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1991 The German Reputation of the Peter Zenzinger

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The German Reputation of the Makars

No country outside the English-speaking world has dedicated more scholarly work to older Scottish poetry than Germany. This survey (which includes Austrian and Swiss because of their related scholarly traditions) will concentrate on the written literature of the Early and Middle Scots period; but it will also, though less systematically, consider the recep­ tion of the traditional Scottish as the major exponent of 's oral tradition. Since the full titles and publishing data are given in the bibliogra­ phies at the end of this survey, studies will only be referred to in a shortened form in the text. Before the German literati directed their attention to the Scottish makars around the middle of the nineteenth century, they regarded the older as almost synonymous with the ballad of tradition-or, for that matter, with Ossian. Addison's praise of Chevy Chase roused an immediate interest in the ballad: its simplicity and tragic world view strongly appealed to German poets and critics. Its first translation was made in 1739 by Gottsched's wife. In 1749, Klopstock wrote an imitation of the poem; and in 1758 Gleim made the Chevy Chase stanza popular in Germany in his collec­ tion of poems entitled Preussische Kriegslieder (Prussian War Songs). When Percy's Reliques appeared in 1765, reviewers immediately called for a Ger­ man Percy. Herder, who translated The Hunting of the Cheviot, and , thought there was nothing in modem poetry to match the old , or Volkslieder, as he called them, and recommended their imita­ tion (1773). Burger's ballad imitation Lenore of 1773 was translated into English by Sir Walter Scott and has become a well-known example of the The Gennan Reputation of the Makars 91 mutual influence of Scottish and Gennan literature in the nineteenth century. Goethe's art ballads written under the influence of the Scottish ballads, his theory of the folk ballad as the Ur-Ei of poetry that combines lyric, dramatic, and epic elements, and his praise of Edward as the greatest example of bal­ ladry are too well-known to need further comment here. The enthusiasm for the Scottish ballad continued until the early 1850s, when Theodor Fontane translated The HWlting of the Cheviot once more, along with Sir Patrick Spens, The Twa Corbies, Edward and Thomas Rhymer. Edward was set to music by Carl Loewe (1818), Franz Schubert (1827), and Johannes Brahms (1878); Loewe also wrote lieder based on Thomas Rhymer and The Nut­ Brown Maid; Haydn arranged old Scottish tunes and published them as Altschottische Balladen und Lieder (1804). The communal theory of Herder and the Grimm brothers that viewed the ballad as a collective product of the folk, its simplicity and terseness, and its tragic world view appealed strongly to the writers of the Sturm-und-Drang period and of Gennan Romanticism; these writers saw a close resemblance between the Scottish and the Gennan frame of mind, they appropriated the Scottish ballad as Shakespeare was appropriated by Schlegel and Tieck (cf. Bouterwek [1809], Fiedler [1846], Gatschenberger [1859]). This attitude lasted well into the twentieth century: writing in 1936, Wolfgang Kayser claimed that the ballad is essentially a Gennan literary genre, and the unflag­ ging interest of Gennan scholars in the traditional ballad must certainly be seen against this background. The makars remained relatively unknown to the Gennan literati of the eighteenth century. The Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschaften und Ktlnste of 1734 only mentions , whose "eloquence and good sense" receives some laudatory comment (vol. 7), even though the "Schottlandische Sprache" is elsewhere called "a corrupt variant of English" (vol. 35). Dur­ ing the late Romantic period, a more favorable climate for the reception of older poetry developed, and the makars now received a greater share of at­ tention. Friedrich Bouterwek (1809) thinks the Scottish makars superior to their English contemporaries and attributes their merit to the influence that "the old vigorous nature poetry of the ballads and songs" had on their works. James I, to whom he ascribes Christis Kirk and Peblis to the Play, is quoted as a major example of a nobleman writing in the popular strain. Bouterwek praises 's Bruce as the greatest poem of its period, both in Scotland and England, he sees in Alexander Barclay and the greatest stylists of the fifteenth century, recommends 's pleasant sense of local color and Gavin Douglas's powerful feeling for nature, and speaks warmly of 's childlike innocence and truth of feeling. On the other hand, Alexander Scott and are cited as minor poets that reflect the gradual decline of Scottish poetry in the sixteenth 92 Peter Zenzinger century. , whom Bouterwek omits, receives brief mention in Ersch and Gruber's Allgemeine Encyclopiidie der Wissenschaften und Kunste (1818 ff.) and in Meyer's Grosses Conversations-Lexicon (1840-55). For the generation of the ftrst German revolution (1848), John Barbour held a particular attraction. Fiedler (1846) calls Barbour a poet that can be regarded almost as Chaucer's peer. Scherr (1854) praises the poetic and historical merit of the Bruce. Gatschenberger (1859), who offers the most complete and influential survey of earlier Scottish poetry to appear until that date, admires the dignifted subject-matter, poetic spirit, lively descriptions, noble thoughts, and harmonious verses of the Bruce; being a song of free­ dom, this poem ranks above all other chronicles and tales of that period, he claims. The attribution of the Troy-Book, the Legends of the Saints and other spurious works to Barbour made him one of the most widely discussed early Scottish poets in nineteenth-century Germany. The other favorite of German scholars was Dunbar. Behnsch's literary history of 1853 has a major chapter on this poet. Scherr calls Dunbar "the most excellent of all the Scottish followers of Chaucer . . . who does not compare unfavorably with his model in comic verse narrative and moral alle­ gory." According to Gatschenberger, Dunbar is the star of greatest splendor in the poetic ftrmament of his time; he can vie with Chaucer for knowledge and human understanding, versatility of genius and picturesque description; in the burlesque genre he even sUIpasses his master. Gatschenberger, like Philippi (1847) and Scherr before him, also pays due respect to the poetic genius of James I; but he ftnds less and less to admire in the later poets. He claims that Douglas, whose verses are based more on art than nature, "does not reach Dunbar"; Lyndsay, he says, has imagination and talent but is too gross, far removed from the refmed culture of a Surrey or Wyatt. Scott, Maitland, Montgomerie and gain little praise-they are de­ scribed as outmoded and showing few traces of true poetry. The influence of Gatschenberger's assessment shows in what was to be­ come the standard textbook for the study of Old and Middle English litera­ ture for more than half a century, Julius Zupitza's Alt- una mittelenglisches Ubungsbuch, ftrst published in 1874 (with the fourteenth and last edition coming out in 1931). Its texts include passages from the Bruce, the Wallace, The Kingis Quair, and Kynd Kyttock and four other poems by Dunbar. Con­ spicuously, Henryson is missing, although his Poems and Fables had been made available in 's edition nine years before; nor are the later poets included, perhaps because Zupitza shared Giitschenberger's doubts about their merit, or simply because he did not consider them "mittelenglisch" any more. The neglect of Henryson is a striking feature of the remainder of the nineteenth century; while there was an enormous upsurge in Middle Scots The German Reputation of the Makars 93 studies, no monograph was written on Henryson's poems, not even after Diebler's edition of the Moral Fables (1886); literary historians such as En­ gel (1883) and K6rting (1887) continue to ignore him and ten Brink briefly dismisses him as a "pedantic schoolmaster" (1893). Brandl's appreciation (1893) is more balanced: Henry son , he suggests, was less varied, learned and dignified than Lydgate, but he gave a more healthy and natural direction to art poetry than Lydgate and thus paved the way to its high water mark in the early sixteenth century. Wiilker (1896) does appreciate the "excellent humour" of Robene and Makyne but finds little originality in Orpheus, the Testament and the Moral Fables. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century is Henryson treated occasionally at some length, but always in larger thematic contexts such as the tradition of the animal fable or the Orpheus motif in English literature. Barbour continued to be held in high esteem. Ten Brink praises his his­ torical faithfulness, lyrical quality and psychological insight and concludes: "English literature-and, indeed, Scottish literature-can show no more bril­ liant or richer nature than his." Eduard Engel refers to the Bruce as a "wonderful hymn to freedom that has no equal in the European literature of that early period." Brandl admires the blend of popular and courtly elements in Barbour. Dunbar had been discussed mainly as the author of The Thrissil and the Rois, The Golden Targe, The Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins and a few court poems, until Jakob Schipper drew attention to the whole scope of Dunbar's work in his influential study of 1884. While Brandl relished the luscious joy of Renaissance life in Dunbar and appreciated the poet's bridg­ ing of high and low, Wiilker dismissed Dunbar's allegories as stilted and of little attraction to the modem reader and recommended his occasional poems and humorous satires. Gavin Douglas was gaining in esteem after Paul Lange's study of 1882. He was now hailed as Scotland's first humanist, who, in spite of the English influence on his early works, had created origi­ nal Scottish poetry which showed in his "pithy charm" and richly colorful language (ten Brink, Wiilker). David Lyndsay was seen as a keener and more successful satirist than Dunbar, though lacking the older poet's bril­ liance. But The Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis found relatively few admirers. Wiilker even quotes it as proof "that the dramatic genre was not advanced by the Scots." The host of philological and literary studies published in Germany and Austria in the forty years before World War I contributed significantly to­ wards a systematic scrutiny of the older Scottish language, the metrics of the makars, their literary technique, sources and influence, and their biographical and historical background. Journals such as Anglia, Englische Studien and Herrig's Archiv were a regular forum for new discoveries and theories and scholarly disputes on these issues; Middle Scots poetry was firmly established 94 Peter Zenzinger in the Gennan university syllabuses, and the result was a steady flow of doctoral theses, covering the whole field from Huchon to Montgomerie and the legends and romances. Barbour and Douglas continued to receive partic­ ular attention in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, followed by Lyndsay, Blind Harry, and Dunbar. Schipper's edition of Dunbar's poems (1892-94) is still one of the best texts, although many of his aesthetic judg­ ments and his attempts at establishing a chronology of Dunbar's works have been superseded by modem Dunbar scholarship. Schipper also edited the poems of (1902), which encouraged several studies on this poet in the years that followed. On the whole, it was less the field of aesthetic criticism and interpreta­ tion than that of positivistic studies that Gennan and Austrian scholars of that period excelled in. The facts accumulated in these works might make dip­ ping into them from time to time still worthwhile. While obviously some of their conclusions have been superseded (the Huchon question or the canon of Barbour's poetry are cases in point), several of the questions discussed in re­ cent decades (such as the authorship of King Han) had been raised and some of the answers anticipated by Gennan scholars at the tum of the century. In spite of the impressive number of books and articles on the makars, research on the popular ballad outshone them all. Child's ballad collection of 1882-98 rekindled interest in the traditional ballad, and between 1897 and 1914 more than twenty doctoral theses on the Scottish folk ballad came out in Gennany, along with numerous articles on this subject. Again, most of them were positivistic studies, many of them centering on fonnulaic expressions (e.g. Wirth [1897]; Fehr [1900]) and recurring motifs (religion and supersti­ tion in the English and Scottish folk ballads, magic, the elves, premonitions, dreams, disguise, hypocrisy, betrayal, love and marriage, etc.). While around the middle of the century Ludwig Lemcke had warned against the "nonsense" of collating and merging various ballad versions, which, he said, resulted in "downright miscarriages" (1862), Alois Brandl now suggested that the new task of ballad research should be the critical reconstruction of the original versions of the (1898), and Max Forster included some reconstructed and "purified" versions in his 1904 edition of British Classical Authors, one of the most important textbooks for Gennan school and university students, which was frequently reprinted. Karl Nessler, on the other hand, introduced the method of version comparison in his thesis on the Chevy Chase ballad (1911) to detennine the stages of development of the ballad tradition, a method taken up and perfected by Gabriele Humbert (1932) and Wolfgang Schmidt (1933). Like Kittredge, these critics stressed the positive side of oral tradition, the creative aspect of the development of new versions, rather than looking down upon them as corruptions of an original version. The German Reputation of the Makars 95

The outbreak of World War I put an end to the flourishing Gennan re­ search on Middle Scots poetry; the new beginning after the war was only a faint echo of the fonner academic tradition. There is one thesis on Barbour's syntactic use of the article (191411920), one on the authorship of The Kingis Quair (1923), one on the Scandinavian loan words in Douglas (1925), one on Middle Scots rhyme words, and one on the animals in Middle Scots poetry (1932). Then an absolute blank for thirty-five years, until, in 1967, the next Gennan thesis in this field appeared. To point to anti-English or anti-Scottish feelings in connection with the two world wars as an explanation for this sudden lack of interest is not con­ vincing. Burns and Carlyle, for instance, continued to be taught and studied in Gennany, and, of course, the traditional Scottish ballad enjoyed an un­ abated popularity with Gennan scholars. The reasons for this sudden slump lie elsewhere: first, the importance of English philology with the emphasis on the older fonns of the language and their use in literary texts was reduced, after World War I, in favor of a new concept of literary studies that laid greater emphasis on texts of the new English period. Second, positivism ceased to be the central scholarly method, and as there had hardly been any other approach in the Gennan studies of Middle Scots the subject-matter fell into disgrace with the methodology. Third, the courtly tradition of most Middle Scots poetry lost its attraction for Gennans, who tended to be more interested in folk or working-class traditions in the interwar and Nazi per­ iods. Nationalism and patriotism were becoming important issues, and it is certainly no coincidence that the only monograph on early Scottish literature to come out in the thirties was Friedrich Brie's Die nationale Literatur Schottlands (1937), an important study of the rise of Scottish nationalism in the Middle Ages and its expression in the Bruce, the Wallace and other early Scottish poets. Barbour had continued to hold a special attraction for the Gennans. A students' textbook of 1917 contained passages from the Bruce in the Gennan translation, and the first doctoral thesis after the First World War was, as we have seen, on Barbour; in his history of English medieval literature, Hans Hecht (1927) praises the Bruce as "a work of important cre­ ative power, high ethics and glowing patriotism, whose proud fanfares intro­ duced Scottish national literature in a great and dignified manner." In Rolf Kaiser's anthology Medieval English (1954) the only Scottish poet included is Barbour. Given the dearth of older Scottish studies in Gennany since 1914, Kurt Wittig's The Scottish Tradition in Literature (1958) with its important chap­ ters on Barbour, Henry son , Dunbar, Douglas and Lyndsay is an achievement that cannot be ranked too highly. Significantly, Wittig drew on the results of British, and particularly Scottish, rather than Gennan scholarship, and the 96 Peter Zenzinger fact that the book was written in English indicates that Wittig must have had some doubts as to its marketability in Germany. Yet it has certainly con­ tributed to a new, if moderate, interest in older Scottish poetry on the part of German scholars. Since Wittig's book there have been five dissertations on older Scottish literature, four German and one Austrian, all published between 1967 and 1973. Schunk (1967) wrote on Alexander Barclay's Ship oj Fools, a work that has always been of some interest to Germans because of its relationship to Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff; Bitterling (1969) provides a complete glos­ sary for Barbour's Bruce; Kuss (1970) analyzes Dunbar's phonology and grammar; Hirschberg (1970) interprets The Kingis Quair as an ironic adapta­ tion of the dream vision; and Hildebrand (1973) places Henryson's Moral Fables against the background of the tradition of fables and animal poems. Surveying the work done by German-language scholars on Middle Scots poetry in the sixties, seventies and eighties, one can see that the reputation of the individual makars has undergone a significant change. Henryson, who for so long had been neglected by German scholars, has been treated eleven times, as often as Barbour, James I, Dunbar, and Douglas taken together. All these Henryson studies center on the Testament oj Cresseid and the Moral Fables; two anthologies of medieval texts, edited by Fichte (1980) and Bergner (1986), also include passages from the Moral Fables. (In Fichte this is the only Middle Scots text; Bergner also has Dunbar's Dance oj the Seven Deadly Sins.) It is also no coincidence that the two major German encyclo­ pedias, Meyer's and Brockhaus, have entries on Henryson again in their most recent editions after neglecting this poet for a long period. Some of the recent German studies continue the old philological tradi­ tion. Those that show a stronger interest in the literary aspects seem to have one concern in common: they underline the quality of innovation in what were formerly called the Scottish Chaucerians and point to the changes in the poetic tradition due to the poets' firm roots in the realities of contemporary life. In his article on Douglas's translation of the Aeneid, Kasmann (1964) still takes a largely negative view of these changes when he argues that Dou­ glas the humanist aimed at exactitude in his translation but that Douglas the poet was frequently constrained by contemporary ideas and formal conven­ tions and that therefore Eneados is stylistically off the mark. Schwend (1984) stresses Barbour's pragmatism and calls for a new and larger defIni­ tion of the concept of religion in his work. Mehl (1978) sees Middle Scots as a largely independent dialect which the traditional English models could not be adapted to without undergoing profound alterations; in a later article on the Moral Fables (1984) he talks of a new freedom Henryson had gained vis-a-vis the moral code of the original fables, an argument that links this study with Hildebrand's. In her article on "Henryson's Departure from the The German Reputation of the Makars 97

Medieval Nonn" (1966), Siegmund-Schulze sees the progressive element mainly in the narrative part of the fables and in their detachment from the moral, and she quotes Henryson' s emphasis on everyday life, the local rather than the international, the creative rather than the didactic as signs of a new development. Kohl (1981) claims that Henryson introduces a new cultural rule when he propagates worldly love as a value in itself in The Testament of Cresseid and he points to the persona of the unreliable narrator ~.s a tactical device to make this view acceptable to the authorities. In his habilitation the­ sis on the English late Middle Ages (1986) Kohl expands this theme, adding The Kingis Quair as a second Scottish example, and tries to show, in a structuralist approach, how these deviations fonn the medieval nonn can be described and classified. I do not have the time to summarize the recent work done on the tradi­ tional ballad. Suffice it to say that there is still a steady stream of disserta­ tions, articles and editions in this field. Among the most interesting studies is that of Woltbart Anders (1974); like David Buchan in The Ballad and the Folk (1972) Anders puts the emphasis on the oral method of composition, on the re-creation of the ballad at every perfonnance. Wolfgang Muller's intro­ duction to the English and Scottish folk ballad (1983) contains aforschungs­ bericht with many details on recent Gennan research. There are, then, a few recent Gennan studies that open up new vistas and try out new approaches, although, it must be admitted, the bulk of twentieth-century Gennan criticism of earlier Scottish poetry is old-fashioned in its methodology and derivative in its results. Quite palpably, medieval Scottish studies are no longer part of the vital Gennan academic tradition, and seminars on the makars have become very rare. When in the sixties modem linguistics became an alternative to medieval philology, the number of courses declined rapidly. The General Preface to the Canterbury Tales is often the only medieval text Gennan students will read, and Middle Scots poetry will remain for a long time, I am afraid, the domain of a few admir­ ers.

Technische Universitlit 98 Peter Zenzinger


(Works not examined are marked by an asterisk.)

Part I

Excluding the Traditional Ballad 1734 Grosses vollstandiges Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und Kiinste, vol. 7 (Halle/Leipzig: Zedler). [Articles on Gavin Dou­ glas and "SchottIiindische Sprache. "] [1

1809 Bouterwek, Friedrich. Geschichte der Poesie und Beredsamkeit, vol. 7 (Gottingen: Rower). [2

1828 Allgemeine Encyclopiidie der Wissenschaften und Kiinste, ed. J. F. Ersch and J. G. Gruber (Leipzig: Gleditsch/Brockhaus). [Articles on Dunbar, Henry the Minstrel and Henryson.] [3

1840 Universal-Lexikon der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, ed. H. A. Pierer, 2nd edn. (Altenburg: Pierer). [Articles on Barbour and Douglas.] [4

1844 Das grosse Conversations-Lexiconfiir die gebildeten Stande, ed. J. Meyer (Hildburghausen: Bibliographisches Institut, 1840-55). [Articles on Barbour, Barclay, Dunbar, Henryson, Henry the Min­ strel; brief mention of the poetry of James I.] [5

1846 Fiedler, Eduard. Geschichte der volksthilmlichen schottischen Lieder-Dichtung (Leipzig: Violet). 2nd edn. 1858. [6

1847 Philippi, P. Review of No.6, Archiv, 2, 191-201. [7 1850 Weismann, Heinrich. Alexander: Gedicht des zwoljten Jahrhun­ derts, vom Pfaffen Lamprecht, 2 vols. (Frankfurt am Main: Lite­ rarische Anstalt). [2, 385-9. On the Book ofAlexander.] [8

1853 Behnsch, Ottomar. Geschichte der englischen Sprache und Lite- ratur von den iiltesten Zeiten bis zur Einfiihrung der Buch­ druckerkunst (Breslau: Kern). ["Schottische Dichter": pp. 203-16.] [9 1854 Scherr, Johannes. Geschichte der Englischen Literatur (Leipzig: Wigand). 2nd edn. 1874. [10 The German Reputation of the Makars 99

1859 Gatschenberger, Stephan. Geschichte der englischen Literatur (Prague: Kober & Markgraf), vol. 1. 2nd edn. 1874: Geschichte der Englischen Dichtkunst (London: Wohlauer). [11 1867 Matzner, Eduard, ed. Altenglische Sprachproben nebst einem Wonerbuche (Berlin: Weidmann). [12 1873 Kaufmann, Johann. Traite de la langue du poete ecossais William Dunbar. Diss. Bonn (Bonn: Carl Georgi). [13 1874 Wiilcker, Richard Paul. Altenglisches Lesebuch, 2 vols. (Halle: Lippert, 1874-9). [Vol. 2 includes passages from Barbour's Bruce.] [14

Zupitza, Julius. Altenglisches Ubungsbuch zum Gebrauche bei Universitats- Vorlesungen (later title: A It- und mittelenglisches Ubungsbuch) (/Leipzig: Braumiiller). 14th edn. 1931. [15 1877 Regel, Ernst. An Inquiry into the Phonetic Peculiarities of Bar­ bour's Bruce. Progr. Gera (Gera: Issleib & Rietzschel). [16

ten Brink, Bernhard. Geschichte der englischen Literatur (Berlin: Oppenheim; Strassburg: Triibner), vol. 1; vol. 2: 1889. 2nd edn. 1899. Trans. as History of English Literature (London: G. Bell & Sons, 1883-96). [17

1878 B6dekker, K., ed. Altenglische Dichtungen des ms. Harl. 2253. Mit Grammatik und Glossar (Berlin: Weidmann). [18

Horstmann, Carl, ed. "Susanna." Anglia, 1, 85-101. [Text, with critical introduction, of pseudo-Huchon, Susanna (Ms. Vernon, fol. 317).] [19 K6lbing, Eugen. Review of No. 18. Englische Studien, 2, 499- 517. [20 Trautmann, Moritz. "Der Dichter Huchown und seine Werke." Anglia, 1, 109-49. [21 1879 [Horstmann, Carl], ed. "Nachtrage zu den Legenden." Archiv, 62, 397-413. [Prints the Scottish Alexis legend and the Cotton text of pseudo-Huchon, Susanna.] [22 Trautmann, Moritz, ed. "The Knightly Tale of Golagros and Gawane." Anglia, 2, 395-440. [23 100 Peter Zenzinger

Wii1cker, Richard Paul, ed. Altenglisches Lesebuch zum Ge­ brauche bel Vorlesungen und zum Selbstuntemcht. 2. 1heil: Die Zeit von 1350-1500 umfassend. (Halle: Niemeyer). [24 1880 Brandl, Alois, ed. Thomas of Erceldoune (Berlin: Weidmann). Sammlung englischer Denkmaler in kritischen Ausgaben, 2. [25

Kolbing, Eugen. "Kleine Beitriige zur Erklii.rung und Textkritik englischer Dichter." Englische Studien, 3, 92-105. [On Sir Eger and Sir Gryme: pp. 101, 105.] [26 Zupitza, Julius. Review of No. 18. Anzeiger fUr deutsches AI­ terthum, 6, 1-38. [27 1881 Brandl, Alois. Review of Nos. 29 and 30. Literaturblatt fUr ger- manische und romanische Philologie, 2, 397-400. [28 Horstmann, Carl, ed. Barbour's, des schottischen Na­ tionaldichters Legendensammlung, nebst den Fragmenten seines Trojanerkrieges, 2 vols. (Heilbronn: Henninger, 1881-2). [29 ---, ed. Altenglische Legenden. Neue Folge (Heilbronn: Henninger). Rptd. Hildesheim/New York: DIms, 1969. [pp. lxxxix-cix, 189-208. Saints legends attributed to Barbour.] [30 Schipper, Jakob. Englische Metrik. 1. Theil: Altenglische Metrik (Bonn: E. Strauss). [31 Zupitza, Julius. Review of No. 30. Deutsche Litteratuneitung, 2, ~3~. D2 1882 Lange, Paul. Chaucer's Einjluss aUf die Originaldichtungen des Scholten Gavin Douglas. Diss. Halle. Published in Anglia, 6 (1883), 46-95. [33

Schroder, Edward. Review of No. 29. Anzeiger fUr deutsches Alterthum, 8, 333-5; 9 (1883), 276-83. [34 ---. Review of No. 30. Anzeiger fUr deutsches Alterthum, 8, 98-125. [35

1883 Engel, Eduard. Geschichte der Englischen Literatur von ihren Anfangen bis aUf die neueste Zeit (Leipzig: Elischer). 9th edn. The German Reputation of the Makars 101

1921 (Leipzig: Brandstetter). [Ch. 1.6, "Chaucer's Zeitgenos­ sen," treats Barbour, Henry the Minstrel, Dunbar, and James I.] [36 Lubke, Hermann. The Aunters of Arthur at the Tem-Wathelau. Teil 1: (Handschriften, Metrik, Veifasser). Diss. Berlin (Berlin: O. Oehring). [37 1884 Schipper, Jakob. William Dunbar, sein Leben und seine Gedichte in Analysen und ausgewlihlten Ubersetzungen nebst einem Abriss der altschottischen Poesie (Berlin: Oppenheim; Strassburg: Triib­ ner). [38 Seifert, Julius. Alexander Barclay's "Ship of Fools." Progr. Briinn. [39 Varnhagen, Hermann. "Die kleineren Gedichte der Vemon- und Simeon-Handschrift." Anglia, 7, 280-315. [40 1885 Brandes, Hermann. "Die mittelenglische Destruction of Troy und ihre QueUe." Englische Studien, 8, 398-410. [Attributes Troy to Huchon.] [41 Brandscheid, P. "Uber die Quellen des stabreimenden Morte Arthure." Allglia, 8 (Anzeiger), 179-236 [42 Diebler, Arthur Richard, ed. Henrisone's Fabeldichtungen. Diss. Leipzig (Halle: Karras). [See also No. 48.] [43 [Horstmann, Carl]. "Nachtriige zu den Legenden." Archiv, 74, 339-44. [Pseudo-Huchon, Susanna, Phillipps MS 8252.] [44 Knauff, Gustav. Studien fiber Sir David Lyndsay. Diss. Berlin (Berlin: Schade). [45 1886 Baudisch, Julius. Uber die Charaktere im Bruce des altschotti­ schen Dichters John Barbour. Progr. Marburg. [46 Buss, Paul. Sind die von Horstmann herausgegebenen schottischen Legenden ein Werk Barbere's [sic]? Diss. Gottingen (Halle: Kar­ ras). Also printed in Anglia, 9, 493-515. [On the saints legends and Troy fragments.] [47 Diebler, Arthur Richard, ed. "Henrisone's Fabeln." Anglia, 9, 337-90; 453-92. [48 102 Peter Zenzinger

Henschel, Friedrich Hugo. Darstellung der Flexionslehre in John Barbour's Bruce: Ein Beitrag zur Kennmis des Altschottischen. Diss. Leipzig (Leipzig: Leopold & Bar). [49

1887 Hahn, Odwart. Zur Verbal- und Nominal-Flexion bel Robert Bums [1]; bei den schottischen Dichtem (John Barbour - Robert Bums [IT-ill], 3 vols. (Berlin: Gaertner, 1887-9). [50

Kolbing, Eugen. Review of No. 38. Englische Studien, 10, 126- 33. [51

Koeppel, Emil. "Die Fragmente von Barbour's Trojanerkrieg." Englische Studien, 10, 373-82. [52

Korting, Gustav. Grundriss der Geschichte der englischen Lite­ ratur von ihren Anflingen bis zur Gegenwart (Munster: SchO­ ningh). 5th edn. 1910. [53

Schmidt, Heinrich. Richard Stanyhursts Obersetzung von Vergils

"Aeneide, /I I-IV: lhr Verhiilmis zum Original, Stil, Wortschatz. Diss. Breslau (Breslau: Schreiber). [Comparison with Douglas's Eneados.] [54

Wischmann, Walther. Untersuchungen aber das Kingis Quair Ja­ kobs 1. von Schottland. Diss. Berlin (Wismar: Hinstorff'sche Raths-Buchdruckerei). [55

1889 Fiby, Franz. Zur Laut- und Flexionslehre in Barbour's schotti­ schen Legenden. Progr. Brunn. [56

Flugel, Ewald. "Liedersammlungen des XIV. lahrhunderts, be­ sonders aus der Zeit Henrich's vm." Anglia, 12,225-72; 585-97. [57

Luick, Karl. "Die englische Stabreirnzeile im XIV., XV. und XVI. lahrhundert." Anglia, 11, 392-443; 553-618. [58

---. "Zur Metrik der mittelenglischen reimend-alliterierenden Dichtung." Anglia, 12, 437-53. [Examples from Dunbar, Douglas, Holland, and various Scottish romances.] [59

Noltemeier, Otto. "Uber die Sprache des Gedichtes 'The Knightly Tale of Golagros and Gawane. '" Diss. Marburg. [60 The Gennan Reputation of the Makars 103

1891 Aschenberg, Heinrich. Sir David Lyndsays Leben und Werke. 1. Sein Leben. (Monchen-Gladbach: Schellmann; Leipzig: Fock). Frogr. Nr. 490. [61 Schipper, Jakob, ed. The Poems of William Dunbar. 5 parts in 4 vols. Part 5 has the title: Anonymous Early Scottish Poems (Vienna: Tempsky, 1891-4). Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 40-43. [62 1892 Brade, Oscar Gustav. Uber Huchown's Pistil of Swete Susan. Diss. Breslau (Trebnitz: Maretzke & Martin). [63 Gutmann, Joseph. Untersuchungen Uher das mittelenglische Gedicht "The Buke of the Howlat." Diss. Halle (Berlin/Halle: Vogt). [64 Kaluza, Max. "Strophische Gliederung in der mittelenglischen rein alliterierenden Dichtung." EngUsche Studien, 16, 169-80. [65 Kissel, Julius. Das Sprichwort bei dem mittelschottischen Dichter Sir David Lyndsay. Diss. Erlangen (Niimberg: F. Monninger). [66

Lengert, Oscar, ed. Die schottische Romanze Roswall and Lillian. Diss. Breslau (Leipzig: Reisland). Also published in Englische Studien, 16,321-56 and 17, 341-77. [67 1893 Brandl, Alois. "Mittelenglische Literatur (1100-1500)." Grund­ riss der gennanischen Phil%gie, ed. Hermann Paul, vol. 3 (Strassburg: Triibner). [John Barbour: pp. 665-7; 15th-c. Scot­ land: pp. 712-8.] [68 Diebler, Arthur Richard, ed. Holland's Buke of the Houlate MS. published from the Bannatyne MS. with Studies in the Plot, Age and Structure of the Poem. Frogr. Chemnitz. Additions in AngUa, 16 (1894), 385-6. [69 Herrmann, Albert. Untersuchungen Uher das schottische Alexan­ derbuch. Diss. Halle-Wittenberg (Halle/Berlin: C. Vogt). [70 Homeber, Ferdinand. Uber King Hart und Testament of the Pa­ pyngo. Frogr. Straubing (Straubing: Attenkofersche Buch­ drnckerei). [Questions Douglas's authorship of King Hart; sees no direct influence on Lyndsay's poem.] [71 104 Peter Zenzinger

Kolkwitz, Max [Karl Paul]. Das Satzgejage in Barber's [sic] Bruce und Henry's Wallace: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der altschottischen Syntax. Diss. Halle-Wittenberg (Halle/Berlin: Vogt). [72

Reichel, Georg. Studien zu der schottischen Romanze: The His­ tory of Sir Ega, Sir Grime and Sir-Gray-Steel. Diss. Breslau. Published in Englische Studien, 19, 1-66. [73

Schipper, Jakob. "Fremde Metra." Grundriss der germanischen Philologie, ed. Hermann Paul, voL 2 (Strassburg: Triibner). [On The Kingis Quair.] [74 ---. "Zu Dunbar." Archiv, 91, 241. [On Dunbar's "To the City of London. If] [75

Tonndorf, Max. Rauf Coilyear: Ein mittelschottisches Gedicht. Literarische, sprachliche und metrische Untersuchungen. Diss. Halle-Wittenberg (Halle/Berlin: C. Vogt). Rptd. as introduction to Tonndorf's edn. of RaufCoilyear (1894). [76

Zupitza, Julius. "Zu Dunbar." Archiv, 90, 151. [On Dunbar's "To the City of London. It] [77

1894 Bearder, John William. Ober den Gebrauch der Prapositionen in der altschottischen Poesie. Diss. Giessen (Halle: Karras). [78 Frau stadt , Fedor. Uber das Verhliltnis von Barclay's "Ship of Fools" zur lateinischen, jranzosischen und deutschen QueUe. Diss. Breslau (Breslau: Nischkowsky). [79

Hoffmann, Oskar. Studien zu Alexander Montgomerie. Diss. Breslau (Altenburg: Pierersche Hofbuchdruckerei). Also pub­ lished in Englische Studien, 20 (1895), 24-69. [80

Tonndorf, Max, ed. The Taill of Rauf Coilyear. Mit literarischer, historischer, grammatischer und metrischer Einleitung (Berlin: C. Vogt). [81

1895 Heuser, Wilhelm. "Ai und ei, unorganisch und etymologisch berechtigt, in der Cambridger Handschrift des Bruce." Anglia, 17, 91-105. [82

KOibing, Eugen. Review of No. 62. Englische Studien, 20, 439- 48. [83 The Gennan Reputation of the Makars 105

Koster, Hans, ed. Huchown's Pistel of Swete Susan (Strassburg: Triibner). Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Cu1- turgeschichte der gennanischen Volker, 76. [84 1896 Bertram, A. Essays on the Dialect, Language and Metre of "Ratis

Raving. If Progr. Sondershausen [Only on the fIrst part of the poem. Meter not treated.] [85 Brotanek, Rudolf. Untersuchungen Uher das Leben und die Dich­ tungen Alexander Montgomeries. Diss. Vienna, 1893 (Vienna! Leipzig: Braumiiller). Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Philologie, 3. Rptd. New York: Johnson Reprint, 1964. [86

Heuser, Wilhelm. "Offenes und geschlossenes ee im Schottischen und Nordenglischen." Anglia, 18, 114-28. [Examples from Blind Harry's Wallace and Henryson's Moral Fabels: pp. 114-28.] [87 Trautmann, Moritz. "Zur Kenntnis und Geschichte der mittel­ englischen Stabzeile." Anglia, 18, 83-100. [Includes discussion of the Scottish tradition.] [88

Wiilker, Richard. Geschichte der englischen Literatur von den al­ testen Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart, vol. 1 (Leipzig: Bibliographi­ sches Institut). 2nd edn. 1906. [89 1897 Brandl, Alois. Review of J. T. T. Brown, The Authorship of The Kingis Quair (1896). Archiv, 99, 167-70. [90 Heuser, Wilhelm. "Offenes und geschlossenes ee im Schottischen und Nordenglischen." Anglia, 19, 319-47. [On Gavin Douglas: pp. 334-47.] [91 ---. "Die Dehnung -end. Die Lautveriinderung von G, e, 7 im Mittelschottischen. Der Ursprung des unorganischen i in der mit­ telschottischen Schreibung." Anglia, 19, 398-412. [Examples from various makars.] [92 Holthausen, Ferdinand. "Zu Huchown's 'Pistel of Swete Susan. '" Beiblal1 zur Anglia, 12, 373-7. [93 Kolbing, Eugen. Review of No. 84. Englische Studien, 23, 85- 95. [94 106 Peter Zenzinger

1898 Gerken, Heinrich. Die Sprache des Bischojs Dougkls von Dunkeld, nebst Anhang: Zur Echtheitsfrage des King Han (Strassburg: Triibner). [95 Hernnann, Albert. The Taymouth Castle Manuscript oj Sir Gilben Hay's "Buik oj King Alexander the Conquerour." Progr. Berlin (Berlin: R. Gaertner). [96 Hoffmann, Oskar. Review of No. 86. Englische Studien, 24, 436-41. [97 Kaluza, Max. Refutation of J. T. T. Brown, The Authorship oj The Kingis Quair (1896). Englische Studien, 24, 84-100 [98 Neumann, G. "A Treatise of London." Archiv, 101, 143-5. [On Dunbar's "To the City of London. "] [99 Wollmann, Franz. Uber politisch-satirische Gedichte aus der schottischen ReJormationszeit. Diss. Vienna, 1896 (Vienna! Leipzig: Braumiiller). Wiener Beitriige zur englischen Philologie, 8. Rptd. New York/London: Johnson Reprint, 1964. [On Dun­ bar's influence as satirist.] [100 1899 Aschauer, Edmund. "Henry the Minstrel und sein Werk." Diss. Vienna (handwritten). * [101 Baildon, Henry Bellyse. On the Rimes in the Authentic Poems oj William Dunbar. Diss. Freiburg (: Neill & Co). [102 Dalheimer, Viktor. Die Sprache Alexander Barclay's in The Shyp oJFolys oJthe Worlde (1509). Diss. Zurich. [103 Molenaar, Heinrich. Roben Bums' Beziehungen zur Litteratur. (Erlangen!Leipzig: Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchh.). Miinchener Beitriige zur romanischen und englischen Philologie, 17. [Discusses Burns's indebtedness to Middle Scots poetry.] [104 1900 Brotanek, Rudolf. Review of No. 100. Be/blatt zur Anglia, 5, 140-3. [105 Brown, John T. T. The Author oJRatis Raving (Bonn: Hanstein). Bonner Beitriige zur Anglistik, 5, 145-65. [106

---. "The Wallace" and "The Bruce II Restudied. Diss. Bonn (Bonn: Hanstein). Bonner Beitriige zur Anglistik, 6. [107 The Gennan Reputation oj the Makars 107

Christian, Carl. Die Quellen des allgemeinen Teils von Andrew oj JlYntowns Orygynale Cronyldl oj Scotland und das Verhiilmis des Chronisten zu seinen Vorlagen. Diss. Halle-Wittenberg (Berlin: Salewski). [108 Glode, Otto. Review of No. 96. Englische Studien, 27, 140-1. [109 Hemnann, Albert. "The Forraye oj Gadderis." "The Vowis." Extracts from Sir Gilben Hay's "Bulk oj King Alexander the Con­

querour. tt Progr. Berlin. [110

Heuser, Wilhelm. "Die me. Entwicklung von u in offener SHbe. fI Englische Studien, 27, 353-98. [Examples from various makars.] [111

Mennicken, Franz. Versbau und Sprache in Huchowns Mone Anhure (Bonn: Hanstein). Bonner Beitriige zur Anglistik, 5, 33- 144. [112 Ritter, Otto. Quellenstudien zu Roben Bums, 1773-1791 (Berlin: Mayer & Miiller). Palaestra, 20. [On Bums's indebtedness to Middle Scots poetry.] [113 Wiilf'mg, J. Ernst. Review of No. 107. Beiblatt zur Anglia, 11, 336-45. [114 1901 Hemnann, Albert. Review of No. 107. Archiv, 107,419-23. [115 Schipper, Jakob, ed. The Poems oj Walter Kennedy (Vienna: Gerold). Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wis­ senschaften, 48. [116

Wiilf'mg, J. Ernst. "Das Laud-Troybook. II Englische Studien, 29, 382-96. [On its links with Barbour.] [117

1902 Aschauer, Edmund. "Zur •Wallace' Frage. It Beirrage zur Neueren Philologle: Jakob Schipper zum 19. Juli 1902 do.rge­ bracht. (Wien/Leipzig: Braumiiller). pp. 132-45. [118 Brotanek, Rudolf. Review of E. Arber, ed. The Dunbar Anthol­ ogy (1901). Beiblatt zur Anglia, 13, 172-7. [119 108 Peter Zenzinger

Dittes, Rudolph. "Zu Surrey's Aeneisiibertragung." Beitriige zur Neueren Philologie, July 19, 1902, pp. 181-205. [Compares Dou­ glas and Surrey's translations.] [120

Holthausen, Ferdinand. Review of No. 112. Englische Studien, 30, 270-5. [121 Koeppel, Emil. "Sir David Lyndsays Anspielungen auf mittel­ englische Dichtungen." Archiv, 108, 60-3. [122

Mebus, Friedrich. Studien zu William Dunbar. Diss. Breslau (Breslau: Schreiber). [123

Ostermann, Ludwig. Grammatische Untersuchungen mit Rucksicht aUf die Veifasserfrage der drei sogenannten Ratis Raving-Gedichte und des Gedichtes The Thewis of Gud Women. Diss. Bonn (Halle: Karras). Complete version published as Untersuchungen zu "Ratis Raving" und dem Gedicht "The Thewis of Gud Women." (Bonn: Hanstein). Bonner Beitriige zur Anglistik, 12,41-102. [124

Schneider, Adolf. Die mittelenglische Stabzeile im 15. und 16. Jahrhunden. Diss. Bonn (Bonn: Hanstein). Bonner Beitriige zur Anglistik, 12, 103-72. [125

Trautmann, Moritz. Review of No. 106. Englische Studien, 30, 275-8. [126

1903 B., A. "Schottische politische Lyrik urn 1295." Archiv, 111,408. [127

Baudisch, Julius. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der jraher Barbour zugeschriebenen Legendensammlung. Progr. Vienna. [128

Fest, Otto. Uber Surrey IS Virgilabersetzung nebst Neuausgabe des vienen Buches (Berlin: Mayer & Miiller). [Comparison with Douglas.] [129

Holthausen, Ferdinand. "Kennedy-Studien. " Archiv, 110, 359- 87; 112 (1904), 298-316. [130

Luick, Karl. Studien zur englischen Lautgeschichte. (Vienna/ Leipzig: Braumiiller). Wiener Beitriige zur englischen Philologie, 17. Rptd. New York: Johnson Reprint, 1964. [Examples from various Middle Scots poets: pp.78-198.] [131 The Gennan Reputation of the Makars 109

Teichert, Paul. Schottische Zustande unter Jakob IV. nach den Dichtungen von William Dunbar. Progr. Garlitz. [132

1904 Kluge, Friedrich. Mitteienglisches Lesebuch (Halle: Niemeyer). 2nd edn. 1912. [Includes passages from Barbour's Bruce.] [133

Knopff, Paul. Darstellung der Ablautverhiilmisse in der schotti­ schen Schrijtsprache. Diss. Bern (Wurzburg: Memminger). [Examples from Henryson, Dunbar, Douglas.] [134

Kroger, Emst. Macbeth bis aUf Shakspere [sic]. 1. Teil: Macbeth in der Geschichte. Diss. Berlin (Weimar: Wagner). Complete version published as: Die Sage von Macbeth bis zu Shakspere (Berlin: Mayer & Muller). Palaestra, 39. [On : pp. 50-90.] [135

Lange, Albrecht. Lyndesay's Monarche und die Chronica Cario­ nis: Eine Quellenstudie. Diss. Giessen (Halle: Karras). Also printed in Anglia, 28, 81-126. [136 1905 Bang, W. "Zu Everyman." Englische Studien, 35, 444-9. [Suggests a link between Everyman and the Thrie Priests of Peb­ lis.] [137

Dellit, Otto. Uber lateinische Elemente im Mitteienglischen. Diss. Marburg (Marburg: Friedrich; rptd. Marburg: Elwert, 1906). Marburger Studien zur englischen Philologie, 11. [Examples from Barbour, Wyntoun, Holland, Dunbar, and the Scottish saints legends.] [138

Immelmann, R. "Zu den Anflingen des Blankverses: Surreys Aeneis IV in urspriinglicher Gestalt." Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-GeseZlschajt, 41, 81 [With comments on Douglas's Eneados.] [139

Kellner, Leon. Review of No. 128. Englische Studien, 35, 103- 4. [140

Weber, H. Ulrich. Kennedy-Studien. Diss. Kiel (Kiel: LUdtke & Martens). [141

1906 Mebus, Friedrich. Review of The Taill of Rauf Coilyear, ed. W. H. Browne (1903). Englische Studien, 36, 256-65. [142 110 Peter Zenzinger

Plessow, Max. Geschichte der Fabeldichtung in England bis zu John Gay. Diss. Berlin (Berlin: Mayer & Muller). Palaestra, 52. Rptd. New York: Johnson Reprint, 1967. [Ch. 6 on Barbour, Henryson and Dunbar.] [143 Reicke, Curt. Untersuchungen fiber den Stil der mittelenglischen alliterierenden Gedichte .... Ein Beitrag zur Losung der Huchown-Frage. Diss. Konigsberg (Konigsberg: Hartung). [144 Ritter, Otto. Review of The Tam of Rauf Coilyear, ed. W. H. Browne (1903). Beiblatt zur Anglia, 17,65-9. [145 SchrOer, Arnold. Review of G. Neilson, Huchown of the Awle Ryale (1902), and J. T. T. Brown, Huchown of the Awle Ryale and His Poems (1902). Beiblatt zur Anglia, 17, 16-9. [146

1908 Larue, Joseph Leo. Das Pronomen in den Werken des schOltischen Bischofs Gavin Douglas. Diss. Strassburg (Strassburg: DuMont SChauberg). [147 Mebus, Friedrich. "Beitriige zu William Dunbars Gedicht The Goldin Terge." Englische Studien, 39, 40-69. [148 Raske, Karl. Der Bettler in der schottischen Dichtung. Diss. Berlin (Berlin: Quelle & Meyer). [On the beggar as a literary motif from Barbour to Walter Scott.] [149 Schipper, Jakob. "Die Monche von Berwick: eine altschottische poetische Erziihlung von einem unbekannten Chaucerschiiler." Beitrage und Studien zur englischen Kultur- und Lite­ raturgeschichte (Vienna/Leipzig: Stern). pp. 129-52. [150 1909 Brandl, Alois. "The Cock in the North: Poetische Weissagung auf Percy Hotspur (gest. 1403)." Sitzungsberichte der Koniglich Preussischen Akxu:Jemie der Wissenschajten. Philosophisch­ historische Classe, 46. pp. 1160-89. [Composite text from 13 MSS of "The First Scottish Prophecy." Discusses links with Thomas of Erceldoune.] [l51

Immeimann, R. "Der Britwell-Surrey." Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschajt, 45, 204. [Compares Eneados with Sur­ rey.] [152 The German Reputation oj the Makars 111

Kaluza, Max. Englische Metrik in historischer Entwicldung (Berlin: Felber). Nonnannia, L Trans. as A Shon History oj English Versification (London: Allen; New York: Macmillan, 1911). [Examples from various Scottish makars: pp. 183-4, 230; 253-5 (Gennan edn.).] [153 1910 Heyne, Herbert. Die Sprache in Henry the Minstrel's "Wallace": Laut- und Flexionslehre. Diss. Kiel (Kiel: Fiencke). [154 Schmidt, Edmund. Die schottische Aeneistibersetzung von Gavin Douglas. Diss. Leipzig (Borna-Leipzig: Noske). [155 Schumacher, Aloys. Des BischoJs Gavin Douglas Ubersetzung der Aeneis Vergils, einschliesslich des von Maffeo Vegio angejagten 13. Buches, verglichen mit den Originalen und der jranz6sischen Aeneistibersetzung des Octavien de Saint-Gelais. Diss. Strassburg (Strassburg: DuMont Schauberg). [156 1911 Speidel, Theodor. Wallace der schottische Held. Teil 1: Wal- lacebibliographie. Diss. (Bayreuth: Miihl). [157 1912 Miihleisen, Fr. Wilhelm. Untersuchungen tiber die Ver­ wandtschaft der Uberliejerungen von Barbour's Bruce. Diss. Bonn (Bonn: Georgi). Complete version published as: Textkri­ tische, metrische und grammatische Untersuchungen von Barbour's Bruce (Bonn: Georgi, 1913). [158 Ritter, Otto. Review of No. 147. Englische Studien, 44, 101-6. [159

"Wortkundliches zu Gavin Douglas." Archiv, 129, 220- 24. [160 1913 Lenz, Karl. Zur Lautlehre der jranz6sischen Elemente in den schottischen Dichtungen von 1500-1550 (G. Douglas, W. Dunbar, D. Lyndesay, "Clariodus"). Mit Bemerkungen zur Wonbildung und Wonbedeutung. Diss. Marburg (Marburg: Friedrich). [161 Wirl, Julius. Orpheus in der englischen Literatur (Vienna! Leipzig: Braunmiiller). Wiener Beitriige zur englischen Philolo­ gie, 40. [Pp. 26-45 on Henryson). [162 1914 Haferkamp, Hennann. "Darstellung der Flexionslehre in den Werken von Gawein Douglas und im Clariodus." Diss. Munster 112 Peter Zenzinger

(handwritten, only known copy in the archives of the University of Munster). '" [163 Peter, Walter. Der syntaktische Gebrauch des Artikels bei Bar­ bour: Ein Beitrag zur Kennmis des Friih-Niederschottischen. Diss. Kiel 1914/1920. [164

1917 Brandl, Alois and Otto Zippel, ed. Mittelenglische Sprach- und Literaturproben (Berlin: Weidmann). 2nd edn. 1927. Trans. as Middle English Literature (New York: Chelsea Pub. Co., 1949). [Contains passages from Barbour's Bruce and Wyntoun' s Original Chronicle.] [165 1923 Jiriczek, Otto Luitpold, ed. Specimens of Tudor Translations from the Classics (Heidelberg: Winter). [Prints text of Eneados IV, 1- 354.] [166

Pieper, Willy. "Das Parlament in der mitteienglischen Literatur." Archiv, 146, 187-212. [Examples from Wyntoun, Barbour, Blind Harry, Henryson, Hay, and various romances.] [167

Schwindt, Karl. Zur Verjasserjrage der schottischen Gedichte: Lancelot of the Laik, The Quare of Jelusy und The Kingis Quair. Diss. Konigsberg. ExceIpts and review by Walter Hubner in Jahrbuch der Philosophischen Fakultat in Konigsberg, 6, 10-11. [168

1925 Hofmann, Josef. Die nordischen Lehnworter bei Gavin Douglas. Diss. Munich (Munich: Studentenhaus). [169 Holthausen, Friedrich. "Zur Textkritik mittelenglischer Gedich­ te." Beiblatt zur Ang/ia, 36, 184-8. [On Golagros and Gawane, The Buke of the Howlat, and The Awntyrs offArthure.] [170

1926 Hahn, Hubert. The Kingis Quair, The Quare of Jelusy und Lancelot of the Lake. Diss. Prague. Summary in Jahrbuch der Philosophischen Falkultat der Deutschen Universitat in Prag, Dekanatsjahr 1926/27 (prague: Calvesche Universitatsbuchhand­ lung, 1928), pp. 43-7. [A study of the rhyme words.] [171

1927 Hecht, Hans. "Die Nachfolger Chaucers in England und Schott­ land." In Hans Hecht and Levin L. Schiicking, Die englische Li- The German Reputation of the Makars 113

teratur im Mittelalter (Wildpark-Potsdam: Akademische Ver­ lagsgesellschaft Athenaion). pp. 150-53. [172 Ruhrmann, Friedrich G. Studien zur Geschichte und Charakteri­ stik des Refrains in der englischen Literatur (Heidelberg: Winter). Anglistische Forschungen, 64. [On Dunbar's prosody, pp. 45-7.) [173

1928 Hartig, Paul. Die Edinburger Dialektgruppe (Leipzig: Mayer & Miiller). [Quotes rhyme words from Douglas's poetry.) [174 1932 Haferkorn, Reinhard, ed. When Rome is Removed into England: Eine politische Prophezeiung des 14. Jahrhundens (Leipzig: Tauchnitz). Beitriige zur englischen Philologie, 19. Rptd. New York: Johnson Reprint, 1967. [Includes Scottish version of the poem, with German trans.) [175 Kreitz, Erwin. Die Tiere in den Hauptwerken der alteren schotti­ schen Literatur. Diss. Halle-Wittenberg (Bad Lauchstiidt: Lauch­ stadter Buchdrucks- und Verlags-Anstalt). [Animal imagery in James I, Henryson, Dunbar, and Douglas.) [176 1934 Brie, Friedrich. "Schottisches Nationalgefiihl im Mittelalter." Geistige Arbeit: Zeitung aus der wissenschaftlichen Welt, Vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 5-6. [On Blind Harry, Barbour, Wyntoun and Bower.) [177

Brunner, Karl. Review of J. M. Smith, The French Background of Middle Scots Literature (1934). Beiblatt zur Anglia, 45, 265-8. [178

1936 Schroder, Edward. "Zur Datierung der Morte Arthure." Anglia, 60,396. [Dates Huchon's main period around or before 1350.) [179 Tilgner, Elfriede. Die Aureate Tenns als Stilelement bei Lydgate. Diss. Berlin, [1935) (Berlin: Ebering). Germanische Studien, 182. Rptd. Nendeln/Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1967. [Lydgate's influence on the Scottish makars: pp. 2-3, 18, 79-82.) [180 1937 Brie, Friedrich. Die nationale Literatur Schottlands von den An- fdngen bis zur Renaissance (Halle: Niemeyer). [181 114 Peter Zenzinger

Buhler, Curt F. "London Thow Art the Flowre of Cytes All." Review of English Studies, 12, 1-9. [Questions Dunbar's author­ ship of the poem.] [182

Schirmer, Walter F. Geschichte der englischen und amerikani­ schen Literature von den Anfiingen his zur Gegenwan (Halle: Niemeyer). 6th edn. 1983 (Tiibingen: Niemeyer). [Briefly dis­ cusses Barbour, Andrew of Wyntoun, and the major 15th and 16th-c. makars. The latest edition omits references to the Castal- ian band.] [183 1948 Raith, Joseph. Geschichte der englischen Literatur (Munich: Hueber). 2nd edn. 1961. [184

1954 Kaiser, Rolf, ed. Alt- und mittelenglische Anthologie [Medieval English] (Berlin: Kaiser). 5th edn. revised 1961. [Contains pas­ sages from Barbour's Bruce and Wyntoun's Original Chronicle.] [185

Liideke, Henry. Die englische Literatur: Ein kulturhistorischer Umriss (Munich: Lehmann). [Brief mention of Middle-Scots po­ etry: p. 25.] [186

Schubel, Friedrich. Englische Literaturgeschichte. I: Die alt­ und mittelenglische Periode (Berlin: G6schen). 2nd edn. 1967. [Mentions only James I and Henryson.] [187

1958 Wittig, Kurt. The Scottish Tradition in Literature (Edinburgh/ London: Oliver & Boyd); rptd. London: Greenwood Press, 1973; Mercat Press, 1978. [188 1962 Goller, Karl Heinz. "Konig Arthur in den schottischen Chroniken. " Anglia, 80, 390-404. [Includes discussion of Bar­ bour and .] [189

1963 . Konig Anhur in der englischen Literatur des spliten Mit- telalters (G6ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). Palaestra, 238. [On Golagros and Gawane and the Awntyrs off Anhur: pp. 121- 7.] [190

1964 Kasmann, Hans. "Gavin Douglas' Aeneis-lrbersetzung. " Fest­ schrift jar Walter Htihner, ed. D. Riesner and H. Gneuss (Berlin: E. Schmidt). pp. 164-76. [191 The German Reputation of the Makars 115

Wolpers, Theodor. Die englische HeUigenlegende des Mittelalters (Tiibingen: Niemeyer). ["Die schottische Legendensammlung": pp. 275-88.] [192 1965 Kindlers Literatur Lexikon, ed. W. von Einsiedel et al. 7 vols., 1 suppl. (ZOrich/Munich: Kindler, 1965-74). [Only mentions Bar­ bour and Lyndsay.] [193 SchOne, Annemarie. Abriss der englischen Literaturgeschichte in Tabellen (Frankfurt am MainlBonn: Athenaum). [pp. 37-8, 42, on James I, Henryson, Dunbar, Douglas, Lyndsay.] [194

1966 Meier, Hans Heinrich. "What Dunbar Meant." TLS, Feb. 24, 1966, p. 148. [On "To the Quene" and the "Tua Mariit Wemen. "] [195

Siegmund-Schulze, Dorothea. "Henryson's departure from the

Medieval Norm. If Essays in Honour of William Gallacher (Berlin: Humboldt-Universitat). pp. 81-91. [196 Das grosse Duden-Lexikon. 8 vols. (Mannheim: Bibliographi­ sches Institut). [Articles on Barbour, James I, Dunbar, Douglas, Lyndsay, "Schottische Literatur."] [197

1967 Schunk, Hans. Alexander Barclay's Fassung von Brant's Narren­ schiff. Diss. WOrzburg. [198

Standop, Ewald and Edgar Mertner, Englische Literaturgeschichte (Heidelberg: QueUe & Meyer). 4th edn. 1983. [pp. 71-2 on Barbour and Wyntoun; pp. 139-42 on the "Scottish Chaucerians. If] [199

1969 Bitterling, Klaus. Der Wonschatz von Barbours Bruce. Diss. Berlin (Berlin: Freie Universitat). [200

Utz, Hans. "If fredom fail ... 'Freedom' in John Barbour's The Bruce." English Studies, 50, 151-65. [201

1970 Hirschberg, Ulrike. "The Kingis Quair" als humoristisch­ ironische Traumvision. Diss. Regensburg. [202

Kuss, Werner. Laut- und Formenstand bei William Dunbar. Ein Beitrag zum Mittelschottischen. Diss. Graz. [203 116 Peter Zenzinger

Weiss, Wolfgang. Review of Heruyson, The Testament of Cres­ seid, ed. D. Fox (1968). Anglia, 88, 124-30. [204

1971 Meyers Enzyklopiidisches Lexikon. 25 vols. 9th edn., revised (Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut, 1971-79.) [Articles on all major Middle Scots poets; survey article "Schottische Literatur. "] [205

Schroeder, Horst. Der Topos der Nine Worthies in Literatur und bildender Kunst (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). [Discussion of the motif of the Nine Worthies in Middle-Scots po­ etry in chapter 6 and passim.] [206 1973 Hildebrand, Joachim. Robert Henrysons Moral Fabillis im Rah­ men der mittelalterlichen und sptitmittelalterlichen Tierdichtung. Diss. Hamburg. Abstract in DAI, 37 (1977), 3216C. [207

1974 Meier, Hans Heinrich. "Middle English Styles in Action." En- glish Studies, 55, 193-204. [On Henryson and Chaucer.] [208

1975 Bitterling, Klaus. "Middle English 'Glauberd' a Dormouse." Notes & Queries, N. S. 22, No.9, p. 388. [On Heruyson's "The Soe and Air. "] [209

"Till 'While' in Barbour's Bruce." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 76, 428. [210

1978 Bertschi, Jean-Jacques. Thomas Rhymer, Politiker, Poet, Prophet: Der Gang einer literarischen Personlichkeit durch die Jahr­ hunderte. Diss. Zurich (Zurich/Zollikon: Wohlgemuth). [Traces the development of Thomas of Erceldoune as a literary figure from Blind Harry to Carl Loewe.] [211

Mehl, Dieter. "Weltliche Epik in England." Europtiisches Sptit­ mittelalter, ed. Willi Erzgriiber (Wiesbaden: Akademische Ver­ lagsgesellschaft Athenaion). pp. 205-20. [Mentions James I, Henryson, Dunbar and Douglas.] [212

1979 Bitterling, Klaus. Review of The Quare of Jelusy, ed. J. Norton- Smith and I. Pravda (1976). Anglia, 97, 539-41. [213

Drescher, Horst W. Lexikon der englischen Literatur (Stuttgart: Kroner). [Articles: "Barbour," "," "Lyndsay. "] [214 The Gennan Reputation of the Makars 117

Koh1, Stephan. "The Kingis Quair and Lydgate's Siege of Thebes as Imitations of Chaucer's Knight's Tale." Fifteenth-Century Studies, 2, 119-34. [215

Schafer, Jurgen. Review of B. Ellenberger, The Latin Element in the Vocabulary of the Earlier Makars Henryson and Dunbar (1977). Anglia, 97, 187-9. [216 Schmitz, Gotz. "Cresseid's Trial: A Revision. Fame and Defamation in Henryson's Testament of Cresseid." Essays and Studies, 32, 44-56. [217 SchOwerling, Rainer. "Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde in der eng­ lischen Literatur von Henryson bis Dryden." Anglia, 97, 326-49. [218 1980 Fichte, Joerg O. Alt- und mittelenglische Literatur: Eine Ein­ jahrung (Tiibingen: Narr). [Prints Henryson's "The Taill of the Scheip and the Doig. tI] [219 1981 Kohl, Stephan. "Henryson's Testament of Cresseid: Part of the Chaucerian Tradition?" Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Scottish Language and Literature (Medieval and Renaissance), ed. R. J. Lyall and F. Riddy (Stirling/Glasgow: University of Glasgow Press). pp. 285-300. [220 Lexikon des Mittelalters (Munich/Zurich: Artemis, 1981ff.) [Articles on all major Middle-Scots poets, by an international group of scholars.] [221 Strauss, Dietrich. "The Opening Stanzas of The Testament of Cresseid Reconsidered." Proceedings of the Third International Conference (see No. 220). pp.301-14. [222 Wittig, Kurt. Review of Bards and Makars, ed. A. J. Aitken et al. (1977). Anglia, 99, 237-40. [223 1982 Bitterling, Klaus. Review of Barbour's Bruce, ed. M. P. McDiarmid (STS). Anglia, 100, 505-6; 104 (1986), 214; 107 (1989), 203-6. [224 --. "William Dunbar's The Maner of Passyng to Confession and the 'Circumstances' of the Medieval Confessional," Notes & Queries, N. S. 30, No.5, pp. 389-91. [225 118 Peter Zeruinger

. Review of The Poems of Wlliam Dunbar, ed. f. Kinsley (1979). Anglia, 101 ,235-9. [226

1984 Klein, Holger M., ed. English and Scottish Sonnet Sequences of the Renaissance. 2 vols. (Hiltesheim/Zttich: Olms). [Contains Sir ril/illiam Alexander's Amora and Sir David Murray's Caelia.l 1227

Mehl, Dieter. "Robert Henryson's Moral Fables as Bxperiments in Didactic Narrative." Funcrtons of Literature.' .Ersays Presented to Ervvin Wolff on His Sixtieth Birtlday, d. Illrich Broich et al. (Ttibingen: Niemeyer). ry. 81-99. 1228 Strauss, Dietrich. "Henrysonls The Taill of thc Uplandis Mous ard thc Burges Mous and Burns' The T)va Dogs." Burns Chroni- cle,4th Series, 9, il-73. t229 Weiss, Wolfgang. Review of D. Gray, Roben Henryson (1979), and E. R.eiss, llllliam Dunbar (1979). Anglia, I02, 536-9. 1230 1986 Bergner, Heinz, ed. Die englischc Literarur in Ten wd Darstel- lung. Vol. 1: Mittelalter (Stuttgarc Reclam). [With texts from Henryson and Dunbar.l t23l

Bernhaft, A. Walter. "Castalian Poets and the 'Verie TWichestane Musique."' Scottish Langwge and Literarure, Medieval and Re- raissarrce: Fourth Intemational Conference 19M Proceedings, d. Dietrich Strauss and Horst W. Drescher (Franlfirrt am Main/ Bern/New York: Iang). Pp. 451-8. [232

Bitterling, Klaus. " The Tretis of the Tun Mariit Wemen and the Wedo: Some Comments on Words, Imagery, ffid Genre. " Scot- tish Langunge ard Literature (see No. 232). Pp. 337-58. [233

and The Bukc of the Sevyne Sagis, ed. C. Van Buuren (1982). Anglia, 104,501-5. 1234

Brockhnus Enrykloptidie, 24 vols. 19th edn., revised (Mannheim: Brockhaus, 1986-). [Articles on Barbour, Douglas, Dunbar, Hen- ryson, James I, Lyndsay; publ. in progress.I I23s Kohl, Stephan. Das englische Spdtrnittelnlter: Kulturelle Normen, Lebenspr@cis, Texte (Ttibingen: Niemeyer). [ncludes discussion The German Reputation of the Maknrs ll9

of The Kingis Qunir, Henryson's Testament of Cresseid and Douglas's Palice of Honour.f 1236 Schwetrd, Joachim. "Religion and Religiosity in The Bruce." Scottish Langwge and Literature (see No. 232). Pp. 207-15. lZ37 ZerurnBor, Peter. 'Habbie Simson and the Early Elegy Tradi- tion. " Scottish Language and Literature (see No. 232). Pp. 481- 95. [English and Scottish tail-rhyme poems.] lZ3B 1988 Der Literatur-Broclclmus, ed. Werner Habicht et Al. 3 vols. (Mannheim: Brockhaus.) [Articles "schoffische Literatur, " "Englische Literatur" and individual poets.l t239 1989 Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexil

1990 Goller, Karl liieir:z. "Das metaphorische Gef[ngnis: Zum Ver- hiiltnis von Literatur und Weltbild im Mittelalter. " Motive und Themen in engliscltsprachiger Literatur als Indil@toren litera- turgeschichtlicher Prozesse: Festschrifi zum 65. Geburtstag von Theodor Wolpers, ed. Heinz-foachim Mtillenbrock and Alfons Klein (Ttibingen: Niemeyer). Pp. 25-53. [On The Kingis Qwir: pp. 36-8.I [241 L20 Peter Zerrrzrnger


The Traditional Ballad

(See Nos. 2,3, 4,5, 6,9,10, 11, 17,35, 53,89, L49, 165, 173, 183 , L84, 187,188 , 194, L99,205,2r1,2L4,221,235,239.)

1739 Goffschedin, Adelgunde Victoria, trans. Der Zuschnuer. 9 parts (I*ipzig: Breitkopf, 1739-44).* [Trans. of The Spectator; makes Chevy Clmse known to the German reading public through Addi- son's essays 70 and 74.i 1242

1747 Hagedoffi, Friedrich von. Oden und Lieder (Ilamburg: Bohn). [Preface (pp. xvi-xvii) praises simplicrty of the British ballad and refers to CheW Chase as one of its most beautiful examples.l 1243

t749 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb. "Kriegslied, zltr Nachahmung des alten Liedes von der Chevy Chase Jagd. " Sammlung Vermischter Schrtfien von den Verfassern der Bremischen neuen Beyttige (T-eipzig: f. G. Dyck), Vol. 1, pp. 404-'6. Rev. versionpublished as "Heinrich der Vogler" in his Oden (1771). Stimmtliche Werkc (I*ipzig: Goschen, 1823), Vol. 1, pP. 62-3. [244 t758 Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig. Preussische Kriegslieder @erlin: C. F. Voss). [Extensive use of the Chevy Clwse stanza.] 124s

1765 Raspe, Rudolf Erich. Review of Percy's Re liques. Neue Bibtio- thek der Schhnen Wssensclwften urd Freien Ktinste, t (1765), 176-7;2 (1766), 54-89. t246

1766 Gerstenberg, Heinrich Wilhelm. Review of Percy's Reliques. In Gerstenberg, ed. Briefe iiber Merhttiirdiglcciten der Literatur. 1. und 2. Sammlung (Schleswig/Iripzig: Hansen). 8. Literatur- Brief, p. 57. 1247

1767 Ancient and Modcm Songs and Ballnh. [Annexed tol Sekct English Plays. Volwne the First, containing Otltcllo the Moor of Venice. The corucious /overs (Gdttingen: Victorinus Bossiegel). (Niedersichs. Staats- und Universititsbibliothek Gdttingen: shelf- mark 8T.dr.IV, 2850 Raxa.) [Reprints 11 ballads from Percy.] 1248 The Germnn Reputation of the Maknrs l2I

Schmid, CMstian Heinrich. Theorte der Poesie (I*ipzig: Cnr- sius). [On Percy: Vol, 1, pp. 76ff .) 1249 1773 Bfirger, Gottfried August. "Lenore. " First published in Gottinger Musennlmanach. Scimtliche Werl

Herder, Johann Gottfried. "Auszug aus einem Briefwechsel tiber Ossian und die Lieder alter Vdlker. " Von Deutscher Art und Kunst. Stimtliche Werlce, ed. Bernhard Suphan. 33 vols. @erlin: Weidmann) , L885, Vol. 5. Rptd. Hildesheim: olms, 1967. [Contains trans. of Edward, pp. 172-4.1 lzst 1776 "Daniel Wunderlich" Herder]. Review [i.e. x of Percy's Reliques. Deutsches Museum, I, 447ff. lZSz

1777 Ursinus, August Friedrich [i.e. Johann Joachim Eschenburg], ed. Balladen urtd Lieder altenglischer und altschottischer Dichtart @erlin: Himburg). lzs3 t778 Herder, fohann Gottfried. Volkslieder. 2 vols. (177819), based on Alte Vollalieder (L773, withdrawn from the publisher). Both col- lections in Stimtliche Werlec, ed. B. Suphan (see No. 2SI), Vol. 25. fincludes 23 translations from Percy and important prefaces.] lzs4 1780 Bodmer, I. Jacob, ed. Altenglische Balladen. Z vols. [Vol. 2: Altenglische und altschwcibische Ballnden.f (Ztirich: Ftieszli, 1780-81). [Contains 51 translations from Percy.] tzss

1790 Reliques of Ancient English Ballads, Songs and other Pieces. 3 vols. (Franlftrt ilm Main/Inndon: Guilhaumann & Fleischer, L790-91; Franlfirrt am Main: Varrentrapp, 1803). [CompLete reprint of the first edn. of Percy's Reliques, 1765.1 1256

1794 Ballads and Songs Chiefly takcn.from Dr. Perqt's Reliques of An- cient Poetry, collected by T. Miller (rralle: Ktimmel). \ZST 1795 Bothe, Friedrich Heinrich, trans. Vollalieder @erlin: Himburg). [Translation of 28 ballads from Percy.] IZSB

1800 Schlegel, August Wilhelm von. "Btirger. " Charaktertstiknn und Kritileen Vol. 2. Stimmtliche Werl

(Leipzig: Weidmann, 1846-7; rptd. Hildesheim/New York: Olms, 1971). Vol. 8, pp. 64-139. [On the influence of the English/Scottish traditional ballad on Biirger's original poetry.] [259

1801 Kosegarten, Ludwig Gotthard [Theobul]. Dichtungen. 5th edn., Vol. 10 (Greifswald: Eckhardt, 1824; 1st ed. 1801). [Includes 8 translations from Percy, pp. 177ff.] [260

1803 Herder, Johann Gottfried. "Volksgesang." Adrastea, Vol. 5. Samtliche Werke, ed. B. Suphan (see No. 251), vol. 24, pp. 263- 7. [Praises Chevy Chase as the prototype of folk balladry.] [261 Schlegel, August Wilhelm von. Vorlesungen aber schOne Literatur und Kunst. 3. Teil: Geschichte der romantischen Literatur [1803- 4] (Heilbronn: Henninger, 1884). [Claims that apart from Chevy Chase, Percy's collection contains little that is genuine, old and truly poetic; pp. 161-6.] [262 1804 Haydn, Joseph. Altschottische Balladen und Lieder mit Klavier­ begleitung nach den altschottischen Melodien. 2 vols. (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel) [263 1806 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Review of Des Knaben Wunder­ hom. lenaische Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 18/19. Werke, Ham­ burger Ausgabe, ed. Erich Trunz. Vol. 12, pp. 270-84 (lOth edn., Munich: Beck, 1974). [Praises Edward as the greatest example of folk poetry, pp. 282-3.] [264

1808 Seckendorff, [Franz] Karl Leopold von. Musenalmanachfor das lahr 1808 (Regensburg: Montag). [Includes translations of Sir Hugh, Edward, Sir Patrick Spens, The Rising of the Nonh, and Child Waters: pp. 5, 7, 9, 103, 120.] [265 1813 Grimm, Wilhelm Karl. Drei altschottische Lieder in Original und Obersetzung aus zwei neuen Sammlungen (Heidelberg: Mohr & Zimmer). [Includes Lord Randal and 0 Gin My Luve Were Yon Red Rose from Scott, and and Sir Oluf (English version only) from Jamieson.] [266 1814 Biisching, Johann Gustav, ed. Erzahlungen, Dichtungen, Fast­ nachtsspiele und Schwanke des Mitrelalters (Breslau: Kom). [Includes trans. of by Friedrich de 1a Motte Fouque, p. 1.]* [267 The Gennan Reputation of the Malmrs 123

Platen, August, Graf von, trans. "Edward. Frei nach dem Altschottischen." Samtliche Werke, ed. M. Koch and E. Petzet (Leipzig: Hesse & Becker, n.d.). Vol. 7, pp. 74-5. [268

1816 Biisching, Johann Gustav, ed. Wochentliche Nachrichten for Freunde der Geschichte, Kunst und Gelahrtheit des Mittelalters (Breslau: Kom, 1816). [Includes trans. of , Vol. 1, p. 247.]* [269

1817 Schubart, Henriette, trans. Schottische Lieder und Balladen, [gesammelt] von Walter Scott (Leipzig/Altenburg: Brockhaus). [270 1821 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. "Ballade: Betrachtung und Ausle­ gung." Uber Kunst und Alterthum, Vol. 3, Pt. 1. Werke, Ham­ burger Ausgabe. Vol. 1, pp. 400-402. [271

1824 Loewe, Carl. "Edward." Drei Balladen von Goethe, Herder, Uhland, op. 1, no. 1 (Berlin: Schlesinger). Gesamtausgabe der Balladen, Legenden, Lieder und Gesange, ed. M. Runze. 17 vols. (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1898-1904). Vol. 3: Schottische, englische und nordische Balladen (1899). [Based on Herder's trans., composed 1818.] [272

1826 Hohenbausen, Elize von, Willibald Alexis, and Wilhelm von Liidemann, trs. Historische und romantische Balladen der schot­ tischen Granzlande, [gesammelt] von Walter Scott, Esq. 7 Parts [Walter Scott's Poetische Werke. Aus dem Englischen. Vols. 8- 14.] (Zwickau: Gebriider Schumann, 1826-27). Taschenbi­ bliothek der ausIiindischen Klassiker. [Vols. 8-9, trans. Hohen­ hausen; Vols. 10-12, trans. Alexis; Vols. 13-14, trans. Liide­ mann.] [273

1827 Schubert, Franz. Eine altschottische Ballade [Edward], op. 165, no. 5. Gesamtausgabe, Serie 20: Lieder und Gesange, ed. E. Mandyczewski. Vol. 9 (Leipzig: Breitkopf & mirtel, 1895), p. 102. [Based on Herder.] [274

1835 Loewe, Carl. "Das braune Madchen." Drei Balladen, op. 43, no. 3 (Berlin: Wagenffihr). Gesamtausgabe, see No. 272 [Based on Herder's trans. of The Nut-brown Maid.] [275

Haupt, Moritz and Henirch Hoffmann [von Fallersleben], ed. Alt­ deutsche Blatter. Vol. 1 (Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1836). [Includes 124 Peter Zenzinger

trans. of Sweet William's Ghost by Wilhelm Wackernagel, p. 189.] [276 1837 Wolff, Oskar Ludwig Bernhard. Halle der Volker: Sammlung vorzuglicher Volkslieder der bekanntesten Nationen. Grosstentheils zum ersten Male metrisch in das Deutsche tibenragen. 2 vols. (Frankfurt am Main: Sauerliinder, 183711847; Frankfurt am Main/Hamburg: Richter & Harrassowitz: 1857). [Includes ballad translations after Motherwell, Scott, Jamieson and Herd.] [277 1840 Talvj [Therese A. L. von Jacob, Mrs. Robinson]. Versuch einer geschichtlichen Charakteristik der Volkslieder germanischer Nati­ onen (Leipzig: Brockhaus). [Includes numerous translations of Scottish ballads.] [278 1846 Wolff, Oskar Ludwig Berhnard. Hausschatz der Volkspoesie: Sammlung der vorztiglichsten und eigenthtimlichsten Volkslieder aller Lander und Zeiten in metrischen deutschen Obersetzungen (Leipzig: Wiegand). 4th edn. 1853. [Scottish contents largely identical with that of the 1837 collection.] [279 1849 Freiligrath, Ferdinand. Zwischen den Garben: Eine Nachlese iilterer Gedichte (Stuttgart/Tiibingen: Cotta). [Includes trans. of The Wife of Usher's Well.]* [280 1851 Arentsschild, Victor von, trans. Albion und Erin. In Liedem von Th. Moore, Lord Byron, R. Bums, P. B. Shelley, Th. Campbell, J. Thomson; und aus Th. Percy's "Uberreste altenglischer Dicht­ kunst." 1m Versmasse der Originale tibertragen (Mainz: von Zabern). [Includes translation of Lord Thomas and Fair Annet, p. 535.] [281 1852 Doenniges, Wilhelm, trans. Altschottische und altenglische Volks­ balladen (Munich: Literarisch-artistische Anstalt). [Based on Scott, Percy and Motherwell.] [282 1853 Gerhard, Wilhelm, trans. Minstrelkliinge aus Schottland, rhyth­ misch verdeutscht (Leipzig: Wigand). [Uses a great variety of sources, notably Buchan, Scott and Motherwell.] [283 Meyer, E. Review of No. 282, Archiv, 12, 318-24. [284 1854 Doring, Heinrich, trans. Brittische Anthologie in metrischen Obersetzungen altenglischer Balladen. Mit beigejagtem Original The Gennan Reputation of the Mako,rs 125

(Zerbst/Leipzig: Wallerstein). 2nd edn. Brittischer Balladen- schatz in metrischer Ubersetzung... (Leipzig: Wallerstein, 1858). [Based on Percy, Ramsay and D'Urfey.] [285 Fontane, Theodor. Argos: lahrbuchjar 1854. Siimtliche Werke, ed. Edgar Gross and Kurt Schreinert. Vol. 20, Lieder und Bal­ laden, frei nach dem Englischen (Munich: Nymphenburger Ver­ lagshandl.) [286 1857 Arndt, Ernst Moritz von, trans. Blatenlese aus Altem und Neuem (Leipzig: Brockhaus). [Includes translations of several ballads, mainly after Scott and Herd.] [287 Marees, Adolph von, trans. Alt-englische und schottische Dichtun­ gen der Percy t schen Sammlung (Berlin: Reimer). [288

1858 Prutz, Robert, ed. Deutsches Museum. 8. Jahrgang (Leipzig: Brockhaus). [Includes translations of Chevy Chase and lohnie Cock by R. von Bismarck, p. 897] [289

1860 Wolf, Adolf. Reviews of English and Scottish Ballads, ed. F. J. Child (1857) and of The Ballads of Scotland, ed. W. E. Ayton (1858). lahrbuchjar romanische und englische Literatur, 2, 105- 14; 204-21. [290

1861 Deutsches Balladenbuch. 3rd edn. (Leipzig: Wigand). Rptd. Dortmund: Harenberg, 1978. Die bibliophilen Taschenbiicher, 25. [Includes Herder's 1779 translation of Edward and Seckendorff's of Sir Patrick Spens: pp. 20-24.] [291

Warrens, Rosa, trans. Schottische Volkslieder der Vorzeit. 1m Versmass des Originals iibertragen (Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe). [Based on Scott, Motherwell, Buchan, Aytoun and others.] [292 1862 Lemcke, Ludwig. !tUber einige bei der Kritik der traditionellen

schottischen Balladen zu beachtende Grundsatze. It lahrbuch jar romanische und englische Literatur, 4, 1-15; 142-57; 297-310. [293

1866 Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 3 vols. (Leipzig: Tauchnitz). Collection of British Authors, 847-9. [294 126 Peter Zenzinger

1867 Loewe, Carl. Tom der Reimer. Altschottische Ballade, op. 135a (Braunschweig: Weinholtz), Vol. 3. Gesamtausgabe, see No. 272 [Loewe's art song is based on Fontane's translation of Scott's version of .] [295 1870 Goerth, A. "Uber die verschiedene Behandlung der Ballade." Archlv, 46, 367-406. [On the relationship of the traditional ballad to the art ballad.] [296 1872 Knortz, Karl, trans. Lieder und Romanzen Alt-Englands (Cothen: Schettler). [Main source is Allingham'S Ballad Book beside Scott, Percy, Ramsay and others.] [297 1875 ,trans. Schottische Balladen (Halle: Waisenhaus). [Based on the collections of Aytoun, Scott, Allingham, Percy and others.] [298 1876 BOddeker, K. "Englische Lieder und Balladen aus dem 16. Jahrhundert." Jahrbuchjtir romanische unci englische Sprache und Literatur, 15 (N.S. 3), 92-129. [Includes Cotton text of Captain Care (Edom 0' Gordon).] [299

Wissmann, Theodor. King Hom: Untersuchungen zur mittel­ englischen Sprach- unci Literaturgeschichte (Strassburg: Triibner). Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach - und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Volker, 16. [pp. 121-4: "Balladen von King Hom."] [300 1878 Brahams, Johannes. "Edward." Balladen unci Romanzen for mel Singstimmen mit Pianojone, op. 75, no. 1 (Berlin: Simrock; Lon­ don: Stanley Lucas). Samtliche Werke, ed. H. Gal and E. Mandyczewski. Vol. 22, no. 5 (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel). [Based on Herder's 1779 translation.] [301

1883 Trautmann, Moritz. Review of The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, ed. F. J. Child. Anglia, Anzeiger 6, 66-73. [302 1886 Liebrecht, Felix. Review of The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, ed. F. J. Child. Englische Stud/en, 9, 444-8. [303 Schmidt, Erich. "Burgers 'Lenore. "' Charakteristiken. Vol. 1 (Berlin: Weidmann; 2nd edn. 1902). pp. 189-238. [Includes description of the early reception of Percy's Reliques in Germany, esp. pp. 189-93 and pp. 222-4.] [304 The Gennan Reputation of the Malmrs 127

1889 Schroer, M. M. Arnold, ed. Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 2 vols. (Heilbronn: Henninger; Weimar: Felber, 1889- 93). [Contains the music.] [305 1892 Waag, Albert. fIber Herders fIbenragungen englischer Gedichte. Progr. Heidelberg (Heidelberg: Horning; Leipzig: Fock). [On Herder's Volkslieder, see No. 254.] [306 1893 Brandl, Alois. "Englische Volkspoesie." Grundriss der gennani­ schen Phi/ologle, ed. Hermann Paul. Vol. 2, Pt. 1 (Strassburg: Triibner). pp. 837-56. [307 1894 Sprengler, R. "Zu Percy's Reliques of A. E. P." Englische Stu- dien, 19,462-3. [On Lord Thomas and Fair Annet.] [308 1897 Arfert, P. Das Motiv von der unterschobenen Braut in der lnter­ nationalen Erziihllitteratur. Diss. Rostock (Schwerin: Baren­ sprung). [On the motif of the substitute bride in Scottish balladry: pp. 44-7.] [309 Wagener, Haucke Friedrich. Das Eindringen von Percys Reliques in Deutschland. Diss. Heidelberg (Heidelberg: Pfeffer). [310

Wirth, Alfred. Untersuchungen aher fonnelhafte und typische Ele­ mente in der englisch-schottischen Volksballade. Diss. Ha11e (Halle: Kaemmerer). [311

1898 Brandl, Alois. "Zur Kritik der englischen Volksballaden." Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte: Festgabe jar Richard Heinzel (Weimar: Felber), pp. 53-75. * [312 Bulthaupt, Heinrich. Carl Loewe: Deutschlands Balladenkom­ pontst (Berlin: Harmonie Verlagsgesellschaft). [On Loewe's Edward and Tom der Reimer: pp. 25-8, 35-6 and passim.] [313 Schmidt, Erich. "Edward." Forschungen zur neueren Littera­ turgeschichte [see No. 312], pp. 29-50. * [314 1899 Fliigel, Ewald. "Zur Chronologie der englischen Balladen." An- glia, 21, 312-58. [315

Gorbing, Friedrich. Die Elfen in den englischen und schottischen Balladen. Diss. Halle (Stendal: Franzen & Grosse). [316 128 Peter Zenzinger

1900 Fehr, Bernhard. Die fonnelhaften Elemente in den alten engli­ schen Balladen. Diss. (Zossen bei Berlin: Fromm; Leipzig: Fock). [317 1901 Gorbing, Friedrich. "Beispiele von realisierten Mythen in den

englischen und schottischen Balladen. II Anglia, 23, 1-l3. [318 Lohre, Heinrich. Von Percy zum Wunderhom: Beitriige zur Geschichte der Volksliedforschung in Deutschland (Berlin: Mayer & Muller). Palaestra, 22. Enlarged version of Zur Geschichte des Volksliedes im 18. lahrhunden. Diss. Berlin (Berlin: Mayer und Miiller). [On Percy's reputation in Germany pp. 1-61.] [319 1903 Glode, Otto. Review of No. 317. Englische Studien, 32, 95-8. [320 Wirth, Alfred. Typische Zuge in der schottisch-englischen Volks­ ballade. Progr. Bemburg. Part I (Bemburg: A. Meyer). Part 2 (Bemburg: A. SchwaIZenberger, 1907). [321 1904 Forster, Max, ed. British Classical Authors, on the Basis of a Se­ lection by L. Herrig (Braunschweig: Westermann). [Contains re­ constructed and "purified" versions of several Child ballads.] [322 Koeppel, Emil. Review of R. Garnett and E. Gosse, English Lit­ erature (1903). Englische Studien, 34, 273-85. [Rejects theory of the communal composition of the Scottish folk ballads, p. 278.] [323 1905 GIOde, Otto. Review of No. 321. EnglischeStudien, 35,114-16. [324 Jaehde, Walter. Religion, Schicksalsglaube, Vorahnungen, Triiume, Geister und Riitsel in den englisch-schottischen Volks­ balladen. Diss. Halle (Halle: Kaemmerer). [325 1906 Hecht, Hans. "Neuere Literatur zur englisch-schottischen Bal­ ladendichtung." Englische Studien, 36, 370-84. [326

Hillmann, Wilhelm. England und Schottland in den englisch­ schottischen Volksballaden. Diss. Halle (Halle: Kaemmerer). [327 Schiitte, Paul. Die Liebe in den englischen und schottischen Volks­ balladen. Diss. Halle (Halle: Karras; enlarged version Halle: Niemeyer). [328 The Gennan Reputation of the Makars 129

1907 Rudiger, Georg. Zauber und Aberglaube in den englisch-schot- tischen Volksballaden. Diss. Halle (Halle: Kaemmerer). [329 1908 Baldow, George. Ehe und Familie in den englisch-schottischen Volksballaden. Diss. Halle (Halle: Kaemmerer). [330 Kreusch, Friedrich. Verstellung, Heuchelei, Hinterlist und Verrat in den englisch-schottischen Volksballaden. Diss. Halle (Halle: Kaemmerer). [331 Ziige, Karl. Das Verkleidungsmotiv in den englisch-schottischen Volksballaden. Diss. Halle (Halle: Kaemmerer). [332 1909 Hecht, Hans, ed. Thomas Percy und William Shenstone: Ein Briefwechsel aus der Entstehungszeit der Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (Strassburg: Triibner). [Introduction, pp. ix­ xxxvi, on the early reception of the Reliques.] [333 1910 Wagner, Alfred. Die sittlich-religiOse Lebensanschauung des eng­ lischen und schottischen Volkes nach den Volksballaden. Diss. Halle (Halle: John). [334 Wegmann, Karl. Theodor Fontane als Obersetzer englischer und schottischer Balladen. Diss. Munster (Miinster: Westflilische Vereinsdruckerei). * [335 1911 Nessler, Karl. Geschichte der Ballade "Chevy Chase." Diss. Berlin (Berlin: Mayer & Muller). Palaestra, 112. [336 1912 Sauer, Oskar. Die Quellen der Chevy Chase-Ballade. Diss. Halle (Halle: Karras). [337 1913 Benzmann, Hans, ed. Die deutsche Ballade, Vol. 1 (Leipzig: Hesse & Becker; 2nd edn. 1925). [pp. 134-42, "Scottische und englische Volksballaden," translations by Herder, Warrens, Doenniges, Freiligrath, Fontane, Wolff.] [338 Saalbach, Arthur. Entstehungsgeschichte der schottischen Volks­ ballade Thomas Rhymer. Diss. Halle (Halle: Karras). [339 1914 Ehrke, Konrad. Das Geistermotiv in den schottisch-englischen Volksballaden: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Volksdichtung. Diss. Marburg (Marburg/Borna-Leipzig: Noske). [340 130 Peter Zenzinger

Rhyn, Hans. Die Balladendichtung Theodor Fontanes mit beson­ derer Berucksichtigung seiner Bearbeitungen altenglischer und altschottischer Balladen aus den Sammlungen von Percy und ScOll (Tiibingen: Mohr; Bern: Francke; zptd. Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus, 1970). Sprache und Dichtung, 15. Enlarged version of Theodor Fontanes Bearbeitungen . .. Diss. Bern (Bern: Buck­ ler). [341

Wirth, Alfred. Tod und Grab in der schottisch-englischen Volks­ ballade. Progr. Bernburg (Bernburg: Schwarzenberger). [342

1917 Boyke, Gustav. Die Technik der englisch-schottischen Volksbal­ lade mit BerUcksichtigung der Balladen allgemein-menschlichen und abersinnlichen Inhalts. Diss. Halle [also listed 1923]. Ex­ cezpts in Jahrbuch der Philosophischen Fakultat Halle, 1921122. Vol. 1, p. 17. [343

1918 Bicker, Hilde. Studien zur englisch-schottischen Volksballade historischen Charakters. Diss. Halle [also listed 1924; see also No. 355]. * [344

1920 Altenglische Balladen (Munich: Hyperionverlag). [Based on Herder.] [345 Boeckh, Luise. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bal­ lade." Diss. Marburg (typescript.)* [346

Mertens, Kaethe. Die Entwicklung der englischen und schottischen Volksballaden im Verhiiltnis zu den diinischen Folkeviser. Diss. Halle [also listed 1925]. [347

Schwebsch, Erich. Schottische Volkslyrik in James Johnson's The Scot's [sic] Musical Museum (Berlin: Mayer & Muller). Palaestra, 95. [On 18th- and early 19th-century ballad and song collections pp. 1-59.] [348 1922 Barth, Klara. "Der rechtlich-soziale Hintergrund der englischen Volksballade." Diss. Marburg (typescripL)* [349 Heusler, Andreas. "Uber die Balladendichtung des Spatmittelal­ ters, namentlich im skandinavischen Norden." Gennanisch-Ro­ manische Monatsschrijt, 10, 16-31. [Stresses fundamental likeness of English/Scottish and Scandinavian balladry.] [350 The German Reputation of the Makars 131

LUdecke, Hedwig, trans. Balladen aus alter Zeit: Aus dem Alt­ englischen und Altschottischen iibenragen. Mit einem Geleitwon von Alois Brandl (Berlin: Grote). [351 1924 Peinecke, August. "Homstoff und Homballade: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Volksdichtung." Diss. Marburg (typescript.)'" [352

1925 Brunner, Karl. Romanzen und Volksballaden (Berlin: Mayer & Miiller). Palaestra, 148. [On the Child ballads pp. 75-82.] [353 Schmidt, Gustav. Die Entstehungsgeschichte von Percys "Reliques of Ancient English Poetry." Diss. Gottingen. Summary in Jahr­ buch der Philosophischen Fakultlit GOttingen (1924), p. 35. [354 1926 Eicker, Hilde. Die historische Volksballade der Eng/linder und Schotten (Leipzig: QueUe & Meyer). Neue Anglistische Arbeiten, 7. [355 Lambinet, L., ed., Old English and Scotch Ballads (Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing). Franzosische und englische Lesebogen, 20. '" [356 1927 Bicker, Hilde, ed. English Popular Ballads (Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer). English Treasure Series. >I< [357 Hecht, Hans. "Volkstiimliche Balladendichtung," in Hans Hecht and Levin L. Schiicking, Die englische Literatur 1m Mittelalter (Wildpark-Potsdam: Akademische Vedagsgesellschaft Athenaion). pp. 154-62. [On the collections of Percy, Scott and Child.] [358 1928 Fischer, Gertrud. Das Tragische als listhetischer Wen in den englisch-schottischen Volksballaden. Diss. Marburg (Marburg: Friedrich). [359 Holz, Friedrich. Die Mlidchenrliuberballade: Eine kritische Be­ trachtung von 120 Fassungen aus deutschen und jremdlilndischen Sprachgebieten. Diss. Heidelberg (Heidelberg: Braus). [Includes several Scottish examples.] [360 Naumann, Hans. "Volksballade." Reallexikon der deutschen Lite­ raturgeschichte, ed. P. Merker and W. Stammler. Vol. 3 (Berlin: de Gruyter). pp. 476-81. [Includes discussion of Scottish bal­ ladry; contains bibliography.] [361 132 Peter Zenzinger

Steinberg, Hans. Studien zur englisch-schottischen Border-Bal­ lade. Diss. Marburg (Marburg: Fischer). [362

1930 Hecht, Hans. "Schottische Balladensammler aus dem Kreise F. J. Childs. " Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu GiJttingen. Philosophisch-historische Klasse (Berlin: Weidmann). pp. 407-26. [363 Johannesson, Fritz, ed. Englische Balladen (Bielefeld: Velbagen & Klasing). Franzosische und englische Schulausgaben. English authors, 197 B. * [364

Kahlert, Annemarie. Metapher und Symbol in der englisch-schot­ tischen Volksballade. Diss. Marburg [also listed 1931] (Oberviechtach: Forstner). [365 Kiihnemund, Marga. Ausdruck der Intensitiit durch Quantitiit in der englisch-schottischen Volksballade. Diss. Marburg [also listed 1931] (Marburg: Fischer). [366

1931 Schnellbach, Peter. Fiir die Ballade: Betrachtungen und Auf­ schliisse (Heidelberg: Homing). [pp. 8-12 on Edward; pp. 27-8 on Fontane' s translation of Barbara Allen.] [367

1932 Humbert, Gabriele. Literarische Einjliisse in schottischen Volks­ balladen: Versuch eines kritischen Variantenvergleichs. Diss. Gottingen (Halle: Niemeyer). Studien zur englischen Philologie, 74. Rptd. Walluf: Sandig, 1973. [368 Willinsky, Margarete. Bischof Percy's Bearbeitung der Volksbal­ laden und Kunstgedichte seines Folio-Manuskriptes. Diss. Munich, 1930 (Leipzig: Tauchnitz). Beitrlige zur Englischen Philologie,22. Rptd. New York: Johnson Reprint, 1967. [369

Wirth, Alfred, ed. English and Scottish Popular Ballads (Frankfurt am Main: Diesterweg). Diesterweg's neusprachliche Lesehefie, 209. * [370 1933 Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang. Die Entwicklung der engUsch­ schottischen Volksballaden. Habilitationsschrift Marburg (Halle: Waisenhaus). Also published in Anglia, 57,1-77; 113-207. [371

"Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Edward-Ballade. II Anglia, 57, 277-312. [372 The Gennan Reputation of the Makars 133

Flasdieck, Hennann M. Tom der Reimer: Von keltischen Feen und politischen Propheten (Breslau: Marcus). Wort und Brauch, 23. [On the history and Gennan reception of Thomas Rymer.] [373 1934 Hecht, Hans. "Kleine Studien zu Graves, Shenstone und Percy." Anglia, 58, 131-54. [On Shenstone's contributions to Percy's Reliques, pp. 139-46.] [374 1935 Bestian, Hans. Balladendichtung und WeltgefUhl. Diss. Bonn (Wiirzburg: Triltsch). [375 Meier, John, ed. Balladen (Leipzig: Reclam). [Preface under­ lines the importance of oral composition.] [376 Panke, Fritz. Die schottischen Liebesballaden. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung von Variantenbildungen. Diss. Marburg (Berlin: Junker & Diinnhaupt). Neue deutsche Forschungen, 53; Abteilung Englische Philologie, 4. [377 1936 Ammennann, Elfriede. Die schottische Zauberballade. Diss. Marburg. (Bochum-Langendreer: Poppinghaus). [378 Becker, Heinrich. "Die Ballade von Johnie Cock." Englische Kultur in sprachwissenschaftlicher Deutung: Max Deutschbein zum 60. Geburtstag (Leipzig: QueUe & Meyer). pp. 191-207. [379 Kayser, Wolfgang. Geschichte der deutschen Ballade (Berlin: Junker & Diinnhaupt). [Stresses the influence of the English/Scottish traditional ballad on the Gennan art ballad, esp. pp.78-1oo.] [380 Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang. "Die englischen und schottischen Volksballaden." Zeitschrift fUr neusprachlichen Unterricht, 35, 289-313,369-81. [381 1937 Ams, Karl, ed. Seven Popuklr Ballads (Paderboro: SchOningh). Schoninghs englische Lesebogen, 58. * [382 Neumann, F. W. "Die schottische Volksballade von den drei Raben in Russland." Neuphilologische Monatsschrift, 8, 120-2. [383 134 Peter Zenzinger

---. "Die Volksballaden von Tom dem Reimer." Anglia 61, 193-221. [384

"Der Anlass zum Streit in der Edward-Ballade. It Anglia, 61, 222-4. [385 Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang. "Die Volksballade von den drei Raben." Neuphilologische Monatsschrijt, 8, 81-97. [386 1939 --. "Gemeinsame Themen deutscher, englischer und schot­ tischer Volksballaden." Die neueren Sprachen, 47, 234-60. [387 --. "Die Uberlistungsszene in der Volksballade vom Mlld­ chenmorder." Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrijt, 27, 383-95. [On Fair and its European and American variants.] [388 1940 Hagedorn, Martin. Das Percy-Folio-Manuskript: Die Stellung der Volksballaden des Percy-Folio-Manuskripts in der eng lisch­ schottischen Volksballaden-Tradition. Diss. Bonn (Wiirzburg: Triltsch). Also published as Vol. 3 of the series Studien zur Volksliedforschung (Berlin: de Gruyter). [389

Pohl, Marta. Gemeinsame Themen englisch-schottischer und franzosischer Volksballaden. Diss. Bonn (Wiirzburg: Triltsch; Berlin: de Gruyter.) [390 Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang. "Die schottischen Volksballaden von Sir Patrick Spens." Englische Studien, 74, 42-61. [391

Tuschke, Luise. "" und "Kong Valdemar og hans Soster": Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Beziehungen zwischen englisch-schottischen und skandinavischen Volksballaden. Diss. Marburg (Wiirzburg: Triltsch). Also published as Vol. 2 of the series Studien zur Volksliedforschung (Berlin: de Gruyter). [392 1941 Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang, ed. Schottische Volksballaden mit ihren Melodien (Langensalza: Beltz). Fremdsprachliche Lese­ stoffe, Englische Reihe, 57/58. [393 1942 Scholz, Wilhelm von, ed. Die Ballade: Menschen und Miichte, Schicksale und Taten (Berlin: Knaur). [Includes Herder's 1779 translation of Edward, pp. 12-13, and several of Fontane's Scottish ballad imitations, pp. 342ff.] [394 The German Reputation oj the Makars 135

Staedler, Erich. "Die schottische Edwardballade." Dichtung und Volkstum [Euphorion] , 42, Pt. 1, 109-16. [Discusses various translations. ] [395 Westerhoff, Gerhard. Christlich-religiose Zuge in den englisch­ schottischen Volksballaden una ihren nordamerikanischen Fassun- gen. Diss. Bonn. * [396 1943 Echtenneyer, Theodor, ed. Auswahl deutscher Gedichte. Neugestaltet von Richard Wittsack (Berlin: Weidmann). [Pp. 187-8 Herder's 1779 translation of Edward.] [397 Kommerell, Max. Gedanken aber Gedichte (Frankfurt am Main: Klostennann; 4th edn. 1985). [pp. 319-23 on Edward.] [398 1950 Hiibner, Walter. Stimmen der Meister: Eine Einftihrung in Mei­ sterwerke des englischen Dichtens una Denkens (Ber1in: de Gruyter). ["Die alten Balladen, " pp. 43-60.] [399 Schneider, Rolf. Theorie der Ballade. Diss. Bonn. * [400 1952 Blaich, H. W. Bell Robensons Volksballaden: Studien zur Familien- und Landschaftstradition des schottischen Nordostens. Diss. Bonn. * [401 Krohmann, Helena. Die dlinischen und die englisch-schottischen Liebesballaden. Diss. Bonn. * [402 1953 Solbach, Marianne. Die Balladen der Mrs. Brown aus Falkland. Diss. Bonn. * [403 1954 Vring, Georg von der, and Burghart Wachinger, ed. Tausend­ mund: Europiiische Balladen, Romanzen una Lieder (Ebenhausen: Langewiesche-Brandt). [Includes translations of English/Scottish traditional ballads, pp. 305-20.] [404 1955 Schlabertz, Hans. Die religiiJsen Konzeptionen in den eng/isch- schottischen Volksballaden, ihr Wandel una Veifall. Diss. Bonn. * [405 1958 Matthiii, Sigrid. Rittertum una Ailel in den englisch-schottischen Volksballaden. Diss. Berlin (Berlin: Freie Universitiit). [406 136 Peter Zenzinger

Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang and Elisabeth Bouillon, ed. English and Scottish Popular Ballads (Frankfurt am Main: Diesterweg). Diesterwegs Neusprachliche Bibliothek, 4033. 3rd edn. 1969. [407

1959 Rudiger, Kurt, trans. AIle englische und schottische Balladen (Karlsruhe: Der Karlsruher Bote). [With illustrations by Fritz Moser.]* [408

1960 Bouillon, Elisabeth. Zum Verhiilmis von Text und Melodie in den englisch-schottischen Volksballaden. Diss. Bonn. [Contains mu­ sic.] [409

1961 Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang. "Edward, Edward in der Balladen­ welt. .. Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Theodor Spira, ed. Helmut Viebrock and Willi Erzgraber (Heidelberg: Winter). pp. 100-12. [Parallel versions and possible sources of the Edward ballad.] [410

1962 Vring, Georg von der, trans. Angelsiichsische Lyrik aus sechs lahrhunderten: Englisch-Deutsch (Cologne/Berlin: Kiepenheuer & Witsch). [Includes The Twa Corbies, which is attributed to Chaucer, pp. 20-21.] [411

1963 Hock, Erich. "Johann Gottfried Herder: Edward." Wege zum Gedicht, ed. Rupert Hirschenauer and Albrecht Weber. Vol. 2 (Munich/Zurich: Schnell & Steiner). pp. 122-9. [An interpreta­ tion of Edward in Herder's 1773 translation.] [412

Williams, W. D. "Theodor Fontane: Archibald Douglas." Wege zum Gedicht. Vol. 2 [see No. 412]. pp. 367-76. [Discusses Fontane's indebtedness to the Scottish ballad tradition.] [413

1965 Berger, Karl Heinz anti Walter Piischel, ed. Dos grosse Bal­ ladenbuch. Illustrations by Horst Barsch (Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben; 8th edn. 1982). [pp. 237-8 Herder's 1779 translation of Edward.] [414

Fromm, Hans, ed. Deutsche Balladen (MunichlVienna: C. Hanser). [Contains Herder's 1779 translation of Edward, pp. 35- 6, and several of Fontane's Scottish ballad imitations.] [415

Schmitt, Herbert. "Unterrichtsversuch uber die Edward-Ballade." Neue Wege zur Dichtung im Leseunterricht der Volksschule (Ratingen: Henn). * [416 The German Reputation of the Makars 137

1966 Meller, Horst and Rudolf Slihnel, ed. British and American Clas­ sical Poems (Braunschweig: Westennann). [Based on L. Herrig's Classical Authors (1850), entirely revised edn. Traditional bal­ lads: pp. 1-16.] [417

Schmidt(-Hidding), Wolfgang. "Das Beispielhafte im Fassungs­

vergleich der Volksballaden. II Literatur - Kultur - Gesellschaft in England und Amerika: Friedrich Schubel zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. Gerhard Muller-Schwefe and Konrad Tuzinski (Frankfurt am Main: Diesterweg). pp. 301-8. [Focuses on the Child collec­ tion.] [418

1967 Europiiische Balladen (Stuttgart: Reclam). Universal-Bibliothek,

8508. ["Englisch-schottische Balladen, II pp. 3-61; comment (by Wolfgang von Einsiedel), pp. 467-80; includes traditional and lit­ erary ballads.] [419

1968 Ruttkowski, Wolfgang Victor. Die literarischen Gattungen (Bern and Munich: Francke). [p. 55 on the problem of deftning the genre of Edward.] [420

1969 Pongs, Hennann. Das BUd in der Dichtung (Marburg: Elwert). [Vol. 3, pp. 57-64: "Die Edwards-Ballade. "] [421

1970 Luthi, Max. "Der Familiarismus der Volksballade." Volkslite­ ratur und Hochliteratur (Bem/Munich: Francke). pp. 79-89. [Discusses the theme of the family in European balladry.] [422

1972 Schlawe, Fritz. Die deutschen StrophenJormen: Systematisch­ chronologisches Register zur deutschen Lyrik 1600-1950 (Stuttgart: Metzler). [Lists 42 uses of the Chevy Chase stanza in 18th, 187 in 19th, and 28 in 20th century, Gennan poetry.] [423

1973 Arens, Werner. Die anglonormanische und die englischen Fassungen des Homstoffes: Ein historisch-genetischer Vergleich (Frankfurt am Main: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft). [In­ cludes discussion of Hind Hom.] [424

Seemann, Erich. "Die europiische Volksballade. II Handbuch des Volksliedes, ed. R. W. Brednich et al. (Munich: Fink). [Vol. 1, pp. 37-56, on the European context of the English/Scottish tra­ ditional ballad.] [425 138 Peter Zenzinger

1974 Anders, Wolfhart H. Balladensiinger und mundfiche Komposition: Untersuchungen zur englischen Traditionsballade (Munich: Fink). Bochumer Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, 8. [426 Pfluger-Bouillon, Elisabeth, ed. Probleme der Volksballaden­ forschung (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft). [427 1975 Turnitz, Georg von, ed. Der Deutsche Balladenschatz (Munich: Heyne). [Includes Herder's 1773 translation of Edward and Fontane's of Barbara Allen pp. 11-13; 281-2.] [428 1976 Ludwig, Hans-Werner. Die englisch-schottische Volksballade (Tiibingen: Narr). Studieneinheit des Deutschen Instituts fUr Fernstudien. [429 1977 Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm. "Volksballade." Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturgeschichte, ed. W. Kohlschmidt and W. Mohr. 4 vols. 2nd edn. (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter). Vol. 4, pp. 723-34. [Includes survey of English/Scottish and American bal­ ladry; with bibliography.] [430 Kupke, Lothar. Erscheinungsformen und Funktionen des Achter­ gewichts in der englisch-schottischen Volksballade: Unter­ suchungen anhand der Balladensammlung F. J. Childs. Diss. Marburg 1976 (Frdnkfurt am Main: Lang). [431 Roth, Klaus. Ehebruchschwiinke in Liedform: Eine Untersuchung der deutsch- und engJischsprachigen Schwankhallade (Munich: Fink). Diss. Freiburg, 1975. [On the fabliau ballad in German and English from the 15th c. to the present.] [432

"Zur mundlichen Komposition von Yolksballaden. II Jahrbuchjar Volksliedforschung, 22, 49-65. [Includes discussion of the Scottish ballad tradition.] [433 Wurzbach, Natascha. Review of No. 426. Anglia, 95,526-31. [434 1978 Deutscher Balladenschatz (Bayreuth: Gondrom). [Includes Herder's 1779 translation of Edward (pp. 306-7) and Fontane's of Barbara Allen (pp. 211-12).] [435 The German Reputation of the Makars 139

Dietz, Barbel. Die Child-Ballade in den amerikanischen Siid­ staaten: Traditionsgut und Traditionstriiger. Diss. Hamburg. * [436

Metzner, Erich. "Die mittelalterliche Volksballade im germani­ schen Raum unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des skandinavi­ schen Nordens." Europiiisches Spiitmittelalter, ed. Willi Erz­ griiber (Wiesbaden: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion). pp. 331-54. [Stresses links between Scandinavian, British and German balladry.] [437

Pinkerneil, Beate, ed. Das grosse deutsche Balladenbuch (Konigstein: Athenaum). [Includes Herder's translation of Sweet William's Ghost (pp. 79-80), his 1779 translation of Edward (pp. 83-4) and several of Fontane's imitations of Scottish ballads (pp. 42lff.).] [438 1980 Weissert, Gottfried. Ballade (Stuttgart: Metzler). [pp. 61-7 on Percy's German reputation.] [439

Wiirzbach, Natascha. Review of Ballad Studies, ed. E. B. Lyle (1976). Anglia, 98, 499-502. [440

1981 Miiller, Wolfgang G. "Syntactic Features of the Folk Ballad." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 6, 227-40. [Discusses Sir Patrick Spens, Edward, Chevy Chase, The Wife of Usher's Well and other Child ballads.] [441

1982 Pornbacher, Karl, ed. Deutsche Balladen (Munich: Winkler). [Includes Herder's 1773 translation of Edward.] [442

1983 Miiller, Wolfgang G. Die englisch-schottische Volksballade (Bern and Munich: Francke). Studienreihe Englisch, 44. [443

Wiirzbach, Natascha. "An Approach to a Context-Oriented Genre Theory in Application to the History of the Ballad: Traditional Ballad-Street Ballad-Literary Ballad." Poetics, 12, 35-70. [Main emphasis on examples from Great Britain and Germany.] [444

1984 "Uberlegungen zu einer kontext-orientierten Gattungs- beschreibung der Ballade." Jahrbuch fUr Volksliedforschung, 29, 112-6. [German summary of No. 444] [445 140 Peter Zenzinger

1985 Otto, Elwin. "Balladeske Gegenbewegungen: Folk Ballad und Topical Song." Anglistik & Englischunterricht, 26, 45-67. [Focuses on Barbara Allen.] [446 W6hrer, Franz. Review of No. 443. Sprachkunst: Beitriige zur Literaturwissenschajt, 16, 294-9. [447 Wiirzbach, Natascha. "Figuren, Raum, Zeit in der klassischen Volksballade." Jahrbuchjiir Volksliedforschung, 30, 43-53. [Dis­ cusses Scottish, English, German and Danish examples.] [448