92 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CLAUDIA JONES PART 2 OF 4 FILE NUMBER : 100-72390 &#39;_._.1-- L/400//? 92/0/ 5 / I/01,0/WE i.___ .&#39;?lé ,1v¬ I " &#39; -- -1. " r=-.~ ~ A 7 32,- *-¢4 --4 , _-._&#39; V. 1 _@~_.._ ------ &#39; A-7 -,.-.e_...____ $__ .-:1 ¢ -_92 ., _! "-92*,&#39;:.,=...&#39;_,r - ti ;=w3&#39;_ . Y:-1 e H. 5 I V , 92 . - &#39;1 _ I ._ ,_z;~ - __ PI &#39;&#39;_. -- &#39;1_1~.&#39; .-&#39;_-.?-. &#39;1&#39;: gww 5"» N" T°1f1=. - _ _ October12,"i&#39;9h9 =1 .;,> Director, FBI &#39;, _ _ e A * J r .-=,_;~.~- +.-.1L. - - ,;_;- :~¢ , --| &#39; nnwmur.Cuunn sscuanr muC5cHourIc:, --c --with P. _-_-.~; teliuel =5"?9* 1;.-_;+j _"%»:&#39;_-~.--1 M &#39; j. +1-.,? Your file 100-16676-; ...;.,_&#39;.jA __ A_ L B111¢ 10°-7239&#39;! " 1"" ~ . -= »- - . I ~ &#39; =.. ,= -. e- I. .&#39;~- - --" 5- " -.- -*. 1- -K .-4&#39;; t=.v _ ~.." "-- - e e, :. 1-. ~- - _ .a~.:_- ~= *" Q-&#39; --= Q-&#39; d&#39;A_:92>>. :~ 1&#39;1--» ll; ;_._.*-&#39;."§"=":-=:-i4;-.1":=*,==-";"-==~-L. -- » =;* ~ - = . 92V: . ,- < _ ~_,,__I . - . -.,,&#39; . - -= ¢&#39;--. --3-5; ~ .__--_1 I -_; -- . * i_ &#39;»=-E-T37:-1~ -1n An e:|:e.n:Lnationof I92I1>j0¢§-&#39;8-fill! reects thatthe lest .i¢.-W| port submittedby youroftice is datedFeb:-uu7 L,19149,; Ly}, * "1 &#39; &#39;- - 1 ~-»&#39; =;1 -;- ..c&#39;1 T. ate as soon as poaaiblu - - - , . , . t Please eubnit another report "HQ. -3% _, 1»-. briil thil patter pl? #0. .,~H .0 &#39;,&#39;;,&#39;¬&#39;£;&#39;.!: ?¢§§EiB" 7-. -92 . _ .- - _ ,&#39;-..~1i_ _ -:-;_..:" A..&#39; F _&#39; Si; 1 " e. ;4 . t -- -, .. .1 . C it-1 . *3r .1 . -x __- ..- &#39; _ 4 » .,~ __ F &#39; 92.,_-.-» . v _.i_ |&#39;._.A ~92- 92 " .,,.-.... .-_-~ - , ,, . , x-~, _ ,. _ . 92 &#39; 1&#39;°"@ *V gm! mum &#39; . Ills .. ;"Q4*%1;£b&#39; &#39; : E .. _H &#39;0__,-t - 2:2:4 @!~W92***"~. - Q , 4-L1 ~ a y- . EI1]EJ_L-&#39;=ugcmssig /?s@%»~tee~-Y» 86%, V L <1@¢1/L""_&#39;_7..°""&#39;-..Z.7""t .2.- ":5... &#39;I at e. .9292Q001 64 131949 3 ~- &#39;-. ii- -.1 Ti 92¢2 -ii -Fe. 92_ __ .- . _. --_.-i- I ~- "A _ &#39; !v*S£92 &#39; __. -.- .1;. ~~$5£Lci{92&#39;41 . F/1&8 ! _&#39;_ __7_ __.,__ _ V; -f ha, ___,E_ _.. --I---I-n~ ______..___ *~.. 3 _ Q / * . - fwg __..,92 &#39; . 1:=.&#39;;Aa " "&#39;-. I.-if . &#39;1-..., _ &#39; 9. ; FEDERALBUREAU OF INVESTIGATION E$"I Iurmrmx -&#39; &#39;II"&#39;l&#39;ruscAston|c||~|A&#39;rInA&#39;I&#39;I &#39;. " I Ilfoxt W j&#39;3E ....-...EE.;...,E.,,.EE>;I;,...;;.;.;; A A &#39; .-.¢; -_ 7 .. .. -M ",1" 4 -_-F3 ; ._- 1- J: I mt IORI i &#39;1°-Z5-49 $71:57 3 A A ;.-l. .. 7 &#39; 7 * 1- ~ 1;.- l&#39;l&#39;l&#39;LI " J~"!&#39;!;.3- .__; " . n CIAUDIAVEEASCHOLELGE,no -.¢;§__ ..==_~.A. --a.._ _ svuowgérJ F if T ¢f5";-=~&#39;_¢, ....»- 1 ,¢@1@~.~> AA/&#39; I-I ____ - 92 I". fv: -*6-" 11¢. 5% 1 ~-=-: L~;-2--»&#39;;» »~-. A /A :3-Ii: ws.-=:&#39;:92;1"§Pll&#39;f"--92-92?;f- ;=&#39;£P.=@:;rT>:92zr¥ ...,. -.,;_ . E .-= 5;- _,-1.. L. _ I . v -,~>~~ ~._ @-I -I 92 92 --q Se-3-&#39;1 92 . &#39;-HZ-, .".&#39;.-&#39; Q I_,,,,.- &#39;1&#39; .-____ . ____,: __ "94 . Q_.*;;&#39; um5 REIFERHIICES Csssied by _ .::.¥.i»I ;. _,-ii-If-_ " Bedassify9;-I:n-5-if $111,512;-3 &#39; "92_Q~- / - -.,-,. _ _ 7-&#39;5f;§&#39; 5 Bureau rm 160-:2 = 5- - &#39; &#39;34- 1- .-__ -- RapOrIiSA Of Turk . ._W , nmms, New Io:-klatter ureau, /15/49, &#39;. ii _ ss.l= 15? 4//Y ~ 1&#39;!"W ~ _ _ I I 2 _ ExemPt ,._>-92_ D_: &#39;-&#39;7&#39;. msorxA *3» - S4. .c£a___; __<=s* ifof 19¢ - * _~&#39; , mm.throI1%§I&#39;t-ho, -3; ea I Z----»-.- g u cgknown %118b11.1&#39;Iiyq[Y1gQd _ . "- 6 °1&#39;I I-1&#39;05!!e!ono_caJ:l. Ian uqarftaiqedthat !!_ CIAUDIA JOKE ._._,.-J-..; - .-- J .. - 1 -A I . -41$? &#39; ,qppgqv""]b-||j E mi W I m N-3&#39; . "W &#39; &#39; &#39; ""&#39; &#39; ii!y FORWARn run - W 7 mo-!i_|-_._ 1 aanoq-wnrrlm-ruI§VlW|u?VW W I I ._ by 1. /2351é 1 4 7 ?~?_-@720i"?:5 I I . "II ,- """" ~&#39; 13*». -&#39;==-~"+ &#39;I nin-29* _§§:a§;¢" L7/_:~,&#39;71, ,<-.60/9I?/S7 {A} I.I_S&#39;_&#39;,,T I I 92 Ik7 RECOR2 INDEXED -"- 29 92 _ . &#39; 4. - - ~ ._ -_._ . ___.._.-1-__ . _1 J 92» 0 . £- ¥"r*%;&#39;3" - &#39; _ . " "&#39;. ,92 II 100-1867i &#39; " "c.e;@1..»....e - -. - -.- L~ else ~- ; " -~.»;-»,1.z-.»n»--+-4..--- -J11. "V ~ "&#39;~ = =¢92r ---- ae.;w"e*" ".~ ~""-7-Q-115%-~ ~ --4 V ,-.--7&#39;4 He"-¢---9-Ir t -- ,..:.,=».-----&#39;--:&#39;~-~=&#39;l- ;--R-~12» -r~~. *~>_n&#39;~_3--r.- -&#39;;-;..h-.1&#39;>?;-e"-&#39;1&#39;-...9-"&#39;15-&#39;.7~¢"",.*-= &#39;;&#39;.&#39;.% -~ &#39; .f- ,_-:- ._. :2: _; i,-2:; $1-___&#39;,§_ I 1 |.-&#39;1-.5"=..n,.._rr-_._&#39;:V,,:_.-_ H; -,V -*.: :-- air;-r. _-__~__ &#39;V&#39;I1I T»f}-,- ,._-_-_ l-G; .1, I *-92 . hi K"_ g, 1! 4.. ,, Q 3&#39; -5-=_,1. , .~s. _ qr I &#39; " > -92-.- ~ :1. * " *&#39; &#39;r ,- ~,,,-".~&#39;-ft 92.._ ._ _ ». &#39;,_ r92 ~ If .1 ~- -,1 __ .¢ . gsfi>. ec 13*;1 _ - .., 5&#39; -.="Fi§i .1*~.ir= &#39; 1- re .-_ . r . __ 1 - " _ -- &#39; - _?1&#39;.:--_.;_ 11. General Connnmiet 3;-1_=;_g¢uv11;;e ~ ~_"- ;~" -~ -r - . &#39; _.-- , - - . ~ ; :- *1 e .~ V ri &#39;There ie eet forth herewith e emmhy the to L 1 :1 . -- -a-.. -1- _-_ __, activity or theL eubject , eut1.1_.ned_ in chronological elder; L &#39;~ - - g i e ; " . =. A i - 2 , e » 92_,_,__y;-&#39;=1&#39;e J", -*-:-, --. -1 r;-;. .~ .&#39;- :&#39; :3? ;._- j A In up mu; m-nu of February 15, 191.9, pp "2, mm; 3 and f 4, it wee reported that CLAUDIA JCNE 01&#39; the Iational Ionen&#39;l&#39; C-euI1eeioe,&#39;GP,&#39;;. *2" U31, 1ra.e a. member of e delegation of ten women organised by the Congreee of &#39;* American Yemen, who petitioned Judge HLROID R. IRA, United Stctee District- . _ Court, protestSouthern against District exclusionor oi New rcnen Iork, ontron 3:17 February eervice. 15, l9&9 toDr. m5,=_:=,.-5hqg35re eter a V &#39;- cnm-mn 0! the Congreee OI American Iomen m cu dele 1:1? - :19 7* _-:- 1 . =5-=_ .- -&#39; fl-£1? ~&#39;:-~~?1I » .;-&#39;7 -. - .-:3? sf &#39; V &#39;->31 _ &#39; . ; Li -., __ "T31. ,L -=1;- " I 2: - I ~> -t - _ - .. __ &#39; e- 92_ - 1&#39; ,-4-I .-1?-I ,1. ....&#39;. _ ,_ _ . &#39;-; rywf -r?*T~&#39;:i£=.&#39;-Fe K &#39;1- cg"?-ii.. Wl _, __..:,_ l9.."é*="*-"4 - -,-..+.i7.~+.&#39;-~ -. 4 I". .&#39;_- .&#39;-&#39; L-._&#39;J!fP&#39;- . " 92_&#39; - ~.,. sL pm 1,I,1,/A _ 2_ W A <. , 0 .- ; .__ .=-"Q" &#39;92 .._% jg 92 e_ 4. - - _.&#39;_92....¢-».»-,3;-._|-._ . _.,..,,_, II 100-1&&#39;76:>&#39;+. ,_*_._-. &#39;*=-*1-.. .P.92; ""*"»-Ht-*9 &#39;!-.- ,1,~&#39;!1&#39;~*&#39;:&#39;**.&#39;.&#39;"F»791-S-3&#39;!:F";T&#39;l6L;5::1.;~v:1-lbi§¬-4:; ldin"-"-..5%" " &#39;-I. J- 92I . &#39;_ -. - &#39; :&#39;. _ " = -&#39; $9 &#39;3""r* r-_-1-1,.,~ --q :&#39;;_--,-311--4,.&#39; 92.,~1u-- 9!92, >&#39; 21¢-&#39;»."&#39;.!"""!&#39;-9&#39;-=&#39;s."1J_&#39;--~=j¢--r - v.- _ .. _ _ ,,,_ . _92 _g_.- . ,.r ~, .&#39; - .~.&#39;&#39; _ __,. 9 H * vr-. 7 v ..»-"*. ¢ * ., =1 . .. 1,. "Y 9 9 In up Bail; rm-m-I =2 ram»; 229, 191.9%, pip 2, on.-; 3,l=1¢iT.&#39; f_i_, : p&#39; i III reported that &#39;CIlUDIlJGE, national leader OI HI O0iIl1I¬&#39;Pl.l"|i]&#39;,"_ "&#39;&#39; would epeekat the Lincoln-Douglas lenoriel Betin; on February 23, 1949 et&#39; 1 ..92 Ienhetten Center, In Iork City. _ = - . Q r, _..;&#39;__&#39;-;,~;- * C . _.. o ; .&#39; &#39;_ - "=, V. ,_-- _ In "14! &#39;- 4-+< < ~- The Daily Iorherl of February 23, 1949, page 7, oolunn 3, reported &#39; . , .- that the ebovwmentioned burial looting was being sponsored by the law Iork sue, -. .¢ _:E__ !I_=eth Been!oi the Gong-.1h.i.t £1.11-ty=It !-_- at-eteel. thattm the:-.. e! tb...-= acting .4. --&#39;.,.-,-H; would be Houth tights for peace end freedom. theepecitio points to be con-.&#39;.. Rif-l---Y-I ,|-»- ;i- : eidered at the meetingwould include: - "-*"-.1,-_&#39;,.-;__,: &#39;¢-jet_¬&#39; . &#39; . I . _ ¢ 1*- &#39;:~1.: .&#39;-~;{&#39;2&#39; r A - . - _ . = . &#39; 1. _ _ 5&#39;.» -.3..&#39;<1, . - - &#39; - v .-§~.-.= .}y.5:-927,92 = _ _ - I 9 - &#39;E1; Protest mum. policebmunt1.=*;i;-< I $::?-2z92.r-min &#39;2 Fight for Jobe for Iegro yon:th,...;.92.; .
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