Compare and Contrast 2 ways to lose weight

Directions: Below is a list of various ways people try to lose weight. You can choose from the list below or find your own that interest you and compare 2 of them. In your written comparison, describe each of the diet plans, how they are supposed to work, what foods and/or nutrients are restricted or encouraged, how much do they cost, are there celebrity endorsements, is exercise a part of the plan, and any other important information. Then, describe your opinions about each plan: do you think they are healthy (why or why not), what are the pros/cons, is one better than the other? Support your opinions with examples or facts from each diet/plan. Your written response should be typed, with organized thoughts, proof read, but does not require MLA formatting. I prefer ½” or 1” margins, just your name at the top, and 1.5” spacing.

Fad Diets

 Hollywood Diet  Caveman Diet  Cookie Diet  Chocolate Diet  The list goes on and on…

Diet Plans

 Weight Watchers  Jenny Craig  Nutrisystem  eDiets  Jillian Michaels (online)  Eat Right for your Blood Type   DASH diet (to lower high blood pressure)

Weight Loss Supplements

 Hydroxycut  Alli  Metabolife  Miracle Burn  Quick Trim  TrimSpa

Weight Loss Surgeries

 Gastric Band (Lap Band)  Gastric Bypass (Many different kinds/options that are similar)