the rules in nil- fered much as the result of his Injuries. thing of value. Boen Is now In Shanghai. E. r.d which hud governed forty-tw- Will t'H hum et 7;jo this rerulitlone "When the escort of o soldierj LABOR Fisher, ... When we arrived at Hankow we were MY 'i n'l... urn of tha departments I have tnan-ara- l. t " irui ann parage. left us we managed to secure another at last safe, but not until we had passed AUCTIONEER body guard of six soldiers until we got to through two 3. 1900. f-- re-ro- the most dreadful weeks of SEPTEMBER (V"Tl ZIKflT.ril. The only foundation r surh a rt next M- the military city. Then when they In . ii our lives. ,. roiisTr.n. Is the simple fact that some three turn left us at the point agreed upon we course I mt weeks o a party upon me "Oh, of was very much fright- Under the auspices of the '";" and Adjutant. waited were given a body guard of only one ened all the time at the terrible things with tha view of ascertaining if I so! Her. Finally had no guards at all DRIVING ASSOCIATION. If one going on around us, but I managed to would take chare of a hospital and were absolutely without protection. pretty cool; In W should be started, which would have keep fact. I can't realize CO.CESSIOilS. To be sure, we till not have to fear now how It was that I kept my wits about support of of plantations . Real the tome the ireaencry on tr.e part or the soldiers, and 1 me so well, but then you see I have been ar other corporations In the city. My "ooui s wen on as we engaged reply was 1 knew of no reason ",r. "'r in mUsion work ever ine I TROTTING OR PACINU. ""'U" by th under- - that were with them was nothing more a mere girL I !l. accept an appoint-n.e- nt than -- why f should not "Our flight oc- . .a a, PM.IVa of bl'ln rm. from Honan to Hankow have been at it nine years now and a few 1 3:00 Class t 1lritii, of this kind providing the hospi- cupied fourteen days. Not once In all years ago ... clears, print wae established upon an ethical did considerable slumming in 2 2:40 Class Estate tal were v . 'lUx"T r"ncaslone at that time we out of danger. Not New Tork. Tou knew what the slums 3 2:24 Class an l professional bad, and managed or.ee In those two did we AND dreadful. weeks of New York are? Oh, well, then of 4 Free for all j vJ..V, I,r,M n,,d tv responsible parties. feel any degree of safety-- Not once In you see on the prominence rr.y rama In course can how one who has Tha alven thrse long. an!ous, tedious, fearful days slummed It In New York Is well prepared onnet lion with this hospital matter, did wo RUNNING. COLLECTION AGENCY find one moment of real rest or for missionary work among the barbar-ou-i without my consent or knowtedre cemforL Although we brought rW" T';'' our sedan Chinese. . i4-mi- Ie s whatsoever either directly or Indirect ihfdrs the way 6 Dash ETC. """ounced on sll with us from Honan slumrr.in? in a big city Is a good -- ly, len la ma to believe that It was to my "Tes. 6 mile Dash ' Hankow, husband was obliged to training for any one coming In contact 7 -- f dona for tha purpose of slvlna: this use m il.i mlle Dash i ,n . ten- - a cart on part of the Journey with the Boxers or any of anti-for-cl- gn Having, established ourselves In "tarne propnltlort a t.asle to work upon. If and wo the aive when were passing through the Chinese and thty're r.early all anti-fortlp- m. Alt harness races under National named business, we respectfully Invit 'o s a Commit- - thl l tha Intention of the promoters Trour.talra he was pushed along In mary Association rules, and running public Kindly cf thla selected a There are missions In Chi- Trotting the to favor us wita a enterprise, they have whre'.t arrow for many, many miles. No; na which In all probability be events under California Jockey ciud share of its patronage. Moreover, It Is tha wrori man. M will not and all Ml didn't seem cr. tit funny to me, I can forsaken by the missionaries. Those near rules. our definite aim to attend to matters ! -- nn after W. J. OALPPAITIt. assure you. and. I know that Mr. Ftokke the coast cities are comparatively 4 p. m. Friday, Au- entrusted in our care with the utmost saw safe at Entries close at - nothing funny In It. either. It was present. But the interior missions are by gust 31st, Club Stables. fidelity, promptitude, and at lowest r,,NN'iR. the middle of the rainy season at the possible charges. Freneh firmer may abandon their and was this time all abandoned, I Imagine, and 1 p. m. in 'live culture owing to the low price rf raining, it s.emcd to me, nearly all the there- - Is no hope of the missionaries who Races start at HOUSE RENTING A SPECIALTY. ,1-isowmi- . time. We were .tin . the oil. peanut nil Is driving o'lve oil drenched to the tkln have Ced returning for some time to come, M. H. DIGGS. r,rt ;"""P". I".umbra' out, aa It Is better for frying. There Is I'me aril time again. Of course, vou Even after things are settled It will take Asso- know. It Is easy Secretary Honolulu Driving i u '"lr rstenl Bt. no pure olive oil now In any Important not an or comfortablo sometime before wo can venture back to - E0R0FF& EPPERS market. Journey let ween Honan, and liiunl missions. ciation. BLOOZ Hankow to the Of course when I E6:3 ..- - MAGOON . i.i

00 ir BED; HONOLULU, AUGUST 28, 1900. 10 mil PAOIFIO OOlIlIEnOIAE ADVEBTI nnin ro nnr JAS. F. MORGAN MR. KERR has gone East, and be- A Keg Always Open fore leaving gave i. V U UHItU 33 Queen Street. p.o.Boxb94. Telephone 72. For Your Breakfast Quit Pain's Bus Driver Is DAY. Large Bloater Mackerel, Notice THIS Delicious Salt Salmon Bellies. to SaH rw Fined. ring, Auction Sale Holland Herring and Smoked Herd ALL CARRIED TOO BIG A L! D OF For a Boiled Dinner Furniture and A Joint of our Corned Beef, Frozen Poultry, Unfortunate Hybrids Were Com 1 Glassware Oysters and Fish, J) iinn) ttti ini o pelled to Draw a Quarter of a Hundred People. ALWAYS ON ON TUESDAY, AUG. 28, HAND. The spectacle of two little, ill-fe- d mules AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. hauling the big clumsy 'busses which are run under the same management as the At mv salesroom. 33 Queen street. I up steep will sell at Public Auction, a large lot I (Tramways system the hills that of funiture, beds, bureaus, wasnstanas, ramble into Nuuanu valley is not a new commodes, chairs, wardrobes, rugs, and i M. MRY & LTD one to Ilonolulans. Even when they are a large consignment of new glassware or- - 2-B- e., of various designs and in perieci (loaded only to the extent allowed under IG STORES--2 the license granted for the 'bus service, A1sr clothlns. shoes. sheets, pillow the strain of the mules is tremendous, cases, lanterns, hats, trunks, and some and the wonder of it is that the animals steel engravings. The Watertinnse Stnre. i Th. Mrlntvr? ct,. Oddments are able to drag them up the hills. Twen- rnr . . BETHEL JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. STREET. vuk. mhu awu rQRT STREET ty passengers is the limit allowed by the Telephone 24. f Telephone 22. Minister of the Interior, under whom the licenses were issued. The truth is that THIS DAY. tvtnty passengers is usually the mini IN OUR LARGE STOCK mum. There are more often twenty-fiv- e. and. if it is possible, the drivers permit Auction Sale PHJHMHS. many to two-pie- ce as as thirty ride. OF A VERT DESIRABLE sleeping or lounging suit, wd John Antone, driver the 'bus 156, was ar- able by many men to the regular night robe. At Our Queen Street Store. retted on Saturday night for having more JUST THE THING for traveling, as their appearance pert! passengers Germania Cement vl giravci iicrcviuus .ntxj nic uauai IIIU Jk lug ill SulrvS, than the maximum number of WE HAVE THEM IN SILK, Madras and Crepe. in his vehicle. B. Miller, the humane offi- cer, was on the alert as the big 'bus came TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, up Nuuanu avenue, and before it reached 12 HIRT Judd hill, he had, with the as AT O'CLOCK NOON. S the foot of S made or good weight Cloth, colors woven another, accurately counted Madras la. Thepatw sistance of - At the Old Fishmarket wharf, I will are especially pieasing, raaue in stripes ana piaiaa, Wta auini FOR THE PAST WEEK twenty-fou- r passengers and the driver, sell at Public Auction, by order of the to match. We also have Linen, Silk and Negligee,. makintr twenty-tiv- e in all. The driver at Hawaiian Fertilizer Company, ex ship the time stoutly claimed that he thought Carnedd Llewelyn, about 1,000 barrels them were only elchteen people seated or more of Germania cement In perfect behind him, and that he had only collect order. many. Terms cash. Immediate delivery. TIES Four-in-Han- from Our staff has been kept ed fares that splendid Newest shapes and latest designs in Silks In The case came up in the Police Court The above sale affords a Bows, etc. yesterday afternoon before Judge Wilcox. chance for contractors and builders. Scarfs, Puffs, Band was represented by Aitor ., The defendant r-- n;r-n- ...... TTTTTtl Busy measuring and ney De Bolt, while Manager Pain of the iT1TTK?iT fflTIlOCCf Tramways and 'bus company was in ai 0a tendance. Deputy Sheriff ChilUngworth Gathering together all Manager Pain on the witness We Import all our Handkerchiefs. Have a very large assorai stand testified that the license gramea Auction Sale new and handsome patters. Qualities were never so good for 'busses allowed only twenty passen- OF prices never so low. Odd lines gers at a time. The license for this par .... granted in or We also carry a full line of ticular 'bus had been June this year. One of the most amusing phases of the Wooden Buildings! case was the driver's testimony that he Go0(ls did not know how many passengers were Gents TODAY, Monday, August 27, stated only eighteen Hnmg AND in the 'bus. lie that had started from the 'bus terminus down town, and that if there were any more when Officer Miller made his investiga- commence a tions they must have jumped on when he At the premises. Punchbowl street, nil Be CoZLVillCed ! We secona nouse rrom corner 01 .tsere-tan- la fl aild did not know it. This was startling news, tne - and brought forth the fact that dead- street, I will sell at Public Auc- oo- heads could make use of the vehicles of tion the two-stor- y frame house and the the company. The driver's ignorance on stables In the rear. this point was ludicrous. The driver is The first story of the dwelling house supposed to make change on the 'busses Is of stone, the second being wood. and count the nickels as tney drop into Terms cash. Building to be removed WAVERLY BLOCK. HOTEL srf the fare box. in fifteen days. Deputy Sheriff Chillingwoi th slated to thf: Court in his argument that he did not JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. tl.'nk the case was an aggravated one. but he considered it was worthy of a pen alty, inasmuch as It was properly a test GRAND Clearing cc.se. The Judge stated that under the circumstances the driver was guilty, and assessed him $2 and costs, the total Sale. amounting to J3.40. Clearance ' Mm The "cruelty to animal charge was ess nolle prossed upon the suggestion of the Deputy Sheriff. If the authorities press ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY the charge against the company they have a pplendid field in the stables where the AUGUST 30TH and 31 ST housed, nnimnla are eurnosed to be fed AT 10 O'CLOCK A M. and given rest. The animals are tied in narrow stalls, with swinging boards be- At my salesroom, S3 Queen stre?, I We have on band Hie finest lot of tween them. It is Impossible for a mule will sell at Public Auction a very large R EMNHNTS IN lie down on account of the cramped lot of fine, new goods to make room, fspace. The swinging boards allow them consisting in part of JBRKSEYS, to swing sideways, leaning their weight HOSIERY. CAPES, SUITINGS, upon other mules Just as weary, but as DRESS GOODS, boots, shoes, hats, for rest after the hard labors to which caps, belts, valises, embroideries, laces, and is goods, Plantation Department ribbons, Every thread, they are put during the day, there trillings, tailor ncne. nongee silk, cottonades, etc., etc. These are all new goods, and the sale will afford families a chance to lay In a THE STANDARD OIL ! supply at less than wholesale prices. Dray Mules MORGAN, THIS IS A COMPANY'S WANTS JAS. F. Auctr. Ever shipped to the islands, which will be price by the V the lowest market veroseno tITwareuou?.e1 uesireu? J Real Estate For Sale Transactions of Gov- ernor's Council. A large lot 50x90 on Lunalllo Street, near corner of Keeaumoku, In the old Is for sal at enume A private kerosene warehouse is baseball grounds, offered a very reasonable price. wanted by Castle & Cooke for the stor- Stock-Yard- age of oil shipped here by the Standard JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. Honolulu s Oil Company. An application was filed with Treasurer Lansing to that effect n which was read before the Governor's LIMITED. council yesterday morning. It is the Real Estate s KINO H ntentlon of Castle & Cooke, in case the SALE. TELEPHONE MAIN 301. application is granted, to erect a com- FOR modious warehouse, to hold sufficient oil to meet all exigencies of the market. 1. SIX LOTS on King St., opposite Space is more valuable to us The matter was referred to Attorney residence of J. S. Walker, Esq.; ilxe t General Dole. lots, ,60x120. A light wine and beer license wa3 Large than the goods. They are marked granted to Morlmoto at Hooluaio, Ha 2. SEVERAL LOT3 on Punahou GOO waii, on condition that the resort is road, opposite the College property, in SEW placed at the legal distance from the known as the Judd tract. prices schoolhouse in that place. tract of land of at that must command a Application for a similar license for COMPRISING Stock Akl & Co., at ivawalhae, Hawaii, was 3 FINE LOTS fronting on the road, deferred. each lot contains from. to H speedy clearance. Application from T. F. Lansing and acres. I. L. McCandless for water rights at AND Walahole was made by Commissioner of Public Lands Brown. Superinten- ALSO several fine loti t. rear c: dent of Public Works was requested to above and adjoining ta prop Investigate the flow of water with a erty of Messrs. F. M. Swanzy, H. H Supplies view to determining whether the Gov Walty. C. B. Wells and o. P. wilder Stable ernment would require for puDiic sloping ground on It These lots are on asners, Import purposes, for example, electric lights. road runntne narallel with the KaiiO Dandy Brushes. Sponges, Curry Combs, Axle w The the Attorney i council instructed road and command extended views of . CUpr1' General to have a notification to all the . .. rura Fetlock Come an sea or shore. H'l Early of Island sheriffs that conviction Drenchlr.g Bits. infamous crime punishable by more Hoof Pincers. Embrocation, Condition Powders, Y n n PfiH than a year's Imprisonment, was tan- . Dressing. t i p Hoof rights. A DUIr tiugico, trrviH rfVa riandares. j tamount to losing one's civil for Rent. B person so convicted lo.slug his civil Cottages . Chamois Skins. Metal Polish and uressmg, rsoii fnrAw , If you wish to .secure bargains. rights, It was decided that such . rimes ajiib uimk, should hereafter be subject to Investi- Shoe Boll Rolls, Tie Ropes, etc.. etc. gation by the Grand Jury. Paste. five-roo- m j The sixty-fo- ot right way needed to TWO NICE cottages for PROMPTLY FILLED. of i ISLAND ORDERS approach the Channel wharf was given rent, on lane leading to Beach Road, consideration through a proposition town side of Bishop's switch, Walklkl. j tendered by the trustees of the Bernlce Reasonable rent. P. Bishop Estate. Their nroDosition H to give such right of way In return for IAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. land now occupied by Sorensen & Lyle with the marine railway; that no bet- terments be charged to the estate at any time; that the roadway be placed JAS. F. MORGAN COLLIN J R. at right angles to the beach road, and that it be completed by 1901. The mat-- ; 1 M 1 1891. ) ESTABLISHED mm k m ter was taken under advisement. 7 The United States will be forced to' 101H i ?n(r Harness PIW' withdraw 25,000 from the j TELEPHONE 662 volunteers III V. BOX507. LCtf"b i Philippines so that they may ba dis-- ) banded at American ports before the ' 33 QueenIStreet. NUUANC 1st of next July. Their terms of en- - KINO STREET, NEAR Queen Street. Honolulu listment will then have expired. I P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. TOD PACIFIC COL IAL ADVEBTIBBB: HONOLULU, AUGUST 28, .1000. 11

LOCAL BREVITIES. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Australia Is espected tomorrow Have You Seen Them? morning early. ll The schooner leasts Minor from Kal-lu- a i i I ' ¬ riulf " .... arrived at Eureka on August 11th. We aar ben complimented on our attractive windows, and especially so ' .Tfurnlahed.nln.rooms uUM Ths schooner Annie Johnson sailed on the tfosptar fr from Ban Francisco for llllo on August euted. 14th. Children and Misses' '" .;... of Pan Je. l . ufvalMr A. N. flnclalr. The schooners fierena Thayer and W. F. Wlti'mann have arrived la Gray's Harbor from this port. WIS HAVE! . Th schooner Robert Be arte from Ka-hul- ul. JUST nv.cvwtm um a ivi. i.w ... n. & Co. . tmlth ..SLIPPERS.. 8TlONOE8T AND MOST .tiif.. ',r'n', f,,f th"r arriveJ at Tort Townaend on SERVICEABLE CEMENT vr ' "v August 13th. and Moody : jJ?L of a larger the Charles K. All Sizes. : All Prices. All Styles. 7 -- admixture amount of sand grTL t from this port on August 11th. .f1 w"u " " T ft TTI1t mrrst HSfWI ii, haM oer ' N. P In color, fineness and sand rarrylng capaeit Tu.--.Uy- . - James K. Keota has been appoint We glT you value received whenever you bay of us. -n wwgna lea per r. Mt- on Intern- el a member of the Hoard of Registra- .'l, bushel, measuring about 10 per cent mors cement to a tion for Island of than other brands, which very materially r jduces Its cost as compared wttfc the Maul In place of otner cements, is therefore an economical cement to use, fUmuH Kelllol. who has been appoint adapted for fine and sDseda&a wrar. The ed a traveling normal Instructor. concrete work. JP16 following testa, made In actual work b CoL D. C Hoaston, Corps at Mounted Toilet Officer Kelly has been engineer, u. 8. A--, at the sea wall around Governor's New York wife, of Ka UliK-harge- liland. Baa. ! .Try and from the fores by High nor, nas never been eoualled hv ntnor Mnwnt . t i m r- - a the t i. buck from per Inch-O- ! Sheriff. It Is understood Kelly will strength square ne day,3&4 pounds; seven days, fvf pounds: thlrta shiti for the Coast. days, SU pounds. faceFor idewalks It gives the best color an 1 the most endurable wearing ! 4 m n". win u Kin on m. l of large i , r . r RAZOR WIILDEH. FOILED. 'e,w the contracts In which Alsen Cement was Cabls Bk V , used: J t K Baltimore, 3a.000 Quebec at-th- ern i ' ,. San J"se. Cal.. barrels; Harbor Improvement. 0.00 barrels; i t.. r Pacific R. Brldjcea. M" A. .v piiH'inir ai it. 20.000 barrel. ,1 utr'-ft- . - . ' ThisTlng- oeo , , a 'i I b'UM-r- e should Fart. VI ' '' t X ev-n- in , ii "f renit-n- tiUy indiy ch a in mm I J driver ' , , 'n i .i..r of ha k M was hallrd uptown l y .1 " a white I I - H. uc- Theo. . .. t it ' h "''l man to t ik him to Davies & o.. Ltd. " tn ry Kallht. The Journey AGENTS ' " ' ..n i.i.y " was - HAWAIIAN TERRITORY. i! " . n m'l without Incident. The passen- i.r-..i- f..r builders. JJsiEilSllvU at his dpitinatlon and refus- - , rl r .om .in table for two,',r 'ted 'I i n I W ould board to pay his fare. The la a good- - is '' std drlvr rn!, " m i, Pp" " " i n ' ixr i,inrn snci rviierai t .nrl and ed hla rMjtit for the silver dollar. The hlte man aaaln attrmoted to evada th Ikmnl, and the Japan went for him. I.ul he was stopped In his rueh. for the A hold a sU of white mtn drew a rasor and flourished It glassware, etc.. at at the astonished Oriental. street at 10 Nothing daunted, however, the driver ifn plrked up hla whip and swung the butt . w!ih considerable force In the direction I "mpuny TTie r. I.l' nw of the passenger's head. Remnant .,. rw.ii ,1 t 111" 'i III"IH Ul VUKR. The butt and the head ram In contact i, on v iii fin. M p'lse and th man went to the ground In a henp. The rasor. together with th man's To Those in Quest ,, j' I Kl't'tn.irkrt wh.trf r gold watrh and chain Were, taken bv in. ' the I UermanU Jypafiesi. I tia ' a, curity. Ifore the driver Sale. ,,n.rt T!. ' I auction ai cruld rail f..e al-tnr- e. Ma fare had dis-- Nature , ,.hy appearej. The rasor. watrh and chain t . fniUli' l room. Urge ami are now In the hands of Ixputy BherlfT v Ii ouereoj or nw iin An i''iliiiiii l" """in iimmiiiii, i made y..r (utii'T pirtu utars see our claimant win amo receive a pout no ! tire from tl"e ll'gh Hherlff to appear be- r fit of a fore Judge WiUoi for wielding a cVadly o ,v i n now on . b'Hiding lug. ;i mi' weapon. Dress Goods. ...,.'!. . '. i d ru t fill t- - attend r"..i ;" ii' I'f lament today by FOOD ,.toj r. M..im. HAS 7RUCO THE FLAOUE. ! a Lawns. r ir tl i t,f tti.. road t Iwll FROM THE TATtO FLA NT IS , ,. i i r ' -nt of that district. Report to That Effect Comas From r 1 1 fi i' ' cut and is somewnat 8acramsnto. Percales. t f irv '.. ! boarding hoite f'f According to a story In the Sacra ,,,.fi r .1 .it, i nfT'Ti'd for sale or to mento Dee of August 13th plague has tU t- - K. TAROENA .i f t j'.n ni.ira apply Will ag.In broken out In San Francisco, The "tti'T, Hi-- ' i' tlonrer. Dimities. !! tells of the death of a white man, ill' t Ii "1 ni, lllng kettle, a silg.ir who had been a habitue of Chinatown EITHER FOR ADULT OR INFANT ...:,iv i I hki'Ii iMuni. Is offered for - and a morphine fiend, F. & t- with all th B. I r M r .it & pp'T. real estate symptoms plague. nam Ehlers In M n Mix of The man's Batistes. ti'. 14 k. was William Murphy and he died at the .! kv..l. m th Honolulu HtiH-- City and County Hospital six hours It Is a system builder for the conva ,m( , I.i I . n"t y(erdy and ad after he had arrived there. Not until lescents, being easy to digest and rapid Company i I iii si.Mi.i f'liure tlm subj.-c- t Ufter his death was hla disease diag- recovery upon White Goods. , Is assured a diet of this iii i .i.l i f t!i" President. nosed a plague, and then a post-mo- r 1 I Il-g- vegetable food. 1 T r.rf i l l n c.f the First U tem examination showed signs that v. N ii II, l!l anerr.hle under pointed directly to that disease. Ths Thoe contemplating a sea voyage i ii trie Im r.l Mn"l at 7.U' this even- - fuse was th first that has been re-- will do a wlae thing to have a supply of Laces. FORT STREET i f r l.t'u .inn diill and ptrade. ported In San Francisco where a whit person ' :i.f J Kill's W. F. Freur was at hail ?en affected. t r The H.n Francisco papers of August iu yii Td.iy fur the first time say ot.41 v" k II returned on Sat lltrt and llth nothing whatever of Ribbons. Lr"n IH4 v.u on any plague In the city, and no Informa 1 iitlon Hawaii. Hum V. n . . tlun - " r.r.tvail In im. .11. u . TAR0ENA Ks-- t.n ,l. kill. .'W N. K. K"ol., H"-a- .. . se exists there. Dr. Carmlchae! i i.itii-- r ' Ih ttoMnlx r of the yesterday h had no orHclal on In case of sickness. stays f !; r it)..r f..r M ini. Molokal an jlsnld that band It svwiy nu Si vj TW mm ii. it ! ' vJII on the stomach while all other foods do K. llllnol, r:si., resigned. anting under Instructions to admit all T l.y t 1.' oMix k noon, James T, vessels from San Francisco with a not. uu il! '!! ul miitmu nl th oid Ion rl of It "wit. inii,ii.t Mhurf nhoitt l.oO barrets BHRGHINS t " ii. on t ri iont In perfect condl Th Neumanns Entertain. For Everybody. To Intending purchasers of rugs we would stats that Ml'.'l strop1, wpll broken mules Mr. and Mrs. Taut Neumann enter Just before the change In tariff we received a large and ' i pulilii' aiutlori bv Will talned at dinner last evening at Ly Hobron Drug Co. ' varied assortment of it lii siitnarMm on Alakea rurgus' Union Grill. Th guests wert l l''rM ri ti trit streets t Thursdjy, - Italian Consul Schaefer and Mrs. i .ii. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Hasson, Mr. and tn. li,4 fi Ivi-- from Washing Mrs. Suhr, Mr. Focke and Miss Fincke. Fort and King. JAPANESE "H, 'Inn 1 1, n i f i his applnt ment i The occasion was the nineteenth birth i ',; i. f mt suri(-i,- of th Unit WHITNEY&MARSH ' ' day of young Mr. s M il in- - llosplt.ll S'TVl' rt In Neumann who Is a ''' ' "ty "f il.iw.ili. rmlet at Annnrolls. Ths table was LIMITED. RUGS t'i i ti. daintily rprral and decorated artistic ' In n of th prim. try By buying rugs change, a saving s i these before the of i,:. ik. to part U I pate In ally with carnations. The menu was as .r I'iy j,, trill Mill iiine r 1 j follows: Turtle soup au clalre, chick about fifty per cent was effected, which our customers are i r.rir 1. 1 s frmn Mls l.ivl en snlnd a la mayonnalte, olives far-r- l. 519 Fort Street. to profit by, as we do not Intend, for the present, to In- I 11 1' irl of ;.ti-.tlo- nice. s. canape rue, striped bass au gra- - crease the price of these rugs, but to sell them, while they ( "h.iti-ii- i l;nk between the tin, sweet treads saute a flnanclere, Telephone r la 436. last, at the old prices. i i .in jvini hlio.vl Is ' strvt Roman punch, roast young duck, as- r r- romp eti d. The StH'i't paragus Ii" '1. 'li !l U l.l.ihflii Mn.1 V.III n Hollandaise, omelet souffle. ti t ,.. t,.,m..a'r, ,y,t,.m of tri4irn',mrAn' Under these conditions a buyer hers, now, can buy these for much less than they are sold for on the Main- " l.Mrv ..rif mixtion th N,i. Mrs. Potter Palmer announced a re land. ii I w; l I ception at In Pari", as not turn out f .r th her 'hotel" and rugs V i.tr.i.l.'. but us munv of thai result an American came with bag We have made a display of these In our lair ' noiit.i with Uhor or '" ttn,i f mlly. thinking Mrs. Palmer central show window, where their beautiful designs and ' tt" will I- - out with t h'S"' h.'id opened a public hostelry. harmonious colorings are sure to attract attention. "i'!i. si ..iliitiini. Mini. Mr.! i r 1 S-i- ,,.-.- iiki'H of tlr eniiln.. nf Now on Display am V a. j m - - .J. ,,M 1.71 I'l ' ii 'I i hi tin. 'nf. wis rnnrrlel to " '! , t..li.'My of Iihuln.i. by J 1' ' r I ill. ii, 'I'll., rnuplw arrlv.-- And For Sale i.i liii. ! i ' !' ' "i Imtxtited t, thi r:tat of I .1 nr. re.iieKlei to tnaki. t T' i I'lyin. nt ti th adtn'niaira-- A A VE'tT ciiorcK r I ., H-'- ii, lints nut Settled hy tXrT Y .". t placed In or ' "'r will tlie hnnd I '."i ney for collot tlon. : i of Tuhllo Works Mo !,t..,,nt MM - ,n cumpitnleil by W. H. Kow mmmmuiV " F- - Iv 1 - in f.r lUwnlk today to Investl- French Printed '. rntlr roa l system. He will " 'oti time, and Intends ti make f f imiinr with the needs of each ' t. Lawns ' r T. J :ng and wife. Miss M. ' and 5Hs Kitty Hard, are at i II. te. Mis Hard Is a daughter IMPORTED S " r Hitr.l of CalifurnlA. Henator hy nett steamer to TO AT IIavmock Canopies, Frames, Trapeze, Ropes, Hooks r6irty. lie Is a long-tim- e friend RETAIL r ' Kstew. and sundrioj of all binds. , 'fi-f- guage rallmad from the From the Best Manufacturers. Ur to th new Honolulu Iron received: "I K.kaaka has been completed Jast The largest and beit assorted line of Made quartered antique oak. Graceful serpentine shaped top . - i a irnmy engine Is running reg 20C Per Yard. Hammocks ever brought to the Islands. Prices from 75c up. upper drawers lined for silver, bevel plated mirror. i t ,..n th works and ths i!ii it material far the com n 'f Vi works. T Book Irnett hit m. Hrsna which Combination Cases i'f v,m masters alnng th water OUR PRICE The best type of the cabinet makers' art. A piece of furniture j vy Mm. It quallflee him to act is perfect in workmanship and material Will beautify . . .. that ,i. "i snjr sieamer or- unlimited TODAY any parlor or library. n. Co., on any rs-ea- and of sailing Pearson & Potter Ltd .f.'.nv'r 7,0 ton ori nr cean. - , on in 31a FORT ST. TEL. -- f:"ning tu oninu.of th mem 565. High Grade Music Cabinet. i Mh pnwaiian band ran away 1.5c Per Yard. l ." ' ' f tn old barrack where Mahogany finish, with shelves that slide In and out. with vssterdav rounded and decorated fronts. 4, t trartllna Milnt..l- ..... n ama--H.nOTI,K IK.IIJ1 ' Will, h It .II..K..I - vl?" 1,1 f through a board fence NEW DESIGNS. J 'Ti. h,. wts c.ipt ureL FAST COLORS. Just Received: ombination Music Stand "ir'l At frs time yesterday In L. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. A ! rs on Queen atrssr. Fine Assortment of ' v. 't tint f ir a ht: ths mini. ROTIICHILD & '. Tt. Curtis, was compelled EHRENPFOItrS CANDIES, HANDMADE Writing Desk and Book Case. u 1 rs. Mor rlerks have CHOCOLATES, MARS II MALLOWS. ' "" I If patrons Etc. n ths who ii. co. Elegantly carved, with French bevel glass. " ' l waited upon will call j. 1 .1 n mi - m . r"f.v every attn- . . BEEMAN and ADAMS' CHEWING GUMS. . . . LIMITED. " GOODS must be seen to be appreciated. i r t Hustare A Co's dray. 5T THESE ' 1 Also, a fresh of T0STUM CEREAL, t f was loading a large THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDER let GRAPENUTS, t l FANCY 1 and PLAIN CRACKERS, tii f..u u,,a r(m s, n n n eg Etc. Now on exhibition and for sale at . ' it 'J Krl"'" Ths bot weighed CHILDREN ATTENTION. 'I i,. . . 1 11 w thai th was yf CHILDREN Or THE? miMATlT Mi vJV1 men w ha ran quick schools who would Uhs to participate In Coyne-Mebrte- n (! Sm- -. . """'-r- he was found tot Furniture fnm . the Labor Day parade will pleas call v, , Vva- r . "r n ii lomiimn on and receive badges from Miss & WMTY, " their SALTER ' He wa sent horn In Davidson, of Education. l" Doard scs Oroheum Block UrOCerS. Fort Street. cr.oGiicsa block, fort street. It THB PACIFIC COUIIEBOIAL ADVBBT1SBD: HONOLULU, AUGUST 28, 1900.

son. W. A. Harding. Miss L. M. Kidwell HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. and two maids, Mrs. J. F. Lowder, Mrs. Walter Magee, Mrs. S. J. Marsh, Mrs. The Overland Montelth, Mr. Pechatnolr, A. B. Snow, Honolulu, August 27. 1900. Oceanic Steamship Co lUraed Every Morning, : Except Mies Norma Snow, C. A. Solquist, Rev. Sunday, by the M. M. Ask K. S. Stokke, E. C. Thlbaudler. NAME OF STOCK. Capital Val Bid ed lUVAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY. Treplonok. Limited Ton Holt Block. King Street. From Kauai ports, per stmr. w. u. August 26. George N. Wilcox, Paul Mercantile. HalJ. - r. A. "W. PEARSON, R. Iaenl.erg, W. A. Kinney, 8. II. Corn- C. Brewer & Co.... 1,000,000 100 Business Manager. stock, George R. Carr. II. B. Hall, Miss Sugar. Three .Trains Dally from San Franciaco. TIME FABLE: Kcokl. Miss M. Delin, Miss L. Boyd, Su- - Lucy Kaukau, American Sugar Co. 1,500,000 100 Two Trains Dally from Portland via The fine Passenger ,an Dankls, Leva Ahana, 5,000,000 20 Steamers of this Une will Ka-- Ewa 28J4 Arrive and Leav Miss Boyd, H. Knaka. II. H. Perry, Hamnft 175,000 100 as hereunder: tHit ul, Lizzie Ayau, Miss T. Williams, Miss Haw. Agricultural Co 1,000,000 100 111 li'J H. A. Kawlski, Masuda, Mr. McKay, Haw. Com. & Bug. co 2,812,750 100 80 From San Francisco. I Rice, Mrs. W. A. Hardy, Hawaiian Sugar Co... 2,000,000 100 217 For San Francisco. Mrs. W. H. Jr., 750,000 100 II Ah Chong. Ah How, Mrs. Robert Levy, Honorau 19 AUSTRALIA AUG. 29 III 2,000,000 20 J 81 '32 QTT7-T- AUSTRALIA L. W. A. Baldwin, Mrs. Kaui, Geo. Ronokaa T TIME TABLE. . Punl, HalJtu 500,000 10U SEPT. 12 MOANA Oonners and child, A. A. Braymer, Mrs. Kahuku 500,000 20 AUSTRALIA ...... SEPT. 26 AUSTRALIA ....6Ep M. Pem KamaloSug. Co.Lt.a 225,000 20 MOANA and Jan. 1, 1900. H. Knizht. Miss Williams. H...... OCT. 10 OCt. Iran after G. B ' Paid up 230,000 20 ALAMEDA .. broke. Geo. Maloho, E. R. Wilcox, AUSTRALIA ...OCT. 24 OCT MeClellan, Ah Goon. A. Fernandez, Fonl Kihei Plan. Co.Lt. a 1,050,000 50 13 14 AUSTRALIA " Paid up 1,600,000 50 OCI. r OUTWARD. Isaacs. K. Kaiser, H. Schmidt and 57 on Kipahuln ; 160.000 100 Dally Daily Dally Dally Dally deck. Koloa 800,000 100 ex. ex. From Anahola. per stmr. Niihau, Au Kona Sugar Co. Ass. 256,000 100 Bun. " Paidrp 1X0,000 100 Bun. rust 26. Wm. Blaisdell, J. W. Keliinul, S. 405,000 100 a-- p.m. Maunalel Co., Ass a.m. a.m. l W. I'aton and 4 on deck. " up 100,000 100 7:10 11 8 SOS 6:10 Paid In Connection With thtt anlllnip ,. VrsAftahL. McBryde 8. Co.Lt. A 8.12,500 20 nf Hipaniprfl t v. . . . 6:50 auuvK City 1:46 11:40 1:47 Paid up 1,650,000 20 12 pared to issue, to intending passengers. Coupon Through Vicketa hi ptv 8.33 lo:08 12:00 4:05 6:10 Sugar Co. A 20 6v. Mill we iring Men's Clothes. Naniku LEAVE SAN FrjlNCISCO, 8:00 m., road, n i ,v, . . any RiE. 10 4:13 up 20 from San Franciacn., tn nnint. n.,.., :M " Paid 10:00 a. m., 6:00 p. m. me umiea ctaten ' and August 13. Ac sugar 3,600,000 100 by T- rrm Krt TVTaalua.$(jx, 11:55 6:40 SAN FRANCISCO. uanu to 150;152'i York any SteamshiD Line to all Eurm -f. id cording to of ship John Onomea 1,000,000 20 PORTLAND, 9:15 a. m., :00 avi WVdVL. 12:32 605 the officers the 600,000 20 LEAVE A. Briggs, at Philadelphia from Port Ookala 18 p. m. Sugar Co. LtAs J 812,500 20 w cargo Oregon pine, Olaa 3 n INWARD. Townsend ith a of " Paid up 2.500,000 20 there is a fine opening on Fitcairn Is Olowalu 150.000 loo Throuh without change. Dally Dlly Dally Dally 5,000,000 50 land, in the Southern Pacific, for an en PaauhauSug.Plan. Co FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS ex. ex. terprisinff capitalist, well supplied w ith facme 500 000 100 APPLY TO ou. Sun. a wide variety of women's clothes. The Paia 750,000 100 275 am, a.m. p.m. p.m. Pepeekto 750,000 100 2J5 DOS 18 Briggs touched at the island and found Pioneer 2,000,000 100 6:35 .... 2:08 luO persons, 01 M WO about two J 2,100,000 100 6:10 .... 2:50 there about Waialua Agr. Co. As. thirds of w hom were women, nearly all " Paid up I 1,500,000 ill4kilM4 Wm. G. ir 7:10 3:5 IRWIN & wmanae 300,000 Co 4:22 descendants of the mutineers of the 34111 7:45 1:0a good ship Bounty. Wailuku 700,000 100 400 Days City 6:11 1:30 4:52 a moving Waimanalo 252,000 100 Hi Fi s in M LIMITED The natives told tale about 100 6:W S 05 2:05 6:26 the straits to which the women were Waimea U5.000 120 reduc-- through their inability to se Steamship Cos. General Agents Oceanic S S Co 7. ZJENISON. V. C. HMITH. S. S. Co 500,000 100 & cure the customary apparel of their sex. Wilder ISO Superintendent. O. P. T. A Iuter-lblau- d 6. S. Co. OOO.OUO 100 I 115 There are no dressmakers on the island, Sleepers. and as the Infrequent vessels which Miscellaneous. Pullman Palaca RECORD. Buffet Smoking Library Cars, AfETEOROLOQICAli Flop there are freight carriers on which Hawaiian Electric Co. 250,000 100 ISO and no women are carried, the supply of Hon. Rp. Tr. & Ld. Co 100 with Barber Shops and Pleasant Read Pl'BI.IHED feminine dress coming from the outside II.n. 8ieam Launtlry. 25,000 100 ing Booms. Monday. necessarily Knna-Ka- u Telephone Dining Cars, meals a la Carte. Every world is limited. & Telegraph Co. Lt. 15,000 25 In this extremity the women have Mutual Telephone Co. 159,000 10 Free Reclining Chair Cars. iiii torn been driven to adopt male garb, of Makaba Col Co. Lt. As 6,975 100 'J SASOM. THERM. c Pti,l ut, 31,000 100 Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. 1 mfs which there is always an abundance. O. R. A L. 100 g- Nearly al lthose seen by the Briggs' Co 2,0x000 17y; 1S5 V s oc y j 100 ii . a 3s officers wore coats and trousers, in People'8 Ice A Kef. Co. 1.50,000 90 J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent, . Occidental Oriental Steamship z ' ? h : : which comfort rather than fit seemed Bonds. 125 Third Street, Portland, Oregon o ? : un- : r to be aimed at. Touched by this Haw. Govt. 6 per cent.i ...! 99-- i! Haw. 5 per 99 ""fV 93 2 W 77 8-- .01 71 10 wonted sight, the crew of the ship made Govt. cent.i 13 29 a-- S-- Haw. Govt. and IV 111' 7H t7 .Of. f.j NE 8 a thorough search for any old dresses, Postal D. W. HrrCIlCOCK, General Agent, Toyo Kisen Kaisha. i(iW.01'2l.lw:".97 77 .01 fi.T 8 NE 5 vings 4! per cent... W M hosiery, underwear, and other articles K. No, 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco. ? 8V 77 83 .0169 4 9 NE 4 clothing HlloR. Co. 6 per ct :lW29 '4 of that might have been left Ewa Plantation 6 p--c 103 W Z5 .94 2.Mi 81 .10 6:?; 5 NE n by wives of former masters of the 6 p. C 102 S3 29 92 29.85 70 88 .80 671 6 NE jS Kahuku Plant. - - - O. & L. Co 103 " va.ii iii fiunoiuiu ana leav fa f 75 81 .08 G6 10-- 6 NE Briggs and presented such as they R. Or E. L. LOMAX, O P. & T. A.. ff al 29.95 29.91 j2 could find to the Pitcairn women. In tron on or aooui me aates oeiow mentioned: return they were rewarded by the Session Sales Morning Session Forty Omaha,' Nebraska. imetr corrected to 81 F. and aea grateful natives with gifts of large Olaa, paid up, $14; 40 Oahu, $155; 5 Oahu, For Japan and China. For San Francisco. 1- - tor standard gravity of Lat. 45. 154; 5 Oahu, $152.50 ; 5 assess- sad quantities of vegetables and fruit. Waialua, GAELIC AUG. 28 correction Is .08 for Honolulu. able, $94; 80 Kihel, $13.50; 10 DORIC krr tt) Chicago Chronicle. assessable, Navigation 6 up, $11150. Hawaiian Co HONGKONG MARU SEPT. NIPPON MARU ..... ml Waialua, paid Afternoon Se- 13 $31; 25 paid CHINA SEPT. 1"U JUi JAiNtlHU SEPT. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. ssionTen Ifonokaa, Waialua, LIMITED. DORIC SEPT. 22 REAL, ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. up. $114.50; 15 Waialua, assessable, $9150. wn-- SEPT NIPPON MARU SEPT. 29 AMERICA MARU '. OCT B 5 b; a This company reserves the right to RIO DE JANIERO OCT. 9 ; OCT X 4 5f August 7. No. Kimo PI and wife raKlftli "9 Ol cr: A brewing changes departure COPTIC OCT. 17 GAELIC OCT 3 (l'awai) to Jno. Hiram: kul. 6331, ration scandal is in South make in the time of Waimea, AMERICA MARU OCT. 24 HONGKONG OCT 1 Pi5 ri $5. Africa where, it is said, millions of and arrival of Its steamers WITHOUT MARU i S ES Si S: S Kauai. Consideration PEKING NOV. S NOV to-Ap- pounds sterling of supplies are NOTICE, and it will not be responsible CHINA s a i . No. &240 i worth Paahao and Hookaea; JAELIC 10 . - rotting at railroad depots and wharves, for any consequences arising there- NOV. DORIC Nov piece land, Walkiki, Honolulu, Oahu. 20 I troops HONGKONG MARU NOV. NIPPON MARU Nov (pm. Ft. a.m la m. D.ni.- 1'ets Consideration $10. while General Rundle's have from. 5 CHINA 27 wNOT Jcatwri 1.3 3 12 11.17,11 03 42 6.20 7.39 5241- hardly enough to eat. Red tape is the Consignees must be at the landing ..NOV. RIO DE JANIERO ! I t No. -J. F. Hackfeld and wife to j !s.m. .m cause. to receive theirs freight. This company DORIC DEC. 6 (COPTIC ,.DEC S 8 27 C. Stratemcyer; portion of II. P. 32-H- '.t, 2J.!2 VII 1.3 U 11.3911.48 5.42 6.23: 0o. will not hold itself responsible for NIPPON MARU DEC 13 AMERICA MARU . ..DEC I i I j 'p.m. i Honolulu, Consid- l'iikoi street, Oahu. freight been landed. PEKING ..DEC rj'. y 1 4 5 51 a.m. 12 405.424. 191 9.02 eration $4,500. after it has 9 43 Live stock received only at owner's TUJJ.!. 7.W 1.4 V. O.IH 1.47 6.46.1"' No. 5212 W. C. vv'oedon and wife to M. Classified 1 Advertisements. toA. 1.4 7.H 0.451 3 2d 5.4H 6.17 10.Z7 Hawkins; plfce land, right way risk. FOR GENERAL INFORMATION, TO 1.5 H 'It 1.81i 5.06 5.43 6.1 11.15 of and This company will not be responsible APPLY 9t!a..i 310 8.5: 1.6 10.1H 2. M 6.18 5.44 6.15 a.m. wnter right, Punahou, Honolulu. Oahu. for money or valuables of passengers MJIU.Sj 1.7 11.46 3 4! 7.W 5.41 6. 11 0 07 Consideration $l,.j0. WANTED. i I unless placed in the care of the pursers. ' No. 5214 Jas. Steiner and wife to J. T. The company will not be liable, for iWayson; fiC2. EXPERIENCED stenographer and ll'i portion of.R. P. Beretania typist desires position. Has own type- loss of, nor injury to, nor delay In de H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd onill Honolulu, Tlrst quarter of the moon the 1st at slro't, Oahu. Consideration $.3T-0- . writer. "I. X. L.," this office. 5635 livery of baggage or personal effects of 1.B p. m. passengers, or freight of shippers, be No. 5215 r. Dcsky In- -j Ttdrs from the United States Coast and to D. H. Case: yond amount of $100, unless 3fi. i rooms for housekeep the the AGENTS. prVtle Surrey tables: terest to dower in lot Punahou. llono- - UNFURNISHED of same be declared when re- $1 i ing. L.," office. 5633 value the i tid"fl at Kahului and ITUo occur lulu, Oahu. Consideration Address "A. this ceived by company, and an extra cr.a'hour earlier than at Honolulu. No. 5216 Kfaholaumanoakalani hus- the 80 and charge be made standard t'.mo Is 10 hours band to O. Z. W. 41S. therefor. 4w!lan be- - Waikalal, tr.; Gr. LADIES or gentlemen to canvass for AU company ttlowrr th.n Greenwich time, Kamaolo. pood employes of the are for !anadiao-Australi- k'iim.iat of th meridian if 167 degrees 30 Kula. Maul. Consideration selling holiday publications. Ad- bidden to receive freight without deliv an Royal M tlr.i whistle blows at 1:80, $100. dress "Canvasser," this office. 5635 ering a shipping? receipt in !, The S. S. therefor the i irMch la th came as Greenwich. l i!?i;st No. C. Dwight and form prescribed by the company, and Wii-.v- 'i . zAnuu-n- Sun and moon are for wife to w. K. iia; lot 1, Mokauea. ai-- A FURNISHED room, suitable for o which may be seen by shippers upon 'irr,. whole group. , Con- - for the koae tract. Kahh Honolulu, Oahu. gentlemen. Would board, also. on application to the pursers of the com tZ-A- . (ns9 "f n " thia r.Wr. r.r.51 pany s steamers. Steamship Company. SHIPPING INTEl LIGENCE. u. uo-- i. ji anu wire to i;. i' Shippers are notified that if freight Giimwood; jots r,, 7. 8 and 9, block 4, Ke- - . A MOSQUITO-PROO- F room; furn sh-tic- n is shipped without such receipt it will walo tract. Honolulu, Oahu. Consldera- - be solely or shipper. 'M ed; must be centrally located. State at the risk the IIAilONI HKAD SIGNAL STATION, $r I,rlce and location. Address "M," 27, 10 m. wind, r vrt Mr,,i.. a this of above Line, running in connection with CANADIA .aujtust p. Weather, clear; Auit Rn.t r i 5633 HAWAIIAN NAVIGATION CO., Steamers the the T . AT. .n.- Inn. t 1 I OlliCC CttQ. N. E. ..111. K' f J"f. . I , i,VT Ml I tTS IA11U, ' LTD. PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, Ahualoa. Hamakua. Hawaii. Considera-- t S. W., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu, and , Q., are: 81.71. AnUIVEI) AT HONOLULU tion FOR RENT. ' No. G257 Gear, Lansing & Co. to Jno. Monday, August 27 A. Palmer; lots 1. 2, G and S, Mock 4S, FURNISHED room, front entrance ZDuie sit ZE3labl"u.l"u.. c from large & O. S. S. Doric, Smith, from Kalmukl tract, Honolulu, Oahu. Constd-j- lanai; and airy; bath and On or about the dates below stated, viz.: t. rat ion $2,fxm. electric light. Apply at No. 10, Lu- FOR SALE. ( FROM BRISBANE C2."iS (Kama-nchop- u) na lilo FROM VANCOCVER AND VICTORIA B.C. SYDNEY, -- O- No. Keaka and husltand St., between Alapai and Hack- OTiO-oIg- Y . 6635 C to N. Isaaka ; rh t in te res feld. For Brisbane, Q., and Sydney: For Victoria and Vancouver. R iaili:i moil Honolulu. iin II. P. 2103, Waklu, Gr. Zm, Honokalani. AORANGI SEPT. 1 WARRIMOO AUG Monday, August 27. Or. 2130. Knwda. liana. Maui. Consider AFTER September 1st; three unfur- WARRIMOO SEPT. 29 MIOWERA SEPT. $;o. THE FOLLOWING PLANTATION OCT .?rar. Y'uialale, GrCen, for Koloa. ation nished rooms on second floor; suita- MIOWERA OCT. 27 AORANGI Notau, Wyman, for Lahaina, Ho-- No. 7) Kauhola to Wahineaea; Inter-e- pt ble for light housekeeping. Address MACHINERY, SUPPLIES AND , MA AORANGI NOV. 24 WARRIMOO NOT fiinr. In R. P. 2C-1- canoe, DEC jUaa and Kukuihaele. und Honokalanl, Kooms, this office. y 6C33 TERIAL is offered for sale - by C. MIOWERA Hou, Mosher, for liana-mul- u liana, Maui. Consideration . Elmr. Ke Au 525.1A BREWER & CO., LTD. and Kll.iuea. No. Wahlneaea to Kauhola: In- LARGE beach house, having mod- H. 2X0 all jftror. Mikahal:i, I'cdersen, for Makawe-- 2 terest in P. and house, Kawel.i. ern conveniences. For particulars ap- Full particulars and prices can be liana, Maul. . in-- i Watmra. Consideration ply to P. O. Box 616. 6626 had by calling at their office on Queen Lehua, liennett. for Molokal August 9. No. 5202 Victoria S. Kills The magnificent new service, the "Imperial Limited," is now running Ji itmr. to Sumncr-EUl- street. ; .vtj. - E. Rennle; lot 2. s tract. luuhaukol, Honolulu, Oahu. Considera- RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 Golden Gate Rock Crusher, No. 3, BETWEEN VANCOUVER and MONTRAEL. ir tion TO SAIL TODAY. $0. We now offer for sale very choice complete, with 12 II. P. portable boiler No. C2C4 W. C. Greprg the . 100 railway servla and wife to P. M. residence property of S. and engine, elevator and buckets. Making the run hours without change. The finest Pcnd; lots 47 and 4S, Waring CHARLES 1 40 world. i'Tmr. Klnau, Freeman, for Hilo and Bruce Pawaa DESKY, located at the corner of Vic- Burley Drill, complete, with II. 1. the m y 13 Honolulu. Oahu. compressor, and Ij ports; noon. trfet. Consideration toria and Green streets. Also, the fine boiler, air etc. Through Tickets Issued from Hono lulu to Canada, Unitel States it air. Claudine, Macdonald, for Kahului $f-0- residence premises adjoining same 1 set Fowler Steam Plows (4 gang), rope. a & p. No. 52H5 r. M. Pond to C. McA. Far-r- li the til way ports; m. on Green street. and full assortment spare parts. For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply to ill. gton; lots 47 Fa-w- aa IHmr. W. (i. Hail, Thompson, for and 4, Bruce Waring For further particulars, apply at our 3 250 H. P. Stirling Boilers. Koloa, Ekcle, Makaweli and tract. Honolulu. Oahu. Considera offices, Trogress block. 2 sets Green's Fuel Economizers. V 1ti-- a: 5 p. m. tion Jtl.&K). j 2 Worthington High Duty Steam S. No. 52 J. S. d BRUCE. WARING & CO. 1. A. T. Slam, Xlgsn, for Manila, via Azevedo- to J. Ahreu;! 5627 Pumping Engines, capacity five million np. 2 K,-- - Cuam. , of R. P. kid. 43FL. Kunawai, t gallons per 24 hours, against a total H. & Co Ltd Gen'l Agts Sttnr. Maul, Parker, for Paauhau, Ku- - l.'rnolulu. Oahu. Consideration S1.2fK. I head of 420 feet. Theo. Davies , , .la, Ookala, Pnpanloa and Laupahoe August ll. No. 52J.S Ol-,- Stiear Co.. FOR SALE. 1 14 x 15 x 10 JJuplex Pump, capacity koe. jLtd., to Bishop &. Co.; lands, real, 22 million gallons per 24 hours. S. S. Doric. Sniith. for San Fra an1 niixed property. Hawaii. Consid UritlGHT Emerson Piano; good as 1 4Vi x 2 x 4 Tump. 12 eration $l,2iiVW0; 2) years S per new. Parties desiring to purchase, at noon. at cent. will 2 Centrifugal Pumps. Gas. Ecllppe, address "Piano," care Advertiser 1 ch Pump. schr. Gahan, for Ialiaina, office. Centrifugal Kihei, ,Maktra and all Kona porta; at 1.1st of deeds filed for record. AufMit 25 5633 17x9 Horizontal Slide Valve Engine, P i p. m. complete. Ca. sihr. Surprise V.'liarton, for Na-w-iiw- ill, First Party. Second Party. Clncs. FINE- St. Bernard and New Foundiand 1 25 II. P. Upright Tubular Boiler. 111 Koloa, Eleeie, llanaprpe, Maka-tril- l. Karana ha J. M. Dowsett . .. D watch dog. one year old; gentle with 1 71, x 5 x 6 Duplex Pump. S. C. Dwight Waimea and Kekaha, at 5 p. ni. and wife Miss Polua cnudren. Address P. O. Box 6C0. 1 Donkey Engine. Direct Service Between New York, Malina d 1 50 H. P. Horizontal Boiler and Feed J. B. Atherton and wife J. p. Men- - Pump. MOVEMENTS OF 8TEAMER3. I Water Pacific Coast and Hawaiian Islands. j iiuih a ... ,1 ttt ma room modern cottage, corner 1 Donkey Engine, double cylinders; a jH T. Andrade and husband (J.) Anapuni and Domlnis Sts. Apply to fine one. lifanors due and to sail today and for i Kaakau O ws 1 10x12 Horizontal High Speed En on or Ka-n- e suramins, Aiakikl St., be Ne w York direct for Honolulu h f'.x days are as follows: is. K. and wife Wm. It. Kelt I o a., erlne: cut-of- f. S. S. "AMERICAN" will leave wit ecu duu ui., ana 4 ana 5 p. m. automatic 10 be followed by 8. Ct df dS fiU1 24-in- 20th. AP.P.IYE liro"1 fr r,'corJ Al?st 27, 1 ch Hollow Spindle uodge at September 15th, due here about November Shipley two later. I Lathe. walian" about months Broouy. frteamers From. First Party. Second TWENTY-EIGH- 42d Street, boutb Due. Partv. Class. T first-cla- ss Also, California Mules, In line order. v,Pht rplvod at Comoany's new wharf, Caelic-- S. F. 2S ,C'. S. Desky und Will- - California Auir. wife N. C. mules. Apply to Portland Cement. In cars. 3. fong Emmett May, Judd 20 all times by Lighters or Australia F ..Aug. 23 D BMg. 5611 Steel T Rails, 25 founds and Axranstl Victoria ...... Sept. 1 M. da C. Correira and husband (F) pounds. Hongkong Marti 3. F. & J. Furtado second-han- d fcnov- - ..Sept. l Large lot of Picks, For general Information apply to ffurra S. F ..Sept. 12 J. Furtado and wife M. da C. Cor-- I TO LET Oil FOR SALE. els. Hoes and Tools. flilna-- S. I. ..Sept. 13 rtira r i v It. R. Tamping Bars. D. I Kaliau do Sou 7 a. . . rurnlshed boarding house fH.rlc S. F .Sept. 22 J. i) containing eleven rooms. 1 Baldwin Locomotive, 3 pairs of HACKFELD & CO., LI S. 21 J. W. Kaaa wife- - Ka- Owner's H. Australia F .Sept. and - reason ror selling. Ill health. For par drivers, 3 foot guage. . . niahele ... . 15-t- on ';ppon Maru S. F. Sept. 29 D to 5 Flat Cars, guage. AGENTS, II ONOLULU. . ..S-pt- . H Nalepo i ncuiars, apply Will E. Fisher's Marrltnoo Victoria . 2D A. Reimann, Jr., D 12 on Flat Cars, guage. K. S. I'al J. W. K. N'.iwal D 46 Cane Cars, guage. DEPART. j IJ. F. Dillingham ct aL M. Hjro-- ! 1 Howe R. R. Track Scale. I FOR EXCHANGE. Porie-- S. F ...Auk. 28 chi t al I 1 Platform Scale, 36 x 47. CHAS. BREWER & C0S PacificTransfef A- - s- - j A H'arrlmoo Victoria ...Aug. 29 Hart well J. H. Gait I) NICE lot In Oakland. Cal..' for sugar 2 Platform Scales, 23 x 32. .t McClen-...Sep- ; usiraliM S. F. ...Sept. 4jC. S. Desky and wife C. t. stocks. Apply to Emmett May, Judd 1 Stump Puller. Mo I BlQS. Ana S. F 14 ban D 6611 Dump Wagons. . Company. - Line. Kk Janeiro S. F .sept. l.ti"- Acni ana wife Mrs. M. L. Dump Carts. New York rVim-- 17 Sea to BaiW Maru S. F ..Sept. D LOST. Spring Wagons. 227 King St., next Coptk'-- S. K ..Sept. 22 Maria d Farias E. P.. Waterhouse D Bain Wagons. Bark NUUANU will Ball from NEW lliowt ri Victoria t. V, M. ami J. Leal L. Paikull D THURSDAY. August 24, on. Fort street Lumber Wagons. HONOLULU, on or about WAGOS9. DBAT S. Bingham YORK for EXPRESS iLntralia-r- F . t. 2 If. and wife II. Bingham, Between King and Beretanl.i two Road Scrapers. WAGONS ma Amri-- a S. L 2 Jr promissory notes 10th, 1900, LUMBER Maru F I secured by deed of Lot Flaw Harness. October DUMP CARTS . ?ne for $L000' and for - $l..0. th oer on Hand- Two boys, i1' Reward if returned to the Ad- - rates apply to Cart pas?i:ngers Arthur Taylor and George eruser omce. For freight ii.n and Fafei Featherstone, each about nine years of E633 CHAS. BREWER & CO., Trunks, Furniture . Arrived. nge, are under arrest at Victor, Col., Handled train-wreckin- g. 27 Kilby St., Boston. From Hongkong and Yokohama, per 9. for They destroyed FOUND. C. Brewer & Co., $40,000 OR . Doric. Ausrust 27. Honolulu W. O. worth of property. ji.-y- , Illn-c-o- l i. r imDerlal rtn..n o n , yraU, F. Muhlhausen, W. A. Ramsay. San name ny proving LIMITED., C BREWER & C0-- LTD. yranclseo Miss It. Allen, S. D. Ame, Tiburon. San bay. paying property and Honolulu. VorksC Francisco was vis for thig ad. an or Iron Bran-Arnsrle- ie Ualley, n, at this Queen Street. Honolulu J. 2. H. T. IJosman, E. ited by a monster whale which wrought lice. 5623 A. Gilmour, Hamp-ac- n. among Mr. I. O. D. havoc Fmall craft and kedgo ?1 1 M. Lieut, ; ' tK C. Hill. von Krohn. I.G.N. anchors there. He chased several row-boa- ts SALE. L. AHLO EU.1 V. l.lehtenberg, Mrs. Waltc? M- into shallow water. THE MELROSE, King Streeit FOR BOILERS, are. V'-'- Manh, Idy I'elly and maid, General Merchandise. BRASS AND LEADCA;1 ?Pr. 1. P.andolph; Mrs. A. II. Snow, MIps The Machinery of er7 xttA ; Erltirfh are using savage retalia- And )CTI-n- Board and rooms; com-iJ'A- 1' LOT AT SEAVIEW, aru Snow, Mrs. 0. A. Solquist, Mrs. K. tory measures in the Transvaal. Sho'.s all modern HOUSE AND , order. A MIps of 200 x 300; beautiful - KAPALAitA-- 9. Brokke, Mrs. C. Thorn, F. Allen, were fired on on armored train near mosqultovproof; Punahou; Hze lot WAIPILIP1LO. "aid to sh. X. Xfra. Apply . .- A.no, F. Berlin. II. T. Bosnian Pretoria and every farmhouse for view. fNear ramcar bDies.j - "nil th t.nirass- the - 1 G. SINGLEIIURST, worK asi. maid, Miss F. Coibin, R. H. Hamp- - miles 0 round was burned. ' ,vi iituuvraiK. f m. W. 189. . : Box 1014. Kfi"' '.phone 3081 blue. 5627 At Theo. II. Davies. &.Co.,,Ltd. lelephoiie ar'.J"94 it