Policy DM34- Minerals Area of Search (2019 Update)
Policy DM34- Minerals Area of Search (2019 Update) Site 1: Land at Dewley Hill, Ponteland Road, north of Throckley Fig 1: Site Location Plan Description The area is located approximately 8km west of Newcastle. The site lies to the north of the A69 highway, east of Ponteland Road and west of North Walbottle. It lies wholly within the area of Newcastle. However, it is adjacent to the city’s boundary with Northumberland. Ponteland Road, which runs along the sites western boundary, falls largely within Northumberland. The site covers approximately 110 50 hectares in area. The site is in a rural area of the urban fringe and forms part of the Tyne and Wear 1 Green Belt. The site is currently in agricultural land, split into a series of green fields separated by hedgerows. There are a number of individual and small terrace of houses dispersed around the edge of the site. The nearest individual properties to the site are Callerton Lane Cottages, Dewley Farm, Crescent Farm, Lough House and Field House. Throckley is located to the south of the A69 with properties along the northern edge benefitting from distant views of the area. Land to the immediate south east of the site, which was formerly Green Belt, has been allocated in the Core Strategy and urban Core Plan for housing development at Lower Callerton under Polices CS3 and NN1. Geology The site lies on Carboniferous (Westphalias B) Middle Coal measures strata, comprising of mudstones, siltstones, sandstones, coals and seat earth. There are several coal seams present which run in a south easterly direction including, the Top Plessey, Bottom Plessey, Harvey Main, Penny Hill, Harvey, Hodge, Tilley, Top Busty, Bottom busty, Threequater, Top Brockwell, Top Victoria, Bottom Victoria and Bottom Marshall (in sequence of encountered).
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