/ FINANCIAL. VON* MONEY tEFUNOEB CRIMINAL MALPRACTICE. the custom bouse, which will not be nude BODY RECOVERED It M fti'i to bene? jam when public until to the used atrartly aa BY TELEGRAPH. presented proper proa- FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE direfled ob 'be aside HATION’SCAPITAL officers. A Portland Doctor Anntrd oo Con ecating MYSTERIOUS DEATH. ■tnaloi of Banker Dltman Found wrapper. Try It. Praparedby tbe fasnioa cl tfit Woman. Floating la tbe 8cbay kill. investment Matte ■IORAL BOmCB Norway a* Co.. Pensions Gian tod Main# People Gales and Floods •kwwbv, Mb. Portland. Jan. 16 —Dr. Oran Kerch A Series of Deaths Jao. 26.—The decom- Thronghoot ■OLD kV ALL DKALkkA Weather lodicetioue for the Rest 34 on Violations of Civil The following pensions for Maine people Accidents, SECURITIES. was arretted with Report posed remain* of banker Joa. G DtUuao. A tonight charged perform- have been LatM Blit. Boon. greeted: who disappeared Dec. 11. was found Britain. criminal on Annie Fiaher, today Great The tale of ing malpractice Original, Wilbur F. Sanborn. Minneha- on of iove.it or* !• called Brown’s Instant Belief and Crimes. floating tbe Skuyikill river. Tbe d a- p,# ftM'-HtUftt If Service Law. Chaa. j» haa much rears old who came here from Boston ha; Helge Olsen. Blooming Prairie; ,, mg •ei-riritlra, which wo recoin mead exceeded our expectation#, and mond ring and gold watch worn by Mr Wax D*fa*tm*»t, 8. Morris, Amos C. Grover, Port- ,ft*T car- fu» u»v*«tigaUo!». it haa given universal aatiafaction wherever the 15th mat. and went to the doctor's house Bangor; Ditvan when alive were on hia body. His Office of ;hs Chief Signal officer. > land ; Thomas B Hose, Presque Isle; Fran* Brazil libs a Frontier With tki introduced. We believe it ia deatined to for that The is sick Kellie watched stopped at 11 45. A small amou I Treaty Mri--< k WaaeiaeTea. Jan. 27. 1A M ) purpose. girl very Bath 110 be iurfcd Cntncts cis E. Hartlsnil; James L. Finch, Blj Bats the Record ii Going P*opl<-'» Hallway Elcfrlr have a large tale. Prohibit Phipps. of money was found in bis pocket*. In a I and may lot live. She admits the Wictoka; John W. South jj.,81 a I’ow-r omcaaj 1st M»r gage Jom» W. PxkEisa 4 Co For Nee England Fair, followed by opera- Hall. China; wallet iu his inside pocket besides some Argentine Republic. *•>. tion was performed by the doctor. for Tvo G unbolts. James L. Woodson. Berwick; Thomas Around the World. i, til. Jo-fph Wholeaale Druggists. local rains; slightly cooler, rariable winds. papers was a card requesting the Under in j Walt r I .itapany 1st JUrt- Me Barry. Bangor; Luther M Hideout. Gar case of accidental death to Jam. a y i.wnrtli Portland, notify Dr Peter*' Ci uftimed Head of w ft lard Beijsmin J. Hill, Auburn; Safety __ JanldS opr/) jp LABOR UNIONS George Herr Moat Ooes tw from , at cr* tarv of Fie Mutual Accidet 11 Maine Boy Par doed—More Duty on W. John E Moses. Na- Jell—■•ports ***»•*»«rt Hi »r <•.. I»l Wo-tgag* is. Meteorological Report. Choate, lilldale; j Association. 320 Broadway. ‘New York, BiaaUtao Pi ovist uial Oovei ament I tional Home; Harrison M. tbs Suow Blockade on tk« Pacific Iairrn.il >aal UidI lra>( vmpaay La Orippo Ofultr Wanted—Cuatoma Bill. Military Bragg; j and the card indicated tbe deceased was in* [Jaa. u late, sum r. ■.] Seed Delegates to Form the Fall Biwer Centre; E Closson. East Dylu«. 4fb. nl or*- Us. Sidney George Coast. lured in that association for $5000. The This diaeaae prevailed in France anr Trades Connell ; Adelturt M. David Surry Gray. Brewer; body by direction of the family was taken Germany in :he year 1403, tc B. South Paris; Conrad A Boru- roereBpoodenee solicited according Wasbikgtos, Jun. 25—Immediately af- Knapp. to the undertakers, and a* soon as an au Jan 2t>. A hur- information in the hand* of Water | j tbeur. increase. William J White- QrxKXSTOww. westerly Judge Fall Rivbb, Maas., Jan. 25.—Dele- ter tb*» of tbe the House Togus; :opsy it held the funeral service# will take i« man of reading journal Cow N. H Jan. ricane prevailing of unprecedented sever- (iorham. Me. the labor unions, bail, Portland; Daniel B Friend. Bucks coed, 25 —The growing gates representing spin-j went into committee of the whole Bur- place. No marks of violence were discov- The sea caused uiuch to the While it it not ol o5r.sU j fi j Parker Carson, widow sentiment m tbit community is that Per ley ity damage Banker necessarily dangerous | ners, iron moulders, on cus- p^rt; Dexter; Kuby, ered on the and whether it was an FRED E. RICHARDS, printers, pointers, rows of Michigan in the chair, the W. Beck body town, and a number of small cratta were Haeif, the tendency is to anc of Leonard Jam-son. Hockland• Abntr, vat murdered. pneumonia esc^rators, freight handlers, longshoremen, ! tom* administrative bill iccideot or suicide probably never will be all ahouid see to it that ita are father of Seth P. He *»i found this on bed at swamped. ftngv no' 111 n11 iji M carpenters. Amalgamated and Protective Bland of Missouri offered an amendment Burnham. Curiis Corners. morning mown. Me. j1 hi* is no Portland, fattened upon them. -f» 4-1 ■* (* I* residence, two miles from too London. Jan. 25 —There cessation Cioudy W«avers* Union, Knigh s of Labor, sod an that articles abroad Hopki !*• The circulation ipbla I tfl OH. • t load? providing purchased village on ihe Het niker road, toms nine in the gale* that in E r,irhan(p Boi I4I1C need# to be quickened | aihl. tic club, met here to form the More Duty on G anita Ask d For. heavy prevail iglanJ, \orfMjt I On. »| < lott<4W«s. today, by the exchange of product# of agriculture miles CONDENSED DESPATCHES. and the floods IftBlMdtf the •fern toned up so aa to enable nature from thi city | roper. His limbs were continue *'‘•hlngtOB | M t 0 F.. | { 10,1,1 <-••*. Fall River Trades Council The council1 exported from the United States shall be Congressman Morse of Massachusetts 'o a*aert beraeif and throw it off or better V J«iiy M (t W. 1*! (luudy. protudmg ai d batwing from the tile of the London. Jan 26 —The galea continued will interest itself in all labor matters that admitted free of in cartons, crates, before the committee on •till o it Boston I 44 ONE.! duty appeared ways bed and frozen. His wat con- prevent altogether Brown # In P.CloaSy. come before the and will be badly body rhe Pith of tba Taken From tbe with mcretsing strength and in —* legislature, boxes, cases, sacks or of auv and means News velocity • ant Relief haa P. C.—Partiy ctoady covering Saturday morning. He thought chilled, but it it now been found to be a apecifl. conducted the the main j siderably thought that the southern portion of England through- after style of kiod. Lost—113 to 113. the on 5U Curieut Events of tbe for la and if duty granite should be advauced bit death wat not caused Two Day. grippe" taken in a little cold unions in Boston and New York- Senator by freesiug out to lay. Breckenridge, Arkansas.offered an amend per ceut. He had received a communica- warer upon in the and retir ugly bruises on hit head and a cut Menai strait in Wales is rendered itu- riamg morning Howard was elected president. A oommit-' meat that sec 19 shall not Dearly mg at providing apply tion from the Granite Cutlers' Uuion of in inch over hit left increases the night will prevent your having tee of three were to draw a long eye The loss by the burning of the Scotland. passable by the fury of the gale. Many appointed up to necessary for tbe shipment of Mass a reduc- 22DmK!>2V3% coverings (Juincv, protesting against radnily that he waa office sailor* have beeu «riPP«'’ m growing suspicion ?onn post is $2800; insurance swept overboard and jann.il code of rules and to devise means to raise fruits, glassware, china and machinery tion of and mu increase of MAINE DISPATCHES. duty demanding foully dealt with. 11800 A considerable amount of mail drowned. funds for the expeuae of the committees Loat by a tie vote—115 to 115. ihe present Under ihe duty. present duty A thorough put mortem examination natter was burned. There is no clue to The hound from r-, *f.wn sent before the n tbe com- ship Irrx, Greenock for „„ legislature bearing. Acting under tbs instruct! of it was statec that $4o.»5u worth of Scotch will be held r.uiiwi HiWritHil. j.immmhmhmi tomorrow and the corouer's in- he burglars. Rio J«neiro was wreck d off the Neidle*. mittee of wavs and mean* offered came ! I,, n all I (MHMMHI II McKinley granite to Bostou last year. He said o( Sailors oo the laioe jueit will continue its tiit.ngt Several of tne crew were drowned. Tha J 47 1* II *»1 survivor* t«» the rigging all Sat- I « Ml >A(<, Any merchandise deposited in any public manufacturers of New Ei would be Por land at 5 P M Saturday broke bo»h clung day •-* •••"» 4*1 *71 HO Coast. gland fears It seetut that hit brother's wife was and of L or bonded warehouse be with Mirallel rods. just out of Andover, urday part Sunday private msy obliged to close their establishments or re- burned to death in the dauiag ■•ertainiv uiion A Bubtorraoaan La it a or Riwor Blast- very mysteriously Captain McMickanct the Cunard steamer avaa «T al»-i*p soundly drawn for consumption within three years duce to the level the ol ng tbe engine badly. Passengers were liv wages of wages tame several ..hi ... 'I,.- premises years ago. aud that sell I'mbria from New York the pas- YOU ■ ed Out In Colorado. from the date of on shaken up. report# ■■ v* ■* spiral -urpln*. I n Rescued Ufa Crew After original importation laboring meu in Europe. tbe brother himself by Saving of the duties and tubsequently ditap # ge as the roughest the vessel ever ex- .;..•!•• |v.*n>4 »nd iiutraiiU'r the payment under Helena. Montana is enjoying the first peared very suspicious circum- perienced. Several passengers were in- tuieluf thl* lu*ti‘uilon. Te-: Hours Exp ears ou Rocks. charges to which it might be subject ‘Chinook” of the This is the first Lbadvillk, Col., Jan. 26.—Yeaterday 18 Months Purchase of Bondi. nances. It was surmised (hat both wer year. thrown the I* a» nHH law at tbe time of such withdrawal juied by being violently upon i«t 'A'f/tf Inta-re*! and (< « ft. after the men in the La Plata mine had by pro murdered Beck, the atcnbed motive be- uterruption to the cold wea her which be nt with abaolui* by decks. /.. that herein shall affect or The is a statement of United with new tired a round of boles, beared a noise ! viding nothing following the of the tan the year. The mercury has .. IM< *ot I V aim. III.. Jan. 25 —The schooner before they ing regain.ng title of hit farm The hark Janet Crown has r« turned to Mathias, ex of the law in re- States bonds from August 3. iseu 1 -at*- '• lit H rush a river and when impair sting provisions purchased from tbirty degrees since -iff. Implies M resembling the of j hit brother, into whose h nds he wat Thursday. She two of the crew v 1 on Ram Island is the Laarissa. to shable or Plymouth reports k ■' 1 ,,u y,M* reported saw a river gard the disposal of per explos- 1887, to ar.d including January 25. 1890: *x* the smoke cleared away they lUppoted to have put it t* mpuranly to The New Ilavtn. Ot police have cap washed overboard and ai.d n bit r* member PUT UP EXPRESSLY ive articles and further that tbi» Amount of 4s. 938 450 of drowned, many She is a total loss. Ths crew go Monday out of the drift. bad provnled purchased $115 •void attachment from a suit ured five of the “Oak Street of a*. uf )<* If p' IlielpBl l« tile running They barely | that wat Gang" injured. five hours 1 section shall not appl> to any article which 4 1-2*. $131 908 700; total. $247 907 150 aii important pie t| ,n. FOR in the tug S. U. Jones via to St. time to escape. In less than tba [>uber brought or threatened to recover lurglars. who have been committing The steamer at FAMILY USE Ea-tport from the United Suites Cost. ; of 4 1 petty Yorkshire, Liverpool, ha mine within 270 fee; of the haa been exported 4s. $148,090,677 53 2s, $142. of 8, ft, rand 19 lb pall* and lo lb. mlm was flooded payment service! by e woman formerly >urglanes for several months past. They from Baltimore was were tuba; John. 'I he captain and m«n were badly and reimported Adopted. 536,573 24; total. $290 447.250 76, Cost flooded, bridges CARE. ULLY surface. Four thousand feet of drift ore ; >u bit employ ment. ire on the track of the rest of the gang. a.d oilier sustained. oo moved destroyed, damages Uinta, Im for* frost bitten. Thty were liani Island thousands of feet Fitch of New York to strike out at maturity. 4s, $201,559,167 50; 4 2s. PURE LARD is submerged and ofJ Beck wat la»t teen on Thursday last ba- Two masked men entered the Two seamen were hlowu frwui the ir divid.-nd* 1 aection 22 wheb that no allow- 135 303 40 postofflee rigging iao'iii'-y p rmanently, by the tierce, barrel, half ten hours. goi ther# The tnink a lake baa provides $140,160 90; total. $350.719 plKlar by barrels and tub*, b They by ropes slopes covered. Many ween the hours of 2 and 4 in this after it Albuquerqne, N. M and, after binding and drowned. fm sale by lir»l < I.wm ance shall be made for damage to goods Saving, 4s, $53 468 489 97 ; 4 1 2s, $6,803.- every grocer and prnv, life crew on Gross Island rendered been encountered. If it is a water pocket ioon. He wat teen then a one of sinn dealer all lard saving by lady, ind gagging Postmaster secured $500 rendered by ,,s fr,., in j imported, and he offered# substitute there- 562 67 'total, $60,272,052 64. The amount Hay. fn.rn ail ott4,n the water can be pumped out thirty days, lit nearest and looked and n M. S HOLWAY, Augusta. Heed OH. 1 allow, Hurt noble service. neighbors, sp- money and about $2(K>0 in stamps and Demands of a oll.er adulteration* have to be for. Lost—114 to 120. of bonus surrendered to da.e in liquidation ruikey buipieialou cornn.ni.lv .wed .... if a water course the mine will hered at well at usual. everal hundred dollars' worth of 117 lA-voaahira W A It ft ANTK1» The schooner Ximenia is a total loss on McAdoo of New offered an of is 500. jewelry, If-iie JuuitAbif Mnr'gag* <«*., »TKH TIA 1*1 KL. None gern. abandoned. Jersey deposits $7,438 He wat about 70 old. Nnwsptpei. kltrt’t. It .-ton Ine witlMiut our imiue years rhe thieves escaped. stamped u^n u,< Foster's Island. She was owned Wm. amendment to section 23, to strike out the package. by Jan. 25. The News (hat HK.Vl» F• >f< I*AMI'llLKT- for a indefinite London. says G and I. Hoi way. She bad no insurance provision permanent appro- Bath will Build tbs Two m Union Pacific Virtually Clear In Oregon duties. Probably BLOCKADE CONTINUES < lardianr. Mass Visited a Disas- the Turkish minis has been instructed janldftw John P. «nd two thousand basbels of corn and priation for the funding of The by Squire & Co., Gunboats. to demand of the I’nit* <1 States government other merchaadue is all lost. Portland, Oreg., Jan. 26.—The block- amendment was lost. trous Fira. BOSTON, MASS. that it suspend the publication of Souvhant- ade on the Union Pacific is again virtually Breckinrulue of Arkansas moved to strike The S. L Moore A Sons Company of 3nt Heavy Rains are Waablog JuntMlifirlp Away Gardner. Jan. 25 —Stevens’ block age. an American paper printed in the raised. A "chincook" is and snow out section 24, which relieves collectors Elizabeth. N J., have made to Buow and 'loll Line WATERVILLB. blowing application Caualug Flooda aught fire this noon, and was I'nited States and circulated in Qnp and o'her officers of customs on suits as completely Armenia, is melting rapidly. Owing to the wires withdraw their bid on the two thousand ton A wind wherein tbe estroyed. high prevailed, blowing which advocates Armenian Independence. down there is no news from tho respects any matter or thing run boats and vessel for the navy, being practice San Francisco, Jan. 20 —The snow shower of cinders upon the surrounding Elmwood blockade on the Southern Pacific. owner, importer, consignee or agent is ind it is that the will be Change* Hands—Day of probable reques: dockade on the Central Pacific and Cali- 1 wildings, aud a serious confiagatiou was authorized to appeal fiom any decision granted. The award for the two Rioting Boldiaia In Poitugal 3 nl Utah Ncrthern Prayer for Colleges. gunboats ornia A Oregon railway* ia still on. In I tireatened, but was fortunately averted provided for in the bill. Lost. 97 to 107. will to the Bath Iron Works of Bath, OVER THE STATE. go [eneral the rain and snow storms in the lid was summoned from Ktichhurg. sod Lisuon, Jan 2l‘> Tile I>i«a reports riot- Chapman of Michigan offered a proviso, Me., at their bid of $637,000. lorthern part of California have ceased. 1 'hief Kimball responded with an engine ng at Lagos, in the province of Algarave. Watkhville, Jan. 26.—The Elmwood that such officers shall be liable to the ag »ut w hether or not the pleasant weather 1 nd 20 men. Hey. ood Bros 4 Co '* wood Says the trouble is not of r» | uhliran origin, Hotel in this which report has had of be- grieved party when their action was fraud- city A new road is strongly talked Rsw Postmasters Appointed. rill last until the blockade is raised cannot hair caught fire twice, but their is rumored, but arose from the disorderly ulent. Lost. shop Railway Company change hands so many times has at last tween Starks and Madison Bridge, which >e foretold. saved it both times. »ehavior of a number of soldiers who the Fourth-class were prinkier arrangement route more than two The committee having completed postmasters today ap- lone so in is con- will shorten the stage The warm rain that has fallen in the ■ Ir. Stevens had to he earned home on ae- Forced the gales of the barracks in order earaest. The purchaser consideration of the bill, Breckinridge of pointed as follows: C. W. Wesweli. miles. lorthern points is shifting suuthward, but < ount of nervous prostration William o take part in the demonstration against taiMlilated F.rsl S Per Cent ductor Henry Judkins of iho Maine Central. Kentucky moved that It be report* d back to Clarksville, II. 11.; F. A. Atwood, West Mortgage A Massachusetts firm is making active he storm is much less violent and the * ■ourley, a nu mber of Gardner hook and he British ultimatum. Kev. II. A. Clifford at tne the House, with the recommendation that it liumney, N. 11.; J. J Whiton, Highland preached for the manufacture of brick mount of snow melted in the mountains is I idder company, fell a distance of 10 feet, due preparations be referred to the committee on way# and nlle. Mass.; A. H. Newbert, Appleton, GsJd Bonds, Apr. 1.1919. Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Wiscasset on an extensive and herefore less. The rams have fallen in 1 reaking hia left near the hip. in scale, to 128. The corn ittee Vie., vice II. J. E. leg hadly Nine Days at Bea Without Water. the Roman Vaticun and St. means. Lost, 108 C. l’ease; Farrington, A lecture on in the spring th?y will be ready to fan Joaquin valley an far south as Los 'he whole loss amounts to about $M5.0O0 Interrnt (iaar4i legal Im the I n ion early then rose and reported the bill to the 1 Ionia Lovell, Me., vice A. J. Eastman. Jan. 25 -The British hark Peters will he given at the Congregational some a and San but as farat known I insured. It was the largest fire London, turn out 40,000 day. The first vote was taken* ilie tngelea Diego 'urtially '■(lurch next Rev. favorably. ittle < iarduer has ever had. Ulster which arrived at Liverpool on the Far lliil a* y Co. by Wednesday evening by I^wiston Board of Trade is damage haa resulted. The rain fall iff- The arrang- amendment to the carton section adapted Col. Farnbam on Board of mu* h the recent Mr. Fenn of Portland. Maoagers n the neighborhood of the the (21, damaged by aioruia. i 'g for a public dinner to be held Monday, on motion of of city past Next is the of for yesterday Breckinridge wo was without water for nine days when a traffic ay re ot'-nt Thursday day prayer will he sent Governor for National Homes. days was so heavy that small washouts | Icboouer Cashier Arrives and Feb 17. Invitations providing that the section shall Reports hail storm came those c lieges ami a sermon will be delivered be- Kentucky, ire on all sides. No traina are treat on, enabling and to the of all Maine not to in car- has reported Wreck. * *Vi Burleigh Mayor* app y merchandise imported Col. A. B. Farnham of Bangor, Me., Floating in board lo tin ir wants by gather- laaqe im".-I (.*■ r»ii!.•, infill ling ter fore the Colby students in the chapel at ten unning on the South Pacific coast toad. supply cities and the Presidents of all the boards to a mm a > **j im iml all mors. tons, etc which is subject duty equal )een nominated by Congressman Boutelle the hailstones that fell on the per underlying dock by Rev. C. C Tilley pastor of the j The,three lines to Sacramento via Bene Boston, Jan. 2G.—The schooner Cashier ng ship. of trade to or exceeding fiO per cent The action of is a member of the Board of Managers of OXE Baptist church in Aubnrn. a. Martinez and Nile# are closed. No 1 rnved here Saturday from Ponce, 1*. R. EXJOYvS the committee was ami tbe amend he Soldiers' Homes. IV* r.‘t|r .| at lufi and In The Lewiston A Auburn Grocers* Asso- reversed, National p on Jan. in lat. 35 N Ion. 73 Roth the and results wl "Living Pictures" will be given at City rains are running from Vallejo to Calisto- ports 16, 51, Mead of Biazllian Piovialonal Govern- Ur*.| .Hit ; .. than the whole »mi be method ciation has elected John Garner. nient was 102 to 115. The bill J all Wednesda) * vening under the auspi- President; rejected, [sand Santa Kota. On the northern di- 0 W. passed the wreek of a three masted draw.* of is it in M. Vice W. E. was then Yeas. 138; nays, 121. in' nt Dying ■tyrup Figs taken; plea-u: ces of the Y. MC A. A. Penley. President; passed. President Harrison Pardons a Maine ision of the Southern Pacific traina ■ chooner. apparently of Nova Scotia build, Mr. Hitt of ll.inois offered a resolution only md to the taste, and a< Cloutier. C. II. Miller, Treas.; 1 nd was in the track 21! refreshing The Coburu Classical Institute closed Secretary; Boy un h« far south as San Jose. Placerville waterlogged directly London. Jan. Advice* from Monte- ■ A. the of the world's «. Im i.rh-e without notice. Executive Committee, A. B. Nealey, increasing membership f vessels. She was black with a lee Urv gently yet promptly on the Kidney Friday after a very successful term. There u l lone branches are closed. The road painted video under dale of I 21, assert that Hnu u.i. I -ruury 4lh. John E. E. F. Metcalf,1 fair committee from 9 to 13, and providing The President has a pardon in li'ver and will be a vacation of two weeks. Keny, Carngan, granted rom Dnvisville to Tehema is wrecked. rliite stripe around the waists. The mxin- lien. I>a Fonseca, head of the Bowels, cleanses the sy. committee shall have provisional I«aac Mitchell. that that jurisdiction he case of Urien Scanlon, convic'ed in 1 nast was the left Her of Bn zd. is from tern The Oregon line ia open from Sacra- only spar standing. government dying angiug effectually, colds, head over all relating to tbe fair ex Vlaine of aud sentenced to the Re- dispels Thursday morning John Bailey of Harris questions larceny nento to lied Bluff. On the San Fran- * oat was gone. pectoris in a hotel m the suburbs of Rio BWW B OS. & lehes and fevers and cures habitus’ Pieaentation of Flags to tbs Pittsfield location. The location is to be decid form school. CO., Hill. New Gloucester, was driving a horse i cept dsco anil Northern Pacific road no trains Janeiro. the G A. R. e«i as follows: On one the represen of is the Schools by attached to a load of wood, when one day ire *;• -.i «* * mstipation. Syrup Figs of) running beyond Healdsburg For two *ra!oa Released After Twelve Id si root. tatives of the competing cities shall present Days of its kind ever to the sled stakes caught in the branch of a •r three at least the South Pacific nly remedy pro the Kennebec Journal.] days Russian Found teg Hospitals. 0 [Special it their claims, and on the following day the tbe Snow. to the taste and ac tree, ami when the branch was freed SCHOONER IN TROU8LE. ?oast will carry on business by running lueed, pleasing even- members shall vote their choice of loca- 25 Jan. 25 —On — St. Pktkk#i»i no Jan The found- PiTTsriEO, Saturday swept around and struck Bailey in the eye wo boats between here and Sacramento. Colfax, Col Jan. 26 The east bound to the in on eptahle stomach, tion Referred to the committee rules in |{ti«»ia an* to he reformed. LEE. HIGG1 ISON & CO., prompt ing a and enthusiastic audience it fr jm the socket- *hich will San Francisco connection < verland train which has been snowbound at ling hospitals large teariog and a Assisted Into the Life Hav- give ts action and beneficial in its The House then adjourned, Repub- Bvfety by 1 Investigation disclose* that 77 per cent of truly the occasion r Ban- »ith Los Angeles and New Orleans and •hady Hun since the 12'h inst., was re- assembled in Union Hall, The Hinkley A Fg Iron Company. was announced to be held I I *V| t «* -sfroot. effects, from the most be-1 lican caucus ing Crew. and the inmates die in infancy and another II has contracted to build the engine for nth eastern cities over the Atlantic and eased yesterday returned to Sacra* prepared only the presentation of flags to the village gor, at 8 o'clock. cent before the of 21 Traders and sulwtances, its ng Monday evening ’acific roads. nento. This train has the Howard Athe per age u healthy agreeable the new steamer which is to run on the Ken-1 ah. dm schools the Grand Army Post of collect and dispati li six to ten in a single oicelleut it by this; wi*h the fact that Chatham, Mass Jan. 26 —Schooner laeum Company on board. The conaoli many qualities commend nebec river. This. ('apt. ! basket. town. The were able, fitting and lames Hothwell. from the Kennebec for lated east bound overland trains which to all and have made it the most speeches S. II. Barbour, will build the boat, ensures Report oo Alleged Viola'ion of Civil NELLIE BLY ARRIVES. merited the finest and most Sew York with a cargo of ice, anchored lave been lying ar this place since the 16th 3 0 known. eloquent, and hearty applause | s craft of the substantial; Service Law in New Yotk. 8 0,000. popular -lose under the beach last night, in the ilso returned to Sacramento Brazil Make* a Tieaty With Argen- remedy aiv. n them. Unusual talent was displayed description. Both of these parties haves, the yesterday. of is for sale in 50c louthwest She broke her windlass 2iicl»« Globe Jn 72 Days, 6 Hours, Syrup Figs ind the event is one of which the citiaens reputation for fine work which cannot bs: Civil Service commissioner Roosevelt gale. 11 ie Repub c oil Fiontleia and ind could not her anchor this 19 Minutes and 30 Seconds. $1 bottles all mav frrl excelled. has submitted to the full commission th» get morning >ne lo tbe L mislana Bond by leading drug- justly proud. Acquittal Rio Jankkio. Jan 2»’» \ Saint the V boats crew from the shore and government Missouri reliable who ( apt. G. II. Sawyer preseated ths flags report of bis recent investigation into Captain Dsfrf lea tion. Joseph, gists. Any druggist three mills at Livermore d« cree has es ablislo d civil marriage. A The pulp Fall*, violations of the civil service la« Gould and crew from the Chatham Life New York. Jan 25 —Ne’lie arrived not have it on hand will >n behalf of the Post in most fitting alleged Bly W nl i- < < >iu iiv. may pro- and; owned Alvin Record, the treat) lias been signed with Argentine Re- |>■■ remarks, and the were respectively by in the New York custom bou e just prior Saving Station, assisted her to proceed. tere this afternoon, having completed her New Orleans Jan. 26—The jury in cure it one who graceful flags the ! which settle* the croiractc I for any j Otis Falls C mpany and Umba at tomorrow to cas- ce public dispute promptly Frank W. Hsvey. Esq in an j Pulp to the last presidential election. He says She will harbor Hyaunia rip around the world in 72 day*. G hours. he of Msur J ll-tre, indicted for SIX to accept'd by during the month ihe frontier of the .Missione* ter- PER CENT BONOS. wishes try it. L>o not accept any Miss gog Companv. produced •In investigating the alleged violations ot repair the windlass. 19 minutes and 30 seconds. An immense lis connection with the bond defalcation of regarding able and eloquent speech. Mary of wood of December 3.745,000 pounds 1 x State Treasurer F. A. this after ritory. substitute. Pu-hor read a selection in an excellent law against making political assessments. :rowd welcomed her. Her health is good Burke, •■ I 11I \TFE It ; of his is pulp A Urge portion product more or less exami toon with )Ut their seats returned a manner, which was followed by st*eeches 1 have made complete Ex-Gov Kellogg Says Senator Butler'a md she is much pleased at being at home leaving CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. shipped to the paper mills for manufacture offices rerdict of not Rftunafoiii Mnraalland. in Dr. K G. and Rev. S Whit nation into the conduct of the of >nce more. guilty. Dr. Abb t* Pr 8 A ft Bryant j mills run Bcbtme la all Wrong. ncipal and Interest. FRANCISCO. CAL. into newspaper s ock. These collector, and naval officer of the This in the shade Jules Verne's ..t N Y comb The singing of the "Star Spangled ! surveyor put« LOUISVILLE, r.f. M YORK, both and night. Zanziiiak Jan. 21*. I>r. Abbott, of the Mrs Porter, was wtll re- day port of New York, during the presidential Charleston 8 C., Jan. 25 —William Around the World in 80 Days,'* and also 3a! moral Hotel. Montreal. Banner," by Damaged Snilihso lan I »titnte at Washington, has 1 ■artftdSwl* eived. Mr. L. P. Toothaker and Misa The director* of the Cascade Wool»n fi ction of 18^8. In the naval office under Pitt Kellogg. Governor of Louisiana during leafs her elf as she started to make the ■hrer! 7!k 000 to M/OO by Fire. returned from an xploring expedition to of the schools, Mill of Oakland met at the Elmwood Hotel Burt, the invest igation goes to show th- the reconstruction period, says that Senator in 76 taken Savinr Itnuk* Mice Haley, principals rip days. Ma*«ailand He left his Mr. — companion, by on afternoon. Bv was both in Butler's scheme for the of Montreal. Jan. 6. Balmoral Hotel r» the in and in VVa'erville Wednesday is* observed absolutely letter transportation ceived flags fitting appropriate on Mom t »ro. last to Africa is Carroll, Kiiima-Nj words. The exercises closed with the the death of R B Dunn September, and spirit. As far as I can find out noth- c Gored people notonly imprac Heir Most Gotta to Jail. vas dautagtd $25,000 by fire today. In- the audience. a vacancy had occured in the board and in like coercion was tolerated ticable but ffensive to Christian civiliza ured. -inging of America"by ing political New York, Jan. 25 —Herr Johan Most, the office of President. The former was Subordinates were treated as American tion and a violation of the constitutional Terme of Co f *nce Agreement H. :h«* Anarchist, whose conviction and sen M. PAYSON "& CO. filled by the election of Hon. E F Webb citizens to be, to do their right of citizenship. He would like to see Acc ought required Peter J-tckson Has Arrived. p’ed. A Biunawick Man Arrsstcd oo Charge and the latter the election the of the South follow :ence to one year in the penitentiary was /: \ 'V- The first and only romlwned of Waterville by full duty to the government and when thi* leading newspapers I /. MS j Pam-Killing, -ffirmed yesterday by the g neral term of Jan. 26 —Peter Jackson, I’ram x. Jan 20 —The executive com- S.withiog. of Embesslsmsot. of Joriah B. Mayo of Foxcroft. The re- was done left free to exercise their judg- in the stand taken by the Charleston News New York. i'lirative and Strengthening was arnsted mittee of the German in It de rma has ES AMUSED 18fi4. a small ies ihe Supreme Court, today by he arrived on the Adriatic l-ar’y Plant- now Prepared G. port of the treasurer showed profl', ment in political mat era. and Courier against the bostili recently pugilist, today Bumswick. Jan. 24.—Robert Reed, ietectives from the central office. He was acc. in its entir* ty the agreement of but not sufficient to warrant the paying of In the collector* office, under Magone, manifested toward the colored people in pled PORTLAND. MAINE- and assistant ticket j raptured n» he whs leaving the house of the recent Genian f.'zcch conference in telegraph operator any dividend at preseut. there is apparantly a widespread but not some portions of the South sn I address Newe. Central Mrs Mb Hnffinan. who was on his bond Bpott ng V tenna. agent in the office of the Maine Marchie ha* universal and by no means al way * successful themselves to securing additional education- Mr. James just completed the decision of the term al for the pending general Lon is wanted as a league urn here, has been arrested, charged with the his steam mill at Princeton. It is an im- effort to evade the law by persuading or facilities negroes. Knight Plasters lie expects his counsel to obtain a further fire. Con- of Dr Petrr's of He is a young taken in connection with forcing republ.can clerks to contribute. Reports Bafety lop uihexzlement $1,126 mense building, of ami another release on <>f medical agei.ta- m:.r*rll*«e remfclnatlan the clerks mus' stay proceedings, are 23 for the Cornell TIE I Extra* ta ha# been at this office for the house anti shelter sheds, Some list of republican There candidates fi rued. mu LOAM TRliSi CO •rj ti.ipa, Hemlock. Pin- BaNam. an.l man, employed dry covering Wind Storm Blew Trains bail while bis case is carried to the t»> on. Passenger being -eired and spread >n niuaitn. all ready put ten and was intrusted with an acre of It is to be de- have been kept because they are especially 1'ollege nine. V vimhio, IN. N'. the past years nearlv ground. Court of A ppeals Jan. 20—The Post’s Berlin %«••« England remedy out for mce or less indirect solic- From the Track. London, the care of the books and had charge of voted to the sawing of shook* for singled President Reach that the league UN. a.ire-e-e n It mm a don ar tteatiieea. entirely Justice O'Brien of the Court says tdent s«) s -r Wi«*m*n tele- or or Supreme corresp Maj m < i :i v i:s went » h "tiK <> matter where located anti lemon boxes. The whole es- itation, either personally by circulars, not out and the monev. orange Denver. Col.. Jan. 26 —The wind a writ of haheus for will throw Washington Indian* n-ld* »■> live all medi- today granted corpus the government confirming the **.1 1 »„**!, instantly powerful Townsend thousand dol- and there ia the testimony of one witness graphed ;■ investment In gilt edge eater He was before Judge tablishment c ost him fifteen storm on the divide which blew the Kio .. uropertier of the ll»» PI brought the of Johan Most on ipolia. the safe'.v of l>r Peters. W.l.rlr.l l* production Morday report of N«*« all* are ettaliaed and bound over to which is Mr. that this solicitation undertaken by the improved be part— wonderfully strengthened, of the municipal sourt, lar*, every cent of paid Grande and Santa Fe passenger trains will be made for Herr Most's President of the New York league -r- iw'crwl to health and vigor. j Application Day d under $2,000 bonds, his was of last | express command of Magone's private sec- Arc the May term, Marchie seventy-six year* age from the track at the monument yesterday admission to ball an fiub. their will be d PI t«TKKs »r.rr bore er Irritate. pending appeal. says grounds enlarge Notes. IS walk of life. F. II. Wilson, A J. and still looks as fresh, hale and retary. There is nothing to show, h >wever. t,y thxui'ands of people in every bondsmen bting August afternoon, has subsided. The wind was so ibis spring by taking in 200 feet of the ad- 1:' s th auccete and aat,»(a. non. Palmer end a at or and that was aware of hia ••••II g rtlfl.'ate* of deposit. > Booker Dr. Natban Cspt. hearty aa many man fifty aixty. Magone secretary's strong that the coaches were lifted from The official report of the French minister let de-vl-r Parents War* D>u .k and Tba Child jacent territory. I Of It ATTENTION l*-a*» any David Scribner. bids fair to live many years to come. action. the tracks and carried 10 or 15 feet from of shows the of II VS !•'< Ill S VI.K s"'**t'* ita or imitation All agriculture aspect crop# into taking re- On the oth* r hand, there was no active The Cleveland officials he Wheeler, ths ticket agent, is sides. Burned. to be .. ,, tin- Hop Plasters show proprietor* signature Henry The Maine Central R. R. Co. have ac- the track and thrown up'n their France in good condition. lav...-,,. u i, ||lJf a.yr^c*j,». rate* we lay that the sale of season tickets to their throughout ‘'rvl boiton for the fords and his friends in coercion of these clerks. Many of them were bruised k ti-. ■i,.,rrfc-;igva mi farm*. hop Plaster Co ppomutop* sponsible the l'exter A Piscataquis road, and Several passengers slightly Palmer, Mass., Jan. 25.—The of Cork have subscribed another proved to cepted but 7-year- games has been greater up to date than at The city '<•• i- Iw Aee y.nv A*g. k made ths whole amount refused to contribute, nevertheless seri- .Ir-i-IJiJiaaei Bruaswi ap at a meeting of the Directors of the and cut with the glass, but none were old child of John was burned to for the “Tenants’ defence vc c i:m s special they were not molested on account of their Doherty any time in tbe history of local base ball. £1000 Fund," him. latter, held Jan. 18, a final settlement was ously hurt. Considerable damage was death at Monson yes’erday. The father, which wasreceiv.d at duUin Saturday, P* f'f and of Stuck* and tt at on ths book# of conduct. An effort to make them con- Hurst, the pugilistic , has been •r?l gi«trv It is charged figures made with the contractors. Brown Bros A done to many towns in the southern part of of *• l-elif ■< M w -f mother and aunt the girl were in the in all £7000. g'ag. torpornfiou*. W’rston tribute was made indirectly, and on the staff of the American As making the station were changed. fhomp- This settlement was satisfac- always the State, but up to the present time no appointed ««KHi vniMH Ml ITF.Ib Co. entirely bouse, but were ail so much under the in- "bows the effect of his has been retailed bv V*-. Wheeler usually so guardedly as t> make it difficult socianon. He is spoken of very highly by Lord Salisbury » son. to all the and it be said one ia hurt. a Cold! Esq., »>ry parties, may reported fluence of liquor as to be unable to state ha* _• Oh, what Potter Reed for the defense. to say if the law was actually violated in its the clubs of the Western league. recent illness H» aged, is thin, and and Barrett by in this connection that from beginning to how it letter. exactly happened. l» is thought that he will soon re- change* in the has been no or President Small of Colby University hs« Stoops |« the season f<*r sudden end there disagreement Comparative Earnings of Fall River the cabinet. manv take cold" the Brunt wick Foot Rare In the surveyor's office, under Neattie. been interviewed an inter col- sign from Tf||r on their I.nog*, causing about contribution*, as far shown by the teati Mills. athUtic association and said in re Immediately upon the opening of Par- Sore The** Jan. 26 —The three hours’ rectors and contractors. Everybody legiate t oughs. II arsetiess. and Throat Brussw ick, of twenty fight witnesses, was uni- Ct., Jan. 25 —Walter V Parm II will the ! AR3E DR and runs! here is to a word for ths mony Jan 25 —The Hartford, gard to its formation that if it could be liament bring up question SmALLLOTS troubles ceil be -onn relieved by Hall ready say good Fall River, comparison lease in Lfmont Saturday versal. sod democrats generally gave money of the Postal on const letlers FOR CASH Ing ilia Throat and ung go-as-you j Brown Bros’. and all hope that they may of dividend* earned New cotton Morgan, manager Telegraph conducted a rvative basis he was of the forged Pigott published by taking andSpecific, by England w.ib acts ■>» the Throat l.unga, 400 of their own accord. All republican clerk* office in this met with a in its articles on Parnt llism and OR ON I MARGIN li directly evening was witnessed by people. be successful in future enterprises mill* are favorable to Fall River Company's city, heartily in favor of it the Times these diflcaltiM. entirely forced their will very NO INTEREST entirely removing of Lew- their attention. were practically against terrible death tonight In alighting from a Crime. There were eight starters. Eagan that may engage mills. Only two Fall River corporations. Jimmy Galvin say* Jim Mutrie promised qNi Watts of to pay what were in reality political as«e«* train near the depot he slipped and fell from V.TEO PROFITS iston was winner. 23m 51.; Borden City and King Phillip, have a capi- him $100 if he would win one of the last The steamer Weatorian. Philadel- of merits for the benefit of a party so which under *he wheels, and an arm and were Brunswick, second. 22m. If-; Johnson tal of a million Out of forty-five mills in leg games b< tweet the Boston and Pittsburg phia, which arrived in the Clyde Saturday, and SPARKS FROM MAINE WIRES. they were opposed. This was accomplished rut cff, causing death in 4 hours. He Brunswick, third. 22m 21. Norris other parts of New England thirty two are Clubs Galvin di 1 hi* part in fine style, encountered a hurricane during which her a ingenious and widespread system leaves • wife and three children. INGALLS1 from Bath, withdrew by very a of a million or more. for Mutrie to send him a stoke hole was flooded and her decks crack runners backed and is waiting swept. South, of veiled threats and covert intimidations by capital and LUNG his is ths third was and a nnmher of 28Congress5t. Til BOAT after running 10 m ies I The big Bath ship Rappahannock is re- Forty five New England corporations ont check. This is one of Mutrie's old tricks. apt. France injured so well carried out and completely success- Too Near tbo Track. race has won in Brunswick. ceiving ballast and will be jeady for s«a in side of Fall River averaged 6 91-100 per Bitting of the cattle kill'd. Eagan ful that even the most unwilling of clerks Clarkson, pitcher Boston league a few cent each in dividends while three e hill was a vote Boston^^ days. examined in the end were forced thirty Brockton, Jan 25.— John Finn, a htg- nine, is taking things easy with the Harvard Ti socialist rejected by Bowdolnham whom I 9 Back Officers at Fall River corporations averaged 85-100. musician 35. was struck the candidates and is them into form of I GO to t*M in the at Berlin, A stock shipbuilding company will prob- to pay. Every mathod was resorted to to pipe *ged by getting Richstag, vote was announced SPECIFIC Journal as soon as a Pan Handle train near the Matfield station, After the mid-year examinations he will Saturday. After the to the Kennebec ] ably be organized at Belfast, extort contribution* while avoiding actual In a short time \ on can [Special 9 o'clock this his of Bate# and Downer Her Von Bwticher, the chief of the im- HTIIl cure that Tough —At Ihe anneal lecation cau be secured. demand for about evening, while on have charge Harry I-ind If In its nae m Bowdoisham. Jsn. 25 money. A Freight Collide* With a Gravel Train Investment Association cure !wr « atarrh you persist home from East He He tak-sa hard in to home office, arirounced the close of of < atarrhal matter Some witnesses were forced to contribute way Bridgewater occasionally pitching perial :"J ■' the secretion of the Nstional New York to -1'* P,r ceot- Itlterewt It wlfl stop three of the stockholder* A schooner from St. John Oa Ihe Albany. was n*ar the track and the of the catchers. Thus far Howland has been the session of the Reichstag ••• relieve «n from meeting in their sitting steps t: a n«; head it wiU roup made very uncomfortable «r" t ••*•* MVttrltr in The by being 1 ■■ ■ J^ I"* the were sleeted with coal went ashore on Rum Island, near the cars struck him on the bead the best __i» nem* v invented with to live minute*.__ Village Bank following work until they did so. Other witnesses Boston. Jan. 26 —Friday, a freight killing doing backstopp ng. 1 'i ami re- Macbia?, eaily Friday morning, and is a him r, htg!i«-*t -.lauding directors and not the parties previously testify that they were threatened that if train collided with a gravel train at -*13th instantly. Mate w i... Cti wItn thti total loss. The crew of six got to land, Samuel W to a * ever saw. Wm K Maxwell. failad contribute special agent* mile post”, dangerous pass, smashing i, —icuiarw, a dre«.» Merit! The best I ported frost bitten. they MARKET REPORTS. 1 Kendall badly Two Drownad. 'V v| v > dll il. 44 Vane* Robert W. Carr, W B would be to watch them, and make out! in W. P. ml Young Boya r •• Randall. put things up great shape. Riggs 1,1 1 The best me-ticine for Cough* I — M‘ iv l.H de Tdl>n*w3 n will 1 that ever I *aw I* and H P. Kendall Wm K. Maxwell A stranger was refused lodging at a cases for their discharge. Other* were in- brakemvn was badly injured, being thrown Jan. 25.—Two 5 xumptive< omplaint* JoHl» Trenton, boys, aged and 1 ung *o *av* Houlton house Later he was formed that black lists were at bead- from the of a car to the rocks. It is ! Throat Kprriflc." be elected President Friday. kept top and 8 years, tons af Patrick Nolan, a quar- Wboiaaala Market M« LACGMUS. of Boat on. to Augusta found with both feet frozen, and taken of all who failed to pay. Other* •aid that the engineer of the gravel train while on a at |>d*ton with canned which lost anl otuck In tba Mud and -JOHN F 1-RIN n B good*, Pros* to GRAIN.—Cora, 64c, nn**I, VWr, b**n, |1 CO a scarcely hidden threat. C ampaign circu- New Haven. Jan. 25 —Engineer Hinck- pei snd frothing at tbs sails in the of Frit ay near B*k Death. *wt cotton e*-d meal, 0 bag. SELL IT. on (he sofa unconscious split gale sent to per la s funds were all the is held the railroad officials to he — INFLUENZA ALL DBlTGGIST9 but two hours. It was Mt. into demanding ley by Hat Loose. 410 00*14 00, pressed, 14 00*17 00 N«wso She lived er*a Island, Desert, Rockland, 1‘rtTalent anti Known in mnu'h man these funds Jan 2G —P. H. W) ' leaves a employe* The collecting responsible for the dera iment of the Gilt New Tort. Casaidy of straw, $7 7taS s c-se of suicide She Saturday. ltaTXr. Earope as evidently was R Jordan, Liberty street. His carls edge Eige Boston express at the Hou*a Flatlands Neck, aged sixty-five years, got Hover^Ntox, per pound. FoWo^ir and four children. Lard — bo'eestic. )0»Uc, western, fierce, 7aAe husband the 15 indictments found the were a'so sent, sometimes several times to on the New York A New stuck in the mud at Bedford The mo-,t cherished of all the Among by tonic drawbridge Creek, yester- MCTTON —7a#C per pound. griddle death. *nd when made the moat SUFFERING ALLAYED. Androscoggin grand jury which arose Sat- the employes, and on aev.ral occasions Haven road last night. The danger sig- day, and froxe to He evidently bad Oats.—WaiOc per b uh cakes properly M*‘«. *•'» A>1 Pled “Wot Guilty.' PoTAToxa—* in m Poultry—Fowl looxc; chickens, I4«ife the « >e,. d the most excruciating — Before ths and ; John McWilliams, murder; »oroe more men were told out- claimed. bat failed. cakes made in old-fashioned way with ..|\ld Lswimrow. Jan. 25 supreme battery refractory Wool 20uO0e per lb unwnobed, Me w«*h«-d LA v. .NeftKernh.aeU.- to or risen that were fire- GRIPPE s R Patrick that if wished avoid trouble Wood— 00 7'ii overnight they Kld^v-': roe fri n George Medbury. larceny; right they I>ry bard, $4 per cord, soft, gj yeast ! P*«, veal sum-, i0*40;. b.7v.‘ for mur- Aoatratta. gl that these are over- "wUr* and : McWilliams "recovery stolen sod James tbe that in the end thev all suc- Veal-- U*7c tb objection* completely [ Balsam of Wild Cherry. assault battery ceny good*." employes hary, the d> faulting cashier of the New per them Le Course* foi nuisance. Augusta Be*f Wholesale Price Cur come by mixing with the Royal Bak- CUrC* der; Crosby for larceny; N. Jones, cumbed and paid the money. Toronto. Jan 26 —William O'Connor, York died at bis home in Hack- Company’s Bronchitis, Croup, stolen postofflee, rent. ing Powder instead of yeaat. and receiving goods. I do not charge the head of the office. start* for uk Quickly Cough, Influenza, Asthma, larceny oarsman, Tuesday Australia, ensack Saturday morning, from the effects MPRINO Lamr -7taSc. made; no setting overnight; no material* Beattie, with complicity in this wrong do- steamer from San Francisco Feb. 8th. a Bekp—**ldes, per lb; hind 7. 0'1"5’ rH ii i.irs. Maine people. ing of piste| shot wound ir.fl.cted by bimseif quarters, •coiled, kisen with Powder Sore Fains "(irn, i. ,v"5?‘J JS“iCwS.rl in ®c, fore rounds with n nk. Sc Royal Baking Hoarseness, Throat, * Second Victim. ing; but acts were committed the office He b -caase he sees oo chance of mak- 1 afternoon. quarters, 4)a£<: j « Quimby goes Friday and !'>* le. host Pi b rat tv* are most delicious sweet, ten- Bfluidsrsr to the uoan- rump lotus, cute, be, they —light, Sorroca in thf Chest, Sid* »nd Back. ! under hi* control, kccoriing a match in or America. Sc Jan. 25 Mrs BishoD Healey bat sent a Catholic priesi ing England 3|a4c, bars*. .VaSp:, chucks, 5*%, stripes. j der, assuredly wholesome, and may be eaten I at th* Boothsat Haubob. : imous testimony of the twenty odd Repub- dressed hog*. Sa6q,c **~.ng Lungs. &c. 50 cts. and *t to vi lit the various lumbering camps around Flabarman Drownad. ! by any one without the slightest inconven- W. Kenniston. widow of Willian lican clerks examined, there existed in the I *“*•-*- Seth W. Fowl* 4 O. tavia Moos*bead Lake and on Penobscot wateri In Tsnosssss. ience. Once tested from the following re- rtrpared by office a system of combined ex- Earthquake Rockland. Jan. 25 —Fishing schooner ) I ^°M. HUNT RE rfEDY? who was murdered by Quimby as a mis-i narv. He *m at or surveyors ; the buckwheat cake will be awarded a Boston. Sold all Kenniston. j Shirley and coercion, Charles Haskell, Bolton, for La Harve The steadily increasing popu *.py of Lax ceipt, by Druggists. i-ode New V’vk at tta< tortion seemingly organized Cairo III., Jan 25.—Tbe officer* of the our table delicacies. cC sN CK1TTENT«>N.h Agent. died on FriJ»y morning Sunday in the rarape and also celebrated the prominent place among in May. *#«. ; with a minute »o a banks, which arrived the sdor. “golden'’ remedy, with dyspeptic jan.-O-ieo. lychwk'nrlp B thoroughness compreben steamer City »f Baron Rouge report today, reports —Take two ftrrm of mm I — }at»4dAwlm of ber son in-law, Mr. F. mass there on Monday. | and Utncirr buckwbea* Hour, re-idence sive as to take in one of the nu- of at Bellfoal loss of Seaman John Htroat on La Harva persons troubled with indigestion i of wheat Harbor. every heavy shock earthquake crp font, two t*b(e*ie>r.* of Knyal Baking of Booth bay n simple Price 25 cents one weu Greene Rev. George T Pratt, formerly of Ban- merous subordinates whom I bad before Lake. Tena., at 8 o'clock Friday ornir g. banks on the ghr of Jan. 22 phenomenal. only Powder. half teitpoon of taJt and *i/t dry, ▲t all and thoroughly 1 hen r.i* oah tweet milk and alto well-known in Brewer as me, and comp'etely successful in the attain- druggists. togerner. 0. NICHOLS, gor. into a thin batter and take at once on a hot gnddlr H. DeuLet Deed, as HbII'b Hair Balsaat. Lewiston was ne ailed minister of the ment of ita object*. Such widespread and It makes a person feel sad to hear a them made thw wtU be a rrveiatioo- TANSY pills Sw Wwk Prominent pedagogue, Heavy Fire at Sheboygan, Wisconsin. cry Tty way. They *•«» «•»«. First U -i-urian society In Berlin. Mass. evasion and violation of the T: r-ay, gradually restores color; from sum 8 I ■ hitni .'odPin.p IVfwefM ! J*bbiar tt-Dr D B- Street far-reaching eleganl irg bsby, tuff-ring probably Royal Baking Powder is specially made — Lkwistof, Jen — *«re»«al. Brmm* mU mmtki Wstto- different ill for the J«n. 28.—Fire tonic 60c W ,1,1 V ind riwteriar. i Thnrsdny. Nine clergymen as law speak but vigilance ol Sbebotgan. Wia., early dressing #1.00, Druggists, or •light pain, which ould be *o*i:y relieve I fur use in ihe of the f»nt«t, most Brick In dsetel praetiei preparation A k«to»al*l** vhe he* keea engaged I sifted in the service*, the term in beic| those whole duty it was to aee it enforced this morning destroyed a block of three $1.00 • se prepaid by Express for $1 00. E. by the use of Dr. Ball’s Baby Byrop, whic 8 wholesome, and tfelicate cookery. p.ecnuaa I j washio* #f T—"g-. ksr* fer 4$ yeera. died today peeemeale by Bev. Edward Everett Bale, Rooeevelt made specific recommendation ■tore* owned by George C. End. Lot* will S. Wells, Janey City, j i« for Ml* at all drug stores | of it* grant strength it is also the moat ece* ^reached ia the cases ef a a amber of employe* of reach $$0,0)0; insurance, $31,300. i aovfScbdlyfalmAvto 1 jaaMdltfalrm 'I a«edf« aomiciuofkavemngagents. •,!oV..nss«M»r»2!IlKt. Auburn. 1 ■ i|«at. aeptirdeod y In. I I'Blon |6^^/K v