InThe Mattes Of= Senate Committee an GouemmentalAflairs Special Investigation - 1996 FEC Funds Hearfag Volume Number 8 July 23, 6997 Miller Reporting Cornpan. Inc. 507 C Street, NE. Washington,DC 20002 (202) 54GGGGG FAX: (202) 5461502 Original FiIe 0723sga8.a~~251 Pages Min-Uscrlpt@Fib? ID: I564470159 Word Index included dththis Min-U-Sdm Pmml i 114 'F~dLnleica;ona.,w k-IWO ha lor rmm arc Puc '[fkhu't uhich we I haVC Nch~suspidon.hrI review IhC 1111 in~~nfliclbyrhcrcqWlhatwemr*cforimmuniimmunityuldIhe !1111 rcquesc~.the~usticc0 armrmthasnotobj~~rCdt0gnnU 1'3 response of the Justice ocprrtmcnt in opporin# lhew h '1'4 of Unmunity lor nine 02Cr pplcwho arc lnvohcd UI the 1131 requcsu. '119Hsi IaiTeemplc case and who this Codnee.therefore. can 1141 The contlict is a xrious one. pyarululy in chc [mi call upon to me. 1151 lnermth of the North adPoindexter M, kCluK I [!I9 Ycr. the four arc socomewhar lugher up in the cham 21 ita ccrUinly conclude pnsoonrlly. u I bclimmst observers pq the tcmpk, and probably that IS wi~ythey arc or more IIV do. that in the aftermath of Le North and poindcncr ,['?I interest to ~eJusticc0epucment.becaux they had a more 1w decisions. once a congnuionalcommitm muimmunity to pa1 ccndrole. therefore may be more culpable or mybe of ['ai an Individual. it effectively forecloses the posshhty of llq mreauulance. rn a rucccurul prosecution of chat kbidud re@KklQ hc In Ihe second mmcr. which few Mr.Trie. about matters about which he or she will wsufy. whch MK drhe individuals wc arc seeking immunity. the m ?Jot everpnc agrees with another conclusion that I I=, Justice Department has not objected to our request for m~reach. which is thal a grant of immunity to ~(VICZYIby a imny%cy in regard to two other indivimulr lhar relate to tal congressional committee also seriously inhibits the abhy ,p4] Hr.lne and the puticulv donation4 am trying not to go [&I of the Jusucc Ocvarmenr to work with rho* (v1msxs to 1zq into decal here-that is the subiect of this reauest for a - .Miller Reporting Company, Knc. Mia-U-SaiptQ (3) Paec 1 - paec 6 . ?i'kutntei&d by SOM LI behevlng that we were not cqulllv 1% tntent on the truth,ensurtnE thal the law was __ Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-U-Sdpta, (9) Page I 3 - Page IS Mia-U-Script@ Mllkr Repoitlng Company, Inc. 14 these &le just by numkn, bur I rhinlr mrpne ir~lundcnundr that the lesa we bandy their N~Qamund until Ill1 if and when chcy arc cakdY wiwimcuy I think chc (14better. Evety mcmba has considad each of these. 1131 indiWUab VayCUrtlUy, but in public session we will [id1 refer to them by numbcl.Wc wiU consider Nor. 1 thmujjh 4 1rs1 for the grant of immunity. I'q The Clerk will Cau the roa, p?I The Clerk SNtOr COW? 1181 Senator Collinr.~yc 114 The Ckk. Senator Bmwnback? 14 Senator Brownbck.Aye. The Clcrlr. Enator Dommici? im Chairrmnlhompron.Ayc.by proxy. Rn The Clerk. kNtOr CochM? izrr knator Cochnn~ye. pg The Clerk. Senator NickJcs? ..-- Miller Reporting Company, Inc. .Min-U-Suipt@ (71 pase 25 - Page 30 ti) Oc&ties whethu fotCigh thid pWty.0~UCXCUlpt 111 moclosdyaswdau4witha politicagroup,but if the m abuses by both parfics, but ifar dthc day we have ~llonirmodovlyuraciucdwima~ Uw end ' m not gone far 5cyond that md taken. uujor sup towad - or and&hte,then rhnc is UI atvikrfion thaf 141 correcting the wtem that so eorily spawned such abwa, a I"(r] r-and uhu the organization d6u b contribucc [si system that includes son money rhich is le@. but should i [q !o the pucy andvice and must dische chcv [q not be. then we wUI have miuad a a& and unique , is! activitiu. b that is coaplialed- enough unda the pmnt m opporWty for this Committee, mQ r)lir Commi~alone, to ' [rl situation. iq correct a 5iNation et causes jusli5bk mistrust and [aj It is no( yu a mau somcrima of a foreign entity n qnicism in theAmatun WPk. [9 sen- a +cck over hato a policral party. although [q Udouburemrihmdd~itT~.'Itur /(I4 cluc so- happm5, too.The foreign money qutslron is lrtj new book by uiubeth DW chudaumcnu in yatdcoJ [ii]alu stgm6ant [rom a political standpoint.I would [la the seamy udc of money and inJYuercc peddlinl by bob ,['a luuwmost pcopfe would amthat at lasf on one Iml ('4 parries in the last dcrtion. 1131 that a conmbuuon from wmmnc in Englud k Our :.earmp chis week therefore. will underscore not ,[tal different hma contribution from sommnc in Sy?ia.Ihy [iq VutitiroLaybmu~cmryoMdoair,butjurtthe., '[io would both k against thc law. but hma politid or [Tal oppo5ae. that both parties arc deserving of hush crrwism 'iiq scnsitinty standpoint and what peo le should do. yhat the [tn ind Uur both parries have rhe ' ' 'ry 10 legblarr ifiq 501(cX4) should do and that sort ofthug is a poliucrl iiq and end the one- scandal d=-aign kcc [tm considention that is a part of Ihr5 uvQ.LL sm. [q sysuminAmcrica. l[iq b it is mt.it is uuportant. it u compkx. ner nunk you. .Mr. WUirmM. m and hopefully, you can help us undenmd a link Rt more RII ChairmmThompson.Thank you. .Senafor Glenn. and I wu lRii not only what happcncd in this partxul~-of R?: gomg to uy to curry a favor with uizrkth Drew before you im tnnsaclions. but illumirulc us a, to )OW.of the pal did. but you beat mc to it. RN mtricacies and piIfaU$ and uC¶tioN and loopholes Mth w We am going to haw. thm dap now of testimony mth 241 regard to thu whole area o?foreign money. p! rewd to what seems like one maw instance. ma* two or mi Senator 51~~..W. Chairman? Page 31 - Page 34 (8) Miller Reportlag Company, Inc. P-W i Pam 4a . .3 ~~. .. .. .. .. .. PI Young Brothem Development (USA>, a Florida corporation. m corporationwould purchase the Tw100mcmkr5hip. My m &wing Mr.Young's sons Mr, Richads. who resided int ria) .Mr. Young has volunprUy given a s- dcposilion to and ' (ol he United §hW,to pu(icipate inTw 1005pO~d Irtl commitlrr'~staff and hu auchoiucd Mto appar lhis and 11q cyma. rtn provide pM1 witti informrcion concaning his m.5th dpliRbr {III Mr. courtclir dirrcrrd that two checks be written by 14the Republicrn National Coaunitfcc and the National Policy irn the FIorida corponcion. one in the amount of 175.000 It4 Forum. In b-g these facts kfme the COmminrC(yc 1131 payable to the Republican National State Eldon Committee .. ~. .. .... .. .. ... ....... his calls were returned. On Scmembcr 17.1996. Mr. Miller Reporting Company, Inc. Min-usdpm (11) Page 49 - we56 .- . _. (4 Mr. BcCkcr Ye% that is correct. in1 Mr. BMn. Now. you dro tcsUled that the deal fell Ai throurh:is rhar correct? [SI documcnt was created by Mr. FdVolcuuek for Mr. Bybow gencnl what you rdabout the discussion at the dinner?' (rl to approach Mr. Dick &chards about the possibility of iq Mr. Bar%n.And his rerponse waY foUows. UD I not m getting .Mr.ArabrousYoung to either make a loan or a loan m corrccc "Thr diccuuion buially...MrHaley Bvbour [8J BWMtCCrhroUgh OMd hir CmpdCS?1s rhrt Correct? [Q requested mc to consider for the lorn or $3.5 million 'and 14 Mr. Becka. It would appar Mr.Volanrk is giving rq usurcd mc of the derem of the' money. I "rcqwstcd ita .Mr. Bubour ei*t points to niu whm Mr. Barbour speaks to [tq him to give us more informuion so that we can pmnt it to [Ill Mr. Richards about the 1- ' Mr.Yourytogivea [I t] YBD How Kong boad of &torr for hthu con*drntion.' ita loan guarantee to the Npcionrl Policy Forum. 1'4 Do you ScC that? I~H Mr. Buon.And anI dirat your attention to 119 Mr. Becka.Ycs. sir. 1141 parapph 5 of chat document? Let mc rad6um it, and ['q Mr. BMn. okay. (19 pkpv check me that I am accurate. It says. "We vwld like 114 Mr. Bee&. I think you- ita to propose a loan 6umAmbmwYoung's hmily to the NPF [iq Mr. Baron.Thuc is a sK@t cllipsia in there [ill which will lllowur todmup UIC moneyprrriwrlydprnced [tq Mr,B+ckcr.You said'moncy.'and the actual word was .. [la to the NPF udauke it anilpblc for the clccliocu."la [IQ loan."lhrt is printed hac. but you have rcrd it .. Iml that an -IC repdhu) 1181 correctly with that one exception. .. pq Mr. Bccket'lhu is whrt it says. ya. m Mr. Baron. I am sorry.'Ihu* you. ~YI..AUri&t.AmIcorrrn.sir.thatyw p.ol6.2 (Is -. [VIrcctivcd a copy of the document rhcrc. Nalionrl Poky Forum 111 please? .. n PropodforAmbrourYom@ fzq Mr. kb.I have it.Ya, I haw it. Mr. Bccka.Ya.'Ihirdocumit is drtcdAuguall5. m Mr.Bamn.Whendidyoutirncomcrmrsthat MI 1994. just rbout the timc Mr.Youry contacted mc for the [q document? It h a memo Irom Mr.VoIcpIIl+k. It is dated .. w fmt limeon vhctbo or not togo fomrdwiththis lour m August 29,1994. to Mr. Don Fierce ud to Dan Dcnning. Is -. [q guann~,andMr.uephen ll*hr6 rnnrmiaal it to me. A chatcQflut? m Mr.BMn.RiJIt.Andl&atAl#ywraMltiontothc m Mr. Bccka.Ya.Aboutthc llu~cc10 yaur quatioh A ~r dthe Qrumenslm I comct that it pmpoau a 81 itwas about 4 monlhrag0,4 or 5 monflu w.
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