A. Affiliations, 3 Distinctions B

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A. Affiliations, 3 Distinctions B Doing Experience – Marvel Heroics Style 0. Consider each data file to have, at least, the following for free: a. Affiliations, 3 Distinctions b. One power set, 2 die at d6, one sfx and one limit(assume extra limits are added, no t changed) c. 2 specialities at d8 d. Milestones 1. Using normal XP expenditure rules, calculate how much EXP it would take to make that character. 2. For a custom character within a group of pre-made files, add up all the EXP spent by each character (either before or after the beginning of play) 3. Divide it by the number of players – this will give you your mean. 4. After applying the rule of 0 to the custom character, give them that much EXP to spend on making their character. Example Armour Ignore Affiliations and Distinctions. Power set o Two powers of d10 – 40 EXP(10 for d8, 10 for d10 x2) o 3 sfx – 30 EXP (2 new Sfx =15 exp) o 2 Limits – 5 EXP (1 new limit=5 exp) Specialities o 3 at Expert – 15exp(2 free, one at expert purchased) Total =90 exp Keep in mind If somebody actually has less than rule 0 for in power sets or specialities a reduction in XP cost is applied. If a sheet says X+Y, X is the first and Y the second power set on the sheet respectively. This isn’t entirely indicative of effectiveness. These are just numbers. Means are rounded to nearest multiple of 5, with the actual number (0dp) in brackets. It’s hard to find groups of four with identical XP costs – a range of +-10 should suffice. I assume Marvel wanted character power to match comic power – seems to have worked. 50SI(Rev) = Fifty State Initiative (Revised edition) The highest cost is Dr Strange with 475, 110 more than the closest competitor (cable). The lowest is Microbe with 25, 20 less than Tabitha Smith. Pretty much every appearance in Civil war is an upgrade or identical to their core version. Powers: X(-X) means that they have less than standard of something – the deduction reflects this. Super Heroes(Alphabetical, By book appearance) with EXP costs from step 0 Name Set Powers SFX Limits Specialities Total Cost Armour Core 40 30 5 15 90 Beast Core 100 10 0 120 230 B. Panther Core 30+80 0+20 0+5 120 255 B. Widow Core 40+40 10+10 5+5 75 185 Cap America Core 60+65 40 0+5 60 230 Colossus Core 120 20 10 15 165 Cyclops Core 20(-10) 20 5 60 95 Daredevil Core 20+70 10+30 0+5 90 225 Emma Frost Core 100+95 20+10 0+10 75 310 H. Torch Core 70 40 0 15 125 Invis.Woman Core 110 40 0 45 195 Iron Fist Core 60 20 0 90 170 Iron Man Core 70+60 0+30 5 60 225 Luke Cage Core 70 10 0 60 140 M.Fantastic Core 80 30 0 90 200 M.Marvel Core 110 20 0 45 175 Sentry Core 140 20 5 30 195 Shadowcat Core 20+30 20+20 5+5 75 175 Spider Man Core 90+60 20+20 0+5 75 230 Spiderwoman Core 40+90 10+10 0+5 75 225 Storm Core 155 30 5 60 250 Thing Core 90 30 0 45 165 Wolverine Core 95+60 20+30 0+10 90 305 Book Mean Core 200(198) Name Set Powers SFX Limits Specialities Total Cost Arachne Civil War 80+70 0+20 0+5 45 220 B.Panther 2 Civil War 40+80 20+20 0+5 135 300 Cable Civil War 190+30 10+20 5+5 105 365 C.America 2 Civil War 60+65 20+20 0+5 60 230 Clint Barton… Civil War 40 0 0 75 115… …As Hawkeye Civil War +40 +50 +5 - +95 …As Ronin Civil War +40 +30 +5 - +75 …As Goliath Civil War +90 +20 +10 - +120 Cloak Civil War 80 20 5 0 105 Dagger Civil War 70 30 5 45 120 Daredevil2 Civil War 20+60 10+30 0+5 90 215 Deadpool Civil War 20+130 20+30 0+5 75 280 Dr Strange Civil War 155+75+85 20+10+30 0+5+5 90 475 Falcon Civil War 20+70 0+20 0+5 45 160 Goliath Civil War 90 30 5 75 200 Hercules Civil War 130 40 0 30 200 H.Torch 2 Civil War 70 40 0 30 140 Inv.Woman2 Civil War 110 40 0 45 195 Iron Man 2 Civil War 110+120 10+50 5 60 355 Luke Cage 2 Civil War 80 20 0 60 160 M. Fantastic 2 Civil War 80 30 0 90 200 Moonknight Civil War 40+60 10+20 0+10 105 245 Ms. Marvel2 Civil War 110 20 0 45 175 Nighthawk Civil War 60+80 10+20 0+5 15 190 Punisher Civil War 20 40 5 105 170 She-Hulk Civil War 105 30 0 60 195 SpiderMan2 Civil War 130+50 40+20 5 75 320 SpiderWoman2 Civil War 40+90 10+10 0+5 75 230 Sub-Mariner Civil War 135 30 5 45 215 Thing2 Civil War 90 30 0 45 165 Tigra Civil War 130 30 0 90 250 Wasp Civil War 80+40 10+20 5+5 45 205 Wolverine Civil War 95+60 20+30 0+10 90 305 Wonder man Civil War 155 20 0 30 205 Yellow Jacket Civil War 50+110 0+20 5+10 60 255 Book Mean Civil War 225 Name Set Powers SFX Limits Specialities Total Cost Armory 50SI(Rev) 40 20 10 0 70 Black Cat 50SI(Rev) 90 20 0 75 185 Bullseye 50SI(Rev) 20 30 0 75 125 The Captain 50SI(Rev) 130 20 0 0(-15) 135 Cloud 9 50SI(Rev) 30 20 0 0(-15) 35 Colleen W. 50SI(Rev) 0+60 10+20 0+5 75 170 Elsa B.S. 50SI(Rev) 70+20 10+20 0+5 30 155 Gauntlet 50SI(Rev) 90 20 0 15 125 Hardball 50SI(Rev) 60 20 0 0 80 Hellcat 50SI(Rev) 50+60 10+20 0+5 45 190 Howard.T.D. 50SI(Rev) 30+50 10+20 0+5 30 145 Justice 50SI(Rev) 90 30 5 15 140 Komodo 50SI(Rev) 110 20 5 30 165 Machine M. 50SI(Rev) 140 20 0 15 175 Mysty K. 50SI(Rev) 20+40 10+20 5+5 60 160 Monica R. 50SI(Rev) 55+50 0+30 5+5 30 175 Moonstone 50SI(Rev) 180 20 0 45 245 MVP 50SI(Rev) 60 40 0 15 115 Paladin 50SI(Rev) 40+60 20+20 0+5 45 190 Penance 50SI(Rev) (10-10)+70 10+20 5+5 0 110 RadioactiveM. 50SI(Rev) 90 20 0 45 155 Shang Chi 50SI(Rev) 60 30 0 75 195 Songbird 50SI(Rev) 100 20 0 30 150 Swordsman 50SI(Rev) (20-10)+50 0+20 0+5 45 130 Tabitha S. 50SI(Rev) 20(-10) 20 0 15 45 Trauma 50SI(Rev) 40 20 5 15 80 Venom 50SI(Rev) 70+80 0+20 0+5 30 205 War Machine 50SI(Rev) 90+50 10+30 0+5 75 260 Book Mean 50SI(Rev) 150(146) .
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