Dedicated In Tribute to The Life of רפאל לוי בן ישעי' דוד ע”ה אונטערשלאק “DR. RODNEY”

Whose selfless devotion and love continue to serve as an inspiration to us,

Whom we were privileged to know and be touched by,

Who served as Hashem’s conduit for healing both body and soul of thousands,

He will forever be our role-model of a true Chossid.

May we be reunited soon, with Moshiach’s coming  Blessings to the Unterslak Family THE LINEAR TANYA PROJECT While maintaining the original sacred text of Tanya, Chayenu debuts The Linear Edition of Tanya, which includes a Hebrew text with vowels (geared for the beginner, as an aid to study and master the Hebrew text). Each day’s lesson is also introduced by a brief overview, so the student gets an idea of what’s ahead. Tanya is a profound philosophical work and requires in–depth elaboration and extensive commentary. Due to the nature of Chayenu’s weekly publication, we have only included a most basic translation in our booklet. The translation is based on the original English edition, with inclusions from The Lessons– In–Tanya Series, translated by Rabbis Levi and Sholom Wineberg. For a more comprehensive study, we encourage you to consider purchasing “Lessons in Tanya” from Kehot, or other similar works – such as the acclaimed audio series “A Tale of Two Souls” by Rabbi YY Jacobson – which elucidate the text with increased clarity. Other resources include: לוח התיקון Note: The Hebrew linear text (with vowels) has been edited to include corrections based on .(the latter are marked with footnotes) הערות ותיקונים בדרך אפשר and This is a collaborative project between Kehot Publication Society and Chayenu. Tanya is the exclusive property and copyright of Kehot Publication Society. Kehot Publication Society | 718.778.0226 |

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75 | Chayenu: Vayeira, 5773 Tanya י " י ח

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October 28 - November 3, 2012 | 76 Tanya: Sunday IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty seven

יום ראשון, י"ב חשון Sunday, 12 Cheshvan

Overview of Epistle 27 A Tzaddik, even after his passing, is found in this world, together with his loving disciples. To the degree which they cleave to him, does his soul - in return - raise them higher and bestow blessings upon them. And, in a sense, even more than in his physical lifetime! כז. .XXVII ַמה ֶּׁש ָּכ ַתב ְל ֹיו ְׁש ֵבי ֶאֶרץ ַה ּקֶֹד ׁש What he wrote to the dwellers of the Holy land ִּת ָּבנֶה ְו ִת ּכֹונֵן ִּב ְמֵהָרה ְּבָי ֵמ ּינו ָא ֵמן !may it be constructed and rebuilt speedily in our days, amen— ְלנַ ֲח ָמם ְּב ִכְפַלִיים ְל ּת ּו ִׁש ָּיה, ,”to console them “doubly for salvation ַעל ְּפ ִט ַירת ָהַרב ַה ָּג ֹאון ְוַה ְמ ּפוְר ָסם ,over the passing of the Rabbi, famous Gaon ִא ׁיש ֱאלֹ ִקים ָק ֹדו ׁש, ,holy man of G-d נֵר ִי ְשָׂר ֵאל, ַע ּמ ּוד ַהְי ָמנִי ַּפ ִּט ׁיש ֶה ָחָזק, ”,Lamp of Israel, pillar of the right hand, mighty hammer“ ֹמוֵר ּנו ָהַרב ְוַר ֵּב ּנו our mentor, the Rav and teacher ַר ִּבי ְמנַ ֵחם ֶמענְ ְּדל ,Rabbi Menachem Mendel נִ ְׁש ָמ ֹתו ֵעֶדן. .may his soul rest in Eden ֲא ּהוַביי ַא ַחיי ְוֵרַעיי ,My beloved, my brethren and friends ֲא ֶׁשר ְּכנְַפ ִׁשי ּכו‘, . . .who are (to me) as my soul ה‘ ֲעֵל ֶיהם ,The Lord be over them ִי ְח ּיו ַח ִּיים ַעד ָה ֹעוָלם, ,they should live a life forevermore ְוֶצ ֱאָצ ֵא ֶיהם ִא ָּתם ,and their offspring with them ֶזַרע ֱא ֶמת a seed of truth ְּב ּרו ֵכי ה‘ ֵה ָּמה the blessed of the Lord are they— ֵמַע ָּתה ְוַעד ֹעוָלם. !from now to everlasting ַא ֲחֵרי ְּדִר ַׁישת ְׁש ֹלו ָמם Following the enquiry after their welfare ְּכ ִמ ְׁש ָּפט ְל ֹאוֲהֵבי ְׁש ֹמו, ,as is becoming those that love His Name ָּב ִאתי ְלַד ֵּבר ַעל ֵלב נְִד ָּכ ִאים I have come to comfort the smitten ַהנֶּ ֱאנָ ִחים ְוַהנֶּ ֱאנָ ִקים, ”,that sigh and groan“ ּוְלנַ ֲח ָמם ְּב ִכְפַלִיים ְל ּתו ִׁש ָּיה, and to console them doubly for salvation ֲא ֶׁשר ָׁש ְמָעה ָאְזנִי ַו ָּתֶבן ָל ּה, with what my ear has heard and noted for itself ַעל ַמ ֲא ַמר ַר ּבֹו ֵת ּינו-ִז ְכ ֹרונָם-ִלְבָר ָכה ,on the saying of our sages, of blessed memory ְּד“ ָׁשַבק ַח ִּיים ְל ָכל ַחי“ ”.that “He has left life unto all the living – ִּכי ”ַצ ִּדיק ֶּב ֱא ּמונָ ֹתו ִי ְחֶיה“, ,”For, “the righteous lives by his faith ּוְב“ִיְר ַאת ה‘ ְל ַח ִּיים“, ,”and by “the fear of the Lord which leads to life ּוְבִר ְׁשֵפי ֵא ׁש ַׁשְלֶהֶבת ַאֲהָב ֹתו (and by the flashes of fire of the flame of his love (of G-d ֵמ ַח ִּיים, ,which to him supercedes life ְל ָכל ָּבֶהן ַח ֵּיי ּרו ֹחו to absorb therein the life of his ruach [ ֹנו ַסח ַא ֵחר: ְונִ ְׁש ָמ ֹתו] [alternate version adds: and his neshamah] ָּכל ְי ֵמי ֶחְל ּדֹו, .all the days of his duration

77 | Chayenu: Vayeira, 5773 IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty seven Tanya: Sunday

ַוְיִהי And when it comes about ְּבַהֲע ֹלות ה‘ ּרו ֹחו, that G-d takes up his ruach ְונִ ְׁש ָמ ֹתו ֵאָליו ֶי ֱא ֹסוף, ,and gathers unto Himself his neshamah ַו ַּיֲעֶלה ְּבִע ּיל ּוי ַא ַחר ִע ּיל ּוי and he ascends from one elevation to another ַעד ּרום ַה ַּמֲע ֹלות ,to the peak of levels— – ָׁשַבק ַח ֵּיי ּרו ֹחו, ,he, then, leaves the life of his ruach ” ְּפ ּעוָּל ֹתו ֲא ֶׁשר ָעַבד ָּב ּה“ ”his effectuation on which he has labored“ ְלָפנִים ְּבִי ְשָׂר ֵאל, previously among Israel ְּפ ּעוַּלת ַצ ִּדיק ְל ַח ִּיים —,the labor of the righteous for the living— ְל ָכל ַחי, .to every living being ִהיא נֶֶפ ׁש ָּכל ַחי That is, (he leaves it to) the soul of every living being ַה ְּק ׁש ּוָרה ְּבנְַפ ׁשֹו ְּב ֶחְבֵלי ֲע ֹבו ֹתות bound to his soul by the thick ropes ַאֲה ָבה ַר ָּבה ְו ַאֲהַבת ֹעוָלם, ,of a magnanimous love, and an eternal love ַּבל ִּת ּמֹוט ָלנֶַצח, .that will not be moved forevermore ֲא ֶׁשר ” ִמי ָה ִא ׁיש ֶה ָחֵפץ ַח ִּיים“, ”For any man (lit. “who is the man) that desires life ְלָדְב ָקה ַּבה‘ ַח ִּיים ,desiring) to become attached to the Lord of life) – ַּבֲע ֹבוָד ֹתו ִּתְד ַּבק נְַפ ׁשֹו, ;his soul will become attached through his service ְוָהְי ָתה ְצ ּרוָרה ִּבְצ ֹרור ַה ַח ִּיים ֶאת ה‘, ,his soul) will be bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord) ְּב ַח ֵּיי ּרו ַח ַא ֵּפ ּינו in the life of “The breath(ruach) of our nostrils ֲא ֶׁשר ָא ַמְר ּנו :of whom we said ְּבִצ ּלֹו נִ ְחֶיה ַּב ּגֹוִים, ”.in his shadow we shall live among the nations ֲא ֶׁשר ָׁשַבק ָל ּנו, ,This) he left unto us) ְּב ָכל ֶא ָחד ְו ֶא ָחד in each and every one ְּכִפי ְּב ִחינַת ִה ְת ַק ְּׁש ּרו ֹתו ֶּב ֱא ֶמת, corresponding to the degree of his genuine bond ְו ַאֲהָב ֹתו ַאֲה ַבת ֱא ֶמת ַה ְּט ֹהוָרה, and his pure love,a pure love of truth " ִמ ֶּקֶרב ִא ׁיש ְוֵלב ָע ֹמוק“, ”.from “The inward of man and a profound heart ִּכי ” ַּכ ַּמִים ַה ָּפנִים ְו ּכו‘“, ;”. . . For “As waters (reflect) the face ְו" ּרו ַח ַאְי ִיתי ּרו ַח ְו ַא ְמ ִׁש ְיך ּרו ַח“, ”.and “spirit rouses spirit, and brings forth spirit ְו ּרו ֹחו ֹעו ֶמֶדת ְּב ִקְר ֵּב ּנו ַמ ָּמ ׁש, ,Thus his spirit remains truly in our midst ִּכי, ִּבְר ֹאו ֹתו ְיָלָדיו ,when he sees his children ַמֲע ֵשׂה ָיָדיו ְּב ִקְר ּבֹו the work of his hands,in his midst ַי ְק ִּד ׁיש ּו ְׁש ֹמו ִי ְת ָּבַר ְך, ,sanctifying His (G-d’s) Name, blessed be He ֲא ֶׁשר ִי ְת ַּג ֵּדל ְוִי ְת ַק ֵּד ׁש, which is magnified and sanctified ַּכ ֲא ֶׁשר נֵֵל ְך ְּבֶדֶר ְך ְי ָׁשָרה when we walk in the right way ֲא ֶׁשר ֹהוָר ּנו ִמ ְּדָר ָכיו, ,that he has shown us of his ways ְונְֵל ָכה ְּב ֹאוְר ֹחו ָתיו נֶַצח ֶסָלה ָוֶעד. .and we will walk in his paths forevermore

October 28 - November 3, 2012 | 78 Tanya: Monday-Tuesday IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty seven

יום שני, י"ג חשון Monday, 13 Cheshvan

The Tzaddik’s involvement in this world, even after his physical passing, it to a greater degree than in his lifetime. This is not only true with regards to spiritual matters, but even worldly affairs. ְוֶז ּהו ֶׁש ָּכ ּתוב ַּב ּזַֹהר ַה ָּק ֹדו ׁש This is the meaning of the statement in the holyZohar ְּד”ַצ ִּד ָיקא ְּד ִא ְת ַּפ ֵּטר that “When the departs ִא ְׁש ַּת ַּכח ְּב ֻכְּל ּהו ָעְל ִמין ָיִתיר ִמ ְּבַח ּיֹוִהי“, ”.he is to be found in all worlds more than in his life-time ְּדַהְי ּינו, ֶׁש ַּגם ְּבֶזה ָה ֹעוָלם ַה ַּמֲע ֶשׂה That is, even in this world of action – ”ַה ּיֹום (this day (i.e. this world’s mission is“— ַלֲעשֹׂו ָתם“ – —(to do them” (the mitzvos ִא ְׁש ַּת ַּכח ָי ִתיר; he is to be found more ִּכי ַה ַּמֲע ֶשׂה ( ָּג ֹדול) [ ָּגֵדל] ְו ֹהוֵל ְך, because the action keeps growing ִּג ּיד ּוֵלי ִּג ּיד ּוִלין, sucessive growths ִמן ” ֹאור ָז ּרוַע ַלַּצ ִּדיק“ ”from the “Light implanted for the righteous ַּב“ ָּשֶׂדה ֲא ֶׁשר ֵּבֲר ֹכו ה‘“, ;”in the “field which the Lord blessed ַה ֵּמ ִאיר ְל ֶאֶרץ ְו ּחו ֹצות, ,this light) radiates to the earth and the outside places) ְוַגם ֲאנַ ְח ּנו ֵאֶּלה ּפֹה ַה ּיֹום ,and also to us—those that are here this day ּכ ּוָּל ּנו ַח ִּיים ִּבְדָר ָכיו ,all of us that live in his ways – ” ֶּדֶר ְך ַה ּקֹ ֶד ׁש ִי ָּקֵרא ָל ּה“. ”.The holy way shall it be called“ זֹאת ַּבֲע ֹבוַדת ה‘ ,This is as regards the service of G-d ְּב ִמ ֵּילי ִּד ְׁש ַמ ָּיא, .with respect to heavenly matters ּוְב ִמ ֵּילי ְּדָעְל ָמא ,As for mundane matters – ְּבֵפ ּרו ׁש ִא ְת ַמר ַּב ּזַֹהר ַה ָּק ֹדו ׁש, it is stated explicitly in the holy ְּד”ַצ ִּד ַיק ָּייא ְמִג ּינִין ַעל ָעְל ָמא ,that “the tzadikim shield the world ּוְב ִמ ַית ְת ֹהון ָי ִתיר ִמ ְּב ַח ֵּי ֹיהון, .and after their death even more than in their life ְו ִאְל ָמֵלא ְצ ֹלוָתא ְּדַצ ִּד ַיק ָּייא ְּבַה ּהוא ָעְל ָמא ,Were it not for the prayer of the tzadikim in that world – ָלא ִא ְת ַק ֵּים ָעְל ָמא ִרְגָעא ֲחָדא“. .”the world would not endure a single moment ְו ָכל ַה ָּק ֹרוב ָק ֹרוב And whoever is closer ֶאל ִמ ְׁש ַּכן ה‘ ְּב ַח ָּייו ,unto the dwelling of the Lord, during his life-time ֹקוֵדם ַל ְּבָר ָכה: .has precedence to the blessing

יום שלישי, י"ד חשון Tuesday, 14 Cheshvan

How is it possible that a Tzaddik is present and involved in this world even more-so after his passing than in his lifetime? Because his true life is spiritual: Faith, love and awe of G-d. These are eternal.

ֵּב ּיאור ַעל ַה ּנְִז ָּכר ְלֵעיל: .An elucidation of the above ִא ָיתא ַּב ּזַֹהר ַה ָּק ֹדו ׁש, It is stated in the sacred Zohar ְּד”ַצ ִּד ָיקא ְּד ִא ְת ַּפ ֵּטר that “when the tzadik departs

79 | Chayenu: Vayeira, 5773 IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty seven Tanya: Tuesday-Wednesday

ִא ְׁש ַּת ַּכח ְּב ֻכְּל ּהו ָעְל ִמין he is to be found in all worlds ָי ִתיר ִמ ְּב ַח ּיֹוִהי ּכו‘“. . . . ”more than in his life-time ְוָצִר ְיך ְלָהִבין, .Now this needs to be understood ִֵּתינַח ְּב ֹעוָל ֹמות ֶעְל ֹיונִים For, granted that in the upper worlds – ִא ְׁש ַּת ַּכח ָי ִתיר ַּבֲע ֹלו ֹתו ָׁש ָּמה, ;is he to be found increasingly, because he ascends to there ֲאָבל ָּב ֹעוָלם-ַה ֶּזה but how can he be found more ֵא ְיך ִא ְׁש ַּת ַּכח ָי ִתיר? ?in this world ְוֵי ׁש ֹלו ַמר, This may be explained ַעל- ֶּדֶר ְך ַמה ֶּׁש ִּק ַּבְל ִתי along the lines of what I received ַעל ַמ ֲא ַמר ֲח ָכ ֵמ ּינו-ִז ְכ ֹרונָם-ִלְבָר ָכה ,on the saying of our sages, of blessed memory ְּד“ ָׁשַבק ַח ִּיים ְל ָכל ַחי“, ”.that “He has left life unto all the living ַּכ ּנֹוָדע, ֶׁש ַח ֵּיי ַהַּצ ִּדיק As is known, the life of the tzadik ֵאינָם ַח ִּיים ְּב ָשִׂרים (”is not a physical life (lit. “life of flesh ִּכי ִאם ַח ִּיים ּרו ֲחנִ ִּיים, ,but a spiritual life ֶׁשֵהם ֱא ּמונָה ְוִיְר ָאה ְו ַאֲהָבה, .consisting of faith, awe, and love ִּכי ֶּב ֱא ּמונָה ְּכ ִתיב: :Thus of faith it is written ”ְוַצ ִּדיק ֶּב ֱא ּמונָ ֹתו ִי ְחֶיה“, ”.And the tzadik lives by his faith“ ּוְבִיְר ָאה ְּכ ִתיב: ”ִיְר ַאת* ה‘ ְל ַח ִּיים“, ”.Of awe it is written: “The awe of the Lord is for life ּוְב ַאֲה ָבה ְּכ ִתיב: :And of love it is written ” ֹרוֵדף ְצָד ָקה ָו ֶח ֶסד ִי ְמָצא ַח ִּיים“, ”,He who pursues tzedakah and chesed, will find life“ ְו ֶח ֶסד ּהוא ַאֲהָבה. .and chesed refers to love ְו ָשלֹש* ִמ ּדֹות ֵא ּל ּו These three attributes ֵהם ְּב ָכל ֹעוָלם ְו ֹעוָלם are prevalent in every world ַעד ּרום ַה ַּמֲע ֹלות, ,to the topmost of levels ַה ּכֹל ְלִפי ֵעֶרְך ְּבִחינַת ַמֲע ֹלות ָה ֹעוָל ֹמות all proportionate to the levels of the worlds ֶזה ַעל ֶזה one higher than the other— ְּבֶדֶר ְך ִע ָּילה ְוָע ּלול, ַּכ ּנֹוָדע. .by way of cause and effect, as known

יום רביעי, ט"ו חשון Wednesday, 15 Cheshvan

Since faith, love and awe of G-d are spiritual characteristics, it follows, that as long as the Tzaddik lives within a body, he can only channel these to his students to the degree the body al- lows. Thereafter though, he is not limited by the body and can channel these to an even greater degree. ְוִהנֵּה, ִּבְהֹיות ַהַּצ ִּדיק ַחי ַעל ְּפנֵי ָה ֲאָד ָמה, ,Now, while the tzadik was alive on earth ָה ּיו ָׁשלֹש* ִמ ּדֹות ֵא ּל ּו (these three attributes were (contained

* תוקן ע"פ "הערות ותיקונים בדרך אפשר".

October 28 - November 3, 2012 | 80 Tanya: Wednesday IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty seven

ְּב ֹתו ְך ְּכִלי ּוְל ּבו ׁש ֶׁשָּלֶהם in their vessel and garment ִּבְב ִחינַת ָמ ֹקום ַּג ְׁש ִמי, .on the plane of physical space ֶׁשִהיא ְּב ִחינַת נֶֶפ ׁש ַה ְּק ׁש ּוָרה ְּב ּגו ֹפו, .This is the aspect of thenefesh bound to his body ְו ָכל ַּתְל ִמ ָידיו And all his disciples ֵאינָם ְמ ַק ְּבִלים ַרק ֶה ָאַרת ִמ ּדֹות ֵא ּל ּו ,receive nothing but a radiation from these attributes ְוִז ָיון, ַה ֵּמ ִאיר ּחוץ ִל ְכִלי ֶזה and a ray [from them] radiating beyond this vessel ַעל-ְיֵדי ִּד ּבּוָריו ּו ַמְח ְׁש ֹבוָתיו ַה ְּק ֹדו ִׁשים, .by means of his holy utterances and thoughts ְוָל ֵכן ָא ְמ ּרו ַר ּבֹו ֵת ּינו-ִז ְכ ֹרונָם-ִלְבָר ָכה That is why our sages, of blessed memory, said ֶׁש ֵאין ָאָדם ֹעו ֵמד ַעל ַּדַעת ַר ּבֹו ְו ּכו‘. . . .that a person cannot comprehend his master ֲאָבל ְל ַא ַחר ְּפ ִט ָיר ֹתו, ,But after his passing ְלִפי ֶׁש ִּמ ְת ָּפְרִדים because of the separation ְּב ִחינַת ַהנֶֶּפ ׁש ֶׁש ּנִ ְׁש ֲאָרה ַּב ֶּקֶבר of the aspect of nefesh, which remains in the grave ִמ ְּב ִחינַת ָה ּרו ַח ֶׁש ְּבַגן ֵעֶדן, ,from the aspect of ruach, which is in the Garden of Eden ֶׁשֵהן ָׁשלֹ ׁש ִמ ּדֹות ַהָּל ּלו, —,which are these three attributes— ְלִפ ָיכ ְך ָי ֹכול ָּכל ַה ָּק ֹרוב ֵאָליו therefore whoever is near to him is able ְל ַק ֵּבל ֵחֶלק ִמ ְּב ִחינַת ּרו ֹחו to receive a part from the aspect of his ruach ֶׁש ְּבַגן ֵעֶדן, ,which is in the Garden of Eden ֹהו ִאיל ְו ֵאינָ ּה ְּב ֹתו ְך ְּכִלי ,because it is no (longer) within a vessel ְולֹא ִּבְב ִחינַת ָמ ֹקום ַּג ְׁש ִמי, .nor on the plane of physical space ַּכ ּנֹוָדע ַמ ֲא ַמר ַר ּבֹוֵת ּינו-ִז ְכ ֹרונָם-ִלְבָר ָכה ,Thus is known the saying of our sages, of blessed memory ַעל ַיֲעקֹב ָאִב ּינו ָעָליו-ַה ָּׁש ֹלום ,with reference to our father Jacob, peace be to him ֶׁש ּנִ ְכנַס ִע ּמֹו ַּגן ֵעֶדן, ”.that “The Garden of Eden entered with him ְו ֵכן ָּכ ַתב ְּב ֵסֶפר ֲע ָשָׂרה ַמ ֲא ָמ ֹרות, Likewise it is stated in the book Assarah Maamarot ֶׁש ֲאִויר ַּגן ֵעֶדן that the atmosphere of the Garden of Eden ִמ ְת ַּפ ֵּׁשט ְסִביב ָּכל ָא ָדם, ,spreads itself around every person ְונְִר ָׁש ִמים ַּב ֲאִויר ֶזה and in this atmosphere are recorded ָּכל ַמ ְח ְׁש ֹבו ָתיו ְוִד ּב ּוָריו ַה ּטֹוִבים all his good thoughts and utterings ַּב ּתֹוָרה ַוֲע ֹבוַדת ה‘ ;of and Divine worship (ְו ֵכן ְלֵה ֶיפ ְך ַחס ְו ָׁש ֹלום :and likewise to the contrary, Heaven forbid) נְִר ָׁש ִמים ַּב ֲאִויר ַה ִּמ ְת ַּפ ֵּׁשט ִמ ֵּג ִיהנֹּם ,they are recorded in the atmosphere of the Gehenna ְסִביב ָּכל ָאָדם). .(which spreads itself around every person ִהְל ָּכ ְך, נָ ֵקל ְמאֹד ְל ַתְל ִמ ָידיו, Thus it is very easy for his disciples ְל ַק ֵּבל ֶחְל ָקם to receive their part ִמ ְּב ִחינַת ּרו ַח ַר ָּבם ָהַעְצ ִמ ִּיית, ,of the essential aspects of their master’s ruach ֶׁשֵהם ֱא ּמונָ ֹתו ְוִיְר ָא ֹתו ְו ַאֲהָב ֹתו i.e. his faith, his awe and his love

81 | Chayenu: Vayeira, 5773 IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty seven Tanya: Wednesday

ֲא ֶׁשר ָעַבד ָּבֶהם ֶאת ה‘, ,wherewith he served the Lord ְולֹא ִז ָיום ִּבְלַבד and not merely a ray thereof ַה ֵּמ ִאיר ּחוץ ַל ְּכִלי, .which radiates beyond the vessel ְלִפי ֶׁש ְּב ִחינַת ּרו ֹחו ָהַעְצ ִמית For the essential aspect of his ruach ִמ ְתַעָּלה ְּבִע ּיל ּוי ַא ַחר ִע ּיל ּוי, ,is raised, elevation upon elevation ְלִה ָּכֵלל ִּבְב ִחינַת נִ ְׁש ָמ ֹתו to become absorbed in his neshamah ֶׁש ְּבַגן ֵעֶדן ָהֶעְל ֹיון ,which is in the upper Garden of Eden ֶׁש ָּב ֹעוָל ֹמות ָהֶעְל ֹיונִים, .in the supreme worlds ְו ֹנוָדע, ֶׁש ָּכל ָּדָבר ֶׁש ִּב ְק ּדו ָּׁשה Now it is known that every sacred thing ֵא ֹינו נְֶע ָקר ְלַג ְמֵרי ִמ ּכֹל ָוכֹל is never entirely and totally uprooted ִמ ְּמ ֹקו ֹמו ּו ַמְדֵרָג ֹתו ָהִר ׁאשֹונָה, ,from its original place and level ַּגם ְל ַא ַחר ֶׁש ּנִ ְתַעָּלה ְל ַמְעָלה ְל ַמְעָלה. .even after it has reached the highest point ּוְב ִחינָה ֹזו ָהִר ׁאשֹונָה ,Thus it is this original aspect ֶׁש ּנִ ְׁש ֲאָרה ְל ַמ ָּטה ְּבַגן ֵעֶדן ַה ַּת ְח ּתֹון ,remaining below, in the lower Garden of Eden ִּב ְמ ֹקו ֹמו ּו ַמְדֵרָג ֹתו ָהִר ׁאשֹונָה, ,in its original place and level ִהיא ַה ִּמ ְת ַּפ ֶּׁש ֶטת ְּב ַתְל ִמ ָידיו, ;which extends itself among his disciples ָּכל ֶא ָחד ְּכִפי ְּב ִחינַת ִה ְת ַק ְּׁש ּרו ֹתו each one according to the level of his bond ְו ִקְרָב ֹתו ֵאָליו (and closeness to him (the tzadik ְּב ַח ָּייו ּוְב ֹמו ֹתו during his lifetime and after his death ְּב ַאֲה ָבה ַר ָּבה, .out of a magnanimous love ִּכי, ַה ְמ ָׁש ַכת ָּכל ּרו ֲחנִ ּי ּות, For the flow of anything spiritual ֵאינָ ּה ֶאָּלא ַעל-ְיֵדי ַאֲהָבה ַר ָּבה, .is but by means of a magnanimous love ְּכ ֹמו ֶׁש ָּכ ּתוב ַּב ּזַֹהר ַה ָּק ֹדו ׁש Thus it is stated in the sacred Zohar ְּד ּרו ַח ִּדְר ּעו ָתא ְּדִל ָּבא (that the spirit of the willingness of the heart (re’uta deliba ַא ְמ ִׁש ְיך ּרו ַח ִמְּלֵע ָילא, ;elicits a spirit from above ַרק ִאם ִי ּכֹון ִל ְקַראת ֱאלָֹהיו thus only when he will prepare himself towards his G-d ַּבֲה ָכנָה ַר ָּבה ִו ִיג ָיעה ֲע ּצו ָמה, with a great preparation and immense effort ְל ַק ֵּבל ָׁשלֹ ׁש ִמ ּדֹות ַהָּל ּלו, to receive these attributes ְּכֶדֶר ְך ֶׁש ֹהוָר ּהו ַר ּבֹו, ,in the way that his master taught him ּו ְכ ַמ ֲא ַמר ַר ּבֹו ֵת ּינו-ִז ְכ ֹרונָם-ִל ְבָר ָכה: :and as the saying of our sages, of blessed memory ”ָיַגְע ָּת ּו ָמָצ ָאת If you have labored and (claim to have) found“ – ַּת ֲא ִמין“. .”believe it—

October 28 - November 3, 2012 | 82 Tanya: Thursday IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty seven

יום חמישי, ט"ז חשון Thursday, 16 Cheshvan

There is an energy-flow achieved by the Tzaddik’s soul arriving on High – from the ac- cumulative of all his holy achievements in this world – that radiates to his disciples in this world (in an abstruse way). ְוִהנֵּה, ֵי ׁש ֹעוד ְּב ִחינַת ֶה ָאָרה (Now, there is yet another type of illumination (from a tzaddik ְל ַתְל ִמ ָידיו, .to his disciples ַרק ֶׁש ֵאינָ ּה ִמ ְתַל ֶּב ֶׁשת However, it does not vest itself ְּב ֹתו ְך ֹמו ָחם ַמ ָּמ ׁש ָּכִר ׁאשֹונָה, ,truly in their mind—as is the case with the first one ַרק ְמ ִא ָירה ֲעֵל ֶיהם ִמְּל ַמְעָלה, .but radiates over them, from above ְוִהיא ֵמֲעִל ַּיית ּרו ֹחו ְונִ ְׁש ָמ ֹתו It stems from the ascent of his ruach and his neshamah ְל ָמ ֹקור ּחוְּצ ּבו, ,to the source from which it was hewn ְּדַהְי ּינו ַל“ ֲח ַקל ַּת ּפ ּו ִחין ַק ִּד ִׁישין“, .(that is to the “orchard of the holy apples” (chakal tapuchin kadishin ְוַעל-ְיֵדי ֶזה נֲַע ָשׂה ָׁשם ִי ּחוד, (This ascent) effects a union there(yichud) ַעל-ְיֵדי ַהֲעָל ַאת ” ַמִיין ּנו ְקִבין“ ”by means of the elevation of the “feminine waters (an idiom for an arousal initiated here below) ִמ ָּכל ַמֲע ָשׂיו ְו ֹתוָר ֹתו ַוֲע ֹבוָד ֹתו of all his doings, his Torah, and the Divine Service ֲא ֶׁשר ָעַבד ָּכל ְי ֵמי ַח ָּייו, .in which he engaged all the days of his life ְונְִזְר ּעו ַּב“ ֲח ַקל ַּת ּפ ּו ִחין ַק ִּד ִׁישין“ And in the chakal tapuchin kadishin are implanted ֹאו ֹרות ֶעְל ֹיונִים ְמאֹד, exceedingly sublime lights ְל ּעו ַּמת ַּת ְח ּתֹונִים, ,corresponding to the nether ones ֲא ֶׁשר ֵהם ּתֹוָר ֹתו ַוֲע ֹבוָד ֹתו. .i.e. his Torah and worship ְוֶה ָאַרת ֹאו ֹרות ֶעְל ֹיונִים ֵא ּל ּו ְמ ִא ָירה The illumination of these supernal lights radiates ַעל ָּכל ַּתְל ִמ ָידיו, ֶׁשנֲַּעשּׂו ֹעוְבֵדי ה‘ over all his disciples who became servants of the Lord ַעל-ְיֵדי ּתֹוָר ֹתו ַוֲע ֹבוָד ֹתו. .through his Torah and worship ְוֶה ָאָרה ֹזו ֶׁשֲעֵל ֶיהם ִמְּל ַמְעָלה, ,And this illumination, which is over them from above ַמ ְכנֶ ֶסת ְּבִל ָּבם ִהְר ּהוֵרי ְּת ׁש ּוָבה instills in their heart thoughts of repentance ּו ַמֲע ִשׂים ֹטוִבים, .and good deeds ְו ָכל ַה ַּמֲע ִשׂים ֹטוִבים And all the good deeds ַה ּנֹוָלִדים ֵמֶה ָאָרה ֹזו born from this illumination ֶׁש ְּמ ִא ָירה ֵמ ֹאו ֹרות ַה ְּז ּרוִעים radiating from the lights implanted ַּב ָּשֶׂדה ַה ּנְִז ָּכר ְלֵעיל in the above mentioned orchard – נִ ְקָרא ” ִּג ּד ּוֵלי ִּג ּד ּוִלין“. ”.are called “successive generations of offshoots ְוֶה ָאָרה ֹזו ִהיא ְּבֶהְעֵלם ְוֶה ְס ֵּתר ָּג ֹדול, ,But this illumination is greatly latent and concealed ְּכ ֹמו ֶׁש ֶמ ׁש just like the sun ַה ֵּמ ִאיר ַל ּכֹו ָכִבים ִמ ַּת ַחת ָל ָאֶרץ, .radiating to the stars from below the earth

83 | Chayenu: Vayeira, 5773 IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty eight Tanya: Thursday-Friday

ִּכְד ִא ָיתא ַּב ּזַֹהר* ,Thus it is stated in the Zohar ַעל מֹ ֶׁשה ַר ֵּב ּינו ָעָליו-ַה ָּׁש ֹלום, ,in reference to Moses our teacher, peace to him ֶׁש ַא ַחר ְּפ ִט ָיר ֹתו that after his passing ִמ ְת ַּפ ֶּׁש ֶטת ֶה ָאָר ֹתו ְּב ָכל ָּדָרא ְוָדָרא his illumination extends in every generation ְל ִׁש ִּׁשים ִר ּבֹוא נְ ָׁש ֹמות, ,to the sixty myriad souls ְּכ ֹמו ֶׁש ֶמ ׁש ַה ֵּמ ִאיר ִמ ַּת ַחת ָל ָאֶרץ just like the sun radiating ְל ִׁש ִּׁשים ִר ּבֹוא ּכֹו ָכִבים: ”.to the sixty myriad stars from below the earth

יום שישי, י"ז חשון Friday, 17 Cheshvan

Overview of Epistle 28 The parallel between the passing of Tzaddikim (saintly Jews) and the of Parah Adumah (Red Heifer); both of them having the capacity to atone and cleanse the effect of willful sin, (which is a far greater transformation than other atonement, e.g. sacrifices).** כח. .XXVIII ַמה ֶּׁש ָּכ ַתב ִל ְמ ּחו ָּת ֹנו, ,This letter) was written to his relative-by-marriage) ָהַרב ַה ָּג ֹאון ַה ְמ ּפוְר ָסם, ִא ׁיש ֱאלֹ ִקים ְק ֹדו ׁש ה‘, ,the Rabbi, famous Gaon, G-dly and holy man of the Lord נֵר ִי ְשָׂר ֵאל, ַע ּמ ּוד ַהְי ָמנִי, ַּפ ִּט ׁיש ֶה ָחָזק, ”,Lamp of Israel, pillar of the right hand, mighty hammer“ ֹמוֵר ּנו ְוַר ֵּב ּנו ָהַרב ֵלִוי ִיְצ ָחק נִ ְׁש ָמ ֹתו ֵעֶדן, ,our master R. Levi Yitzchak, may his soul rest in Eden ַאב ֵּבית- ִּדין ִּד ְקִהַּלת ֹקוֶד ׁש ַּב ְאר ִּד ְיט ׁשֹוב, ,head of the Bet Din of the holy community of Berdichev ְלנַ ֲח ֹמו ַעל ְּפ ִט ַירת ְּב ֹנו ָהַרב ֶה ָח ִסיד, ,to console him on the passing of his son,the pious rabbi ֹמוֵר ּנו ְוַר ֵּב ּנו ָהַרב ֵמ ִאיר נִ ְׁש ָמ ֹתו ֵעֶדן: .R. Meir, may his soul rest in Eden ”ָל ָּמה נִ ְס ְמ ָכה ָּפָר ַׁשת ִמְרָים Why was the section of Miriam adjoined ְלָפָר ַׁשת ָּפָרה, ?to the section of the (red) heifer ֹלו ַמר ְל ָך: ַמה ָּפָרה ְמ ַכ ֶּפֶרת ְו ּכו‘“. ”(To teach you that just as the heifer atones (so do the righteous ְוָצִר ְיך ְלָהִבין, Now it needs to be understood ָל ָּמה נִ ְס ְמ ָכה ַּדְו ָקא ְלָפָרה ֲא ּדו ָּמה ”why it was adjoined precisely to the “red heifer (ַהנֲַּע ֶשׂה ּחוץ ְל ָׁשלֹ ׁש ַמ ֲח ֹנות, ;which was prepared outside the three camps) ֶאָּלא ְּד ַח ָּטאת ָקְרֵי ּיה ַר ֲח ָמנָא)*** ,(it is just that the Torah calls it a sin-offering [ ִּב ְכ ַתב ָיד ַה ֹנו ְס ָחא: ’ַהנֲַּע ֶשׂה ַּב ּחוץ‘. .The manuscript reads: which was prepared outside] ּו ִמן ֵּת ַיבת ”ְל ָׁשלֹ ׁש“ ַעד ֵּת ַיבת ”ַר ֲח ָמנָא“ ,From the words “the three” untill the end of sentence ֵל ָיתא ִּב ְכ ַתב ָיד] [is not found in the manuscript ְולֹא נִ ְס ְמ ָכה ְלָפָר ַׁשת ַח ָּטאת and it was not adjoined to the section of the sin-offering

* תוקן ע"פ "הערות ותיקונים בדרך אפשר"; ושם: לע"ע מצאתי כל הענין בזח"ג רעג, א. וראה ג"כ שם רטז, ב. ובתיקונים (תס"ט קיב, א. ת"ע, קלח, א) מצאתי רק חלק מהמבואר - ואולי טעות המעתיק הוא באגה"ק, ונשתרבב לו ממש"כ בתניא פמ"ד "בתיקונים". ** Note: This letter discusses the various levels of G-dliness, on quite a Kabalistic level, requiring in-depth elaboration, beyond the scope of this overview. *** תוקן ע"פ "הערות ותיקונים בדרך אפשר".

October 28 - November 3, 2012 | 84 Tanya: Friday IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty eight

ַהנֲַּע ֶשׂה ִּבְפנִים ַעל ַּג ֵּבי ַה ִּמְז ֵּב ַח that was prepared within, on the altar – ַּכ ָּפָרה ַמ ָּמ ׁש. .and as such effects) actual atonement)— ָא ְמנָם, ֹנוָדע ִמ ּזַֹהר ַה ָּק ֹדו ׁש ,However, it is known from the sacred Zohar ְוָה ֲאִר ַיז“ל, ,and from R. , of blessed memory ֹסוד ַה ָּקְר ָּב ֹנות ֶׁשַעל ַּג ֵּבי ַה ִּמְז ֵּב ַח; that the mystical principle of the sacrifices brought on the altar ֵהן ְּב ִחינַת ַהֲעָל ַאת ” ַמִיין ּנו ְקִבין“ :”is that) they are an aspect of the elevation of “feminine waters) ִמנֶֶּפ ׁש ַה ֶּבֱה ִמית ֶׁש ְּב ֹנוַג ּה ,from the animal soul, which is in (the class of) nogah ֶאל ָׁשְר ָׁשן ּו ְמ ֹקוָרן ,to their root and source – ֵהן ְּב ִח ֹינות ד‘ ַח ּיֹות ֶׁש ַּב ֶּמְר ָּכָבה i.e. the forms of the four Animals of the Celestial Chariot ַה ּנֹו ְשׂ ֹאות ֶאת ַהִּכ ֵּסא: :bearing the Throne ְּפנֵי ׁשֹור ּוְפנֵי נֶ ֶׁשר ְו ּכו‘, ,. . . the Face of the Ox, and the Face of the Eagle ְוַעל-ְיֵדי ֶזה Thereby נִ ְמ ָׁש ִכים ְו ֹיוְרִדים ” ַמִיין ּדוְכִרין“ the “male waters” are elicited and descend ִמ ְּב ִחינַת ” ָאָדם“ ֶׁשַעל ַהִּכ ֵּסא, ”,from the aspect of the “Man upon the Throne ַה ּנִ ְקָרא ְּב ֵׁשם referred to as ” ַמְל ָּכא“ ּו“ְזֵעיר ַאנְ ִּפין“. .(king” (malka), and “miniature faces” (z’eyr anpin“ ָא ֵכן, ִּב ְשֵׂרַפת ַה ָּפָרה ֲא ּדו ָּמה, ,As for the burning of the red heifer, however ִהנֵּה ַעל-ְיֵדי ַה ְׁשָל ַכת ֵעץ ֶאֶרז ְו ֵאֹזוב ְו ּכו‘ ,. . . by throwing in the cedarwood, and the hyssop ּונְ ִתינַת ַמִים ַח ִּיים ֶאל ָה ֵאֶפר ,and the placing of running waters into the ashes – נִ ְקָרא ְּב ֵׁשם this is referred to as ” ִק ּיד ּו ׁש ֵמי ַח ָּטאת“ the sanctification (kidush) of the purifying waters ַּב ִּמ ְׁשנָה, .in the Mishnah ְוִהיא ְּב ִחינַת ”קֶֹד ׁש ָהֶעְל ֹיון“, ,This is the aspect of Supernal Holiness ַה ּנִ ְקָרא ְּב ֵׁשם ” ַטָּלא ִּדְב ֹדוְל ָחא“, ,”referred to as “The dew of Bdellium ְּכ ֹמו ֶׁש ָּכ ּתוב ַּב ּזַֹהר ַה ָּק ֹדו ׁש, ,as mentioned in the sacred Zohar ֶׁשִהיא ְּב ִחינַת ” ָח ְכ ָמה ִע ָּיל ָאה“ the aspect of the supreme chochmah ּו“ ֹמו ָחא ְס ִת ָימ ָאה“ ַּד“ ֲאִר ְיך ַאנְ ִּפין“, .”and the “mocha setima’ah” of “arich anpin ַוֲעָל ּה ִא ְית ַמר Of it (this level) is said ְּב ּדו ְכ ֵתי ּטו ָבא ַּב ּזַֹהר ַה ָּק ֹדו ׁש: in many places in the sacred Zohar ” ְּב ָח ְכ ָמה ִא ְת ָּבִר ּירו“, ”that “through chochmah they are refined ְו” ִא ְתַה ְּפ ָכא ֲח ׁשֹו ָכא ִלנְ ֹהוָרא“, .”and “darkness is converted to light ְּדַהְי ּינו ֹעוָלם ַה ִּת ּיק ּון, This referres to the world oftikun ֶׁש ּנִ ְת ָּבֵרר ְונִ ְת ַּת ֵּקן which is refined and rectified ַעל-ְיֵדי ” ֹמו ָחא ְס ִת ָימ ָאה“ ”by means of the “mocha setima’ah ַּד“ ֲאִר ְיך ַאנְ ִּפין“, ”of “arich anpin ֵמ ֹעוָלם ַה ּתֹ ּהו ּו ְׁשִב ַירת ַה ֵּכִלים, from the world of tohu and the breaking of the vessels

85 | Chayenu: Vayeira, 5773 IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty eight Tanya: Friday-Shabbos

ֶׁשנְָּפ ּלו ִּבְבִר ָיאה-ְיִצ ָירה-ֲע ִשׂ ָּיה ְו ּכו‘, ,. . .that fell into Beriah, and Asiyah ַּכ ּנֹוָדע. .as is known ְוָלזֹאת That is why – ְמ ַטֶהֶרת ּטו ְמ ַאת ַה ֵּמת, ,the red heifer) purifies from the defilement by a corpse) ַאף ֶׁש ּהוא ֲאִבי ֲא ֹבות ְו ּכו‘, ,even though such is the highest degree of impurity ּוְל ַמ ָּטה ַמ ָּטה ִמ ּנֹוַג ּה: .and much lower than nogah

שבת קודש, י"ח חשון Shabbos, 18 Cheshvan

The passing of Tzaddikim (saintly Jews) has the capacity to atone and cleanse the effect of willful sin, (which is a far greater transformation than other atonement, e.g. sacrifices). ְוִהנֵּה, ּמוַדַעת זֹאת, Now, it is known ְּד“ ַא ָּבא“ ֹיונֵק ִמ ַּמ ַּזל ַה ְּׁש ִמינִי ּכו‘ ּהוא ,. . .that abba draws from the eighth mazal ִּת ּיק ּון ” ֹנוֵצר ֶח ֶסד“, .the tuft ofnotzer chesed ” ֹנוֵצר“ ֹאו ִת ּיֹות ”ָר ֹצון“, .Notzer is (composed of the same) letters (as) ratzon ְוִהיא ֵעת ָר ֹצון (It is the “Eis ratzon” (time of Divine favor ַה ִּמ ְת ַּגֶּלה ּו ֵמ ִאיר ִּבְב ִחינַת ִּג ּיל ּוי ,that becomes revealed and radiates in a manifest way ִמְּל ַמְעָלה ְל ַמ ָּטה, ,from above downwards ְּבֵעת ְּפ ִט ַירת ַצ ִּד ֵיקי ֶעְל ֹיון, at the time of the passing of tzadikim of stature ֹעוְבֵדי ה‘ ְּב ַאֲהָבה, ,who serve the Lord out of love ִּב ְמ ִס ַירת נְַפ ָׁשם ַלה‘ ְּב ַח ֵּי ֶיהם surrendering their soul to the Lord during their life-time ַעְרִבית ְו ַׁש ֲחִרית ִּב ְקִר ַיאת- ְׁש ַמע, .every evening and morning when reading the Shema ֶׁשַעל-ְיֵדי ֶזה For thereby ָה ּיו ַמֲעִלים ” ַמִיין ּנו ְקִבין“ ”they elevate the “mayin nukvin ְל“ ַא ָּבא“ ְו“ ֵא ָּימא“ ִּב ְקִר ַיאת- ְׁש ַמע, to abba and imma, during the recitation of Shema ַּכ ָּי ּדוַע. .as known (ְו ֵכן ְּב ַתְל ּמוד ּתֹוָרה The same applies to (their) study of the Torah) ְּד ֵמ ָח ְכ ָמה נְָפ ָקא), (.which derives from chochmah ְוַעל-ְיֵדי ֶזה ָה ּיו נִ ְמ ָׁש ִכים ְו ֹיוְרִדים Thus, thereby were elicited and descended ְּב ִחינַת ” ַמִיין ּדו ְכִרין“ ”the aspects of the “mayin duchrin ִמ ִּת ּיק ּון ”ְו ֹנוֵצר ֶח ֶסד“, ;from the tuft ofnotzer chesed ְוֵהם ֵהם ַה ְּמ ִא ִירים ִּבְב ִחינַת ִּג ּיל ּוי and they, indeed, radiate in a manifest way ִּבְפ ִט ָיר ָתם, .at the time of their passing ַּכ ּנֹוָדע – ֶׁש ָּכל ֲע ַמל ָה ָאָדם ,For as known, all the effort of man ֶׁשָע ְמָלה נְַפ ׁשֹו ְּב ַח ָּייו ,which his soul toiled during his life-time

October 28 - November 3, 2012 | 86 Tanya: Shabbos IGERES HAKODESH, Epistle twenty eight

ְל ַמְעָלה is above ִּבְב ִחינַת ֶהְעֵלם ְוֶה ְס ֵּתר, .in a hidden and concealed state ִמ ְת ַּגֶּלה ּו ֵמ ִאיר It becomes revealed and radiates ִּבְב ִחינַת ִּג ּיל ּוי ִמְּל ַמְעָלה ְל ַמ ָּטה in a manifest way from above downwards ְּבֵעת ְּפ ִט ָיר ֹתו. .at the time of his passing ְוִהנֵּה, ַעל-ְיֵדי ִּג ּיל ּוי Now, by the manifestation ֶה ָאַרת ִּת ּיק ּון ” ֹנוֵצר ֶח ֶסד“ of the illumination of the tuft ofnotzer chesed ִּבְפ ִט ָיר ָתן ,at the time of their passing ֵמ ִאיר ” ֶח ֶסד ה‘ ֵמ ֹעוָלם ְוַעד* ֹעוָלם ,radiates the “chesed of the Lord from world to world ַעל ְיֵר ָאיו“, ,”over those who fear Him ּו“ ּפֹוֵעל ְי ׁש ּו ֹעות ְּב ֶקֶרב ָה ָאֶרץ“, ”and “effects salvations in the midst of the earth ְל ַכ ֵּפר ַעל ֲעֹון ַה ּדֹור, ,to atone for the sin of the generation ַאף ַּגם ַעל ַה ְּז ֹדו ֹנות even for the deliberate sins ֶׁשֵהן ִמג‘ ְקִל ּיפֹות ַה ְּט ֵמ ֹאות which are of the three impure kelipot ֶׁשְּל ַמ ָּטה ִמ ּנֹוַג ּה, .which are inferior to nogah ְלִפי ֶׁש ַּמ ָּזל ְּד“ ֹנוֵצר“ For the mazal of notzer ִמ“ ּמֹו ָחא ְס ִת ָימ ָאה“ ַּד“ ֲאִר ְיך ַאנְ ִּפין“ ,is of the mocha setimah of arich anpin ְמ ֹקור ַה ֵּב ּירוִרים, .(the source of the extractions (birurim ְו ִא ְתַה ְּפ ָכא ֲח ׁשֹו ָכא ִּד ְׁשִב ַירת ַה ֵּכִלים Thus the darkness of theshevirat hakelim is converted ִלנְ ֹהוָרא ְּד ֹעוָלם ַה ִּת ּיק ּון. .into the light of the world of tikun ַמה- ֶּׁש ֵאין- ֵּכן ,This is not the case, though ַּב ָּקְר ָּב ֹנות ֶׁשַעל ַּג ֵּבי ַה ִּמְז ֵּב ַח, .with the sacrifices that are upon the altar ֶׁש ֵאינָן ְמ ַכ ְּפִרים ֶאָּלא ַעל ַה ְּׁשָג ֹגות, They atone only for inadvertent sins ֶׁשֵהן which come about ֵמִה ְת ַּג ְּב ּרות נֶֶפ ׁש ַה ֶּבֱה ִמית because of the strengthening of the animal soul ֶׁש ִּמ ּנֹוַג ּה, ,which is of nogah ְּכ ֹמו ֶׁש ָּכ ּתוב ְּב“ִל ּק ּו ֵטי ּתֹוָרה“ ,as mentioned in Likutei Torah ָּפָר ַׁשת ַו ִּי ְקָרא. .section of Vayikra ְוָל ֵכן נִ ְס ְמ ָכה (That is why (the section of Miriam ְלָפָר ַׁשת ָּפָרה ַּדְו ָקא :was adjoined expressly to the section of the heifer ” ַמה ָּפָרה ְו ּכו‘“. ”. . . just as the heifer“ ּוְבַיְל ּקוט ָּפָר ַׁשת ְׁש ִמינִי ,Indeed, in the Yalkut, section of Shemini ַהִג ְיר ָסא ” ֵמי ַח ָּטאת ְו ּכו‘“: ”. . . the version is “the waters of purification

* תוקן ע"פ "הערות ותיקונים בדרך אפשר".

87 | Chayenu: Vayeira, 5773