Claudia Jones Part 5 of 10
92 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CLAUDIA JONES PART 2 OF 4 FILE NUMBER : 100-72390 '_._.1-- L/400//? 92/0/ 5 / I/01,0/WE i.___ .'?lé ,1v¬ I " ' -- -1. " r=-.~ ~ A 7 32,- *-¢4 --4 , _-._' V. 1 _@~_.._ ------ ' A-7 -,.-.e_...____ $__ .-:1 ¢ -_92 ., _! "-92*,':.,=...'_,r - ti ;=w3'_ . Y:-1 e H. 5 I V , 92 . - '1 _ I ._ ,_z;~ - __ PI ''_. -- '1_1~.' .-'_-.?-. '1': gww 5"» N" T°1f1=. - _ _ October12,"i'9h9 =1 .;,> Director, FBI ', _ _ e A * J r .-=,_;~.~- +.-.1L. - - ,;_;- :~¢ , --| ' nnwmur.Cuunn sscuanr muC5cHourIc:, --c --with P. _-_-.~; teliuel =5"?9* 1;.-_;+j _"%»:'_-~.--1 M ' j. +1-.,? Your file 100-16676-; ...;.,_'.jA __ A_ L B111¢ 10°-7239'! " 1"" ~ . -= »- - . I ~ ' =.. ,= -. e- I. .'~- - --" 5- " -.- -*. 1- -K .-4'; t=.v _ ~.." "-- - e e, :. 1-. ~- - _ .a~.:_- ~= *" Q-' --= Q-' d'A_:92>>. :~ 1'1--» ll; ;_._.*-'."§"=":-=:-i4;-.1":=*,==-";"-==~-L. -- » =;* ~ - = . 92V: . ,- < _ ~_,,__I . - . -.,,' . - -= ¢'--. --3-5; ~ .__--_1 I -_; -- . * i_ '»=-E-T37:-1~ -1n An e:|:e.n:Lnationof I92I1>j0¢§-'8-fill! reects thatthe lest .i¢.-W| port submittedby youroftice is datedFeb:-uu7 L,19149,; Ly}, * "1 ' '- - 1 ~-»' =;1 -;- ..c'1 T. ate as soon as poaaiblu - - - , . , . t Please eubnit another report "HQ. -3% _, 1»-.
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