InThe Mattes Of=

Senate Committee an GouemmentalAflairs Special Investigation - 1996 FEC Funds

Hearfag Volume Number 8 July 23, 6997

Miller Reporting Cornpan. Inc. 507 C Street, NE. Washington,DC 20002 (202) 54GGGGG FAX: (202) 5461502

Original FiIe 0723sga8.a~~251 Pages Min-Uscrlpt@Fib? ID: I564470159

Word Index included dththis Min-U-Sdm Pmml i

114 'F~dLnleica;ona.,w k-IWO ha lor rmm arc Puc '[fkhu't uhich we I haVC Nch~suspidon.hrI review IhC 1111 in~~nfliclbyrhcrcqWlhatwemr*cforimmuniimmunityuldIhe !1111 rcquesc~.the~usticc0 armrmthasnotobj~~rCdt0gnnU 1'3 response of the Justice ocprrtmcnt in opporin# lhew h '1'4 of Unmunity lor nine 02Cr pplcwho arc lnvohcd UI the 1131 requcsu. '119Hsi IaiTeemplc case and who this Codnee.therefore. can 1141 The contlict is a xrious one. pyarululy in chc [mi call upon to me. 1151 lnermth of the North adPoindexter M, kCluK I [!I9 Ycr. the four arc socomewhar lugher up in the cham 21 ita ccrUinly conclude pnsoonrlly. u I bclimmst observers pq the tcmpk, and probably that IS wi~ythey arc or more IIV do. that in the aftermath of Le North and poindcncr ,['?I interest to ~eJusticc0epucment.becaux they had a more 1w decisions. once a congnuionalcommitm muimmunity to pa1 ccndrole. therefore may be more culpable or mybe of ['ai an Individual. it effectively forecloses the posshhty of llq mreauulance. rn a rucccurul prosecution of chat kbidud re@KklQ hc In Ihe second mmcr. which few Mr.Trie. about matters about which he or she will wsufy. whch MK drhe individuals wc arc seeking immunity. the m ?Jot everpnc agrees with another conclusion that I I=, Justice Department has not objected to our request for m~reach. which is thal a grant of immunity to ~(VICZYIby a imny%cy in regard to two other indivimulr lhar relate to tal congressional committee also seriously inhibits the abhy ,p4] Hr.lne and the puticulv donation4 am trying not to go [&I of the Jusucc Ocvarmenr to work with rho* (v1msxs to 1zq into decal here-that is the subiect of this reauest for a - .Miller Reporting Company, Knc. Mia-U-SaiptQ (3) Paec 1 - paec 6 . ?i'kutntei&d by SOM LI behevlng that we were not cqulllv 1% tntent on the truth,ensurtnE thal the law was __ Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Sdpta, (9) Page I 3 - Page IS Mia-U-Script@ Mllkr Repoitlng Company, Inc. 14 these &le just by numkn, bur I rhinlr mrpne ir~lundcnundr that the lesa we bandy their N~Qamund until Ill1 if and when chcy arc cakdY wiwimcuy I think chc (14better. Evety mcmba has considad each of these. 1131 indiWUab VayCUrtlUy, but in public session we will [id1 refer to them by numbcl.Wc wiU consider Nor. 1 thmujjh 4 1rs1 for the grant of immunity. I'q The Clerk will Cau the roa, p?I The Clerk SNtOr COW? 1181 Senator Collinr.~yc 114 The Ckk. Senator Bmwnback? 14 Senator Brownbck.Aye. The Clcrlr. Enator Dommici? im proxy. Rn The Clerk. kNtOr CochM? izrr knator Cochnn~ye. pg The Clerk. Senator NickJcs? ..-- Miller Reporting Company, Inc. .Min-U-Suipt@ (71 pase 25 - Page 30 ti) Oc&ties whethu fotCigh thid pWty.0~UCXCUlpt 111 moclosdyaswdau4witha politicagroup,but if the m abuses by both parfics, but ifar dthc day we have ~llonirmodovlyuraciucdwima~ Uw end ' m not gone far 5cyond that md taken. uujor sup towad - or and&hte,then rhnc is UI atvikrfion thaf 141 correcting the wtem that so eorily spawned such abwa, a I"(r] r-and uhu the organization d6u b contribucc [si system that includes son money rhich is le@. but should i [q !o the pucy andvice and must dische chcv [q not be. then we wUI have miuad a a& and unique , is! activitiu. b that is coaplialed- enough unda the pmnt m opporWty for this Committee, mQ r)lir Commi~alone, to ' [rl situation. iq correct a 5iNation et causes jusli5bk mistrust and [aj It is no( yu a mau somcrima of a foreign entity n qnicism in theAmatun WPk. [9 sen- a +cck over hato a policral party. although [q Udouburemrihmdd~itT~.'Itur /(I4 cluc so- happm5, too.The foreign money qutslron is lrtj new book by uiubeth DW chudaumcnu in yatdcoJ [ii]alu stgm6ant [rom a political standpoint.I would [la the seamy udc of money and inJYuercc peddlinl by bob ,['a luuwmost pcopfe would amthat at lasf on one Iml ('4 parries in the last dcrtion. 1131 that a conmbuuon from wmmnc in Englud k Our :.earmp chis week therefore. will underscore not ,[tal different hma contribution from sommnc in Sy?ia.Ihy [iq VutitiroLaybmu~cmryoMdoair,butjurtthe., '[io would both k against thc law. but hma politid or [Tal oppo5ae. that both parties arc deserving of hush crrwism 'iiq scnsitinty standpoint and what peo le should do. yhat the [tn ind Uur both parries have rhe ' ' 'ry 10 legblarr ifiq 501(cX4) should do and that sort ofthug is a poliucrl iiq and end the one- scandal d=-aign kcc [tm considention that is a part of Ihr5 uvQ.LL sm. [q sysuminAmcrica. l[iq b it is is uuportant. it u compkx. ner nunk you. .Mr. WUirmM. m and hopefully, you can help us undenmd a link Rt more RII ChairmmThompson.Thank you. .Senafor Glenn. and I wu lRii not only what happcncd in this partxul~-of R?: gomg to uy to curry a favor with uizrkth Drew before you im tnnsaclions. but illumirulc us a, to )OW.of the pal did. but you beat mc to it. RN mtricacies and piIfaU$ and uC¶tioN and loopholes Mth w We am going to haw. thm dap now of testimony mth 241 regard to thu whole area o?foreign money. p! rewd to what seems like one maw instance. ma* two or mi Senator 51~~..W. Chairman? Page 31 - Page 34 (8) Miller Reportlag Company, Inc. P-W i Pam 4a

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PI Young Brothem Development (USA>, a Florida corporation. m corporationwould purchase the Tw100mcmkr5hip. My m &wing Mr.Young's sons Mr, Richads. who resided int ria) .Mr. Young has volunprUy given a s- dcposilion to and ' (ol he United §hW,to pu(icipate inTw 1005pO~d Irtl commitlrr'~staff and hu auchoiucd Mto appar lhis and 11q cyma. rtn provide pM1 witti informrcion concaning his m.5th dpliRbr {III Mr. courtclir dirrcrrd that two checks be written by 14the Republicrn National Coaunitfcc and the National Policy irn the FIorida corponcion. one in the amount of 175.000 It4 Forum. In b-g these facts kfme the COmminrC(yc 1131 payable to the Republican National State Eldon Committee

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his calls were returned. On Scmembcr 17.1996. Mr. Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-usdpm (11) Page 49 - we56 .- . _. . (4 Mr. BcCkcr Ye% that is correct. in1 Mr. BMn. Now. you dro tcsUled that the deal fell Ai throurh:is rhar correct? [SI documcnt was created by Mr. FdVolcuuek for Mr. Bybow gencnl what you rdabout the discussion at the dinner?' (rl to approach Mr. Dick &chards about the possibility of iq Mr. Bar%n.And his rerponse waY foUows. UD I not m getting .Mr.ArabrousYoung to either make a loan or a loan m corrccc "Thr diccuuion buially...MrHaley Bvbour [8J BWMtCCrhroUgh OMd hir CmpdCS?1s rhrt Correct? [Q requested mc to consider for the lorn or $3.5 million 'and 14 Mr. Becka. It would appar Mr.Volanrk is giving rq usurcd mc of the derem of the' money. I "rcqwstcd ita .Mr. Bubour ei*t points to niu whm Mr. Barbour speaks to [tq him to give us more informuion so that we can pmnt it to [Ill Mr. Richards about the 1- ' Mr.Yourytogivea [I t] YBD How Kong boad of &torr for hthu con*drntion.' ita loan guarantee to the Npcionrl Policy Forum. 1'4 Do you ScC that? I~H Mr. Buon.And anI dirat your attention to 119 Mr. Becka.Ycs. sir. 1141 parapph 5 of chat document? Let mc rad6um it, and ['q Mr. BMn. okay. (19 pkpv check me that I am accurate. It says. "We vwld like 114 Mr. Bee&. I think you- ita to propose a loan 6umAmbmwYoung's hmily to the NPF [iq Mr. Baron.Thuc is a sK@t cllipsia in there [ill which will lllowur todmup UIC moneyprrriwrlydprnced [tq Mr,B+ckcr.You said'moncy.'and the actual word was .. [la to the NPF udauke it anilpblc for the clccliocu."la [IQ loan."lhrt is printed hac. but you have rcrd it .. Iml that an -IC repdhu) 1181 correctly with that one exception. .. pq Mr. Bccket'lhu is whrt it says. ya. m Mr. Baron. I am sorry.'Ihu* you.

~YI..AUri&t.AmIcorrrn.sir.thatyw p.ol6.2 (Is -. [VIrcctivcd a copy of the document rhcrc. Nalionrl Poky Forum 111 please? .. n PropodforAmbrourYom@ fzq Mr. kb.I have it.Ya, I haw it. Mr. Bccka.Ya.'Ihirdocumit is drtcdAuguall5. m Mr.Bamn.Whendidyoutirncomcrmrsthat MI 1994. just rbout the timc Mr.Youry contacted mc for the [q document? It h a memo Irom Mr.VoIcpIIl+k. It is dated .. w fmt limeon vhctbo or not togo fomrdwiththis lour m August 29,1994. to Mr. Don Fierce ud to Dan Dcnning. Is -. [q guann~,andMr.uephen ll*hr6 rnnrmiaal it to me. A chatcQflut? m Mr.BMn.RiJIt.Andl&atAl#ywraMltiontothc m Mr. Bccka.Ya.Aboutthc llu~cc10 yaur quatioh A ~r dthe Qrumenslm I comct that it pmpoau a 81 itwas about 4 monlhrag0,4 or 5 monflu w. .... IS3.sduiOnl* m hlr.BMn.hrprrtdyourimaQ~Um? [tq Mr. Bcckm.Arc you laking *t Ihe second me of Ita Mr. BccLa.Ya. sir. I Wt know if I would 1111 this? If11 ' it inves~tbn. It waa &.YOIUQI d Mr. Ita Mr, Buon.llut is correct. the actual proposal [!a -Ridurdr and Steve Ridurdr told by &.Young to makc 111 iW. [tq all of rhcir records available to M so that I could de (14) -hPm 'h4r.Y- to the National Poky Forum.and it [id] them available to this Commincc. and that is when I caw [I* statu that the -ofhe ctiort ia audrl.Da yw ye [to upon it. I don't know if I vwld characterize that Y UI itivutigation. Mr. Bamn.Am 1 comt,thit in Exhibit 283. winm lili by Mr.Vol--iilmong the thmgs he suggests is that .Mr [iq Barbour wite to .W Young? Is that corm?hsht at Be I nq top. the idea of a separate personal letter to Ambrous and

pap. 68 [ti Mr. Buon.That is a docuwnt dated August 30.1994, m hmMr. Barbour to Mr. Yow. is ir nof?

I h .%.kckcr.Yu,itdoer. [q Mr. Baron. let mc turn your anention to Exhibit 285. I bclim you tesrihcb-you stated in your opening 114 refers to .W.Yow$r don-tothe pm+. Do you rce ~[iqstatement that prior to Mr.Young's beins willing to commit VI where it says the %cpUMicrn parry necdr help 11111 toaloan~tce.he~ntcdroulrputofindcertain [In riciauy....' [in usunncu so that he would k rrvonably ccrmof getting [q Mr. Bcckcr.Ycs. sir. (111 his collated back? [tq Mr. Buon....and as a byal Republicm... 1 should 1i.1 Mr. Becker.?hat was one of the things that he wanted tis1 consider this. and I said 'hk'lhe money is too big....'

1161 and '.:.we arc nof in the~'rio~~to do so,'so wsfarccd ~ ___.~ ~.. ~ ~ [in to resist: Is that an accurate quote? I;;;i Mr.Bccker.Yes.1haveitin&ontof&.~ ita1 Mr. Beckcr.That's right.'lhat's what Mr.Young said. i[iq Mr. Baron. Now, that is a letter to you from Mr. Iwcy 114 Mr. Baron. Now, subuquently.did Mr.Young come to iiim Bvbour on the stationerv' of the Reuublican National m Washington to dircuu the lan with ,%. Bubour? i Comrmtccc. is it not, RII Mr. EccLcr. Yes. Yw,he did Rme wlrthat's che @ti .Mr kker Yes. it u m dinner that I made reference to. im Mr Baron Dated August 30.1994' 1231 Mr. Baron. Right.And would you mrn to page 35 of I &I .Mr. is.- R~IMr.Young's de sition. Linc 13? , 1241 Mr. Baron. Did you make efforts to obtain that letter l?n Mr. P", thm. I have it. :~zqwas part of your effort to pyn some assurances that Mr. Miller ReporUng Company, Inc. Mia-U-Script@ (13) Page GI - Page 66 ~ [it .W kk.I diQl asked for an rndcpcndcnt opinion -m . as lo the Iegal~gof hsUaRUCuon from .W. Norcrcna, m andlhiriswhatvcrccmed 1.1 .Mr. Baron.Ihe for the poution of the 1s coUatcnl was wircd from Hong Kong, the Hong Kong ~4 corporation toYoung &other Dcsclopmcnt (USA); it rhar pl correct? fq .Mr. kra.That ia corn. IR Mr. Bpron.would pu pkNm to wlibit 389) [iq Mr. Beck.I hrvc it. ~III.Mr. 6aron.And am I comcc that that is the KMlnt

IbA Mr.l(r.lpr.Y~m-iirllin-l99(.oGoba1994. m Mr.Byon. so it came in on OM dav yd went out the


-- [I) Mr. Beck.I haw no knowledge of that. Mr.Bwn.couldputrbc a Lmkat fixhibit 301. pj plrrrc?

ii ,*. Byon. Now, IN shows a check, Qcr it no0 I* Mr. Becka.Yer. m .Mr ikon. In chc rmountolt1.525.000 to rhc RNSEC on

~ ~~ ~~ ..~~ ~~ .~~ ~~w,did~vrccomCalrmcwi~~sawmopinion 1-(la -. Yalrotul ' Policy Forum- I17J letter dcodas the IcpIIly of IrlIriorI? (in .W. Baron.Tnn.unitting $1.525.000 to the RNSEC? (lq Mr.kka.Yrr. [lq Mr Bcclm.Yes. 114 Mr. BMn.Wm such a kncr m&d? pa Mr. Buon.ThYllc you. ,aq .W. kk.Ye. it N. m Mr. kker.That is Wtat it rp-9 to bc. (111 Mr. Byon. U you will Nrn to &xhibit 292.1 bcljcvr ,pi] .W. Baron. Now. coul4 you look at Exhrbi1302.plcue? 14 you d6ndrhekw thnc.Thatlena wadone by Mr. 14 Mr &ckcr.Ycs. sir. I231 .Mark Bndcn; is that correct? Mr. Bvon. %ow, am I correct that that is a letter to [HI .Mr. Brcka.Yer. pl Mr AmbrousYoungfromYr.H~eyBarbourdalcdNovcmkr29. [m Mr. BMn. Do VM) d rcceivitu the letter? RII 1994. aher the election? -67-P?gC72 (14) Illln-usaipro huller Reporting Company, Znc. - Pain- 73 Pap76 [!I Mr. Bcckcr.Ycs. It appears to be a letter on [I] wd. and the answers wcrc no. thcrc were none. m Nauod Policy Forum stationcry from Mr. Bybour dated m .Mr. Won. Ibelicvc in your opening statement. you N November 29.1994. to Mr.Young. IJ~said thmugh 1995. the loan obwtion of NPF was paid PI Mr. Buon.And ia it fair to chulctaizc it Y a ui renulvlv to the bank is that correct? (SI thank you for h* WiMncel iq W. Bcckcr. I suppose that is a hir duncuriation. -- m Mr. Baron. WOUd you look at the bottom?There sc8?ma 6 payment? N tobcahandwmincn note chac.Could you quote that for lal Mr.Beckcr.Yer. A mc,pksrc? rn .Mr. Baron. I1 undasrood your statement cormfly, [tq ,W..Bcckcr.Do you want mc to read whaf it say? ltol that paywnt vu dcfcmd to thc back end of the loan. It lltl .Mr.HI.BMn.unyourraQplrw? itti waa not forgiven. It was just pushcd to the back of the ita Mr. Bcckcr. Yes. It sap. quorc. Tou're a chnmp. 114 loan? PJ) MUIX~Y~fOPCVWYhl&. 'mdofawtc. :I* Mr. Bcckm.AU partia agreed to fha~Ycs.sir. :I4 Mr. Baron. But inAprilof 1996. as 1undaspnd it, :I9 che N&od POW F- again mLvda payHWAlband I :la belim you -advised bvlhesinna Bmk that the loan .. .. -...... _ I(, mirvd payment in April,& I was forinally advixd by the 4 bank the bank was toldby the National Policy Forum .. that .. n) that the National Poky Ponrm &lnot intend to makc any ..: 4 further paymcnu. ZJI .W. Buon. Could you take a hmkuNo.333, NI .Mr. BCcka.YU. sir. rn Mr. Buon.Am Icorrect that that is thc letter that PWDn it1 you received from the bank &in# yw that the loan was in m default? A ur.Bec&.Ycr.Thu ia thc le- that IIuQ-C JUU ~deurikd.Thcvcondpnnplphm~rccMd .. . PI scntaKc-Nlscn(QLCCinthcdpvrqrphsaay* -..... n gonoWa has failed to pay4has *the bank that it rn sill not pay the principal bnlaadS191.000due undarhc .... m credit: ..,... .. it. .. rn Mr. Baron. Now, UUI wuIhc hn you hcvd of ... .. 14 You had not hcyd about tw 6un NaUond F'olicy Forum. 11) You hard abut it from the bu\llr rhccor~t? tn .W. Becltu.lhu is COrrarThic is corrrct I* Mr. Baron. Now. subsequent to that4I aJk you to $41 look at Exhibit 334-d&l Mr. Richprdr aaempt to let the tq National Policy Forum to mnlo paymmu on iu loan? 99 Mr.Beckcr.WcU,fo~rmiprdE.lubit333.1 t 71 conMcd Mr. Richudc ud Mr. Yam# immc&rWly. and .W. rq Rim didin frgtry to nuke dfop to rach Mr. tq Barbour and Mr. Bolton to resolve mU maw. Mr. Young 9 ulrimatcly wmtc Mr. BPrbwr about this. and Iimmedirtely 111 contacted Mr. Noraoar. m .Mr. BMn. If you will look at4ya, have 334 there? iq .Mr. Bcck.Yer, 334. Mr. Richudr' letter to Mr. WI Barbour of June 6.1996. zq Mr. Baron. lU&t.And then Vouldyou fakc a look at Paga 73 ill 335.d chi, is a rrsponw to that dmm Mr. Bolr0n.i~IC m not? Mrllr. kkcr.lhrt's c0rrect.W ia the June 10. (41 1996. response to Mr. luchanw letter to Mr. Bubour. .Mr. Buon.Ddyou makc anydloru thaahcr in m contacting Mr. Norcrosa to py to get ~omcrcsoluuon? m W. &ckcr.Ycs.Ycs. Idid. I vu just looking at 335.Yu.Y~~.I did. (R ,*.Buon.And what wnworkd out with W. Norcrou tq concotung tryin# to work out some resolutionof the lovl 111 &fault? $4 .Mr. kkcr.W+ ulrimatcly, rltcr-1 don't want to '11 give Ihc imprcsslon Mr. Noroorr vu diwowtcous. W. $41 Norcross was never dircourmw.Vesy pmfcssiod. danp 19 returned his called very courtcou5. t kind of got the tq mpmsim Uut hc wav liurtnced uld tryrne to k helpful 971 in the matter. Ihave a hi& regard far Mr. Norcmss. III But, ulrirmtcly,.Mr. Norcmu and I4r.Norcmss was la authorized to oven UD xctlmwnt ducussions wth me on 4 beWofYED &W.- til Mr. Damn. PIiOr U, Uut he,vu lhean effort m madc to put this issue on the agenda oflhc budgct committee ZJI at the Rcpublican Naaonal Conventionin August of I%? 241 Mr. &ckcr.Ycs. PSI Mr. Buon.And yw received cormmndence. am I Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Scripm 0 .~.: ...... ~.


it1 effect that rhac wu no associaMn with any candidate for anyofEcc. 13 UuirmanThompron.Allright. I think the wiU @I meal chat they sought Wl(cX4) snm but Uut it wu never granted, Y a mll~of bct. But that would not- rhu Wouldhne todo with thcir tu dhwiohwhich turned m out not to be very rcloylt bccausc they wae in debt.They [q didn't mrkc any m.But it would not necuwrily have lol anything to do with their FEC stam. I@ Mr. Bcckcr.And it had nothing IO do with the I 91 transaction we were involved in because there was no 121 contribution ~JuI,thus. no tu dduction. p3) ChainmnThornpron. Certainly. 141 ,Mr. &ck. It oyu a pure loan gumuC. 19Chairmanlhampson. Right.And I would refer to iq Exhibit 501. I don't know if that is maprity. minority, or I n both, but this is a memonndum to your client, Mr.Young. IN Mr. &ekr.r. I'm som. Mr. Chairman. Mv exhibiu ik don't yem to go up &t hgh. I ChaumanThompron. Do we have that' 111 Wewe ar~-getms -. you a copy of hat, I wrll rn dercribe it. n1 Mr.Beckcr. I SIX it on the moniror. w ChairmanThompson.Well. we will Uy to make do chcre. ]SI Mr. Elcckn.Yau ar~indied cormL sir. and your zsi we nccd to get iou a cow of that. It is a tittle over a Miller Reporthg Company, Inc. Mia-U-Saip~ (17) Page 85 - P~c90 [ti twepage mcmorandumdatedSeptembcr23.1994.whereyou~c 111 independent c&brucl that was engaged also WY of rhat m deMbing the situation with regard to the loan guwantcc m opinion. pi to Mr.Young.You say, 'As per our telephone convaution m ChairmanThompson.WcU. I was going to ask you about [dl this evening... I submit ulir memo as an ouchof wha I 14) that. 1 un referring now to Exhibit No.292. Mis a [q conaidcr to be the appropriate pmccdure to be employed in [SI letter from the law iirm of Baku & HosteUa to you. Do Iq the Inaner ofYBD'-Youlu &othar Dmlopmmt--(usA> 14 you have that before you? m Lnc:spoorib*yrnnrccdrS2.1 millionloanmadebythe m Mr. BeckccYa. I do. sir. ~qNationrD Policy Forum... horn the Signet ByILinW&ingfoa [e uLlirmylThompron.And what was your rclatiohp with D.C.' (R Baker it tEorWkrw%thrcgyd to this puurction?Did you [tq lhacp~~~inulirmcmovecrleuLccd [!4 uk them for an opinion, [Id) to wcomplirh the lwovinl gaak 1111 .Mr. acdpr.Ya.'Ihcy wac asked for an opinion. pa %To ensue chtno uguabk *ioLcion dUS law ita CJuimmnllmmpaoa.Thirhob like an opinion W, 114 could rem& tom0 oc io prinCip&.'ln No. 2pu talk [tal is thu Crn?Is that vh?r that is? IIB about the rWandthecoUa&d.lkn at theboaomof IIU Mr. Beck.Yes. it is.

-. - . MI No. 1 vu thu UlCNatiod Policy Fonun-Uut Mr.


iitj red any portions rhy they mi but in chc krt wb, 114 you say.'For your m*w. I hm arbaed a No we 11q announcem~ltpublirhed by thc Fedcnl Ekcrion [tr] Commission... onAu~urt 3. IW.? IXC is the fedcnl [tq agcncychargcdwithrhcfupon&b 'tyofmonicot~and [tq regulating the fcdarl election LanThir publication dahdirectly with Ihe law's pdubition against foreign 1111 MtiONb klry hvolvcd in fcdcnl CkCGON.' b you [q mindful of that, too.You wanted to maLC 5ure you did not rzq run afoul of Federal ckCrion lam with re@ to thu r~.mi tnnultion. 1s that correct?~ Mr. 8eclcr.We were indccd. sir. yes. Mr MaLgan. No. thrs is ywkner You w? Wing ChaumanThompum.And is it fau to assume that you an opuuon to your client that the msacuon. as you mi felt that rhir vuuwtion did not run afoul ofhx law? pjundenrocd ir at rJu lune. Ihc lorn gvyrntce mzyuon. ' - Pagm9.97 U Psp. 1w [ti *Mr. Brcker.You're referring to Exhibit No. SOL? 191 state categorically that I told .Mr. Norcross that the money m .Mr. Madigm.Ycs. 12) -the $2. I million came from the Hong Kong corporation to the (31 'W. Beckcr. I n7ie 'W.Youn# Ut I believe this is A US. corpontion.'lhe reason I un't and won't do that is 141 the appropriate procedure to be employed, that among those- 141 kcause I have no specific direct rdof that. ;~oyh~-vas xcuring an mdepcnhnt-lum 9. lhat [SI My impression is that I pmbably did have such a trmsah&the cenenl counsel for the [q conversation. but I don't-I un't pinpoint it. m NPF will provide a winen opinion letter to the Gcnd m Mr.~W~lctmcuLyoutolwkarthe lcl tounrel dYBD (USA>*- m deposition of Mr. Richprtb.You madc a statement as cou~wcl m Mr. md&an.Are you loow at thc right-pur m inthatdcposicion. itq Septembu 23rd mcmol iiq Mr. Bcckcr. I don't have Mr. Rwurdr'- 11 I] Mr. Baker. I'm looking at FAIM 501 that sommnc Iril Mr. Madigan. I think there is a book that has dl Lhe 114 handed w me. No,sir-kptemba 23.1S94. 114 dcpariciolu if somebody cwld show him pma+ it is. Page 14 .Mr. hdi#m.Ya.Yw mcmonndum to ,W.YO~. 114 107 of thc Richudr dcpodcion. It41 Mr. Bcckcr.Yer. sir. 114 Mr. Beckcr.Wait, Imay haveyes, I hm it. 1151 .W. tmdigan. Ohy. [tr) Mr. M&m. Now. you IppMbbCfm we look at 114 ~Mr.Bcckcr.AndIwasjust~youbomp~h 114 Ut,you appMdat that deposition as Mr. Richards' 111 9 On pa#C 2 ofthat OUlline Of anomy: that righa .. arh*h is Ut thc nn is lIQPmcduyr *rppropnW to be empbvca I~Q Mr. Bcckcr. Hc asked me to do that,yes, and I did. itrrl Mr.l(r.M.oilm.Right. But what I'm asking you is: Do I 1iq Mr. MHldieyl.And youh rlso Mr.Yow@s anorney. $q Interpa this dclcwmnt cmuyw be your opinion kner m &Mr.Becltu.Yes, for lhcm &W principals. pi1 to your client was hru you ucconcerncd, that 011 Mr. Madigan. Wt,but you apparcd with W.Young aa lsal uanaacrion is kyl? mr his attorney in the London deposition. (4 *w.& Nlr.Bccfrcr.Ya,*r. pi Mr. Madilpn.AU r@t. mi Mr. Mldiyn. In hcI, you amnged the London 05) .Mr. Bcckcr. I'm sa*g to my client this is what I izq deposition: right? pew P.P. 101 ['I think we rhould Q ud chcn makc that dctcrminrtion. [ti Mr. kW.Mr.Young amnged it yes. m indudingobuinanopinionkacr6romindcpmdcnt counul. m Mr. Madigan. Mr.Yollngrlly*ed tocomc w London? 01 Mr.Mad&n.~vM1didandmdchvwiur~ven~ n Mr.Bcdru.Yes.

.. . ..

[iq is at page 107- [in Mr. Madiyn.And M I comcc [rom looking at the [in Mr. Bcckr. I have onlyVolumc I before mc that gw5 1181 depositions. that you did not tell that co Mr. Nomsr of itrl up to page 99.If someone will give it to me, I'U foUow [lol the RNC; is that fight? IIol YOU. m Mr. kkcr.We& Idon't think that's comct. I ll~ol ,Mr, Madigan. Lct w read it to you while he's doing IZ~I think f said in my dcposiciun that I have a mcmory of Iptl that and see if you can check it out when it gets there GI dIScussin8 Mr.Young md &.Young's work in Hong Kong (m You said 'To the quation of whether. ..I ever said to ma sMily to thc conversation I just had arich the Chairman on ;[mDavid Norcrou tlut the funds uscd by YBD CSA) to purchase ..l24l UuS rubht nIh Mr. Norc.nw and the-a rehtionshio of :mi collateral to serve as a loan EUYU~UCfor the National pi the twocomntions. I could not and WIIInot s~chcicallv !i%iPokv Forum wcrc hds&t were loaned toYBD CSA) from Miller Reportins Company, Inc. Min-U-SdptaD (19) Page 97 - Page 102 .

Paw 103 paw io0 [(I YBD (Hong Kong). my answer is that I have no ~oueaionof 1 111 independent odvhcthcr or not it w somewhere in between m ever having said chat to David Noraoss or David Nomu m hu led consmucnccs.Andwc arc noinn to necd to set

[I* w all mdcpardent. '[q Sow, che Chaiman spalu of the lines of demarcation in IIP terms of mvolvemcnt and conuol. and Iam not prcpdto liii tell you what I think thou lines an or should k.But I , (111 would say thir. sir, that I fwxdon the fact that the lliq borrower we wm king u~ '9 ~uyrnlccthe lorn for was ![tg an entity that was not invohrrd wth Fcdalclect~o~ and /m no1 covered under the Federal election law or under the ,pi1 ~ur~sd~ctionof the Fcdml Election Commiuion.'kat was i m what motivated mc. sir. to Y YOU ~ pq knator Lnin.Then use your swdvd just 1241 stated iL that it w not conuoUcd by the RNC and that it 109 Pap -1- - iil .Mr. &cker.Ycs, I'd associate with that word. iii P&. It says the publications reflect political m Senator Lcvin.Au ri#ht.And you relicd on that [?I partisanship tomthe Republican party. It up on page a a55umcc! N 11 rhrritwucreatcd-urdhaIamquocinga#ain- (41 Mr. Bcclca. ,W.Youn.q did, as did 1. iri "created for the putisan objjcive of pmmocing a [si Senator Lcvin. Now, a coupk months before you pve 1parti& politid pugand that "it's opcnkd la Your advice to vow cliens which I wiew was either iq primarily for the bench of the Republican Pvty and R Sepumb~ror iklobct d iw,thc Rcwdcnt or the Xauod m politiciuu af6liakd with the Republican PYCy.' 181 Policy Forum rniycd. Hir name u .\(iducl BMody,and in mi My qucrrion ro you M: If you had known chat Un IRS PI that lcna drrriyutiondrted June 28.1994. which is PI WaS 8- 10 deny NPP'S UXaCmpt SUNShUSC Of the it4 Exhrbtt mif you could bok lhoe on pue 2.the uurd it% close relationship it found to the RNC. would that have It tI paragraph. wlmc it says. 7 kiiev+ that what has [It1 rfIcctcd how you vicned the loan uuulrtion? ita happened...' Do you see that' 114 Mr. Badra.Thb Exhibit No.553 is an ahibit I have It* .W. Bcckcr.Yn. sir. '9 IWQ xen be-, scnuOr.'Thir is a &&Iby IRC lid1 Senator levin. I don't bcl*vc you Macopy of chis cy knrcorLcvin.o(theIol(cX4). 119 at the timc.ln bckchu is#* to be my question to ;iq Mr. Bcclca.And I ye it's dated in Fcbnury of '97. Iiq you. Uyou had a copy dUur I Ihc cimc or if you had :iq ScnruxIcvin.Ytr.Soilyouhadknownrhrfatthe It? LnownlboutmcIC*9UliOnd(hCChlUmUH.CUY me. the :in time, w-ould that hwc a?Tccfed your dccirion? [*at prcsidcntdthcNPF.Mr.Buwdy.onjunc28.1~,w)uch 1q Mu. BalrCr.Ul hadhown inoctobcr of '94 that in (tq vu monchrkforr your advie to your client. If you had )q Fcbnury'97thisvu&nn#to- m %en this I amgato rad it to you.and aq -tor Levin. No. If you had known that these lhinlis @ti then I am;* to read you one orha puynph.I am J* ai ore^ fruc at that cimc.iftheyy+ true. '@aloask you vhnha or MI your advicc would have been pl Mr. Bcclra. Oh. If thc-wivithout ha- 5nrdicd che m dlfrCrCnl. I letter in derail, just Iocuriry on the thin#a that you've wl 'I believe thaf what haa hap@ 041 many months has %I mcntioncd. if they were true and would have affected the @w undermined my efforts. distoncd our pwpoud. blurred the c-and 180 back asain to the Chaimm's comments Pugs 110 Pam-.- 113 1'1 %pantion of RUC and NPF in such a way as conceivably IO It1 on nycImc*yes. It would have ccrWnly caused mc m ppudirc ow Wl

tq But do you rrmrmk. how~youmet him? 111 Mr.BcCkcf.1 bcl*vc I vuin(mduccd Whim by Mr. ia Richads.

.. ra Mr. BccLa. I hre. I bvtgoaal to blow him and hi3 tal hmilv.and he ha IO(I0L to blow me and my bmilv.


plec 11s - Page 120 (22) Min-u-saipta Mula Rcpo~Company, Inc. . senate comrmnee on GOV iiearmg voiumc ivumner a special Investigation - 199s;:*r- July 23,1997 p10.12' 1 Pap I24 [ti Mr &cker I'm trpg to answer it [ti 9ky quesuon for you w Given that we all4 bckve [ZI Senator kbcratan Okav m we wee that 501(cU4> Or~tIONsuch the NPF I all ..._ ~ as 131 can la&y receive fora@ conubuuons. why dtd you go pi through all UIC effort you MI, rather than lust hams chi: W money 80 drrccUy bwn Hong Kens to the NPP [q .Mr Bcckcr. No one ever considered the Hong Kong m corporation u bemg thc loan guanntor.From day one, rhc iw conaidenuon. it u my undersunding.had dlwayl been che p4 suucorkbcraun. Ryht. I U.S.corpontion. I ut-1bclicve aiwd, sir, rhat we 1'4 *Mr. Beck. I mink Mr.Yomg also saw that-lomc it4 ncvcr did ye the CcX4) status, and we relied on the fact vi porribilirv uut at Y)(DC point in time hir sons, who were ill] thatchiswasmindcprnden t entiry, free the Federal i1a ~mnicylcitinn* vwld into md ~onvdUUI tun hir Ita election law. 134 buwKu and uut kind din-( - with high Gxmncnt [fq I vu-I think don't know lhrr I'm in dlinmr-l It41 officials inwashington- 1'4 an?mdng your quacion wry well. but in himeas. I'm 119 ScrvtorLiCkrmvl.Right. [rq wymg to tell you that I was mofc COnCQned with the l16i Mr.BecLa..utht the ability to sit and ham I'W ' e of the NItional Policy Foorum. ita lack of :my .. It? dinnawth~orlunchrouldMHbehvmlLL It? phc ~... sinFatmi hw, iu (cx4) . .. itw He uses an aprruion Senator, that I had never hcprd 11q status. ~. .. . itq before. and his expression is. Itput powder on my hce: [tq Senator Lie(wmul. Senator Clmn. if I could have a .. .. m It is an cxpmsion that he tells mc is of Oriental 14 minute more. just a bnal question...... si PI And I think that is the yUwa.lht is the trurhhrl pi fomig contribution cowfrom Hong Kong to YBD (USA) that .. answer to your question, sir. -pq you had to create all the le@ backdrop you did knowing ... .. P.o.122 PW125 .... 111 Senator Licbcm. Put powder on his hcc. [ti where the money waa go- to go, amich is to say,going to m Mr. Bcckcr.That's thc ma. m the Rcpubliua partv for che 1994 ekrrionr) Beaux ifit W SCNW- .misancrprurionthat,rhouJl m wa.$ just going to w on its face le@. ... PI in or&h,could well be applied IO a lot of I41 Mr. Beclra. It wu not consided then and I do not ... .. 19 other AmcriM donors of son money and concrikrum of big m consider it now a contribution. It waa not a ~ontributi~n. 14 moneYtopdillcrlampriyu.Olrry.I~ywIbrchu m It waa apure loanyumcce with cvcryupecratlon tlhat the m ~lp. m borrower would repay thc loan. ..~. m InMinoriwFshibitNo.297.nhmdacribeda -... m Now. the bon0m.r~Imcr.had a debt to the ...... IRepubllan Narrorul Comrmncc md uut thc bonovu was pol gomg to take a porrion of that dcbc-uK money it received [tit from the bank and sandy Ita obligation to the RNC ita What thc RNC waa todo nththe money it rrmvcd from (tq chc borrower. wc dldn't know or-I didn't know and Mr Young it41 dyd~&t care. and wc cera& had no cwntFol It i!n wasn't as d.W Young would rll Mr Barbour and say. now, [wl how are you gomg to spend chw money you've received from it? the Nauonal Poky Forum3 Are you pmg to spend it on 1'4 chw corqzrcuional racc or thu senatoral race) None of It* that Im Smutor Lchrmyl But them was never any doubt that p11 the effect of thc guanntcang of the loan to the National [m PoLcy Fomwould be IO bfe up moncy for the Republrcan 1231 clccuons m 1994 That wu staled from the kguuung to IN) But Uhr-1 wanted to ask you is why thc $2.1 million in I241 m.YOUll& MI couaw. In 0th- WNb, Wtthis an unururl loam of M Mr. Bcckcr.Tlut'5 correct, sir. I would SY equally %n 123 Puy 128 1'1 guum(ce dah?Woddn't it be morr normnl la a it] that there was ncva any doubt that thc effect of the loan m OWMIor rimply toyvrnlce thc lcrn yd notIO,rsrll. guant~tecwas to afford funds to the National Policy Forum 14 qUitCliccnUy.buyCD$ in thebank and pLcr Uwm in the 19 to pay its debt to the Republican National Committee. 141 bank? k why vu this form chosen? [q SCMW Liekrmm. My (imc ia up. I just want to a &Mr.Bakcr.m vuwmy*lhir -the [q rad, fuully-ma@c at some point you can help US a bankh ~e,~,UUII suspect uut the bmksimply [q understand this. In your own memo to Mr.Young of kptemkr

119 assumption. and I wanted to ask you about it. vhich is that 114 on the pmhibiuon agunst foreign nationals king involved Itrl just fmm a lending point of vim. the bank reached a its] in Fcdcnl elections. [tal determination that there were not suf&ient uctr in YBD [td] Do we have rimC to give you a chance to- 119 &'SA). So ifYBD was ping to gu~nlcethis loa& it had pq .~r.Bccker.Yc). I'd like to respond. if I my. 04 to xtuauy place. litcnlly. collatrrrl in the bank and- [tq Senator Licbcrman.Ycs. u? oluy ktme go to a different part of this. Mr. Bcdra. [in Mr. Brckcr. Mr.Young had-someone had suggested lo g- kr. Bccltcr. Oh. no. I know ofnothiru. - plec 127 - Pyre 132 (24) Mia-U-Sdpm MilIcr Reportine Cornpiny, Inc. ~~1sj Pap 136 [!I Senator Durbi. Is it all on the civilian side? Is [ti -95 the on~yexplvution that's ever been given to me. m their aaos~ycbusinar on the civiliy, sidc? 1 m Senator Durbin. Did I hear corrcctlv that his wife is

.~... .~......

.. 11q ia? [ti re~p0nSL-sto vour specl6c question, lir. [in .W. Bcclra. Mr.Young b cufrcnd%and hu ban for. [in Sautor Durbin. Have you ever had a conversation with [tq I think. the last 40.50 yaro. a cilitar of thc Republic of [tq him about the tax conwqumccr Of his rcnomcing his U.S. iiq China. Ourin# that period, he also Fora paird. I bel*ve [tq cirizawhip? m from roughly 1970 to 1991.~a cih dtk United tzq Mr. kkcr.I've had scvd conversations with him BtI statu as vcll. 811 about matters involving mes. and I would decline to IpI SNtOr Durbin. Could YOU CCU mC aRuc hu happened to rn respond to the substance of those conversations. if you m his us.CilizUuhiP? (zq don't mind sir. rarl Mr. Bccker. &.Young lpvc up his U.S. a-p in pq Scrutor Durbin. Based on the attorneyclimt- m frvorofhiscifizauhi~ofckR~ubIkdChupin1991.1 m. Beck.Yes. of COUIY. Palp 13s PaQl139

[al I would like to ioto a pocnt you Mdc arlier about [rl the Nauonal Poky Foocum. In your opening Ultmcnt, I 141 bclme that you refed to it and you chyrctnucd 11 as ' iq a ux-exernps non-poltucal Uunk tank. Waa that your Iunderstandq of that organuauon whm Mr Young was asked m to support it? 14 .Mr. BccLa.Yc$. that's the way It was dcscrlbcd to nmc ita Suutor Durbin.When was your Ern mchuon.d

.. ~~~~~~ 1tq MI. eCiker.we~.I'VC UMhim that queuion. and I[iq opcntive word there. iiq cvery time I ask him that question. he always lays. "Ihat's l[tq Mr.&ckcr.WcU.Iwouldfallbackonthcwme [*ai not the right ward, Bmton. 1didn't renounce anwg.I [iej response tha~I made to the qucstionr with regard to the Its sull feel very strongly about the United Stater." He said ![to[ Eiaroody memo. I don't-I've never discussed the substance tzq et he simply decided that he wanted to crate a single I [aj ofthat memo with anyone, and I don't know to what extent 1211 crUzcnship in the Republic of China and in Hong Kong. and j [til that memo accurately refkcu the inter!oclting relationship n he just doesn't come to the US..doesn't have any ml [abetween the R.C and the SPE But if I had known-if it was m reason to come to the US..and his children have all mi accurate and if it waa DmVed to bc accurate. it would have WI graduated from coUeges m the U.S He used to spend a lot fa1had a great effect on my ~c~siorurulwrgwnh respect to my [%I of tune here vlslun~Ius chJJrrn when thcv were SN~YUIR :zsi rccommcndauons to Mr Young. mdced Of course merReporting Company, Inc. (25) Page 133 - Page 138 - P.P. 13 Pe142 111 SeNtOr Ourbin. But I take from what you said, you did iii the man in^ oWat letter is chat the money rhat the m Na(ronal P&cy Forum malbom the S&m Bank m IU 01 loan wdk mafcrred in whokor m ou( to thc RNC m 14 thc form 0r-h money, ao that to paydPCkrhc debt thu ~. 19 the National Policy Forum then hu to the fa undlucmonth. m thc -d I Muldusumc that the J2.miUiondcbt that m the Nlaonrl Policy Forum had run up wirh thc RNC ruadcbc

itq lcnasays. [tq Mr. Becket W4Senator, 1 thought you mkd mc what izq my undcnMdiry and interpreution of that mud I fried 211 to nivc that to You.

ta knew that o&t dlhir mvwas mobu back to the

I? roomnhuy to adanre. I can't-che only uplanation I can in UIC vou L that I didn't beau~I rhouaht it was didn'tyouykNm? RII Mr. Bcckcr. Iwt a momcntifl mav Bnirh I didn't

i14 -cor spcrccr.wt it pretty p~inMI the hcc or 04 thia letter that the Baku & HorccUcr opituon lmcr ia nil condilioacQon the Lorn Iepaymcnt not bpru made to a rn politid committee like the National Republican Committee? pq .Mr. Bcch.No. it isn't in my vim. PI SCNW Spccta.Why not? pn .Mr Beck.One fair intenmution of thrt lettcr and Min-u-SaipLQ ~ ~ PnP. 145 Pap. 140 111 MI. Bccker. I dd. but 11 was .W. Norcross. not I, [II .W.&cker.lhe Republican Xational Committee declined m that gave them that mlormauon. the mlormauon on the m to k a party to the loan transaction in the form ofa PI baclqpxud of the rnnscuon. and I wxs told by Mr. w ==on--. PINo- lhrt Mark Bndcn w~yv~nIhc full Vopc of 141 %rutor SpcCW.Well. they dcclincd substanlially [si CvCryIlungwith mpatto the background of thc [SI rAer this Lena ofAugust w,1994 was aninaThir 161 ~~.iKludinrrhrtthe~~pdicyForum [a letter says that .Mr. Bybow will go to the Republican m National Cornmince in rhe event of dehult which did not m occuruntil~muchLur. 14 Mr.BccLn.lmisundorcood your qucrtion. I- iq Senalor Spur.Sly quation is. why did you not at I 11 that timc mkto get the requisite gurnn(n! 14 Mc Beck. Mor to this Icntr-prior to this I* letter, in my conperurion eth Mr. Norrrosr as the gencnl 14) COwUeLI hrd U@ %.l(r.Norcroar lo wruldc Mr.BuboUr f0 151 have the RNC pmof thc loanguvlnlec transaction and a lq sccondyyroletotheYBD

f xaate Lommitue On Govciameatai Atf;urs . rieann'g voiume ~~umoero ~pecia~tavatiptioa - Fllads July 23.1997

Paw 157 I Pam 160 [*I Mr. Richuds wotc rlus Iencr. I think I characterized it. ! 111 udngother things, the cenval and concinumg issue about - m I was just looking for my ope- sulcmcn~I la whether or not the elections of the United Starcs had been 131 characterized it in my opcning u;ucmcnt u a recitation of 1 131 inlluenccd by foreign money. I how of no better evidence 141 the history dMmaw u Mr. Richudrpaccind it. 141 to make a suonger cuc than at leut thest congressional 19 Mr.YOUng, I know hu 8OOX XriOur qlICS&N &Out SO= 19 races and probably a %oreof olhcrr.'lhe course of who [q ofthe things chat Mr. Richards conduded within the context [q reprcxntcd the Amcrian people and YRC in rhe Congress of m of this Icna,md I believe Mr. RiEhud, hu &edand m the United Sum has kcn inalterably dunged by virtue of [q is schcdukd to rcskfybefore lhirbdylato thia mk [q witat was clarly a co~pincyby some char resulted in rn thatthisiJrrptrscnuhisvicanofmma.anditbnot LOI esccsa of $2 million in the 6nal staucl of the election 114 neccssuiliMr.Young's vimor anyonc dx'r vim. 119 proceu of 1994,avoiding deuctioi, but having an impact on [II1 I do know that Mr. Ridurdr prrpusd this Lna and (I tr OUI elenonl~~. [la shipped it out without my seein# it or Mr.Yom seein# it. pa Mr.Hr.k? 114 So. if you don't mind- 1-9 Mr. Beck.scnilor. (tal ScnatorT~clli.No.lndced.lamnot~to 1141 SeNtorTomic&.Thank you. Mr. Chairman. 119 CmterizCthrt thir W h 'My WAY &.Yo~'sth0UghI.S- 119 ChUmMnMmpxwl senator smich? [tq Mr.Berlra.No. [lq sautor Smith.nank you. Mr. chairnnn.

.. Vol difncultundctoendurc. pt1 therecord. 911 Mr. Hr.ker. No. Not at all. Not at d. IZZI MWWJ Ilong.ifI could. to a point Ithinlrhu bccn rn 1 was waiting for a question and there w no question. s+ w esublishcQbut it barssome -on Exhibit SI1. pq htorSmith. Iwaa kind of waiting for one myxL

it] d Republican candidates who lost similar elections and- m perhaps make a point u well, but the rmfh ofthc matfcr PI +and I -your tcstimOnythir afternoon has been quite 141 cvldidia that thia waa nota ~nchrlous 151 nnuy+mcnrlhir wm payopcn,md it was above boar4 A and thc commcnt as to the source of thc loan bone thing. m but to imply rhu thae was some nehtiwr rlpcemcnt here, I n Wblxyondthebounda ofatthc testimony hubem. VI f mir(lt rbo saycht it isa bitre- hmy 114 pcrspcnhre,Y I sic here, ~r.chairman, to have wimcsscs 1111 UUt bOWSOOme~ lboul OW inrrSt@Chl who a -8 114 tooco(Dc in and ulk with us, md we appreciate that. [i3l Let me ask a couple of quesUona.'lherr hu bem a lot 1141 of matcri covaui hac. and Ido not want to repat it. I 119 just want to try to 6LL in a few blanks. Did you ever mcct [rq personally with Wyhbour on this aamr or any other lln manrr? [iq .Mr. Beck.No, sir, never met with him or spkc to (I* him. ~rq Senam smith.Ncva PlLCd with him on the phone n11.-. either?..~..~ Mr. Beck. No, sir. k Senator Smith. Imt (0 pick up a little bit on the

111 that entered into ktPrten Yom Bmlhcrs (USA) and the m Nauonal Pnlrcy Forum vu le@ under the law, and one of m the ways you Ld rhu waa to seck ouuidc legal counsel 141 In che 1etu.r &om Mr Braden. he sand rn the letter to iq you-fha~u Ortobu 6.1994-he sa14 'You have requested i(1 our &cor of whew thu Vuurction conll~cuwith m ecru US law&'Do you recall IR what manner you made w that rquest~Did you have a converwuon wth .Mr Bradcn 1-4 or and has law fum or how waa that maner convened to the 1'4 ouudc cowucl) 11 11 if Mario cuomo VQC hac, if indccd of i [I 11 ,%. kk.I have no memory of ever convvsine with Conyu. Mr. Dudrn ofCew& wl~obrc by 5.000 vote. I [la Mr. BRdcn directly. My converwtionr on this matter were 119 Congrc~rmnKlcin of New Jersey by 2.000 votes. Mr. 1131 with .MI. NO~C~U.and ,w. NO~C~OSScnwgcd .w. Bndcn. Ita1 SvtaLrnd ofOhio by 3.000 volnuvinnrn Bmolu ofTexas i(iq Senator Smith.Au right. Itq by 5.000 voU+ach and every one of thc Rcpublicln parties i[to .W. Bcckcr. Mr.Norcrou dm vrud me that .Mr 1161 in thow States receives tern of lhouwndr of dollars ' [iq Bradcn had kcn given a full description. a dcuiled it? coUettively.~th*S2millionOrbcedup~~waa l[iq description of thc VylllCtion that w then contemplated. uq distributed throughout the United States. I wondered what 1 iiq Senator Smith.Now. was it your understanding that iq you would say or Mr.Yom would say to all thex people who !iiq lhis law rum. Baker & Hostctlcr. was fairly well qualiGed 14lost their cams. the afizenr of thex States who arc 1201 to get into the inuicacics of elcction laws and what Was lzti influenced by advertising with money fhataw from a Hong iptl right and wrong! im Kong corporation. of an individual who would renounce his ;m Mr. kkcr.My understanding of Mark Bradcn was 31 one [nl American citizenship and ~RIa citizen of the Republic of ~ 1231 tune the gcncnl counxl of the Federal Election Commission 1241 Taiwan. to howthat our el~~cio~were SO influenced 1241 or of the Republican National Committee. but my psi Thcx hearinns were called bv Chairmnll~ompsonfor. i 1251 understandinn is that he ccrcainlv his WdI versed in the Miller Reportlag Company,Iac. Min-U-ScripW (29) Page 157 - Page 162 1'1 no motive. He d have nohgto gun. risk violation of m the law, Lie to rCOUnul. lie to Mr. Richudr.7hae u ! m nowtogambythat. I4l .W.YOuIU hrd no motive toen- inloanylrvd of 19 corupintorid mty and did not. He w lobbwd and 10 succumkd to the lobbying only lhcr hc felt comfombk m that it waa a deinvehxnt and that it wouldbe quid. W *tor %uith.Thankyou vcry much. Mr. OuimM.Mv

113 on that point IW Mr.Beclrp. vc apprccirte your Indulgence, and m (19 appreciate your patience with wand appwte your [iq wdhgnes to come and visit with us. ktme jw follow (14 uponthcpointjwnivd 114 DochcvepLLwa~' rhe~d5oRdty 11q by both putieh in your opinion. put our polilirrl system m and our Ga*anmcnc in icopudv of unduc innucnce by foreign pi] business and govemmcnts? m Mr. kker.I thinlr the lam on the book todav with

[41 Fcdml contribution, b a violation of the First hmulm&L [q I thinkit ia timc forthe Congcu ofthe United Sfam to [q @ve the SuprCmC court the opportunity to ru* on thrt m question yrin.That waa 21 yeus a#o. PI when you bokat BucWeyv.Vallcp, pu COlDc to the 14 stark rubtion chu onlyonc mcmba of thecourt was iiq prams that w mcmba of the Buckley court b srill on [ill the -.We have eight new members on the bawhand this [ia Congrcsa d other Co- have very often ddrrued (1% qucstioru kgidativdy that the supremc cwrt *drrlycd I11q uncorutitutionrl.It did it a few yarsback foUovuy the 11iq Johnv.Tear flqdcumrion decision in the Suprcmc i[iq Court.When the Supreme bur1 dcclved the statute in unconstitutional. the Congreu of the United Statea pvvd

iii IS that not correct? i~t]Supremc Gurt did itagain. declared it UnCOnstiNtiOnal. m .hit Bcclrcr.AbsoluWy, Senator. I couldn't wjmc rza If you ando it in Johruon v.Tuu in the next year, why more. and I would kind of rcversc some of the questions with ,1231 can't you do it ,in Buckley y. VU+. 21 msk? My ~1 respect to that by akin# what would be the motive for Mr. ~ RI] personal new wndI don't like to speculate on how this en Young to enter into such a nefuiour ~loc.ll~~r~rould bc irm iusticc or hat iurticc will vote. but mv Wrsonal view is pilsc163-Plgc168 00) Diin-U-ScdpW Miller Rcporthq ampany. Inc. [el cxpendinucs by candidates. [q Team 100. m Senator ClCLndAnd ifthat dearion could be m Mr. Bcclw.That's comt. [q reversed and the Congma could pwsufYcampaign m Senator Lcvin.And alter the dal fell through and Mr. 14 expenditure hvh then wc could do without chir incrdbk R Courtelis knew it, thae was then still money that had come pq massive money &me. arhich has gotten out of conwl and [tq horn Hong Kong Li tRc USA accouns is that correct? 1111 undomg our system. (111 .Mr. Becker.Thc acnulTcam 100 commitment and payment ita In addition to diminam roR money, do you have any [$aoccurs while the shopping center Mis still viable. 1131 other rccommcndrrionr thc COmmittK nught consider. may& [g Senator Lcvin.Oh, it is still viable. IW Wtcr enforcementor ma+ a strong role for the Fcdarl I141 Mr. kCker.YCS. IW Election Comm*rion or fm air timc for Fcdarl Mdidrtcr? [iq Senator Losn. Okay, but in any event, Sft. Courtelir vs) .Mr. Becker.Wd, I am in favor of a lot of thoac [iq is darly aware that thcrc had bcen no income euncd by [ill hngh sir, but I think the QUX of the problem is you must I'll USA. [INaddress soff money and you should give the Supreme Court of 114 Mr. Bcclru. Mr. Court& is aware that there is no 11q ulc united sfam rhe oppomrnity to revisit that [iq entity, and that it's &ing crated basically at his m expcndinuc limitation irruc undcr the Fistmdmcnt. I m suggestion. 1291 think it is time.mQ I chinlrthat wuld be a wonderful. ~11 Senator Levin. Right.And he is the hed ofTa100. 'mr wonderful vnicc to rhc Nation. rn and he then. according to your deposition on page 18. I rrn Senator Clehnd.And you have been a wundcrlul &e rrn klicvc. says the foUo-, or rllic is fityou uy.You P4l tOUS,Sif. 12.1 had been told that Mr.Young had scvml meetings in R5l I yield the mt of my rime to Senator Levin. ~q Conversations with Mr. CourWs in Hong Kong telephonically

['I Senator Levin.Thy* you. .%.Chairman.

.~ R .Mi.Beclca.lhaYeil. R Mr. ~ecker.~ouur;dcrrpl;a -tor. I am not there. Pq *tor Mn.-Which the &te, by the MY.that IIq 1- simply reparing- I111 the money 'IU anihble. 11 11 Senator Lcvin. Repeating what your client- Mr. Bccker.Yes.Thi~is the one with the October 1 114.. Mr. BCCker. -what haa ken said to me. and I may have IW 20th-hold a money until occobrr. IW mispoke. I think Mr. Courtellr-1 think &,Young said to 114 kNtM Lcvin.That is the intriguing thmg. and that 114 me that Mr.CoufWis' rdvice Vuf it not be Mr.Young w ..11n iS What 1 want to mint out hcrc.and this is y~u01 110 theTcam I00 wmbcr.but that it be the U.S.corporation [tq your client. [in Mr.BecW.No. 1111 Scnator Levin. But do you know what October m id iw Mr kkeryour counicl IUS ech~cacedmc on that 'pj mduatc that .W Yoqma& it clear towbot Mr mn score Your counwl has told mc it was a 6hng dicc to ,pot Courkha knew that YBD (USA) had only recently been 1211 have sometlung to do wth chc Fcdcnl uccclon Commurmn pit establuhcd and prunanly for purposes of purchamg m ScnatorLcnn octokr2ochulhc~yY~e ra~propmy owned by .Mr Courteb, and that Mr CourrcLs knew FIJndLnc for Qrlosm Now, here. you havc got an RVC m, that YBD (Hong Ken@ was the pumt and cstabblung party Iw that u pylns to dmall hz5cfol*r.all rhcrc mcmkrs pl dYBD (USA) and that YBD (USA) waa a pure ~bs~dtary PSI and the and~datuthat they have out thae for omcc ,@I corpontion ofYBD @long KO@ and that .Mr Courtchi. WIUI -171 I Pago 174 1'1 They arc Owed soow money by Ihc Natlonal pbli Forum The 111 that knowledge-mth that knowledge. you say, recommended m Yauonal Pohw Forum u told bv the RNC. hold o?on that 1 n~. thatYBD (CSA)k the &r ofTa100 Is that correct, PI money for a &kWe want to bur abut opaular) IS [9 Mr.&ci.Yer. that is comt.That is- (41 anyone hddyry?opauuu) You wmt to get that money u FI Senator Lnin. So that .%. Courtelicyouhave no [SI quickly u pouibk.un*w you do not want to dudore it. [q doubt-knew very clevly chat the money that was in the IN If they got it on the 13th fmm WE chey would have to [q Tcu~xcuseme-the money that was in theYBD (VSA) account m disclose 11 in their 20th report. If they pot 11 on the m had coax hom Hong Kong. [ai 14th or Ilthor 16th or l7rh 15W.beyarould have to ~q Mr. &ckcr.Therc is no question about that. no ;g disclose it, but they tell Ihc "pF over at the RVC. hold it [g question about that. 1-9 until Octobct 20th. It ia no comcidcncc that October 20th pq Senator Lcvin.Yet,as had ofTrrm 100. he. according [-(I is the day ahrhe dadlinc for conulbutiw and paymcnu 1111 to your conversation with your client. asked that that of UUS kind to be dirlosed before UIC u account's money be u~dto buy the~a100 membership. 1s 1'31 no comddmcc hm.follu.We arc all pmfesioluls at [til that correct? 1141 th~s.We arc all knowlcdgrrble about how the election laws /I141 Mr. &cker.'lhat is corrcct.Senator, but if I may. 1-9work and d there is an-g hmthat I flunk is very ![is] Alex Courtelis is dccrrud. and Alex Courtelis 1s a liq clear. it is that this rcpaymcnt was scheduled so it would [iq gcnrlctnan who enjoyed a Very.very hereputation in ~WiUni. 11'1 not be divloscd until afm UIC clec~oion. [IT and in Southern Florida. [tal Xow, that has nothing to do WIUI your client or you. py The one time I met with him at the clo5ing. I was very ['q Mr.Beckcr. I am glad the mord is clear on that. My [is1 impressed with him, and a man who was very, very much 1201 clients never saw this letter, never wrote ctus Icttcr. jm.. involved in his civics and his community. izii never received thh letter. [zrl Mr.Courtelis, I don't believe would hve intentionally QZ~ Senator Lcvin.AU right. One question. CruUv. that (4 done something in violation of the law. ml I do want to ukyou to clarifv one thin8 that you talked !mi Senator Levin. He may not have known that it was IZ~IAbout earher. and that is the 1991conu

irq correct? Senator Be~ett.Andbx hmdmumg ' ' &OrUwould Itdl .Mr. Bccker. It is tabled. It ia rrbkd.lhe requeU be legal? [jq is Iablcd.That is correct, w. ,Mr. Beckcr.It carainly would. Senator Bcnncn.Ych okay. So he ask?, urd 50 he is SCNW BCMCI~.So. if the NPF cannot perform that (in turned down. So chm Dick Riehvdr trm to turn up the 1s. if rheir fun- efforts do not work, you. your [tal heat on Haley in terms of letters to him. appeals to him. client mud an additional guuantec? l'q what have You? Mr. Bec&..?lut is correct. !m Mr. Beck. I fhink that is cnclly what Dick was Senator &MCR It came in the form of a letter from 112'1 vylngtodo,ycl. Haley Bybow. and you have alrady temGcd you have never SeMtOr BCMCtt. ob$ met .W Bubow. that he pronnxs to ask the RW: to cover ~ mi Mr. Bcckcr,Talking to himchairman to Chairm. in /n4j that fashion. yes. ! rm Senator Bmncn.And UlLinuulv. a settlement is we175 - pylc 180 (32) Mln-u-scripta mer ~cportineCompany, Inc. .. senate~omrmneeon Special hvestlgation - 199 July 23,1997

Pa## la1 I?]reached whereby you are pa~hllymade Omole. to the tunc of m S800,ooO is what you recaved from a variety of sources? 14 '%. BcClrcr.T)uc b COrmL sic 141 Senator Brnnen.AnP your IOUchcn is 1700.000? 14 Mr. Bcckcr.T)uc is correct. A hutor knneu.hnd your- rn Mr. Bcckcr. myClicnrs lobs. mydicnt', IOU. m Senator 0cnnm.Your &tar low. ya. [q US..but not- IO welbw farinhru. But he wa~not 14 And,ywr udlingncu to accept this rnluwtis Ihappy. I take It. 114 parually kcpuw you kliote vut the iusunlxe you 10 .W..Bcc&.No 1111 received from Nlr. Bubaur could not be enforced in thc I11 sautorm.He wu very unhappy. 114 courts? 14 Ur.kk.Ya. frat Mr. Bcclrcr. WelL I klicve that it is cer@ gny 14hator Irebcmnn. 0loy.RUnlu. .%. Bccka. if41 and maybe a Ww)question. and rhcn rhae is thc cou of 14 uvirmvlm~lon.suucorAuo? it9 li@tion and tk delay, and you have BOo.OO0 on the table, 13Sautor Aloh Mr. Chairman thank you very much. I Irq There b a whok battery of considartions to go on. I* am going to yuld che mt ofmy rime to Mr. Glaulbut I am vz Seitawr Bancn. Yes. I luve xnkd de?lr myself. I?lcuriousrboutoncrhuyl. It*) Mr. Becket. RyhL 14 You received a letter kom Mr. avbow dated 8/30/94. ISI Senator Bennen.And I am sure this wu not a I- urd I wdl just quote from it,and a sentence in that letter m SarirbrmryLCnlemCnL 9 says. 1 am con6dent the RNC would gnnt M such authority Rtl .%. Becket. Rjght. 111 at its nut mceWy. provided there u nlid OutsUnding P2l knat0t Bmnctt. I would not Mntto k the RCpubliCaIt zj dcbtofNPFtoaU.S.binlsguuzncerdbyaU.S.citizenor m fundraiser vho vwfd now aft.W.Young and ask for Y)M 7 domcstic corporation.' I alro note the vcry cuchl use of 1241 more money, having gone through this upcrience. I think ul domestic corporation at the beginning and here a1 the end of rm thispmb.blyhusourcdhimabit. !q thclencr Prp. $82 pop. 185 111 Ur. Brcka. night. It) In your chu limc.dd WyBatbow know pt Senator &MntThrt, whrt Ihave just oudincd, b a n that the money for the yuulcce would come from Hong Kong? w COmCt nol logy dlhc ? 0) Ur.Bcckcr. 1 think sUu(0r.that I awld UUIYQ that PI Mr. kcka.Ya.I don't ham any quad with your p) question by saw 1. aphhave hrbdidn't have any rn chronol~.lT~~~arc other itam in there that I might rl convcnlfionr with Mr.Bubourat- tha time,but I Mu wy @ this to you:thrt lcm is written to mc by Mr.Bubour m f0b~thc dMer thar Mr.Young and Mr. Bribour and Ur. w &SanatMypoint is it was legal at orry Richvdr ami blr.Volcurrelr aucndcd,ud Mr.Young malls Istep of thc md. p~ that that spikinforrmrion .N communicrcedat that 119 Mr.Bcckcr.Yer,rir.Ya,a.rit. q dinner. Soand I kl*vc .W.Young twlecd to Chrtas [I11 SCNtoK btt,F&.lhu* you. &. Chaitmm. 1) wdlsir.So Ithinlr thc answer to your question would k 114 Senator Gknn. Ur. chairmys I have a few minuter 1131 left. I would like to auOcatC thcm to Mr. BMn with one w&mtor Alala'llunk you very much I WIU meld my [I41 minute to sarator Liebamrn 6ra. 41 fu~cto Senator Glenn. 1151 kNtOr ~CbCrUUll.nlUlb,Mr. Cu. SI Sautor Gh.Weue on a vote. I note. .Mr. Charm. 119 Very briefly, Mr. Beckcr, bank. I Mnt to go to a iand Ibrow we are going to have to go very shorrly here. I 1111 put of the record that hu to do With ~urrrlaenccto the I) thinkMr.BuMl Mwnp thia up.thou&h,as faras our part (181 YBDNPF relationship Y a commacial Plnsaction and as an w goes. Wth Mr. &rku in jut a few minuta here. 114 invcr~~llndilr wx I lreepine my omliu damat q Mr. BMn.ThmL you. Senator Glenn. Ijust vrnted to m we learn in thgc hariiandI am keeping a list of q ddnu certain byic themu which I think have come out of WIcontarants for what I would all the chu~phaward. 91 Mr. Beclrer's mrimony today. 14 Up una now-I am not referring to you pmody.It 4 FbstofIlloncofchciuutlis~(vuWr.Bybour PI is hcts that come out. Up until now, I think the Idhas a dnvd that thia (MUc(i0n Mfunded by money that PI been the nun8 wt~ocook thc vowofpoMyandgave .000 to rl origuutcd II) Kong. It to mc that the tcsumony thecrmpryl. s) today establirhcd at Lcvt- Wce insma.The Erst. m hu Pam im P* 108 (11 Todry. there is a tittle fact ha chc I just want to 'I the arliert relarnce u che duu\a that take¶ place in m br- out. HacYBD puts up $2.1 million of ita own money a W~ton,D.C.,~Au~tdl~.Atpage35ofthe R to give COllrGenl ¶adut flu mollcJQn come out ofthe a deposition that w taka of Mr. Young in London. He is 141 WE Haley Bubour thcn stam to try to YlrYBD to forgive 41 asICL4-Can you dcvribc wiut Mthe diuuuion at the (9 this amount dmmzyewnUKIM it haput it in.lher+ is 9 dinner?' He ui4 "The dixursion bvially (vu Mr. Haley [el an Ultimrte wn*mcnt mdewhae thc ymmcnt is that you ,q Bubour requested me to consider for the loan of 5 3.5 m gccs8oo.ooob&ud~~~ykrdtoulche 7 mrlljm and wrurd M of the dereturn of the loan. But 1.1 rest of it, buially.lhrris a wry &ni6ant I-. 9 as a mull of that,I could not codtnor have the power PI Mr. Bccka.About $700.000. q to comrmt, but requested hun to @vc us more dormauon Io 1101 Senator Licbamm. Ri&t,700. But what am^ out at q that we can prwnt it tom0 (Hong Kond board of directors [rr) mc from yourdepoaiuMI is thatat abut the umc time,in 11 for further considenuon.' 114 the fall of 1996.chc bmlssigllet Bank- you have hul 4 The second reremnce is .Mr. Bcrkcr's tcsrrmony. whde [*ai these CDs in theenormous amounts, sends you an interest he doesn't have a distinct recollection of dirusslng 11 1141 payment of about S50.OOO.copics it to the NF'F, and they 41 wth Mr. ~orcrosy,he believes in gcnenl that ir is hkcly [tsl then deduct that mount of money from the S8OO.OOO 9 that he dd have such a discussion wth Mr. Norcross. [iq settlement that they wem going to @vc you. I would call q And the thud isAmbrous Young's srateo~ntthat m UIC iirl that chutzpah. 11 5ummCr of 1995. when ,% Bubour visllcd hun at the company ~81 How that affect you in your evaluation of this as 81 yacht in Hong Kong and asked for forgweness. Mr Ambrous [q acommclpul transaction and investment? 9) Young madc it clear that he could not do that for-among im Mr. Reeker. I don't hnk in jurisprudence or in Latin 01 myother rcuonr. that it wu Hong Kong money wuhch w15 izq them is a better word for it. 11 subrct to audit by the Hong Kong authorities 1221 lbUEht.l a The second theme (hrt I hkhu come out of Mr - in1 Mr. Ckckcr. I rhmk you've got the right word, 31 Mr. kcker .W Won. you nught add Mr Ichardr' IZ4l senator. 41 letter of September of '% Io Mr Bvbour I Ihmk @J Senator Licbcrman. Did Mr.Younn have a reaction to SI 5pccrlic~vcommumcates that dormation Mikr Reporting Company, Inc. Mill-u-scripta .

[iL.L.P..WASjwGTON. D.C. 1q Mr. Byoody.'Thanlt you. My NW is Michacl uiu I* movumvlw.Thompson. Senator Glenn. members of the 111 Committee, for 13 months I was president of the National n Policy Forum. I beamc iU Grst pmidcnt on the 1st of iq Julyl993.andthc lstofAugust1994wmthcdceciveate III ofrnyroigrrion. fal I spprcciare the opportunity to rmke thb brid opening 19 statemat. I ara accompanied by counsel, ,Mr. George Sal- of 141 W GUmp, SpuUr. tLuet & Feld WOUMMr. Bar iq cornis UIY-ly absent today. I have essentnlty iq thm poinu to make aftera preface about NPF's name and r7j ' ' iq =National Policy Forum was to be a Republican Center iq for the Exchange of Idcu.~lI used to wy routinely at 4 the smrI of our forumr. that was decidedly and 111 intentionally not the yme as a center for the Republican exchangedi- ' NPF was to be open toall and set zq out to hear hmall, regardleu of pzty. 241 My chrcc poinu arc thw: q First, it is by now rvell-known-in the common warlancc Palp 191 [

.I4 Cxunple. lhir vuy-urqlury.Mr. chair& Muib be I"] exclusively an explorauon Of alkgauoN by abuse of only ill One PUty. mSIad Of both. had dcwlONk+n ivy ddfcrently at the NPF. pi In summary of my Grit two pourts. I state the IW followtng The NPF. wh~chtook no foreign money whde I was [qthere. could have-legdly;and the nouon Uut 11 o nted 1171 as a money laundry for the party is laughable in geof the (mi fact that on the day I trrwed it already had $13O.W0 ur Iiq debts and obhgauoru and IUSUNS w~th the RYC was never m other rhu, debtor SUNS. an4 from a 'front' for rhe [zq RYC, the NPF was what we sud it was. a grusroou pohcy 'm Jcvclopmcnt effort that traveled to 60 ciues around the 'mi country and hrud from thoumdr of Americans from all walks 1241 of Me It vu open. It was ~cliousAnd 11was rcal. psi MY third pokt follows hom that-and I will not Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Script@ (35) Page 193 - Page 198 ita Mr.BMody.llut'scwrsn. kq BMn.Now, pu KUu that Barbour Mr. do Mr. ' at chir [CY dyrimt told you that he belimd that lo lrq moneyh -a wt k a pw-c of [eq rcvenllc for thc National Policy Forum? 111 Mr. BMody.Yu. sir. icq Mr. 8aron.And am Icomcf that ywr donto that [tq was that might bc Vue but you fell that it was wrong? m Mr.BMody.AsIuiOinmysatrment.yes. R11 Mr. m.night.And you dc6ned wlmg not m nccnurily l@y wrong. but thal you thought it was - 14 inappropriate? &j subsiiDoa thal remit your undas(mdins) rm Mr.BMody.Cormt. pn Mr.Buoody.I hm hdthat.llut wu prior to my rn Mr.8aron.M indeed, I think you elaborated at one

Ill point in your deposition Y it ancthll part of rhe reason it wasinappropNt~was chat you didn't think it was 01 rkht for what eucntially vu an Amaicvl think nnk on

.. m charactcrited~itin my statement. yes. 1 thought it would

81~~ not be apvmmiate. ;pi postabOvd3? . PI Mr. &nhd is it vue that Mr. kc humwho was [lq Aallccoma.sirdih~rrluetopurmemoMdum ~iqthe NPF's finance chair, agreed with you that it would be It 11 ofmignation. Isit correct that you understood at the ita ouuet that the National Poky Forum ~uldbc an [iy organization sepante from the RNC? 1141 Mr. BMody.Thrl is correct. [iq .W. Baron. Is it also vue that &Mr.Bill Bmck who [ry Mr. Baron.And that chir WLI We although the RNC and [tq you duded to der,who was also an NPF board memkr. [tq the National Policy Forum ~C~uldboth bc chaired by Mr. I[lq agreed wth you it would bc inappropriate for the National [in Bybour. he would hold both roles. war borh hats. w to 11111 policy FO- to niu money from torcy sources? ici rprrl? Wr. Buoody.That is alro corms yes. m ,Mr. Buon."Ihcywould still operate ditcinctly own to W. &&our? .~Ai. .w. Buoodv.RLc is corn. ,pi11 .W. &cody I did in the convenrrion I alluded to, pq Mr. kn.hdlhir was something that .Mr. Barbour m Yes. w indicated to you? ' %.won. Low, 1 want to tlllt *ut the fuunci?l rzdl Mr.Buoody.Yn. !grelationship between the National Policy Forum and the RNC. mm si I correct that the National Polior Forum ~21foundcd with Pag~199 - p?gc 204 (36) MiE-U-Sdpta Mllla Reportine Company, Inc. . xnateComrmtteon nearrng volume iwmoer a Special Investigation July 23.1997

Puy 205 pag.

(11 mnhr bc xed the that to that the ~~ what called monev-and numbcr sucb .. ro&ibLtv Nauonal Pohcv Forum would sohcrt m ln my hiid is S 100,ooO.kom IhiRVC; is that correct? m foreign conutbutionr? m Mr. Woody.We announced that, Haley Bubour and I. 81 .Mr. Baroody. I recall that we had at last one (41 m June at the MIC we announced the formation of the NPF. 141 conversation about the sub&t. [SI Yes. 13 Baron.And do you rmll in that conversation that [q Mr. Buon.And tha~wu svu~nvedu a loan; is that [q .Mr. Dmsaid to you that he'd been asked by ,Mr. Barbour m correct? m to explore the possibility of foreign sources of funding for m .Mr. BModv.'l)ut is correct. [q the Nation4 Poky Forum) Mr. Bas0n.k Ihc antiapation WAS tha1 the National 19 .w. Byoody. SofIWhiq like thag yes. rim Polio- Forum would nire monev kom conpibutom to rmav.. [pol Mr. Baron. Or wads to that deet. irii the I& fmm the RNc; is that Cdmect? ;1q Mr.Byoob/.Ycs. ria Mr.Bar0ody.Y~~. [pa Mr. Baron.Okay And I t?Lc it that was inconsislcnt [rq .Mr. &uon.And subsequent to Uu initial seed money, with your own vim about the propriety of niriforcign [tal the S 100.OOO seed money, the RNC bomwcd additional monia :fq moncy Ibr the NaIional Poky Forum. 1151 bm-I'm sorry. the RNC loaned additional monics to the 1rq Mr. BMody.aarlyitvu,mdI said XI to Mr. [la] "PF? :rq Denning. It7I Mr. woody.Rut is correct. :vq Mr. Buon.Yourv*rr had not changed on that subicct? 1111 Mr. Buon. Okay In faa bmMay of 1993 chrough ;rq Mr. Eamody Not at all. 119 the end oi 1993. the RNC u~dcdscwe ~460.000in I- to 'is) Mr. Byon. Okay. Now. you wzre prwidcnt of the m UIC National Policy Forum is that corm%? pq National Policy Forum until July of 19%; is that correct? pr1 Mr. Baroody Ye, but my molkctron' irthrtthenct 211 LW.BMody.AU#Wt lst, Xully. rn indebtednusat the endof the yar vu ksr than that. zq BMn. 0kay"hrOughJuly. PI Mr. hn.Indeed, you're ryht.'lhe NPF repaid sow Mr.Byoody..Yes. 1211 ofthe loan so that by the end of 1993.0~rcvicw of the .Mr. Baron. Okay. And at your deposition, you were 1251 numbers indicates rhc net indebtedness at chc end of the zq asked did you know a IIM named FdVolcanrcL and I believe p.p= Plp 209 111 year was about s26o.OOo. [vi your testimony was you'd llcv~heard of him. m Mr. BMody.Thrr is my recoilcction as W. p~ Mr. Buoody. Not una recent pleu accounw and other a Mr. BMn. could Iset posrn board 12. Pkru? w thrngr atrendant to this pmccu brought his name to my .. irl These rcLw to 1991 uansfcrs offunda Irom the @I amtion. Nationrl-to the NuionJ policv Forum bmthe RNC. m Mr. Baron. By rcccnS you within the last few [q AmIcomctrhatas19!94prosrarcQmCamountand m months? m rhe kcqucncyofthe Nacioarl Policy Forum's lorar bmthe m Mr.BMody.ya. 14 RNcincrcued) And pubpsiria rclUydaoonruafedri&r Mr. BMn. Okay.% rhen.1 ukcit,it's deto R *. assume you didn't know that prior to April of 1994 Mr. .. IW mresponrc.l iq Vokrnrck hadbenuked to endage in hmhising on behalf [ir] Mr. Buon.Am I not correct that by the middle of v of the National Policy Forum? [ra 1994. the Z26o.OOO that vu owed at the end of 1993 had 121 Mr. BMody.You arc comct.I did noc know that. [I4 increased to almost $2 million? tq ,W. &IW. Wnc you anrare that in the middle Of April [iri Mr. BamodyThat's consistent with my own 141 of 1994, Mr.Volansck had a meeting with Mr. Denning and 1r9 rccollcclion,ycr. rq Mr. Fierce at Mr. Ficrce's home (0 ~aJkabout how the [rq Mr. Buon.Wcrc steps plrcn on your put at that point I# Nariorul Poky Forum could repay iu debt to the RNC? [t?l to keep cxprrua down unld rrycnuQ could be incrcucd? 11) Mr. BuOody. I'm not aware of Uut meeriy. [rw >Mr.Buoody.lhat vu dif<,mom dimcult to do 10Mr. Baron.Wcrc you a-well. since you weren't [tq in the period you're looking at now, the 6rr halfof 1994 IR amof the dirorssion. I think I can answer my next m Uun in '93.The pace of activity picked up mnrldarble. question. But I take it you wm WO not aware that the 1211 There were perhaps 0th- RWN as 4~y that was the zq subicct in that dlrcuuion included the possibility of rn czu.And thae continued to bc an arpectuion that nisin# foreign money to pay off the debt. mi ConWibutioN would bc received. 8q .Mr. &oody.Youhave rnrwacd pur next question WI Mr Bamn.As I undersand I& FonriRent with what MI IccUntCly. mi you'vc lust mI16cd,thc staff at NPF u the end of 1993 - pror 207 210 [vi was about 20 peo but thcn meyou MIC into UI election 111 ,Mr. Buoody.Ya. m Ycar.l994*thesIPbauoonedtoosawH w Mr. Buon.And I rrpracnt to yownd again, I rhink PI Mr. BMody.Well. it's only-youk churctaized it 19 I know the anmm-that in May of 1994. Mr.Volcansek Mr. [II as into an clcccion -.We wcrc intoa vaylahrphuc 141 Denning. and Mr. Fierce met and revicwcd a list of three [q for the National Policy Fonrm's efforu. [q possible foreign ~urecswho wm considered u possible [q Mr. Baron.And as I recall you amiburcd chir [q ~cwurccsto uris~with Ihe NPFb financimg-rcfnancing m increase to the uritnlda chicfopacing OlIka whom m ne&. ~IIMr. Bvbour had sclcctCdl1klicve you used the word llyld m Mr. W.I'm wwIs thrt a question, sir? (9 picked.' m .W hun.Yes I cake it you were uNwarc of that. [rq Mr. BmOdy.T)utL conrct io( .Mr BMody. I did not bowthat. [it] Mr. Buon.And am0 was Ihu) 111 Mr Earon And that MrAmbrousYoung waone of Ihc [la Mr. &oody.That ,was Daniel ocnnin#. 14 pcoplc on the hst lhrt .Mr Vol-k was loolung at' [rq .Mr. Buon.And is 11 fair to say tlnr you =vre fq .Mr Bvoody I adnot know that [WIuncomfortable with the hct Uut the NPF vu so indebted to iq Mr Buon I take it you were not aware, then. at that [IS] Ihc RNC? IS] tlmc whdc you were sull president, Uut a decision was [tq Mr. broody. I don't know anyone who vu comfortable iq made to approach Mr YowLhrough Mr &chards lo xcIf 1171 with's fair to say that. 171 he'd guannrce a loan for the Nauonal Pohcy Forum' [rq .Mr Bwn.Werc you concerned that the -t of the 811 .MI Buoody I was not aware of that [in indebtedness nughc reflect on the IOl(cX4) SONS that you igl Mr Baron Am I correct that durlng the WIV that you pat were sccking to obuin for Ihc National Policy Forum? q were president of the National Poky Forum. .Mr Denrung was or1 Mr. Buoody.Yes. I'm sure chat chat was on my mind at 211 supposed to report 10 you' [m thelimc. m Mr Woody Well, he was the chef opcnung officer. mi Mr. Baron. Now. I Wnk you've territied that ,Mr. ZYI )cs. he was suppovd to re or1 to M or1 Denning was selected by .Mr. Bybour.Ancrhe was hired in 2.1 Str. Baron In the lueraxc~~he was- [mearly 1991. did YOU have discussions wirh )urn about the Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Scrip*d (37) Page 205 - Page 210 -iai rad mcmoriahd a convcrvtion yoU had hmj &th ~r. , iaj mlnuin'the &tion of separation: BlI htmu? ~PII can you elaborate on that a lit& bit horn US? 14 .Mr. BMody.'I'hat early conversation I alluded to. i rm .Mr BMody. In what way, ,W. Baron? mi Mr. Baron. Right.And in Iight of the ktthat PI Mr Baron. Well. what specitcaUy, in what aradid rari YOU fmd that the seoantion had becoa~rowlhing of a .. . . SenateCommif(cc0nGova neartng vuiumr niuuwr o JW23.1997

Page217 a Pap. m 1'1 .Mr Moody weu, Is Isuggcstcd euhcr, pmcipauy [(I done about health care ' Do you recall that' m u1 what I would call muugerial ways 'The one that really 'm ,MrEaroodyIdo m complicarcd fhc procar of report aniring mthe-and I PI Mr. Baron. Cui you dabonre on what occurred with [dl allude to this in the bcument-w the wylwfif to some (41 regard to the holding up of the publication? 19 RNC staff of pmduction of Uut rtpor~.Anaarhrl lor of [SI Mr. Baroody. In all candor. not very much.& I lo fires had to be putout which wtre.1 rhjnlr.sMed by PI recall, I returned ro my of6ces at the Nariorul Policy m tho* staff do@ what they thought was cditoliauy m Forum born prvcl to one of our forums. or rmylx more UUII iq indicated without horn.because they had not bccn [ai one. to k told that the decision had kenImde. rn involved in the policy pm~,that it might &cct 19 Mr. Baron. With rcyrd to hiring. ON this another lfq impormt linyge. !tq M in arhirh you fclr char fhcfiction of separation had [iii Mr. Baron.You aUudcd in your memonndum to the sc- 1111 broken down in rtut you UNmCd that you had certain hiring pa called Fresno Forum.Am I correct sir, that at that forum ita authoriry which you late discovered wu not dyyours? [illa ConycumulDooley, who wy a Democrat, had ken invited 179 Mr. Buoody.No, I wouldn'f churcccrize it that way pi to oarticipate accivcly as a pancliu? 1141 at all and don't bclinc I did in my mrmo.The hiring iuuc [*si Mr. Buoody.llut's correcf. :14nixd in my mcmo doer noc go to the question of the Gction tiq .Mr. Baron.And that Y a dtof prcuurr being :M of upantion. It goer to what I thought waa the failure u) [I? broa&ht by the California State Republican ogvlintion. you iiq hcp a commimxnt nndc to mc about hiring authority, but it itai received an inrwction-and plaue coma mc if I'm wmup :tw was not an indication of the fiction of xpantion at all iiw 4 believe it was from Mr. Bubour. that he should ont be :!SI that the chairnun would have stmw views about Wins 124 allowed ro participale on the panel but should be made put w pcople. He had, in fact, told w that he would have strong pii 01 the audience. ?II vim.'Ihe question of munhirr is rhe only issue them. 14 Mr.Buoodyauoody.uscnIiauy- p~ and it does not go to the rpantion issue, in my view. ~ZJI Mr. Earon. Correct me if I'm wmng. p~ .Mr. Buon.Thrt was just rimply a separate iuue that pal Mr. Buoody. EucncLuy that's comct.whether I 341 you felt that had nof lived up to a commitment to you? gs~received sprcifidy lmm Mr. Bubour an instructionto a .Mr..&uoody .msCOmct. P.p.2111 Pag8 221 111 Uut effect or it wu implcmcntcdin another way, I honestly [il Mr. Baron. Okay. Now, did it come to your attention m don't d.Buf that was- m any incidcnu that put the NPF in a position that in your IYI Mr. Bamn.Was it communiated to Congmannn Dooley m view involved them in cunpai&ul.rcla~ activity?You uud 141 lhrt he would not puridpue on the pand. would hc in the pi that phnse at one point in your wmonndum. [q audience. md Y I understand it, he then daidcd not to [5l Mr.ByoodY.ya. m partiapatcurll? PI Mr. Baron.What 'RLI thc incident? m m. m.Eucntiauy, I belioc that ia what m Mr.BamodyI shoukl say &re =-that was not a m bPpened,ya. PI &cqucntpmblCm. 19 Mr. BMn. kfmc go to your mn0r)VLlr mcmoMdum rn Mr.Byon.Iundarnnd. iiol relafive to thc FmoForum. I am quoting.You say, 7he iol Mr. Buoody.lhae was one pmblcm I thought reflected ifii FmoForum wu a au in point. My mwy pier rhat our 111 poor ju-t on Ihc pan ofone memkr of NPF's Mm 114 50l

Pap24 paos 244 (11 nature of the thtng. [I] dit258, ll you have if there. it is a mmo to you m Mr. Buoody. I understand it. Senator. m and to Haley Bubour and to Ken W from Scott Reed on June I31 kUt01 GlcM.YOu Ue familiy with how UWIgs work m 2,1993. and the subrct is NPF action. It has a number of 141 wound here. rrj different item listed. One has survey research muling. [si Mr. koody Yes. [q Number faro hu fundmising. Number three is develop policy I61 EMtOr GkM.lhCf'C M80. [q councils. Number four is appoint board of m ChairmThompson. [hiding.]How uc we doii? m directorstexuutive commiItee. Five is prepare documents 19 knator CleM.AU right.we were 9 finished, and I [q for Chicago RNC meeting. 14 think Bob,ir finished over hac. ~4 Unda the title of hdnising them. one of the item 1101 Serutor Lhnett. Mr. chwmyr for your edificltion, IO! listed unda hdiaisiiis row.Now. this wmo. I 1111 ~eyouarereoulIjustMdC~pOintthatifthiswae I ti believe. came to you shortly aRcr you had taken ova at !in a money.lrundetin(l opmrion for the purpose dg- 14 NPF. Is that cod 1131 funny-foreign money 01 funny money of any kind into the 131 Mr. Saufor Glenn, it is dated June 2nd. It iw Rcpubkan National Comminn. it was a callosal hilure I41 was well WOIe I did. 1951 bccaurc all of the money went the other any'lhe money tunc 151 Senator Glenn. Wore you came in? iiq from the Republican National colnminec to NPF in return for lq Mz Banwciy.Ycs, [in which the National cornminee did not receive a sin#le &,a in k~torClcnn.AU right. Did you ever have occasion [ml single phone call. a s\nde phone bank a sin& tal to discuss this mcmo.ordid you become hrmliy with it [io! endorsement. It received nombut debt$. and when the iq aftcryouawinandlookoM? w loan gu~teemade the RNC even, if we u~mcthere was no zq Mr. Byoody. I have rdIy the vaguest recdlection of WImore money dnin after Uut-and I do not Wnk that is a 211 this memo. I was engaged in the employment I currently had. m fair usumpoon-they at lrut 1-1 an additional 5800,OOO al almost liWyup to the day, July 1% that I sated at rm on the xtUemcnt. 231 WE PI SO. ifthir is thc WXy YOU Ye#&# tO#CS fOW!i#ll zq 1 do not daythat lgor this.1 am sure that I did In1 monev into the Republican National Committee. we have got to cq get it, but I do not redlengaging in any serious P- 242 Psp. 245 111 get smarter people at the Republican National Committce. 111 conversations about it. w ChairrmnThompson. I clkc is we have additional [21 Senator Gler~n.ruIrtghz 6ne.lBi8 wu not bmught m questions dthis witness? 01 to your anartion by- staff member alter you got there PI Senator GLaul.Thac may be a few rdditiolul [a] and said chir was going to be something we are looking in10 151 questions. ya. and I think 0th- members wanted to uk (61 or was bmught to your awntion aa somethinll you should Iacoupkdquestim. -could start in the mming? m spcciticaUVnotto? Uwe m ChairaunnMmpson. U we start in the mom and m Mr. Bymdy. No. that is not my recollection at all. 1everybodv COmcI backof COUne, I pIcdict we would be Scnrtor Glaul. Okay. You bcumc hmiliu. though. 14 M-aday with uir wimcsa yrin. obviously. ifotha rn lam on with the ellom. and your objection to those (14 members want quesriona. we will have to accommodate them. iq florts, as you saw than, was one of your nnin reyoru for 11 I1 Senator kh.I just had Ollc qUCSIiOR if YOU a 111 re*gnind;istharcomct? [in going to try to end with this witness tonight. Mr. Chairman. 121 Mr. buody SOWOr Glenn, the efforts I have 1i4 Ch*rmYIThompson.'lhatiscer(rinlyokaywithme. iq charactenzed, they dywere occzsional conversations. I 1141 Senator Lcvin. Lct me add my rhyllrc for your coming 141 bcclme atbare, ti?% in chc comasation I have abut iiq foranrd and providing us with testimony, Mr. Baroody. iq described prior to my arrival at NPF with Haley Barbour. is1 You said that there was a diwgreemcnt between you and iq My mcmo in its own mm~.Scnator,up hut somclimc it? Mr. Bubour. I think using wordr. which were over prudcn0 ~n after the first of the year, someliw Ihu the volunteer Itel judgments, not over matters of law. '11 fuuncc chair- amc on board in that rawify urd I found 11s Mr. Buoody.Ycr. 'aj that he also agreed with M about foreign money being rzq Senator Levin.And if yw have answered what I am g inappropriate, I said, to the best of my knoanedge. the PI) goin# to ask you, then forgive M because I have not been !I] issuedied. m here for the last few minutcs, but in your mcmonndum letter a It was aconcnn that I had, but given that at the time mi and your wmonndum of resignation. you nude the following DI I wrote my resignation mcmo. I thought it was a dead issue. WIstatement which I happen to agmwith. and rhb is in the !4l I would not YV that it was a mior revon for my dep~ture. PSI middle ofpage 2 of that mtmo. pw 243 111 "1 had undustood,' you ui4 'at rhe outset that this 1'1 out of your dcpOsltiOn, I Mu put read thu Into the R) would k an orpnization &patate from the RNC.Though both m record hac and ask lor pur concurrence that Uus is sU ni would k chaired by pu they would opmr dircinctly. I w accurate On ppe 28. line 9. the quesuon was, mid you 14) had this understanding not only because you and the others [ai have any ducussions about msmg money from foreign la told me so, but kaurthe dcliknre &cision had been [q conlrhtors or formgn sources'' [q ma& to orgmk the NPF under stction Ml(cX4) of the rm haw: Wehad as I rmll. one conversatlon on that 81 FedcrrlTax code.'d the nat Line is the one I want to 111 focus on. 'That movision rcauircs scpante owntion.' 14 Mr. Byoody.'ya. sir. [q 'Correct.' 1'01 Senator Lcvin.Would you agm that this lrind of !poi auntion: was anyone dx in attendance at tha~ If I) vpantion is required by Lw?lbtis not soowthing whch '1111 conversation?. is a matter of mod judgment or prudential judgmcnt.Rus [la -No: ri3t question, a separation requirement that you referred to IS a 1131 When did that occur?' 1141 requirement of hw.Would you agrce with that? [tri 'It occurrcdon the calendar. I don't remember 1'51 .Mr. Byoody.Ycs. Scnator.7har is what I wote.and [!SI precisely. but it occurred prior to my arrival at the &WE It61 I did distinguish earlier. and I believe you were not here, :pi My guess is it would have been late May or wlyJune.' thrngs like the structure. whm it mclearly scpuatc, ~ [tn Quastion: 'And What diSCusSCd in reg- to !I&] and other. what I called managerill concerns. where the '[rei foreign contributions?" lw blurring of linw occurred, but I do agree with your :[iq Your answer,'7hc general idea that foreign money could m characterization of my meeting. [zoi be raised for the XPVPE' IZII Senator Lcvin.l?unk you.Again. Uunk you for comurg Ouestion 'And whose idea was that?' [m forward. [a Anaww: "It MI raised by Mr, Barbour." [ai l?unk you, Mr. Chairm. !ni Qwstim "Did you agree with the fact that foreign IZ~IChairmulThornpson. Senator Glenn? {Z~Imoney could be raised for the XPF?" L251 ScnatOI GlcM. Mr. Chairman. ius1 bricflv. 1251 "I did." Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Script@ (43) page 241 - Paee 246 . -u.L W-bHL VU WBb4UAIALU.Y NIWJ JW 23,1997 n-1996PECFunds '

P*WEn [il Thank you, AW.Hr.Quoody.Do you have anyKlung? Mr. Buoody. One poinc. Mr.Chwrmn. and I alluded to these documnu.I wondm if I could ask Ihat they k I.) I.) included in rhc d. [q Chairmul'Tho son NI [email protected] will be made a [e part Of the ,02%hat do you have, four there? m Mr. BMody. It is four chumcnlc. chm iuuuof ((I Com~~nwnscand the aunmuy report of the National Policy rn Forum. rq Fe inlormationI0Uows:l rii I COMMIlTEE INSERT rn 251 111 QuinnullhomprohAU~righ~Wewill adjourn and m rccunvene at 10o'clockm the moming.We will have Mr. Vdansck and Mr.Barbow at 10 o'cbckin the morning. PI -You. 1 Mr. Buoody.lhyILyou. Mr. chaimnn. IwhercUWh I608 Dm.. the tommi(tec w1s adi0urncd.l

pylc 247 - plec 251 (4) Mia-u-scripm Mulei Reponing Cornpuly, Inc. ,995488.15;73:2 58:lJ. 19;88:21; 115:14; '4:lO. 15.16;763;%:5; 3 116:2.7,13.15,24; ,0714; 1643 186.17 15222; 154:l: 1726. If. I996 1: 2; 39; 4: 3;7 2 I; n.24; 123:20 1625 $1,525,000 727. !7 30: 17; 6lh21.25; 69:4. 21; 173:1.4.6. 15. 17; 13; 169; 19:1.5;31:20 1;W:19.2086:24; 92:7; D 195:22; 22916 $1.5 W13; 79:21.23; 174:2. 10.12; 200% L925;50651:16.25; 3:14; 101:18; la:? 88:3; 237:13 2 223:13 100-il173:2 i2:16;766.14;7724; 06.18; 15725,201.9 0 83:4 $1 .d 486; 71: 19 '8:4.23; 119:19; 127:14; 100.sponrorad 42:9 ,000 159:14 Ih 1465 Sl00,aOO 173:3 205:14 18312; 199:18 107 100:13; 102:8.16 .562:19 S100,OW-from M5:2 1997 1:4;59:17;231:1 1011 1:8 0 21:22;45:21;51:11; S120,aOO )8:4 19th 58:11; 155:3; 171:8 7 11 62;15:19.25;5710; L:l.22;83: ~- $1341:2 70:24; I12:3; 1m2 1st 1691718; IW9, IO; 614; 107:3; 14710; !08:21; 244:22 00 183:lO $130.000 195:M 12 84:9; 206:3 485; 194:lS 1897 $150,~~~~119161233 104:14 &second3513 6 1W21 Sl00pOo4712 12th7013 2 01 722 ~.. $101,000 77:7 13 30:17;484;63:24; 0272:21 $24621; 12024; 153:2. 71:4.8; 190:8;231:17 131:10;69:2.5.6;71:16. 0473:15 8 .. 7.8.9; 154:6; 158:25; 13th7014; 154:12; 18: 80:19; 91: 13; 9717; 0th 168; 17:5; 14821 159:17; 1&9;%:13; lmB; 171:6 104:13; 109:lO; 1134; 173:20 199:lO 133:22; 156:2; 15818.19; 225:12 14 101:M; 151:25 33 7623;n.16 130194 184:18 $2,100,000 7015.17; 14225; 244:3; 248:20 .. 14th 171:8 n:22.23 00.000 181:15 .. 71:13 zpoo 159:13 a 15 28:24;623 34-dM 77:14 a83.22 $2,149,985 7013 ~.7rpproxinutely- .. .. 15th 171:8 13578:l.B .. $2,400 4219; 5815 millbn 57 18 16th 526 171:8 1%.2 U,saO 16:14 zRllD7 111:18 149 9 17 5125; 198.20 15 6323; 186:2 .. $24nillbn 1426 20 59:17;72:9;M71 17th 171:8 63 111:18 197:). 17; 146:13; ~. $2.1 47101Yk12:91:'1: 20th 71:21.25; 154:13, . ., 58:lO; 246:3 929.15; %:I7 98: 13; 1849:lZ; 172:22 25; 170:18,22; 171:7, IO, u8 574.8 *:I,; l8lh 171:8 IO US 70:9 I1 872 . .~ im:z 106.~0; -... 119:18; 12224; 123:9; 1904 194:) 20th-hold 17013 100 59:7.13 Q 135:12;2l%20 .. ..~. 1832 1970 134:M 21 168:7.23 193 w:5 nm3;II~IE; 135:4.13 $2.1-mlllbn 43:1%48:4 1910's 45:6 23 1:4;91:1;9712; I6 186:24 $2.5 922; 2259 1971 95:4 123:19; 1267 I7 112:lS. 19 #.741:13 1976 1&2; 199:17 23rd 375;9221:97:10; - 4 10 102:18 $20,0004221; 43:3; lQ77 %23; 55:17 987 ):15240:12 58:22; 59:ll. 16 24 13:1;59:19 I263;2714;65:8.8; k30 240 12 1980's 45:6 1212; 231:1.7 USpaO 4214; 5810 25 49:13;63:4.8;83:9 nh 34: 15: 37:4.5,22; 1991 403.22 5622 D 134:18 $260,000206:1, I2 571O;eO:16.21; 86:24; 258 244:l 187:19 $3.5 43:22;64:8; 10711; lIS5,14,14; 12713; 25QA M0:20 186.6 171:24 26 9:22:63:4 5 A $3.5-miIlbn 629 199192 119:17 273 109:10;212:15 Z05:19 1992 12717; 199.17 263;29:8;61:14;6S:8; $460,000 273-and 2M):ll i I-and 5818 168.9.13;4222; 199342:25; 135:2,6,7.8, 12216;167:11 $5,000 273A 201:8 cin 59:9 58:23; 18224 11; 19O:lO; 19419; i,OOO 159:12.15 2738 cii 876 550.0007023; 183:14 MO:21;20221;M518. M1:8 j0 85:24; 134:18; 2072 27760:3.9. 13.14 n.m 1:8 rsoO,OOO 71:17 19.2(; 2a6: 12. 2% 23023 iM0 181:14 244:3; 24820 2l7A 60.2 abilities 234:22 555,000 5223; 53:l 500 46:24 31:20,43:1.17; bbility 3:24;4:19;7:15; $700,000 tm3.8; 18M 1994 278 61:23 4412;45:2.21;48:4; 501 90:16; 96.19; 97:l. 21:11; 121:16; 122:19 183:9 279 mi4 11; 123:20 51:Il; 5915;60:2.17,22; 28921; 60:17;61:22; mbk 5:5;7.6;42:23; $7&,000 52:Zl 61:22:624;655;66:1.22 501(c 108:2 109:9.18;2463 ~8:15.16,96:8; 107:5; $75,000 4212; 5&9 7019.19;71:4,8;729, 501(C)(3 8910 111:5; 115:ll; 11614.23; $MO,aOO 52:18;80:2,4; 25;73:3;91:1; 93:lk 283 64:25;65:17 501(e)(4 3523;361T 121:23; 151:5; 158:24: 88:2;113:5.m, 1141% 9712; 1073.22; 109:7.9, 285 66B.16 89:11;90:4; 105:18; 179:5,7 I19:19; 181:2; 183:7.15; 18; 119:4.5; 123:19.20; 28640 1074 1102.11;11214;124:2; aborted 41:20 235:25; 241:22 125:Z. 23; 126:7.11; 287 65:24 187:24: 1929202:6. IO. 12717; 134:20. 25; 13S3 about-in 12216 28961313; 106:16 14; 203:lO: 20719; 5.9; 139:4; 147:10 1485 215:24;216:2, 17; 21812 About-the 65:7 1 152:6.13; 158:25; 1595, 29 45:2;65:5;72:24;73:3 219:lO. 22;221:20; about-wanted 116:12 IO; 160:lO; 163:18; 164:l 292 69:21;94:4;123:22 225:M. 20230:8.21; above 4j:6; 106'25: 1 I :25; 263: 2714; 2824 186:2; 18717. I9188:6 297 122:8 243:6 12217; 161:s 190:lO; 194:19;206:4,6, 43: I; 49:13; 91:I 2.24; ZQ971:1.2; 170:2 511 15723 Abroad 40: 13; I21:6 107:10 163:s 12.19; 207:2.25; W:20 2:00 104:15 553 112:12 absence 194:5;228:18 1078:3; 105:5.6; 209:9.14; 210:3; 21 I :I 5; 106:lO; 2:14 105.2 5749:12 absant 123~9;168% 1 :19; 1%: 167: 1 213~17 I I IO; I; 190:15 2w21 199Che 1625 2nd 244:13 5849:13 Mmef Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Sdp- (1: .525.000 - absent absolutely 87: 18; 89: 15; 194:5.8.10 Amendment 913; 16e.r; 153:22; 16522; 17621 activii 35:7.25;39:19 AElk 194:12.16 ah- 102:6; 103:18; 169:20 absurd 23710 166:s; 1796203:ll; wroapaee si :20; 165:12 America 33~1%136:18; abur32:12; 195:ll 206:20;219:9; 221:3; 13210.20; 1332 aimed 3:3,8 191:15;196.4; 1977.8; abu- 33:2.4 225:; 2268, I I; dhlr 19:19 air 16915 200:16; 22733; 2324; ucde 11:25; 164:20 231:18; 235:6;2%:11; mirs1:6 2168 eirsdt 133:6 23424 239:20 Amerka-there 518 ucakmtod 4722 .(M 183:18; 217:9 .Id 3424 UtU.1 13:8.12;6212; Amrhn 33:999.11; ucept 181:9;203:1.1.6; 64:17; 139:16; 17211 rohad 11211.17.24 aiak20:3;21:12 22713; 230:); 115:17.24;116:3;120:1. 239:3; KtUally 26:7;68:11; dfuthg 2315; 204:4 Alub I:13;28:14.15; 249:l 22.2); 121:12; 1225; 89:11; Il3:7; 12116; dhctbn 121:7 M:7.8; 184:14.15; 136:16,25; 151:20; rceptab.bk31:13 1694; 199:23; zQB:21 dfh@114:11 185:13;22213.15 15216 15923; 160:6; uceptana 91:16 ad 232:22; 239:20; fllhtOd95:Z 111:25; AWN im3.14 191:14; 19214.15.17.22; accepting 44:20,2492 241:17 1127; 1532 .I 194:22 194:3; 2W3; 2272. Z uc.u 10:6;85:2 dd5:4;7:12:10Zl;12:2; #ilhM-or 202 16 Alan 54:6; 198:4 247:12; 24023 wcomrmd.1.24210 222); 117:Z; 13710; dHlhtbn 105:21 Akx 403; 174A5.15 Amricana 195:23; .. mccommod.(kn79:15 1763; 186:23; 23912; .(HrmtlvO 1423 aICI 124: I 1%21 :. ACCOMPANIED 190:2. 24214 &rd 126:2 aIkg.tbna 247.12; Among 44:20 55:12; 65: 18; 66.4; 75:6; 974; 13 additbn 40:s; 69:7; .((Ordd49:20;75:21 31:11.12;34:16.24; 16425; 167:19; 169:12; 121:22; 160:l; 1%16; ~ .~?company 49:15 19911 22424; 231:18.23 .tb.1238:19 214:s; 24725; 249:5 ' fcconplkh 9131 .(bul93:20.24 alkgd720 ~.uconpllahmnts dditbnall316; 273; alkgdly 226:lO amount 35:2; 42:12.14; mhr47812 50:12; . .;234:22 32:6; 58:21; 158:17; 43:22; 47:9 W15. 1?7:19;205:14, IS; afterrnth 3:15.17 182:13 21.22;69:12;72:7;79:8: .I wcording 13320; 237:13; 241:22;242:24 albw 34:24;4822;61:17, ,17222; 174:lO AmRNOON 105:l; W2.4; 922; 106:20; additionally 818 115:lO 151:14; 160:17; 9225 1202; 167:25; 178:5; ,Ascordlngly 98:10; 161:3; 198:9.10~14; rlbd19.9; 105:lo; 183:5.15;206:6239::17 ~194:22 add- 3281%5; 166:25; 169:18; 185:M 2W17 121:22;21720. 22520. amounta 3217; 183:13 : . account 4218; 43:4. ... . I: AG 21:n 22; 2m22 an-lnhomntly 247 I1 .. . :58:1Z 70:ll; 72:8;%:13. addm106:a; laa.12 5:13;09;21:7: rlkrving 428 : 11;9224;%.3.3.1; addm1465 -In .Mlog&d 193:s ~113:ll,l7;I27A;150:22, 8ddNdng 2620; 1679 5133; 526;73:17;76:15; Illude 2174 analyaw 2410 83:ZS; 102:3,3.3; 112:3. alludd 34:l; 74:22; :~.j 23.24; 17210 174:6 d.qW 145:11;2348 analysi. 1m.5 25; 14'1:22; 15724; 158:l; 198:19; .~ircCOUnt'I 17412 132~9; 20(:15.21; adjourn 1m.18 164316711; 168:7.21; 213:22; 214:IZ; 21711; Md. ..m 163: 11 ueountmbla 8:) dminhtmtbn 194:21; 185:4; 193:4; 2102; 2502 andlor 7923;88:7 ucounts 2092; 2223 19910.13 213:s. .~ 21611; 230:6: alluabn 192:4 anger 1%14 ucumulrtd9:14; 1913 Mmlnl i4:25 235:20; 2364; 237:16.24; announced 4:lZ 2429; 243:tl almo.14 1:20; 48:5; Ksumuletbn 19322 59:19; 133:12; 179:H); 2m22; 205:3.4 ucurmey 153:21;213:3 agdn-imssl173:3 Lo6:13;244:22 announcemunt 93: 13 UcUnt.61:15.19;63:7. admire i43:il 8galnU2:lO; 1621; nbna 33:7 annually 235:l 21:16;36:15;3e:i, 3; 17; 642;88:l; 11 1:7; 15225 ibng 5916; 157:22; anamr-that 2103 5213; 93: 17; I26 12; 138:23.23; 151:4; 15323; Apt153:22 1766 anamred 11714; 151:21; 193:19 179:17;2463 Apm11618 ~irudy9~6; 37:a; 136:IS; 150:4;M9:23; agenCkr 32:20 accunl.--bOna 179:lf .d. 21994; 232:17,18; 1o6:16;177:~~; 195.18; 24220 .gem9315 ucurately 103:23: 235:); 236:13 212:24; 245:14 anamring 124:14; agenda 51:19;7822; 138:21;-W24;24720 advance 14:21; 15:3; Jw-my 227:lO 154:22 KhWd184.7 131:15 793 nltemtbna l28:24 anticommunist 130:23 agent 1iW6 acquaintad 8213 advan~d61:17 nlthough 36~9;44~16.24; antkip.c.d 57:ZO .go 16:5;2616;39:19; wquired l23:9 advantogo 1273.3 45:s; 4621.60:22; antklmbn 205:9 60:22; 65:a.e; 71: IS; 131:18; 1393; 15215; uroaa~~ 6:4:693. ~. .dvantrg.r 12622; 104:7; 168:7; 234:5; anybody 38:6; 165:17; Act 95:4,11; 1322 1761 155:7; 187:5.11;201:15; 188:14; 239:3 2a:u 2n:12 140:7; 14L15.17; 151:2. dvertbinp 159:21; mgrr 36:12;44:15;45:8; anymore 11:4 3; 194:23 nRoog.thar 228:lO 21920,23218 111:5,6; 124:2; 128:H); Anyone 2017;9310 Am532 advka 472; 10725; 148:18; 165:22; 211:6; DmS4419;7814; 117:18.23; 138:ZO; utlng 1935 109:6.19.22; 13234; 24224; 243:lO. 14,19; 8210;Iw:11;89:7; 104:9; 15710; 163:19; 171:4; 173:~;ma 25 24623; 24715 IM:I~;ma; 135:~; 20716; 246:IO utbn 38:7;52:13; l%.l); 158:lI. 13; 191:9 193:lO; 233:l; 244:3 dVlIad76:16.I8. 1% apobgize 13k9 agl.ubb 173:2 Irnl2020 utions 155:17; 15620 776: 14817; 154:24; ogread 34:14;42:6: apology 493 MBAOUS 39% 8 utive 408.12; 121:6.6; 164:IO 185:23;247:24 45: IO;473; 49: 16; M: 1; apparent 1%:19 dvlsing7:1;98:18.25; 52: IS; 7613; 87 19; 88:2; 41:11;%6,14;:19; 207:4 M):7;61:7.1662:2.25; apparently 1018; 35.12; 11017 92:16; 101:2; 131:17;. 43:25; 83:4; 86.24; 88:15: 8Ctivdy 217:14 6520 6e: 18; 7224; 74s; activists 222:l advisor 8i:2 204:lO. 13.16; 2193; 10523; 213~24;2257 245:19 115:lS; 1165. 12.21; ACTIVITIES 1:l;39; rdViIory 126:11;201:6 117:9 118:7.19: 119:25; appeal. 180:18 35:5; 366 81:4;822; advOCUy 17:14.16; agrml-bebm 68:12 151:16; 152:19; 15517, appear 1614;'39:7.I 1; 108:ll;118:14: 121:5; 235:5;23613 agreeing 14:4;66:5 18; 1584; 186:16,18; 53:6; 61:9; 71:l I;yb.6; W:9; 231:12.14; 232:14. advocating 23218 Ogmement 161 7; 183 6 210lI 101:19.22 absolutely - appear (2) bUa-U-Saipt@ . appearances 1I :8 arrangemnt 501; 1615 attachedl%:5 g 19.21.23;29:3.5,11.13. 21; 4610.15,17.20; 491. appwred 174; 4622; arranging 235.17 attempt 43:21; n14; 15, 17-; 14, 17, 19,2I; 50:17.21, 22; 51:4.7,11.24; 522.6, 100.16.21 arman 924 E?1;13923 302. 8;60.16;61:5. 10.21; apparrd-boion 8-3919;4615; IO. armat 3:s 6320; M:7; 65:19; &2, 100:15 M:16;51:23; 187:6 arrests 4:12 B 1967 15; 68.19; 7224; appears 71:14;7220; 8nhnl20l:l; 207:7; 8ttend.nca 93; 4412; n:2.18.23;743.11.13. 73:1;92:18. I912322; 22720; 245:11;24615 4814; 62:25; 246: 10 b.s 218:17.21 22;795.12.16,22,23; 164:19; 165:lO anhnd 19%18 mndantm3 kk4:20; 10:9,19; 17:5; 77:19.2(3.24;78:4;8217; applkant 1737 Arthur 11923 altondd 82:24; 185:8 21:23; 2212;41:21; 8312,20;84:; appliutkn 1102; 129~; 8714; 88:7.91:20; 11:15;&1; amdon 13:a IS; 9:5; 4720; 3I:lS; 59:l2; 188.1; 191:23; 193:4.6.9, Artkl. 106.17; 11710; 1193; 80:24;82:2 61:13; 627; 66.8;157:24; 66:13;76:10.11;79:~ 12.16.24; 20214: 21524; 192~,209:421222; 84:14;894,1886:23.24; 122:19; 125:15; 131:25; attkk. 44:22,25; 216:2; 21812;21922; 221:l; 2453.5 878.13; 92:2; %:3. 9; 140:23; 144S.8; 157:9. 131:LB; 163:11 19; 140:6,14.17; 152:6, 221 :ZO;230:22.2& 23l:I. Art0r1uy13:6;172,15; 105:21; 106~4.6;11225; 8 wertmin 4615 115:13; 127:13; 138:17; 19:15320.24.25:1542~. ~. 19:K). 2520; 39:5; 4 1: 15; 1563; 158i4. i61:16; .... applhd 10:5; 1224 Asia IM:8 139:lt; 1424,13,25; is; 55~18.23.24100:17.19. r6.~:3;1656; 177:22.23; rpplk. 1679 khn 1224 22; I19:3 143:4.12; 145:ZI; 14925; 150:20,20; 157:25; 178:lO. 10; 179:3.5; appoint 17:11;2446 uid. 11:7 atorneyclhni I3724 .. 15815; 16318: 168:14; 180~5,7.11;181:ll; ..... appointed 1025;41:10 Up3 3210 3920; momya 13:2:224:1.2 183:4; 184:18; 185:1,5.6, appn*.lS 41~2.19 1499 mribut.d207:6;225:5 7-22;1W6.17.24; appmW, BAS; 12:19; upCt. 32:3; 108.1 mributbn 363 23910; 240% 2428 199:25;200:4.8.21; .. :5, I?. 22; 202:20; 225; 53:6; 14922; u-smt 111:6 nypkal2244 back-and-fotth 24025 MI .. 20313; 204:20; 205:3; .~ 1W12; 161:12; IWl4. usm98:12; 12610; audknce 21721; 2165 backdrop 16:ai; 124:2S 2078.24; 208~6;212~6. .. 15, 1s; 190:12 187:12 audit 49875:7; 186:21 background 4333; 25;213:1.21;21S:2O 8ppraiat8-I 12Z8 Uwt, 483;98:23; AugudUIZ 16;452. ~11;8.9:11;130:S.15; 217:19.25; 219:3; 221:16; approach 44:6.761:6; 123:14 21; 51:11.16;62:3;655; 134:lO; 144:20; 145:3.5; 227:17; 237:12.25; 21016; 239:ZS .. 8Selgrmd 32:2;88:22 €6:1.22;78:23;93:14; 198:17 24217; 244:2;245:15; .. appmuhd 40:4; 443 .uignmn( 98:12.23; 107:3.22; 14710;148:5, bd20:s; 113:I4 2468.22; 247: I approaching 193:M 126:9;21?:4 21; 152~6.13;1643; B.lar91:5.9;5W4.16; 8.rboUr'S 44650:25; ... 186:2; 19O:lO; m.21 51:ll; 521688:4.5, 1; .... . appropri.1.221;711; usbt 210:6 96.6.21; 12321; 1402 Au.tnlh81:16 10.15; 141:2.9.20; 91:25; 139:7; 15814; ... ~. 26:lO; 35:1% %:6; 915, whm6 19; 73:% 17971.18 1144; 191:2; 11711.11,19,20.23 author 153:21 142:17; 143:3; 1U1223; 17822; 21210 248315; m8 *uhM 1W1 I authorb 186:21 146:5,18; 149:9; 151:l; 2492 16219 Barbour-'th.( 213:6 ~~rovaI91:16:12217 US- 85: 19 authorky I4102S:Z3; bala- 7:12; 326; ipprovd 103;.2825; ualsting 55:8 465: lM.20; 220.12.17 54:6.7, IO. 17.20, 5011;m7; 105:6; 49:9 authori;cltkn 4625; 24; 55: assoCi.1. 109:l 106:lO; 118:3; 240:2 %:;57:1. approves 1O:lO; 1%15 5023 urochted36:1.2; 4.6,7,9,17,23;58:1.5.7. 41:l; balanced 2373 approxinuRly 4018 authoriza 464; 67: 17; 14.20.25;59:7,9,18.21. 4621; 486; M:13;70:23: balandng710; 11:lO u.oshtbn 4014;90:1: 15716 24:60: 7921.23;80:3.8,19; bail345 199:14 authorized 39:l I; SI:^; 23361:2;4.13,21.25; 11919;223:10 balbond 20x2 %:1:1293:23; 78~19 627,12.20,24; 63:3.6,9, April 168; 175;34:15; aullm 959; 96.1; 113: 16 wthon-l224:21 Band-Aid 167~9 14.19.23;64:1,6.14,16, 37:4.4.22;SO:6;76:14, 141:12; 142:6,8; 1764.6 rutofnatkally 45:24 bandy m.10 20,22.23;65:; 19; 209:9.13 m9;24l:M wail 9:17 bank7:5;46:7.13;4711. &1,4.8,16.18,22.24; amhltocl1598 671520.23; 1.5.10, WUmd158:12.13; 8vaihb.bk61:18; 65:13. 11.13;487.23,23; 50:1, 68: aIr-YBD 8I:lt;693,15, 21518 220: I I; 238:6; 14; 153:2. 13: 154~6.11.,14;5223.24 am3925; X24; 406; 2398 6?9;68:4:7018,24; 19.21.25; 70: 15; 1554; 1%.4; 17011; 2071:l. 3.5,7,12,16.23. 563; 220:10;228:24; ruundng 17613 2375; 240:14. IS 71:10;76:4,16 18,20,20; 23222 77:1.6. I 1;79:8.22; 24;72:,12.17. ruumptbn 12312; 8vOid 22:14:32:15 arms 3212;81:8; 89:21.23;91:8; 92:13, 15; 19,21.23;73:4,7,11.14. 139:9; 14015; 144:18; avoiding 134:13; 178S;216:23 16om 94:17; 107:ll; 114:IZ; 17,21;74: 2W7.9 amill618 20;75:3.10.15;762.6.9. awes-not 9 19 11913; 12210,13; 123:3. assuwbn-they award 18221 125:ll; 14.23.25; 77:9.13.22. arguable 1017; 9132 241:22 amm 48:8; 71:24; 75:10, 128:13.15,20.20.23; 2578:;79:5. 23:3; 34:2 argue uaunnce469; 51:12; 13;82:6; 107:17; 110:22. 1rn5.8.12 1422; 1498 14. 18;80:4.9; 120:6; 154:21; 175:lO; 182:13; argued 204 109.3; 1M:IO 179:4; 23.24; 141:3; 163:lL 19, 154:ii. i3, is. 16; 155~5; arises Wl9:94:25 181:lO 25; 164:2.6; 172:16.18; 16313; 1708; 190:2; 185:17. 1Y 166:23; 1871. arm 105:25 msuranc~1221; 209:13.17,19,20;21014 183:12.12; 184:22; 3. 15; 198:; 241:18 199:15.22;200:3.7.12. arm's-kngth 144:7 66:12.25;671; 10&5 18; 221: 19.22,23; 222:2; Bank's 957; 123:G 20;201: arose 21912 USUIO 20:I I; 87:14; 98:9 232:21; 233:20 245:14 129:l; 141:ll 25; 2023.7.9, I2.19,25; around 27:lO jo:Z3; a88Ud45: 15; 51: 18; amre-wall 209:18 b8nking 4130 203:5.9.13, 18.21.25; 135:13; lW3; 195:22; 64:9,21; 959; 141: 12; amy 52:9; 19220; 204:9. 14. 19.23;205:6.9. 1W2; 223:22; 231:\4; 162:15; 186:7 236:13; 237:4 banks 22614; 233:12 13, 18.23;2C6.3.11.16. 232: I I; 235: 12; 241:4 77:22 Ow(ul2175 bar 22~7 24; 2076, 11. 13. IS. 23; arranged 4610 73:22; ate 190.10 AVO 27: 18.20.22,25; Barbour 31:23;43:19: 20S:5. 10. 12. 17. 19.22. lW24; 1Ol:l; 23621 rtmosphem 2381.3 28:,15.17. Miller Reporting Company. Inc. on - 1996 FEC Funds 210:; 1 basis 4620;47:23; 17.23; 134:; 109~11,14.24;1,1020~225.6 229:6. I I; 23020: 21I:;2l23.8, 95:17; 154:9;Nx):16; 135:4. 12.16; 1364.n.11. 11 9.118 11.25,120 6, 231:ll. 25; 232: 13 13.16. I?. 21; 213:5. 19. 224:9 13; 1377.20.25; 138:8. 121:6; 124:1.9: 131:12 Bhk. 2197 23;214:,18. battery 181:16 13.17; 1393.11.19,22; 132:17. 18; 134:619 bhnks 16~15 21;215:3,5.8.13,20; bwn 79:l 14017,21; 141:6,18.23, 1391.4; 1369,21; 138:4; 2165,11.22.23;217:11, 25; 14215.19.23; 143:6. 139:ll; 142:ll; 143:25; blind 239:6 16.23; 2183.9.20.23. bo-grui 113:4 14.16.24; 144:18.23; 146:lk 1473; 15210; bkc 263 25;219:; W'm 132:16 145:; 146:2.5, 155.12; 157:7; 17223; bbskbusier 9:s; 221:1.6.9. bur 2131 6.6.8.m 147:3.9.20,24 174:21; 1152; 17919; bbod23:lO 16.19.23; 2222.4; kuing1917 1481,9.12,24;1496,19; 181:lO. 13; 185:lO bhnd 109:25;212:1; 228.21; 2rn6.13.19 k.nF1:11;15723 1W6.14 151:6,13,23; 191:25; 193:2; 1953.7; 21523; 2167 230:; 24020; 200:12.15;201:6:2(i7:n: k.133:23 152:4.4 IO; 153:6.16; blurring 243:19 247:22.23; 248:4.6,7 154:3.17,19; 155:20.24; 208:2% 21521; 21719 557; 5623; hfd6:4; 41:12; 11; &rods 15423; 23021 1%.19.23;I5716; 2187; 219:21; 220:14; 64: 88.7; 156:lO; 190:9; 161:5; le6:lO; 201:9; B.roady 109:8. 18; lW:l0.21; 160:12,13,17, 22332: 22410; 225:8.9 199:25; 245:8.14 18.21; 161:18.22; 16211, 22&23; 2W1; 2M:24; 20415; 2W3; 21425; 110:24; 111:3,9;138:19; 1M12 215:14,1);2446;245:18 : 189:2.3,; 1S.22;163:16.25;164:21, 24018; 243:16; 244:ll; hrdm-ar499 .. .190:1.5.61%.11; Bckw 30:20; 37238:9. 23; 165:3.22; 1a14.21; 24719; 24825.25 10.16;39:1.4.4;53:8; 1677,23; 169:16; 1702, ' i97:lZ; 198:1,9. IO, 19; kliimyk1m10 boardS211:23;2t9:17 ..hVO,24; 20&6.10.19. 54:1,8,9,16,19.21;55:2. 4,; 171:19; b.lkmdB9:7; 131:15; 193:ll .; 35: 201:4.14.19,21.24; 5. IO. 17.20; % 172:3, 173:9. 151:16, 17; 155:16 bod-could 193:23 16.20.25; 573.5.8.13, 12; m3.a 14.25; 1753. :2021.7.11. 18.24;203:4. 19218; 202:3; 203:). 14; Bob 48:lL; 199:5;241:9 .p.12. I?. 20.24; 204:6. 22.25; 584.;; 1769. 21k4.23 .. 59:;60:8.10. 11,17.19.21;1?7:2.5.7. bOdy23:lS; 157:s '~..:12.18.21;205:3.8.12. klkv.r 1W14 :~;47.21;206:2.14.18; 13, 15, 18.21;61:1.3.9.; 1784. boll 191:18,24;179:1, klkvlng 1824 ..~.-,207:; 20.24;623.10.17.22; bolb 13922 63:;; 1~3.8.10, kkw91:17 : :208:3.9.1I.15,18.21. Bobn 4616;4812; .'23; 209:; ~4,13,15,17,21;65:2. 14.20. 23; 181:3.5.7. 13. bkmy 223:17. 19 W):1?;51:21.24;?7:19; ~~i2101.,.~ 7. IO. 22,2%a3.7.14. 18.21; 1821.4.10.16; Eon 190.14 781 17.21.23;67:3.19,22. 183:9,20,23; 1&(:2.6.10. 2 ::25:211:;2127. .. . . ~. 12.13; 185:3.18; 186:23; knch 168:11,11 book33:ll; 100:11; 112; 18.20;213:4,1& U; 25;68: 166:22;21214 25;69:;70:1. 18?:2.9,14; 188:16 km(*lirl238:2 .214:7.9. It. 14.17.20, kndll1126 boold.l234:24 ~~-:2221%4.6.12.Ik216:4. 8,10,16,19.22;71:2,4.6, &cws 18521; 186:12 11.14,23;721.4~6.9.11, &Om 19:9; 32);679 bnW1:12:2&6;~1. book. 57:l. 5; 113'14; :[!, 10;2212i7i. ii.22.2l; . 114:15; 149:13;2373 ~'218:;2191.5. 14,18.20,22;73:1.6,10. 110:13; 192:19; 216:24; 2.3,4,6, 24,25; 175:21, ?.ll.15;220:2.5.I3,25; 12.16.20.n.749.12. 229:1:244:18 22; 1761. IO, 12.18.20. born 82:s; 13039 221:5, 2222. kcom..dmkuh 22; 1?7:,14. I?, borne 195:7 19; 223:l. 12.15.21; 216:19 21; 178: borrow92:9,25 224:12.14;225:11.18,24; I 23.25; 1792.4.10.23. 79:3,i. i7.20; m7. io, I becorn17813 ~. 25;180:4.9.i1.16.22. borrowad4613; 105:14 2264. 16. 19.21.24; becoming 1516 422; Borrower ??:6; 108:18; ~n:;2za:3.1. I;. _.~.. I 25: 181:4.6.a 17.19.22: 81:5.21;82:8.15,17.21. I2167 12221;125:; 13.16.22; 2rn3.9.14. 128:13; lZ9:5 24; 2j0:5.9.13,18.19. 25;83:3,; k.n-W 187:lO 24; 231:3,9,17; 2327.20. &(:9859.22es:1.5.10... ~ .. began 5216; 17921; 23;233:,16. 15; 872.5,16.18.25;. 198:20 12.16.17;36:15;43:20; .2O9 21; 234: 1.6, IO, If 88:11,19;891.6.10.13, I4:4; 16625; 15. 18.21; 239:2. IO; 16. 235:lO. 13.20, 23;90:10.14.18,23;93:3. 198:14 241:lO;24923.24 4419; 5Eii;90:17: IIO:~; N); 156:11;166:19; 195:12; 236:2. 4.20; 2376,16,19; 6,22,25;%:7. 11.14.21; BmaN39:l.a; 13518; 95: 16.22; %I I, 15.16. baginning 1023;63:9; 201:16.1~.17;21613; 238:;2391; 766849; 10315; 1466 21;971. 21816 2323; 243:2 24013.15;241:2.5; kldu37:19~ ~. 2%98:S. 17.21.25;99:4. 107:13; 12523; lMZ4; 242:15.19; 2499.15; 231:13 1218;24:10;399:22; bor(om68:21;73:7; 74:7; 24413.16.20; 2451.12;;100.10. 87:15.23; 120:3;235:16; 91:14; 1079; 113:13; 101:1.3.6. bagins 68.25 - 247: 17.23; 248:3.6.8; bound. 161:8 khN78:K); 199:16; 245:20 24910.17;2w):l.2.7 11.14. 17,20,25;10210, Boyk15:11 12.17; 103:11. 15, 19; 209:lO; 233:18 bOtIW21:15;27:12; b-8 18&2 lM2.4.7; 1054; 106:13. &hind s8.14.20 105:ll; 121:22; 131:lO; Bren6923; 123:21; bard 123:I 160.3; 183.21; 239:15 140:18; 141:2.9 142:12. 24; 1076,16.21; lW.7; &ghg75:11;83:6 barristers 12624 beyond 1724; 3210; 24;143:3,6,11; 144:13. 109:1.4.13;11019.23; klrbor 1% I 8.r~IW:6 111:16: 112:12.lS. 18.22: 33:3;88:1.6; 10713; 19. m.21.22~25; 145:4. klhf 8513; 21 1:s 11.22.25; 146:~in. 25; be3222 14914;161.8; 16?7 klh?'-lh.1213:6 1472; 150:2.9.10; 162:4. 8.d 1224;44:l; 4620; big 18:6; 23:16: 57:5; b0u.v. 3:16 1922; 20:2; 6515; 122:5 8.12.13,16,22; 163:4 I20:15; 12218; 137:24; Braden's 150: 10 144:15; 163:4; 164:17; bigger 1022 branch 11:15;133:11 179:4; 211:15 22124; .~ Bill 139:12; 144:4; 199:9; 10.16 1222; 123:5.17; 54:23~%22;5717; ' branchss 223 2379 I 204:14; 227:7 1246 125:4.25; 12615. 58:14; 59:6.19.22;64:22; baSk7:6; 18520 17.21; 1278.22.23; 66:9;67:13;69:21; 75:15; 1 bilb71:17 baSk8l)y 35: 18; %:7; 128:; 762,16 79:14; W25; bind @:I3 10720; 172:19; 183:8; 129:; I%?. 823.24:83:7.9. IO. 16; ! bi(3620;80:22;81:3; la6:5 17. 21.24; 131:6.17.24; 85:14;88:13; 89:11.92:9, ~ 144:5.6150:17;161:9, bukally... Mr 64:7 Baron's - briefly (4) bllau-saipos DllIIa Rep-g Company, Inc. . senate Committee on ental Affairs Speclal Invcstlgatlon - 199 -. 57:9; 12711; 182:16; Caliiornia 6:9; 217:17 20.20 90: 1; 221 : 1z;a 19.25; 5621; 57: 12; 13; 182:lI. 12.15; 184:14. 15.185:15;188:11.14.IG; 21224; 228:22; 24325 c.11 1:25;614; 14:14; 23219; 233:15. 18 35:21; 172:3.4. 12; 189';190:7; bright 193:14.20 2716 29:8;%:13; csnddaes31:tl; 161:l; 190:18.21 191:2,17.25; 192:l; 106:Il; 121:4; 145:22; 16725; 169:6.1); 17025; centers 40:6 bring 13:18; 31:3; 37:14; 195:h 1%:6,9; 18123; 182:ZI; 183:16; 199:16: 22618; 235:5 central 618; 3~4;lbo.1; IO; 15724; 1832 197:lO; 1981.6.7; 199:9. 217:2;232:22; 23920; candor 2205; 228:7 22324 bringing 39:14; 224:) 25; 201:6.6; 22019; 24 1: 18: 248:12 canvassed 26:l certain 103.4;12:25; eritish 81:zo13220 222:4.6. 12.13.16; 223:l. cdkd 12:6; 27;ll;33:18; crpabk45:IZ j5:2; 45:6;63:7; 66: 11. 12; broad 164:7: 184:7 2,14,20; 224:lO. 13; 55: 11; 7815; 85:l; cspwitk. 199:20 94:19.24; 13215; 133:12: 225:l. 14.19,25; 2265. br0.d.r 525 150:19; 1S925; 18O:l; 154:4; 15720; 1627; caprr( 201:6; 245:18; 227:7,12, ~~k 13912; 199:9; 194:16;205:1; 21712; 18520; 187:6; 193:14; capital 71:18 16.24;22(1:4.7,11.14. 204:14; 214:15; 2277 22415;238:4;243:18; 2m11; 224 10 17. 19;2302;231:12; cmpbllrm 1)6:17.18 broken 220:11 248: 15; 249:7 Carhlnly 25; 316;816; 232:1.15; 239:5.6; 2403, cmpblh 13O:ll; 1s.19 Bl00lu 15914 calling 11:4 23:M. 24:4;90:13; 11;241:7.10;242:2.7.12, lW13.23 BROTHERS 3929.23; calbd241:14 cmpitalhtk 11019 113:l; 119:ZZ; 13; 243:23,24,25; 245:18; 40 18; 4 1:7; 43:14; 479; calb 5125 card 35:~) 125:14; 141: 15; 16225; 2488.17; 2492.15,19. 1TI.16; 180.10; 181:13; 48:2;%:10.19;5711; ura87:15.21;88:1T 22.25; 2M:Z. 5 cam 126~3 187:5,7 193:15; 198:19; 58:12; 59:lO. 17;60:1; 125:14; 1375; 155:lO; Chairman's 25:l I; cam16312; 4725; %:6. 219:14.18.25;220:1; 24213 , 70:6.12.23;74:18;91:6; 17; 65:14; 7020.22;74:1; 11225 .. 22920; 24023 certaintkr 154:5 9216; 113:5; 11613; 86.9; 100.2; 1379, chairmm-excuse IO cuew5:14;10:~2;11:1. cartainw 724 128:2; 145:14; 1621 142:13; 1462; 15437.8. 1W17 6 1921 certitk&47:19;49:6,6; brought 13:T 209:3; 20; 15921; 165:ll; chairmanship 13916 217:17: 1452.5 173:16 17721; 183:lO; careers 159:20 5224: 7923 199:5.8 &es47:13.15. Brown iw:9;215:7.8.9 1932.13; 213:13;214:3. ca&i 134:14; 165:14; chairperson 139:14 18423 25; 7024; l29:3 Elownback 1:11; 2017. 25; 215:13; 223:18; chairpersons 474; cotem 16333 18.19; n: 19.20; 29: 12. 2n:zz;~2a:it;t37:n; carefully 920; 2713; 13914 13; 127:20,21.24; I28:B. 241:15;244:11.15.19; 16420; 1977; 239:3 chain 4:f20;6:15;7:16; champ7312 245:18 15:6.9; 1610 12.15.17;129:7.11.15. Culm 1444 chance 12614; 152:IZ CAMPAEN 1:2;3:5.9; Chair M.9; 13:4,13; 19.22; 13O:15,19.22; carried 5:12; 85: I chances 124.5 131:4. 14.21; 1324; 723;92;14:5; 1714 cankr 159:9 2324; 2M.10; 213:15; 329.12.15.22;33:18; 214:25; 215:5,16 228:18; chanaa 268; 29:3 136:lf 14 cany 1625;38:7;229:15 3519;91:(: 12025; 239:8 chan&d 111:14; 160:7; euckly 16721.24; 14911; 163:8; 166.2); carrying 224 208:17: 234:9 168:8.10,23; le4 Chlrd110:8;201:16 167:l. 17,24; 169:5.8; cU.2:13.15;3:5;5:15. 21634; 2433 chanw~12625; 167:19 Buddhist 1525; 1620; 21.22;6:9.13;73.4,6; 18225; I93:18; I94:S.t. Chaimm 1:IO. 14;2:1. channels 69:lO 1918; 21:3;25:12 13; 19822.25; 1W17.18. 11:21;14:20;15:2.11.21; II; 424;710; chapter 1%:5 Budgat 51:15,2078:22; 20:6:21:3.5: 23:21:. 25:9. 18.21;221:14.1);23225; 812.13; 1223; 13:3.15. 79:lO; 149:3.4.5 248:16 i4;kZi~;129:23; i3217, characterization73:G; 24.25; 142; 1693; 18:9. 758; @:I: 138:12: 24320 build 722 campaignnhtod 18; 133:13; 160:4; 187:13; 206:22;218:11;229:24; IO. 12.13;20:2.10.16. chsruterin65:11,15; Buildlng 19; 3:3; 2224 194:8; 221:3 17.19; 21:17.18.21; 223. 230: I I 734; 75:19; 157:15; built 19(:2;230:6 camp.bn8 I22:6; 4; 23:25; 2418; 25:24.25; cucllnd 116:N); 1426 220 13 bundk 152 193:17; 199:15;27:1. cas- 3:15;65;9:23; 22;28.1,7,23.25; 2. characterized 1384; burdm 1423 can 5:2. 3; 613; 8:1? 99, 29:h 157 1,3; 203: 11; 204:7; 16.19; 11:12.25; 13:18; 14:21,2t; 16:8;22:22; 4.7,15,19;30:16. 18.23; Bush 199:lZ. 17 2073;245:13 1432; 152,Io; 21:14.15; 23:3.6; 25:12.12 31:1;24;33:20.21;3625; business 11:5; 24:9; 2218; 36:20; 3&7;61:13; cl...-Admlml14:18 371.2,24;38:12.17; charged 93:15; 14622 75:23;81:3.7. 10.23; 64:4,10;69:1Q 73:1 1; cash 98:13; 10713; 4010 41:12; 43:20; 462: charbbb 155:s 822.5; 86:3; 87:l;%19; 81:5. 13;83:24;84:1.21. 123:7 472:49:19; 51:18; %:I, 5; Charlie 74 1162;11711.19.24; 22; 85:2;9224;93:10; cast 192:21 67:15;80:10,12.14.18, chase 169:lO 12023; 121:13; 1329.11; 20.22; 81:5.21;821.13. 102:4.21; 108:16; ll3:19; casually 920 check 3G:9; 5814.17; 1339.5; 156:8.13; lm4; 1243; 1265; 16.20.22;83:1.4.1 I. 13, 166.21; 172:2;225:15 categerkally 49:l; 100: 14.17.19,24;84:11.21; 59: 12.16; 61 :15;72:5.15; 1UI:l0;130:8;132:12; 102:Zl; 113:7. 10; 145:IO; businesses 873 IH:15; 14337; 14514; cntegorln 22920 85:12.15.23;86:2.6.11, 213:2 businessman 44:l; 146:24; 14920,1M:7,10; category 24:4 17;874.10.17.18. 1% checkedsB:13 17623 153:16; i&.Zs; 1rn1.22; caught 34:4 88:lO. 12.23;89:2.9.11. 18;90:3.13. 15. 18.20. checking 43:4 buy 123:3; 174:12 1763; 17810; 179:1,3. cIuS0 139:9 24; 91:2O;93:4.9.23; checks 16:8; 42:lI. 16. bylaws 163: 10 11; 1833; 185:lT 186:4, IO; 188:18;201:3;209:19; cauS.d45:16;50:15; 94:3.8.IZ.15.2295:19, 16.18;58: 2ll:lO 213:2; 21621; 113:l 23;%12;99:23; lO2:6; 25; 59: 2 C 2203;2233.8;231:10 causes 212; 33:8 104:12; 105:3; 106:12; Chicago 244:s 234:10;236:12.17; causing 239:17 1084.14; 1158.9; I17:7; chid 2077; 21022 240 10.17; 2497 118:2.4.5;127:9.10,21; c)(4 124:lO. 17; 193:3,G, caution 193:19 children 115:24; 13523. :an't-l i30:7 co 87:8 1326; 134:ll; 139:18.20. 12;23023;231:8;232:16 21; 147:6,8.13; 148:25; 25 Ean't-the 143:17 233:6.8 CDS 80:5; 868; 123:3; 1493.18 150:15; 151:9. China44:21;49:15; Csesar's 19424 uncal 218:13 183:13 11;159:14,25;160:~4.I5. 80:25;82:; cskukted 91:lO cancer 2315 ceased 15 I : 24 16; I61:lO; 166:8, 10. 12: 84:Il;Il8:Zl; 130:18. 19: cakulntion 119:IG sandid-is 161:4 cad0 239:11 170: 1; 175:ZO. 21.22; 13k19.25; 13521; 151:20.24.25; 152:l. 18. calendar 246 14 ~andidnh36.3;8916. center 40: 1 7.24; 4 1: I, 7. 1769.24; 179:7; 180:23. Min-U-ScriptfB (5) bright - China . nmenm tuxam n-1!196~~Cpunds 18; 156:7.8; 158:24 107:l. 25; 1W6.19; commenting 1619 eo Imunicatal52:13 concurrence 2462 Chinu 131:3; 13621 111:15; 114:14;123:24; commenta 8:l.i. 16 communicated 14720 condlion 46 I 5 144:16; 14512; 156:22 Chin- 49:22:84:2.15 m24; 105.5; 11225 185:9;201:19; 2M3.16 eonditi0n.d 14 I :21 17016; 171:18; 1722; ColnlllDrCial 122:9; sommunic.1.. 186.25 choke 322; 123:5.6 173:ll; 174:ll; lF.19 conditbns 1409 choose 120:24;236:17 139:25; 149:8.14,13; communkation 163:22 conduct 8 I i client’s 181:7.7.8 164:14; 17619; 182:18; chooaea-could 13:ll COmmU2- 1972 conduit 23625 ClhU39:8; 11714; 183:19 chooaoa-it 13:11 community 174:20 conduits ir:n 1?1:20 commercials 17:14.15, shorn 3423; 1234 climb lW.7 16,19 comp.nhs 46:24; %14; conferring 13:3.9.12 612.8; 98:15; 24824 chmnobgy 1823.5.6; Clinton M: 16 Commission 1720; contki.nt41:17 conp.ny40:I7.18,19, 214:b clock 145:2l 108:21; 154:25; 15S7. 11. confidonco 5:ll. 14; chunk 17814 15; 16223; 169:lS; 23;41:3,6; 45:14; %9. 1625; 19:M.M:LO; 21:2, 10.11;81:19; 1; chutqmh 18221; 17021; 179:19 99d 11 183:17; 1M.3 11923; 1268; 165:M: contid.nt M:12;465 Commisskn... on 9314 186:17 cheumt.nW 235:15 ckwd k17; 14911 184:20 commK66:lO; 186:8.9 comp.ny’s 423 ... .cimumrt.ncm 24:15; cbrly 36:l.z 105:19; confi&ntiai191:9; commitmnt 41:23; comp.ring 1878 2125, 10 ii 25:15; 12e:19; 151:22; 108:3 4625; 51:17; 6710; 88:); confirnmtbn 1225; 552 i ? 15217; 163:5; 1823; cbsoneu 226.7 137:4; 17211; 220:17.24 comparison 24:5. I1 :... .i 235:19 conflrmd 1974 .. cbsingll:~;174:18 commitmntr 198:13 compdhd 191:) ~ ~.: Cilrd 51~10 cbI23:lO complrins 144:9 confllct2:23;311,14; COlnInbd 4525; 14711 024;96; 163:7,10 j citkr 19S:22 cbud 101 Wmplmlmtwy m3 ~IlUIlhtw1:6.8, IO. 14. conflicting 1816; 41:19 ckimn468;115:15.17; Cocound 1.~14 COmpkt.3713 IH):l,22;134:18.20; 16.18;28;3:18.24:4:22; conflicts 9424; 1626 -Uei 11:16 6 1.13; 75; 9:15, 21.22; compkaly 11:18 .~ 136:3; 151:19,23.24; confusbn 3924 c&mn 1:IZ;27:23.24; 12:14;13:5.8,11.11.19. C0mpl.Z S1913922 ~.~..j 1521; 158:24; 15923; 29:16.17 19 163; 185.23; 19:3.8. Congmm 3:4; 14:8,9; : 18(:22 complhnce 38:7 2220; 133:IO; 137:l; cod.9512; 11011; IO. 11;,21; ... citkns 115:24; 1163.7; 198; 366 15912; 160:6; 1678; 192:lO; 202:6.10.13; 2221: 2424; 25:17.21; :- 121:12;136:10;15920 139:25; 217:3 12. 17. 16933; 21618; 243:7 26:9.21;31:22,24;32:19. la:% 20; :::: citimnship 13411,15, compmhonsivo 211:22 194: 1I, 22 c0.m 4:8 21.24; 33:7.7; 34: 17; : 2324.2% 13515.21; 3913.14.15.18:41:16: COmprhd(0:ll Congmna 22:25; ... 1%24;1372.6,11,19; *93 42:13; 21;43120;.45:5.23; conpromiso 2421 1&12 : li l51:20; 1522.17.20.21. Coinc~171:lO. I3 463;48:M; 51:15,20; compmmhd 24:24; congroasknd 3:18,24; .’-. .. ! 24; 15331; 159:23 Sold 234:M 5214; 535; 5714: W10; 191:15 416; 14:12;2212 15; Chrb17420 COlb(ml4594715, 60:196514;66:20; comptmikr 71:9 23:s. 20; 3~9;12S:lE; 67:17;78:22;79:ll; 1347; la4 civilhn 133: 23,25;4824;u):LZ, 23; conenling 164:14 66:13; 67:Z 705; 7424; 87M;953,ll. 24;%:I; Congmasmn 159:13; cklm912;98:9;99:2; comdw 17:15 1145 798;91:14; 102:24; 101:5.7: IM14; 105:14. 21713;2183 17; IW:6,14; 108:12; conceivably 1101; ch~401;84:22; 119:4,18; 12210.19.25; conjunction %20; 114:1;1177:1197; 215:24 Il82i; 14920.21; 123:16; 163:7,I3; 1645; 165:16 12221; 125:9 1263; 150:16; 151:5; 171:23 183:3 coneomrating 20:7 connected 10519; 10&4 colM.nUho 74:24 139:12,25; l40:6, 14; concwn 23:6;44:25; chaa 84:5; 146:7 141:1,15,16,16,22,22; CONNECTION 1:2; 123:lO 50:15;&%4;9425; 1132; cleaning 1671 colM.nlln(kn 1435.13; 144:lO. 14; 5425; 118:16: 12715 coummlko 458; 7018 1937;219:8.17;221:17; clnr 1914.23;925; 147:14.16.19; 148:1.?; 229:12; 230:4; 24522 consequences 22:ll; COlhgUOO8:14;11:14; 149:3.4.5; 150:3.21.22; 24:2;69:7; 10520; 106:2; I13:25; 114:9; 1151; concarnod 11:13; 1212; 20: 13; 351; 236:15 137:18; 195:9 1192.8.9 1m18; 1512. 3; 1533; 159:3; 1821;31:1(:8922; 14024; 14223; 1431; 162:24; 163:20; 1675.8; COlbCt 179:3 9721; 12415.2f23; considor 1:17; 1014.18; I%:?. 22; i63:3; 17i:i6, 1W13; 1789 1W8; colkctd m21 129:12.16;20718; 274.14; 4419;63:15; 19; 17319; l86:19; 191:1.12; 194:lI; 1994; C0lkctlw)y 15937 22224; 2266 227:l 64:s 6912; 896; 915; 23723 197:lO; 198:24.25: 199:1, 106:19: 1255; 1675; colkg. 1w2 concomlng 195; 3424; chr-in 8925 5.7:200:1;201:5;203:1; 169:4.13; 16.6; 231:8; Sol- 13594 39:l~60:1;7810:8518; clear-it 119:2 225:Z 2324; 233:l; 249: 18 Collins I:II;~:I~,18; 236:8,8, 10.14.16; 2371, 9521; 219:13; 248:I clearly 14922; 155:15; considorsbh 151:14; 29.10.11;115:8,9,17.20. 12.14;23812;241:14.16. concams 1294517; 15225; 15314; 154:14; 1567; 160:8; 172:16; 23;1161,5,10,~1178. 17. 25; 242:l; 244:7; 2123; 21821; 219:4; 174:5; 187:4; 193:14; 1554; 161:25; 206:ZO; 17.22; 118:2; 13430 250:11 243:18 213:7 194:9:208:15;211:2$ conciud. 3:16; 5:3; 23624; 2373; 243:1? colbquy 21:21 Committm’s 2:18;811; consideratbn 210.19; Cobd 14:18,25 31:3;3911;53:7;595; 141:8; 158:22 U.hd 1: 13; 28:20,21; 1220 13:17.20;221; 122:22;. 191:19~~ ~ conclude-and~~ 5: I W13.14; 166:ll. 12; SOrn(oflI491 29:7; 36 18; 64: 11; 696; 1674.13; 1697.23 Comlort.bie~76;166:6; committoea 24:13; concludd 4025; 141:4; 75:17; 114:2.7; 124%; 139:15: 194:22 14211: 1576:221:24 139:5; 166:11;222:21; clerk 1:25; 27:16, I?. 19. 20716 comman M4: i90:21 concl&s 163:4 2262.6 21.23.25;28:, IO. coming 267; 3121; 999;,22.24; 106:13; 12424; 16321, Commonsense 66.6; conclusion 3:22;4:15; considerotions 988; 29:,18, 24; 164:lk222&242:14; 2321.$250:8 1624; 17:1;2219; 181:16 20.22.24;30:1.3.5,7.9. 243:21 Commonsensca I11:14; 114:25; 1%7; conrldered 27:12; 1 I. 13. 15. 17 commom M 20: 37.3: 224:16 2306 4022; 124:6 12534; client 90:17; %:23; I30:3; I58:9; 161.6; Commonsensbone conclusions 8:lf 133:lO 15610; 2105 97:21.25.98:18; 106.17: 178:20.22 224:15 concur %.1 I considerinn- 24:I: 5213: Miller Reporthg Company, Inc. . senate Codttcc on Go Flearing Vo~umeNumbs 8 Special Invatlgation - 199 July 23.1997 91:1;92:21; 109:9 *. 225:2 232:25;24618; 247:Z; ' cormtnarrrn 1978 COurtcloUS 78: 15 249:l corresponded 17337 courtesy 8: lo 112:15;1465; 147:lO: consisted 223:ll 170:8; 184:18; 187:19; contributors 1225; cOurtS88:8; 181:12 consistent 104:4.8; cornspondenca 5210, 244:13 15025; 156:3; 206: 14.24 20):lO; 2465 11;782); 1469; 152:T cover 46: I; 59: 14; 16425 147:12; 175:lO; 17723; daughter 115:22,23; conspiracy 160:s control 108:15; 121:12; 136:s 12514; 169:lO lBo:12; 1877;234:7 conapiratorhi 166:5 daughters 136:6 12623 covered 108:tO; 14322; constant 235:8 controlkd 108:12.24; 131:19; 194:18.21 correspondingly 7923 161:14 daughters-three 1366 consteiWon 16716 4517; W.18; contmvanhll9219 84 CtMM 124:25; 127:3; Odd constitute 4224 corrupted 10223; 103:; controversy 19220 corruptlng 3L6.15 13520; 236:l constitutbnd 25:6; 104:lO: 129:lO convend 5120; 1629 cosignd 4216 cruid61:5; 1124; 396; 56:4; 16714.20 17219 day 15:17;24:1033:2; convmht 155:23 corponwfud22323 34:9; 35:14; 3716; 59:22; constructed!3&20 creatd-mnd 112:3 consulted 45:lO conventbn 4220; 51:16, C0.t 181:14 7014.20; 104:15; 124:7; 20; 58: 19; 78:23; 7911; creating 143:8;200:23 155:6; 17022; 171:ll; consulting 425; 165:19 costing 236:la; 239:15. 198:24 16 crulkn 3923; 1189; 18O:l; 195:18; 198:lZ consumn\.(. 5720; 128:21 convarsatbn 85:7;91:3; Wen190:15 244:22 @:I; 1876 99:23; 1006 137:3.17; credibility 20:6 23:8 days 21:22;31:19;33:24; conM M:16; BB:24; 148:13; 1628; 174:lI; couldn't 8713; 165:22; 214:4 cmdlt V.8;122:9.17 34:1069:11; 158:lO. 10 24010 N)21.20;m4:12.21; crimInai3:7;411,14.23; 194:14; 19624 councils m:17; 231:24; contacted 39~8;45:s; 2084. 5; 21224; 21320. 5:7;714;8:1; I4:8; 15:15; dead 24593 4616;50:17;5215; 22;221:12.14;224:8: 244:6 54:14 227:; 228:5; counsel 9:25.25; 10:12. deadline 71:25; 155:6: 59: 18; 62:4; n:17,21 critkal 1819; 20:22; 170:23; 171:ll 245 14; 2466,ll; 249 13 25; 1621;17:11.21;21:6; conwing78:6 149:9 du15615;57:23;60:6; comerutbns 40:24; 22:13;39:1.7:45:18,18; critkum 33:16 2279 contain 91:25 44:m 4520; 89:3; M:18; 54:6;559;674;; 91:23; contained 92:17 104:lO 13213; 13720. a.6.7.9; 6917;83:1; criuC&Ud 2275 120:ll; 14934; 1724.8, containing 9121 22; 15719; 16212; 164:7, 84:1; %:I; 95: 18; 9?6.8; crosud 193:13 12; 179% 14923; 11; 1654.7; 17225; 98:z; 100:8; 10212; crusi.l62:15.23 dealing 23:13.14; 22610 .. 16217 1855; MO:11;2u).& 129:9.20.14614; 148:l.L; crux le17 dultngs 25:4; 39: 12: contompoMlWOus 24% 13 1623.10.23; 16(:22; culpbk 6:18 %:13 165:18: 1&2; 170:19.20; 144:16 conversing 16211 CuomO 159:1 I dub 93:17; 16724; 17623; L90:13; 1929; 181:17 contestmntm 18221 COWyS 24720 CUN2318 193:s.25; 1W5; 21815; &ah 32:19 contaxt 59.2% 16ll: cOnvkt4:l. 19 219:3.6; 240:18 curkum 127:25; 1301; Dear 1466 17:6,12.15; 132:3; 1432; comktd 15:12 counseh 474; 193:19 1525,15; 184:lT 236.6 15621; 1576; 158:6 debate 3&7 convictions 15:lO counsebr M1:7 current 229: 503 cont1ng.m I% I5 debated 34:3 convince 2612 countar-produaiva currently 92 I; 951: continually 236.9 coopratbn 123.4; 219:22 134:17; 244:21 debt 463,6.21; 47: 1; 6716; 79:21;eCj: 16.17; continuatbn 110:18 15:7 coun~81:17;13714 cury 33:22 continue 11:3; 202; cooperative 4:10 522 90:7;92: 12; 93: I; 107I I. country9:ll; 151:16; customer 12213 12; 113:14; 119:10,14; 23:9; 34:23; 116B; cooperattvely 269 153:1,15,11; 1596; cut 21421 222:I6; 224:8; 228:18 125B; 1269; 140:25; copies 1437; 183:14 195:23; 1%:3; 1978; cut-ott 9:17 1424.6.7; 147:15; continued 206:22; copy 1:23;59:13;621; 204:4; 22223; 22322; 184:22; 209:16,22; 225:9 213:12; 214:3 cutoff 154:24 63:3;68:16; 90:21,25; 231: 14; 232:ll debt-the 125:lO continuos 482;21611 CyCk11917 105~14.16;lll:17; county 55:24 debtor 195:ZO continuing 160.1 175:lO;234:25; 24719 cvnkbm 339 coupb 813; 10S5; debt. 45:24; 461.4; contra 232 Con1 395 109:5 [141& 161:13; 6718; 147:13. 17; 177:1+ contmcta 117:lI. 19.24 corner W18 242:6 D 3; 195:19;241:19 contmdktbn 14015 corporat043:12; 11625; course 212; 2210 decades 194:2 2316; 4217; 47:18; contrary 92%15:9; lU.4 D.C 1:7: 44:ll; 45:2: 48:9; deceased 174:15 93: 1099:9; I10:23; 91:9; 92:15; 18; 50:24; 2372 corpombn 39:9: 41:5. 94: December 135:io. 11.12 contribute 3523; 36.4; 8,13.14.23;42:7.I2; 117:6; 128:18; 137:25: 101:19; 118:17:186:2; 43:10;44:4;45:1;468.14; 138:25;145:ZO. 23; 190:4 decided 6:5; 9: 12; 2 1:4; 4421 34:7; 37: 15; 41:4;6721; 4714;4&1,18;5220.21; 15624; 158:3; 160:5; 0.d. 55:23 contributw 235:l 19425;242:8; 249:7 135:20 218:5 contributing W20; 571% 19675;70:6; OSig 1599 98:22.22; 1m2.3; courae-one 86:18 decidedly 190:20 13l:Ib; 24824 Dan 65:5 12023; 124:7.9 ln4; Court deciding 25:9 contribution 35: 18; dangerously 223:20 153:13.18; 159:22; 16.16.21; 169:1.3.18 decision 2:21.22.22; 3613. 14;90:12; 124:24; dangling 150:) 164:16 173:15.25; 5:13; 2221; 24.7fi 25:8:~ 125:5,5; 127:12; 134:13; Courlelis 40: -. 184:23,24 j 16.23; 41:i. 4.24.24 Daniel 207:12 27:2.3; 40:25; 11010; 139:24; 15619 158:2.23; Darden 15912 I@:4; 192:22; 203:6 corporation's 1273; 42:1.3.11;43:9.i1; 111:l8;112:1~137:4; 153:8 ! 5621;85:25; 11618; date7:24:917; 12:7; 165:l. 19; 167:21; 16S:15; 2304 235:17 1 corporwbns81:12; j 172:l. 18.25; 15424; 1701420 1695.7; 2025; 21015; contributions 43:8; ~25;131:23; 164:s ~ 173:5.14,; 4623; 12220; 124:3; correcting 33:4 ' 174:15, 15.21 149:13; 1586; 1592; 61:22;62:3;65:4;61,22; 230:25;243:5; 249:3 171:I 1.24; 192:11;203:2; correctly 6J:19;769; ! COIIrlOlidl73: 13 / 2W,23;208:2;226:23; 97:20 1362 , Courtelis-you 1744 71:8;729.24;73:2.20; i dociaionmeking 131:20; (7) consisted - decisionmaklng 13824;20:14.21, 43:14;482;%.10.19; doeumontd 53:s docisbns 3:18;22:11; 2% 21:s; 22:23; 25:4. 16; :12; 59:10;70:6, 12; didursa&nt71:12 documents 33:I 1; 191.6; 195:12; 24822 268.12,18; 54:15; 74:18;9216; 19522; discard 1209 3725; 57: 13; a 19; 13221; 1W12 20023; 23L19.M dul8nd 168:13.16.18. dicorn 1142 119:l; 123:18; 12818, 19, hpftnmnt's438; 5:10, bvebpmnt-'(USA 21; 15513: 18716;244:7; 21 dlschargo 1412 dullM 137:21 715; 19:6 91:6 2503,7 dkku36:5; 171:5,7.9 17:7; 1481.4 D.prWt-the 519 worn4924 doesn't-ho 1022 dullnod discbud 171:12.17; dopmrtun 245% d&bgUa 224:7 donn't-l1022 doduel 183:15 17625; 1776 35:13 Okk 4510; 5714;61:6; 48:11,14;73:24; doductbn90:12 dkbsing 1037 OOk dopktbn 2S25 103:6; 117%14824 74:4; 1341.5; 1996 dapb 128:); 22222 dlcbsun 23:5; 17023 101:8 1491.2;1788.12;179:4; 199:18 dohull 471; 4822: drp0t.d 190.6.17,20 discotino 19223 u):14;51:1214;677.12; &poSfi47:; dolhrs 5719; 159:16; dkWd1W.23 discourtoour 78:13.14 76 17; 77:2:78:11; 79:15, 496 5224;70:25; 1293 1m12 dkownduO:12 M; 1M:II; 123:8; 1487 doposllbn 3910;4819. d&Mr 82 17 Domnki 1:12;27:21; discus. 510;63:20; dohub 462;67:16 2S;493,12,18;63:1,4. didnY-tM 128.25; a14 86:14;9224; 221:16; 147:15 24; 751; 8223; 83:25; 13139 d0-k 3520 468; did2u):IO; 24521 244:18 00:16;85:20;67; .. dOhOl5517;23219 8$1099:21; 1M):8.9.13. 16,2225; 101:22; 1028. dilhnd 1953 discus4 21:6; 44:s. 184:23.24 dohnd.r 1022 14.17. 45:17;64:3; 13; 120:7; 130:9; 171:25; dilhnnco212;71:17; to, dominanca 14:s " O.hnu13224 75:23; 85: 10 1039; 17222: 17% 18 183:Il; 23212 931; dominant 14:9 d.hr25:15; 1tW12; 105:8; 10722; IW19; 186:3;202t9; M:1; diihmncbin 1%19 Don 65:%m1:2 198:2 208:24;211:4;2461; 146:24; 1%12: 164:l; di((.Mllt65;8:17.21, 212:24;213:5.12;214:3; don't-I 1W6; 124:9; : i dofernnc019:14 247:15.19.20 22.22;922; 1615;tO:3; 246:17 132:12 .'I:ahrnd%:4;76:10 25:14;)6:14;81:13; discussea 141s don't-l'vo 13819 ..'-j ddmd953.11;1407 1021% 109:23; 120:19 discussing 99:22: don't-thorn 1379 I 141:15,17 15V2.3; 12317; 126:24; 127:17; 1613 :. 203:21 2037.7; 225:& 229:18; Donald m:5 .. . discussbn 24, 226; dondon-i 624 ii dogm8s:4 dorhnd 1037 244:4 M: -. 41:24 4923; 6k5.7; 11511; 116:7; :..! doby lSI;l81:15 deudbo 1818;3917; dllhmrtly 195:13; donmtbns 104%; 152:16; 186:4.5, 249:2 ' ddibomb11010;2024; 64A$4A, 22:90:22 2m12 15;209:19,21;21411,14, don. 11:2;1510.11; :... 21616;243:5 186:4 d-ttfkuk 222;8:6.18; 16 d..crik'4nd 8324 14:22:5):10: 11013: 173; 24:2% 3221; 3711; .....2 dolsmtbn2:20;(1:ii dbCUSSbM 52:17; . ~. 133:71160:zb; 18; 491I; :ZO; e9.22; .. kljbomions26::U brcrikd 1817;4611; =in. 7819; 1M.9; 200:8; 2124 81:23;95:24.25; 105:23; doilvor 189:14 M:8; 7&25;7412: ?7:4; 20725; 21 I:5; 213:25; 106:5; 1lI:l; 1229; 81:1;82:19; 1228; dttfkuba 494 dolhfOd 4516; 53% 214:5.18. 21; 221:18; 128:8;. 1323;. .. 144:15,17; 133:21; 138:e 1439; 14611 diligmcr41:3; 12212; 2464; 24725 154:9; 16517; 174:22; 164:2; 226:12;228:24; 176:24. 24; 178:14 ddhmring 14623 dbgrufttkd 11i:8 179:s; 194:17; 220: I; 2325; 235:lk 29511; dInnor43:1.2;44:11,16. 2234 domnd 1144 24515 disguk 131:ll 21;45:3; 591663:22; doncsinco 81:22 domndlng 678 dwribw 165:3 dlrmisud 21820 64:3.5;%t10; 1072224; donors 40:11; 122:s dommbn IWl4 dwribing 5715;91:2 121:17; IWlI;164:1; dlrporl4:7; 77 Oooloy 21713; 2183 democracy 8:5;825 ducriptbn 16216.17: 185:7. IO; 186:l. 5 dlrputo 5217 D.mOCfSI21713 198:16; 2326 dinnors 11820 distinct le6.13 doubly 99:) doubt 125:ZO; 1261; D.mmCntk 31:11,25; dnumtbn 168.15 dinct 1713;61:13; dlstinctbn 2166 W23; 100:4; 14014; dlstlnctly Ilo:8;ZOl:to, 15725; 17914; 194:19 324; 351.5 d.mrving 33:16 227:14 D.mOCntr34:19;(w:17, 15717; 1W23;212:22 21614; 2433 ddgn 34:lO doubt-know 174:5 17 dh~tod4z:i1;75:m distinguish 22:9; 23:l; ddgMtod41:12; 1176 33:10 17916; d.monotratod 52:12; directing 627 133:7: 134:14; 229:4 doubt. d#lgnd%S 192:21 206:8 dinctbn 39:~249:4 243:16 &SDb 15225 d*toftd 10925; 215:22 down 12:21;34:23;381. dormriman lLI:20 6a;u6:25; 16:17;33:11; dim449; 47:m 2; 55:19; M:18;91:15; 59: 13; 88:22; 17: distribute 1W:M donbi 112:lk 1933; 11223 93: 1105; 139:22; 1aZk 1W.21; I24:% 149:16 154:12; 2223 distributed 180:12.17: 18725; d.1.ikd 14011; 16216 155:9; 158:2,7; 1593; doniod 22120 1556; 15918 191:18~206:17;220:l I dowetbn 160.10 162:12 181:2021816 donigmto 11:11;3225 distributbn 15510 down-l93:10 dotorminmtbn98:i; dirator41:li; 1532% hnning65:5; 2071% dlstrust 1%15 12314 218:24 24818.18 dr.tlrmnship 129:4 24; m6.16; 209:14; dhrarse81:12 dotorminslknS24:14 drain 235:O; 237:3; 2104.20;213:13.21; dhCtOn 499; 64:l I; Division 54:14; 188:8 dotormino 42:23; 13923; 241:21 214:3.6.12, 18;247:25 186:lO documnt 57:10M).12. 24915 draw2218;24:5.11; deny 1129; 244:24 dir.ttorskxscuthro 15.21;61:5.14:621.3.8; eminad27:6 244:7 192:zo23a:3 donying 231:l 65:4; 66: 1; % 18; 9720; dotormining 9:6; 24:6; diugm 5:3.19; 14:16 drawing 1624 Oopartmnt 213.15; 91x6; 106:23; 10716; 165:13 disagre8d 191:2 128:14.22; 153:21;212:4; drawn 113:Il:191.22 3: 12.2s; 4:4. A. 5:n 14. draws 236:13 2062.11.17.22;79,18. dovekp 2356; 244:) dismgmmnl192:25; 24820 19; 8:19; 9:6,23.24; 11:2; ku.bping 200: 16 14216 jocumnt-wu 2174 Iraw33:11,22;19823 1213.25; 14:11.19; 15:l. kuahmnt 16:18: liuammnts 191:3.7. kcurnontotion 59:21; Irivos 22614; 233.9

4; 162.6.25; 17:6.23; ~ ~9:2.9.~3;40:19;41:8; .I, 17; 1955 3711 dual 152:2.20 Min-U-Sai* mer Reporting Cornpamy, Inc. due 41:2. 19;50:8;77:7; 22614; 231:ZO; 233:6 103:16; 1064.4; 175#3; essence 17617: 17725 Bxcellent 11:3; 12218 95:1;122:12;17624.2~; 245:9.10, 12 184:24; 205:19.22.2 ,25. essentially 26:15; 322; BXCCpt81:7;82:8;85:1: 178:14 &ght 61 :IO;168: 1 1 20612.25; 21 1: 14; 19O:l); 193:7; 204:j; 19921 due8 4224 either 4321; 5525; 213: 15; 215: 1; 242: I2 211:lS; 21722.24; 2187; Bxception 15:13;64:19; Ourbin 1:13;24:16.17, 60:14;61:7;86.21; 109:6; snded 43:14; 115:Z; 23522 116:8 18: 2816.17; 309.10; 135:12; 147:18; 161:21; 119:18;239:15.16.17 established 41:8; 56:6. sxceptions 35:20 1326.7.22 133:1,8,15, 163: 19.22 218:13; 2229; ondome 14922209:25; 18;80:16; 157:23; 173321; sxceas 15825; 1m.9; 20.25; 134:4.8.22; l35:3. 235:24; 23622 22617: 233:14 185:25 222:21 123:16;1362.6.10. elaborate 21621; 2203; ondorwmnt 241:19 establishing 85:ZO; sxcmses 720

IZ.14;13717.24;138:1, 17323~~ 222:3; 229:6; 249:7.10 onds 236: 18 Exchange 190:19.22 10.15; 139:1,7,18 esmo 405 ekbor.1.d 20325 ondufw 1&20 mxciling 2387 during 1813; 2622; 163:13 eke( 17024 mdurlngly 197:s et rxclusive 32 41:24;44:17;51:23; European 81:17 55:1O;75:25;8218.20; elected 199:25;24817. Inorgy 234:zz oxclusively 19511 17 Mtwrubk 88:s waluetbn 14613; 84:1%85:10;115:14; 183:18 sxcuse 199;31:13; lM.6 131:& 134:19; ELECTION 12; 42;8:s; Mnk& 19:l; 18l:ll 120:18; 19215 1720,3313; 4213; washre 13216 156:9; 163:18; 199:5,8. onbrcemwi 3219; BXCUS~188.17 10;21019;231:15;248:2 5&10;6914;722); eVW 725; 10:17; 15:k 169:14; 22325 sxecutive 133:lO; dutbs 21519 79.12; 89: 16; 93: 13.16, 23:18; 10723; 15320 20; 95:3; 106:22; 108:Zo. ongage 85:24; 193:17; 166:25; 183:5; 193:20; 218:24;248:18. 18 21;114:17;115:2.3; M3:IO; m10;232:9; 1%24; 213:8; 2299; mxercise 193:21; 24712, E 119:R 124:12.17; 14323; 233:5.8 235:18.22.24; 23822; 14 -~~ ~~ ~ 154:25; 155:7,11.1% angagad 41:9;67:23; 24120 oxerciaing 25:22 160:9; 162:20.23; 163:L :13; 89: 19; 94:l; waning 230:17.19 E 190.1 108: 11; 162: 13; 221:I 2. Exhibit 57:4; 585; 597; wh1:19;224;710; 8; 167:lO; 169:15; 17021; evening... l91:4 W3.9; 61:22;64:25; 171:12. 14.17; 17919; 14; 226:8, 10; 23214; 922; 21: 16; 25:9.20; 24421 went 9:1;46:2;47:1; 65:17.24; 66:8,16;68:13; 18721; 191:16; 19410; 50:651:12;67:7.12. 15; 6921; 709;71:1,2;72:2. 2712;34:20;37:9;43:8; ongaging 24425 47:18;115:24;1161 2001:s; N7:I. 4; 23239: ltO:17; l23:R 147:14; 21; nl4. 16;9O:16; 94:4; England 36: 13 urikr 4:4;59:1; 118:S. 233:19 1487; 17215;21813; 36:18;971.11; 106:16 20; 119:21; 138:2; 146:8; ekctkneering 19317 Bnhancd 126 223:13 107.1; 109:10; 111:1& 16k6 171:24; 204:15; ek*bns 3:1@721;83; onby 131:6 wants 19:5;39:17; 11212.12; ltZ:8;123:ZO. 214:U; 215:9; 2171; 19:2.631:5.Z0;61:18; M)oyad8Z:lO; 17416 42:10:43:13; 523; 53:k 22; 15214; l%.l; 15723; 225:lf; 227:lO 228322; 89:22;93:18; 108:19; onormous 2216;3216 116:3,15,24; 195:7 170%200:13; 21214; 23k4.25; 235:15;236:1; 114:17; 1252.23; 126.13; 1202; l83:13 wentual 417 244: I axhibitad 111:22 243:16; 24724 15022; 158:3.6.25; onough 7:13; 16:13; eventually 31: 13; 44: 24; earlk.r i116:i 159:5.24; 160:2; 161:l; 20:s; 36646: 10; 8637; 193:4 exhbb 572,7;90:18 187:18; 188.6; 2374.5 early 12:7;34:17:472& 19122; 1%:17; 238:19. WeW 120; 9:s 19:3; oxiat211:16 48:s; 12623; 2Oo:lO; eketon1 155:18;160:11 23 25:9;27:12;31:7.8;39:20; oxisted 2322 20221; 203:14;207:25; ~ktorate1%16 onauing 11819 498; 87:7,8; 1256 sxistence 139:4; 141:3; 213:22; 23023; 230:9; ekv.1.d 2211 onsure91:12; 161:25 135:17; 159:15; 182:8; 187:s 24023; 246: 16 ekMn4712 onsuring 1825 19310; 1973,3; 19821 axbtlng 3218;69:9; I 189 early-the Elhs 190:5 ontangle 194:7 wetybody 343170:4; 55:l;107:lZ; 140:25 eard80:5; 17216 1762;213:2;2428 eliminate 327 enter 158:24; 16525 expand 825 everyone 123; 3:22; ..Hd 13714.14 eliminating 167m. enteredd2; 162.1 expect 231:ZO uslly 33:4 16912 27:9; 33:15; 925; 107:17; expectation 877.8; ontering 2022; 164 158:7 easy 191:6 1923; 2127 eliminetbn 1675 Enterprise 1W3 125:6;206:22; 23810.12 everything 53:4; 58:4; expected 4722; 51:7; Ut 1837 Elizsbeth 33:lI. 22 ontermin 2622; n.4 7313; 145:5;1762 .dO.31:8.8 ellipsla 6(:16 2129 entermined 41x16 werywhem 13713 eddiNcatbn 241:lO 20:17;34:16;38:6; expecting 23621 eke mllm 1919W2; 199x3 evidence 7: 12; 9:7,8.9; 9330; 16517; 176:Z.Z expdited 154:s editbn 66:6 entirely 1420.24; 20:7;31 :11; 188:14; 239:3: 24610 104:4 expendlure 1699.20 diorklly 2177 entitbs 42: 19; 43:7; 1 I1:4; 14325; 144:5.6; eduS.1.d 170:19 eke's 15710 160:s; 18725; 1W4 expandiiures 169:6 embodied 2123 I2223 efkt 23:7;9O:I; 12521; entitled 2324 wohred 22424 expense 25:2; 1Ol:Zl 126:i; 13824;208:10; emerges 123: 18 expenses 206.17 entity 3523; 368; 3925; expresident 55:14 218:1 emphrria 198:17 5624; 894;96: IO; exact 175:14; 17812; experience 18: 15;45: 11; ~th22:17;19O:lO; ~pbyd91:5;97:4.18 108:19; 12J:II: 172:19; 191:25 47:j;54:12; 181:24; 197:l empkymnl244:Zl 187:9 188:2; 1929: exactly 15%;123:ll; 194:l; 1%.2l;ZIl:16; effectively 3:19 en 263 203:7. IO;236:9.17 14018; 18020 226:4 239: 13 eWort66;34:11;35:6; enabb 119:5 entreated 5025 exaggerated 20:6 experl 163:17 62:15.22;66:25;78:21; enclosed 93: I2 equal WIG;79:s examined 187: 10 experts 224:5 IZ4:J; l31:Il; 147:23; oncounterad 1%:14.16 equally 18:24; 19:J; examining 194~12 expired 1669 154:6.9.14; 155:4:;141:3 explain 2:lZ 2193 195:22; 213:7 encouraging 165:s exampb 27:3;81:15; explained 19:1.11 elforts 51:8;6624; ensmachina 31 : Is error 144.18 191:13; 195:lO; 196:23. 23;223:10;229:ll; 77 I8;?85; 87 15,23; explansrion I 3& 1 ; IW25; 177:ll. 14.18; 239:22 l.i3:1?; 15622; 175:13. 187:17: 207:5 215:22; I?.249:6 Miller Reporting Company, Inc. ,Win-U-Scrip@ (9) due - explanation axphndona 239:lS Fairhx 223:i.a 93:24; IM14.14; 166:6; 15;204:5, 17;208:2.7. 13; expliiif 144:13 hirly 107:6; 162:19; 191:5;203:19;22010.24; 10~213;52:15.16; 209:22; 2105; 21225; upbncbn 195:ll 200: 10 222:22; 2277; 229:15 60:11;62:5.18;65:3.23; 213:s. 10.14.25; 2142; 68:22; 72:15; 74:6; n9; 215:10;22625;221.4.18 upbn20&7 him32:6 12414; few 31: 19; 401; 92 19; 156:22;I%:2 105:4; 1189; 127:2* 85:lO; 106:15; 11824; 228:2,5.15; 230:4; 2#:7. upbmd 31:s IsB.1; 138~10;1467; 16.17.25;23918.22 hirnosa412413 161~15;168i14; 18212 upkring 873 185:18; 209:5;222:17; 1%23; 15718; 167:2; 241:24; 244:lO; 24519; upoaod 20:8;23: IO hich 5:Z 129; 162 242:4.22 la:*169:20; 182:14; 2464.5.18,19.23; 2472. 25:2;81:8 hN244; 138:1?; 183:12 fktbn 110:14; 191:23; 185:22,25; 190:9.25; 14; 248:2,9.23 apnrr I53:4 hlbk677; 1lW5 192:25; 212:2; 21620,25; 191:25; 1921; 1938. 25; fonign-nbing 203:14 oXpra8.d 69:13; hmlibr 10715,16; 219:18:220:10.15, 18: 194Z 1951e 198:16,23; fomver u):? 1%2L 24; 200:3.9; 106:20;213:14 187:9; 241:3;244:18; 225:15; 229:l; 2378.9 48:23; W22 -19; 212:23; 213:16 forhk oXpnuing 44:23 245:s fktbn-l211:18 fotiolng W.11 hmiibria 3920 215:16; 223:7,22; 245:14. upnubnW.6; 121:18. fktbnd 211:21;21913 17; 2U.5 btioitun 51:) hmily 1(.22;61:16; 19.20; 1223 fktitbua 211:25 fhI:l8. 21; 211; 3:12; brgiva 4821;74:23; 116:6; 11823,23; 131:9 abnd.dKn:19 fld. I79:17 4:24; 5:4.21.226:3,4; 75:5; l83:4; 24221 hmily-Mr 119:15 'u(.nt4:15;35:15; Fbe655; 1W:l I;;8:25; 181; forghnn7611 :j 138:20; 20718 hr5:25; 11:12 15:12.16 13619; MO:5.8;201:3,3. 251Z;W:19; 114:13; (OrghmU51:l; 21: 13; .. 101:18.zo 32:9; 33:3; 35: IO; 25; 209:15; 2104; 213:24; 244:7 I%lO. 12.14,14; 186.18 ;arm M:683:15,17; #12.21; ...> extmctbn'l523; 121:21 214:6.19; 2481 flro la15 form 45:13; 4725; 49:6; 89:18,21; 95;1%9?:21; -hip 22423 Il4:25; 117:20;122:25; ~iaxtrmrdinay 151:22 11318; Ii7:13; 131:R Fkrro'a 209: I5 m911 123:4; 13013; 1424.10. ..-;qe34:5 W:8: 185:17 222:23 fifth 9 12; 2534 ... fkh1Wi6 13.13; 1482; 17623; ..:.ey.a 212:10 2265; 25;22%12228:14 Mum IW:? In21 hrm81:15 HI. 153:24 Fbrh39:1.9.24;405. 6.16.24; 4 1:s. 22; 4212. brnml679; 14818 hseirullng l3l:B Hkd 2W:22 15;52:20.20;55:15.2V, bm*lly7618.19 F hseinmlon 213:12 Hkr 152:19 . .. %:IS; 57~6;58:ll; brrmtbn m2;205:4 hshbn 1m24236:iO. filing7i:a; IU:~; 174:17; 22323.24 brmd 41:4; 42:4.6; ..'t hm 121:19; 1221; 19 -; 1253; 1W.4 I41:19 155:6; 17020 fbW 10713 95:17; 1%:14; 199:23 kn 24417 : 14717; 195:17;24819 fill 161:15 Ibwlng 225:s fom*r 4 I: 15; 5425; 15220; . .. .: hm'3kng49:IO Mh.r IWI, 16 find 4 1:2; 91: I 5; 122: 15; kCrU 31% 25; 141:4; 111:&117~14825; 178:9; 19o:l j tWilbW41:lO; 1116:s Mh.r'a 194:13 124:20, 16o:P. 17813; IWl; 243:8 hvor 33:22; 1-4 form 1m1 -. hcilhy 12217 12@10; buwd108:17 130:1$ 134:2): tvlng497; 114:17 le16 H~lb717:87:19 tocuring 109; 11223 fom 1212;81:2;86:23; hvombh 114:2 171:2i; 1~11;187:22; 105:ZI; 113:25 -411; 21:22; 25:l; folb 17024; 171:13 hVO&C le4 1973; 213:l); 2151; forthcoming 21:13 3418;4924; 52:20,60:4; 225:9 Mow96:17; 102l8; 75:3.11;77:18;795; 81:9; 1.wn7521 129:24; 166:12.16; FO~~UM4624 83:20; 89:25;90:5; 94:25; hour w16 H~.l)y-myk126.5 230:zo Forum31:23;34:3, 15; 100:24; 1037; 10521; hx 146:7 Hnanco 3:5.9723; 145; folk& 2222; 44:6; 3.9:4;39:14.21;4316.21. 108:3.17: 109:15; 12410. 32:9,12.22;33:18;1429; 5212;239:2 23;44:5.22;45:4.19; Fobruay 11215,19 149:12; 16717.24; 23; 1275; 14216; 144:M folbwera 191.6 4610. FEC?I:2%%9;93:14; 204:10;213:15; 214:25; 47:%~48:22;49:6.25;W:7. 145:12; 146.N);Iu):25; tolbrving ??:16;91:11, 155:19; 183:l; 18725; 105:20; 126:11;226:5 2155.16; 245:18 8,10, 19; 52:14,2%6o:6. FEDERAL 1:2;3:10; 4615;69:7; 21.25; 12?:25: 168:14; 24; 61:12;621.14; 66:6; 192:19; 195:18: 1975; financial 171:25; 17223; 17625; M5:18:20714; 213:23; 7:21; 1016; 1211; 1717. 79:18: 123:8: 159:4 67:21; 68:9; 71:8; 72:8.16; 20; 19:5;89:16;93:13,14. 204:23;211:6;23517,19 185:7; 195:15; 1%13; 73:2, 18;7615. 20. 21; 2ZO:20;221:24;228:5; 24223 23010; 24623 16.18.20;95:3.12; Wnanchily 63:12 V.lO.15; 79:22;%6.8,12. 108:19.20.21; 11O:ll; tolbws 538: 64:6; hctor 1611; 14411 Hnanclng 163:s 16;879,13,24;88:14.21, 124:ll. 1% 126A3; 120:13; 140~3;18O:l; 24; W:3; 91:20; 921.6.7, hcton 1721; 22:l 14323; IsO:24 IW:25; fln anc i n lrum l n g 195:25; 197.12 2H):IO 8,14.23; 94:18;952,6; hcb 16:i. 16.18;25:2; IS):?. 11.14 16223; 210:6 for-.mong 186:19 10225; 105:16; 1W2.4; 34:6.11; 35:4; 3914;93 163:8.11; 166:W; 1671. find 51%107; 1818; Ford 54:25.55:7.8. I I 108:8: 109:B; I13:8.12; 95:15,17; %:7; I1 k5.21 35:4;66:11;69:22; 101:8; 10.25; 1&4; 169:14.15; Ford'r 55:17 114:12; 117:18; 119:6. IO. 113:25; 114:2; 155:21; 17021; 179A9; 19210: 144:ll; 153:4; 154:5 13; 12416; 125:17.22; 163:s; 182:23 2026; 216 17; 221: 13; 212:15; 216:24; 229:7; Fo")OI. 199~6.21 1262; 1282; 129:5,9; hCtUd 14:15 243:7 2%6; 23925; 24417 (onboding 4:s 131:15; 132:l; 138:3; hstumlly I1 I:? ha 4220 Hnding 18:25; 1%25 forwebma 919 1399.17; 140:5.13.23. fda52:9 h.l24:20,22 25:s; 37:3; ffndlnpr 4A3 foreign 15:22;31:15.M, 25; 141:lO. 13, 142:2.5.7. taikd m.7; +1:6 88.23; 11925; 121:22; Flnm80.12; lil:13; 32.10. I3;33 1;34:15; 10.25; 1439; 1456 35:16, 18.22.36 8.10.24; 146:12.21; 14712.15; tailing 17:ll 135:19; 2476 la19174:16; 182:ll: hallngs8:20; i#:17; 18915; 239:9; 240:16; 37~19;44:23; 49~22; 15020; 155:16 156.20; hila 1678 162:2; 163:20, 23; 1708; 2M:19 245:2.25 82:18.83.6.&1:23.25,25; hilum 220:16; 24134 171:1.2; 176:14.15; finish 140:21 9917; 115:l; 124i3.24; hah 101:23.25; 13025; 12612; 139:24; 149:13; 1786; 179:l; 187:23.24; fdf 31:18;35:4;73:4.6; 13121%19 753%93:23; 14 1:25; finished 241:8.9;24919. 1m3;16436; 16620; 1W.7;190:2.9.1& 15518.20.20; 207:13.1% FELD 1903.14 21.22 167:17; 187:3; 188:6; 19415; 199:23;Mo:23; 21 1:14; 232:6 233:17; hll5723;&2; 1725.8 191:I3.M,1922.11.18: 201:12. 16;202:15.16; 2375; 241:22 hn 25:s; 457; 8wo; tirm419.945.1629.19 195 15.20223.2032.6, 203:16; 204:17.24.25; WaU-Wpt@ Miller Report- cOmp?ny. I=. @ui& 2225 .. .. 205:lO. 20; 2065; 20720; I fulb 4:lO. 13; 8:2; 23:13; ! 1 11:ll; 174:16,2W& la20191:13; 1%15. 2W:I. 8.14.20; 209:ll. 1776.8.9 genuine 139~25;149:7 24 CUMP 190:3,14 1621017.20211:17: function 14:6 GEORGE 190:2. 13 Governmental 1:6 21712,12;21810.11; functbnal 229:18.21 Georgia 159:12 governments 1&21 220:7; 223:6.8.24; H funaiondly 229:4 pI-oUt-lh~VOte226 14;- greduatod 135:24 224:15; 228:2.6:230:3.8; gr.du.tlng 54: 13 2M:9 functbns 12l:S; 173:17; 233:9; 235:8; 23920 hd-ddn't 185:d 211:23; 229:13 102:21 grant 1:17.19.24;2:11. Forum's 923.12; %7; gets had-so 2W2 fund 103:T IM:24; gift ln:1;156:17.24 14.163:23;4:16.17;71; 2075 122; 13:7,10.12 14:21; had-someone 12617 191.20;23512; 236:8; Gingrkh 48:11;73:23; Forum'is 4522 15:8,9.13; 167;22:12. haln't-but 194:17 2475 134:1.5 Forumth.191:24; 1404 fund-raiser 6943:19; 15; 23:a m15; 28:25; Haw 31:23;43:19; @+to I2024 a1664:7;65:21;66:1& Forum...from 91:s 181:23 46:5; 1M20 given 919.20; 12:25; 6&19;7224;84:2,7; Forum..b %:I6 fund-mislng 321.4; )rmtd 13:18;20:25; 14:7; 3710;39:10;4621; m:5 91:M; 11710;122:19; forum 144:2; 190:20; 46:18; 1~11.14,18; 50:24; 51:12;84:2,7; 144:a.E 15324; 154:l.Z 1%3;220:7;22310.II. 119:23 19318;~10; 95:14.16; 101:25; 11017. lranting 1922;20:11; 12:22;24M,25:16 149:) 158:4. I2161:16; 17722; 16; 231:13. I4 244:5,9.10 20;1241; 1361; 137:2.9. 178:lO. IO; 179:); 180:5. forw~rd1612; 20:23; tundad41:13;85:20; 15; 1395; 1437; 145:4; )ranta3:18611; 103; 11.18; 183:4; 185:l; 34:19;3716.21;476 185:23; 192:16 1474; 162:16; 175:7.9, 15:19.22; 161,& 22:18; 16.5; 205:3; 23712; 62:5;871; 106:s 165:9; fundlng 704; 1591; 13; 179:17; 18725; i617 244:2; 245:15; 2468; 242:15; 243:21;249:13 191:2; 192:2. 18; 20817 219:21.22; 245:22 )rrrs-roota 23210; 2471; 248:15.17 foul 21:24 funds 35:21;41:21.22. gives 145:12 !38 1 Hmly'r 237 I5 bund 19:6;24:15; 43:3.5.6; 45.12.25; ghring8:8; 25:24;61:9; )rusmotS 19521 HJby-k(r 158:13 112:lO; 1304; 153:23; 46: 13; 47 I4,20; 594.4; 85:12;95:6;%.22; Bray 35:25; 1781; 181:13 hd31: 16; 5219 206: 19 191:4; 196.23; 197:4.7; 7Q13.14;85:21;86:8; 107:25 11919 15221 )feat 5691;192Q Mo:4; 245:18 half- 2429 87~8;102:23.25; 107:18; glad 149:21; 150:14; 53:11;4425; 50:15;74:7; HalI219:7 found-p#pl. 1%.25 Il4:lO; 119:12; 1262; 171:19 249 12 37:ll; 1313;13&24; hamstrung 182 bun- 111:23;202:21; 14712: Iu):23; 15917: Gbnn 1:12;21:18,19; 1%:4 20425 25:25:26:1.17;28:8.9; pmmlu 24:2;44:24 hand 35:22: 139:22; Four ):9;68,11;821; 301.;31:1; 189:5; 2073%236:12 Qmon3520 handed 9712 16418:1;25:ll,l$ funny 241:13 3321:__ ~ 34.1: 36:25:371.2; 130~16 32:12; 55:22;60:22; 54:3,5;7; 1133; 12419 Bn*r hands 1075 funny-bdgn 241:13 239:17 114:13; 11521; IS13, 127:9; 1%.16,18; 18212; prM handwritten 73:s; 74:7 further 5OAQ6L:ll; @rosa79:25 13.14; 2446; 2SO:6.7 7622;80:9; 130:6 166.9; 184:16: 185:14.15.19; hJppOn 193:16; 242:24 iw:9. ie9:ii. 13; @roup363;40:10 Mo:2; fourth 32:16 18611; 1%:19; 21 520; io; happened 83;36:21; frankty 4919 163:16 2224; 230:15; 239:12; IW7; 1982.4.8;2u):17. 221:25; 225:B 109:12.24; 134:22; 19.20,21; 230:16; 233:24; @roups225:f. 4; 2269 147:25; 176~4;215:21; Fred 1:9;43:17;60.5; 249S.23 234:2.7. 12.14.17; 61:5;208:25 tutun 1020; 11:24; IO. 23216; 233:6.9.12 218:8;227:20 234:ll; 239:8.12; 240: @rowth3216 fra61:17; 124:ll; 1516; 20:15; 22:25; 21; 241:3.6.8;2424; 23715,16.23 125:22; I31:5; 16915 1146; 14920; 15913 243:24.25; 244:13.15.17; puerenln43:22; 44:14. happens 275; 3610 frd86:11.15 245:Z.a. 12.25;247:18. 16;464;475.7.8.11; happy 262; 155:24; 4821;523;60:1;61:8.12; tdUp15917 21; 248:9.21; 249:21 184:9; 224:22 232:2; G 626;66.11;67:6.17.21; 239: I1 tmdom 130:21; 131:) Gbnn-Senator 24717 68.2; 85:19 86:11,25; hard 5:17; 17:lO;142:lO. fmdom 13021; 131:l; go~l32:22;237:25 8722; 90:14; 91:2.7; Wlu 39:5 17; 1%:4 13621 gain 123;66:25; I66:1.3 goah 91: I1 9220,20.25;%24; tming 158:23 God 38:15; 189:8 10224; 105:lO 108:18; hardly 15:17 galned 1814 11018; 12211; 123:1.2. herken 139:ll tmty 10722 gang 23924 goas 10:9;36:4; 10217; fnqwney 17317;2W7 120:H). 15725; 163:9; 15; 125:6 1262; 12&22; harmful 121:17 gathad76 185:18;220:16 130:1,3; 131:20: 14716. harsh 33:16 frequent 133:1):221:8 18.23; 14811.15; 14917 ~378;571360:19; golden 33:6 Hafl 1:9 frquently I97:5 M8; 1W.5; 114:13; I53:19; 161:25;163:tl. Fresno 21712;218:10. II5:I); 11916; 134:24; GoIdwmbr 1947; 198:21 24; 17616; 177:19; 180:1; hasn't 137:I5 11 144:19; 145:2; 1491; good 5:2; 129; 162; 185:Z; 21017; 23822.24; hasten 224: 17 friends 04:13;85:5.8.16; 1753; 18224 173; 24: I; 38:1 1; 394; 24120 hat 17822 194:24 hmml17:3.15; 19:20: 54:s. 9; 80.13.14; 87:Z guaranteed 467,13; hato 27:8 %I5.16;I15:I0.11: friendship M:12 25:20;45:18.1850:18 49:5;6.7; 1w:zz hats 139:14;201:17 123:23; 144:5,6; 149:16; fromcmd 19220 55:23; 64:); 674 68:6,7. guaranteeing 43: 15; HAUER 190:3.14 9;97:6.7;119:21;148:13: 160'17; 1978.9; 1989. troml'm 205:15 10; 223~4.4;2273; 125:21 have-I've 82 IO 162:23; 186:14; 2193.6; guarmtnr51:I; 114:ll front 21:14; 57:1;60:18; 246 19 230:17.17.19; 235:3; have-it 102:12 6617;925; 106.4; 245:25 guarantor 45: 14; 6710 General's 13:655:19 haveit's 133:4 195:ZO; 212:14; 235:24 good'hith 34: 11 79:9; 92:14; 98: 10 123:2; have-legally 195:16 generalized 104:9; 164:7 124:7; 1483 front-I 92:19 GOP 219:20 mnemlhr 569 Gubernatorial 159: 10 have-that's 214:4 frustrated 7816 Government 2:24; have-the 22421 frustration 4:23;713 guess 92:9; 101:18; 121;3;136:22; 143:16; have-what 95:23 full 51:8;879; 131:7 188:11; 199:24;24616 have-yes 1M): 1.1 1454; 16216; 199:lO; guidance 197.12; 2385 haven't Z1:J; 222:9

MUler Reporting Company. Inc. Min-U-Sdpt@ (11) Forum's - haven't ' n - 1996 FEC Fundr hchis 134:2 holding 83; 2204 24619.21;248:14 impmssive4~1- indkated 44: 19; 134:lf; he4 822 holdings 4020;81:16 idea4 199:24 IM@~IOPERI ; 1 1%11; 201:23.25; 215:s 217:8 hud41:15; 123:7; 1M:R hold. 8: 1 hlism223:) improperly 194:7 172:5,21; 17410; 2052 home 133:18;209:15 idus 12624; 131;4, IS; imprudent 192:13; indkates 201:25 indklting5k7; 136~5; he.d.d31:23;5512 Hon 1:9 190:19; 19224; 22424; 195%; 241:13 154:8 headline 1599 honestly 218:1 2353; 236:4.4,8; 239~15; inpenon 165:6 248:15 lndkltbn 16:6; 220:18 health 219:14.18.25; Hong398;40:12.17.19. inaccurst. 232:7,9 1W22 indkmoon 16:12 220:1:229:?9:20 23;41:;42:3; khs-mnning inalterably I&:? hur9:7; 21:9 375; 43:lO; 44:1,4; 461* 68%; 111:25; inappro 19212 indkl. 1493 136:2; 1W23 4720;481.16.17;497. 248: 18 inappropriate 203:23; indktmnin 4:12 hurd 26: 1% ~9.10.11; 9; %:IO. 19; 57:19,19; #.ntily 57:9; 201:3 204:2.11.16; 219:21; indlmdy 14915 8911; 121:18; 195:23; 58:2.3;6(:11;68:19;70:5, idmilying 59:14 22711; 2452O,247:13 indlspsnrcbk 187 196% m.16,25; 209:l; 5;7411,13.18;75:6.7; #.obQkd131:4 inappmprkl.-.bout indhridud 3:19,20 14:8; ~19;81:6.9,11;85:21; 223:25; 2%4; 237:2 221:13 at?;40:7; 43: 17; 59:14; 86:9;98:21;99:9,10.22; IgnOnd 51:9 hwrlng3:3;2Od2;3l:3; II 10213 INC 393; 91:19; 92:16 M):5; 1 119; 1171; 1596. ,192:l; 1%7 100:2; 101:21;103:1,4,4, 22 1LI.E- 1:1;35:19.22; Inc.'s 91:7 8.20. K); 113:5,14,19; indlvldueim 1:18.20.21; .:: .hudnga 1817.20; 114:;11710. 10522; 129A2; 174:24; incant 49 ' ' 3314; 349.8; 55:l; 419.25;6:21.23;825: 18.23; 120:21; 124:5.6. 1925.6.7 4:9 '.'lOI:13; 113:25; 159:25; incentlvia 104.5.7,14; 11:4; 12:2. 24 12618.24; 132:9.12. s :18220;23216 iIlogal&S 391 incoptkn 129:18 16 N):7; 24:3; 25 9; 27:13; 15.19; 13319; 13921; iibgdly 193:) inc#.nt 221:6 W19; 131:l iHwrtoned 469 15921; 163:21.24; 164:4 i1lumIn.l. 36:22 incidentmlly 22323 indulge 237:6 ..,hut 180:18 1655; 11210.25; 173:3, indulgence 166.14 ~. h.ny.hmd.d 1103; 6.23.25; 1747; 185:2.24; Illurnindon 24933 incidently 17820

~ illU8tMtd 2354 incidents 22l:f industqei:20; 13210 .... .215:25 186:;181:1. ! held51:16;5223;W:I4 4 Intfndlata 236; 116:6 inellnetion 138:lO Inwbbty 19218 : M:23; 130:22; 22317 honor 51:17 48:% 50: 16; include 182:6 inucuubk 1103; ~...~.. help 9:% 108; %20, honorabk 131:13 n:17,20.79:12; 115:~ Included 14612; 1%6. 215:25 : . . W:15; 3915; all;74:% honorably 53:3 17920 9;209:21;250:4 IdUOnCe 31 :IS; 32:16; i .' 117:24; 126:5; 149:25; honomd5I:ll lmndgmW829; 130:17 Incluk. 33:5; 5913 3312; 16620 ' 17615; 1W:8 hop. 3:5; 7:23; 21:s. 10. immunlly 1:17,19,24 including 74.7; 1211; Irdiuentd 31:M; i h0lptul257;78:16; 10%9 : 13;25:23;3419;39:15; 2~;3:11, 3223;4618;98:2; 1438; 159:21.24; 1603 ; helplng 106:14 51:17; 113:21,21.22.2(; 18.23; 416.25; 5:7.16. l45:6; 199:16 IdUenCn 23: 16 w.ny 153:20 114:6,8,?9:20,21;127:6; 25;6:1, If 21.23;7:1; Inclualve 224:9 intorrn 3:4 hero-th.16:25 1%:18.19;21214; 224:8; 9:1% 103.14; 122; 13:3. incom463; 17216; Informant 37:21 herein 9237 23620 7.9, IO, 12 17; 14:lO. 21; 18711 infommtbn 7:4;9:14. 15:8,10.13.M.22;161, hid 34:16 hoMd.~ 24:19:~ .. 192:21. incoming 7013 1% 10:6; 12:19; 13:6.16. 71724181.7.22; hiding 164:13 hopefully 34;722;35:1; inconaistont 208.12 21; 15:3; 178.9; 19:7.13; 3620: 151:5:22217 1922; 20:ll. 24; 22: 12, 21:24;26:9.13;27:1;32:6; hierarchy 210:24 15,18,22;23:21;24:2.20; inc- 2077 hoping 1020; 115:lO 35:14;37:10385;3912 high 24:8;78:17;90:19; 2510.Il. 16; 26:ll; incrOaSdK)6:& 13.17 461%; 64: 10; 85: 17; 94:5,9;95:14. 1lI:ll; 121:13; 131:12; H0.5.uu 27:15;29:8;30:18 insmasingly 11013 9520; 132:14; 143:20 1398; 198:21 16;%.7.21; 123:21; immunl.d421;72.3.8 incmdibk 169:9 14420; 145:2,2.19; 1403.10.15; l41:3,9,20; higher 4:L 20; 6 15; 716; I517;22:18; 155:22; 179:18; 185~9 14217; 143:3; 14412 23; 1- in- 207:14 2217 148:24; 159:4,5,10; 186:9.25; 223~9:22812; 146:5.19; 14910; 151:l; n:+ Indobtednas 9222; 16O:lO 16722; 22223 2M:lO higher-ups 12:5.5 16219 156:14;205:22.25; informOd4:13; 19:I: highlighted 249:4 how.81:17 inpkmmtd91:le; 20719; 221:17 Hill 2442 218:l indsd31:l; 32:9; 87325; W:8. 20.21; 59:m hours 13:1;591% 10723; 11016; 163:19; Hills 144:4 implkdon 20:lX 93:3,22;99:4; 1165.20. 101:19.20 164:lO himself 59:14;68:8; 229:14 22; 138:25; 151:21; 155:3; Wouw 55:6; 1W:Il intorming 509 1188 Imply 161:7 157:14; 159:ll; 2029.12; HouwlS.n.1143:2 203:25; 205:23;2129 hindsight 143:16 impot(.ncr l4:5,7; 18:3; lnfmqurnt 133:15.17 Hrusla 1W.4 independonce 124:16; inherently 19214.15 Hing 1878.10 1916; 32:25;49: 1% HSi 6:8.13 191:lO 144:6 Inhibit 7:25 Hip 187:s. 10 Huang 1611 importlnt 2:22.24; indgndencwnd inhibltd 22:15 hid129:22; 201:24 hvwthab In4 15:2* 1623; 19:4; 21:5.9, 112:25 inhiblting 15:7 hiring 220: 20.21; 221; 24:21.24; indamndent9:24.25; inhibit. 3:24;4:18 19 3210; 36:19; 3915; 45:7; l02S; 1~16;16:21; hworically 24:13 I 89:14.15;95:25; lWl.5, 17:ll. 21: 21:6:47&7O1: initial 200:7.10 205: I3 history 24:23;52:3; 7 I54:8;2ll:21:211:10 94:1;98:2; 106:l; 108:5. initially 5l:9; 128:22 82:11;88:21; 1574; 1767 CMr 7818 222:20 13.25; 124:ll; 1285; initiatina- 52:13:60'6 HK98:Il. 14 Cno 214:20 impossibk 14:22; 17:lO 14322; 145:lO; 14613. inquiry 188; 266.16; 14; 225:2.3; 2269 hokey 13013 1.0 235:7 25:3 12020 155:13; 191:19; imndent-bm 97:) 195:lO hold 55:2% 154~16; i.e 84:16 impmswd 174:19 insart 2W.7.16.17; 155:5; 171:2.9; 201:17; idea 31: 12; 6520; 856.9; impmssbn 78:13,16; indipendently 1215; 2M:ll 213:11 I55:25; 192:2;213: 11; 100:) 24: 14; 201: 1 holders 3520 231:7.9; 237:7.25; impmsskns 85: 1 3 inde.1. I 73: 19 inside 223:17 biin-u-scripta Wcr ~eportwCompany, Inc. 114:15: 133:14:174:23 '. insidious 2514 : intriclciea 36.23; 162:20 issues 14:16;401; a ' 24; 10:3.9.13,17.20.22; 11:2;12:13.24;14:11,19; known-if 138:22 insisted 5023;53:1; ' intriguing 17014 16716; 185:22;204:4; 1 224:21;227:2;2322i; 15:2.4.7; 162.6.25; 1%24 introduced 74:3; I IS: I I. knows 184:3 248:19; 2507 17:6.23; Kong 398;40:12, 17.19. Insofar 22:24 1s 23; 20: I4.21,23; 21 :8; issuing 373 23; 41:3,6,14.22;42:3; instance 3325 lnvrrt 173:2. 3 22:23; 25:4.16; 268.12. it-bUl 1%.1 4310; 44:2.4; 4614; invnUg.ling 19:); 17; 54:15; 16825.25; inslmees 921,22; 34% 4720;461.16.17;5610. 185:25 31:14;37:19 it-& 11413 224:2 INVESTIGATION 1:l; it-- 124:22 19; 57 19.19; 562.3; ins- 120:7; 195:12; Justke'a 8:20 64:l I; 68: 19; 705.5; 224:5 4:14;5:11;8:1; 101; it..mng 213:lO justhbk 33:s 171; 2220.21; 74:11,13,18;75:6,7; i6ii; lam 133:9; l46:13 justlfkatbn 49:8 InstRuh iW:3 Z3:IZ. 31:4;327,8; 38:3; 79:19;81:6.9, I I; 85:21; instlulbn 467 595;60:23;65:9.11.16; bnu 14610. I2;1825; iustiflod 5:7; 824 86:9; 98:22; 99:9.10.22; instrumd 988 81:14; 161:ll 2444.9 juati(y713;17:11; IW2; 101:21; 103:1.4.8, 20;113:6.19 114:10.14. instruction 21725 invarilgabnr 1212; WIf 6034; 6213;67:5; l%l3.16 19.23; 117:lO. 18,23; 24:6 88:15; lW7; 193:23; juwnik 224:2 inatructkn-mnd 21718 194:s 1%19; 2%24; 12021; 124:5,6.24; lnvrrtig.tOr 32: 13 inatrumnUl153:18 23819 126:18.24; 132:9, 12. 15. int 428 investing 404.23 19; 133:19 135:21; intagrity47.i; 111:Il; lnv.rtment 40:21; 57:12. 15922; 163:22.24; 164:4; 166:24 21; 1*24; 156:20,24; J kaep 34:5; 206:17; 165:5; l72:lO. 25; 1734 intend 230; 13:2; 155; 166.7; 18219; 183:19; 22017; 222:9; 23619 6.23.25; 1747; 185:2.24; 235:3; 23921 20:11:7621.~ Jan.( 55:23 keeping 182:19.20 lS6:lO. 18.20,21; 187:l. invator 81:l intonbd 102:2; 145:7; January 4925; 73:20 Ken 2442 4 hatoN81:2 167.16; 187:ll; 22420 135:12 Kennedy 1691 Kong'r 113.14 invb 2246.21 144:3 intands92:9;Iml1; Jmne kept 191:9;211:11 Kong)'s 103:5,20 248:12 Invited 111:25;217:13; jaoprdb 1102;215:24 k6yI11:ZZ Kongpwho 499 intanso 23:6; 232:lO 21814 193:15 jsoprddlad kidding 171:4 Kong-'govornment intrnl 18:25;86:22; iWOlU~d~llL19 j.op.rdy 2(; 166:M. kind 1125; 1321; 23:4. 49:lO 9225; 14012 Imoko 675 193:6 219:9.9 13.15.22;3417;352; Kong...we 497 Intanlbn 119:4; 1592 Invokd 3% 42.5; 68, Jew159:13 38:11; U:10;75:21; IntontbMlly 174:21; 12;718;11:5;15:22 job 9: 101020; 11:3; 78: 15; 8321; 86:21; 1m21 1610; 21:25;60:5;~11; 17:3; 222:24 106:4; 11424; 120:19; L intom'-I928 93:la; lOe.19; 1162; John 48:12; 50:17; S1:24 121:13; 128:19.19.25; 12612; 128:3; 15S9.16. 133:18; 14723; 156:16; L 393; 1466 lntomt617; I9:16; 17; 15720; 1W8: 16715; Johnson 168:IS. 22; 5223; 80:);82:6;87.8; 160:23; 165:23; lS.4; L.L.P 190:4 174:20; 192:14. IS; 211:4; 194:18 13223; 133:9; 13616; pin 114:24 I71: I 2; 173: 16; 219:9: Labor 199~2 2179; 221:3; 223:5.25; 225:6.16;236:11.12; 139:8; 183:13; 24824 224:2,6; 225:4; 227:4; @inad55:22.24 kck 124:16 intorostod 1925;4021; 2381; 239:21; 241:13; hi 68.13 231:15.22; 23216 pining 173:l 243:lO 42:l; 82:12 233:11; 24711 933 purnal66:6;80:24; kinds 23217; 23917 bid intomling 35:ll; 4016; invohmnt 1713; 224:16.19,20,23 land 2425 12211; 1302.4; 131:7; king 239:7 10B:IS: 121:13; 124:17; iudga 2617 language62:18; 140:18; I73:f 129:4; 139:7; 178:5; Kirkpatrkk 144:3 judger 224:l 147:10;217:10247:20 inledera 191:13;~ ~. 219:20 194:6.13; 198:17,20; Klein 159:13 interim 219:14.18.23; 2167 judging 144:7 knew 15:ZO; 23:7; 43:24. 229:M Invokes 1610 judgmnt 5:1;66;7:11; 25;45:4;4610;81:18; k7; 14:12; 19:9;25:18; interlocking 138:21 invoklng81:16; 129:4; 925; 95:15.19; %.6.7; 19321; 221:ll; 243:12, largest 4011 Internal 20213 13721; 167:16; 2167 99:9; 118:13; 125:8; 12 14224; 143:4.12; 144:15; last 2:8;6:9; 13:1;33:13; Inn 23:l inlwnational881:1,2; iudgnmt. 195:5.8; 1729; 173:20,22; 20225; 5922; 6221; 93:11;95:5; 82: 1 Inncontra 9:21; 228; 242:18 227:13; 24725 10316; 119:23; 133:22; Interpmt 9720 23:23 ludicby 174 know-ho 13323 13418; 139:6; 163:2; IRS 111:17;1128.13; 1761;191:15; 198:18; interpmtatbn l41:25; JULY 1:4;375;[email protected]; know-1 153:20 14220; 155:19.20 lW.25; 193:4; 194:ll. 18. 209:s; 24222 61~22;190:10;208:20.22; knowing 111:10; 124:25; interrupt 141:7; IW:19 20;221:19,23;2zu):25; late 15:1?; 44:12;74:10. 244:22 lW.5; 2178- 231:7 __ I1 202:21; intertwining 12223 iumps 124321; 225:16 I6 I: IO i-nd 161:3; 168:24 knowlsdga 43:11;721; 24616 inti- 81:6 iuncture 1819:2022 74:ll; 85:6 %I; 10515; buo10:2;11:1~ 17:22; lately 146:4 into625; 1617; 17:18; June 43:l;59:17; 77:24; I15:24: I17:lO: 120:3: 313, 15;48:4;52:%60:2. 21:s. 14; 34:14; 35:16; later 49I 4; 71:21;84: 10. 4923; 51:19.21.21; 78:3; 109:9.18; 1394; 131:21~13213;133:8: 23;68:12.24; 88:13; %4; 1364; 154:22; 174:l; 12; 853; 86:14; 92:24; 78:22; 103:3; 117:s 200:21; 202:21; 2054; 106:3; 114:11; 121:12; 122:15; 148:8; 157:s; 1377; 149:21; 151:5; 21 1:15; 244:2. 13; 24616; 237:20 23824; 245:20 130:7; 136:23; 144:l. 1.4; 168:23: 179:12; 192:6.8; 1672.11; 16920; 248:20 knowladgbwhh 174:l 158:24; 1621,tO; 165:25; 16O:l; 19415: 220:12;231:1; 200:23; 21912; 220:14. jurisdiction 108:21 knowledgeable l50:l I; 2459 166A 24.24; 178:4; 171:14 194:16 199:12; 2071.4. 21.22.23; 226:;; 2271; iurisprudence 183:20 ktOS15922 23011; 23217;245:21. known 34:1640:13; 4; 22424: 2306; 231:21; JuStice 2:13,16 37,12. Latin 183:zo 23: 249:s 25i4.4.6. IS;5:10.12,14. 42:2; %:9;80.15. 18; 23420; 2367.162371. latter 12:23;89:7;199:9 13; 239:23; 241:13.25; issue-that 2151 19.2062.11.17.22;7:9. 81:23; 92:22; 93.4; 3 laughebk 195 I7 245:4; 2461 Ususd 374.22; 5014 14. 18. 19 8:19:9:5.23. 109:ll; Il2:; MlUer Reporting Company, Inc. Win-U-SdptcP (13) insidious - laughable xlliuc: wrmpl~eeon wvanmcrhmam ' n - 1996 FEC Funds

Laughter 183:22; 184:5; legally 1283; 19210 liability 69:7 oan 43:15. 22.22;44:5, loob 94:12 188:13 203:l. 22; 249:l lie I66:2.2 14.a.15; 45:8;4613; loop 149:lO L75.,22;48:1. iaundend 3 I :22 kghlrt. 3317 Lieberman 1:13;2:1.Z. loophob 31:7 1.21.23;49:7.7.lO;SO:l. 3.6.7;8:15; 12:8; 143, loopholes 3623 iaundering 1523 kgkMhm 14:6.13; 5.1 I; 51:1,5. 7; 52:3; 15;15:6.15.19;22:3.4.5; lrundy 195:17; 237:s 1518 y):1.6;61;; bu5:21; 12:3; 206; 21:2 23: 25; 2812.13; 30:5,6; iaw 720;8:4; 14:7; 17:17; kglrl.Hvdy 168.13 525, 9; 6~0;6.m ia bring 14:17; 2020; 118:4.5,13.18.24; 18:25; 24:'1; 25:6; 3L7.8; 12,24;66:11;67:6.9,21; 21:11 119:Il. 15; 12018; 121:2 3218.19;35:25;36:15; W2; 7018; 74:24,25; bra 5219;79:18,25; 9.15; 1221.3; 123:ll; 39:6;41:9; 54:13,18; 75:5,5,6; 763.10.12.16; 80:2.7;88:3: 1143; 181:4. 55:22; %4;91:1294:5; 124:19; 125:M: 126.4.16, m1.15; 7810; 79:lO; 7.7.e; 1838 k*W):l 20;l27&I30:lO;1352; 98:9;99:3; iwm; )6:7. 11,13.23;87:9.13; knding 467; 471I; 182:14.15; 183:10,2% bU5:11.14;16:24; 11423; 11816; 124:12. y): 18.22; 90:14; 9L2.7; 123:13 1&(:4,7.11.13; 2226. I1 15912.20; 161:1;241:22 ~ ~~ 17:~~.~ 126:25:~ 141:5;. 143:23; 322.11.13.15;94:17.19. hgth4417 LkkrmWl'8 12994 bt 2: IO;9:14; 21: 15; 162:2.9.15; 166:~; 19; 95:1,?. 8, IO; %24; 105:ll; 11623; 122:4; 16710,19 174:22; 1956; hgths81:Il; 161:25 lih 130:14; 131:8; 136:19; 376;98:; 13524; 14325; 161:13; 223:25; 2265; 24238; knt926;%2 114:12 154:5; 195:24; 1%:22 102:24; 105:lO;10711. 16916;2175;231:21.22; 243:11. I4 ku 104.4.10; 19:7; light 142:16; 188:l; 19,20,108:1,18;11018; 234:9 1. : iaw*r 93: 17 11211; 114:Il; 1194.5; m.l0;m22;%M: 213:23 k(r 57:7; 13914,14; 122:10;123:; !.Mlb 1243 1378205:22 iibl21:l 239:25 .. iawe 3:6; 4:3; 7:23;8:5; I24:7; 1256,7,21; 126:l. 1 kuon 25:6 liked 184; 224:1;226:2 bUha 139:13 : !24:25;93:16.20,24; 10,21; 12134.7; lU).9,21. 51:6; I5724 '9425; 1627,20,163:1; W liblihood 88.14 21; 129:16,25; 1302; loWbWl I014 ..- 166:18.22.25; 1671.17, MI., 171&45a,51:7, libb 186:14 13~20;140:5,8; 141:ll. bmr 1613; 58:18;84:5 .- 24; 1699; 171:14 11;521.2.5,5,8; 5913. limit 349 11.14.21;1423.9; 143:s; bmnd84:18 14; 6520; 24; 673, 1482, IS, 19; 149:16; ... lawyer 12323; 16714. &la, linrltr(bn 168:3; 169% by816314; 235:l 153:2, 19; 154:6.14; ' 114.21 14:68:15.18;6!H7.19, 20 2222.25; 7L4.7.15; 161:6.25; 163:4 21.23; Lld 4019 .thy 19:1'1;3221;346,11; limild8l:e; 13212 164:5.20,16520; 17616; Lupr 1443 :: 14610 7223;731. lR746; .. 7625; TI:3.23;78:1;79:1; limiting 16725 I~II;186.6.7; l87:8; lunch 104:13; 121:17 .. ::.: kd 3:5; 15512; 18223 91:16.19.25:92:21;94;5. li1db3215 188:3; ~5:6.11,24; IUrUy 10:19 "~-:kd.n 1371 12.16;95:1%96:19,2Z Ilna 49:13; 6324; 83:9 LI017:23514.17: Lyndon 194:17 ..~. kd. 06 977. 20; 98:& t;W.6; 113:13; 120:25; 129:25; ijs:~~;2i;~i:rn. .:.. -1. Inning 180:7 106:15.17; 107.3; 108:6; 17814.17; 193% 243:7; ban-kton 16520 .I Inn m14; 18220 109:9; 1ii:ia 246:3 ban-ponudlng 61:11 M kmd485. 15: 5222 19.19; 11223; 123:21; NMS 49:IZ; 105:23; band 102:25; 205:15 199:22,24; 23521; 2485 12611; Irl0:2,10.16; 108:14.16 191:21; bans 71:19;98:1(; ma'am 115:16,19,25; 141:4,9.20,20. 25; 142I. 193:14; 212:Z; 243:19 kut 18:l;194;25:15; 17920;205:19;~6:7 1164; 118:1 18; 143:2, lU7.24; 3612;80:23;8714.22; 4; Iinn-ym I 13: I 11pc.bmi.81: 15 145:11,; bbbkd 166:s 95:20; 121:16; 1271~ Lippo 11923 M.dlgm%13.15,16. 1461.4.23.25; 147:l. 3. bbby 17615 133:20.21; 144:11; 123; 101:13; 17.22;91: 4.10.18; 1485.6.13.20. Ilsi IW18; bbbying 166.6 155:18; 16424; 16494; 160:25; 18219.20; 210:4. 24;98:3,6,18,24:99:1.5. 25; 149:2.2.10; 150:l; bed197:l; 2247 185:25; 187:12 193:12; 12; 24812.22;249:9,18 8, 13.15,17; 1OU:7,II. 151:l: 156:; 20220; M8:3; 2161: 1i.t.d 1:20; 244:4. IO; beally 224:6 15. 19.21.24; 101:2.4. 157:1;7.11;~1~:3; London 631; 8224; 1215. 18.24; 102:4. 23525; 241:22 16124; 1624.4; 163:3,4. 24810 IO. 100:22.24; 101:f. 19.21; 7, 11.15,20;103:13,18, havo 103:14; 153:Il; 5.14; 1707; 171:20.20. Li.1.n 1%:4;200:15 194:5 120:6; 186.3 24;104:3,6,11;230:16. 21; 175:10,; 1977; 219:25;231.5. 10: leave8 159:s ITI:ZI,Zk1782;1&(:18. bng 15:IZ 54:20;80:18; 218:14 IOI:~;1706; 176:7; 2325.13.21.24; 233:3.5. having 191:6 19.25; 1856; 18624; 8.lI.14.l7.21;235:4 18718; 22):17; 24122 listonlng 207:5; 2324. 1%.17;231:9 Wunr 39:6; %.I 10; 23424 mguim44:LZ: 11021 MlU-pdW 14812 bng.standing 122:14 L.. 201:9; 215:6.8 lists 2319 mil 1467; 150:7 lomm 16c:ls; leo:l8 longer 184; 23:14.18; M( 103:ll. 16; l30:18. IhNlb 123:3.16 30:20;IH):l;211:19 mailing 244:4 20; 182:13;223:3;225:11; hvd3632;234:22 2442224723 main 327; 245:lO 234:7,9; 23521; 23717 Iwd831:6 bnghand 15323 Ill.rdun 8925; 143:7.9 32:3; 354; 5&5; nuinland 130:19 MI-h.nd 5818 Levin M3; 1222.23; look Iitig.tbn 45:6 181:15 60:9.14;62:20;6315; mintmln 14:19; 11014 k0.I 14:9.15;33:5; 13:~3;m.ia11;30:3.4; Iiltk 184; 255; 106:11.12.25;1QI:9.17. H):? 64:25;68:12.21;72:2.21; 21620 3725; 41~9;52 13; 6794; 30:~~; 49: 18; 73:7.14;7623;7?:14.22. 25; 109% 5.14; 36:20; mintmined 104:9; 88:8. 13;%:25;9722; lOe:Z3; 52:22;80:22;81:3.15; 25; 100:7.15; IO&% 110:22;111:13,17; 211:19 106:2; 108:l; 1145; 8222;8721;90:25; 140:2; 149:ll; 1I2 14.16.20, I13:3,9. 109:lO; mior 31:5; 3212; 33:3, 123:25; 124:25; 125:3; 12015; 134:lO; 15017: 168:s; 1702 1284.5; 129S. 16.19 13, 18.22; 114:8;11825; 25; 4920; 2266 245:24 16123; 183:l; lS8:8; looked 20:23; w.3; 1622.3; 164:2Z 17610. 135:6.10; 16925; 170:l. majority m13; 2611. 216:tl; 223:s; 224:18; 164:20 18.21; ln8.9. 15; 178:3;; 225:6 229:6.11; 23020; 23; Z?7; 321; 34:7;90:16; 171:22;172:4,8.13,15. looking 2025; 37:16.21; 179:5; 180:9; 182:8; 23 I: 1 I, 25; 232: 13; 123:20 1693 21; 173:ll. 18; 174:4. 78:7:8223;83:4;871; I875 193:14.20 203:); IO. 240: 12.23 ~jorily's322 21817.21;22713,15: 23; 175:2,; 96 18;979,11.99'1f; 2407; 24211.14,20, lhrd 22024 145 12.1572:206'19; mkn 275; 1071; 2M:3 133:W 149:16; 153:13 243:10.21 lii12021 210:12; 232:lS; 245:4; I&lity 69: 17: 702; mking 25:R 4021; 22734; 230:11 Levin's 21:m 26:16 lhring 144:lO 248 I1 Min-u-scripta . ‘ Hearing Vol~meN-ba 8 July 23.1997

-. .45:25;87:9;120:21; 10719; 13012;144:21; I Mihd109:8; l89& misunderstood 148:9 !37:13; 243:12 1284; 1471I; 15619.19; 154:19; 159:1;192:4; , 1W:l.S mixing 23721 nore4:6.7.8;6:16, 17, 1581.5; 164:20; 165:l; 209:5;211:22;214:21; ’ m&190574:16 mdUt54:lO ,8.19;7:25;8:2;9:6; 10:8, i;21:13; 23:14;25:5; 224:7; 237:4 229:22 11512 modi64 69:s !620 35:ll; 3620 nun 101:15.23; III:II; mun-*tO 929 middlo zo6: I 1; 2O9:13; moment 18:18;84:15; 13011.24; 131:2,7,11. muning69.1; 1421; l2:17; 44:22; 47~6;492% 24225 14021; 155% 1%4; i0:6;52:19,22;59:11; 12.13; 13623; 15718; 19212 might 5:18;813; 1021; 170:3,4; 2121 5; 21 4: 1; %:IO; 802’2.24; 81:3. IS; 174:19; 194:4;208:25; muns7:24; 101:15 11:20.23;12:1.12,19; 2345 2396 124.5.23; 83:7, IO; munt 121:21; 14018; 139; 1914;24:12.27; momonta 1705 6.19; 1134; 12020; nunagement 122:15 192:6;211:25;224:17, 18 34s;36:13; 3720; mnq 16:13;23:16; 121:4; 1231; 124:15.20; nunagorial 217:2; mdk8l23:9; 489742 44:21;88:12;89:5;%18; 31:;3210.13. 133:18.22;137:s; 139:15; 229:12243:18 mat 1:16;481O;4921; 11623; 12423;127:Il; 15. 17; 335.12; 3416; !47:7; 149:12; 153:l; mm8gorirlly 212:l; 82:lS; 137:l; 161:15 133:9; 136:ZZ; 161:9 3516.18;3610.24; 16425; 165:23; 1623; 22823 mating 1:1&25:5;466 169:13;182:); 18623; 37:19;4?24;406;49:5; L6715; 181:24; 186:9; m8nn.r 49:3;698; 4814;51:15;74:6,13; 187:S: 1%:18;203:11.15. 582 59:2; 61: 17; 63: 15; 188:8;%.IS 220:7; 1627; 17610 19:lI; 83:s 8.11; 131:6 19;205:1;20719;215:6 64:9.17.22;79:8;86.12, !23:8; 22725; 229:6; rmnhctumn 13221; 1642; 1656; I&L:21; 217:9;230:11;233:25 15; 87:2; 88:lS. 17; 90:s; !31:11;237:9;2393; 199:14 209:14.17; 24320; 2443 military 133:6.7 92:6;93:1;99:9.10 100.1; !406, 18.19; 241:2l . ~ny39:17;55:11; mating. 4813; 164:25; million 41:2.13;43:22; i03:6; 106:6; 114:5,9.12. Moreover 462; 51:5; 73:13,13;824;109:24; 165:19; 17224;23211 46:21;47:10;48:6;50:13; 14,18,I9,2O0,22Il5:2. 147:13 119:l; 121:4; 1497; member 1:m;13:9,18; 64:E 69: 12; 71: 19;?921. 4; 1196; 1202; 1225.6; mrnin9 87; 38I 1; 39:4. 165:7; le6:20; 191:le; n:12 422; 5819; 23;88:3;91:7;922.9, 15; 124:5; 125:l. 10.12.16, !3;54:8.9;%:15.16; 193:ll. 22; 1%:3.16; 11613; 13916 152:22; 94: 17; 98: 13; W14; 221268.18; 128:5; 115:ll; 1547;24010.12, 211:24;21522;223:10 168.9.10; 173:6.7.15; 100:2; 106:m;10711; 142:1.4,8.9, 10.14.17, 13,14.23;242:6,7 119:18; 120:24; 12224; h0131:lO 1742; 200:22;20(:15; 24; 143:4.12 145% Uorrls 1713 218:20; 2ZI:ll; 245:3 123:9: 153: 14935; 150:19.23; March 1013; 131:8 mst3:16; 22:1935:18; kmkn 3:4; 209; 15Y:l. 17; 160:9; 15333.19; 154:6.11.15. Mark 159:lI 18%2:186:7: 187:IZ: 15.16 155:4,5,8, 17; )612; 37:s; 89:14.15; Mark 6923; 140:lS; 2521;1166 159:lI; 10718; 108:9; 199!20; 16&11;169:1,3: 17024; to6:13;225:9,13;~713 15921; 160:3; 163:20,23; 145:4; 14625; 16222 mind 21:1;41:7;9&7; 16(:15; 16628.U. 1672 123:21; 2251; 2269; 1937; m17;222:8; L329 ln8rkalS 131:) 231:23; 240:21; 2425.10 11713; 11922: 13723;; 169:lO. hry139:13 140:7; 14721;1%9; 12.18; 17011.13; 1?1:1, mstly 4623 mdwshlp 42:5.7.24; 3,4; 1729; 173:4; 174:5, hrylmd223:19 W13; 11625; 174:12 15713; 179:14.16; notbn 26:lO. 22; 27:) N7:21; 211:IS; 249:12 6.12 175:4; 176:25; mthfmd 108:22 murive le10 mmo 654; 9L4.10: 1793. 23; nulchd 219:25 97:lO; 12319 1266; mindful 4:10;93:19; mothfatbn 1203; 153:14 194~20;225:25 is0:6.12; 181:24; 1832. nutorial 161:14 139:2.3.4... mlhfe 16924; 161.4 minds 1215 3.5,15; 185:2.23; 186:20; materials 164:18;20212 si19i:i; aiz:i3,-za; 187:l. 4.4. M.188.6; moveS925; 154:4; 1561 215:20;2165.11; 22014. Mine 15:ll; 1826; 1954 191:2o;i92:2; 14.17; moved 51:21;55:15.20 mer5: 13; 620;8 11. 15:24225:244:1.10.18, mlninul 12:18 195:15,17;202:22; 151:15:~.~. 19825~ 21:97:15:4:21:6.9.12; 211 245:16; 23 2418; 36:s;42:6; 44:16; minimize 191:lO 20315; 2W4.17; 205:10, moving 107; 13:4;47:6; 4510; 51:5;53:7;75:2; momorondm 1u:7 minimum2010 13;14;~~14;2622; 155:17; 15722 n:19: 781 7: 79:i 1;81:9; numorondurn 5714; minMrr 49:22; 8218; 21225;213:?.10,25; Mr.-with 55:Id sO.5;91:6 1021;1187; Wl7; 91: I; 9733.17; 836; 84:23,25.25 214:Z; 215:10 225:7: mrs 4817 122:9; 140:ll; 144~16; 22625; 22734; 228:6.15; 14624; 1574; 161:Z. 16. minor 1919 much 182;22:17; 31:2; 17; 1629.12; lbL.12.13, 188:2;200.12,18;201:10; 23222; 235:; 212:6.9;217:11;2189; minor@ 20:lO 34:13; 2367.,25; 35:24;49:23; 54:1;75:16 15; 165:l; 16725;231:7; 81:5;64:10; 9520; 243:12 2192.16; 221:4; 24222. 90:16 1228; 123:22; 237:). 4.4,7; 2388.11. 248:12 120:23; 12721; 1324; IWMn 3:21;816; 183; 23; 2489.10, m,249:5 19.23; 239:16,18,23; minority’s 31:25; 325 241:13,13,15,15,21.25; 141.7;148.8.8: 149:19; 40: I 5; 44:N; 81 :13: mmorirllzod 21319.X 15I:12:1668; 174:19; 105:s; 12825; 13215; mmoy99:21; lll:9 minuto99:8;124:M; 245:19; 2464 19.24; 2482 1%; 184:15; 185:13; 13721; 157:9; 191:12; 137:15; 146:Z; I50:8; 147:7; 150:16; 18214 187:ll; 188:16; 191:4; 195:6; 24218 16211 minuh. 401; %14; monoy-mnd 205:l 194:1221817; 2205; llUy4:2.6:5:4;618.18; mmo. 1M.18 104:7; 105:4,5.6; 106:lO; monoy-irundoring 2267; 227:19 113:4; 15818.19; 18212; 9:8; 169; 1718; 2224; mn2396 241:12 must 365; 373;45:9; 185.18; 222:17; 24222 23:s; 265; 293 30:23; mntbn 5930 monk 150:3;205:14. I! 102:12; 119:21; 169:17 34:6. I I; 43:5; 543; mirinfornvtbn 3925 mntknod 11224; monitor 90:23 must-hire 220:21 100:14;105:17; 114:13; misinterpreted 18:24 moniioring 9315 121:4; 126:15.22; 13714; 158~7;2012 mutual 4014 marad 54:21 misjudgnmnts-the month 139:6 140:21; 147:6 149:II. 15; - 193:22 my-185: I1 173:12; 174:14.23; tnMs8go 19:23; 20:14; month-to-month 4690 myself 1818; 23:20 missed 33:6; 49:25; 766, 18219: 197:LO 20221: 219:23 monthly 224:25 3920; 140:24;16023; 15. 19; l34:8 205:laf210:3;23i:Il; Inel 1:s4014;74: I I; months 21:3; 39: 19; 181:17;240:15 2404; 242:4; 246 16 8423; 1187.8. IO; 1526. miasion 190.17 43:6 4914; 55:1060:22; nuyb33:25; 113:24; 10 161:18; 174:18; misspak 86:I7 65:s. 8; 1W5.19.24; 133:22; 165:ll; 169:13. 177:23:2104 miaspoke 6424; 17313 11013; 114:18; 190:8; -- N 1.1; 181:14;2ZO:7 metaphor 23:9 mistrust 33.8 2W6; 21 5322; 216: i 9; *the 174:6 Miami 396;55:21;%1; misunderstanding 51 :6 231:1? name 39:4;40:3. 18; mom 85 15.93 4; 174:16 9 moral 88:7; 144.10; 1098;11625.1171; Min-U-ScripttB (15) man - name IW.5. 16201:2; 2W3; nays 3017 Norcross 45:17;47:10. 233 5 8 It 14 I8 occasional 245:13 219:7; 224:18 nearly 39:18 21;50:18,20.21;51:10, 2339ii5:2; 171 236:25; occ8sion.d I IO:^; 2372,4,7.13,24; 238:18; namd43:17;60:5; 1$;52ll,I5.16;674; 215:25 Nebnab 199:4 239:14.14; 241:16243:6 2M):5; 208:25 a3.5.7; 70277:21; occmbns 5124 nacamrily 23:17;90:8; 78:6.9,13.14. 17.18.18; 244:3.12.23;245:15; namly 194:15 occur4:IZ; 148:s; 246:13 14916; 15710203:22 79:3.16;80:1;89:1.2; 24615.20.24;2472.11; namr 27:lO nr.rmy 1911;9213 9918.24; 100.1; 102:23; 248:22,24.25; 249:4 occurred 721; 2210. 20; 50:6; 193:4; 220.3; narrow 11:1;221:25 rmd 1217; 15:18;20:5; 103:2.2; 104:lO;129:4. NPF'-thM 4522 23121; 243:19;246:15 Natbn 169:22 W:4; 355; 38:12;90:25; 10; 145:1,4,18,19,21; NPP~3716;69:9;1129, occurnbon 24614 natbnal17:7.9; 234.6. 1w2 146:3.21; 147:5; 148:13. 163:lO; 190~6;191:l; 13.22;31:21.ZX 24; nrd.d69:13; 106:21; 14.17; IW8.9; 16213. 1921;200:17; 204:IO; occurs 17212 34~4;38:3; 3%13.13.21; 114:18; Iu):2; 187:20, 13.15 164:1; 186:14.15 2106; 2193.21; 221:11. Oaokr 484; 526; 40:s 413% 4213; 43:15, 2493 nomt 123:l 17;22415.18;231:8 56:225710;7012,14. 20.21.23; 445.22; 45:4. needing 7:s normally 12~23 NPF-the Inlo 19;71:4.8,21.21;729; 92:21; 109:7; 11218;; 463.10. 16. nods63:ll; 210:7 North 315.17; 14:17; numkr 1:22;271(; 123:20; 126:11; 1465; 17. IS. 19.22;47:8; 48:22; nsfarkus 895; 16L4.7; 15:1;22:IO.I.L;245 111:20;15725;1767,12. ..i 4925; W7.8. 18; 25; 1952;205:1;223:13; 154:12.13,25; 1625; IO. 16511,16.25236:15 Norlh-It 14:18 i.'51:165213. 14.25; 225:7; 2335.8,Il; 244:3. 1708.; 120:9 .':-~%:10;60:6.24;61:12; nqmtiw NO8 27:14 5.5.6 171:lO. 10 nagotl8tod4221; 1-3 ..: 621.14;66.6.19;6717. nota 4~15;71: 16; 13:s; nunbars 27:9; 205:25 of-and I W:12 ... .21;68.9;71:8;728,16; MgOti8tbtl5513 118:s; 15219; IW:2 numrous 448.17; or-for 223:15 j 73:~.17;7615.2O.21; neighborhood 225:12 15423; 18515 509);51:24 OM11023 77:10.15;7823;7%22; 1541 notmd45:ll nophm nuns 10:lZ 15:20, 19:17; &-What 19221 .~, -86:8. 12.15;87:9,12.24; net45:14; 1593; 205:21. nothing 15:20,24; 38:15; 21:3; 182:24 .. all.24;89:3;91:8.20. ot-whik88:12 25 45:4;891690:10 nut81:15 - '.24;921.3,6,7,8.12 14. on 34:s; 46:~4; 47:~22; Nwertheku 45:24; 131:24,24; 132:l, 2.25; 1~. i23;94:l5. 16.18;95:1.6 6717; 13.16; 147:ll; 159:s 153:lO 1*.1,3; l7l:W 86: &%IS; ,10221: 105:16.17; 1072. 189:%22616239:IZ. I8 931; 119:14; 14713.16 13:6;33:11;3718; 0 ..4; lOe:8,12; 109:7; 113:B. nm 241:19 1712; 17?:11;202:13; ."11; 114:l; 1177.1% 5715;122:13;1599.10. m.22;214:21; 23823 13; 168:Il; 176:3; 213:14: mtke 1:8;W14;529; O'CbCk104:13 ~:!119:5.6.9,12;.. 12221; 822: 1Ol:lO. 12; 1%:5 0ff0ndJMl7 : 12416; 125:9.17.21; 214:2% 2155218:19 08th 5718;74m751: noucd 80:23 othr 15:21;20:8;5218 : 1262,3; 129:9; nwly41:1:424,6 1021;117:15 128:Z I%12 '. ..' l3l:l5,25; 138~3;139:8, fmw835:10,11,12; notlna 39:16 obw16:7: 2123 obmd 26:7.10 -.I 12.16,24;1404.5.12. 159:9; 1977 notbn 151:15 195:16 ob).ctd62.3.11.22: me1:9; 24:8; 45:3; 14.23.21; 141:l. IO. 13. naw8-thm 191:l nourhhmnt 178:8 I781822: 2477 16,22; 1422.5.7,9,2% 553,19;5918;89:17; MwahItW 22425 Nowmkr 5215; 58: I I; objoctbn 121; 524; 143:5.9.13; 14410; 902; 129:6,7; 15423; nempg.r 1692 69: 11: 7224; 73:3; 835; 13:7; Irl:ll;1%10245:9 17021;221:13; 22618; 145:6; 146:11,21; 147:11, 106:21; 1583.6; 187:21 1481.7; NOWt48:ll obj.sthn 14:7; LIZ:( 23315 now4 18222 150:3.20,21.22; 153:3; naxt31:19;4217;465; objms 79 onkor 41:l I; I I I ~8; 155:16; 1%m1595; 51:1~62~7014,21; Nowthat 203:9 obligated 92I 207:7;21022 1622,24: 16319,2a, 22; 92e;95:5; 1&22; nowhsn 51:22 obligatbn 346;763; offkers 4721; %24; 170:7; 171:l.Z 17614; 164:21; 189:4; 209:19,23; NPF 374.13.20.22; 88:7.8;92:3; 125:lI; 111:23 178:6.9; 179:l; 18723. 215:3; 2437 45:2);462.4.6471.1. 144:lO 145:10;23713 otlicn 134:7; 1371; 23; IIXI:~;190:.8.18; nmxi-to-thdast 62:17; obligmtions 9420; 9% 22O:6 191:ll; 194:15; 198:23; nkked 23525 ~:z,i7;ii:i,12,14; 8. IO; 1406 141:12,14; oftkhl91:17 199: 5222;61:16,18; 674.8, m.25; 195:19 23; 201:s. 12.16; 20215, Nkkk. LIZ; 12.16.18742);763; otfkhl. 19:188214; ob- 31:6 15:203:1.16204:16,24. 29: 18 79:9;80.1.24; 9225; 83:12; 121:14 25; ZOk9.20; 206:5. 7; nbht 5210; 180:l 95:10;97:7; 107:lO. 13, obscund 197:) ofton 18:16; 16&12; 207:5.20;20&, nightly 197:6 1% 1m2;109:18; 1101. obswatbn 14922 193:20 209:ll. 1621017.20; nlm612:7Z 15:20 4.Il;llI:20;12213. 14; obsewatbns 1%13 Ohb 159:14;239:10 211:17;220:6;223:6.21: Nixon 5%14 124:L. 5 125~3;138:22 ob- 21422 old35:10,11.12;152:I; 224:15; 230:3.7; 2367.8. 14717; 16321; 171:6.9; ob8oW.d 105:24 191:l 10.14.16:2371.11; 177: 1796. IO. on-the.kvel.96: 19 238:12;241:14.16.17,25 nobody 1M.13; 183:4.14; obrwsrs 316 once 3:18;4:12; 106.6; 2421; 250:s nomindkn 5S:l 1M22; 190:22; 191:3.5, obtain 43:21; 66:24; 145:7; 15724;207:1; noncitlan 1323 20,21; 19222: 193:l. 2.8. 92:14;982; 20720 N8tbn8klo 206:5 23724; 248:17 natbnalr 93:18; 12612 non-F.drr.l%:3 10,12.14.17,19; 194:23. obtained6910 24; 195:3, 13, 15. 21; obtaining 117:11.19,24; one3:Z. 14;5:17;6:21. natbns4020; 13219: non-partlunrhip 810 9:19; 1021; 12:17; 16:Zo; I%l9 200:5.9.15; 14622 188:s 133.4 non-polkW 46:lZ 201:1;2025.21.22; 2O:ll. 12:22:7.25;23:3, naturally 86:19 1385.14.15; 139:lO; obvious 17:14; 114:14. 31:4; 32:21;33:25;34.9 2036 204:6.11. 15; 22 natura 13:21;241I; 14322 205:4.16.23; 206:25; 3612; 37:18.19; 38:3; obviously 3218; 1282; 38:2; 813.7; s6:14-21; none 4812;51:24;761; 207:14; 211:5; 2125; 42: 12.19; 44:22; 57:13; 129: 15; 164:22; 222: 19; 95:21; 105:9 1328; 125:18 133:12; 223~17; 213:9 215:23; 2161.7.8. 58:9.10.21,22;60:14. 18; 234x23; 242:9 13910: 1553; 204:6 23320 17;21815;2196.18; 61:s: 61:1966.14: 7020: 22220; 227:25; 241:I nonetheloss 1%17; 221:2.24;227:20;228:25; obviously-you 223:2 &:23;81:18;82:4; 88:2: N.vy 199:2 197:8; 213:11;234:25 230:23;231:15.23.2323. occasion 54:24; 133:tl; 896; 91:25; 102:4; 105:23; 106.18: 1075; nay 2824 NOr@:25; 154:23; 186:s; 23221; 244:17 ~lyncd-one(16) Min-u-scdpm '. 10921; 12014; lX6.7; 18; 140:lO. 16; 141:ZO; 14610 1m7.16 15b12; 100:12; 102:5.8.16. IS; 198:17; 226:17; 232:19; 127:12; 13217; 133:17, 144:12; 146:22; 166:19; 169:lO; 170:15.25; 10710: 109:lO; 111:19; 233:14 21; 1368.22;137:10 185:l; 194:14;224:17.19, 175:24; 179:1.3.10; 112:Z: 1403; 1562; partkuhrly 3:14;5:11; 13811; 141:25; 144:ll; 20 18223; 183:2.3.10; 17222; l86:2; 21223; 131:l. 5;2121 1477; 1498; 1545; opportunitka 1%:13 18520; 186:22; 190:23; 24225; 2463 pWtkr31:633:2.13.16. 15524; 15915; 1e.23; opportunity 2:4; 8:8; 1957; 196.4; 1974; page-ha83:19 17;7613; IO1:ll; 10723; 161:6; 1622.22; 1M24 25:24; 33:7; 34:2; 536 217:6; 21924; 224:4; paga-ilne &(:9 12714.16 129:lI: 165:4.6; 1W9. lo; 1703, 22516.19; 2261.1.10 16024; 1W.6; 169:19; paw63:4 1591% 166:19;225:5 4.12; 171:22,23; 174:18; 229:15; 230:lO. 11; 190: 12; 247 18 psrtmoniii:21;112:4; 176:1.7.25; In3; 238:15. 18; 24017; paid 4722; 51:& 1224; Oppor 214.16 203:11; 22521 18213; 184:17; 185:22; 2413 I; 246 1 763; 87:13;%3; 144:14; oppOSed 215:9 179:21 191:19; 195:9.12;20220; Outgoing 70: 14 20325;208.3:21011; opposing 332 pain 16517 outllno91:4;97i7 216:5; 2172,~220:7,8; oppoSb 33: 16 painted 31:17 pa* 33:1;35:19;31:5.9; Outlhd91:lO; 12217; 221:4.10,11;223:2. 18; opporilion 5: 16; 2223; pak 1724 3917; 409.10: 4215; 1822 45:ll; 4920; 5811; 2257;22611:2n2% 21311 p.d2217:20;218:4,14 2289~230:l;232:2; outaet 321I; i10:6; 6311;679.9;69:S;MIl; .. optknr 11:12 panaliat 21714 1121.2,5.6,7; 114:16; .. 23325;2351.2: 239:15. 134:Il; 151:15;201:12; 25; 2421 I; 243:7; 244:4. o?-! 111:6;125:13 21612;243:1 ~an.111i7:n 118:14; 121:8; 125:2; 9; 245:lO; 2466; 24122. odor 1:14; 352.3; %:I. 0ut.b 129:7.19; 1623. Paper 1072.5.10 148:2.19; l55:16; 163:7; 23; 2'102 6 5720;67 I; 88:17; 89:4, 10;218:15;223:19 papora 37:7,9.10 4515 17323; 1768; 190:23; 9213; 1053; le1 ono-oyod 239:6 outstanding 466; 5219; paperwork 6724 19224.24; 194:tl; ones 4:8 109; 164 order8 362 71:17;74:24;7921; paragraph 61:14;6217, 195:12. 17; 19825; ongoinge:i;33:18; organimtbn 3523.24: 94:19;95:8. IO; 140:5; 21; 6821.25;, M2:17; 218:13; 221:25; 11816; ID2 36z3.4; 4013; 422; 141:ll. 11; 16421 11;71:16,18;74:6;n:4. 2221; 2256.8.23; 22611; 232:25 23923. only 62;2611,23;31:16, 89:10;952; 10518.20, outmbh 422 5;93:11;94:23;95:5; 22; 108:3; 1107; 11 1:8. 9716; 103:lS; 106:18; 23 324; 347; s.21; 38: I; OUlWd@lS 1219 21.24; 1386; 143:lO. 22; 1~11.21;150:2;1%6; party'-thi# 63:9 52:2l;83:l I; 92:18; 936; ocm218;4:24; 101.13. 1027.17; 1109 127316 1533; 1558; 192:ll; 1632; 21223; 214:l Party's 40I I 20,11:5; 14:6 1912; 13212; lsl;143:17; 194:R 201:13; 211:ll; paNgmph-.nd 1W.20 kr(y.buiiding 2356; 216313; 217:17; 222:24 2213;31:9;36:9; 3725; 155:24; 166.6 168.9; p.ngl.phs-*aI 1106 236: 11 22243:2248:16.20~. - . 4217;47:18; E&);821O; 173:20; 178:ZI; 195:9.11; 83:7,19.21;~25;98:4; pMlysb 23:4.14.22 P#rty-m.l.Ed 4219 21210; 216:15;21921: organkatbna 3214 124:2;2024218:13 10924 120:24; 171:9; pardon 5913 pas# 169:8;222:11.14 2M:tl; 2222; 225:ll; 178:14.17; 195:); 19838, 231:14.16.18; 243:4 organiza 14:20; 110:11; paIO#Il41:14,2Z 46:M pm#dlW.17.20; 188.6 25;2072; 215:21;241:9; 47:14.20; 48:l; 123:lO; only-you'w m73 2025; 216:17; 243:6 p.Uporl137:12 MZ:17.18;244:11.19 127:4; 17923 ont 217:19 organized 108:~;192:9 put18:21; 20:23;24:3: OWNll 14:4 1723618 Parenth.clul)y 194:3 31 :10; 47:4; 699; 90: 14 open 1:18;7619;116~2: organking W.21 owrrming 229:16 parlance 190:25 patience 151:14; 1&15; 161:5; 190:22; 1992(; oriental 121:20 ownight 17:4 266 198:11 224:9 oririn I 14:9: 1224 p.rll.menmry OWd927; 171:l; 1774; patriotic 1322 opened W.17 original 43:;.9: 1~21; part 36:18;43:5;60:23; M6.12 65:9; 66.21;61:14;7% 18; p.UU OPENING 26; 14:l: 248:11 110:17.20;113:2; Omg 114:15 82:7.11;88:11, 12;105:7; 1811; 2018; 2417; 139:9; 212:19 originally 3714 106:7; 107:18; 119:14; 3022.24,2%37:15; oVm7:11;121;19:16; pay 4 1:23;46: 1.4.25; originatad 114:19.23; 32:2;81:16;85:6.12.13; 122:10,10; 123:17; 1305. 6737; 71: 17; 7~6.7; 57: 18; w.9;599; m4; 185:24; 1874 66.973:21;74:2Z753; 101:21; 12339: 1266 15; 13220.1334.6 86:13.16.23;921;93:1; 7L2; 134:12; 1383; Orlando 405.24; 223:22 13223; 157:19 176(; 134:8; 140:13; 1423; %:9; 107:12; 119:14; 143:12; 1474; 148:lS; 150:17;157:2,3; 189:Il; othm ?& 105, lo; 12:% 177:ll; 18219 183:2; 1263; 14013; 1424; 149:9; 1ml8; 179:6; 1W:lZ; 248:21 3221; 44:13;4710; 187:7; 196.5; 1971; 147:13,16; 15224; Hw:20;z06:14; 208:13; 18217; 185:17; 20214, 0p.nM 171:3.4 75:lZ 1109; 1193; 153:12; 177:1,11;209:22; 12623; Ia5;16512; 215:16 2248;233:3; 16;204:1;206:16 2125; 23823 opnt. 1108; 111:23; 21615; 22425; 2277; 237 19; 2386 245 16; 217:20; 221:11,24; 42:13,14.22; 201:20; 216:14; 2433 p&b 228:9; 2434; 2493 24912 248:16 2W.6 58:15.21,22;59:16; 127:4 0p.rrt.d 1125; 1933. 0th.d~5:5; I10:16; ownad 405;41:5;4817; partkl 921 I; 95:9; 140:4; paycheck 198:23 14; 195:16; 230:9 141:13 128:20,150:% 2498 7417; 173:22; 18712 paying 79:7 88:18 operatinp 2077; 21022 ought 1618; 274 ownorship 85:24 parthlly 93:l; 94:19 oporatbn 110:12;1913; 122:12; 181:l. 10 payment 43:2;47:19; our4 11922 501,3,4,7;53:1;?1:20, 202: 10; 2 1618; 24 I :12; partkipants 111:24 243.8 Our# 3:3 P 21;76:; participate 2613;42:9; w:22;17211; 183:14 oparationai2~921.25 0Un.hrOS 917 55:s; 11614.24; 151:17; paymnts 47:18 50:10 out 224;512; 133; p.m 104:14.15; 1052 operatbnally 229:7 217:14,20 2184.6 7622; 17:15; 171: 1 1 1625; 18:15;21:?; 24:13: PAC 22620; 233:3 oporatbna46:l; 147:12 25:11,1926:17;32:25; participmd 1%3 pebble 193:I I pue20620 operathre43:16 138:16 34:6.11.13;35:4;67:24; participation 1174.5 pebbles 193:11.23 oplnbn713; 1015; 70:is. m;789. IO;m6; p8dUge 145:19; 147:4: 163:6 1676 peculiar 152:17.23; 45:4.13;475;69:16;701; 8711; 90:7;91:2l;94:25; particuhr624; 21:5; 153:4 93:25;94:2.10.11. 12; 102:21; 103:12.14. 16 pa8.49:12.13;62:10. 3621;49:23; %3;84:15; 996. 17;%.19.23;977. l05:9;106:14;111:3; 18.20;63:8.23;111:16.22; 9224; 103:3.7; 112:5; peddling 33:12 20;98.2;99:6; 10B:l; 113:19; 124:21; 12711; 83:4,7.22; 91: 15; 928; 1161; 1289; 129:22; pending 188:l; 216:J 111:15;128:6~1~8.17. 130.6 137:11: 1451I: 93:12: 97:17 986 1339; 150:l; 152:Il; MUler Reporting Company, Inc. (17) one-eyed - Pentagon peopk3:9;4:1.19;5:2.1 phyakbn 134:3 52 14,25;60:6.24;61:12; :?8:7;2Oq:21; 213:9; pmaa 39:25; 209:~;222:2 612; 8:17.22;9:10, I I; pkk 145:21; 16123; 621.14;~66721;68.9 I 2281 3 pmad5: 17 11:21;12:7;15:22.24; 71:8;72:8.16;73:2.18; 2407.10 poaoibk 12lT 14:18; prraun 21716;21813 16:s.IO; m16; 19:1;24:ri K)6:20.2079 76: 15.20.21; 77: IO. 15; 65: I; 9~7; 261; 27:9; 33:9; 3512. okkd pWUnub)y43:ll 9 pktun3136; 79:22; 86:8.12. 15; 87:9. 10639; 15410; 17~5; 18; 36:12.16; 81:M; 824; 37:13; 12.24;88:14.24;89:3; pWUm%.4; 24715 23723 2105.5 83:& 108:8; 121:22; - pw141:19 142:23; 91:8,20.24;92:, possibly 10723; 131:17; 136:22; 14023.24; 1443 pb98 143:l; 1M):19; 163:3 8,I2.14.23;94:15.16, 13323; 24017 IS:%lS919;160:6; piring 19Mz 18; 9526; 102~25; pmvaU 191:5 podW):'lf; 7425 164:ll; 16519: 17613; pinpoint 1w:6 105:16; 1072.4; 1W8; ombur 23722 201:9; 2063 I%.2,16.24; 1979 pIWbI.23 109:8:1138.11;11718; poator pmbu~)yh5:15;46:11; 2071; 21012;219:25; pl# 4620;74:14,17; 119:6.9.13; I24:16; polmtw 1:19;5222z; 61:17 22020; 223:4. 25; 224:2. m.6;88:19 101:9: 1233. 12517.22; 126Z 1282 I333 prloto 19213 6;228:1Z231:21.22; 16; 134:5.6 1eb:I 129:5,9; 131:15,25; potentblly 16719 2389; 2421 138:3; 1398,17; 1404.5, prinmcy 192:23 pkd5&4;51:19; po((ul239:16 Poopk'a 4911;7522. 12.23,2%141:10.13; Primrily 6e.3; I 126 79:10;1195 10:11; 182:24 17321 .. . 24,24;82:9;83:6; 130:14' 1422.5,7. IO, 25; 143:R pl#r 485 powkr 121:19; 122:i; prinury 167:23 ..: 151:19,24,25;15218 144:2; 1456; 14612.21; pbin 1619; l41:19; 1303 ... :por91:3 I~~:II.I~;iwm; prlnclpolTI:7; 224: 14 1433; 14717 is5:16; 1s.m;1622; pomr 186:8 prlnclpoily 2171 .. : 52:4; I57:4 ph71:12 163:19.23; 170:8; 171:l. DO- 25:7 princlpal. 91:13; 100:20 i ~-jpow 85:24; 8&21 pbnnd 191:13 2; 176~14;1786; 179:l; prrtica 54:17,21.22; prlncipk 149 : por(0m 17717; 179:lI; 1m23.24; 190:2. 11816 pbnr Mo:4 printd 64~8 ....-:1BO:I 9,18;19216; 194A5; ... phtbfln 2U.16 prwticing 395 prbr 213;2210;66:10; .~ .:~ .. pdormo 17624 195:21; 1W11.23; phy7:19 py723 69:4;7821;80:20.21; ...... ' porhopa I4:22 200:16.17.4;201:12.16; 1210; pk.w 1:15;266;574; Pm 131:lO wrn;97:6; 107:24; : .< 3922; 51:14;80:24; ~02:15,16;rn3:16; 5%7;60:2;61:15;65:1. 2* prr.d.nt 18:6 11024; 143:s; 146:25; .: 92:19; 1173; 121:22; m:17.24.25;m5:10,~, 14812;Mo:25;209:9; 122:4; 1u).16; 161:2; M5.7;2075.20;208:1. pmh1408;215:17; 227320; 245:lS; 2462 5 161:lI; 191:1;&.421; 8.14, 20; M9:I 1.16; 223:lX 229:lO 210:17,20;211:17; 2179; privoto 411; H.17: :-j 22425; 230:17: 231:10; pnCb.lY2*15 220:s; 2236.24: 224:lk 195~13 .! 239:) pnC1Ud.d lW:9 230:3.8;231:19.20,23; ... ! p.rkd915;15:1.12; privlkg..9:13 238:s 2U.% 248:16; pmdH2428 .. 50:5;51:23:do:1; 103:21; pro im.10;131:22 ..:-: 2193.16; 2W8 pndicbbl. 1%:9 -' 11514;134:19,19, prShCO39:16190:16 probobly616; 11:8; 15s 11; 206:19; 223:lS. poMk 23:15 24:9; l0o:S; 131:17; 15 p&kOl 3L5.16; 3214; 69:s 1594; 160:5,25; 181:25; pdpphmlly 1524 pbt 165:ll. 15.25 35A9.24; I.I.2.9.11. pdlmlnmy 16:6 zM):l4;2409 p.rmmntly 11319; pBa 87:s 15,17;4318,19;49~ Pmmkr 851 prok 1791I 89:19953. If; 105:19; 13319 pnmbo 1537 probkm 10ll:32:4; hlndOxWf 3:w 17; 108:11;112:1,5;120:25; pormiitod 11424; 14:nia25;~2:11.14; pmmlum 295 $5:17; 155:ZI; 163:15; 1226.20,1?616.25; 1671; 16917; 17614; 19210 24:) 137* 140:6; 141:15,16. pwm601: 2447 121:8,10 pornkbua 3216 point 11:1;21:7;22:~5; 22; 14414; 151:2,% pmpond 1:2O,:8; pmmtbn 22438 24:l. 3.13.19; 1.6.21; 153:13; 1559; 166:19; 108:15; 15711; 19712 Drobkma 328.9; 313; 34:13;39:22;452; 1%.21,22; 2243.7 ponon 26.14; 120:24; 16722; 192:15.22; 1976; pmporlng 1826 51:10;591;60.15;9218; I52:23; 1%.4; 157:19; 203:11;204:4; 2254,21. Pmaont 1:11; 102; proedun 13:14;91:5; 1zO:ZZ; lZI:4,II; IB:l3; 172:l 22; 2268 11.22: 23214. 31:18; 41:17; 483; ?7:; 98:l I 126:); lml, II; 13710; 36:6 ponOM1 %I, 13;22:25;; 24712 M:10;75:13.25; 10723; procdUW 13:%91:IO. IWZ lSO:l5, 17; 151:6; polltichna I I 2:7 127:ta;168:10;186:10 I7 47:3;65:20;W:l3;85:5.6. 1543; 15722,25; IW1; rrocd 15; 543 7; 105:14; 130:25; 131:l; 161:s 16433; 166.13.11; pob23:17; 19134; pmtotbna 2246.7 20:L 136:21; 1397.8; 153% 1701%1828; 191:21; I%15. ZO, 1%18 pnuMd31:lO rrosdlng 182; 19:lO 167:3.18; 168:24.25; 19221; 19S25; =I; poor 221:11 p~.ntly95:8;141:if wocydlno, 4:l I: 5:s: 1692 194:23;23720, M6:16;218:11;221:4; portion ~1;74:23;9~:7;pM.nta 1011 l8:23; 19:IS; m5;55:2; 23024 12719; 191:7; 1%:2 225:19;22%9; 234:15; 106.10; 125:10; 141:lO; prnidd218 porwnolly 217; 3:16; 23623; 241:ll; 292 169:4 rrocd92:11;95:7. Pm#.nl9:4; 1614; 5:1,3,13;39:17; 118:M; p0lnt-l 1379 portbns 853;93:11 14;%:2; 106:6; 107lZ; 13122; 161:16 18222 177.8; 41: 12; 46 17; pOintd %:I7 position ):20;8:19.21. 14013; 141:11 mrsonnd 1I 123 1012; 50:17; 54:25; 553. pointing 3225; 21924 23; IO:& 17:23; 253; 268;;&1:16;109:7, wocas 20.25: 23:s; porspOCthn 161:IO 5723; 128 I I; 136: 16.25; 13:3;227;31:4; 54:II; 5%2%63:16;704; 18; 11024; 1176 169:l; 1952 paints IS1:17; 153:14; 155:9; 35:17;60:1661:10,21; 190:1.8.9; 198:22; 2W9; persud. 148:14; 165:) 208:19 21015.20; Ib0:IO 209:3;217:3; 190:16.24; 195A4 223:4;231:22; 23210 ponuoding 15318 polhkr 24815 21 1:Il; 248:2 phm2074; 23215 Pmaid.nt'a 9:2;10:24; xoceaaed 3019 palky 2222; 31:23; )rOCUI.I192:16;2179 phonee9:21.23; 14521; 3434; 38:4; 39:13,21; 1619:1713 161:20.22614; 233:12; 4j15.21.23; 44:5,22.23; bddlflthl194:6; woduce236:Il. 12; 239:20;241:18.18 45:4.19.22:46:10.16.17. 198:25; 199:17.17.18 !39: 19 phnao68.25; 21517; praiding 1:10;22819: mducd 59:Zl 221:4 23721; 2405; 241:7 ,rodusing 234:24- Miller Reporting Company. Inc. .- . HeylngVo~eNumba8 July 23,1997

. product 128 22.239 21 ' provider 163 7 PuuIed84:Io 8 rather 21 : 16; 98: I3,22; receipt 59:19;TI:16 - 31:16 14625 production 217:); provides 24822 L16:25; 124:4; 126:21; 1277: 165:lO; 173:7; 229:11.16 providing 242:15 ~ecaiwbb113:17 19319; 195:s; 237:4 pmh. 194:19 provision 110:12;1403: Q rsCehr0 71:M,21;91:19; nthar-l127:2 119:13; 124:3;179:21; prOhSSkMl54:12; i63:a IO;216:~s; 243:s qualil16219; 230:s 192: 10; 24 1: 17 56:7;78:14; 144:2 provisions 91:21 nth...~126:io quallfh 23924 rsCahrd 13:l. 16; 487; prohSsbnab 171:13 rating 12218 proxy n:22;28:1.7; quaimivoly 65 524.7.21; 59: I I; 62:I; professor 16.1 29:3.15.19 reach 3:23;711;24:19; quality 12219 77: 18 59:19;703; 77:l; 78:25; pmhuonhip 5521 prUdmm 194:23 ~211;111:1~113:7,1~ quarrel 182:4.7 nwhd18:19;31:6; profhfl4:24 prudent 111:3; 198:14 12321; 125:lO. 12.16 quaarly 4717; 22493 111:14; 12313; 181:l prudential 195:5; 1422; 145:7.16. IS: proH( 226:3 quorbd 234:s 24217;243:12 reaching 415 148:ZO; 1503; 171:21; profib 35:21 questbn-and 173:5 public 3:4;4:13; 15:16; nwibn 5246310; 181:2,11; 184:18;206323; pmgnm 1541 quostbn-that 117:15 183:25; 184:6;203:18; 2219; 27:13; 34:3; 217:18.25; 241:19 pmgmad206:6 192:16,19; 199:25; questbn-thm 2W.17 234:25 receives 159 16 prohibt 14913; 16312 22618; 233:15 questbnmbk 193:lO. 21 rood 20:14; 33:lO; 53:4; rcrcoiving 43:7; 69:25; Drohibihd 19335 publkatbn 44:25; 9336; questioned 161:24 6~14;6L:lS 6824; 977; 163:3.14 pmhibkbn 93:17: 21914; 220:4; 224:14.23 questioning 129325; 73: lo. 11; 84:s. 20.20 recent 31:6;43:6; 110:13; B52; 93:10.11;98.16 126:lZ publicdons 1121; 134:9: 19815; 247:24 2W2.5;21619 102:20; 103:lO. 21.23.24; prohibibnr 149:ll 224: 11; 226 122321 quibbb 229:25 recently 59:11. 12; 1W18.23; 1W20.21; prom13222 publkly 17:8; 25:22 quickly 1076; 154:lO 72:13; 1392 154:23: 11020; lll:l9; 1265; 17320; 175:4 projsctbnr 17918 published 37179313; 171:5 145:16,20; 164:lR 169:2; maption 84:1. 4,6 promises In23 224:21; 232:l nuid 120:lO:.. 131:22 213:1,20;225:16;2461 .~ ruoss 34:9; IM13; promising 203:15; 2474 punlsh 4:9 quka7:5; 123:3; 134:12 redly 34:lC; 164:19 14617; 161:3; 237~2 188:19; 24925 promoting II24 punbhmnl49:lO reding 61:1%63:& quo 120:lO; 131:22 Noised 1W14 prop11:19 purchase4025;41:20. 69:2;97:16 25;424,7; 43:3;47:24; mclpbnt 46:12 quota 4922; 46:8;4911; mads 5&18;696; prop.r)y 1m:z 134:12 %:21; 70:24; 10223; ncipknts 4:17 63:7.17;6(:1;73:8.12. 103:19; 146:6 property 173% 1645; 1723,4 13;7912; 1269; IM:19; nciprot.lbn 35:3 ready 1018 P1oposal62:z iz63.10; DUEhud43:1;4712 21611;219:16 ncitltbn 1573 Romgan 121:7; 1W10 237:15 purchulng 41:6;87:3; quotas 3720 nSh 52:2 propaU61:16 173:21 quoting 492; 67~14; mi 1620,3222,404; 135:22; 166Z4; 195:24; mi(.. 111:7.19 propod 92:15; lX24 pun9034; Wl3; l25:6; S5:13; 1123; 158:12; mcognkbn 14:3 12610; 173:24; 194:25 213:5; 21810 196:20.21.2zuB:3; pmposW 62:s 229:14; 22:4.% 239:13 mcognirrd 123:s purport. 1&7 proposlng91:22 malkatbn 1a.9 recognizing 159:7 purpow 15:IS; 20:4; propriety 475; 14614; R maib la19 recolbct 128:24 208:13; 2304 99:l; 107:20: 1408: malty I 7: IO;21 :24; recokctbn 103:L 25; prorecut04A;715; 156:7: 187:l5; 21523; 241:lZ rabbi 18:17.18 120:23; 125:14; 13711; 104:8; 186:13; 205:21; 1217; 14:22; 155;21:4 206.2.15;213:13;215:16. purpod 1W25 ram 12518.18; lm15. 165:15; 206:8;217:2; prosecuted 1016; 11:22 17: 150:24; 15910 220:12; 2237; 235:15; 18: 244:M: 245:7 purpows 3214; 114:17; prosecuting 1917 2$9:18; 244:20;245:13 riolketions 15719 115~3;122:Z; 15221; races 160.5 prorcutbn 3:8,20; rwOn 2510; lW3; 155:lS; 173:2l rdkai239 recommend 122:17; 4:W. 23; 714; 1493; 116:11,13; 127:13; raise 14:ll: 16:13;61:10; 1674 21 25; 22: 14; 24: 21.24 pursuant 1:s 135:23; 1W13 1551; BB:15, 17: 1795.12.13. rocomnmdmtion punu0 147:22 175:7.9: 179:ll: 194:19; prorcutbn's 1424 15; 189:5;N)(:LI. 17; . . .~. 12216.18 punuing 51L6.6 204:Z; 222:24; 2235; prowcutions II:ZI% 205:lO 21510; 225:3; 2328; 245:24 recommend.lions 14:s. 17.19; 1516 punun 31:s 228:Z: 236:19:238:8.18.. 13825; la13 ~wnabk816 pmsoculor 5:1& 1036; pUShd7611 23; z47:i recommonded 174:1 romronably66:lZ 11:1,11; 1211 pusha 17814.16 rsir... funds 24713 reconsidaretion13:1 promcuton 51%1022; pUl3:1054; 1717; 23A; raised 1822; 3217; r.uona 48:9 74:2; 88:2 11016: 133:18; 18620; M 11.6.12;19:21 34:& 37 15; %:I, 2;48:4; 5 1: 14.21; 84: 12; 89:24; rocomone 104:13.15 9:5; 528;7822;79:5; 191:s; 193:7; 206:21; prosput 8 1; 44:lO 136.12,14; 166:17;213:7 record 3:3:7:22;127; 103:21; 107:% 24510 pmt.st11:12;120:17 86:s 10; 22015; 2283.6.15; 17: 18; 22: 1524; 68:24; 11917; 120:24;IZI:19; reasamtd 19223 protecting 19:17 246M, 22.2.1; 2473; 90:3; 1187; 1M:14; 1221; 13013;144:l. 1.4; 248:9 reassurd 1928 prowctbn 14512.15 15214; 166:19.24; 144:4; 15721; 171:19; raisos 45:25; 147:lZ; recall 59: 18; 60:7;645; 174:25; 18217; 196:1.7. protects 4:16 17616; 183:5;21315; 15G18 69:25; 100:4; 101:6: 246:2;250:4.6 proud 34:17; 23493 215:Z 2176;219:8.9 9 raising 45x12; 103:3; 12622; 139~13;1627; record-and 144:l pmvo5:5 221:2; 236.12237.6.13: 1661.9; 202:22; 204:4; 165:l; 194:lO; 200:18 238:11;24918 record-the 144:2 proved 138:23 208:13; 209:22; 21325; 20219 203:13; 204:12. recorded 29:4 provon 122~9 put-tha 797 214:2;227:17;2464; 13; 2076; ZW3.5; provkk2011; 32:5.6; put-up 86.20 18:I 715:13; 218:Z. 21; 2201. records 7:5;65:13; 3912;97:7: 107:13 pUts95; 183:Z 'an 194:2;223:7;232:17. 5; 228:s 244:25; 246:6 179: 19.24 reduced providd 466.17; 131:9; outtino I 14:~s;193:6 17.22 recalled 202:20 80:1 186.21 puak-136:22 rta&1:5 wealls 185:s reduction 53: 1 MUIer Reponing Company. rnc. Min-U-Sdp- (19) product - reduction Red150:18;244:2; relotbnr 823 ran0tt.d 35:s. 11 21842;243:11 184:16 234:25 - 248IO. I3 nklionrhip 20:22; 25:4; reporling 15511. 14; requirement 243:13.14 rOsU)l4:23; 4519; 59:); rete? 1:22; 27:s. 14; 603, 39:21; 56:5.7;60:24;94:8; 231:19 nquinmnts 41:lO 81:14;91:13;9&9; 4; 83:22;9O:15; 106.15; 5924; 103:20.22; 105:16 mpmsont 54:25; 13211; 69:lO 13713; I55:14 113:24; 186:8;21716 107:3 112:lO; 12214.M. 2102 roquimS ?0:92317; muw 10%10; 160s Rshnnce 22:s; 6522; 127:16; 138:21; 164% mpmsontatbns lzo:16; I1012; 202: 10; 216 18; resub 46:18 74:5;95:12; 1071; 18218;18722;204.24 143:21 243:s resumed 199:2 14216; 1%2; 18217; mhtbnrhip ... but 103:s mpmSontatiV0 81:19; nquiNS-il23:17 mtmind41:22 186:1, 1$187:18.19 mhhn 13:13; 171:25; 13239 mqubb 148:ll n(.ining71:17 mbmnt.-or 107 I 20222;21810 mpmentathnr68d; mquoting 1%:15 rotin 71:19 nhnnca 12211; nlathnly 9:15; win 7522;88:24 nrcind 13:12;26ll; return 169;64:9.21.23; 127:12 mkn2k4; 229:19 mpd43:25; 45:5; 27:6 101:22; 156:16; 175:s; nkmdI2t;%II; mlnsad47.19.23; 555; 603% 81:6; 89:s; mud67: 11 1W.7; IW:10235:3; Im8; 160:6;20215 %:I6 85:16;%.9; 21939 rosurch 244:4 23921;241:16 mpmsonting 81:22; 106:16; 138:4; 150:23; mkua114s mnratbns37:2S mturnd 43:7; 51:2% . .243:13 nkvancy 14617 129:) %:2,25; 59:4; 78:15; mpm~ont.157:9 -N. 542; 105:6; : ~ngl720;W:I: nkvant 9:1& n.3; 106:IO 1182; 18911; 1755.11; 199:7; 220:6 971; 182:2Z200.14; 8720;90:7;95:15.17; Ropublk 4915;7522. 190:2; 23322; 2402 roturns 11420 ~. 24.2);829;83:6; 1300:18; .214:5,11 . ln:13,14.18; 143:7; rosidrd4012;428 mwl90:4 i 59:9;63:10; 854 Kj4:lS. 25; 135:21: fehn 14620; 191:19; 22534; midont 39:s mwkd 155:13 .mfiMna 226: 1 151:19.24.251521,18. 107:lO 18; 158:24; 159:23 resign 1913 r.v..ling 62 -ntlct1121; 1m19.24; nlkd 43:9; 109:t; Rwonuo 20213; 20316 124:IO; 14320 Ropublkon 31:21,21. mignabn 1W9.17; .m.21;?(n:19 mmnun 206.17 .. dbbn l3l:l 24.25;3913;40:8. IO, 13, 11015.25; 19O:Il; 191:8; :,n(lctd91:17;221:10 15;41:16;42:13, 19; 2OO:13; 201:l I; 212:5; mono 165:23 nlwt.nt 4916 IS. ' jntkctbn2W21 432.20;45:5.11.23; 24223; 245:23 mend 169:s 122 nlucmntiy 463:51:16:52:1(:58:9. ~.~ ~ mignd 109:s;1862 ...'mfkcta 138:21 moning 169:4 -I dorm 3:1; 145; 329. mly 19:13;67:11;1494 11;591~;63:9.ii;&:i% msigning 24511 6716; 78:23; s6.13; mh6:10; 93:lZ ...i22; 14912; 1676 nrmln 33:lO 69:8; mM63A7 < 105:17,22; 1aS:lZ; 94~23;1626 1762; :ntomJng722 rottdn-0 131:21 mW4420 205:2(; 212:13;24718 mdnlng 71:19;%:14 111:25; 112:2.6.7; 1141. ..~. -inh.rh 103:25; 1048 16; 118:14; 1196; 121:3, ruolutkn 52:6 7S:4 10; mlnrd 128:l; 21&4 .'irdrahing~. 161:9 Nmrkr 3916 13412; 8; 12221; 1252.9.22; 7915 mkrving 128.3 n(und 5911,22 1M:17; 196:s; 24821 126:3; 13912.24;14013; nrotV0~19;21 1:s mir*n 1rn.8 refunding 593 mme- 103:8; 141:l. 16.22; 1434.13; m8Oulc.a 7:7; 323; mbk 167:IO; 169:19 11810; 1469.16175:l~ mfun 149:4 144:9 14714.15.19; 2106 rhotorlul23623 2021;24614 1481.6; lW3.21.22; mpct 67; 193.21; n(uOd472;49:2;51:2 romovo 21814 1533; 15515; 1593.15; Rkhard 41: I I; 43:24; mgard 623;820,25; 2332; 1W5; 1277; %:23; I44:3; 14825; romovd 231 1 161:l; 16224; 16320; 131:20; 13&2t; 145:5; 97; 33:25; 35:5,16; 36:24; 176:s; 1789; 181:22; 156:3 W.3; %.14;7817; 8525; Rono 173;55:23 146:14: 149:l: 164:6; Rkhard's 10213 1m17; 190:18.21; 165:24; i66:Zj; 167:9.23; 91:2; 93:20; 949; 105:8; nnounca 135:18; 137:s; i92:23; isme. 23; 199:~ Rkhards 41:11,15;425. 132:14 13818;21913; 151:20,15216.23; 169:s; 173:l; 176% 4.7.16; M0:l;201:4; 17821.22; 2121; 231:13 8,16; 43:24.25; 443-6.7. 2m4.9 15922 20217.25;21717; 6.9.13;45:10;472; mgmrdod 2168;21817 ronouncd 13514 221:25.25; 22416.19. m; mpoctlul713 4813;W.16.21;51:3.13. roprding 3:20; M24 nnouncing 13718 235: I. 2; 236:7.8,10.13. mspond 143; 22:6; 37:3; 23; 521,2.5,8.10 532; 113:5.22;115:4; 16237:l. 11;238:12; 536 120:8; 12615; %23;5715;61:6.11; 672; la8 13722;21812 ng.rdkrr 190:23 128:); 166.7; 205:23; 23923.23; 241:14,16.25; 62665:12.12;7525; 24231; 248:14 nrponkd 79:4;&1:10; ?7:14. 17. 18.23;78:4; nglrds6~24617 238:13 npyW:19;%7; Ropubl lun...l63:14 IM5 100:8. IO, 13.16 102:% npistmtbn 4220; ruponding 720 1175; 11812,13.15; 58:19;226:14;233:6 ICn:l& 125:7; 141:11; R.publluns 3420.22. 205:1@,X%16 24;40:13; 121:6; 199:3; mponr3:12;121; 144:8,9; 148:24, 25; 2521 npm npymnt n:lO 21924; 238:2 1719; 19:6,15;376,11, 1%.3,6.21.25; 1571.4. mgn((.bk 195:9 21;49264:6;781.4; 6,7,11;164:10; 165:8.8; 105:11;140~141:13.21; mputdon 174:16 166:2; 178:8.12.20,22; regularly 764 171:16 nqWrt3:11;5:16;6:22, 138:lS; 156.24; 188:11; 206.10; 2m2 179:4; 180:6.17; 185:s; mguWng 93:16 mpaymnts98:15 25; 13:9; 25:11;473;49:l. 186:23;21016 163:9 rwponsss 137:8,& 16 npulstion repoat 1022; 11715; 11; 101:7.8; 149:5; 1628; rido 101:9 Regulations 95:13 161:14 160:14 maponribililkr 121; 14:13;19:24 right9:12; 10:21; 1322; rrimburr 87:23 mpoatod 19320 mqu..bd4:25;64:8.9; 264; 28:25; mponsibiilty 2:25; m8; 30:lS. mintorcod 163:16; repeating 15723; 94:23; 99:6; I19:4; 162:5; 2034:22;%.I2;573.% 219:23 173:lO. 11 IW6.9 ll:11.13.14,16;1215; M):16.20;61:25;627.22; 25:tO,32:M; 33:17; mqueatd-raclding 63: 18.23; 64:25; 65:19; ~*1.623;43:14; Nply 524.7 93:15; 146:22;229:15 201:10; 206A nport 12213; 171:T 94:22 66:16; 693;71:5; 72IO raqu..1. 3:13;5:25;61, roaponriblo 25:9; 45:24; 73:20; 77:25; 81:21; rol.1.d 25:12:5711; 1%6; 21021,23;211:1; 176:22 69:14; 106:21; 13210.15; 2173.5; 219:14.19,23; 2.11; 1013; 19:7 8216;W6,18;87:10, 16; 136:21; 1%:2; 187:20 229:12.16.20; 232:3; mqulm 26: I 1 roaponsibly 917 25:23 ga:10:90:3.15;925:93:9; mbtn 16717 2M:8 mqulrad 11:19; 19:13; rrrponrivo 130:9 relating 59:21; 212:25 rsport-wiling 23121 23:E 26:23; 191:23; Mia-u-saipea Millet Reporting Company, Inc. -

' Hearing Volume Number 8 J* 23,1997 21; *. 20.24;99:3.8.II.15.19; 24:22;32:1.5; 14816; unen67:14; 107:1) 3a:i0;48:1 I, 14; 54:3.5. 249: 100:17.21.25; 101:13. 14; 169: 14; 233: 18 -my 33:12 7;73:24;74:4;98:4; senatorial 125:IB 103:10,13; 106.7; 1079; rob19:19~.3;201:17 mrch 221;3:2.7;4:5. 106.11.12,25; 1078.9, Senators l:ll;32:23 17,21,25;108.7.23; 109:2; 113:9.18; 119:11; roll 1:25; 27:16; 29:9 6; 7 18 sending 36:9; 145:ll 121:9.15 126To. 135:1& 109:2.5.14; 11022,25; Romn 199:3 waKh.r 3: 10 lll:13.17;11213.14.16, sends 183:13 139:3; 147:& 151:9; senbr 19821 162:14,21; 171:22; Room1:93:3;174 mrching 24:22 20; 113:3,3,9, 13.18.22; 17221; 1765.18.20; roughly 134:zO saond6H); 3233; 114:8; 115: seniorky 239:11 178:7.25; 179:2. IO; routinely 190.19 4214; 525;6210; -16; 23; 1161.; sense 12012;1491; TI:4.4.5;69:6;94:23; 181:18.21; 182:l; 18310. row193:9 1172.8.17.22; 118:2,4. 2244; 22710 1023; 10315; 121:3;;119:11. 23; 189:5: 1923.12; ruk 16&6 sensilhriy 36:16 195:4;202%9:3:9.21; 1403; 1%25; 186.1222; 15; 12018;121:2,9.15, mt 52:5;7017.24; 204:3; 20523; 2063; rubd la3 1873; 191:lT 19225; 18; 1221,3; 123:6.11; 107:2; 140:ll; 164:5; 211:8;213:9.23;21610; rukr 26:21 194:l; 21223; 232 15 124:19.19; 12520; 1264, 175: 10;20213 2226.13;225:1; 2m3. rumn 37:17 wcondoy 1483.16 16.20.22; 127:s. 9.20. nntonco 775 l03:l 12.1624; 22811; 229:s. run 9320.24; 121:12; sun( 161:4 21.24; 128:8.12,15.17; I84:19 13; 231:2; 234:12; 23718, 14014; 1427; 160:2% s.cntry 1w11 129:7,; sontencc(ull77:5 21;241:8;24417;245:2; 17641; 232:18 2394 Sctbn 122:16; 192:9; lj0:IO. 1%19.22; 131:4% 7.14.21;132: sapsrate 11:15; 193; 24?:17; 24917.19.25; running 133:5; I5l:21 2025; 21617; 243:6 26:3;45:23;6520; 1107. 250:l sodons iO2:13 22;133:; runs 1w:l 134:1,4, 12; 1293; 19425;201:13; right-your 979 202:4.10;211:23.23.24; sector 199:13 3,;1362, riso 191:ll ..CuN92:13; 120:14 6,10,; 21613.18; 220:23; 243:2. S 8.17 &e# 1409 secund 45:9; 17920 137:17.24; 1381.10.15; risk 799; 91 44; 1m15; securing97:5 139: I. 7,18.20.21; separotwr 22917 .. 166:l; 193:13; 2315 sotoU9.23: 166:7; Mpuatbn 256 1101. 186:7; 209:s suuriy 177.9; 163:13; 140:17.19; 141:6.18.19. riskod 1933 24: 14215.19.22; 1432, 14; 191:22.23; 193:l; sofaly 45:14 191:14 Rivonnlk 4023 11.15.16,24;14421.24; 211:16.21; 2122; 21523; mkr 1764 Md205:I. 13.14; 216:20.24; 219:13.17; RNC 42:2.21,~45:12, 238: 11 145:9.20.24; 1464,9,16. SALEM 1903.13 20; 147:l. 6 9,22 25; 220:lO. 16.18,22;225:15. 13.18.23;462,5.21.25; dng156% 15712,12 16;228:2S;243:11.13 472.3,44&7;50:19, urn 1320; 2523; 148:4,10.23; 149:6.19, 31:23; e8;%.+ sak 16:25; 111:s 24; 150:12 14; 151:lO. 11. seoemtbns 21 1:24 51:12,15,17;58:18.21; 44% 148:Il; 162:3 59:1;675.7,8.10,15; 10&15;111:10,14 23; 152:2,5.9.12' 153: 10, &e,mbsr 51:25; 542 68:6,7;71:M. 2o;m7; 138:lT1S4:21; 168:18. smoking 621; 50:25; 16.25; IH:l8; 155:3,2% 5w7:.. 91: I; 92:21; 97U 67:lS. 20,23;88:7;92:2, 20; 183:lI; 190:21; ~12;94:17.18;207:20 1%1;157:14,17;158:11, 98:7; 109:71123:19; 3,;95:18; 191:11;224:17;2m8 soak. 13214; 160:13.14. 1266; 186:24; 18719 96.9 99:19: 105:25; mguine 1024 .Wm71:2;90:19; 15.16,19,23,24.25; sari.. 3621; 53:3; 161:ZO. 23.24; 162:14.18; 106:6; 107:Il. 12.19; utlrtrtkn25:1;9211 153:22; 165:13; 179:24 14610.12; 158:21; 165: 108:4.24; 1101.7: 19122 163:2.18; 164:13.17.22. serious 220; 3: 14; sd8htoy 143:13; 24; 165:10,22; 166.8.11. 11210: 113% li47.10. 181:20 swmd 23:21;213:11 1O:ll; 19:24; 24:9 506 20;115:2;117:23;119:10, 12.23; 1674.7.13; 1@2; 12511; 1mm sanm 17:lO. 25;33:25; 5216;88:4.9; 1575; 14; 12016;12214; utw 1697.23.25; 170:l. 4.5. 19524; 1%20; 24425 utldying 1143 73:7; 14223.2%149:9; 7,lO. 14.18.22; 171:22; 121:ll. 12; 13125; 164:IO; 185:24; I8724 seriously 324; 4:1& 138:22; 142% 5,7,9.13. uva64:21 1724,s. 13,15,21; 173:9. s0kct.d Its:l3,15; 11.18;174:; 5212; 156:lO 167:s 25 148:; wing8 43:4 2078.24 175:, seriousness 226 1492 153:2(; 163323; .m4621;69:16;89:25; 164:11; 145:14;170:23; nkclivo 165:14 22; 176: sowe 4513; 55:l I; 121:10 lml; 1526.9; 22; 1773.,17. 9217; 10224; 160.6; 17~2.9;17):ii; m:r. 171:=, 24510 .dkorlain 133:4 23; 178:5.21; i79:7.a21, selling 40: 16 21; 178:2,7,13,17.19. 2W:8 W4nd la9 23.25; 1792,4.10.23. 22; leO.6.IZ; I&(:20; seminars 226:12 sewed 1015; 199:8,9; s8y-l &L:4 25; 180: 201:4; 22125 Senate 1:5.9; 1214;55:5 say& 11310 25; 181:4,6,; sewvise 169:22.23 SonmUHoun5915 182:2.8.11,12,14,15; Wng 17:9.19;84:10; sawing9810 Sonator 2:; 183:lo. 24.25; 184:4.7. e6:2497:2S; 145:9 session 1:17.1927:1% 14.15.~19~.S.8; 18% Hw:I 812. I 5; 12:8.22.23;; 1853.13, 14.15.19; 188.9.10; 105: I 20715;2O9:16 211:6.17; says4 63:6 13:; 14:1,2, 3.15; 156.15.19 1010, 189:ll. 13; 190:7; 1962. set5.9.24; 11:7:25:14; 215:23; 2167.4 13; nyS-th8n4 2175; 21017,25219:1& 11.12:2017.18.19; 4.8; 199:3.%21415; 6622.25; 89:4;9121; 221:17; Zz8:ZS; 235:9.11, mndd 33; 18 21:18. k9,20;22:3.4 5; 222:6.11.13, 15; 226:16; 151:22; 15217; 15621: 190:22; 196~4;19714; I5.18;2373; 238:22; ceno 213:13; 2144 29:25:__ .. 2417.18:~ ~ 25:25; 22817.19.21;230:16; 239:19; 241:20,243:2: chedubd4411; 157:8; 261.5,; 233:22.24;234: 212:16 244:s; 24017 171:16 27:17.18.19,20,21.23.; setlor 18:6 235:;2363, RNC's43:11;235:2; schonr 1598 24.25; 28:,9. rating 105:9; l28:3; 10, 11.12, 13.14.15,16. 6.20.23; 237:9,18.21: 239:15 school 54:13; 55:21; 233: 12; 248: 19 17. 18. 19,20.21,22; 238:6,11,15.18,21; settled I81:17 RNCr~ktd%9 198:20.21 29: 11.12. 239:; 240:Z. ANSEC 4220,22; 58: 15. Sop. 145:4 5.7.9. 15.16.21;241:2.3. senlemnt 52:17.18.21; 13.14.16. 17. 18.20.21. 53:1;7819; 80:I; 883: 22; 72:7, 17; %3 scorn 130:10 la.% 6.8.10:242:;301.2.3.4. 113:8; 180:25; 181:9.20: rod34:23; 182:9 164:9; 17020, 243:lO.; 183:6. 16; 2361; 2.LI:23 rok 5:. . 19: 6: 18: 7 19. %OH 15018:2442: 14.; 31:k 244~13.15. 17;245:2.8, - IO. . .~. seventies 111:lO;I999 21; lI:10 1619 19:4; 240: 10 33:21:34:1;3625;371.2; 12, 16.25;247:21;248:9. Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-ScrlptcB (21) right-your - seventies . * n-1996PECFunds

uversi9:10r 11;405; 191:4 89:5; 1076. 15; 118:25; 2920.21; 13920,21; I SlnM 1:5;1214;4021; 49 14; 58:7 117: 13.14; signitksnllv-so S:6 143:17 155:l; 1%16; 14dq9; 141:6.19.24; 429; 56:18;6215; 8~23; 118:20; 120:7;123:18; si&r 35:f3;98:14; 161:11; 165:16; 17021; 14215.22 143:2.11.15. 84:12:94:25:..~. 115:15;.-. 24; 144:21,24~1459,24; 127:12; 13218.19; 99:23;119:22; 161:l 174:22; 201:22; 208:9; 11661 11712.20,25; 13720; 161:l: 172:24; 21624; 229% 243:ll; 1464,16; 1471,6,9,22, 130:14; 133:16; 13421; 1:22; 12:21; 21:8; 187:12;2W14;223:9; simply 245:4.5 25; 148:4,.10.23; 149:6. 135:19 13620 1W19 243.13;3513; 579; 24621 .o~mw59:1;114:6; 24;1~:1:12161:24 152:3,25; 153:5,11. 12; 1232.6; 135:20; SH-216 1:9 IW12 213:16; 245:16.17 SpUUhlO la24 158:25; 159:5,16.18.20; 163:16; 167:9; 173:lO; 160:2.7; 168:). 5.17; shadow 101 18721; 193:17;220:23 somtimr 31:% 36:s. skuhtbn 213~16; 10 215:2 169:19; 191:IS Shsii84:20 singb W3; la8 rtrtbnoy 66:19;71:7; shsm 815.5 13):20;239:19,20; somewhat 61%1162 1312 S.20; 732.18 sham 16712.13 241:17,18.18.18 mmwhm 101:9; lO6:l Spend 125:16.17; 135:24 MuSW:4,9; 112:9; sham 17:1.2;269; singbsprd 521 ~nS428;11):21;116:1. spent m:2; 121:4; 1681; 14,27424; 1174 121:ll; 194:11 124:lO. 18; 134:ll. 15; 22422; 2323 sink 193:1224 136:s. 13.13.14 Spoke2223;44:9;5l:l3; 188:l; 191:24; 193:9; shed322k82.4; sbnalbm 194:20 191:12,16; 195:19,20; 21815 won IW.2; 188:18; 1034.20; 148:21; 161:18; sir-and 201:iO 215:16 la3 20214;20719;219:10; .. ish hem 12215 221:20;22X20; 230:s. 21. sophidcatad 13923 spoken 936; 1174; -.i -~:shsring 2613 23; 231:s sk 104:3; 121:16; 161:lO sory 2:3; 3842; 592; 1377 ~i.. iShSvly 191:21 Mu* 163:12; 16&16, sitting 1019; 198:11; bL:200,23;65:22;83:14; sponsor 142:9 ~....: 224: 1 18.18,20 237 I I; 248.4 W:l8;101:12; 102:11.12; atd75; 39:11; 55:24; 14:22; 55:22; :shippod 15712 situation 8249:%10:7; 10333; 154:19;205:15; 199:ll;206:25; 2072; stayd 19932 ..shipping 4125 15:25; 1620; 229; 398; 2lO:B; 24025 211:24; 2168; 2175,7; ' :shoot239:24 36:7; 90:6; 91:2; 127: 18; sort 23:9; 36:17;67:6; 21816.20; 221:ll; sl&ly 51:l - _.shopplng 406,17.24; 211:6 225:7 1171$1322;22612; 231:23; 245:3; 249:4 atop 33:3;51:13;88:6; : ~i41:1,7.19;%:21;57:12;. skwtbne 9:25 23210 rt.9., 160.9 1677; 1829; 1973 i 8):25; 1723.4. I2 sb. 130.2 soUgM85; 142; 522; stend 38:13; 189:) Stephon 626;71:9 90:4; la22 ::.: short915; 196:16 SIdlWully 75 rt.nd.d 10623 Stephon's 15220 . .. sound 130:12; 17623 ~.:', shorthand 2328.8 eklpping 91:15;93:9 standpoint 1021;#:11. r(rppod 31:9 sounds 247:17 -i ' shortly 45:2; l85:16; SIld.60:Z. 13:61:13; 168?6,6 step. 22: 16; I 1413; ' 222:s; 24411 m:20 soUm85:14; 11424; standpoint-rw 1m10 20636 1152; 1321; 139:21; .:. i Shots 11:4 201:8 stands 130:12; 1543 StoW6):12;15221 SI#.. 161:6; 164:4; 16718; i shouldn't 11:18 205:I slIght64A6 203:ZlS; 2474 stark 168:9 mkke show 1424; 152;31:19: 169s Slightly 5219 sourca 379,18; 181:Z; sterl10522;19om stm 1W12; 12222; 175:l; 22225; 224:7; 225:s; smrrtar 2421 20223; 203:15;201.5.17; still 2422; 41 :17; 46:9; 1%2 2401 1.23; 2426.7 Smlull:12;2t3:4,5; 208:7; 2101; 213:8, 11; 55:25;80:7; 1141% show8B.19; 234:s m22.23; 139:13; 160:15. 2l):11;2465;247:l4 stert.d63:16;79:14; 121:7; l35:19; 136:3.24. 128:1I;217624422 25: 168.10 1729.12.13; showing 16:l; 161:20.23; WUmd 181:25 starihg 39:22; 213:8 180:9 1953; 20I:M; shown 113~15,16; 162:14.18; 163:218; S0Uth.m 174:17 17918; 1m4; 195:8; 164:17.22.24; 165:lO; 37:2; 1W7; 1834 21015 2162 2232: sp.mnd 33:4 start. 22510~nO:3;233:23; 24824 16.8 mlelm1420;4213,21; spuk 150:9;201:18; 2462 shows 63; &.IS; 70: 12; so-.nd 18): 10 55:24; 58:10;89:17; 2136234:6.10237:19 ston.miling 64 72:); 114:14; In15 ~lhdW:l5 1W1; 126:7; 1u):22; sic sp..k.s 74:3; 13325; 15910 163:ll; 19534; stork. 131:s M:13 soapbox 130:13 134:s rid. 12:21;26:2:31:18; 21717;2241 straight 23924 rOn32:16;33:5;1225; SpU&r-EM 7323 33:12;67:24; 133:I.Z 1424.8.14.17; 1502% sWd8:20; 16:15;3211; straight-out 1271 .pwb.m 111:24 2403 166:18.23;167:2.5,9.20; 48:20; 57:17; 66:9; 7321; strslnd 1%.4 sides 203;21:12 16912 1823222 spwklng 157:18 74:20;75:3; 107M; STRAUSS 190:3.14 108:24; 125:23; 163:1: sight 17523 sobrmly 38:13; 1896 .p..lo61:10;loB:14 stMS 1954 200:15 sighbaing 4924 solkit zo(kl SpCW 22:lk 234; Strictbnd I 59: I 4 75:21;82:6; 11724: STATEMENT 26; 89; signal 1%20 soIkHdon Strktly I025 1110:s 1m10 1120; 14:l; 15:3; 16:23; signatoy 4190 Solid 1W4 strikes 1301 spck 37 I I; LOO:& 18:5.11;2018;21:7; rig~d71:8;114% SOiutbM 1w:1 13222; 13715.16; 164:9; 24:17;3022.24.25; slrong 13022.24; 131.4; 202:IJ somrrhkh la20 1859; 187:18;2021 37:15; 53:4,8;5718;58:% 1491; 151:21; 169:14; 591O60:4;66:10;7322; 218:ll; 22019.20 Signol4711.13;48:7. .omwho %I8 spcikelly 825; 2621; 747; 754; 762.9; 1W.8; 23; 5223; 6&1; 7018.24; somebody 1m12; 40941:5;673;8924; strongor 160:4; 193:19 71: 10; 7616; 79:s. 22; 1029; 103:8;11421; slrongly 130:12. 25; I20:l. 21; 124:22; 14916 99:25; 103:5,9; 1374; 123:8; 138:3;15322; 91:8;9210 9417; 1662%21623; 135:19; 13619; 151:17 somrbody'e 153:24 1n3; 157:2,3; 186:16; 189:13. 119:13;1229,13; 12815; 217:25; 245:6 struclursi 229~17 129:8.12; 1422; 1458; so- 113:23 14; 190:13; 19712; SpcclfkSlly-l89:24 slruclunlly 229:5 1 54: I I; 183: 12 somehow 236:14 198: 19; 203:M. 204:7; signitkence 1620 somsonm 1020; 2425; Sp.cifkS 195:2 235:12;242:24; 248:ll. strueturn 3618; 43: 12; 191:12 275; 36:13.14; 9711; sp.cilhd 37 10 14; 249:14 57:11.15;243:17 strueturd 47: I 2.17; signifkant 212;7:25; 102:18; 15512.15; spcitylng 17: 18 rtstemnt-that 7422 205:6 16:l I; 2219; %:I 1.19; 167:1%22217 SWer 1:12;8:12; , statements 17:12; 1021; 46:23; 483; 108:9; 183:8; something 5915;8321; 13:24.2514:1.2;282.3; 1 247:16 structuring IW:~ Mia-u-scripta MUXReporting Company, Inc. 13:4.9.23;94: studad lIL:L2 supplement I50:13 IIM 165;118~2 546; 185:21.24; 18612; 61:20 171:23; Of1; 59:4 f90:1;209:1; '2; 95: 19,23;96: 12; 984; sttudying 135:25 Suppcrt 13:6;69:8. 12; LOO :29:10231:25 15:9; 222:19; 22325; 02:6; lO4:lZ; l05:3; subject 6:25; 821; 404; 74:25; 106:l9; l23:IO 15:8;118:4; 12710 ilking60.13.l5.16; 2822; 2348; 23722; 41:2;44:7,14;75:7.20 138:7; 176:7.12; 187:17 32:6; 139:20; 147:s ;1:21;62:108210; 1215 91: 15; 9216;W24; upporting 25 1I; 8920 5015; 151:9; 159~25 13:19;99:14;11612: ' oxas 15914; 168:15. 154:21; 163:17; 165:7; 60:15; 166:lO; 175:21; iupportiw 238:7 2319; 180:23;227:2 8.22 167:24; 186.21; H.13; .34:14; 18&11,14.16 SUpportS 131:2 IXrUrm 5:s M8:4.17; 209:21; 214:2; slkr 15:6'15.19 89:1,1,10,16;190:7; ~uppou342 35:lO; snk4612;89:10.14; Ian4 16510 .%:9; 198:1.6; 222:6.13, 227:22; 228:lO; 231:6; 73:6;92:19; 1102% 2443; 2467 .9:5,14; 18724;204:3; banks 66:4;73 13; 74:s; .6223:2.14.20; 224:lO. 1112 119:18; 229:24; .3;225:l. 14,19.25; submil l5:8; 1724;91:4; !325,12,12; 248:14 18:6; 1278.9; 182:15. 230:13; 239:5 !265.17,20,22.25; 188:4 anks 2329 6; I84:19;24214 suppowd 203:lO; r.t-and??:l3; 195:25; !27:7,12.16.24; 2284. submind93:7.8 21021.23;211:1.16; arml3:4 11.14.17;241:7;2422.7. 41:21 subpawm 34:14; 37:4.6. 23 arg.1,5:22 11:22 13: 243:24; 248:8; 249:15. 221:Zl. 1.1-1 1276; l75:9 12.17.22; 101:21 suppowdly l55:8 ask 231:21 ,9;22;25; 2W:5 rat-n111:1 subscribes 155~2 Supreme 168:2,6.13. u9O:6.12;110:11; rhompson's 2302 1.1-kt'S 1267 subsaquent 73:14; 15. l6.21; 13718; 15221; 19210; horough 19:8 !02:6.10;21617; 243:7 W-might 131:14 Tl:l3; l95:7;20513; sum21:l. l5;2519 horoughly 11.17 2294.8 maxemp13214;33:1; ma-som 121:io 45:2%64:2; 74:15; 93:s; !horouahness.~~ - 8:lO subsequently 50:z 99:2.4.5. 12; 106:9; I611.89:13; 1129: h.1-thiS 12212 lhough 110:7; 1223; 5222; 63:19 123:24; 1267.8.9 128:4; 138:s. 13; 191:24; 193:9 bat-you 1071; 1267 153:7; 183:); 185:17; 194:8.l2;221:20 subsidimrbs 35:20, 131:7; 132:s; l35:13; ht. W24 191:23; 1975; 201:7; 137:21; 152124; 24823 145:14; 147311; 181:19; mes hwnd119:24; 2l7:3 216:13; 223:17; 243:2; I53:12 subsidlay 3521; 41 5; 201:7; 2022; 207:21; 55:13 245:8 rum40 IO; 422.4.7,9. 42:4;43:10;%18.19; 212:8;221:18; 2m1a hcmvkw 21221 thought 202% 37:14; 23522.24; 2U.24 24;58:13,19; 115:14; 75:17;82:3;8523;88.16. 80: 16; 81: 12; 85:m. 23; 116:2,7.13,15,24; hcth.1 I42:24 86:7.21.25;W11; sum2310: 1679 16;98:19; 108:lO; 1272; 152:22; 154:l; 1726.11. hctho 2167 133:13; 1391% 14219; 10518; 16k16; lm.24; aurprh W:20 !I; 173:; Mo:2(; 225:23; 2267 h.-m 229:lO l43:18; 17913.14; aurprbd 491%75:16 114:2. IO, 12; 200% out 112:22 191:19.21; 1%:22; substance 15:21; 24:6; aurmunding 402; 523; runwrcusa 1146 1%18;2W15.17; 137:22; 138:19 hem1%4; la6:22; 166:l.s hbphonO44:9,18; ,m3 20322: 204:T 213:9, IO; substantid 4S8.12; SUN- 2444 10;217:7; 51:23;91:3; 165:4 henus 185:20 Zl%l.b. 58:I; 13624; 192:22 suspct 123:62124 hbphonlully 17225 219: 19; 220: 16221: 10. substanthlly 148:4 henuelves 11:5;24:15; 13; 224:16.19.20; 22723; surprndd 1%17 tekvisbn 23218 !618;59:2;88.17 substantlatad 31:13 228:9.25; 2409; 245:23; suspkbn 610;92; teiiing 1205; 194:Il henSpuhr-Elect 2474.9.12; 249:3 substantW9:18; 4813; 1%:14 tells 121:m; 178:9 1911 4922 thoughts 15715 sustained 52:20,114:3 lempk 6; hemaltor 44:17;785 succoss %:I6 thousands 159:lG; sustaining 235:2 I5 25; I6 20; 19:W 25.13 hereby 42:7; W:ll 195:23 succnsful3:8,20; 4:6. swam a12.13; 1896 Iempled 23714 17; I88 hemfom613.18;33:14 thrmallW5 sworn 3910 Tennessee I814 l911;84:18; 1585; succoadully 4:1;7:16 threalening 4:8 symbolk 13915 ions l59:16 183~7;2255 succumbed 166:6 lhrea 33:24; 34:1;42:17; synonym 229:7 tenure 231:15; 248:2 ,h-nd 5:9 47:18;60:21; 1368; sufhrod7918 Syrh %I4 term23:15.18;165:11; :haydid95:20 13814; 185:25; 190:16. suflkknt 45:25; 123:1(; systwrn3:&31:16;33:4. 173:3; 22923 lhicka 25:19 24; 196:l3;210:4; 224:21; 14712; 193:24 5.19; 1$1:16 153:l. 15; laru24:11.12;25:6.1. Third 3214;33:1;4222; 244:5; 250:7 suffkkntfy 151:16; 160.ll; 166:19; 167:22; 16; 55:13;82:1;86:21; 11:5;98:6; 163:6; thmpogd 521 238:7 109:IO; 1e.11 89:19;92:17; l03:6; 186:16;187:15; 195:25 throughout 4020 sugpst8515; 1497; syatomk 1mm 104:9: LOB:l5; 11017; third-party 32:15 50:24; 53:3; 159:18 228:l; 247:l 132:23; 1409; 180:IS third-rata 83:21 throwing 193:ll ruggaslad 34:13;423; 235:16; 245:16 Ihis-hem 124:21 Thus 5:25;80:2;90:12 51: 13; 12617: 21423; T test 7: IO rhompwn I:IO. 11.14; rh151:zi 2171; 2474;24913 1uIUkd 17:4:4825; suggastlng 104:6 t&h 43:2;51:21;79:IO; 22.5; 8: 13; 13:15.25; tighter 169:14 49:17;%:17;57:23;7~1. 1810:m17:21:18;224; 93:% 181:15; 23714 tima-end 132:17 suggostbn 43:965:23; 4.15; ll5:4; 157:7; 23:2< 25:2$264.14.24 11618.19.22; 172:M; tabld796. 12; 180:14. 1R22; 185:lO; 206:25; Times 37:18;43:8;44% n: 1.22; 28: I. 7.22.23. 55:l I; 117:13; 2OO:14 173:5 14. I5 207: 23; 21 l:3; 230:I 25:; suggests 65: I8 lainled 2215 testified-you ffi.9; timing 50:3; 6215.l8. summrias35:14 Taipei I 3018. 20 73:21 22; 154:23;214:23 sumnmria 237:24 Tsimn 80:25;81:12; test^ 3:21:6:14; 157:8 tirade 16020 summary 2919; 19514; 823.9. 14; 118:21; 152:3 testimony 421; 123.4; titlo85:l; 201:7;244:9 196:6.12. l2;2323; I59:24 267:31:ll;33:24:38:14; 23317; 235:18; 2375 talk 14: 1691: 13; 99:s 39:1.22;48:19;59:25; 25023 I I l:3; 13620; 161: 12; 39.19;83:16.17;86.23 summr 43:17; 48IS; 171:3;2@4:23;N)9.15; 19:23;23:17; 24:2.4; 273; 170:5; 176:12; 191:18,20, urging 52:6 37 19;39:7.18;81:14; Transmining 7217 22; 193:7: 195:14; 21217: undbrtakon 98:11; USA 39:3.9.23;41.8.21: 12917; 132:18; 145:22; tr8vrl220:7 223:18;244:5;24722 219:20 4216.18; 43:; 154:22; 166:22; 1831; trwebd 31:8;488; Vge91:l undoing 169:11 4613;4?9.12,23,24; 185:21.2% 190:15;2%5; 116:23; 1952 twwolum212:16 undoubtedly S:2,3 4a2.23; 495; 502.9.12; 2372; 248:4.25 52:25; %:I& 57:m; trml19:15 lyp.84:1.6; 130:2; undue 16620 together72.4; 2l:LO, 131:22; 203:7 58:12;595.10.17;60:1; 16; 35:6 tru(mnl23:16;35:2; unequivocally 11716; 6711;706,12.23;78:H); 8321; 110:3; 11721; 218:15 toid 10I2.18;11:21.23; 79:9.24;91:19;92:16; 21525 1213,21;4721; 50:21; U unup.ctrd 491 97:8;98:10.12 11; 513.4; 522%58:17; tnmndous 239:16 umputdiy4nd 100:20; 102:23.25; 10321; 113:ll. 17; 6512; 75:*7620;79:1% trhlr4:12 U.S 41:5;424.64310; 7421 11613; 1176.9.17.22; 8&16.20;89:13.14.15, Trim 620.21; 7:4 44:23;46?. 6; 4920; unhappy 184:lI 24; 1oO:l; 1109; Im2; 11&9 11917; 123:9.15; triedt?417;87:13; 111:2; 81:20;98:22; 11333; unlfkmbn 13~3 124:24; 12619 14611; 131:18; 145:3; 1n:16; 130:9; 142:20 114:11;124:9;1268: unlqw 32:m; 33:6 1555; 17020; 171:2; 14836; 162:l; 172:10,17; hbS 1W17 13220; 134:23.24; uniquenose 129:2 173:7. zo. 24.24; 174:2,6; 17224;200:3; 20314; 135:14,22.23.24; 1363. trip4916.18.23;8218. United I:5; 12:M; 15:~; 1875.13 : .. 213:8;214:8;216:15; 10,23;137:; 20;83:5;84:3 4021;42:9; USA's 163:6 ms.20; 2n:22. 23; 1627; 164:16; 173:15.16 %is;ei:z3; 84:12;94:21; 115:15; :: 243:5 troubk 1536 184:8.22.22;224:1 USA)'s 434.5.12 troubbd 149:8; 2166; 116:6; 117: 12.20.25; USA) 16312 OWOW OW 198:13;2408 U.S.ChIna 152:20 ...trom 22?9,11 13014; 133:16; 13420; Uug. 1W7 ; tonight 198:15;24212 UBO[ak 1179.9 troubling8:23; 144:l I; 135:19; 13620; 1523.2% Tony 15:ll uw 4:19; 715; 32:3,13; 14921; 1932 ubi- 14:13; 183:6; 153:5,11,12; I58:25; 34:2; 43:9;71:16;95:7; : .toak9:23; 22:16;5521; hue95:9 112:21.21,24; 18715 159:5,18; la2.7; 168.3, 108:23; 1375; 141:lO; .~~~7414,17~~15~1~~4~~ 141:13; 1976;201:15; u~lm(.ly 4:11;86; 5, 17; 169:19; 191:lS 17615; 184:23; 215:17; ..... 16518; 182:24; 194:5,11; 2023.6; 203:~;m:9. 2216;25:17;328;4025; unhnmlly 3223 2m22.25 '19515; 22221; 231:7.9; 14; 23O:13 41:20;44:11; 5217,24; University 39:6; 5521; '2374; 24419 u..d4724;71:19; Wuly 31:14 54:21;TI:20;7812.18; %I; 223:24 102:23; 107:12.16; 1155; :I loola 4:7 79:14; 1%17; 14211; truncated 24025 unku 171:) 119:7.14; 135:24; 150:24; --?0p65:2o 1m2s trust m13;zs2o unlimited 3217 164:5; 165:12 12; 1&1; tOpbVd 12215 unrbb 1m12; 23323 173:3; 17412; 1773; truth 3:1,2,7,10;4:5; unpWnt3421 1810. 11. 20216 190:19; MIS; 2213; .~;TorrkrNi1:13; 7:16;82: 1&2%m5.6; un.m)irbd unquoto'l9:13 12:26:5.m,25;~):18.19; 22711;228:23;229:2,3. 2~4;2422; 3O:14.15, UMmbigWuaty 194:25 un...m)y 19213 .3O:ll, 12; 151:lO. 11; 1:16 3.10; 2327; 24821 15;161:2;lLW7.?.8 unMlmOWly uM~l238:19 15225.9.I2:15310.25~ . U..l121:18 IMMul121:24 unnuilrbb194:25 1W:M; lS5:3.23,'1%1;-. unusual 12225; 151:22; using 191:19; 24217 I57:14. 17; 158:16.19; ly 22: 14; 33:22 34:9,10; unavddebly 190:15 15310 utmost 18:3 1a14.24 356; nl8;7&687:20, unamn 2109 up 41,20; 6 15; 7 16; tot.l80:2.7 23;90:24; Im4; 149:21; uncom(onsbl. 20714 1215; 13:19 15:6,9; tomrd 33:3; 1142.7; 161:15; 1655; 1894; 21:24; 24:12; m5;34:4; V 236:6; 238:16; 2407.9; 16&14,17.1$, 21 35:17; 37:Ik 43:11; 1%15 24212 tom& 112:2; 131:5 under 91; 2454; 26:21; 61:17;7819€69,11.15. v 167:21;16&8.15.22,23 lying 521;624 18:lg; 22,25; 89:4; 90:19 925. (OW 1973 %6; 495; 5718; 69:s; vague 11:20; 105:23; 35:47810.16; 101:s; 74:20;75:4;77:7; 1021; 19;%:17; 102:16; 103:24; trdtM236:lO. 19 121 123:24; 12415; 111:9; 113:l;13715 :l; l0e:Zo. 110 1 1; 105:22:1M:2S; 115:Z: m, VagU- 24420 tndilbnally 112 132:16 15714: 17024: 114:23;117:15; 12818; im,is. 18;125:2z;. trail 1817,19 1eO:211229:7.22;240io 131:IO. 10 139:12.13; 1264; 1n:25; 128:j; valid 11:11;466;184:21 tnnuabn 6937; 70:2; tune 18I:l 1622; 16920; 1929; 129:21; 13O:13.16; Wliejo 16721; 168.8. 25 8518; e6:20;90: 11; rUNG 392 2025; 216:17;243:6; 134:24; 1372.14; l42:7; valuabb421 144:10 14521; 15214, 93:21.21;94:9.24;95:21; turn 814: I:%57:1; u49.10 value 5:6 %8.23,24; 916.22; 591:61:22;634,23; under-th-tabk 21; 161:23; 166.12.17; Imio 167:l; 17616; lBo:17; valuas 2272 9819;99:3; 105:lO; 65:24; e21;709; Undorllned IS15 112ll;123:21;1U):I.1; I82:22. 23; 183:2; 185:17; vantagel1:I 7I:l; 11413;145:21; underlying %7 129:1.13; 139:22; 1401; ie0:i.r 193:22; 20620: 2204.24; variMy81:13;181:2 undermined 109:25; 225~8;22722; 23020; 1447. m; 145:3,6; turned 37:25; 90:6 various 18: 16; 4020; 14615; 148:2.15.19; 215:22 233:12; 2Sl8; 237:22; 11614; 165:19;1W15; 18O:lZ. 17; 187:25; 226.1. 238:22 239:15.16.17; 1498.23 152:11:1626. 1; 2% 236: I5 undmeom 33:11; 232:16;24819 IO; 21917 240:7.10; 244:22;248:19 171 163:6; 17; 16i:Is; rurning 117:8 vahkk 4~6;57 12 17619 182:W 183:19 undontlnbbk 138:~ upliing 1%23 lurns 179:lO vantum Im15 185:23 understandably So: I s upon 6 14; 1913; 439 ventures 86:4 tranmetbna W22; two 2:9.14.23; 3:10 53. I; 65: 15; 67.1I; understands n:lo vorify91:25 149:lS; 187:6.10 6:23;7:3; 15:21;H):9 IZOIS. I55 12; lS6.15; 21:19; 221.7; 332%34:7. understood 2015; 68:s; vomruhr 1814 transcriot 1025 163:4; 164~3;192~1 1038:2; 39:16;4211,17. 76:9;9222; 93:5; %24; vorm %5 114:I; 14022.22.1926; urge ILL3 23;571;58:8.20;80:20; versed 16225 93:12; W15; W25; 2Ul:I I; ZO2:9; 214:23; urged 148:I4 P23; versions 1615 tranrhrd41 14.21; 102:13.15; 103:12. 16; 2165.12; 243:l urgency 158:l 43 3.48 6.99 10.142.3 105:13; 1105; 12223; understood'-.nd urgently69:13; 106.21; versus ll:13 transten 32:lI; 206-4 131:3 1477; 164:24; 1105 1582; 187 20 veto 2619 Mln-U.Sm'pt@ Miller ~eportingCompany, Inc. . ' Scnate Committee on ' Hearing Volume Numbcr 8 Special Invatlg?tlon - 1 J- 23,1997 vis31:21; 107:11;1467 voter 22613: 233:6 167:l; 169:9; 1%lO 215:1021718.23; #': 227:lO. 23; 22824; 23017; 2357.7-. . 21;119:24; 154:16; 78 217:s viabk 17212.13 237:l; 247:9.10 vo(..20:12; 15912, 13, 171:3 Wirnes8 1:24; 4:9; VCe93; 1614,19; 36:5; wrong-he 194:17 55:3.4.7; 85:l I4 wwkS 165; 18:13; 267; 101:13; 105:15; 150:18; , 15522; 189:4; 223:7; wrongdoing 31:12 victim 1597 u0-h 159115 31:10; 34:7; 52:I 1;92:19; 24821 23L6.11; 23722: 242:3. voting 23:20; 29:5 wrote 168; 17:17; 51~6. . VkW 121; 25:15;32:20; 9,12; 248: 11; 249:7 10,18;52l;77:20; 147:9; 182:24 migM 1976 44:23;82:11;85:11. 12; Vow 15011; 154:2; 157:l; W9; 123:13; 141:23; mighty 1721 witnessad i54:7 VOW 1015 171:2O 191:9 212:23.25; 163:17; 164:7; 1673.10. mkOnr49:ZI; lo6:lZ; witnesw 29.11.14; VP 85: I 21 5: 1; 243: 15; 245:23 21,23; 168:24. 25; 1692 l27:22; lW2; 239~10 3:23,25;4:21;5:23;68; 72.8; 13:2; n11;%:5; 17.9; 193:13;211:15; Weld 144:4 lO6:9; 1516 161:iO 218:ll; 22022; 221:3; W mll-known 406 Y 230.2 wondm 15214;2503 mihwn-in 190:~ VhOd24:811211; ml k22; 24:lO; 100:14 wond.red85:16; 159:18 ynM 4817; 74:17; 124:23 WlbSpUtd 4623 miring 160:22.23; nwnd.rhrl169:21.22.23 16(:3; 186:18 Vkm8:22; 19:14; mnt4nd 7023 19&12 wondering 13:s YBD41:14.21;42:15.18; 13023; 1579.10. IO mrd 22312 mllr 121:22 word 64:17; 103:22; 43:1.4.5,7,8.11; 46:13; 167:18;KuT:13.17; -Ut 158:13 47:12.23.24;4823;49:5, 220.19.21 Wslhr 71:9 1W1;135:18; 1375; we.rcth.1221:7 13816; 17615; 183:21, 7.9502,9.12;5224.25; vbl.1.d 85;24:25 mlb 195:23 mm-Was111:5 23; 19.(:3;207:8;21911; 5720; 595; 64:11;671 I; vbMes 386 Wabh 22:13 75:6 7820; 799.19,24; mnnY209:18 224:16; 227:ll; 22823; vkhting 151:14 went. 9:7 80:2;81:6.12;91:13.19; whatsower 132: 1; 249:9 vbhtbn 1716; 24:7; mrnd193:21 97:8;98:10,11, 12.13.14; whenby 47:12; 5@3; word-th.1211:18 100:2O; 10223,25; 103:l. 91: 12; 98:9; 992; 1409; mnantd75:17 181:l words3811;103:12.13. 113:ll. 141:5;166:1; 168:4; wu-and 119:l 16;111:7;12225;158:14; 174:22 wWn44:13;45:21;; i14:3; IO: I 176, Wut173:4 165:15; 17514; 17812;; 1189; 4:2;7to, 51:ll; 14610 vbhbns *Iu-l124:13 1921; 208:lO; 2U):ll; 11917; 123:8.14.15; 3218 Wanupon 104:14 -it 81:19; 247: 12 229:4; 24217;249:15 124:24 12618.19; Virginis 223:18 wh.rmr9:le;34:6.11 wn-Mr 87:T 14817 won 139:14. I4 13215.19; 14611; Virtually 53:k 12618; 102:22 148:16; 14923: 1635.12. w8s-nq 88:9 work 3:2% 15:7,9; 19:s; 144:lS; 197~3;1-8 mil. 1072.5,9; w:ia 21:1O,lI, 15,15;2423; 21; Id:%173: Virtu0 la7 my.ll~55:m WhbwatU 2221 26:s; 3915; 41:9; 68: I; 23,24,24.25; 174:2.6; Vw13733 was4h.t 107:20;20(:1 whok36:24;38:14;%% 78:10;99:22; 171:15; 18q2.4:.-.. 186:10 1875.13 VhS13712 was4h.y. 63:21 119:14; 1423; 16716; Iml8; 199:2;238:15; VB0'-Young 91.6 vhk73:22;741.7;75:11. Wu-mc 88.6 179:s; 181:l. 16 189:T 241:3 YBO'S 14024 25; 12623; 133:24.25; Washington 1:7;44:1I; 234:20; 239:13 worksd 78:9: 79:16 YBD-NPF 182:18 134:4; 166:16 47:13;48:9;54:18.22; wholly 41:5 19820; 199:l. 15;232:6; Yeah 104:7 238:5 vbkd4816; 1W17 63:20,73:25; 74:2; 91:0 whou24621 year 6:9; 4224; 49:0 W.18 101:19; 118:17; visiting 13525 Why% la.7 Workers 15:ll 591;115:2;119:7; 121:14; 133:21; 15811; visitor 133:16,17 why-wh.1 I19:24 working 15:6; 162; 168:22: 19&21.21.22; 1862: 190:4; 22317; 1921;21:16;47:10; 199:12; 205:22~206:1; Vokannk 43:18.24.24; WWpnd196.15 224:s 67:23;71:18; 139:16 2072,4;213:16.17; 44:3.13; 60:); 6k5.9; Washington... hank wih 115:17; 136:2 1974; 199.3 215:17; 221:21; 231:16; 6514.18; 165:4; 185:B; 9210 wlh-th.1194:24 208:Z); 14; 2103. wOrld4020;82:7.12; 245:17 209:lO. 9:20; 228; wilH 12; 211:3; 21324; 2145. Watergate n8 13220; 133:4; 2396 years 31:7; 4217; 47:18; 23:1.22 18;248:1 willing4821; 50122; wow 2353 5):22;80.19.2086:25; my 2:18; 5:4;7:25; 159. 66:10;69:11;7423; Vokanuk'a 445 worth 41:l; 1878. I2 118:9.19; 121:5.7; 13;2316; 24:21; 297.19; 106:~; 161:11 I3Z:le; 13322; 134:18; VOlUlIN 10213.14.17 mi; would-. 169:3 27:2;84:22;89:5;103:1% 44:W 886 151:25; 167:ll. 21; 1&7. willingness wrap 18517 VOlUma 102:15;Zl217 108:10;1101; L1616.17; la16 181:9 14.23; 194:15; 19818: valuntarily 37:& 397. 131:lO. 15; I38:8; 151:8; writ. 4521; 65:19; 6615; 199:10231:L.7 win 3~5;84:i.' 973;2124 10; 535;60:19; 101:22; 1534; 15715; 165:13. 15; yeas 2824; 30:17 17010; 1732 187:ll; winning84:16 1021; 106.13 wrirn 24:23 Ye*-wli74:12 voluntary 199:M;215:18 191:lO 193:3; 201:2; winhr 66:) writing 6&1& 88.5; 41:21;47:14.20; yesterdsy 1624; 25:) voluntwr 213:15; 215:23;21622; 2181; wind 131:IS; 2173 57: 582; 705 yidd 54:); 113:3; 169:25; 214:25; 215:5; 231:23; 220:n; 227:s;229:~; 19; 231:19 23421; 235:12; 236:6.15; 54:4;84:21; 1306; 184:16; 185:13; 198:4; 245:17 wish writings 93:8 2377; 238:16; 239:22; l%:l; 219:24; 240:4 2403 volunteered 215:lS written4211,18;45:20; 24k15.24: 247:3; 249:13 wit 142:13 York37:18; 159:9.10 volunteers 1103; 51:17; 58:lt; 65117; ways 117114;162:3; with-namely 197:5 you-and 210:2 132:14; 2161 193:15; 195:8;217:2; 80:23.25;91:'1; 141:9; with-lodsy's 1599 you-l225:9 VOIe 1:19;2IO 13:2; 23925 145:13; 1461; 148:5; within 4:13;59:19; 153:23; l57:18; 185:6; you-that 162:5 20:lO;; vm-he 24917 27:7; 2824; 29:3; 3017; 14612; 155:lO. 15; 157:( 192:7; 202:T 21120. 25; YOUNG 39: IO. 168:25; 185:15; 188.18; mk166:18 209:s 227:23 23; 40:J. 222:7,12; 228:17; 237:14 wow 201:17 : without 1:21;7:8; 16:17, wrong 138:Il; 155:21; $1:1,7, 18.23.24;42:1.6; VOtd 1:16;2:8.9.15; WEDNESDAY 1:4 19:25;.i9:8:5oI9, i6;69:' i62:2i; 176:s; 191:2o 43:14;'I4:1. 1. 10.12.15,;45:1.3.6. 27:62229.17;23714 WOEk31:3;32:1:33:14; I 101:21; 15712;165:17; 192:3.12;203:19.21.22; - Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Sdpm (25) via - YOUNG 1 15,16;469;475.8.9; 48:1.8. IO. 16.16. ZO, 20. 1 21.25:49: ,

123:M; 125:13.15,24; 1266,17,18,23;In:?; '121):2;12a.ZS; 130:11; .. . :..il3l:2;._ 13213;133:15;


Zadong 131:ll