Nationals Political 'Parties Name Candidates for Election Shovels

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Nationals Political 'Parties Name Candidates for Election Shovels PFP, SPP_ Debate Teams Announce 'lurk Triumph '' *~ * Volume Xxxv. Number 24 Wake Forest, N. C., Friday, April 14, 1950 * * • '- Telephoae 4056 . f Debate Teams Win. Tourney; OPPONENTS Political 'Parties Name 1'wo Men Enter· Nationals Candidates For Election 01----------------~------ Crouch, Caudle go ThroUgh Guidance. Ta.lks Annual Spring Election Southern Tourney Students Form lew To Be Held Oil Undefeated r0 Begin Monday Political /Outfit April 26 Both the 1 Junior and the By JEWEL LIVINGSTONE Varsity Wake Forest debate Noted Men T~ Lead Joe Miller Named Presi· The two campus political or­ teams triumphed in their . ,f • 0 D18CUSS10D8 D dent of Student Political ganizations, the Student Politi- , respective divisions at the cal Party, and the Progressive Southern· Speech Association Vocation Party ·· Fraternity Party, met this week Tournament held in Binning­ ------- to nominate candidates for the bam, Alabama April 3-8. During _ Roy Anderson will. open Approximately thirty students April 26 election. the same week, the ·Wake Vocational Guidance Confer­ met in the Johnson Auditorium Marion "Piggy" Davis, rising Varsity composed of Lamar ance with a speech in chapel, last Friday afternoon at 4 :30 for senior from Winston~SaJem, is Caudle and Bob Crouch accepted "Choosing Your Vocation," on the purpose of fo.rming a stu- slated on the PFP ticket against an· invitation to attend· th~ Monday morning, Mr. Anderson Marion "Piggy" Davis, left, PFP candidate ·from Winston-Salem, dent political party to oppose SPP choice, Ed Christman, sen­ National Invitational Debate is student personnel director at and Ed Christman, SPP candidate from .Jacksonville, Fla., head the Progressive Fraternity Party ior from Jacksonville, Florida, Tournament to be held at West State College in Raleigh. their respective slates in the forthcoming Sf'udent Body elections. in the general election of stu- for president of the student Point on April 27-29. Conferences will begin im- dent officers to be held here on body. The West Point tourney is by mediately after chapel period Wednesday, April 26 . The group . Other PFP nominees for stu­ all odds the nation's biggest, and continue through the. day. elected Joe Miller, senior from dent body offices are: Don Lee being the only actual debate No1ed people in various fields Shovels Replace Textbooks Lexington, as president; Harriet Paschal, vice-president, William tourney in the United States at have been invited to lead the Smith, junior coed from Dan- J. Eaker, secretary, and Harry which a nationat champion is discussions and there will be a ville, Virginia, as secretary; and M ll tt J . w e o , r., treasurer. chosen. Thlrty-two teams, the· student chairman for each And Wake· Forest -Gets Park Lynwood Lennon, senior from Student Body nominees on the best from eight debating dis- group. Boardman, as treasurer of the SPP slate are: Tom Clark, vice- tricts;· are invited to participate Religion Group - Six hundred students and fac- who were responsible for the new party. president; Carol Oldham, secre- in the affair. Along with -Wake E. Norfleet Gardner, pastor of 'ulty members pu{ down ·their construction, w~ complete the The party chose as its name tary· and Bob Red - tr Forest, the University of the First Baptist_ Church in textbooks and picked up shovels, picnic ovens next- week. Grills " The Student p o litica · 1 Party... er • wme,· easur- Florida the University of South Henderson will lead the religion rakes and axes at 1:30 o'clock have already been ordered for After a brief.discussion of.fut~e • CandidateS for omces Carolin~, the University of group · with stude~t chairman Thursday afternoon and at 5:00 the stoves. Incinerators have plans, comnuttees were appomt- - The Student Political Party Tennessee, and the national de- Jack Bullard; Johri ·MacMillan, o'clock Wake Forest College had been placed at each of the picnic ed aild another meeting was candidates for senior claSs· offi­ fending champion, the Univer- Duke University, psychaitry, a Recreation Park. areas. called for Monday, April 10. ' ces are: Vann Murrell~ ·presi- sity of Alabama will represent Bob Koettner, student chairman; Every phase of college life The Alpha Sigma Phi fra- At the second meeting of the dent; Cree Deane, vice-presi· the sixth district. Fred Fletc~er, manager of was represented by the group ternity successfully built the en- S.P.P. the committees reported, dent; and Elva Lawrence; secre- ~AL in Raleigh, radio, Woody that participated in the project. tire retaining wall around the and the group adopted a tenta• tary-treasurer. ~oa*~ern Speech To~ent Woodward, student chairman; "It demozrstrated more school out-of-door stage. The Little tive platform~ Cand~dates to fill Nominees on the Proiressive Crouch and Caudle were the Jay Jenkins New &: Observer spirit than anything Wake For- Theatre's task the construction the offices not proposed by the Fraternity Party slate for senior only varsity team to go through R a 1 e i g h, ' journalism, Dav~ est College students have" done of the stage, id completed except. Recommc:ndation· · Committee offices are: Sterling GateS-.·J,ireS· the Southern Speech Tourna-. Clark, Carol 01~. Bob in many years," one observer for landscaping. Shrubbery will were nonunated from the floor, ident; Brooks Gilmore, vic~ ment undefeated. They were Howren student chairman· remarked. be planted to form a back-drop and a full slate. was adopted. president; and Harry Wright: matched with every other un- Phillips, head of c. w .. place~ Dr. Smith and wings for the stage. Flower- o_n Tuesday~ ~pril ll, the ea~- secretary-treasurer. ·. · defeated team there; and. thus, ment bureau at Woman's Col­ ing plants will be placed in front dldates' petltions were subnut- PFP's choice for junior offi­ th~ directors of the deba(ing lege, Greensboro: Harriet Smith, of the stage and all along the ted and a S.P.P.. slate cers are: Norm presi!­ said that . they felt confident student chairman; Kathleen th~r. R~~~· ~:-!~s ch;~e~i:! comple~e ~eller, park proj~ct,... which was jointly course of the stream, Dr. Smith prop?sed. (The complete. llst of dent; Charles '·'Pinky'' ·Francis, that the best team had won. Hall, student facu1ty advisor at stat~. c~ditddatesl ofhboth. partthii~s ard_e vice-president; and Matthew' G. In the·course' of. th~ de~ating Gray ffigh , ·School, Winston-' spon.sored py the. Wiyes. Faculty . Work Progressing prm e e sew ere m s e 1- Delbridge secretaQr-tr ·. ·. · they_ d~eated the Umversity of Salem, teaching, Ed Christman, Club, the Student Government At- the present time, work is tion.) These c a'n did ate s ~~~ Florida, Auburn, South West student chairman· David Wil­ Association, and the Social Com- progressing on a shed-like struc- against SPP nominees: Neil T~as _state College, . Baylor mot, head of d~partment of mittee of the Faculty, stated that ture, part of which will consist WFDD c •1 Gabbert, president·, MaX .. Eller, Umversity, . Texas Agr1cul~ural public school music at Meredith, the work day was a tremendous OUDCI ~d Industrial, and the .Uruver- Mary Ward, student chairman; success and all of the work of dressing rooms for the Little ~ vice-pr_esident,· and Sue Kei4-h,o.u; stty of .A;Jabama. Dallas Holloman, Jr., ·Boylan- scheduled for Thursday was ac~ Theatre players. with the re- Makes Plans secretary-treasurer. The Wake Forest Jumor tea~ Pearce Co. in Raleigh, advertis­ co:t;nplished with the exception of mainder . providing protection On the Sophomore slate for composed of fres~en .vergil ing, merchandising; retailing, a few· "finishing· touches." from ram, in the' case of bad SPP are: Bill Elliot, pr~st'dent,· Moorefield and Wiley Mitchell, Bob Redwine student chairman· The entire area was cleared weather during a picnic. The Exec.utive Council of Tom Mezger, vice-president,·.and ~_went through their Junior 0 .. K: Corn~ell, professor of by .the participating organiza- This projeft is being sponsored Radio Station WFDD met Tues- Jean Johnson, secretary-treasur:. diVISion undefeated. +_hey beat physical' education, University tions, except for a small portion by the Woman's Recreation As- day .. to discuss plans for the re- er. Their PFP opponents are·: T~as Tech! .Memph:U: State, of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, of the stream in front of the sociation, under the direction ...of mainder of this year, and for Robert J. Gibson, president·,· Bill Abilene ChriStian, Rollms Col- Happy Dowis, student chair- amphitheatre stage_ All of the Miss Marjorie Crisp and Prof. the coming yearz White, vice-president,· and Jack lege, MeNeese College, and man. / Carroll, using plans drawn up Durillg_ this semester the S~- Lewis, secretary-treasurer. hillside area was completely b B d. 11 - Texas AgricUltural and Indus- Miss Vivian Heirs chairman cleared of undergrowth, · but, if Y oy A en. A small amount tion plans to enlarge its campus Senior representatives to the of money will be needed for the remote programs by presenting Student Council for the Pro:.. trial. ' of . the conference 'committee, any honeysuckle or poison ivy 1 · IndiVIdually, the Wake Forest· stated "We of the council cer­ appears later in the Spring, it campt d ebont ill. of this structure, and local. talent over the air. This gressive Fraternity Party are: debaters compiled, an enviable tainly' ·hope the students will will be sprayed with killing s u . en s w be given an oppor- will be put into effect immedi- I. G. Turnage, Jim Chamb_lee, tumty to contribute during MQn- ately. Jennings Agner, Paul Walters, reco_rd. ~amar Caudl~ won take advantage of the Vocational chemicals. • h (Continued on pa~e siX) Guidance Conference. Each of Dr. Smith reported that ap- dayA s bc apel period.
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