Characterizing Summer Roosts of Male Little Brown Myotis (Myotis Lucifugus)
CHARACTERIZING SUMMER ROOSTS OF MALE LITTLE BROWN MYOTIS (MYOTIS LUCIFUGUS) IN LODGEPOLE PINE-DOMINATED FORESTS by Shannon Lauree Hilty A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Fish and Wildlife Management MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana May 2020 ©COPYRIGHT by Shannon Lauree Hilty 2020 All Rights Reserved ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my mentors, Andrea Litt, Bryce Maxell, Lauri Hanauska- Brown, and Amie Shovlain, as well as my committee members Claire Gower and Robert Garrott, for guiding me through this process. Andrea, thank you for providing direction through the Spartan course that is graduate school and for introducing me to my lab family. Bryce, Amie, and Lauri, thank you for being some of the biggest cheerleaders for Montana’s smallest wildlife groups. Thank you to everyone that helped me in the field, including Brandi Skone, Heather Harris, Cody Rose Brown, Erin Brekstad, Kathi and Hazel Irvine, Wilson and Jane Wright, Katie Carroll, Michael Yarnall, Michael Forzley, Autumn Saunders, Katie Geraci, Rebecca Hamlin-Sharpe, Devin Jones, Olivia Bates, Emma Grusing, and my primary technicians, Jacob Melhuish, Scott Hollis, and Monique Metza. I am grateful to my current employer, Westech Environmental Services. You are a phenomenal group of people, and I am so happy to call you family. I want to thank Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Montana Natural Heritage Program, USDA Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and MPG Ranch for providing funding for this project. I am especially thankful to Alexis McEwan, Boaz Crees, Scott Blum, Dan Bachen, Braden Burkholder, and Karen Coleman for offering expertise, gear, and logistical support to my field team.
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