
1l Tri bu ti to John M. Goldin Chiif 'Rangir UNf Wildliffl ~anetuary 1984-2003 Jolin :Micfiae{ (jofaen :February 25, 1951-:Marcfi 15, 2003

John M. Golden , UNF's chief nature trail ranger for nearly 20 years, was born in Brooklyn , NY, and grew up in Ctty. Family say even as a young child, John loved to be outdoors and often w:iuld disappear for hours in the nearby 'M)()ds v.nen visiting relatives outside the City. After completing a BA in English at Wagner in , NY in 1972, he headed out West. There he continued his undergraduate studies in biology, education, psychology and linguistics at Arizona State and w:irked as an EMT. It was in Seattle in the mid-'80s that he met wfe-to-be Cathy E. Clark. Cathy's job opportunity brought them to Jacksonville and John to the UNF campus in 1984. He volunteered on the trails for a month, then was hired by UNF Campus Recreation Director Becky P~rser. Calling himself an "environmental moderate," John partnered wth faculty, staff, students and administrators. There were many strategy sessions on John's back porch wth the ever-present Na­ tional Public Radio in the background . His drive and vision eventually transformed the trails from a campus recreational opportuntty, into an environmental education resource for thousands of school children, college students, and the Northeast Florida community. In the '90s he simultaneously w:irked at UNF and as a seasonal park ranger wth the National Park Service at Jacksonville's Timucuan Eco­ logical and Historic Preserve at Fort Caroline. Always seeking and sharing knov.4edge, he became a Certified Naturalist Interpreter in 1998. He de­ signed , implemented and taught one of the first Eco-Tourism/Heritage Tourism Providers credentialing programs in the First Coast area in '99-2000. The 40 hour course used UNF faculty and staff to teach providers environmental ethics, Nature Based Assets, Cultural Assets, Pedagogy and other issues that oould enable them !Oprovide quality programming in environmentally responsible ways. The next year he was awarded the EPA's Wild Neighborhoods Grant, ooich made it possible for 850 area low income school children to participate in ranger guided environmental programs at UNF and at Talbot Island State Park ooere, for some, the ocean became a reality for the first time. He was appointed as the Audubon Natural Resource Manager wth responsibility for assuring that UNF's golf facility w:iuld be as carefully managed as possible from an environmental perspective, wth native plantings and a respect for habttat. During the same period, he created and implemented the first "Eco Camp• for children ages 8-12 years, centering on environmental inttiatives ooile integrating math and science curriculum. In Summer 2001 , John and his student-staff proudly occupied office space suitable for their programs needs in the Hayt Golf Leaming Center. John was particularly pleased ooen the administration also dedicated other space in the Center to labs for faculty environmental research. Then , just as he had reached his stride, John was diagnosed wth lung cancer in Fall 2001 . He fought the "alien·, as he called tt, in his body wth the same tenacity that he had approached most obstructions in his life: head on. His once-booming voice reduced to a ooisper, Chief John persevered , in spite of the severe physical discomfort and reduced mobility caused by his treatment. And even in his final months, he continued to amuse us wth a sense of humor and a language all his o~. such as calling his dedicated student-cow:irkers "pups•. His hard w:irk and commitment also leave a legacy that those ooo loved him and believed in him must ensure wll continue. To borrow John's environmental vocabulary, we hope his w:irk and his memory are ·sustainable." Order of Tri6ute Welcome ...... 1Jr. :Mauri io (jonza(ez ice 1'resicfent tucfent .:Affairs

SpirituaCO.fferine...... iCeen :Miffer

Tributes ..... :...... 'Dr. 'Dav id' jenner .:Asso iate Professor 1'fiifosoyny

'Dr. Jolin 'Eis{er .Jlsso iate 'Professor 1'sycfiofogy

'Dr. 'Ray 'Bowman 1'rnfessor, fiernistry ana'Pliysics

J.1 r. 'Dan 'l'ard'ona ationaC'Parli Service, 'Iimicuan 1'resen1e

:Mr. ra.ig :Morris Nationa{1'arfi Service

'Dr. Jofinny 'Randa onservation 'Biofogist 1.1.NC- fia_pe{J{j[/

:MemoriaC Announcements ...... Jifr. Jfanli 'Rogers 'Presiaent, Stucfen.t (jO'Veniment Jon.n :M. (jo{i;(en S n.o{arsfti_p

:Mr. 'R.od'Gra6owsfii Jnstitutiona{ .:Ad'vancement Jolin :M. (go{d'en 'Environmenta{'Ed'ucation 1'avifion. Native (garcfen

Cosing ...... :Mr. 'E11erett J. :Ma{co6n, III Jlsso iate ice 'Presid'ent Stucfent l_[fairs

Contri6utions may 6e maae to tlie Joftn :M. (go{cfen 'Enviromnenta[ 'Edit ation 1'aviaon ana are grea.t{y a_pyreciatea6y atliy Cfarli. anatfie Cfarli ana(jo{aenfarniCies. "Ill\, 20 t1ears UNF wLLL be a greell\, LsLall\,c( surrou~ec( bt1 a sea of cteveLop~ell\,t."

Jovtll\, M. c:;olctell\,, :0gs GviLef R.a~er-UNF wLLc(LLfe SaV\,C,tuart1

Top Fi.Ve ToLVl-05 I UC!rlll,lc( Whtl.e WorR.LVl-0 wtth R£lV1.0trjohll\.

1.. H'CI~ true~ Cl~ olc( ti.res e1re fe1trt11 se1fe o~ects to ple111 wLth 2. SII\.CI~ (espectelll!:j oll\.e5 wi.th w.u.sle gle1~s), sll\.ClppLVl-0 turtles Cl~ the golf coe1ch e1re best Lt-ft e1LoV\.t .

3 . OV\.t of the best WCll:j5 to Lte1r"" sow.tthLVl-0 Ls to juw.p ri.ght t"" (or get pu.shec( LIi\., whi.chever cow.es fi.rst) 4 . overcow.i.Vl-0 the fee1r of publi.c speC!R.LVl-0 Cit E;e1rth Mu.si.c Fest ts o""lt! Cl few beers CIWCl!::j- -- Oh, sorr11, I w.ee1""t i.t's e1ll e1bout pre1ctLce Cl~ bei.Vl-0 well pre­ pe1rec( 5. worR. shoulc( be w.ore the1"" Cl job, Cl~ collee1gues shoulc( be w.ore the!"" ju.st peoplt 11ou worle wi.th - R£lV1.0er MC!rtLCIII\. (CI .R..CI . MC!rCLCI 1<.Lll\.tV\.tr)