Contract Leads Powered by EARLY PLANNING Projects in Planning up to Detailed Plans Submitted
Contract Leads Powered by EARLY PLANNINGProjects in planning up to detailed plans submitted. PLANS APPROVEDProjects where the detailed plans have been approved but are still at pre-tender stage. TENDERSProjects that are at the tender stage CONTRACTSApproved projects at main contract awarded stage. Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 3BA Tel: Planning authority: Leicester Job: Reserved Planning authority: Lichfield Job: Detail Planning authority: Hinckley & Bosworth Planning authority: Stoke-On-Trent Job: NHS Foundation Trust Agent: Avanti Planning authority: Stockton-On-Tees Job: 02476 527600 Matters Granted for 14 houses Client: Mr. & Plans Granted for remembrance centre Job: Detail Plans Granted for 50 houses, 10 Detail Plans Granted for school Client: Architects Ltd, 361 - 373 City Road, London, Detailed Plans Submitted for 22 flats MIDLANDS/ RUGBY £2.9M Mrs. S & C Black Developer: Atkinson Leah, 1 (extension/refurbishment) Client: The apartments and 4 retails units Client: Stoke-On-Trent City Council Agent: Aedas EC1V 1AS Tel: 020 7278 3060 (extension/alterations) Client: Vela Group Abbotsbury,53PettiverCrescent St. Pauls Road, Leicester, LE3 9DE Tel: 0116 National Memorial Arboretum Agent: Glenn Omnivale Ltd Agent: RPS Design Ltd, Ltd, Parsonage Chambers, 3 The Parsonage, YORK £1M Agent: Vela Group, Greenbank, Waldon EAST ANGLIA Planning authority: Rugby Job: Detailed 2240566 Howells Architects, 321 Bradford Street, Highfield House, 5 Ridgeway, Quinton Manchester, M3 2HW Contractor: Balfour 71Goodramgate Street, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS24 7QS Plans Submitted for 61 extra care flats NEWARK £1M Birmingham, West Midlands, B5 6ET Tender Business Park, Quinton, Birmingham, West Beatty Construction Ltd, Cavendish House, Planning authority: York Job: Detailed Plans Tender return date: 30th November 2012 for Early Planning Client: Housing 21 Agent: Glancy Nicholls DisusedRailwayLineBetween,Eakring return date: Tenders are currently invited.
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