The Italic Way XXIV, 1995
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. "f• .9"w tAu.r~: .o/P'· 1v-Acr ((Nt/tl tcr ~'-r/Jt'/U.I'ta tk-u.ftu,ut/t> '/" ':0u/uu, (!tW;uu:-." a!ku ~~f /()- t!t;:,f&N,yot#' ,Pafat~. .9"k «ku.J.r,outfo a- !HMUu:.u bu:A, ().;< tb /'UflUt/llfc, vll~~tk. Ji.I'Yii/u.o/.~'llw-W n(9Atf/. J(,~ ~ azjJuWu:e lhL! 'Akfu. rl//"Uot.rk; (.:Ml}mble ·· NEW YORK 108 East 38 Street (bet Park & Lex) 212 683-0135 Nso located at: BROOKlYN 8712 4th Avenue 718 748-4545 EAST COAST INDUSTRIAL UNIFORM CORP. 39 Skillman Street Brooklyn, NY 11205 718-522-7410 The Italic Way XXIV, 1995 Letters .............. page 1,3 Focus (cover story) ... page 12 All'ltaliana 4 Perspectives 16 World Notes ... .. page 6 Auto Designs ............. page 20,21 Editorial. 8 Profile ... ..................... page 23 Forum .............. page 9 Institute News 24, 27 Reviews 10, 19 Letters Address all letters to: LETIERS. The Italic Way. PO Box 818. Floral Park. NY 11001 PARTLY COMMITTED organization. I believe what your or I fully agree with the points oullined ganization is doing is greaL in your lSI brochure. I am joining but Megan Funaro with reservations, hoping that you are Crystal Lake, IL genuinely for the goodofltaly's descen dantsand nota money mailing organiza SAY WHAT? tion . In regard to your review The Amaz James A. Dalessandro ing Story of the TonelliFamilyinAmer Warren, OH ica, please help me out a bit A storne//o can be a little star I am an American of Italian heritage FULLY COMMITTED ling or a type of Italian song. who has kept up with the language, and 111e growth and success of the Italic in fact, cominues to study it. My wife is Studies Institute is a tribute Lo the work more upbeat we have dropped our Media of Sicilian descent and was speaking and dedication of all members involv.ed Madness 'section and expanded the fea Italian before she spoke English. who contribute their Lime and effort on tures.) Please tell us the difference between behalf of the Institute. a stornello and a stornuzzo. I have Enclosed please find a donation for Enjoyed your fine work in reporting Webster's New World Italian Diction our annual picnic. the facts in your latest magazine! Over ary, with over 100,000 words, and those John L. AgneUo the many years I've subscribed to many two do not appear. Boca Raton, FL Italjan magazines, but it seems they come I have also asked our Italian friend, and go and mostly disappear in time. We born, raised and educated in Italy and CHEERS & JEERS especially enjoyed Mr. Cardone's article with a Ph.D in language. She teUs me Could you infonn us more about the on L'arte dell' Arrendersi. that a stornello is a small bird She did positive aspects of Italians and Italian Please continue your effons to bring not know the meaning ofsto rnuzzo, and Americans rather than the horrible out the truth and injustice to the Italian it was not in her Italian dictionary, ei events like that perpetuated by the po community. ther. lice and citizens of New Orleans in Giovanni Chiappe Is it a dialect word? We are all now 1891? (Issue XXIIT) Sao Mateo, CA very curious. I would appreciate it if I am sure also the good and coura you would drop me a line and let me geous acts by Italians and Italian Ameri I am a junior in high school and have know. cans far outweigh the bad and the ugly always been proud ofmy Italian heritage. Ken Musto events. My mother isn't ofltalian descent and I Port Washington, NY Mrs. Josephine Shumaker think that's why we never had any stress {Ed. An unfortunate misprint is respon Villa Park, IL on our heritage. Recently my father re sible for one halfof the confusion. What (Ed.: For those readers who want things ceived in the mail information a bout your ;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;XXI;;;;;;;;;;;v;;;;.;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==- The Italic Way- 1995 1 Asbestos abatement is like defusin abomb. 990/o · tis 10 °/o wrong. Asbe s t os~~ danger· Site inapection ous stuff. When con and struction or repairs bre <~k eontultatioa. into it, deadly asbestos du)t Ogden Allied can explode into the c~ ir, begins every a l i ttlf~ like a bomb. projectwith.Jcom- That's not a bad way to plete site inspec think ol it. Because if you tion. Our asbe~tos tre.Jt your asbestos problem abatement special as carefully a~ you'd trea t c1 hve ists consult with you bomb, you'll choose the right in detaJI to minimize abatement company. Interruptions, so that You'll avoid those comp<soues everyone understands in with little or no experoen<.e. you gnel. I hey'll hkely lead you to us. Ogden Allied does every abate· advance exactly whit will This is not a business fo r begon ners. need to be done. And you don't want to become ment project the way 11 should be their experiment. done- with professionals who work Free quotation. st roctly by the book. Let the abatement buyer beware. We never start an abatement Every technician licensed. project without a quotation. Bet ore you choose an abate Every method EPA/OSHA approved. Neither should you. We11 give you ment company. there are some key one that's reliable and not just questions you should ask Every Ogden Alli~d worker an educated guess. Is it an established company is thoroughly trained, licensed and We remove asbestos u carefully with a proven track record?W ill they certified. Every worker uses the as we would a bomb.We do it right be' around five years from now? latest technology and newest most the first time. Does their previous experience ca pable equipment. Call Ogden Allied Abitement qualify them for such specialized Every workcrew knows and and Decontaminiltion Services work? Do they have the resources to follows the proper work methods. at 1-800-858-0123. Or write us ill handle any job without long delays? All fede ra l, state and local r~g ul a 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. The right answers will not only save tions are comp l i~d with in full. ••••• OBDEIILLIED ABATEMENTAND DECONTAMINATION SERVICES, INC. SIJilSOARI' Of OGIXN AWED S£JMC(S CORP appeared as stornuzzo should have been starnuto, which, as you know UPDATE means "sneeze." Sorry for the slip-up. Stornello, however, stands on its own. A stornello is a traditional and $2.2 Million Job Discrimination Award Mrrrmed still popular style of folk song very by Deborah Pines common to centra/Italy, nwstly in the (excerpt from New York Law Journa/20 Sept. 1995) regions of Lazio and Toscana. The lyrics are ever-changing and often in A federal judge in Manhattan yesterday upheld a $2.2 million bias award to an vented on the spot. Claudio Villa and Italian-born banker who was fired in 1987 after a supervisor said he wanted to CarloButi were renownedfor their stor .. Americanize" the Manhattan bank branch where he worked to counter its reputa nello singing. tion as a "Mafia shop.'' However, your Italian friend is cor In a 41-page ruling touching on such controversial legal issues as ~c binding rect is trans/acing stornello as a "small nature of claims in personnel manuals and appropriate attorney's fees tn employ bird." The musical connection may ment cases, Southern District Judge Denny Chin approved the award to Antonio have derived f rom the light-hearted Marfia from his former employer, T.C. Ziraat Bankasi, a Turkish agricultural bank, nature of this type of song. -D. Fiore) in Marfia v. T.C. Ziraat Bankasi, 88 Civ.3763 . The award includes $800,000 in compensatory damages, $1 million in punitive damages, .$170,000 in prejudgment OLYMPIC BASE interest, $296,000 in attorneys' fees and S6,600 in costs. Italian Olympic athletes from some Judge Chin's ruling rejected virtually all of the bank's challenges to a jury's 14 different sports, including track and findings in February of national origin ?i~crimina~o~. breach .of c<.J.rI tract field, wrestling, swimming, boxing, It adjusted the jury award of $2.6 mllhon to ehmmate weightlifting, Judo, baseball, archery, double recovery for some claims. diving, table tennis, fencing and others, The bank's lead lawyer, Glenn M. Kurtz of White & will converge on Winston-Salem in July Case, said his client plans to appeal. to train for the Summer Olympics, Mr. Marfia's lead counsel, Herbert Eisenberg of Davis which begin July 19 in Atlanta. & Eisenberg, said his client is "pleased to see that the jury Italy is the only Olympic superpower and the court held the bank responsible for its offensive to designate one U.S. city as a central conduct." training site for all spons. Italian Olym Mr. Marfia, 53, a naturalized U.S. citizen who lives in pic officials will make Winston-Salem Fairfield, Conn., filed suit after he was discharged in May their headquarters for the weeks preced 1987 from hispositionasseniorviccpresidentoftheNew Judge Chin ing the Atlanta games. York branch of T.C. Ziraat Bankasi which is headquar- The address for the Winston-Salem tered in Turkey. Mr. Marfia had earned increasing pay and Convention and Visitors Bureau is Post responsibilities since he had begun working at the bank in January 1984. Office Box 1408, Winston-Salem, N.C. The jury found Mr. Marfia's Italian origin played a role in his dismissal by a 27102.