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OF WYOMING 849 ZntStreet, Sdte 201

&-ton, Wpmiy 82930 (307) 789-6735 TABLE OF CONTENTS


This Section is provided under separate cover.


2.1 Afton Water Supply System Description

2.2 Project History

2.3 Authorization

2.4 Study Area Description and Population

2.5 Study Objectives

2.6 Previous Studies

2.7 Acknowledgments


3.1 Identification of Water Use 3.1.1 Service Area Population 3.1.2 Water Use 3.1.3 Comparative Usage and Water Conservation Measures

3.2 Existing Water Supply Source - Periodic Spring 3.2.1 Water Quality 3.2.2 Spring Recharge Area 3.2.3 Spring Classification 3.2.4 Available Spring Discharge

3.3 Periodic Spring Collection System 3.3.1 Collection Pipe Condition and Capacity

3.4 Water Rights Considerations 3.4.1 Existing Water Rights 3.4.2 Other Potential Senior Water Rights 3.4.3 Needed Water Rights Filings and Petitions 3.4.4 Available Water vs. Legal Supply

Table of Contents - Page 1 3.5 Other Potential Water Supply Sources 3.5.1 Additional Canyon Springs 3.5.2 Direct Filtration Treatment Plant 3.5.3 Groundwater Well(s)


4.1 General

4.2 Periodic Spring Collection Tank 4.2.1 Collection Tank Capacity 4.2.2 Collection Tank Condition

4.3 System Storage 4.3.1 Existing 1 MG Tank and Feedline 4.3.2 Storage Capacity 4.3.3 Tank Site Location 4.3.4 Modifications Required for Continued Use of Existing Tank

4.4 Canyon Transmission Line 4.4.1 Description of Existing Line 4.4.2 Pressure Control Valving 4.4.3 Condition of Existing Line Swift Creek Crossings "Slide Lake" Considerations 4.4.4 Canyon Geology and Soils Construction Considerations Soil Corrosivity 4.4.5 Pipeline Capacity Existing Capacity Future Canyon Transmission Line Sizing Future Lower Transmission Line Sizing


5.1 Primary Water Supply

5.2 Project Alternatives 5.2.1 Alternate No. 1 : Periodic Spring Supply - Immediate Needs 5.2.2 Alternate No. 2: Periodic Spring Supply - Long Term Needs 5.2.3 Alternate No. 3: Swift Creek Collection - Water Treatment

5.3 Estimated Alternative Project Costs

5.4 Operation and Maintenance

5.5 "Life Cycle" Cost Comparison

Table of Contents - Page 2 6.0 HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY

I 6.1 General

6.2 Facility Siting

6.3 Optimizing PipelineIHydroelectric Station

6.4 Conceptual Design

6.5 Operation Plan

6.6 Licensing and Power Sales Agreements


7.1 General

7.2 Recommended Water Supply System Improvements 7.2. 1 Periodic Spring Renovation 7.2.2 Spring Collection Tank Renovations 7.2.3 Upper Canyon Transmission Line 7.2.4 Flow Control/Pressure Reduction Station 7.2.5 1 MG Canyon Storage Tank 7.2.6 Lower Canyon Transmission Line 7.2.7 Booster Pump Station 7.2.8 Supplemental/Back-up Well Supply 7.2.9 System Telemetry and Control

7.3 Recommended Hydro-electric Generation Facility

7.4 Project Economic Data 7.4.1 Recommended Project Budgets 7.4.2 Financing 7.4.3 User Rate ImpactJAbility to Pay

7.5 Project Permitting Requirements 7.5.1 U.S. Forest Service Special Use Permits 7.5.2 Wyoming DEQ Permit to Construct 7.5.3 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit 7.5.4 Right-of-way Acquisition 7.5.5 Archeological Clearance 7.5.6 Water Rights 7.5.7 FERC Permit 7.5.8 Power Sales Agreement

Table of Contents - Page 3 Appendix A - Detailed Cost Estimates

Appendix B - Water Quality Data

Appendix C - Swift Creek Canyon Transmission Line Inspection Log

Appendix D - Groundwater Investigation Report Appendix E - Afton Water Rights Documentation

Table of Contents - Page 4 LIST OF TABLES

Table 3.1 Afton Population History Table 3.2 Afton Water Usage (present) Table 3.3 Water Usage Comparisons Table 3.4 Afton Water Rights Summary Table 3.5 Swift Creek Drainage - Afton Legal Yield vs. Month

Table 4.1 Criteria for Evaluating Corrosion Potential in Soils Table 4.2 Pipe Size Comparisons Table 4.3 Lower Transmission Line - Residual Fire Flow Pressures

Table 5.1 Alternative Water Supply Project Cost Estimates Table 5.2 Economics Comparisons of Project Alternatives

Table 6.1 Summary of Hydroelectric Performance Based on Different Pipeline Sizes Table 6.2 Summary of Additional Hydroelectric Project Costs

Table 7.1 Recommended Project Budget - Water Supply System Improvements Table 7.2 Recommended Project Budget - Hydro-Power Facility Table 7.3 Recommended Project User Rate Impacts

Table of Contents - Page 5 LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 2.1 Project Location Map Figure 2.2 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2.3 Existing Water Supply System Configuration

Figure 3.1 Periodic Spring Siphon Model Figure 3.2 Periodic Spring Existing Collection System Figure 3.3 Interim Spring Improvement Detail - Collection Line Vent Modification Figure 3.4 Estimated Lowest Discharge Spring Cycle - Flow vs. Time Figure 3.5 Afton Water Rights Duration Curve

Figure 4.1 Reservoir Siting Map

Figure 6.1 Hydroelectric FacilityIOne MG Reservoir Site Plan Figure 6.2 Hydroelectric Building

Figure 7.1 Overview of Recommended Project Figure 7.2 Periodic Spring Improvement Figure 7.3 97,000 Gallon Tank Rehabilitation Figure 7.4 Flow ControliPressure Reduction System


- This Section is provided under separate cover - SECTION 2.0 INTRODUCTION



The Town of Afton is a community of approximately 1400 residents making it the largest community in the Star Valley area. Afton's only water supply comes from the "Periodic Spring" located approximately five miles east up Swift Creek Canyon. From the spring, Afton's water is carried 870 feet (170 foot drop) through a 14-inch steel conduit where it is collected in a 97000 gallon concrete tank.

From that point, the water is carried to the Town of Afton through approximately 5 miles of transmission pipeline. The upper 18,000 feet of the pipeline is 12-inch diameter thin-walled steel pipe. The remainder of the line is 14-inches in diameter. Line pressures are controlled by two Pressure reducing valve stations and a pressure relief ("blow-off")valve located at the east edge of town, 0.6 miles up the canyon, and 1.I miles up the canyon respectively.

There is a one million gallon concrete storage tank located in Graveyard canyon near the southeast corner of the town. This tank is fed from the Swift Creek Canyon transmission line through a 10-inch PVC pipeline approximately 4000 feet in length.

The present spring development, collection tank, and transmission line were constructed in the late 1950's. The blow-off valve was added approximately 5 years ago to minimize maintenance problems associated with excessive line pressures. The existing 1 MG storage tank was constructed in 1982 to address fire storage concerns in the community.

A map of Afton's existing water supply system is included as Figure 2.3.


In 1984, an unusually heavy winter and wet spring resulted in a major mud slide in Swift Creek Canyon. This slide, located approximately 112 mile downstream of the Periodic Spring, formed a lake which covered the Town's water transmission line and their access road to the spring. In 1986, the Town contracted to have the creek channel restored and the lake drained at a cost of almost $8000.00. Within one month of this restoration work, a second mud slide was experienced in the same area. Since that time, several more slides have occured.

The creation of "Slide Lake" has eliminated the ability of the Town to adequately maintain their pipeline and spring area above the slide. There is particular concern about the age and condition of the pipeline under the lake. Damage and/or deterioration of that line will likely result in the introduction of untreated creek water into the Town's water supply unless the problem is corrected. == I I --F- = -=- ASSOCIATESFORSGREN / P .A. In October of 1989, the Town submitted an application to the Wyoming Water Development Commission for the primary purpose of addressing the problems associated with Slide Lake. As part of that application, the Town requested that the Commission also examine several other concerns and operational deficiencies noted by system operators. This study is a result of that application and it's subsequent approval by the Commission.


Authorization for the Afton Water Supply Level II Study was granted by contract between the Wyoming Water Development Commission and Forsgren Associates dated June of 1990. The project sponsor is the Town of Afton.

The contractual deadline for completing this study is May 15, 1991. However, that schedule has been accelerated at the request of the project sponsor in order that funding for recommended system improvements could be considered in the upcoming 1991 legislative session.


The area served by the Afton water system is confined primarily to the Town of Afton itself with the exception of approximately 32 homes along Nield-String Road which are outside the Town's corporate limits.


The objective of this study as expressed in the initial Request for Proposals is "to determine the technical and economic feasibility of rehabilitating the municipal water supply system for Afton, Wyoming." The primary goals for this study can be summarized as follows:

1. Inventory the existing water supply system. This inventory includes the evaluation of water quality, intake facility adequacy, transmission pipeline condition and capacity, etc.

2. Evaluate the operational characteristics of the water supply system.

3. Evaluate water rights associated with the Swift Creek Drainage to ascertain the relative security of the Town's legal supply.

4. Evaluate new and/or additional water supply sources including groundwater.

5. Make recommendations for needed system improvements. Prepare conceptual designs and cost estimates for such recommended improvements.

6. Perform an economic analysis to ascertain probable rate-payer impacts and to assist the WWDC in determining a fair and equitable financing plan and the level of State assistance. Because of the excellent records, information, and participation provided by the Town of Afton, the project budget was adequate to include two additional study objectives as follows:

7. Consider the technical and economic feasibility of a small conduit hydropower facility as an add-on to the town's water supply system.

Provide the necessary survey monument ties to the Periodic Spring for the purposes of water rights transfers by the Town. Begin the permitting process (as directed) for recommended improvements.


Several studies have been performed relative to Afton's water system and/or the Periodic Spring as follows:

1. Community Consultants, Inc. Reoort On Water Svstem Master Plan - Afton, Wvominq. March 1980

2. Community Consultants, Inc. Reoort on Underaround Leak Survev for Afton, Wvomina. October 1979

Harco Corporation. Corrosion En~ineerinaStudv - Town of Afton Water Main. March 1983

W. W. Rubey. The "Gevser" or intermittent Sorina near Afton. Wvomina. 1972

Peter W. Huntoon and James C. Coogan. The Strange Hvdrodvnamics of Periodic Sprina,- Ranae, Wvominq. 1987


Forsgren Associates gratefully acknowledges the efforts and support of the Af-ton Town Council and the Town's system operator, Mr. Lael Eddins. Their input and understanding have been vital to the performance of this study and the preparation of this report. SECTION 3.0 WATER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS SECTION 3.0 WATER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS


3.1.1 Service Area Population

The population of Afton has remained somewhat constant over the past 50 years. It is our opinion, however, that Star Valley offers a unique environment that is becoming increasingly attractive as growth continues to occur in the Jackson Hole area to the north. Based on that observation and on discussions with the Lincoln County Planner, it is felt that the Town of Afton will likely experience an accelerated growth in the future. Of course, the actual extent of that growth would be impossible to accurately project based of the Town's past population history. That history, presented in Table 3.1 below, shows an average annual growth rate of only 0.18% over the past 50 years. For the subjective reasons stated above, it is felt that an assumed 1.O% annual growth rate would be more prudent for the purposes of this study.

It should be noted that Afton experiences a seasonal population fluctuation due to the existence of summer homes, tourism, etc. It is assumed that the Census Bureau counts presented in Table 3.1 reflect year-round residents only. The Town's records presently show 650 and 575 connections for summer and winter respectively.

Table 3.1 Afton Population History 10-year -Year Po~ulation % Increase 1940 1,211 1950 1,319 + 8.9 1960 1,337 + 1.4 1970 1,290 -3.5 1980 1,48 1 + 14.8 1990 1,324 -10.6

Average Annual population increase: + 0.18%

3.1.2 Water Use

The Town's water use can be easily observed from two meters located at the intersection of 4th and Monroe Street. These meters read flows from the canyon transmission line west into town and south into the existing 1 MG tank respectively. Based on comparisons with Forsgren Associates portable ultra-sonic meter, it is felt that the existing meters are both accurate and reliable. The Town of Afton has not consistently recorded water usage as a matter of standard practice. There are adequate records, however, to ascertain "typical" winter and summer demands. These were supplemented with daily readings by the Town this past summer. Typical demands are shown in Table 3.2 below.

Table 3.2 Afton Water Usage (Present)

Ave Period GPM GPMIConn *Ga/lCa~ita/Dav Typ. Winter Day 1200- 1400 2.3 1470 Typ. Summer Day 2500-2700 4.0 2500 Peak Day (Limited by system delivery capacity)

* Based on 2.3 persons/connection

It should be noted that the existing canyon transmission line is limited to approximately 2800 gpm over a 24-hour period due to restrictive line sizing and operational anomalies within the system. These anomalies include a pressure relief valve that dumps water during low use periods, a pressure sustaining valve to "force" water through restrictive piping to fill the tank, etc. The Town presently imposes lawn watering restrictions to reduce consumption during the hot summer months. Typical peak day usage in other Star Valley communities is approximately 4.6 to as high as 6.2 gpm per connection. Based on that criteria, the present average peak day demand for Afton would be between 3000 and 4000 gpm if adequate system delivery capacity were available. A peak day demand of 3500 gpm (approx. 5 MGD) has been assumed for the purposes of this study.

3.1.3 Comparative Usage and Water Conservation Measures

From Table 3.3 it can be seen that Afton's present per-capita water usage is significantly higher than that of most other Wyoming communities. It can also be seen, however, that this usage is much more comparable to nearby Southeast communities and is very representative of Star Valley as a whole.

It is felt that this relatively high water consumption is the Star Valley area is result of several factors including inexpensive rates, shallow service lines (requiring continual winter use), large irrigatable properties etc. It is our opinion that as the Star Valley population grows and groundwater availability continues to decline, domestic drinking water will become an increasingly valuable asset. Suggestions for reducing Afton's water consumption in the future include the following:

Meterina: Based on a comparison between similar metered and unmetered communities, it is estimated that a rate structure based on metered use could reduce summer-time consumption by as much as 40% to 50%. Re~laceShallow Services: The primary reason for Afton's relatively high winter consumption is, in our opinion, primarily due to the need to continually run water through shallow service lines to prevent freezing during the winter months. This is particularly true for part-time residents. Historically, Afton's worst water supply problems have occurred in the winter months when the Periodic Spring is in its lowest cycle. This is also true for most other spring-fed communities in Star Valley.


WATER USAGE COMPARISONS (Gallons per person per day)

Typical Typical Communitv Winter Dav Summer Dav Peak Dav woming Communities ('): Caspety 120 380 Sheridan") 190 430 Kernmeref) 140 350 Evanston") 250 480 Rock springsf1) 210 430

Southeast Idaho Communities: Idaho Falls 310 Preston 350 Rigby 540 Salmon 590 St. Anthony") 280

Other Star Valley Communities: North Affon 2400 3300 Bedford2) 1500 2400 Osmond N/A 2700 Average Star Vallef) 1500 2000

Notes: (1) Metered communities. (2) Metered, but not yet enforced. (3) "Typical" only. Records not available to determine a true average. (4) Data based on highest winter and summer month averages for 1987188. Information obtained through direct contract with communities. (5) Based on WWDC Star Valley Level I study recommended system design parameters. Install PRV Valves !I Hiah Pressure Areas: Afton is primarily a single-zone water system. There are, however, areas of high pressure (90+ psi) within the distribution network. Obviously, an open tap at 90 psi delivers significantly more water than an open tap at 60 psi. PRV valves could be installed on individual services in high pressure areas to reduce water consumption.

Im~oseRationina: Water rationing is typically used as an emergency response when water supply problems become evident. Reliance on imposed rationing is indicative of an inadequate supply system (relative to the system demands). The system must be continually monitored to insure that adequate fire storage is available and that excessive demands do not result in inadequate system pressures. Because of these health and safety risks, it is our opinion that this approach be viewed as temporary until a more permanent water supply solution can be implemented. Rationing schemes include odd/even day watering, daytime-watering restrictions, etc.

Education: A citizen education program that emphasizes water conservation and the over-all value of that natural resource may result in reduced consumption.

Construct Su~plementallrriaation Svstem: A large percentage of the Town's water supply is used to irrigate lawns and gardens. A supplemental irrigation system to, as a minimum, water large lawn areas such as parks and schools. This system would divert water directly from Swift Creek, thereby reducing summertime demands on the spring-fed system. Although this approach would be effective from a water supply standpoint, it would require the construction of a second pipeline network which would probably not be economical at this time. Nor would this approach be beneficial in the winter months when shortages are most likely to occur.


The Periodic Spring is the largest of only three cold-water geysers in the world. The Spring with its fluctuating discharge rate, and its ability to turn on and off during low flow periods has fascinated visitors to the Star Valley area since prehistoric times. The Spring was originally called a geyser and, in fact, was so labeled on early topographic mapping of the area. However, the water is cold and of excellent quality, negating the possibility of any geothermal connection.

Much of what is known about the mechanics and geology of the Period Spring has been compiled through the efforts of Peter Huntoon and James Coogan (Department of Geology and Physics, University of Wyoming). Portions of their report, "The Stranae Hvdrodvnamics of Periodic Sprina. Salt River Ranae. Wvominq" are quoted and/or paraphrased in this section to provide the reader with a basic understanding of the unique nature of the spring. Periodic Spring discharges from a solution cave in the Madison Limestone along the axis of the Periodic anticline in the Absaroka thrust sheet of the Salt River Range. As indicated above, the spring's intermittent yield is not the result of hydrothermal activity, but rather it is caused by the mechanical operation of a natural siphon in the cave behind the spring. A model showing the probable spring configuration is shown in Figure 3.1. The following sequence is believed to occur when the discharge rates are low (typically fall and winter): (1) The reservoir behind the siphon fills to the level of the overflow siphon; (2) The water in the reservoir suddenly purges through the siphon driving out air in front of it; (3) Discharge ceases when the water level in the reservoir drops below the level of the siphon intake, thus allowing air from the upstream cavern to enter the siphon; (4) Water left in the passage below the siphon intake leaks out to the talus allowing the water level at the spring orifice to drop approximately 9 feet below the spring spillway; (5) The cycle repeats. During the spring and summer periods, higher spring yields result in a continuous, non-intermittingflow.

Since 1958, this unique spring has not only served as Afton's municipal water supply, but has become a natural symbol closely associated with the town itself. Presently, a considerable quantity of water overflows the intake thus preserving much of the curious beauty of the spring. Any improvements to the spring should, in our opinion, preserve or enhance that unique visual impact.

3.2.1 Water Quality

As indicated above, Periodic Spring has been the sole water supply source for the Town of Afton since 1958. Since that time, we are aware of no serious water quality problems associated with the spring. EPA water quality compliance testing over the past decade shows consistently good water quality. Particulate testing performed on the spring water in May of 1990 showed virtually no evidence of any surface water influence on the spring. Organic and inorganic chemical testing of the Spring water in April of 1990 also showed the over-all water quality to be very good. In summary, it is felt that Periodic Spring water quality is excellent and will continue to consistently meet EPA safe drinking water standards.

There is some concern about the "open" development of Periodic Spring. In its present configuration, a person could literally crawl into the spring collection area. Although there have been no reported cases of contamination, the spring is, in our opinion, highly susceptible to tampering. It is recommended that the spring collection system be enclosed and an air-break be provided between the actual collection pool and the spring overflow.

It should also be noted that there is a secondary intake located in the channel a few hundred feet below the spring intake. Of course, the use of this secondary intake would not be acceptable by today's water quality standards and it has not been used for many years. It would be prudent to physically disconnect this secondary intake from the system as part of any proposed improvements to insure that the town's water supply is completely isolated from any potential surface water influence.

3.2.2 Spring Recharge Area

Dr. Huntoon has performed exhaustive research and analysis to determine the recharge area for Periodic Spring. It is his opinion that the interconnection between the spring and its associated recharge area is quite direct as evidenced by the low temperature and good quality of the water. Also, the marked seasonal fluctuation in discharge implies that the recharge area is relatively small.

Periodic Spring surfaces approximately 180 feet above the canyon floor in a steep, narrow, rocky draw. There is no evidence of localized infiltration or surface water influence near the spring site.

According to Dr. Huntoon, the recharge areas for Periodic Spring can be reasonably deduced to include two primary sources: (1) Madison outcrops lying just east of the divide of the Salt River Range (approximately 4 miles east of Periodic Spring) and (2) the fractured crest of the Periodic anticline which lies between Swift Creek Canyon on the north and Dry Creek Canyon on the south. Of this, the bulk of the water is derived from the Madison outcrops to the east along the "Divide" anticline.

One note about the hydraulics of the system is required to prevent a common misconception. Dr. Huntoon states:

"The seasonal discharges from Periodic Spring do not contain that year's infiltrating melt waters from the Divide anticline area. Rather, the peak discharges at the spring result from a rapid steepening of hydraulic gradients in the aquifer as water levels increase in the recharge area from the melting snowpack. The steepened gradient causes the discharge at the spring to increase. In essence, as new water enters the recharge area, it pushes old water out at the spring.

The actual time required for a molecule of water to move from the Divide anticline recharge area to the spring is on the order of decades to centuries provided the permeabilities are large. The water molecule will continuously advance from the recharge area toward the spring, but it will move at variable velocities as successive annual melt-dry season pulses pass through it."

3.2.3 Spring Classification

Based on the apparent hydro-geology of the spring and on water quality test data, it is our opinion that Periodic Spring is a "true" spring source. As such, filtration treatment is not required for compliance with current EPA regulations. It should be noted, however, that EPA will likely require that public water supply systems be equipped with disinfection systems in the future regardless of their source.

3.2.4 Available Spring Discharge

As indicated above, Periodic Spring is unique in that it is cyclic in nature. The spring discharge tends to peak in early summer. As the discharge diminishes, the spring begins an on/off cycle of about 30 to 35 minutes total duration. Periodic Spring typically begins this cycling in late summer or early fall and returns to continuous discharge in May or June. This spring behavior can, however, vary dramatically from one year to the next. Spring discharges appear to be directly influenced by climatic conditions such as snow-melt, draught conditions, etc. In April of this year, for example, the spring cycle dropped to a recorded low of approximately 3.5 minutes on and 28 minutes off which is indicative of the very dry weather of the past 2-3 years. It should be noted that the spring is generally not accessible (and hence recorded observations limited) through much of the winter.

Recorded flow measurements taken by W.W. Ruby (UCLA Dept. of Geology) in 1972 indicate that during the spring and summer months, Periodic Spring flows continuously at approximately 36 CFS (16000 gpm). During the winter months, this discharge drops to approximately 25 CFS (11200 gpm) during the "on-cycles." These measured discharges are very comparable to those observed by Forsgren Associates as part of this study.


Prior to the construction of the spring intake in 1961, the spring orifice consisted of a small cave that sloped southward into the mountain. According to Dr. Huntoon: "this passageway is now clogged with coarse blocks of talus; however the presence of the debris has not materially altered the periodic flow characteristics."

The spring development consists primarily a grouted rock overflow wall and a concrete cap structure. Water is pooled behind the rock wall where it enters a 14-inch steel collection pipe. The water is in turn carried 865 feet (170 foot vertical drop) to a 97000 gallon concrete collection tank located on the north bank of Swift Creek. A schematic of the existing collection system is shown in Figure 3.2.

3.3.1 Collection Pipe Condition and Capacity

The 14-inch steel collection pipe between the spring and the collection tank is only partially buried making visual inspection very easy. While there is clearly significant exterior corrosion of the pipe, there is no history of line leakage. A visual inspection of the pipe also revealed no shiny areas that would indicate a constant exterior wear problem, nor was there any evidence of significant line movement. The pipe has, however, experienced some denting, probably due to falling rocks.

The terrain of the Periodic Spring draw is very steep, rocky, and rugged making the replacement of that line an expensive proposition. It is felt that the existing line is in reasonably good condition and that replacement is probably not warranted at this time.

The capacity of the spring collection line was reported by Community Consultants to be 5150 gpm in 1979. However, flow measurements taken by Forsgren Associates as part of this study revealed that the line capacity was actually 6600 gpm. It was also pointed out by town officials that the existence of an air vent located near the spring intake could be reducing the theoretical capacity of the line. Subsequent testing confirmed the fact m COLLECTION LINE IS PARTIALLY I UR.IED UP STEEP RUCK 1 SLOPE


FOkSGREN ASSOC%ATES / P.A. that, with the air vent in place, the line was acting as an "inlet-controlled"conduit. With the air vent closed, the measured line capacity was increased from 6600 gpm to 9800 gpm! This 50% increase in capacity due to "siphoning" closely matches the theoretical capacity of the line (assuming a Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient of C = 80).

In spite of the lost line capacity, a vent is necessary to prevent water hammer in the line during spring cycling. In order to prevent water hammer and increase line capacity, it was recommended that the air vent be extended into the area behind the overflow wall as shown in Figure 3.3. With this extension, the vent allows air to enter the line when the spring is cycling, but will be submerged while the spring is in a full "on-cycle." This proposed vent modification has already be implemented by the Town and is functioning as intended.

Historically, the Town of Afton has experienced water supply shortfalls in the late summer when the spring begins to cycle and demands are high, and midwinter when the spring is in its lowest cycle. As can be seen from Figures 3.3 and 3.4, the additional collection capacity afforded by the vent modification dramatically increases available flows during these periods. Even with this improvement, however, the town could still experience winter shortfalls during dry years.


3.4.1 Existing Water Rights

The original Afton municipal water right was for 2.5 cfs and has a priority date of 1913. In 1953, several irrigation rights (or parts thereof) were transferred to municipal use. The State Board of Control Order Record No. 12 shows that these rights total 4.65086 cfs and have priority dates ranging from 1886 to 1905. None of the Town's existing rights, totaling approximately 7.16 cfs (3214 gpm), have ever been transferred from the original Swift Creek inlet facilities to the Periodic Spring. Existing water rights are summarized in Table 3.4.

3.4.2 Other Potential Senior Water Rights

Other Swift Creek irrigation rights which are tied to lands within the Town's boundaries and could perhaps be changed to municipal use (in whole or part) represent approximately 170 acres (2.43 cfs). These rights consist of nearly 60 individual filings, nearly all of which have territorial priorities.

There are two important considerations if the Town of Afton wishes to transfer these irrigation rights to municipal use. First, it is typical practice of the State Board of Control to cut the amount of the appropriated right by up to 50% to account for the difference in return flows when irrigation rights are transferred to municipal use. Secondly, the Board of Control has a policy that will not allow them to entertain a "change in use" for water rights that have not been actively used for the previous five years. The Town would, therefore, have to demonstrate historic use of such rights with any petition to the Board. It may be possible to demonstrate such use based on the fact that properties NOTE1 VENT MODIFICATION HAS ALREADY BEEN IMPLEMENTED BY THE TaWN OF AFTON AND IS FUNCTIONING AS INTENDED,





Recorded Flow Period Permit Point of Diversion [C FS) Available Priority No. Re& Swift Creek (near old 2.5 year-round 19 13 12154 Power Plant)

il 4.65086 year-round 1886-1905 (1)

Swift Creek 2.44 irrigation primarily (2) (approx. territorial 170 acres)

Remarks (1) Transferred from irrigation to municipal use in 1953 - See Appendix "E". (2) This represents irrigation rights within the Town boundaries that could possibly be transferred to municipal use. Approximately 50% of this amount would likely be "lost" by this transfer.

3.4.3 Needed Water Rights Filings and Petitions

Periodic Spring represents an excellent, consistent long-term supply source. It is felt to be in the Town's best interest, therefore, to transfer &I of it's senior priority water rights to Periodic Spring to legally protect that source. Specifically, this will involve a Petition to the State Board of Control to change the Point of Diversion, Means and Size of Conveyance, and Source (Periodic Spring vs. Swift Creek). It is our opinion that this work should be done as soon as possible. We do not foresee an objection to that transfer based on the fact that the Town has been diverting from the Spring for over 30 years.

It is also recommended that the Town should file 1991 enlargement of the Afton pipeline facility to establish a legal priority for the difference between the spring collection capacity of 21.8 cfs (9800 gpm) and the existing senior rights. Based on discussions with the State Engineer's office, it is felt that this enlargement is justifiable given the fact that the collection system is already in-place and the fact that a municipality must plan for future growth.

If a hydro-electric generation facility is to be included with any proposed system improvements, then any petitions to the Board of Control and/or any new filings should also include power generation as an intended use. 3.4.4 Available Water vs. Legal Supply

Although Atton may have a legal filing to meet their water needs, their actual supply could still be in jeopardy during high use periods due to:

a) Limited spring capacity

b) Senior water rights filings by others.

The question of the Periodic Spring capacity has already been discussed herein. In order to address the second concern, an "operations model" of the Swift Creek drainage was developed. That computer model documents (on a monthly basis) the amount of water legally available to Afton, compared to Swift Creek stream flows as measured from 1933 to 1980.

Based on historic streamflows it can be concluded that if all irrigators diverted their full legal right, Afton's territorial rights (1 886-1888 priority) would be legally secure on a year- round basis. Afton's 1913 right for 2.5 cfs, however, would generally be secure in the months of August and September. This data is summarized in Table 3.5 and Figure 3.5.

More than likely, there are existing irrigation rights that are no longer used, but have never been abandoned. The actual extent of the rights would be nearly impossible to ascertain. Many of these rights would be included in the 170 acres within the Town's boundaries as discussed in paragraph 3.4.2 above. It is not felt that forced abandonment of other Swift Creek irrigation rights would be practical nor would such abandonment necessarily improve the legal standing of the town's domestic supply. It should also be noted that the Swift Creek Drainage has historically not been regulated.

TABLE 3.5 Swift Creek Drainage Afton Legal Yield vs. Month


Town of Afton -Oct Dee Jan && Mar Apr lMay June July Ax Sep

Available legal Full Full Full Full Full Full Full 6.5 Full 6.9 4.9 3.8 Yield (ave cfs) Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right

Unalloca!edFlow 38.7 32.0 27.7 24.3 22.7 20.9 32.1 24.2 157.0 67.6 1.0 0.0~ (ave cfs)

Notes: 1. Data is based on monthly averages from 1933 to 7980. 2. There is historically unallocated flow during the month of September. 3. Irrigation season assumed to be May-September. 4. Downstream rights such as those for Palisades Reservoir were not considered as part of this analysis.

A further complication to Afton's water rights concerns is the fact that the Swift Creek Power Company presently holds a FERC permit for hydro-power generation in Swift Creek canyon. Under the conditions of that permit they are only required to leave 8 cfs and 2 cfs for in-stream creek flows during the summer and winter months respectively. Swift Creek Power has acknowledged Afton's existing water rights as being senior to theirs. As the Town grows and domestic water consumption exceeds that present right there could be a water rights conflict between the two entities. Based on conversations with the State Engineer's office, however, it is highly unlikely that domestic rights would be subordinate to hydro-power rights regardless of their relative seniorities.


The Town of Afton relies on Periodic Spring as its sole water source. Except during unusually dry winter periods, this spring will meet the town's present needs. Even during such dry periods, it is felt that minimal water conservation measures could be implemented to avoid any serious shortfalls in supply. As the Town of Afton grows and if water consumption increases, this could become an increasingly difficult problem. There is also concern about the legal availability of the Town's supply in the months of August and September as discussed above.

There is also concern about the susceptibility of the town's supply to catastrophic events such as earthquakes, canyon avalanches, spring contamination, etc. Appropriately sized storage tank(s) will give Afton some time to react to such occurrences. In the winter time, however, Swift Creek canyon is generally inaccessible to make any repairs in a timely manner.

The development of back-up and/or supplemental sources is needed to insure that the town always has an adequate safe drinking water supply. Such a supplemental supply would also be important to meet increasing demands associated with the Town's future growth.

3.5.1 Additional Canyon Springs

Investigations of other spring sources in Swift Creek Canyon reveal the Periodic Spring is clearly the preferred primary source of supply based on its relatively high discharge and its excellent water quality history. It was hoped that other smaller springs could, however, be developed for supplemental supply. The development of additional spring sources could enhance the physical, but not legal the availability of the Town's water supply. Specifically, three springs were investigated as follows:

S~rinaArea No. 1 is located on the south side of the canyon immediately downstream of the Periodic Spring trail parking area. This spring discharges approximately 300 to 400 gpm during the summer period. This spring can, however, dry up in the winter months as evidenced by recent observation in November of this year. Spring No. 1 is not a single well-defined spring, but rather a series of smaller springs located along a steep, hiahlv unstable drainage. The development of these springs would be very costly and the spring collection line (approx 1500+ feet) would be very susceptible to movement due to avalanches, mud slides, etc. In summary it is felt that this spring would be costly to develop, highly susceptible to damage, and unreliable during the critical winter months.

Sorina Area No. 2 is located on the north side of the canyon across from Spring area No. 1. This spring has a measured capacity at the bottom of approximately 60 gpm in the summer time. Reported observations of this spring also leads to concerns that the spring discharge could also diminish in the winter months when supplemental water would be most needed by the town.

Again, the spring is located well away from the canyon floor making the development of the spring and construction of the collection line costly.

Sorina Area No. 3 is located just a few hundred feet downstream of the existing Periodic Spring collection tank. This spring surfaces very close to the bank of Swift Creek making it difficult to insure that there is no surface water influence. The fact the spring is located below the collection tank also makes it very difficult to utilize from a hydraulic standpoint. Development of this spring would require that the collection tank be moved downstream or that specialized valving be utilized to isolate the spring from the system except at such times that the tank was completely empty. The estimated summertime spring flow is 50 to 100 gpm.

3.5.2 Direct Filtration Treatment Plant

The practicality of treating surface water vs. using spring water is largely an economic consideration. As an approach to supplemental supply, it is clearly not a cost-effective alternative. Use of filtration treated water as a primary source is discussed more fully in chapter 5.0.

3.5.3 Groundwater Well(s)

Historically, excellent groundwater supplies have been easily obtainable throughout most of the Star Valley area. Nearly all of the Star Valley wells are shallow wells (50 to 200 feet) located in the valley floor alluvial material. In recent years dry weather and increased demand has resulted in diminishing groundwater tables. There is also an increasing concern relative to the potential impact of septic systems on alluvial groundwater quality.

Because of the increasing groundwater demands and possible degradating groundwater quality, it is felt that municipal well sources should be situated within underlying structures such as the Salt Lake formation as opposed to the shallower alluvium wherever practical. This approach would obviously require deeper, more costly drilling. However, these wells would also be much more reliable and secure in the long-term future. In addition, these deeper wells would have less potential for contamination and less impact on other area wells. A groundwater study of several communities in Star Valley, including Af-ton, was recently completed by Tri-Hydro corporation as part of the Star Valley Level II study for WWDC. This study, included herein as Appendix "D", indicated no underlying formation reasonably close to the surface in the vicinity of Afton. An Afton municipal well, therefore, would likely be an alluvial well with a probable maximum capacity of 300 to 500 gpm. As a supplemental supply, this well yield would be beneficial. As a total back-up supply additional wells and/or other sources would realistically be required.

Of course, there is a possibility that such a supplemental well could have a higher than expected yields. It may be prudent, therefore, to drill a small diameter test well as part of the level Ill project. This approach would allow the Town to verify maximum yields prior to investing the full $150,000 to $200,000 needed to construct the production well facility and transmission line. This approach would also minimize the potential for over- sizing the well transmission line in the event that a production well is completed. A "preferred" area for well siting has been identified immediately north of Afton. This site is shown as site #5 in Figure 9 of the groundwater report contained in Appendix "0". SECTION 4.0 STORAGE AND CONVEYANCE CONSIDERATIONS SECTION 4.0 STORAGE CONSIDERATIONS AND CONVEYANCE


In Chapter 3, the adequacy and quality of Afton's Periodic Spring water supply was examined. This chapter considers the storage and conveyance system from the standpoint of condition (remaining life), capacity, and health and safety. Individual system components are discussed in detail as follows:


Water from Periodic Spring is collected in a 97,000 gallon rectangular concrete tank prior to entering the canyon transmission pipeline. The primary purpose of this tank is to provide a buffer against spring cycling and resulting air entrapment in the canyon transmission line.

4.2.1 Collection Tank Capacity

Air problems are already evident in the town's water supply during periods when the town's demands outstrip the collection capacity at the spring. Under that scenario, the collection tank empties and partially fills on a cyclic basis matching that of the spring. This problem, in our opinion, is related solely to spring discharge and collection capacity rather than the capacity of the tank. The "worst case" scenarios for sizing the collection tank occur when the spring collection capacity equals the town's demands. Under present conditions, this could occur in the fall and winter as follows:

Case 1 (fall) - Peak Demand: 3500 gprn Cycle: 12 rnin on, 27% rnin off = 3500 gprn ave yield* Req'd capacity = 27% rnin x 3500 gprn = 75,250 gallons

Case 2 (winter) - Demand = 1100 gprn Cycle: 3% rnin on, 28 rnin off = 7 100 gprn ave yield* Req'd capacity = 28 rnin x 1 7 00 gprn = 30,800 gallons

* Based on 9800 gprn collection line capacity

It can be seen from these calculations that the 97,000 gallon capacity of the collection tank is adequate for its intended use. 4.2.2 Collection Tank Condition

The collection tank is a cast-in-place concrete structure approximately 72'x15'~12'high. Over the years, freeze-thaw cycles have resulted in some flaking and spalling of exposed concrete surfaces. This problem is particularly evident in the southwest corner of the tank which is badly leaking. It is felt that the over-all condition of the structure is, however, in generally good condition. It is also felt that renovation of this structure would be much more cost effective than total replacement. Such renovations would include exterior grouting, epoxy filling cracks, and relining the tank interior with a hypalon liner. This work would also require the construction of by-pass piping around the tank structure to allow for a non-interrupted water supply during the construction process. This by-pass piping is also needed for future inspection and maintenance of the tank.


4.3.1 Existing 1 MG Tank and Feedline

The Town of Afton present!^ has a one million gallon (I MG) buried concrete reservoir. The tank, located at the southeast edge of town, was constructed in the early 1980's and is in very gcad condition.

The Afton tank is fed through approximately 4000 feet of dedicated 10-inch PVC transmission line. That line is tied to the canyon transmission line at 4th and Monroe Streets immediately upstream of a PRV valve that feeds the north portion of the town. Tank filling is controlled by an altitude valve that is generally fully-open or fully-closed.

The existing system layout and line sizing has resulted in an operational anomaly during high use periods. During such periods, the tank level typically drops which causes the altitude control valve to open. When that occurs, a large percentage (up to half) of the available canyon transmission line flow is delivered directly to the tank. The result is that demands in the north part of the town cannot be met and system pressures drop according. This problem is aggravated by three factors:

1) The canyon transmission line delivery capacity is limited to approximately 2800 gpm. This capacity can only barely meet summer demands (with rationing) and is not adequate for filling the tank at 1000-1500 gpm simultaneously.

2) There is a pressure sustaining valve at 4th and Monroe. This valve was intended to maintain adequate upstream pressures to "force" water to the tank during high demand periods. This valve, unfortunately, also inhibits flow to the north part of town during those same periods.

3) The 10" transmission pipeline that feeds the tank is somewhat restrictive. The frictional losses associated with that line are probably much of the reason why the pressure sustaining valve was installed.

4.3.2 Storage Capacity

Water storage requirements for the Town of Afton based on current WDEQ standards are summarized as follows: Future Description Present 20-Year w / 1% annual urowth

Fire Protection 420,000 gallons 420,000 gallons (3500 gpm x 2 hours) 25% of Peak Day Use 1,250,000 uallons 1,525,000 aallons Subtotal 1,670,000 gallons 1,945,000 gallons Less Existing Storage < 1,000,000 aallons > < 1,000,000 qallons > 6 70,000 gallons 945,300 gallons Recommended Additional Capacity 1,000,OOO gallons

Based on Wyoming DEQ storage criteria, it is recommended that Afton's storage capacity will be increased from 1 MG to 2MG. This increase in capacity will benefit the town through improved fire-fighting capability. A second benefit is the increased reaction-time in the event of a breakage in the canyon transmission line and/or other interruptions to the spring supply. (Two million gallons will meet approximately lh day's demand on a summer day).

As indicated above, the existing 1 MG tank is less than 10 years old and is in very good structural condition. Also, the tank is advantageously situated to provide fire protection to the south portion of town. It is felt, therefore, that this tank should remain in service and that feedline/valving problems be addressed as needed to insure proper filling and circulation. Requirements for the continued use of this tank are discussed more fully in paragraph 4.3.4 hereafter.

4.3.3 Tank Site Location

Ideally, a storage tank should be located based on two primary criteria as follows:

1) Proper elevation as required for safe working pressures.

2) Optimal hydraulic operation and system simplification.

Other considerations, of course, include the provisions for over-flow drainage, availability of land, etc. Based on all of these criteria, the best location for the second tank is up Swift Creek canyon, preferably adjacent to the creek. The tank should be elevated to match the existing tank overflow (as minimum), and perhaps somewhat higher to accommodate the pressure needs of the upper-most water users. Three possible sites are shown in Figure 4.1. Preliminary discussions with the U.S. Forest Service would suggest that site #2 would be preferable. A tank at that site would generally be concealed from public view by vegetation. Access to the site is available through an existing campground. Swift Creek is immediately adjacent to the site for over-flow drainage. 4.3.4 Modifications Required for Continued Use of Existing Tank

Past experience has shown that tanks constructed at or near the same elextion almost never function as intended under gravity-flow conditions. Typically, one tank overflows while the other is draining, and/or one tank remains stagnant much of the time. There are four approaches to providing more hydraulic capacity and control between the proposed and the existing reservoirs. Any one of them would help keep the existing reservoir at least partially full at all times, but they all don't insure that the stored water won't stagnate due to circulation problems.

The four approaches are:

1) Remove restrictive valving at 4th & Monroe, tie all transmission and distribution lines together and remove altitude valve at reservoir. The additional hydraulic capacity in distribution lines would allow more water into the existing reservoir, but the reservoir may tend to stagnate. This is because water would not circulate "through" the tank except during periods of alternating high and low demands.

2) The 10-inch transmission pipeline could be replaced (or paralleled) with a larger line at a cost of $100,000 or more. The hydraulic capacity of the upgraded feed line would still be somewhat restricted due to limited differential head between two reservoirs.

3) Install a booster pump in the existing 10-inch transmission line which would only operate when the reservoir dropped to minimum fire flow depth. From a hydraulic standpoint, this approach would be the most reliable and effective. The draw- back, of course, is the O&M and power costs associated with a pump station.

The worst case scenario for pumping water to the reservoir would require an overnight (8 hours) filling of an empty (one million gallons) reservoir. This would require the following booster pumping capacity.

Flowrate: 1,000,000 gallons/8 hrs = 2083 gpm Pumping rate head requirement = 125 fi. Pumping requirements: 2-1000 gpm centrifugal pumps rated @ 40 hp each.

It is estimated that the tank could be gravity fed at 500 to 750 gpm assuming the canyon tank water level is 10 to 20 feet higher than that of the existing tank respectively. Of course these flow rates could vary depending on other system demands at the time.

4) Abandon the existing tank and upsize the proposed canyon tank accordingly. Obviously, this approach is the least cost affective. In addition, there would be concerns about the fire flow delivery capacity to the south portion of town if the existing tank were abandoned. The recommended approach is to construct booster pumps in the 10-inch line along with the removal of restrictive appurtenances at 4th & Monroe. This should remain as a dedicated line to insure circulation in the tank.


4.4.1 Description of Existing Line

The existing canyon transmission line was constructed of 12-inch (upper 18000 feet) and 14-inch (lower 8600 feet) spiral-welded, thin-walled, steel pipe. This line has a coal-tar coating wrapped with paper and was constructed in the late 1950's. An impressed current cathodic protection system was later added to minimize corrosion in the early 1980's.

The transmission line is routed along the floor of Swift Creek canyon and, in fact, crosses Swift Creek at 17 separate locations. None of these locations are cased. The town covered each crossing with rock riprap earlier this year.

4.4.2 Pressure Control Valving

To protect against excessive line pressures, there are two pressure reducing valves (PRV) stations located at the end of the line (4th and Monroe Street) and approximately 3200 feet upstream respectively. A pressure relief (blow-off) valve was installed approximately 5 years ago to further minimize maintenance problems associated with high pressures. This valve is located a mile up the canyon. Although the blow-off valve serves an important purpose, there is concern that it may be dumping water during periods when the town is running short of supply. There is also concern that the continual operation of the blow-off valve during winter months when the spring is cycling may be emptying the spring collection tank thereby introducing air into the system.

4.4.3 Condition of Existing Line

The canyon transmission line has been excavated in several locations to fix leaks and to examine the line as part of this study. An inspection log of these locations is included as Appendix "C" in this report.

Over-all, it is felt that the existing pipeline is in very good condition. The leakage problems that have been found over the past several years are almost all the result of large rocks in the original pipe bedding. Significant corrosion problems are not evident.

The intended design life for this pipeline was probably 40 to 50 years. The line has been well maintained and monitored by the Town's water department. It is anticipated that maintenance problems associated with poor bedding and line-wear could become increasing frequent as the line continues to age. In summary it is felt that over-all pipeline could serve the community for the remainder of its intended life (another 202 years) without serious problems. There are, however, some localized concerns relative to the condition of the pipeline that should be addressed in the near future. These concerns are discussed hereafter. Swift Creek Crossinas

As indicated above, there are seventeen locations where the transmission line crosses the Swift Creek channel. At each of these locations, the tar-paper wrapping is gone and the pipe is shiny. None of these crossings are cased. One crossing, identified as point #I4 on the inspection log, was documented as having a major leak. Attempts at repairing the line at that location have not been entirely successful.

It is felt that each creek crossing in its present age and condition has a high potential for leakage. Such leaks would be extremely difficult to see and isolate. There is a high probability that surface water would be sucked into the line should such leaks occur, particularly in the upper most part of the canyon.

Based on these health and safety concerns, it is recommended that, as a minimum, creek crossings each be replaced with new, encased pipe as part of any level Ill improvements. "Slide Lake" Considerations

In 1984, an unusually heavy winter and wet SF ng resulted in a major mud slide in Swift Creek Canyon. This slide was located approximately 112 mile downstream of the Periodic Spring. The mud slide formed a lake which covered the Town's water transmission line and the 4-wheel access road to the spring. In 1986, the Town contracted to have the creek channel restored and the lake drained at a cost of almost $8000.00. Within one month of this restoration work, a second mud slide was experienced in the same area. Since that time, several more slides have been noted. Aerial observations by the Forest Service indicate that the contributing slide area is extremely large and that such slides will continue to occur in the future.

The creation of "Slide Lake" has eliminated the ability of the Town to adequately maintain their pipeline and spring area above the slide. There is particular concern about the age and condition of the pipeline under the lake. Damage and/or deterioration of that line will likely result in the introduction of untreated creek water into the Town's water supply unless the problem is corrected.

It seems clear that the Town will not be able to permanently drain the lake as evidenced by past attempts. It is also clear that the portion of pipeline under the lake (approximately 1200 feet) must be replaced. There are, unfortunately, no "guaranteed" routes for a new line. Three routes have been considered as follows:

1) Encase the Line Under the Existina Lake: This alternative does not allow for future line maintenance. Nor does this alternative guarantee that surface water won't be readily sucked into the line should any line damage occur. 2) Route Line Alona the South Edge of the Lake: The actual slide runs from south to north across the canyon. This alignment could subject the new line to excessive earth movement associated with the slide area and/or the steep canyon slopes.

3) Route Line Alona the North Edae of the Lake: The north side of the canyon around the slide lake area consists primarily of a vertical rock face to the west and a steep talus slope further to the east. It appears that earth movement associated with the talus slope is primarily surface sluffing (as opposed to subsurface sliding).

Of the three alignments considered, the preferred routing is, in our opinion, along the north side of the lake. The steep canyon slopes and rock face(s) could cause construction and stability problems. It is recommended, therefore, that a bench along the north perimeter of the lake into which the new pipeline could be buried. This bench would not only provide a more stable pipeline environment, but would also provide access for maintenance vehicles and hikers.

As indicated above, there is no sure way to protect the line around slide lake from the adverse impacts of earth movement. Measures can be taken, however, to minimize this risk, including the use of "lock-tight"joints and shorter pipe lengths to add to the line's flexibility. It is also recommended that the perimeter bench be protected from erosion with rock rip-rap which is available on-site.

A sketch of the proposed slide lake pipeline replacement is shown in Figure 4.2.

4.4.4 Canyon Geology and Soils Construction Considerations

No geotechnical work was performed in Swift Creek Canyon as part of this study. However, based on Forsgren's past experience with the North Afton Pipeline Project and discussions with contractors involved in that work, a few general conclusions can be reached relative to the construction of any canyon improvements.

In areas where pipeline improvements follow the canyon road, up to 20% of the excavation will involve rock. This rock is generally fractured and removal does not necessarily require blasting.

In most areas, native material is not suitable for bedding. Screening native material may be feasible on a limited basis.

Native riprap is readily available for creek crossings and the proposed slide lake improvements. The Forest Service has already been contacted and has indicated their approval for using on-site riprap. Soil Corrosivitv

In a study performed by HARCO Corporation in 1983, soil resistivities were taken at 500 foot intervals along the entire route of the existing pipeline. The results of these tests indicated highly variable soils with the average resistivity being 72,800 ohm- centimeters. The highest and lowest measured valves were 920,000 and 6700 ohm- centimeters respectively. As can be seen from Table 4.1, the soils in Swift Creek Canyon would generally be classified as non-corrosive to only mildly corrosive. The variable soils properties could, however, result in localized anodic regions (and associated corrosion) in an electrically bonded pipeline such as the steel line presently in place. This would not be as significant with electrically insulated pipe segments, as would be the case with ductile iron pipe.

Of course, soil resistivity is only one measurement of potential soil corrosivity. Other indicators include pH, the presence of sulphide, moisture, etc. It is felt, however, that this resistivity data (along with the corrosion history of the existing line) provides a reasonably good indication of the corrosion potential.



Resistivity Range Anticipated Reference OHM-cm Corrosion Activity

Corps of Engineers 0- 2,000 Severe 2,000- 10,000 Moderate 10,000-30,000 Mild Over 30,000 Unlikely

United States Dept, 0- 1,000 Very Severe of Agriculture, Soil 1,000- 2,000 Severe Conservation Service 2,000- 5,000 Moderate 5,000- 10,000 Slight Over 7 0,000 Noncorrosive

GAS ENGINEER'S 0- 7,000 Extremely Corrosive HANDBOOK 1,000- 2,500 Vely Corrosive (Modified) 2,500- 5,000 Corrosive 5,000- 10,000 Moderately Corrosive Over 10,000 Mildly Corrosive 4.4.5 Pipeline Capacity Existina Ca~acitv

In 1968, the system designer, Ivan Call, indicated that the pipeline capacity was 3340 gprn (4.8 MGD) with 60 psi residual pressure near the mouth of the canyon. Since that time, charges have occurred to the system including the addition of a storage tank (requiring at least 85 psi residual pressure to fill the tank), the installation of the blow-off valve, and over-all system wear.

Available records indicate that the peak 24-hour delivery capacity of the existing pipeline is presently about 4.1 million gallons (2850 gprn). Instantaneous flows have been measured as high as 3500 gprn (5.0 MGD) although the system appears to be unable to deliver that amount of water on a sustained basis due to the operation of control valving, tank filling cycles, etc.

Future Canvon Transmission Line Sizing

It is a normal practice to size a new transmission line to carry future peak-day flows based on the design life of the pipe. In the case of Afton, the present peak day demand is 2500 gpm. Assuming a 1% annualized growth rate and at least a 50 year design life on piping improvements yields the following future peak day flow:

Future peak day = 3500 gprn x (flp, I%, 50-year) = 5760 aDm

From Table 4.2 it can be seen that this demand would require at least a 16-inch diameter pipe. It can also be seen from Table 4.2 that an 18-inch line could deliver almost the entire spring collection capacity of 9800 gpm. It is recommended that any canyon pipeline improvements be sized at 18-inches for the following reasons:

Recent studies of communities throughout Star Valley have shown that groundwater and spring water are becoming increasingly valuable resources. It is felt to be in the best interest of Afton and the valley as a whole to fully develop the Periodic Spring delivery capacity. TABLE 4.2 CANYON TRANSMISSION UNE - PIPE SIZE COMPARISONS Comparative Pipe Delivery Materials Diameter Caoacitv") Costsf2) 14" 4600 gpm $16.25

16" 6700 gpm $19.50

18" 9400 gpm $22.68

14000 gprn

Notes: 1) Assumptions - Available head loss = 480 fi. Pipe length = 2 1500 LF (spring collection tank to proposed storage tank) Roughness coeff "C" = 125, 127, 130, 133 for 14" through 20" pipe respectively.

2) Comparative materials costs based on class 51 Ductile Iron (including delivery). Source - Pacific States Pipe Co.

A properly constructed ductile iron pipeline could easily have a useful life of 50 to 100 years. Obviously, it is impossible to accurately project the community's needs that far in the future. It would be prudent, therefore, to conservatively size any canyon transmission line improvements, particularly given the minimal additional costs involved.

The Swift Creek Canyon is, in our opinion, a uniquely beautiful and environmentally sensitive area. Not only should environmental disturbances associated with construction be minimized, but such improvements should also be sized to minimize the need for additional disturbances in the future. This is particularly true given the potential political problems associated with additional future construction on Federal (Forest Service) lands. Future Lower Transmission Line sizina (Proposed canvon tank to town)

The transmission pipeline from the new proposed reservoir to 4th & Monroe in AAon should be sized to deliver average summer day demands plus fire flows to the distribution system. That flow rate can be estimated as:

2800 gprn x (flpp, 1%, 30-year) + 3500 gprn = 7300 gpm. Table 4.3 shows the pipeline size and residual pressures at 4th and Monroe at a flow rate of 7300 gpm.

Table 4.3 Lower Transmission Line - Residual Fire Flow Pressures

Pi~elineSize Residual Pressure * 16-inch 22 psi 78-inch 5 7 psi 20-inch 65 psi

*At 7300 gpm, length = 5500 iY, static pressure = 85 psi, C = 127, 130 and 733 respectively.

It can be seen that the line would need to be at least 16-inches to provide for 20 psi residual pressures under fire flow conditions. The other criterion for line sizing is supplying water back to existing one million gallon reservoir under normal conditions. The 16-inch line will tend to limit gravity flow between reservoirs thus requiring more frequent supplemental pumping. for that reason, it is felt than an 18-inch line would be move appropriate to feed the town from the proposed canyon tank. SECTION 5.0 ALTERNATE EVALUATIONS SECTION 5.0 ALTERNATIVE EVALUATIONS


The Swift Creek Canyon drainage, in our opinion, represents the only reasonable long-term source of water for the Town of Afton. Groundwater well(s), while suitable as a supplementary or back-up supply, are not economically viable or feasible as a primary source.

Water from the Swift Creek Drainage can be collected for domestic use in one of two ways:

1) Continue to collect water from Periodic Springs.

2) Divert water directly from Swift Creek and provide filtration treatment for domestic use.

These options have both been considered from the standpoint of feasibility and cost. It should be noted, however, that the Town of Afton is closely identified with Periodic Spring. A change in the Town's source of supply could have detrimental impacts relative to the town's marketability for tourism, etc.


Three specific project alternatives have been considered. These alternatives shown in Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, are described hereafter. The "Do-nothing" alternative is, in our opinion, not a viable option due to the risks associated with the pipeline under Slide Lake, creek crossings, lack of back-up supply, etc.

5.2.1 Alternative No. 1: Periodic Spring Supply - Immediate Needs

This alternative involves the continued use of the existing Periodic Spring Supply system. Needed improvements as identified in Chapter's 4.0 and 5.0 would be constructed. The basic elements of this alternative are as follows:

Renovate Periodic Spring to meet EPA requirements.

Renovate the Spring Collection Tank and construct by-pass piping.

Replace Swift Creek Crossings (17) with new encased 18" DIP pipe.

Replace 1200 feet of pipeline under Slide Lake w/new 18" DIP pipe. Construct perimeter bench on north side of lake to lay line and provide access.

Construct 1MG storage tank in Swift Creek canyon (upstream of campground).

r Construct new 18" DIP transmission line from the proposed canyon tank to town. -- II.... -1- 18' DIP

Construct booster pump station to increase delivery capacity to the existing tank during high demand periods.

Construct supplemental/back-up groundwater well and associated transmission line.

Construct other incidental items associated with these improvements including system telemetry, disinfection facilities, etc.

With this alternative, it should be assumed that the remainder of the canyon transmission line not replaced as part of the level Ill project would need to be replaced at the end of it's design life (approximately 20 years).

5.2.2 Alternative No. 2: Periodic Spring Supply - Long-term Needs

With this approach, all recommended system improvements (present and future) would be constructed immediately. This alternative includes all the basic elements of alternative no. 1 plus the following:

Construct new 18-inch DIP transmission all the way from the Periodic Spring site to the proposed 1 MG storage tank. This line would likely be routed primarily along the existing canyon roadway, thereby reducing the number of creek crossings from 17 to 5.

Construct a hydro-electric generation facility in Swift Creek Canyon. This facility, discussed in detail in Chapter 6.0 hereafter, would not be feasible as part of Alternate No. 1.

5.2.3 Alternative No. 3: Swift Creek Collection-Water Treatment

The use of raw Swift Creek water would require chemical treatment and filtration in addition to chlorination. Based on a future peak water demand of six MGD*, treatment could be done most economically with a packaged rapid sand filter system. The system would include prefiltration flocculation storage, rapid sand filters, chlorination and a backwash pond or an infiltration gallery. The plant would not require full-time observation, but only daily inspection and maintenance. Chemicals, electricity, manpower and up-keep would be required. The estimated cost for operation and maintenance is about six cents per 1,000 gallons of treated water. The limitation of the rapid sand filter system is heavy-suspended solids over-loading experienced during spring run-off, therby plugging the filtration system.

Untreated water could be collected from Swift Creek with a simple concrete diversion structure (see Figure 5.4).

* 20 years about 1% growth for current 5 MGD peak day demand. GRATED INLET1 n 12' CONCRETE CUTOFF WCnLL - SWIFT CREEK CHANNEL

L ------,C----- C ------. ---- TO TREATMENT PLANT




Estimated Project costs for each of the three alternatives are shown in Table 5.1. These costs include a 10% and 15% mark-up for construction engineering and contingency respectively in accordance with the standard WWDC budgeting criteria. More detailed cost break-downs can be found in Appendix "A".


Alternate No. 1 and No. 2 improvements would require minimal manpower to operate and maintain the system. Other related expenses include electricity for pumps and chlorine for disinfection. Neither the supplemental well nor the booster pumps are primary functions. The extent of usage, therefore, is not definable for cost projections. Base power rates for each installation will be approximately $25 per month. No additional manpower will be required.

Alternate No. 3 (water treatment) would require significant additional manpower and chemicals for operation and maintainance. The estimated annual treatment costs based on $0.06 per 1,000 gallons of treated water would be about $45,000 for an average 2 MGD demand. The booster pump station would operate the same as with Alternates No. 1 and 2.


The three project alternatives have been economically evaluated based on comparitive "life-cycle" costs. In making this comparison, the following assumptions were made:

All costs were calculated on a "present-worth" basis.

For the purposes of economic comparison, inflation was assured to be zero and interest was assumed to be 3.5%. Although this is obviously not a true representation of economic conditions, it is felt that this assumption provides a realistic comparison, minimizes assumptions, and simplifies calculations.

A 40-year project life was conservatively assumed.

Hydro-electric revenues are conseratively based on 40 mils (4g/KWH) power sales to Lower Valley Power & Light. This is discussed more fully in Chapter 6.0. A hydro-power facility is only feasible with Alternative #2.

The results summarized in Table 5.2 indicate that Alternative #2 is the most cost effective in the long run in spite of higher initial capital costs when compared with Alternative #l. This is due primarily to the revenues generated by the additional of a hydro-power facility. Based on economic and subjective considerations, therefore, Alternative #2 is the prefered option. TABLE 5.1


Alte rn a five Alternative Alternative #I #2 #3 (Immediate Needs) [Lona-term I~R.1 (Treatment Facilitv)


Spring Renovation Collection Tank Renovation 18" Trans. Line (Spring to Tank) Slide Lake Extras 65,000 18" Trans. Line (Tank to Town) 1 MG Tank Supp. Well Supply Booster Pump Station Misc. (Telemetry, Disinf.) Water Treatment Facility (6 MGD)

Construction Subtotal $1,223,700 $1,887,300 $2,071,100

Prep. of Plans and Specs. $91,800 $130,200 PermittinglLegal FeeslR. 0.W. 17,500 17,500 Const. Eng. (10% of Const.) 122,400 188,700 Contingency (15% of . st. + Const. Eng.) 201,900 31 1,400

Total Estimated Cost $7,657,300 $2,535,700 $2,778,800

Note: Estimated total cost for hydro-electric generation facility is $460,500. See Appendix "AA". TABLE 5.2 ECONOMIC COMPARISONS OF PROJECT ALTERNATES (Present Worth Costs)

Comparative Alternative # 1 Initial Capital Annual 0 & M Total Periodic Sprin~(Immediate Needs1 Cost Costs *Present Worth Cost

Initial Construction $1,657,300 20-Year Replacement of Remaining Line 82 7,900

TOTAL $2,007,600

Alterna five #2 Periodic Spring (Lonq Term Needs)

Initial Construction (supply) lnitial Construction (hydro) Net Hydro-Electric Revenue (-$57,700) (income) TOTAL

Alternative #3 Water Treatment Faciliw

lnitial Construction Increased Annual O & M


* Based on 0% inflation, wlinterest 3%% higher than inflation, 40-year project life. SECTION 6.0 HYDROELECTRIC FACILIT17 SECTION 6.0 HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY


Generating electrical power on a pressurized water pipeline system can be cost effective if the following conditions exist; 1) water supply is fairly constant, 2) flow rates and net hydraulic energy are high, 3) market for power sales or producer usage is good and 4) water conveyance and electrical energy transmission systems are in place or are justifiable on a non-hydroelectric project basis. It ppears that all of these conditions are favorable with this project.

The basic formula for estimating electrical power capacity is as follows:

Ca~acitvIkw) = net available hvdraulic head (ft) x flowrate (cfs) x efliciencv 11.8

The evaluations performed herein are based on the following conservative assumptions.

Power can be sold to Lower Valley Power & Light for 40 mils (4$/KWH).

Transmission line sizing above the recommended 18-inch supply line would be reflected as part of the hydro-electric facility cost.

The hydro-electric facility will be self-financed by the Town of Afton at an interest rate of 8% to match their current rate of return on investments.

All net power generation revenues will be used to retire system capital debts rather than for subsidized water rates.


Placement of the hydroelectric station should be immediately adjacent of the proposed 1 MG storage reservoir. The site adjacent to the proposed storage reservoir in Swift Creek canyon maximizes the available head used for energy production. Obviously, a shared tanklhydro- facility site also minimizes the environmental impacts associated with the project and simplifies the operation and monitoring of the system. A preliminary site plan, Figure 6.1, depicts a general layout that would benefit the overall project. 6.3 OPTIMIZING PIPELINEIHYDROELECTRIC STATION

Since the power output is a linear function of the net available hydraulic head, considerations were given to evaluating different diameter pipelines. Three diameters of ductile iron pipe (18- ,20-, and 24-inches), were considered. The findings of this evaluation are presented in Table 6.1. Preliminary indications based on "plant factors" would suggest that any of the three scenarios could be viable. Plant Factor (PF) is defined as the ratio of actual annual power output to the plant capacity multiplied by the number of hours in a year. A PF of 50% is considered reasonable for any run-of-the-river facility.

Estimated project costs for each of the three scenarios are summarized on Table 6.2. The total amounts represent the additional project costs over and above the Alternate No. 1 Cost Estimate.

Comparisons for the three hydroelectric facility scenarios are as follows:

Oescri~tion 16-inch 18-inch 20-inch 24-in~h'~) Hydroelectric Facility related project costs $446,365 $460,485 $697,578 $925,766 Gross Annual Revenue $63,700 $ 70,900 $74,400 $77,820 Less Annual O&M1 $13,050 $13,200 $14,300 $15,400 Net Annual Revenue $50,650 $57,700 $60,100 $62,400 No. Years to Retire Deb? 16 years 14 years 35 years *

Notes: 1. Annual O&M Costs - Operator 9,150 9,150 9,150 9,150 - Pads (5% of annual debt service) 1,950 2,050 3,100 4,100 - Replaceable fund 1,950 2,000 2.050 2,150 TOTAL 13,050 $13,200 $14,300 $75,400

2. Debt retirement based on 8% interest with net revenue used for annual payments.

*3. 24-inch alternative not economically viable. Projected revenues are inadequate to pay interest on loan. TABLE 6.1

Summary of Hydroelectric Performance based on Different Pipeline Sizes

Static Head (fi) Net Available Head (I?) 9000 gprn 7500 gprn 4500 gprn 3500 gprn 3000 gprn 1500 gprn 1200 gprn

Available Flow (gprn) April-November 3500 3500 December 3000 3000 January 1500 1500 February-March 1200 1200

Annual Energy Production 1,594 1,774 (G whr) Plant Factof 81% 70%

Gross Annual Revenue7 $63,700 $70,900 $74,400 $77,800

Notes: ' Optimum flowrate for 16-inch penstock is estimated at 4500 gprn based on hydro-turbine performance design assumptions. Optimum flowrate for 18-inch penstock is estimated at 4500 gprn based on hydro-turbine performance design assumptions. Optimum flowrate for 20-inch penstock is estimated at 8000 gprn based on hydro-turbine performance design assumptions. ' Optimum flowrate for 24-inch penstock is greater than 9,000 gpm. Kw = QH eff, Q = cfs H = Net Available head (ft) 11.8 Plant factor = percent of actual energy output/maximum annual energy output ' Gross Annual Revenue = $0.040/Kwhr x annual energy production TABLE 6.2

Summary of Additional Hydroelectric Project Costs

Water Transmission Diameter 16-inch 18-inch 20-inch 24-inch

Pipeline Over-sizing' 0 0 $127,500 $212,500

Appurtenances Over sizing 0 0 26,200 80,000

Hydroelectric Equipment 2 19,000 224,000 23 1,000 241,000

Hydroelectric Building 78,000 85,180 99,580 1 15,850

Electrical Switchyard

Construction Subtotals $ 320,000 $334,180 $5 12,280 $684,350

Engineering and Legal Fees2 68,745 71,165 100,772 128,498

Contingency (1 5%) 58,220 55,140 84,526 112,918

TOTALS $446,365 $460,485 $697,578 $925,766


' Pipeline length 21,235 ft. @ $44.00/ft. for 24" and $40.00/#. for 20" less $34.00/ft for 18" diameter pipe. Detailed cost estimates are contained in Appendix "A". The 18-inch system is recommended over the other three scenarios. This recommendation is based on the following facts: . The 24-inch transmission line is not economically viable. The projected net revenues are not adequate to pay the annual 8% interest cost on the facility.

The 20-inch system would require 34 years to retire the hydro-electric related debt. This substantially longer than the debt service for the 18-inch system. This alternative also represents a significantly greater financial risk without appreciately greater economic benefits when compared with the 18-inch system.

The 18-inch transmission line will generate revenues sufficient to retire hydroelectric related debt in less than 14 years. After debt is retired, all power related revenues will be available to the Town for other utility related expenses or for early retirement of the WWDC loan for recommended supply system improvements. This alternative represents the greatest economic return for the Town's investment.

The 16-inch transmission line also represents an economically viable hydro-power alternative. The estimated debt retirement period is 16 years. Unlike the 18-inch system, however, this line sizing provides very little flexibility for increased system demands in the future without severely impacting hydro-power generation.


Basic spacial relationships between the water transmission pipeline, one million gallon reservoir, overflows, and the hydroelectric facility are represented on Figure 6.1. The close proximity of the reservoir to hydroelectric station helps simplify the overall piping and valving for the project.

Figure 6.2 shows the preliminary layout of the building, switchyard, and tailrace. The suggested building structure would be masonry with a metal roofing system. Fencing would enclose the entire building/reservoir site, with extra secure fencing around switchyard.

Electrical transmission lines would be constructed overhead, to tie into the existing canyon Lower Valley Power grid. Transformers, meters, electrical protective switches and relays are all part of the switchyard.

Control of the system is proposed as manual start-up and adjustment based on the in-line flow metering and pressure monitoring devices. Emergency shut-down alarming could be used to activate an automatic telephone dialer with pre-recorded messages for explanation of type of failure. 1 MG RESERVOIR













The facility would not need to be manned continually. A daily inspection of the facility should occur to monitor water flow rates, pressure fluctuations, temperatures, pressures, and conditions of all hydraulic/electrical components. Adjustments to water flowrates should be made and recorded for performance records. Seasonal fluctuations in the Periodic Spring may require more frequent monitoring.

When the hydro is taken out of service for maintenance, a piping by-pass system would be utilized. This by-pass system consists of a parallel set of flow control and pressure reducing valves designed to properly throttle the flow without cavitating the valving.

Pressure surging in the water transmission line can be mitigated through the valve closing rates on the impulse turbine. Surge tanks are not necessary.


There are a few state and federal licenses and permits required to own a hydroelectric facility in addition to a power sales agreement. All hydroelectric stations must be licensed (or exempted) through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This facility would be designated as a small hydroelectric project, because it is less than 15 megawatts of installed capacity. It will require FERC licensing because it is to be located on federal lands. The licensing procedure takes six months to a year.

Water rights must also be amended to include diversion for the purpose of hydroelectric power generation. This will involve a petition to the State Board of Control and can be done in conjunction with other water rights filings and transfers associated with this project. Sale of the electrical power can be contracted to the Lower Valley Power and Light (LVP&L) at 40 mils (4$/KWH) for any and all energy. They would not make the purchase price conditional upon seasonal fluctuations of the firmness of the resource. Communications have already occurred with the LVP&L relative to "pooling" the resource through Bonneville Power Association (BPA). Before any sales agreements are executed further investigations should occur.

"Wheeling" the power would not be required if the power is sold to LVP&L because they have a 12.5 kva line in the canyon which would be used by Afton. If a sales agreement is pursued with other utilities, wheeling through LVP&L and BPA will be necessary. A higher net purchase price could possibly be negotiated even through a wheeling fee will be required. SECTION 7.0 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 7.0 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS


It is felt that Periodic Spring provides the most feasible, cost-effective water supply for the Town of ARon. It is recommended, therefore, that the existing system be modified and upgraded as required to take full advantage of the spring supply while minimizing health risks and operational problems. It is also recommended that all system improvements (immediate needs and long- term needs) be funded and constructed as part of one project. This approach was found to be most cost effective due to the hydro-power generation potential for the "ultimate" system.

Alternative No. 2, as discussed in Chapter 5.0, is recommended for Level Ill funding and construction. This alternative is shown schematically in Figure 7.1.


7.2.1 Periodic Spring Renovation

It is recommended that the Periodic Spring development be enhanced similar to the detail shown in Figure 7.2. These modifications include the following:

Extension of existing concrete cover.

Construction of formed concrete cut-off wall.

Lean grout below cut-off wall to decrease leakage from spring.

Construct manway with cover for future maintenance and monitoring.

These improvements are intended primarily to provide an air-break between the collected water and the overflow water, to minimize the potential for surface water influence (or deliberate tampering), and to maximize the collected yield during low-flow periods. It should be noted that construction will be very difficult due to the steep (1 70 ft. vertical to 860 ft. horizonal) rocky nature of Periodic Spring Canyon. It is anticipated that rock anchors, cables, and winches will be required to move materials and equipment to the site.

7.2.2 Spring Collection Tank Renovations

The existing 97,000 gallon collection tank is, in our opinion, structurally sound and of adequate capacity of it's intended use. There is some spalling and cracking of exposed concrete surface which has resulted in leakage. It is felt, however, that the repair of this structure is much more cost-effective than construction of a replacement tank. Recommended improvements, shown in Figure 7.3 include the following: '. '. DIP






FIGURE 7.3 p= I - FO'RSGREN = ' ASSQCIATES / P.A. Line tank interior with 45-mil reinforced hypalon liner.

Restore exterior surfaces using grout and/or epoxy fillers.

Construct 14" diameter by-pass piping with isolation values to allow for continued flows during construction (and future maintenance).

Provide secondary overflow vent to increase overflow capacity.

7.2.3 Upper Canyon Transmission Line

This segment of pipeline from the spring collection tank to the proposed 1 MG storage tank will be replaced in it's entirety. It is recommended that the new line be sized to match the spring collection capacity during the summer months. That would require an 18-inch diameter line size.

Soils in the vacan be classified as non-corrosive to only mildly corrosive. It is felt that ductile irorr 2 a suitable and cost-effective pipe material for this project.

Based on discussions with Forest Service personnel, it is recommended that the new line generally be routed along the canyon roadway rather than following the existing alignment. This approach has the advantages of minimizing environmental impacts and reducing the danger of damaging the existing line during construction. It should also be noted that the number of creek crossings will be reduced from 17 to 5. Of course, traffic problems and canyon access will be a major concern during construction. The contractor's schedule and operations must be closely coordinated with the Forest Service to minimize that impact.

The line around the Slide Lake area will be constructed around the north perimeter of the lake. It is recommended that an embankment be constructed similar to Figure 4.2 to keep the line out of the water and provide future maintenance access.

7.2.4 Flow Control/Pressure Reduction Station

A flow control device on the pipeline is required to protect the line from scouring velocities, surging flows in reversed gradient region, hydraulic jumps and resulting surging at gradient changes, and negative pressures (vacuum). Flow control valving can be accomplished only with valves designed for this function, otherwise cavitation will quickly destroy the valve. In addition to flow control, pressure reduction is necessary to mitigate cavitation. The pipeline pressure could exceed 200 psi while the discharge to the reservoir is atmospheric. This will require a two stage pressure reductive valving system. Figure 7.4 represents the recommended parallel valving system which should be located at the reservoir site. Metering of pipeline flows would occur immediately upstream of the flow control valves. BILL OF MATERIALS DESCRIPTION JOINT PRESSURE GAGES 0-300 psi 18" PIPING - CLASS 250 FL :8" BUTTERFLY VALVE CLASS 250 WATER 12" BUTTERFLY VALVE CLASS 250 WATER ROLL-SEAL MUDET #120-BP-F76 PRLf FL 1 MG RESERVOIR FLOW CONTROL VALVE IIOLL-SEAL MODEL #101-M2RF2-SC3-1;-76 I.8X12" REDUCERS CLASS 250 1.8'' COUPLING ADAPTORS 250 [lo. 12" COUPLING ADAPTORS 250 [lo. i8" PROPELLER METER


NUT TO SCALE 7,2.5 1 MG Canyon Storage Tank

In order to provide needed fire storage and to minimize system operational problems, it is recommended that a new 1 MG storage tank be constructed in Swif-t Creek Canyon. It is recommended that this tank be a partially buried concrete structure for the following reasons:

e Freezing problems will be minimized.

Canyon aesthetics will be less impacted.

Future maintenance will be minimized.

The "life-cycle" cost of concrete vs. steel is nearly identical for this size tank with today's pricing.

Based on discussions with the Forest Service, the preferred tank site is on the canyon floor immediately upstream of the existing campground area (Site #2 on Figure 4.1). This site also works very well functionally and hydraulically.

7.2.6 Lower Canyon Transmission Line

This segment of pipeline from the proposed 1 MG tank to town (4th & Monroe Streets) will also be replaced in its entirety. The existing alignment provides the shortest route between the proposed tank and the point of connection. It is recommended that the new line parallel the existing line through this reach. This approach not only minimizes costs, but also eliminates the need for additional right-of-way acquisition.

An 18-inch line size is recommended based primarily on fire flow delivery capacity. As with the upper canyon transmission line, it is felt that ductile iron pipe would be practical and cost-effective.

7.2.7 Booster Pump Station

In order to continue to effectively utilize the Town's existing storage tank, it will be necessary to increase the hydraulic capacity between the canyon transmission line (4th & Monroe) and the tank. These two system components are presently tied together by approximately 4000 feet of 10-inch pipe.

During low demand periods, the tank will be gravity fed through the 10-inch line. During high demand periods, however, the tank could run dry even though there is an adequate supply of water from the spring. It is felt that the most cost-effective solution to this problem is the construction of an in-line booster pump station on the 10-inch line. The recommended pump station would consist of two tandem 40 HP pumps controlled by the reservoir water levels. These proposed pumps are sized to deliver approximately 2100 gpm (operating together) to fill the tank in 8 hours under a worst-case scenario. The reason for tandem pumps as opposed to a single large pump is to provide flexibility for maintenance. Also, this allows pumps to be operated singly or together depending on the reservoir level which will increase system efficiency and reduce power costs.

7.2.8 Supplemental/Backup Well Supply

The development of a supplemental/backup water supply source for the Town of Afton is, in our opinion, necessary to insure that the town always has an adequate, safe drinking water supply. A secondary supply source will address the following concerns:

There is presently no back-up supply. In the event that the Periodic Spring supply is contaminated or interrupted, the town has no alternative available. Storage tanks would, of course, provide some reaction time to correct the problem.

The town's full water right is typically not legally secure in the months of August and September. If the Swift Creek drainage was regulated, the town's supply would be significantly reduced.

During low-flow (winter) periods, Periodic Spring can barely meet the town's present demand. This condition could become more severe as the town grows and associated water use increases.

The development of additional spring sources is not, in our opinion, practical or feasible. Groundwater well(s), therefore, offer the only realistic, cost-effective supply alternative. Based on hydro-geologic study of the Afton area, it is anticipated that such wells would be alluvial wells with limited capacity.

It is recommended that the Level Ill project include funding for a supplemental well source. This well should be sited north of town generally as indicated by the groundwater investigation performed as part of this study (see Appendix "D"). A small diameter test well should be drilled first to accurately ascertain water quality and probable well yields. Based on that data, a pumping facility and connecting transmission can be appropriately sized. The test well could also be abandoned at that time if test results are not favorable.

Although a well capacity of 1000+ gpm would be preferred, anticipated well yields are more likely to be 300-500 gpm.

7.2.9 System Telemetry and Control

System control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a recommended part of this project. The system requires a telemetry carrier system utilizing either a hardwire or radio signal. The radio signal would be much cheaper to install and maintain than a hardwire system. It is felt to be necessary because of the several integral components of the system. Water levels in reservoirs should control well pumps and/or supplemental booster pumps. Level alarms in the reservoirs or pressure fluctuations in the canyon pipeline must be monitored.

A modest microprocessor unit can easily perform the repetitive functions of the monitoring and control system. Other related non-water system functions could also be accomplished with the same hardware if so desired by the town.

Manual operation of pumps, treatment systems, and alarm responses can result in drained reservoirs, over-flowing reservoirs pumps i~advertentlyleft on, etc. The cost and inconvenience associated with manual operation is difficult to qualify, but it is easy to relate to.

7.2.10 Disinfection

Based on discussions and input from EPA staff relative to this and other projects, it is our opinion that EPA regulations will require at least stand-by disinfection for all water supplies in the near future. Regardless of EPA's regulatory requirements; however, it is felt that such disinfection capability is a wise precaution. It provides the community with an excellent "insurance policy" in the event that bacteriological contamination is detected in the water supply. Disinfection could provide an emergency response without interrupting supplies until such time as the problem is corrected.

It is recommended that disinfection facility(s) be included for the Periodic Spring source as part of this project. These facilities would be located at the proposed tank site and the proposed well site respectively.


Hydroelectric power generation appears to be very cost-effective if incorporated in the recommended level Ill improvements. The facility has a potential capacity of about 300 kw, if constructed along with the recommended 18-inch canyon transmission line. Increased line sizing would not be cost-effective. Power generation would be optimized at approximately 4500 gpm above which pipeline frictional losses create a diminishing return.

Net revenue from the sale of power is conservatively estimated at more than $57,700 per year based on a sales rate of 40 mils (4$/kwhr). Higher power sales rates may be possible. The debt retirement for a loan a 8% interest would occur within 14 years. After that debt is retired, revenues generated could then be used for early repayment of WWDC loans associated with the recommended water supply project.

The construction of this facility is, in our opinion, clearly in the Town's financial interest. Sketches of the proposed facility are shown in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. 7.4 PROJECT ECONOMIC DATA

The primary purpose of this study was to identify problems and make recommendations relative to ARon's water supply system. A secondary consideration was the potential for hydro-power generation. These two facets of the recommended project are addressed separately hereafter.

7.4.1 Recommended Project Budgets

Summary cost estimates for the water supply improvements and hydro-power facility are shown in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 respectively. These estimates conservatively follow the required WWDC format for project budgeting. The recommended project budgets are $2,535,200 and $460,500 respectively.

Detailed cost break-downs are contained in Appendix "A".

TABLE 7.1 Recommended Project Budget Water Supply System improvements

Item No. Descri~tion Est. Cost I Periodic Spring Renovation $ 24,400 2 Collection Tank Renovation $ 29,000 3 Upper Transmission Line $ 997,000 4 Slide Lake (additional costs) $ 65,500 5 IMG Tank $ 292,500 6 Lower Transmission Line $ 171,100 7 Suppl. Well Supply $ 190,300 8 Booster Pump Station $ 31,500 9 Misc. (telemetry, disinfection) $ 86,000 Subtotal $1,887,300

Preparation of Plans and Specs Permitting & Mitigation Legal Fees R. 0.W. Acquisition

Construction Cost (from above) Construction Engineering (10%) Subtotal Contingency (1 5%) Construction Total

PROJECT TOTAL TABLE 7.2 Recommended Project Budget Hydro-Power Facility

Item No. Est. Cost

I Transmission Line Oversizing Not Req'd 2 Hydro-Electric Equipment $ 224,000 3 Building 85,200 4 Electrical Switchyard 25,000 Subtotal $334,200

Preparation of Plans & Specs Permitting & Mitigation Legal Fees R. 0.W. Acquisition

Construction Cost (from above) $334,200 Const. Engineering (1 0%) 33,400 Subtotal $367,600 Contingency (15%) 55,100 Construction Total $422,700 $422,700


7.4.2 Financing

As indicated above, the project is broken into two components; 1) water supply system improvements, and 2) hydro-power facility related improvements. Based on discussion between Water Development Commission staff and the Town of Afton it is assumed that all eligible water system improvements will by funded by WWDC at 50% grant and 50% loan. The terms of the loan would be 30-years at 4% interest.

The hydro-power facility, however, will be self-financed by the Town of Afton @ 8%+ interest to match their current rate of return on investments. It is assumed that all net revenues from power generation be used to retire the debt for the hydro-power facility. It is estimated that this loan can be retired in approximately 14 years. As a condition of funding for the water supply system improvements, the Water Development Commission may establish conditions on the use of revenues from the hydro-power facility. 7.4.3 User Rate lmpact/Ability to Pay

The present water rate structure for the Town of Afton is as follows:

Quarterly Monthly Type of Connection Rate Rate

Resident household $20.00/conn $6.67/conn Non-resident household $23.50/conn $7.83/conn Business $40.00/conn $13.33/conn

Probable user-rate impacts associated with the recommended project are summarized in Table 7.3. A "first-year" scenario has been assumed as the worst case with 650 existing water service connections and 100% of the project budget being expended. This results in a user-rate increase of $9,40/conn/month to cover debt retirement associated with the recommended project. It is projected that all loans will be retired in approximately 21 years after which excess revenues could be used to offset other system costs and/or a reduction in water rates. If the hydro-power facility were not included as part of the project, the debt retirement period would be increased to 30-years.

TABLE 7.3 Recorr -?endedProject User Rate Impacts

Water Supply System Hydro-Power lm~rovements Facilitv Est. Project Cost $2,535,200 $460,500

50% WWDC Grant 1,267,600

50% WWDC Loan (@ 4%, 30-year)

Self-Financed (@ 8%, no term)

Annual Loan Payment 73,305/year $57,70O/year ")

Annual Net Revenue $57,70O/year ")

Debt Retirement Period 2 1 years'?) 14 years

User Rate Impact $9.40/conn/month (650 connections)

Notes: (') All net hydro-power revenues will be dedicated to loan retirement. (2) Amoflization schedule included in Appendix "A". 7.5 PROJECT PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS

There are several State and Federal permits required for the construction of this project as follows:

7.5.1 U.S. Forest Service Special Use Permit

Most of the project components will be constructed in Swift Creek canyon within Forest Service boundaries. The conclusions of this study have already been reviewed with Benton Smith and John Newcom in their District office to minimize the possibility of "surprises" during the permitting process. It may be possible to simply amend the town's existing special use permit for this project.

7.5.2 Wyoming DEQ Permit to Construct

This permit is required for all water system projects. DEQ will require final plans and specifications to review as part of the application process.

7.5.3 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit

All work impacting wetlands and/or waterways generally requires a 404 permit. The application for this permit requires that the project be briefly described and qualified in sufficient detail to ascertain it's impact to the environment. Various private and public agencies (including Fish & Game, EPA, etc.) are then given an opportunity to comment on the project prior to issuing (or not issuing) a permit.

The creek crossings and construction in the Slide Lake area will likely require 404 permitting.

7.5.4 Right-of-way Acquisition

Some private land may be required for the construction of the well facilities. In addition, a Wyoming Highway License Agreement may be required to the construction of the well transmission line within Highway 89 right-of-way.

7.5.5 Archeological Clearance

In the State of Wyoming, all projects of this nature must be reviewed by a qualified archeologist to insure that archeological findings are not inadvertently lost or damaged. Virtually all of the land impacted by this project has already been disturbed. This clearance, therefore, will be relatively quick and inexpensive to obtain. 7.5.6 Water Rights

The following recommendations have been made relative to Afton's water supply and this project: a) Petition the State Board of Control to transfer all existing rights to the Periodic Spring. Also change the means of conveyance to reflect the proposed system.

b) Petition the State Board of Control to include Hydro-power generation as an intended use.

c) Petition the State Board of control to transfer other Swift Creek irrigation rights which are tied to lands within the Town of Afton to municipal use (in whole or part) . d) File a 1991 enlargement on the Periodic Spring to account for any differences between the spring collection capacity (9800 gpm) and the town's other municipal rights.

e) File 1991 groundwater rights associated with the proposed supplemental well. This will involve two filings for the test well and production well respectively.

It is our understanding that the town is already proceeding with this water rights work.

7.5.7 FERC Permit

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is the licensing agency for all power generation facilities. This permit application is highly detailed in nature. Much of the information contained in this report, however, can be modified as part of the FERC permit application. Work on that application, therefore, is already proceeding.

7.5.8 Power Sales Agreement

Lower Valley Power & Light Company (LVP&L) has already agreed to purchase any power generated by the proposed Afton Hydro-power facility for 40 mils (4$/KWH). This rate would be adjusted annually to reflect true energy costs based on the price of oil.

It may be possible to "wheel" the power through the LVP&L system and sell it to a different entity at a higher rate. The town is presently exploring that possibility. APPENDIX "A" Detailed Cost Estimates !? ,-- L-. tn r-l=I I-+- - F-. ad r ' C1 a* C I I23 Q I- rC rC mUl rtl 2 -s3 ,I, r- b.4 e.. ,-* JJ. 0 C. r, L. .... m rn0 YIC- - 3 rn r7 t"a- x- r5 w a4 10=I 30

03 m X4 m mUI 3rC

1: tl' C

r- r- I-- r- I- C: CCC e % !!? 4! z .s WJ UJ m rn LI, c GCC C m msr s

r-ri c:. c...-. -. - 52 ct. Ln o 0 r.1 - C" c. hJ ..-.-. 0 .= .3 g <:> <:> c. C 0 .=:a C> r.J - . I-" I.... c:.c> r,:. C. 52. <-::.

I b.- * I LO -4 0- ma I e r,r) ~rlo .a- l.o 9 PI -0 0030- -- I ea &I . - FPPPF r- r- r- r- CCCC r--!? ZZ e

L'I Ln P P c.. C* CL C- 0 c. *,? c. Preparation of Final Plans and Specs. ( 7.5 Z ol Const. per FBI# Fee Curve) permit tin^ and Hitioat ion Lurn SUB

Le~alFees Lump Sum houisition of Access and R.0.Y CScre

Construct ion Cost (Fro~Above)

Const. Enuin~nr in^ Costs l10X of Const. Cost)


Cant inoencv (15 Z of Const. Subtotal)






Concrete cut-of f wall Lum~Sua 1 4OfiO. 00 Concrete Cap Structure Lurp Sum 1 10600.0(, 30- inc h manway Lurp Sum 1 400.00 Rock Placerent IAesthetics LUQ Sua 1 3OOCi.00 Lean Grout Seal Luro Sur 1 1500,OO Vent Wodif ication Already Completed bv Town Remove Secondarv Int ate Lump Sun 1 500.00 Hobil izat ion1Cable Rigainq, etc. Lurp Sur 1 5000 .Oil



1 Cwrcrete Repair York Lump Sum 1 3500,00 2 Hypalon Liner SF 3250 2.00 3 Inlet hffle Lurp Sui 1 500.00 4 Temporar~Collecti~nLineClnsure LurpSum 1 1000.00 5 14-inch tank by-pass line w/ Lurp Sur 1 16000.00 vmt stack! valves, fittings, etc. 6 4bb'ilit~tion/sitereclaration! ett. Lump Sum 1 1500,00

18-inch Ciass 51 4 51 DIP (installed) LF 34.00 Winch Buttcrflv Valves Eoc h 3500. Oil Air t Vacuum Valve Stations Each IBOO,00 Creek Cr ossinos Each 3500.00 Gravel Road Repair LF 3,50 Rock Excavation LF 25.00 Ex ist $no Pipel in^ Abandonr~nt Lump Sui 10000.00 Fi~wC~ntrol!Pressur~ Reduc ina Sta. Luro Sum SC100fi. 00



F111 Rater1ai iNative in slide areal C? Rio kac (hative irt slide area) E \ Lock-t J~lnts LF 18-INCH TRAWSnlSSIDN LINE REPLACEHENT (NEW 1 U6 TANK TO TOMU)

18-inch Class 50 DIP Pipe tlnstalled) LF Seedina/Sur lace Restoration LF Connert ions at 4th and Hmroe Street Lurp Sum



Tank Structure Lump Sum Inlet /ktlet hssy LUQ Sun Overf lw Assv and piping Lump Sum Roof Hatch/Ladder hssv Lump Sur Imported Structural Fill Ton Site Gr ading/Earthuork Lump Sur Chain-1 ink Fmcina L F


SUPPLEENTCIL HELL SOURCE (Assuminp 300-400 f t Al luvia 1 We1 1)

#ell Drillin! Lump Sur Pump and Adapter Luro Sua Ytll Site Electrical Lump Sur Pump Hwwl Control Valvinq Lurp Sur 10-inch DIP or PVC Pipe (Installedj LF SeedingtSur f ace Reoairs LF

mTER PUP STATlDW (To old bkfor SUO. Fire Protection

00 HQ kline Centrili~alPump Eac h Elutritd Service Luy Sue Check Valve & By-pass Piping Lump Sum Pullp House (10x12 cetal bid!) Lump Sue Exist ino Tank hdif icat ions Lurp Sur


Well Disinfection Eauiprent Lump SUB 1 25000.00 25000.0(1 Canvon Disinfection Eouipeent Lump Sur 1 25000.00 25000.00 Svstea Control f Annunciation Lurp Sur 1 36000.00 36000.00

CONSTRUCT ION COST TOTAL Preparation of Final Plans and S~ecs. 1 6.9 X of Const. FrHA Fee Curve)

P~rrittinoand Ritioation Lump Sur

Le!al Fees Luap Sur kquisit i~nol Access and R.0.W Acre 5

Construct ion Cost (From Above)


Continoenry (15 Z af Const. Subt~tall







COLLECTION TMK REWOVATf ON Not Required ------Subtotal $6


------Subtotal $6




1 18-inch Class 50 DIP Pipe (Installed) LF 5460 30.50 166530.00 2 SHdinofGurface Restoration LF 5466 0.20 1092.00 3 Coanutiwrs at 4th and !ionroo Street Lump Sum 1 3500.00 3500.00 4 Abandon hnvon Syster Lurp SUB 1 21000.00 21000.00 ------Subtotal $192,122


1 Tank Structure Lurp SUB 1 240000.00 240000.00 2 InletlOutlet Ass! Luru Sue 1 2500.00 2500.00 3 Over f low Ass! and pipi no iurp Sur 1 9000.00 9000.00 4 Roof Hatch/Ladder Ass! Lur~Sur 1 2500.00 2500.00 5 I~portedStructural Fill Ton 1000 8.00 P000,60 b Site GradinoJEarthwork Luro SUB i 25600.00 25000.00 7 Chain-link Fencino LF 550 10,OO 5500.00



Subtotal PDOSTER PUW STATION {To old Tank for sup. Fire Protection

1 40 HP In-line CentriCifal Purp Each 2 6500. OCI 1 3000.00 2 Electrical Service Luw Sum 1 2500.00 2500.00 3 Check Valve t By-pass Piping Lump Sur 1 4000.00 4000.00 4 Purp House (10x12 wtal bldg) LUM Sum 1 10000.00 10000.00 5 Ex i~ting Tank hdi f icat ions Lurp SUB 1 2000.00 2000.00 ------Subtotal %31?500

WATER TREATRENT PLAHT (6 HED Rapid Sand Filtratim, 40x70 Bld?! disinlection, etc.)

1 Yater Treatrent Facilitv Lure Sua 1 1500000.00 1500000.00 2 SwiCt Creek Intake Lump Sum 1 35000.00 '35000.00 3 Svster Control b Annunciation Lurp Sum 1 20000.00 20000.00 ------Subtotal $1,555!000


heparatian o( Final Plans and Specs. I 6.9 Z of Const. per FmH4 Curve)

Pernittine and Hitioat ion Lump Sum

Lqal Fen Luao Sur

Muisition of kcess and R.D.Y Acre 2

Construct ion Cost (From Above)

Const. Enoineer in! Costs (10% of Const, Cost)


Cont inpency (15 1 ol Const. Subtotal)





1 Transrission Line Oversizint LF 2 1250 0.00 0.00 (10-inch for supplv vs 18-inch for Hvdro) 2 hppur tanace Over sir in! Lurp SUB 1 0.00 0.00 3 Hvdrwlectric Equipment Lurp Sum 1 224000.00 224000.00 (Based on Puote from 6ilkes)

4 BUILDIWG Excavation Concrete )lasonat v Bui ldinp 10x 12 Ral ler Door Windaus,Venii lators Lump Sum bod Truss/ Ma1 Roof Lurp SUN Pipino Lump Sum Elutrical Lipht inq,Cable, RTU Luw Sum Fcnc ino LF Install Hvdro Equip. Lue Sum Site Gradin! Lulp SUN Overhead Power Hiles

Eieciriral Switchyard) Lump Sum 1 25000.00 2500. OQ 44?jlrrlwnr, pounding pad! etc. 1

P'mpardim od Final Plans b Specs. 4 9.5 2 per fW fee Curve)

hraitfin! and Nit ipat ion $5,000

Leaal Fees S1,OM

Aquisistion of Access & k.0.W $6

Construct ion Cost IFroh Above)

bnst, Eno jneer in! Costs l1OX of Gonst Cost)







1 Transmission Line Oversizina LF 21250 6.06 127500.00 (Winch lor supply vs 20-inch for Hydro) 2 Aopurtanaco Ovorsiz in? Luep Sur 1 26000.00 26000.00 3 Hydroelectric Equiprent Lump Sur 1 231000.00 231000.00 [Based on Quote Frw 6ilkes)

4 BUILDIN6 Excavation CY Concrete CY Hasonary Buildin! SF 10x12 Roller Door LUM Sw Windows! Ventilators iulp Sum hod Truss/ Hetal Roof Lump Sum Piping Lurp SUB Electrical Lighting,Cable, RTU ium~Sur Fencino L F Install Hvdro Equip. LUM Sur Site Gradin? Lurp Sum Over head Power Hi 1 es

5 Electrical Switcbvird Lulp Sub 1 28000.00 28000.00 (Trursiorwr, qroumding pad! etc.


Preparatim od Final Plans I Specs. { %.aper FW Fee Curve)

Permittino and Hitioat ion $5,000

Legal Fees $1.000

kouisition of Access t R.0.Y $0

Construct ion Cost (Fror Above) $5 12,280

Const, En~ineerin! Costs (101 or Const Cost)


C~ntinoencv (151 ol Const. Subtotal) $84 526





1 Transmission Line Oversizina LF 21250 10.00 (10-inch for suppiv v5 24-inch lor Hydro) 2 Aopurtanace Dversiz in! Lurp Sum 1 80000.00 3 Hvdroelectr ic Equipment Lump Sur 1 241000.00 (Based on Puote From 6ilkes)

4 BUILDIWG Excavation CY 150 Concrete CY 90 hsonarv Building SF 2000 l0x 12 Roller Door Lump SUII 1 Yindous,Ventilators Lurp Sur 1 Uaod Truss1 ktal Roof Lump Sum f Piping Lurp Sur 1 Electrical Lighting,Csbie! RTU Lue Sum 1 Fenc in! L F 180 Install Hydro Equip. LUQ Sur 1 Site Grading Lump SUB 1 Over head Pwer Hiles 0.5

5 EIectrjcal Switchvard Lurp Sum 1 35000.00 Sltwrfwrcr, grounding pad, etc. i

Prepatation od Final Plans & Specs. ( 7.92 ptt F31CI Fee Curve)

Legal Fees $1,000

Plquisition of kcess b R.D.W. SO

Construct ion Cost (Fr or hbovei

Const, Enoineering Costs (10% of Const Cost)


Continoency (15% of Const. Subtotal)




Annual Loan Clnnua 1 Rmainino Reaainino Pavment f ror Hvdro-oouer UM: Hvdr o-Pwer UUDC Balance Hvdro Balance Year Rote Increace Revenue Loan Pavwnt Loan Pav~ent (4%) (8%) APPENDIX "B" V7ater Quality Data ANALYSIS FOR WATERBORNE PARTICULATES [invoice 90 183 1 CH Diagnostic and Consul ti ng Service. I nc. 20 12 Derby Court, Fort Collins. Colorado 80526 ~~~ Chorks P. Hibler PhDJ Pr+sid+nt Tekphsru (3a) 223-0549

Customer 9023 1 Laboratory lnlormatlon USEPA Region VI I I Fed. Ex.; 5/25/90; 10 10 Hrs.; 999 18th St., Ste. 500 8WN-DW Denver., CO 80202

Sample Identification: Af ton BPV,. PWS IDX5600002* Dotelstart 5/21 /90; 1600 DateIStop 5/22/90; 0705 Sampler: M.S. Abell Gallons: 1406.7 Filter Color: Off-white Sediment: Trace of si 1i ca (<1 mm) Flne Amorphous Debrls: Occasionel silica (1-5 fl diameter) Large Amorphous Debris: 0 Algae: 0 Diatoms: 0 Plant Debris: 0 Giardia: 0 - Cryptosporidium: Not checked Free-Living Nematodes: 0 Pollen: 0 Free-Living Amoeba: 0 Free-Living Ciliates: 0 Free-Living Flagellates: 0 Crustaceans: 0 Arthropods: 0 Other: 0 Comments: *Sampling Site; Upper PRV Station (8W;"0.7 MU) This water is quite clean. NATIONAL TESTING LABORATORIESINC. 6151 WILSON MILLS ROAD CLEVELAND. OH 44143

Date:04/17/90 Report #: 916229

'lient: Ozark Analytical Water Lab. Date Collected: 04/02/90 114 Spring Street Time Collected: 9:30 Sulphur Springs, AR ID: Nurt it iorinl Food Labs 50fi W. 1470 N. (:eriterville, U'I' 84014

Date received at lab: 04/05/90 Time received at lab: 10:OO

NOI~E: "*" indicates t.hnt maximum levels have been excecded. "nd" indicates that none of this contaminant has been detected at or above our detection level.

Analysis performed MCL :Detection: Level ! (mR/l) ! Level 1Detectd Total Coliform(organiams/l00ml) f 0 0.0 **

Inorganic chemicals - metals: Arsenic 1 0.05 1 0.002 : ND Barium : 1.0 f 0.3 f ND Cadmium f 0.01 0.002 1 ND Chromium 1 0.05 1 0.004 1 ND Copper I 1.0 t 0.004 : 0.005 54bb Iron f 0.3 0.02 1 0.045 & G1 Ilead t 0.05 f 0.001 ND F- Manganese ! 0.05 1 0.004 1 ND Mercury f 0.002 f 0.0002 f ND Nickel 1 0.15 f 0.02 f ND Selenium 0.01 1 0.002 f ND Silver f 0.05 0.002 f Sodium I ,, f 1.0 Zinc ! 5.0 ! 0.004 ! Inorganic chemicals - other: Alkalinity (total as CaC03) I --- I Chloride f 250 1 Fluoride I 4.0 f Nitrate (as N) 10 I Nitrite ] 10 : Sulfate f 250 1 Hardness (as CaC03) I ,,- I pH ( Standard IJni t,s ) :6.5-8.5 f Total Dissolved Solids : 500 1 Turbidity (NTIJ) 1 1.0 : Color -- I

Corrosivity I -,- I Foaming Agents ,,, I Odor Threshold 1 -- I

Oraatlic chemicals - trihalome thanes : Rromoform I ,, 1 0.004 f ND Bromodichloromethane ,, f 0.002 ND Chloroform I -, : 0.002 1 ND Dibromochloromethane I ,, : 0.004 ND ToLal THMs (sum of four above) 0.1 0.002 t-44 Organic chemicals - volatiles: Benzene 1 0.005 f 0.0005 f ND Vinyl chloride . : 0.002 f 0.0005 1 ND Carbon tetrnchldide 0.005 f 0.0005 f ND 1,2-llichloroethane f 0.005 f 0.0005 ] ND Trichloroethylene (TCE) f 0.005 f 0.0005 : ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 0.75 : 0.0005 1 ND 1,l-Dichloroethylene 1 0.007 1 0.0005 f ND l,l,l-Trichloroethane f 0.2 1 0.0005: ND Rromobenzene I ,, 1 0.0005: ND I ---Bromomethane 1 -- ! 0,0005 : ND - ** Bacteria not tested due to kit arrival at lab more than 48 hours after collection. NATIONAL TESTING LABORATORIES INC. 6151 WILSON MILLS ROAD CLEVELAND. OH 44 143

Sample Code: 9162291 Organic chemicals - volatile3 (continued): Chlorobenzene 1 -- 0.0005 : ND Chloroethane -- : 0.0005 : NO Chloromethane I -- : 0.0005 : HD 1,l-Chlorotoluene : -- : 0.0005 : NO 1,3-Chlorotoluene 1 -- I 0.0005 : NL) Dibt~omochloropropane ( DRCP) I -- : 0.0005 I ND Di br-omomethane -- : 0.0005 : ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene -- 0.0005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene -- : 0.0005 1 ND Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene I -- I O.OU05 I ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene I ,- I 0.0005 t NLI Dichloromethane I -- 1 0.0005 1 ND 1,l-Dichloroethane I -- 1 0.0005 I ND 1,l-Dichloropropene I -- 1 0.0005 I ND 1,2-Dichloropropane : -- 1 0.0005 1 ND trans 1,3-Dichloropropane I -- 1 0.0005 1 ND cis 1,3-Dichloropropane I -- : 0.0005 f ND 2,2-Djchloropropane I ,, I 0.0005 1 ND Etl~ylenedibromide (EDB) I -, 1 0.0005 1 ND Ethylbenzene I -- 1 0,0005 1 ND Styrene I ,, 1 0.0005 1 ND I,1,2-Trichloroetha~~e I ,, 1 0.0005 1 ND 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane I ,, 0.0005 1 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethtine I ,- 1 0.0005 1 ND Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) I __ 1 0.0005 1 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane -, 1 0.0005 1 ND Toluene I -- 1 0.0005 i ND Xylene I ,- 1 0.0005 1 ND Chloroethylvinylether I ,- 1 0.003 f ND Dichlorodi fluoromethane I ,- 1 0.005 1 ND cis 1,3-Dichloropropene I -- I 0.002 1 MD Trichlorofluoromethane I -- 10.005 1 ND ~richlorobenzene(s) I ,- ! 0,002 ! ND Organic chemicals - herbicides, pesticides, PCB's: Alachlor I ,,, I 0.005 ND Aldrin I --- 1 0.005 1 ND Atrazine 1 ___ 1 0.050 f ND - Chlordane : 0.02 1 0.020 1 ND Dichloran I ___ 1 0.005 1 ND Dieldrin I ___ I 0.0001 I ND Endrin : 0.0002l 0.0001 I ND Ileptachlor 0.01 1 0.002 1 ND Ileptachlor Epoxide 1 ,,, I 0.0001 ND Hexachlorobenzene 1 0.02 f 0.005 1 ND IIexachloropentadiene 1 --- f 0,005 f ND Lindane ) 0.004 1 0.001 1 ND Methoxychlor 1 0.1 1 0.05 1 ND PCB's : 0.008 1 0,004 1 ND Pentachloronitrobenzene I --- 1 0.005 1 t ND Silvex 2,4,5-TP 1 0.01 1 0.0005 : ND Simazine I --- 0.05 1 ND Toxaphene 1 0.005 1 0.005 1 ND Trifluralin 1 ,-- I 0.001 I ND 2,4-D ! 0.1 ! 0,001 ! ND Organic chemicals - phenols: 2-Chlorophenol 0.05 f 0.005 1 ND 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol 1 0.05 1 0.005 1 ND 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1 0.05 1 0.006 f ND 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1 0.05 1 0.008 1 ND

2-Nitrophenol . 1 0.05 1 0.006 ) ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1 0.05 f 0.05 1 ND 4-Nitrophenol I 0.05 1 0.03 1 ND Pentachlorophenol I 0.22 0.08 f ND 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol f 0.05 I0.008 t ND Phenol ( to tall ! 0.05 0.001 ! ND EPA approved methods were used in all of the analyses and a listing is.nvailable upon request. These test results may be used for urposes as required.

%?f ~P~BM~-P/B-~P"-P~~@c 1-7 FAX/2,f@44985m -1 NATIONAL TESTING LABORATORIES INC. 6151 WILSON MILLS ROAD CLEVELAND. OH 44 143 Date:04/17/90 Report t:916228 ient: Ozark Analytical Water Lab. Date Collected: 01/02/90 114 Spring Street Time Collected: 9:50 Sulphur Springs, AR ID: Nurtition~lFoodLabs 506 W. 1470 N. Cer~terville, UT 84014 Upper- Box Date received at lab: 04/05/90 Time received at lab: lb: 00 NOTE: "*" indicates that maximum levels have been exceeded. It nd " indicates that none of this contaminant has been detected at or above our detection level. Analysis performed : MCL :Detection: Level ! (~na/l)I Level :Uetect& Total Coliform(organisms/l00ml) : 0 1 0.0 f **

Inorganic chemicals - metals: Arsenic 1 0.05 1 0.002 t ND Dar ium 1.0 f 0.3 I ND Cadmium ! 0.01 f 0.002 : ND Chromium 0.05 1 0.004 ] ND Copper I 1.0 0.004 1 0.006 Iron 1 0.3 : 0.02 1 0.023 lJead f 0.05 : 0.001 f ND Manganese f 0.05 0.0ol I ND Mercury 1 0.002 0.00U2 : ND Nickel 1 0.15 1 0.02 f ND Selenium I 0.01 I 0.002 f ND Silver 1 0.05 1 0.002 1 ND Sodium 1 -- f 1.0 I ND Zinc ! 5.0 ! 0.004 ! 0.025 Inorganic chemicals - other: Alkalinity (total as CaC03) I ___ 1 2.0 80 Chloride : 250 1 10.0 ND Fluoride 14.0 1 0.1 : 0.4 Nitrate (as N) I 10 1 1.0 I ND Nitrite I 10 ! 1.0 f ND Sulfate : 250 1 20.0 ND Hardness (as CaC03) f --- 1 20.0 : 80 pi1 (Standard Units) :6.5-8.5 1 --- f 7.8 Total Dissolved Soljds f 500 1 20.0 : 100 Turbidity (NTU) f 1.0 I 0.1 I ND Color I ,,, f 1.0 ! ND Corrosivity 1 --- I --- 1 -0.76 Foaming Agents -,, f 0.1 ND Odor Threshold 1 ,,- I 1.0 ! ND Organic chemicals - trihalomethanes: Bromoform I -- I 0.004 I ND Bromodichloromethane I -- 1 0.002 I ND Chloroform I ,, 0.002 ND Dibromochloromethane I __ : 0.004 ND Total THMs (sumof four above) ! 0.1 ! 0.002 ND Organic chemicals - volatiles: Benzene 1 0,005 1 0.0005 1 ND Vinyl chloride 0.002 1 0.0005 1 ND Carbon tetrachloride I 0.005 1 0.0005 : ND 1,2-DichloroetMne : 0.0051 0.0005; ND Trichlorotthylene (TCE) f 0.005 : 0.0005 : ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 0.75 1 0.0005 1 ND 1,l-Dichloroethylene 1 0.007 1 0.0005 : ND l,l,l-Trichloroethane f 0.2 I 0.0005: ND Bromobenzene 1 -- I 0.0005 : ND Bromomethane I -- ! 0.0005! ND ** Bacteria not tested due to kit arrival at lab more than 48 hours after collection, NATIONAL TESTING LABORATOR/ES,NC. 615 1 WILSON MILLS ROAD CLEV4wt@ti ,f4JifI1 : 9 1 6 2 chemicals - volatiles (continued): Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloromethane 1,l-Chlorotoluene 1,3-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene cis-1,2-Dictiloroethy lene Dichloromethnne 1,l-Dichloroethane 1,l-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropane trans 1,3-Dichloropropane cis 1,3-Dichlorop1*opnne 2,2-Dichloropropane Ethylenedibromidc (EDB) Ethylbenzene S t y rcrle 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroeth~ne 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Toluene Xylene Chloroethylvinylether Dichlorodifluoromethane cis 1,3-Dichloropropene Trichlorofluoromethane Trichlorobenzene(s) Organic chemicals - herbicides, pesticides, PCB's: Alachlor I --- f 0.005 f ND ' Aldrin I ___ ] 0.005 f ND Atrazine 1 ___ 0.050 1 ND Chlordane I 0.02 f 0.020 : ND Dichloran I ___ I 0.005 1 ND Dieldrin I --- ] 0.0001 I ND Endrin I 0.0002~ 0.0001 : ND Heptachlor 1 0.01 1 0.002 f ND Heptachlor Epoxide -,- f 0.0001 1 ND Hexachlorobenzene : 0.02 0.005 ND Hexachloropentadiene I --- I 0,005 1 ND Lindane f 0.004 1 0.004 1 ND Methoxychlor f 0.1 0.05 1 ND PCB's 1 0.008 0.004 ND Pentachloronitrobenzene I --- : 0.005 1 ND Silvex 2,4,5-TP 1 0.01 1 0.0005 I ND Simazine I --- : 0.05 ND Toxaphene 1 0.005 0.005 1 ND Trifluralin 1 --- I 0.001 I ND 2.4-D ! 0.1 ! 0.001 ! ND Organic chemicals - phenols: 2-Chlorophenol 10.05 : 0.005 1 ND 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol 0.05 f 0.005 1 ND 2,4-Dichlorophenol : 0.05 1 0.006 f ND 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1 0.05 1 0.008 1 ND 2-Nitrophenol 1 0.05 I 0.006 f ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol f 0.05 1 0.05 : ND 4-Nitrophenol ,! : 0.05 f 0.03 1 ND Pentachlorophenol f 0.22 1 0.08 f ND 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 0.05 : 0.008 1 ND Phenol ( total 1 ! 0.05 ! 0.001 ! ND EPA approved methods were used in all of the analyses and a listing :&;ilable upon reqliest. These test results may be used for murposes as required.

~ayionalTesting Laboratories, Inc. APPENDIX "C" Swift Creeli Canyon Transmission Line hlspection Log mH FORSGREN I J - ASSOCIATES / P.A. PIPELINE INSPECTION SUMMARY - AFTON TRANSMISSION LINE

Ins~ectionPoint Description

Town installed corp stop for pito measurement. Inadequate line pressure for measurement. Line in excellent condition when uncovered (I0-years ago). Buried across creek. 12" line

Creek crossing. Riprapped and buried this year. Coating worn off, no holes. Fair condition.

#3 Series of 4 leaks (318" dia?). Holes due to large rocks in bedding wearing on pipe. Coating otherwise intact. Pipe in excellent condition from standpoint of corrosion.

Creek crossing, exposed pipe. Coating worn off. Stainless steel plug installed approximately 10' downstream of channel in 1990. Hole caused by bedding problems. No corrosion evident.

Line potholed. No deterioration evident. Excellent condition. Sandy, silty backfill w/some cobbles 4" - 8".

Near creek crossing. Line excavated in fall of 1989. For bridge construction. No deterioration evident. Excellent condition.

Line runs under roadway for approximately 3,000 LF. No history of any leakage in this stretch.

Creek crossing. Riprap covered in 1990. Coating worn off. No evidence of leakage.

Creek crossing. Riprap covered in 1990. Coating worn off. No evidence of leakage.

Creek crossing. Not exposed. No leakage problems evldent.

Line potholed. Very large rocks (24"+) in trench. No deterioration of pipeline evident. Excellent condition. 12" line

Line exposed. Tar coating peeling in places. Pipe in good condition. 12" line Slide Area. Pipe previously damaged by rock slide (and equipment). Pipeline is banded at this location. 12" line

Elbow in middle of creek (now buried). Line is banded under creek. Some leakage is still on-going. This could represent a health risk. 12" line

Creek crossing. Covered with riprap in 1990. Coating worn off. Pipe in fair condition. 12" line

Pipeline follows old penstock along edge of creek. Partially exposed in areas. Coating peeling. Pipe in good condition. Town riprapped over exposed sections in 1990. 14" line.

From old power house to approximately 100 yards upstream. 8 - 10 small leaks were repaired 4 years ago. Leaks appeared to have been caused by rocks in backfill. Coating still intact. No evidence of corrosion. 14" line

Box w/ pressure gauge near old power plant. Fittings in vault in fair condition. 14" line

Suspended creek crossing. Minor wrapping deterioration. 14" line.

Three leaks, one of which was repaired 3 years ago. Two leaks repaired this year. Appeared to be bedding (rock) problems. No evidence of significant corrosion.

North Afton's line washed out exposing Afton's line at this location. Two small holes found, probably due to bedding problems. APPENDIX "D" Ground~vaterInvestigation Report GROUND-WATER ALTERNATIVES INVESTIGATION STAR VALLEY, WYOMING (Draft)

August 28, 1990

Submitted to: Forsgren Associates, pea. 849 Front Street, 2nd Floor Evanston, WY 82930 vT TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Street (307) 745-7474 Laramie, Wyoming 82070 FAX: (307) 745-7729 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Chapter Paqe I INTRODUCTION ...... 1-1 Objectives ...... 1-1 Screening criteria ...... 1-1 Favorability of Hydrogeologic Setting ...... 1-4 Potential for Impact on Surrounding Wells and Springs ...... 1-4 Proximity of Drilling site to Service Area ...... 1-4 Expected Drilling Depths and Conditions ...... 1-4 I1 GEOLOGIC SETTING ...... 11-1 Stratigraphy ...... 11-1 Structure ...... 11-3 I11 REGIONAL AQUIFER SYSTEMS ...... 111-1 Quaternary Aquifer System ...... 111-1 Tertiary Aquifer System ...... 111-3 Paleozoic Aquifer System ...... 111-4 IV SITE SELECTION ...... IV-1

Grover ...... IV-15 Freedom ...... IV-18 Etna ...... IV-20 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)


Table Paqe

1 Desired Well Yields for Communities within the Star Valley, Wyoming Project Area ...... 1-3 2 Site Selection Criteria ...... IV-2 LIST OF FIGURES

Figure Pase 1 General Location Map for communities in Star Valley, Wyoming ...... ~~.....~.e~1-2

2 stratigraphic Column for the Star Valley Area ...o...... e..e 11-2

3 Hydrostratigraphic Column for Rock Units Exposed on the Surface or in Wells in Star Valley ...... 111-2 4 Geologic Map of the Smoot, Wyoming Area ...... IV-3 5 Cross Section near Smoot, Star Valley, Wyoming ...... e.e..e.....e..e..e. IV-5 6 Geologic Map of the Fainriew, Wyoming Area ... IV-7 7 Cross Section South of Fairview and Osmond, Star Valley, Wyoming ...... IV-8 8 Geologic Map of the Osmond, Wyoming Area ..... IV-11 9 Geologic Map of the Afton, Wyoming Area ...... IV-13 10 Cross Section South of Afton, Star Valley, Wyoming ...... ~..~..~...... e.~e.IV-14 11 ~eologicMap of Grover, Wyoming Area ...... IV-16 12 Cross Section near Grover, Star Valley, Wyoming ...... ~e~.~~...~~..~.~.~.IV-17 13 Geologic Map of the Freedom, Wyoming Area .... IV-19 14 ~eologicMap of the Etna, Wyoming Area ...... IV-22 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

The Star Valley, Wyoming, study area encompasses seven communities: Smoot, Osmond, Fairview, Afton, Grover, Free- dom, and Etna (see Figure 1). Water for these towns is currently supplied by springs and/or relatively shallow municipal wells. Pipelines carry the water from the springs and wells to the service areas where it is dis- tributed to users, primarily for domestic purposes. A project designed to increase the amount, reliability, and quality of current water supplies includes modernization of current pipelines and installation of new water wells. Desired well yields for each community are listed in Table 1.

Obi ect ives

The purpose of Phase I of the project was to evaluate the potential for ground-water development within the Star Valley project area. Based on this evaluation, ten poten- tial well sites were selected. The information presented herein focuses on areas having the most favorable condi- tions for ground-water development. Site selection was based principally on known hydrogeologic parameters and characteristics of the local aquifer systems. In addition, recharge areas, drilling conditions, and accessibility were considered.

Screenina Criteria

prospective well sites were evaluated using the following screening criteria: 1. Favorability of hydrogeologic setting;

2. Potential for impact on surrounding wells and springs ;

3. Proximity of drilling site to service area; and

4. Expected drilling depths and conditions. R. 117 W. R116 W. T 4 S.

1: 35 N.

5 S.

T. 34 N.

7: 6 S.

T. 33 N.

' T 7 S.

T. 32 N.

T. 8 S.

T. 3 1 N.

T. 9 S.

5 Miles H u J T. 5 Kilometers 1 10 Scale 1 :250,000 S. I ; I\ d


1-2 Table 1. Desired Well Yields For Communities Within the Star Valley, Wyoming Project Area

Desired community Well Yield Smoot 310 gpm Fairview 300 gprn Osmond 470 gpm Afton Grover 290 gpm Freedom 500 gpm Etna no additional supply Favorabilitv of Hvdrocreolosic Settinq Hydrogeologic characteristics used to evaluate the potential for development include the following: 1. Presence of enhanced fracture permeability and secondary porosity; 2. Presence of springs or seeps indicating saturated conditions;

3. Known aquifer yields from existing wells or springs ;

4. ~ydraulic connection with other water-bearing zones and/or aquifers; and 5. ~dentification of the size and location of re- charge areas.

Potential for Impact on Surroundins Wells and Springs Based on interviews with local residents, land owners and sponsor representatives, most, if not all, significant ground-water features (springs and large wells) in the study area are under appropriation. To minimize the po- tential for interference with existing water rights, well sites have been selected as far as practical from existing points of ground water use. Where hydrogeologic conditions are favorable, aquifers having little current use are considered.

Proximitv of Drillins Site to Service Area To minimize water distribution costs well sites were selected within a 2-mile radius of the service area, where possible. Well sites selected outside the 2-mile radius limit are intended for use by more than one community.

Ex~ectedDrillina Depths and Conditions Well sites were investigated for favorable drilling conditions, including consideration of the following:

2. Depth and diameter of well; 3. Rock type; and

4. Potential for adverse drilling conditions. CHAPTER I1 GEOLOGIC SETTING

The geologic formations in the Star Valley area can be separated into two main divisions: the older, consolidated units of the Salt River Range and Gannet Hills; and the younger unconsolidated, alluvial material on the valley floor. ~etailed descriptions of both stratigraphy and geologic structure for each of the seven communities will be provided in Chapter IV.

The stratigraphic column for the Star Valley area is shown on Figure 2. The youngest sediments in the Star Valley are Quaternary-age alluvial fan material, stream deposits, terrace deposits, glacial deposits, and collu- vium. These alluvial deposits are composed of unconsoli- dated sand and gravel, interbedded with clay and silt. Glacial deposits consist of poorly sorted silt, sand, gravel, and boulders. Colluvium contains locally derived rock fragments and slide blocks up to a half mile in length (Lines and Glass, 1975; Rubey, 1973). Thickness of the Quarternary deposits is unknown due to a paucity of deep wells in the center of the valley, but is likely between 200 and 400 feet thick (Rubey, 1958; Lines and Glass, 1975). Underlying the Quaternary deposits are Tertiary-age sediments of the Salt Lake Formation. The formation con- sists predominantly of conglomerates containing rounded to angular clasts of locally derived limestone, siltstone, and sandstone. The clasts range in size from a few inches to over four feet in diameter. Also included are beds of sandstone, clay, and lignitic shale (Rubey, 1958). The Salt Lake or mat ion crops out along the southwestern and northern edges of the study area, and is overlain by Quaternary deposits in the central part of Star Valley. Thickness of the Salt Lake Formation ranges from 200 to 1000 feet in the valley. The Mesozoic section consists predominantly of sand- stone and siltstone, with lesser amounts of limestone. Prominent limestone formations include the Thaynes and Twin Creek limestones. Approximately 250 feet of sandstone occurs in the Nugget Formation. The upper part of the Mesozoic section consists mostly of shale. GEOLOGIC LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION PER I00 I Quaternary Undifferentiated Unconsolidated sand and gravel with thin discontinuous Quaternary beds of silt and clay

Tertiary Salt Lake Pale reddish gray conglomerate, siltstone, sandstone, Format ion lignitic shale, and Limestone

Preuss Redbeds/ Red, brown, and orange calcareous siltstone, mudstone, St- Sandstone and sandstone, and some beds of rock salt Jurass ic Twin Creek Light gray to black limestone and shale in the lpper Limestone part, and red and yellow siltstone and limestone below

Nugget Pink to salmon crossbedded massive sandstme, and a feu ? Sands tone I beds of red and brown mudstone in Lower part Ankareh Red and purplish, calcareous siltstone and red to light Triassic Redbeds tan sandstone with some Msof red to gray limestone

Thaynes Light to dark gray, sandy limestone and greenish-gray Limestone calcareous siltstone with some greenish clay

Woods ide Red and orange anhydritic siltstone and mudstone with Formation a feu beds of red sandstone and gray limestone

Dull greenish-gray calcareous siltstone and shale, gray to tan dolomite and thin beds of anhydrite in upper part

Permi an Phosphor ia Gray, cherty, dolomitic limestone and chert in upper Format ion part and dark phosphatic shale and siltstone below

- I Pennsylvanian Wells Buff, thick-bedded, resistant sandstone with beds of 1 Format ion dolomitic limestone and siltstone in the upper part Amsden Red to yellow siltstone, mudstone, shale, and sandstone ? Formation in the lower part, and gray, cherty limestone above

Mississippian Madison Gray, thin-bedded to massive dolomite and dolomitic r-Format ion I limestone with solution breccia in the upper part Devoni an Da rby Red, yellow and black, sandy, calcareous siltstone, and Format ion dark gray massive dolomite and limestone

-- - Ordovi cian Bighorn Light to mediun gray, massive dolomite and dolomitic Dolomi te limestone with some beds of dark gray dolomite

Gallatin Gray and tan mottled limestone, massive and dolomitic Limestone in the pper part and thin-bedded and calcitic below

Gros Ventre Greenish gray micaceous shale and oolitic limestone in Format ion qper and lower parts with mottled limestone in middle

Figure 2. Stratigraphic Colum for the Star Valley Area (adapted from Imlay, 1967; Kunnel, 1954; Sando, 1971; Lines and Glass, 1975; and Rubey, 1973) Limestone and dolomite make up the majority of the Paleozoic section, with lesser amounts of sandstone, siltstone, and shale. Over 1000 feet of sandstone and dolomite have been reported in the Pennsylvanian Wells Formation (Rubey, 1958). The Amsden Formation, composed of siltstone and mudstone, with several prominent limestone members, underlies the Wells Formation. The Mississippian- age Madison Formation contains approximately 1200 feet of massive to thin bedded limestone and dolomite. The upper part of the Madison consists of a limestone solution brec- cia. The Ordivician-age Bighorn Dolomite consists of up to 600 feet of limestone and dolomite.


Ground-water flow can be influenced by structural deformation in the following ways:

1. Juxtaposition of permeable and impermeable beds by faulting can retard ground-water flow; and

2. Folding and faulting can form secondary penae- ability, thus enhancing ground-water flow. The Salt River Range is an uplifted block of folded and faulted Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata exposed at the northern end of the Wyoming Thrust Belt, and forms the eastern boundary of Star Valley. The range was uplifted and thrust northeastward on the Absaroka Thrust during Cretaceous time (Oriel, 1985). This deformation resulted in a series of north-south trending anticlines and syn- clines, many of which are tightly folded and overturned. The Star Valley normal fault marks the western margin of the Salt River Range. A ramp in the underlying Absaroka thrust localized the normal fault along which the adjacent valley has been downdropped. The amount of displacement along the Star Valley normal fault is unknown. Post- thrusting extension produced an echelon fault configura- tion. The fault configuration resulted in a westward pro- trusion of Mesozoic strata into the valley. CHAPTER I11 REGIONAL AQUIFER SYSTEMS

In this report, an aquifer is defined as:

IIA formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable materials to yield significant quantities of water [in excess of 100 gpm] to wells and springs (modified from Lohman and others, 1972) . Four aquifer systems have been identified in the study area. The hydrostratigraphic column is shown on Figure 3. The aquifer systems are in descending order: 1. Quaternary aquifer system

2. Tertiary aquifer system

3. Jurrassic-Permian aquifer system

4. ~aleozoicaquifer system

Puaternarv Aauifer System

The Quarternary aquifer system is composed of the saturated parts of the unconsolidated sands and gravels of stream and alluvial fan deposits. The majority of the wells in Star Valley utilize this aquifer. Well yields range from a few gpm to 1200 gpm (Lines and Glass, 1975; Wyoming State Engineers Office data). Walker (1965) cal- culated transmissivity values of 82,500 and 370,000 gallon per day per foot (gpd/ft) for wells on the east and west side of the Upper Star Valley, respectively. Specific capacities from pump tests on two wells in Star Valley range from 27.4 to 54.2 gallons per minute per foot of drawdown (gpm/ft) (Walker, 1965). For municipal and irri- gation wells having diameters ranging from 12-18 inches, Lines and Glass (1975) give specific capacities in the 20 to 80 gpm/ft range. Domestic wells having diameters of 6 inches rarely have specific capacities greater than 10 gpm/ fto Interbedded clays and silts, especially close to the mountain front, form discontinuous confining layers which host perched water. At some locations, the perched water is under confined conditions. However, the bodies of r GEOLOGIC GEOCOGIc FORHAT Io)( HYDROLOG1 C MXII FER PER 100 SW~OL CHARACTER SYSTEM

Quaternary Aqui f er Quaternary system

Tertiary Salt Lake Aqui f er Tertiary Format ion System

Preuss R edbeds/ Aqui tard Sturp Sandstone Jurassic Tuin Creek Aqui f er Limestone

Nugget Aqui fer ?- ?- Sandstone

Ankareh Aquifer Triassic Recbeds Jurassic - Thaynes Aqui f er Permian Limestone System

Wsi& Aqui tard Format ion

Diwcdy Aqui tard Format ion

Permi an Phosphor ia Aqui fer Format ion

Pemsylvanian Uells kpi fer Format ion

Amsden Aquifer ? Format ion Pa leozoi c Mississippian Madison Aquifer System Format ion

Devonian Da* Aquifer Format ion

Ordovician Bighorn Aqui fer Dolomite

Callatin Aqui f er Cahrian Limestone

Gros Ventre Aqui tad Format ion

Figure 3. Hydrostratigraphic Colum For Rock Units Exposed on the Surface or in Wells in Star Valley (modifid fran Lines and Glass, 1975; Ahem et al., 1981)

111-2 perched water are not laterally extensive and can be easily depleted (Walker, 1965). The Salt River gains water throughout its reach in Star Valley by the input of streams originating in the adjacent highlands, and from ground water in the alluvial material. Discharge through springs and seeps are common in some areas. Recharge to the Quaternary aquifer system occurs from infiltration of water from surface streams originating in the adjacent highlands, irrigation canals, snow melt, and rain.

Tertiary Aquifer System

Deposits of Tertiary age underlie Quaternary deposits throughout most of Star Valley. The Salt Lake Formation is exposed along most of the Salt River Range mountain front in the Lower Star Valley and on the western side of the southern portion of the Upper Star Valley. Most wells completed in the Tertiary aquifer yield less than 20 gpm (Lines and Glass, 1975). However, some wells which are probably producing from the Salt Lake Formation have yields much greater than this. Large capacity wells completed in the Salt Lake Formation generally require interception of secondary permeability. Fractures present in the Salt Lake Forma- tion may have resulted from rotation of the valley into the Star Valley normal fault. The extent of the fractures is unknown. In areas where the Salt Lake Formation is not fractured, it appears to act as a confining layer to under- lying aquifers. This characteristic is particularly evi- dent along the western side of the upper valley where Itspring linesw form along the contact between the Salt Lake Formation and underlying Jurassic-Permian Aquifer System. The recharge area for the Salt Lake Formation is relatively small. Recharge occurs primarily by infiltra- tion of runoff from snow pack and precipitation on the outcrops of Salt Lake Formation in the study area. For this reason, sustained, large-volume yields are expected only where the Salt Lake Formation is in hydraulic cornmu- nication with adjacent aquifers. The Jurassic-Permian aquifer system contains saturated parts of the Twin Creek Limestone, Nugget Sandstone, An- kareh Redbeds, Thaynes ~imestone,and ~hosphoriaFormation. The Nugget Sandstone has spring flows in the region that exceed 1000 gpm (Lines and Glass, 1975; Ahern et al., 1981). Transmissivity values for the Nugget Sandstone range from 1.9 to 186 gpd/ft (Ahern et al., 1981). Flows up to 900 gpm occur in the Thaynes Limestone. Springs in the Twin Creek Limestone have flows up to 60 gpm. The lower Twin Creek Limestone is probably hy- draulically connected to the underlying Nugget Sandstone. Hydraulic connection may also occur between the upper Mes- ozoic rocks and overlying younger strata, The Preuss Red Beds overlie the Twin Creek Limestone and unconformably underlie the Salt Lake Formation. Saline strata within the Preuss Red Beds and the Dinwoody Formation, can raise TDS levels in ground water of adjacent aquifers considerably. The Phosphoria Formation can produce moderate amounts of water if fractured (Lines and Glass, 1975). Within Star Valley, however, the Phosphoria Formation occurs at con- siderable depth. Recharge to the Jurassic-Permian aquifer system may originate from the south along strike by infil- tration of runoff from snow pack and precipitation on out- crops.

Paleozoic Aauifer Svstem

The Paleozoic aquifer system includes parts of the Wells and Amsden formations, the Madison Limestone, the Darby Formation, the Bighorn Dolomite, and the Gallatin Limestone. Fracture permeability and solution widening are important features of these aquifers. Well and spring yields in the region can be large with spring flows as high as 40,000 gpm (Lines and Glass, 1975; Ahern et al., 1981). Rocks of the Paleozoic aquifer system typically crop out along the eastern parts of the Salt River Range. Notewor- thy outcrops of the Madison Limestone also occur in the Lower (northern) Star Valley near the Town of Freedom. The aquifers have been at least partially severed by the Star Valley normal fault and, in selected areas, have been dis- placed against Tertiary and Quaternary deposits. Hydraulic connection may exist between the various aquifer systems in these areas. CHAPTER IV SITE SELECTION

Information regarding the geology and hydrogeology of the Star Valley was obtained from numerous sources includ- ing USGS Water Supply Papers and maps, USGS Hydrologic Investigations and Atlases, aerial photographs, personal communication, and field investigations. It is noteworthy that considerably more information was available for the upper (southern) part of the valley than the lower valley (see Figure 1). For this reason, site selections in the Freedom and Etna areas (lower valley) were based heavily on brief field reconnaissance and information provided by local land owners and residents. The numerical ordering of well sites begins in the upper valley but does not denote a quantitative ranking or site preference. The listed sites are simply prospective drilling sites and exhibit characteristics favorable to development of ground water. Table 2 provides an overview of the screening criteria as applied to each well site.


The community of Smoot presently receives its water supply from two springs. The springs are located in Spring Creek Canyon east of Smoot and both issue from the Twin Creek Limestone. Combined, they deliver approximately 210 gpm of excellent quality water. The projected need for the Smoot community is 520 gpm; therefore, an additional 310 gpm is desired. Smoot is in the southeastern portion of the Upper Star Valley and is situated on alluvial material near the Star Valley Normal Fault (see Figure 4). A small north- south trending anticline is located approximately 1/2 mile east of Smoot and is evident near the mouth of Spring Creek and Dry Canyons. The Twin Creek Limestone covers the flanks of the anticline but is breached near the mouths of Dry Canyon and Spring Creek Canyon where the Nugget Sand- stone is exposed along the anticlinal crest. One of the Smoot water supply springs issues at the contact of these two formations approximately 3/4 mile upstream from the mouth of Spring Creek Canyon. The creek in Dry Canyon southeast of Smoot sinks into a fissile, argillaceous section of the Twin Creek Limestone about 1/2 mile up the canyon, close to a point where dip

IV- 1 Table 2. Site Selection Criteria.

Pminity of Ucll Aquf fir Yields frol Distance of Drflli~ Fotential for ll~pactto Anticipcrtd Depth Stwice DeSfrcd Site to Service Area Target FmeStlUCtural Drf lling ffte ~ccs Y feld tin ai 1-1 Aaui f cc






I @ 0 I mi. I* lll'l.lll I I 5 0 I km. l'fi t"'fi"1 SCALE

FIGURE 4: GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE SMOOT, WYOMING AREA direction changes along a major synclinal axis. West of the synclinal axis, the units comprising the Jurassic-Per- mian aquifer system dip to the east and project out of the range above the valley floor indicating that recharge areas are likely separated from suitable drilling sites to the west. Farther south of Smoot, however, these same units dip approximately 35-50° west, under the valley floor. The presence of springs and sinks within the Twin Creek Limestone and the Nugget Sandstone is evidence that these units are saturated at depth in this area. Specific conduc- tance values for water samples from these units range from 305 to 393 pnihos/cm at 25O~,indicating that water quality should be acceptable.

Approximately 2 miles northwest of Smoot, along the Gannett Hills, is a relatively extensive outcrop of the Salt Lake Formation. No producing wells are known to be completed in this formation in this area. The outcrop parallels a projected synclinal axis from the south, but little surficial evidence of this syncline exists. The Salt Lake Formation dips approximately 15-30° to the east. However, due to the apparent lack of secondary permeability within the Salt Lake Formation in this area, a well com- pleted in the Tertiary Aquifer System may not have sufficient capacity to meet Smoot requirements. Existing alluvial wells in the vicinity of Smoot range from 40 to 280 feet deep with reported yields from 4 to 25 gpm. The water quality in these wells is reported to be good to excellent (Wyoming State Engineers Office data). Based on permitting records, up to 50 alluvial wells are expected to exist in the Smoot community.

Site 1 is located approximately 3/4 of a mile south- southeast of Smoot and would provide opportunity to examine a combination of the Quaternary Alluvium, Twin Creek Limestone, and Nugget Sandstone units (see Figures 4 and 5). The anticipated depth is 250 to 350 feet for an alluvial well and 600 to 800 feet for a test well penetrat- ing the Jurassic-Permian units. This well site could be relocated approximately 1 mile directly west, allowing the Salt Lake Formation to be examined at a depth of about 400 to 500 feet. However, there is little evidence of saturation within the Salt Lake Formation at this location. Although it would be possible to drill to the Twin Creek Limestone or Nugget Sandstone, at this alternate location, the total depth of the well would then increase by as much as 400 feet (800 to 1200 feet total depth). A potential for impact on existing alluvial wells is moderate if the alluvial aquifer is targeted. However, a deeper well completed in the Jurassic-Permian system is expected to minimize the potential for impact to existing STAR VALLEY

FIGURE 5: CROSS SECTION NEAR SMOOT, STAR VALLEY, WYOMING (Adapted from Rubey, 1973) wells and springs. Drilling accessibility is considered favorable and the apparent recharge area is suitable.

Note: See Site 3 under Fairview as possible alternative.

The Fairview community receives its water supply from Campbell Spring which has excellent water quality. Camp- bell Spring is located about 2 miles south of Fairview and issues near the contact between the Salt Lake Formation and the Twin Creek Limestone. Campbell Spring yields approx- imately 130 gpm. Based on projected use for Fairview an increase in supply of 300 gprn is desirable. Fairview is on the west-central side of the Upper Star Valley. The projection of the axis of a major north-south trending anticline is located about 1 1/2 miles southwest of town. Fairview is situated on alluvial material deposited in the Crow Creek, Spring Creek and Salt River drainages (see Figure 6). An extensive outcrop of the Salt Lake Formation, dipping 15 to 30° east, extends for about 4 miles south of Fairview. The Jurassic-Permian units under- lie the Salt Lake Formation and dip steeply east toward the center of the valley. As indicated on Figure 7, the Twin Creek Limestone, and adjacent formations -Ire folded to form a syncline underlying the Salt Lake Formation; the synclinal axis is approximately coincident with the projected location of Fairview on the cross-section (see Figure 7). The Twin Creek Limestone is suspected to occur within 1200 feet of the surface at the east limb of the syncline and within 500 feet on the west limb. Field investigation revealed that these units are likely saturated in this area and that the Salt Lake For- mation acts as a confining layer. This information is supported by the presence of several medium-sized springs, in addition to Campbell Spring, which are all located near the contact of the Salt Lake Formation and either the Stump/Preuss or the Twin Creek Limestone units southwest of Fairview. The specific conductance at one site was 422 pmhos/cm at 25O~,indicating acceptable water quality. These springs have all been developed by local landowners who report having water rights to them. Existing alluvial wells in and around Fairview range in depth from 55 to 220 feet and have reported yields between 5 and 25 gpm. One well, 102 feet deep, is reported WATER~YARY UNOIVIOEO INCLUDING FLOOD IXAIN, AUUVIAL FAN Em, TERRAE GRAVELS, AND OLDER AUOVIUM






I V2 0 I mi. -1 I 5 0 I km.


The potential for impact to existing wells is high for an alluvial well, and moderate to low for a deeper well. Most wells in the area are shallow alluvial wells and are not likely to be affected by a well completed in the Salt Lake Formation or Twin Creek Limestone. However, a deep, large capacity well may affect some of the springs issuing from the Twin Creek Limestone up-gradient. It is possible that a deep well in this area will flow due to the apparent confinement of the Twin Creek Limestone by the Salt Lake Formation. If sufficient quantities of water can be produced, a well completed in the Twin Creek Limestone could supply the towns of Smoot, Fairview, Osmond, and possibly Afton. Based on the available information, ground water quality along the Site 3 line is expected to be acceptable. However, due to the geologic structure and expected ground- water residence time associated with the Jurassic-Permian aquifer system, water temperature and total dissolved sol- ids concentrations may be elevated in the Twin-Creek Limestone and deeper aquifers. The recharge area is extensive and drilling accessibility is considered favor- able.


Discharge from the spring which supplies the community of Osmond is estimated to be 350 gpm and is of excellent quality. The spring is located near the contact between the Twin Creek Limestone and the Nugget Sandstone, approx- imately 2.0 miles up Dry Creek Canyon, east of Osmond. Based on projected demand for the Osmond community, a supply increase of 470 gpm is optimal. Osmond is located at the eastern edge of Star Valley, on the down-thrown side of the Star Valley Normal Fault (see Figures 7 and 8), and is situated on alluvial mate- rial. The axial projection of an overturned syncline trend- ing north-south is mapped approximately 1 1/2 miles east of Osmond in the Jurassic-Permian units. In addition to the Osmond spring, several smaller springs are located farther up Dry Creek Canyon. These springs and seeps issue from the Thaynes Limestone and the Nugget Sandstone. Reports of springs in Mikes Hole Creek (issuing from the Twin Creek Limestone) could not be verified. Although various units of the ~urassic-Permian aquifer system appear to be satu- rated in selected areas east of Osmond, displacement along the Star Valley Normal Fault has likely severed hydraulic WATERNARY UNDIVIDED INCLUDING -4- CONTACT* DASHED WHERE FLOOD PLAIN. ALLUVIAL FAN DEWS~, INFERR~, DOTTED WHERE %ti& GRAVELS, AND OLOER ALLUVIUM CONCEALED







I ln 0 I mi. -Ia'# I I 5 0 1 km. l~#lll*CB SCALE

FIGURE 8: GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE OSMOND., WYOMING AREA connection with their continuations under the alluvium near Osmond. For this reason, exploration of the Jurassic- Permian aquifer system near Osmond is not favored. Alluvial wells in the vicinity of Osmond yield between 7 and 25 gpm and range in depth from 101 to 325 feet. The water quality in these wells is reported to be good to excellent (Wyoming State Engineers Office data).

Site 4 is located approximately 1/4 mile north of the Osmond community (see Figure 8). This site would allow exploration of the Quaternary Alluvial aquifer. The anti- cipated drilling depth is 300 to 400 feet. Although the alluvial recharge area is large, there is moderate to high potential for impact to existing water rights, due to the propensity of shallow, alluvial wells in the area. Drill- ing accessibility and conditions are considered favorable.

Note: See site 3 under Fairview as possible alternate.

The community of Afton receives its water supply from several springs in the Swift Creek Canyon area. The springs all issue from the Paleozoic aquifer system and are reported to have excellent water quality. Afton is situated on alluvial material along the Star Valley Normal Fault on the eastern side of the valley, near the mouth of Swift Creek Canyon (see Figures 9 and 10). Numerous springs are found in most of the canyons along the Salt River Range and issue from the Twin Creek Limestone, the Nugget Sandstone, and the Ankareh Red Beds. Specific conductance values of one of these springs was 413 pmhos/cm at 25O~. However, as with Osmond farther south, hydraulic continuity of these units across the Star Valley Normal Fault is questionable, and drilling access in the canyons is extremely difficult. Alluvial wells in and around Afton range in depth from 69 to 250 feet and yield between 10 and 25 gpm. Records indicate two wells produce water from depths of about 150 feet below grade and yield in the range of 125 to 300 gpm. The water quality of all of these wells is reported to be good to excellent (Wyoming State Engineers Office data).

Site 5 is located approximately 1/4 mile north of Afton and would utilize the Quaternary Alluvial aquifer system (see Figures 9 and 10). The anticipated drilling depth is 250 to 350 feet. There is a potential EXPLANATION










\ VERTICAL BED I Ih 0 I mi. La 1 lt'*llll 1 I 5 0 -I km. I OVERTURNED BED SCALE k50


FIGURE 9: GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE AFTON, WYOMING AREA FIGURE 10: CROSS SECTION SOUTH OF AFTON, STAR VALLEY, WYOMING ( Adapted from Rubey, 1973) for impact on existing alluvial wells. Drilling accessi- bility and conditions are considered favorable.

Note: See site 3 under Fairview as possible alternate.


The Grover community presently receives its water supply from a combination of three springs and one well. The springs yield a total of 42 gpm. Two issue from the Twin Creek Limestone and the remaining spring issues near the contact of the Salt Lake Formation and the Ankareh Red Beds. The well is located near the center of town and can deliver up to 150 gprn using the current pump system. The water from both sources is considered of excellent quality. The projected need for the Grover community is for an additional 290 gpm. Grover is in the northeastern portion of the Upper Star Valley and is situated on alluvial materials just west of the Star Valley Normal Fault (see Figures 11 and 12). Located east of the normal fault is a series of overturned anticlines and synclines which complicate the stratigraphy of the area. The Jurassic-Permian beds dip primarily to the east and project out, above the valley floor. A small section of the Twin Creek Limestone that dips westward is severed by the Star Valley Normal Fault and may be found at considerable depth beneath the valley floor.

Approximately 1 1/2 miles north of Grover is an ex- tensive outcrop of the Salt Lake Formation which dips to the south. Two wells have penetrated the Salt Lake Form- ation in this area. Saturated strata were reported in one well at a depth of approximately 300 feet; drilling con- tinued to 660 feet but no additional significant water bearing strata were penetrated. The well is unused at this time. The quality was reported as good by the well's owner. Only scant information is available on the second well. It is approximately 85 feet deep and contains stand- ing water at an unknown depth. Additionally, there are re- ports of small seeps on the western edge of the outcrop. A second outcrop of the Salt Lake Formation is located approximately 2 miles northeast of Grover. Several small springs issue from this outcrop. Specific conductance values from one of these springs was 290 pmhos/cm at 25O~. Although this outcrop of the Salt Lake Formation is not hydraulically connected to the latter, the presence of QUATERNARY UNDlVl DED INCLUDING CONTACTo DASHED WHERE FLOOD PLAIN, ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS, -AINFERRB~, DOTTED WHERE -ACE GRAVELS, AND OLDER ALLUVIUM CONCEC/LED








t V2 0 I mi. U13l1 11 J t I km.

FIGURE II: GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE GROVER, WYOMING AREA FIGURE 12: CROSS-SECTION NEAR GROVER, STAR VALLEY, WYOMING (Adapted from Rubey, 1973) springs are evidence that the Salt Lake Formation is satu- rated at depth, and may offer development potential in this area.

Alluvial wells in the vicinity of Grover range from 5 to 280 feet deep and yield between 10 and 85 gpm. There are several reports of shallow, flowing wells in the area. Water quality is reported to be good to excellent (Wyoming State Engineers Office data).

Site 6 is located at the southeastern corner of town and targets the Quaternary Alluvial aquifer system (see Figures 11 and 12). Anticipated depth of the well is 200-300 feet. There is a high potential for impact on other alluvial wells in the area. Drilling accessibility and conditions are favorable.

Site 7 is located approximately 1 1/4 miles north of Grover (see Figures 11 and 12) and would provide explora- tion of the Quaternary Alluvium and the Salt Lake Forma- tion. The site is on the alluvium, but a well 400 to 500 feet deep will penetrate the Teritary aquifer system. It is anticipated that the Salt Lake orm mat ion is saturated at depth, as indicated by the wells in the area and the re- ported seeps and springs. Additionally, the alluvium is known to be saturated in this end of the valley. Flowing alluvial wells are reported in the area around the site. There is a low to moderate potential for impact to sur- rounding wells and springs. Drilling accessibility and conditions are favorable.


The community of Freedom receives its water supply from a municipal water well located in the middle of the town. The well capacity is 200 gpm and the water quality is acceptable, although somewhat hard. Freedom is in the central western portion of the Lower Star Valley and is situated on alluvium (see Figure 13). South of town, several isolated outcrops of Madison Limestone form high knolls which are likely associated with normal faulting. Numerous springs exist in the area and issue from a variety of geologic units including the alluvium, the Salt Lake Formation, and the Twin Creek Limestone. The water quality is reported to be excellent. Additionally, there are reports by local landowners of several artesian wells which were drilled and subsequently abandoned by a geothermal exploration company in the early 19808s. These wells likely penetrated the alluvium and/or QUATERNARY UNDlVl OED INCLUDING /CONTACT- DASHED WHERE FLOOD PLAIN, ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS, -*# INFERR RE^, DOTTED WHERE ~ERR~~~CEGRAVELS, AND OLDER ALLUVIUM /CONCEALED





I @ 0 I mi. t~fi@al~ln*l I I 5 0 I km. l,'r"t~'tl SCALE

FIGURE 13: GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE FREEDOM, WYOMING AREA the Salt Lake Formation. No additional information about these wells is available. Alluvial wells in and around Freedom range in depth from 40 to 175 feet and yield between 5 and 25 gpm. Sev- eral wells in the area have reported yields of 500 gprn from the alluvium. The water quality in these wells is reported to be good to excellent (Wyoming State Engineers Off ice data) . Site 8 is located approximately 1 mile southwest of Freedom (see Figure 13). The target formation at Site 8 is the Quaternary Alluvium with potential to explore the Salt Lake Formation and win Creek Limestone. Drilling depths to the Tertiary and Jurassic-Permian Aquifer systems are unknown due to the paucity of geologic information available for the area. The area has standing water on the ground surface at some times during the year and is sur- rounded by numerous springs. The anticipated depth of an alluvial well is 200-300 feet. The site is situated on the alluvium and there is a potential for impact on surrounding springs. Drilling accessibility is considered favorable.

Site 9 is located 3/4 mile west of Freedom and is situated on the alluvium near the contact with the Twin Creek Limestone (see Figure 13). The anticipated drilling depth is 200-300 feet for an alluvial well. The site is adjacent to an area where a flowing well was drilled by the Geothermal Exploration company mentioned earlier. The al- luvium and underlying units are therefore believed to be saturated. If the alluvium does not provide adequate quantities of water, a deeper well (exact depth unknown) at the same location, penetrating the Jurassic-Permian or Paleozoic aquifer systems, may provide the necessary quan- tities of water. There is potential for impact to exist- ing wells and springs. Drilling accessibility is consid- ered favorable.


The community of Etna is currently using Wolfley and Lee Springs as their water supply. The two springs supply a total of 395 gpm. The springs are located east of Etna and issue from the Paleozoic aquifer system. The reported water quality is excellent. There is no projected need for the community of Etna. Etna is located in the north-central portion of the Lower Star Valley and is situated on alluvium (see Figure 14). Rocks of the Paleozoic aquifer system form the core of the Salt River Range to the east and are saturated in selected areas. The specific conductance value of a Madi- son Limestone s ring located 2.5 miles east of Etna was 281 pmhos/cm at 25g C. However, due to the Star Valley Normal Fault, the Paleozoic aquifers are anticipated to lie at considerable depth beneath the valley floor and may be hydraulically isolated from recharge areas to the east. For these reasons, a well completed in the Paleozoic aqui- fer system does not appear feasible in the Etna area. An outcrop of the Salt Lake Formation is located approximately 2 1/2 miles west of Etna. Several small springs are found in this area, but the formation is largely unsaturated based on conversations with local landowners and residents. Alluvial wells in and around Etna range in depth from 50 to 165 feet deep and yield between 8 and 25 gpm. The water quality in these wells is reported to be good to excellent (Wyoming State Engineers Office data). Site 10 is located near the center of Etna (see Figure 14). It would utilize the Quaternary alluvial aquifer. The anticipated depth is 200 to 300 feet. The Salt Lake Formation underlies the alluvium, but no infor- mation on the potential for saturation of this unit is available for the Etna area. There is a potential for im- pact on other alluvial wells in the area. However, the recharge area is extensive, and may help mitigate the potential for impact to existing wells and springs. Addi- tionally, adjustment of the well location further from existing wells will reduce the potential for impact to wells and springs. Drilling accessibility and conditions are favorable. EXPLANATION




-uI r/21 0 I mi. 1-- 25 0 I km.


Ahern, J., M., Collentine, and S. Cooke, 1981, Occurence and Characteristics of Ground Water in the Green River Basin and Overthrust Belt, Wyoming: Water Resources Research Institute, Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Contract Number G-008269-79, 184 p. Imlay, R.W., 1967, Twin Creek Limestone (Jurassic) in the Western Interior of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 540, 105 p. Kummel, B., 1954, Triassic Stratigraphy of Southeastern Idaho and Adjacent Areas: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 254-H, 194 p. Lines, Go-C.,and W.R. Glass, 1975, Water Resources of the Thrust Belt of Western Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-539, 3 plates. Lohman, S.W., and others, 1972, Definitions of Selected Ground-Water Terms, Revisions and Conceptual Refinements: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1988, 22 pp. Mitchell, V.E., and E.H. Bennett, 1979, Geologic Map of the Driggs Quadrangel, Idaho: Idaho Department of Lands Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1 sheet. Mitchell, V.E., and E.H. Bennett, 1979, Geologic Map of the Preston Quadrangle, Idaho: Idaho Department of Lands Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1 sheet. Oriel, S.S., 1985, The Idaho-Wyoming Salient of the North American Cordilleran Foreland Thrust Belt: in Bulletin Soc. Geol. France, no. 5, p. 755-765. Rubey, W.W., 1958, Geologic Map of the Bedford Quadrangle, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Map GQ-109, 2 plates. Rubey, W.W., 1973, ~eologicMap of the Afton Quadrangle and Part of the Big Piney Quadrangle, Lincoln and Sublette Counties, Wyoming : U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map 1-686, 2 sheets. Sando, W.J., 1977, Stratigraphy of the Madison Group (Mississippian) in the Northern Part of the Wyoming-Idaho Overthrust Belt and Adjacent Areas: Twenty-Ninth Annual Field Conference, Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, p. 173-177. Walker, E.H., 1965, Ground Water in the upper Star Valley, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1809-C, 27 p.

Wyoming State Engineer, various, well permit files. APPENDIX "E" Afton Water Rights Docu~nentation 602 ORDER RECORD N0.12--STATE BOARD OF CONTROL

IN TEE MATTB OF %iZ PETITIOS OF T;FE TChY CF AFTOI:, WYc?l?I:;G ) I'3R CHANCE TC PRmE3 USE OF PARTS CF AP?RO?KIATIOE.;S OF VAT3 ) FROM SWIFT Cm. TRIBYTARY OF SALT RIVL?.. THROUGH TiiE BURTON ) 60. OiX, AmP. FUGSTAFii, FJLUIXC, CL'RTIS, Y.L.A. LSD COOK ) DITC:3ES, UI\'DER TXIMBIU QPRO?RUTIO!iS A!:D PJLRIIITS 2012. ) 6663. 118 EhZ.. 872 F:&., 1006 EhZ.. WIT2 PRIORITIES OF LDRIL 10. 1886. APRIL 15. 1886. YAY 8. 1886. APRIL 25. 1888, JLR\'E 1, ) 1888. HAY 15. 1889. JUb'E 8. 1895. XOVPBER 16. 1898. JUIZ 24. ) 1902. VAECH 7. 1903. APRIL 17. 1905. ES?EI"TIVELY. (O.R. 2. P. ) 126-131, IKCL.. 467; 0.9. 3. P. 368, 416; O.R. 4. P. 509; O.R. 9. ) IW WATER DIVISION XUHSER FOUR P.76; O.R. 12, P.454; C.R. 1.P. 283; C.R. 16. P.64, 71; C.R. ) 20.P.136;C.R.32.P.347.348;C.B.49.P.356;C.R.62.P. 466; PROOFS 1747, 1750, 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. 1756. 1757. 1758.) 1759. 1760. 1761, 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767, 1768. 1769,) 1770. 1771. 1772, 1773, 1774. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779, 1780,) 1781. 1782, 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 178e. 1789, 1790, 1791. 1792.) 1793. 1794, 1796. 1799, 1802. 1805. 1806. 1826. 1827, 1828, 1835.) 1836. 1837, 3302. 3303. 6362. 6369. 6787, 11179. 11180) 1


THIS YATTER coming regularly before the State Board of Control this 12th day of Kovember. 1953. upon the petition of the Town of Mton. Wyoming,

acting by and through C. A. h'ewswander. byor, as filed in the office of the State Board of Control on Hay 8, 1953. petitioning for chnge from irrigation to

preferred ure for drinking purposes for man and beast and for municipal purposes. of 4.680608 cubic feet of water per second of time from Swift Creek. tribu-

tary of Salt River. diverted through the Burton 60. One. Mton. Flagstaff, Balling. Curtis. Y.L.A. and Cook Ditches, under Territorial appropriations and Per-

mits 2012. 6663, 118 bl.. 872 Enl.. and 1006 Enl.. with priorities of April 10. 1886. April 15, 1886. April 25, 1888, June 1. 1888. Pay 15. 1889, June 8, 1895.

November 16. 1898. June 24. 19C2. Psch 7. 1903 and April 17, 1905, respectively. (o.R. 2. P. 126-131, iacl., 467; 0.3. 3. P. 368. 416; 0.R. 4. P. 509; O.B. 9,

P. 76; O.R. 12, P. 454; C.3. 1, P. 283; C.R. 16, P. 64, 71; C.3. 20, P. 136; C.E. 32, P. 347, 348; C.R. 49, P. 356; C.R. 62, P. 466; Proofs 1747, 1750. 1751,

1752. 1753, 1754, 1756, 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770, 1771. 1772, 1773. 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778.

1779. 1780, 1781. 1782. 1784, 1785. 1786. 1787, 1788, 1769. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794, 1796. 1799. 1802, 1805, 1806. 1826, 1827, 1828. 1835, 1836, 1837.

3302. 3303. 6362. 6369. 6787. 11179. 11180);

The Board. havi~gexamined said petition and the records of the office of the State Board of Control and now being fully advised, FIXDS:

TfUT the '=own of Mton. Wyoming has recured, by purchase or by voluntary contribution of the various citizen8 and land ownerr. Water Right Deeds

granting the right to detach portions of the appropriations of water from Swift Creek, tributary of Salt River. a8 shown by the various deedr and by the tabu-

lation thereof includod in thl8 petition. which have become attached to the various lands described in said deeds; THAT the Town of ffton. Wyoming requests that the parts of the appropriations of w9ter from Swift Creek. tributary of Salt River. a8 described in

these Water Eight Deeds be detached from said lands for irrigation use and changed to preferred use for drl~kingpurposes for m3n and beast and for municipal purposes in the raid Town of Af ton. Wyoming;

THAT the petitioner. the Town of hfton. Wyomir.g, proyree to change the point8 of dlrersion and means of conveyance of raid appropriationr! of water from the present poicts of diversion of the Burton No. One. Mton, Flagstaff. lidling. C~rtis,W.L.A. and Cook Ditcber. to the point of diversion of the Afton

Water Works Pipe Line located South ?ao 00' East 4560 feet fros the East Quarter Section Corner of Section 30. Township 32 h'orth. Bango 118 West;

THAT maps in duplicate. prepared by a registered engineer and land Purveyor. rhowing the lands from which the appropriation8 are to be detached and the location of the pipe line through which they are to be conveyed. accompany the petition.

THAT Water Right hedr and consent to transfer from the indiridual omerr of all of the appropriations. accompany the petition;

TEAT in allowing the raid petition for change in use of certain appropriationr of wster from irrigation to municipal purposes for drinkin6 purposer 603 ORDER RECORD No.2--STATE BOARD OF CONTROL - --

for man and beast. the raid 4.680698 cubic feet of water per r.tcond of time is to be detached from laldr hereinafter described in the finai prt of thir Order.


TRAT the Board on Pay 13, 1953, referred the petition to Emil C. Cradert. Superintendent of Water Mvirion Number Four. for a public notice and

hear! ng;

THAT Emil C. Gradart, Superintendent of Water Division Kumber Four, set a hearing before him at the Aftoc Town Library at ten o'clock A-K. on June

15, 1953, and all rartier who might be &ffected by the proposed change .*-re duly notified of raid hearing by advertisement in three conrecutive isrues of the

"Star Valley Independent* publirhed at Mton, Wyoming. on P'ay 29, 1953. June 5th and 12th. 1953;

THAT a hearing va8 held in accorbnnce with the notice publirhed, at the time and place mentioned in the advertisement and no c 1- --neared to protest

against allowance of the petition and no testimony war taken;

THAT the petition was finally considered by the State Board of Control on Xovember 12. 1953. at eleven o'clo~hA.K. and it war shown to the Board

that a preferred use would be made asd that a public notice had been giver: according to law and a hearing held before the proper Division Superintendent; THAT !dater Right heds, which the Town of Afton. Wyoming has secured by purchase or voluntary contribution from the ownerr of the land0 *d water

right* above described. accompany the petition.


THAT the change to preferred upe should be approved;

T?AT there have been no objectione filed and the petition should be granted.


THAT the petition be CRAXTED;

TmT the appronriation of 4.680608 cabic feet of water per eecond of time from Svift Creek. tributary of Salt River, being parts of tha following

described approgriationr of water. be ard the same are hereby detached from the lands and lrrigntion purposes for which said appropriations were origf~all~ ~ndthe adjudicated. and changed to a preferred use for municipal Furposes and for drink1r.g purposes for ran and beast for and within the T0h.n of MLfttn, Wyoming~(C.~.2. &doit. ~n-1irLaS 0~4tb;da- the -faun dd .-cent f o it as shoorr, by the map tibd ~ithsnai ~h**~e.[o.R.l-Jf? 471) P. 126-121, iccl., 467; O.R. 3. P. 268, 41~1C.E. 4, P.'509; O.E. 9. P. 76; C.R. 12, p. 454; C.R. 1. P. 283; 'c.R. 16. P. 64, 71; C.E. 20. P. 136; C.R. Z2,

P. 247, 38; C.R. 49, P. 356; C.R. 62, P. 466; Proofs 1747. 1750. 1751, 1752. 1753, 1754, 1756. 1757, 1758. 1759, 1760. 1761, 1762. 1763e 1764. 1765. 1766,

THAT the follovi~gis a detailed description of water appropriations and the lands froe which rams are to be detached:

SWIFT CREEK. TRIBUTAIlY OF SALT RIVER --Hamc of Mtch [~oofKO. ~~rininalA~nrocriatcr 1~reser.t ~wner Ihte of Frlorltv l~mount bescriction of bndr Burton Eo. 1 Territorial John h'ield Hartin H. Schwab April 10, 1686 .IS64 Ac. in SU~SU~of lot 4. Blk. 5. TOAof Anale K. Schwab Mton in Tvp. 32 h'.. Range 118 W. i Burton Eo. 1 Territorial IP. Jenren 'kyle Hsdua and /~~ril15. 1886 i0.02503d .625 Ac. in NWi 31 ht 3. Blk. 5, Town of Afton. I Eola Medur Mton Territorial Lincoln County b'hy 8. 1886 12.258 Ac. in H~&WW ~orth.Ida of ~dh~f.' Sec. 36. and in Highway 89 along East boundary of I I Sec. 36. Tvp. 32 F., Rnngc 119 w.

SWIFT CREM. TRXBUTARY OF SALT RIVER of Ditch l~ernit ::o. 1 Proof KO. I original A~progriator I present Dvcer [hte of Priority IAmount l~escri~tionof Landa I 1 I I I I I Nton 1 ~rritorial 1750 Deedr 29. 30. 31. Nny 8. 1686 .689 Ac. Lct 1, .50 AC. Lot 2. 394 Ac. Lot 3. I I 32. 33. 34. 35. I I0.056970 I 1.3787 Ac. Lot 4. Blk. 7. Town of Afton.

1754 ! Joseph Call 0.C30625 ,812 Ac. Lot 4. .718 Ac. Lot 3. Blk. 8. Torn of I INtGn- I Afton 1 Territorial 1790 George Xait? !Deeds 45. 46. 47. 1- 8. 1686 ! 0.015250 .45 AC. bt 1. .312 AC. ~ot2. ~lk.9. Town of 48 I Mton. I I f I ! I Mton ~Territtrial11791 , Alfred Hcc6rickson 1 Deeds 52. 53. 54. Yay 8. 1886 '0.022282 1 ,212 ~c.Lot 1. .896 ~e,Lot 2. Blk. 10, TOM of I I / 55 I I Mton.

Mton Territorial 1764 Thorns K. 'dooley hedr 63. 64. 103 .Vay 8. 1886 0.022839 .568 k. Lo: 4, Blk. 10. TOM of Afton. I I 1 I I Afton 'Territori~l 11781 ' Heanah 3. Kelson Deeds 65. 66 ~gye. 1886 0.012680 / .4 Ac. Lot 2. Blk. 11, Tor= of M'ton. I I ! 1 Afton Territoriel 1763 Mnrk Kurd Deed 67 Pay 8, lee6 0.006012 ,255 Ae. Lot 4. Blk. 11, Town of Afton. I I I Mton /~erritorial1793 Andrew K. Xielson iked 68. 69. 70 Ygy 8. 1886 0.030000 '.75 Ac. Lot 2, Blk. 13. Town of Mton. I uton /Territorial 1784 Alonzo R. Xennington Deeds 71, 102 Pay 8. 1886 0.016250 .562 Ac. Lot 4. Blk. 14. Town of Mton.

I I I I Kton Territorial ,1779 John Astle Deeds 85, 86, 87, Yky 8, 1886 0.03E250 .905 Ac. Lot 1. Blk. 17, TOM of Af ton. I I lee. 89 I I I N ton !Territorial '1:78 Helvia AM Banks , deeds 90. 91. 92 J4sy 8, 1886 0.048332 1.207 &.Lot 2, Blk. 17, Town of Afton. I 4, I I I I I Afttn Territorial beds 93, 94, 95 Hay 8, 1886 '0.078028 2 Ac. Lot 3, Blk. 17. Town of Afton. I I I Kton /~erritorlal11788 ' ~oha- C. Paulaon j~ecds96. 97. 98. May 8. 1886 ,0.027535 1.375 Ac. Lot 4. Blk. 17. Town of Afton. I ,99. 100 I I i I i I Nton Territorial '1772 hciur Hale 'Ikeds 101, 102, Yay 8. 1886 '0.029500 .719 Ac. Lot 1, Blk- 18; .755 Ae. Lot 4. Elk. 18. 1103, 109, 110, Town of Nton. ,111, 112. 113

I Afton Territorial 1757 1 Ira Call ,Deeds 104, 105 Yw 8. 1886 0.020426 l.473 ~c.~ot 2. Elk. 18. Town of Afton. I I I I Afton Territorial 1771 Cbrlotte Cook Dceds 106. 107. 0.023835 .593 AC. Lot 3. Blk. 18. TOM of Afton. I i I I I I 1 K ton Territorial 1770 John Yilks Doedm 90. 114. 1- 8. 1886 0.038725 1.9415 k. lot 1. Elk. 19"and 5 111 I 10.010731 .534 Ac. Lot 2, Elk. 19. .own of Afton. 118. 119. 120. 121 I i ! i I Kton Territorial 11789 I Phincus Cook 120. 1Z. 'yyem 1886 10.052575 11.309 Ae. Let 1. Blk. 19. Tom of Aft a. \ I ,123, 124, 125 I I I I I ORDER RECORE NO.%--STATE BOARD OF CONTROL --- - -

SWIFT C.EEK. TRISVTARY CP SALT SIVEB Meof Ditch ]permit So. [proof !Yo. )3rigilrr;l Appropriator l~resentCvner lhte of Priority l~mount (Doscription of Lands 1 I I I I I K ton 1 Territorial 1761 \Thomas 8. Roberts 1 Deeds 116. 126. Iby 8. 1886 10.051904 2.136 As. Lot 4. Blk. 19, T?m of Afton. I I 127,128,129, 1 I

Mton Territorial 1788 Sohama C. Paulnon :Deeds 153. 138. Eray 8. 1886 0.043125 12.155 Ac. Lot 1. Blk. 20. Tom of Nton.

8 139. 140 I I I I Mton .Territorial 1766 William Y. Burton 2eds 141. 142. 'May 8. 1886 '0.046375 '2.365 bc. Lot 2, Blk. 20. Tovn of Afton. '143. 144, 145. 1 146. 147. 148 I


Mt~ii Territorial 1765 Arthur I. Burton Deea 149 Vhy 8, 1886 ,r).03(j000 1.375 Ac. Xorih 99 ft. of EA of Lot 3. Blk. 20, ! I I lTo= Of *Iton* N ton Territorial 1762 Thonas Yeamans 'Deeds 149, 150. ,May 8. 1886 '0.029914 11.123 Ac. a of Lot 3, Blk. 20. Town of Af ton. 151, 152. 153. 154 I I I

Af ton : Territorial 1759 &ttur Roberta Deeds 155, 156 may 8, lE66 Lot 4, Blk. 20, Town of Afto?. I j I N ton Territorial 1759 Arthur Roberta ~Deedm 92. 157. :Kay 8, 1886 Ac. Lot 1. Blk. 21. Town of Afton. 1158. 159. 160. 1161. 242

Mton Territorial 1792 '~harlesC. Learltt :I!eedm 114. 162. :Yay 8, 1886 i0.074625 '1.805 Ac. Lot 2. Blk. 21, TOM of Af ton. I j163.164.165. 1 1 166. 242 I i i M ton Terrl torial 1762 !Thorns Yeama Deeds 167. 168, Yay 8, 1886 11.839 Ac. Lot 3. Blk. 21. Town of Afton.

I I 169. 170. 171.

Mton Territorial 1760 Jataa Sessiona :Deed# 92, 174, May 8, 1886 '0.087500 12.697 Ac. tot 4, Blk. 21. TOM of Afton. '175.176.177. , '178. 221. 242 i I I I Mton Territorial 1767 Mary C. Rammuasen , Pcedm 179, 180 Yw 8, 1886 0.006000 10.30 Ac. Lot 1, Blk. 22. Torn of Afton. I I Mton Territorial 1773 ICnoc Venter heds 141. 181. 8, 1886 0.055500 1.386 &.Lot 3, Blk. 22, Toun of Uton. 182. 183, 184 I 1 1 I I Afton Terrl torial ,1767 Hsry C. Eaamaaen Xbedm 185. 186. ,Hag 8. 1886 0.023125 '1.154 Ac. Lot 4. Blk. 22. Tom of Mton. I 187. 188 I 1 I 1 ! i K ton Territorial 1769 10.009781 1.a~Ac. Lot 2. Blk. 23. Town of Mhn-

N ton Tmr:itorial '1782 W. H. Itsnnington, Jr. Ibed 190 ~YW 8, 1886 )0.001~0 1.221, *c. kt 3. 81k. 21. TO= of r~ton. I I Mton Tsrri torial 1756 E. P. Critchlov Deedm 145. 191. 'HW8, 1886 '0.029750 .743 k. Lot 1. Elk. 26. Town of Mton. ,192 I I i 8 I I I I 1 I I I I I I i 607 ORDER RECORD No.AZ--STATE BOARD OF CONTROL - -

SWIFT CREEK. TRIEUTA!~ CF SALT 3IFR Kane of Ditch 13ernit ::o. ( Froof Fo. 1 OriRinnl A~prc~riatorI~eeent Owner Ibte of Prlcrity /Amount l~escri~tionof I I I I I I I Mton 1 Territorial 1752 10. Y. Egglenton \hedm 193. 194. ,Kay 8. le86 10.032226 ;1.1125 Ac. Lot 2. 31k. 27. Town of Afton. I !195.196,197. ! 1

Mton Territorial 1794 Conetact A. Eggleston Deeds 196. 205. Pay 8. 1886 0.024286 1.13 Ac. Lot 1, Blk. 28. Town of Aitcn. I' I 206. 207. 208 i Afton Territorial 1761 Thorns H. Iioberts Deeds 209. 210. Hay 8. 18e6 0.C27325 1.022 Ac. ht2. Blk. 28. Town of fiton. i 211. 212. a3 I Aiton ' Terri torlal 1752 '0. H. Seglenton Deeds 143, 214. by 8. 1866 0.029189 1.0927 Ac. Lot 3. Blk. 28. Town of Nton. ! I 215. 216. 217. 0.040197 1.507 Ac. Iat 4, Blk. 28. Town of Afton. 218. 219. 220, 221. 222. 223. 224. 225, 226.

I I I I I 30.027230 1 Ac. Lot 1, Blk. 29. Town of Afton. Afton ! I'erri torial 17~1 ; Thora~E. Roberts j Deed8 151. 1%. Yas 8. 1886 129, 228. 229 I I

I Mton Territorial i7is i . to reds 156,iio. hya. lE66 j0.050030 2.5 Ac. Lot 2, Blk. 29. Tovn of Af ton. 231. 232, 233 I I i Afton Territotinl 1777 I,Harvey Mxon Deed 234 I!! 8, 1886 ,0.004369 .3492 Ac. Lot 3, Blk. 29. TOM of Nton. 1 I I Ntoc Territorial ( 1780 1 T. H. Wild IDeed 235 . Hay 8, 1886 0.01000 .25 Ac. Lot 4, Blk. 29. Town of Afton. Kton Territorial 1796 / Chules King*ton Deeds 43, 230. Yay 8. 1836 /0.075060 1.873 k. in hZ and S~SE~of Lot 1, Blk. 30. 236, 237, 229, i ~ounof Afton. 240, 241 I I i Af ton ; Terri torial 1751 , War ion Henderson Deed 241 May 8. 1886 '0.005192 .25 Ac. Lot 2, Blk. 30, Tovn of Afton. 1 I Mton Territorial 11753 Chester V. Call I hed 50 Hay 8. 1686 iO.OllOOO .275 Ae. ht4. Blk. 4. Town of Afton. I I

Isaac Bigelow /John Y. Nleld June 8. 1895 0.321429 1 Ac. North 33 It. of h%h'~f. .5 Ac. h% Part of h'EiCEf Sec. 35. Rrp. 32 N.. knge 119 Y.


SWIFT CEK. TRISEAW CF SALT RIVER heof itch [permit XO. [Proof KO. J~ri~indA~pro?ristor ( Prerent Owner (Dare of Priority (r\.ount Jlhscription of lands I I 1 1 I i hp. L'. mling / Territorial 1828 John &lor Anderson June 1, 1888 O.1SWW 10 Ac. YEf~dh*. Sec. 12. 32 . hnb. I ! I Haurine Anderson 1 1 1119 1. I I I Lincoln County i November 16. 1898 ic. being prt of East 50 ft. of sE~N~. i Tvp. 32 h'., knee 119 It. I ! I Curtir 201 2 : 11180 A. E. Xennlngton Lincoln Coulty :Llov=mber 16. 1898 24. Tvp.Ac. being32 H.. partRazge of 119%st u. 54) ft. of s&&.s~c. I , i i I /0.0285)2 1 Ac. being South 33 It. of SY~SE~;1 AC. south Territorial 1835 W. Longhurst 1 Lincoln County ;Yay 15. 1889 .33 ft. of SE~SL~.Sec. 26. Tvp. 32 119 W. I I 1 I I i -;1 Ac. being South 33 it. of ~~f~uf.Set. 26. Lincoln county Yay 15. 1889 I 0.014286 Y.L.A. Territorial 11837 ' A. J. Tayrom m. 32 6.. Range 119 u. I , j I I f 1 East 32.5 Ac. in h'~ih~i.Sec. 26. Tvp. 32 1.. by 15. 1889 0.464285 Y.L.A. 1 Territorial 1836 Rolls A. Kipld

Fable H. h'ield Rkogo 119 Y. I ! JohnYi1ke8 I ! U.L.A. Territorial le36 John Wilker 1 goI my 15. 1889 ' 0.142880 10 AE. SE~SE~IM~.SeC 26. hp. 32 Kg Fange I i Ireta lennlngton I 1 ,119 u. I I i I I ! I .5 Ac. South 33 It. of EfSYf~df. Scc. 26. Trp. U.L.A. 1006 Enl. ) 6369 Abram J. Tyrsom Lincoln Ccunty Vrrch 7. 1903 0.009412 , I .32 I?.. Range 119 V. i I Cook 6663 6787 Johanna C. Cook TOM of Afton April 17, 1905 0.420000 '30Ac. ~~fh~f.Sec. a. %.32 N.. bnge 118 1. /I I I I

THAT the point of diversion and wnn8 of conveyance of anid appro~rlationsof water be c-bnpd from the B.irton KO. he. *Iton.

nagatdf. Falling, Curtis. W.L.A. and Cook Ditches. to the Afton water Yorka Pip Line. whlch diverts Iron Swift Creek at a point South 78. 00' fist 4560

feet froa the East Qlarter Sec%ionCorner of Section 53. Township 32 Korth. Range 118 west:

THAT the Town of Afton be permitted to divert vater for sald appropriationm at said point and to convey ad dintribute same

through raid pioe line for the use8 and purpoaer herein determined without loss of ~riority.



LLOYD, Ex-officio Secret 81 CE~Y~.DOCT 1 7 1989




October 13, 1989

Dennis L. Sanderson Attorney at Law P. 0. Box 159 Afton, Wyoming 83110

Re: Town of Afton Surface Water Rights

Dear Mr. Sanderson: As a follow-up to my letter of October 6th, and in further response to your request written October 5th, we have completed a surface water right search of lands within the boundaries of the Town of Afton as delineated on the plat you sent. ; 3 The portions of direct flow rights which attach to lands located within the Town's boundaries could possibly be considered for change to preferred use by Afton, as was done to some rights in 1953. T-his change requi-s- a petition to the State Roard of FontroA -not_onlvfor@ange - - to- muni=l@af -use b-ut-also for chanqe-

In I__ - point of diversion---I---- and means of conveyance, -and-poss=ly -fo_r__ change in source (Inte-m-itten-t Spring) . --- _-c----- Rights we found from Swift Creek which are for use entirely within the Town's boundaries and could perhaps be changed to municipal use (either the whole right or the unchanged balance, as the case may be) are as follows, with a sum of approximately 171 acres for potential detachment: Dennis L. Sanderson October 13, 1989 Page 2

Proof No. Permit No. Proof No. Permit No.

118E Terr. 872E Terr. 5676E Terr. ~erritorial Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr. Terr.

Applicable portions of other Swift Creek rights, with blanket descriptions of lands which are only partially within the Town's boundaries, could also be detached and changed to preferred use:

Proof No. Permit No. Proof No. Permit No.

118E 1798 Terr. Territorial 1805 Terr. Terr. 1806 Terr. Terr. (unadj udicated) 2 57 19

Rights we found with points of use apparantly within the Town's boundaries, but from sources other than Swift Creek, are:

Proof No. Permit No. Proof No. Permit No.

There is an expired extension of Afton Municipal Water System from Swift Creek under Permit No. 4678E for points of domestic and stock use stretching west of Afton. The facility which this expired permit was to extend is adjudicated for municipal use Dennis L. Sanderson October 13, 1989 Page 3 within the Town under Proof No. 17056, Permit No. 12154. It appears that the extension was never built. Again, if you need copies of specific documents, they are available at microfilm duplication cost (50 cents each). This data was found from water right records of this office, and may ox may not reflect the actual situation on the ground. Failure to use a water right for a period of five years, when water is available, may constitute grounds for forfeiture. For specific requirements involved in a petition to the State Board of Control, please contact Frank Carr at this same address. Best Regards, <~~--2-y+&,- JADE HENDERSON Water Rights Analyst cc: Francis A. Carr Board of Control John Teichert Superintendent Water Div. No. 4 Box 190 Cokeville, Wyoming 83114 Ed Bruce Commissioner Route 1 Afton, Wyoming 83110 f L h TABULATION OF ADJUDICATED RIGHTS

______------.------H. G. LOC PERMIT______------DITCH APPROPRIATOR PRIORITY USE C. F. S. ACRES S. T. R. PRESENT OWNER DELTA SPRINGS, Tributary Beta Creek, T'Ti_butary Salt Rlver 18025 H-Y No. I...... Joe Hlchaelson ...... 10-28-1931 I 0.13 18025 H-Y No. I...... H. D. Yeaman ...... 10-28-1931 I 0.04 18026 H-Y No. 2...... Joe Ptichaelson ...... 10-28-1931 I 0.07 18026 M-Y No. 2...... H. D. Yeaman ...... 10-28-1931 I 0.12

CA).OU SPRINCS, Trlbutary Beta Creek, Tributary Salt River 18023 Joe No. 2...... Joe Ulchaelson ...... 10-28-1931 I 0.10

ALPHA SPRINCS CREEK, Tributary Salt River 18559 Heber No. I...... Heber F. Burton...... 1-21-1935 1,s 0.77

HURD CANON AND ASTLE SPRINGS, In Salt River Watershed Terr. Astle ...... John Astle...... 4-15-1887 D 0.10

HEPUORTH SPRINGS, In Sa1.iver Waters& Terr Ilepvorth ...... Edmund Be worth ...... 4-15-1887 D 0.10 1610~Ui[hp~;zf:~~...... Frank Calf...... 5-20-1921 I S D 0.03 18038 ...... Evan P. Call...... 2-20-1932 4 b 0.02 18039 Call...... Evan P. Call...... 2-20-1932 I,~,D 0.07

BRANCH SPRING, Tributary Salt River 15930 Spring...... Elizabeth E. Barker ...... 8-30-1920 I 0.40

CREAHERY SPRING, Tributary Salt River 15929 Willow ...... Elizabeth E. Barker ...... 8-30-1920 I

DRY GULCH SPRING, Trlbutary Salt River 15894 Pasture ...... Joseph Xlchaelson ...... 8-06-1920 I 0.28 20.00 14-32-119

EAST BLACKER SPRING CREEK, Trlbutary Blacker Spritq Creek, Trlbutary Salt River 19891 Ben Nield No. I...... Ben Niold ...... 7-29-1944 1,D 0.06 4.40 14-32-119

MIDDLE BLACKER SPRING CREEK, Tributary Blocker Sprlng Creek, Trlbutary Salt River 19892 Ben Nield No. Z...... Ben Nield ...... 7-29-1944 I,D 0.59 41.60 14-32-119

WEST BLACKER SPRING CREEK, Tributary Blacker Sprlng Creek, Tetary Salt River 19893 Ben Nield No. 2...... Ben Nield ...... 7-29-1944 1,D S.S. (Original supply is from Hlddle Blacker Sprina Creek, through Ben NieLd No. 2, Permit 19892.)

SWIFT CREEK. Tributary Salt Rlver Tcrr. Burton No. 1...... John lirld. &jKczT...... 4-10-1886 I D 0.09 2.34 30-32-118 D.oa.rr(- c.f .a. detiehed from lrrl&atlon of -acre and changed to referred use' for municipal eurposes for the Town of Afton and point of diversion and mans of conveyance r OrgOf c.f. s changed to Afton ater Works Pipeline, -32-118. Point of diversion and mans of conveyance for rehhfdg 0.094 c.i.s. and 2.314 acres chanaed to West Afton Sprinkler Company Pipe Line 30-32-118. Actual unount of appro riation is 0.094 c.f.a. and 2.344 acres Tcrr. BurtanNo 1 ...... P. Sensen ...... 4-f5-1886 1,D 0.08 1 :QB 30-32-118 (0.025 c.f.r detached frao irrl'atlon of 0.62 acres and changed*to !referred use for municipal purposes for the Tom of Afton and point of diversion and wms of conveyance for 0.025 c. .s. charqed to Afton Water Works Pipeline, 22936-32-118. Actual amount of ap ro riation is 0.075 c.f.s. and 1.875 acre Terr. Burton Ho. 1...... !. f. Nleld...... 4-15-il86 a I D 0 10 2.50 30-32-118 (PoLnt of diversion and means of conveyance thawed to West Mton Sprinkler compaAy Pipe ~lne,30-32-118.) 4 7 WATER DIVISION NUMBER FOUR


...... Afton.. 5-08-1886 0.03 0.70 30-32-1 18 0.074625 c.f .s. detached from rr ift on o i :i6i.;;;;;';;nged to preferreEse for municipal the iom of Afton and ntoero and anof cone anfor 0 074625 c.f .s. changed to !?:gzs::t::rWorks ~i~elinefl38-32-118. nded certificate issued to successor of Charles Leavltt ori inaL a propriator. no part of approprl;tloo to be used for lrrlgation in Lot 2; Block 22. Actual mount of apbroprfation !s 0.025 c.k.s. and 0.695 acre.) -- - Terr. Afton Canal ...... John Astle ...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.06 1.60 30-32-118 (0.03625 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 0.90 acre and changed to preferred ;se for municipal ur osea md point of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.03625 s.f .s. charqed to Afton Water Works ~l~eline.2~~-3~-118.Actuml amount of approprlation is 0.064 c.f.s. and 1.595 acre.) Terr. Afton Canal ...... M. A. Banks ...... 5-08-1886 1,D 0.05 1.29 30- 32-118 (0.008332 c.f.s. detached frm irrigation of 1.207 acres and changed to preferred use for munici a1 oses and olnt of diversion and means of conve ance for O.Ob8332 c.f .s. ch-ed to Afton Water works ~i~elfne,~%-32-118. Rctual aunt of appropriation is 0.052 c.f .s. and 1.293 acre.) Terr. Afton Canal ...... Isaac Bi elow ...... 5-08-1886 1,D 0.85 82.SO 30-32-118 (0.35715 c.f .s. detached from irri8atfon of 2.50 acres and chaqed to preferred use for mnicipal oses and point of diversion and means of conve ance for 0.35715 c.f .s. changed to hfton Water Works ~i~eline,~dy%-ll8. Actual amount of appropriation is 0.853 c.f .s .) Terr. Afton Canal ...... Arthur F. Burton ...... 5-08-1886 1,D 0.07 0.88 30-32-118 0.030 c.f.s. detached from irrieation of 0.37 acre and changed to referred use for municipal urposes and point of hiversion and mans of conveyance for 0.030 c .f.s. changed to Afton eater Works ~i~eline~m-32-Yl8.~ctua~. mount of a propriation is 0.875 acre. ) Terr. Afton canay...... Uilliam Burton...... 5-08-1886 1.D 0.00 0.14 30-32-118 $0.096375 c.f .s. detached from irrigatlcm of 4.865 acres and chan~edto referred us4 for miclpal purposes for the omof ff ton and eoint of diversion and nl0.ans of conveyance for 0.096375 c.f. s. changed to Uton Uater Works PipelinePw-32-11 . Actual amount of appropriation is 0.004 c.f.s and 0 135 acre.) Terr. Afton Canal...... A. V. Call...... 5-08-1886 I,D 1.29 89.00 30-32-118 (0.014286 c.f.s. detached fro01 irrigation of 1 acre and changed to preferred use for municipal purposes for the Town of Afton and polnt of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.014286 c.f.s. changed to Afton Water Works Pipeline. Gp-32-110. Actual amount of a pro riation 1s 1.286 c.f.s.) Terr . Afton Canal...... 1. 8 Call...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.14 4.14 30-32-118 0.05697 c.f.s. dt 1 &ched from irrigation of 3.0617 acres and chawed to referre6 use for municipal purposes for the $om of Afton and vint of diversion and mans of conve ance for 0.056!7 c.f .s. changed to Afton Yarer Works ~i~eline~~32-llg.Actual Mount of ap KO rlation is 6.143 c.f .r. and 4.438 acres.) Terr. Afton Canal...... Chester V. 8alf...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.09 2.23 30-32-118 (0.011 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 0.275 acre and changed to referred useofor mu~licipal urposes for thc Tom of Afron and point of diversion and mans of conveyance for 0.611 c.f. s. changed to Afton hater Works Pipeline, ~930'-32-118. Actual amount of a pro rlation is 0.089 c.f.s. and 2.225 acres.) Terr. Afton Canal...... fro call...... 5-08-1886 1 D . 0.08 2.03 30-32-118 0.020426 c.f. s. detached from irrigation of 0.673 acre and changed to preferred ;se for munici a1 purposes for the $om of Afton and point of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.020426 c.f .s. change$ to Afton Uatcr Works Pipelinc2W-32-118. Actual amount of a ropriation is 2.027 acres. Terr. Afton Canal...... Jose h cay?...... 4-08-1886 I II 0 07 4.19 30-32-118 (0.030625 c.f .s. detached from irrfeatlon of 0.812 acre and changed to preferred ire for munici a1 purposes for the Tom of Afton and rint of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.030625 c.f .s. change$ to Afton Water Works Pipeline)y:36-32-l18. ctual amount of ap ro riation is 0.069 c.f.s. and 4.188 acres.) Terr. Afton Canal...... Charles D. Fazfer...... 5-08-1886 I D 1.95 136.58 30-32-118 0.054017 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 3.418 acres and changed to preferred'use for municipal the iom of Afton and eoint of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.054017 c.f .s. changed to ~~:gz~;:tfi~Works Pipeline%W-32-118. oint of diversion and means of conveyance for 125.03 acres chan ed to West Afton Sprinkler Company #ipe Line, 30-32-118. Actual anmt of appropriation is 1.946 c.f .s. and 136.982 acres.) Terr. Afton Canal ...... C. G. Cazier ...... 5-08-1886 I,D 0.06 2.98 30-32-118 0.044158 c.f.s. detached from irrigation of 2.018 acres and changed to referred use for municipat purposes for the iown of Afton and ioint of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.0441g8 c. f.s. changed to Afton Uater Uorks PipelinekM-32-11 . Actual amount of appropriation is 0.056 c.f.s. and 2.982 acres.) Terr. Afton Canal ...... C. C. Cazier ...... 5-08-1886 I D 1.02 78.75 30-32-118 0 17857 c f s. detached from irrigation of 1.25 acres and changed to referreh use for municipal purposes for the $om of ~fton-and oint of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.17857 c.f .s. changed to Afton Uater Uorkr Pipeline ,-130-32-1!8. Point of dlverrion and means of conveyance for remainder chan ed to a sprinkler system through Nield stking Pipeline, 31-32-118. Actual amount of appropriation is 1.021 c.f .s. ma 78.750 acres.) Terr. Afton Canal ...... Charlotte Cook ...... 5-08-1886 I,D 0.08 1.91 30-32-118 (0.023835 c.f.s. detached from irrigation of 0.593 acre and changed to preferred use for mitnicipal purposes for the Town of Afton and olnt of diversion and means of corlve ance for 0.02385 c.f.s. changed to Aftorl Water Works Pipe1ine.W-32-118. Rctual amount of appropriation is 0.076 c.I.s. and 1.907 acre.) Terr. Afton Canal ...... P. W. Cook ...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.48 1.20 30-32-118 0.052375 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 1.309 acres and changed to preferred*use for municipal urposes for the iom of Afton and ioinc of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.052375 c.f .s. changed to Rfton Water Works Plpeline.2W-32-118. ctual amount of ap ropriation Ls 1.197 acre. Terr. Afton Canal...... E. F. Crltc~lou...... 4-08-1086 I D 0.07 1.76 30-32-118 .029750 c.f.s. detached from irri otlnn of 0.743 acre and changed to preferred u;e for municipal purposes for the +own of Afton and olnt of dfversion and means of conveyance for 0.02975C c.f .s. changed to Afton Uater Works Plpeline,'-fM-32-118. lctual amount of appropriation is 1.757 acre. Terr. Aftoncanal ...... -...... HarveyDi~on ...... 4-08-1886 ID 2.09 144.71 30-32-118 (0.211210 c.f.s. detached from irrl ation of 15 2905 acres and changed to preferrid use for municipal purposes for the Tom of Afron and point of alverslon ani means of conveyance for 0.211210 c.f .s. changed to Afton Water Works Pipcline,*%-32-118. Point of diversion and means of conveyance for remainder changed to a s rinkler system through Nield Srrin. PLpcllne, 31-32-118. Actual amount of approprlrr~on is 2.089 c.f .s. and 114.719 acres. L 8 TABULATION OF ADJUDICATED RIGHTS

ti. G. LOC ------DITCH APPROPRIATOR PRIORITY USE C. F. S. ACHES S. T. R. PRESENT OWNER Afton Canal ...... Constance A. Eg leston ...... 5-08-1886 I,D 0.08 3.87 30-32-118 0.024286 C-f.s. detached from irrigation of 1.13 acres and changed to referred use for m~micipalpurposes for the $0- of Afton and olnt of dlvers lon and means of conve ance for 6.02ki6 c . f . s . changed to Af ton Water Works ~ipeline?f~-32-21~.Actual amount of appropriation is 6.076 c.f. s. and 3.810 acres.) Afton Canal ...... 0. X. Eg leston ...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.10 3.79 30-32-118 0.101612 c.f.s. detached from lrr18atfon of 3.7122 acres and changed to greferre6 use for unuiiclpal urposer for the iovn of Afton and of dlverslon and means of conveyance for . 10lal2 c.f. s. shaqcd to Aft on Water Uorks PipellneflM-32-118. !::::1 amount of appropriation is 0.098 c.f.s. and 3.788 acres.) /?69 ',fcrr. Afton Canal ...... A. B. Gardner ...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.09 2.26 30-32-118 0.009781 c.f .s. detached from lrrlgatlon of 0.243 acre and changed to preferred ;te for municipal purposes for the /' lo* of Afton and olnt of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.009781 c.f .s. changed to Afton Water Yorks w Pipellne.blld-32-118. Rctual amount of appropriation is 2.257 acres. ) / 7LLi Terr. Afton Canal ...... A. Hale ...... 5-08-1886 I,D 0.02 0.50 30-32-118 (0.078028 c.f.s. detached from irrigation of 2 acres and changed to preferred use for municipal purposes for the Tovn of Afton and point of diversion and means of conve ance for 0.078028 c.f.s. changed to Afton Uater Uorks Pipeline, ~936'-32-118. Actual mount of a propriarlon is 0.02? c.f.r.) ~ft~ncanal...... fucius ale...... 5 -08-1886 I,D 1.90 130.00 31-32-118 Afton Canal ...... Luclus Hale ...... 5-08-1886 l,D 0.05 2.05 30-32-118 0.055250 c.f.s detached from irrlgation of 2.948 acres and changed to referred use for municLpo1 purposes for the iovn of Afton and olnt of diverison and means of conveyance for 0.0552P0 c.f .s. changed to Afton Water Uorks Pipellne W-32-11e. Actual amount of appropriation 1s 0.015 c.f .s. and 2.052 acres.) Afton Canal.. . I...... Marlon Henderson...... 5-08-1886 I ,D 0.95 3.00 30-32-118 0.005192 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 0.25 c.f .t. and changed to referred'use for municipal purposes for the 40- of Afton and olnt of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.005192 c. f.s. changed to Af ton Water Works ~i~ellne$t~-32-11~.Actual amount of appro rlation is 0.948 c.f.s.) Afton Canal...... Alfred HcndricEson...... 5-08-1886 1,D 0.08 3.29 30-32-118 0.02228 c.f.s. detached from irrlgatlon of 1.908 acres and changed to referreduse for municFpal purposes for the $om of Afton and olnt of diversion and means of conve ante for 0.0222e c.f .s. changed to Afton Water Works ~l~cllnc~~-32-11~.Actual amount of approprlatlon is 8.018 c .f .s. and 3.292 acres. ) Afton Canal ...... Mark Hurd ...,...... 5-08-1886 1,D 0.19 7.25 30-32-118 0.006012 c.f.s. detached from irrlgation of 0.255 acre and changed to referred use for municipal purposes for the '!own of Mton and olnt of dlvarslon and means of conveyance for 0.0060f2 c.f .5. changed to Afton Uater Works plpellne p3~-32-llg. Actual amount of a propriat lon is 0.19k c.f . s . and 7.245 acres. ) herr . Afton Canal...... U. H. ~ennrngton...... 5-08-1886 I D 1.80 120.00 30-32-118 AMeans of conveyance for 44 acres changed to a s rlnkler system tllrou h ~ennln~to;Plpellne 31-32-118.) !3$2 Terr. Afton anal ...... V. H. Rerutingron sr ...... 5-88-1886 ID 6.20 9.78 30-32-118 0 0045 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 6.225 acres and changed to use for munlcipal purposes for the $0~of Afton md polnt of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.0045 c.f .s. clratagcd to Afron Uater Uorks Plpellne, 2136-32-118. Actual amount of a ro rlation is 0.196 c.f.s. and 9.775 acres.) Afton canal...... ER ar P es Kingston ...... 5-08-1886 I,D 0.03 0.63 30-32-118 0.07560 c.f.9. detached from lrrl ation of 1.873 acres and changed to preferred use for ~rmnlcl a1 purposes for the $own of Afton and dfverslon and means of conve ancr for 0.07560 s.f .r. chan(re3 to hfton Uater Works Plpellncw-32-118. P::::l gount of a proprlatlon is 0.025 c.f .s. and 0.627 acre.) Terr. Afton Canal...... Sylvester few...... 5-08-1686 1 D 0.10 5.00 30-32-118 JTerr. Afton Canal ...... A. R. Hoffctt ...... 5-08-1886 I:D 0.10 2.50 30-32-1 18 Afton Canal ...... fiannah E. Nelson ...... 5-08-1886 1,D 0.09 2.10 30-32-118 (331 Tarre 0.012680 c.f.5. detached from lrrlgatlon of 0.4 acre and chacged to referred use for municipal purposes for the $own of Afton .and olnt of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.012680 c. f .s. changed to Afton Uater Works Pipeline a3-32-118. gctunl amount of a proprlatlon Ls 0.087 c.f.s. and 2.100 acres.) Aftoncanal ...: ...... James W. NTeld ...... 5-08-1886 1,D 1.06 79.00 30-32-118 /?g j Terr. (0.114286 c.f.s. detached from irrigation of 1 acre and changed to preferred use fcr munlcl a1 Purposes for the TOW of Afton and point of diversion and means of conveyance for 0. 4286 c.f .s. changed to Rfton Uater Uorkr Pi ellne I-0-32-118. Point of dlvcrsion and means of conveyance for 79 acres each changed to a sprinkler system througR Nie16 String Plpel ine, 31-32-118. Actual amount of approprlation 1s 1.057 c.f fs.) (796 Terr. Afton Canal ...... John Nield ...... 5-08-1886 I,D 1.06 79.00 30-32-118 (On4286 c.f.s. detached from lrrlgatlon of 1 acre and changed to preferred use fur tnunlci a1 purposes for the Town of Afton and point of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0. 1286 c.f .s. chaued to efton Uater Uorks Pipellz~e, a=-32-118. Point of diversion and means of conveyance for 79 acres changed to a sprinkler system through NLeld StrLng Plpeline, 31-32-118. Actual mount of appropriation is 1.05$ c.f. s. ) Afton Canal...... Josrph L. NeLld ...... 5-08-1866 1,D 1.19 79.00 30-32-118 (0.011286 c.f.s. detached from irrlgatlon of 1 acre and changed to referred use for munlcipal purposes for the TOM of *Icon and olnt of dlverslon and mans of conveyance for 0.01f286 ctbanged to lifton atWorks PI ellne am-32-118. Folnt of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 79 acres changed to a sprlller system througK ~leld String Plpellne, 31-32-118. Actual amount of appropriation AS 1.186 c.f.s.) Afton Canal ...... Andrev M. Nielson ...... 5-08-1886 1,D 0.07 1.75 30-32-118 (0.030 c.f .s. detached from irrlgatlon of 0.75 acre and charwed to prefcrrcd use fhr fi~micia1 purposes for the TO- of Afron and ~olnr of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.030 c .f.s. changed to &ton Water Uurks Plpellne, &M-32-118. ) - Afton Canal ...... J. C. Paulson ...... 5-08-1886 1 D 0.03 1.47 30-32-118 (0.070660 c.f .r. detached from irrl~otlonof 3.53 acres and ch;&cd-to preferred ;se for munlcl a1 purposes for the Town of Afton and golnt of diversion and arms of conveyance for 0.010660 e.f .s. clcarueg to Afton Warer Uorks Plpellne,@N-32-118. ctual amount of appropriation is 0.029 c.f.s.) Afton Canal ...... Hary C. Rasmussen ...... 5-08-1886 1 D 0.07 3.5 30-32-118 0.029125 c.f.r. detached from irrlgatlon of 1.454 acres and changed to preferred'use for CbWedmunicipal to rrposrs for tbr iown of Afton and olnt of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.029125 c.f .s. fton Water Uorks Pipel lne,L3)0-32-118- Kctual amount of approprlation 1s 0.071 s.f. r. and 3.546 acres. 054 Terr. Afton Canal ...... Arthur Roberts ...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.03 0.78 30-32-118 0.074364 c.f. a. d;tached from irrigatlon of '2.466 'acres and chineed to prcfcrred'~se for munlclpal urposer for the iorn of ifton and oint of diversion rnd means of conveyance for 0.07r96r c.f. s. charyrd to !iton Uarer Works pipel lncfh-~2-11s.Rcrual Mount of appropriation is 0.025 c.f.s. and 0. acre. 4 9 WATER DIVISlON NUMBER FOUR

ti. r;. LUL PERHIT DITCH APPROPRIATOR PRIORITY USE C. P. S. ACRES S. T. R. PRESENT OUNEH ------&------Afton Canal ...... 2. H. Roberts ...... 5-08-1886 1 D 0.12 4.36 30-32-118 0.106459 c.f .s. detached frolrr lrrl~attonof 4.158 acres and changed to preferredDusefor municipal the 4- of Afton and of divers ion and mans of conveymce for 0.106459 c.f. s. changed to E20ns;:t::ruorts plp.LlneP90-32-118. !z%l amount of a proprlatlon 1s 0.121 c.f .s. and 4.364 acres.) Afton Canal...... Junes Sejsfons...... 5-08-1886 I,D 0.01 4.36 30-32-118 0.0875 c.f.8. detached from irrl ation of 2 697 acres and changed to referred use for municipal pur oses for the 40- of Mron and point of dlversfon and oc4s of conveyance for 0.0879 c.f. s. cbed to ifton Uater corks Plpellne, ~9)d-32-118. Actual mount of a ro rlation is 0.013 c.f.8. and 4.364 acres.) Afton Canal...... kfllfe P. rays-...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.08 1.94 30-32-118 0.016250 c .f .a. detached froar krri~ationof 0.562 acre md thawed to referred use for municipal purposes for the 4- of Mton and oint of diversion admeans of conveyance for 0.0162!0 c f s to Afton Water Uorks npeline W-32-111. Amended certlflcate issued to successor of Alonro R. ICer&l&~on~%f;&l appropriator. Actual Mount of approprlatlon I8 0.084 c.f .s. and 1.938 acre. ) Afton a-1 ...... Enoch Venter ...... 5-08-1886 1 D 0.05 1.11 30-32-118 0.0555 c.f .a. detached from irrigation of 1.386 acres md changed to use for munlcipsl purposes for the 4- of Afton and point of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.0555 c.f .s. chanyed to Afton Uater Wocks Pipeline. YW-32-118. Actual .mount of a propriation is 0.045 c.f.s. and 1.114 acre Mron canal...... Lo, e wait...... s-oa-liQ6 I D 0.09 4.24 30-32-118 0 015250 c.f.s. detached from irrflation of.0.762 acre md chansed to preferred 6s. for munlcl a1 purposes for the of zefton and eoint of divers ion and means of conveyance for 0.015250 c. f .s . ch.nge% to Afton Water Uorks Pipeline, p-32-118. ctual mount of ap~opriatlon1s 0.085 c.f.8. and 4.238 acres.) Terr. Afton Canal ...... John I,. Wa er...... 5-08-1886 0.10 2.50 30-32-118 / 3-80 Terr- Afton Canal...... T. 8. Wild...... 5-08-1886 :': 0.09 2.25 30-32-118 .s. detached from itrl~atlonof 0.25 acre and changed to preferred use lor lnunlcl 81 purposes for the TOW and point of diversion and mean. of conveyance for 0.010 c. f .a. changed to Afton Uater Works Plpal in.. 32-118. ) ...... John Milks ...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.05 2.53 30-32-118 0.049656 c.f. s. detached from irrigation of 2.4755 acres and changed to referred use for municipal purposes for the 4- of ff ton and olnr of dlversion and mems of conveyance for 0.019456 c.f .s. c-ed to Afton Water Work. ~~peline,w-32-llK. Actual amount of approprlatlon is 0.051 c. f . s. and 2.525 acres. ) Afton Canal...... T. K. Uooley ...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.08 1.93 30-32-118 0.022839 c.f. s. detached from irrFgotlon of 0.568 acre and changed to referred use for municipal purposes for the 4- of Afton and oLnt of diversion and means of conve ance for 0.022039 c.f. s c-ed to Mton Water Works ?lpellnel~32-1li. Actual munt of approprlatlon is 5.077 c.f .s. and 1.932 acre.) Afton Canal ...... Thomas Yeu~ns...... 5-08-1886 I D 0.02 0.79 30-32-118 0.080395 c. f.r. detached frw irrigation of 2.962 acres and changed to referred use for municipal purposes for the of Mton and olnt of dlverslon and mans of conveyance for 0.0803!5 c.f .s. c-ed to Afton Yater Uorks ti cline ~3-32-118. ~ctualmount of appropriation is 0.788 acre. Terr. ~urton&. 1 ('2...... U. U. Burton...... b-01-1886 1.0 2.30 160.00 25-32-119

Terr. fi.3 I I I IIP(B.i6ib,i..c.i...... Ehund Clark ...... 6-10-1888 I D 1 .59 75.19 30-32-118 .s. detached from lrrltatlon of 61.5150 acrcs and changed to y~c?f;rred use for mc~niclpal clrposes for th; Tom of ifton ar~dpoint of divers lon and means of conveyance for 0.206678 c. f . s. cliallgrd to Af ton r Yolks PLprllne,~30-32-118. Polnt of dlversion and means of conve ance for 3 acres chawed to North Afton Plpeline: 0.063 c. S. detached from irri atlon and clla~cdto preferred use for domestic purposes. Actual amount of rpproprlatlon Hall,nis 1.593 c.f .s. and 75.485 acres. 1 ...... B. L. Gardner ...... 6-01-1888 I D 1.18 76.49 30-32 -1 18 0.021428 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 1.5150 acres and chaqed to [referred use fsr n~~rnlcipaltarposes for the own of Afton and olnt of diversion rrld means of conveyance for .021428 c.f .s. chal~gedto *!rot, Water Works PI ellne 3'00-32-118. Point of diversion and means of conveyance for 2 acres chaneed to North Afton Plpeline: 0.029 C. f . s. detached from Irrigation and clunged to preferred use for domestic purposes. Actual amoul~tof approprlat ion is 1.179 c.f.s. and 76.485 acres.) Hallitag...... L. J. Ralli~...... 6-01-1888 I,D 1 .SO 100.00 30-32-118 ...... Jens C. Jenscn ...... 6-01-1888 US*. 0.+7 28.00 30-32-118 Point of divtrslon and means of conveyance changed to H-32-118. Polnt of diversion and means of conve ance for 2 acres cha ed to North Afton =~*6.!?-~chcd from irrlgat ion and cl1ang.d to preferred use $or domestic pu Ter r . IIall 108.. - ...... Th02:s T. Nlcld...... 6-01-1888 I D 0.60 40.00 30-32-118 T err. Halllnt...... Thomas B. Roberts...... 6-01-1898 I*D 2.00 160.00 30-32-118 1err...... Ceoree Uaitc...... 6-01-1888 I*D 0.15 10.00 30-32-1 18 0.450 c.f .s. detached from irrigation of 1.5150 acres and changed to r.c*ferred tc;e for mr~nlclprl pur oses for the "lJ lnfovn of Afton and polnt of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.456 c. f .s. changed to Afton Water corks Pipeline. MW-32-118.) Tcrr. Hallin5 ...... T. H. Wild ...... 6-01-1088 1.0 1 0.80 50.00 30-32-118 Trrr. Hoffett L Stewart ...... Edvard Blacker ...... 11-15 1888 l,D 1.20 80.00 30-32-118 (Polnt of diversion and means of conve ance changed to Flagstaff Dltch 30-32-118 Trrr. mfrert r ~tevart...... A. R. ~offett...... 11-1i-1888 1 ;b 2.00 140.00 30-32-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance chaqcd to Flagstaff Ditch 30-32-110 1err. U. L. A...... H. Allred Jr...... 5-11-1889 I:b 2.00 140.00 30-32-118 (Polnt of dfversion and means of convc 6nce changed to A. I.. T. Canal 30-32-118. Polnt of divrrsion and means of EonVf~.IiC~ chgnged to West Afton Spridler Company Plpe Line. 30-32-118 Terr. W. L. A ...... W. Lonlhurst ...... 5-1511889 ID 1.17 78.00 30-32-118 (0.28572 c.f .s. dctaclled fr~mirrigation of 2 acres and changed to preferred useBformunicipal purposes for the Tovn of Afton and point of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.28572 c.f.s. changed to Afton Water Works Pipeline Lq38-32-118. Point of diversion and means of conveyance for remainder char: ed to A. L. T. Canal 30-32-118, then& point nf dlverslon and cleans of conveyance changed LO West Afton Sprinkler El,*rpariy Pl pe Line, 30-32-118. Actual amotant of :appropri~ticn is 1.171 c.f. 9.) W. L. A...... A. J. Taysom ...... 5-15-1889 1,D 1.19 79.00 30-32- 11 8 10.014206 c.f.s. detached from irrigation of 1 acres and changed to referred use for m*nlcipal pllrposes for the ' own of Afton and oint of diversion and mans of conveyance for 0.01&86 c.f .r. chatlged to Afron Ustcr Works Plpcllne wp-32-1f8. Poiqt of dlverslon and a~cms of cun*reyance for rcmainder chan rd to Burton 140. 1 Ditch 30-32-11R, t.l~eocePoint of hiversion and means of conveyance changed to west tifton ~pridlerCompany Plpe ~ine: 30-32-139. Actual amount of a propriation is 1.186 c.f.s.1 W. 1.. A...... golln Wllkes...... 5-15-1889 I D 1.29 87.50 30-32-118 (0 4071LS c.f. s. detached frm lrrfgrclon of 42.5 acres and chaneed to referred use for an.nlclpa1 nrtrposcs for the To- of Afton pnd oinc of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.6011f5 c.f .s. cha~lged to ~ftsr; Uater Uorks ~L~cline,&~>2)r~-lf8.I'olnt of dlvcrsion and means of conveyance for re:nrindcr changed to A. L. T. Canal, 30-32-118. Actual arnoulrt of approprlat Lon is 1.293 c. f .s. ) Gardr~er...... Ar..:hibald Gardner ...... 10-11-1889 I'cch. 48.10 29-32-118 (Point of dlverslon lard means of cnnveynnce changed to Power Plant Catla1 20-32-118.) Spr In*...... Sorcn Jacobson...... 5-15- i890 f ,D 0.80 50.00 30-32-118 ~;*rini...... James Kofed ...... 5-15-1890 1.D 0.60 43.00 30-32-11s ?:%ring ...... ,.. T. H. Wild ...... 5-15-1890 1,D 0.20 12.00 30-32-1 13 Ci2rxL ...... Archiso Corsi ...... 8-22-1891 I,D 2.00 140.00 30- 32-116 (Foinc of dlversion and means of conveyance chanced to Flagstaff D1tc.h 30-3,- Tempi c Bench...... A~cl~ibaldGmrdner...... 6-01-1093' "?;& 0.40 25.00 29-32-118 Trti.ple Bench ...... Ttlmas Yeamans...... 6-07-1893 0.20 8.00 29-32- I I8 En'. N3rth Calla1 ...... John F. Artla ...... 4-01-1895 IfD 1.14 80.00 30-32-118 Er11. ,lagstaff...... N. L. Venter et a1 ...... 4-01-1R9S 1.D 2.80 195.00 30-32-118 (9.51 c.i.r. detached f rcm irrlgatlon and rhan ed to preferred use for indurtrlal purpF,ses at Star lral.ley L~tmbcr Co~rpar~yS~vmlll and mill pond' rlth point of alverslon and means of cofireyance chmged to Star Val ley Lur.b*r Cornpatry ararrch of North Afton Piye Line in 30-32-118. 0.15 c.f.s. detached from irri atlon and changed to )referred use for do.~nstic and fire prorertlon at the Star Valley Lumber Cornpanl; flant in 19-3$-118; with olnt of d\versiDn and means of conveyance chanaed to Nortll Afton PLpe Line in 29-32-118. o untary abmdo~nrntof 0.4641 c.f .s. and 18.49 acres, 11-17-1965.) Enl. North Canal ...... Edmund Eepworth ...... 1-19 I 1.00 70.00 30-32-118 F 5 9 Burton No. 2...... Charlotte Cooke...... 4-1-1895 I 0.29 20.00 25-32-119 1 ICE Enl. North Canal ...... James Jensen, Sr...... 4-11-1895 1 0.50 35.00 30-32-118 111E Enl. North Canal ...... Uans P. Nelson ...... 4-11-1895 1 0.86 60.00 30-32-1 18 I J 3E Enl. Halllnu ...... Thomas C. Blacker ...... 4-13-1895 1 1.14 80.00 30-32-118 1l6E Enl. Hslling ...... B. L. Gardrrer ...... 5-8-1895 I 1-15 80.00 30-32-118 116E Enl. Hallin Ozro Cardner...... 5-1-1895 1 2.28 160.00 30-32-118 125E Enl. tlorth ...... Ole Petersen ...... 6-5-1035 I 0.88 62.00 30-32-118 12 L E Enl. North Canal ...... Olcy krderson...... 6-5-1895 1 1.42 100.00 30-32-118 12LE Enl. North Canal ...... Gibson A. Condle...... 6-5-1895 I 0.40 28.00 30-32-118 12hE Enl. North Canal ...... Ross L. Gardner ...... 6-05-1895 1.13 80.00 30-32-118 (hndrd certificate issued to si~ccessarof A. B. Cardner, orlglnal a ro rlator. Enl. North Canal...... Fred Hale...... ,...... -.. . 6-Eg-lE95 I 1.15 80.00 30-32-118 Lnl. North Canal ...... Joseph E. Hepworth ...... 6-05-1895 1 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 WATER DIVISION NUMBER FOUR ------_------H. C. LOC DITCH APPROPRIATOR PRIORITY . USE C. F. S. ACRES S. T. R PRESENT OUNER ------..------Enl. North Canal ...... Austin C. Hyde ...... 6-05-1895 I 1.15 80.00 30-32-118 (Amended certificate Issued; erroneously adjudicated with priority of Se tember 1 1898.) Enl. North Canal...... John A. Hyde...... 6-05-f895 f 1.71 120.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... Jens J. Jensen ...... 6-05-1895 I 0.85 60.00 30-32-118 &ill. North Canal ...... L. C. Jensen ...... 6-05-1895 I 1 .OO 70.00 30-32-118 Eril. North Canal ...... Charles Kin ston...... 6-05-1895 I 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal...... Carl C. ~ow%er...... 6-05-1895 1 0.71 50.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... John Miles ...... 6-05-1895 1 1.15 80.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... Christian Nelson ...... 6-05-1895 I 1.71 120.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... John P. Peterson ...... 6-05-1895 1 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... 8. M. Thunnm ...... 6-05-1895 I 2.57 180 00 30-32-118 Enl. Afton Canal...... 6-08-1695 2 0.02 1:36 3Jz-32-118 0 267 c.f .;: and 18.630 acres- rom lrri ation and changed to preferred use for munlcipal pu ores for the $oh of Mton. Polnr of diversion uad ran. of conveyance for 0.267 c.f .s . changed to Afton Waterqorks Pipeline. &?=-32-118. Polnt of dlversion and means of conveyance for the remainder changed to a sprinkler system through 30-32-118.) ...... Isaac Bigelow ...... 6-08-1895 I 0.98 68. 50 30-32-118 detached frm irrigation of 1.50 acres and chawed to referred use for lmtniclpal purposes for the olnt of dlversion and means of conveyance for 0.21489 c.f .s. changed to Afton Water Works ~~pelinep~(r-32-11E.Point of dlversion and mans of conveyance for 68.5 acres chawed to a rprlnkler system through Nield String Pipeline, 31-32-118. Actual amount of appropriatlon 1s 0.979 c.f.s. Enl. Mton Canal...... A. V. Call...... 6-08-1895 1 1.00 70.00 31-32-118 (Point of dlversion and means of conveyance changed to a sprlnkler system through Nleld Strlng Pipeline, from 30-32-118.) Enl. Afton Canal ...... C. G. Cozier...... 6-08-1895 I 1.14 80.00 Polnt of diversion and means of conveyance changed to a sprlnkler system through Nield Strln Pipeline, 30-32-118. Enl. ton Canal ...... W. 8. Kemlngton ...... 6-08-1895 I 0.89 Polnt of diversion and means of conveyance chawed to a sprinkler system through Nield Strlng Pipeline, from 10-32-118.) Enl. Halllng ...... Thomas T. Nield ...... 11-20-1895 I 0.57 40. 00 30-32-118 Enl. Halllng ...... John P. Peterson...... 11-20-1895 I 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 Curtis ...... A. E. Kennington ...... 11-16-1898 I D 0.83 59.62 30-32-118 0.021428 c .f .s. detached from irriaation of 0.379 acrc and changed to preferred bse of munlclpal purposes for the &om of Afton and ~oint of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.021428 c.f.a. changed to Afton Water Works ctual amount of ap roprlatlon 1s 0.829 c.f.s. and 59.621 acres.) curt l~*!~~ttne :.r"*tt8: ...... Ylliiu~R. R ennington ...... 11-16-1898 I 0.80 56.20 30-32-118 (0.054 c.f.s. detached frocn irrigation of 3.8 acres and changed to preferred use for domestic purposes through North Af ton Plpel lne . ) ...... J. L. Walker ...... 11-16-1898 1 0.83 58.86 30-32-118 0.021428 c.f.s. detached from irrigation of 1.136 acres and changed to referred use for municipal purposes for the omof Af ton and olnt of dlverslon and means of conveyance for 0.021438 c.f . s. changed to Afton Water Works Plpallne w-32-llg. Actual amount of a propriatlon is 0.829 c.f .s. and 58.864 acres. 1 Enl. North ~an;l...... Elizabeth R. Lovder...... 5-26-1899 I 1.15 80.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal...... George L. Dutson Estate...... 7-31-1899 I 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 Enl. Hoffett L Stewart...... Edward Blacker...... 5-30-1901 I 0.85 60.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... Oley anderson et a1...... 3-29-1902 I 0.22 16.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal...... Lars J. 8a111; ...... 3-29-1902 I 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal...... , . . . . Christine ~acoksen, et 81...... 3-29-1902 I 1.21 85.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... James Jensen, Sr ...... 3-29-1902 I 0.64 45.00 30-32- 118 Enl. North Canal ...... Louis C. Jensen ...... 3-29-1902 I 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... Hans P. Nelson ...... 3-29-1902 I 0.57 . LO.00 30-32-118 Enl. North Canal ...... Nlels Nlelsen ...... 3-29-1902 I 0.28 20.00 30-32-118 Enl. Flagstaff ...... John A. Linford ...... 5-27-1902 I 1.14 80.00 30-32-118 (Polnt of dlverrlon and means of conveyance for 3.88 acres changed to West Afton Sprinkler Company Pipe LLne, 30-32-118.) Enl. Flagstaff...... Archibald R. Hoffett ...... 5-27-1902 I 0.28 20.00 30-32-118 Enl. Afton Cana: ...... W. H. Kemington ...... 6-24-1902 I,D 0.02 1.36 30-32-118 (0.002250 c.f.s. detached from irrigation of 0.188 acrc and changed to preferred use for municipal purposes for the Tovn of Afton and iolnt of diversion and means of conveyance for 0.002250 c.f.s. changed to Afton Water Works Pi ellne ZWV-32-118. ctual amount of appropriation is 0.023 c.f.s. and 1.362 acre.) Enl. A. T. tanal...... W. A. Allred...... 3-07-1903 I,D 0.57 40.00 30-32-118 (Pointe. of diversion and means of conve ance changed to West Afton S rinkler CompanI g Plpe Llne 30-32-118.) Enl. A. L. T. Canal...... Seymour I. Allred...... 5-07-1903 0.18 20.00 30-32-118 fnl. A. L. T. Canal ...... H rum S. Rich, Jr ...... 3-07-1903 I:D 0.28 20.00 30-32-118 (Polnt of diversion and means o$ conveyance changed to West Afton S rinkler Compan Plpe Llne 30-32-118. ) Enl. A. L. T. Canal ...... A. J. Tayson...... $-07-1903 1,g 0.66 39.50 30-32-118 -c.f.s. detached from lrrlgatlon of 0.50 acre and changed to preferred use for municipal purposes for the Town of Afton and olnt of diversion and means of conveyance for c.f.s. chan ed to Afton Water Works G.JC Pipel inc 330-32-118. goin, of dlverslon and means of conveyance chanaed ZAfton sprinkfer Company Pipe Line, 30- 32-1 1d. ) ualton ...... Hrs Vietta Nield ...... 12-10-1903 I 0.25 17.00 30-32-118 t.043 c.f .s. detached from lr;18atlon of 3 acres and ch.-i,erd to preferred use for domcstic purposes through North Afton Plpellne.) Ualton ...... James Ualton ...... 12-10-1903 I 0.25 18.00 30-32-118 (.029 c.f.s. detached from lrrigation of 2 acres and changed to preferred use for domcstlc purposes throuuh North Afton Pipeline.) North Fork Burton No. Z...... Thomas F. Burton ...... 6-27-1904 1 0.22 16.00 30-32-119 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance ctrrnged to West Afton Spr~nklcrCompany Plpe Llne, from 25-32-118.) 52 TABULATION OF ADJUDICATED RIGHTS

. .- -_ __--______-____----______------_------_------_---- H. G. LOC PF,RMI r n I TCH APPROI'RIATOR PRIORITY USE C. F. S. ACRES S. T. R. PRESENT OWNER ______-_.______^______------*------._-___--__------_____ Ccok ...... Johana C. Cook ...... 4-11-1905 0.00 30-32-119 (0.42 c.f .s detached from lrri ation of 30 acres and changed to referred use for municipal gurposes for the Town of Afton and changed in qoint of dfverslon and mans of conveyance =Ranged to Afton Water Works ipeline,mJO-32-118.) Enl. North Fork Burton No...... Uilliam W. Burton ...... 4-22-1905 I 0.32 23.00 25-32-119 Enl. North Fork Burton No. 2...... Ray H. Merritt ...... 4-22-1905 1 0.51 36.00 25-32-119 Enl. North Fork Burton 110. 2...... Stephen P. Cheen ...... 9-29-1905 I 0.28 20.00 30-32-119 Point of diversion and means of cotlveyance changed to West Afton S rlnkler Corn any Pipe Line from 25-32-118.) power 61anr ...... ~ftonElectric co ...... 9-03-1907 gowcr 00.60 29-32-118 Afton Water Works ...... Tovn of Afton ...... 10-29-1913 Hun. 2.5Q 29-32-118 Enl. Halling ...... Joseph Michaelson ...... 8-06-1920 I 0.49 34.00 30-32-118 Afton Electric Res...... Star Valley Pover C Light Co ...... 9-05-1928 Power 48.45 a.f. 29-32-118 Enl. Sprln ...... Reber F. Burton ...... 1-10-1935 1,s D 1.10 77.00 30-32-118 ( ,0lf '1i.f .r. detached from irrigation of 1 acre and changed to preferred use Lor domestic purposes through North Afton Pipeline. ) Enl. Spring ...... Reber Harmison...... 1-10-1935 I,S,D 0.09 Enl. Sprlng ...... Ed Sandberg ...... 1-10-1935 I,S,D 0.16 Enl. S ring ...... Stewart 0. Burton...... 8-12-1957 I 0.23 star-&lley power L ~lght Star Valley Power C Light 12-08-1919 Power 40.00 Co. Pioeline ...... --a-...... Co...... ~hi~d-E;iT-~~it~~-c;AiiI:I:iiiI:... ; -- ...... 6-04-1940 Enl. North Canal...... 12-03-1942 9 8:M Enl. North Canal ...... m...Ariel A. Grifflth...... 12-03-1942 1 S 0.29 Enl. North Canal...... Delvnne A. Griffith...... 12-03-1942 I :S 0.29 Enl. North Canal ...... Reeke C. Sco gin et ux...... 12-03-1942 1.S 0.60 Enl. North Canal...... Golden R. ~niershn...... 4-18-1945 I!S S.S. (Original supply is from Sprin s, tributary Salt River through Sprlng Canal Permit 15120.) EnL. North Canal ...... 3. D. Anderson ...... 4-18-1948 I S 0.06 Ed. North Canal...... John Anderson...... 4-18-1945 I :S

Enl. Noiih canal ... :...... -...... Ezra Jensen...... 4-18-1945 I S Enl. North Canal...... Lorento Jenscn...... L-18-1945 1:s

HILL POINT SPRING, Tributary Swift Creek 11238 Burton Pipeline ...... Arthur F. Burton...... 4-10-1912 S,D,Ind.

SPRING, Tributary Swift Creek 3023 Lilly Hay ...... Mary L. Gardner, et 81 ...... 2-01-1901 1,D

KENNINCTON SPRINGS, Tributary Swift Creek 11015 George S. Kennln ton...... George S. Kemington ...... 9-18-1911 (~oluntrrif~abandoned 194 7. ) 11015 George S. Ke~ingtonPipeline ...... George S. Kennington ...... ,...... 9-18-1911 S,D None Given

UNNAHED SPRING, Tributary Swift Creek 191 65 Swift Creek Campground Pipe1 lne. . . . U. S.D.A. Forest Service...... 7-18-1939 D,Rec.

LONE PINE SPRING, Tributary Swift Creek 20332 Evan Call Pipe Llne...... Evan P. Call ...... 9-01-1948 D,S

HALE CANYON SPRING, Tributary Salt River 17549 Rale Canyon Pipeline ...... Allred-Johnson Pipeline CO ...... 3-27-1929 S,D (Voluntarily abandoned 0.0912 c.f.r. from 0.114 c.f.8. leavl~0.0228 c.f.#.)

DRY CREEK, Tributary Salt River Tcrr. Henderson ...... Samuel Henderson ...... 4-26-1687 I 1.20 80.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion ;nd'Aans of conveyance =hawed fr- 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrlaation District Pipcllne, r nev faclllty, 8-31-118.) Terr. Hlll Ditch Co ...... R. G. Bouler ...... -...... 5-12-1887 1 0.90 65.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance ch-ed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irri~atlon District Pipeline, a new facility, 8-31-118.) 3 3 5 1 WATER DIVISION NUMBER FOUR ------___-__------..------.- H. G. 1.m PERYTT DITCH APPROPRIATOR PRIORITY . USE C. F. S. ACRES S. 7. R. PRESENT OWNER ______------

Terr. Hill Dltch Co ...... N. W. HLll ...... 5-12-1887 1 1.20 7 I, I' 8-31-118 (Point of diverslon and means of conveyance changed frm 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigatiorl District Pipeli~ir, a new facility 8-31-118.) Terr. Hlll Ditch Co.. ... I...... Francis C. Hecham...... 5-12-1887 I 0.90 60.00 8-31-118 (Polnt of dlversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipellnr, a new facllity, 8-31-118.) err Sessi ...... James H. Sessions ...... 5-12-1887 1 1.20 80.00 . 8-31-118 Point of diverslon and mans of conveyance charred from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrlgation District Pipeline, a new acility, 8-31-118.) Trrr. Hardmj ...... George R. Hardman ...... 7-15-1887 I 2.00 140.00 8-31-118 Point of diversion an meant of conveyance cha~cdfrom 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, a new acility, 8-31-118.) Terr. Hardmqn...... Vernon Lancaster et el...... 7-15-1887 I 0.90 60.00 8-31-118 ;hm~,ndedcertlf icatc issued to the successor of Edmund HcLatchis the or1 inal ap roprlator. Point of diverslon and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the DvCreek irrigation ~fstrlctgiprllne, a new facility, 8-31-118.) Terr. Henderson ...... Charles H. Johnson et wc ...... 4-26-1888 1 1 .SO 100.00 8-31-118 (Amended ccrtif icate issued to successors of ~hailesA. Johnson original ap roprlator. Point of divtslon and means of conveyance chan8ed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek 1rr1~atlon'~isrrictP1 I)ina, a ncv facility, 8-31-118.) Terr. Henderson...... Nels L. Larson...... 4-26-1886 1 0.70 45.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance cha~edfrom 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigatlon District Pipelit~e,a new facility 8-31-118.) Terr. Veigel & Stump ..I...... Carl Veigel...... 5-02-1888 I 0.50 30.00 8-31-118 (Point of.di;ersion and means of conveyance chanced from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irqigatlon District Pipellnc, a new facility, 8-31-118.) Terr. Perkins ...... J. H. Perkins ...... 4-28-1889 I 0.80 50.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, a new facillty 8-31-118.) Terr. Ptrkins & Hardman.:...... George Hardman...... 4-28-1889 1 0.60 40.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipelinc, a new facility 8-31-118.) Terr. Perkins & Hardman. : ...... Andrew Hokenron...... 4-28-1889 1 0.70 15.00 8-31-118 (Point of diverslon and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, a new facility 8-31-118.) Terr. Perklns L Hardman.:...... Andrew M. Neilaon...... 4-28-1889 I 0.60 40.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversiotl and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, a new facility, 8-31-118.) Terr. Veigel 6 Stu~p...... John Stmpp...... 5-2-1889 I 0.50 35.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, a new facllity, 8-31-118.) Terr. Swanson & Olesorl ...... Paul L. Olcson ...... 5-15-1890 I 0.90 60.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and mans of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigatlon District Pipeline, a new facility, 8-31-118.) r. Wilson ...... Thomas R. Wilson ...... 6-18-1890 I 0.60 40.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrieation District Pipeline, a new facility, 8-31-118.) r.Hill Ditch Co ...... Thomas R. Wilson...... 6-20-1890 I 0.40 20.00 8-31-118 (Point of diverslor-, aki'rneans of conveyance changed fror 7 71-118 to thc Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, n new facility, 8-31-118.) 271 Coleman ...... Geor e Coleman ...... 5-07-1892 I 1.00 70.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversLon and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, r new facllity, 8-31-118.) 271 Coleman ...... J. W. Stoner...... 5-07-1892 I 0.10 20.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, a new facillty, 8-31-118.) 356 Swanson Olesori ...... Ole Swanson ...... 10-28-1892 I 0.50 30.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversLon and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrlgation Dlstrlct Pipeline, a new facllity, 8-31-118.) 448 Swanson & Olcson ...... C. M. Johnson ...... 3-28-1893 1 0.30 15.00 8-31-118 (Point of diverslon and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipel ine, a new facility, 8-31-118.) 448 Johnson, Svanson, k Oleson ...... C. M. Johnson ...... 3-28-1893 I 2.07 145.06 7-31-118 479 Larsen & Johnson ...... Nels L. Larsen ...... 5-12-1893 I 1.21 85.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation Distrlct Pipeline, a new facility, 8-31-118.) 697 Johnson Swanson L Oleson ...... Charles S. Call, et a1...... 5-26-1893 1 1.42 100.00 8-31-118 adjudicated as from South Dry Creek. Polnt of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry reek Irrigation DistrLct Pipeline, a new facillty, 8-31-118.) Perkins & Hardman ...... Peter Jensen ...... 7-01-1894 I 0 .40 20.00 8-31-118 (Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrigation District Pipeline, a new facility, 8-31-118.) 98E Enl. Coleman ...... George H. Coleman ...... 2-16-1895 I 0.86 60.00 8-31-118 &Adjudicated as from South Dry Creek. Point of diversion and means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry reek Irrlgation Dirtrlct Pipelinc, a nev facility, 8-31-118) ll5E Erll. Perkins i Hardnrari...... Andrew Hokenson ...... 5-07-1895 I 1.64 115.00 8-31-118 (Point of dlverslon ind'means of conveyance changed from 7-31-118 to the Dry Creek Irrisarion District Pipeline. a ncv facllity, 8-31-118.) ll5E Enl. I'erklnr b Hardnan ...... Peter Jrnsen ...... 5-07-1895 I 0.86 f)O 00 0-31-lip (Point of diversion and means of corivryance changed from 7-31-118 to t11e Dry Creek Irrlgatlon District Plpellnc. a new facility. 8-31-118.)