The Mysteries of Christian Initiation with The of Our Holy Father John Chrysostom


This edition of the Mysteries of Christian Initiation with the Divine Liturgy of Our Holy Father John Chrysostom has been excerpted from the Rite of Christian Initiation, which was approved and promulgated for use in the Eparchy of Passaic on the 1st Day of January 1997, and published by Eastern Christian Publications, Fairfax, VA.

The original text has been updated for consistency with the official English translation and musical settings of the Carpathian Plainchant as rendered in The Divine Liturgies of our Holy Fathers Saint John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, which was promulgated by the Byzantine Metropolitan Church Sui Juris of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. in 2007.

This edition is intended for the Mysteries of Christian Initiation with the Divine Liturgy of Our Holy Father John Chrysostom when celebrated outside the Paschal Season.

This booklet is for private use only.

Mysteries of Christian Initiation


The faithful stand when the preparatory rites are completed and the great incensation of the church takes place. Then the quietly say the prayers before commencing the Divine Liturgy, and the holy doors are opened.

The celebrant meets the candidate in the vestibule, to enroll (him-her) into the Catechumenate. The candidate and sponsors face east (i.e., toward the ). The celebrant breathes three times upon the face, signs the forehead and chest three times and, placing his hand upon the candidate’s head, says the following:

Celebrant: In your name, O Lord, the God of truth, and in the name of your only Son and of your Holy Spirit, I lay my hand upon your servant (Name) whom you have deemed worthy to take refuge in your holy name and to be protected under the cover of your wings. Free (him-her) from that ancient deceit, and fill (him-her) with faith in you, with hope in you, and with love for you, that (he-she) would know that you and your only-begotten Son and your Holy Spirit are the only true God. Grant that (he-she) may walk in the way of all your commandments and do what is pleasing to you, for “the one who observes the law shall live by it.” Inscribe (his-her) name in your book of life and unite (him-her) to the flock of your inheritance so that your holy name may be glorified in (him-her), together with the holy name of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and of your life-creating Spirit. Let your eyes always look mercifully upon (him-her), and let your ears hear (his-her) supplications. Let (him-her) rejoice in the work of (his- her) hands and in all (his-her) posterity, that (he-she) may confess you, worshipping and glorifying your great and most exalted name, and may praise you all the days of (his-her) life.

For all the powers of heaven sing praise to you, and yours is the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.



Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Celebrant: O Lord of Power and Might, God of Israel, you heal every sickness and infirmity, look now upon your servant. Seek, search, and drive out from (him-her) every work of Satan. Rebuke the unclean spirits and expel them, and purify the works of your hands; quickly crush Satan under (his- her) feet and grant your servant victory over him and his unclean spirits, that, having obtained mercy from you, (he-she) may become worthy of your immortal and heavenly mysteries, and glorify you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.


Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Celebrant: O Eternal One, Lord and Master, you created us in your image and likeness, and gave us the power of eternal life. When we then fell into sin, you did not turn away from us but brought about the salvation of the world by the incarnation of Christ, your anointed one. Now deliver this creature from bondage to the enemy and receive (him-her) into your heavenly kingdom. Open the eyes of (his-her) mind so that the light of the may shine brightly within (him-her). During (his-her) lifetime, give (him- her) the companionship of an angel of light to rescue (him-her) from every snare lying in (his-her) path, from the encounter of the evil one, from the noonday demon and every evil imagination.

The celebrant breathes in the form of the sign of the Cross upon the mouth, forehead, and breast of the candidate, saying the following each time:


Drive out from (him-her), O Lord, every evil and unclean spirit hiding and making its lair within (his-her) heart: (Three Times)

The celebrant continues:

the spirit of deceit, the spirit of wickedness, the spirit of idolatry and all greed, the spirit of lying and every impurity brought about by the prompting of the devil. Make (him-her) a spiritual of the holy flock of Christ your anointed one, a worthy member of your Church, a (son- daughter) and an heir to your kingdom; that living according to your commandments, preserving the seal (of the cross) unbroken and keeping (his-her) baptismal robe without stain, (he-she) may obtain the happiness of the saints in your kingdom.

Through the grace, the mercies, and the loving-kindness of your only- begotten Son with whom you are blessed, together with your all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and forever.


The celebrant then turns the one to be baptized to the West (i.e., away from the altar) and, while the sponsors hold the candidate a little raised, the celebrant asks the following questions.

The sponsors respond on behalf of the candidate.

Celebrant: Do you renounce Satan, and all his works, and all his angels and all his service, and all his pride?

Sponsors: I do renounce him.

Celebrant: Do you renounce Satan, and all his works, and all his angels and all his service, and all his pride?

Sponsors: I do renounce him.


Celebrant: Do you renounce Satan, and all his works, and all his angels and all his service, and all his pride?

Sponsors: I do renounce him.

Celebrant: Have you renounced Satan?

Sponsors: I have renounced him.

The celebrant then turns the one to be baptized to the East (i.e., toward the altar), and the sponsors lower the candidate. The celebrant asks the following questions, and the sponsors respond on behalf of the candidate:

Celebrant: Do you unite yourself to Christ?

Sponsors: Yes, I unite myself to Christ.

Celebrant: Do you unite yourself to Christ?

Sponsors: Yes, I unite myself to Christ.

Celebrant: Do you unite yourself to Christ?

Sponsors: Yes, I unite myself to Christ.

Celebrant: Have you united yourself to Christ?

Sponsors: Yes, I have united myself to Christ.

Celebrant: And, do you believe in him?

Sponsors: I believe in him as King and God.

The sponsors, speaking on behalf of the candidate, profess the Symbol of Faith:

Sponsors: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, the only-begotten, born of the Father before all ages.


Light from light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in essence with the Father; through whom all things were made.

For us and for our salvation, He came down from heaven and was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. He rose on the third day, according to the scriptures.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and He is coming again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of Life, who proceeds from the Father. Together with the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified; He spoke through the prophets.

In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I profess one baptism for the remission of sins. I expect the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

The celebrant continues with the following questions:

Celebrant: Have you united yourself to Christ?

Sponsors: Yes, I have united myself to Christ.

Celebrant: Have you united yourself to Christ?

Sponsors: Yes, I have united myself to Christ.

Celebrant: Have you united yourself to Christ?

Sponsors: Yes, I have united myself to Christ.

Celebrant: Then worship Him!


Sponsors: I worship the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity one in essence and undivided.

Celebrant: Blessed is God, who wishes all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth; blessed is he now and ever and forever. Amen.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Celebrant: O Lord, our Master and God, call your servant (Name) to your holy enlightenment and count (him-her) worthy of this great grace of your holy baptism. Wash away (his-her) old self, and renew (him-her) for everlasting life. Fill (him-her) with the power of your Holy Spirit, in union with Christ your anointed one; that (he-she) may no longer be a child of natural descent but, rather, a child of your kingdom.

Through the benevolence and grace of your only-begotten Son, with whom you are blessed, together with your all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and forever.


All process now to the place of baptism, and all the candles are lit. The celebrant incenses around the baptismal font, and then stands before it and bows.

Deacon: Reverend Father, give the blessing!

Celebrant: Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.




Litany of Peace

Deacon: In peace, let us pray to the Lord.

Response: 

Deacon: For peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.

Response: 

Deacon: For peace in the whole world, for the stability of the holy Churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: For this holy church and for all who enter it with faith, reverence, and fear of God, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: For our holy father (Name), Pope of , for our most reverend Metropolitan (Name), for our God-loving (Name), for the venerable presbyterate, the diaconate in Christ, and all the clergy and people, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: That this water may be sanctified by the power, action and descent of the Holy Spirit let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: That the grace of redemption and the blessing of the river Jordan may come upon it, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: For (him-her) who now approaches holy enlightenment and for (his-her) salvation, let us pray to the Lord. 


Deacon: That (he-she) may prove (himself-herself) a (son-daughter) of light and an heir of eternal blessing, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: That this water may become for (him-her) the font of rebirth; the forgiveness of sins; and a garment of incorruption, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: That (he-she) may be delivered with us from all affliction, wrath and need, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: Protect us, save us, have mercy on us and preserve us, O God, by your grace. 

Deacon: Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, the and Ever-Virgin Mary with all the saints, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.


During the Litany of Peace, the celebrant prays the following prayer silently.

In the absence of a deacon, the celebrant prays this prayer privately immediately before the service of baptism.

Celebrant: O compassionate and merciful God, you alone search the heart and soul and know their secrets. There is nothing hidden from you; all things are naked and exposed to your sight. Since you know everything about me, do not turn your face from me; but rather, at this time, overlook my offenses, as you overlook the sins of all when they repent.

Cleanse my body and soul and make all my being holy and perfect by your unseen power and your spiritual right hand, that while I proclaim freedom and offer it to others by the perfect faith of your unspeakable love for us all, I myself may not be found an abandoned slave of sin.


O Master, you alone are good and love us all, do not humiliate me, but send upon me the power from on high, and strengthen me for the ministry of this great and heavenly mystery. Form Christ in (him-her) who seeks to be born again through my humble ministry. Build (him-her) firmly upon the foundation of your apostles and prophets and do not destroy (him-her). Plant (him-her) as a planting of truth in your holy, catholic and apostolic Church so that (he-she) may not be rooted out, and that as (he-she) grows in the practice of faith, your all-holy name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit may be glorified in him, now and ever and forever. Amen.


The celebrant continues with the prayer for the blessing of water:

Celebrant: O Lord God, Ruler and Creator of all things both visible and invisible, you created heaven and earth and the sea and everything that is in them. You gathered the waters into one place, enclosed their depths and sealed them by your awesome and glorious name. Raising the waters above the heavens, you made the earth firm upon the waters, and established the sea by your power. You crushed the heads of serpents in the waters. You are awesome and who can withstand you?

Look, O Lord, upon this your creature and upon this water and grant this water the grace of redemption and the blessing of the river Jordan. Make it a fountain of incorruption, a gift of sanctification for the forgiveness of sins, a healing of sicknesses, the destruction of demons, inaccessible to hostile powers, and so that filled with angelic might those who would ensnare your creature will flee from this water. For we have called upon your name, O Lord, which is wondrous, and glorious and fearful to the enemy.

Then the celebrant signs the water in this way: he immerses his fingers held in the form for blessing, breathes upon the water, and says the following:

May all the hostile powers be crushed by the sign of your Cross. (Three Times)


Celebrant: For to You is due glory, power, honor and worship together with your eternal Father, and your all-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and forever.


Celebrant: + Peace be to all!


Deacon: Bow your heads to the Lord.


As the deacon holds the oil [if there is no deacon, the celebrant holds the oil], the celebrant breathes upon it, in the form of a cross, three times and signs it with his hand three times.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Celebrant: O Master, Lord and God of our fathers, to those in Noah’s ark you sent a dove bearing in its beak a twig of the olive tree as a sign of reconciliation and of salvation from the flood, foreshadowing the mystery of grace. You have provided the fruit of the olive tree for the fulfillment of your holy mysteries, and by it, you have filled those under the law with the Holy Spirit, and have perfected those under grace.

Now, O Lord, you yourself bless + this oil through the power, action and descent of your Holy Spirit, that it may be an anointing of incorruptibility, a weapon of righteousness, and a renewal of soul and body, turning away


every work of the devil. May it deliver from all evil those who are anointed with it [or taste it]: for your glory and for the glory of your only- begotten Son and your all-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and forever.


Deacon: Let us be attentive!

While the celebrant and faithful together sing the “,” he pours some of the oil upon the water in the form of the cross three times, retaining a sufficient amount of oil for the anointing to follow.

Celebrant: Blessed is God who enlightens and sanctifies everyone coming into the world, now and ever and forever.



The celebrant takes some of the oil and makes the sign of the cross with it on the forehead, breast, ears, shoulders, hands, and feet of the candidate, saying:

Celebrant: + The servant of God (Name) is anointed with the oil of gladness in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

(Forehead) + That (his-her) mind may be opened to the understanding and acceptance of the mysteries of the faith of Christ, and to the knowledge of his truth, now and ever and forever. Amen.


(Breast) + For the healing of soul and body, and that (he-she) may love the Lord God with all (his-her) heart, with all (his-her) soul, and with all (his-her) mind, and that (he-she) may love (his-her) neighbor as (himself- herself).

(Ears) + That (his-her) ears may be ready to listen to the teachings of faith, and accept the words of the divine gospel.

(Shoulders) + That (he-she) may willingly take upon (himself-herself) the easy yoke of Christ and gladly carry his light burden and that (he-she) may shun all craving of sensuality.

(Hands) + That (he-she) may innocently raise (his-her) hands to heaven and do the right thing at all times and bless the Lord.

(Feet) + That (he-she) may walk in the way of the commandments of Christ.


Mystery of Holy Baptism

The celebrant holds the child upright, looking toward the East (i.e., toward the altar). At the pronunciation of each name of the Most Holy Trinity, the celebrant lowers the child into the water and immediately lifts (him-her) out:

Celebrant: The servant of God (Name) is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


After the baptism, the celebrant washes his hands. Then, clothing the candidate with the white baptismal robe, he says:

Celebrant: The servant of God (Name) is clothed in the robe of righteousness, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


All of the faithful present, following the direction of the cantor, sing the following:

A lighted candle is given to the sponsors.

Celebrant: Receive this lighted candle, and during your entire life strive to shine with the light of faith and good deeds, that when the Lord comes, you may be able to meet him with light together with all the saints and enter unhindered into the court of his heavenly glory and reign with him through all eternity. Amen.


Mystery of Holy Chrismation

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


Celebrant: Blessed are you, Lord, God, Ruler of all, Source of all good things, Sun of Righteousness. You have raised up a light of salvation for those in darkness, through the manifestation of your only-begotten Son and our God. Though we are unworthy, you have given us a blessed cleansing in


holy water and a divine sanctification through life-giving anointing. Now, to your newly-enlightened servant, you have been pleased to give new birth by water and the Spirit, for the forgiveness of voluntary and involuntary sins. Now, O Master and gracious King of All, you yourself also grant (him-her) the seal of the gift of your holy, almighty and adorable spirit, and the communion of the holy body and precious , your anointed one. Keep (him-her) in your holiness, strengthen (him-her) in the true faith, and deliver (him-her) from the evil one and all his deceitful ways. Keep (him-her) in purity and righteousness by a fear of you that brings salvation, that (he-she) may please you in (his-her) every word and deed and will be a (son-daughter) and an heir to your heavenly kingdom.

For you are our God, a God of mercy and salvation, and we give glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.


After this prayer, the celebrant anoints the newly-enlightened person with holy chrism, making the sign of the cross on the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, breast, hands, and feet, saying:

Celebrant: + The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

All of the faithful present, following the direction of the cantor, sing the following hymn while the candidate, sponsors, parents, and clergy return to their usual places for the Divine Liturgy:


Liturgy of the Word

The clergy go to the chairs behind the holy table for the Apostolic Reading.

Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Celebrant: + Peace be to all!

Deacon: Wisdom! Be attentive!

The faithful sing the Prokeimenon, and the lector chants the verse:

The faithful repeat the Prokeimenon.

Deacon: Wisdom!

The lector announces the title of the Apostolic Reading.


Deacon: Let us be attentive!


After the faithful are seated, the lector chants the Apostolic Reading.

Celebrant: + Peace be to you !

Deacon: Wisdom! Be attentive!


The holy is incensed along with the faithful.

When a deacon is serving, the following is included. The deacon comes to the celebrant, and bowing his head to him and holding his orarion with the tips of his fingers and pointing to the holy gospel, intones:

Deacon: Reverend Father, bless the proclaimer of the Gospel of the holy apostle and evangelist (Name).

The celebrant hands the holy gospel to the deacon and, blessing him, intones:

Celebrant: May God, through the prayers of the holy, glorious, and illustrious apostle and evangelist (Name), grant that you proclaim the word with great power for the fulfillment of the Gospel of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Deacon: Amen.


Celebrant: Wisdom! Let us stand and listen to the holy Gospel. + Peace be to all!


Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to (Name).


Celebrant: Let us be attentive!

The deacon proclaims the holy gospel.



A homily will be given at this time, during which the faithful remain seated.

Litany of Fervent Supplication

Deacon: Let us all say with our whole soul and with our whole mind; let us say:


Deacon: O Lord Almighty, God of our fathers, we pray you, hear and have mercy.


Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, according to your great mercy; we pray you, hear and have mercy.



Deacon: Again we pray for our holy father (Name), Pope of Rome, and for our most reverend Metropolitan (Name), for our God-loving Bishop (Name), for those who serve and have served in this holy church, for our spiritual fathers, and for all our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Deacon: Again we pray for our government and for all in the service of our country. Response:

Special petitions for the living may be intoned here.


Deacon: Again we pray for the people here present who await your great and abundant mercy, for those who show us mercy, and for all Christians of the true faith.



Celebrant: For you are a merciful and loving God and we give glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.



Liturgy of the

As the clergy pray quietly at the altar and the deacon incenses, the faithful sing the Cherubikon.

The clergy and servers go to the table of preparation and, with the gifts about to be consecrated, make the Great .

Deacon: May the Lord God remember in his kingdom all you Christians of the true faith, always, now and ever and forever.


Celebrant: May the Lord God remember in his kingdom our holy father (Name), Pope of Rome, our most reverend Metropolitan (Name), and our God-loving Bishop (Name), the entire priestly, diaconal, and monastic order, our government and all in the service of our country, and the ever-memorable founders and benefactors of this holy church. May the Lord God remember all you Christians of the true faith, always, now and ever and forever.


The faithful complete the Cherubikon:

Deacon: For the precious gifts placed before us, let us pray to the Lord.


Celebrant: Lord God Almighty, who alone are holy and receive the sacrifice of praise from those who call upon you with their whole heart, accept also the prayer of us sinners. Bring us to your holy altar. Enable us to offer you gifts and spiritual sacrifices for our sins and for the people's failings.


Make us worthy to find favor in your sight that our sacrifice may be pleasing to you and that the good Spirit of your grace may rest on us, on these gifts here present, and on all your people.

Grant this through the mercies of your only-begotten Son with whom you are blessed, together with your all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and forever.


Before the profession of the Symbol of Faith, the assembly is invited to be reconciled with one another:

Celebrant: + Peace be to all!


Deacon: Let us love one another that with one mind we may profess.


Symbol of Faith

Deacon: [The doors! The doors!] In wisdom let us be attentive!




Deacon: Let us stand aright; let us stand in awe; let us be attentive to offer the holy Anaphora in peace.



Celebrant: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit + be with all of you.


Celebrant: Let us lift up our hearts.


Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord.



Celebrant: It is and just to sing to you, to bless you, to praise you, to thank you, to worship you in every place of your dominion. For you are God ineffable, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, ever existing, yet ever the same, you, and your only-begotten Son, and your Holy Spirit. You brought us out of nonexistence into being, and again raised us up when we had fallen, and left nothing undone until you brought us to heaven and gave us your kingdom to come. For all this we thank you, and your only-begotten Son, and your Holy Spirit, for all that we know and that we do not know, for the manifest and hidden benefits bestowed on us. We also thank you for this liturgy which you are pleased to accept from our hands, even though there stand before you thousands of archangels, tens of thousands of angels, cherubim and seraphim, six-winged, many- eyed, soaring aloft on their wings:

Singing, shouting, crying aloud, and saying the triumphal hymn:



Celebrant: We also cry out with these blessed powers, O loving and kind Master, and say: Holy are you and all-holy you and your only-begotten Son and your Holy Spirit. Holy are you and all-holy and magnificent is your glory. You so loved your world that you gave your only-begotten Son so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have life everlasting. He came and fulfilled the whole divine plan in our behalf. On the night he was betrayed, or rather, when he surrendered himself for the life of the world, he took bread into his holy and all-pure and immaculate hands, gave thanks and blessed, + sanctified, broke, and gave it to his holy disciples and apostles, saying:

Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you for the remission of sins.


All make a profound bow.


Celebrant: Likewise, he took the + after supper, saying:

Drink of this all of you; this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.


All make a profound bow.

Celebrant: Remembering, therefore, this saving command and all that has come to pass in our behalf: the cross, the tomb, the resurrection on the third day, the ascension into heaven, the sitting at the right hand, and the second coming in glory:

Offering you, your own, from your own. Always and everywhere.

All bow reverently and sing:


Celebrant: Moreover, we offer to you this spiritual and unbloody sacrifice; and we implore, pray, and entreat you: send down your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts lying before us. + And make this bread the precious body of your Christ. + And that which is in this chalice the precious blood of your Christ. + Changing them by your Holy Spirit. That for those who partake of them they may bring about a spirit of vigilance, the remission of sins, the communion of your Holy Spirit, the fullness of the heavenly kingdom, and confidence in you, not judgment or condemnation.


Moreover, we offer you this spiritual sacrifice for those departed in faith: the forefathers, fathers, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, preachers, evangelists, martyrs, confessors, ascetics, and for every just spirit brought to perfection in faith. Especially for our most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.


Celebrant: Among the first, O Lord, remember our holy father (Name), Pope of Rome, our most reverend Metropolitan (Name), our God-loving Bishop (Name). Preserve them for your holy churches in peace, safety, honor, and health for many years as they faithfully impart the word of your truth.



Celebrant: Remember, O Lord, this city in which we dwell, and every city and community, and the faithful living in them. Remember, O Lord, those who travel by sea, air, and land, the sick, the suffering, the captive, and grant them salvation. Remember, O Lord, those who bring offerings and perform good deeds in your holy churches, and those who remember the poor, and upon all of us send down your mercies.

And grant that with one voice and one heart we may glorify and praise your most honored and magnificent name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.



Preparation for Communion

Celebrant: + May the mercies of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ be with all of you. Response:

Deacon: Now that we have commemorated all the saints, again and again in peace, let us pray to the Lord.

Response: 

Deacon: For the precious gifts offered and consecrated, that our God who loves us all may receive them on his holy, heavenly, and mystical altar as an aroma of spiritual fragrance, and send down upon us in return his divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray.

Response: 


The following petitions may be intoned:

Deacon: That we be delivered from all affliction, wrath, and need, let us pray to the Lord. 

Deacon: Protect us, save us, have mercy on us, and preserve us, O God, by your grace. 

Deacon: That this whole day [or: evening] be perfect, holy, peaceful, and without sin, let us beseech the Lord.

Response: 

Deacon: For an angel of peace, a faithful guide and guardian of our souls and bodies, let us beseech the Lord.

Response: 

Deacon: For the pardon and remission of our sins and offenses, let us beseech the Lord. 

Deacon: For what is good and beneficial to our souls and for peace in the world, let us beseech the Lord. 

Deacon: That we may spend the rest of our life in peace and repentance, let us beseech the Lord. 

Deacon: For a Christian, painless, unashamed, peaceful end of our life, and for a good account before the fearsome judgment-seat of Christ, let us beseech the Lord. 

Deacon: Asking for unity in the faith and for communion of the Holy Spirit, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.



Celebrant: To you, O Master who love us all, we commit our whole life and hope, and we implore, pray, and entreat you: make us worthy to partake with a clear conscience of your heavenly and awesome mysteries from this sacred and spiritual table. May they bring about the remission of sins, the pardon of transgressions, the communion of the Holy Spirit, the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, confidence in you, not judgment or condemnation.

And make us worthy, O Master, that we may with confidence and without condemnation dare call you “Father,” God of heaven, and say:


Celebrant: For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.



Celebrant: + Peace be to all!


Deacon: Bow your heads to the Lord.


Celebrant: We give you thanks, O invisible King, for by your immeasurable power you have fashioned all things, and in the greatness of your mercy have brought all things out of nonexistence into being. Look down from heaven, O Master, upon those who bow their heads to you, for they do not bow to flesh and blood, but to you, the awesome God. Therefore, O Master, make smooth for the good of all the path that lies ahead, according to the need of each: sail with those who sail; travel with those who travel; cure those who are sick, O Physician of souls and bodies.

Through the grace, the mercies, and the loving-kindness of your only- begotten Son with whom you are blessed, together with your all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and forever.




Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Celebrant: Holy gifts to holy people!



The celebrant breaks the holy lamb into four parts in the form of a cross, uniting one portion with the precious blood.

All pray together:

O Lord, I believe and profess that you are truly Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the first.

Accept me today as a partaker of your mystical supper, O Son of God, for I will not reveal your mystery to your enemies, nor will I give you a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief I profess you:

+ Remember me, O Lord, when you come in your kingdom. + Remember me, O Master, when you come in your kingdom. + Remember me, O Holy One, when you come in your kingdom.

May the partaking of your holy mysteries, O Lord, be not for my judgment or condemnation but for the healing of soul and body.

O Lord, I also believe and profess that this, which I am about to receive, is truly your most precious body and your life-giving blood, which, I pray, make me worthy to receive for the remission of all my sins and for life everlasting. Amen.

+ O God, be merciful to me, a sinner. + O God, cleanse me of my sins and have mercy on me. + O Lord, forgive me for I have sinned without number.

While the clergy receive the holy gifts, the faithful sing the Communion Hymn:


Deacon: Approach with fear of God and with faith.


All Catholics who are properly prepared are welcome to receive the Divine Eucharist. Because Catholics believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is a sign of the reality of the oneness of faith, life, and worship, members of those churches with whom we are not yet fully united are ordinarily not permitted to receive the Divine Eucharist.

The body and blood of our Lord are administered on a small spoon. Communicants approach close to the or deacon and remain standing.

The communicants say nothing. They open the mouth widely without extending the tongue and close the mouth only after the spoon has been withdrawn.


The faithful remain standing while others are receiving holy communion. When holy communion has been distributed, the celebrant blesses with the chalice:

Celebrant: Save your people, O God, and bless your inheritance.


The celebrant incenses the holy gifts.


Celebrant: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever and forever.



Deacon: Arise! Now that we have received the divine, holy, most pure, immortal, heavenly, life-creating, and awesome mysteries of Christ, let us worthily thank the Lord.


Celebrant: We thank you, O Master, Benefactor of our souls, who love us all, that this day you have made us worthy of your heavenly and immortal mysteries. Through the prayers and intercession of the glorious Theotokos and Ever- Virgin Mary and of all your saints, make straight our path, confirm us all in fear of you, guard our life, and safeguard our steps.

For you are our sanctification, and we give glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.


Celebrant: Let us go forth in peace.



Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.


The celebrant, going before the ambon, intones this or another Ambon Prayer:

Celebrant: Lord, blessing those who bless you and sanctifying those who trust in you, save your people and bless your inheritance. Preserve the fullness of your Church, sanctify those who love the beauty of your house, glorify them in return by your divine power, and do not forsake us who hope in you. Grant peace to your world, to your churches, to the , to our government, and to all your people. For all generous giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from you, the Father of Lights; and we give glory, thanksgiving, and worship to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.


Rite of the Churching

The celebrant takes the child from the sponsors and, facing toward the Holy Table, makes the sign of the cross with (him-her), saying:

Celebrant: The servant of God (Name) is presented to the Church in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the ambon:

I will enter your house; I will bow down before your holy temple in awe.

Approaching the sanctuary:

The servant of God (Name) is presented to the Church in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the midst of the Church I will praise you.

At the holy doors:

Celebrant: The servant of God (Name) is presented to the Church in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The celebrant and faithful together sing the Prayer of the Holy Simeon, the God- Bearer (Luke 2: 29:32):

The celebrant gives the child to the sponsors, who bow three times and receive (him-her) from the hands of the celebrant. Then the faithful sing:


Celebrant: + The blessing of the Lord be upon you through his grace and loving kindness, always, now and ever and forever.



Celebrant: Glory to you, O Christ, God, our hope; glory to you!


Facing the faithful, the celebrant intones the Prayer of :


Celebrant: May Christ our true God, [risen from the dead,] have mercy on us and save us through the prayers of his most pure Mother; and of the holy, glorious, and illustrious apostles; of our holy father John Chrysostom, archbishop of ; of the holy (Name/s), the patron[s] [patroness] of this church; of the holy (Name/s of the saint/s whose day it is); and through the prayers of all the saints; for Christ is good and loves us all.



Celebrant: To (Name/s), grant, O Lord, many years.


Added only after the final intonation for long life: