Love Tokens in the Lai de l’Ombre Barry O’Neill Center for International Security and Cooperation Stanford University
[email protected] UCLA Conference on Political Games in the Middle Ages March 2001 DRAFT ABSTRACT: The thirteenth century poem, Lai de l’Ombre, or “lay of the shadow,” tells of a knight stricken with lovesickness for a married lady whom he has seen but never met. He visits her to persuade her to accept him as her lover, or at least to take his ring as a token. She refutes all his reasons, but just when she seems to have won the argument, he uses the ring to make a surprising move, showing her his courtly skill and capturing her love. One question is why his move is so clever, but a broader one is why their dispute focuses on the ring. This paper presents a theory concerning the basis of love tokens such as rings, anniversary dinners or Valentine’s gifts. The basis of the theory is how one person’s emotion responds to the perception of a reciprocal emotion in another. One signficance of the theory is that it combines the strategic and emotional aspects of action. Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Ned Duval, Jacques Hyman, Kimberly Theidon, Scott Waugh and Patience Young for their help and very useful suggestions. Support from the Center for International Security and Cooperation is appreciated. 2 The Lay of the Shadow, written in Old French about 1220 A.D., tells how a knight is smitten with a certain married lady, argues with her to persuade her to accept him, and, when it seems he has lost his case, how he pulls a clever trick, using her reflection, or “shadow,” on the surface of a well (Renart, Orr, ed., 1948; translated Goodrich, 1964, reproduced below in Appendix II.) The poet, who identifies himself in the final lines as “Jehan Renart,” crafted a delicate story that combines ideas of courtly love dialogues with a full plot as in the Breton lays, and to a lesser extent seduction tricks of the fabliaux.