Table of Contents NOVEMBER 2000 VOL.5 NO.8 4 Editor’s Notebook A new, healthy beginning… 5 Letters:
[email protected] TELEVISION 6 Belphégor,The Renewed Legend The legend of Belphégor has entranced France for years. Now France 2 and 3 bring the mys- terious dark figure back to television, only this time, it’s animated. Annick Teninge reports. 11 No Boundaries:An Interview With Eric Radomski From Batman: The Animated Series to Spawn and Spicy, Eric Radomski has always been testing the limits of animated TV, while being very vocal about what makes and breaks a show. Amid Amidi passes on the insight. 19 Primetime Animation Fills Growing Niche TV Gerard Raiti studies the migration of animated primetime programming from the major net- works to more specialized networks and reveals that maybe 2000 wasn’t such a bust after all, rather just a shifting of sorts. 2000 24 The Good,The Bad,The Butt-Ugly Martians The Butt-Ugly Martians are about to invade Earth and the World Wide Web simultaneously. Paul Younghusband investigates this strategy’s development and implementation process. 26 Boom and Doom Did primetime television animation fail because it was animated or because it was on big time network TV? Martin Goodman offers new insight on the pressures (and ignorance) influencing the bust of 2000. 30 Tom Snyder Productions Goes Scriptless Sharon Schatz goes behind the scenes at Tom Snyder Productions and learns how this surpris- ing little company has been hitting winners ever since its inception. 34 The Purpose of That X-Chromosome Oxygen’s flagship showcase of animation, X-Chromosome is almost a year old.