PFP, SPP_ Debate Teams Announce 'lurk Triumph '' *~ * Volume Xxxv. Number 24 Wake Forest, N. C., Friday, April 14, 1950 * * • '- Telephoae 4056 . f Debate Teams Win. Tourney; OPPONENTS Political 'Parties Name 1'wo Men Enter· Nationals Candidates For Election 01------~------Crouch, Caudle go ThroUgh Guidance. Ta.lks Annual Spring Election Southern Tourney Students Form lew To Be Held Oil Undefeated r0 Begin Monday Political /Outfit April 26 Both the 1 Junior and the By JEWEL LIVINGSTONE Varsity Wake Forest debate Noted Men T~ Lead Joe Miller Named Presi· The two campus political or­ teams triumphed in their . ,f • 0 D18CUSS10D8 D dent of Student Political ganizations, the Student Politi- , respective divisions at the cal Party, and the Progressive Southern· Speech Association Vocation Party ·· Fraternity Party, met this week Tournament held in Binning­ ------to nominate candidates for the bam, Alabama April 3-8. During _ Roy Anderson will. open Approximately thirty students April 26 election. the same week, the ·Wake Vocational Guidance Confer­ met in the Johnson Auditorium Marion "Piggy" Davis, rising Varsity composed of Lamar ance with a speech in chapel, last Friday afternoon at 4 :30 for senior from Winston~SaJem, is Caudle and Bob Crouch accepted "Choosing Your Vocation," on the purpose of fo.rming a stu- slated on the PFP ticket against an· invitation to attend· th~ Monday morning, Mr. Anderson Marion "Piggy" Davis, left, PFP candidate ·from Winston-Salem, dent political party to oppose SPP choice, Ed Christman, sen­ National Invitational Debate is student personnel director at and Ed Christman, SPP candidate from .Jacksonville, Fla., head the Progressive Fraternity Party ior from Jacksonville, Florida, Tournament to be held at West State College in Raleigh. their respective slates in the forthcoming Sf'udent Body elections. in the general election of stu- for president of the student Point on April 27-29. Conferences will begin im- dent officers to be held here on body. The West Point tourney is by mediately after chapel period Wednesday, April 26 . The group . Other PFP nominees for stu­ all odds the nation's biggest, and continue through the. day. elected Joe Miller, senior from dent body offices are: Don Lee being the only actual debate No1ed people in various fields Shovels Replace Textbooks Lexington, as president; Harriet Paschal, vice-president, William tourney in the United States at have been invited to lead the Smith, junior coed from Dan- J. Eaker, secretary, and Harry which a nationat champion is discussions and there will be a ville, Virginia, as secretary; and M ll tt J . w e o , r., treasurer. chosen. Thlrty-two teams, the· student chairman for each And Wake· Forest -Gets Park Lynwood Lennon, senior from Student Body nominees on the best from eight debating dis- group. Boardman, as treasurer of the SPP slate are: Tom Clark, vice- tricts;· are invited to participate Religion Group - Six hundred students and fac- who were responsible for the new party. president; Carol Oldham, secre- in the affair. Along with -Wake E. Norfleet Gardner, pastor of 'ulty members pu{ down ·their construction, w~ complete the The party chose as its name tary· and Bob Red - tr Forest, the University of the First Baptist_ Church in textbooks and picked up shovels, picnic ovens next- week. Grills " The Student p o litica · 1 Party... er • wme,· easur- Florida the University of South Henderson will lead the religion rakes and axes at 1:30 o'clock have already been ordered for After a brief.discussion of.fut~e • CandidateS for omces Carolin~, the University of group · with stude~t chairman Thursday afternoon and at 5:00 the stoves. Incinerators have plans, comnuttees were appomt- - The Student Political Party Tennessee, and the national de- Jack Bullard; Johri ·MacMillan, o'clock Wake Forest College had been placed at each of the picnic ed aild another meeting was candidates for senior claSs· offi­ fending champion, the Univer- Duke University, psychaitry, a Recreation Park. areas. called for Monday, April 10. ' ces are: Vann Murrell~ ·presi- sity of Alabama will represent Bob Koettner, student chairman; Every phase of college life The Alpha Sigma Phi fra- At the second meeting of the dent; Cree Deane, vice-presi· the sixth district. Fred Fletc~er, manager of was represented by the group ternity successfully built the en- S.P.P. the committees reported, dent; and Elva Lawrence; secre- ~AL in Raleigh, radio, Woody that participated in the project. tire retaining wall around the and the group adopted a tenta• tary-treasurer. . . . . ~oa*~ern Speech To~ent Woodward, student chairman; "It demozrstrated more school out-of-door stage. The Little tive platform~ Cand~dates to fill Nominees on the Proiressive Crouch and Caudle were the Jay Jenkins New &: Observer spirit than anything Wake For- Theatre's task the construction the offices not proposed by the Fraternity Party slate for senior only varsity team to go through R a 1 e i g h, ' journalism, Dav~ est College students have" done of the stage, id completed except. Recommc:ndation· · Committee offices are: Sterling GateS-.·J,ireS· the Southern Speech Tourna-. Clark, Carol 01~. Bob in many years," one observer for landscaping. Shrubbery will were nonunated from the floor, ident; Brooks Gilmore, vic~ ment undefeated. They were Howren student chairman· remarked. be planted to form a back-drop and a full slate. was adopted. president; and Harry Wright: matched with every other un- Phillips, head of c. w .. place~ Dr. Smith and wings for the stage. Flower- o_n Tuesday~ ~pril ll, the ea~- secretary-treasurer. ·. · defeated team there; and. thus, ment bureau at Woman's Col­ ing plants will be placed in front dldates' petltions were subnut- PFP's choice for junior offi­ th~ directors of the deba(ing lege, Greensboro: Harriet Smith, of the stage and all along the ted and a S.P.P.. slate cers are: Norm presi!­ said that . they felt confident student chairman; Kathleen th~r. R~~~· ~:-!~s ch;~e~i:! comple~e ~eller, park proj~ct,... which was jointly course of the stream, Dr. Smith prop?sed. (The complete. llst of dent; Charles '·'Pinky'' ·Francis, that the best team had won. . Hall, student facu1ty advisor at stat~. c~ditddatesl ofhboth. partthii~s ard_e vice-president; and Matthew' G. In the·course' of. th~ de~ating Gray ffigh , ·School, Winston-' spon.sored py the. Wiyes. Faculty . Work Progressing prm e e sew ere m s e 1- Delbridge secretaQr-tr ·. ·. · they_ d~eated the Umversity of Salem, teaching, Ed Christman, Club, the Student Government At- the present time, work is tion.) These c a'n did ate s ~~~ Florida, Auburn, South West student chairman· David Wil­ Association, and the Social Com- progressing on a shed-like struc- against SPP nominees: Neil T~as _state College, . Baylor mot, head of d~partment of mittee of the Faculty, stated that ture, part of which will consist WFDD c •1 Gabbert, president·, MaX .. Eller, Umversity, . Texas Agr1cul~ural public school music at Meredith, the work day was a tremendous OUDCI ~d Industrial, and the .Uruver- Mary Ward, student chairman; success and all of the work of dressing rooms for the Little ~ vice-pr_esident,· and Sue Kei4-h,o.u; stty of .A;Jabama. . Dallas Holloman, Jr., ·Boylan- scheduled for Thursday was ac~ Theatre players. with the re- Makes Plans secretary-treasurer. . . The Wake Forest Jumor tea~ Pearce Co. in Raleigh, advertis­ co:t;nplished with the exception of mainder . providing protection On the Sophomore slate for composed of fres~en .vergil ing, merchandising; retailing, a few· "finishing· touches." from ram, in the' case of bad SPP are: Bill Elliot, pr~st'dent,· Moorefield and Wiley Mitchell, Bob Redwine student chairman· The entire area was cleared weather during a picnic. The Exec.utive Council of Tom Mezger, vice-president,·.and ~_went through their Junior 0 .. K: Corn~ell, professor of by .the participating organiza- This projeft is being sponsored Radio Station WFDD met Tues- Jean Johnson, secretary-treasur:. diVISion undefeated. +_hey beat physical' education, University tions, except for a small portion by the Woman's Recreation As- day .. to discuss plans for the re- er. Their PFP opponents are·: T~as Tech! .Memph:U: State, of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, of the stream in front of the sociation, under the direction ...of mainder of this year, and for Robert J. Gibson, president·,· Bill Abilene ChriStian, Rollms Col- Happy Dowis, student chair- amphitheatre stage_ All of the Miss Marjorie Crisp and Prof. the coming yearz White, vice-president,· and Jack lege, MeNeese College, and man. / Carroll, using plans drawn up Durillg_ this semester the S~- Lewis, secretary-treasurer. hillside area was completely b B d. 11 - Texas AgricUltural and Indus- Miss Vivian Heirs chairman cleared of undergrowth, · but, if Y oy A en. A small amount tion plans to enlarge its campus Senior representatives to the of money will be needed for the remote programs by presenting Student Council for the Pro:.. trial. . . ' of . the conference 'committee, any honeysuckle or poison ivy 1 · IndiVIdually, the Wake Forest· stated "We of the council cer­ appears later in the Spring, it campt d ebon t ill. of this structure, and local. talent over the air. This gressive Fraternity Party are: debaters compiled, an enviable tainly' ·hope the students will will be sprayed with killing s u . en s w be given an oppor- will be put into effect immedi- I. G. Turnage, Jim Chamb_lee, tumty to contribute during MQn- ately. Jennings Agner, Paul Walters, reco_rd. ~amar Caudl~ won take advantage of the Vocational chemicals. • h (Continued on pa~e siX) Guidance Conference. Each of Dr. Smith reported that ap- dayA s b c apel period. The Council also discussed Paul Williams, and Edward ronze plaque in memory plans for an Anniversary Open Copeland. Junior representatives the speakers is a leader in his wereproximateJy laid by one-half the Sigma of the Phi trails Ep- of Dr.. C. E. Brewer, former House to take place the latter (Continued on page six) field and I'm sure they will Meredith College president, who part of April. The station will •uel Plans silon fraternity, which was in ·- · all k s · Ban.. benefit each person attending origm Y gave the Roc prmgs celebrate its third year on the charge of that particular job. land to Wake Forest College for air at that time. Made By EUS the discussions." · The frat is to finish this New project within a short. time, how- a student recreation park,... will It was also suggested and ap- Steel Shelves ever. be set in the rocks around the proved that WFDD place a box Banquet plans were made ~y Phi Society Hears The four stone stoves are spring. in the Student Center where Added To Library Prof. Carrol and' his surveying students can drop requests for of th: Euzelian ready for use, in the rough, al­ ~e. member~ Debates at Meeting though as yet, the chimneys class have prepared a conto1,1r the Deaconlight Serenade. Despite a litt~r ol steel :J;.lterary Society at Its regular shelves, tools, drills and what have not been constructed. The map of the entire area which Four new announcers were meeting ·on Monday night in will aid in further work on Rock added to the staff as a result of have you that makes walking a the society hall. Challenge Night for the men's men physical ~ducation. majors, and women's debates was (Continued on page two) a recent tryout: They are: Neil precarious art, the library is still ------~------Gabbert, BobHowren,BobBen- President Ed Christman ap- observed this week by the in operation. Tlie usual activi­ pointed Francis Chesson chair- Philomathesian Literary Society. nett, and Charlie Pierce. Any ties have been only slightly in­ w• C • U • N • C ., GUILFORD other persons interested in work- terrupted by the construction of man of the banquet planning Cecyle Atnold and Elva Law­ WELCOME a new tier of stacks. committee. Others serving on renee challenged and defeated MI;U7 Jo Brown, winner of the .COLLEGIATE. PRESS LEADERS ::: =~~ :m~:~~::; ~~ This task of enlarging the this conuirlttee include Cree previous contest. They will be roughs, Station ·Manager, stated shelf space is now expected to take less time than was at :first Deane, Viola Kimbrell, Bill Tiey, the affirmative women's team at Woman's College and Guilford be interspersed with that the radio station was eager and Clara Ellen Francis. the Founders' · Day program. entertain- to add new talent to the staff. anticipated. A floor is being con­ College will be rolling out the ment. structed which divides the .stack ·Dan Fagg was eledted chief John Oates and L. W. Pulley carpet in Greensboro, April 27, Already experts in profession­ marshal for graduation to be defeated Brightie White to cope room into two stories, each of for leaders in North Carolina al journalism are judging en­ Blue Stockings which has a clearance of about assisted by Marcella Reed and top honors in the men's negative tries submitted to NCCPA com­ Ruth Ann Weathers. contest. Fred Billips, a previous collegiate journalism,. Trim Netters 9·0 six feet three or four inches. The petition; and thirty-four colleges entire structure is steel, and 1!he The men's debates were heard winner with White, withdrew. The two Greensboro colleges in North Carolina have been in._ Presbyterian College's Tennis second floor will be overlaid and the negative team debating, In the extemporaneous speech are hostess and host to the North vited to send delegates. Team dropped only two sets in with linoleum tile. It is esti­ Resolved:· "That Mercy Killing contest, Dave Clark won over Carolina Collegiate Press Asso­ The assemblage in Greensboro defeating Wake Forest 9-0 mated that the shelf capacity of Should Be Justified" won the Hugh Dover and Matthew Del- ciation April_, 27, 28, and 29 the weekend of April 27 will be Monday on the loc::!l courts. The the stackroom will be increased contest over the affirmative brage. His subject was "The when the organization's annual the third convention of NCCPA inexperienced Deacons were no between thirty and forty per composed of Carroll Weathers Raymond Hair Murder Trial." convention assembles this year since the close of World War II. match for the always powerful cent. and Rudolph Pruitt. The win- The Phil's will be the guests in Greensboro. Due to travel difficulties, a well Blue Stockings. Change in Policy . ning speakers were Dick Newton of the Eu's at the annual Phi- The program for the conven­ organized Association was dis­ The summary: The only major change in pol- and Camp Mason. Eu Banquet which will be held tion includes four continuous banded during the war. Singles icy has been necessitated by the ·'·· this year on April 28 at the Bon- clinics for business managers, This year, President Ellen Harper defeated Hammack, work now going on is that con- Makes Oft'er 7:00. It Air Club, Raleigh, at magazine editors, .newspaper Netz commented, the convention 6-1, 6-1; Spears defeated Wat- cerning the use of reserve books. Mr. Christman announced will, . be semiformal. Boyce editors, and yearbook editors. is intended to be "a happy com­ that an alumnus of the Euzelian kins, 6-2, 6-0; Worthen defeated Until things are returned to M~in, chairman, Mary Jane Experts will be on hand to give bination of enlightenment and Mumford, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4; Jacobs normal and all the clatter ceases, Society had offered to dona~e Myers, and B. T. Henderson pointers on typographical lay­ entertainment. College jolll'­ drapes for the windows of the defeated Abernethy 6-0, 6-0; books on the reserve shelves were appointed to serve on the out, photographic layout, edi­ ists," she added, "can benefit Dodd defeated Clark, 6-1, 6-1. may be taken out of the library meeting hall. The group voted banquet committee. .torial writing, magazine produc- more, perhaps, from meeting . Doubles at nine o'clock in the morning that the drapes would be blue to Lorraine Bennette was ac- tion, ad soliciting, and ad de­ and talking to their colleagues match the present rug. Harper-Jacobs defeated Ham- and returned at six, when the cepted as a new member of the sign. Each clinic will be eli­ than from any amount of pro­ mack-Mumford, 6-2, 6-3; Sears- library closes fo:r an hour. They A social was held after the organization. maxed with· a student-led jam fessional dictation." meeting with impromtu talks Lyndon defeated Watkins-Mor- may be taken out again at sev­ Chall~nge Night for all of the session designed to air common "And," President Netz con­ phis, 6-1, 4-6, 8-6; Thompson- en, provided they are returned be~g given. as the members ate remainmg contests will be held staff and policy problems. Shop tinued, "we'll be glad to see the their refreshments. Williams defeated Abernethy- at nine to be signed out for tlie at the next meeting. ' talk during the convention will (Continued on page six) Clark, 6-1, 6-4. night. " \ ,/

I ·" I \ Old 1Gold and Black FridE c9lb .§olb. anb Jllatk MEET YOUR PROFESSORS , · :RELIGIOUS Pal I l'otq~cled J'anUJ117 15, 1918, as the oftlctlal Student by Scratch! SCratch! .. ·Scratch! ACTI'\(ITIES uwspeper of Wake l'orut College. Published weekiJ' CARROLL BARBOUR d1lltnC the IIChool :rear except durtnc examination periods .ad bolldap as directed b7 the Wake Forest Publica­ CALE.NI)AR tiona Board. Students Join Ivy League In "Wake Forest's 'Music Man" tweer: . 0------.------By DANA GULLEY Sprin Bill Hensley .L...... Editor-in-chief THANE McDONALD, A.B., M.A. By NEIL GABBERT Purser To Enter M · Excuse, please! There was ost of the religiQus organi· Golf Leo Derrick ...... Business Manager 1 Professor McDonald asked how he felt printed in last week's edition zatioris have been holding joint straig Ray Wyche ...... Managing Editor wa~ House Seat· Race about teaching, and his answer was this, of OLD GOLD AND BLACK a meetings this week in order 19 by de Wiley Warren ...... Sports Editor Th1 "I love it. I think that teaching is one of the statement that all poison icy- Earle Purser, senior Wake hear Miss Mary Herring, ·a Associate Editors: Rom W eat her m a n , Bob broke Howren, Ed Friedenberg, Carol Oldham. greatest . 'callings' a person can have." He- had_been removed from the.Ro_c~ Forest law student, of Raleigh, former missionary to China and Coun1 has forgotten all of his personal interest in Sp:m~s area by Mr. Hollday s filed last Saturday with the a sister of Dr. Ralph Herring, Sc;mth Staff Artist ...... Jay Brubaker . . Buildmg and Grounds crew. Wake County Elections Board Staff Photographers .... Irving Grigg, Alex Kiser a most unse~fish way to glVe hunself com· There has been some mistake of Wake County's three pastor of the First Baptist Arnol undei Editorial Staff: Jewell Livingstone, Dick New· pletely to his work. It has been said that made! As a. result, th~re has seats in the House of Represen- Church, Winston·Salem_- Two: ton, Neil Gabbert, George Evans, Dave Clark, Prof. McDonald could make a stone wall emerged on the Wake Forest tatives in the '1951 General As- Many of the B.S.U. council · Bob Black, Mary Finberg, Dana Gulley, Ida Kay Dick sing, and ,that he has never found a group CaJ:?PUS a ~ew wo~an·s organi- sembly. · . .~re attending the Spring Retreat. Fram Jordan, Bill Austin, Rose Abolila. that he couldn't make . G aha p _ zation wh1ch promises t~ out- Purser, 3Q years .old, was m Greensboro today and tomor- ThE . . . smg. r ~ oy grow 'all other org~izations graduated from Wake Forest in row. Gene Ensley, a local stu- Sports Staff: Red Pope, Harry Williams, John ner, who IS With station WPTF, said that within a matter of days. The 1942 with a B.A. in Histoey- dent, is presiding. Officers for Pal Gibson, Roger Jackson. new group call themselves· the Government. Soon afterward he the state B.s.u: organization for cer 3 Gerri Jack Glenn ...... -. Assistant Business Manager Poison Ivy Itchers and expect went into the army and, served next year are to be chosen. to literall! scratch their way to for some time in the ·Pacific Bill .Shearin,, president. of ·the Fores Bob Holloman ...... :...... Circulation Manager the . top m campus lead~rship theatre. . Christian Service Group, ·told us Wo: Business Staff: Gordon Wooten, Harold Walters, durmg the near future. It 1s ru- Upon h1s return from service that the group will hold its an­ naval featec Hugh Jennings, Bob Holloman. mored th_a~ they are planning to he became principal of Wesley nual spring soqial on Thursday· turn ~ollbcal and enter candi- Chapel schools, .Union County. April 27. T(;!ntative plans eall Wake dates m the general el~ction of He _is married to the former for a picnic at Rock Ga: All editorial matter should be addreued to the editor, student officers on. April 26. Naorm. Garner of Raleigh. Since this is the final meeting Gree1 P. 0. Box 551, Wake Forest, N. C. All business matter As yet the club xs small, com- He Is a member of the Wake of the year, officers for next year Flynr llbould lte addreaed to the business manager, same ad­ Fores dna. Subaerlption rate: $2.00 per year. Advertising rates posed of only 275 coeds; but Forest Student Council in which will be _chosen· at that time. · · ~ed upon request. their propaganda. is rapidly he serves as prosecuting attar- The unit organizati~ns of th · Ch: Entered u second c:las$ matter January 22. 1916, and spreading throughout the cam- ney for council trials. B.S.U. will be holding their an~ te-entered April 5, 11143, at the post omce at Wake Forest, pus. Only yesterday fourteen nual elections soon. Early wn. conse ful llorth Car-Olina, under the act of March 3. 1879. campused freshm~n bTo~e out Fraternity lis, president of the Religious Group defea Bopreaented for national · advertising b;v National and reported bbster~ m un- Sch d J D Ed Club, will announce . the AdYertiainlt Services. Inc.. Colleee Publlshem Repr~ re_a~hable spots, mak~g. them e ... es ance nominating c,ommittee at the Michi I!IDtaUva, 420 Macllaon Ave•• New York, N. Y. Cbicaeo. m Bodoa. Loa A.ocelea. San Francisco. eligible for membership the next meeting. PII's. However, the club has set The annual Sigma Chi svJ.eet- Th C·hr. t' S · G · . h t d d t b e 1s 1an erv1ce roup h. 1g s an ar s o e reach~d by heart Ball will be held Saturday gave a program of Easter music Printed bJ' Edwards lc BJ.'O~ton Co. 1ts members,. and no one. 1s ac- evening in the. ballroom of the last Sunday mornmg· m· L ees· cepted unt1l she has proved her- Carolina Hotel_in R~leigh. He~b ville. According to Ral h Harris. self a capab~e scratcher. The Gupton and his orchestra will ·a mem· ber of the g P · ' h 1m· g" b f d 'd · . h roup, a rec· the only reason that he hated for Wake_ over~ e m n~ er o coe s provl e music fort e dance. ord cr'owd attended .the . .- seekmg membership has made The Sweetheart Ball is the - · sel'Vlce. SUCCESS Forest to move to Winston-Salem was the it necessary for the PII's to re- event of the year for the Sigma h Hugh· Dover .was in charge ?f fact that it may deprive station WPTF fine quire that one limb be complete- Chis. The highlight of the eve- ke progra_m at the Fello~ship · It wasn't exactly like a barn-raising or a music. ly covered with ivy before a ning will be the crowning of 'the our meetmg last Sunday m~ht. iog-rolling, but the success of the Rock candidate is considered for mem- Delta Nu "Sweetheart of Sigma ~~ pro~am was well-orgamzed Prof. McDonald's major contribution to Springs Recreation Park project demon­ bership. Chi" immediately after the in~ an w -planned. Next week Wake Forest College is his annual spring , The capable president of this termission. The 1950 Sweetheart the_Kappa Alpha fraternity will strates that we have on the campus a spirit · t· · b h f · th dat be m charge of the progx:am. tour. Many· things are done on such trips as organ1Za 10n . IS Miss Harriet WI·n e c osen rom e es · akin to that of ·the early pioneers. That the one just completed, because in a very Smith. She is reported to have of the Sigs present at the ball.' mutual aid programs, and the cooperative unique manner the people of several states been the first to . burst a blister The girl selected for this honor WRA PI B d spirit behind them, have done much to make and is now ivy covered beyond will be considered in the selec· were acquainted with a group of students ans roa er this nation great goes without saying. It is recognition. The club has elected tion of the National Sweetheart. a • who well represent our college. Not only A • gratifying to see such a program work here. as vice-president Miss Smith's The s~eetheart, will -be pre- CIIVII18S SCOpe, does Prof. Mac's choir offer the best in music, roommate, Miss Cree Deane, sented w1th a ·sigma Chi pin. The plea was made to everybody to share but in many ways it causes many young deeming her without doubt the Miss Jewell Brinkley, a coed of - in the work, and the response was adequate. people to· consider this college. best qualified victim for the po- Durham, was selected the Sweet­ At a meeting held Tuesday sition since she is available at heart for 1949•. Students, their wives, faculty • their wives, McDonald is a cum laude graduate in mu­ evening in the Recreation Room. all times for consultation with The Sweetheart Ball will be the Women's Recreation Asso­ and all organizations worked side by side sic from the University of Michigan in-·1935. the president in devising ·new preceded by a social Friday ciation a n n o u n c e d plans ~ to complete a job which adds greatly to our He came to Wake Forest in 1941 as Director methods of comforting scratch- night at Perry's Cabin. already serviceable campus. But perhaps of Music. Between 1935 and 1941 he served ing. These top officers are plan· The program also includes broaden its scope by sponsoring ning to publish a list of "14 open house at the Fraternity more recreational activities such the intangible side of the work-the en- as. i~tructor in theory at the University of Ways to Scratch Without Bleed- house throughout the weekend. hancement of the Wake Forest Spirit-is Michigan School of Music. He was organist as picnics, outings, square . and choir director at the First Methodist ing" at the next regular meeting The sweethearts and alumni. will dances in the gym, and swim­ the greater value derived. of the ltchers. be welcomed into the new Church in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and was chapter room which will just be ming parties, which will· be open In the words of one observer: "It demon- in.structor in Theory and Organ, and Miss Smith shimmied up the completed in time for the week­ to a larger portion of the stu­ strated more school spirit than anything Drrector of the Men's Glee Club at Davidson OLD GOLD AND BLACK office end. dent body than are now includ­ Wake Forest students have done for many College from 1936 through 1940. During the on press night to report some ed in its activities. , · war he served in the Navy as a Chaplain's future plans of the club. She has The next meeting of the Wom­ years. assistant, organizing choirs and playing for stated that they will, in the near Dunn Elected Head en's Recreation . AssociatioQ, ·Our spirit has recently needed such a as many as four services each Sunday. · future, adopt a constitution of· Chemical Frat which will be on Tuesday, May t E 't d C · t ffi. t In addition to teaching several courses m· based on a statement in a 9, bo. os · sprl e orps IS no a sco ng rna - speech to students by President in the Recreation Room, is to teras some of the more cynical try to make music at Wake Forest, he directs the Col- Pete ·Caudle in Vlihich he refer· Luther D. Dunn, Jr., was be the annual election meeting •I and all members are urged io out. It is essential to any group which oper-· lege Band, Glee Club, and College Choir. red to Wake Forest as the elected Grand Alchemist of the •' be present. ' ates even to a small degree on interdepen- He is also Organist and Choir Director of the "beautiful ivy-covered campus." Gamma Sigma Epsilon chemical The women's intramural dence. Those who had misgivings concern- Wake Forest Baptist Church. He has written She has also given permission fraternity for next year at the - th 1 · t t f th W k F t to publish the club's plans to regular Tuesday night meeting tournaments brackets are now being posted and play will 'be­ 1ng e owermg s a e o e a e ores a number of articles and papers including m 0 n 0 P 0 1 i z e th "I O'l''1 this week. sp1r1· 't .can now look at the R oc k S p rt'ngs "The L'1g ht o f F ai'th , " "Sprri · "t ua 1 M us1c· In· (known to the generale publicvy as Other ·officers who will lead gin this week on tennis, golf, Recreation Park and breathe a sigh of relief. Total Defense" and others. McDonald served _"ltcher's Delight") business, the local gr()UP for the coming horse.:shoes, bowling, shuftle­ as Dean of the North Carolina Chapter of ·since it has already managed to year are Mary A. Schellenberg, board, and badminton. The ta­ th A · G 'ld f 0 · t . get a firm grasp on all oil im-· recorder; J. C. Saunders, Jr., ble-tennis tournament is now in e m~ncan UI o rgarus s In 1946- mediately available Through visor; J. F. P. Newhall, Jr., ser- its finals, with only Mary Wf!rd ! ITJQNAL GillDANCE 47 ~nd IS~ member of Phi Mu Alpha Sin- 'such a monopoly th~ organiza- geant-at-arms; and. Jack C. and Jean Sholar still in the run­ vocft foma. He IS also an honorary faculty mem· tion hopes to gain unlimited Shoffner, report~~- , ning. ber of Omicron Delta Kappa, national hon· power in campus affairs, since Gus Grose, retu~g head of _the Practice for the May Day ADVERTISING, MERCHANDISING, orary leadership fraternity. a~ opposition will be wiped out hono~ary frate~nl:ty was ~It~d dances was begun this week and · , w1thout access to the oil. All for h1s progressive leadersh1p m plans, for that event are very RETAILING . > Mrs. McDonald was Mary Dayton of local supplies have already run building up fraternity prestige, near completion. Coronation of Chapel Conference Room Michigan. She too attended the University out, and the PPI Official Pilot, at the n:e7ting. the Magnolia Queen, Miss Lib · Dallas Holloman, Jr. of Michigan where she majored in Psycho!- Dot Raynor, is flying in oil and A declSlon was made to hold Hellen, will take place at Rock ogy. The McDonalds have two daughters, serum from a secret source. It the frat~rnity banquet at Josh Springs Recreation Area on May · t d J . has been announced that one Turnage s on May 4. 12, followed by an afternoon · JOURNALISM M argaret A nne w h o IS en an eanie seven. d b bt . ose can e o amed for $5,00 tea for guests. .: Music Religion Bldg, Room No. 11 until the club desires to render Miss Holt To Get Jay Jenkins its victims helpless. Librarian Degree SHOVELS REPLACE MUSIC For further information con- (Continued from page one) cerning the PH's plans for all Music Religion Bldg., Room No. 201 CAMPUS SCENE future campus activities, the Miss A. Elizabeth Holt, law Springs. The Faculty Wives .Club David Wilmot student must consult President librarian, has recently complet- will continue having the Rock To think of 3,500 students graduatin~ Smith or a member of her s.s. ed requirements for a B.S. de- Springs park area as one of their PERSONNEL from Wake Forest in June would be thinking (Solid Scratchers) Troopers. gree in library science at the projects for the year. Dean of Women's Office...... C. W. Phillips Drexel Institute of Technology, Dr. Smith. stated that another of the most improbable, but to University of Philadelphia. It will be confer- work-day will probably be pe- Wisconsin students, that number is quite Officers Installed red in June. clared sometime during the next PSYCHIATRY possible. Between 3,400 and 3,500 Universi- - Miss Holt who has been law few weeks, and at this time, any .Johnson Dormitory Parlor...... J. J. McMillan ty students will receive their diplomas in By S,PE fralernl•ty librarian fo~ about iour years, intere~ted stude~ts can partici- PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION the June graduation ceremonies. holds a B.S. degree in education pate m completmg any of the from Temple University. She unfinished work. He also added / Gore Gymnasium, Downstairs Lounge In addition to those who will receive their B. T. :aenderson, junior from has also completed one year of th a t P 1a ns were underway t o 0. K. Cornwell bachelor degrees, approximately 600 grad- Winston-Salem, was installed as law, partly at Temple and Wake have an annual Rock Springs RADIO uate students will be granted higher degrees _president for the coming year of Forest. clean-up day every year hence- --:-:---::------forth at Wake Forest. Bostwick Dormitory Parlor...... Fred Fletcher at the Wisconsin university's commence- the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity matically became senior repre- The official name of the area ment exercises on .June 16. ,. Monday night. sentative from the SPE group will be the Rock Springs Recre- The only problem behind this mass grad- Other newly elected officers to the Inter-Fraternity Council, ation Park for Wake Forest Col- RELIGION . · th h d f · b who were also installed at "this and John Blackwell, _Fayette- lege. uat Ion IS e uge emand or JO s by the . :Music Religion Bldg, Dr. Easley's Office graduates-the age-old problem whi'ch .n. bme were Philip M. Scott· ville, was elected junior repre- · Many student groups are plan· E. Norfleet Gardner 1 Leaksville, vice-president; Bili seritative. ning picnics at the park during evitably follows college graduation. Foster, Washington, D. C. comp- The fraternity. will hold its the· remaining weeks of school. Yes, handing out 3,500 University of Wis· troller; Bill Amos, Kings Moun- annual Sig Ep Ball at the Ra- In order to know how much the TEACHING consin diplomas will be far easier than hand- tain, historian; E. P. Ellsi, Coral leigh Memorial Auditorium on p'ark is being used, it is request­ . Gables, Fla., secretary; and Ed- Saturday night. The Duke Am- ed that organizations using the Religion Bldg., Recreation Room ·:M~ic mg out 3 ,500 jobs to the, University of Wis- d'1e. s a lley, F ayetteville, guard. bassadors will play for the park report it to the ..Old Gold Miss Kathleen Hall c;:onsin June graduates. As president, Henderson auto- dance. and Black." · Fr.iday~ .:A.ii.r.il14; .1950 • Palmer Leads Deacs To Win ·.Raymond 'Hair Sentenced To 25-30 Years Over Wolfpack Raymond D. Hair, 24-year- be acquitted. A jury of eleven Bunn, Raleigh, and J. C. Pitt­ old former pr;e-~ed student, was white 'men and one Negro re­ man, Sanford, have served no­ In the first· competition be­ sentenced to 25 to 30 years in turned a verdict of guilty of tice of appeal. Hair showed lit­ tween Big Four Colleges in prison after being found guilty second degree murder. tle emotion when he heard the Spring Sports, Wake Forest's of second degree murder for ·Several Wake Forest students Golf Team scored their fourth sentence. shooting Roy W. Coble. Judge were called to the trial as wit­ straight win of the young season Hair formerly resided in a by defeating State College 25-2. Clawson Williams, Sanford, pre- nesses. Among these were two trailer behind Simmons Dormi-. Three Wake F·orest players sided over the five day trial "surprise" witnesses, produced tory, while Coble, who dropped· broke par on the Carolina which ended Easter ·Sunday af- by the state in an effort to prove out of school in the early part ternoon. that they had seen the .32 Bos­ Country Club course with of December, lived in Dr. I. B. Southern Conference Champion Hair was found guilty of ton Bulldog pistol with wh~ch Lake's residence. Arnold Palmer carding a five­ shooting Coble, 20-year-old for- Coble was killed, in Hair's Fay­ under-par 67 to lead the way. mer student, on the night of etteville home. Neither of the Two sophomores were next with December 15, near the south students could identify the mur­ Dick Tiddy scoring a 68 and side of Hunter Dormitory. der gun as the one they saw in Chesson~ Florist. Frank Edens turning in a 71. Twenty-eight days later Hair Hair's home. · . The summary: was apprehended in Los An- TestimOI:J.Y showed that Hair "Flowers to Please" Palmer (WF) defeated Spen­ geles, Calif., after a nationwide and Coble had played poker. to­ cer 3-0; Harris (WF) defeated search. gether on the night before the FOR ALL OCCASIONS Gerringer 3-0. Best Ball: Wake . Solicitor w i 11 i am Bickett murder, a_nd that Hair had given · · . · • · · · ht t · t the Fayette- several bad checks to Coble in let us make all your Forest 3, State 0. Carl Parnell, president of 'Alpha Kappa. Ps1, looks .on as members soug o convlc . . Worsham (WF) · d e"f eat e d of the business fraternity sig-n the charter making the loeal frat a ville senior on charges of first payment for hxs losses. Harr al- Corsages & Wreaths Davant 2lh-1h; Tiddy (WF) de­ member of the national chapter. Alpha Kappa Psi was formed on degree murder. The defense ledgedly shot Coble when the the Wake Forest campus about a month ago. claimed that Coble was killed latter supposedly d em a n de d feated Wilkins, 3-0. Best Ball: DIAL 5337 Wake Forest Wake Forest 3, State 0. during a struggle for a gun in payment in cash. · Gallagher (WF) defeated Hair's car, and.. asked that Hair Hair's a t t o r n e y s , Wilbur Green·2-l; Edens (WF) defeated Flynn 3-0. Best Ball:. Wake Business Group Officially Forest 2 'h , State 'h .

Chalking up their seventh Accept.ed By National Frat consecutive victory, the ~ower­ ful Wake Forest- golf · team Word has been officially re­ accepted for membership in a defeated the U n i v e r s i t y of ceived that Kappa Psi, iocal national fraternity, Alpha Kap­ Michigan 21lh to Slf2 . business organization, has been pa Psi. The local business group filed their petition only recent­ ly after the completion .of re­ "A.LW AYS FIRST WITH quirements for national mem­ A.LL THAT'S NEW" bership. The installation· of this group will mark the second business ::::1rtxrrn fraternity. on the Wake Forest campus that has recently gained national membership. Kappa Psi was organized on this campus February 15 for the purpose of aiding and supple­ menting the education of the 205 S. Wilmington Street -Raleigh future business men of Amer­ ica. The charter officers of the group are: Carl Parnell, pres.; Glenn Flack, vice-pres.; Bob Redwine, sec.; Howard. Jester, treas.; Ray Royston, director of publicity; Anthony Urbanik, MILLER·s CLEANERS chaplain; Charles Parnell, mas­ AND ter of rituals; and A. N. Wilson, historian. Aided immeasurably by Dr. SHIRT LAUNDRY Richard Powers, faculty adviser for the organization, the group See Us For the Quickest and immediately began work to­ ward gaining national affilia­ Best Service in Town! tion. A delegation of the Alpha · Tau. chapter from the University We Are Now Featuring tlte of North Carolina acquainted the local petitioning group with the duties, requirements, and SPOR-TFOLIO style responsibilities preceeding na­ tional affiliation. of Pr.essing Sport Shirts. The progress of the petition having proceeded rapidly, the In Just ONE MINUTE ... you can prove · The Latest and Neatest M et.hod of group was soon visited by a rep­ to yourself PHILIP MORRIS is definitely less · Laundering Men's Sport Shirts resentative of the regional office of Alpha Kappa Psi, 0. E. Kirk­ irritating-therefore more eni5!yable-than the To PERFECTION! man. Praising the accomplish­ brand you're now smoking! ments of the· local business or-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ganization,group of his Kirkman support assuredin securing the ~ Kappa Psi a national charter. ~.he final requir-ements of the petition were filled and the doc­ ument was signed by each local member before spring r·ecess.

General Shoe Repair ( •.• light up a . . . light up your WHILE U WAIT PHILIP MORRIS present brand THEM, iust take a puff- DON'T Do exactly the same thing­ We. carry a particular line of INHAlE:- and 5:-l~w-l-y l_et the DON'T INHALE. Notice that bite, . ' Shoe Polish, Laces and smoke come through your that sting? Quite a difference Accessories nose. Easy, isn't it? from PHILIP MORRIS!

lh Block Opposite Bus Station Thousands and thousands· of smokers-who tried this test-report in signed statements that PHILIP MoRRIS is definitely less irritating, Smith Shoe Shop definitely milder than their own brand. See for yourself what a difjeren&e it makes, what .a pleamre it is, to s~oke .America's FINEST Cigarette. Try PHILIP MORRIS today!

Let Us Clean Your Winter Oothes COMFORTABLE! GOOD LOOKING! ARROW and. ~~Dude Ranch" Sports Sh~rts Put Them in

/ !\loth Proof Bags. Sho~t Sleeves $4.50 Long Sleeves $5 Before For that next square dance, for picnics, for · sitting in the bleachers, you'll be most com· You St~re Them fortable, and look your casual best in one. of Arrow's smart "Dude Ranch" shirts. Bold plaids and checks in sturdy, washable cotton. = means MORE SMOKING PLEASUREI They're honeys!

TIES·:· B & .E · Clean,ers .ARROWsHIRTS.& .WAKE ~RE~T, N~ c.. : . · UNDERWEAR· • HANDKERCH~EfS • S.PORTS SHI!l!_l ·.·· ..

,' '', Old.: Gold. ailcl· Black· Friday, Apdi 14; :19so . Frid I ' '

By WILEY WARREN Moe ~mer Pitches ·Win Fulghum Hits " . wit:ke Forest's Dea~on baseball team continued its . win­ As . ning ways this 'pa'st week with successive victories over the Hard Wake Forest's Demon Dea­ McCrary Eagles, Davidson's Wildcats, and the Greensboro cons travel to Chapel Hill to­ Patriots of the Class B Carolina League. Raymond·. (1\IIoe) ·Bauer, who morrow afternoon for a return game with the Tar .Heels of ·Biggest news in the· Deacon camp however, has 'been the won four contests f!-'Om. the N: C. Carolina. hitting of Paul (Baldy) Ha:rris and Joe· Fulghum, and the ··oc­ State Wolfpack last season, took Coach Lee Gooch's Deacons, currence of a back inju~y to ace pitcher Harry Nicholas. up where he left off by pitching who appear to be set for another the Deacs to an 8-3 ·win over the . . NICHOLAS INJURED . . fine season, are slight favorite~ 1\1( The 'right handed ·Nicholas, who hurled the. first six innings Wolfpack in the first Big Four to sc:;ore a victory over the Blue catcll game of the campaign for Wak·e against Davidson, complained of a sore back after the game. and .White. The pitching choice in sa Forest. · has not yet been named but it recei Heat treatments were immediately administere!i and while phot• the Deacons were in Greensboro, Nicholas visited a chiro­ Bauer held the Pack to seven ~ay be that Charlie Kinlaw, big safeties and struck out eight nght hander, ·will get the start­ Th practor. Just how so·on Harry will be able to pitch again, no­ :.. , body can actually say. Nicholas has already won three games while his mates teed off on · Irv ing nod. Kinlaw has loOked very theii­ for Coach Lee Gooch's Wake Forest nine and his regular Page and Bob Smith for 10 hits. ~Am.:.· 1. impressive against the teams he last~ Joe Jrulghum, left fielder, o·e· ac' o' n A" 1'1'...- e'.'r· cans' has twirled against this season turn·on the mound will certainly be missed. sided topped the hitting for the ·Deacs. and Coach Gooch may figure that ing ll , Turning now to the brighter ·side of the picture, · the he is ready for the ·Tar He~ls. Wj Deacons seem to have found themselves another hard-hit­ ::~ d:~;: ~~\~re;la~~~gl:toc~ ·Start Fourth :Season mem ting outfielder in Baldy Harris, a junior from Roanoke Teague and Wrenn had two hits Up and Down Club six, Rapids. Along with Joe Fulghum,.these two outer gardeners each" with one of·Wrenn's being The Tar Heels have been an have been plastering the ball all over the lot. In the 20-2 rout a long triple to deep center field Teague Popular· .Second Hooks Had Outstanding up and down ball club this year. over Davidson, Harris personally accounted for six Deacon in the ninth inning. Sacker In Wake· A • NCAA With Dean Cassell, · their · ace runs by pounding out five Jiits in as many trips to the plate. The victory was Wake Forest's verage In · !mrler, having a good day they J He clouted a triple, a double, and two singles and received ·a second win against no losses in · L~e~:f:l . Play-offs are capable of beating any team .J pair of walks for a perfect day at the plate. the southern . division of the m the Southern Conference. FULGHUM ABLE HITTER Southern Conference. Charlie Teague, co-captain, of ·nerie . Hooks, third baseman Cassell has, however, been very The box: tnis year's . Deacon baseball on- the· Wake Forest baseball erratic at as have the other Fulghum .I!l~anwhile has retained his consi.stency at ~he tim~s plate and remains as the Deacons most able hitter with men WAKE FOREST AB R H O A E t~am; is. probably. , 'one of the team, put together on.e of the Carolina pitchers. Cassell or on the bases. There have been few times when the Wilson Hoch, ss ...... :... 5 I 2 3 4 2 most popular college ball most amazing streaks of batting Lefty Bill McGinn will probably Harris. rf ...... 3 I ° 3 0 0 players in the country. "·Every- in NCAA tournam~nt competi- take the ·hill against the Deacs. product has failed to come through with mates aboard. Joe Teague, 2b ...... 5 2 2 2 1 0 .. ·• M G · h ld and tlie Baptists All..:American· second-baseman ·charlie Hooks, 3b ..... :...... 4 "'1 1· · ·1 1 1 Where· .Wake Ji'orest played 1ast tion . last season that college c mn as a wor of stuff but Fulghum, If ...... 5 0 3 0 ··ye.'. iir·. T.eag· tie·:. 'was· highi.Y ·a.c- baseball has ever witnessed. like most left banders has some Teague give the Deacs two of the best clutch hitters in Kersh. cf ...... 3 1 0 °2 0° 1 Wrenn. c ...... 5 2 2 10 0 0 ·claimed by .. au· ...'the. $pei::tators During the District and Re- trouble locating the plate. collegiate baseball. Warren. 1b ...... 4 0 0 5 1 0 Th · d Bauer; p ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 because of his J:iustle . and team gion playoffs and the NCAA e remam er of the' Deac Teague is another of the Deacons who has Gooch: smiling. Totals ...... 36 a to 27 7 4 spirit. . . . finals at Yli.chita, Hooks hit the Hlineuhp will probably have Art The famous little man doesn't have the batting average of STATE AB R H A E · Teague,·· .. who ·. at' 26'. is· th.e ball at the astounding rate of oc ·at shortstop, Baldy Harris 0 some of the other players, but he has connected when the Norrell, 2b ...... 4 2 3 3 5 o 'oldest member· .of the" Deacon .487. Over this stretch, he belted in right field, Charlie Teague at chips were down and that's what counts. There's no doubt Dinan, 2b ...... 0 o 0 o o D varsity, has P.r.. obably been:. 20 .. safe blows in 41 trips to the second base, Gene Hooks, at 0 ·til.'e about it that Charlie, as well as several of the other seniors,. Fowler.Westbrook, cf rf...... cf .... o5 o1 o 2 4o 0 o o most outstanding player· · ·in plate, scored twelve runs and th'Ir d b ase, J oe F u 1ghum in left would like nothing more than to turn in another good year. ~~~~~ rf"':::::::::::::::::: ~ g g ~ g g Wake Forest since"Lefty To.mmy drove in five more. What was fi.eld, Charlie Kersh in center, Just about every one of ~he Deacon seniors are planning to w. Smith, lb ...... 3 g g 1 ~ ~ ~ 'Byrne, now of. the· New Yo~k ~:~lmO'st ~ q u .a 11 y 'phenomenal; Wiley Warren at first base, and tak~ _a fling at professional baseball upon graduation. ~~~~~.mire .. :::::::::::::::: 4 o 1 4 o o Yankees. ... · · Gene won tnree Qf the seven either Buddy.W:renn OJ: Tunney GOLFERS UNDEFEATED ~~~~~k ~~ :::::::::::::: 4 g ~ g ; g Charlie, · who hails from Deacon tournament victories Brooks catching. · . Page, P ...... 0 o o Greensboro,· has . won. almost with his timely knocks. · Carolina will probably start Coach Johnny Johnston's golf team continues. to show why g g g it:~~m~. ·:p .. :::::::::::::: o o ~ g o every· · honor· ·possible· in · tli'is Hooks is a 6'0 1" tall, 24 year its ·usual lineup of Eldridge in they are rated in the top two or three in the nation. Led by 5 Totals ...... 36 3 7 27 13 2 regi'on and· also in the entire old, senior from Rocky Mount, left field, Ballou in center. and Arnold Palmer, already a two time winner of the Southern •Ran for Fowler in lst .. United ·states.. HEi 'was selecte.d North Carolina, who is starting. Lamb in right, with Hobbs at • •Batter for Page in 3rd conference individual championship, the Deacs have scored score by Innings: on ·the first All-American· team his fourth year at the "hot cor- first base, Hesmer at second seven consecutive wins over some highly touted opposition. Wake Forest...... 302 001 101-tl chosen by the Americ'an Ass6- ner"· for the :Deacons. base,S t Brookshire . at shortstop. They have dropped the likes of South Carolina, Florida, N. c. State ...... 1oo 002 ooo-3 ciation ·of . . College B~seball All-American en er at third, and Gurganus Rollins, Michigan, Ohio University, N.C. State, and Harvard. Coaches· -last· 'summ·er. This was With his great play in NCAA be~ind the bat. Palmer, who is having his greatest year, has chalked ·up brought': about· .bY his clutch competition, Hooks, along with ------seven wins and has only gone over par once and that was a Wake Forest Beats hitting over. the entire season Charlie 'Teague, was elected on Baby Deacons highly respectable 73. Greensboro 6-2· and" his consistency 'in fielding the first All-American ·team D b Stat 17 3 Cmich Johnston's only trouble so far seems to be the fact his· position. Teague :makes the chosen by the American Asso- ru e • that he is blessed with too many good men. In recent matches difficult· pivot oii the double- ciation of College Base b a 11 • th t b d · th t In the first of a series of games After spotting the State year­ h e h as b een moving e earn mem ers aroun In e earn play· as well as any college base C.oaches at third. base. • • · h 1 p 1 h ld' d with members of the Class · B lings a 3-0 lead, the Baby Deacs positions wit on y a mer o mg stea y at number one. ball p~ayer in the country.· Gene was one of the "power broke out with a rash of hits Frank Edens, sophomore from Lumberton, N. C., has been Carolina League, Wake Forest · · · hitters" of the 1949 edition of · h c li c t Cl b d defeated the Greensboro'Patriots T~.u..:ney ~onors including four home runs t~ b urnmg .up t e a:ro na .. oun r:y. :u . ~.m.u.s.e ..~~- i~ ;rec;ent · the Deacons. His batting aver- whip the W olfl.ets 17-3 · E~ster ma c h es J o h ns t on h as move,.....:1 h'Im a ll th e way to t h e num b er 6-2 in. a. game at Greensboro last He was elected Mo~t Valua.ble age was .304, topped by several t 't' H t t. h h' fi Saturday.night. Player in NCAA. D1's.tr1·c·t· IV.. a·n· d Monday: t wo pos1 Ion. e may or may no s ay t ere. In IS rst match regulars, but over a third 'of ·his Bob Coluni, shortstop for the pressure got the best of him and he soared well over his The win before some 1;000 Region II playoffs · iast season hits were for extra bases. He Wake Forest, lined out two four average.. ·D tc. k T"dd~ y, M"1c k G a 11 agh er, s onny H arr.1s· and B u d chilled fans was a combination and MOst Populai' Play·· er 1·n· th. ·e was tied fo'r team leadership in 'tt- th b 11 11 d 11 four hit 'pitching job by right- finals in Wichita: These h;,;nors masters to lead the attack. Third W ~~~ah h ll b ~~~ea~~a~ h y ~~~~~~ baseman Jack· Lipcak contrib­ capable of giving par a terrible licking on any given day. banders 'Charlie Kinlaw and were the climax· to a. gi:-eat'_'sea- out six doubles to lead in that Dick McClEm:ny. Kinlaw who son· in which ChariiE! ·hit .. 362 for d uted a two-run homer in the . NT PLAY . h 1 d h fir t fi . . epartment. His exceptional . TOURNAME ur e t e s ve innings and the regular season; led the dub d 11 · fourth and Junie Floyd hit one The powerful links aggregation is planning t.o play in the gave up only ~wo .hits was the in rpns-batted-in with 26. hits spee a ows him to go for that in the fifth with the sacks empty. S h I 11 · G lf T • · · · . . . · ' . · · extra base on a hit to the out- Stan .Johnson fanned 13 all. out ern nterco egJ.ate o ournament at Athens, w~nner.: ,,. .· .. <£;, with 38, and three-base . hits fitHc~: tha:t the average· baserun- Georgia, this year after a year's absence. They will also com- .. Wake . Forest's Big Three, with three: Although his avet- n~r, ,is-unq.ple to even ·attempt. allowed only · three · hits in a pete in the North-South Amateur at Pinehurst and the Charlie 'l,'eague, Gene Hooks, age fell slightly from the .391 he Geqe batted in the number two seven inning chore to get credit for the win. · Southern Conferenqe Tournament to be held again this year and Joe Fulghum drove out two 'led the· Big 'Four· in "1948, slot in the line-up last year but ~ith' Score by innings: R. H. E. at Winston-Salem. They are a factor that will have to be hi.ts apie"ce 'to lead the attack. Charlie was probably' the· inbst coach Gooch has dropped him State Frosh ...... 030 000 000-' 3 4 . 8 Wake Forest...... ooo 474 llx-17 14 ·2 reckoned with in any meet they enter and local followers .The box: dangerous· hitter':.:in·"the.. South to the fourth spotothis.season:to Bogardos, Lemoine (4) and Morris, feel they will chalk up wins in most any team event in the WAKE FOREST AB R H A E with men on· ila:ses ari'd his take advantage of his ability. to Hughes (5); Johnson. Church (8) and 0 Leteler, Peeler ( 7). country. Hoch, ss .. .'...... , ...... 5 0 0 6 3 0 timely· knocks broke up· many hit the "long ball." .:. ··.. Harris. rf ...... 5 1 1 o o o ball games. Although Gene, in varsity Teague, 2b ...... 4 2 2 3 3 1 In .the' NCAA tournament · Colonials Whip · D G I& Hooks, 3 b ...... 5 1 2 2 2 · 0 • competltion, o~l,Y participates in emont eacon 0 18fS ~~;~~~~i: ~.. ::::::::::::::: ij ~ ~ g g: gam~s. in. which Wake .. Forest baseball, he is at home on either NetTeam 6·3 D Brooks, c ...... 4 ~ i ~ 1 o participated, Teague · collected a basketb~lr court or a football .. . .·Defeat Carolina ·:Tar Heels ~r:S' .t:::::::::::::::: t g ~ g ~ g 15 more hits in 43 tries at the field. ])uring the 'touch football Wake Forest's tennis team ,, McClenny, p ...... 1 0 1 o 0 g plat:e for a .. 349 aver~ge';_ I)u't'ing seaso~/he was easily one of the dropped their second match of l •. • ------this span 'he drove ·in 9· runs and outsta..· n .. ding' players in · the fra-. the season against no wins last . Totals ...... 38 6 11 27 12 1 f t d ""t' ·11 With Southern Co~erence 'mer's .amazing sub-par golf o~ •Batted for Kinlaw in sixth ew s u eu s• ·WJ: .. ever forget ternity .. loop and was · a star Saturday afternoon by a score Champion Arnold Palmer card- one hole but was given credit GREENSBORO . AB R H o A E th~t night last summer when he throughout the. year for the Kap- of 6-3 to the George Washington ing an eig'!"I't-.~.mder-par 64 '.to for a 69' which is usually good ~:::-:n:~iS.~f .. ::::::::::::: ~ i ~ ~ ~ broke· up· the· Southern·· Cali- pa Alpha Southern Gentlemen Colonials. The Deacon aggrega- lead the'· way·, Coach Johnn'Y' enough to win but not Tuesday. Waddail. rf ...... 2 0 1 2 0 0 fornia semi-final game in the in their march· to the . campus· tion had previously lost to. Johnston's highly touted Deacon · Better. Par iiffl!~~afi: ...:.~ ... :::::::: 3 g A ~ ~ ~ twelfth .wi~h a long 'triple:· This championship. '· Colgate. Cordero. Ib ...... 4 o o 3 o 1 was one of the most 'important Dq~_g the winter, Hooks Only in the doubles. did the Golf Team ·scored ·their .most Four members of the. Deacon Hudson:· .2b ...... 4 0 0 4 3 0 Ch I' h d · Mercat, c ...... 3 o o G o o runs ar Ie a ever driven turne~ his att'ention to the hard- local team show much power important -wj.n .9f .t.l;le .s~ason team.~~;rd~d par.or bettex: .. They with a 16% to 10% victory over were Palmer, Worsham, Sonny l¥,~=~Y.I' .p .. ·:::::::::: i g g ~ ~ g act:Q§.~... t!l~ pl~te. a~.: it ga~e. the wood and of the leaders taking two of the three matches: the Un:tversity of North Caro- Harris and Mick Gallagher. The =~ll~Fse __ a_.,d .... ·.·.·.;:::::::::·.·.: 01 0 0 0 0 0 Deacons a second shot" at the in the attack of the KA basket- played. The other poillt came --- 0 0 0 0 0 University of Texas in the b ll t '· h P 1 N wt f lina Tar I:Ieel~. othe~. two, Edens and Tiddy, ------a earn. He 'has been a con- w en au e on won on or- Totals ...... ·32 2 4 27 12 3 NCAA finals. Although they sistent scorer for· his fraternity feit in the number six singles. Keen Competition both . sophomores, wilted in the •Batted fo-l Turowicz in firth unabl t h h Coach Chuck Quinlan's ag- face of pressure applied by the .. Batted for Abemathy in ninth were e 0 come t roug , and once tossed 26 points The summary: gregation · had been expected to more experienced Tar Heels and Score by Inni.rigs:· : that ~ictory a,nd a previous one th;ough _th_e ?oops l.~ a contest Singles Wake Fore$t...... :...... 020 120 001-6 ovet'··the same ·Trojans ·:PF~bably With :pelta Sigma Phi. . Nick . ·s·mith' (GW).•'• defeated give the Baptists their roughest lost their matches. Greensboro' ...... 002 ooo ooo-2 represented the high spot in G competitic;>.J;! and they did. just The powerful Deacon squad Wake Forest baseball history. ., . . ood. Student John Hammack, 2-6, 6-2, 6-6. that. The match was not settled has now won eight consecutive Get?-e lS anot~er of the out- Harry Ong (GW) defeated until Marvin Worsham playing matches and could go through Coach Johnston's With the return of the team standmg s~udents on the base- MacNeil Watkins 6-4 6-1. in the number six position, came· the remainder of their scheBule ·from Wichita:, Charlie enrolled ball team. He is listea in Who's Ted Edelshein. 'c'' '., "' . Friday,-Ap~ill4, t9so. \ ' ' i • ' ''' ', Paae,Ftfe severaJ other organizations. He is a business major and Deacons Rack Four ·Games ·Sched·uled expects to graduate in June. Wildcats 20-2 However, before actually going into business, Teague expects to Wake Forest's baseball nine ·For Deacons Next· Week play some professional baseball won their first Southern Con­ if . ' the right offer is farth- ference victory of the new Wake Forest's Deacons play and Bud Ayers the 'Big Blue coming. season by rolling over the four games next week, with three have two capable hurlers but Upon graduation on June 5th, Davidson Wildcats 20-2 in a game played at Davidson. of the contests being scheduled neither appears' likely to win a Wake Forest will lose one of 'its for the local·diamond. The Deacs great deal. of games. Benfer lost outstanding · students in Charlie Harry Nicholas and Max Eller, take on the ~tr,ong Raleigh Caps a.. heartbreaking 7 ilit job to Teague, the fabulous little man working behind a big lead, :held· on Monday in the Capital city Carolina 3-2 in an outing last of collegiate baseball. the Wildcats to S'hits in pitching and then return home for week and Coach Jack Combs the win. Nicholas, who worked the first 5 innings was the win- games Tuesday, We~esday, and may throw him in against the DEACON ALL AMERICAN Saturday with the Quantico big guns of the Baptist Wednes­ (Continued from page four) ner. . . Marines, Duke University, and day. Coach Combs has only four son his greatest at Wake Forest Rightfielder Paul Harris made four hits in six tries to lead the a return encounter with N. C. holdovers on his first nine in and his teammates believe he State. . Bergeron, . Lucas, Sires, and will ~ave it. ~e was elected Co- Deacon attack. Th R 1 . h t will Hancock. The rest of the team captam by them because they Score by Innings: · e a_ etg engagemen . . . · · knew h would be hustling all Wake Forest...... 106 022 144--20 Moe ·Bauer stands, Art Hoch points, Gene Hooks looks, and State be the Deacs ·fourth contest IS made up of Wtlbams, Dav1s, . e . Davidson ...... •.....002 000 000- 2 catcher Bill Wilhelm watches t~e ·u~pire ~ance as Hooks .slides against a . member of the Class Powers, Carroll, and the hurler. the tlm~ and g1v_e them ·the in safely. The Deacon All-America thud-sacker stole home m the B Car lin L Th C · Saturday Coach Vic Sorrell leadership they desue and need. PATRONIZE YOUR 0 photorecent bygame .Johnny with Nettles. State which the, Deacons captured, 8-3. S~atf h ave a smoota heag1;1e. workmg . e aggre-aps brings his' State ·wolfpack. to ·But______that•s typical of Gene Hooks.__:______ADVERTISERS _ gation and are an odds on choice Wake Forest for theu second The Deacon Golf team scored team had five to either" match or to cop the bunting in the circuit. contest with the :Baptist~. In the theii- fifth straight win in Raleigh better. par. Arnold Palmer and As this will be their last exhi- first game, Moe Bauer p1tched a last Thursday by scoring a one- Frank Edens each shot a ·thr-ee­ bition before the regular season seven hitt'er and let the Red sided win over the Harvard tour- under-par 69 over the Carolina opens, Raleigh ~ill definitely Terrors down 8-3. Bauer ~as had ing golfers 35lh-¥z. Cou;ntry Club course. Dick field its opening day line-up and phenom~nal success Wlth · ~he With each . team using eight Tiddy scored a 71 and Mickey Wake Forest will probably face State over the past two members in place of the usuaf Gallagher ancf Jennings Agner one of the Caps better pitchers. seasons and it is expected that six, Wake Forest's powerful carded 72's. Little is known of ' the Coach Lee Gooch will start the strength of the Marines but they l~t-hander against them once are expected to field a powerful again. State has a much stronger nine. The Marines have a team than it fielded last season In the Spring a r oung !'fan's Fancy wealth of manpower to call on and chances are that they will .Lightly ·Turns to Thoughts of • • • and over the last several seasons be a contender for southern have had one· of the best service division honors of the Southern teams on the East Coast. Last Conference. _CALVIN RAY'S (Esso Station) season the . Marines visited the ------Baptist camp under the leader- ALL AMERICAN ~'"Where ·a Congenial Atmosphere Reigns" ship of "Hap" Sphular, former (Continued from page four) Duke great, and played the lowers of sports throughout the Offering the BEST in: • DRINKS Deacs a close contest before region. blowing up in the late innings. Teague is one of the most • SANDWICHES The Blue Devils spent most of ·popular and outstanding stu­ e DRINKS last season in the Big Four dents on the campus. He is a • TOBACCO cellar and appear destined to member of Omicron Delta Kap­ rest there again this season. pa, nationa! honorary leadership DRINKS, and Duke has a well rounded ball fraternity, Who's Who in Amer­ • club but lacks what Connie ican Colleges and Universities, We Feature a Complete Line· -Mack calls 80 per cent of base- Delta Sigma Pi Business Frater­ of BOCK Products ball, pitching. In Norman Benfer nity, the Monogram Club, and

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A penny postcard brings the lurid details how you, too, can join the . growi!Jg ranks of Renault campus sub-dealers and sell Renaults to your classmates, professors and local merchants ••• at the)owest price of any four-door, four-passenger sedan in America. Invest a penny in your future and mail an inquiry card today!

It's Smart! It.'s Thrifty! It's French! It's Renault! Ofhet- Frel!mlm's #.95 to $19.95 RENAULT SELLING BBANCB, INC. • 19~0 BROADWAY • NEW YORK, N.Y• \ I Page Six Old Gold and Blaek Friday,· April 14~ l950 I ' DEBATE TEAM POLITICAL PARTIES NAME GOLFERS WCUNC, GUILFORD (Continued from page one) (Continued from page one), (Continued from page four) (Continued from page onel · Innovations in .. second place in the after dinner are: Robert Jones. Bill Simms, Palmer d_efeated Finstwewald, familiar faces again, but we Pu 3 ·speaking contest," and his col- and Henry Caddell. The Sopho: -0;_ Harris (WF) defeated hope we shall see so many new Na1 league, Bob Crouch, took third more nominee to the Council is Tedigo, 3 -0. ~est Ball: Wake faces from .new member schools spot honors. In the Student Chandler Nelson. Forest 21£ • Ohio lh · that there will be standing room Congress that was held during Student Council candidates on Tiddy (WF) defeated Kocin- only." __ . the week, Caudle was elected to the Student Political Party slate sky 2 lh-~; Rowan (0) defeated Registration ·fee fOr· the com­ the presidency of the Senate and for senior representatives are: Worsham 2lh-lh. Best Ball: plete convention this year is both he and Crouch received Dave Herring, Bob Auffarth, Wake Forest llh, Ohio 11,2. $6.00. Any college student is el­ :Volum awards naming them among the Ben Philbeck, Allan Johnson Edens (WF) defeated Selz, igible to attend. The fee, con? ten most outstanding members Cecyle Arnold, and Bet Isbell: 3-0; Gallagher (WF) defeated plete with name of delegate, of the Congress. Juniors are: Jim Flick, Lloyd Caldrone 3-0. Best Ball: Wake school and publication must be Wiley Mitchell took third Abernathy, and Dan Fagg. The Forest 3, Ohio 0. mailed to.Leo Derrick, Box 522, place place honors in the sophomore candidate is Carroll Individual Scores for Wake Wake Forest, before April 20. MaJ oratory contest which included Barbour. Forest: Arnold Palmer 68, Newspaper editors in every col­ both Junior and Senior com- Allen Burris, PFP, will be Raymond Harris 74, Dick Tiddy lege in the State have complete petition. Vergil Moorefield spon- slated against Bo. Medlin, SPP, 71, Marvin Worsham 76, Frank information concerning the cen- sored a bill which passed the for president of the Student Leg- Edens 67• vention. Senate, but failed to gain the islature. Other PFP choices are: approval of the House. Dick Vander Clute and George CANDY CARDS STATIONERY Coron; Not to be outdone Coach Kahdy as senior representatives, clod Franklin R. Shirley also made Charles W. Golding as junior -With- a number of individual achieve- representative, and Wiley Mit­ ments. He served on a Southern chell representing the sopho­ The "Best" an FOUNTAIN SERVICE - Plus NATIONALLY FAMOUS AR:I'JSTS Speech Association Convention mores. ' , B)' discussion panel, was named as SPP nominees for the Student one of a three man Executive Legislature are: Francis Ches­ * Atlrrt:;hlr C 0 N C E RT st.oo$2.5o$$3.0o$2.oo Comn nual·M: Committee of the Forensic As- son and Lee Rhodes from the TOM HOLDING· DRUG CO. sociation of America, and was senior class. Eleanor Mahoney Druggist Since 1888 R H tion cer named on the finance committee as junior representative, and ~~-E 1~- SAT •• APRIL 2.2' plans f( of the Southern Speech Associ- Tony Gurganus from the sopho- DIAL 249-1 WAKE FOREST, N. C. TICKET~ ON SALE AT STEPHENSON MUSIC 'COMPANY be held ation. more class. the afte 13, at tl The Birmingham tournament :;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~iiiiii~ii~ii~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tion Pm was the last of warm-ups pre- lr I chairma \ ceding the big West Point affair. ment. IIi the seven tourneys partici­ Unde1 pated in this season, 'Crouch and lEITH'S FOR THAT PERFECT SPRING ENSEMBLE Marjorit Caudle have been the top nega­ Women': Departn tive team in four of them, the Light Weight Flannel S·UPER MABKET MiSs D second place team in one of · educatio them, and the third place unit Come in and See Our Fine Line of headS aJ in two of them. In compiling SPORT COATS been W4 that record they won 43 debates weeks o: FRESH onation while losing 5. MEATS- GROCERIES NAVY MAROON GRAY numerot AND PRODUCE Magnoli Ch See Them Today Comii1 My Foolish Heart Sure Thing third F BILLY ECKSTINE Enjoy Our PROMPT and COURTEOUS ~Abo MGM 10623 ...... $0.82 Service by Clerks interested in You! who an the da~ Dearie Monday, Tuesday, VVednesday BEN'S OF WAKE .FOREST· Dow~, are supe STAFFORD and MacRAE '~EAT BETTER and SAVE" "BEN W A.N'J'S TO SEE YOU" Capitol No. 858 ...... $0.82 hers for PHONE 269-1 Wake· Forest Weeks a Spaghetti Rag costUme Sentimental Me • ham anc RAY ANTHONY heads; B Capitol No. 923 ..• ---·-·······$0.82 Betty Rc Beane. STEPHENSON'S Sara P~ Willimm .MUSIC STORE Deane a: Fayetteville Street chairr RALEIGH Court di After Hellen, her cour bell, ~i son ,and Forest Theatre class at1 Wake Forest, N. C. thews aJ Week of April15, 1950 junior cl Wooten SATURDAY . sophomoJ Shows Continuous 1 to 11 Julie 'W TIM HOLT in Humphri (;'BROTHERS IN THE ants, the crown t1 SADDLE" Court w DON BARRY andc~ SHEILA RYAN in DENNIS MORGAN Follow "RINGSIDE" the queeJ Famous Wisconsin Alumnus, says: under w SUNDAY the deve. Shows: 1:45 - 3:45 - 9:00 ''Chesterfield satisfies because it's it begins GEO.BRENT MILDER. It's my1 cigarette." primitive LYNN BARI in tion, and "KID from CLEVELAND" (Con1


WEDNESDAY Shows: 3:15 - 7:00 - 9':00 ~ LEO GORCY BOWERY BOYS in By "MASTER MINDS" Joe Mi Student I THURSDAY-FRIDAY nounced 1 Shows: 3:15 - 7:00 - 9:00 plete list RED SKELTON , GLORIA DeHAVEN in April 26' The s~ "YELLOW CAB MAN" of five me 1. Stud posed of Collegiate Theatre achievemE 2. Regu chapel coJ SATURDAY-SUNDAY ernment a JOHN CLEMENTS JUNE DEPREZ in 3. Impr ties. "FOUR FEATHERS" 4. Stud4 5. Rev.U MON.-TUES.-WED. system. Shows: 3:15 - 7:00- 9:00 In elab GENE KELLY TERESA CELLI in form, the ty holds,: (;'BLACK HAND" the stude r/!lm JllllnL'D, 77 ,_ 7'ADPI~.INAMEHH:A:rcouEIJI"S each cand THURSDAY-FRIDAY 108,711 ITII~V&He IAej'Fe lUI'~,- W.ITH THE TOP MIN /N SPORTS Shows: 3:15-- 7:00 - 9:00 his worth ROBT. TAYLOR .W.lrH THE HOIIYWfJ08 STAHS the candid ELIZABETH TAYLOR in fied to leac to plan a "CONSPIRATORS"' of student