2009 Native Title Report Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Report No. 2/2010 Australia Post Approval PP255003/04753 © Australian Human Rights Commission 2009 This work is protected by copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part may be used or reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Australian Human Rights Commission. Enquiries should be addressed to Public Affairs at
[email protected]. Native Title Report ISSN 1325-6017 (Print) and ISSN 1837-6495 (Online) Acknowledgements The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner acknowledges the work of Australian Human Rights Commission staff, consultants and Aurora Project interns in producing this report (staff: Cecelia Burgman, Nicholas Burrage, Jackie Hartley, Katie Kiss, Priya Panchalingam; interns: Na’ama Carlin, James Malar, Tammy Wong; consultants: Sean Brennan, Leon Terrill). Thank you to Peter Bowen, Manager Geospatial Services, National Native Title Tribunal for assistance in preparing Map 1.1 and Map 3.1. Thank you also to the Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (Jamukurnu – Yapalikunu), Gabrielle O’Loughlin, and all those who assisted with the production of this Report. This publication can be found in electronic format on the Australian Human Rights Commission’s website at http://www.humanrights.gov.au/social_justice/nt_report/ ntreport09/. For further information about the Australian Human Rights Commission, please visit www.humanrights.gov.au or email
[email protected]. You can also write to: Social Justice Unit Australian Human Rights Commission GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 Design and layout Jo Clark Printing Paragon Australasia Group Cover photography Fabienne Balsamo, 2009 The cover photograph depicts the Meekin Valley on Maniligarr country, which is situated within Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory.