The Church Herald Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church 2053 North Road, NE Warren, OH 44483 Church Phone: (330) 372-6240 Rectory Phone: (330) 372-9778 Pastor: The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth M. Bachofsky, D. Min. Email: [email protected]—Parish Web Page: Volume 34 October 28, 2018 Number 45 The Meaning of Liturgical

The that we celebrate today “As often as a takes of the sacred did not come into existence overnight but is the mysteries, let the and be gath- product of centuries of spiritual experience. When ered together, clothed in white robes, more archeologists excavate the ruins of an ancient city, beautiful than those of the rest of the peo- they proceed layer by layer. Sifting through the ple.” (Canon 37). artifacts, they are able to tell who lived in the city, Even at the end of the fourth century, for how long they lived there and when another the Apostolic Constitutions mention that the group took possession of it. In the same way, by bishop who will celebrate the Liturgy should be examining the Divine Liturgy in its present form, dressed in “splendid raiment.” The Greek we can see the contributions of the many peole words used here simply refer to the expensive who celebrated it in the past and handed it on to the clothing worn by the upper class members of next generation, leaving their marks for better or society. for worse. The Origin of Vestments In excavating an ancient city, archeologists How then did the current vestments for find artifacts left by the most recent inhabitants clergy originate? Our vestments derive from first, and only after careful digging do they find two sources: the style of clothing worn in the those of the earliest civilizations. In studying the ancient world and garments worn by officials in Divine Liturgy, we also find that the first things the Byzantine Empire. The or , the encountered are often the (the cape- latest developments. The like worn by vesting of the before the priest) and the dal- the celebration of the Lit- matic worn by the dea- urgy was not a part of the con were all a part of ceremony of the earliest the style of clothing Christians but a ritual that worn by people in the developed later. Roman Empire during From the Old Testament the first centuries of to New the Christian era. After the priest has In addition, it entered the Church and would seem that the venerated the and call of Hyppolytus and the Altar, he proceeds to other sources for white put on the vestments for garments to be worn at the celebration of the Liturgy. In the Old Testa- Liturgy is a reference to the chrisom—the Bap- ment, in chapter 28 of the Book of Exodus, the tismal Garments given to the Newly-Baptized. Lord gave Moses instructions on how to make The modern sticharion undoubtedly stems from vestments for Aaron and his sons who were to be this garment, which priests probably wore to priests, “for glory and beauty.” However, the first celebrate the Liturgy as a sign of their baptismal Christian and priests did not assume the union with Christ from which their ministry in vestments of the Hebrew priesthood, since, as the the Church flowed. This baptismal garment was Letter the Hebrews explains, the Old Testament essentially the tunica of the ancient world—the priesthood and sacrifices had given way to the basic garment for men and women. High Priesthood of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice In the sixth century the styles of clothing on the Cross (Hebrews 9:10). Instead, for the first began to change, but the Church, being conser- three centuries of the Church’s existence, the bish- vative, retained the earlier style of dress for her ops, priests and deacons did not wear any special ministers. The priest’s epitrachilion or , the vestments, but ordinary clothes, though of finer ’s , and the bishop’s quality than those worn every day. This is all that are all derived from “scarves of office” that can be gathered from the few references to liturgi- were worn by the Emperor and awarded to other cal dress dating form this time period. officials in the Empire, arranged in different The Canons of Hyppolytus, dating from the ways over the shoulder. These served as insig- beginning of the third century, contains this rubric nia of office in the political and social life of the for the celebration of the : late Roman Empire. It was not until after the fall of the Byz- antine Empire in 1453 that Orthodox bishops Our Worship Schedule began to wear the or crown. Originally, this was only worn by the Emperor in Constan- Sunday, Oc- tinople. The bishop’s , the Episcopal outer tober 28th vestment, along with the cuffs—all part of the 9:30 a.m. Emperor’s dress—were adopted at this same The Reading time. Before this Orthodox bishops wore priest of the Third vestments with the omophor over them. After the Hour. Turkish armies took the city of Constantinople in 10:00 1453, the Patriarch became the civil head of the a.m. The Greek-speaking population as well as remaining 22nd Sunday head of the Church. As such, the Patriarchs After Pente- adopted the dress of the Emperor. The belt was a cost, Tone 5. sign of military as opposed to civil office in the (Page ). The Empire. However, because the belt served to M a r t y r s : gather up the loose fitting sticharion, it may have T e r r a n c e , been adopted for more practical reasons than any Neonila, the other. V e n e r a b l e The Meaning of Liturgical Dress J o b o f As liturgical vestments became a part of Pochaev and the spiritual experience of the Church, they were St. Arsenius given a symbolic meaning, often based on events are commemorated. in the life of Christ. The sticharion, for example, Epistle—Galatians 6:11-18 was seen as the seamless robe which Christ wore Gospel—Luke 8:26-39 to His Crucifixion and for which the soldiers gambled. The cuffs were symbols of the Lord’s TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30TH 9:00 A.M. LIT- hands which were bound as He stood before Pi- URGY OF THANKSGIVING FOR THE late. The bishop’s omophorion was seen as a WEEPING AT ST. NICHOLAS symbol of the lost sheep being carried by the CHURCH! Good Shepherd and so forth. The priest’s epitrachil became the symbol of the oil was Wednesday, October 31st 4:00 p.m. The poured over the head of Aaron, when he was Akathist Service to the Theotokos with prayers consecrated, that ran down his beard to the hem for the sick and anointing of the faithful. of his garments. The Orthodox Church, starting from the Book of Revelation, sees Her worship Saturday, October 3rd 4:00 p.m. The Evening as the experience of the worship fo heaven in Vesper Service with Bible Study Class. earthly forms. The vestments of the priest re- mind him and all of the faithful that he is to be Sunday, October 4th 9:30 a.m. The Reading of clothed with the divine grace that will enable the Third Hour. Christ to lead the Church through him. The 10:00 a.m. The 22nd Sunday After Pente- priest, fully vested before the Alter, is no longer cost, Tone 6. (Page ) The Venerable Joannicus an individual, but a sign to all of the “beauty and the Great, Hieromartyrs Nicander and Hermas the glory” that will belong to each of us in the are commemorated. Kingdom of Heaven! Epistle—Ephesians 2:4-10 The Church in the early Middle Ages saw Gospel—Luke 8:41-56 Herself as the New Israel of God and interpreted Her worship as the fulfillment of the forms of the MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH 9:30 A.M. A Old Testament. Many people began to interpret LITURGY OF THANKSGIVING: COM- the priest’s vestments as stemming from the MEMORATING THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY clothing of the Levitical priesthood, though, as OF THE ORDINATION OF FATHER KEN TO mentioned already, the early Christians did not THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD! model their vestments after those of the Jewish Temple. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH 4:00 P.M. Originally, the vestments were put on in THE MAGNIFICANT—FOLLOWED BY silence, but by the late Middle Ages, the service GREAT VESPERS FOR THE FEAST OF THE books began to prescribe various Psalm verses to SYNAXIS OF THE ARCHANGELS! be said as each item was put on. In the 14th cen- tury, Patriarch Philotheos’ Diataxis prescribed THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH 9:00 A.M. the order for putting on the vestments and the THE FEAST OF THE SYNAXIS OF THE Psalm verse to be recited for each garment. This ARCHANGELS MICHAEL, GABRIEL & ALL pattern, with minor variations, was adopted THE HEAVENLY HOSTS! throughout the Orthodox word to this day. EPISTLE—HEBREWS 2:2-10 - Protopresbyter Lawrence Barriger - GOSPEL—LUKE 10:16-21

Saturday, November 10th 4:00 p.m. The Vesper Bon Voyage Party held in honor of Deacon Ed Service followed by Bible Study Class. Brisbine! Faithful are asked to go to the Fellow- ship Hall and find a seat so that we can being the Sunday, November 11th 9:30 a.m. The Reading dinner. After the dinner there will be a Free Will of the Third Hour. Offering taken that will benefit the ministry of 10:00 a.m. The 24th Sunday After Pente- our St. Nicholas Church Samaritan Outreach! cost, Tone 7 (Page ). The Great Martyr Mennas, We ask that you give generously to this most Martyrs: Victor, Vincent, & Stephanida are com- worthy cause, the love and caring for the needs memorated. of our neighbors of the greater Warren area! Epistle—Ephesians 2:14-22 There will be a short speaking program Gospel—Luke 10:25-37 and a presentation will be made to the Deacon, of behalf of the Church, in gratitude for his years 40th Day Memorials of faithful service to our parish of St. Nicholas! A token of our love and gratitude! Following this Follow- you will be able to extend your well wishes to ing the Venera- Deacon Ed. tion of the Please note: Once again, this does not Holy Cross and mean that the Samaritan Outreach will in any- the Distribu- way be affected! We will continue this most im- tion of the portant ministry, especially after the many years Antidioron of dedicated service to this ministry! The only there will be a difference will be that other people will take over of- different responsibilities. A reorganizational fered for the meeting will be held on Sunday, November 4th repose of the newly departed +Andrew Graham, to discuss these changes. in observance of the 40th Day of his Blessed Re- Also, we will be seeing Deacon Ed again pose! These prayers are being requested by the at future parish events, he will not be a stranger members of the Graham, Millik, and Serfos to our parish! The Deacon will also be serving, families. All of the faithful are invited to lend here at St. Nicholas, during Father Ken’s vaca- their voices to our by attending the Memorial tion times. Service. Following the Trisagion all are invited to the Fellowship Hall to partake of the Koliva. Outreach Latest News This offering of the Koliva has been made in loving memory of +Andrew Graham! T h i s At this time we will commemorate, past week within this Memorial Service, the repose of the the Samari- soul of +Regina Hopko, in commemoration of tan Outreach her 40th Day of Repose. These prayers are being held another requested by the members of the Hopko, Diles, Free Dinner Zurcher, and Bates Families. at the Wind- With the Saints, O Lord, grant a rest to ham Ameri- the souls of Your departed servants, +Andrew can Legion Graham and +Regina Hopko, where there is no Hall! We are pain, sorrow, nor mourning, but only Life- please to re- Everlasting! Eternal be His Memory!!! port that it was successful once again! As in the past, this is due to the blessings of the Lord and several of our parishioners to gave their steward- Bon Voyage Deacon ship of time and talent to this ministry of provid- ing for the physical needs of our neighbors! We After mush are most grateful to one and all! God bless you time, contemplation abundantly! and prayer, Deacon Ed Next on the agenda is the Thanksgiving decided, at this stage Day Dinner scheduled for Thursday, November in his life, we wanted 22, 2018! It will be held at the American Legion to sell his house and to Hall—2025 East River Road—in Newton Falls, move into an apart- Ohio. The Thanksgiving Dinner, with all the ment by his family in trimmings will be served from 11:30 a.m. unto Columbus, Ohio. This 12:30 p.m.. Take-outs will be available after will take effect at the 12:300 when everyone has been served. end of October of this Posted on the Atrium Bulletin Board is a year! list of food items needed along with a special list We would like for those who will be donating turkeys. You can to cordially invite eve- drop off your food items in the Fellowship Hall ryone to a very special by November 11th. If you are bringing a cooked turkey, we ask that you please cook it and take all Instructions: After the reception of the Holy the meat off of the carcass, and place it into an alu- Eucharist and the blessing of the Holy , stu- minum container, before delivering it to the dents will be asked to meet in the back of the Church American Legion Hall the day of the dinner. This Nave so that teachers can escort them to the class- will save us a lot of time at the dinner. Please sign rooms. These rooms are in the Educational Wing of you name to the item (s) you will be bringing. our Fellowship Hall. Parents can join us at the coffee Wednesday (November 21st) Helpers: It social and wait there until class has been dismissed, would be nice to have some help on this day also. then pick their child. We will have some refresh- This is a food prep day for the dinner. We will be ments for the students prior to the beginning of baking some extra turkeys along with making classes. stuffing and potatoes. It would be a nice project for Ed Ministry Program: Our educational min- the young people of our Church School Program. istry will entail time for not only creative and We will also need help cleaning up the kitchen. enlightening religious education, it will also provide This will begin at 3:00 p.m. that afternoon. If you time for: arts & crafts, music, games, plays, parties, can help see either Father Ken or Jeff Yenchochik. and other activities throughout the year! We are sure Cash Donations: There were several peo- that our faithful will not want to miss this opportu- ple who approached Father Ken and said that ei- nity! As our secular schools become more and more ther were going to be out of town or have other anti-Christian, this is the only place where parents commitments for Thanksgiving, and asked if they can be assured of a safe haven for nurturing an Or- could make a monetary donation. A cash donation thodox Christian environment and education for their of any amount will be graciously accepted! You children!!!!!!! can give it to either Father Ken or Jeff Yencho- chik. Thanksgiving Day Help: We will also need stewards to give of their time and talent for the setup, dinner and clean up. Your loving sup- port will be greatly appreciated by our outreach, as well as a lot of people attending this dinner! God bless you for your anticipated support!

Happy Birthday!

Cliff Diles Sr………………….…... Offerings to the Lord! Cliff Dlies Jr……………………..... Emily Anzivino…………………… One of the many acts of worship conducted at each Sunday Divine Liturgy, is performed in our generous donations made during the Church Offer- Our Church School ing! This is an excellent way of expressing our love, devotion to the Lord, as well as our thanksgiving, for A cordial the many blessings received from His Hands! welcome is ex- We would like to share with you the Church tended to all of Offerings from last Sunday: Regular Church Offer- the students of ing $1,166.00/ Candle Offering $93.00/ Church Do- our parish from nation $25.00/ Total Church Offering = $1,294.00. pre-school until May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, bless the teenage all of you 100 fold for your gracious gifts offered for years, for the the continuing salvic work being done here at our 2018-19 Aca- beloved St. Nicholas Church!!! demic Year of our St. Nicholas Church School Our Kitchen Report Program in our parish! What an exciting day it is for all of us! Our Fel- The motto of our educational ministry lowship Hall comes from the Scriptural passage: “Train a child was filled, once in the way that they should go and they will not again, for our depart from it!” (Proverbs 22:6) The training and Internationally education of our children is one of the most sacred Renowned Ho- ministries of our St. Nicholas Church! As a parish, lupki & Perohi we all share in this calling of our Lord: “to make Dinners and disciples...baptizing them...teaching them to ob- Take Outs this serve all things that I have commanded past Thursday! you!” (Matthew 28:19) parents, students and faith- We are grateful for the blessings of the Lord, the ful alike! We pray that our Lord bless this ministry help and cooperation of the Kitchen Crew and the and make it fruitful to the Glory of His Holy support of our patrons! Name! The income from the sale of dinners and take TESTouts were PAGE $3,501.11 5 TEXT dollars. This weeks expense ter 2018 for a weekend of prayer, fun and fellow- came to a total of $752.00 dollars. This gave us a ship! net profit of $2,749.11 dollars! Activities will include: Divine Liturgy, a Let’s keep up the good work! We will be religious talk with clergy, sports, a special event! needing the help of our Kitchen Crew this coming His Grace, Bishop Gregory will be joining as well! Tuesday morning and evening shifts. Our pinching Registration will be Friday, November 9th from crew on Wednesday mornings ending with lunch. 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. and the encounter will end on And Thursday for dinner until close. Your steward- Sunday, November 11th with Divine Liturgy 9:00 ship of time and talent will be greatly appreciated! a.m. Parents are welcome! Noon Encounter Dis- May the Lord bless you abundantly! missal! Packets will additional information and reg- istration forms can be found on the blue table in the Kardiotissa parish complex atrium. We would like to have a nice representation from our parish at Encounter It is with 2018! great spiritual joy Please Note: the registration of $90.00 per that we announce that person will be paid by our St. Nicholas Church t h e M y r r h - School. If you would like to attend please inform Streaming Icon of Father Ken by the deadline so he knows the amount the Panagia Kar- to make the check. Father Ken will send in the diotissa, from St. check All the students have to do is send in their George’s Orthodox in forms or directly register by contacting: Sarah Taylor, Pennsylvania, Lavra at 122 R. Pope Road in Stroudsburg, PA will be visiting our 18360, on or before the deadline, Thursday, No- St. Nicholas Church! vember 1, 2018! The date of this Holy Each year, thousands of Orthodox young and Sacred Visit will be on Friday, No- vember 16, 2018! We are very grateful to Father Mark Leasure, the guardian of the Icon, and his assistants, for allow- ing time in their busy schedule, to bring the Panagia Kardiotissa Icon to us! God bless you abundantly! We make this announcement for your infor- mation enabling you to make plans to attend. There will no media publication of this visit so as to pro- vide the Icon’s visit the proper dignity! This infor- adults graduate from high schools and begin col- mation is only circulated by word of mouth. lege, often miles away form the familiarity, comfort There will be a committee formed shortly to and love of their families and church communities. make the proper plans for the Icon’s arrival. If you Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the offi- are interested in being a part of this committee cial campus ministry of our Assembly of Canonical please see Father Ken. Completed information will Orthodox Bishops, serving all of our Orthodox ju- be published in the November 4th edition of The risdictions, and is dedicated to keeping our students Church Herald! alive in their faith during these most formative years. With statistics showing that 60% of young adults never return to the church, OCF’s mission is to challenge that trend by connecting our young adults in fellowship with other Orthodox students on campus, introducing them to an Orthodox parish and spiritual advisor near their school, educating them in the beauty of their faith, counseling them through demanding social and moral issues, and engaging them in service projects and mission trips that impact communities in need both around the corner and around the globe! The month of October has been designated Youth Encounter 2018 as College Student month by our parish, to raise awareness and to assist this vitally important minis- We are pleased to announce that, once try! We are asking that our parishioners kindly give again, the Diocesan Youth Group (Jr. A.C.R.Y.) generously to this most worthy cause during the will sponsor Encounter 2018 and invites the youth month of October! Many of the college students of our parish to attend! This will be held at Camp from our parish have benefited greatly from OCF Nazareth November 9 through 11th 2018. Youth chapters from their colleges and universities! God from the ages of 8 to 18 are invited to join Encoun- bless you in advance of your gracious support!