NHS Highland Gaelic Language Plan 2012

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NHS Highland Gaelic Language Plan 2012 NHS Highland Gaelic Language Plan 2012 – 2017 This plan has been prepared under section 3 of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 and was approved by Bòrd na Gàidhlig on 18th September 2012 Authority contacts: Moira Paton, Head of Community and Health Improvement Planning, 01463 704920 Caroline Tolan, Policy Development Manager, Community and Health Improvement Planning, 01463 704863 Callum Macdonald, Language Planning Consultant, 01471 822137 1 Foreword from the Chair of NHS Highland, Garry Coutts I am pleased to support this NHS Highland Gaelic Language Plan which has been produced under the terms of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005. We recognise that we have significant numbers of Gaelic speakers in the communities we serve and intend to better meet their needs. This Plan covers the main functions of NHS Highland, under the headings of Identity, Communications, Publications and Staffing. This Gaelic Language Plan outlines the measures which we plan to put in place to support the promotion of Gaelic through our existing activity and resources. These measures are aimed at raising the status, promoting the use, and encouraging the learning of Gaelic. Gaelic is a key part of the identity of Highland and Argyll & Bute. We must ensure we take the necessary steps in our sphere of influence to secure its future. Our Gaelic Language Plan should also support the Scottish Government in realising their ambitions in relation to Gaelic development. I commend to you our draft Gaelic Language Plan and thank you for the input we have had so far from patients, staff and the community. 2 Contents Section One Introduction page 4 NHS Highland context page 4 Use of and interest in Gaelic -Population page 5 -Education page 6 -NHS Highland staff page 6 Section Two Action plan and policy development page 8 Section Three Contribution to National Plan for Gaelic -Language Acquisition page 21 -Language usage page 21 -Language status page 22 -Language corpus page 23 Monitoring and Governance page 24 Glossary page 24 Annex A: Implementation Guidance page 26 3 Section One Introduction The Gaelic language is a unique part of Scotland’s national heritage and NHS Highland recognises that we have a responsibility to help maintain its existence in a modern multilingual Scotland. The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005, agreed by the Scottish Parliament, aims to promote the use of Gaelic in Scottish public life and to encourage the increased use of Gaelic in the home, community, place of learning and workplace. To achieve this, Bòrd na Gàidhlig has the authority to require organisations to prepare and publish statutory Gaelic Language Plans. The Bòrd also has responsibility for producing a National Gaelic Plan and for issuing guidance in relation to Gaelic education. The Bòrd is directly funded by the Scottish Government and is accountable to Scottish Ministers. In the Bòrd’s National Plan for Gaelic, it is made clear that all bodies in Scotland have an important role in ensuring that Gaelic has a sustainable future and that they should proactively consider what they can do to support the language. NHS Highland’s notification letter informed us that we need to submit a Gaelic Language plan by 30th November 2009 for consideration by the Bòrd. Following this we received a revised deadline of 31st December to allow time for adequate consultation. This document shows how NHS Highland aims to contribute to the drive to accord the Gaelic and English languages equal respect. The document is divided into three sections. The first supplies background on where and how NHS Highland operates, and the level of Gaelic language present in the local community and in the staff body. The second section sets out how NHS Highland intends to meet the core commitments as described by Bòrd na Gàidhlig. This section comprises NHS Highland’s Gaelic language action plan, which sets out how we will achieve our commitments over the next three years. The action plan highlights the outcomes NHS Highland wants to achieve and outlines the steps necessary to get there. The third section reflects how NHS Highland will be contributing to the National Plan for Gaelic. The final page comprises the monitoring and governance arrangements and the glossary. NHS Highland NHS Highland’s catchment area comprises the largest and most sparsely populated part of the UK with all the attendant issues of a difficult terrain, rugged coastline, populated islands and a limited internal transport and communications infrastructure. The area covers 32,518 km² (12,507 square miles), which represents approximately 41% of the Scottish land surface. NHS Highland serves a population of some 300,000 residents (within the Highland and Argyll & Bute Council boundaries)and sees a proportion of its patients from the influx of tourists to the Highlands, which at certain times of the year can double or even triple the local population. 4 The Health Service in the Highland area is also a major employer, second only to the local authority in the number of people employed. Again, in business terms, this is of major significance to the Highland economy. NHS Highland is responsible for health care in the Highlands and Argyll & Bute, and for working with partners to improve the health of our population. Highland NHS Board is one of fourteen territorial NHS Boards in Scotland. NHS Highland is managed by a Board of Directors and is accountable to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing and the Scottish Government. The Board is accountable for the performance of NHS Highland services. The organisation provides services to patients and local communities through four main operational units - three geographical operational units and Raigmore Hospital. The geographical operational units are South and Mid Highland (covering Badenoch, Strathspey, Nairn, Inverness, East and Mid Ross); North and West Highland (covering Lochaber, Skye, Wester Ross, Caithness and Sutherland); and Argyll and Bute. These operational units are supported by a range of Corporate Services including facilities, pharmacy, personnel, and finance. Raigmore Hospital is the District General Hospital for north Highland. Most patients from Argyll and Bute CHP are referred to Glasgow hospitals for secondary care. Use of and interest in Gaelic language skills training in Highland Population The following data has been extracted from the 2001 census, in which people in Scotland were asked four questions about the Gaelic language: whether they could understand spoken Gaelic, speak, read or write Gaelic. Although this dataset is now somewhat out of date, it does conform to the general pattern shown over the last 40 years of where Gaelic is used in Highland, and so it is fair to assume that it remains relevant. Around 8% of Highland’s total patient population speaks Gaelic, but some areas have much higher concentrations of Gaelic speakers, including Sleat, Snizort, Strath & Kilmuir on Skye and Tiree. In comparing different areas, it is notable that 43% of people in Skye and Lochalsh have some Gaelic ability, whereas in the rest of Highland, only 7% of the population have some Gaelic language ability. The 7% figure is also reflected in the population of Argyll and Bute. These figures are higher than in the rest of Scotland, but much lower when compared with na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles) and its 72% of people with some Gaelic ability. Just over half of all Gaelic speakers in Scotland live in Highland counties (comprising Highland Council, Argyll & Bute Council and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar) and just under half in lowland areas. Gaelic is spoken by the majority of people in the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar area and in the parish of Kilmuir on Skye. In the Highland area (excluding Argyll and Bute), there has been an increase in young (under 15 years old) Gaelic speakers at every census since 1971. This is likely to be due to the increase in Gaelic medium education. This has had the effect of slowing down the decline in Gaelic speakers, but has not been sufficient to reverse the decline. This increase in the number of younger people able to speak Gaelic is also reflected in the census figures for Argyll and Bute council area. In both Argyll and Bute and Highland Council areas, we find that there is population loss in the 15-34 age group of those with some Gaelic ability. This may imply that the increase in Gaelic medium education does not translate into school leavers maintaining their Gaelic post education, 5 or may simply reflect the fact that many young people leave the area for higher education or work. There are a number of Gaelic medium events and Gaelic promotion organisations operating in the NHS Highland area. The Royal National Mod was held in Oban in 2009 in Caithness in 2010 and will be held in Dunoon in 2012. The event is a chance to celebrate Gaelic linguistic and cultural heritage and is organised by An Comunn Gaidhealach based in Oban. There are many other local Gaelic events held throughout the year. Other organisations, such as Clì Gàidhlig and Comunn na Gàidhlig are based in the NHS Highland area and support the promotion of Gaelic. This will help to contribute to a supporting environment in implementing this plan. There are a number of Gaelic learning opportunities available at beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Learngaelic.net provides details, levels and learning methods of the courses available. Education Gaelic medium education is available in many areas across Highland. In 2007, Highland Council opened the first purpose built Gaelic medium primary school – Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis – which has the capacity for up to 150 pupils. Other areas where there are large numbers of children enrolled in Gaelic medium primary education include Portree and Fort William.
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