FILE NUMBER : 100-72390 '_._.1-- L/400//? 92/0/ 5

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II 100-1867i ' " "c.e;@1..»....e - -. - - .- L~ else ~- ; " -~.»;-»,1.z-.»n»--+-4..--- -J11. "V ~ "'~ = =¢92r ---- ae.;w"e*" ".~ ~""-7-Q-115%-~ ~ --4 V ,-.--7'4 He"-¢---9-Ir t -- ,..:.,=».-----'--:'~-~='l- ;--R-~12» -r~~. *~>_n'~_3--r.- -';-;..h-.1'>?;-e"-'1'-...9-"'15-'.7~¢"",.*-= ';'.'.% -~ ' .f- ,_-:- ._. :2: _; i,-2:; $1-___',§_ I 1 |.-'1-.5"=..n,.._rr-_._':V,,:_.-_ H; -,V -*.: :-- air;-r. _-__~__ 'V'I1I T»f}-,- ,._-_-_ l-G; .1, I *-92 . hi K"_ g, 1! 4.. ,, Q 3' -5-=_,1. , .~s. _ qr I ' " > -92-.- ~ :1. * " *' 'r ,- ~,,,-".~'-ft 92.._ ._ _ ». ',_ r92 ~ If .1 ~- -,1 __ .¢ . gsfi>. ec 13*;1 _ - .., 5' -.="Fi§i

.1*~.ir= ' 1- re .-_ . r . __ 1 - " _ -- ' - _?1'.:--_.;_ 11. General Connnmiet 3;-1_=;_g¢uv11;;e ~ ~_"- ;~" -~ -r - . ' _.-- , - - . ~ ; :- *1 e .~ V ri 'There ie eet forth herewith e emmhy the to L 1 :1 . . -- -a-.. -1- _-_ __, activity or theL eubject , eut1.1_.ned_ in chronological elder; L '~ - - g i e ; " . =. A i - 2 , e » 92_,_,__y;-'=1'e J", -*-:-, --. -1 r;-;. .~ .'- :' :3? ;._- j A In up mu; m-nu of February 15, 191.9, pp "2, mm; 3 and f 4, it wee reported that CLAUDIA JCNE 01' the Iational Ionen'l' C-euI1eeioe,'GP,';. *2" U31, 1ra.e a. member of e delegation of ten women organised by the Congreee of '* American Yemen, who petitioned Judge HLROID R. IRA, United Stctee District- . _ Court, protestSouthern against District exclusionor oi New rcnen Iork, ontron 3:17 February eervice. 15, l9&9 toDr. m5,=_:=,.-5hqg35re eter a V '-

cnm-mn 0! the Congreee OI American Iomen m cu dele 1:1? - :19

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- _.'_92....¢-».»-,3;-._|-._ . _.,..,,_, II 100-1&'76:>'+. ,_*_._-. '*=-*1 -.. .P.92; ""*"»-Ht-*9 ' !-.- ,1,~'!1'~*':'**.'.'"F»791-S-3'!:F";T'l6L;5::1.;~v:1-lbi§¬-4:; ldin"-"-..5%" " '-I. J- 92I . '_ -. - ' :'. _ " = - ' $9 '3""r* r-_-1-1,.,~ --q :';_--,-311--4,.' 92.,~1u-- 9!92, >' 21¢-'»."'.!"""!'-9'-='s."1J_'--~=j¢--r - v.- _ .. _ _ ,,,_ . _92 _g_.- . ,.r ~, .' - .~.'' _ __,. . 9 H * vr-. 7 v ..»-"*. . . ¢ * ., =1 . . .. 1,. "Y 9 9 In up Bail; rm-m-I =2 ram»; 229, 191.9%, pip 2, on.-; 3,l=1¢iT.' f_i_, : p' i III reported that 'CIlUDIlJGE, national leader OI HI O0iIl1I¬'Pl.l"|i]',"_ "'' would epeekat the Lincoln-Douglas lenoriel Betin; on February 23, 1949 et' 1 ..92 Ienhetten Center, In Iork City. _ = - . Q r, _..;'__'-;,~;- * C . _.. o ; .' '_ - "=, V. ,_-- _ In "14! '- 4-+< < ~- The Daily Iorherl of February 23, 1949, page 7, oolunn 3, reported ' . , .- that the ebovwmentioned burial looting was being sponsored by the law Iork sue, -. .¢ _:E__ !I_=eth Been!oi the Gong-.1h.i.t £1.11-ty=It !-_- at-eteel. thattm the:-.. e! tb...-= acting .4. --'.,.-,-H; would be Houth tights for peace end freedom. theepecitio points to be con-.'.. Rif-l---Y-I ,|-»- ;i- : eidered at the meetingwould include: - "-*"-.1,-_',.-;__,: '¢-jet_¬' . ' . I . _ ¢ 1*- ':~1.: .'-~;{'2' r A - . - _ . = . ' 1. _ _ 5'.» -.3..'<1, . - - ' - v .-§~.-.= .}y.5:-927,92 = _ _ - I 9 - 'E1; Protest mum. policebmunt1.=*;i;-< I $::?-2z92.r-min '2 Fight for Jobe for Iegro yon:th,...;.92.; . Q f"*"v;§:.I- ! Smash the indictmnte. - '==f1<»=?¢1?,»:-r--I--".'~i* 7 -- -I~ " ! CelebrateColonial YouthRy, _i :1-__'_;-,.,.1-921;". 1'he"_;n'il'1c'ipa1_"egakerewere 1;'ma" y1ns1:c1r_;'cm_1n:u can LL11nzsrgglg . '3 . - J. -»-1


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14;/I. - ,-'V_92_'f: |'_

Velifcfir; . '. _ _ <_..-: . ;._. J 'the In "DailyYorker for hbruery 25, 191,9, pege'6,'co1u:ll,1t'.. ' ;:-_.i;,;_"._-5was reported that one thousand pareoneattended the above rally at Ianhatten -- -l ~~=-§ Center, Thie article briey reviewed the epeechee mde by the principal epoakere. ,

RH |,l!b'ld _ _.3_ ~ "- 1' -'..._. _ e ,: ,- 0 1., .-_. ., 92

_ ..-r.._..._.._._... ___i _. -3

., _ "a - . _ 4 _ " '..-~'L" . r. ,.,.-an -* _u __ . H _-,.,.-.,-; _-_-_ ,5;_i,' .-,,~ _92.;_;_',,q-.,:', .».~ 1 4»---~,- ,>-Z._¢.'...1»-_.92_ ma-I, ~ :- __ -.U 1'1- .3. I,-.92- ---.¢!'Fam,,F.'@';4-.."'.":: L-92-'_-92:!f1':¢'_-'92l1'3w'¢'=""'_ - - - :5 _,--&_,,;-.- n _~ ? ,9, .-.. 1, ,,1,_ ~'"~T an.-an.-.,.,r'-3% r"'£f"*-" - 92,° 7';£»|,;9;i_k.v~._'*- -.'-:",'._;-


b . _ The "Daily I'orker'of larch 11, 191.9,page 5,oolumnj reported that "CRUDEJOKE, IgationalGoumnist women'sleader, would speak at1' ' ".. ' ' meeting tocelebrate InternationalWomen: DI;on Ia:-oh13, 1949at the Glob Obrero Bspanolof thsA§P, 1490 IsdisonAvenue, Ieqlork,O1ty,;_:;;7*¢';;;'=; ._fr-" .... * o - " _ ' '_ _ . _. . .,» . . F If-_"5 In the ".lh11y I'orhsr'of larch 16, -191.9, page 3,column 1,it, reported that GIAUDIL 5%, Secretary oi the Rational Ionian: Connission " thrommmist Party, would lead s discussion on meaningof International 'Iorsen's ' Day, 1949,at the Hank Forbesluditorion, 35last 12thStreet, HawYork city. -_ .e It wasreported that the subject wouldspeak underthe auspices of the State '-T -- Comittse of the Communist Party; that her discussion would be C imd it t "5. .,, organizations.preparmg GIBCIIBIILOIIleaders on ' the fight for women:rights for Communist


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~ '~.».'. ._-;is-. NI 100-18676 _ _ _ , r i i.. 92 -1 sbu 7 =..'-3 __;-.-92 _-".-.- less-'2'-" -9;» I. ¥_:-,-' 'er I _ .."' xu .. 1- 1». AA é.

tlq V ._ . .1 'I , ; reported the CIAUDIL "Daily JOKE Worker spoke of at lpril s. lumen 2'7", 191£g}Jlge F Deportation '7, column lest I 4,& wascalled M: j ' -4-__-Q: by the American Committee for Protection o£'_'th;e Fcreigyorn on+pri1 28, 1969 " din. at the City center Casino,..135 West 55th Street. Othe Jmakere. at +.1_15_§ ~ - meeti _ ugh include CAR e:?_1l?mrn!§'.viaEz, ING E 1m§Esmmm, .¢92'-and Dr. _ 92 . -'_~.; 1 ____2_;,|3._'_~J. é"gv,92;_';'_=j_=.=.¢' L -3:: . ,; r:~'"92 ; . P-_'" "ten,"-. :0 H. f; _In the "Daily 1l'o1-her" of June 3, 1949, page it, column 1, it - --*3". . .0 "-.1-tr, reported that CLAUDIA JOKE, rep:-esentingthe Communist Party, was a member- .:.;,-_. - -_-_r_'_:;92;"o1' e delegation sent to Iashington by the National Gonmittee to Free the _ _ l _|¢ _ r menu Family, to protest to the;Bepe1'tmnt_o£ Jnstioe officials against th .. .__,,..,, _ , inactivity in the PIGRAH case._ U _é _ I H _W__,=__m_t'_é__~______a;_;_g_;_éM_n_ "" = - 7'5 -" In the "Daily Iorloerl of Hay 2'7, 1949, it was reported that CI.lUDI_§¥:§l .. _ .,,,-- ' f of the 1Iomsn'e Gomiesion 0! the National Gommittee OI I-M-GP, II! rT"","§,-'|'.i'._92j ""7-J} .'scheduled to be the principeiepeaker at an all-day conference on Ionian ' '-.-_,- --.1... .'-.1-.1. 1, Em Woman Q:l_1_O'§"l'-ionI_cal1.e<1r:by t_l1sJ___11e_s££'§:-son School .55: seem, Science to '' I . aw 1., »

'=:'__r.-_ Q"-r '__,. . f-e1:.*»v--- " at '45- - 5' ' I-iv .';'r?'E~. " - . ,- " '1; "5- ' "$~qI-fl-:. _ 11¢.

4' . -*1 ._ i _ . _ :w....=-d "

92 ' 1' --' ,'_.'. .";f'--1 __ __ :-'1 ;'--zaie '1 f T " .: that approximateiy 300 inn, fouusn-6-*3! ' and of Detention on June 4, 1949, as _ above reported. The demonstration which followed was directed by CLAUDIA JUNE. The demonstrators cerried posters which bore inscriptions snoliias "Jail the > [1 Iynehere Free the Fighters for Freedom, Jail the Nazi Murders, Free "' ' American Vets," "Demand Judge MEDINA release; WINSTON, GATE and HLLL,"and "Dismiss the Indictments - Free the 12. It was also observed that copies of the "Worker" were distributed to passe:-s-by announcing that mass picketing 92 92,'92092 i pmbs -5- , ee..___. Q a - '1. K U

I .9;---,-I-i!-"uas at 100-18676 - -. ~ . ='lIi-'-" ' e..-. _ -_ I- . 1'35, .-_ . _' , d,» -_ - . . -Q." ;Y92.:_.-_":=-d"?L"-_"-,|llI-"V-' ~_ et"f>_,.-_1_>1Q.,'.'Qq-L,' _ ;".'t._ ..,_._ _-:_y,":v~_,-'1. ~:I92f'§92'.,:1.e_ _'*.;_';_ if '-V ' haw ., '- ;- . ._;;;'. -~ 1* " 15. ,. " .1; -.¢v--2' ?-S * -would tab place in 1'1-out ct the United States Court Home in F0101 I 1;,-fk-1 .,. the ;}ei1in3"_ o.f_F;'§;."1r,j;"f I?" i by the Jetie;:|on.,;#'-e L; -. :.92 -~.-.'.*'-=,';--"ewe. .1 g '92 1 .7. - L 1 Q . . 1, 1 -J ¢ 1I. ..,7_ _ k Vlq _. beginning Jul; 6, 1949, in protest against the OP Trial and _' the ierendantew The denonetraticu reportedly was epcnebh »- ¢_ A Schoolci Socia18ciencee- - I:_ to - ~ ; -: ,-,q-- * "- ' -, ':'_-'_ ..;'_.4-.-_'__ »* _..*, 1. :1 _jp' 1, I '._ _ '. ---- _ ; - A_-- ,- 1 _. -* . - -. _.~r __ ~ l1'f.v._.'-_ - - 1». .-.'_ .1 ,-*'= ._ ,- -V-3» . »- ' ~ - K. '1~-~-I ,_; --~ J" -. 1,-92- ,1.»;1:~ '-xi -.,~ i- »'--.--»1?-1*.-»1-»»<.,.,:=92~.1 -_-92- _ ~_-,.¢ .-- 4;; 13+-.'E'.-11--;r;}'a-:"JT"."r'.:..,_~ . .|.p_- -». _;'_" ._ 1 _' 0 e 1 1*-1*, .; 1.: ,-~3_ '17".. 'In '1the New York Times of June 5, 191.9, it was reported that>-.j-.*':1g;§;,i-._ ' .' ;"'_"-7, ',a'pproximate'1y 500 persona picketed in Ix-out oi the Federal House ofjletention '_ ~: 1, 1.. _ on June 1.," 191.9 in protest against the Jailing er the defendants mrswqu, fée -2*;-1 1,, EL. .. and HULL. It was reported that the demonstration Ia: directed by GIAUDILifi.ef.-Z5. - e-1 JONES, Director of the 'Institute of lhrzisn at the Jefferson School oi Social/, Science located at . '-.':.".1 ." Street and smn Avenue, New York Gity.__ , , 2-j" . m.];<,T~.- - '1 -".-¢- .. . ~ _ I- 7" ..1 um 1*t

- ='.'.'-J-"1: - 92-. -f.. -~"I-.'.-.-~ -; I v-,-I11 4e _;_$$:1_ *1 .,.,_.__.,,.;Q at ,-L-¢.!.*1>!i -_-e- '£====*-g»*,~.'f1r_'1':_. #5?- -F-@574-'==-"3

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-4*- _ -< __W;' , H, .H 1 ,,__ ., E, ,_.,.;$92w.--.,";"_ g _92;--rt _ .>_,...~.~. '--r1-- 92»_~»1.---c----w-~-~t7¢~Y~r==:<~=-92-~=-*~1*-*~ -..¢'=7"w»_,5.-- ._-.1v-;.1,-w.1y592~.|-_¢'2»vee:w_~.:---rt--we-_IJ* .. *1 "'1'1-l :"f'_;..;, - h-'3'- J .--:'j'92:v:-1-5_-f_>;j,§;;:,'-_',_§_i;"'_ .,__ _-#13151*-_.- * -. _. _;~_ , _- -- e In the"Boil; Yorker"o£_-Yune 1949, page 1'7, 1_0, colum1 in j 3 F-1-ee-I! u column writtenbymanna mm-emu, 1: wee reported um». - 7' '1':V. .1 ledwervof theNational Bee:-dfo_rthe CP,_,eadindicted CP___leader,md cpsumae '.i-2- L - -11.. J :li§_$_iO92IlG.the beechedu]_.ede_peIkerB__ July P_!'_Q_I:I_?l,Blli¢'-15¢ to b__e.P'ld1 mom <=n;¢.9292J~f1949;"~fié 4,. ;.@;-.z!.- " fI~*i:¢f:;,:-i».*:=¢.92"~.-.33,-~ .._ - 1 ~ -5. 9 _ _ . *- ~- -92- . _ -4 _ _-_5__-- -F :. .- : .: r V;, ....;,f:.~,~r- _.,,_ xwd-.-5--1. - ' ""r~!!'=;!' -- . 4., . .-' 92 ,_ 2 _, _ In the "DailyIorineri e1"'JuJ.76, 1"949,'we 2, eaiee !I,"1'.1;'iu reported that five thouemd persona attendedthe July an peeiee I ~'-,1? igej-":~3-tgi.>.'-.1 e"' sponsoredby The Illinois Iorker" mcl twelve national progressive neeepepereI- which Iae held in Chicago July4, 19490. -_,"; 4 L-, ---_ -1;1- . =_-_,. , . _ h *1 .; E-.:-:12.-i;'§,i'»*$:~'!.ep o The principal "epealterlincluded cmmnJones andu1;nan:[email protected], q, 5 ,5? organiser for the BIO United PaclclnghouseWorkers, and GIL GHEEI. Iith _ 'r*-'#.--.-=-;»-v=_-'reference to CLAUDIA JCNES,it was stated that "1 fiery Hegfroiromen lender t drew ioud applause throughouther blistering exposure of the rremeup trial J-!".~'<"92<'-:1;-PE-of the Part! 1e-ederee" ""fl1,;Z§.-_»:".. ' 5:-fi;¢é_rr',é, fa:-7--"' F-__-92;~_A!~.r' __ 4-:1, ' -, ~n- ~ In the "Daily Iorku-" or July 6, 191,9, page 5, oollmn 3, it "es- repcrted that CLAUDIA JGHESwee one or the eponeore of e reunion dance for EI-XCLERS YoungGamuniet Leaguemembere!, tobe held Jul; 9, 1949 at the %:_.-,92Hotel Therese, 125th Street and 7th , New York Oity._ - .- _ . t '" H4 ; -1-.--i _ _ Y at. 4 -.¢~;;. n .. h - .. _Han-'" - ' " *gr ' ' Qk3" -*0 . - .92_- . . _... _ In the"'Dei1y Iorlier"ct Aug-m 1, 1949, oige '1,co1msn'3,' '.j there ;--_,~ appeared the first article in e eriee oi three articles written by CLAUDIA - 4;: _ ;,";.' -" JCNES onthe topic "Uh-lmerican Committee and the Negro People. In thin - l1 r article the eubjct accuses the "Houee Un-American Colmittee" for calling before e 2;: ,"_. -'5",, ._. ' it spokesmen of the Negro people to impugn all the llegro people in this country-'"- ,'_'12-'}-Sm stated that never before in the hietoz-3'of the natio hii the lo-"felt? of ; . <- - tr a whole people beenso attacked. ne stated that the hearings weretimed at _ :_,, . . K-e-- -._ , " ,, _. .5 _ e strategic moment forAmerican imperielietreectim. She eteted "To begin '- "92q..-:~ .1 9 with, and primarily, they coincided with the plvdtet ettlcfm civil liberties . _.-3 .~-____._ _. e ,- y. 92- ¢.:* - at Foley Square where12 Counmnietleadere face e heresy trial tor their 5 Y 'q'_k1.1,_ it ".;;-'&"==~' .. political ideas because of indictments by the Department of Justice ma""- " . _-'',. ...- _ Truman administration, She pointedout that three of the defendants Iprg 4;-I._:~ _____,_92 _ __ _,_____,__,__ _.L_ __ -_; __ -,_ e - ,,-_<___._.r-, .. --~=; ."-1;:-L- -'-1'-"11-I__ J-14H-J~rk~ - _... Q e L

_I. 1A:.",'_7d.!'.->". NI 100-18575 - - " _ . ,'. ".. _ . ' _ _ _ _ .. , - , __ _ 1., .1 _ r__-._ =..-____...~-- , J. ?""£.."92I-1. -'1'HEP- '{.'_.u'.-.!al-,r_92ir 92.-.- ':-LT--.v.. 3--.s 1-H. '-_2'-'-.L .- .1 i " "'' . '1 i*fs"*!.'-¢."92%d£4.~.TY'.l°FIek152.;#1li3§}***-92? - _ _ -_.--.._ 3 i.92_'. ."--- .?: ~ '1'? :1" :1"-T ti"-"i .. ' . "';5:-P. - '.'=¢"¢: '7i.T'1*,_-"- 1" ='-.; 5'"-»"'* §'|§Jl-T-""'$-'1"-'§'=.!$3 ' Y-5=1""'-1''' 5' . - .~.- V , e . . _ . . ea fa»,- see herae¢aaf"i»aei>e==h1e1eosrei- steppe-eeb16e thfuational mg.-a 1" the capitalist class itsel.f-.'-;:'=~--.;~~:.4n».s.e'~'.-.I _.-:5---."' .2. I-..-.'i1=<~f| n-_§ "'.5'. _ J. ' -:1-._ i -"~'~"-5"?_ lb ._. lr'?"I= . , ,- . . , , -. ;-.. ,. -, I a ?v_»~'.e_ ___ 5, ,_ r5._ -- _r_ . -- _.- . I-6'I- ,_-'0'_|.. _,-N-..-1.8 q-. _; I-':"'-'*_-{ e , _ _ _ .._-j.rt-.b" . _-""i.'-.1_.vt*_ ".._- -;-- . ,.. -:. '~-*- "~ " . I '- ' - - -.-' ""7 .--"--,;1" """:', .» 1' . *2: -"~-W {""- I "--- . L -~>-=1;-_-_*-.-A p - . -. - .' ur 4, _ , In T-110 DailyWorker! OI11-131.181; 1949, 2,, page 1 1 -_ V. second article in aiseriee "of three appearedon .Un-Ameri'ea'n Committee and;£!?*¢5§-*1 ~ .. - .a~ ,'_ the Negro People!, In this article the _subJec'tstated that lIt is more than] . , . I passing coincidence that at the Ungkmeriean Comittee loyalty heari in ._._..-.o - "Comnmnisn{a_n_dNegroNegro the the reformistleaders-such IF'-5T as GER,- _, iv-pi. "'1:|anJ..!:b""""r1'h'S_L"ii S nothing of to_iq' the lIise_rah1e stoolpigeons suchI-I_ . ;__ ON! were not powerfulenough convincing or inenough their . 92 T. on this subject. This, despite the American bou:-geoisies all out efforts to ta - »-.="s control the Negro press through ads, or _to msagerly give crumbs from its ~ ,7»-g.1_'p ...-3 -It I » s .,- profit-laden tables for the support of such institutions as the reformiste '27.-__§,e_,f .-"-*~ i "- t'5-' may'lead. - __--,:;f'~»;'='; ._.=_,j:_.*'fr»~"_ /"' =;__.""i"~=fe._ She statedThe evei4PTesent'vi.rx1sof whitefe1ipremeci7","intenei.fied' =.-:,',.:.--~- -'national oppression,and thend class citizenship, plusintellectual ' as -."11"-i-"': 1.- -:1-Y1»1 -. '_! integrity compelled Ree. siq!f92-if, one of the leading eo religious hader-i,- I9-"'.;'.*1'.11~:-*-=-£1?-{,_**3..% "4-' . y.'?-R the chairman of the Social Service Commission of the Rational Baptist Convention,-7; ».'!,;,-;*_T'_~.<";vr.-.:,C'_to boldly declare, without apology, of the Jimcrow lynch system in the United ' -=1-_;-1--*3-1 h Q States: We do, however, seek to overthrow so intangible empire which exists _ i 1-_ '_-92 .'~$ it within our government andmany of our institutions _th_roughOu_b thelanri. ..- is that empire which shelters injustice, oppressions, exploitation, se'g'1-egatipou, -' discrimination, illwill and all of the inconsistencies 1_rhich_me.kefor eeparation',' b tension and strife. . It is against that empire that 1re'1rageour Iii; It--inf-';T'. 1'; that empire that must be subduedif re_,___areto have dvomestio peaceand give ~- _a.e-__a -1...- 1 --.:...... ~|...:... .|.. ._....1 .1 _92.--_ |- I -- ~ ,1 .. 3. .; ~= 'm'_--~_;-

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we I - e ._-a L C i3 , . .| _ . '.', _ ',fr; _ __ "§.:_-;.1'!.-.'u_~l" ;.'.i:f}'.'F"' 1" -:.£,:-i I 1 1%,. _ -_- n 1- >1-H,-,:-cg 7-+1 F 92;,,.4 .1:-1..- -- . i . :__ x in -_ H..,_ K-C_"_;_-_ . _ V ,::r.1'-'1-i.:-Q-P.» ..._A§_-:.;.___. .__é=s,___,e_;~._;_',.:_,_.__ '_-SN-___V. i -..h_,,,:w . ___ _. e - 1 1 -'. Air- ."'-. H--_- ---. .._,._~.92., , FL9 ---e.. u.-'14-.3»'-,-T"? -..-_v.- i K »._'1¢-.-'..-11¢ , __._..-.. -r---L-; _...__*-- 1'--1-.n-'~.--..» - . _; _- A -1-K~, I4'- ~+-.11»;-.--._.|92Q."192_.; Q.-,-3--F-H-_-l92__,__ ~ ,- ..u-- .-,- .- _ +a=-l--.-'=§."I-' - . ; j_ ._--.~-, L: I __i --:7_4_._; M. ;~5..;V :;;;;-;_|_7'£~i _"f.,_-"_i_ I. ...$..;__f;¬ _.?',__._:,$_;_9292__VM{..£%_1-,__i.::..._5 ___ . 92 v- _' _ - - . _ ..4 . ' _ - _- _ _v- . ..,_-_ _. _ in.-.--" ,,,_ _ ,_~,p .__¢_-__. . ~. _- =4'-V -, - '1-- -- -. , . 92 - . . '- 5: '~.' Ir _ ~1'-. " :7 " -'-'5j-" '- :1. L !f'-" "-Q-}'I 3-9'"- *7 - - ' . . ,- -..-;, n " .,.-..' __~ -- - - J -----A-.,~-- -- . -1 .. .. " .92 ._.._ .,,_-, ~<1-M-_ -1. we-._. =9!-,»_ -92.'._ - -. _;. r»:r..-3:: -_92~ -_~..-'4?"-7.33" ."- .Q?.-2;, 44*-'a-.-.>-' - 1 -;=- - 1' .-1 . ,1, < '-"",b| 1 ~_ ~- . .__, ' !_ - ...-J,-,':_~ .--~_.."-,> I 3-- -* 9 v e <, - .- -Y . If . 3., -92_~., - _''»~~.=.:... ,¢~__- - ,' _ ; gt - r -r - ~ so - ~. r er- - new mie-e es .- ' 1.1 H I {nial rib. Q-urn! A - --:4-|.e__' ."'i---H . ._ ._ . ._s X. J. ..r, ,- #1-T3 ,1-_ . ,w ... ._.div1de-a,o:}g9nile!_teotic - 15?9"-'5" t ""lIss-n me . - .-".+-|.-5 -a...n;-.t'-n;..;4=--_. _ -~05-v_v -nova -n-we-Inns, _92uaw92lJ' Um. was ._y92Iu.|.l-92||u:qeI_ Jug'[,|,§§|,§" 92;g§ =. 1 s =~ . and bolonially op:-eseeclpeoples in Africa, the Ieot Indies, a 5.1? '3;' - - ' China,the eyes oi the Heir EuropeanDemocracies, theeyes iot t ,;;.:g F *;.. '1 ;;?jS.."-L L it 1.-I

-.'_*." "ww?w; - 1 tu»q@; .15; _, th;_1,;.. -".:_: . .__,~ gin. - world democratic Ioroee,the Soviet Union, wereupon the1|,"";-__'--I-Q; ;_jif*'- 11:.- =£~'i--'-.'_ ____ , _ .7 . V _92:}_=., .___.=,__-.,~* .4 _92. . , 1 =..'=--3?-'. -,';'-v_-'. J . ,-_ . i. . . . . .' __ _ .,_ :4 ,,. '__._Ji' -w, :",._-IL 92_ ?.-'=-;':;i:.T'F if .,,...92,. 7 - "ind thirdly, these hearings boomsrenged becauseeven among re:tornint- ; ;_. , 1-""E'r92?$'. " Negro leaders, intellectual integrity end intensified national oppression pushes ' " many of themto e clearer realization of the profoundtruth sp9_15e_n_pyFrederick . r---" 1:.r~:.-.92mm. ' :2;. - '- .-.1» ~-pi' 7 92Douglass; '_Po1rer_ooncedes without struggled nothingI .; - _.;.. .- '17 I | Ff - l_ _w 1.,t. n i f _oba ¬m&mnEuwnewmuai'5 rv_ee Y" -=' , "~_i-.:-"with Mrs.__ 92smi, wife of mm wmswo, in the courtro onat the Gonm1nistol*7??.,' __,_.' " __ '_ .- Party trial," United States House, Foley Square,.__on _Se_pte and 22,_1949.t } f .-'.e1 IQ';. --E FY.-3'93?.V_ 1,.:5 .. *--- . _ V - 1 ,?¢ 92>_ - ~<; 92_ H ..- _. .- we ;..~».-2.1*-;1='?-*~="=i~-"1:-*--".?".*éd-1*#911$-¢=ll" p.- '- ,--~1..-»=.-_ . . ,_ ,, _ . - 1-H-an-.~=-*-¬*-vi;-1=1£I.-.Iéi~- .-.--_v_ -e---, v-»,. 92-._-_._.-;--,--- 9- ,- '." ,- » 4 T . =-

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__ 7 "DA/ILY WOPKERH _*%__ 7 . T " O_ F _FEB. FOURTEEN QUOTES sxzc . SECRETARY, ACPFB , AS sr ATINQ THAT T INSTANT T? TiHEARING.AGhISTCLAU- DIA JONES, SECRETARY N - ' , ATIONAL woman-s comnzssgou, CPUSA, was A6, BEEN __ _ /@/'A'_ _ ARRANGED BY _* JUSTICE- _ DEPT. WHEN "NEGRO HISTOR j _ _ j Y MONTH *I*S BETNG CI-ILEBRATED" H AND '_'L-J1-QZCONSIDE _ i__ R T1118 'ACTION IN UTTER C ~;?-THEIR c j? onrzmpr or THE NEGRO PEOP ~ F5 §§'j __ scnzxnr onrnxaurxom T TO "W AMERICAN THw" J J LIFE ___ u . ms, NY,F5516? +'__ n ' LE IQgp ?-'1. _ 111.1: PLs5 _ T; _6;£§:|a52."9»tR_bigs0§?T11,}fP'jQ¬Q§92%6?§C - -, " . - " 787 so *_'_ % Q < -__2._,H '01-HEW In i9292® . -Vb 4a»; N- n?NFy.'.'92.__ 1 - _ - A.__-__- ~-. _ ;_._ . ----1,,-.-.='a' .- '|. -- H"_W'7--. + J- -. __,_'_.. . V A ,_ V . --. ,92 . ".H I '

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Alien Registration No. 'W FBi No. -_.-_4ao5§¬e_..-.-__- ..._.or Visa Application No. -.e...-....~___.__...... _...... Date of birth ...E§.bru.=:.::1.-.Z1_. .J.___ Birthplace E!'..3.-.1.1..5§.§Zi;'3.S?.'*.1,.53.!-_*-ll.§_h__lif_Q.§1?.._l.nd1 i - iuorllh! DI!! Year! TGTII! - Q-§::'vl '15 It Marital status ..._-_-.-....E§_?§i|:.§.g_.....__._ -.1.~. .3";-' Race .3i.2s2.2.--_--.-.. Color -...§9.1§.__S £2E%E.l.9.._..... Occupation-______:___e~______W :_ ___ Ti Complexion Eyes ....i!§9..W..!!...__ ~~<~':-§'='-Q, . .92-;__ ::~.1-'-_-,-,H, H811- 1>l.e.ck_._ Height _.__5.!&'!__ Weight clan;

rf Visible marks __....!1.9.l.9_..9.&l1LED$_Qh&.Qk'..~ eeeeeeeee W , 7 ~e____ _

Places of residence last 5 years include street and n ber! : .1 --it; .i _ 506 West 143 Street, New York, 1; I -_' 5 104 W. 115th Street, New York, N Y _ " I.4 Places of employment last 5 yearn: % Communiat ---"~Party, U-S.A-, New-York City E] An applicant for naturalization. The aublect 1: El An applicant for a certicate of lawful entry. @x...._depnn1:a.t'..i.on...p.::oc.e.ed.1nga- . Y NOTE: PREVIOUS NEGATIVE REPORT RECEIVED SEPTEMBER, 1948 3|. -'~ ' av": - .--> _ u.'.x Fingerprints are not! attached. V

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.»i $9 = DIRECTOR, FBI '-. w i I>ATB= March 20, 195Q;/Z. f -:-an-I-Ill = W, memo CONH NTIAL. = @ ii {§'$"JE°T= cmunn JONES, ms. A INTERNAL SECURITY - C

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