Short Encounters for Characters of Any Level
TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword . 2 Adventure Customs and Shorthand . 2 About the Authors . 2. So, a Displacer Beast Cub and a Pack of Blink Dogs Ran Across Our Path… by Alan Tucker . .3 . So, a Sverfneblin, Chased by a Duergar Posse, Walked into Our Campsite… by Chad M. Lensch . 4. So, a Poacher Walks Into a Lodge… by Harm Delva . 5 . So, a Goblin in a Cage Hangs Over the Road… by Ciaran O’Halloran . 6 So, an Exotic Merchant and a Crippled Aarakocra Landed on Our Campsite… by Elven Tower . .7 So, an Umber Hulk and a Slaad Fly Over the Road… by Tony Petrecca . 8. So, a Blind Woman and a Medusa Walk Along the Road… by Beatriz T. Dias . .9 . So, a Barghest and Its Goblin Prey Are Found on the Road… by David McDonough . 10. So, a Child and His Sister Walk Onto the Road… by Matt Vaughan (Dungeon Rollers) . 11 So, Two Clans of Goblins Gathered by the Road With a Hag—Then a Bunch of Bards Showed Up… by George Sager . 12 So, a Magic Axe, a Skeleton, and a Crowd of Peasants Block the Road… by Duncan Rhodes . 13 . So, a Campfire Appeared Along the Road… by Morten Greis . 14 So, Some Adventurers With a Locked Chest Step Onto the Road… by Richard Malena-Webber . 15 So, a Tearful Shepherd, Three Pixies, and Flock of Sheep Walk Onto the Road… by Karl Sciberras . 16 Encounter Modifier Tables by ELF Vesala . .1 7 . Short Encounters for CREDITS Design & Layout: Alan Tucker Characters of Any Level Art: Alan Tucker, and licensed and modified stock art from and DMsGuild Community Resources IT CLICKS! Editing: Linda May and Alan Tucker This version of the product is DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and fully hyperlinked so you can all other wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
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