
the amencan sociological association annual meeting the amencan FORMER PRESIDENI'S OF THE ASSOCIATION sociological Lester F. Ward William G. Sumner George A. Lundberg association Franklin H. Giddings Rupert B. Vance Albion W. Small 'onnual Edward A. Ross Carl C. Taylor George E. Vincent Louis Wirtb meeting George E. Howard E. Franklin Frazier Cbarles H. Cooley Frank W. Blackmar Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr. James Q. Dealey Robert C. Angell Edward C. Hayes James P. Lichtenberger Samuel A. Stouffer Ulysses G. Weatherly 1\ Cbarles A. Ellwood Donald Young Robert E. Park Herbert Blmner Jobn L. Gillin Robert K. Merton William I. Thomas Robin M. 'Yilliams, Jr. Jobn M. Gillette William F. Ogburn Howard Becker Howard W. Odmn Robert E. L. Faris I , Emory S. Bogardus Paul F. Lazarsfeld Luther L. Bernard Everett C. Hughes Edward B. Reuter George C. Romans Ernest W. Burgess Pitirim A. Sorokin F. Stuart Cbapin Wilbert E. Moore Henry P. Fairchild Cbarles P. Loomis Philip M. Hauser Frank H. Hankins Arnold M. Rose "' Edwin H. Sutherland Ralph H. Turner Robert M. Maciver ' ,1 l Stuart A. Queen William H. Sewell j ' William J. Goode

Executive Office 1722 N Street, N.W. 1973 Washington, D.C. 20036 " ·· ':', .. prOgram

'' ~ .f:L';,..'i: I '•~ '

• i:. '~ ~ ) ' ~ . 8~ " " . N~w Y~rk Hilton Hotel '.: ·' :~·'·· ·" · Aug~,~sf :27-3o, J973 , 2 3


MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, 1973 GENERAL Im"ORMATION · ·· .·· . . 7 Officers of the .Association Retet=R&mi:t6cilti9Di .' •••.•••••..••••..• : ••• •••••••••• 5 .s.ervic~s ...... , President , Vice-Presi­ 5 Barnard College, dent-Elect Press ':Roo'm ". . .- ...... _; : ...... ~ . . . . .' .. ~ .. 6 RAYMOND W. MACK, Vice-President Paper Sales . . . . , ...... ~· ·. . . '... 6 J. ~TON YINGER, Secretary Professional Placement Service ...... ; ' 7 PETER M. BLAU, President-Elect ·.. Oberlin College r. Columbia University WILLIAM J. GOODE, Past-President Book EXhibig ...... ' , · . , : ... 7 Columbia University 7 OTTO N. LARSEN;· Executive Officer Informal~Center ····.:_···:··············· Message ...... 8 ~ €are.·Ccntoro ~.; ...... ·...... 8 Elected-at-Large Daily Bulletin .... ·, ...•...... ·; • •.. , 8 HUBERT M. BLALOCK, JR.· SUZANNE KEIJ.ER PROGRAM NOTES University of Washington 9 ORVILLE G. BRIM, JR. KARL F. SCHUESSLER :=:e~~ilie~ ~ · :.:..L:: · · :: ;_ ,..~ · ~ • ·: ·;Yo;~ · · · · · ··. Old Greenwich, Connecticut IDdiana University ·· 1 9 ROSE LAUB COSER RIT~ J~·; SIMON What Have We Le~~d?~n~~~ ~9 SUNY, Stony Brook VJ!h:ersity· qf IlliJiois - Sctp:htar Sessit:JB&...... • • . . . • . . . • • • • 9 JAMES A. DAVIS ~9~ H; ~OLNICK NORC, UJ!i.y~t:f , Berkeley Contrihu~d Paper Sessi6ftS ...... 9 JACK P. GmBS RUTH USEEM ~uncheon Roundtable Diss:ussions, .·.·...... 10 Mi~ ~State Uni,versity University of Texas ·· · · "...... -Business Meetin ._.-. 4 ... /"'" J~ L7.'7.a:< JOSEPH GUSFIELD WALTER L WALLACE 1'"--Sectio M tin gs ;-., .... r";-;. · .• # r. .·;(/ . . ~~...... lO University of California,. San Diego Prhl~ton Ufiiv~ty . n ee gs ...... ·...... 10 Social Events ...... 10 ·' Joint Meetings, .. , , .·... ·.. 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 ---o\.c.tivities of Other Group~( .·. · · .. · . . 11 ~~1iif~f ~E)( ...... MEMBE.Rs OF Tin: CQUNCIL, i974 ~·-~. »=' ...... 13 Officers of the ~aqoh / COMMJITEE, C()UNCIL AND pr 17 J l'1W ,..;J30ARD ME;J3T- 't• - ---· PETER M. BLAU, President __.-NEIL' J;. ~~ER, Vice-Pmident-Elect INGS ...... 17 ~~PROGRAM sUMMARy ,., · · · · ·: · · · .. · · · · · · · · ·' · .. ·· .. )Cobimbia University University of California, Berkeley ...... 19 ,MATILDA WHITE RILEY, WILLIAM H. FORM, Secretary-Elect Vice-President University of Dllnois , ~.·,: AL MEETING ~ROGRAM .. . , , . : . . Rutgers University ' · · · ""'7"1,_(Jf t: lYlQll.day. · I Aucrn!:.tb- ~'L.fP• •. • • • • • • ••••••••••••• -_ •••••• , •••••• LE~ A. COSER, President-Elect MIRRA KOMAltOVSKY, Past-Preddent d 27 SUNY, Stony Brook Barnard College, Columbia Universi~ j ~es ay, August ~7.. ·. , ...... ·...... · .... ·...... ·: . . 51 J. MILTON YINGER, Secretary OTTO N. LARSEN, Executive Officer TI1dnesday, August ..... , : ., . :, ...... : ..•...... Oberlin College 75 ursday, August 1.... , ...... · ...,,...... 93 l;).JB.ECTORY OF EXHIBITORS . . Elected-at-Large ~:ADMI:Ni . . •·. .. ':' ·... ::: .. :...... 113 : . .S',r.RATION HUBERT M. BLALOCK, Jr. SUZANNE KELLER University of Washington . Princeton University 2 ORVILLE G. BRIM MELVIN L KOHN 'ctgg~~Vtt~~. :: : : : : : : : : :·: :: : : : : ·: :: : ·: :: : : : : : : :.: :: ; : : : : : : 191 Old Greenwich, Connecticut National Institute of Mental Health GftY. MARX JAMES A. DA~ ·C;·~~:~e~~ 194. NORC, Chicago Massachusetts Institute of Technology ·· · · · · ··, ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ·· · · · · · · · · · · c Editors <>f J<>urnals · • · · • · • · · · • · · · · · · · • · · · · · ·' • · · • • · • •·' • • 16 JOSEPH FICHTER JEROME H. SKOLNICK ...... 195 Loyola University University of California, Berkeley ~· · PtQgram Committee . · RENEE FOX RUTH HILL USEEM £/ &ecuiive Office Staff· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·-· · · ·· · · · · · · 4 University of Pennsylvania Michigan. State University 4 JOSEPH R. GUSFIELD WALTERL WALLACE ~rNcr>EDCOFP)URT1ctP~~· ·················· ...... University of California, San Diego Princeton University ...... 197 4 5

~~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE STAFF IN ATIENpANCE GENERAL INFORMATION Otto N. Larsen-Executive Officer Suzanne Gorman-A~vertising wzd The Hilton Hotel Alice F.· Myers-Administrative Exhibits . , · ' · . Officer Sharon Gray-Subscriptio~ All activities of the Annual Me~ting will be held in this headquarters Maurice Jackson-Executive Midg~ Miles-Administrat!ye hotel. The !'aciliti~s· here are such that an· sessions ahd 8ervic.es will be Specialist Assista71t located on the second and third floor, easijy ac¢¢ssible from the lobby by Joan Harris-Executive Specialist Telza Pippin~omputer Records espalators · and £r:om ·an floors of the hotel by· direc.t elevators. :Most com­ Designate Martha Rios-Ricagac:=Bookeeper · rilitte:e'' meetings; ·board meetings, and ancillary group activities Will •be Norma Blohm-Secretary JoAnn Ruckel-Publicatiohs located on the fifth floor of the hotel, which can only be' reached by certain Sarah Clement-Membership Jude Ruckel-Secretary, elevators. If you are located on upper floors of the Hilton, it is best for you Lillie Gaskins-Secretary to go to the lobby and then use a local elevator to the fifth floor. · ; The second floor ·.of the Hilton, where ASA registration is loc!lted, also c.ontains many of the, meeting. rooms: ·

.t, Beektluui Room' MurtaY Hill Suite· Bryant Suite Morgan Suite Clinton Suite Nassau Suite Gibson Suite Regent Room Gramercy Suite Rhinelander Gallery Madison Suite Sutton Ballroom • , _. -· <: ·I,\ • - . , The balance of the Session rooms are located on the third floor: ' i - . . ' - . ' ' ~ . ' c > PROGRAM COMMITTEE ... East Ballroom · , Le Petit Trianon West Ballroom Trianon Ballroom Mercury Ballroom Rotunda MIRRA KoMARovsKY, Chair,· Barnard· ciillege, Columbia University ~ addition, a series of small meeting rooms are located on the fifth floor: JAMEs· E. BLACKWELL, 'University of M'assdchuseitS, B.oston ~. Franklin P. Adams ruDg Lardner ALLEN D. GRIMSHAW, Indiana UriiVefsity Robert Berichley Don Marquis .. · Clifton Fadiman Ogden Nil$, RAYMOND W. MACK, Northwestern University S~tt Fitzgei-ald Dor,otliy Parker Wolcott Gibbs Damon· Runyon MATILDA WHITE RILEY, Rutgers University ,~,, Lorenz. Hart Red Smith , g: Heilry · P. G. Wodebofise J. MILTON YINGER,. Oberlin College Henry James MORRIS ZELDITCH, ·1:, ~mces Seminar Sessions Sub-Committee: GEORGE W. BOHRNSTEI>T, Chair; ILENE N. BERN- STEIN, ALLEN D. GRIMSHAW, HELENA Z. LoPATA, IRA L. REISS ' ' . r Th~ foUowing ~rvices are located on the second floor (the wide corridor Luncheon Roundtables Sub-Committee: HARRY C. BREDEMEIER, Chair; EnrnA LEH- ~ tQ~ ~§~aJ.a~ors is kpown as th~ Pt:omenade) : MAN, CoRA B·. MARRETT . 1. Regist:J::a~<;m .. -:Promenade Contributed Papers Sub-Committee: RICHARD L. SIMPsoN, Chair; M. ELAINE BURGESs, " · '2. .ASA · Desk.,.,_Promenade ERDMAN B. PALMORE · ·'·' ' ' 9. l:I:OSpitality~Promenade •t~~'"c4, Luncheon Roundtable Ticket Desk"-Promenade ~.,.,,,§,. ABA Exec:utive Office-.,Morgan Suite . 6. Informal Exchange Contact Center-Morgan Suite 7

7. Book Exhibits-Rhinelander Gallery summ~d ,and discussed. Therefore, ypu are urged ·to obtain. copies· of 8. Press Room-Gibson Suite such,papers prior to the sessions. '· .• _ . , · . · · 9. Paper Sales~linton Swte Authors .who brought multiple. copies of their papers rather than mailing 10. Placement Service--Sutto~ Ballroom them beforehand should take their papers to the Clinton Suite. : The Exe.cutiv~. Office regrets that many papers are not available because ·Registration the authors either did not submit copies or preferred not to have them dis­ 1 • c( f ' • ' \ 1: ) \ ' r '1. +, , .~ __ , Pre~re~*~ts :m~y pi~k up their kits:,l,lnd P,adges; oth~fS. piay fegjs~~r, tributed. The papers to be given at the Refresher Lectures and' the 'What Have We Le11;rned Sessions will not be available. for sale because they are p~y their fees, _~d I~~~lYr~ th~ft: kits. ;The ~~gistratip~. ~Ppqt~ are ,stiiffeq slated for possible publication at a later date. Copies of the Presidential by em~lo.Yee~ of th~ Nc:rw Yo*,Coqvention Burea,u wpo ~e, ngt ~qwled~e­ ~l;lle !ll;JOl}t as~cts of the Prognm:t o~ the affair~ of ~~ .AS~., f9r ..su.c;I;t, :ql- ~d~ss. Will))e avhllabie only to the news me~a; it is sch~duied for 'pub- lication m the Ame.rican Sociological Review this winter. · · ~ormatioq, t>lease gq to. the ASA Desk nearby. · · · · · ' f, '

AsA Desk Professional Phicefutmt Servi~e· t ; ~ . ' l f l) ' · This· desk will be manned· by ASA ExecutiVe Office staff members who The ~ew ¥ark State Employment Service will conduct an Employment will be able to give you information relating,to.membership, subscriptions, Center m the Sutton Ballroom. It will be open Monday through Wednes• program, etc. In addition, sam~ ASA publications will be. !J.Va;Ial;>le for day~ .~:30 ~.m. to ~:00 p.m., and Th'ursday, 8:36 ·a:m. to 1:00 p.m. purchase at this desk. Facili~es will be available for reviewing job orders and applications, ex­ changmg messages, and interviewing. There is no charge for this service. If you have pre-registered for this service, you should check in -im­ Hospitality 1; ·: r, i': m~~at~l! and pick up yo~ ID. Othe~ should register th~ir openfug' or No formal tours have been organized, tn~t ~wn~r01JS brochures, and flyers availability as soon as posstble. · · provided by the New York Convention Bnreau concerning' sightSeeing; shopping, restaurants,'llnd the many attractions of New York will be avail- Book Exhibits able. · · · You are urged to visit the Book Exhibits in the Rhinelander Gallery at Press' RoomL '- ~~.end of the Pro~e?a~ o~ the second flo~r Sev~nty-five incliyidual ~x­ mbits plus numerous J?Ubljcations and periodicals1 fu' th'e Combined Exhibit Located in the Gibson Suite, the Press Room will be staffed~by· members are on display. The· ExhibitS will be open from 8:30 ·a.~. to 5: :w p.'m;, of the ASA Committee Qti,. 'J?ublic Information, under the Qirectioq of the Monday through Wednesday, and from 8:30 a.m. tb 12:30 p.m. on ASA Press Officer, Bernard Roshco. All representatives of the news Thursday. · media are invited to ~<>n:te to· the Press Room for badges, press kits; and copies of available papers. · ,r; Informal Exchange Contact Center (IECC)

Paper Sales ~ rise in attendance at the Annual Meeting and the increase in the ?umbe{ of p~ogramp1ed activities have made it more difficult to establish '· Papers will go on sale in the Clinton Suite at 2:00p.m. on Sunday. The inf.onull.l contacts for the exchange of ideas with persons of sin:tilar interests. price per copy will be $1.00. In the event the supply of copies· does not In. M !ltteJ:Ilpt to overcome this, an "Informal Exchange Contact Center'' meet the demand, pre-paid orders will be accepted and ·copies will be sent ~bee.tlJ?lanned on !l trial basis for this year. If you wish to make contact after the Meeting. Orders mailed in to the Executive' OffiCe. after the meet­ with .others who have a common concern, such as a research idea, a ings will be $1.50 per copy to cover the additional cost of m!liling. ~hmg ptQbl~m, some theoretical interests, some methodological innova­ Those registrantS planning to attend the Seminars or Contributed Paper tions1 or whatever, go to the bulletin board outside the Morgan Suite Sessions are reminded that papers. w.ill, not be read .at these session~ only ~1l~ ''lECC" and post one of the forms you will find there to initiate 9 .~AI·

i:J)Iifa®Wiih such persons. Once you have formed a group, you may Wish

tp arrange to meet over lunch, coffee, or cocktails, in a quiet corner 'of the '< ..i'. lobby; ,or in someone's hotel room. If the group you have assembled is PROGRAM NOTES too large for such places, check with the staff member on duty in the Plenary Sessions Morgan Suite for assignment of whatever public space. might be available. President Mirra Komarovsky's addre~s win be' on Monday evehing at Message Desk 8:30. The recipients of the Sordkin Award,:Stotiffer Award, and DuBois­ Johnson-Frazier Award :will be announced at this session. Raymond Mack, ..U you y.rish to contact a registrant at the Annual Meeting, the mo~ Vice-President, will preside. efficient way to do so is to 1eave a message at the hotel mail desk. A red Tuesday evening's Plenary Session, The of Sociologists on Gov­ message light Will be turned em iii the guest's. room and will ~ontinue. ,to erfunent Commissions, will consist of four papers by sociologists who have blink until the message is picked up. The ASA message desk is not adequate served on various commissions, Otto Larsen, Lloyd Ohlin, ;James Short, to this task and is designed primarily for. persons not staying in hotels. and Charles Westoff. Marvin Wolfgang will preside.' Names of those for whom messages are left will be posted on a bulletin · On Wednesday evening, Matilda Riley, :Vice,.President"-Elect, will pre­ boru:d and the actuaLmessages. ICept in a :fil~ to inSure privacy. You should side at the !Plenary Session entitled of Government Commissions: chet:k the board frequently· for your name~ Messages not claimed ·at the Synthesis and Generalization. Raymond Mack and will close of the Annual Meeting will be destroyed. present commentaries orr the four papers from the previous evening;· and Robert Merton will· conclude the series with a discussion of all the presen:.. Child Care tations. · ' · . , . 1. • · "' The SWS (Sociologiits for Women. in Soci~ty) has .arranged for child Refresher Lectures care during the meetings. Plans W'ere not sufi;idently completed at press time to include them here. Interested persons should inquire in the Dorothy . This, series of tenJ_ectl.Jres, an experiment in~jntr!l-disc~plinill'Y r~pproche­ Parker Room on the fifth floor for information. ~t in a perjod of growing speciaiiza,tioll, is designed for persofi.s. not p.._~arily identified in' !heir research or. teaching with. tit~ particular. area. -~ach l~t_ure will be followed by' a scheduied discussant as well as_ discus- ;~ ' \.r ·, ' . . ', I • siQJ1 from .!he floor., . . - Each· mhh,liilg, Monday through Thursd~y, cop_ies of the Daily BulletU;t Will be available at strategic spots throughout lli,~ hotel. Be sure to pick ' What iiav(! We Learn:ed? Sessions . up yotir free co~y. · · · these fi~e s~sslons

,. ~ Ses~ons •' . ,, ~-three Seminar ~.essions are design:1ted in the. Program. Papers ~!<, tb~e Seminars should be read beforehand because they will· only,be ~ ' i ~~ffi~d; the b~ .of.~¢ !ime peri~d will be used for discussion. P'apers ~;. ; '- m the. Clinton Smte.. . . ·. ·" . \ Is~ purchas~

$1"-QQ.~acb in the Paper Sales room (Clinton Suite). In Tuesday evening following the Plenary Session, the of Sociologi­ ~ S~§_i'Qn~~; tour papers have been scheduled, each one allo­ cal Musician~ :will hold their annual jil-ZZ. session. ~v~ryone, is invited to Itilli)ift:s,· ten muu1tes for summary, 'and twenty for discussion. p~cipate in the cas~ bar, and listen to the. nius~~; a. unique opporru,m,ty to see your colleagues in a different . . -~;?~~~" -- - ~®.~eon J;{oundtable Discussions Wednesday evening; the first annual DAN· party will, be... heldl ·More t: 1 \ f specific:ally, tpe affair will be. called .. a DeJ!¢Inetital .AI~ Stude~ts Ttl~ luncheon roundtables are listed under Session 23 on Monday, Ses­ . and F;lculty Gt¥'h Bar Co9~t~il Stand-up Conv~~~aticin and M~~·:Y~ur­ ~ion 7l on .'fuesday, Session.,109 on Wednesday, and Session 148. on Old Friends under Your University Standard Ntght. Therefore, , everyone Thursday. Some tickets are still available for some of the luncheons. A who js an alumnus; student, faculty, or friend should come. If you are none bulletin board listing such availability is at the Luncheon Ticket Desk of these, come anyhow. . · in the.Promenade. Also listed here will be the luncheon nuinbers for which the presenters ha:ve left materials. for distribution to participants. · · Joint Meetings Persons who have received a confirmation ·of tlieir ·luncheon reserva­ tions should have received their tickets along with their Badges. Persons Several Sessions are being jointly spon8ored by the Rural Sociological holding tickets to any. of these luncheons who find .they, will ·not be able Society (Nos. 29 and 41), the Association for the to attl;lnd n1ay sell their tickets to. someone else: or toni- them in at the (Nos. 39 and 41), the Association for the Sociological Study of Jewry lu~ltt:;Qll desJc at leasf, 24 hours before the luricheon is scheduled. If the (No. 113), and the National Institute of Mental Health (No. 6). ASJ\ is ~UCC(l~sful js resellfug such tickets, a refund will be made at a later Criminal Justice as a System will be co-sponsored by the ASA Section date. If tQey are not resold, no refund will be possible. on Criminology and the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Malcolm Klein has organized this session and will preside. Bnsiness Meetings Textbook Publishing in Sociology in the Seventies: A Dialogue (Session No. 34) has been jointly organized with the Association of American Two ASA Btismes~ Nfeetings, open to all members, are scheduled. for Publishers. Melvin OeFleur will preside over a panel of representatives Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. and i'hirrsday at 8:30 a.m. Memqers wishing hoPl four college book publishers. to present :resolutions should subinlt them to a member of the Executive Federal Funding for Sociological Research: Prospects, Policies, Pro­ Office staff in the Morgan Suite· not later than 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday ot cl!liures (Session No. 81), will include representatives from five federal Wednesday for presentation the following morning. Such suomitted reso­ a~encies in a panel discussion presided over by Albert Reiss. lutions will.be given priority on the ag~ndl,l. Reso}u:tiqns nqt sqp,Jllitted be­ forehand. will be placed. at the ttnd of the agenda, time permitting. . .. Activities of Other Groups

section. Meetings. Various ancillary groups have scheduled activities during the Annual Meeting. Such events are listed on page 12 of this Program. Undoubtedly The Program Summary and lfhe body of the Program list Section Council otherS will have been arranged between press time and the opening of the and Business Meetings as well as Section-Sponsored Sessions. The schedule Meetings. These will be announced on the various bulletin boards in the by day is: ~~t:ration ~ea. C'!~unity ' • ...... : .... Tuesday . ...... Wednesday Crimin!Jlogy .•...... :..... Tuesday Organizations ' .. ; .. ;·, ... ·... '"'Monday Educ_ation ... : , ...... • .... ~ . Tuesday SexRol!JS .•.....••..•.. , ...... Thursdll-y Family . : . :. : .... :' ...... Monday Theoretical Sociology . , ...... ThursdaY ;. Medical ...... Wednesday Undergraduate Education : .. Thursday

Social Events I • All registrants an~ ·~esbi''i~t: tii~ted 'tb a:tteriii the Dutch-Treat p~ ) . on Monday evening immediately following the Presidential Session.' J ' ' 13

OTHER ACTIYITIES .. ' iffi~rtehli.Toilrniii 'of: stlciology Board-Wednesday, Auguit 29, 5::30 p.m.:_Nassau A MP!{~ Klippa Delta :NationiU Representativl!s-Monday,' Augu51"27, 4:30 p.m.~West PROGRAM INDEX Penthouse ,1\s.sociaJ:ion. for the Sociological Study of Jewry, Business. Meeting-We~esday, SeSsion ,August 79,,4:30 p.m.---:-~r.eli;Z Hart R,oop1 Topic· Cau8us of Black Sociolo&ists-Monday thru 'Thursday.:.::.:.Wolcott Gibbs Room· ~~~r,s Philadeiphia' Sociology 'bro~p: "Per5tiecrlve~ ori' "_:_Wednesday, Abortion ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · :· .. ·. . ·.· ·.• · ·· • • '6d ;~~~· .t\,ugust 29,, 8:30 a.m.~Don• Marquis Room ' ' · · Age . ; .... ·...... •...... ·.· .....•.....· .. '3 6• ' . Sociological R.esearch Association:.:Tuesday, August 28, 5.30 p.m.-West Ballroom Airierican Indians, Studies of ...... ' .... : ...... ; .. :. 46 SOciologists for Women in SOciety-Monday thru Thursday-Dorothy .:Parker. and Area Studies ...... ·...... ·...... ; ... : . . 110, Henry J llples Rooms .Arts, Sociology of ...... •..•.... • ...... • ...... · · .. · · .. · · · ; · · · · · ·: · 40 Law and Society Association-Sunday, August 26, 9:00 a.m. (all. day)-Scott Asiruls, Studies ot ...... ·...... ~ .68, 70 Fitzgerald Room ' · · · · · ·1. Biacks, Studies of ...... 50, 101, 155 Q~~J; ~oc~qlogis~Tuesday and We~esday, August 28 and 29, 4:30 p.m.-Don CDaucuses, Impact of ...... •..•...... •.. ; ; ; ..... ·.: ... :, ...... :.;: .158. · . Marquis. Room . · · • 0 COgnitive Theory .....•...... • ... : ... :·.·: .. ... ; ..... : ...... · · .. · .· •. ·; ·; ;37 f'•',: • ~ J·, • ')1 ,.1 {, -. ' . ' I ;I

',. )! 't COlonialization ...... : ...... ·..... ·...• 1 Coinnitines · ...... ; ...... : ..•.., •.•.,8 COinrinlnitY ' . , ...... , ...... , ...... 8, 20; 29, 55, 65~ 7~, 164 COmparative Studies ...... 14, 28, 51, 61, 76;.. 153 €ofuplex ...... • ...... : ...... : . . : ...~ ·• 7 @omputers •...... •...... ; ...... : ; .. •.. : ...59 ~!' ' I '~ ,• oonflict ...... ~ ...... •.... 11_;: :~11 Contributed Papers ...... 9, 22, 48, 58, 83, 96, 108, 134, 1~7, 160, 17~ Wfrectional ...... , ...... ·, .. ._ .137 ~qology ...<.: ...... · .. ; ...... ·... : ..... ·.· :6~!.137 &aticai SoCiology ...... ·...... , ...... , ·.• ·...... ;, ·> . ~.; . ; .2 :m~on;Making ...... ;· ... .· ..•.. : ..... :· ...... 27, .29: ..::s;": . -. • .· 60' 151 !ft· i: :::::i::i::::: :::i: ::::::::: i:::::: ::::ii: :iii::::::: :i: ::::::: i::i::: ::: ~::::/:i:::: :i~~: ::~~. E®.catfon ...... 14, 67, 80, '91, 120, 130 ·-.. ·- .

Session Session Topic Numbers Numbers

'ci' ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' •••••••• : ••••••••••••••••••• 4, 45, 100 Sport, Sociology of ..... ; •.....· ...... ; .. ; ..... · .. · · . · · . · · · · · · · ·57 ' ...••...... •...... •...... •....• 1 Stratification and Mobility ...... · .. · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 90 Development ...... 28, A2 Symbolic Interaction ...... ·: ...... : · 8~·_)24 IfiliemliltiiJinal Order ...... ' 1'65' Systems Analysis , ... : . ..· ...... ':· ...... : . .. ·... · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·: .~ · · .49 Introductory Sociology ...... _...... _...... 25, 144\ Theory ...... :· _...... : ...... , ...... :. .:, .. 3, 7, 125, 156, 168 KD.owledge and &:ience ...... 54, 104, 132, 142" Trust . .' ..... ·...... ·.•·.... ,.... 122 Labor 'Marketfor Sociologists ...... : ...... ' ...... Jl4 Undergraduate Education ...... , ...... 2~, 144, 157,169 rAw and Society ...... _.... _...... 12, 13, 137, 171 . ,, ' ' ' 129 141 Urban' ' Soc10logy' ,...... · · ·,. · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · ·.· · · · · · · · · · · '· '· · · · • · · 10' · 69 Le_adership ...... , .. , . , ...... •...... 26 Violence .....•. ·. · · · · · · _... · · · · · · · · · · · ·: ·- · · · · · · • · · · · · · · • ·· · · · · ·' · · ·' • ·• · ·, Leisure ...... 103 voi1lntary" Associations ...•...... • ·...... , •.... , .....• , .• ·...... 102 Luncheon ~oundta'?les ...... _ ...... 23, 7.1, JO?. 1481 What Have We LeariJed? ...... •..... , ...... , .... , •.. JO, 72, 84, .110, 149 Marriage ...... •...... , ...... •..... 60; Women 'iD Sociology ...... ·. ;87, 159 lyfass Communications and ...... , ...... , ...... 31 Work ....•.•...... ; . '·" ..... • ...... • ...... ;. ,36 ...... • -.,. '" ..... 15 -.u , Medical Saciology ...... 94, 95, 117, 118, 131, .140, 162. ~eqtal,-~ealth . , ....,. •._, ...... · .. ~ ...... 6, 21,. 152, 162 Met~to!lology ...... : .6j 93, 119, 139. 1\{ilitary ...... •...... •.•., ...•.. 43, ,14~ ~odCis...... ~ ...... ~ ...... , ...... , ...... ,.,.6{!! ¥'opep1j~tion ..... -...... _ ...... _ ...... :, "?&:• M~tii)W.on_llj C9rpora~ons ...... , ...... , .... 127 ~9p-Conforinity · ...... : ...... • , ...... · . ,...... 107· ~Mtions, Professions, Organizations ...... 18, 33, 44, 52, 82, 122, 127, 1.5~· Personality ...... , ...... · .... , •. 36, 145, 17Q; J?benoptenology and ...... , .. , . 5, 35; n- Pqljtic;@l Sociology ...... 27, 75, 113, 1~' Povetty IUld inequality ...... •. , .• 10Q; Power ...... : ...... _ ...... 56,_ P~$iatry and Saciology , , . , .. , . , ...... , :.. 162 Pllblis.biQg 'l;~tbooks ... , ...... ;·. ·.. _, ,341 Racial and Ethnic Minoi:ities •.. , .6, 21, 30, 46, 50, 10, 101, 106, 133, 159, 16.¥ Racis.m ...... _...... ,. . ,...... •..... , .. lJ.3, 155! ~calism ...... •...... '. : . .... ·'. 146' R~_}Jabj]jtation ...... , ...... 1371 ~efresher Leqtures ...... 11, 24, 37, 49, 59, 98, 111; 123, 136, 150 Religion, ~ociology of ...... •..•...... ·.. : .. 39, 62' ~evolutioQS .... , ...... , ...... 163!. ~x. Roles ...... 73,. 87, 91, 116, 143, 155, 166, 16~ ~ ·Oroull§ .. -, ...... ,. ''"· ...... •.....•...... 261 1·3'11!- Socia} Ch!lfi~ .....•.. , ...... •..•...... •... 75, 89, ·1 1oJ Social Control ...... Social Inqicators ...... •...... •...... , Social Moveptentli ...... ••...... 46, 53, 107, 133, Social ...... 12, 24, 35, 105, 145; SQ.cial ·StrUcture ...... -.·...... ·.. , ...... 7, 4s;· 145, Social Welfare, Sociology of ...... : . ... , ...... ·4, Socililization . . . . ·. . .- ...... · ...... :. . . . . 7 4, 75, Sociolihguistics . , ...... •...... : ...... 16, '· 17

COMMITIEE, COUNCIL, AND EDITORIAL BOARD MEETINGS * SESSION ORGANIZERS ASA Council, 1974-Bryant Pauline L Bart, Sociology of Sex Roles Thursday, 2:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00p.m. Section Gerhard E. Lenski, Comparatfoe Studies in Evolution , , ASA 1973 Council Members-at-Large-Bryant Albert D. Biderman, Sociology of Military Thursday, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. · Organization · · · Gillian Lindt, Histiny aFul Sociology , American Sociological Review Editorial Board Luncheoil-'-Ring Lardner Nomian Bhnbatim,· The Krzowledge Elite Hans 0~ Mau~, Undergradu.qte Edi.1ca-. tion Section . ·., ' Tuesday, 12:30 p.m.-2:30p.m. Ego~ 'Bittner, Phenomenological Sociology Thomas F. Mayer, Mathematical · . · · J; Herman Blake, The Black Community The American Sociologist Editorial Board Luncheon-Red Smith \tae Lesser Blumberg,· Family Ronald J. McAllister, Mental Retardiltion Tuesday 12:30 p.m.-2:30p.m...... · , Albert J. McQueen, Black F~iiy · . , Leo,.·'!io~ Mass Communication and · Asian Sociologists, Liaison with-Lorenz Hart 'Pu.lilic Opinion Henry J. Meyer, 'Sociology of Social.Wel- fare · · · ·· · · · . Thursday, 2:30 p.m.-4:30p.m. Sarane S. Boocock, John. W. Meyer, Comparative Studies in Classification-Don Marquis Marvin Bressler, Education Monday, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ! '', and ! D. M. Pappenfort, Ecology Neil H. Sociology of Leisure Committee on Committee~P. G. Wodehouse Ill 'I Ch~ek, I Peter Park, Problems and Developments Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.-6:30p.m. · ' . . , i:: Ely Chinoy, 'Stratification and Mobility in Ronald ·c. Corwin, Sociology of Education Development of World Sociology (UNESCO-International CooJ)eration)--:o. Henry l i John W. Riley, Labor Market for Sod" Section ologists Monday, 2:30 p.m.-;4:30p.pt,_ · . . ' I' Herbert L Costner, Methodology Section I Pamela A. Roby, Poverty and Inequality Development of World Sociology (Open Meeting)-Wolcott-Gibbs Judith Blake Davis, International Devel­ opment Irwin T. Sanders, Community Section Thursday, 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p,m. . · . N. J. Demerath III, Allan Schnaiberg, DuBois-Johnson-Frazier Award Selection-Scott Fitzgerild Trent Schroyer, Critical Sociology Sanford M. Dornbusch, Symbolic Inter­ Monday, 8:30 a.m.-6: 30 p.m. . , , action Mildred A. Schwartz, Political Behovior Eastern Europe, Liaison with Sociologists in-P. G. Wodehouse Robert Dubin, Organizations and Occupa­ William H. Sewell, Tlltirsday,' 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. tions Section Allan A. Silver, of Employment-F. G. Wodehouse Paul R. Eberts, Social Indicators Western ]ewries 'l'ilesday, 2:30 p.m.-6,:3p p.m. Ozzie L Edwards, Urbanism and Urbani- Malcolm B. Spector, Law and Society %lltion John P. Spiegel, Conflict Resolution Executive Office and Budget-West Penthouse Jack Elinson, William N. Stephens, Comparative Studies Werotessional Ethics-:.o. Henry William J. Wilson, Internal Colonializa­ tion M;o~~lay, 8:30 a.m.-,-12:30 p.m. Morton s. King, Sociology of Religion Joyce A. Ladner, Black Separatism Jacqueline P. Wiseman, Rehobilitation and Correctional Institutions • By inVitation ohly 19

l;'rogpun, 1~74, Breakfast-West :Penthouse Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.~o ..3o li.ffif ·: "~ Program, 197 5,. LuJtch~on.~W§t; Pcm_thouse PROGRAM S-pMMARY ; WednCJ!!lay; 12t3Q p.m. _- ,~~O'j:'l 1m. · -· ... P111Jllg~mmtion_;"WeslPenlfiouse MONDAY, AUGUST 27 Thutsd;zy! 1Cli30 ~l2i30 ~- 8:30 Lm. Meetings, ,; ~' ·· Du Bois~Jobnson-Frazier Award Selection ·Committee (to 6:30 p.m.). Committee on }<'reedom of .Research and Teaching (to 12-:30 p.m.) . J:.oft!nz Hart Committee on Professional Ethics, (to <12:30 p.m.) · :KIIh~ii~ao PJll• Soro)dn Award Selection Committee (to 6:30 p.m.):. ' Stouffer Award Selection Committee (to 6:30 p.m.) RegtonglPt~~tder.~ Ltmcheon-West Penthouse ~, Section on Family Council (to 9:30 a.m.) ~ MgnaB¥t· :t2t3Q.p,m ..__2:30 p.m. Section on Organizations and Occupations Council (to 9:30 a.m.) 'itoff~1fl.~f!oeraph Series Editorial Board Luncheon-Ring umlner Thmday, 12:30 p.m.-2:30p.m. 8:30 a.m. ... ~esslons Sec_tionS-Don Marquis . ' ' 1. Iritemal Colonialization . . 2. Criticai Snciology ... . "' , - 'J;Uesday, 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. 3. Problems and Developments in Sociological Theory Sect,ion Chairperson's Luncheon-West Penthouse 4. Sociology of Social Welfare: Results of Income Maintenance Experiments 1\lesqay,.12:30,p.m.-,-2:30 p.m. • . 5. Phenomenologii::kl Sociology · · Sociological Methodology Editorial Board Luncheon-..:.:Reci Smith · · 6. Minority Research: Methodological Issues in Mental Health and the Social Thursday, 12.30 p.m.-2:30p.m. . .. : · 7. Seminar. Post Durkheimian French and the Study of Complex Sociology of Education Editorial Board Luncheon-Red Smith Societies . · Wednesday, 12:30 p.m.-'-~:30 _p,m. .· __ , 8. Seminar. Communes and the Future of Commuriity in the Sociometry Editorial Board Luncheon-Ring Lardner -·- 9. Contributed Papers Monday, 12:30 p.m.-2~3(tp.m. . .. .• ·'• 9:30 a.m. Meetings , Sorokin Award Selection-Damon Runyon . Sectfgn op, Family Busin~ Meeting (tc:> 10:30 a.m.) , Monday, 8:30 a.m.--6:30p.m. Section: on Organiz~tions !Jlld Occupations Business Meeting (to 10:30 a-.m.) Soviet Sociological Association Liaison with-P G ur · d h · · • . . no e ouse 1013'0 ami~ Meetings • Thurs d ay, 10 :30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. , . Committee on Classification (to 12:30 p.m:j · ' ' ,-f· " ! ! Status of Racial and Ethnic Minorities-Scott Fitzgerald Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.--6:30p.m. , . to~o a.m. Sessions Status of Women-Lorenz Hart 10. What Have We Learned? Violence and Political Change Monday, 2:30 p.m.--6:30p.m. 11. Refresher Lecture The Place of Architec_tur~ in Sociology, Stouffer Award Selection-Clifton Fadiman 12. Social Psychology and the System of Legal Justice Monday, 8:30 a.m.--6: 30 p~. . . . . 13. Taking the Law in Their Own Hands 14. Comparative Studies in Education Teaching Sociology in Secondary Schools-Scott Fitzgerald lS. The Future of Mathematical Sociology Tuesqay, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. .. , 16. Sociolinguistics: "Micro" and "Macro" Analyses of Language in Society Teaching Undergraduate S~iology-Lorenz Hart 17, Section on Family. Training Family Sociologists for the Immediate Future Wednesday, ~:30.aJD'"·,,-10;~0 ll.lll• 11!. Section, on Organizations and Occupations. Roundtable Discussions 19. Seminar. Cancelled Training and Professional Standards-Don Marquis 20. Seminar. The Reconciliation of "Subjective" or "Objective" Data on Physical Monday, 2:30 p.m.--6:30p.m. Environment in tlie Community: The Case of Social Contact in High World Conflicts, Sociology of (War and Peace Studies) 0p M ·. · . Rise Apartments . _ . . . . . Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.-9:30p.m. ' en eeting-0. Henry 21. Seminar. New Data from the South on Race~ Sex, and Mental lllness 22. ~ontn'buted Papers 12:30 p.m. Luncheons ' ' ' · ~dent's Luncheon for Presidents ·of Re'gional Societies·' ' : · Coh.timptftary Sociology Editorial Board ·Lunchedn Sogiometry Editorial Board Lililcheon Scssjon 23, Luncheon Roundtable Discu5sions (nos. 1-34) ~ Cf~~-·-:i· ~~(7<:;--=·" ~". - _-, ~' _- <~::~t~-~~'{'~·~--~« ·it;~/~ 21 . '~,~~~~:~Q ,P®o . Meetings · ,,., · COfufuittee on the Status of Women in Sociology (to 6:30p.m.) Committee on Development of World Sociology (t(Y_4:30 p.m.) 8:30 t:.Refrs::te~~ecture Systems Analysis and Design . Committee on Training and Professional Standards (to 6:30p.m.) 50. Black Family . . . 2:30 p.m. Sessions 51. Comparative Stud!es m ~~olution 52• Occupations and ProfessiOns 24. Refresher Lecture Trends in Social Psychological Theory 53. Social Mov~ments,. , . .. . 25. Teaching Undergraduate Sociology: Reflections 'and Innovations 26. Small Groups: Consistency, Leadership, and Group Process 54. The. Knowle~~~ . Styles ani! Issues in. T~g Comlnunity 27. Political Decisions itnd Decision-Makers · ~~: ~=:r~;.;ward a deneral Theory of Social Power, .' . . ; 28. Comparative International Development Within a Sociological Context 51. Seminar. ' · ' 29. Citizen Participation in Community Decision Making 30. Non-White Ethnics in America 58~ Contributed Papers 31. Mass Communication and Public Opinion 32. Section on Family. Public Issues and the Family , . 9:30 ~. Meetip~ . · · . M: tmg (to to:3o a.m.) .. on Crilpinologyf Meeting (to 10:30 a.m.), 33. Section on Organizations and Occupations. Roundtable Disciissions "~ctlcinSe~;tion on SC)Crology o ~~m:~~nuc . ~~iness. . . . 34. Textbook Publishing in Sociology in the Severities: A Dialogue' . 35. Seminar. Social Psychology and Ethnomethodology: A· Confrontation on 10•30 a.m. Meetings · · · ·12 30 ) Some Critical Issues · - ·' · o·":::aifuittee oh Regional Affairs (~o . : . · p.m. · ·36, Seminar, Work and Personality in the Middle Years' 0 •.t· ~:~0 J!.m. . .SessiQns 10:30 a.m. t How to Use Computers in Sociological Research .. 37. Refresher Lecture Ethnomethodology and Cognitive Theory.· ~on;, ~8. Sociology and Genetics · ~~· ::tr:~n::U~r¥odels of M~age and Fertility ' · · · · 39. Defining Religion for Empirical Research '6i: Comparative Studies in Evolu~on 62. Measures of R.elig_ion and Therr Corre1 ates 40. ~ology of the Arts: The Continuing' Development 41. Social Indicators 63• Formal Orgamzations 4~. International Development .J 64. The Sociology of A~e . h the Community 65.Section on Co~uruty. Researc on 43. Sociology of Organization ...... ·· . Military 66. Section on Cnmmology . 44. Section on OrganiZations 'and Occupations; Roundtable ·Discussions ., 45. Seminar. InequalitY and SOcial 'StructUre: A Comparison of Marx ·and Weber 67; Sec~on on ~olo~ ·~ :c::a!:'ong the Ex-Ugandan Asians 46. Seminar. A Typology and Beginning Sources for Learning/Teaching Ab()u! 68, Semmar. Copm~ \Ul M. tit edS and Controversies in the Study of Violenc~ Native American/American Indian Social Movements . . 69. Seminar. Theon~s, e o • , · 47. Seminar. On Problem-Finding in the . . - Between Family Members . • 48. Contnouted Papers 70. Seminar, Yellow Power:· Search for New Identity

8:30 p.m. fiiS.o p.m. Limcheons . . . ' Plenary I: Presidential Address :·p···'.""fdent's Luncheon for Section Charrpersoll!l . h , American.r....,. Sociological ,Revie~ Edit·. . on 'al ..Board Lunc eon 10:00 p.m. Tfte American· Sociologist Ed~~r~~o~:i!:(!:'.n -6 ) Dutch-Treat Party ses&on 71, Luncheon Roun , e rsc . 35! 8 2;30 p.m. Meetings · ) ~C!:>fumittee on Employment (to 6:30 p.m.

P·fl!. Sessions . Le · d? Human Behavior an'd . i;~Q. . 1'1,., Whtit Have We arne · . Disas~r.· , . · ·:73.:Sex Roles ch . · ~1.4 SOcialization: Theory and R~ar ' · .. TUESD,!\Y, AUGU~ ,28 · 1$. POlitical SociaJ!zation and Socral Change . ti~ns 8:30 a.m. Meetings 16, '!'he Comparativ~ Study of Formal Orgaruza ~ q7;.Spgi_oJ9gy of Sc;>I(IaLWelfare . . Committee on Publications (to 6:30 p.m.) Committee on Sections (to a.m.) , ..• , ~0:30 'Z§~ - . Y on Commuru'ty.. Social. .... Action in the C<:Jm,inunity . Committee on Teaching Soci9logy ;in ~onda,ry Schools (to. 12:3Q p.IJl.) tion on Sociology of Education . Section on Criminology Council (to 9:3Q !I,.IJl.) .Sl:, Federal Funding for Sociolo~cal ~sear:ch Section on Sociology of Education.<:;quncil (to ~:30 a.m.) .. ·~.~ ~t~/g~ Sl:lminar. Organizations: A Dralectical Vtew • ;,.;. g'3; C'ofitributed Paper8 · · 23

>-~ii:30 p.m: Meetings 10:30 a.m. Meetings . . section on Community Business Meeting ASA Business Meeting (to 12:30 p.m.) 4:30 p.m. Sessions 84. What Have We Learned? The Structure of Power,· l2•30 p.m. Luncheons 85. Comparative Studies on the Family . ' 1975 Program Committee ~un.cheon ... , . . . .· 86. History and Sociology: From Isolationism to Rapprochement' Sociology of Education Ed1tonal B~ard L~c~eon :~: ~b~t2t!~j~: o~ W01peu in So9ioloiD,' · , · . •. . · Journal of Health and Social Behavzor Editonal Board Lunchepn Session 109, Luncheon Roundtable. Disc118Sion,s _(nos. 69-102) 89. Patterns and P'roc&.ses of Social Change 90. Stratification and Mobility ·' 91. Section on So_ciology of Education 2•30 p.m. Meetings ' . ' . , . . . 92. Seminar: Problems in a Sociologically Based Commentary Film .. ' Committee on the Executive Office and Budget (to ~:30 ~.m.~. m' 93. Seminar. A Review of Evaluation Research: The State of the Art MethodO- Committee on the Status of Racial and Ethnic Minonties Sociology logical P,racti~;es, and Dissemination of Re/iearch .Firldings ~' ·· ·<'. (to 6:30 p.m.) . . . ')' 94. Seminar. The Science of Genetics in' the Domain of Medicine: A StUdy in Committee on Sociology of World Conflicts (to 6:30 p.m .. · tl).e Soci()logy of Applied Knowledge . - . J 95. Seminar. Health, Sex, and Income: Alternative fupliinations for the Rise of Teenage illegitimacy in the United States after 1940.; · ·· 2·30 p.m. Sessions . di . S '' I 96. Contributed Papers ' 110. What Have We Learned? The Contributions of 4t'eaStu es to oc1o ogyJ and Vice Versa ·· · 8:30p.m.. 111. Refresher Lecture Exchange Theory. 97. Plenary II: The Roles of Sociologists on Government Commissions 1i2, Conffi.'

158. Seminar. The Impact o f Cauc uses Within Changing Professional Associa-

8~() a.m. Meetings 159. se!::r. So You Really Want to Hire Minorities and Women? 160. Contributed Papers ASA Business Meeting (to 10:3.0 a.m.) 10:30 a.m. Meetings 4:3~~tt::!e~~velopment of World Sociology (open meeting) 1973 Council Members-at-Large (to 12:30 p.m.) Committee on Public Information (to 12:30 p.m.) Sub-Committee on Liaison with Soviet Sociological Association (to 12:30 4:30. 161. p.m. History Sessions and Soct~logy:. Sociologic . · al Uses of Historical Data Section on Theoretical Sociology Council (to 11:30 a.m.) 162. Psychiatry and SociOlogy 10:3o &.ln. Session8 163. Revolutions 164. Black Community . 136; Refresher Lecture Sociolinguistics 165 Sociology of the International Order . 137. Rehabilitation and Correctional Institutions 166: Section on Sex Roles. Sex Roles in Everyday Life 138. Small Groups: Dimensions of Interaction 167. Section on Sex Roles . 139.Methodology 168. Section on Theoretical SociOlogy . 14o.:MediChl Sdciology 169 Sec 141. The Urban Experience tion on Undergraduate Education p nality and 170.· Seminar. Personal and Soct'al sys te ms: , erso , - 142. Sociology of Knowledge and Science ' General Systems Theory . 143. Section on Sex Roles. Is Anato1lly Destiny or th~ second X: 171. Seminar. Law as a Weapon in disciplinary Approach: i · · · 112. Contributed Papers 144. Section on Undergraduate Education:. Lealning and· Teaclting Introdluc1to11,. ~ociology · · · 145. Seininar. Linking SOcial StructUre and Personality 146. Seminar. A Model forithe Prediction ofiower-Class LeftiSt Radicalism FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 147. Contributed Papets .... ' · · · ,. · 8:30 a.m. Meetings 11:30 a.m. Meetings ASA Council (to 5:00p.m.) Committee on Nominations (to 5:00p.m.) Section on Theoretical Sociology Business '¥eeting 12:30 p.m. Luncheons Rose Monograph Series Editorial Board Luncheon Sociological Methodology Editorial Board Luncheon

Session 148, •Ll1nclieon Rounatable "Discussions (nos, 1 103-135) 2:30 p.m. Meetings ASA Council (to 10:00p.m:)' · Committee on Govetnment (to 4:30p.m.) Committee on Membership (to 4:30p.m.) _ . Sub-Committee on Liaison with Eastern European S9ciolo&ists (to 4:30 p;m.) Sub-Committee on Liaison with Asian Sociologists : ·-· 2:30 p.m. Sessions " . 149. What ll,aye We Learned7 Sociology of the Military 150. Refr~sher ''Lecture Formal Organizations · ·~ · . 151. Social Realities and Population Policies 152. Sociological Aspects of Mental Retardation 153. Comparative Studies of Deviance 154. 'The Sociology of Age:' Some Recent Inquiries ' ,. 155. Section on Sex Roles. Sexism and Racism: Ideology and Ascriptive in the Social Structure 156. Section on Theoretical Sociology . , , • 157. Section on Undergraduate Education. (B~ess ¥~eting,3:00-3:30 p.m.} 27


il liJW1l'ION ON FAMILY-council Meeting-Bee~


Session 1 East Ballroom •llmOOirAL COLONIALIZATION ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: William J. Wilson,

A Critique of the "Internal Colonial" Thesis in its Application to South Africa Harold Wolpe, Essex University $ ; ' .. I~ I A Co1onial Model for Southern Africa · · , University of Chicago f . f:' The Elite of V al1e, Colombia. as a Reflection of Dependency Shirlf!! I. Harkess, University. of Kansas

DiscussioN: Robert Blauner, University of California, Berkeley

S~on 2--Regent QUll'ICAL SOCIOLOGY .:;.f:A,~ AND PREBmER: · Trent Schroyer, Ramapo College .•: •' . ' ~'.f1 Cilcitical Sociology and the The6ry of Political Po\ver . Robert R. Alford, University of WJ.Sconsin, Madison

~1tamsm and Ecology Paul Piccone, Washington University, St. Louis' 0-i~' S

Session 3-M . PROBLEMS AND . . , urray Hill A DEVELOPMENTs IN Session 5-:-,-(;ramercy A SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY ORGANizER AND p . . . . , . .JIJJrENrOI\'IEI"olOI.O(iiCAL SOCIOLOGY Th p . RESIDER. Peter Park, University of Massachusetts ·9!9~R.AND PREsmER: Egon Bittner, e otenhal Impact o.f B F Skinn. . . , · Rb0 ert W. Friedrichs·· W'll' erupoAm·n . encan Sociology ' 1 Jams College The Martian and the Convert: Ontological Polarities in Social Theory d th Fred Davis, University Of California, San Francisco Char/an e Relativistic Paradigm es C. Lemert, Southern U . . Goffman and .the Analysis of Face-to-Face Inter~ction 0 mverstty George Psathas, Boston University · n the Possibility of Spe.. 'fy·- • . c1 mg a c · Saskia Sassen-Koob U . ~ncrete Dialectical Totality Prospects for Experimental Studies of Meaning Structures ' mversJty of Notre Dame Donald H. Zimmerman and thomas P. Wilson, University of Califor~ Images of Human Nature . . .. nia, Santa Barbara Synthesis Underlymg Sociological Theory· · A D avid L. Wri ht W . . Review DISCUSSION: James L. Heap, University of Toronto g , ashmgton University St L . D ' . OUJS lSCUSSION; Gila H. . · . . · · ayun,

Session ~Trianon HEALm AND STIJDIEs OF Session 4-Mercu SO CIOLOGy OF SOCIAL .. . . , ry .. EXPERIMENTS WELFARE: REsUCts OF INCOME W.fllJ tlenter for Minority Mental Health Programs, NIMH ORGANIZERS·. H ' .. A ¢pmpendious review, analysis and critique of research findings, methodolo­ WenryJ . M eyer, U.mversJty . of Mi h. yatt C. Iones, Brandeis U . .c Igan *s' meJ!Surement instrument instrumenta~~JD, ~nd conceptualization in studies mvers1ty l>f :min9rities. PREslDER: Henry 1: Me U . • " - . . ' yer, DIVersity or Michigan Bl!E§n>EIU Mqry S. Harper, Center for Minority Health Program~,, NIMH· SociOlOgical imd E . In cononuc Results of th N co~e ~ax Experiment e ew Jersey-Pennsylvania ~ Mauhce .Jackson; American Sociological Association Rodolpho Alvarez, University of California, avrd Elesh, University of Wisconsin Mad' • tson =-- Cora li. Mattett, Western Michigan University The Rural Income .M~: t David Hernandez, University of ' ' I · ·. · .... n enance Exp · OgJcai and So · 1 p • ·· .·1 . enment: A Pre!' · Rwliiffii Doblin, Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University, California Russell M~~~l sycho!ogical Outcomes upmary Report. of Lucie C. Hirata, University of California, Los Angeles . eton, Lmda Haas and A. consm, Madison , '· · .m E. Haas, University of , Efubert M. Blalock, Jr., Umversity of Washington Stanley H. Smith, Fisk University Some Selected Results of th G Howard F. Taylor, Princeton University Report , e ary Income Maintenance Ex · ~arli F, rSchuesslei', Indiana University And B d . . . .:· . penment: A Y. · An erson, Purdue U . ' . ' .. , . · ®(lWm D• Driver, University of Massachusetts, Amherst ,.· SJty Northwest· . . .DIVersity; . John Maiolo• Ind'1ana DISCUSSION: 'Louis A F. · · , · · ·. - . ' '' . erman, Umversity of Michigan 8:30 A.M. (Continued)

! •..

Session 7-""Murray Hill B •


Session 10-East Ballroom.

Session 8--Nassau A ,...... ,,n-·- AND POLITIC~ CHANGE SEMINAR

Co.mmunes and the Future of Community in the United States ORGANIZER AND PREsiDER: Jeffery M. Paige, Uruversi• "ty of California, Berkeley ' Benjaniin Zablocki, Columbia UniversitY '·· ~· 1 Protest · ·· ' - · Violence. and . IAa University of Michigan William · Gamso~ ' . ., . · Northern Ireland Conflict a~~~~:~l!~~~=g~~~e University . Session 9-Gramercy B ...... • try: .AD Emphi~ An~ysis J iW&-t. RevolUtion and the Pe~ . "ty of Califorma, Berkeley CONTRIBUTED PAPERS . Jeffery M. Pmge, Uruversi .

PRESIDER: Lawrence H. Streicher, lliinois Institute for Juvenile Research . Can't Know About Racial·. Diso~ders WJ:mt· . ~·· WeSeymour Know and Sp1lerman, _What WUe ruvem. "ty of WISConsin, Madison Trends in Some Survey Measures of Political Alienation in What Do They Mean? Am~rica,. DISCUSSioN! Michael Hec h ter, University of. Washington. lames S. House and William M. Mason; Duke University Class Cohesion and Confiict Intra-Domin~P~t ' j ·Richard Roman, McMaster University

Types of Citizen-Police Contacts, and AttitUdeS Toward the Police Sessl~n 11-Trianon ~'ll• • IN SOCIOLOGY Paul E. Smith and Richard 0. Hawkins, Southern MethQdist ~-······ ; PLACE OF ARCHITECTURE Political Caricature as a Predictor of World Events Lecture . Lawrence H. Streicher, lliinois Institute for Juvenile Research; . - Robert Gutma~. Rutgers University UniversityS. Li, IDinois Institute for Juvenile Research and ,, ]'lJSGussxoN: Samuel Z. KlCJ!l!ner, Center for Research on the Acts of Man, ~~:;$~· :;;~ · Philadelphia

~- 33 10:30 A.M. (Continued) 10:30 A.M. (Continued)

Session 12-Mercury SessiQn 14 (Cont.) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SYSTEM OF LEGAL JUSTICE ORGANIZER: Elaine Walster; University of Wisconsin, Madison J»Ri!sibER: William J. Bowers,

PRESmER: Mary Ann Pate, Univmity of Mitryland ,_ . . tional Chartering: A Comparative Approach . of Rhode Sex Prejudice in Jury Simulation Or~ William R. Rosengren and Michael S. Basszs, University Island Cookie Stephan, University of Texas, Austin Interpersonal Resources atid Injustice in Social Exchange ·. fit( p~lfti~i C~~ction ~f Educatlon: Conditiom for the Creation of Mem- Gregory V. Donnenwerth, Indiana State University ·-- bershiy0 in ~plitjcal Soc1e~ . . ·. ,, .,,:~ ,;, Rfchiir'd Rubinson; Stanford Uruvemty Choice Shifts in Simulated Junes .. Frank K. Brown, Utliversity of Soutl:i Carolina '~ .·j;~cietal"'Corporateness- • -· · . ' and the' Nation· alizati on and Expansion- .. Systems . . · u · 'ty Status, Deviance, Sanctiops,,anq..Group Discussion. - . Francisco 0. Ramirez, Stanford ruvem Ralph Wahrman, Bowling Green State University_ Out t in'West European Education d DISCUSSION: Stewart Macaulay, University of Wisconsin, Madison ~qes an~;::,mA!Jci:,uFred co9n:b~•. Guent~er f-ueschen, Richard Merritt, an Fred L. Strodtbeck, University of Chicago Altmd Purvei, Uruvers1ty of IllinoiS, Urbana , ~;:;k~t~N:.,Willia~ ~. Bow~rs, Northeastern University

- Session 13-Gramerey A TAKING THE LAW IN THEIR OWN HANDs Session -IS-Murray Hill A ORGANIZER AND PREsmEit: Malcolm Spector, McGill University OF MA~CAL SOCIOLOGY .. lmpleq~en~g Open Housing Laws :.rhrough Social Action AND PII.ES~f.R:~ - .~ Tho~as.F,,_ ' May~~•. University of Colorado Juliet Saltman, Kent State University · i' I The Price of Property is Eternal Vigilance: Vigilantism in Nevada. : Marion Goldman, University of Nevada The Police as a Subsystem of the Political System Guy Tardif, University of Montreid

Nebraska's Marihuana Law: A Case. of Legislative Trend-Setting John Galliher, James' L; McCartney, and Barbara Baum, of , <:Alumbia . Session 16-Regent ~~Q'l-~ "MA~O" ,ANAJ,:f,~ OF LANGUAGE

1 Sessi6n 14-Murray Hill B - COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN EDUCATION ORGANIZER: John W. Meyer, Stanford University Communication ~-· fue Cross-Cl~ MedicalJnterview · >Sliitj, Georgeto~ U~versity · 10:30 ~~· _(C~ntinu~. 10:30. A.M. (Continued)

Session 16 (Coot) The of Adolescent Peer Groups Session 18 (Cont.) Teresa Labov, Coluri:ibia Univeciity DrscussroN: Marilyn Merritt, University of Pennsylvania ·" · ~ature of Heterogeneity in the Acad.emic~Profession 1. The David D. Helfant, University of Califorma, Berkeley

1 . . . . druzatiohal Structure as• Gene~ted• . • · by a ~ranc· hin g Process · 2. Org David D. Univers!J:Y of Chicago •. The Social Distribution of Variable Rules in a Montreal Speech Civo,ity' · · ' .;,d 3. loy H

37 10:30 A.M. (Continued) 12:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 22-Gramercy B CONTRIBUTED PAPERS Session 23 (Cont.) ..,"'=... VJLL - -E G • BRIM ' JR. ' Old Greenwich1 Conn. PRESIDER; Gerald D. Robin, University of New Haven • -·-··Foundations-Present and Future Drivers' Education and Traffic Accidents: A Comparison Informal Socialization . ' GXSTmu.INE, Rutgers University 41fe-ism: The Next Bias to Come Under Fire? Ronald Cosper, Saint Mary's University; Richard Zylman, University J. CONDON, Case Western Reserve University lean Piaget and Sociology Parent-Child Relations and Women's Achievement Orientations Sheila J. Miller, Miami University coo celled The In...School Neighborhood Youth Corps Program: A Discussion of - . - - - p D VINE and LAURENcE FALK, Concordia·.College, Moorhead - i.RI®ARJ) . E d P f ' tive Findings .. - Community Research: Students. an ro essors Gerald D. Robin, University of New Haven -- ______. DEUTscHER, Case Western Reserve University . Child Egocentrism, Socialization, and Information Theory ~"'¥he Politics of Evaluation Research: ·Science and Expedtence H. W. Smith, University of Missouri, St. Louis --~------D D LAS University of California, San Diego - . l'A~~ci~t .J~;ctj;ns, Prescription Addictions, and Goy~rnment Policies on Drugs .... "-=---·- Center for Policy Research, Inc. and Columbia University L"t•"""""""~ and Deliberate Sociifl Change • • FENNESSEY, Johns Hopkins Unive~ity . - - • '"~:~~j~i;,.;~·;;;~~; Flow and Socia_/ Control m the Secondary School to.-o.~u:~n P. FITZPATRICK, Fordham University Monday, 12:30 P.M. Reiurn to Ethnic Consciousness .

Session 2J-;-West Ballroom


1. ThEoDoRE ABEL, University of. New Mexico z. GRoss, State University of New York, Buffalo sesVERSTEHEN, A Re-examination of Its Significance in Socio-Cultural A.re Sociological Facts?

2. ROBERT R. ALFoRD, Ulliversity of Wisconsin, ~Madison L, HELFRICH, Ohio' Sfute University Executives in the Business W or/d? StatePolitical Economy and Political Sociology: 'The Debate Over the Role of UniversitY of Massa~huseits, Boston 3. ROBERTA T. AsH, DePaul University _ So1cio,logy, Formal Organizations . Sociology for the People: New Clients, New Audiences, New Media 4. E. DIGBY BALTZELL; University of Penn~ylvania The problem of Authority · · 5. BRUCE J. BIDDLE, University of Missouri, Columbia Hi-Jencks and Lo-Blows~· The Ethics of lnterptetntidn York University 6. ALBERT D. BIDERMAN, Bureau of Social Science Research, and Other Anti-Human Models: Have They a Function? The Roles of Sociology in an Econocentric Society 39 12:30 P.M. (Continued) ~:3.9 .P.M. (Continued)

Session 23 (Coot) Session 25--Gramercy A 26. JoAN W. MOORE, University of Southern California . , Social Change and Personal Change: Development Tasks? a!~'~'iJ"' ~ERGRADUATE SOCIOLOGY: REFLECTIONS AND INNQ~ 27. BENJAMIN NELSON, New Schoot" for Social Research; V. KAVOLis, Dickii)scm,~~ lege . . , . · , of North Carolina, Arts and Sciences in Today's Cultural Revolutions:' Perspectives ;;.. •c,:en1ml Issues. hi Undergraduate Ilistruction in SOCiology 28, CAROLINE H. PERSELL, The· Politicization of SoCiology: Implications fot Liberal Education Ineq~ality: Implications for the Sociology of Education · Donald N. Levine, University of Chicago

29. I. JEFFREY PTASCHNIK,' Pennsylvania State University, Erie· Undergraduate Exposure to Introductory Sociology: What Difference Does A Methodology for Teaching Methodology · the Teaching Make? ._, Reece McGee, Purdue University 30. RICHARD SENNETI, New York· University' • · ' . , Class Consciousness'and the Hidden Injuries'of Class DiscussiON: Charles A. Goldsmid, UniverSity of North: Carolin~. Chapel Hill 4 31. DANIEL SULLNAN, C!irleton· College ""' ' '' ~sis and Innovations: A series of 'orlil abstr~cts (Jiv~ min~tes ea~h). with Applications of"Mass'Societ'y Theory to Social Movements in Nu,. .. &1tckground papers available to colleagues attending the session. Societies .,,..,,~ ·,.,, ;.' ~ • Jj, \;! l l T I i. I rr··;. " l A Comparison of Canadian and American Student Expectationli and Realizations 32. RUTH HILL USEEM, Michigan State' Universlt}" ·. in Introductory Sociology Third Children Wilbert' M. Leonard ll and Abdel Latii, lllinois State Univbrsity 33. MARVIN E. WOLFGANG, ·UniVersity of· Pennsylvania a. Course Arrangements .. Policy Implications of Crimi'1fJ/ogical Research New .AModular Approach ioTeachlng Introductory Courses- 34. I. MILTON YINGER, Oberlin College Gerald Marwell, Weldon T. Johnson, and Mary Ann Pate, University The Comparative Study of Ethnic and Racial Relations of Wisconsin, Madison; David R. Schmitt, University of Wash­ ington

,, T~ 'reaching of Methodology and' Content in a Single Course · David Nasatir and Arlie Hochschild, University of California, Berkeley ' - < - ~ ', 'l ' '1 • ~IJqfllg Sociology: Getting. Students into the Act • • "j Monday; 2:30. P.l\1. -~~ Vse of Field Study in Undergraduate Educatio11 - William H. Frjed/a~d. Pniversity: 9(California,

Sess:on 24--East Ballroom Position on Respondents' TRENDS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGlCAL THEORY David Booth, University of Windsor Refresher Lecture Projects and Peer Instruction PRESENTER: Sheldon Stryker; Indi~ria University [}avid. ~- Heyn, A~spn College ' - ;J•. r , .. DISCUSSION~. J. Milton Yinger, Oberlin Coitege lJg~ of Comput6rs in Undergraduate Education .. R. Fra,k Falk and .Char.fes F. Cortese, Unive_rsity of Denver i•' J."l!!eralpelJtJc Community :reaching Concept'' Florida State University 40 41 2:30 P~M. (Confinued) 2:30 P.M:_ (Conti,ntied)

Session 26;.;-Reg'ent Session 2g.;_Trianon SMALL GROUPS: CONSISTENCY, LEADERSHIP, AND GROuP TKIULI"'" ORGANIZER: Howard F .. Taylor, Princeton University INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN A SOCIOLOG­ (:QNTEXT PRESIDE&: Allan C. Mazu-r, Syracuse University Q~oANIZER AND PRESIDER: Irving Louis Horowitz, Rutgers University Effects of Status Incongru~ncy and Legitimation of Leadership on lated Influence Hierarchies · · ' ;,, :Ailleticilh Models of Social W~lfa~ ,and ,the D~veloping Natio~s- Paul Davidson Reynolds, University of Minnesota; ' · Ralph Segalman, California State Umvers1ty, Northndge Florida State University Ethnocentric Aspects in the ·Sociology of Development I i Status Inconsistency and Leadership Legitimacy Ashakant Nimbark, Dowling College ! I William R. Arney, University of Colorado. Leadership and the Distribution ofParticipation in Small Group~ Tfie'Conflict Between and tlie Cultural Elite: .. , · - The Case of Eastern Europe . . , . I Peter J. Burke, Indi~na University I • 1 ioh ,·, ::Aleksander Gel/a, State University of New York, Buffalo I' Extending Expectation States Theory: A Quantitative Model John B. Kervin, University of Toronto · "Indigenous;' and "External" Factots;in ~clli_l Po~tical Development Katharine P. Moseley, Vanderbilt Umvers1ty I: The Phenomenology of Small Group Cri~is i , . Robert D.. Rosse/, Southern Illinois University Ecortoinic Development and Population ' · ·. · Albert Szymanski, University of. Oregon ; DiscusSION: Gordon H. Lewis, Carnegie-Mellon University

''' ! II

Sessiqn 29-Le · Petit Triapon ,

~A~'fiCIPATION IN (;OMMUNITY DECISION. MAKING Session 27-Mercury Rural Sociological Society

POLIDCAL DECISIONS AND DECISION-MAKERS AND PRESIDE&: Willis J. Goudy, Iowa State University - ORGANIZER: Mildred A. Schwartz, U~ive~ity of Illinois, Chlcago Constructive Aspects of Outside Change· Agents in Community PRESIDE&: John Walton, Northwestern University 'll!!;:~i!lionl-M:aking iri a Rural Area Rubenstein and Barry Gordon, West Virginia College of Graduate Some Effects of Limited War Studies · Robert B. Smith, State University of Ghent, Belgium ·· of Black Political Ascendancy in an Alabama Temporal , Staging in Decision-Making, a Differentiated Leadership,; Local Community W. Coombs, C. Hobson Bryan, M. H. Alsikafi, and Irving L. Donald S. Bradley, Geo~gia State University Webber, University of Alabama Community Structure and Leadership Structure: A Comparative 39 Communities · " · l?atticipation in Health Programs: Suggestions fqr !nJproy~ments Gerard J. Hunt, University of. Maryland School of Med1cme Michael D. Grimes, University Of Houston; J. Larry Lyon and M. Bonjean, Un,iversity of Texas, Austin a Model of Citizen Participation in Urban Water Management The Influence Structure of Elite American Decision-Makers Edward Cooper, Purdue University Charles Kadushin, Teachers College, Columbia University· Citizen Participation: Ideology and Accountability in Public Ad­ Bellisfield/ New York University;· Wayne Parsons, "BASR,' bia University ·· O. Richards, Iowa State University DISCUSSION: Robert Ross, Clark University Irving Lazar, Cornell University 43

2:30. P~~· (Continued) 2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Sessi_on 311-.:l\furray Hill A Session 32-Beekman

~ON7WII!TE E.THNICS IN ~RICA ORGANIZER ANI> PRESIDER: Sethard Fisher, University of '€alifornia, Barbara Vincent, Wake Forest Unive~:sity The Black Studies Movement and the Sociologist: .More than a Matter of ~iu~siDJ>Il: Mqrvin B. Sussman, Case Western Reserve University ·cy Wilson Record, P.~J!Iand. ~tate University ' "' · iBl1 ~1fill#.i 'Gfeer iitton Fox, 'Bowling Green State University·' Chicano Studies: The Barrio at the University . . . . . Margaret Hall, Georgetown University M. 0. Chabran, University of California, B~rkeley lacquelyne 1. Jackson, Duke University Pepper Schwartz, University of Washington Patterns of .Raci!Jl ,Piscrimination:. A~opginal A~tration_ 1Jqrbara Settles, University of Delaware the Uruted States Gecilia Sudia, Qffice of Child Development, -HEW Don. Whit(!~ide (sin a paw.b,.Nationaf Indian Br~th~rhq<;l!l,

The Transition from C!lSte to Class: Non-Whites in American Society · Seihard Fislie~, Univeniity of ,Ciilifornia, Santa Barbara

;. ' . Session 3J:-:Madison QR(;ANIZATIONS AND· OCCUPATIONS-Ronndtable Discussions Session 31-Murray Hill B . . have b!len made. in advance. for,these discussions; however, interested MASS COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC OPINION· .-~t. ~'door ffir j,68sible vadahc.ies. . . • ORGANIZER AND i>REsmER:-- Leo Bogart, Newspaper Advertising Bureau,

Politically Divisive Effects of the Vietnam War Irving Crespi, The Gallup Organization, Inc.

Role of the in International Negotiation Policy Implementation: Junior High W. Phillips Davison, Columbia University ., Communication in Crises: Information Diffusion and Early Rumor Soci.Jll Relations at Work: Services at the Workplace Alan lay Lincoln, Americ~ University; Richard Scheig, Koppei Y. Santo, Temple University . technic Institute and

Drowning: A Communicable Disease Dennis S. Mileti, University of Colorado ·

When Voters Decide: The Influences of the Mass Media· Harold Mendelsohn, University of Denver

''[' . .'; and Locals: Differential Participation in University

Wright State University; James R. Wood, Indiana

A&M University 45

2:30 P.M. (Continued) 4:30 p M. (Continued)

Session 33 (Cont.) Session 36-Bryant 3. Self-Concept, Work and Non-Work: An Empirical Test of the Co>mJ!ensat! and Spill-over Hypotheses Joseph E. Champoux, University of California, Irvine irt: ~ :c. a· Personality in the Middle Years . ''· · YTl.!J:A an 0 ille G. Brim! Jr., Old Greenwich, Connecticut 4. Professional Systems and Societal Change in Europe ;Jl'lc> rr. , .. · '. Louis H. Orzack, Rutgers University ;-;IsdtJSSION: lack J;Adinsky, University o~ WisC?~ Madison S. Intra- and Inter-organizational Studies: Do They Require Separate conceptu: i.~~t-('- - Harriet Zuckerman, Columbia Umvemty zations? · · Paul E. White, Johns Hopkins University

Session 34-Nassau A ,;•t.• TEXTBOOK PUBLISHING IN SOCIOLOGY IN THE SEVENTIES: A .... ""'...... ,. • • ORGANIZER: Association of American Publishers I'REsmER: Melvin L. DeFleur, WaShington State University PANEi: Roger G. Emblen, CRM BookS Tom Gay, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. James F. Mirrielees, McGraw-Hiii Book Company Phil Whitten, Dushkiri Publishers

Session 37-Mercury llOlr:.QGr¥ MID COGNITIVE THEORY

Session ·B_ 3~Nassau OlcoW;elL. Vmversity .Q~ Cl}lifornia, San Diego SEMINAR f/eJ#gt[~r!~t~ Vniversity of California, Los Angeles Social Psychology and EtbJlomethodology: A Confrontation on Some Ismes '· .·~ MODERATOR: Paul Secord, CUNY, Queens College ,, PANEL: Aaron Cicourel, University of California, San Diego

Stanford Lyman, New School for Social Research . } Robert Rosenthal, Harvard University Karl Weick, Cornell University Donald H. Zimmerman, University of California, Santa Barbara

.liin;Jif~l ~. Ster,~J, Georgia State University· of Southern California of North CaroJ,ina; Chapel Hill · ·. YOtk State Psychiatric Iristitute of S6cio-Environmental.Studies, NIMH Hoplmis Univel'Sity 47 4:30 P.M. (Continued) 4:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 39-Murray Hill B Session 41-Gramercy A DEFINING RELIGION FOR EMPIRICAL RESEARCH /oint with Association for the Sociology of Religion

ORGANIZER: Marion King, Southern Methodist University · PREsmER: Benton Johnson, University, of Oregon O~velol'jng Measures of Perceivediife QualitY: Results 'fiom Several National Exploring Religion: Some Intimations and Indications Earl D. C. Brewer, Emory University - . Survff':tlflk M. Andrews and Stephen Withey, Institute. for Social :Research, · · University of Michigan Types of Religion: Implications for Research Glen M. Vernon, University of Utah WQw!P:d Developing a Poll~y Oriented Methodology for Analyzing Community Health , . , . . . Toward a More Useful Definition of "Religion" ·· ,:;;~9~than A. Slesinger, U~ver~ity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Hubert I. Horan, UniversitY of Notre Dame Undicators for Policy Research and: Democratic Action: A Paradigm and A Functionalist Definition of Religion Richard K. Fenn, Trinity College Department ~f R~~onal & Expansion, DISCUSSION: Natalie Allan, Hofstra University Gary D. Bouma,,. Dalhousie University Pierre Clave/, Cornell University , University of lllinois, Urbana W. Clark Roof, Uruversity of Massachusetts, Amherst ' ~ ' C- ' REVISOR: Thirty Years at This Game Joseph H. Fichter, Loyola University, New Orleans

,, SesslQn 42-Murray Hill A J)EVELOPMENT Session 40-Beekman ·ANI) PJmsmER: Judith Blake Davis, University of California, Berkeley

THE SOCIOLOGY OF THE 'ARTS: THE CON'i'INuiNc DEVELOPMENT ~lo1'm1ent and Rates of Return to Education: ·An International ~ ' ' '. ' . ORClANJZER AND PREsmER: Ronald C. Federico, University of Maryland Jd.,Jieyns, University of California, Berkeley; Samuel Bowles, The Poverty of "Mass ~ulture Theory" for the University ·· Dorothy Marmer, State University College, Brockport

The Theater as a Strategic Research Site: An Untapped Potential

Eugene. Weiner, Agnes Yeinhard, and Nitzah Ben Aryen TT..• · · •¥. Haifa, Israel ' '.

Definitions of the Role of the Creative Write;· An Analysis of Sibling Occupational Mobility in Elliott Parris, 1\merican University'' · 'v The Arts in Market Systems. · ' ' ' · ' ··~ MJlion A[brecht, S~te University of .New York; ~~rst tifi<~tion:· Some Speculations and Data and Baron Moots, University of Michigan DIScussioN: Muriel Cantor, Anlerican V.wxers$ty. T!lh1enl:ierP\ University of North Carolina; Chapel Hill 48 49

4:30 P.M. (Continued) 4:30 P.M. (C()ntinued)

Session 43-Trianon SessiQD 44 (Cont.)

SOCIOLOGY OF MILITARY ORGANIZATION ·. .. h Management and Community Liaiso~ ~· %]{~e~Wrence H. Streicher, Institute for Juvenile Research ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Albert D. Biderman, Bureau of Social :SC11ence~ search, Inc., Washington, D.C. ~...... to Change an Organization: A Deve~op~ental MOdel ~· IIowHoward M. Kaplan, Florid~ State Uruverstty . . Ideology and Primary Group: The American Soldier in Vietnam John Helmer, Harvard University i"~>ie~gs ~~ W~rk: ~arx, .Maslow and Steam Irons """~· Uurt~: . .Laus.., ky , Uruverstty of Massachusetts, Amherst An Interpretation of the Conceptual Evolution of the Concept lnt:entctioJ : >:' • .· . . • ti" al Status Attainment: A Preliminary Cross-National · $c. Tlie Process of Oc!)upa on . . , . . Stanford Gregory, Kent State University . .. ~omN!!ittn and David Yauger,' State UniversitY of New York, Albany Future Changes in Military Organization and Personnel ' Scott' G. McNall and lames 0. M. Johnson, Arizona State DIScussioN: Johnny Butler, Northwestern University Session 45-Nassau A Robert G. Gard, Jr., Human Resources Deve1opment; of the Army Lawrence B. Radine, Washington University, St. Louis ·c_d Soc"al Structure: A Comparison .of Marx and Weber an I Bendix, UnivetSity of Clilifornia, Berkeley

Session 4

5.Automobile Workers in Four Countries: The Relevance.of System on''*'"''"' Session 411--Gramercy B for Working Class Movements William H. Form, University of Illinois, Urbana. 5:30-6:30 ·- The Case of Male Ini- 1. Relationship Between Educational Administration & Learning 1~ leffreyPtaschnik, Pennsylvania· State University, Erie 51

4:~0 PtM. (Continued) Session 48 (Cont.) • • Organization, Conflict, and Change: A Test bf a Multivariate Model within Types of Siniulated Systems · · · · f,, Richard, L. Dukes, University of Southern California Tuesday, 8:30 A.M•. "!, Theory Construction from Available Materials: A System for Organizing Presenting Propositions Nicholas C. Mullins, Indiana University Rtl'JlllO:N _QN CRIMINOLOGY-Conncll.. ~ee~Beekman p!I'J(}NON SQCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION-Connell Meeting-Regent A Theoretical Framework for Applied· Social Research Mark van de Vall, State Univ!'rsity of New York, Buffalo


Session 49.....:.East B811roonr • • '• __ cture ·' ,. •·~ Robert Bogus/aw, Washington University, St. Louis \ PLENARY 1: PRESIDENTIAL SESSION-East Ballroom • Lindsey Churchill, CUNY, Graduate Center and University Center' PRESIDER: Raymond W. Mack, North~~stem Univ~rsity PREsiDENTIAL ADDREss: Mirra Komarovsky, Barnard College, Columbia versity

PREsENTATION OF AWARDS Session 50-Mercury·

Aim PREsmER~ Albert J. McQueen, Obedl,JJ. College . ' . '.. - ~- ,_. Ethrucity, and &X:ial Mobility: An Historical and Com­ • •• • ~-tuY'WI of the Black Family iJi! Philadelphia, 1850-1880 · • Furstenberg, Jr. and Theodore Hershberg, University of - Pennsylvania; John Modell, U~versity of Minnesota Monday, 10:00 P.M.

DUTCH-TREAT PARTY-West Ballroom Washington State University;" DiirWin L. Thomas, 'BJ;Jigb.:am· Young University . ·

r· of Black Families: Variations by Social Class V. Willie, Syracuse University

and the Moynihan Report: A Research Evaluation S. Berger, William Simon, Calvert Cottrell, Logan Green, and Mina Bohlen, Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago

Robert B. Hill, National Urban League 1t-1man Rodman, Merrill Patmer Institute 53 8:30 A.M. (Continued) 8:30 A.M. (Continued)

Session 51-Murray Hill A Session 53.---Trianon COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN EVOLUTION

0ROANIZER AND PREsmER: Gerhard E. Lenski, University of North ..... William H. Friedland, University of California, Chapel Hill Q~R~g~IDER. AND • Santa Cruz

A Cross-Species ComParison of Status in Established Small Groups · · ; · lass Radicalism Rides Again ; . Allan,c. Mazur, SyractJsoUniversity · .~ ments Without Masses: Middle C . . MQ;:~-- Andrew Hacker, CUNY, Queens Colle~ . The Rise and Fall of the Complex Family: Some Implications for an lutionary Theory of Societal Development . ·- ralism d the Commune Movement · . Amerl¢mfasto an · · • Californi Davis Rae Lesser Blumberg; University of WISconsin, " ·;· - BlTinett ]J. B~rger, Univemty of . . . a, .. Winch, Northwestern University of thoUniversity New Left of California,. . Santa Bar b ara Evolutionary Theory 4pplied to Modernization: The Expansion of .···.·!J,1~;Q"'~.~+,~~P,;;.lacks, Educational Systems lean Tuttle Warren, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill DISCUSSION: Michael T. Hannan, Stanford University

Session 54-Le Petit Trianon

Session 52-Murray Hill B OCCUPATIONS AND PROFESSIONS OaoANIZER. AND PREsmER: Marie· R. Haug, ·

Adequacy of Occupational Knowledge and the Resolution Work: A Conceptual Framework lames M. Bishop, University of WISCOnsin, Parkside Evaluation of Professional Recruits Rachel Kahn-Hut, California State University, San Francisco The Stages of an Ironworker Apprentice's Career . lack Haas, McMaster University .

New Health Professionals at Kaiser: A Q1,1estion of Role Ambiguity lane Cassels Record and· Merwyn ~. Greenlick, Health search Center, Portland. Oregon Women and Occupational Prestige , • . Session 55-Gramercy B Catherine A. Walker and DonaldS. Bradley, Georgia State TEACHING COMMUNITY DISCUSSION:. Deena Weinstein, DePautUniversity , ,-,1 (i" ()}~oil, 1 l)~versity of ¥Usoll;ri. ~ City ()lson, Unlv~~ of Missouri, Kansas City Scherer, Oakland University 54 55

8:90 AM~ . (Continued) 8:30 A.M. (Continued) _

seaton 5S ·(Coot) Session 58 (Coot) The .following presenters will summarize their . . .teaching of community,:. < method and content ' lgfli!uafions of Agency Behavior During the Los Angeles Earthquake ·, - - Linda Brookover Bourque, Leo G. Reeder, and Andrew Cherlin, Uni- Gerald W. Cormick, ·Washington University St Lo . . versity of Clillioniia, Los Angeles · · · , lo_hn IJ. ~it~~ell: Ohio State J.Jniversity ' · ws lo?n, Erlich, Uruversity of Michigan · , -Iassification of Vol\mtary Associatioit Goals': A Reformulation of the Wlllls A. Sutton, Jr., University of Kentucky . - · n·Babchuk Instrumental-Expressive · Dimensions Utilizing Data from Te.]J; Sto!lent Voluntary. AsS?Ciations Doing, Work in the .~arlem ~ommunity DiscussioN: Donald l. 1Jogue, University of Chica o '" .. ntfjllfrj L. Sian, Uruverstty of Maryland ·.. · · fa':ld F .. Kaufman, Mississippi StategUniversity . w:w• - ac F. Kmton, Iowa ~esley,an College a~~llUlt!ferBased Method for Evaluating Research Findiitgs . • {an:'ef R. Linc~ln!, Umvetsity of Southern Califonlia A. Landsverk, California State College, Northridge; Emil Ber- ' I ~ ' . kanovlc, University of· Califorma:, Los. Atlgeles' ·

Session 56-Gramercy A ~· ~y • • •• Toward a G~neral Theory of Social Power HubertM,'Blalock, Jr.; University of Washington Tuesday, 9:30 A.M.

··,,: m'if()J,OC:7Y-JIIustness Meetlng-Beekman

nT'lFV!·v OF EDUCATION-Business Meetlng-Rilgent • 1 ; ,'-- -\ Session 57-.:.Na.ssau A

SEMINAR ) . s·ocioiogy of Sport' Gregory P. Stone, University'ofMiu'nesota I I • • •

·Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.:

Session 58-Nassau B ~oli S,__._East Ballroom CONTRIBUTED PAPERS i· " ' mweRS. IN ~CIOLOGICAL RESEARCH . PREsmEa: Linda Brookover P.ourgu~, .l!niv~rsjty of California, Los . A Trend Analysis of Environmentalists' Organizational ,R~eU Sage Foundation Advoc~cy, ~d PerceptioiiS of Government Ted Ba'!ell; ,University. of ~alifoi'nia, LOs Angeles;· Arrhur · lt.aiva:td University · ,pruve,rst~ of Califorru~. Davis

. I· 51 56 . f0.:30 A.M. (Continued) 10:30 A.M. (Continued)

·session· 62 ·(Cont.) Session 60-Mercury !Jnorines ton; the Church: Sources of Conflict SOCIO-ECONOMIC MODELS OF MARRIAGE AND FERTILITY ~ ·· · ~ j!)'tJm It: lio~e, Princeton Theological Seminary ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Allan Schnaiberg, Northwestern University :0Une~ions of Religiosity: De-Mythologizing a Sacred Artifact Jttc1tatd Ri Clayton lind James W. Gladden, University of Ke~tucky Low-Caste Emulation of High-Caste Marriage Patterns Kat/Jleen No;r, :Loyoia University, Chicago J\>.im~~fOJl.~ .Qf~ •.R.~Jigiosity Reconsidered: Evidence from a ccross-Cultural Study · GotdOJt F. Delong, Joseph E. Faulkner, and Rex H. Warland, Penn­ Alienation Predictors of Differential Fertility: A LongitudinaL Study ·~1Vlillia State Universfty Arthur G. Neal, and H. Theodore Groat, Bowling Green versity

The Importance of Purposive· Rationality for the High Economic lVHJu

Toward A Scale to Measure Family Size Preferences Susan 0. Gustavus and Linda Jooss, University of Utah

DISCUSSION: Greer Litton Fox, Bowling Green State University

()t Elite Careers in Bureaucratizing Organizations m:•W!•'!q, Florida S~te University ·

;Mo~es Within Organizations: A Preliminary Session 61-Murray Hill A 4 .,i ,•. , f"!!n. ~4 RJt;hard, Koenig, Jr., Kent State Univer­ COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN EVOLUTION ..Qjlll;ie~q P:niversity. of Wi8consin, Madison , '"' 1't t , I -- An informal discussion (immediately following Session teaching related to the new evolutionism in sociology. .tll~nr; :9! Qrganizations tQ Small Organizations William D. Heffernan, 'University of Missouri,

.ft. •9lar:k, .f~ggy Gfordanq, Burton Halpert, t:·~l?IZ~iSl?l~ imdMartha VanRoekel, University of Minnesota Session 6~Murray Hill B Jhtet~Organizational Relations MEASURES OF RELIGION AND THEIR CORRELATES ei!'and-JW'ad~>l'in" Schmitt, University of Rochester Joil}t with Association for the Sociology of Religion. Relationship ORGANIZER: Morton King, Southern Methodist University

PRESIDER: Sister Marie Agusta Neal, Harvard Divinity School

Catholicism and Fertility: A Methodological Note Geraldine B. Terry, Memphis State University

Religion, Authoritarianism, and Adolescent Deviance Arthur M. Vener, Mary Margaret Zaenglein, and Michigan State University 59 58 10:30 A.M. (Continued) 10:30 A.M. (Continued)

S~on 66. (Cont): Session 64-Trianon s!IheAnomic Cop THE SOCIOLOGY OF AGE · Edward A. Thibault and Norman L . .Weiner1 State University of New ORGANIZER: Anne Foner, Rutgers University York, Oswego . SuQcultures and Homicid;e: Ali Ex!lmination. of the ~mER: Talcott Parsons, Harvard' University Colin Loftin and Robert H. Hill, Brown University Age in Society: Structure and Change Anne Foner, Rutgers University Alternative Measures of Polid~'Peiformance Gary T. Marx, Harvard University Age Cohorts and Changes in Women's Roles Janet Giele, Radcliffe Institute Community Control ofthe Police: Assessing the Problems Mary C. Sengstock, Wayne State University Cohorts, Age Grading,·and Change loan Waring, Fairleigh Dickinson University


Session 67-Regent ·,., OF EDUCATION Session· 65-Gramercy B on Sociology of Education

l 1 f ORGANIZER: Barry D. Anderson, Washington University, St. Louis Section on Community PB.ESJ!>ER: Ronald G. Corwin, Ohio State University ORGANIZER AND l'RESmER: Peter H. Rossi, Johns Hopirlns ·University Abilities, Environments and Attainments The Structur~ Bases of Political <::;lian&e in Urban Commupities Trevor H. Williams, Memorial University John Walton,' Northwesteni 'University Career Changes Among Academicians in Mid-Cjlreer Paul M. Roman, Tulane University ·

DISCUSSION: Herman Turk; University1 of 1 California so~ihern 1 _ o , ''JI ,· 1• ,··1 '' • 1 _l • Teacher and Experimenter Bias Effects ori.. Children's Le3.ming and Performance Toward a Sub-Cultural Theory of Urbanism Jerome B. Dusek, Syracuse University Claude S. Fisher, University of California, Berkeley. ;l· '. Teacher Behavior and Pupil Achievement ...... · DISCUSSioN: ·William V. D'Antonio, University' of Conn~cticut Barry D. Anderson, Washington University,.St. Louis , c · ~ ,t r r \ · .Di:sctJSS:ION: William Spady, National Institute of Education .

~on 66--,-Beekman SECTION ON CRIMINOLOGY • •; ,' , t 1:, c ."I ' ' '- · ·-!r· • ' '- Session 68-Nassau A ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Gresham M. Sykes, University ,.of loW!\.· . . , '1 r . ' , . r~ r-~ : · , . · t' , '. , '. :... • " ·Toward the Formulation of Crime Indicators: Robberies in Los Angeles Rocco Caporale, University .of Californi~,, Lo~ Angeles .!lAd i:ll.• ell·1\,;0>DIIltl! and Defense Among the Ex•Ugandan Asians· University ,,, , ' ' Bert N. Adams; University of WISconsin; Madison 60

10:30 A.M. (Continued) 12:30 P.M. (Continued) Session 69-Nassau B

Theories,Members Methods, and Controversies in the Study.of Violence Between

Murray Straus, University of New Hampshire; Richard J. versityUniversity of Rhode Island; Suzanne K. Steinmetz, Temple

DrscussroN: Sandra Ball Rokeach, Washington State Umversity

SEMINAR Session 70-Madison

Yellow Power: Search for New Identity Minako Maykovich, University of Hawaii • • •

Tuesday, 12:30 P.M.;·

Session 71-West .BaUroom LUNCHEoN ,ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS I I' 35. HowARD E. Ar..nRICH, Cornell UniverSity ·

ofA Skepticallnterorganizational View of Exchange Relations 4S . a Co,nceptua,l Framework for ·the

36. SocialC. ARNoLD Science ANDERso!f, Quarterly American · Journal' · · of· · Sociology; Cu.uu.ES· M.· nu.NJJ>AI'fl On Publishing Sociology 37. BERNARD B.~RBER, Barnard College, Columbia University Research on Human Subjects: Social 'Problem and Sociological Problem

38. ZENA SMITH Buu, Northwestern University and Institute for Juvenile llp,.P,.,r,.h· -Substantive Issues in Comparative Research on Blacks and Whites 39. ABJtAHAM S. BLUMBERo, CUNY, John Jay College The Impact of Social Change and Social Movements on Crime Control · 40. C. HoBsoN BRYAN and PHILIP GRoTE,·JUniversity of Alabama En•l'

63 U:30 P.M. (Continued) 2:30 P•M• (Continued) Session 71.(Cont.) 58. S. M. LIPSET, Harvard University • Session 72 (Cont.) The Role of the lntelleptual as acSocial Cri{ic ,;:.f~~vsteJm ShockThomas. E. D ra be k ' University ofd Denver;· J. Er~gene· H aa s and Sigmund 59. PAUL T. Md'""- IJda~.,...... , Krane, University of Colora o Defimtlons of Soc1al Deviance: PosSible Ways Out of the Labyrmth

~ \ ~ . ' ' 60. MICHAEL H. Mn.LER, Vanderbilt University U iversity of Georgia. . , . Frederick L. BatesRA, N~ Nati.onal Science Foundation White Professionals in Black .Institutions;· Role .Conflict and Ambiguity George W. Baker, • 61. oMA.R· K. MooRE, University of Pittsb~rgh ·· The Use of Advancetl Educ(ltional Technology in Sociology 62. BENJAMIN B. RINGER, CUNY, Graduate Center Ethnicity and Meritocracy . , · 63. PRAm: R. SCARPJ'ITI, University of Delaware .. Session 73-Trlanon Female Crimi~.if!lty · , · .. . 64. ROBERTA. G. SIMMoNs, University of Minneso~ " Family and 'Health: Family Decision-Making, '"i{:Y+-ROLES ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: James A. Sweet, University of Wi~onMn, Madison 65. NECHAMA The, Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance Center, Norwalk Recent Sex Role Attitudes. in the U. SR arch Triangle Institute; Larry Bumpass, Deviancy or Conformity? Drug Usage by the Younger Generation Karen Oppenheim lk!ason,. ese University of Wtsconsm . • - ·-~ l 66. ERNEsTEquality VAN DEN HAAo, N~w )'ork. l:Jniv~rsity , Role Expectations, Fertihty,. . an dCUNY Environmental Queens Values College; 67. MAR1lN S. , and Wli:.Lfuis: UniversitY" Edgar F. Borgatta, • • ' Madison WEINB~o .Cou~ J. In~· University of Wtsconsm, Human Sexuality: What Are the Important Sociologicar Questions? 68. 1. ALAN WINTER, Connecticut College Social Forms of Religion In th~ Fu,ture . Female StatusDonald Attainme~t J. Tre1man and Kermit Terrell, Columbia University

Occupation, Employmuen. t!teS: dStates Life CensusTime:Work Bureau Experience of Women • • Larry Suter, m Tuesday, 2:30 P.M. Session 74-Gramercy A .,, Session 72-East ·Ballroom SOCIALIZATION: THEORY AND RESEARCH ~ . . 11VMAN BEllA VIOR AND DISAS'J'ER , , .. ORGANIZER; William. . • H. S ewe ll' University- of Wtsconsm, Madison What Have We Learned? .",. .. m M. JohMo., uru ..,.;ty of Oregon . ~ ANn PREsmER: · George W. Baker, RANN, Natioi:u'ti' Sdenee PRESIDER. ma . . •ti .m Three Generations tion ·· ·· ·c· :. • · .,,. ·' .. · .. • • •:~' >' : .. ~ • . • . . f V alu~s. Contrasts _and Contin~ es. . On, the .Scx,:i,lllization Verlf Bengtson, R. · ·Umverst , • · •ty· ..··'of Southern Calhorma ~ . . Anticipating Disaster: The Long View , '.. '·' . · "' 1. Eugene Haas, University of Colorado ·' ~· · '\\' · ·' Il on Social Achievements Differential Impact o~ CWoeg:ington State University~ Countdown: Response to t4!l Unlikely . - Duane Alwm, as

Dennis S. Mi/eti and Sigmund Krane, University of Colorado . . Among Black Adolescents . ReferenceRobert Group,. 1. Soci~·Klemer, StaHtusi o ger an~~~al:~ ' James Lanahan; Temple University 64 65

2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 74 (Cont.) Session 77-Beekman I.Q., Ethnicity, Teacher Enco Class High School Stud~~~ement, and Educational Aspirations of J,OGY OF SOCIAL WELFARE Atlee L. Stroup, College of Wooster Edward Z D !tCIANJZERS: Wyatt C. Jones, Brandeis University Maryland; Judith B. Williams , DePaul U . ag~r, Henry J. Meyer, University of Michigan Malec, Boston College _ ' mversity; DISCUSSION: Open 'Ibe Welfare Gap: Allocation and Utilization Among American States John E. Tropman, University of Michigan- vs. Rehabilitation: Conflicting Goals Within the American Social Welfare System Session 75-Murray Hill A Matthew Silberman, Bucknell University POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE Beliefs about Welfare Recipients John B. Williamson, Boston College ORGANIZER. AND PREs IDER.; M'zldred A. Schwartz, University of Ill' . Fi t T' lnOIS, rrs- une Voters and Their Parents: Continuity and Chan Maintaining the Vicious Cycle of Poverty: The Role Placement Service D.' s;:n~li;//;t~r;;e::::,tyuBflllo~k, Betty Jo cZ:rlton, James Yeheskel Hasenfeld, University of Michigan , ruversity of Kansas, Lawrence On Behavior: The Influence of White Social Workers and the Adoption of Black Children tti~;~c:~d~~ P~~~~l Dawn Day Wachtel, CUNY, Brooklyn College A th M - CS, n any . Orum University of T - A - . University of Illinois Urb -. _ , ustin; Dennis , , . ana." e~as,, Tho Emerging Independent - D~vid ~· Seg~l, U.S. Army Research Institute for the Social Sciences; Gerald Kent Hike/ Yal u· -.. .DCllil'VIOrai Material . . . . , e mversity Afiluence, Social AcqUiescence and Polifcal Session 78-Mercury Swaran S. Sandhu, Moorhead State College! Control- DISCUSSION: Maurice Pinard, McGill University ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: . Rae Lesser Blumberg, University of Wisconsin, Madison Hoiisehold ana Family Structure, Los Angeles, California: 1850 Barbara Laslett, University of Southern California Session_ 7~Murray Hill B Eeonomic Practices and Socialization in Three Societies THE COMPARATIVE STUD -. · _ · Lauren Langman, Loyola University, Chicago · y OF ·.FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS ' ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER. R. ha. d ' ' . ' . zc r P. Taub, University' ~f Chi An Empirical Test of the Normative-Resource Theory of Power s b' · cago u ~ectiveKand Objecti~e Measures of Struct~re . ·.' ' Wesley R. Burr, LOuise Ahern, and Elmer M. Knowles, -Family Re­ . oya Azl!mz, Rutgers University N search Center, Brigham Young University Charles J. McMillan U . . . '. . ewark, and ColumbJa .. ' . - , ' ,ruvel1!lty pf Bradfo~d, England The Role of Mothers-in the Social Placement of Daughters: Marriage or Work? The Japanese Factory" Revisited . . John Allen Bruce, Moorhead State Gollege Robert M Marsh Bl' u·. Gaku~ Unive:Sity, o;:~ ruver~ity; Hiroshi Mannari, F~ctors Associated .With Singlehood Elmer' A. ·Spreitzer, ·Bowling Green State University; Lawrence E. The Modernity of the Facto D . . . ' Riley, Mershon Genter for Studies in Science and Public Policy, .. Alex lnkeles St_anfryorasd. aU.. ~tern;unant of lndlVldual Modernity · ' . ruversity ·Ohio State University 66 67

2:30 P.M. (Continued) ~ : I I 2:30 P.M. (Continued) i I! . I·, Session 79-Gramerl:y B i I Session 81-Nassau A SOCIAL ACTION IN THE COMMUNITY FUNDING FOR SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH: PROSPECTS, POLJ- Section on Community ORGANIZER; Irwin T. Sanders, Boston University 'PltESJIDER: Albert J. Reiss, Jr., Yale University PRESIDER: Jon Van Til, Pennsylvania Law and Justice Institute James D. Cowhig, Division of Social Systerr;s and Human Resources, Research Applications DireCtorate, RANN-NSF Exploration in Neighborhood Differentiation David Pearl, Behavioral Sciences Research Branch, Division of Extra­ Donald I. Warren, University of Michigan; Patrick C. Easto Michigan University · · . ' mural Research Programs, NIMH, Donald R. Ploch, Program Director for Socio!ogy, NSF Organizational Failure in Ghetto Communities John M. Goering and Delmas Jones, CUNY, Graduate WardS. Mason, National Institute of Education The Community Intervention Study: Reviving Action Research . David R. Segal, U. S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Jack Rothman, John Erlich, Joseph Teresa, University of Michig~ Social Sciences DISCUSSION: Morton Rubin, Northeastern University I•·

Session 82-Nassau B

Session 80--Regent Organizations: A Dialectical View SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION J. Kenneth Benson, University of Missouri, Columbia Section on Sociology of Education

ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Joseph Gusfield, University of California, S~ . Ethnic Attitudes and Achievement: A Longitudinal Study C. Garland Dulan, University ,Qf California, Riverside· Session 83-Le Petit Trianon Sociomet?c Choice and Rejectiop ,Among Integratec:t Groups of Students Q()NTIUBUTED PAPERS Lmda Teplin, NorthwC$tern University :PmmER: William C. Bailey, Cleveland.State University An Exploration o( th.~ Dropout Problem: Chicano Students in a "-""··-" University . . . . · . Mtirder and Capital Punishment: Some Further .Evi~nce David Le6n, University of California, Santa' Barbara' William C. Bailey, Cleveland State Uruverstty On the Association of Sex and Violence in the Fantasy Productions of College Teacher Perception of of the' A of Ferge ~e So~iai Rol~ S~hool: ~eplication Students Larry G,f:iffin l\fl4 SarrzmY Wa((ers! University oJ A:fississippi Richard l. Gelles, University of Rhode Island v Teacher Mor:ale as a Function of Occupational .Expectations for their Changing Patterns in the Delinquent Actiyities of Boys and Girls: and Attitudes Toward Higher Education ' , . A Self"Reported Delinquency Analysts . • . . Regina H. Keneri,· Coiiunbia University Peter c. Kratcoski,.Kent State Uruverstty; John E. Kratcoskz, Temple University Pr~fessio~aJ·Sogializatiq~. and the Self.: 4.n:I~teracti~nist Criti~~ and 'v""'""u' .· l!>gical.Psoposal , : · . •. · .. · A' Brief.Assessment of Labeling Theory John Cullen, Columbia University; Francfs· C~llefJ, Jr., University · Peter K. Manning, ;and Nanette l. Davis, Michigan State ,University Rhode Island · · 68 69 • • • 4:30 P.M. (Continued) Tuesday, 4:30 P.M. Session 86-Murray Hill B ;;~ , ·. AND SOCIOLOGY: FROM ISOLATIONISM TO jlApPROCHEMENT SECTION ON COMMU NITY-Business Meeting-Gramercy B RGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Gillian Lindt, American University ce fioneeci of ~rican Sociology: An Empirical Study Paul 1. Baker, Martha P. Long, and Susan L. Quensel, ntinois State University Sociology, History, and Value-Free Approaches to sociological Inquiry Session 84-East Ballroom Walter 1. Friedman, Saint Mary's University, Canada THE STRUCTURE. OF POWER ' History and Sociology: The Logic of Sociohistorical Explanation Peter K. Manning, Michigan Stl\.te University What Have We Learned? ORGANIZE~~ Lewis A. Coser, State UniversitY of New York Stony B k The Empmcal Aspects ' roo Allen H. Barton Columbt"a U . . • mverstty Session 87-Beekman The Theoretical Aspects STATUS OF WOMEN IN. SOCIOLOGY Dr Lewis A. Coser, State University of New York, Stony Brook .~· ~JIANGING !f/""'~ PRESIDER: Cora B. Marrett, Western Michigan University scussroN: Charles Perrow ' State U mverstty. . of New York, Stony Brook PANEL: Rose Laub Coser, State University'l>f New York, Stony· Brook Karen Oppenheim Mason:'Researeh Ttiangle ·Institute · Shirley A. Nuss, University, of Cqlorado . James A. Sweet, University of Wisconsin, Madison Murray Straus, Pniversity. of ,New Hampshire Lenore 1. Weitzman, University of California, Davis Session 85-Trianon Maurice lapkson, American SOciological Association COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE FAMILY

ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: William N. Stephens, Dalhousie University Reflections on the Concept oi Matrilocality Stanford N. Gerber, Clark University Session 88-Mercury Cross National Research on Family M d . SDfBOLIC INTERACTION Marvin B. Sussman and, Mar !eerr;ty k · versity ·· '& 1 roo. s, ~ase Wt;stem Reserve ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Sanford M. Dornbusch, Stanford University Social Reaction and the Formation of Dya~: An Interactionist; Approach to Mate Selection Socializa~~,.;: i.ar;~~~!.de~~;tion~A Cross:Nati?nal Analysis Robert A. Lewis, Hriman Development, Pennsylvania State University University of Notre ~ ~~g Umve~tty; Andrew 1. W University e, orma Wmston, Washington The Work of : Ethnomethodology and Symbolic ·Interaction Combined • Dominant Dyads in Hindu and co:UU ...... Leslie W. Kennedy, University of Toronto Uncon8cious Masculinity and p ctan ~amtlies: The Uneasy.'Case ...... ucuK, Fred L. Strodtbeck Uni:e:atis~ C . Induced Mood States and the Self ' Allegheny Colle~e; Elena J; y hiuca~o; Ifichard W. Philip W. Blumstein, ·university of Washington . .. . . · · · u, mverstty of Notre Dame A Test of Intera.Ctionist :Jiypothe8es: Perceived Reaction DISCUSSION: Howard Stanton Clar·.k U . . . Relationships'B~tween v· . ' Diversity from Others, Body Iniage, Self-Concept; and Behavior ' 1ctor Th1essen, Dalhousie University Dee W. West, State University of New Yorlc, Buffalo 70

4:;J,O P.~. (Continued)

Session ..88 (Cont.) Session 90 (Cont.) The lnterconvertibility of VerbaJ and Visuospatial Representations of John F. Marsh, lr., University of California, San Francisco Workers and White Collar Workers: Changes in the American Class Center Structure , , Gavin Mackenzie, Cambridge University, England · DISCUSSION: Norman Goodman; State University of New York, Stony l)n;;cussi4:>N: Donald J. Treiman, Columbia University

Session 91--Regent .Session 89-Gramercy A · ON SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION PATI'ERNS AND PROCESSES. OF ~CIAL CHANGE ORGANIZER AND Plu!smER: N. J. Demerath ;ll, University. Goldsmid, University of North Carolina Amherst Sex Differences in Survival in Graduate ~chool . Industrial Development, ~d Changes ~ Occupational Structure Lucy Sells, University of California, Berkeley E. M. Be~k, U~v'erSity of ·Colorado; Gene F. Summers, of Wtsconsm, Madison . . , Women and the Benefits of Higher Education , Michele Patterson, University of California; Santa Barbara Social Chan~ and Social Participation: Developmental Relationships Sex Differences in the Effects of Social Class·on Educational Achievement Kenneth C. Laudon, CQNY, Jotm, Jay Colll~ge · · · ,, Karl Alexander, Johns Hopkins University Roles . of _Differential Information Ch~~Is in the Process' of Inequality and Women: A Reassessment · Ditfuston • · , ~ . Barbara Heyns, University of California, Berkeley Nan Lin and Ro.nald S. Burt,' State University of New York, DISCUSSION: Saul D. Feldman, Case Western Reserve University Schumpter and the Program Professionat . Mayer Zald and Jolin M_cCarthy, Vanderbilt 'U~iversity

Session 92--Nassau A ~AR Ptoblemsin a Sociologically Based Commentary Fiitn ··. · ·· ' Roy G. Francis, Univer8ity of Wiseonsin,. Milwaukee Session 90 Murray HOI A STRATIFICATION AND MOBILITY

ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Ely Chinoy, Smith College .Sour~s of Occupation~ Mobility Among U.S, Men, 1962-1972 Session 93--NasS&u B Robe;,:,a!o~auser and David L. Featherman, Uni~ersity of Wi~<'.cmoiii SEMINAR

Some Real and Imaginlu-y Consequences of Social Mobility . ' A Review of Evaluation Research: The State of the Art, Methodological Melvin See!11fln, University of Calif()nua, Los Angeles Practices, and Dissemination of Research Findings Ilene Bernstein, Indiana University; Patricia Rieker, University of Success Values: ~=·~Y l:Jniversal or PllSS Differentiated? . North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Howard Freeman, Ford Foundation L. R1c~ar4 .. Della Fave,. Yirginia . ?olytechnic · institute UJ11v~rsity ' · · · · ·· · DiscussiON: Sheppard Kellam, University of Chicago David A. Ward, University of Minnesota 12 73

4:30 P.M. (Contin~ecJ)

Session 94-0. Henry SEMINAR The Science of Genetics in the Domain of Medicine: A Study in the • • • of ApPlied Knowledge . lames Sorenson, Princeton Uriiversity Tuesday, 8:30 P.M.

Session 97-East Ballroom Session 95--Madlson ARY D: THE ROLES OF SOCIOLOGISTS ON GOVERNMENT IONS . . PIIESIDER: Mar\!in E. Wolfgang, University of Pennsy1 varna Health, Sex, and IncOme: Alternative Explanations for the Illegitimacy in the United States after 1940 Phillips Cutrighf, Indiana UniversitY on ObscenityAmand Association ~ommissionOtto N. Larsen, encan~om1:t!~gical DISCUSSION: Shirley Foster Hartley, California. State University, Hayward d the Administration of Justice Richard Lincoln, Planned Parentho~World Population Commissi1~o;J l~~l~~~:::~t:Versity Law School

. . ses and Prevention of Vio~ence National ComnusFSISonh ont CJrauWashington State Univemty James • or ' ., . wth and the American Future Commission on Population!JG~~eton University Charles F. Westo • Session 96--Le Petit Trianon CONTRIBUTED PAPERS

Plu!sroER: James C. Petersen, St. Cloud State College Secrecy and the Polity • • • Jack Har/oe, University of California, Riverside Tuesday, 10:30 P.M. Jury and Judicial Decisio~-Making: A. Research Design and Preliminary Martin Mistretta, G;eorge Barnett, and William Miles, Uruversity Illinois, Urbana - l!XL SESSION-West Ballroom Democracy: An Examination of .the Concept lames C. Petersen, St. Cloud State College

Change in the Law: Marxian and Durkheimian Theories Charlotte W. Yang, University of WISconsin, Madison • • •

Wednesday, 8:00 .A.M.


~!!SIDlER: David Mechanic, University of Wisconsin,. Madison Humanization of Health Care !an Howard, University of California Medical School

Professional Organization and Control Mary Goss, New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center Sociomedical Health Indicators Jack Elinson, Columbia University School of Public Health

Modification of Patient Behavior Marshall Becker, Johns Hopkins Medical· School

Design of Health Service for Health Maintenance and Disease Control Seymour Bellin, Tufts University

Determinants of Health Levels Monroe Lerner, Jolms Hopkins School of Public Heal,th

DuicussioN: Odin Anderson, University of Chicago Sol Levine, Boston University ·· • • • Wednesday, 8:30 .A.M. J~(.:TION ON METHODOLOGY-Council Meeting-Regent

Session 98-Trianon J)Jl!VELOPMENT AND MODERNIZATION ...'> s;;~~fresher Lecture

PRESENTER: Fred Waisanen, Michigan State University

DISCUSSION: Daniel Lerner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 76 77

8:30 A.M. (Continued) 8:30 A.M. (Continued)

Session 99-Gramercy A Session 101 (Cont.) SOCIALIZATION: THEORY AND RESEARCH of Black Separatism . "ty ORGANIZER: William H. Sewell, University of Wisconsin, Madison ~:Soc:ioDIII>el~nnis Forsythe, Sir George Williams Uruverst ·- .. ,' '"1 ~ :{" ' PREsmER: Essie P. M. Roberts, University of Michigan in the Analysis of Separatist Movements r.mlora.uu•= L, Hall; Dartmouth College Anticipatory Socialization and Adolescent Socio-Political Attitudes . . . A Case Study of Separatism 1 d James~· l?'Kane, P,hilip K,.J~nsen, .and Lillilll! T.; Co,c,hran~. Black Revolution m Pns_?ns. f C. inal Justice, University of Mary an Uruverstty; Lloyd Bareliblatt, New York Uruverstty Julius Debro, Institute or . nm A Sociological Co~ception of Persorlatity ''")Jscu·ssH:>N: Gwynne Pier~on, How:u-d l!tyni:'r~~achusetts, Boston 'Joseph Ventimiglia, University of Michigan >.t Douglas Davidson, Uruverst ,•,; The Choice of Dependent Variables in ihe Study of Socialization Theodore D. Kemper, CUNY, Quee~ College Parentallnftuence on Educational Goals Alan c. Kerckhoff and Judith Huff, Duke University DISCUSSION: Open Session 102-Nassau A

~OOATIONS . . ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: · Ruth Simms. Hamilton, Michigan State Uruverstty .. As "ations in Developing Nations Functions of Voluntary soct Ohi State University Session 1011--Le Petit Trianon ··· Christen T. Jonassen, . 0 · • · · POVERTY AND INEQUALITY . • • Vehi~les of Development Voluntary . "lton Michigan State University ·: '; ' ' - .L l;; ' RuthAssoc~ationsHas S1mms am1 • . ORGANIZER AND PREsmER: Pamela A. Roby, University of California, Santa • hi an State University Dilemmas of the Tourist Industry in American Chinatowns. · . · · · ·~. DmcussioN: Kay Snyder, Mtc g Ivan Light, University of Califotrua, Los ADgeles; Charles Choy .. . Th d the Participation of Voluntary Organizations California State College, Dominguez Hills Pluralistic eory an munity Politics· · • . f B"rmingham England The Power of Labor K. Newton, Uruvemty o 1 ' Frances Fox Pivan, Boston Uruversity • . d p :wer· A Re-assessment Implications of Professionalism for Institutional Racism VoluntaryD~l~ti~:r~a:, W~shin~n University, St. Louis Emil Berkanovic, University of California, Los Angeles DmcussioN: Bart Landry, Pur~ue University Strikes in the Soviet Union ~d Yugoslavia: Is There a Socialist Pattern? David Makofsky, State University of New York, ·Binghamton·, DISCUSSION: , University of Dlinois

Session 103-Murray Hill A

SOciOLOGY oF LEISURE · Session 101-Mercury Neil H. Cheek, Jr., Texas A&M Universlty BLACK SEPARATISM ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: . f n· Themes and Variations Recreation and MEodeMrruza tou;nversity of Denver ORGANIZER ANJ)· P~IDER: Joyce A. Lildiief, ·Howard Urrlve'rsity Wilbert . oore, 78 79

8:30 A.M. (Continued) 8:30 A.M. (Continued)

Session 103 (Cont.) Session 107-Bryant Leisure Life Styles, 1929-1960: Effects of Employment, Cost, and Time Kirk W. Elifson and F. P. Noe, Georgia State Uttiversity Tolerance of Non-Conformity in the U.S.: 1954-1972 A Natural History Model of the Development of Sport in America . Clyde Z. Nunn, Center for Policy Research, Inc. William Devall, California State University, Humboldt DiscussiON: , Center for Policy Research, Inc. and Columbia Uni­ DISCUSSION: William R. Burch, Jr., Yale University versity Harry J. Crockett, Jr., University of Nebraska,I:incoln J. Allen Williams, Jr., University of Nebraska, Lmcoln

Session 1 04---.,.Murray Hill B Session 10~ramercy B THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENCE

ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Marvin Bressler, Princeton University PRESIDER: Henry J. Steadman, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene Reason and Letters , Leon Mayhew, University of California, Davis Violent Incidents Among Psychiatric In-Patients . Frederick C. Depp; Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C. Methodological Schizophrenia: A Problem in Sociology of Science Siamak Movahedi, University of Massachusetts, Boston Measuring Levels of Well-Being for a Health Status !Ddex Donald L. Patrick, J. W. Bush, and M1lton M. The History of Marxian Thoorles of Revolbtion as a Series of Paradigm California, San Diego Terry R. Kanda/, California State University, Los Angeles ·.. Interfaces of the Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems: Overlooked • "Knowledge Crystallli:ation'' in the .Reference Group .Literature Sociological Opportunities • Raymond L. Schmitt, Illinois State University Henry J. Steadman, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene The Kibbutz: A Critical Examination · Ayad Al-Qazzaz, California State University, Sacramento

Session 105-Nassau B • • • Physical Attractiveness, Body lthag~, .and Self Esteem . Wednesday, 9:30 A.M. Ellen Berscheid, University of Minnesota; Elaine of Wisconsin, Madison; George Bohrnstedt, SECTION ON MEmODOLOGY-Business Meetin~Regent

Session 106-Madlson • • • SEMINAR Wednesday, 10:30 A.M. On the Uses of Ethnicity and Kin· Scott Greer, Northwestern University !SA BUSINESS MEETING-East Ballroom 80 8.1

12:30 P.M. (Continued) • • Session 109 (Cont.) • A. MICHAEL, BASR, Columbia University Between Urban Primary Groups and Service Bureaucracies Wednesday, 12:30 P.M. MILNER, University of Virginia hy Day-Care Centers and Women's Liberation Are Antithetical

MoLAND, JR., Southern University Session 109-West Ballroom Citizens' Expectations: Differences in Black and White Perceptions of Police LUNCHEON ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS Behavior MovAHEDI, University of Massachusetts, Boston 69. JESSET S · BERNARD• W ashi ngton, D c he Failure of Women in Macho. Society Methodology of Reductionism and the Domain of Sociology 70. NORMA ZANE. .CHAP LAIN, C olunibia' , .Universit 0 rgamzatlons and Community Conflict y

71. GoRDoN J. D~ RE~zo, University of Delawar . D. SAVITZ, Temple University Closed-C~rcuu Television for Teaching a~d R .h . . 72 Rn. esearc m SociOlogy Fear of Crime . E~ E: DUNLAP, WasiJ.ington State University A. ScoTT, Princeton University nv~ronment as a Socio-Political Is;ue Agencies of Social Control in Comparative and Developmental Perspective 73. WILLIAM H EXUM S ah L . 'Th S . . . ,. ' ar awrence College e OCIO/ogy of H' h Ed . B. ScoTT, North Carolina.State University, Greensboro lg er ucatlon-Black Students in Black Students in Sociology Departments of Predominantly Black Institu- ,74.SYLVJA F FAVA CUNY . Wh f "' ' ' Brooklyn College tions a s Jvew About New Towns? 15. Cancelled J. SIMON, University of Dlinois 'l;he Case For and Against Trans-Racial Adoption 76. ROBERT W. FRIEDRICHS W'lli . Second Th h , I ams College •lli.nw:s:t1A11'1 M. SYKES, University of Iowa oug Is on a Sociology of sOCIO ·· · 1ogy The Future of Inequality in America 77. GERALo R GARRETT U . • . ·. ' Diversity of Massach tts B D rmkmg on Skid Row· Th C use , oston WALLERSTEIN, McGill University . e ase of the Homeless Woman The Modern World-System 78. MYRON GLAZER, Smith College Old Issues, New Urge . F' ld · Milwaukee Case ncy. le Work Ethics and the Shadow of the

79. CHARLES S GREEN III U • . • . A D t. B k ' Diversity of Virginia M. WILLIAMS, JR., Cornell UD.iversity a a- an for the Study of Coli t' B h Sociology and Biomedical Technology: Problems of Assessment and Policy Problems and Prospects ec IVe e avior and Social M.r>v.•m• Research 80. MARIE R HAu • • G, c ase ·Western Reserve Unive . following six luncheons .were arranged by the Section on Medical Sociology as Ethical Problems in Evaluation Research rsity gf. its Section Day Program. 81. RICHARD J. Hrr.L, Sociometry, and EVERETT .· On Publishing Sociology K. · WILSON, Social Forces SLATER, World Health Organization International PerspeCtive on the Sociology of Disability 82. ADELINE LEVINE, State Universit Leadership in Academia· An ·~n ~~ rew York, Buffalo CAROLE ToKARczyK, University of Pennsylvania; JUDY MARK, Yale University . . . . VI a ton to Department Chairmen Student Views of Training in Medical Sociology and Disability 83. HELENA Z. LOPATA, Loyola University Ch' The Sociological Aspect of Grief ' Icago , EDwARD Ricci, University of Pittsburgh The Future of Medical Sociology Training Programs 82 83

12:30 P.M. (Continued) 2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 109 (Cont.) Session 111 (Cont.) 100. GEOFFREY GIBSON, State University of New York Buffalo The Management of Conflict in One Sociology Department The Role of Medical Sociologists in Local Heaith Planning n.~r"'""'e1 Richard F. Tomasson, University of New Mexico 101. MERRIJOY KELNER, University of Toronto Kent State, May 4, 1971: Non-Violence This Time International Medical Sociology · A. Paul Hare, Haverford College 102. Cancelled ))IscussioN: John Spiegel, Brandeis University • • • Wednesday, 2:30 P.M. Session 113-Murray Hill A Session 110-Trianon ,..__...... ,..... SOCIOLOGY OF MODERN EUROPEAN JEWRIES ~_fONTRIBUTIONS OF AREA STUDIES TO SOCIOLOGY AND with Society for the Sociological Study of Jewry 'What Have We Learned? GiGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Allan Silver, Columbia University

! i ' ORGANIZER: Richard D. Lambert, University of Pennsylvania Pariahs, Court Jews, and Governments: A Clarifieation of Concepts PANEL: Richard D. Lambert, University of Pennsylvania Werner Cahnman, New School for Social ResearCh Alex Inkeles, Stanford University ~ ' - - ,, '; - : Ro~ert Cole, University of Michigan Assimilation: A Deviant Pattern Among the Jews of Iriter-War lrwm T. Sanders, Boston University Celia S. Heller, CUNY, and Graduate Center The Denial of Self-Interest: The Political Life of French Jewry From Dreyfus to Hitler Paula B. Hyman, Columbia University Session 111-East Ballroom EXCHANGE THEORY The Political Position of the Jews in Germany Before 1933 Henry Friedlander, CUNY, City College Refresher Lecture

PRESENTER: Richard M. Emerson, University of Washington DISCUSSION: Carl W. Backman, University of Nevada


ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Jdhn Spiegel, Brandeis University ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: John W. Riley, Equitable Life Assurance Company, History of Third-Party Interven~on in Community Conflict . Inc. James A. Laue, Washmgton University, St. Louis PANEL: Nelson N. Foote, CUNY, Hunter College From ~onflict.Thll

2:30 P.M. (Continued) 2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 115-Gramercy B Session 117 (Cont.) SOCIAL CHANGE AND CULTU.QA.L FLUX Socl.al Factors Associated with De.IayMindiA. bortiSc·o~ PRESIDER: Randall Stokes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Sally Guttmacher, Soc10- e ca 1 tences, Columbia University

Cultural Revolution and the Definition of Reality Ab 0 rtion · Ambivalence and Ambiguity . R Charles C. Lemert and Robert D. Rosse[, Southern lllinois ·Emily Moore, International Institute for the Study of Human epro- Rationalization and Counter- duction, Columbia University Nicholas J. Demerath, Washington University, St. Louis Physicians and Abortion· · b' U · ·t Anticipating Emerging Social Problems and an Agenda of Tomorrow's · Corinne Kirchner, School of Public Health, Colum 1a mverst Y Reforms: 1973-1984 Arthur B. Shostak, Drexel University I>ISCUSSION: Gaye Tuchman, CUNY, Queens College

Session 116-Mercu.ry Session 118-Nassau B SEX ROLES AND THE FAMR.Y: INTERSECTING THEMES ORGANIZATION AND HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY: )NSUMER POWER FOR WHAT? ORGANIZER: Rae Lesser Blumberg, University of Wisconsin, Madison PRESIDER: Lynne R. Davidson, CUNY, Hunter College on Medical Sociology Marriage and Fertility Patterns of Female Scientists and ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Gordon H. DeF_riese, University of North Carolina, parison Between Males and Females Chapel Hill Deborah S. David, CUNY, Brooklyn College PANEL: Ana Dumais, Community Health Institute, :r;-rew York . The Potential of the Urban Commune for Changing Sex Roles Ted Tulchinsky, Ministry of Health, Provmce of Mamtoba .. Barbara Bovee Polk and Robert B. Stein, Wayne State Peter Kong-Ming New, University of Toronto, School of Medicme Lon Polk, Oakland University Professionalizing Motherhood: La Leche League and Breast Feeding Hannah Meara Marshall and Kathleen A. Knafl, College of University of Illinois, Chicago Urban Courting Patterns: Singles' Bars Diane Fishel and Natalie Alton, Hofstra University Session 119-Regent DISCUSSION: Joan Roberts, Center for Educational Development, University Wisconsin, Madison '·"''~~'""' on Methodology ORGANIZER AND PRESIDE)l: Herbert L. Costner, University of Washington

The Control and Evaluation of Me~ure~ent Error in Organizational Analysis John Seidler, Ohio State Umverstty Session 117-Beekman ASPECTS OF ABORTION , The Theoretical and Empirical Interpretation of Unobserved Variables in Structural Models k Alb Section on Medical Sociology Ronald S. Burt, State University of New Yor ' any ORGANIZER: Robert N. Wilson, University of :North Carolina, Chapel Hill Construction of Optimally Reliable and Valid Composite Measures: Canonical Factor Regression Method . . PRESIDER: Jack Elinson, Columbia University Michael Patrick Allen, Washington State Umverstty 86 87

2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 119 (Cont.) Multivariate Analysis as Spatial Representation of Distances • • • Joseph Woelfel, Michigan State University DISCUSSION: Robert Althauser, Indiana University Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.

Session 123-East Ballroom AND DISORGANIZATION: PERSISTING PROBLEMS AND ?.RC.~ING EMPHASES Session 120-Le Petit Trianon Lecture

SEMINAR lf''li'RE!iENTEll:· Edwin M. Schur, New York University

Elementary School Social Climates and School Achievement DiscussioN: Clarence C.· Schrag, University of Washington W. E. Brookover, Ronald Henderson and Jeffrey Schneider State University; Richard Gigliotti, University of Akro~ DISCUSSION; Edgar Epps, University of Chicago Leo Rigsby, Vanderbilt University Edsel Erickson, Western Michigan University Session 124-Mercury

Sanford M. Dornbusch, Stanford University

Session 121-Nassau A Social Suicide: The Destruction (and Creation) of Social Identity Lenore J. Weitzman, University of California, Davis The Career Construct: An Extension of Kuhn's Twenty Statements Test The New Evolution Michael R. Mend, California State University, Fullerton Gerhard E. Lenski, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Mead (and Piaget) Notwithstanding: Symbolic Interactionist Notes on Pre-Language Development of Self Sue/len H. Lanstein, University of ·california, Berkeley

Rule-Learning as Role-Learning: ·What an Interactive Theory of Roles to the Theory of Social Nor:ms Session 122-Bryant Ralph H. Turner, University of California, Los Angeles

Empathy: Affective or Objective? · . . . . On Trust Clyde W. Franklin, Jr. and Raymond M1chalowsk1, 9hio State Um­ Sheila Klatzky and Marcel Teitler, University of Wisconsin, Madison versity DISCUSSION: Karen S. Cook, University of Washington 88 89

4:30 P.M. (Continued) 4:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 125-Regent Session 127-Trianon PROBLEMS AND DEVELOPMENTS IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY lfll'rATIOr-irAL CORPORATIONS Horowitz, Rutgers University ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER.. p et er p ar k , Umversity. . of Massachusetts, Symbolic Interactionist: An Alternative Interpretation Transnational Corporation as an International Political Actor p~~eo~ '' Peter G. Back, 'University of Illinois, Urbana; Vincent 1... Fuccillo, Jonathan H. Turner, University of California, Riverside CUNY, Brooklyn College A Social Identity Approach to Ex . : The Impact of Multinational Corporations on American Foreign Policy quences of Norms P1 ammg the Content and Behavioral David Eisenhower, Rutgers University Francesco Cancian, Stanford University Multinational Corporations and the State in Sociological Theory Henry J. Frundt, Rutgers University The Medium is not the Message: A Critique of Talcott Power, Influence, and Values Parsons on MultitnatioJilal Corporations and the Theory of Imperialism Bliss!!; Cartwright, St:tte '£!niversity of New York Buffalo· R Johan Galtung, International Peace Research Institute rrarner, Yale Umvers1ty ' ' · The Place of Multilnational Corporations in. the Ideology and Organization of Technology Transfer · The Fo~r ~nsions of Human Activity: Synthetic Basis for Socwlog~cal Theory ContemiJori Alejandro Nadal Egea1 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia Patrick W. Conover, University. of North Carolina, Greensboro DISCUSSION: David W. Musick, Utah State University

Session 128-Gramercy A

!-Y.l"i~l'J.8...., ORGANIZATIONS Session 126-Nassau B ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Oscar Grusky, University of California, Los Angeles Up the Changing Organization: An Analysis of Its Jl'ansition Period ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Donnell M. Pappen~ort, U . . 1· mvers1ty of Chicago Howard M. Kaplan and James A. Molitor, Florida State University Racial Segregation in U.S. Cities, 1850-1860 . Organizational Growth and the Process of Bureaucratization Nathan Kantrowitz, Kent State University Paul Goldman, University of Nevada Industrial Development, Competition, and the Aged Worker Compliance and Supervisory Style: An Experimental Study of Female Superior-Subordinate Relationships Gene F •. Summers and Frank Clemente Universi'ty of Madison ' Esther Chow, American University; Oscar Grusky, University of Cali-· fornia, Los Angeles Social and Structural Factors in Community Attachment Innovation in Crisis Relevant Organizations: A Model of th~ Process of . John D. Kasarda and Morris Janowitz, University of Chicago Organizational Change · · Gary A. Kreps, College of William and Mary; Russ{!ll R. Dynes, Ohio Whe~~~=s the Responsibility Lie? The Social Problem of Pesticides in State University Louis M. Holscher, Washington State University Historical Effects of Innovations in CommunicationS Technology on Organiza- . tiona! Structure . Ronald.JYestrum, Eastern Michigan. University The Organization as a Coalition: An Empirical Study of University Budget Decisions · · Jeffrey Pfeffer, University of California, Berkeley 90 91

4:30 P.M. (Continued) 4:30 P.M. (Continued)

Sessi9n 128 (Cont.) Session 130 (Cont.) Organizational Adaptation: A Multivariate Study of School Systems Assimilation and Educational Achievement: The Case of the Second Generation Chris Murray, Center for Youth Studies and Research, of Manchester, England · · Japanese American . . . L An 1 Darrel M. Montero, University of Califorma, os ge es Institutional Representation at the 1970, 1971, and t972 American ~O<:IOiogt~ Association Annual Meetings PhD's in the Academic Marketplace: Supply, Demand, and' Price Kent G. Mommsen, University of Utah Wilbert M. Leonard II and Raymond L. Schmitt, lliinois State versity Contemporary Soviet Formal OrganiZation Studies Jiri Kolaja, West Virginia University Session 131....,..Beekman COMPONENTS OF DISABILITY Session 129-Murrajr BiD B on Medical Sociology URBAN GROWTH AND STRUCTURE ORGANIZER AND PRESIDBR: RichardT. Smith, Johns Hopkins University

ORGANIZER AND PRBSIDBR: Ozzie L. Edwards, University of Michigan Sexual R esoc1'alizati'on of the Physically Disabled: Constraints of Finite Time in the Socialization Process . . C 1 R h _ Urban Role-Complexes and Patterns of Urban Development Gary L. Albrecht, Northwestern Umvemty; Rochelle oon ey, e a Alvin Boskoff, Emory University bilitation Institute of Chicago The Population Growth Process for Cohorts of Urban Places in the U.S.: 1970 Patient-Audience Social Class and the Social Disorders . .· • . Charlotte Yang and Glenn Fuguitt, University of Wisconsin, GreggS. Wilkinson, Duke Uruvers1ty Towards a Theory of Uncontrolled Urban Settlements in Latin America The Effects of Disability on the Family . . Alvin Jacobson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Edward H. Murphy and William G. Johnson, Rutgers Umvers1ty The Metropolitan Division of Labor and Male-Female Income Differences Effects of Social Epidemiological Factors on the Severity of Disability For Dudley L. Poston and Frank D. Bean, University of Texas, Austin the White and Nonwhite Disabled . Urban Neighboring and the Hypothesis of Alternative Social Structures ·Thomas T. H. Wan, University of Maryland, BaltiJ:llore Peter McGahan, University of New Brunswick Howard R. Kelman, Health Sciences Center, ~tate. University of New York,. Stony Brook

Session 130-Murray HiD A SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION Session 132-Bryant ORGANIZER: Sarane S. Boocock, Russell Sage Foundation

PREsmBR: Connie Russell Seidner, Boston University Social Control of Sociological Kno~g . White Flight from Integrated SchoolS: The Case of Berkeley Albert J. Reiss, Jr., Yale Uruvers1ty David Nasatir, University of California, Berkeley; John Finley University of California, Davis Differential Reinforcement and Group Competition as Moderators of the tiveness of Student Teams Using Instructional Games Se5,si0n 133-Madison Keith J. Edwards and David L. DeVries, Johns Hopkins University

A Non-Recursive Formulation of Intra-OrganiZational Conflict in Schools Student Activism, Benign Racism, and Scholarly p-responsibility E. M. Beck, University of Colorado Charles u. Smith, Florida A & M Uruvers1ty 92 93

. 4:30 P.M. <<:ontinoed)

Session 134-Gramercy B CONTRIBUTED PAPERS • • • Plu!siDER: J?avid Gottlieb, Pennsylvania State University Thursday, 7:30 A.M~ Work and Expectations for College Seniors F~es: ~reat ON UNDERGRADUATE E~UCATION:-Councll Meeting-Lorenz Hart Dawd Gottlieb, Pennsylvania State University Technical-Pro.fession~ Unemployment: The Positive Aspects of Personal · Crmg B. Little, State University of New York, Cortland Fathers' Work and Sons' Occupational Value Orientations ley/anT. Mortimer, University of Maryland • • • The Standard of Living in East Central Europe Thursday, 8:30 A.M. Alexander Matejka, BUSINESS MEETING-East Ballroom • • • • • • Thursday, 10:30 A.M•

Wednesday, 8:30 P.M. .,._n...,. ...T. ON THEORETICAL soCIOLOGY-Councll Meettng-Beekman


PREsmER: Matilda White Riley, Rutgers University Session 136-East Ballroom PAPERS BY: Raymond w.·Mack, ~?rth'Yest,em University Paul F.LAzarsfeld, Uruvers1ty of Pittsburgh •'?'!1Wr·esher Lecture DISCUSSION: Robert K. Merton, Columbia Universi!J.. ),lREBENTEil: William R. Labov, Uniyersity of Pennsylvania DISCUSSION: Hugh Mehan, University of Clilifo~a, San Diego • • •

:; Session 137-Nassau A Wednesday, 10:30 P.M. ":> ... JmHABILITATION AND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENTAL ALUMNI NIGHT:._West Ballroom ORGANIZBR AND PREsmER: Jacqueline P. Wiseman, California State University, San Francisco Clash Within Prisons: Competing Conceptions of Inmate Treatment Joan Smith, and John Kugler, Dartmouth College 94 95 10:30 A.M. (Continrred) 10:30 "A.M. (Continued)

Session 137 (Cont.) Session 139-Murray Hill A The Use of Discretion in Determining the Severity of Punishment for cerated Offenders Joseph E. Scott, Ohio State University ORGANIZER AND PREsiDER: Michael T. Hannan, Stanford University PreconditionS for Major Prison Disturbances Measuring TransitivitY in Sociometric Networks Lloyd E. Ohlin and Richard W. Wilsnack, Law School, Maureen Hallinan and Aage B. Sorensen, University of Wisconsin, University Madison The Trouble with Rehabilitation In rating Independent Variables into Stochastic Models of Social Mobility John Irwin, California State University, San Francisco corpo Nancy B. Tuma, Stanfor d U ruvers1. 'ty ,'r Attrition ifl Panel Designs , . ' . Andy B. Anderson, Purdue Umverstty

f '. ' Eliminating the Most Plausible Hypothesis:' The 'Problem of Complex Treatments and Mismatched Replications , Session 138-Mercnry A. /. Crowle, Nuffield College,· Oxford, England SMALL GROUPS: DIMENSIONS OF INTERACTION ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Howard F. Taylor, Princeton University Strategies of Interaction in Two-Person Groups Barbara Foley Meeker and Carlton A. Hornung, University o_f hind (_ . Session 140..:...Regent

Aggression, Reward, and Identification in Small Groups SOCIOL~Y Jacqueline C. Duf!!af!{~. State University College, Brockport ORGANIZER: Jack Elins~~; Columbia University Representatives' Tactics and Success in Negotiation I -~ I Carll. Couch, Marion W. Weiland, and Frank I. Kohout, PRESIDER: Rue M. Bucher~ Unive~i_!Y of Illinois Medi~al School, Chicago of Iowa · Role Perceptions and Sex-Typing of.the Wom!lfl Doctor . ; · . . . Group-Leaving and Group-Switching · Lynne R. Davidson, CUNY, Hunter College; Fredrick [(oemg, Tulane Jere Cohen, Indiana University University · · ·

The Effects of Power on Smilll Group Members: Self-Concept Changes Contraceptive Choice and Social Correlates of Cervical NeoplaSia · Powerful and Powerless Group Members C. G. Merritt, Temple Uiliversity ' Dane Archer, University of Califonua, Santa Cruz Constraints of Community Structure on the Distributioii of 'Physi~ians in Social Structure and Commitment in Synanon UnitedStates . Richard I. Ofshe, University of California, Berkeley William A. Rushing, Vanderbilt University DISCUSSION: Samuel Leinhardt, Carnegie-Mellon University Social Values and Psychiatric Ideology in Revolutionary China Yi-Chuang Lu, University of Chicago


t -~ 96 97

10:30 A.M. (Continued) 10:30 A.M. (Continued)

Session 141-Murray Bill B Session 143 (Cont.) THE URBAN EXPERIENCE Ruth Bleier, University of WisconSin Medical School, Madison Anne Seiden, University of lllinois Medical School, Chi~go ORGANIZER.• Q ...... ,· e L · Edwar ds , Umvel'Slty. . . ofMichigan ; Beverly Chinas, California State University, Chico · PREsmER: Johnnie Daniel, Howard University .. Karen Paige, University of California, Davis Susan Greenwald, University of California, Berkeley Anti-Urbanism as a Way of Life . . Joseph Harry, Wayne State University What Makes a Good Neighbor? Albe~~~c::.~s ~~ Harvey Stevens, Centre for Conitnunity o oronto; Barry _Wellman, University of Session 144-Gnunercy A The Urban Indian Experience . · AND TEACHING INTRODUCTORY ·SOCIOLOGY: A SERIES Joseph" Stauss,u University of Arizo-na·• Bruce A. Chadw1'ck, ,_ oung Diversity ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS Differential ~e Style in the City of Shiraz F Ir ·on rlnderwaduate Education All Paydarfar, University of North Car~a an Willia~ H" Curtis, Camden Community College· Citizen Participation in Urban Politics Martin E. Danzig, CUNY, Kingsborough Community College Gerhard D[tz, Eastern lllinois University Frana &•. Wendell, Newark 'State College PRESIDER: Martin E. Danzig, CUNY, Kingsoorough Community College

10:30 WHAT DO WE TEACH? Defining the curriculum content of the in· troductory course 1. Fundamental theories and classical Session 142-Le Petit Trianon CoNVENOR: Seymour Yellin, Newark State College RECORDER: Myrtle Korenbaum, Wright State University SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENCE ORGANIZER AND PRE . • . . • 2. Utiliringempmcalrese~h . SIDER •. Marvm Bressler, Princeton University CoNVENoR: Nicholas J. Robak, St. Josephs College REcoRDER: Michael A. Malec, Boston College The ~=e of Scientific FieldS and th~ ~ocation of Editorships on William C. Yoels, Boston College . 3. Practical applications of sociological.practitioners CoNVENOR: Robert von der Lippe, Hampshire College The Structurec of Scientific Fields. Implications f • REcORDER: Leslie Leighninger, SUNY, Oswego Caroline H. Persel/ Ne~ York U . . or Measunng Research • mverstty . 4. Dynamics of stability in change: The role of radical ·sociology The .PShtruySI~CISt_urets of }n_ terpe_ fSOnal_ Re._lati_ . ons Among Theoretical High. CoNVENOR: Sharon M.' McPherron, Florissant Valley Community . College Judith R. Blau, REcoRDER! Rosanne. Martorella, Qu~psborough Community College

11:30 HOWl .. DO WE TEACH? An assessment of teaching . Programming for the diversified students in sociology '

Session 143-Trianon" 1. Traditional teaching methods: Strengths and weaknesses CoNVENoR; Norma Zane ciWpiain, ttJlumbia University IS ANATOMY DESTINY OR THE SE REcoRDER: Brent T. Bruton, Iowa State University DISCIPLINARY APPROACH COND X: AN INTER- 2. Team Teaching: Pooling talents · Section on Sex Roles CoNVENOR: Roslyn· F.· Gerard, 'Rosary Hill College REcoRDER: 'HelencM. Feeney; Queensborough Cominunity College ORGANIZER AND PRESmER • p, l' B . au me . Bart, University of Tilin OtS,. Chicago 99 98 12:30 P.M. (Contiuued) 10:30 A.M. (Conti.Dued)

Session 144 (Cont.) Session 144 (Cont.) 7. Articulation between two- and four-year college faculties ,J. Audio-visual aids; A JI1ass approac1;1, CoNVENOR: Jacqueline Sherer, Oakland University CONVENOR: James A. Ecks, Douglas College RECORDER: Rosanne Martorella, Queensborough Community College REcoRDER: William F. fgwers, Suffolk County 4. Teaching machines: Programmed instruction for individualized ing ' ' < < CoNVENOR: Jeffrey P. Rosenfeld, SUNY, Stony Brook REcoRDER: A. Richard Phillips, Kalamazoo County College Session 145-Nassau B 5. Classroom without walls: An innovation in individualized CoNVENOR: John Kinch, California State University, San REcORDER: William E; ·Moore, ·Union Graduate School, Linking Social Structure and Personality ~allege Glen H. Elder, Jr., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 6. The research project: A new approach.to,1earning•by domg DISCUSSION: Melvin Kohn, NIMH CoNVENOR: Ruth A. Wallace, George Washington U¢versity REcoRDER: Gene Lutz, University of Northern Iowa 7. Action research: Identifying and solving social problems CoNVENOR: Kristen Wenzel, College of New Rochelle REcORDER: Rodney L. Brad, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh s. The term paper:. A ~fu~ learning tool /_- Sessimi 146-MacJis9n CoNVENOR: John Bedell, California State University, Fullerton REcoRDER: Donald M. Hayes, University of Wisconsin, Oshko$ 9. Ethnomethodology: Fad or fashion? A Model for the Prediction of Lower-Class Leftist Radicalism CoNVENoR: David Kaufman, Central Washington State Alejandro Por~es, University of Teftas, Austin REcoRDER: ·Samuel C. Heilman, Queens College DISCUssioN: Clark McPhail, University of Illinois, Urbana

12:30 WHOM DO WE TEACH? Programming for the , in sociology 1. The community college liberal arts student CONVENOR:· Sharon Flood, College of Marin, California Session 147.-Gnunercy B REcORDER: Helene Bailie, Nassau Community College 2. The community college career student CONYENOR: Audrey Meyer, Fashion Institute of Technology PRESJDER:, Eui-Young Yu, Califoi:nia State College, Los Angeles REcoRDER: Ralph Faris, Brookdale Community College 3. The commUnity college student selecting sociology as a major Socie.J. Consequences of Recent Changes in the Demographic Structure of New CoNVENoR: Arthur J. Field, , Staten Island Colilinlmity College York Chinatown D. Y. Yuan, Rutgers University, Newark. REcORDER: A. Thomas J. Matthews, Mansfield ~tate College 4. The pre-major student in four-year colleges Components of Population Growth in Urban (Shi) Areas of Korea: 196()... CoNVENOR: Sr. Ellen ])esmond, College of St. Elizabeths 1970 RECORDER: Doris Hallowitz, Grand Valley State College, Eui-Young Yu, California State_ College, Los Angeles 5. The, general student in foilr~year colleges . ' Poes Migration Interfere with the Progress of Children in School? Cmwi:.NoR: Roxanne Brooks, SUNY, ·Cortland· Larry H. Long, Bureau of the Census REcoimER: Thomas R. McFaul, Mt. Union College 6. The sociology major in four-year colleges Ethnic Communities: Some Conceptual Guidelines' CONVENOR: ~dna M. O'Hern, St. Francis College ~­ Russell Endo, University of Colorado REcORDER:_ Marcella.:.Chenard, College of St. Elizabeth 101 100 12:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 148 (Cont.) • • • FRANK F. FURSTENBERG, JR., University of Pennsylvania The Early Career of Unplanned Children CHAD GoRDoN, Rice University Thursday, 11:30 A.M. Recent Developments in the Sociology of the Life Cycle CATHY GREENBLAT, Rutgers University SECTION ON THEORETICAL SOCIOLOGY-Business Meeting-Beekman Gaming-Simulation and Social Research 7. MICHAEL HECHTER, University of Washington Internal Colonialism and Intergroup Relations WoLF HEYDEBRAND, New York University • • • Criticalis~ues in Marxist Social Theory GEORGE A. HILLERY, JR., Virginia Polytechnic Institute Thursday, 12:30 P.M. Why Communes Fail THoMAs C. HooD, University of Tennessee Session 148-West Ballroom Has Success Killed Social Psychology? Some 'Thoughts on the Failure of the Social Psychology Section LUNCHEON ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS 103. PAUL J. BAKER, Illinois State University . BRUCE D. JoHNsoN, CUNY, Brooklyn College Reassessing Sociology and the Progressive Movement The Dysfunctional Consequences of Present Drug Laws 104. NoRMAN BIRNBAUM, Amherst College DAVID J. KALLEN, Michigan State University Sociology and the Imagination Nutrition and Behavior 105. RoBERT T. BowER, Bureau of Social Science Research, Washington RicHARD D. KNuDTEN, Marquette University Polling and Public Responsibi(ity New Initiatives in Juvenile Corrections: The Massachusetts Experiment 106. RUE M. BucHER, University of lllinois Medical Center, Chicago RoBERT A. LEWis, University of Georgia Comparative Methodologies in the Study of Occupations and Professions The Trials and Tribulations of Studying Trial Marriages 107. DAVID CHAPLIN, Western Michigan University JAMES L. McCARTNEY, Sociological Quarterly; JAMES F. ,SHORT, JR., American The Military Corporatist Welfare State and Development Sociological Review On Publishing Sociology 108. DONALD A. CLELLAND, University of Tennessee Professional Communities: A Look at Community and Culture DAVID MEcHANIC, University of Wisconsin, Madison 109. RONALD G. CORWIN, Ohio State University . Primary Medical Care , Comparative Research on Organization-Client Relationships in Service • THoMAs W. NoRTON, Lafayette College ganizations Sociological Contributions to the Theory of the Firm 110. P. R. CRAWFORD, Gary Income Maintenance Experiment Income Mainte'!ance and Incentives VANDERLYN R. PINE, State University 'of New York, New Paltz Path Analysis of Occupational Mobility 111. JoHN M. CuDDIHY, Endowment for Humanities, New York The Avant-Garde in Art, Politics and Sociology JAcK N. PoRTER and PETER DREIER Jewish Radicalism 112. SAUL D. FELDMAN, Case Western Reserve University Female. Imagery, Female PartiCipation, and , Inequality of PAMELA A. ROBY, University of California, Santa Cruz Disciplines Women in "Working Class'' Jobs

113. NELSON N. FooTE, CUNY, Hunter College CLARICE S. STOLL, Sonoma State College Under-Representation and Over-Representation of Etlmic Groups Photography in Sociological Research Professions 103 102 2:30 P.M. (Continued) 12:30 P.M. (Continued)"

Session 151-Regent Session 148 (Cont.) REALITIES AND POPULATION POLICIES 132. GAYB TuCHMAN, CUNY, Queens College Social Memory: Marking Time ORGANIZER: Allan Schnaiberg,,Northwestern University

133. RoLAND L. WARREN, Brandeis University PRESIDER: James L. Norr, University of Illinois, Chicago Evaluation Research: A Task for Social Scientists-or a Technician's Out? Testing the Indirect Effects of Urbanization and Industrialization on Fertility 134. CHARLES V. Wn.LIE, Syracuse University Decline: A Cross-National Study Insiders and Outsiders and Race: Some Further Reflections Bali Ram, Ohio State University 135. IIARRmT ZucKERMAN, Columbia University Population Size, Military Power, and Antinatal Policy Consensus in the Sciences Gerry E. Hendershot, Brown University Poverty, Uncertainty, and Childbearing: A Contextual Analysis David Reed imd Allan Schnaiberg, Northwestern University

Elite-Mass Attitude Congruence on Population Policy Issue Leo G. Reeder, Deborah Hensler, and April Zawacki, University of • • • California, Los Angeles

Thursday, 2:30 P.M.

Session 149-Trianon SOCIOLOGY OF THE MILITARY Session 152-Murray Hill A What Have We Learned? ASPECTS OF MENTAL RETARDATION ORGANIZER AND PREsmER: Ronald J. McAllister, University of California, River­ ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Robin M. Williams, Jr., Cornell University side Institutional Change and Stability: Military Organization in Modern Robin M; Williams, Jr., Cornell University Correlates of Social Competence Among TMR Children Helen G. Newman, Comprehensive Health Planning, The Sociology of the American Soldier-Vietnam and Beyond John T. Doby, Emory University Charles C. Moskos, Jr.! Northwestern University The American Soldier Revisited Parental Perceptions of Their Retarded Children Shirley A. Star, Bureau of Social Sciences Research, Inc. Richard A. Kurtz, University of Notre Dame; Wolf Wolfensberger, Canadian National Institute on Mental Retardation, York University

Social Response to the Mentally Retarded: A Cross-Societal· Classification Thomas J. Schmid, University of Minnesota

Impaired Competence in an Urban Community: An Ecological Analysis Session 150-East Ballroom Edgar W. Butler, University. of California, Riverside; Tzuen-jen Lei, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS DiscussiON: Louis Rowitz, Illinois State Pediatric Institute Refresher Lecture PRESENTER: Burton R. Clark, Yale University DiscussioN: James D. Thompson, Vanderbilt University 105 104

2:30 P.M. (Continued) 2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 153-Murray Bill B Session 155-Mercury COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF DEVIANCE AND RACISM: IDEOLoGY AND ASCRIPTIVE VARIABLES IN THE STRUCTURE ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Gene Kassebaum, University of Hawaii on Sex Roles Drug Use, the Labor Market, and Class Conflict ORGANIZER AND PRESmER: Doris Y. Wilkinson, Macalester College John H~lmer, Harvard University; Thomas Vietorisz, New Socral Research The Income Losses of Working Black Women: Product of Racial and Sexual Discrimination Social Organization and Mental Disorder: A Jamaican Case Study Elizabeth Almquist, North Texas State University Allan Horwitz, Yale University Social Formation of Consciousness of Kind: Race, Sex, and Class Prison Reform in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden Joe Hraba and Rita Braito, Iowa State University David A. Ward, University of Minesota Black Men-White Women: A Philosophical View Some Considerations on the Definition and Sanctioning of Evil in Contempora William Turner, Fisk University Socialist Societies of Europe · Sex Roles in Black Society: Caste versus Caste David Stratman, University of Hawaii Helen Mayer Hacker, Adelphi University DISCUSSION: Rita Braito, Iowa State University

Session 154-Nassau A THE SOCIOLOGY OF AGE: SOME RECENT INQUIRIES Session 156-Beekman ORGANIZER: Anne Foner, Rutgers UniversitY ISSUES IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY: CONVERGENCE AND M:RG:ENCE IN MARXIAN AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACHES PRESIDER: Leonard Cain, Portland State University on Theoretical Sociology Managing Violated Expectancies: The Age Deviant in Interaction ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Ralph H. Turner, University of California, Los Lynn Atwater, Seton Hall University Angeles

The Aging Stereotype in Experimental Perspective PANEL: Roberta Ash, DePaul University Bill D. Bell and Gary G. Stanfield, University of Missouri, · Peter L. Berger, Rutgers University Harvey L. Molotch,'University of California, Santa·Barbara Pre-Retirement Attitudes of Older Female Industrial Workers John O'Neill, York University D. Jacobson, Tel~Aviv University, Israel Edward A. Tiryakian, Duke University Being Old and Institutionalized: A Reflection of Cultural Values Elizabeth W. Markson and. Gary S. Levitz, New York State ment of Mental Hygiene Aging and Variability: . A Longitudinal Analysis of Social, Psychological, Physiological Indicators Session 157-Gramercy A George L. Maddox and Elizabeth B. Douglass, Duke University Ql:UfiON ON UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION DiscussiON: Marilyn Johnson, Fairleigh Dickinson University 2:30 Summations of Morning Topics Joseph Zelan, University of California, Berkeley 3:00 Business Meeting 106 107

2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 107 (Coot) 3:45 AUTHOR MEETS PROFEsSoR • • • MODERATOR; Barbara A. Bolanos, College of the Desert Thursday, 4:30 P.M. AUTHORS: Jack Douglass, University of Californi S Harold M. Hodges, Jr., San Jose State c~iJ~g~ Diego . Session 161-:-:-Nassau A PROFESSORS: Albert Chabot, McComb County Sue Titus Reid, Coe Colleg~ AND SOCIOLOGY: SOCIOLOGICAL USES OF HISTORICAL DATA

P. M. G. Harris, Temple University Session 158-Nassao • SEMINAR Religion and Benevolent Politics John L. Hammond, Columbia University The Impact of Caucuses Within Ch • N. J. Demerath m: Univers~~ ~~e:~~!~ttsAssAmhociations Errand into the Wilderness Theme Redivivus: The American Catholic , erst Replication of the Puritan Holy Experiment William R. Garrett, Saint Michael's College The Stages of Social Evolution Sessio~ 159--Le Petit Trianon Gert Muller, American University SEMINAR So You Really Want to Hire Blacks an~ Women? Jacquel-y_ne J: Jackson, Duke University Medical C t . J ·. Uruvemty of Illinois en er, oan DISCUSSION: Robert B. Hill, National Urban League Session 162--Le Petit Trianon

ORGANIZER: Jack Elinson, Columbia University Session 160--Gramercy B CON1RIBUTED PAPERS PRESIDER: Merrijoy Kelner, University of Toronto ·Demented Persons· and Psychiatric Decisions PRESIDER: Charles L. Mulford, .Iowa State University Charles W. Tucker, University of South Carolina; Charles H. Hendry, Ideology and Student Activism Clayton Mental Health Center James A. Geschwender, State University of New y k, j.abeling Theory and the Rehabilitation of the Mental Patient ~=0W. Rhinehart and P. M. George, Univ~~ty Carol C. Schwartz and Jero1r1e K. Myers, Yale University Community ~ower and Collective Violence and Respc:mses of Blacks to the 22-Item Mental Health Inventory Dame[ J. Monti, University of North Carolina, Robert E. Roberts and Ronald N. Forthofer,: University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston; Horacio Fabrega, Jr., Michigan Correlates of Effective Response to Disaster State University; Charles L. Mulford, Iowa State University Charbha~~sM.fl!r;~n;andUG.eral~·'E. Klongltin, Iowa State Univermm · nu.n, ruvemty of The Sociology of Unhappiness: Self Satisfaction and Depression Among Psy­ Portrait of a Sociological Specialty A S chiatric Outpatients Ronald Maris, University of 'South Carolina; Buell E. Connor, Jr., E. L. Quizrantelli, Ohio ·:State u:J':K.e~~~:c~veJe~v}~r Spc~ciailist Sinai Hospital, Baltimore and Marshall College • e er, 108 109

4:30 P.M. (Continued) 4:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 163-;..Mercury Session· 16S;_Regent REVOLUTIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER

ORGANIZER AND PREsmER: Ellen Kay Trimberger, California State IB.oANIZER AND PRESIDER: Christopher K. Vanderpool, Michigan State University San Jose European Political Integration and Detente in Europe: Policy Implications A Structural Theory of Social Revolution of Regional Unification Glenn Newkirk, University of Denver · Theda Skocpol, Harvard· University Membership and Structure: International Non-Governmental Revolution as Cataclysm and Coup: A Comparison of M . d Organizations and Co-Membership from Adversary Nations Susan Eckstein, Boston University; Peter Evans, e~:: Louis Kriesberg, Syrac11se University Comments on the Chilean Road to Socialism Hostility, Threat Perception, and Interstate Conflict: Test of an Interaction Arthur Liebman and lames. Petras State U . 'ty · Model Binghamton • ruversr Lawrence T. Farle1, Oakland University

Efforts at Revolution in Ireland . The Influence of Nation Size on Selected Aspects of World Politics Alfred McClung Lee, CUNY, Brooklyn College Maurice East, University of Kentucky Some Explanations of Miltary Ascendancy Charles F. Cortese, University of Denver

Democratic Theory and Foreign Affairs Policy for the United States Maurice Waters, Wayne State University Session 164-Trianon Systemic Stability and Ballistics Missile Systems THE BLACK COMMUNITY William Baugh, Michigan State University

ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: /.Herman Blake, University of California, Santa !J:J:Irsc:ussro•N: Elise M. Boulding, University of Colorado A Comparative Study of Isolated Black Communities Out .de a Southern Metropolis Sl a Nancy G. Kutner, Emory University· ierry M Lewis and p .l Kent State University ' • au • . I Changes in Reputed Black Community Leadership: 1962-1972 A C Harok:·cwl. !fautz,and Harry C. Hughley, BroWn Uni;ersity·ase c azne, Boston College ' · ' Session 166-Mutiay Hill A ROLES IN EVERYDAY LIFE Tow~d.ghaboTheory of Black Community Structure: The Linkage er rhood and Voluntary Association Patterns . . . on Sex Roles Donald I. Warren and Jesse F. McClure, UniversitY of Michigan Rita Seiden Miller, Bloomfield College peiinTquency. P~tterns in Black Residential Areas: An Empirical Test of· ransffilsswn Thebry · · ·. . ':['he Door Ceremony Robert Kaspis; University of Califonll,a, Berlceley · Laurel Richardson Walum, Ohio State University Replication and Fallacy: Cultural Contradictions and Sex Roles Revisited The ~~~~ ~:n~~e Whi~ (}atekeepers' Regulation of Professional Dwight Dean, Rita Braito, Edward Powers, and Brent Bruton, Iowa Jonathan 1. Brower, California State University, Fullerton State University · Women and the "Fear· of Success": A Problem in· Replication Adeline Levine and Janice Crumrine, State University of New York, Buffalo · 110 111

4:30 P.M. (Continued) 4:30 P.M. (Continued)

Session 166 (Cont.) Session 169-Gramercy A Sex and Class Stereotypes in Elementary Readers . ON UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION Janice Pottker, International Institute of Women Studies, ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Hans 0. Mauksch, University of Missouri, Columbia Sexism and the Sex Ratio Gerald Markle, Western Michigan University Sociology and College Education Jerome Cohen, Atlantic Community College DiscussiON: Roy 0. Manning, State University College, Brockport The Sociology Semester: A Proposal for Innovative Teaching in Undergraduate Sociology Richard Sundeen, University of Southern California

Co_rrespondence Courses in Sociology: Problems and Prospe.cts Arne K. Langvad, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Session 167-Murray Hill B Social Control of Student Behavior in a College Classroom SEXISM AND SEXUALITY Ruth Elizabeth Andes and Larry Barnes, Genesee Community College ' ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Laud Humphreys, Undergraduates "Turn-On" to Research Rape and the Masculine Mystique · Lora Liss, Fairleigh Dickinson University Diana E. H. Russell, Mills College Sex Change: A Case of Contracultural Overconformity Tom Kando, California State University, Sacramento Forcible Rape: The Victim Ann C. Burgess and Lynda Lytle Holmstrom, Boston College Session 170-Nassau B

Sex Role Typing and Feminine SeXllali~y . . . . Mary Lindenstein Walshok, Umvers1ty of California, San Diego Personal and Social Systems: Social Structure, Personality, and General Systems Theory Sexism and Sexuality among Non-college Youth . Alan S. Berger and William Simon; Institute for Juvemle Lauren Langman, Loyola University, Chicago; Chad University

):>ISCUSSION: Dean Black, University of Southern California

Session 168-Beekman CURRENT ISSUES IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY: REDUCTIONISM Session 171-Madison Section on Theoretical Sociology ORGANIZER AND PRESIDER: Ralph H. Turner, University of as a Weapon in Social Conflict 'Angeles Austin Turk, Indiana University PANEL: Joseph Bensman, CUNY, City College George C. Homans, Harvard University John Finley Scott, University of California, Davis Murray Websier, Jr., Johns Hopkins University David E. Willer, University of Kansas 113 112

4:30 ,P.M. (Continued) DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITORS Harvard University Press Session 172--Gramercy B Wesley Publishing Co., 'Inc. Publishing Company D. C. Heath & Company CONTRIBUTED PAPERS & Bacon, Inc~ Holt, Rinehctrt & Winston, Inc. PR.EsmER: Timothy Jon Curry, Ohio State University Uhiversity Press Services, Houghton Miffllii Cmhpany. '"' InterpersonalTesting Corporation Coalition in the Laboratory: The Problem of Target Rotation I. B. Lippincott Co: · Timothy Jon Curry and Judi Anne Caron, Ohio State University Little, Bro~ .. & Company-·' Equity and Distributive Justice in Dyadic Reward and Cost Allocation MacmQian Pu:Plishing Co.; b!c, . Michael Flynn and Frank Newport, University of Michigan Markham Publishing Company . McGraw-Hill Book Company The Function of Reinforcement on Attempted Influence David McKay CC?mPailY~ Inc. J. Sherwood Williams, Virginia Commonwealth University; Louis Gray and Maximillian H. von Broembsen, Washington .P.h:lviil'lraJ·- u•uu.... aiCiVJ.Jil Inc: Willi~ ¥oqqw & ~o. _ University Coinpany ·, The C. V. ·Mosby'Company ;uuu:.-·!n••uJLU Company,· Inc.. National Opinion Research Center of Labor Statistics Ne\V American Library, Inc._ Oxford University ~ress · ;auJu... •u~;;•• University Press h,,.,..,,,.,. Publishing Company Pathfinder· Pre5·s, Iric:. and University Press Ser:­ Patteciori S,#lli Pu-btishm,g Corp. lnc. Penguin-Books, Inc. · ·. · · u•WLllUJLa ·University Press Praeger Publishers, Inc. ofn:nlittee for_ Economic' Develop;. Prentice Hall, Inc:· Rand McNally & Company Random House The Ronald Press . Russell Sage Fqundatibri ' Semin~ Press, Inc. , Schocken Books, Inc. Scott, Foresman & Co.. - ' Charles Scribner's.. Solis ,.. ~ Social SecuritY Aqministration Southern lllinois {]Diversity Press Unive~sity of California: Press · Uriivers1ty '6f Chicago Pi:ess : UniverSity of lllinbis 'Press D. Van Nostrand Company Wadsworth Publishing Company Warner Modular Publications Inc . . J;i'ranklin Watts, Inc. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. · THE F~MILY-~. . . 191 1973 COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVES OF SOCIETY'. AND THE .. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATI()~ THE INDIVIDUAL Constitutional Committees Third Edition COMMI'ITEE ON PUBLICATIONS COMMI'ITEE ON THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE AND BUDGET , William M. Kephart, Ulriversity of Pennsylvania Sheldon L. Messinger, Chair ' ' ~ -,. ' , -, - . I Herbert L. Costner I. Milton Yinger, Chair 628 pages/ 19721$10.25 · Kai T. Erikson Peter M. Blau Richard J. Hill S. Frank Miyamoto An Instructor's Manual is available. Jacquelyne J. Jackson Karl F. Schuessler Themost recenfeditibn ofthis best-sellingteXt:book includes a new chapt~ John I. Kitsuse Preston Valien .· on the American Negro family, a new chapter on premarital sex codes, a Mirra Komarovsky Stanley Lieberson COMMITTEE ON REGIO~AL distillation of the pertinent findings of the Masters and Johnson studies on Helena Z. LOpata· AFFAIRS ' marital sex adjtistment, cm.fent figures on the American divorce rate, a dis~ Leon Mayhew cuss ion of the legal aspects of nrarria:ge and divorce that reflects the most Peter I. Rose Raymond W. Mack, Chair W. Richard SFott Joseph S. Himes _ recent changes in family law, and an enlarged discussion of experimental James F. Short, Jr. Gladys E. Lang ', family organ~ation. :, Sheldon Stryker John Bensman Ralph H. Tnrner Stanley K. Bigman Dennis Wrong Nicholas Babchuk I. Milton Ymger William Petersen Robert A. Nisbet · S. Dale McLemore ·, COMMITTEE ON TRAINING AND Abbott L. Ferriss PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Ruth S. Hamilton:, Chait 1974 PROGRAM COMMI'ITEE ' AN INTRODUCTION To· Herbert L:lCostner ' Leobardo F. Estrad3 Peter M. Blau, Chair THE SOCIOLOGY . '·. . Will B. Scott James, S. Coleman Gerald T. Slatin Lewis A. Coser Ruth Hill Useem Sheila KlatZky OF.,LEAR.NING .. Raymond W. Mack Matilda W. Riley ~ ' ' ' _;,_: . } COMMITI'EE ON CLASSIFICATION William J. Wilson Sarane Spence Boocock, Russell. Sage Foundation J. Milton Yinger Nicholas Babchuk, Chair 370 pages I 1972 I ~9.50 Ruth E. Albrecht Andrea Tyree COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP The first comprehensivedeffuition'ofthe socio.logy ofle~g since Waj}~f~ REGIONAL·, REI'RESENTATIVES THE SOCIOLOGY OF TEACHING in 1932. Provide'S an evaluation of . . COMMITTEE 0~ SECTION;S Richard R. Clayton · research Work dorie in the past, a progress' report Otl Work Un~~r V(a'y, and a ~ l ' • Susan E. Eckstein set of guidelines for work in the future. ' _ Jt. William M. Bates, Chair John W. Martin Charles E. King , Andrew J. Weigert Betty E. Cogswell Jacqueline P. Wiseman , . :.

· .Standing Committees PUBLIC INFORMATION"> PROFESSIONAL ETHICS· Bernard Rosh co, Chair· . · Cynthia Epstein, <::hair·; Roy Bryce-Laporte M. Elaine Burgess Robert B. Hill Joseph W. Elder :.,•V, , . Helen M. Hughes Benton Johnson • Publisher of The American HeiiHigil Dictionilry of the English Language Rodney Stark Joseph Scott Boston 021011 At1anta 30324/'D'allas 75235'/Geng,a;IIlinois g'OJ'J41 Gaye Tuchman Gideon Sjoberg Hopewell, 08525 I Palo Alto 94304 I. Milton Yinger 193 192 Ad Hoc Committees Standing Committees (Cont.) EMPLOYMENT SOROKIN AWARD SELECTION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FREEDOM OF RFSEARCH AND AND PRIVACY· TEACHING COMMITIEE John W. Riley, Chair Eliot Freidson, chair Nelson Foote Peter H. Rossi, Chair Patricia Kendall, Chair Anthony W. Hudson Phillips Cutright Orville G. Brim Harry Edwards Nicholas Mullins Orville G .. Brim Mirra Komarovsky Richard Flacks Jerome H. Skolnick Helena Z. Lopata Lynne Roberts Jack Ladinsky ' · Jerome H. Skolnick Edwin M. Schur Martin Oppenheimer Alice S. Rossi Harold L. Sheppard C. Wilson Record Arthur L. Stinchcombe Charles U. Smith James E. Teele RESOLUTIONS J. Milton Yinger Morris Zeldiich, Jr. GOVERNMENT' STATISTICS Bennett Berger Stanton Wheeler, Chair' Rita James Simon Robert Parke, Chair TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE Walter L. Wallace Albert Biderman SOCIOLOGY DU BOIS-JOHNSON-FRAZIER Jeanne Biggar Hans o; Mauksch, Chair AWARD SELECTION. TEACHING SOCIOWGY AND SO­ Leobardo F. Estrada Lorenzo .M. Campbell COMMI'ITEE . CIAL STUDIES IN SECONDARY Bernard Farber Ely Chinoy SCHOOLS Stanley Lieberson William H. Curtis Butler A. Jones, Chair Leroy 0. Stone James A. Davis James E. Conyers Helen M .. Hughes, Chair Lewis M. Killian David B. Booth Betty R. Green SOCIOLOGY OF WORLD CONFLICTS Clifton R. Jones Joyce Ladner C. Wayne Gordon Reece McGee Albert McQueen Galen R. Hosler Elliott Rudwick Roger C. Myrick Elise Boulding, Chair Sharon McPherron Joseph Elder Elizabeth Mullins Charles U. Smith Thomas J. Switzer . Ralph H. Turner Daisy M. Tagliacozzo Loms Kriesberg Sue Titus Reid Ruth Jacob(·. Stanley P. Wronski 1 . :, SAMUEL STOUFFER AWARD IN DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD MEmODOLOGY SELECTION SOCIOLOGY COMMI'ITEE Donald L. Mills and Edward A. John Clausen, Chair "·· Representatives Tiryakian, Co-Chair George Bohrnstedt t'' .• Harry Alpert Edgar Borgatta AMERICAN ASSOCIATION F.OR THE INTER.NA:TIONAL. . sociot@ICAL James E. Blackwell Travis Hirschi ASSOCIATION Peter M. Blau Kenneth Land ADY ANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Edwin D. Driver Eleanor Sheldon Harrison White Peter alau , , .. ' l Russell R. Dynes Neil J. Smelser Section K: Samuel Klausner George Beale Charles E. Garth Seymour Spilerman ~ ; J ' Robin Williams Constantina Salilios-Rothschild AMERICAN CORRECTiONAL ASSO· INmRPR6FESsiONAL, COUNCIL ON John Useem · .CIATION -E~O~N4J,-DF$IGN Pierre van den Berghe STATUS OF RACIAL AND ETHNIC Ezra Vogel · MINORITIES IN SOCIOLOGY John Irwin Robert Gutman

STATUS OF WOMEN IN James Blackwell, Chair AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED [{! SOCIOLOGY Rodolfo Alvarez SOC~TIES . NATIONAL ACADEMY OF· SCI­ Frank Bonilla ENCES, DIVISION OF BEHAV­ Cora B. Marrett, Chair Russell Endo Robert A. Nisbet IORAL SCIEN~ , Rose L. Coser Ruth Hamilton Karen 0. Mason Robert Hill CONSOR~ ON. PEACE .RE­ James F. Short, Jr. . ' Shirley Nuss John Moland SEARCH, EDUCATION, . AND Ernest Q, Campbell Murray Straus Joan W. Moore DKYELOPMENT. .Eleanor B. Sheldon James A. Sweet Joseph Stauss Jotm c. 'McKiimef Lenore J. Weitzman·· . Walter Wallace William A. Gamson FEDERAL STATISTICS USERS' CON- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SO- FERENCE CIAL WORKERS Robert Parke Henry J. Meyer l95 194

Representatives (Cont.) ASA .JOURNAL EDITORS THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW: James F. Short, Jr. (i97l-1~74) DIRECI'ORS, SOCIAL SCffiNCE RE· ADVISORY COUNCIL, SOCIOLOGI- Department of Sociology, Washlngton State University, Pullmllli, Wasblilgtoo SEARCH COUNCIL CAL ABSTRACTS 99163. THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGIST: Leon Mayhew (1973-19~ Department .of Renee C. Fox Sheldon L. Messinger Alice S. Rossi Sociology, University of Ca6fornia, Davis, California 95616. Charles V. Willie CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY: A JOURNAL OF REViEWS: ftimnis H. 'WroDI (1972-1974), New York University, 547 LaGuardia Place, Wa!ihlllgton Squili'e, UNITED STATES NATIONAL COM· NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR ACCRED. New York, New York 10003. MISSION FOR UNESCO OF TEACHER ¥.~~ION EDU~~- ASA FOOTNOTES: Otto N. Larsen, American Sociological AssoCiation, t.722 "N" Street, N.W., Washlngton, D.C. 20036. . Harry Alpert C. Wayne Gordon SOCIOMETRY: Richard J. HlD (1973-,.1975) Department of Sociology, Univenilty of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403. SOCIOLOGY OF 1!;P.U«;:ATION: J~b.n. l; Ki!stJse (1973-1975) Department of Sociology, NorthweStem ·UriiversltY, Evanston, Illbiois · 60201. JOURNAL OF .HEALTH. AND SOCIAL BEJIAVIOR: .Jacquelyne J. Jadison (1973-1975) Dep'artDient of Psyditatry, Duke UniversitY Medical Center, Dur­ ham, Nortb Carolina 27706. ASA ROSE. SOCJ;OJ,.QGY:; SERI,ES: SbeJdon Stryker (1971-:1973) Department of 1973 SECTION OFFICERS SodOiogy, Indiana UliiVerslty, Bloomington, Indiana 47401; Ida Harper Simpson - · (1974-1976) De.,armtent .of Sociology, University . of No~ CaroUna, Chapel CRIMINOLOGY METHODOLOGY Hill, North Carollwi 27514. SOCIOLOGICAL MEmODOLOGY: Herbert L. Costner (1'97t-1973) Department Chair: Gresham M. Sykes Chair: Herbert L. Costner of 8oclology, l]nlveridtY o~ lVasiJ!ngton, . Seattle,. W~n· 98105.; David It. Chair-Elect: Marvin Wolfgang Chair-Elect: James A. Davis Heise (1974-1976) Deplirtinent. of Sodology, University of North Cato- Secretary-Treasurer: Edwin Lemert Secretary-Treasurer: Theodore Ander- Chapel BID, North Carolina 27,514, ' · , ·· · son COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND OCCUPA- Chair: Roland L. Warren TIONS Chair-Elect: William Form Secret_¥y,Treasurer: William V. D'An- Chair: Robert Dubin tomo Chair-Elect: Richard Hall Secretary-Treasurer: Marie Haug SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION THEORETICAL SOCIOLOGY Chair: Bruce Eckland 1973 Chair-Elect: Ronald Corwin Chair: Llewellyn Gross Secretary-Treasurer: Ronal!! Pavalko Chair-Elect: Ralph Turner Secretary-Treasurer: Roscoe Hinkle AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION FAMILY UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION Chair: Andrew Billingsley DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS Chair-Elect: Clark Vincent Chair: Hans 0. Mauksch Secretary-Treasurer: Alice S. Rossi Secretary: Frana S. Wendell Available in October 1973 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY OF SEX ROLES Members: $10.00 Non-members: $25,00 Chair: Robert N. Wilson Chair: Pauline Bart Chair-Elect: Rose L. C6ser Chair~ Elect: Cynthia Epstein,. Secretary-Treasurer: R<;JIIald Anderson Secretary: Diana E. H. Russell 197 196 INDEX OF PARTICIPANTS session Session ··.Number l'l'nni~r 'I Abel, Theodore ...... ~ .... ; . 23 Berget, Alan S...... 50, 167 Abrahamson, Mark ...... •.. :'48 Berger, Bennett· M...... : ...... '5~ II Adams, Bet;~: N...... ~ . ,., . ~ 68 . Berger, P~ter L...... : .. ; ...;, 1.$.~ Ahern, Lowse ...... : .. 78· BerkanoVIc, ~mil ..•...... 58~ 1,0Q, I Albrecht, Gary L ...... 131 Bernard; Jesste S...... 109 I Albrecht, Milton ...... 40 Bemsteip, llene ...... ··•·• •...... • u93\ I Aldous, Joan •...... ; .....l7 Berschetd, Ellen ...... ·; ..105' Aldrich, Howard ·E...... 18, 7l Biddle, Bruce J ...... : • . :: .'.; .23 Alexander, Karl ...... 91 Biderman, Albert D .... , •..... 23; 43 Alford, Robert R. . ... ; ...... 2, 23 Birnbaum, Norman ..... : . : .. 54, 148 Allen, Michael Patrick ....• ; •. :• .119 Bishop, James M...... , ...... ·52 Al1on, Natalie , ...... '.. 39, 116 Bittner, Egon ...... ,, , ~ ... : •• 5 Almquist, Elizabeth ...... ; ..... 155 Black, Dean...... : ...... 170 AI:.Qazzaz; Ayad ...... 108 Blake, J. Herman ...... • 164 MANUSCRIPTS FOR THE Alsikafi, M. H...... ~ .... 29 Blalock,· Hubert ,M., Jr. . ... ; . '.• 6,' 56' Althauser, Robert ...... 119 Blau, Judith R. · ...... 142 ASA ROSE SOCIOLOGY SERIES Alvarez, Rodolpho ...... •...... 6 Blau, Zena Smith ...... ; ...•• 71 AlWin, Duane ...... •...... 74 Blauner, Robert ...... : ;· ••• 1 Anderson, Andy B...... 4, 139 Bleier, Ruth ...... , .. , .... .'143 Two categories of ASA membership (M~mbers anod Student Anderson, Barry D ...... ~67 Blumberg, Abrahani S..•...... , . :71 Anderson, C. Arnold ...... •71 Blumberg, Rae Lesser; •....•... 51, 78. Members) are eligible to submit manuscripts (I 00 to 300 Andes, Ruth Elizabeth , ...... 169 Blumstein, Philip W•.. :, .... ,. : ~.-.88 Andrews, Frank M...... ; ...... 41 B.~,c1c, Peter G...... ; .• , .127 typed pagesj three copies) for publication in the ASA Archer, Dane ..... : ...... •...... 138 Bogart Leo .....•...•...•.•. .'•.• ';'.31 Arney, William R. .••.•. ; .'.••••• 26 Bogdanoff, E. . ::..• . ~ .. ,, ••.• : . ~ ; • 38' Arnold and Caroline Rose Monograph Series in Sociology Ash Roberta T...... 23, 156 Jl(Jgue, D9Iiald' J; .' ... , .'."·", .33~'55 to the Series Editor, Professor fda Harper Simpson, Depart­ Atkin,1 ·Myron ...... 14 B~guslaw, Robert, ~ ... : ... , , •.., . ; .• ; ~9. Atwater, Lynn ...... , •.•. 154 B.Olirnstedt, Geo:rge ....••.. ~ .. ; .,1().5 ment of Sociology, Duke University, Durham, North Caro­ AXelson, Leland J...... ·: ; ; ....• 17 Bolanos, Barbara: A. ..• ~ ... :. : •• i57 Aiumi, Koya ...... , .•.. •.; :.. 76· BOnjeail, Charles M. . . :: ..• ; 1 • 27,; 7-1 B'' k, Satan:. S . . . ' . "' '13'0 lina 27706. Q9~ . -·-.:.e.· ·······~-:.~·~···~·J:\.t, Backman; Oarl W •...... •..... 111 BQOth,. DaVI&.· ..•..• '·' ...•••. H'···'f'U Bailey, William C...... ; .. 83 BOrgatta, EdfU" F. . : . .. , ,,, ..• , •·; 1,/f,3 Bcillie, Helene . . . : ; ...... , . 144 Boskoff, AlVIn. . .•...• ·•.• : .•. ·; ..• 129, Baker, George W ...... , .•.... ; ..• ·1"- BOUlding, Elise . ; .....·. ·,';'·::•.~11"~),.65: Baker, Paul J ...... 86; 148 B()uma. G3!Y D. . •..•.• ·. ,; •... ~ . ~9 Ballantine, Jeanne H ...... 33 BOurque, Lmda. Brookove~ , 1· •• 1 i,~>S8, Baltzell, E: Digby ...... 23 Bower, Robe~T .. , . .,, q,, .. ; 1 .·.~M8. Barber, Bernard ...... : ...71 Bowers,' William. J ...... •••..•••• 1'1 Barenblatt, Lloyd ...... • 99 Bowles, Sam.uel" .....• : ...... ·.; .-.~i Barnes, Larry ...... 169 Bta!fiey, DonaldS.....• ; . ,, •• ,.27, ~'i, Barnett, George ...... 96 B~to, · Rita ; ~ •.... , ... , :. .. 155!· 166, Bressler, MarVIn ...... ~04, 1.~2. Bart, Pauline B. . '1 • , • , ...... : ... 143 Bartell, Ted ...... : ...... 58 Brewer, Earl D. C ...... , ... , • :;. ,39, ' Barton, Allen H...... , ...... 84 ]3rim1 Orville G., Jr.. : . .... ,.,; . . 2~,, ·~!) Bassin, Alexander ...... 25 Brad; Rodney L...... •...... '1~ Bassis, Michael S...... · .... 14 Broderick, Carlfred.B.. : ...... • :'17 Bates, Frederick L...... 72 Brookover, Wilbur B. . •. ; .. , :. , ...• l2Q. Ba~gh •. William ...... • 1,6.5, Brooks, Margaret ..••...... :, , • 85 Baum, Barbara :, .. ; ...... ' ..• ; ..• 13 Brooks, Roxanne ...... , .....•.. 144 Bean, Frank D. .'..... ~ ...... 129 Brower, Jonathan J...... , ..... 164 Bec1c, E. M ...... ; ...... :89, 130 Brown, Fralik K...... ·...... : . :12 Bedell, John ...... 144 Bruce, John'Allen ... ;~.... ·.: ••.• ;78 Bell Bill D...... 154 Bruton, Brent ..... '..... , ... 144, ,i66 Bellisfield,1 Gwen ...... •...• :rr Bryan, C. Hobson ....•.....•• 29; 71 ~.n /'JYen Nitzah ...... 40 Bucher, Rue M. . .•...... •.140, 148 BendiX, Reinhard1 ...... ; ... .. 45 Blillock, Betty ...... , , .... ; ...... 75 Bengtson, Vern ...... '. 74 Bumpass, Larry •...... ; . : .• ..•• ; • 73 Beri.sman, Joseph ...... 168 a!1fawoy, Michael ...... ~· •.•.•• •. :1 Berison, J. Kenneth ...... ~ 82 BUi-ch, William R., Jr...... • ~ ..• 103 199 198

Session Session Session Session Number . Number Number Number Forsythe, Dennis . , ... ·: ...... 101 Burgess, Ann C ...... 167 Cottle, Thomas J...... 71 Dunlap, Riley E...... 109 Forthofer, Ronald N...... 162 Cottrell, Calvert ...... 50 Dusek, Jerome B...... : ', ...... 67 Burke, Peter J ...... 16, 26 Dworkin, Anthony Gary ...... 71 Fox, Greer Litton ...... 3:?., 60 Bur,r, Wesley R ...... 17, 78 Couch, Carl J ...... 138 Francis, Roy G...... , .. 92 Burt, 'Ronald S...... 89, 119 C()whig, James D ...... 81 Dynes, Russell R...... ,, ..... 128 Franklin, Clyde W., Jr.. : .... ·:.. . 124. Bush, J. W•...... • , ... 108 Cox, Harold G...... ,,.18. Eas~ Maurice ...... 165 Freeman, Howard ...... : ....93 Crawford, P. R. : ...... :148 Easto, Patrick C...... ; ...... 79 Butler, Edgar W ...... 152 Eberts, Paul R ...... , .. : ...... 41 Friedland, William H ...... : . 25, 53. B~qer, Johnny ...... 43 Crespi, Irving ...... 31 Friedlander, Henry ...... , . 11? Crockett, Harry J., Jr...... 10~ Eckberg, Douglas L...... 71 Friedman, Walter J ...... 71, 86 Cahnman, Werner ...... : ...... 113 Crone, James ...... : . .... ,,7,5· EGkland, Bruce .... ~ ...... , : . 38 Friedrichs, Robert W...... 3, 109. Crowle, A. J •...... , .... 13'9, ECks, James A ...... , .. 144 Cain, Leonard ...... 154 Eckstein, Susan ...... :· . . 163 Frundt, Henry J...... : 127 Cancian, Francesca ...... 125 Crumrine, Janice ...... 16~ Edwards, Keith J ...... , ... 13P Fuccillo, Vmcent J. . . ~ ...... •... 127 Cantor, Muriel ...... 40 Cuddihy, John M...... : .. 148 Fuguit~ Glenn ...... 122 Cullen, Francis, Jr•...... 80 Edwards, Ozzie L...... ,.129, 141 Caporale, Rocco ...... 7, 66 EFa, Alejandro Nadal ... : ...... 127 Furstenberg, Fran,!c F., Jr./ .. . so;, 14& Caron, Judi Anne ...... 172 Cullen, ,John ...... · .... 80. Eisenhower, David ...... 127 eru;ter, Judith P ...... 54 Curry, Timothy Jon ...... ·... , ..t'fri Galliher, John ...... : .... : .. 1'3 54 Curtis, William H...... Eisenstadt, S. N ...... · . : .....·· .. ·.. 1 Carter,. Reginald K...... ,.. , ...... 1#' Eitzen, D. Stanley ...... 75 Galtung, ·Johan ...... , •.. 127 Cartwnght, Bliss C ...... ; . ·.... 125 Cutright, Phillips ...... :9.5, Gamson, William A ...... ~,10 Elder, Gle~ H., Jr...... , ·.: ..... ·: 145 Casterline, Cora ...... 23 Elesh, DaVId ...... ·...... 4 Gard, Robert G., Jr...... , ... ; :43 Cil.utley, Patricia W ...... •..... 73 Dager, Edward Z...... :t4 Elifson, Kirk W ...... : .103 Garrett, Gerald R...... tO!! Cavan, Sherri ...... 71 Daniel, Johnnie ...... 141 Ga:tre~ William R ...... , ... 161 Chabot, Albert ...... 157 D'Antonio, William ...... 65 Elinson, Jack ...... ; ... 1,17, 162 Qates; Albert S...... : , ..... 141 Danzig, Martin E...... Emblen, Ro~er G ...... •...... 34 Chabran, M. 0...... ; . 30 144, Einerson, Richard M ...... , .. 111 Gay, Tom ...... 34 Chadwick, Bruce A. : ...... 141 David, Deborah S...... 116' Gella, Aleksander ...... , 2.~\ Champoux, Joseph E...... 33 Davidson, Douglas ...... 101 Endo, Russell ...... : .... 147 Gelles, Richard J...... 69, 83 Chaplain, Norma Zane ..... 109, 144 Davidson, Lynne R ...·: ..... 116, 140 Engel, Gloria V ...... 44 George, P.M...... ' ...... , .160 Epps, Edgar ...... '...... 129 Chaplin, David ...... 148 Davis, Fred ...... •,5 Gerard, Roslyn ...... 1; .••• 144: Davis, Judith Blake ...... • Enckson, Edsel ...... 120 Charlton, Betty Jo ...... • ;15 42 Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L...... 38 Gerber, Stanford N. . . , .•. , . ; ... ~ , .85 Cheek, Neil H., Jr...... 103 Davis, Nanette J ...... 83 Gerstl, Joel E ...... ; , .~3 Chen, Milton M...... los Davison, W. Phillips ...... • 31 Erlich, John ...... 55, 65 Geschwender, James A. . . , , , .... ,.1.60 Chenard, Marcelle ...... 144 Dean, Dwight ...... 166 Etzioni, Amitai' ...... 23, 107 Gibson, Geoffrey ...... , ...... ;10~ Cherlin, Andrew ... : ...... ·ss Debro, Julius ...... 101., Evans, Peter ...... ·..... Hi3 G,iele, Janet ...... ,... , ..• , ·~~ Cbiiias, Beverly ...... 143 DeFleur, Melvin L...... 34' Exum, William H ...... 109 Gigli()tti, Richard ...... _ ... , ... 1;2Q DeFriese, Gordon H ...... 118 Chinoy, Ely ...... 90 Fabrega, Horacio, Jr...... •... 162 Giordalio, Peggy , ...•..... , .... , •• 63 Chow, Esther ...... 128 DeJong, Gordon F ...... 62 1 ••• " ••• •• Falk, Laurence ...... , 23 Gladden, James W. , ,.66 Delbecq, Andre L...... ; ... , 63 1 , •• Churchill, Lindsay ...... 49 Falk, R. Frank ...... 25 Glazer, Myron ...... ~ •. ,l!l.!t Della Pave, L. Richard . ~· ...... 90 Cicourel, Aaron · ...... 35, 37 Faris, Ralph ...... 144 Qoddard, David ... , ...., , •...• , , , /1 Clark, Burton R...... 150 Demerath, m, N. J. , .... .'.. 89, 158 Goering, John M .. 1 ••••• ,! ...... 79 l'>l)inerath, Nicholas J ...... l!i, 115 Farley, Lawrence T ...... 1li5 Clark, John P ...... 63 Faulkrier, Joseph E...... •...... 62 Goldberg, David ..... , . , . , . , ; ... A2 Clave!, Pierre ...... Depp, Frederick C...... 108 Goldman, Marion ...... •. , ... ; ,.13 .41 Faya, sylvia F...... •••••• 109 Desmond, Sister Ellen ..... , .. ~ .144 1 Goldman, Paul ...... , ...... 1.28 Clayton, Richard R...... 62 Featherman, David ~L. .. : ...... 90 Clelland, Donald A...... 148 Deutscher, Irwin ...... 23 Goldsmid, Charles A. . . ~ ...... 2~ Devall, William ...... 103 Federico, Ronald C. . ..•...... 40 Clemente, Frank ...... ; 126 Feeney, Helen M...... 144 Goldsniid, Paula .. , , .. , , •....• ; ,91 Clifton, A. Kay ...... 46 Devine, Richard P ...... • 23 Goodman, Leo ...... • , , ...••.• 15 DeVries, David L...... 130 Feliiman, Saul D .. ·...... 91, 148 Goodman, Norman .... ·..... , ... ,·88 Cline, Hugh F ...... ::59 Fenn, Richard K...... ,...... : . 39 Cochran, Lillian T ...... 99 Dexter, Carolyn R...... 71 Gordon, Barry ...... • r; • • .... 2.!! Di Renzo, Gordon J...... • , . , .109' Fennessey, James J ...... ~ ·..•. 23 Cohen, Jere ...... 138 Ferman, Louis A. . .. b. :- .•..••..•• 4 Gord!ln! Cha~ ...... ,.·:M~r ,170 Cohen, Jerome ...... 169 Ditz, Gerhard ...... 141+ Gottheo, DaVId ...... , .... ' ..• ,. 13.4 Doblin, Richard ...... : ...... 6 Fichter, Joseph H ..... ·.: ..• ., .... 39 Condon, Thomas J...... 23 Field, Arthur J ...... • 144 Goudy, Willis J ...... ,.,-.,. .•.. ,29 Conner, Huell E., Jr...... 162 Doby; 'John T ...... , ...... 152 G.ove! Walter R...... : • . ; ;,t."'' •" .23 Dolch, Norman ...... 63 Fischer, Claude S ...... ,. ....•.65 Conover, Patrick W...... : .... 125 Fischer, George ...... 54 Gray, Louts N ...... • '"' ..... ,,,172 D()nnenworth, Gregory V ...... 12 Green Charles r ,, • •.• ,, 109. Cook, Karen S. .· ...... ; : 124 Ftshel,· Diane ...... •.•....••• .11() m, s; ..., ~ Coombs, David w.· .. ':. :. .. ·...... 29 Dornbusch, Sanford M...... 88, 124 ~ Green, Logan . : ...... •.•. • :· •••••~o Douglass, Elizabeth B...... 154 Fisher, Sethard ...... •...... , .. 30 Coombs, Fred ...... 14 Eisher, Wesley A...... , '71 Greenblat, Cathy ...... •.. ; , . , .• 1~8 C~nley, Rochelle ...... ••••••• p 1 Douglass, Jack ...... 157 Greenlick, ¥erwyn R. ~ ..·, : ... ., ,r, .52 1 Dow, Thomas E...... :'...... 71: Fitzpatrick, Joseph P .... ,,. .. , . : ... 23 Cooper, Edward ...... ; ...... 2!! Ftacks, Richard ...... , ..... , .. 53 Greenwald, Susan ..... , ...· •..• ~ ... L43 Cormick, Gerald W ...... ·:ss Drabek, Thomas E...... :72 G.r~er, Scott ·...... ,.,, .. ··,·;· ...·.196 Cortese, Charles F ...... • 25, 165 Dreier, Peter ...... 148' Fiood, Sharon ...... ·;, .' ., .. 144 Gregory, Stanford ....•. • .•.....••,3 Driver, Edwin D...... 6 Flynn, Edith E...... 112 Corwin, Ronald G ...... 67, 148 F,lynn, Michael ...... :. ; . : ...... 172 Griffin, Charles T ...... ~. ·~ ... HiO Coser, Lewis ...... •.....• 84 Dukes, Richard L...... 48. Griffin, Larry : •...••.•••.•••.•••• 80 Dulan, C. Garland ...... : ...... SO Fi:mer, Anne ...... •. , .... 6,4, .f54 Coser, Rose Laub ...... 87 Foote; Nelson N. , .. : .....· .114, 148 Grimes, Michael D...... ••....• 27 Cosper, Ronald ...... 22 Dumanis, Jacqueline C ...... 138 Grimshaw, Allen D. . , .. ·' .. "·' , '· . , . ~6 Costner, Herbert L...... 119 Dumois, Ana ...... , , ...... ;118' Fo~, William H ...... , ..... , ... 44 201 200

Session Session Session Session Number Number Number Numbet Kaspis, Robert ...... 164 Laue, James H...... 112 Groat, H. Theodore ...... 60 Hill, Robert H...... 6'6 Kassebaum, Gene ...... 153 Lazar Irving ...... 29 Gross, Llewellyn Z...... 23 Hillery, George A., Jr...... •... 14Sl Kaufman, David ...... 144 Lazar;feld, Paul F...... 135 Grote, Philip ...... 71 Hirata, Lucie C...... :()! Kaufman, Har.old F ...... 55 Lee Alfred McClung ...... 163 Grusky, Oscar .. , ...... 63, 128 Hirsch, Paul M ...... f8' Kavolis, V...... ·.... 23 Lei: Tzuen-jen ...... 152 Gusfield, Joseph ...... :, ...... 80 Hochschild, Arlie, ...... , ...... • 2$. Kellam, Sheppard ...... 93 Leighninger, Leslie ...... :. ; ..... 144 Gustavus, Susan 0 ...... 60 Hodges, Jr., Harold M ...... 157 Keller, Suzanne ...... 71 Leinhardt, Samuel ...... 138 Gutman, Robert ...... 11 Hoge, Dean R...... : ;'liz Kelman, Howard R...... 131 Lejeune, Robert ...... ~ .... ·• 71 Guttmacher; Sally ...... 117 Hohlen, Mina ...... ~sa Kelner, Merrijoy ...... 109, 162 Lemert, Charles C ...... 3, ·1U Holmstrom, Lynda Lytle ...... 1~~ Kemper, Theodore D ...... 99 Lenski, Gerhard ....•...... 51, 121 Haas, Ain E...... 4 Holscher, Loms M...... 126· Kenen, Regina ...... 80 Le6n, David ...... :·80 Haas, J. Eugene ...... 72 Holzer, Charles ...... 21 Kennedy, Leslie W. . ~ ...... 88 Leonard IT, Wilbert M...... 25, ,128 Haas, Jack ...... 52 Homans, George C...... 168 Kerckhoff, Alan C...... 99 Lerner, Daniel ...... •.• ~8 Haas, Linda ...... 4 Hood, Thomas c...... 148 Kervin, John B ...... 26 Levine, Adeline ...... ; ... 109l ·16~ Hacker, Andrew ...... 53 Horan, Hubert J ...... •...... 3~; Keyfitz, Nathan ...... 15 Levine, Donald N ...... •. • ..• ; .25 Hacker, Helen Mayer ...... 155 Horlacher, David ...... , .:.}2 Kinch, John ...... ; ...... 144 Levitz, Gary S...... : ...... 1~4 Hajda, Jan ...... • 54 Hornung, Carlton A ...... ·13S: King, Morton ...... 39, 62 Levy, Marion J ...... !'1 Hall, Margaret ...... 32 Horowitz, Irving Louis ...... 28, JiT Kinton, Jack F ...... 55 Lewis, Gordon H •...... • .... ;26 Hall, Raymond L ....•...... 101 Horwitz, Allan ...... 153; Kirchner, Corinne ...... : .... , .. 117 Lewis, Jerry M. . ... ,. ... •· ... ,, .. :164 Hall, Richard H ...... 18, 63 House, James S ...... :~ Klatzky, Sheila ...... 122 Lewis, Robert A...... 88, 148 Hallinan, Maureen ...... 139 Hraba, Joe ...... 15~. Klausner, Samuel Z .. :· ...... 11, 71 Li, Peter S. . .•••...... · •..• 9 Hallowitz, Doris ...... 144' Huber, Joan ...... 100, 159: Kleiner, Robert J ...... 74 Lieberson, Stanley ...... • 16 Halpert, Burton ...... : . . 63 Hubin, Dorothea ...•...... 7L Klonglan, Gerald E ...... 160 Liebman, Arthur ...... 23, 163 Hamilton, Ruth Simms ...... 102 Huff, Judith ...... 9.!1, Knafi, Kathleen A...... 116 Light, Donald ...... 44 Hammond, John L...... i61 Hughley, Harry C ...... 164, Knowles ·Elmer M. . .. • ...... 78 Light, Ivan ...... ~ .100 Hannan, Michael T...... 51, 139 Humphreys, Laud ...... 167 Knudten: Richard D...... 148 Lin, Nan ...... 44,-89 Hansen; Lynn K...... 16 Hunt, Gerald J ...... 29. Koenig, Fredrick ...... 140 Lincoln, Alan Jay ...... ~ .. 31 Hare, A. Paul ...... 112 Hyman, Paula B...... 113, Koenig, Richard; Jr...... 63 Lincoln, James R ...... :55 Harkess, Shirley J...... 1 Kohen, Janet ...... •. 71 Lincoln, Richard ...... 95 Harloe, Jack ...... 96 Inkeles, Alex ...... 76, 110. Kohn, Melvin, ...... ; .. 38, 145 Lindt, Gillian ...... •... 86, 161 Harper, Dean ...... 63, 71 Irwin, John ...... ' ...... 131 Kohout, ·Frank J...... 138 Lijlset, S. M...... •. ~ .•.• 71 Harper, Mary S...... 6 Kolaja, Jiri ...... 128 Li~1 Lora ...... ·...... ! ; ••• 169 Harris, P. M. G ...... 161 Jackson, Jacquelyne J ...... 32, 159 Koppell, Ross ...... 33 Lime, Craig B •. ·...... • ·.·: .:.134 Hai:ry, Joseph ...... · ...... •. 141 Jackson, Maurice ...... 6, 87 Korenbaum, Mrytle ...... 144 Loftin, Colin ; ...... \ .. ,_ • 66 Hllrtley, Shirley Foster ...... 95 Jacobson, Alvin ...... 129 Kozuch, Joyce A ...... 33 Long, Larry H. . ; .. ·...... :'. : , , 1~7 Hasenfeld, Yeheskel . : ...... 77 Jacobson, D ...... 154' Krane, Sigmund ...... 72 Long, Martha P. ' ...... : ; • 8!i Haug, Marie R ...... 52, 109 James, Herman ...... 23! KTatcoski, John E.• . ; ...... •... 83 Lopata, Helena Z... ._, ...... '.':J09 Hauser, Robert M...... 90 Janowitz, Morris .. , ...... i26' Kratcoski, Peter C...... 23; 83 Lu, Vi-Chuang ...... ~; ...... , 1 .1ti0 Hawkins, Richard 0...... , ... 9 Jensen, Philip K ...... 99 Kreps, Gary A...... : ..... 128 Lueschen, Guenther ...... •.,~ Hayes, Donald M ...... 144 Johnson, Benton ...... 39 Kriesberg, Louis ...... 71, 165 Lutz, Gene ...... · · · · · ,,. .. •t · ~~ Hayim, Gila ...... •.. 3 Johnson, Bruce D ...... 148 Kugler, John . , ...... • ; . '...... 137 Lyman, Stanford .... ·...... ; .35 Heap, James L ...... 5 Johnson, James C. M ...... ;·431 Ktirtz, Richard A...... •.... 152 Lyon, J. Larry ...... ~27 Hechter, Michael ...... 10 148 Johnson, Marilyn ...... 71, 154 Kutner, Nancy G. . , ...... 164 Heffernan, William D...... ' .. 63 Johnson, Miriam M ...... •... : ..74. Kuvelsky, William P ...... 33 Macaulay, Stewart ' .... .' ...... 12 Heilman, Samuel C...... 144 Johnson, Paul V ...... 63 Mack, Raymond W...... 135 Held, Joy ...... : .. 18 JohnsorJ, Weldon T ...... 25 Labov, Teresa ...... \ ...... 16 ~ackenzie,

Session Session Session Session Number Number . Numb~r Number Marsh, John F., Jr...... 88 Robert E. · · · · .. · .. · · · 16 Modell, John ...... •••~o Parsons, Talcott . · · · · • · .•; · '· · •7 • 64 Robe~, " ~ Marsh, Robert M...... 76 Moland, John, Jr...... :.: .... ;10] Robin, Gerald D ...... 't'o'o·,· i~s Marshall, Hannah Meara ...... 116 Parsons, Wayne · · · · · · · · · · · · · '12' ·~~· Roby, Pamela A. · · ·) · · · · · · · 50 Molitor, James A...... 12j.' Pate, Mary Ann · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '108 Martorella, Rosanne ...... 144 Molotch, Harvey L...... : .1~{j Rodman Hyman ...... ' . Marwell, Gerald ...... 25 Patrick, Donald L. · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · · 1 Mommsen, Kent G ...... •. i3j.} Patterson, Michele · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · ' 9 ' Rokeacb, Sandra Ball . ·: · · · : · · · : ,' ~~ J1,1arx, Gary T...... 66 Montero, Darrel M...... , ...• 63 Mason, Karen Oppenheim ..... 73, 87 :.tag P8.tilson, Steven K. · · · · · · · ~ · · · .--·. "i41 Monti, Daniel J ...... ; l[ff Paydarfar, Ali .... · ...... · .. · 81 ~~::: ili~~~ :: : : : : : : : : : : : :,~ ::7.~ Mason, Ward S...... 81 Moodey, Richard W •...... • ·Ill Roncek, Denms W...... ',·,: 39 Mason, William M ....•...... 9 Pearl, David . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' · · · ; 84. Roof, Clark . ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Moore, Emily ...... ·11~ Perrow, Charles ...... i42 w. 1 Matejka, Alexander ...... ; .. 134 Moore, Joan W •...... • ~a 23 Rosenfeld, Jeffrey P · · · · · · · · · · ' · · jl Matthews, A. Thomas J ...... 144 Persell, Caroline H. · · · · · · · · · • Rosengren, William R. · · · · • ·. · · · ' •· 5 Moore, Oml\f K...... ,,7j Petersen, James C. • .. · · • · · · · · · ' · Mauksch, Hans 0 ...... 169 Moore, Wilbert E...... • 103 i~g Rosenthal, Robert · · · • ' · · · · · : ' · · ' 37. Mayer, Thomas F...... , ...,, .• 15 Petras, James · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·164 2 Moore, William E ...•...... 14~ Pfautz,. Harold W. · · · · · · · · · · '· · · Ross, Robert . · · · · · · · · · • ···"··its Mayhew, Leon ...... 104 Moots, Baron ...... , 128 Rosse!, Robert D ..• · · ··· · · · · · ,26: .. Maykovich, Minako ...... •.. 70 ·t~ Pfeffer, Jeffrey · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 144 7 Mortemir, Jeylan T...... I3~ Phillips, A. Richard .... · · · · · · · · · · Rossi, Ino .. · • · · · · · · · · ~. ·. · · ' · • · · · 6s Mazur, Alla,n C ...... 26, 51 Moseley, Katharine P ...... , .•.2& Rossi,. Peter H. · · · · · · · · · · ·• · · · ·: ' · -79 Piccone, Paul .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 McAllister, Ronald J ...... 152 io1 Rothman, · · · .. · • · • · .. · • • Moskos, Charles C., Jr...... J~ Pierson, GW}'?ne · · · · · · · · · · · · · :,:· 75 J~ck is2 McCarthy, John ...... 89 Movahedi, Siarnak ...... 104 •10~ RoWitz, Louts ...... 29 McCartney, James L ...... •.. 13, 148 Mulford, Charles L. . , . , ... 160, Hi2 Pinard, Maunce .. · · · · · ~ · · · · · '·' · ·48 Rubenstein, Dan · · · · · • · · · · · ' · ' · '79 McClaine, John W ...... 164 Muller, Gert ...... : ...... I'fue, VanderJyn R. · · · ·,· · · · · · · · ·loo Rubin Morton · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' · • · ' 4 If)ffi Piven, Frances Fox · · · · · · · · · ·: · McClure, Jesse F •...... 164 Mullins, Nicholas C. . .. , ...... , ,48 .~ 1:. 81 Rubii?-;on, lp~hard · · ·······.c.·· ilo McCormick, Thelma H...... 23 Murphy, Edward H...... , .13,3, Proch, Donald R. · · · · · · · ·,: · · · · · · h Ru5hing, 'Yilliam A. .. " ' " ..... 167 Polk, Barbara Bovee · · · · · ' : · · · · · 6 McFarland, David D; ...... 18 Murray, Chris ...... • 12~ 116 Russell, Diana E. H. · · · · · · · ' · · · · McFarland, Paul T...... •.....• 71 Musick, David W ...... 125 PpJk, Lon · · · · · · · ·: · ·:' :: · · · · · 't48 McFaul, Thomas R...... 144 Porter, Jac~ N. · · · · · · · · · · · · .' · ·. · 146 ...... ur . . .58 Myers, Jerome K. · ...... Hi?. Portes, AleJandro ...... 129 St. George, ~lll • • • • • ·; • • • '· • '102 McGahan, Peter ...... 129 Sallach, DaVId L. · · · · · · · ·: · ' · ' ~. rt3' McGee, Reece ...... 25 Nasatir, David ...... 25, 1~Q Poston, Du. • ·; •i2o Sc'ott, John Fmley· •. · · · · , · · .130, 1 . Miles, William ...... •••, ...... 96 Oruni, Anthony M. •... ,...... 'JS Rigsby, Leo · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·, · · · ' · · 114 Scott, Joseph E. · · · · · · · ·' :::·· · · 7 Riley, John W .. · · · ·; 1 • • ',,. • • • ·: ·lij9 Mileti, Dennis S...... 31,' 72 Orzack,Louis H ...... ·.~ :.•. • ..• 33 ~78 Scott, Robert A. . ..•. •. • .. ·: .. • 109 Millet, Micliael H ...... ; ...•• 71 puchi, William G .... , .....•. : .. 44, 63 Riley; Lawrence E .. · · · · • · · · · · · · · bs Scott, Will B. .. · .. " .... : ·: :' . " 35 .Miller,· Rita Seiden .. , ...... ·. ·..• 166 Riley; Matilda White ...· ...... 160 Jiinehart, Ja!Des. W .. ·...... 71 Secord; Paul ...... · .... · .. " ". · ; 90 Miller, Sheila J. . ... ; ·...... : . ~·22 Paige, Jeffery M...... 10 seeman• ~elvin ..... : ...... 1's'. 81 Milner, Murray ...... ; ; ...... 109 P~ge, Karen ...... · . 143 Ringer, Ben)armn B. · · · · · · · · · ~ · : • 09 Segal, David R. , · · · · · · ·: ·; · · ·. ',28 Mirrielees, James F ..... ·...... •.. 3.4 Pappenfort, Donnell M...... 126 ~tier)?an~ Paul .. · .. · ' ·, .. · .. "1M Mistretta, Mattin . : .. , ...... : ••. 96 :Robak:, Ntch?\l,lS J. ·. · ·.· · · · · · · · · · · 99 seP.fu.lan, Ralph .. · · · · · i • • ···: • : j:43 Park, Peter ...... 3, 125 S~Ideli, ·,;,;119 Mitchell, John B .• :. , ...... :ss Roberts, Essie P.M·. : . ·,· ...... i16 Anne············-,.:;·.' Parris, Elliott ...... 40 Roberts,. Joan ...... Seidler, John . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 204 205

Session Session· Session Session Number Number Number Number Seidner, Connie Russell .•...... 130 Stryker, Sheldon ...... 24• Wachtel, Dawn Day ...... 77 Wilkinson, Gregg S...... 131 Sells, Lucy ...... 91 Stub, Holger ...... 7~ Wahrman, Ralph ...... 12 Willer, David E .....· ...... 168 Sengstock, Mary C...... 66 Sudia, Cecilia ...... • 32:' Waisanen, Fred ...... 98 Williams, Colin J ...... 71 Sennett, Richard ...... 23 Sullivan, Daniel ...... ~3 Walker, Catherine A...... 52 Williams, J. Allen, Jr...... 107 Settles, Barbara ...... 32 Summers, Gene F ...... • 89, 126 Wallace, Ruth A...... 144 Williams, J. Sherwood ...... 172 Sewell, Willian H ...... 74, 99 Sundeen, Richard ...... 169' Wallerstein, Immanuel ...... 109 Williams, Judith B...... 74 Sheppard, Harold H ...... ; ..... 114 Sussman, Marvin B...... 32, 85 Walshok, Mary" Lindenstein ...... 167 Williams, Robin M., Jr...... 109, 149 Sherer, Jacqueline ...... 144 Suter, Larry ...... :73 Walster, Elaine ...... 12, 105 Williams, Trevor H...... 67 Short, James F., Jr...... 97, 148 Sutton, Willis A., Jr...... 55 Walters, Sammy ...... 80 Williamson, John B...... 77 Shostak, Arthur B...... 115 Sweet, James A...... 73, 87 Walton, John ...... 27, 65 Willie, Charles V ...... 50, 148 Shuy, Roger ...... 16 Sweetser, Dorrian Apple ...... 42 Walum, Laurel Richardson ...... 166 Wilsnack, Richard W ...... 137 Silberman, Matthew ...... 77 Sykes, Gresham M ...... 66, 109 Wan, Thomas T. H...... ' .131 Wilson, Everett K ...... 25, 109 Silver, Allan ...... 113 Szymanski, Albert ...... • 28 Ward, David. A ...... 93, 153 Wilson, Robert N ...... 117 Simmons, Roberta G...... 71 Wardell, Walter I...... 33 Wilson, Thomas P...... 5 Simon, Rita J ...... 109 Tardif, Guy ...... 13 Warheit, George ...... 21 Wilson, William J ...... • 1 Simon, William ...... 50, 167 Taub, Richard ...... 76• Waring, Joan ...... 64 Winch, Robert F ...... ; .. .. 51 Sismondo, Sergio ...... , .41 Tausky, Curt ...... 44 Warland, Rex H...... 62 Winston, Norma ...... 85 Sites, Paul ...... 164 Taylor, Howard F ...... 6, 138. Warner, R. Stephen ...... 125 Winter, J. Alan ...... 71 Skocpol, Theda ...... 163 Tee, Nechama ...... 71 Warren, Donald I...... 79, 164 Wiseman, Jacqueline P •...... 137 Skolnick, Jerome H...... 114 Teitler, Marcel .... : ...... 1~2 Warren, Jean Tuttle ...... 51 Withey, Stephen ...... • • .41 Sian, Harry L ..... : ...... , ... 58 Teplin, Linda ...... : ...... •.80 Warren, Roland L...... 148 Woelfel, Joseph ...... 119 Slater, Sherwood ...... 109 Teresa, Joseph ...... ; ... 79 Waters, Maurice ...... 165 Wolfensberger, Wolf ...... 152 Stawski, Carl J ...... 18 Terrell, Kermit ...... 73 Webber, Irving L...... 29 Wolfgang, Marvin E...... 23, 97 Slesinger, Johnathan A...... 41 Terry, Geraldine B...... 6~1 Webster, Jr., Murray ...... 168 Wolpe, Harpld ...... 1 Smith, Charles U...... 133 Thibault, Edward A. . ~ ...... 66 Wegmann, Robert G ...... 109 Wong, Charles Choy ...... 100 Smith, H. W ...... : .22 Thiessen, Victor .... : ...... 85; Weick; Karl ...... 35 Wood, James R ...... 33 Smith, Joan ...... , .. 137 Thomas, Darwin L...... SO, ss: Weigert, Andrew J ...... 85 Wright, David L...... 1 •• 3 Smith, Paul E...... 9 Thompson, James D ...... tso: Weiland, 'Marion W ...... 138 Smith, Richard T ...... 131 Tiryakian, Edward A ..... ; ...d •• • 156; Weinberg, Martin S...... 71 Yang, Charlotte W ...... 96, 129 Smith, Robert B...... 27 Tokarczyk, Carole ...... 109. Weiner, Eugene ...... 40 Yauger, David .... , ...... ·...... 44 Smith, Stanley H...... 6 Tommasson, Richard F ...... 112 Weiner, Norman L...... 66 Yellin, Seymour ...... 144 Snell, J. Laurie ...... 15 Treiman, Donald J .....· ...... 73, 90 Weinstein, Deena ...... 52 Yinger, J. Milton ...... 23, 24 Snyder, Eldon E...... 18 Trimberger, Ellen Kay ...... 163 Weitzman, Lenore J ...... 87, 124 Yoels, William C ...... 142 Snyder, Kay ...... 102 Tropman, John E...... 77 Wekerle, Gerde ...... 20 Yu, Elena S. H ..... , .... , ...... 85 Sorenson, Aage B...... 139 Tuchman, Gaye ...... 117, 148 Weller, Jack M ...... 160 · Yu, Eui-Yourig ...... : ..... 147 Sorenson, James ...... 94 Tucker, Charles W...... 162 Wellman, Barry ...... 141 Yuan, D. Y,.,, ...... 147 Spady, William ...... 67 Tulchinsky, Ted ...... 118 Wendell, Frana: S...... 144 Spector, Malcolm ...... 13 Tuma, Nancy B...... 139 Wenzel, Kristen ...... 144 Zabl?cki, Benjamin .• , .• '" ...... 8 Spiegel, John ...... 112 Tumin, Melvin ...... 113 West, Dee·w...... 88 Zaenglein, Mary Margaret ...... 62 Spilerman, Seymour ...... 10 Turk, Austin ...... 171 Westoff, Charles F...... 97 Zald, Mayer ...... 89 Spreitzer Elmer A...... 18, 78 Turk, Herman ...... 65 Westrum, Ronald ...... 128 Zawacki, April ...... 151 Stanfield, Gary G. . . , ...... 154 Turner, Jonathan H...... 12S White, Paul E ...... 33 Zelan, Joseph ...... 157 Stanton, Howard ...... 85 Turner, Ralph H...... 124, 156 Whiteside, Don ...... , ... ,30 Zimmerman, Donald H ...... 5, 35 Star, Shirley A...... 149 Turner, William . , ...... 155 Whitten, Phil ...... 34 Zuckerman, Harriet ...... 36, 148 Stauss, Joseph ...... 141 Wilkinson, Doris Y •...... 155 Zylman, Richard ...... 22 Steadman, Henry J ...... 108 U:hlenberg, Peter· ...... 42 Stein, Robert B...... 116 Useem, Ruth Hill ...... 23 Steinmetz, Suzanne K...... 69 Stephan, Cookie ...... 12 Van Den Haag, Ernest ...... , .... 71 Stephens, William N ...... • 85 Vanderpool, Christopher K. .... : .165 Stem, Samuel E ...... ; ...... 38 Van de Vall, Mark ...... As Stevens, Harvey ...... : .141 Van de Ven, Andrew H ...... 63 Stewart, Cyrus S. . .. : ...... 62 Van Roekel, Martha ...... 63 Stokes, Randall ...... 115 V11n Til, Jon ...... 79 Stoll, Clarice S...... 148 Vener, Arthur M ...... 62 Stone, Gregory P...... : . .... 57 Ventimiglia, Joseph ..... : ...... 99 Stone, Philip ...... 59 Vernon, Glen M. ·...... 39 Stratman, David ...... • ... : .. 153 Vidich, Arthur J ...... , ...... 7• Straus, Murray ...... •.. 69, 87 Vietorisz, Thomas ...... :153 Streicher, Lawrence H. . .. : .... 9 44 Vincent, Clark E ...... 17, 32 Strodtbeck, Fred L. . ... : ...... 12' 85 von Broembsen, Maximillian H. . .. 172 Stroup, Atlee L ...... •...... '. 74 von der Lippe, Robert ...... 144 ; . ~ ... '· •' '-'" ,_ . '- 3. Publications. The official journal of the Associlition 1S the Americmi SociOlOgi- the amertcan cal Review, published bi-mOnthly; and devote_d ~9 research papers and analysis . . ·' Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of'Rivlews, also bi-monthly, contains extensive bo?k ~eviews, r~eY' syn1p9sia, apd ~asional reviews o,f the litera­ ture. 11re A1herkah. SocJolog/st, publiSh~d ~uarte~ly, oon~s. aiijcles dealing sociological oSsoclatrOn . : with the profession. ASA Footnotes is published nine times a year and con~ the Employment Bulletin, departmeiltal.ilews, activities of the ASA and Execu­ tive Office, deyelopments on the Washington scene, and *Cl ASA Official Re­ ports and Proceedings. The Association publishes three quarterly journals: Sociometry,. devoted to research in social psychology; Sociology (){EducatiOn, devoted. to stucijes of 1 The ' ' . ' \. . -. ' education as a social ; and The Joumai'o/Health andSocilll B.ehavio'r, • ~ ~~:~tion, founded-in 1905, is the nationwide . or~tion of pe~~ ~~restl.l'd in the-research, teaching, and, application of devoted to sociological analysis of problems of human health and welfar~. IOClO ogy. It seeks t9 StimUlate. ~d improve research, instruction, andcUSCu,. including file in'titutions f~ their diagn?sis and ~g~ent. . . . 1 ai~n,tifiand to encourage cooperatiVe relations among persons eng'aged in iL- The ASA publishes the ASA Rose Monograph Series in SociolOgy, available 8Clen JC study of 89ciety. ·- -- , _uu: to members at' cost, and sponsors Sociolbgki!l M,ethodol()gy and Issues and Trends in Sociology. · . _2. =b,~ere are tw(). cla_~s of membership in the Association: M~bers Members .and Associates may subscn"be at red\lced rates to numeroUs ' '! -- . domestic and foreign journals related to sociology. Couponsfo,rthese ~bscriP- tions are sent to members each fall. · ' · Riah~ and privileaes~ .~embers and Associates have the ,rlpt to attend an meetings of the Asso¢latioJL:They are entitled to a subscription tO theAmerlctm 4. Annual Meetings ..The Association holds an Ann~al.Meeting at the end of :do~ Review 8Jld ·to such other publications as the Counen may decide sunnner. Current plans call for a four-day conference, providing opportunities re ce rates on a· Wide variety of pub~tions, and to other se~i ~ for the presentation and discussion of research projects: and problems. Abstracts beiAow. ~Y Members have tho right to vote and to hold orfwe iii the and copies of papers presented at the Annual Meeting are·: niade, llVafiable to =:OJL pplications may be made as follows: - ,.-,\n Members and Associates. ' · ' · For professional sociOJ-: " · 5. Sections. Members and Associates with interest in special fields of ~ology Member. Penc>na with I. PhD in IOciolOSY or In closely related tWcs, or who hPe may join Sections of the ASA. Currently there are Sections devoted to Medical :Ompletecl at least.~ yean . of graduate atudy fa such fields In JOOCl ~ 1n SOCiology, Criminology, Sociology of Education, 1 Family, Theoretical ~co~~~·-~ rnalsona laddng thete quaHficationa ff tl)ey cin ~t m- Sociology, Sociology of Organizations and OcCupations, ~ology of Sex • . _-~a pro e. p compe~ce and commitment to the field. . - . Roles, Methodology, Undergraduate Education, and Community. '' · For penons in wrioua fields, ~erested in.aocioiOJY: - . 6. Relations to Other Asaociations and Societies •.. The. American Sociologiqal Auociate. Any person interested In the field of socioloaY may~ an ~te Association has official representation ·on the Social SCience Research Couricll, 1 , , f ~· t ' 1 1 > • the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Arne~ Copn­ For students: cll of Learned Societies, the International Sociological Association, ®-4 t;>thei's. Auociates. and students soda Student Undeqraduate majors araduate In r•·'l accredited Institution may become Student Auociates. Students wishina to re!:!'e ~ Journals without other benefits of membership may subsc;dbe at .reduced rates. \.I,_ d, \ .· - . \ 1 ' .: Student M•ber. New Members who are contfnuina u stuclents lower d ApplicatiQ~ for.. riiemb'ership ayai/ilble at AS,A lnfq'fmqt.(o" .~siC • . :ntus.Members for four yean beyond the time of their Initial -;>;or Mern:

For penons not clesirinajournala: . , E:xecutive Pffi~ ~ted.at: Specill caielorles are avUiable at lower duOs for th010 who wilh the pdvileaes of 1722 N Street, N.W. W8Sbil1gton, D.C. 200~6 membeuhip without the three Joumala Included In the membmbip: The Ameriom ~ Rnlew, Contemponuy SocJoloo, and 771e Ameriom SodolofUt._ (202) 83~3410