/ FINANCIAL. VON* MONEY tEFUNOEB CRIMINAL MALPRACTICE. the custom bouse, which will not be nude BODY RECOVERED It M fti'i to bene? jam when public until to the used atrartly aa BY TELEGRAPH. presented proper proa- FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE direfled ob 'be aside HATION’SCAPITAL officers. A Portland Doctor Anntrd oo Con ecating MYSTERIOUS DEATH. ■tnaloi of Banker Dltman Found wrapper. Try It. Praparedby tbe fasnioa cl tfit Woman. Floating la tbe 8cbay kill. investment Matte ■IORAL BOmCB Norway a* Co.. Pensions Gian tod Main# People Gales and Floods •kwwbv, Mb. Portland. Jan. 16 —Dr. Oran Kerch A Series of Deaths Philadelphia Jao. 26.—The decom- Thronghoot ■OLD kV ALL DKALkkA Weather lodicetioue for the Rest 34 on Violations of Civil The following pensions for Maine people Accidents, SECURITIES. was arretted with Report posed remain* of banker Joa. G DtUuao. A tonight charged perform- have been LatM Blit. Boon. greeted: who disappeared Dec. 11. was found Britain. criminal on Annie Fiaher, today Great The tale of ing malpractice Original, Wilbur F. Sanborn. Minneha- on of iove.it or* !• called Brown’s Instant Belief and Crimes. floating tbe Skuyikill river. Tbe d a- p,# ftM'-HtUftt If Service Law. Chaa. j» haa much rears old who came here from Boston ha; Helge Olsen. Blooming Prairie; ,, mg •ei-riritlra, which wo recoin mead exceeded our expectation#, and mond ring and gold watch worn by Mr Wax D*fa*tm*»t, 8. Morris, Amos C. Grover, Port- ,ft*T car- fu» u»v*«tigaUo!». it haa given universal aatiafaction wherever the 15th mat. and went to the doctor's house Bangor; Ditvan when alive were on hia body. His Office of ;hs Chief Signal officer. > land ; Thomas B Hose, Presque Isle; Fran* Brazil libs a Frontier With tki introduced. We believe it ia deatined to for that The is sick Kellie watched stopped at 11 45. A small amou I Treaty Mri--< k WaaeiaeTea. Jan. 27. 1A M ) purpose. girl very Bath 110 be iurfcd Cntncts cis E. Hartlsnil; James L. Finch, Blj Bats the Record ii Going P*opl<-'» Hallway Elcfrlr have a large tale. Prohibit Phipps. of money was found in bis pocket*. In a I and may lot live. She admits the Wictoka; John W. South jj.,81 a I’ow-r omcaaj 1st M»r gage Jom» W. PxkEisa 4 Co For Nee England Fair, followed by opera- Hall. China; wallet iu his inside pocket besides some Argentine Republic. *•>. tion was performed by the doctor. for Tvo G unbolts. James L. Woodson. Berwick; Thomas Around the World. i, til. Jo-fph Wholeaale Druggists. local rains; slightly cooler, rariable winds. papers was a card requesting the Under in j Walt r I .itapany 1st JUrt- Me Barry. Bangor; Luther M Hideout. Gar case of accidental death to Jam. a y i.wnrtli Portland, notify Dr Peter*' Ci uftimed Head of w ft lard Beijsmin J. Hill, Auburn; Safety __ JanldS opr/) jp LABOR UNIONS George Herr Moat Ooes tw from Pitcher, at cr* tarv of Fie Mutual Accidet 11 Maine Boy Par doed—More Duty on W. John E Moses. Na- Jell—■•ports ***»•*»«rt Hi »r <•.. I»l Wo-tgag* is. Meteorological Report. Choate, lilldale; j Association. 320 Broadway. ‘New York, BiaaUtao Pi ovist uial Oovei ament I tional Home; Harrison M. tbs Suow Blockade on tk« Pacific Iairrn.il >aal UidI lra>( vmpaay La Orippo Ofultr Wanted—Cuatoma Bill. Military Bragg; j and the card indicated tbe deceased was in* [Jaa. u late, sum r. ■.] Seed Delegates to Form the Fall Biwer Centre; E Closson. East Dylu«. 4fb. nl or*- Us. Sidney George Coast. lured in that association for $5000. The This diaeaae prevailed in France anr Trades Connell ; Adelturt M. David Surry Gray. Brewer; body by direction of the family was taken Germany in :he year 1403, tc B. South Paris; Conrad A Boru- roereBpoodenee solicited according Wasbikgtos, Jun. 25—Immediately af- Knapp. to the undertakers, and a* soon as an au Jan 2t>. A hur- information in the hand* of Water | j tbeur. increase. William J White- QrxKXSTOww. westerly Judge Fall Rivbb, Maas., Jan. 25.—Dele- ter tb*» of tbe the House Togus; :opsy it held the funeral service# will take i« man of reading journal Cow N. H Jan. ricane prevailing of unprecedented sever- (iorham. Me. the labor unions, bail, Portland; Daniel B Friend. Bucks coed, 25 —The growing gates representing spin-j went into committee of the whole Bur- place. No marks of violence were discov- The sea caused uiuch to the While it it not ol o5r.sU j fi j Parker Carson, widow sentiment m tbit community is that Per ley ity damage Banker necessarily dangerous | ners, iron moulders, on cus- p^rt; Dexter; Kuby, ered on the and whether it was an FRED E. RICHARDS, printers, pointers, rows of Michigan in the chair, the W. Beck body town, and a number of small cratta were Haeif, the tendency is to anc of Leonard Jam-son. Hockland• Abntr, vat murdered. pneumonia esc^rators, freight handlers, longshoremen, ! tom* administrative bill iccideot or suicide probably never will be all ahouid see to it that ita are father of Seth P. He *»i found this on hit bed at swamped. ftngv no' 111 n11 iji M carpenters. Amalgamated and Protective Bland of Missouri offered an amendment Burnham. Curiis Corners. morning mown. Me. j1 hi* is no Portland, fattened upon them. -f» 4-1 ■* (* I* residence, two miles from too London. Jan. 25 —There cessation Cioudy W«avers* Union, Knigh s of Labor, sod an that articles abroad Hopki !*• The circulation ipbla I tfl OH. • t load? providing purchased village on ihe Het niker road, toms nine in the gale* that in E r,irhan(p Boi I4I1C need# to be quickened | aihl. tic club, met here to form the More Duty on G anita Ask d For. heavy prevail iglanJ, \orfMjt I On. »| < lott<4W«s. today, by the exchange of product# of agriculture miles CONDENSED DESPATCHES. and the floods IftBlMdtf the •fern toned up so aa to enable nature from thi city | roper. His limbs were continue *'‘•hlngtOB | M t 0 F.. | { 10,1,1 <-••*. Fall River Trades Council The council1 exported from the United States shall be Congressman Morse of Massachusetts 'o a*aert beraeif and throw it off or better V J«iiy M (t W. 1*! (luudy. protudmg ai d batwing from the tile of the London. Jan 26 —The galea continued will interest itself in all labor matters that admitted free of in cartons, crates, before the committee on •till o it Boston I 44 ONE.! duty appeared ways bed and frozen. His wat con- prevent altogether Brown # In P.CloaSy. come before the and will be badly body rhe Pith of tba Taken From tbe with mcretsing strength and in —* legislature, boxes, cases, sacks or of auv and means News velocity • ant Relief haa P. C.—Partiy ctoady covering Saturday morning. He thought chilled, but it it now been found to be a apecifl. conducted the the main j siderably thought that the southern portion of England through- after style of kiod. Lost—113 to 113. the on 5U Curieut Events of tbe for la and if duty granite should be advauced bit death wat not caused Two Day. grippe" taken in a little cold unions in Boston and New York- Senator by freesiug out to lay. Breckenridge, Arkansas.offered an amend per ceut. He had received a communica- warer upon in the and retir ugly bruises on hit head and a cut Menai strait in Wales is rendered itu- riamg morning Howard was elected president. A oommit-' meat that sec 19 shall not Dearly mg at providing apply tion from the Granite Cutlers' Uuion of in inch over hit left increases the night will prevent your having tee of three were to draw a long eye The loss by the burning of the Scotland. passable by the fury of the gale. Many appointed up to necessary for tbe shipment of Mass a reduc- 22DmK!>2V3% coverings (Juincv, protesting against radnily that he waa office sailor* have beeu «riPP«'’ m growing suspicion ?onn post is $2800; insurance swept overboard and jann.il code of rules and to devise means to raise fruits, glassware, china and machinery tion of and mu increase of MAINE DISPATCHES. duty demanding foully dealt with. 11800 A considerable amount of mail drowned. funds for the expeuae of the committees Loat by a tie vote—115 to 115. ihe present Under ihe duty. present duty A thorough put mortem examination natter was burned. There is no clue to The hound from r-, *f.wn sent before the n tbe com- ship Irrx, Greenock for „„ legislature bearing. Acting under tbs instruct! of it was statec that $4o.»5u worth of Scotch will be held r.uiiwi HiWritHil. j.immmhmhmi tomorrow and the corouer's in- he burglars. Rio J«neiro was wreck d off the Neidle*. mittee of wavs and mean* offered came ! I,, n all I (MHMMHI II McKinley granite to Bostou last year. He said o( Sailors oo the laioe jueit will continue its tiit.ngt Several of tne crew were drowned. Tha J<M» INNI IMI Hardships the as an additional section: that if was Tbe engine of the Boston train due at f Lt(ia. A MINE FLOODED. following the duty reduced the granite Beck has been in bad odium for tome i n> 47 1* II *»1 survivor* t«» the rigging all Sat- I « M<lr>l >A(<, Any merchandise deposited in any public manufacturers of New Ei would be Por land at 5 P M Saturday broke bo»h clung day •-* •••"» 4*1 *71 HO Coast.
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