Development No Weeks on Parish Ward Control Ref No Day Of
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Development No weeks on Parish Ward Listed by: Control Ref No day of committee 0/2012/0155 Woodley South Lake Applicant University of Reading Location Bulmershe Campus, Woodlands Avenue, Proposal Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide up to 216 new residential units (Use Class C3), a residential care home facility of up to 80 beds (Use Class CZ), a local shop of up to 300 sq. m (Use Class Al, A3) and associated landscaping and car parking (Outline). Conversion and refurbishment of six halls of residence blocks including retention and refurbishment of 3 existing residential units to provide a total of 84 residential units and erection of a sports pavilion (Full). Type Hybrid Application - Part Outline, Part Full PS Category 1 - Large scale Major Developments (ZOO+ dwellings) Officer Jennifer Seaman FOR CONSIDERATION BY Planning Committee on 03/10/12 REPORT PREPARED BY Head of Development Management SUMMARY This is a hybrid planning application, with outline consent sought for new housing, a residential care home, and retail use and full planning permission to convert existing buildings to residential use, a new residential block and a new sports pavilion. The area where new development is proposed mainly occupies an area of previously developed land, comprising a mixture of educational buildings and student residential blocks. New development is considered acceptable in principle because the site is within a Major Development Location and most of the site where housing is proposed constitutes previously developed brownfield land. However, new residential development is also proposed within part of the site that is designated as a Site of Urban Landscape Value (SULV), and this occupies an area of approximately 10% of the SULV within the application site. The intrusion into the SULV is considered acceptable because:- - this part of the SULV is at the same level as the development site and is partly used as car park, it is screened from the rest by an embankment and landscaping so reads as part of the developed area - public use of the existing private sports pitches will be made available at a cost no higher than using council pitches and there will also be public use of the new sports pavilion and the car park - the local wildlife reserve (Bulmershe Pond -also known as Bulmershe College) will be improved and transferred to the council - contributions will be made for improvements to Highwood (also known as High Wood) The proposed development will regenerate a part of Woodley in a comprehensive way including considerable investment in local sports and improve the wildlife and recreational amenity whilst retaining and enhancing landscape features and qualities of the site and ensuring it's continued value to the Strategic Urban Landscape (SULV). In line with the Council's Planning Advice Note ((PAN) Infrastructure Impact Mitigation Contributions of New Development Revised November 2010.) a detailed package of measures has been negotiated with the applicant to mitigate the impact of this development and subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement and conditions, the proposal is considered to be provide a positive contribution to the Woodley area and is therefore recommended for approval. PLANNING STATUS Major Development Location (Woodley) TPO (311951) Sand and Gravel Site of Urban Landscape Value (local designation) Local Wildlife Site (Bulmershe Pond) RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL, subject to (A) A Section 106 Agreement to secure the following:- (I) HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT (a) Works to be provided by the applicant to enhance the provision of journeys by foot, cycle and public transport in the vicinity of the proposed development (b) A contribution of the sum of £175,000.00 towards improvements to footpaths and cycleways (c) Travel Plan - The developer will implement and fund the requirements of the Travel Plan throughout the development period as well as funding the initiatives and the monitoring of the Travel Plan. I (2) Primary School and Secondary School Contributions as follows:- Primary education £927,268.80 Secondary education £709,052.80 Secondary post 16+ £162,976 (3) LEISURE, RECREATION AND SPORTS FACILITIES (a) Provision of Children's play space on site and details of maintenance and management (b) Community Use of Playing Pitches as set out in the Section 106 and Community Use Agreement (c) Provision of Amenity Open Space on site and details of maintenance and management (d) Woodley Sporting Contribution of £199,218.00 (4) COUNTRY PARKSlBlODlVERSlTYlCOUNTRYSlDEACCESS (a) Enhancements and improvements within Highwood £48,808 (b) Enhancements to local wildlife site (Bulmershe Pond) as set out in schedule of works and with on completion to transfer the area to Wokingham Borough Council with ongoing maintenance in conjunction with the playing fields. (5) LIBRARIES Contribution towards Libraries of £61673.63 (6) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER CONTRIBUTION A contribution of £10,000 to update the 1951 Tree Preservation Order that covers the whole of Woodley, with priority to change the part of the TPO covering the planning application site. (7) EXISTING KITCHEN GARDEN WALL Retention of the existing garden wall and method of permanently showing the context of this wall as an historic part of the local area (8) AFFORDABLE HOUSING 30% on site provision and transfer to a Preferred Registered. Provider or Local Housing company (9) CARE HOME Building shown as a care home (C2 Use) to be offered to the market as an extra care facility only and not td be maiketed for any other purpose (10) Monitoring Fee of up to £200 per unit to be agreed with the applicant. (11) Legal Fee to be advised on completion of Section 106 agreement (B) Subject to the satisfactory completion of the Section 106 Agreement PLANNING PERMISSION be granted subject to the following conditions: (1 a) Approval of the details of the layout, scale, external appearance of the building@), and the landscaping treatment of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced. b) Application for approval of the reserved matters referred to in a) above shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. c) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: a) No such details have been submitted. b) & c) In pursuance of s91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1991 (as amended by s51 of the Planning and compensation Act 2004). (2) This permission is in respect of the Illustrative Masterplan, Parameters Plan and Design .and Access Statement received by the Local Planning Authority on 23/01/12. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure fhaf fhe developmenf is carried out in accordance with the applicafion form and associated details hereby approved. la) Drawinus for outline part of development Drawing Number Drawing Title DR-411-101 Rev00 Site location Plan DR-411-102 Rev00 Demolition Plan DR-411-104 Rev00 Application Boundary Plan DR-301-222 Rev 01 Illustrative masterplan post planning 1 1 update (play spaces, pavilion, 1 driveways) ES Drawing DR-411-301 Rev 04 Parameter Plan 01 Site Boundary Plan ES Drawing- DR-411-302 Rev 03 Parameter Plan 02 Existing- and Proposed Elevations DR-411-302 Rev03 Parameter Plan 02 Ground Levels ES Drawing DR-411-303 Rev 07 Parameter Plan 03 Land Use ES Drawing DR-411-304 Rev 05 Parameter Plan 04 Heights ES Drawing DR-301-207 Rev 03 Land Use Breakdown Highways Drawing JNY7103-09 Proposed Woodlands Avenue Access :d Private Driveway Accesses lb) Drawinus for full part of development I / (~e'neralSite) DR-301-223 Rev 01 Ground Floor Plan (Pavilion) D R-30 1-224 Rev 0 1 Proposed Elevation Pt 1 (Pavilion) DR-301-225 Rev 01 Proposed Elevation Pt 2 (Pavilion) DR-301-226 Rev 00 East Elevation Materials (Pavilion) DR-301-227 Rev 00 West elevation materials (Pavilion) (c) Document Schedule Documents Date Application form January 2012 Architectural Deliverables Schedule January 2012 Site Plan January 2012 Planning Statement January 2012 Design and Access Statement (inc Januarv 2012 amended pg 48 (~u~ust2012))' Statement of Community I Januarv 2012 Involvement Transport Statement January 2012 Energy Strategy December 201 1 Code for Sustainable Homes Pre- December 201 1 Assessment Retail and Care Home BREEAM October 201 1 201 1 Predictive Assessments Residential Travel Plan January 2012 Utility Infrastructure Assessment December 201 1 Foul Water Options Appraisal (Inc January 2012 Appendices A-G) Retail Statement (Inc Appendices 1- January 2012 3) Draft Section 106 January 2012 Environmental Statement (Inc Non- January 2012 Technical Summary) 3. Prior to the submission of the application for Reserved Matters approval, a Detailed Design Code shall have been prepared for the area to which that application relates. All applications for Reserved Matters approval shall be accompanied by a Design Statement which shall explain how the proposal conforms to the requirements of the approved Detailed Design Code and results in a high quality development that contributes to the character and appearance of the area. Reason: In order to ensure that a high quality development is provided on the site 4. Before the development hereby is commenced, samples and details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the buildingls shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that the external appearance of the building is satisfactory. Relevant Policies: Core Strategy policies CP1 and CP3 5.